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Megan had to be extra careful with her tiny passenger as she started strolling down the streets of Stanton again. She was very aware that any misstep, no matter how small it felt, could be fatal for Jillian. Up to some point, carrying her was a nuisance, but she also felt proud about it. It proved her that she had control beyond the astronomical amounts of raw power she had been given.

Megan kept her steps deliberately slow as she moved. It was not as if it was going to make any difference, though. At her height, she could cover vast distances in seconds even at the most leisurely pace. The buildings had become gradually shorter as she had got farther away from the shore, none of the structures she was walking by now even able to reach all the way up to her clean-shaven crotch. She loved the sensation of being a moving skyscraper. And she was determined to make the most out of it.

Stanton was a curious city. Having been built from the river to the bay, instead of facing the ocean, its Downtown was mostly lining up on both sides of the Stanton River. The sea had been restricted to hosting the vast harbor for many years, until someone decided to start developing the area around the pier and a second city center, one more oriented to leisure, started building around it. But the old business district, the one featuring the tallest and proudest skyscrapers in the city was still on the riverside.

Vast as the city was, this meant that Megan still had a few miles to go before reaching her intended destination. And while she was confident that this would not be too big of a deal at her new standards, she still had a few minutes to kill while she made her way.

For now, with her upper torso quite constrained because of the guest she was carrying, Megan had to restrict the action to her feet. It was not as if it was a problem. For a few blocks, she contented herself with simply stepping on the crowds that crossed her path and enjoying the delightful sensation of lives squishing under her sole.

After some time, she started to make some games up in order to make the trek more amusing. The first thing she did was to target just anyone that was wearing red. She would then track them and step on them, sealing their fate and that of the few dozens that were unlucky enough to be around her object of interest.

A little bit later, she started kicking abandoned cars and street furniture into the crowd, delighting in their helplessness when the improvised projectiles obliterated them.

Sometimes someone would be cut from the crowd, maybe too tired to keep going, maybe after having tripped and fallen to the ground. Megan would then stop and bring her foot as close to the victim as possible. She would then lift her big toe and move it over the hapless bug. And then, she would simply make him squish.

“What are you doing?”

Jillian’s mousy voice caught her attention as she reached an intersection that marked about half the way to Downtown.

“Stepping on people,” she replied disinterestedly.

“Why?” Jillian asked. She could notice the hesitation in her voice. She was somewhat bothered by her insolence, but decided to humor her. After all, she had not been so out of line.

“It’s entertaining,” she simply said, holding off a shrug in the last moment, conscious of what would happen if she completed the gesture.

Jillian never knew how close she had been to be accidentally thrown off. It was evident by the fact that she kept going.

“You don’t need to do that. I’m sure there are empty streets to Downtown,” she said.

“There are,” Megan admitted. “One of the perks of being this big is that you get a good view of traffic. But I don’t think you were listening. Empty streets are boring.”

“You could tune it down, though,” her tiny guest said.

Megan decided to take Jillian’s words as simply conversational and not as a lack of respect. She might be all-powerful, but she was not so stuck up that she could not hold a conversation.

“I could,” she admitted. “Look, there is no way I could walk around the city without stepping on a few people every now and then, but I could do much better if I really set my mind into not squishing too many of you. I could warn you in advance, choose emptier streets, even be more mindful when I select where to set my foot. There are times where a shorter step or a small adjustment could mean the difference between killing a few or a hundred. But I don’t think you’ve been paying attention. I just want to do what I’m doing.”

“You don’t need to do it,” Jillian’s squeaky voice came back. God! She was starting to become annoying! The tiny woman went on: “I’m sure the people will do whatever you ask them to do already!”

Megan could not prevent laughter. So, this is what she thought? It was hilarious!

“You think I’m crushing people so that I will be taken seriously? Really?”

There was no answer from Jillian. She was obviously shocked at her attitude. Megan decided to clear things out for her.

“I am in charge. Some people may have realized it already. Some others will realize it in time. But it’s inevitable. And believe me, if I were trying to put a show together in order to convince anyone about this, I would have done much better.”

She could tell that her words were shocking Jillian. But she couldn't care less about the tiny woman’s opinion.

“I’m not concerned at all about the time and fashion of the people’s surrender to me. It will end up happening, even if I don’t do anything about it. I know I could try and accelerate it, but what’s the point?”

She observed her passenger through the corner of her eye. Her jaw had dropped. She still seemed to be looking for some words to reply to her though. She finally did.

“Then, why are you acting like you are?”

“Do you really think that I do anything thinking on how the people will react?” the giantess asked. “Haven’t you learned anything about me yet?”

Jillian was stunned.

“What would be the point of being what I am if I still had to be concerned about what anyone thinks or does? The point of being me is that the only stuff that matters is the one I decide.”


“I am the first truly free person to have ever walked this planet. I’m free of legal, social or moral restraints. I can do anything I fucking please and no one can do shit about it. And this, above all, is the greatest thing about what happened to me. So, do you want to know why I’m stepping on people as I make my way to Downtown?”

Her question lingered in the air, without any response from Jillian. It did not bother Megan, who simply replied to herself.

“Because I love it. It makes me feel alive. Stepping on you is a constant reminder of just how much above you I am. In truth, I was always better, but now, now it’s undisputable. Mocking you, showing you how easy it is to undo what it took you years to build, using my unlimited strength to continuously remind you of your puniness… it honors what I’ve become. And believe me, you have seen nothing yet!”

Jillian never replied, so Megan decided to simply move on, stretching her mind to find innovative ways to use her feet on the crowd below. She kind of fancied the tiny woman, but she had to be put in her place.

A city bus unsuccessfully tried to outrun the giantess as she approached, its adventure ending up when the abandoned cars littering the road became too dense to avoid. Megan gingerly approached it, stopping right behind the mass transportation vehicle. When she saw a stream of people trying to get out, she used her toes to topple the bus on its side effectively ending the attempts and crushing a couple of people that were half the way out.

Front to back, the bus was about as long as her foot was wide. Feeling playful, Megan rested the ball of her foot in the coach and then curled her toes, trying to get a hold of it. It seemed to work. She was satisfied enough to try and lift the vehicle off the road. She realized soon enough that the task at hand would be more complex than she had originally assessed. Her foot had barely reached a fifth-story height by the time she could not keep the grip on the bus any longer. It crashed spectacularly on the road, chunks of the vehicle projecting in every direction as she blushed in a certain embarrassment.

“I guess it was too much to ask for,” she muttered to no one in particular. And then, she simply crushed the offender under the same foot that had been trying to pick it up.

The giantess was getting closer to Downtown, as made evident by the fact that the buildings started rising in height, a few finally able to make it past her womanhood. The new landscape also offered some refreshing surprises, such as the fact that some of the crowds she was meeting had originally been unaware of her presence. From her vantage point of view, Megan realized that the high-rises in this section of the city, while not comparable to her, were still tall enough to mask her approach to the unsuspecting citizens. Add to that her mind-blowing speed of movement and she had the perfect combination for a colossal surprise.

Megan reveled in the screams from the road, at the different pitch and intensity they offered, now coming from a fresh group of people. And then, she noticed the buzzing sounds overhead.

It took her a moment to spot them at first. Once she did, her eyes had no trouble adjusting and seeing the little bee-sized choppers in the distance. There had to be at least a dozen of them, and they came in all sorts of colors. The giantess quickly identified them for what they were: news helicopters.

“It took them long enough to find me,” she muttered. The truth was that she had not been expecting them, but now that they had shown up, she realized that it was only logical that every news station operating in Stanton would send anything they got to get a shot of her.

She smiled at them but did not pay them immediate attention. They were far away enough, and she was not in the business of waiting for anyone. She still put some thought about what they meant. She let out a cheerful:

“It seems that we’ve made the news!”

Jillian kept surprising her as more talkative than she would have suspected. She guessed that the tour guide job fit her well.

“What will you do?” she inquired in her high-pitched voice.

“Nothing. Let them take a peek, show the world who I am. It’s not as if this is the time to be shy, is it? They may even come in handy at some point.”

Jillian did not ask any follow up question, so Megan decided not to go on. The choppers would be upon her in no time, but she had some business to take care of first.

“It’s time for you to prove your worth,” she said, addressing the tiny woman in her shoulder. “I need you to find me a building which is about a thousand feet tall.”

They were merely half a dozen blocks away from the riverfront, where the tallest buildings stood. Both Megan and Jillian had a privileged view of the skyline and the giantess could see that the tiny woman was putting some thought.

“None is exactly a thousand feet. Do you know the Pan-Atlantic building?”

“It’s the one that looks like a pyramid,” Megan replied. She had always liked its architecture, even if the golden top was a bit gaudy.

“It is a thousand and eighty-three feet tall,” Jillian replied.

“A bit on the high side, but worth a try,” Megan said. “Time to get going!”

“Megan…” Jillian’s mousy voice ventured. Megan stopped, curious.


“Could you… warn them?” she finally asked.

Megan had to put considerable effort into not letting out a loud laughter. She tried to sound serious as she said:

“I can do that.”

“Thank you,” the tiny woman offered.

Megan cleared her throat and prepared to address the crowd at her feet. She had to focus not to chuckle as she started.

“Ok, listen to me, tiny people!” She started with a powerful voice that reached every corner of downtown. “As you should already know, I’m Megan, and for lack of a better description, I’m your new goddess. In case you are interested to know, I’m heading towards the riverbank. I want to check your famous skyline from up close. I’ll be walking down Page Boulevard. From up here, I can see it’s pretty packed, so let this be a fair warning: I am going to crush a lot of you. And, in case you are wondering, I’m pretty much looking forward to it.”

Jillian was shocked. She never saw her wink, but she was sure that she heard her mutter: “You are welcome.”

Page was probably the most densely crowded road she had taken. Megan took great pleasure in raising her foot and setting it down on the most packed spot she could find. People squished by the hundreds as those not caught under her sole but close enough to it fell into the spiderweb cracks that originated in her footprint.

She was slow and deliberate as she took a second step, snuffing a few hundred more lives.

“Is anyone keeping the score?” Megan mocked as she kept trampling the mob without mercy.

Stepping on people was so simple. Yet, at the same time, it was one of the most invigorating things she could as a giant. It did not require any special effort, but maybe because of that it felt so good. It was one of the best reminders of her true power, of the fact that her dominance came from her titanic size.

It was curious, Megan reflected. She had been a long-time macrophile, but she realized that she had not understood the implications of growth until now. Keeping aside some very welcome aesthetic improvements, Megan was essentially the same woman she had been twenty-four hours before. All that had happened to her had been a boost in size, even if a substantial one. But it had changed everything, from the balance of power to her attitude.

Yesterday, Megan had been a smart but shy engineer, working hard to prevent the world from running over her. A few hours and a few hundred feet later, she was the one running over the world. Having prided herself of her intelligence for so long, there was something weird about the sheer physical nature of her new status. Her lifelong giantess fantasy helped it sink down on her smoothly, though.

In the end, all that mattered was raw strength, it seemed. Enough of it, and nothing could stand in her way. She still aimed to show her smarts as she played her role, but up to some point, she could have been a stereotypical dumb bitch and not a lot would have changed.

She tried to remove that last thought from her mind. Her newly found arrogance could not agree a lot with it. To her ego, if anyone deserved to be in the position she was enjoying, that was her.

She kept snuffing lives with grim finality as she went through that train of thought. Soon enough, she reached her destination. She would have lied to herself if she did not admit that being dwarfed for the first time since her transformation felt bad.

It was not even a close call. With its iconic pyramidal shape, the Pan-Atlantic building towered well over her. She could not even reach its tip with her stretched arm, and she was sure that she would not offer the city the pathetic show of trying to stand on her tiptoes.

Megan had known that some building would be taller than her when she had reached Stanton. She had not been too worried, back then, but one thing was knowing it and the other was feeling it.

Her mind was working to try to find a quick silver lining. It was not hard. Because, after all, she stood almost as tall as one of the tallest fucking skyscrapers in the city!

“It would seem that I bit on more than I could chew with this one,” Megan said, trying to sound light, as if she did not mind. “Let’s try to find something a bit shorter. Is there anything in the neighborhood of, let’s say, nine-hundred feet?”

Jillian got her cue and started mumbling. She came back with an answer soon enough. Megan was pleasantly surprised with her diligence.

“The Eternis is eight-hundred and eighty-eight,” she said.

Megan chuckled.

“Did they do that on purpose?”

Eternis Insurance was acquired by a Chinese company ten years ago. Eight is their lucky number and it is said that the CEO is a very superstitious person. Superstitious enough that he asked to add a hundred feet to his new headquarters in order to match the three eights.”

“Interesting,” Megan lied. “You are good at your job,” she then complimented. She was growing fond of Jillian. She was somewhat more interesting than the rest of the vermin surrounding her.

All Megan had to do was to follow First Avenue upstream until she stood in front of the boxy black building. It was one of the most unremarkable skyscrapers in Stanton. But it turned out to be one of the most convenient ones too. Megan straightened herself in front of the building and smiled when she saw that it was an almost perfect match. If anything, her forehead poked slightly over its roof.

“So, I’m nine hundred feet tall,” she said. Her tone was deceivingly plain, but deep inside, the giantess felt a rush of power flooding her veins.

Of course, the just acquired knowledge did not change anything. But Megan was an engineer, and putting numbers behind her observations worked wonders in her understanding of the situation.

Nine hundred feet! Nine hundred fucking feet! Janice, Pam, Monica… they had all been amazing, her secret teenage heroes. And yet, here she was, tall enough to tower over all of them with ease. Godzilla would merely be a lizard to her. And the fifty-foot woman would look like nothing more than a Lego doll. This was how massive she was. This was how magnificent she had become.

Megan’s sharp mind did not have too much trouble working out her weight, which was in the ballpark of two-hundred thousand tons! God, it was no wonder that the ground was sinking under her!

She did not warn Jillian as she reached for her shoulder and plucked her with care. An instant later, she was holding her in front of her excited eyes. The tiny woman was startled, but to her credit, she kept her composure.

“You did your part,” Megan said.

There was a momentary glimpse of fear in the tiny guide’s expression. Her suspicions were confirmed when she said:

“Please, don’t hurt me.”

Megan chuckled and said.

“I said I would not. Can’t you see that there is no incentive for me in lying?”

She then saw the tiny woman’s questioning look.

“I cannot carry you around with me. You are cramping my movements. But I did promise you that you would live to see tomorrow. That might have been a bit too far reaching, but I intend to keep my side of the deal. Which, knowing what I have in store for the city, means that I need to get you out of it.”

She could tell that this had caught Jillian by surprise. All the centimeter-tall girl could do was to mouth:


“Let me work that out,” Megan said, as she started looking around for a solution.

She found one almost right away when a flock of corporate helicopters started taking off the roofs of multiple buildings. Megan’s first impulse was to swat them down, but after second thought, she realized that they offered her an answer for her current need. The drawback was that she would need to let a few people leave, mostly corporate big fishes she had come to despise. But a goddess was as good as her word, and if she had not intended to spare Jillian, she should not have given her any assurances to start with.

Megan started ambling down the avenue at a calm pace, looking for a suitable candidate for what she had in mind. She found one soon enough.

The group at the chest-high roof stopped in their tracks as soon as Megan reached them. They had been trying to reach the red and white helicopter waiting for them in the helipad, but the moment she showed up they turned in their tracks and headed back into the building. They never made it to the roof access. A massive wall of flesh prevented that.

“Believe it or not, today is your lucky day,” the voice of the giantess boomed from above.

The group started moving frantically around the roof. From Megan’s perspective, it did not make too much sense, but she had learned by now that she had this kind of effect on people.

“If you want to live, you have five seconds to stop and listen to me,” she threatened. She smiled when it had the desired effect.

It was time to let them know what she expected of them.

“Let’s make something very clear: I abhor the likes of you. I could have crossed my path with you a thousand times, and nine-hundred and ninety-nine of them I would have crushed you without second thought. But it turns out that today you can be of service. Which means that you have a chance to save your sorry asses. Have you understood?”

Megan smiled when she got a few nods.

“I am holding a woman in my fingers. Her name is Jillian. For reasons that I only care about, I am interested in seeing her out of the city. Which gives you a change to get out too. Your mission is simple: bring her with you, set her somewhere safe, make sure that the authorities don’t set a finger on her. Fail to comply and I swear I will find you and invest considerable time in making your deaths very, very painful. Understood?”

There were some more nods. Then, a man that was dressed like the pilot said:

“We do not have room for everyone!”

Megan chose a suited man at random and flicked him out of the roof with a casual gesture.

“Now, you do.”

She then raised Jillian in front of her eyes and winked:

“See what the combination of a monstrous size and a privileged brain can do?”

“What will you do?” Jillian asked.

Megan chuckled.

“Well, it’s time to get real. I’ve already been a while in the city, and I cannot afford to have everyone think that I am this soft!”

“Please!” Jillian said.

“Jillian, dear. You are cute. But you don’t know shit about power!”

And with that, she set her on the roof and shot a last warning glance to the men she had entrusted her with. She had been teasing the tiny guide in her farewell, but only up to a certain point. It truly was time to test the limits of her power some more.

She forgot about Jillian almost as soon as she turned and started walking back down the avenue. After all, for all her entertainment value, she had merely been a somewhat more interesting mite.

The road was already littered with corpse-filled footprints, but there were not many people left for her to terrorize. So, instead, she focused on the buildings.

She passed by Eternis soon enough, the butterflies returning to her stomach as she associated it with her colossal scale. From there, skyscrapers considerably varied in height, a few not even reaching her chest while others clearly towered over her. The Pan-Atlantic was not the tallest one. But it reminded her of the temporary letdown as she had stood in front of it.

The giantess stopped and turned, facing the offending building and bringing her hands to her hips as she kept her chest high, almost as if challenging the building.

The breeze caressed her skin as she observed it’s façade. With the road at her feet now mostly deserted of living people, Megan was engulfed, for the first time in a while, in stillness, the silence only faintly broken by the distant rotors of the news helicopters.

The pyramidal structure was mostly formed of concrete, its dark windows smaller than those of its counterparts. It was hard to see what was going on inside, but the mirrored glass was still imperfect enough to let her know that there were dozens of people glued to the windows, observing her with fascination.

She was pondering what to do when the answer came straight from the gut. Without warning, Megan’s right hand closed into a tight fist and the titaness threw a punch at the building. She had not even been aiming for any particular spot. Her clenched hand hit the center of the façade in front of her and broke spectacularly through it, glass, steel and concrete breaking as if they had been made of crackers.

Megan pushed her punch all the way, up to the point where her arm was embedded in the building up to its elbow. And then, she started to slowly remove it. More stuff broke, but as she brought her hand out, the giantess realized that this was not going to bring the structure down. It worked well for her, since this was not what she had been intending to do in any case.

Curious about the results of her impulsiveness, Megan stooped, bringing her window-sized hazel eyes level with the wide opening she had created. She could see she had got several stories, all of them in a similar state of devastation. People moaned in pain as they lay close to the wound she had opened into the skyscraper, and a thin mist of dust was starting to cover the area.

The goddess straightened back up and reached for the opening. This time she was more gentle as she used her fingers to feel around. She could soon feel wood splintering and bodies squishing, but hers was not a destructive mission, but one of exploration. With that in mind, Megan reached deeper into the building, up to the point where her fingers started toppling new walls over. Soon, the bodies she sensed were livelier and she realized that she had reached a new area of the Pan-Atlantic.

Curious, she closed her fingers, scooping as much stuff as she could, before removing her hand from the high-rise again. When she turned her palm upwards and opened it, she was pleasantly surprised by the three-dozen bodies scattered on it, sharing her vast palm with different pieces of office furniture and a few random chunks of the building.

“How nice of you to pack together for me,” she mocked.

The group soon lost interest, so Megan simply tossed them over her shoulder and inspected the building again.

“Well, it turns out that a couple hundred feet are not that useful when you don’t have the strength to go with them, are they?”

No one inside the building understood her reference, but she did not mind. Megan now realized that she had been hurt in her pride by the Pan-Atlantic and that her ego demanded some payback. Still, she did not think that bringing the building down would do. She was certain she would be able to do it if she intended to. It would not even be hard.

To prove her point, she turned and set her foot on a knee-high building on the opposite side of the street. She only had to push her sole down a bit to make it crumble.

Her gesture did not go unnoticed to those in the Pan-Atlantic, as proven by the increased screaming that came out through the opening she had created, but she had already made her mind about the pyramid. She was not in the mood to bring Stanton’s skyline down. At least, not yet. This did not mean that she could not torture the poor souls on it.

Her train of thought was interrupted when some scurrying by her feet made her look down. She could barely believe it when she saw the stream of people rushing out of the skyscraper and making a run for their lives between her massive feet.

In hindsight, Megan realized that it was even logical. By now the people had already seen that she was perfectly capable of bringing a building down, so the perspective of getting out in the street by her feet could be even preferable to that of being trapped on a collapsing building.

Megan quickly proved them wrong by taking a small step to the side and crushing the majority of the would-be escapees. The mere sight of that stopped everyone else in their tracks. Soon, the stream of people reversed and got back into the high-rise, but their fates were sealed already. It was not becoming of someone like Megan to ignore a challenge like that.

The giantess turned sideways and took a couple of steps back in order to make herself enough room to get down on her hands and knees. Of course, this was not enough to peek through the ground floor. She was simply too massive for that, but this was quickly corrected by lying down and turning her head sideways, finally getting a good view of the Pan-Atlantic’s main entrance and of its packed lobby.

Her presence brought the panic up several notches. This served her well, but it was far from enough. Extending her free hand, she brushed its back along the façade, peeling it off with ease with exposing the vestibule to her inquisitive gaze.

“You were not trying to get away from me, were you?”

She only got panicked screams and some frantic running in response. Megan’s fist broke through the east wall and crushed two-dozen people.

“I asked you a question,” she insisted.

She only got more panic. The space was so packed that it was merely a matter of choosing. Aiming to bring their anguish to new limits, Megan used her fingers to herd a large group of people out of the building and right under her face. She then repositioned her head and stuck her tongue out.

The mite-sized people tried to avoid her, but trapped between her extended arm and her face, there was no way to go. Megan felt tiny morsels getting stuck to her tongue as she slid it along the pavement, finally bringing it in and moving her prey around, enjoying their squirming as she toyed with them. She kept going until there was no fight left in the half a dozen or so people. Then, she swallowed.

It was at that moment that Megan was thankful for having decided to take a closer look at the action at street level. From up close, the sight of the terror she caused in the mob was even more delightful.

The giantess felt her cunt getting moist in excitement as she eyed the remaining people in front of her face with a devilish smile. By now she had already learned that there was nothing that could shock the crowd like eating them. Megan had to admit that even she had had some initial doubts, back at the bridge. They felt somewhat stupid now, but then again, every line she had crossed did after a certain time.

“Do you want a piece of advice?” she whispered to the terrified mob ahead of her. “The last thing you want to do when a goddess is roaming is to catch her attention.”

She then pushed her lips in a seductive ‘O’. The crowd braced for the hurricane. It turned out that this was not what Megan had in store for them. Rather than blowing them out of the way, the giantess started sucking, using the whopping strength of her lungs to draw the people towards her.

They resisted at first, but all she had to do was to push herself a little further. One thing she had learned in her short adventure was that there did not seem to be any limits when it came to her raw strength. Soon, those closer to her face became airborne and were sucked into her lips, much as if she were a vacuum cleaner. It was only a matter of time before everyone else followed the same fate.

Megan’s mouth was somewhat fuller this time, so rather than playing with her morsels, she simply chewed a couple of times, making her snack easier to swallow.  

She turned towards the exposed lobby and smirked at the frenzied people that remained there. For further tease, she then ran her tongue around her lips as she moaned in pleasure.


Megan realized that she loved the closer play and made a mental note of looking for further opportunities like this one. It was time to abandon the Pan-Atlantic, though. Stanton was so much more than a single building, and it was not going to bring itself down.

The giantess did not feel like sparing any of the tiny pricks that had thought that she could be challenged. Her hand pushed lazily through a higher floor, only to open into a wide palm and push down. Almost instantly, tons of concrete rained on the occupants of the lobby as the three floors on top collapsed on them. A thick cloud of smoke started forming and led Megan to stand up, her hands digging deep into the road as they pushed two-hundred tons of playful woman back to her full height.

Curiously enough, Megan did not resume her mayhem the moment she was back on her feet. The road ahead of her was mostly empty, having given the survivors among the crowd enough time to evacuate. She knew they would not be far, but she did not feel like searching for them, yet. Not when she had so many of Stanton’s iconic buildings at arm’s reach.

The Pan-Atlantic was considerably scarred as a result of her exchange with it, driven by the momentary frustration of feeling towered upon. Megan now realized that she had been a bit too reckless. After all, it was not such a big deal. And it was far from the only skyscraper that stood taller than her.

Stanton had always prided itself for its skyline, not merely because of the height of its most prominent high-rises, but also because of their architecture. And Megan had always been attracted by it.

So, emboldened, now that she had learned about the details of her size and strength, and carefree once she had taken care of the tiny Jillian as promised, she decided to take a peek at the concrete, glass and steel behemoths from her new perspective, in what she guessed was a new form of sightseeing.

Eager to see the skyscrapers’ main façade rather than their rear, Megan ambled around the Pan-Atlantic and got into River Drive, the large boulevard that followed the course of Stanton River all the way to its mouth at the bay.

A quick look to the west showed her that there was nothing too interesting in that direction, aside from the helpful Eternis building, which had resolved the mystery about her true height. The direction of the bay was much more interesting.

River Drive was far from packed. And still, Megan found more people than she had been expecting among its abandoned cars as she crossed to it. She shrugged and sighed. She might not be on a trampling journey just now, but this did not mean that she was going to show any more mercy than in previous treks.

Seeing the main face of the pyramidal building she had spent her time with over the last few minutes, Megan almost regretted having damaged it so badly. The Pan-Atlantic was a truly original skyscraper, and being a civil engineer, she understood the complexity of building it in such a shape. Having already suffered her wrath, those inside it seemed more fearful than average as she observed their shadows behind the dark windows, but in truth she did not have any intention to harm it further.

Instead, she turned and strutted towards the next block, not minding where her humongous feet landed or how many perished under them. The Water Tower was less emblematic but quite original too. Almost like a modern counterpart of the pyramid standing next to it, the glass behemoth was built like an elongated cone that ended into a vast dome.

Considerably shorter than the Pan-Atlantic, the Water Tower barely reached up to her mammoth breasts. And still, Megan found herself thinking that it was too high.

She felt her pussy itching, reminding her that she would need to tend to it sooner rather than later, and could not prevent regretting that such a conveniently shaped structure had not been made about a third of its actual size.

Megan crouched to give a long, wet kiss to the top of the dome, startling those looking straight up at her. She then used her best bedroom voice to address them.

“If I grow again, you’ll be the first one to know, handsome.”

Megan was not sure she was going to grow. She was not even sure she wanted to. Nine-hundred feet were plenty big enough to be nearly indestructible, so it was hard to imagine anyone would throw anything at her that could trigger another spurt. It was also a convenient enough height when it came to interacting with the population.

And still, her comment had not been gratuitous. She knew she had the ability to grow to even more massive proportions. She had learned as much when the pitiful police department of her hometown had tried to bring her down when she was “merely” a hundred feet tall. She just did not expect to have to use it again, even if the trigger was somewhat automatic, as far as she knew.

Her pussy reminded her that in absence of the necessary height to use the Water Tower, she would need to find a suitable alternative soon enough, but Megan simply let the steam continue to build as she calmly strolled down the avenue, admiring yet another skyscraper.

The Metropolitan was probably the most emblematic high-rise in the city. Built shortly after World War II, it stood out from the rest for its heavy use of concrete and its cathedral-like top. Maybe for this reason, its height, barely reaching to midriff, was somewhat disappointing. Megan traced a finger along its baroque contour as she calmly walked past it, careful not to damage such a fine piece of architecture.

The next three buildings were somewhat unremarkable. Finished in the seventies and eighties, they shared the characteristic square, mirrored design that was fashionable at the moment. They did not have anything else to boast than their sizes, and even in that field they failed to compare with the passing giantess, so Megan did not waste too long with them.

Her walk finally brought her to the Peacock. Megan had almost forgotten about it as she enjoyed a new type of view of the buildings she had fancied so much as a little woman. Now that she stood in front of it, it was impossible to ignore.

Peacock Holdings was probably one of the most loathsome corporations on Earth. They had a reputation for scavenging companies and projects in distress, only to break them into pieces and try to make a profit out of that. As far as Megan knew, the massive society had not produced any real value of its own in its over forty years of history. But this had not stopped its largest shareholder and CEO, Marcus Graham, from becoming a pompous celebrity that felt he had the right to tell everyone how things should work only because he was a billionaire.

Their gaudy headquarters matched surprisingly well with their corporate culture. Tall, boxy and otherwise unremarkable, the building stood out from its neighbors only because its flashy golden finish. Its construction, merely ten years ago, had been surrounded with controversy. Mr. Graham’s money had finally prevailed and he had managed to erect his pretentious testament side by side with some of the twentieth century’s finest pieces of architecture. To many, the Peacock was a permanent scar in Stanton’s elegant skyline. Megan shared that view. And now, she realized, she could do something about it.

It turned out that the building still served one purpose. Standing in front of it, Megan judged the skyscraper to be a tad taller than her, somewhere between her nine-hundred feet and some nine-hundred and fifty. At that height, with its square design and its shiny golden paneled windows, the Peacock ended up becoming a perfect full-size mirror.

Megan had kind of assumed that seeing her own reflection would be one of the little pleasures in life she would have to trade-off in exchange for the limitless power she had been given. She was happy to have been wrong about this one.

She instinctively teased her hair as she widened her stance in front of the improvised mirror and brought her hands to her hips, admiring her reflection. She was perfect. Absolutely perfect. Framed by the part of downtown in the opposite riverbank, she was a sight to behold.

Megan had always been cute, even if her sheepish attitude had usually made her look less attractive than she really was in the eyes of the men she fancied. How things had changed! She was not a cute skinny woman anymore, but a voluptuous bombshell that would make any Playboy centerfold ashamed. The golden tones of her reflection had a weird added effect to her magnificence.

Delighted at the sight, Megan brought her hands to her massive breasts and mashed them together, feeling the terse mounds overflow her palms. She had never been too concerned about being flat chested before, but now she realized it was only because she had not been able to enjoy tits like this.

Her stomach, which had always been flat, was now model caliber, the effect enhanced by a visible narrowing of her waist. Her body had shaped itself in a perfect hourglass figure as it had grown, widening her shoulders and hips, making enough room for her outstanding chest and world-class ass. Following the trek down, her legs had nothing to envy those of a runway model. Even her feet, which had always been cute, looked sexier.

Megan had never been too fixated on her physical appearance, but she now realized she had been too short sighted. The way she looked now did make a difference. It was a look befitting of a goddess.

Her lips curled into a satisfied smile as she wondered how the tiny population of the city must be seeing her, glued to their windows, peeking over their shoulders as they ran away from her or comfortably sitting in their living rooms as the news helicopters broadcasted her exploits.

Would they see merely like a Godzilla-like monster? Or would her gorgeousness show her like something else? In truth, it did not make a difference, but Megan realized that her transformation had also made her vain.

She could probably get her first answer from the hundreds of shadows she could make out behind the glittering surface of the Peacock. It was time to knock on their door.

The giantess simply moved her long hair behind her back and rested her hands on the back of her head. She then pushed her chest out and moved towards the building. The shadows reacted to her sudden approach, but it did not matter. A second later, her lush breasts broke through the façade of the skyscraper, bringing twin sections of it down like the massive wrecking balls they had become. Megan concentrated on feeling the destruction her oversensitive tits brought to the structure, the tickling adding to her already considerable arousal.

Once the rest of her torso reached the warm surface of the building, Megan stopped, letting her chest rest on its new position for a few seconds before slowly retreating. She chuckled at the sight of the twin craters she had so effortlessly created in the roof, delighting on the power that even the softest part of her anatomy had on the tiny world.

“Knock, knock,” she mocked before stooping to peek through the opening.

Much like in the Pan-Atlantic, the consequences of her game were worse than she could have originally expected. Taking several floors each, her breasts had made considerable sections of the building crumble and had left multiple casualties and injuries.

Megan was not so interested in the wounded, but she was far from letting the building be. Despite its mistreatment, the Peacock still felt sturdy, so she decided to up her game a bit.

Bringing her head and huge hazel eyes closer to the action, Megan peeked through the gap and observed the dozens of people scurrying in the five floors she had ripped open. Out of sight of the people, her right hand was reaching for the side façade of the building. It easily broke through it and started leading the charge through offices and walls, bringing the overall anxiety to a new level.

No one but Megan had a clue about what was really going on as she made her way towards her area of interest. She gave the people a teaser when she mocked:

“You know what’s one of the most fascinating things about being this big?”

No one seemed to have an answer, so she simply provided it for them.

“Somehow, it is as if I were everywhere!”

Her hand broke through the final wall as she uttered the words, her wriggling fingers threatening the now even more spooked crowd as they caught them unawares.

A few tried to flee. Megan simply flicked them around, the sheer strength of her fingers enough to knock whoever they pushed cold. Once she got tired of her games, she simply closed her fingers loosely around the group, capturing as many people as she could.

Megan straightened up as she removed her hand from the high-rise and opened it to see a fair number of office workers, surrounded by their furniture and chunks of the building where they had been a second before.

She was momentarily surprised when one of her forced guests, a middle-aged man that had ended up close enough to the edge of her palm, pushed himself out of it and into a drop of hundreds of feet into the road below.

“What was that supposed to mean?” Megan wondered aloud.

No one in her palm seemed to be able to clear it out for her.

“Oh, whatever!” Megan finally said. She then started closing her fingers.

The crowd renewed the intensity of their screams when they realized what was coming, but Megan simply ignored them and kept going. She could have simply tossed them to the side and keep going, but she felt like experiencing their death.

Her fingers curled into a fist soon enough, blocking the sun from any of the survivors. It was then a matter or squeezing. Feeling somewhat cruel, the giantess decided to be slow about it.

It turned out that her palms were even more sensitive than her soles when it came to experimenting. Megan felt a sick fascination at the different sensations of furniture, concrete and people crunching as she tightened her first. She kept going until her knuckles whitened and gore started oozing through her fingers, at which point she stopped and opened her palm.

It was a gory mess. One she morbidly enjoyed.

Any restraints she might have had until now were gone the moment she set her eyes on the Peacock and decided that it was time to let go. No matter what Jillian and the people of the city might have thought, Megan had been reasonably contained in her trek so far. In her mind, a few thousand victims out of a city of eight million were not such a big deal when she had already been in Stanton for quite a while.

If she was to bring the city down, she would need to do better. And she was more than willing to.

Arching an eyebrow at the mess she had made of her palm, Megan opened it and rested it on the giddy flashy façade of the building, leaving a signature red handprint on it.

And then, without warning, she threw an uppercut to the skyscraper, her left fist breaking through an awful lot of it before emerging close to the roof.

More of the building was now exposed, making the squeaky screams more intense. But still, the structure held. Vulgar or not, the Peacock seemed to be well built.

She was positively surprised by the building’s resistance, but this did not mean that she liked the challenge. Without further word, Megan simply threw another punch. The structure finally wavered a bit, but as soon as she removed her fist from the building’s mid-section, the skyscraper seemed to regain its stance. The Peacock looked like a mess, but it still kept its ground.

Bothered, Megan kicked it this time. Her leg was way more destructive than her arm, as its swinging movement led it through half of the structure before coming back to the avenue.

By now, there was little of the characteristic golden coating left. And still the skyscraper stood. Megan sneered and decided that she had had enough of it.

The windows, now mostly ripped open, were teeming with screaming mites that were contemplating the hand of fate. Megan arched an eyebrow and told them:

“It’s time to go down with the ship.”

With that, she placed her right hand on the top third of the building and started pushing. Weakened as it was, the structure could not resist her anymore, so when she gave it her final shove close to a thousand feet of once proud tower toppled on the street behind.

It was spectacular. The Peacock exploded into a million pieces, each of them turned into deadly shrapnel as the shockwave brought six city blocks down. Unknown to her, Megan had finished more lives with her last gesture than in her entire trek into the city so far.

She did not think about that, though. Instead, she panted as she felt her womanhood getting damp. The sheer power she had felt in that last instant when pushing the splashy skyscraper from its foundations had made her hotter than a cat in heat.





Chapter End Notes:


The entire story of Megan is 136,000 words long, split in 18 chapters. If you want to read the entire story in one go, I made it available in Gumroad, starting at $9.99: https://gum.co/GldJmA

I will keep posting chapters regularly (hopefully every week) for free, but I wanted to give the chance to those that are impatient for more or to anyone who wants to support me in my writing to do something different.

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