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Mike panted heavily as he stood waiting for Dr. Greene to reply after his rage fuel rant. He knew it was probably causing him to shrink, but he just couldn't control himself.

“Sir, I understand that you are upset, but you only have two options at this point. Leave the study, forfeit any money paid to you, and stay this size forever, or continue with the trial and receive the reversal drug after your body has stabilized.” She said calmly, this wasn't the first patient she had that lost his temper.

“So you knew this drug was going to turn me into a midget the whole time?” Mike accused.

“No, all we knew was that the previous version of the drug had the side effect of shrinking when the patient experienced high emotional levels. We did not know how often you would become emotional.” She answered.

“Emotional!? I think this is a pretty reasonable response for getting turned into a midget!” Mike yelled.

Doctor Greene just sighed and said, “So are you leaving or am I giving you your next dose?”

Mike fumed for a bit more before finally giving in and allowing her to give him another shot.

Once that was over, the doctor opened the door to let him out but gave him a warning as he left. “Now that the solution is building up in your system, you'll have stronger reactions to emotional outbursts, so try to not have a short fuse.” She said and shut the door before he could respond.

Mike was furious. He stomped over to his bike and got on. But as soon as he threw his leg over the seat, he realized how much taller the bike seemed. He had to do a little hop to get his butt on the seat. Luckily his feat still reached the pedals, and he peddled home.

As he walked inside, he realized his shorts were feeling pretty loose, even with his belt on the smallest loop. He would have to get new clothes soon.

Knowing that his temper was shrinking him, he forced himself to calm down. He sat down, closed his eyes, and did some deep breathing. After a few moments, he had finally settled down.

He then decided it was about time he called Cindy to apologize. He hasn't talked to her since yesterday and had been ignoring her calls.

He pulled out his phone and called her. It rang a few times before he heard her answer.

“Hello?” Cindy said. 

"Hey, I just wanted to say sorry for yesterday. I lost my temper. It's just that all this stuff is happening to me and I just snapped." Mike explained. 

"I've been trying so hard to help you, and it really hurt that you yelled at me like that." Cindy said. 

"I know. And I'm sorry. I'll control myself from now on. And if I don't, things will get much worse for me." Mike replied. 

"Did you see the doctor today? What did she say?" Cindy asked. 

Mike explained what the doctor had told him and how he was basically forced to continue, but if he could control his emotions, he wouldn't shrink anymore. 

"Ok, well it's good that there's a light at the end of the tunnel and that you'll end up growing back. But you're only human, you can't just become an emotionless robot." Cindy said with concern. 

"I know I know, but I have to try. Emotions are ok, but not strong emotions. I just gotta remain calm." 

"Ok, next time I come over I can teach you how to meditate. I have a report due soon, so I can't come over for a bit, is that ok?" She asked. 

"Yeah, I'm an adult Cindy, I can go a few days without being taken care of. Plus, I probably need a few days to prepare myself for seeing your smoking not body and not getting to fuck. But you might have a harder time than me, not being able to ride this stallion." He replied slyly. 

Cindy laughed at that. "haha fair. And to be honest, I think the no sex is a good idea. It's kinda weird having sex with such a short guy. I've never been with anyone under 6 feet before. I definitely can't wait to get my big stud back." 

Mike gave a fake laugh at that. He knew she didn't mean to hurt his feelings, but she made him feel pretty emasculated with that comment. 

They talked for a bit longer before saying their goodbyes. 

Mike left his room to go watch TV in the living room for a bit. He hadn't been there long before Michelle came back from work.  

"Oh my God, work is so cool. But I can't tell you because it's all top secret. So don't ask." She said as she plopped down on the couch next to him. 

"I wasn't planning on it." He replied. 

"The doctor told me about how mad you got today. Did you shrink more?" She asked. 

Mike shot her an annoyed look. "Isn't that breaking doctor patient confidentiality?" 

"No, she's not technically your doctor, and I work for the company, so test subject data is something I have to know." She said smugly. 

Mike just grunted in response. He wasn't thrilled that his little sister was privy to all that information about him. 

"Now come on, stand up so I can measure you." She said as she hopped up and grabbed the tape measure. 

"Not now, I'm watching TV." He said. 

"Come on, it'll just take a second." She insisted. 

"No, now go away." 

"Don't be so difficult." She said as she grabbed his arm and yanked him up. 

Mike was startled by the strength of his little sister. She was easily able to pull him up and onto his feet. 

"No, now knock it off!" Mike yelled and started to storm off. 

"I need to measure you! It's part of my job!" Michelle snapped as she followed behind him. Before he could get out of the room, she pushed him up against the wall and held him there. 

Mike yelled and struggled against her, but she overpowered him. 

Michelle was fumbling with the tape measure in one hand, the other holding her brother against the wall. Frustrated, she let go of him with her hand and instead pressed her body up against him. Pinning him between her larger body and the wall. She was then able to use both hands to measure him. 

Mike was furious. Michelle had body slammed him against the wall, and at his new height, her huge tits were right in his face. He tried to yell, but her boobs muffled his voice, and he tried to push her off, but couldn't budge her. 

"Oh wow! This is crazy!" Michelle said above him. "You're shrinking right now!" 

Mike stopped struggling at that. He realized she was right, as he could feel her breasts moving higher up his face. 

He quickly froze in place and forced himself to calm down. He breathed as much air as he could while being smothered, and eventually got himself under control. 

"Ok, looks like you stopped. With a final height of… 4 feet 8 inches." She said as she read the tape measure and backed away from him. 

Mike took a deep breath when he was set free. He couldn't believe what he just heard. He shrunk 6 inches since this morning? 

"That's impossible." He said, mostly to himself. 

"Nope, that's what the tape measure said." She said. She looked down and started to laugh. 

"What's so funny?" Mike said, trying to stop his anger from rising again. 

She pointed down at his legs. "Looks like you need to go clothes shopping."

Mike looked down and saw that his shorts had slipped off his body during his struggle. He quickly pulled them up and ran off to his room, leaving Michelle laughing in the hallway.

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