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"No no NO not now! Only six blocks from home NOT NOW!" -Violet Parr


Violet's world had been turned upside down ever since this new power destroyed what little life she felt she had. She had started walking to and from school using a new route; not only was it shorter but as a bonus it allowed her to avoid all of her classmates. True, the area of town she now traveled through had seen better days and police sirens were a constant background noise but she was willing to take any risk to keep her new found 'problem' secret from her friends. 


Only six blocks from home. That's when she felt it: that sickening all too familiar feeling in her gut that would soon spread to her limbs. She was growing.  Her control over this power was far from total. She had found that she could change size through willpower when she wanted but there were times where it seemed she had no control at all. This was one such time.  She quickened her pace paying no heed to passers by. Colliding with one of them she lost her grip on her backpack but did not stop.


"forget it" she thought, "it doesn't matter! All that matters is getting home!"


She was ten feet from the corner.  At the corner she would turn left and continue straight until she reached her house and safety. 


"Hey Vi! Did you drop this?"


Her heart stopped, she knew that voice. Kimberly Taumbach, 4th period biology, Kimberly sat two desks behind her. Violet did not turn around, if she could just make it around the corner everything would be alright. Four more steps, Violet glanced to her left and saw her reflection in a window. She was maybe six feet tall, maybe more. At this distance hopefully Kimberly wouldn't notice. Two steps, one, and safe; Violet threw her back against the brick wall of the building and closed her eyes taking a deep breath. Violet opened her eyes.  How long had they been closed? It felt like only an instant but now she wasn't sure. Dizzy, she looked around trying to focus her eyes. 


"No, this isn't right." Her mind refused to accept what her eyes were seeing. The buildings were too small. Memories of her doll house she played with as a little girl immediately came to mind. "No this isn't right" Violet blinked again and stark reality came crashing in. How long had her eyes been closed? She now towered over the two and three story buildings around her.  The parked cars on the road looked like Dash's toys she constantly trips over in the hallway back home. Luckily the brick façade she had put her back against was the tallest on the block and she remained hidden from the street she had just passed down.  Most importantly, she remained hidden from Kimberly. She stood absolutely still and listened. She was amazed how good her hearing was...with ears this big Violet supposed it made sense...one more thing that makes her a freak.  She could hear that Kimberly was talking to someone. Oh no she isn't alone! Violet turned, keeping herself pressed against the building while being careful not to apply any of her weight to the wall. The limited amount of experience she had gained with this power had taught her that everything is incredibly fragile after she grows; more so the larger she is. The last thing she wanted was to knock a building down onto her classmates. 


Ever so carefully she peered around the corner of the building looking back the way she came. She could see Kimberly standing holding the backpack Violet had just dropped. She was talking to Tiffany Laurence; the biggest gossip in Violet's class! Could it get any worse! Luckily for Violet she was spying down at her classmates from five stories above where they were standing. Being blessedly normal, neither of Violet's peers thought to look up, instead keeping their gaze at street level seeing nothing.  Kimberly was asking Tiffany what she should do with the backpack. 


"She must think I'm long gone!" Violet reasoned and let out a sigh of relief.  A low frequency airy groan reverberated off the brickwork echoing in Violet's ears.  "Oh God! Was that me?" Her mind scrambled. Any sound she made at her size involves hundreds of cubic feet of air rushing through what amounts to the mouth of a cave! "Why can't I be normal!" Her mind screamed this at her over and over again. Violet brought her attention back to her classmates. They must not have heard her, sirens were wailing on some side street. Violet was never so happy to be in the bad part of town! Violet could hear Tiffany saying they should just bring the backpack with them and they'll give it to Violet tomorrow. She was safe! Violet again felt relief wash over her.


At that moment Violet heard a scream. Her attention had been so focused on Kimberly and Tiffany she forgot that she was currently a 50ft teenager standing against an apartment block on the corner of Oak St. And 7th Ave.  To her left, Violet looked down at a terrified woman looking straight up at her.


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