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Chapter 4: 2100 October 7th, Thursday

So today--all Thursdays really--I didn’t share any classes with Nyrle. In fact I didn’t share classes with any except Soaph and Wojis today. Soaph left right after to head back to her place off-campus, but Wojis and I shared another class so we were walking together.

Wojis is a great friend! Earliest I made aside from Nyrle. I and the others call her “Citrus” sometimes as a joke. Sounds similar enough, and it’s cause she likes her skin yellow and her hair a bright orange. I think that looks a bit silly, but she likes it so more power to her.

Anyways, on the way walking to the next class this nerdy guy comes up to us. He had some messy brown hair, a gray hoodie and some t-shirt with programming junk on it. He was a couple inches shorter than us, which added to the amusement.

So he walks up to us and I think he’s gonna ask one of us out, but instead he goes.

“Hey, sorry name’s Frank. Listen I was talking with some friends and they said you know Soaph.”

So Wojis and I are like “Yeah”.

And he goes. “Is it true what they say about your hair?”

“What are you trying to get buzzed or something?”, Wojis asks.

“No no I’m not like that. I heard it can connect minds and stuff, you know. I saw something similar in a movie once.”

So Citrus and I start laughing, right in the guy’s face. I mean, didn’t he learn this stuff in biology class? Some people must be really sheltered or inattentive in high-school.

Anyways he took offense to that and started moving away, ‘sorry I bothered you’ but I placed a hand on his shoulder and at the same time truespoke to Wojis “let’s mess with him a bit.”

So I say aloud to him.

“No relax, it’s just the way you said it was cute is all. That is true.”

It was true, kind of? Probably not in the way he was thinking. He was probably thinking either telepathy or thought melding, but the former wasn’t quite enough and the latter was a bit much for what we could do.

“Oh really? Neat. I’ll, uh, keep that in mind sometime. I heard Soaph can hook people up with stuff they like.”

“Why wait?”, I said, leaning in and letting my hair drape by his exposed neck.

Wojis started snickering. He looked a bit nervous.

“Oh no that’s ok. I mean, I got another class in an hour so I wouldn’t want to risk anything-ow.”

I slid some strands of hair into his neck and just pumped him full of some fun chemicals. Stuff to make his body all tingly, and also get him to freak out a bit. A look of fear popped in his eyes. His pupils dilated and he started to mumble to himself, little skittish yelps. When I slid my hair back out of his skin and took my hand off him, he grabbed his head, then fell to the ground and convulsed a bit.

Wojis and I had a good laugh, watching it a few seconds until he went to a fetal pose and started rocking back and forth. Then it got a bit repetitive. So, we walked away.

“Poor guy. I think I overdid it a bit.”, I said to Wojis.

“You think?”, she said.

“Well I’m not as good at it as Soaph.”

“Who is?”

It was true, but we all had our own gifts I suppose.

Anyways the only other things to note that day was that it rained in the morning. That meant those usual pests were out on the sidewalks way more than normal. As they scrambled around our foot falls I made sure to plant my flip-flops on more than a few. Wojis did much the same. They didn’t do a very good job of dodging us, not that they would think to want to I guess.

Lastly I saw Brock again! This is the class I share with him. He makes an effort to sit away from where I usually sit. He must be just shy around Zenith. I’ve heard that’s an issue with some human guys. Some insecurity thing maybe. I had a chance to talk to him but I chickened out.

Perhaps I shouldn’t be talking about insecurity, haha.


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