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"This just isn't possible," muttered Chet.

Dolores smiled: "Correction, senor. It is most definitely possible for the secret society Senor Throckmorton was intending to expose. And, now, he will pay the price. Park?"

Once more, the Korean obeyed this woman. This time, though, he hit the "play" button on the Panasonic. Almost immediately, the tape cassette within began playing a classic jazz tune; "42nd Street."

Just as promptly, the eight Flapperettes began dancing in time to it. And, under any other circumstances, Chet would have been riveted by both their ability and their lovely legs. In this case, however, his attention was centered on the closed-circuit monitor.

He was watching Percy Throckmorton trying his best to evade being crushed by sixteen giant tap shoes!

The few times Chet was able to look away, he noticed that every single one of the lovely tap dancers had a malicious grin on her face. What a zoologist might call "feral."

These women had done this before. And, they loved it!

As the song began to near its conclusion, however, the Flapperettes began to step up their efforts to step on the shrunken Englishman. With one of them finally succeeding...via her left shoe's heel.


Chet tried to look away, but Dolores ordered him to re-open his eyes. Reluctantly, he did so.

He saw the Flapperette who had crushed Throckmorton's lower half calmly lifting her leg, so the busboy could clean the bottom of her shoe with a white rag. He then looked back at the monitor. Only to see that Throckmorton was still alive from the waist up!

"For God's sake, woman! Put the poor man out of his misery!!"

"As you wish, senor."

This time, Dolores merely nodded to Park, who subsequently stepped on the Englishman with his right foot. And, this time, when Chet looked away, his captor did not force him to watch.

"Who are you? What've you done with Buck Fogarty? And, why bother even showing this to me?"

Dolores laughed: "So many questions! You will truly make a good journalist, some day."

"Skip the flattery! Just answer me."

Park half-raised his right arm, fist clenched. But, Dolores shook her head, so he refrained from following through on his planned blow to Chet's face.

"The owner of this establishment is an old 'business acquaintance' of the KGB. And, in return for providing us a convenient place for executing troublesome individuals, like Senor Throckmorton, we sometimes reciprocate with regard to his enemies. In this case, Detective Lieutenant Nguyen Van Dinh of the Saigon Munincipal Police."

Chet's startled reaction of recognition did not go unnoticed.

"Si, senor. We know that your employer, Senor Fogarty, is good friends with him. Just as we know that it was the American military police who dubbed him 'Gunga' Van Dinh. Because, they regard him as a better man than the rest of the local police, in terms of incorruptibility. A truly back-handed compliment!"

"If you think I'm going to act as bait to lure him here, just so these tap-happy harpies can crush him...!"

Dolores laughed again: "Wrong again, senor. You are going to take my friend, here, to Lt. Van Dinh's house. He will be the one to dispatch the latter! Because, the lieutenant (like the late, unlamented Senor Throckmorton) has delved into matters that do not concern him, once too often."

"And, if I refuse...?"

Dolores passed her gun to Park, who wasted no time pointing it at Chet. At the same time, the former stuck her hand down inside her black velvet purse. She withdrew from it a plastic cricket cage with white bars linking a red roof and matching floor. Yet, at that moment, it was not housing a cricket.

Its current, fetally-positioned occupant, was none other than Buck Fogarty!

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