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Author's Chapter Notes:

shorter story

Sam checked her MWatch as she made her way down the bustling street. She was currently on track to arrive five minutes early to her 5:00PM shift at Stamp's American Burgers and humanfood, and she wanted to get that number as close to zero as possible.

Her job at this joint was not as a waitress, at least not a traditional one, or as a cook. In fact, in a few months, the entire kitchen staff was going to be made redundant and merged with her division: the food.

In her slow and deliberately time wasting stroll, she stopped to take a peek through a chain link fence bordering the construction site she passed every trip to work. Inside was being assembled the next leap in magic food technology; a reformation station. It was the last to be installed in her city, which was already late to the game, but it would make the act of cooking a lost art.

Currently, as the world functioned, and as magic technology had allowed, the only way to convert the over-abundant and endless supply of magic energy into sustenance was through a human- swallowing them whole and digesting them alive, allowing a regeneration spell to constantly reconstruct them during the process. Sam's current job was being the one digested, much to her chagrin.

The days of this being the only method, however, were now nearly past. It would no doubt remain the most popular and efficient method, but not the only. Remote technology could now be used to maintain a subject's consciousness through massive physical transformations; people could now be turned into actual food and live to tell the tale… or at least they would be when the stations were complete and the regulations lifted later in the year.

Until then, Sam could continue not enjoying her life as always, indifferent to the imminent changes in her life she could not yet fully understand. Her position was not in danger. She would continue to sit stewing in digestive systems for days, and get paid almost nothing for it. She would also continue living off the government's universal basic income program, her budget being salvaged only by the extra $500 check each month for her employment as humanfood. Those around her would continue to lose their jobs due to magic automation, and soon the entire kitchen staff would join her in her gastronomic hell world.

Finally, it came time for Sam to cease her meandering and finally finnish her commute. The building of her employer in sight, she made her way round side, through a crowded alleyway and to what would seem to most an unassuming blank slate of wall.

A second of tapping on her MWatch later, and Sam felt the familiar feel of the world rushing up around her. Now two inches tall, she opened a tiny little door that had come into view and traveled down the long hallway it opened into, stopping for a second to allow a magic computer mounted on the wall to scan her face and clock her in.

She continued on to a set of doorways, leading to separate locker rooms. She passed through the one marked female, and squeezed through crowds of girls in various states of dress until she reached a secluded corner where she could change in peace.

Off went her normal shirt jeans, and underwear, and on came the company's plain, loose white gown.it was more like a blanket, with a big hole and pair of straps at the top, than real clothes, as it was meant to be easily removed upon serving.

"Uniform" on, Sam continued on through another door to the room where she, along with the hundred or so others with the 5:00 shift, would wait to be called upon. Around her sat her co-workers, boys and girls ages 18-30, waiting to be included as a part of some stranger's meal. Sam settled down, half hoping her hour-long shift would pass without her being chosen, even though her pay would be much less in that scenario. Most of her money came from the government, so as long as she was employed she could manage to make ends meet.

Luck would prove to not be on her side, however, as it was not more than 30 minutes before Sam heard a member of the kitchen staff call her name. Reluctantly, and with a sigh, she stood up and made her way out of the waiting room.

Stepping through the passageway, Sam immediately hit the "unshrink" button on her MWatch™, and soon felt the familiar, disorienting feeling of growing back to her normal height. The dizziness did not last long however, and she soon started over to the counter where meals were placed before being taken to the waiting patrons.

There she was handed a dish; a complicated sort of hamburger stacked high with various plants and cheeses with an oversized helping of fries as a side. She was then given a table number, and told to go with another girl. She was a petit little blond, who looked to be in the latter years of her teens. She was carrying a soup, though Sam was not familiar enough with the menu to know exactly what type it was.

Sam took a second to think back. "Sarah" was the name called directly after hers, so it was probably safe to assume that to be this girl. The restaurant employed thousands of humanfoods like her, so getting to know any of them was near impossible.

Taking the order with her, Sam entered the dining room and was met immediately by the sounds of chattering patrons enjoying their meals. All around her were happy customers in various stages of the eating process. Here and there hustled waitresses and waiters, of both the humanfood and non-humanfood varieties, carrying various drinks and food items.

Realizing she had no idea where to find her table, Sam took a second to stop and undiscombobulate herself. Despite having worked at Stamp's for over a year, was bad at finding her way around the place- probably because, in her line of work, she spent more time in her customer's gut than actually in the restaurant.

Her current partner in waitressing, however, didn't seem to have an issue at all, as she immediately took the lead. Now free from navigation duty, Sam turned her attention to the girl now leading the way. Instead of the reluctant, depressed look those in her position usually had, she seemed unbothered- happy, even. A smile on her face and skip in her step, she seemed to actually be enjoying herself.

Even more perplexing than her upbeat mood, however, was her apparent age. Sam was by no means an expert in identifying 17 year olds, but this girl was 17. 100%. This was a line of work with a strict 18+ rating, making her employment perplexing.

Regardless of her new acquaintance's name, She soon arrived at the table. There sat a young couple, the rings on their fingers giving away their marital status. From the bit of flirting Sam heard while arriving, along with their apparent young age, she guessed they had probably just recently got married.

"Chicken soup?" Sarah asked, her light and girly voice echoing her happy aura.

"Thats mine." the attractive young woman spoke up. She had brown hair, like Sam, though it was much shorter. She wore a dress, and that left a good chunk of her shapely body exposed.

Sam set the hamburger in front of the man, guessing it was safe to assume it was his. He was not to be beat by his wife in the looks department by any stretch of the imagination. He was clean shaven, with short, jet black hair.

"So, do either of you have a preference as to which of us you will enjoy as part of your meal today?" Sam asked with her standard fake bubally waitress voice.

The two looked at eachother and proceeded to do the standard dance. First, they both told the other to choose first, followed by a few "no, you. I really don't care that much"s. Finally, the young woman spoke up.

"I'll take you, sweety, and he can get the blonde." she said. "You sure, honey?" the husband asked, to which the wife quickly responded "yes, it's fine."

Sam felt just the slightest bit insulted. They had made it obvious that they thought of her blond comrade as the better choice of the two. The feeling faded quickly, however, and Sam proceeded to the next step of the serving process.

Her fate now decided for her, Sam sat her butt on the table and hit the icon on her MWatch, and again felt the world shoot up around her. For the second time today, the girl was two inches tall.

Though she was unfamiliar with what exactly the soup she was joining was, she was glad she was not to be a condiment on the now gargantuan man's hamburger. When being part of a soup, it was about a 50/50 chance your eater would try to chew you to pulp before swallowing. When you were part of a hamburger, however, it was nearly a guarantee you would get bit in half. The magic of the MWatch would put you back together in seconds regardless, but the pain that could be skipped was invaluable.

Looking at the little blond now following in her footsteps, however, you would not think this to be the case. She was beaming from ear to ear, seemingly giddy at the prospect of being masticated by some giant. Sam knew that being eaten was a turn on for some wackadoos, but this was the first time she had ever seen someone like this in person. She couldn't relate.

A job to be done and food to become, Sam set off on her way to the giant bowl she had a duty to enter. The distance, only one or three feet, was to her more than fifty. Regardless, she made it in a timely fashion, and removed her white gown, still in full sight of the couple. She then clammered her way into the bowl and waited.

The hot mush surrounding her burned, and the steam rising up into her face drew tears from her eyes, but still she waited. Though she was preoccupied with the searing pain, she could still make out the sounds of the husband and wife flirting and making small talk above her. Occasionally, one would stop to take a bite, Sam being able to feel as the giant spoon periodically dipped into and swirled around the soup beside her, but both were being awfully slow. For a second, Sam felt bad for the girl slowly being ripped apart in the hamburger, regenerating in the time between bites only to be chewed upon again, but realized she was probably enjoying it.

Finally, the spoon came for Sam. She was lifted high into the air and held for a second as the woman finished a sentence, and then plopped unceremoniously into the talkative mouth. With bated breath she waited, and was relieved massively when the giant tongue pushed her into the massive woman's cheek.

She was sucked on for what felt like minutes, the giant sometimes swirling her around with her tongue, and sometimes mumbling a short sentence or two around the helpless Sam, but this was massively preferred to being chewed on.

Finally, the tongue beneath Sam rose up, and she began her long slide seep into the giant woman.

Within a few dizzying seconds, Sam plopped down into the gurgling mess inside the stomach. Instinctively, she tried at first to swim upwards, but the massive, convulsing walls colluded to disorientate her, and she soon resolved to her fate.

The burning of the acid on her skin was nothing new to her, and at first it was almost preferible from stewing in the burning soup. The acid, however, soon began to make its way into the holes of her body, and the burning started to spread through her insides.

As little chunks of her flesh were dissolved off her body, a pleasant, refreshing feeling soon replaced the pain as the magic projected from her MWatch slowly rebuilt the lost skin. It was the process humanfood was based on, and one Sam had gotten used to.

A few hours later, Sam began to feel the liquid drain around her, and soon she too was squeezed out of the stomach and into the small intestine. The burning did not stop here, but the painful part of her journey was now halfway over.

Finally, the conditions around Sam began to change again. The fleshy walls became smoother, and the material around her became dryer. She had made it to the large intestine, where she would spend over a day squeezing through the long tube surrounded by fecal matter. This was the most relaxed part of the trip, as she now had the mobility to wiggle around and use her MWatch for it's more entertainment based purposes.

After about two days, Sam felt her little gap getting smaller and smaller. Soon, her face was smashed into a log of brown mush, and behind her feet pushed another. Her digestive journey was now almost over, and all that was left was to wait for her eater to use the toilet.

Hours later, the world around Sam began to lurch. The log in front of her fell away, leaving Sam exposed, hanging halfway out of the massive woman's anus. A short squeeze later, and she too was dropped into the toilet, with the mass behind her landing on top.

This was a part of the job Sam had done many times. First she found her way to the surface, and then began treading through the freshly released sewage searching for the exit built for humanfood like her.

Perplexingly, the little doorway she had always exited through was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, Sam's heart sank. Around her could be herd chattering, movement, and the such. This was a public restroom- and, if her hunch was right, one in a large building.

Of course, having an exit for humanfood built into toilets was mandatory throughout the entire country, with sensors to ensure a helpless employee didn't take a trip through the sewage system, but in a moment of kakistocratic praxis, the regulators had allowed large, commercial buildings to have a central collection station as opposed to exits in each toilet. Sam would need to be flushed before her job was over.

That flush, however, was taking its time. Minutes passed as Sam swam in the disgusting water. Looking up at the massive butt above her that was refusing to get up, Sam spotted a familiar shape, just barely visible through the parted thighs of the giantess. "Damn phones'' she thought to herself, slowly transforming into a boomer.

After nearly 15 minutes, Sam began to witness massive wads of toilet paper fluttering down around her. Finally, light shone into the porcelain bowl as the woman stood up. Without a thought, she reached far above and behind where Sam was still trending water and hit the lever.

A thunderous sound crashed around Sam as she was instantly sucked down into the hole at the bottom of the bowl. Her next few seconds were spent in the wildest water slide of her life, but soon the water slowed, and she felt the tug of a magic field pulling her towards the surface of some sort of holding tank.

Exhausted and starving, the waterlogged Sam climbed her way onto a provided ledge and made her way to a door built into the wall. It opened automatically, and then closed behind her, finally separating her from the stench rising from the sewage.

Now in the building's collection station, she made her way to the showers. She was not alone in this room- she was accompanied by around ten others, men and women, cleaning themselves off. She had stopped caring about embarrassment at this point, and joined them.

Provided in the station was a white gown- much like the one she wore at Stamp's. Now cleaned and with something covering her, she left the station and unshrank.

Starving, her first order of business was locating a vending machine and purchasing several granola bars. Then, finally, she called for a ride on her MWatch. Her shift was over, at least until next week.

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