Shrinking with the Boss by Sheograth

In this story, you are an assistant at a fairly major law firm in the city. You work for one of the big attorneys at the firm, Kayleigh Smith. She's a tall redheaded 41 year old woman who is as kind as can be, but has a little secret regarding shrinking and CPR dummies.

Maybe you could assist her with this...?

The chapters will be tagged so it's clear what kind of content each one will contain.

Also, I've got a Twitter account, so follow me there if you want immediate updates on when I upload new chapters for my stories!

Categories: Adventure, Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Adult 30-39, Mature (40-49), Entrapment, Fantasy, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, Mouth Play, Odor, Slow Size Change, Unaware Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.), Dwarf (3 ft. to 5 ft.), Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.), Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.), Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.), Munchkin (2.9 ft. to 1 ft.)
Size Roles: F/m, FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Completed: No Word count: 31275 Read: 147212 Published: July 08 2019 Updated: November 11 2019
Story Notes:

This story contains lots of footstool action and some nice and slow shrinking. The shrinking will eventually go down to 1/2 an inch, but that journey is quite gradual.

Today (7/22/19) I created a survey to go along with the story. It's got questions about the characters and story elements. I'd really appreciate it if you could respond to it, especially if you enjoyed the story at all. You should be able to answer the survey anonymously. Thanks for your time!!

1. Chapter 1 by Sheograth

2. Chapter 2 by Sheograth

3. Chapter 3 by Sheograth

4. Chapter 4 by Sheograth

5. Chapter 5 by Sheograth

6. Chapter 6 by Sheograth

7. Chapter 7 by Sheograth

8. Chapter 8 by Sheograth

9. Chapter 9 by Sheograth

10. Chapter 10 by Sheograth

11. Chapter 11 by Sheograth

12. Chapter 12 by Sheograth

13. Chapter 13 by Sheograth

14. Chapter 14 by Sheograth

Chapter 1 by Sheograth
Author's Notes:

TAGS: Unaware & Aware, Footstool (height from 3ft to 2ft), Multiple Women


Today was a Friday like any other at your job, so why were you currently in your boss's office? Why don't we dial back a bit and explain things…


Currently, you work at a big law firm as a general assistant. Since the job market isn't great in your current city, you had to settle for this, although you had hope for slowly rising up in the firm.

You did lots of different things for the attorneys, especially your boss, Kayleigh Smith. She is a pretty tall 41 year old red headed woman, standing at 6'3", and has a fair skin complexion. Typically, she wears glasses with big lenses and thin frames and has green colored eyes.

Despite her being one of the more higher tier lawyers at the firm, she was nothing but kind and gentle to her staff, including you. In fact, she didn't mind the staff calling her by her first name, which was nice. But today, she was going to be extra busy, so she calls you in for a special assignment.

When you enter her large office, you notice that she was dressed casually, wearing a blouse shirt and gray jeans, along with a pair of leather boots. Her bright red hair was pulled back into a ponytail which went down to her shoulders. When she sees you, she brightly smiles and says "Good morning! I really need some help today. If you don't mind, I'll make sure your usual duties are covered."

You can't deny that you were a bit infatuated by Kayleigh, so you had no issue with helping her, but you still ask "That sounds okay to me. What'd you need help with?"

She nods in response before saying "I'll admit that it's a strange request. So first let me explain." You listen as she says "I usually keep an old CPR dummy under my desk to rest my feet on, because it seems to help me focus. Unfortunately, building maintenance must have thrown it in the garbage last night, and I won't get a new one here until Monday. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, but I am unsure if I can remain focused without it, so could you help out with this?"

This was starting to make more sense, but it only made you a bit nervous, since you had a secret foot fetish that you didn't want discovered. She seems to notice your apprehension, so she warmly smiles and says "I've noticed you staring under the table during meetings, so I thought you'd be okay with this arrangement. Are you not interested? I'll make sure you're paid double for today…"

Now this was tempting. Not only was your super hot boss inviting you to experience her feet, she would even double your pay. You didn't want to sound too eager, so you take a deep breath and say "I'd be glad you help. Thank you, Kayleigh."

She then leads you toward her desk, where you notice that it would be far too cramped for you, since you were only a few inches shorter than her. To your surprise, she reaches into a drawer and pulls out a fancy looking necklace. She then smiles and says "I know you're too tall to comfortably stay under my desk, so I'll just shrink you a bit. I promise it won't hurt at all."

You've heard about Kayleigh's shrinking device. Apparently, she has some connections with a local tech company, and this thing is their latest project. From what you understood, anyone or anything that wears that necklace can have their size altered by Kayleigh, who wears a matching ring to adjust the size. She says that she only uses it on her luggage for traveling, but you'd imagine that it'd be fine with humans. And you will also admit that you’ve got a shrinking fetish too, so from the first time you’ve heard of Kayleigh’s shrink ray, you’ve wanted to get an excuse for her to use it on you.

Then, she points it at you and says "I think 3 feet should be good for now. Hold still, okay?" She then puts the necklace on you and taps her ring, dwindling your height until you were about 3 ft tall. When it stops you begin to stumble, so she roughly grabs your shoulders to keep you from falling over, making you really feel insignificant to her. And even though you knew that she was only doing this to keep you from falling over, it still made your mind race of how she could dominate you right now, but you keep that thought deep down.

After that, she looks down at you and says "Are you okay? You can sit down for a minute first…" You shake your head, so she helps you down while saying "I have a few pillows prepared for you. I should warn you that I'm pretty tough on my dummies, so if I end up getting too rough with you, let me know and I'll make sure your pay is tripled for today."

With that worrying statement, she sits back on her chair and slips out of her large leather boots, revealing her huge socked feet, before prying them right off. You remember one time before when she shared that she had size 12.5 feet, complaining that she always had to custom order her shoes, but now you were excited to experience them first hand. 

Your thoughts were interrupted when she plopped her feet onto your chest, signifying the start of an incredible Friday at work…

At first, Kayleigh just rested her feet on your chest, as they were large enough to stretch from your chest all the way to your chin. While they remained on you, the unique scent of them wafted over to you, as they smelled of a mixture between roses and sweat. They probably smelled this strong because she just removed her socks, so whatever smells that were contained by them were released over you. Your peace and quiet did not last long, as her legs slowly started to move, leaving you to deal with the consequences.

She begins by sliding her feet backwards, pressing them hard on your stomach, and causing you to jerk upwards. Right at that same moment, she brings her left foot over and plants it on your face, forcing you back onto the floor. And while she was unconsciously abusing you, she gets her earbuds and puts them on, before starting her music playlist. As she listened, she read through thousands of pages of documents, needing to prepare for a trial in a week.

Because of how focused she was on her work, her feet worked extra hard on you, keeping you fully immobilized. Since her left foot was on your face, she started to scrunch her toes, covering your nose in the process. And her right leg slowly moved back up to your chest, keeping fairly still, though her toes there did frequently wiggle and writhe. This goes for about an hour, until she moves her feet over and plants them on your arms, while calling in one of her paralegals.

And once the paralegal makes it to her office, the two of them begin discussing their plans for the trial, going over the different witnesses they planned to call. While that was happening, Kayleigh’s feet slid toward your face, before her toes started to go to town on your face, squeezing every inch of it and vigorously abusing you. But after a few minutes, she stealthily pokes the shrinking ring and diminishes your size again, leaving you at 2 feet tall this time. She wasn’t even fully aware of it, as she had the habit of adjusting the size of her CPR dummy all the time.

Now that you were even smaller than before, Kayleigh started to drag you around the underside of the desk, covering you in dust as she thoughtlessly toyed with you. She would frequently roll you around too, gripping your sides with her toes in the process and covering you in even more dust and grime. After a few minutes of this though, she puts back on her boots and goes to leave the room, before saying “I’m going to get some breakfast. Would you like something, Adriana?”

The paralegal, Adriana Lopez, is a hispanic woman in her late 20s. She is about 5’8” and has highly tan skin and long black hair. Adriana is currently wearing a pair of black dress slacks and a gray short sleeve button down shirt. She is also wearing a pair of matching gray flats. She’s a fairly laid-back person, and is talkative whenever you both chat about non-work things, but she’s an incredibly sharp paralegal, which is probably why Kayleigh trusts her so much. She shakes her head in response and says “I’m okay. Thanks though!”

Kayleigh nods, before saying “Would you mind checking the list I made of potential witnesses with our system file while I’m gone? You can use my desk.”

Adriana nods and says “Sure thing! See ya when you get back.”

Following that, Kayleigh leaves her office, unintentionally leaving you alone with another co-worker, without warning her about you. If you’re lucky, Adriana won’t find out about this, she it’d be more than a bit embarrassing…


Once Adriana sits down at the desk, she looks down and smiles while saying “That CPR dummy is already looking pretty dinged up…” She then slipped out of her flats and cracked her toes, before lightly stroking you with her now bare feet. Even though you were far smaller than usual, you could still tell that Adriana had pretty small feet, though you weren’t sure of their size; they could be a 6 or 7 though, but that’d be a wild guess. After that, she starts to rub you a bit harder while cross-checking Kayleigh’s list with the firm’s. You were definitely glad that Adriana failed to notice that you were not a fake CPR dummy, and you did find her to be pretty attractive, so you consider this a win.

While she was rubbing her feet up and down your body, she eventually settles them, so her left foot was pinned onto your chest while her right leg was dangling from the left leg. During that time, she shuffled back on her right flat and was now lazily dangling it, providing you with an unexpected show. You got to watch as she would lightly shake it, causing the flat to hang from the tips of her toes, before she would skillfully shuffle it back on. And all that shaking and dangling caused her left leg to bob constantly, pounding you relentlessly. The best part was because of your current size, her toes were able to reach your chin, as they aimlessly played with and touched your bottom lip.

This lasted about 15 minutes, until she shuffles in her seat and presses the balls of her feet onto your cheeks while sighing and saying "I get why Kayleigh always keeps a dummy under her desk. It just feels so nice to the touch…" Her feet then move forward, allowing her toes to press into your nose, as she lazily flicked it repeatedly. While this happens, she says "They make them feel so realistic too…"

She then changes tactics again, using one foot to ruffle your hair and another to mess with your button-down shirt. At one point, she manages to rip off one of the buttons, causing her to bury her foot into your shirt and making contact with your bare chest. This finally prompted you to squirm, since it was totally unexpected, but she presses both feet firmly on you at the same time, preventing you from resisting her.

As this happens, she giggles and mutters "Even the skin feels how it should. How much did Kayleigh spend for this thing…?" Technically the firm was spending a lot, since your pay was getting doubled for this, but your thoughts were interrupted when she forces her other foot into your shirt too, popping off another button in the process. While she does this, she deeply sighs while wriggling her toes, tickling you unintentionally. As she did this, she says "It's so warm under its shirt… I could get used to this…"

This was how the next 15 minutes went for you, before Kayleigh returned, bringing with her 2 coffees and a sandwich for herself. She then brings one of her chairs over and sits down next to Adriana while slipping her socked feet out of her boots, before saying “I got you a coffee. We can work together from here.”

Adriana smiles in response and says “Thanks Kayleigh! And that works for me.”

It seems like you were about to get the full attention of both Kayleigh's and Adriana's feet, and that could be a fun time indeed…


End Notes:

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

I don't usually write stories like this, so please leave a review with your thoughts. I'd like to know if I'm doing okay with this one. This is definitely a fun one to write, so I hope it's as fun to read for you guys too.

I also made a survey about the story. If you've enjoyed the story at all, please fill it out. It's all mostly multiple choice questions, so it won't take more than a minute or 2. Thanks!

Take care!

Chapter 2 by Sheograth
Author's Notes:

TAGS: Unaware (some Aware), Footstool (height from 2ft to 1/2 an inch), In-sock, between toes

Things are getting crazier and crazier as the day goes on. How insane will it get once we start moving toward the night?


In case you forgot, you were about to be assaulted by both your boss Kayleigh's and your co-worker Adriana's feet, with neither of them aware of your presence…

You stared forward as Kayleigh wiggled and scrunched her toes, obviously glad to have them out of her boots though noticing that she kept her socks on this time, before she stretched her legs out far. Her feet ended up resting right next to your head, as their potent odor washed over you, before she started to rub the sides of your head aggressively. At the same time, Adriana rubbed her feet up and down your chest, massaging you while accidentally popping another button off your shirt. And while both women worked hard together, both pairs of feet thoroughly explored your body, leaving you without a moment to rest.

This was how the next few hours went for you, as you were dominated by two pairs of feet that seemed to want to pulverize you completely. There were a few moments where you felt like they were battling for control over you, since both pairs of feet danced around your small body frantically. It was rare for you to breathe through air that wasn't filtered through their uniquely scented toes, though that wasn't an issue for you. But after those few hours, Adriana checks her watch and says “Oh, I need to leave for a doctor’s appointment. Have a nice weekend Kayleigh!”

She then shuffles back on her flats and walks toward the door, while Kayleigh smiles and says “Bye Adriana. You have a nice weekend too!”

Then the door closed, leaving you alone with your boss again, as she looks down at you with a warm smile…


After that, she props you up to a sitting position with her feet, before lightly dusting your face off with her toes, as she says “I’m sorry I didn’t warn you, but I honestly forgot you were here until I got back from the cafe… How are you feeling?

You rub your eyes and say “It’s okay. I’m glad Adriana didn’t know about me being down there. It would have been too awkward.”

Kayleigh nods and says “Well, it seemed to have worked out. I still have a lot more to do, so are you up to continuing? If not, I’ll just credit this part of the day for double pay for you. I won’t be upset if you’d like to stop now…”

You shake your head, wanting to impress and feel useful for your boss, as you say “I can keep going. Feel free to use me for as long as you need to today. I don’t have any major plans tonight anyway and I could use some overtime.”

Kayleigh lightly giggles in response, nearly melting your heart, as she says “You might regret that later, but your loyalty and drive is noted. I definitely will need to stay late tonight, so I’ll appreciate your assistance…”

Then, she lightly strokes the sides of your head with her toes, while saying “By the way, is there a size minimum that would be too far for you? Sometimes I like to shrink my CPR dummies to an extreme degree, occasionally to less than an inch. Would that be too much for you?”

This was not what you were expecting, since your size fetish definitely applied to wanting to shrink to that small of a size around a woman like Kayleigh. So you smile and say “I think I can handle that. Can you maybe limit it to half an inch? I will be safe though, right?”

She nods, before quietly laughing and saying “That’s usually the smallest I shrink them, so you’re already going above and beyond. But that works perfectly for me. And because of this, I think it will only be fair if I triple your pay for today, at least. Sound good?” Then she pauses and adds, saying “And for your safety, if an object is shrunk past 6 inches, then their durability is increased dramatically. So you will not be in any danger. I would never put one of my employees in danger, especially for my own benefit…”

This day was getting better and better, so you nod and say “That works for me!”

She then smiles and says “Great. Thanks a lot…”

After that, she plants her feet on your face, before forcing you back onto the floor and resuming her work. Seems like your day was far from over…


Kayleigh's socks smelled just as powerful and amazing as before, though the bottoms looked caked with dust by now. You didn't get a clear look before, but her socks were purple colored, which looked super cute. Your time to admire her socks did not last however, as she suddenly shrinks you again, this time bringing you down to 1 ft.

Since she seemed to stop playing with you for the moment, you decide to measure yourself against her right foot, realizing that it was only an inch or two shorter than you were now. And while you were doing this, Kayleigh slams her foot down on top of you, overwhelming you in the process. As she does this, she grumbles to herself and says "Seems like he has a schedule conflict for Thursday. Guess I'll need to make a few calls…"

Kayleigh starts by calling opposing counsel, wanting to speak with the attorney representing the defense. And as she and the opposing attorney spoke and restructured that day, she began to aggressively strike your body. She skillfully plants your back onto the back of her right foot, before swiftly prying off her left sock. You couldn't even admire her now bare foot as it crashed into you, before roughly massaging you as her toes repeatedly squeezed your head like a stress ball.

And speaking of stress, Kayleigh was definitely feeling it now, since they were at risk to delay the trial, which would have been a major problem by this point. To calm her nerves, she started to vigorously toy with you, barely even thinking of you as a person right now. Her feet were moving so erratically that her other sock slipped off, giving you an even more personal experience. But since her socks were still nearby, they ended up getting caught in the chaos too, tangling up against you and further restricting your movements.

At one point, she brings her big toe closer to your mouth, almost as if she was trying to pry it open. You were feeling pretty worried now, so you say “Umm… What are you doing Kayl--” Unfortunately, you were unable to finish your sentence, as she proceeds to hit your back with her other heel. After that, she presses her big toe toward your mouth again, as you tried your best to keep your lips shut this time. That didn’t help much, since she happened to squeeze her other set of toes into your side at the same time, causing you to gasp. And that was just enough for Kayleigh, as she crammed that salty toe down your throat, barely even thinking of your comfort right now. 

And when she finished with that toe, she removes it from your throat, as you frantically panted while muttering “Why are you doing this…?” Instead of an answer, Kayleigh simply moved down the line, using each progressively smaller toe to gag you. You would have thought her big toe would have been the most uncomfortable, but you were proven wrong. Since her other toes were more narrow, she could fit them much easier, opting to shove them as far down your throat as they could manage.

You couldn't even gag because her toes took up so much room, and her other foot planted itself across your chest, preventing you from moving your arms to resist. Once she gets to her 4th toe, you cry out “Just slow down, please…” Since she was still focused on her call with the other attorney, she did not hear your plea for mercy, and instead uses her pinky toe to finish the job and jam it roughly down your throat.

After an excruciatingly long 10 minutes, Kayleigh finishes the call with the schedule adjusted without any delays, giving your throat a break from her repeated toe thrusting. Because of how intense that was, you couldn't even shout up at her as you were struck by a coughing fit due to how irritated your throat was. You weren't safe yet, as you quickly started to shrink again, this time stopping at 6 inches. And at this new size, things were getting pretty scary.

Kayleigh's feet were now almost twice your size, as her toes looked to be as thick as your legs and longer than your arms. But beyond them, her own legs seemed almost terrifying, as those well-toned and muscular thighs could easily crush you into a flat pancake. Everywhere you looked you were reminded of just how tiny you were now, as the underside of the desk seemed as large as a mid-sized building now. And the fear was starting to get to you, so you yell out "Hey, Kayleigh...? Can we take a break? Please…?"

She doesn't even address you, as she instead kicks her foot forward, catching your neck between her big toe and 2nd toe in a choke hold. She then clamps them down, silencing you as she says "I'm glad I have that shrinking device… I never get tired of it making my dummy this small…"

It seems like Kayleigh forgot about you, probably due to how busy she was, but you didn't have long to formulate a plan when she plants her bare foot onto the floor, enveloping your body with her soft and warm flesh. But them she quickly raised her foot, before slamming it down again, as she seemed to be tapping her foot. As she ruthlessly smashed you onto the floor, she plugs back in her earbuds while saying "If I'm lucky, I'll get to head home by 11…"

Since it was only 5 right now, you still had a long way to go before your day was finished. And despite how tantalizing this concept was for you at the start, you would soon learn that not every fantasy is as pleasant in real life…


Kayleigh now had restarted her music playlist, wanting to listen to the Chrono Trigger soundtrack. You see, when it first came out she was 17 and was considered to be a 'nerd' back then. Due to that, she highly enjoyed video games, as Chrono Trigger became a favorite of hers. Though in a year or two, she lost interest in that stuff which still carried over to today, though that game remained in a special place in her heart. And whenever she needed to focus, she'd listen to that soundtrack and feel those waves of nostalgia.

The important part for you was that Kayleigh would be even more focused, so her feet would abuse you even worse from here on out. She begins by aggressively shaking her foot, freeing you but also launching you onto the floor. After that, she starts to tap her feet under the desk chaotically to find you, causing you to crawl back in fear.

As you tried to hide under a pillow, the vibrations and sounds from Kayleigh's feet deafened you. From your current viewing angle, it seemed like two beasts were hunting for their prey, which only made you want to hide even more. But right after that, her left foot crashes on top of the pillow, immobilizing you as she sighs and says "I need to keep better track of my dummy after I shrink it…"

Then, she grinds that foot back and forth, scratching her long sole, smothering your body while inching her right foot toward you. To your relief, she decides to rest it next to you, reminding you of its scent while also giving you a break. For the next 20 minutes, you watch silently as Kayleigh wiggled and flexed her toes, unintentionally giving you a stimulating show. You didn't want to move a muscle, fearing that the slightest action could spur her toes to attack you again. She would occasionally brush those toes against your still sticking out face, rubbing more sweat and grime onto you as you tried your best to endure, hoping to remain under her radar.

But after those 20 minutes, she slides her foot over just enough to rest her toes over the back of your head, filling you with a surge of terror. And with your nose pressed firmly against her dirty and slightly sticky flesh, you realized just how dangerous Kayleigh's job was for you. Then, you hear her giggle to herself and say "Oh, there you are…"

Seems like she found you, as she dragged you out from under the pillow, before pinning you under her sole. After that, she grinds her foot into you while saying "Were you hiding from me…? I can't believe that you're scared of my big feet… I thought you'd be used to them by now… Must I remind you who owns you?" Yep, Kayleigh had definitely forgotten that she had you take the place of her CPR dummy.

She then looks down at you, giving you a view of her gigantic face with her big thin-rimmed glasses. Kayleigh looked so incredibly cute to you, and you could even see hints of tiredness in her eyes, but that was a strange thought since she spent so much time terrorizing you with her feet. And if she weren’t pinning you down, you would have waved up to you, but you had a feeling that she still wouldn’t make the connection. After that, she sighs and says "I'd better shrink you again… Can't have you running off while I've still got work to do…"

Even though you felt like it would be pointless, you still cry out "Wait!! I'm your employee! I'm not the dummy!!" Since she was still wearing her earbuds, your words failed to reach her as she moved her foot off of you before you started to shrink again. By the time you stopped, even her heel seemed to be taller than you now.

Your suspicions were confirmed as she giggles to herself cheerfully while saying "You should be far more manageable at 3 inches… Now to get back to work." At this point, she probably wouldn't hear you even if she removed her earbuds, so you just run away instead.

That didn't help much because Kayleigh quickly lowered her foot and scooped you up with her toes, capturing you with ease. After that, she squeezes them, forcing you into the smelly wedge between the ball of her foot and her toes. It was pretty crazy that you fit so snugly here, and her toes kept you pinned far too harshly for you to move a muscle. And your face was even buried in the warm and sticky space under her pinky toe, preventing you from seeing a thing and filtering all of your senses through the potent odor.

By this point in the evening, Kayleigh started to read over some of the previously held depositions to prepare for the witnesses at trial. As she read, she took notes for potential questions to ask and topics to visit, leaving you completely at the mercy of her energetic toes. No matter what you tried, the only thing they did with you was clench and unclench. The thing was that she repeated that two step process a lot, to the point where you lost track of both the time and how many times Kayleigh squeezed you.

Through all the repetitive squishing, you were left to your own thoughts as Kayleigh silently read and scribbled down her notes. Her toes were a lot stickier by now, though a lot of the sweat from earlier seemed to have dried up, although that didn't help you all that much. The deeper wrinkles still carried a bit of moisture, which ordinarily would not be noticeable, but were right next to you so you couldn't ignore them. Occasionally, she'd squeeze you hard enough to make you cough, but that only forced you to taste her salty and potent skin once again.

This continual squeezing session lasted almost an hour, until Kayleigh yawned to herself and stretched her legs while still in her chair. During the beginning of her stretch, she separated her toes, allowing you to see the dusty underside of her desk again. But as she finished the stretch, she scrunched her toes vigorously, brutally crushing you, before removing her glasses and rubbing her face. Then, she yawns again and says "I think I've earned a soda break…"

Following that statement, Kayleigh lazily reaches for her socks to put them on, inspiring you to yell out "Please don't forget me!! I thought you wanted my help??" You were far too small to be heard, but you knew that. And you were far too weak to escape from her insanely long toes as well, leaving you trapped while she tugged the knee high sock back on.

After that, she stands up, bearing her full weight onto you. Kayleigh was already a super tall woman, so she probably weighed a decent amount too, but she was just so well toned that a lot of her weight was probably muscle. Despite her telling you that you would be more durable at this size, nothing could mentally prepare you to be crushed by a 6'3" giant while you were only 3" tall.

And before she could notice you underfoot, she accidentally brushed against the shrinking ring, unintentionally dwindling you down to half an inch in height. Due to your sudden decrease in size, you roll between her 4th toe and pinky toe, before getting stuck there. At this size, her pinky toe was even bigger than you, which was a horrifying thought. If one of the smallest parts of her body could dwarf you, how would the rest of her look to you?

Now that Kayleigh was ready, she briefly looks toward her leather boots before shrugging and saying "I'll be the only one in the office now… I'll just go to the break room like this…"

With that decision made, Kayleigh begins the short walk from her office to the break room in her socks, stomping on you with every step without the slightest bit of awareness…


End Notes:

Hey everyone!

Hope you enjoyed the 2nd chapter. 

I also made a survey about the story. If you've enjoyed the story at all, please fill it out. It's all mostly multiple choice questions, so it won't take more than a minute or 2. Thanks!

Take care!


Chapter 3 by Sheograth
Author's Notes:

TAGS: Unaware, Multiple Women (Kayleigh & Taylor), In-sock, Between toes, Hand-held, Footstool (height from 6 in to 2 ft), Barefoot

Kayleigh began walking across the hallway, pounding you into her thick and warm toe flesh repeatedly. The noise from the footfalls nearly destroyed your ears, as you felt like you were being hit by multiple explosions. Once she reaches the kitchen, she walks around a bit, thinking of what to drink. She eventually decides to make herself a cup of coffee, using the machine before sitting down to wait.

As she waited, she grabbed a nearby magazine and started to flip through it, idly scrunching her toes in the process. You were continually getting smashed against the sticky walls of flesh, as her toes treated you little more than a piece of junk to be toyed with. No matter what you tried, you just couldn't escape, and the warm sock caused everything to quickly heat up.

Before long, Kayleigh's foot started to sweat a bit, which while not very noticeable to her was highly impactful to you. You were constantly getting hit by globs of sweat, as the sticky liquid ran over you before getting absorbed by the sock. And due to your currently pathetic size, Kayleigh would never notice you in her sock now, which was a scary thought. You gave her total control of your size, so you'd never return to normal if she never realized that you were not her normal CPR dummy. And given how quickly she forgot about you, your whole weekend could be taken by her at this rate.

Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a loud chime, after which Kayleigh energetically hops off of her chair, flattening the air from your lungs. Then, she walks over and collects her coffee, before taking a sip and sighing, before saying "That hits the spot…"

With her coffee now in hand, she returns to her office, leaving you just as crammed under her toes as before…


By now, you were drifting in and out of consciousness, since you've been acting as Kayleigh's foot stool for over 12 hours now, without any breaks. At one point you think you fall asleep but you can't even be sure, due to how difficult it was to remain oriented while she vigorously used you as her toe toy.

You sleep for around an hour, while Kayleigh continues to abuse you with her toes while drinking her coffee, before she happily sighs and says "Finally… All done!"

Her exclamation woke you back up, where your first awake experience was getting squeezed by her toes, though you stopped bothering to keep track hours ago. Then, she giggles and says "Seems like my dummy knew where to go… I love how you feel between my toes. Time to take you home…"

Despite just how difficult today was, you were glad that Kayleigh was at least taking you home with her, since that might still give you a chance to get rediscovered. Despite how cruel she seemed to be with you, anything was better than getting left at the office alone for the weekend at this size. She then shuffles back on her boots before zipping them tight, keeping you snugly attached to her pinky toe.

After that, she leaves the office and goes to drive home, pounding you into submission the whole way to her car. Each time her foot made contact with the concrete, you felt a little more of your body plaster to her pinky toe, as her weight and the force of gravity took its toll on your small frame. Right before she makes it to her car, she notices a large puddle in her way, causing her to grin and say "I should be able to jump it…"

This was really bad, as you struggle to say "Please… no jumping…" Of course there was no way for your words to reach Kayleigh by now, leaving you to only shut your eyes as she leaps into the air. And when she lands, the impact of her already tall and fit body crushed you without mercy, knocking you unconscious in a single blow.

You wouldn't wake back up until Kayleigh returned to her fancy apartment, and a spontaneous decision on her part to invite a friend over would ensure that you wouldn't get a break anytime soon…

When you slowly wake back up, you hear Kayleigh talking on the phone, saying "Yeah I'm glad you can stop by on such short notice, Taylor… I'll open a nice bottle of wine for us."

It sounds like Kayleigh was planning on staying up late this Friday, so you wouldn't be sleeping either, but then everything shakes as she reaches down to pluck off her socks. Following that, she frees you and grows you to 3 inches, before squeezing you in her palm while saying "You'll need a quick clean off if I'll be sharing you with Taylor..."

Her grip was far too tight for you to even squirm, and when she opens her palm back up, she turns on the faucet at the same time. Since this was your chance you yell out "Kay--" Unsurprisingly, you were cut off again as she plunges you under the warm water, rubbing your body roughly to get all the dirt and sweat off you. Since she still thought you were not a human being, her cleaning of you was most unkind, though you were thankful that she at least used warm water on you.

Once she was finished, she harshly wrings you out, threatening to twist your body into many pieces, before throwing you onto a towel. Before you could react, she uses it to completely dry you off. When she was finally done with all of that, she shoves you into her pocket and grabs a bottle of wine, just in time for Taylor to walk through the door.

You don't know this, but the new woman is Taylor Park, a 37 year old Asian woman who had been neighbors with Kayleigh for years. She is 5'10", has a light tan, black eyes and black hair (which flows straight down to her back), and has size 9.5 feet. Tonight, she is wearing a Beatles T-shirt and a pair of black short shorts, along with a pair of flower designed leather flip flops.

Once she enters, she waves and says "Hey there Kayleigh! You were working really late…"

Kayleigh smiles, before sighing and saying "I have a trial next week, so I needed to…"

After that, they move over to the kitchen table, before Taylor smirks and says "You must have been working your poor stress dummy hard tonight…"

Kayleigh playfully sticks her tongue out at her friend, before saying "My dummy loves my feet!"

Both girls paused, before loudly laughing while you admitted to yourself that Kayleigh was correct about you, even if she forgot that you were currently her dummy. You already found your boss to be highly attractive, so getting shrunk progressively smaller by her to be used as her foot toy was amazing, but the way she treated you once she forgot about you still terrified you.

But then, Taylor raises an eyebrow and leans in, before saying "You did bring it home though, right? I'm kinda in the mood to step on something…"

Kayleigh snickers to herself and says "Oh, you hypocrite!" But then she slyly grins and adds, saying "But it's here and prepped for heavy usage…"

She then pulls you out of her pocket, presenting you in front of Taylor while growing you up to 6 inches, as you froze in fear of not wanting to be discovered by this stranger. It didn't help that it was still so scary to be this small around people, especially when they viewed you as an object. Once she lays eyes onto you, she begins to roughly poke your face, while saying "It looks so real…"

By the time you mustered up the courage to say something, Taylor pokes your mouth with her pinky, silencing you. Because Kayleigh held you tight, you couldn't do a thing while Taylor forced her pinky into your mouth. As she does this, she scratches her chin with her free hand and says "Even the mouth feels real…"

After that, she shoves her finger down your throat, roughly feeling around and unintentionally gagging you. As she satisfied her curiosity, she hums and says "It even feels wet like it should…"

When Kayleigh hears this, she raises an eyebrow and says "I think I noticed that before as well… Let me try!" Taylor then removes her pinky, before wrapping her fingers around you and displaying you before a highly curious Kayleigh.

Before you could even cough, Kayleigh jams her finger deeply down your throat, while Taylor excitedly squeezes your body. While doing this, Kayleigh giggles and says "This is really cool! I need to give that company a glowing review for this realistic little guy…" She continues to move her finger about, as if fishing around your insides, while Taylor prevented you from moving an inch.

She then withdraws her finger as Taylor squeezes your head at the same time, keeping you silent as she says "I'm glad you let me use your stress dummy too. You've gotta let me stuff him in my shoe one of these days! How does it feel when you do it, Kayleigh?"

Kayleigh takes you back, before aggressively squeezing you in her palms, while closing her eyes and saying "It feels divine, Taylor! Just the sensation of having something that feels that human-like under your foot gives you a rush of power. It's also highly therapeutic to squeeze it without a care in the world."

Taylor smirks in response and says "But aren't you a hot shot lawyer? You've gotta have a lot of power…"

Kayleigh shakes her head in response starts to violently shake you, while saying "No way! I'd never mistreat my employees." She then winks at her friend, before tossing you high into the air, causing you to shriek in terror. But then she catches you by your left leg, before poking at your chest and saying "Why should I be mean to my employees when I've got the best little guy to vent all my frustrations with?"

Normally you'd consider that a healthy way of dealing with frustration, but you were currently the dummy, and you were not looking forward to Kayleigh's angry side. And while Taylor seemed likeable on the outside, she also seemed far too eager to abuse you, and you were still struggling to reveal yourself to either of them.

After all of this, you finally realize that your silence might have caused far more problems for you, as a little embarrassment might be preferable to the horrors these mature women seemed poised to inflict onto you. Before you could make one final attempt at discovery, Kayleigh drops you under the table, giving you a clear view of her and Taylor's feet. 

Taylor still had her flip flops on, but that didn't last as she swiftly kicks them off to the side, while excitedly cracking her toes. Her feet looked more like animals ready to maul you, especially with how much she was flexing and wriggling her toes with such ferocity. And on the other side, you see Kayleigh stretch her toes, revealing to you all of the bits of sock fluff and dirt that got caught between them as she splayed them out before you. They were moving far slower and calmer, as if they knew that they currently owned you and you had to bow to their will.

Before anything happened though, Taylor sighs and says "He's way too small to share now…" To further her point, clamps her 2nd and 3rd toes down on your head, happily dominating you while saying "While this does feel great, I'd feel like I'd need to compete with his owner…" She uses her other big toe to rub up and down your body, keeping you totally under her control.

Kayleigh laughs in response, before sandwiching your body between the balls of her feet, squashing you while saying "We both know that he prefers my feet, since he's my dummy." You weren't a picky person, so you liked both Kayleigh's and Taylor's feet, but you held much more admiration for Kayleigh, so she was right in the end. Despite that observation, them aggressively mauling you with their feet was getting a bit old to you. You still liked it, but you would have liked it more if you were given breaks or were even remembered as a human.

Your thoughts were interrupted when both women release you from their grasp, before Kayleigh adds, saying "You make a good point about his size though. Let's start off at 2 feet. That should give us both plenty of room. And if we wanna shrink him later, we still can."

Taylor cheers to herself after that, while saying "Yay!! I can't wait to stomp the life outta the little guy…" That was a horrifying statement to you, but then she shows a shred of mercy when she asks "How much can he take?" You are glad that Taylor finally took you into consideration, but that was more than likely because she considered you valuable to her friend as an expensive object.

Kayleigh smirks in response and says "I was promised that this model can take everything you can throw at him, plus a whole lot more. So don't hold back Taylor! Beat him down just as hard as your day did to you…"

Her answer was horrifying to you, since your last hopes were dashed, but Taylor interrupts your thoughts when she happily sighs and says "I like the way you think!" She then kicks you, knocking you on your stomach, before looking down at you and saying "You'd better prepare yourself dummy! I'm gonna give you as bad a night as the day I had today…" If you weren't so scared of Taylor already, you might actually feel bad, since it sounded like her day sucked. But you had no time for pity when these women planned to brutalize you with their feet, and seemed to revel in the misfortune of what they believe is a lifeless dummy at the same time.

With their conversation over, Kayleigh then adjusts your size, reminding you that she held full control over you, though your increased size gave you hope. But before you could make a sound, Taylor's tan feet charge into you, tackling you into the ground. And while her soft toes started to scrunch into your bare chest, since you were still missing most of your shirt buttons thanks to Adriana, Kayleigh palms your head with her left foot, smothering it against her highly long toes.

This was not how you expected your Friday night to go, but if you've learned anything so far, you would not get a break any time soon. You can only hope that their feet will treat you gently, but you also know that was almost impossible...


End Notes:

Hey everyone!

We're now 3 chapters in, and I'm really happy that you guys seem to be into this story. 

I also made a survey about the story. If you've enjoyed the story at all, please fill it out. It's all mostly multiple choice questions, so it won't take more than a minute or 2. Thanks!

Take care!

Chapter 4 by Sheograth
Author's Notes:

TAGS: Unaware, Multiple Women (Kayleigh & Taylor), Footstool (height from 2 ft to 6 in), Being treated as a body pillow (at 2 ft), then just plot stuff


Both women began to have a lively chat over wine while their feet went to attack you without mercy. At first, Taylor kept her feet on your chest and Kayleigh kept your head gripped by her toes, leaving you in a state of relative peace as their conversation started.

Kayleigh speaks first, saying “So, wanna tell me about your bad day, Taylor?”

Taylor takes a sip of her wine, before sliding her feet up toward your neck, before saying “Lemme start from the beginning! First, some jerk cuts me off on my way to work. I was driving perfectly fine, and at the speed limit I might add, but he just was in a rush and nearly ran me off the road in the process!” After explaining all of that, she grumbles and starts to press her toes onto your chin.

When Kayleigh hears that, she sighs and says “That is a bad start to the day…” She then ruffles your hair with her toes, treating you far more gently than you imagined, but you were sure that this kindness would not last.

After that, Taylor takes a larger sip from her cup, before saying “And when I went to park, another person just slides in and steals my spot. And when I politely said that I was going to park there, he just shrugged and hurried into the building. Can you believe that??” As she complains about that, she slides her feet up toward your lips, pressing her toes onto them in the process.

Kayleigh nods in response and says “That sounds like a terrible morning…” After saying that, she rests her left foot on top of your face, where her toes remained on top of your nose, ensuring that you’d have to breathe through them for the time being.

Then, Taylor sighs and says “And it kept on getting worse from there. I had to deal with rude clients all day, but I was already in a bad mood, so it didn’t help…” And once she said that, she burrowed her left foot into your mouth, playing with your tongue with her toes. At the same time, Taylor slides her right foot down your body, slowly bringing it closer to your torso, before resting her foot right on your crotch lightly. You would make a nervous sound right now if you could, but her left foot was doing a good job of keeping your quiet, as her toes were still wrestling with your tongue.

At the same, Kayleigh moves her feet again, this time resting them on your shoulders while saying “I’m sorry you had such a bad day! I think I know how I can help you out…”

In response to that statement, Taylor raises her eyebrow and says “What’d you have in mind…?” While she says this, she begins to stroke your crotch with her toes, giving you a highly awkward erection. But since you were wearing a tight pair of dress pants, your erection was able to remain hidden, though your embarrassment was still heavy right now. And because Kayleigh kept you pinned to the ground by your shoulders, you couldn’t even react as Taylor unknowingly pleasured you. It wasn’t great though, since she used her toes to stroke you lazily and haphazardly, never doing enough to actually satisfy you. Even though you weren’t a fan of that, you’d really like to not ruin your nice pants, so you count your blessings.

Kayleigh finally answers the question, saying “I can let you borrow my dummy tomorrow. Since you wanted to so bad, you can have him at half an inch. Just make sure you don’t lose him!”

When you hear that, you start to worry again, since you didn’t want to just be passed off to a random friend of your boss without either of them thinking that you were human. But this only inspired you to get discovered by Kayleigh even more, though for now you’d have to endure until you had a better opportunity.

Taylor’s eyes widen upon hearing that offer, as she says “Really?? You’re the best! I’ll make sure not to lose the little guy…” As she says this, she pulls her left foot out of your mouth and her right foot away from your crotch, before grinding her left foot onto your leg to dry it off. After that, she plants both feet onto your face, obscuring your vision as her somewhat smaller feet reminded you how they smelled and felt.

But then, Taylor suddenly yawns, before saying “I’m getting pretty tired… I think I’ll head out, Kayleigh. Thanks for inviting me over!”

Kayleigh smiles and says “Thanks for stopping by! I’ll call you tomorrow so you can pick him up, okay?”

Taylor nods and says “Sure thing! Good night…” Then, she looks down at you and bites her lip and says “And I’ll see you tomorrow… I’ll make you realize that I’d be a way better owner.” She then roughly squeezes your cheeks, while giggling and saying “I’ll make sure you fully get to know my feet…”

Kayleigh quietly laughs in response and says “You can try if you’d like, but you’ll have a hard time changing his mind…” To drive her point home, she shrinks you down to 6 inches again, causing you to slip away from Taylor before Kayleigh captures you with her own feet. She then starts to crush you with them aggressively, threatening to mash you into a ball, as you tried your best to react to this sudden size change.

Taylor then slips on her flip flops, before groaning and saying “No fair… You can’t shrink him without warning me…” To be fair, you’d like to be warned of this stuff too, but you had a reasonable suspicion that she wasn’t concerned with your well being right now.

But after that, Taylor leaves, as Kayleigh bends over to pick you up, intending to wash you before heading to bed herself...

Since you were small enough to fit in Kayleigh’s hand again, you decide to remain still as she started to wash you down. This was mostly due to how tired you were, both physically and mentally, since you hadn’t had a proper break since early this morning. As she scrubs down your torso, she smiles and says “We really did a number on you, huh? But that is your job I guess… I hope you won’t miss me too much when I lend you off to Taylor tomorrow.”

Despite how attractive Taylor was, and she looked pretty attractive to you, you weren’t exactly thrilled about tomorrow’s arrangements. A part of you was still excited for sure, since Taylor was bound to treat you ruthlessly, but this still felt like too much at one time. Your thoughts were interrupted once Kayleigh started to dry you off, while saying “Once I get my shower we’ll head to bed… Just sit tight for a little bit longer...”

That was a strange thing to say, since you never expected that Kayleigh slept with her stress dummy. But as you were placed on her bed, she walks into the bathroom to shower, while you quickly fall asleep. You would have done something to alert Kayleigh of your humanity, but you were too exhausted to even try, so you slept until she returned to the bedroom, wearing a light purple set of silk pajamas.

Kayleigh looked super attractive right now, and the prospect of you being in the same bed as her was insane. This was still making you feel guilty, so you try and say “Umm… Kayl--” But almost like clockwork, you get cut off when she picks you up and brings you under the covers with her. After that, she grows you to about 2’, before positioning your head under her boobs and your legs between hers. Really, she was treating you as an extra pillow, as she yawns and says “Good night…”

Since you still wanted to try everything you could, you say “I’m not a dummy… Don’t fall asleep yet!” It wasn’t easy for you to speak clearly or loudly, since your face was currently buried in her boobs, but you at least tried.

Soon, you heard her snoring, as she stirred and hugged you closer to her, treating you as her own personal body pillow. And with your face pressed into her abs and your legs locked by hers, you ponder about your stroke of good luck. Before long though, you hear Kayleigh murmur in her sleep, before turning over on her stomach, smothering you in the process. By this point you couldn’t move at all, as she happily used you as a body pillow, not that you minded. It was a bit uncomfortable, since she was already a tall woman, and your decreased size just made it all the more intense.

It wasn’t painful though, just immobilizing, so you decide to just go to sleep. Through all of the chaos and suffering Kayleigh unintentionally put onto you, this might have made it all worth it.

You quickly fall asleep too, as you both sleep until morning…


Kayleigh gets up first and yawns, before tossing you aside and checking her phone, as you were still passed out. But when she checks her phone, she sees a text message from the office receptionist. In the message, she asks about you, specifically if you got home okay, since she never saw you leave the building before she did, and you usually left before her. She was aware that you were doing an assignment for Kayleigh and might have been working late, so she wanted to check that you were okay.

Kayleigh starts to scratch her hair, fairly confused by the text message, before glancing over at her dummy. But as she stares at you, her eyes widen as she suddenly remembers her request of you, so she covers her mouth as she screams to herself, still not waking you up due to how tired you were.

When Kayleigh realizes what she did to you, she carefully tucks you into her bed before getting dressed, preparing a hearty breakfast as a sort of apology for last night. She continued to wear her silk pajama set along with a pair of fluffy brown moccasins, without socks. You wind up sleeping for another hour, before she gently nudges you awake, before saying “I… umm…. uhh… Are you okay…?”

You blink a few times, before waving your arms frantically and yelling “Wait!! I’m not the dummy!! It’s me!!”

She calms you down and says “I know! Or well, now I know… I got a text that reminded me…”

You take a deep breath, glad that things were improving at least, as she says “I’m so, so, sorry for what I did to you… I put you through hell last night… If you want to quit, I won’t mind. I’ve got a few friends who I could convince to hire you instead…”

You take another deep breath, before shaking your head and saying “No it’s okay! It was an overall fun experience… Well, it was pretty terrifying, but in a good way? Either way, I’m not upset!”

Kayleigh then sighs deeply, before saying “Oh thank god… I’m so happy you’re okay and I’m so sorry for forgetting about you last night…” Then she smiles and says “I made breakfast if you’re hungry…”

You definitely were, so you say “That would be awesome… Thanks…”

Kayleigh then grew you back to normal, and allowed you to eat your fill, since you hadn’t eaten since breakfast yesterday. But right when you finished, she gets a text message from Taylor, causing her eyes to widen.

When you see her reaction, you ask “What’s wrong…?”

She sighs and says “It’s Taylor… In all my stupid excitement last night, I said I’d lend you to her, still not thinking that you were, well… you. Let me call it off…”

However, in a spark of bravery, you say “Wait a second, don’t call it off yet. I think I can handle it!”

Kayleigh’s eyes widen as she says “Are you crazy?? You remember how she was with you last night! She’d put you through an even worse hell than I did…”

You shake your head and say “I’ll manage! And besides, you already promised her, and I don’t want you to look bad because of me…”

Kayleigh sighs to herself when she hears that, as she says “I don’t care how I appear because of this… I offered to lend you to her because I thought that you were a lifeless dummy. I can’t in good faith keep it at this point.” But then she taps her chin and says “Though… maybe we could make it work…”

It sounds like she had an idea, so you ask “What did you have in mind?”

Kayleigh taps her chin and says “Well, how would you feel if Taylor knew about you being a person? Would it be uncomfortable?”

You think to yourself, before nodding and saying “Yeah, I think it would… That’s why I stayed quiet at first too.”

Kayleigh takes a sip of her coffee, before saying “Well I don’t blame you… But I’d rather her know if I let her make use of you. Even if I sternly warn her to be extra careful with you, she could still disregard what I say and do something extreme. You remember how eager she was last night… She’s always like that when I lend her my dummies. I’ve even lost one or two from how far she pushes them…”

Your eyes widen when you hear all that, as you say “Maybe you have a point…”

She proceeds to giggle and say “Well, in her defense, I usually lend her my cheaper models, since she treats them with so little care anyway. I don’t mind losing one or two of the cheapo ones if it makes her day better…”

When you hear that, you say “You really are a kind person, Kayleigh…”

She quietly blushes, but quickly hides it, before saying “If I was kinder, I would have remembered you far sooner. But I can always lend her another cheap dummy I have lying around…”

After that, you ask “Then what would you have me do?”

Kayleigh playfully smirks in response before saying “Well, if you aren’t too busy, you could spend the day with me. I actually need to do some more work today, so I would welcome you back as my dummy! I’ll try harder to not forget you too…”

She tried to make her last statement sound playful, but you could tell that it was hiding how shameful she felt about her treatment of you, so you say “That sounds like a tempting offer, Kayleigh! I’d have no qualms with helping you out some more.” But then you pause and add, saying “Though a part of me wants you to let Taylor have me, since I’d surely do a better job for her than one of your cheaper dummies.”

Kayleigh sighs again, before saying “I still don’t think that’s a wise idea, but you do have a point. If I do some adjusting, I can make it so you would be durable no matter what size you are. I wouldn’t feel at ease otherwise. I’ll also order you some more clothes, regardless of what you decide, since the night wasn’t kind to you in that regard…”

You then look down at your shirt, before sighing once you see just how mangled it was. But before you could do anything, Kayleigh shrinks you to 1 ft, before picking you up and saying “I really would like you to stay with me today… I’d feel so lonely…” She rubs your cheek, while staring at you sensually.

That was highly tempting, as you nervously say “Are you seducing me…?”

She slyly smiles and says “Perhaps… I don’t mind it since I still think going with Taylor would be far too dangerous for you.” But then she scratches her chin and says “And for the record, no matter what you choose, you’ll still get paid. As long as you wear that necklace, consider your pay tripled. It’s the least I can do…”

With that statement, you exhale deeply, before saying "Okay Kayleigh, you win. I'll stick with you today…"

Kayleigh then sighs loudly while saying "Oh, perfect… I was getting stressed about having to give you off to someone like an object. It's bad enough I tormented you all day yesterday."

After that, she calls Taylor and cancels their previous arrangement, making an excuse that the dummy needed to be replaced due to a sudden recall. Taylor seemed to be disappointed, but understood, though Kayleigh tries to make her feel better by saying "Maybe it'll be ready by next week! I'll make sure you'll get your turn soon…"

With that settled, Kayleigh prepares to inform you of what you would be doing next…

Going with Taylor probably sounded enticing though, right? Well, even if that might not be how the story will go, there's nothing stopping that from occuring in a later bonus chapter...


End Notes:

Hey everyone!

With this chapter, Kayleigh is now aware of the main character again, so that's good news for him. But now he gets to spend the day with his boss, where more crazy stuff were bound to happen. I'm aware that this chapter ended with a lot more plot development without much action, so I hope that the rest of the chapter was enough to tide you over.

And as I said at the end of the chapter, I'll whip up a nice bonus after the story is over about how things would go if the main character went with Taylor instead.

I also made a survey about the story. If you've enjoyed the story at all, please fill it out. It's all mostly multiple choice questions, so it won't take more than a minute or 2. Thanks!

Take care!

Chapter 5 by Sheograth
Author's Notes:

TAGS: Aware Foot Massaging & Footstool (from 3ft all the way to 1/2 in), shifts to Unaware between toes stuff, Just Kayleigh


Now, Kayleigh informs you of what she has planned, saying "I need to organize a list of what needs to be printed for each witness at trial. Would you be up to helping me focus again?"

You definitely wanted to be helpful, and a part of you also wanted to appear tough, so you say "That works for me. I'm ready to work this weekend!"

Kayleigh smiles in response and says "You really are too kind to me! But I seriously do appreciate it. And to remind you, you're already on the clock, even if you do take breaks. By that I mean you can take as many breaks as you'd like and still have that time count. I'll make sure your hours are recorded in your favor…"

Following that, she leads you into her home office, before shrinking you to 3 feet and helping you under the desk. After that, she throws you a large and fluffy pillow, before saying "The carpet is soft, but this should help even more…"

You're glad you have something to support you, as Kayleigh sits down, giving you a clear view of her brown and fluffy moccasins. They looked pretty large, but you couldn't admire them for long when she suddenly slips out of them, revealing her bare feet. And since she still felt bad about before, she starts slow, carefully pushing you down onto the pillow.

For the first 30 minutes, Kayleigh just uses you as a foot rest, keeping her huge feet on top of you. Since you were small already, her heels rested on your chest while her toes stayed over your nose. The smell was incredibly potent, especially because she spent the morning wearing the moccasins without socks on. She does her best to not harass you, only occasionally wriggling and scrunching her toes onto your face. Really, you were impressed by her self restraint right now, but you were also glad that things weren't crazy from the start this time.

But then, she moves her feet slightly so your vision was no longer blocked, before looking down at you and saying "Before I forget, you are assigned for this trial. Can you make sure we have enough supplies on Monday? You'll be doing more normal stuff, so don't worry!"

You nod and say "We should be good, but I'll check."

Kayleigh nods, before smirking and saying "Maybe I could sneak you into my high heel during one of the court days… I'd feel much more motivated…"

You blush nervously and say "If you need me to, I can…"

She then starts to quietly giggle, before saying "I was joking! Mostly…" Kayleigh then blushes too and adds, saying "I don't want you to feel pressured, but I would truly appreciate it if you did that."

After that, the both of you remained silent for a few minutes, as Kayleigh finished her list for one of the witnesses while feeling pretty awkward for making that request of you. But once she was done with that, she props you up, surprising you as she says "Would you mind massaging my feet? I still feel bad, so I'd rather not use you as my stress dummy replacement right now." She pauses for a moment, before adding "But only if you don't mind!"

It felt amazing to be treated with dignity again after getting used like an object all of yesterday and last night. And because of that, you had no objections as you say "I'd be glad to! Thanks for thinking of me…"

Kayleigh smiles in response and says "Thank you for being so cooperative! Now let me get everything set up…"

Following that, Kayleigh shrinks you to 1 foot tall, as she felt like you'd do a more thorough job if you could more accurately work on her feet. You had no issue with the size change, so you quickly get to rubbing her long and smooth soles…

Since you were only an inch or two taller than Kayleigh's feet right now, you had little trouble noticing all of the wrinkles that formed along them. In addition to that, your tiny hands could more accurately massage away her stress, causing her to occasionally sigh with satisfaction. You also notice that her feet were a bit sweaty, mainly from wearing those moccasins sockless, so you say "Can I have some paper towels, Kayleigh?"

Kayleigh stretches and grabs a nearby roll, before placing it next to you while saying "Here you go! What do you need them for?"

You respond, saying "Your feet were just a bit sweaty, so I thought I'd wipe them off for you."

Her eyes widen when she hears that, as she says "Oh my gosh! I didn't even notice… I'm sorry for not making sure that they were clean first…"

You just smile and say "It's okay! I don't mind helping…"

After that, you grab a sheet of paper towel and start wiping it across her left foot, making sure that it dried it off and removed whatever sweat that remained. While you finished there, Kayleigh playfully rubbed your head with her right foot, ruffling your hair while saying "You really go the extra mile… At this rate, I might start asking you to come over regularly." She then pauses for a moment, before adding "As long as it doesn't inconvenience you…"

A part of you was amazed that Kayleigh could act this demure with you, given how confident she usually was at work. She was always kind with everyone at work, but she was never this nervous, but that might have more to do with her guilt for what she already put you through.

But you decide to give a clear answer, saying "If you need me, then I'm there!"

Kayleigh then giggles and says "Then I'll hold you to it!"

With that enjoyable exchange behind you, you finish wiping off and massaging Kayleigh's feet, until all you had left were her toes…

Before you manage to start, Kayleigh chooses to shrink you, this time bringing you down 6 inches, causing you to fearfully back away, as you yell out "Hey! You didn't forget about me, did you??"

She then looks down to you and warmly smiles, before saying "I can't hear you very clearly, but I didn't forget you. I just thought it might be more fun for you if you were smaller. If you need me to reverse this, just give me a thumbs down!"

Your only concern was with being forgotten, so you had no issues with this. Because of that, you decide to climb up Kayleigh's sole to start on her toes. But your actions cause her to giggle, before she unintentionally shakes her foot, causing you to fall back down.

When she notices that, Kayleigh covers her mouth to stop the giggles, before saying "Sorry! I guess I'm more ticklish than I thought…" But then she smiles and says "And let me help you, so you won't need to climb around…"

Then, she lowers her feet so her toes would remain level with you, allowing you to more easily service them. You make sure to massage everywhere, from the slightly rougher toe pads to the somewhat smellier and stickier spaces.

As you do this, Kayleigh happily sighs and says "That feels marvelous. This feels better than what I'd get from a professional… I guess the smaller size really helps."

After a few minutes, you finished with the toes of her left foot, before walking over to her right foot to finish the job. But when you get there, Kayleigh says "This will sound totally crazy, but hear me out. Why don't I shrink you down to 1 inch next? We can always reverse it if it's too much. But if you'd rather I not, shake your head, okay?"

She then looks down at you, as you remain still, since you were curious too. When she notices that, she smiles and says "Perfect! Take a deep breath okay, and sit down if you feel light-headed."

You appreciate how much care she put into your size changing this time, since getting shrunk repeatedly last night without warning or breaks really took a mental toll on you. But soon Kayleigh shrunk you down to 1 inch, where you felt perfectly fine, though your surroundings were still a bit scary at this scale. Before you could do anything though, she moves her right foot forward, picking you up between her big toe and 2nd toe. After doing this, she says "I hope I didn't scare you… I was just trying to save you some time."

That definitely did help, since you were now in a perfect spot to start working on her toes, beginning with the side of her big toe. So you dig your hands into the mound of slightly sticky flesh, trying your best to massage her toes up close. You soon realize that her toes were also highly ticklish, as she unintentionally squashes you between them while laughing, before saying Oh no, are you okay?? That was an accident…"

You just brush yourself off and continue to work, causing Kayleigh to say "Please be careful… I don't know when you'll hit another sensitive spot!" It turned out that her toes contained many more ticklish areas, leaving you to be frequently squished between her toes like a grape. You found it to be an enjoyable sensation, and Kayleigh seemed impressed by your persistence and also amused by how puny you were at this size. At one point, she decides to shrink you down to ½ an inch, saying "We'd might as well see how small you can get before I stop feeling you work…" And even at a size where each of her toes were at least twice as large as you, Kayleigh could still feel you rub them down, though you were tickling her far less at this size, so she stopped accidentally impeding your progress.

But after about 20 minutes, you finish, just in time for Kayleigh to sigh and say "I'm done with my lists…" She then stretches her legs, clenching her toes in the process and absolutely smothering you as a result. When she realizes this, she unclenches her toes and says "Oh no… Sorry!"

Right after that though, her phone rings, as she quickly answers, making you realize that your current location just became a bit more dangerous…

First, Kayleigh smiles and says "Oh, hey Reshma! How are you?" As she says this, she begins wiggling her toes, rubbing you chaotically. You could tell that she just became far more interested in the conversation than her bug-sized helper.

You wouldn't hear this, but regardless, this Reshma replies back, saying "I'm doing good! Glad it's the weekend…"

Kayleigh laughs in response and says "You've got that right…" While she says that, she scrunches her toes, smothering you without a care. Then she adds, saying "I did some work this morning, but I got enough done to feel productive. Doing anything special today?"

On the other line, Reshma says "Well, I was thinking of going to the art museum. I they have a few really fascinating exhibit currently…"

Then, Kayleigh absentmindedly slips on her moccasins, sealing you inside for the time being. You could have guessed, but the inside of her shoe was incredibly intense, as the heat and odor smacked you in the face like a truck. But as she settled her foot inside, she started to scrunch her toes into the soft fluff, burying you in the sticky material also.

At the same time as all of that, Kayleigh smiles and says "That does sound interesting! I think I'll join you." Seems like Kayleigh was already making plans, as you only hope that she doesn't forget to remove you first, though remaining trapped in her shoe without her realizing it had it's merits too.

But Reshma nods and says "I like the sound of that plan. Why don't I stop by your place in like 20 minutes? We'll walk to the museum together!"

Kayleigh happily taps her foot, repeatedly pounding you while saying "Works for me! See you in a bit…"

Then, she ends the call, before running her hands through her hair while muttering "Time to get dressed. But why do I feel like I'm forgetting something…" You attempt to hit her toes, but your arms were practically glued to them due to the sweat. As you worried about getting forgotten again, Kayleigh glances at the shrinking ring, before exclaiming "Oh shoot!"

After that, Kayleigh frees you and grows you to 2 feet tall, allowing you to sit in front of her on her desk. And once she fully explains the situation to you, since you only heard half the story, she says "Now this might sound crazy, and it probably is, but would you be opposed to going with me in my shoe?"

When you hear that suggestion, you say "Well that sounds fun, but do you think it'd be too dangerous?"

Kayleigh taps her chin and says "It might, but maybe we should try it, just to see how it goes? You've told me before that you're not a fan of going to art museums…"

She had a point, but then you ask "Can you keep me a secret from your friend?"

Kayleigh sighs and says "I know you didn't have a great first meeting with Taylor, but Reshma is a great person. Funny too. I'm sure she wouldn't judge you for this. Besides, how many people do you know who are paid triple their normal salary to live out their fantasies?" She wasn't wrong, but then her face reddens slightly and adds, saying "And I think you're a pretty likeable guy too…"

When you hear that, you blush back and say "Oh… umm, thank you."

What followed was a slightly awkward pause, before Kayleigh's eyes widen as she says "Oh, I've gotta get dressed! You wait here, okay? I'll make sure to wear shoes that will be comfortable for you too…"

Following that, Kayleigh runs off to get dressed, leaving you to wait at her desk as you look forward to an experience in her shoe while she went out with a friend…

For the record, this is the full info for Reshma. She won't make her appearance until next time, but there's no harm in a preview!

Reshma Amin, a 5'5" Indian woman with jet black shoulder-length hair and black colored eyes, is 39 years old and an attorney Kayleigh befriended back in law school.


End Notes:

Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Depending on how the next chapter goes, we might see some early action for the new character Reshma.

I also made a survey about the story. If you've enjoyed the story at all, please fill it out. It's all mostly multiple choice questions, so it won't take more than a minute or 2. Thanks!

Take care!



Chapter 6 by Sheograth
Author's Notes:

TAGS: Aware In-flat (height of 1/2 inch) with Kayleigh, then Unaware In-skater shoe under socked foot with Reshma


After only a few minutes, Kayleigh returns fully dressed, wearing a light blue blouse shirt and a pair of black capri pants, along with dark blue flats. And once she approaches, you say “You look great, Kayleigh!”

She smiles in response and says “Oh, thank you…” After that, she clears her throat and says “Ready to get started? Just so you know, I’ll introduce you to Reshma later on, okay?”

You nod, understanding that she won’t back down about that, before she shrinks you down to ½ an inch. Then, once you seemed to adjust to the size change, she carefully picks you up and slips out of her left flat. And after that, she lowers you into it, before saying “Now I won’t be saying much to you, at least until we get back here, so don’t be alarmed.”

She waits for your response, so you nod, knowing that you’d be too small to hear. When she sees you do that, she smiles and says “Well, here I go! Hope you have a nice time…”

Now that she was done talking with you, she tilts the flat so you’d roll into the toe section, before carefully shuffling it back on. You watch from the depths of her flat, as the row of impossibly huge toes charged forward, forcing you to duck down as they crashed down around you. They soon settle in, as you slip between her 2nd and 3rd toes, until you felt relatively stuck. When she notices you, she quietly giggles and says “You feel odd, but not in a bad way. I’m leaving now…”

Following that statement, Kayleigh walks out of her apartment to meet up with Reshma, so they could go to the art museum together…

The women planned on meeting at a nearby street corner, so Kayleigh begins walking down the sidewalk, treading on you with each step. Due to your current location between her toes, you were shielded from getting pounded under her full weight, but the vibrations caused from her walking still reverberated through your body. Thankfully, it was fairly cool out, so Kayleigh's foot didn't sweat very much, allowing you to remain dry.

But because it was a bit cool today, you decide to crawl deeper between her toes, as they felt incredibly warm. That kept you comfortable, though the repeated squeezing that her toes did as her weight was forced onto them smothered you each time. After a few minutes, Kayleigh sees Reshma, so she hurries up to her.

When they meet, Kayleigh hugs her friend and says "It's great to see you!"

Reshma smiles and nods, before saying "Same here! I'm looking forward to the exhibits."

Kayleigh then replies, saying "I know… They should be interesting."

During their conversation, Kayleigh started to idly play with her flat, entertaining you in the process. First, she slips her foot out of it, giving you a taste of fresh air. While she did this, you got a brief look at Reshma, allowing you to at least see what she was wearing.

Currently, Reshma was wearing a shirt sleeve red and black plaid shirt with a gray sweater over it, along with black skinny jeans and a pair of gray skater sneakers. You couldn't see any socks in the gap between her sneakers and her jeans, making you think that she was wearing low ankle socks. From your angle you couldn't get a good look at her face, and you had no clue of how tall she was, though you assume that she was shorter than Kayleigh at least.

As a reminder for the audience, this is how she looks: Reshma Amin, a 5'5" Indian woman with jet black shoulder-length hair and black colored eyes, is 39 years old and has a shoe size of 7.

Anyway, now that they finished chatting, they begin the walk to the art museum, as Kayleigh quickly shuffles back on her flats. Due to how swiftly she did this, you wind up under the ball of her foot, leaving you to be smashed with every step she took. This was just another reminder of how effortlessly Kayleigh could take charge of you, though it was challenging to think clearly when you were flattened under what felt like buildings worth of squishy flesh every other second.

Kayleigh quickly notices your change in position, so she stops to stealthily adjust for you, tapping the tips of her toes into the pavement. Unfortunately, you were now embedded in the soft and sticky flesh, as she soon realizes that her efforts were not working. She kept on trying though, not wanting you to spend the outing that uncomfortable, but all she managed to do was shake you repeatedly.

As she was doing this, Reshma looks over and says "Are you okay? Something stuck in your shoe?"

Kayleigh's eyes widen as she stops, before laughing nervously and saying "What? No… I just had an itch is all. I'm okay!"

Reshma nods and says "Oh, okay… As long as you're doing alright."

They then continue to walk, with Kayleigh silently frustrated with herself that she failed to help you out. But then she gets an idea, so she starts to mess with the shrinking ring, hoping that her plan would work for you.

Right as her left foot went into the air, Kayleigh shrinks you down to 1/10 of an inch, terrifying you as everything around you grew unnaturally large. But due to the sudden size change, you slip away from her foot and fall onto the flat. At this extremely tiny size, even the flakes of dead skin and bits of dirt looked as big as boulders, making you realize that this was way too small for you. You didn't have long to take in your new surroundings, as Kayleigh taps her toes against the sidewalk a single time, sending you hurtling back into the toe area of the flat. Once you land, you remain at this size and location for about a minute, before Kayleigh returns you to ½ an inch.

Now that you were free, you crawl between her 3rd and 4th toes, prompting Kayleigh to vigorously squeeze them upon feeling you, proud of solving that problem for you. And while you were getting affectionately hugged by those beasts, you can only feel impressed by how creative Kayleigh was in solving that issue.

But with that silent challenge surpassed, Kayleigh and Reshma make it to the art museum, beginning their relaxing tour together…

As the two of them head through the first exhibit, you are consistently squished between Kayleigh’s toes, leaving her quietly happy with your presence. They decide to take it slow, gradually checking out all of the art pieces, ensuring that you were getting constantly smothered under toe. Occasionally, Kayleigh would idly shuffle you around, stuffing you between different toes. It was pretty fun to be manhandled so easily by Kayleigh’s toes, which each dwarfed you at least two times over.

But because you were being constantly toyed with, you couldn’t hear their conversation, though you appreciated that Kayleigh was keeping you entertained. The worry that she had forgotten about you and was playing with you purely out of instinct always lurked in the back of your mind, though you just try to have faith in your boss/sort of friend. And for the record, you were slowly but surely slipping from Kayleigh’s mind, as she was far more focused on enjoying the museum with Reshma. Also for the record, she prepared a phone alarm for herself set for later on, as she had little faith in herself to not forget about you.

Either way, they soon finish with the first exhibit, before walking to a nearby resting area to take a break. Once they sit down at a table, Kayleigh crosses her legs, before absentmindedly allowing her left flat to fall off, letting you see the world again. And in front of you were Reshma’s legs, as she seemed to have slipped her feet out of her skater sneakers, confirming to you that she was wearing gray low ankle socks. Her feet were also located directly under you, since Reshma seemed to be stretching her legs while they took their break. And when you look up, you can see both women through the clear table.

You start to crawl out of the slightly dirty space you were lodged in, as you wanted some fresh air, but Kayleigh doesn’t seem to approve of it as she scrunches her toes as soon as you tried. Each time you repeat your attempt, she just crams you back in, making you wonder if she actually forgot about you. But at one point, you lose your grip and fall off of her toe, causing you to plummet toward the floor. At the very same time, Reshma angles her foot up slightly and separates her toes, innocently stretching them as she chatted with Kayleigh.

Instead of landing on the hard floor like you expected, you land on a soft and fluffy material, leaving you highly confused. And as you looked around, you only see coarse gray cotton, making you realize that you somehow landed on Reshma’s sock, right under her toes. Before you could do a thing, she scrunches her toes, burying you between them. Her sock felt a tad damp and highly warm, which made sense since she just removed her feet from her sneakers. Due to the sock standing in the way, Reshma didn’t even notice your presence, which wasn’t great for you.

Right after that though, Reshma goes to put back on her sneakers, unintentionally dragging you into the shoe with her toes, leaving you trapped. And as you were exposed to the slightly oppressive scent of hot sweat, you are crushed under her giant toes, where she barely even felt your presence. Unfortunately, Reshma just silently assumes that a bit of her insole got messed up, inspiring her to occasionally prod and squish you with her toes. It honestly felt nice, as there was a certain charm to you for getting abused by a giant woman when they didn’t even know about your existence. And once they start walking, Reshma stomps into you with each step, leaving you to hope that Kayleigh would eventually remember you and notice that you were missing.

But for now, you relax and look forward to getting to be an insignificant pebble in Reshma’s skater sneaker, as they continue to walk around the art museum...


End Notes:

Hey everyone!

Hope you enjoy the chapter. If you have any feedback/thoughts on it, feel free to leave a review! I really appreciate them.

I also made a survey about the story. If you've enjoyed the story at all, please fill it out. It's all mostly multiple choice questions, so it won't take more than a minute or 2. Thanks!

Take care!


Chapter 7 by Sheograth
Author's Notes:

TAGS: Unaware in-skater shoe with Reshma, then unaware still in Reshma's skater sneaker with Kayleigh's barefoot, then back to Reshma's skater sneaker


Now that you were unintentionally transferred to Reshma's shoe, you prepare to experience her might as both women made their way to the next exhibit…

Once they get there, they both start to slowly walk around, taking in all of the different art pieces. Due to that, you were routinely flattened under Reshma's socked toes. And because of how slow she was currently walking, every step in the crushing process was exaggerated for you.

First, her foot would land on the floor, where her 2nd toe would crush you under it. Then, that toe would press you deeper into the soft and worn insole, as her leg settled for a moment. After that, her toe would roughly dig into your body, since she'd put her weight onto the ball of her foot. And that was just the first half of the way Reshma normally walked.

But after that, you would experience a feeling of weightlessness, as this was when Reshma would lift her left leg into the air. This was the part that always felt incredibly long, but you knew that you would soon experience the crash. And that was something that you were almost never ready for, where your body is totally crushed under her toe, only for the whole process to repeat itself.

It wasn't all repetition after repetition though, because Reshma occasionally moved around in other ways to change things up for you. Sometimes she'd feel too lazy to lift her left leg, so she'd slide it instead. Of course, that caused you to get ruthlessly smeared against her 2nd and 3rd toes, though it never managed to cause actual harm on you. At the very least, the shrinking technology that Kayleigh used was highly powerful, since the secondary durability effect was incredibly potent.

But other times, Reshma wouldn't move, especially whenever she'd see a particularly impressive art piece. Whenever she stopped to admire the art, she'd absentmindedly grind the ball of her foot onto the floor, aggressively rubbing you against her soft socked toes. She'd also tap the ball of her foot, repeatedly slamming you down without mercy.

Due to all of that, your experience with Reshma never ceased to be entertaining, making you kinda glad that Kayleigh accidentally caused you to fall into this situation. And you still got plenty of other attention from Reshma's toes, since she still assumed that you were a torn bit of her insole, inspiring her to periodically poke and prod at your tiny body.

They weren't silently looking at all of the art pieces, as they occasionally talked to each other quietly as they walked around...

The two of them stop at a painting, as Kayleigh smiles and says "This one looks nice…"

Reshma nods and says "I agree. You can tell from the line thickness that the creator… uhh… made this in a stressful period in their life…"

Kayleigh raises an eyebrow at her friend and says "You made all that up, didn't you…?"

Reshma begins to nervously shift her weight back and forth, tormenting you endlessly, as a wave of sweat shot down her body from getting called out so easily. That proved to be difficult for you, as you were hit by that blast of sweat, coating you entirely while it was harmlessly absorbed by the sock and insole.

As that was happening, Reshma quietly laughs and says "What, did I not tell you that I'm an expert in…?" She quickly trails off before looking for a sign of what genre this exhibit was, jumping in place and intensely crushing you in the process. But she finally sees a sign with the exhibit title, before grinning and saying "Medieval Art Across the World…"

Kayleigh just sighs and says "I must have missed that…"

After that, Reshma spins around to face her friend, drilling you into the warm and sticky insole, before saying "Wanna take a lunch break?"

Kayleigh nods and says "That sounds like a good idea to me!"

With that decision, they finish up that exhibit and walk to a nearby sandwich shop, wanting to fill their stomachs…

When they enter the sandwich shop, they wait in line since it was a bit crowded, as Reshma started to shuffle in place aimlessly. She'd frequently turn about and move subtly, constantly battering you underfoot. At one point you try to crawl out from under her toes, but all you manage to do is tickle her enough to pin you against the insole hard.

As they wait, Kayleigh looks over and says "You okay? You're fidgeting a lot…"

Reshma nods, before sighing and saying "I've just gotta use the restroom. But I can wait…" Right after saying that, she starts to hop in place, smashing you repeatedly with her full weight. As she continues to do this, you only hope that something will stop her soon, though you also notice that it wasn’t nearly as strenuous as your experience last night in Kayleigh’s boot. That only makes you wonder if your body was adjusting to being at smaller sizes, which would be convenient, but that could also inspire her to be more lax about keeping track of you. Though, from your brief time so far with Kayleigh while shrunken, she was bound to forget about you many more times to come.

Kayleigh notices this and says "Just tell me what you want and I'll order for you." That finally gets her to stop, as you thank Aidios for shining her light upon you, in the form of Kayleigh’s statement.

Reshma smiles happily in response, before saying "Thanks! I'll just get a tuna melt and some chips…"

Following that, she hurries toward the bathroom, stomping you repeatedly in the process…

When she gets inside, she rushes to one of the stalls before sitting down to go, scrunching her toes aggressively as she felt that sweet relief. Due to that, you were buried under her sock-clad toes without a chance to escape, until she got back up to wash her hands. While she scrubbed her hands, she absentmindedly wriggled her toes, unrelentingly pestering you.

But by the time she was finished, the sandwiches were ready, so she quickly runs over to Kayleigh so she could help with carrying their food. Once they were seated at a table, they begin to eat, while you remained trapped within Reshma's sneaker.

While they are and chatted, Reshma stealthily slipped her left foot out of its sneaker, giving you a moment to rest. And now that you could see things clearly, you decide to take in your surroundings. You were standing on the imprint left by her 3rd toe, and it was large and deep. At its deepest point, it went down to your waist, but incline was shallow enough that you'd have no trouble getting out. But the next thing you notice that the majority of the insole was light pink, but there was a blackened imprint made in the shape of her foot, which was a bit disturbing.

Then you notice the smell, which surrounded you earlier so you never got a chance to reflect on it. It didn't help that you were getting constantly pestered by Reshma's toes, so you never had time to think much about how the sneaker smelled. But it smelled mostly of sweat, but an odd and faint scent of cinnamon lingered, making you wonder if it was her perfume or something.

After that, you take a look in front of you, and see Reshma scrunching her toes as her foot remained halfway out of the sneaker. With it positioned here, you'd have no way of escaping, but trying to escape would be far too risky. What would happen if you crawl out just in time for them to leave? Kayleigh was the only one who could grow you back, so you needed to stay around her, or at least with one of her friends.

Your thoughts were interrupted when you see Reshma remove her foot completely, only for Kayleigh's barefoot to take its place. She slowly shuffles it forward, causing you to duck down, as her insanely long and giant toes gradually approached.

Seems like things were about to get a whole lot more complicated…

Kayleigh suddenly scoops up the sneaker you were in and starts to play with it, chaotically shuffling it back and forth. This caused you to get tossed around the insides of the shoe, sometimes crashing into her toes in the process. Kayleigh's toes felt exactly how you remember from earlier, but she never kept the sneaker still long enough for you to crawl back between them.

But while you were fighting for your life, Reshma and Kayleigh were having a pleasant conversation. Reshma begins, saying "Weren't the exhibits cool? I learned something new today…"

Kayleigh nods and says "I agree! You made a great choice for a Saturday afternoon experience." Then she shoves her foot deeper into the sneaker, nearly running you over, but the smaller shoe size ended up preventing her from smothering. As she innocently does that, she smiles and says "How's the tuna melt?"

Reshma smiles back and says "Tasty! How's your roast beef sandwich?"

Kayleigh grins in response while saying "It's pretty good." They continue to eat silently for a few minutes while Kayleigh continues to toy with the sneaker you were inside, making you feel like her foot was an animal trying to claim its own lunch. But she soon loses interest, leaving you alone and shuffling her feet back into their flats. You couldn't relax for long though, as Reshma decides to play with her sneakers herself next.

She starts by lightly prodding at them with her toes, noticing that they were facing the wrong way. When she notices that, she looks at her friend suspiciously and says "Were you playing with my sneaker…?"

Kayleigh runs her fingers through her red hair nervously, before saying "Did I…? I didn't even realize it." Then she giggles to herself and says "You know me… My legs sometimes have minds of their own…"

Reshma just sighs and says "Yeah, I know… It's no wonder you can't get your work done if you don't have a dummy to step on…"

Kayleigh smiles guiltily before saying "I'm pretty hopeless in that regard. But let me know if you ever want me to lend you one of mine. You won't regret it…"

Since Reshma's shoe was currently unoccupied, you could hear this part of the conversation, and you wish you could say you were surprised that Kayleigh didn't remember you even when bringing up the topic of stress dummies. But in a way, you found Kayleigh's forgetful nature with you to be highly cute, and you had faith that she'd remember you eventually. And since you were practically indestructible at this size, there was no way for you to be in danger unless you got left behind, although that wasn't a concern right now.

Reshma simply replies by saying "I might take you up on that offer one of these days..."

Your thoughts were interrupted once Reshma manages to shuffle her foot back into the sneaker though, pinning you under her sole and cutting you off from the conversation. From the point forward, you would be out of the loop, but you'd be fine as long as you remained in Reshma's skater sneaker so you weren't worried.

After that, Reshma says "What do you want to do after lunch?" She starts to tap the balls of her feet onto the floor, bashing you repeatedly as she waited for her friend to answer her.

Kayleigh taps her chin for a moment, before saying "Why don't we head back to my place? I just got Avengers: Infinity War on Blu-ray, so it'd be fun to watch it. You've seen it already, right?"

Reshma nods and says "Yep! But I'd love to see it again." In accordance with her enthusiasm, she starts to grind her foot onto the floor, crushing you against her heel. At this point, you were caught between two large sock folds, keeping you from moving an inch, as she assumed that you were just a bunched up part of her sock.

Following that mutual decision, the two of them throw away their trash before walking toward Kayleigh's apartment, where Reshma still didn't even know who you were. You can only hope that Kayleigh would remember you at some point before Reshma left to go home, because you weren't ready to spend the night with a woman who was unaware of your ½ inch tall existence.

But that is a matter for next time...

End Notes:

Hey everyone!

Had a bit of a power outage this evening, so I couldn't upload the story at the usual time. But that's all resolved, so yay for that.

Let me know what you thought of the chapter in a review if you would like. I really appreciate them.

I also made a survey about the story. If you've enjoyed the story at all, please fill it out. It's all mostly multiple choice questions, so it won't take more than a minute or 2. Thanks!

Take care!

Chapter 8 by Sheograth
Author's Notes:

TAGS: Unaware in-skater shoe (Reshma), then Unaware between toes (Reshma still), then a bit of Unaware Butt Crushing (non-lethally being sat on at 1ft)


Their walk was pretty normal for Kayleigh and Reshma, but for you, it was yet another reminder of how powerless you were at this size. And now that you were under Reshma's sole, your body would be smothered more and more as she walked. It was truly humbling, since those two sock folds kept you fully immobile, as the sweat bunched up around you. And because of the way you were lodged between those two sock folds, she merely assumes that you were a part of the sock, dashing any hope for an early rescue.

While they walked, Kayleigh smiles and says "Today is a great day! So nice and cool…"

Reshma nods and says "This weather is perfect. Wanna take the long way?" Since her sock fully dampened your hearing, you'd have no way of knowing that your experience could easily grow far longer.

But Kayleigh taps her chin a few times, before saying "That works for me!"

Following that decision, the two women decide to take the longer path, walking around a nearby park along the way too. Oddly, the only constants for you right now were the endless stomps and waves of sweat. From your brief chances to look at Reshma today, you'd have never guessed that her feet would sweat so much, but you found yourself drowning in it. It didn't help that her insole was fairly battered, so it didn't do as good of a job at absorbing the sweat, which must have been why she wore such thick ankle socks.

And her socks were doing a great job for her, but since you were attached to them, you still had to face the brunt of that sweat. At one point, you slide forward slightly, noticing a hold the size of your head in her sock. Due to that, you got a small picture of her light brown soles, before getting suddenly shoved into it, giving you a clear taste of her skin. Somehow though, Reshma did not notice you, even as your head remained stuck in that hole. And no matter what you tried, you couldn't yank your head free, as Reshma contained to unknowingly press your face deeper into her moist sole.

Eventually, they both decide to sit down on a park bench, before Reshma pulls her legs back to cross her ankles, dangling you at a sharp angle. That extra pressure from gravity was finally enough, allowing you to fall toward her socked toes, as they scrunched and moved wildly like they demanded freedom from the sneaker. They never got their freedom, but they did get you, which was a fairly valuable consolation prize.

Right after that, Reshma's toes start to rub into you, rolling you under them without slowing down. While you were getting affectionately attacked by her toes, she smiles and says "The park looks beautiful today. Something about how the leaves look in the breeze…"

Kayleigh nods and says "I couldn't say it better myself…"

They decide to spend a few minutes here, quietly appreciating the nature around them, while you were getting appreciated by Reshma's toes. They might have been smaller than Kayleigh's, though not by much, that didn't stop them from entirely dominating you. There was never a moment where you weren't getting rammed and plowed into by a toe, often times by multiple at once. If this shrinking technology didn't enhance your durability, you were sure you'd have died before Kayleigh even left the office last night.

You felt like this was going on for hours, but you've already lost your ability to track time, as Kayleigh and Reshma only stay a few minutes at the bench before deciding to move on, continuing the walk to the apartment. Since the current path was a bit more uneven, you were occasionally jammed deeper into her socked toes, as she occasionally stepped on bumps in the sidewalk.

And after only a few more minutes, both women reach Kayleigh's apartment, with you still pinned under Reshma's toes…

Once they get to the apartment, the two of them walk into the living room to settle in. Kayleigh slips out of her flats and sits down on the couch, before saying "Feel free to relax!"

Reshma smiles in response and says "Will do…" Then, she pries off her sneakers, giving you a gust of fresh air as light returned to you, while she tugs off her socks next. You didn't have long to recover when she drops her socks onto her sneakers, causing you to fall over again. After that, she walks over to a nearby recliner chair and leans back to relax.

You slowly get back up, as you briefly wonder how you'll even climb out of her sneaker, before you see her discarded sock draped halfway over the opening of the shoe. While you headed toward it, you quickly realize that her sock could act as an escape route for you. And once you stand in front of it, you climb onto it to start your exodus from Reshma's sneaker. During the second half of this journey, you had to tightly cling to the sock, reminding you of just how smelly and damp it got. But you don't allow the highly alluring scent to distract you, before you finally reach the top and slide down the sock back to the carpet.

Now that you were free, you take in your surroundings, seeing that Kayleigh was on the couch in the distance and Reshma was much closer sitting down. And because of that, you start walking toward Reshma, thinking that the person nearer to you would be the better choice. As you walked, you notice that her toe nails were painted with a purple base with what seemed like blue stars on top of them. Even from this distance they looked cute, making you want to admire them up close even more.

As you walked, you see Kayleigh stand up while saying "I'm grabbing some chips and dip. Be back in a sec…" She then walks in your direction, causing you to wave at her in desperation. Unfortunately, she does not notice in time, as her big toe nearly crushes you into the carpet, leaving you there as she continues into the kitchen.

You don't let that failure deter you, as you instead hurry over to Reshma. Once you get in front of her giant light brown toes, a potent odor washes over you, nearly causing you to cough in response to the intensity. But after that initial shock, you find the smell quite enjoyable, though powerful nonetheless. While you were admiring Reshma's foot, you fail to notice her yawn in time before she stretches her leg forward. You fall over in fear as her toes bear down on you, burying you into the carpet as she innocently fidgets in her chair. And now that you got to feel Reshma's toes bare, it only confirmed to you that they were incredibly soft and still pretty sweaty.

She then scoops you up between her 2nd and 3rd toes, inspiring you to fight back, but that only gets her to vigorously clamp them down around you. And as she curiously squeezed you between her toes, she leans down and takes a look, squinting her eyes at you while mumbling "What is that…?"

You don't get to even make a noise, before she snatched you up and gripped you in her palm, before saying "It's so small and life-like… Oh! This must be one of her dummies…"

She was technically correct, but you didn't want to be abused by another one of Kayleigh's friends, so you shout "Sto--" You weren't even able to finish saying that word when she starts to press her thumb into you, quieting you while saying "After that offer, I kinda want to try one out myself…"

Then then she turns to Kayleigh and says "Hey I found one of your dummies on the floor. Can I use it during the movie?" You know that Kayleigh couldn't be this forgetful. This question had to jog her memory about you. But a part of  you still expected the worst.

Unfortunately for you, Kayleigh returns with the snack and says "Yeah go nuts… Sorry for leaving it out! You wouldn't believe how easily they get lost once you shrink them…" She then laughs to herself and tossed Reshma the size ring, before saying "This thing adjusts its size. Turn left to grow and right to shrink."

In a surprising turn of events, Kayleigh just handed off total control of you to one of her friend the same way she might lend them a remote. But if the worst thing to come of it was to be used by a fairly attractive woman, well there are worse ways to spend a Saturday afternoon.

After that, Reshma puts on the ring and looks down at you, before saying "Maybe I'll finally learn why you're so obsessed with these things…"

Kayleigh laughs to herself before saying "You will. For sure. And don't worry about bring too rough on it. The model you're holding is highly advanced."

Reshma's eyes suddenly widen, where you were personally unsure if that reaction was a good sigh for you or not, as she says "What, do you think I'm sone animal? I've just got a few reasonable ideas. Nothing crazy… I'd never damage something of yours…"

Following that, Reshma grows you to about 1ft, before shoving you behind her against the back of the chair, before leaning into you. As she does this, she reached behind her and roughly adjusts you until your feet were under her butt, as if she was trying to sit on you.

As she does this, she grinds her bottom back and forth, unintentionally rubbing your member with her back as she says "This should be a good support for my back…" She continues to do this, causing you to slide a bit deeper under her, until your legs were completely stuck under her rear.

With that, Reshma was now unknowingly sitting directly sitting on your crotch, as the warm and musty odor faintly lingered near you. After that, Kayleigh looks over and says "Ready?"

Reshma nods and says "Yep! This thing is just firm enough to keep my back aligned. It's perfect way to recover from a nice afternoon walking around."

Kayleigh nods and says "Sure! Don't forget to use him as a footrest… It also feels pretty amazing to shrink him down and squeeze him between your toes."

Reshma smiles and says "I'll give it a try later! I might need to borrow this thing one of these days to bring back home with me…" You'd have no issues with of an extended session as Reshma's stress toy, but you'd rather her learn of your status as a human first. But an afternoon of her thinking that you were a lifeless doll was enticing to you, so you silently hope that this would last well into the evening.

Now that both women were comfortable, Kayleigh starts up the movie, as you remained an extra cushion for Reshma...


End Notes:

Hey everyone!

Hope you enjoy the chapter. I've been playing Nier Automata, and I'm trying to make more progress before Fire Emblem Three Houses comes out on Friday. Because of all that, I might not get the next chapter out by then. But who knows!

Also, thanks a bunch if you filled out the survey I made. I added an extra question the day after making it about why you gave your answer on Reshma's physical appearance. If you haven't filled it out yet, I'd really appreciate it if you did! It's super short.

Also, I've got a Twitter account, so follow me there if you want immediate updates on when I upload new chapters for my stories!

Chapter 9 by Sheograth
Author's Notes:

TAGS: A bit of Unaware Butt Crushing with Reshma (non-lethally being sat on at 1ft), then some plot, then Aware General Feet Stuff with Kayleigh (6 in), then more Aware General Feet Stuff with Reshma (from 6 in to 3 in)


Both women were enjoying their movie, while you were equally enjoying your current role as Reshma's couch cushion…

As Reshma quietly watched the Avengers film, you reflect on the good luck you had today. There were countless ways for things to have gone horribly wrong, but you received an intense but safe experience. You didn't even want to think of what you would have done if both women left the museum without you, since Kayleigh alone held the keys to your growth at the time.

And compared to how vicious Taylor was last night and how she seemed to want to actively torture you, seeing Reshma just want to use you as a simple cushion was relieving. You could admit that it was a bit awkward for her to sit on you, since you had an unintentional hard on right now, but it was buried under your pants so no one would ever notice it. Despite that, it wasn't easy for you to stay composed, since she frequently shifted and squirmed in the chair, unintentionally rubbing your crotch under her heavy rear.

But by this point, the movie had reached a particularly tense moment, causing Reshma to grind into her seat more forcefully. And that had a profound effect on you as well, as your face was getting rubbed back and forth into her back. Due to the heavy force involved, you weren't able to make a sound, prolonging your containment. After a few minutes of this, she grumbles to herself and says "This thing might not be a great cushion…"

Kayleigh nods and says "Yeah… I wanted to be a good host, but you're probably right…"

Then, Reshma reaches behind her and pulls you free, before stopping to examine you. She looks over you curiously while you were too dazed to call out, so she begins to carefully feel your body. And as she gently touches your torso, she looks to Kayleigh and says "This thing seems a bit too realistic to me…"

Kayleigh tilts her head before responding, saying "Really…? I feel like you're reminding me of something, but I just can't remember what…"

Since you weren't too small yet, you try to motion to get Reshma's attention, but it wasn't in the way that you had hoped. Her eyes suddenly widen, as she loudly shrieks and throws you away from her, sending you flying through the air. When you hit the wall, you wind up passing out from the sudden shock.

When Kayleigh sees this, she gasps and says "Are you okay?"

Reshma shakes her head and says "That thing just moved!"

When Kayleigh hears that, something clicks in her head, causing her to shout "Oh shoot, I completely forgot!!"

She then hurries over to you and picks you up, confusing Reshma as she says "What is going on!? Why did it move??"

Now that Kayleigh had you in her arms, she sets you down next to her, before turning to Reshma to explain everything. She starts by saying "This is a long and crazy story but you'll just need to listen from the start…"

She then proceeds to explain what happened with you, trying to keep some of the lewder things out of it, to the point where Reshma was convinced that it was all an accident. A half an hour passes before you wake back up, where Reshma gave the size device back to Kayleigh…

The first thing you see were Kayleigh and Reshma staring down at you apologetically. Kayleigh speaks first, saying "I'm so sorry for forgetting about you. I know I do that often, but I hope you'll forgive me…"

Reshma clears her throat next, before saying "Kayleigh just told me about everything. I know we had a difficult start, but I hope we can move past it." She then sighs and adds, saying "And I really am truly sorry for what I did to you. I had no idea that you were a person…"

It definitely was crazy, but you were prepared for it, and you appreciated Reshma's apology, even if it wasn't really anyone's fault, except for maybe Kayleigh. But you take a deep breath and smile, before saying "It was a complete accident. You don’t need to feel bad!"

Reshma smiles before reaching her hand toward you, so you shake it while she says "Perfect… I'm Reshma Amin. It's a pleasure to meet you…"

You nod and smile back, before saying "Same here!"

Now that things were mostly cleared up, you join them to watch the movie, sitting on the couch next to Kayleigh. While Reshma was focused on the movie, Kayleigh gets in a lounging position, pressing her bare feet into your outer thigh. She then looks at you with a happy smile, so you gently rub the backs of her feet while watching the film. But now that she had the size device again, she quickly shrinks you down to 6 inches, before whispering “This is my apology gift...

She starts to poke and prod at you with her toes, happily forcing you to avoid them frantically, as if you were a cat toy for her. During the moments where Kayleigh caught you, she’d vigorously rub you between her soles, loving how it felt when you squirmed against her. She’d also use her toes to thoroughly feel you up, reminding you of just how powerless you were against her. But that didn’t mean that you disliked it, as you showed your appreciation by kissing Kayleigh’s feet whenever you could.

Eventually though, Reshma notices this scene unfolding from the corner of her eye, before turning around and saying “What are you doing…?”

At first, Kayleigh buries you under her feet in an attempt to hide you, while saying “What…? He… went to the bathroom…” Reshma stares unconvinced, prompting Kayleigh to sigh and say “Okay… I’ll give you the full story this time…”

After she releases you, she tells Reshma about how this all started yesterday in the morning at work. This time, Kayleigh does not shy away with what transpired, keeping the details light but the general summary accurate.

Once she was finished, Reshma blinks a few times silently, before scratching her hair and saying “Okay… okay… I get it. I think…”

You were feeling a bit worried that Reshma might judge you differently now, but Kayleigh notices your apprehension, so she picks you up and says “I know I screwed up with this one, but I think I can salvage it. Trust me…” If Kayleigh was asking you to 'trust' her, then it could be highly dangerous, so you just mentally prepare for the worst.

Kayleigh then turns to Reshma, before saying "Now that it’s all in the open and he’s already shrunken, why don't you make use of his services? I'm more than happy to lend him while you're here…"

Reshma glares at her friend in response before saying "Lend? Don't talk like he's an object." You were glad that Reshma wasn’t disgusted with you at least.

Kayleigh smiles and says "I'm kidding! Mostly…" Then she smirks and adds, saying "He does enjoy the experience thoroughly, so he wouldn't mind…" After saying that, she whispers to you, saying "Sorry for putting it a bit suggestively but we’re well past that at this point..." She laughs to herself guiltily as you shake your head, not surprised by Kayleigh's behavior, but glad that her idea seemed to be working.

Reshma then looks over at you and says "Your relationship with Kayleigh is your business, so don’t think I’m judging. And to her offer, I would definitely appreciate a small amount of pampering, if you wouldn’t mind. Would you?”

You shake your head and say "I wouldn’t mind at all. And let me also apologize for seeing that. That had to be awkward to see..."

Reshma smiles in response and pats your head, while saying "It wasn’t awkward at all, but you don’t need to worry anyway. I’ve been friends with Kayleigh for the longest time, after all…” Then she pauses and adds, saying “And you're so sweet… But if you insist."

Following that, Reshma picks you up and places you in front of her bare feet, before Kayleigh tosses her the size device while saying “You’ve got full control now! As long as you don’t shrink him past ½ an inch, you’re good…”

And now that you were in front of Reshma’s feet, she says "I could use a massage while I watch the movie. Sound good?"

You nod and say "Works for me!"

Then, Kayleigh resumes their movie while you approach Reshma's feet…

Now that you were larger than before and weren't getting constantly attacked, you take a moment to examine her feet. Her feet weren't as large as Kayleigh's and they were a lot darker too, which made perfect sense since Kayleigh had highly pale skin. That didn't mean that they weren't bigger than you, as you were only half as tall as the foot. You also notice that her soles were a bit lighter than the rest of her skin, but still not as light as Kayleigh's. Her toes were somewhat long too, where at your size each toe was probably as long as your arms.

Because you spent some time just staring at her foot, Reshma looks down at you and whispers, saying "You okay? You don't need to act tough for me."

You shake your head and say "I just got a bit distracted…"

When she hears that, she quietly giggles and says "Oh, don't worry about it. Feel free to take your time..." Then, she smiles and adds, saying "I'll try to stay still while you work..."

You nod and say "That'd be helpful. But don't feel bad if you accidentally interrupt me. It kinda comes with the territory..."

Following that, you walk up to her left foot and start rubbing her arch, noticing that it felt pretty tense. She would occasionally flex her foot in response, though never enough to knock you over or anything. But after a bit of hard work, you could already feel a difference in tension, causing Reshma to quietly sigh to herself. Then, she blushes with embarrassment before saying "How rude of me… Guess you're doing a stellar job already!"

With that word of encouragement you continue on, this time bending down to work on her lower arch near her heel. You notice a few areas which were stiffer, so you put more force into your rubs, coating your hands with sweat in the process. Eventually you hear Reshma grumble to herself quietly, before bringing her right foot over to you. Before you could react, she starts to rub her soles together, forcing you into the middle of this intense rubdown. No matter what you try, you continue getting rolled around like a slab of dough, reminding you of just how soft Reshma's feet were.

But then she looks in your direction and notices your problem, so she releases you and says "I didn't realize you were right there… Are you alright?"

You brush yourself off and nod, before saying "Completely! In fact, it felt pretty relaxing."

When Reshma hears this, she taps her chin before saying "You don't say…" Then, she smiles and says "In that case, why don't we switch roles and I give you a massage instead?"

You shake your head and say "Nope, I've gotta finish my job. I appreciate the offer though."

But Reshma shakes her head back, before saying "Well that's tough because you're getting a massage. How can I make you do this for me, when I gave you such a difficult mid-morning?"

At this point, Kayleigh chimes in and says "Technically it was all my fault, since I forgot all about him… Regardless, you should accept her offer!"

Since they were now both pushing for you to relax, you relent and say "Thanks Reshma. That really is thoughtful of you."

After that, she picks you up and shrinks you down to 3 inches, watching you slowly react to the change in size. And as if reading your mind, Reshma says "I thought you'd be easier to handle at a smaller size. Enjoy!"

Then, she places you down on the carpet, before lowering her toes toward you. Each of them looked huge to you, which made sense given your current stature. But then they pounce on you, as all ten of her toes squeeze you at once, treating you like a stress toy. And as you were being roughly treated by them, Reshma says "I swear I'm just trying you get you in a good position…" A few more minutes pass as you experience this mayhem, reminding you that Reshma's toes were powerful indeed. But she eventually gets you in a position she wanted, where your head was jammed between her pinky toe and 4th toe while the rest of you was stuck under the crevice right above the ball of her foot.

You remain like this for a decent length of time, as her toes scrunch your soreness away while she watches the movie. And your head was positioned in such a way where your face was buried in the strong smelling and sticky toe space, practically filling your senses with Reshma's feet. Occasionally you get to take glances at her face through the toe gap, revealing that she was majorly engrossed in the film, making you wonder if she was massaging you purely by instinct.

A few minutes go by before Reshma suddenly shivers, sending a violent quake through your tiny body, before gasping and saying "Sorry! I just got a bit chilly…" Then her eyes widen, confusing you as she says "What if you were chilly too…?" You honestly felt fine, since her toes produced plenty of body heat for you to syphon off of.

But then she starts to rummage in her handbag, causing Kayleigh to look over and say "What's wrong?"

Reshma continues to feel around her handbag, constantly scrunching you at the same time, while saying "Well I just realized how chilly I got so I figured that he must feel chilly too…"

When Kayleigh hears that, she nervously laughs and says "Wow, how thoughtful! You're starting to make me look bad… Here I was the one who forgot about him all last evening and night…"

Reshma shakes her head in disbelief and says "I'll never wrap my head around how amazingly you let him slip your mind, no matter how many times I hear about it… You need to work on your memory with him, since he works for your firm." Then she finally pulls out a pair of black fluffy moccasins, before saying "Finally! You won't feel chilly for long…"

As she moves to slip on the moccasins, you attempt to dissuade her, but your face was buried too deeply into her pinky toe for any sound to escape. She stops for a moment though, where her toes nearly dipped into the moccasins, because Kayleigh looked over and said "You know I can just up the heat a bit..."

Reshma shakes her head and says "Don't worry about me! And who knows if that'd even make him feel warmer…"

Kayleigh scratches at her chin in response to that, before saying "That's a good point."

You appreciate how far Reshma was trying to go for your comfort, but this was not how you wanted her to do it. And since she shrunk you this much, you weren't certain if she'd hear you if you managed to vocally object anyway. But you can't deny that you've wanted to see how Reshma's toes were if she wore shoes without socks, ever since you fell in her skater sneaker at the museum.

The last thing you see was Reshma staring at you with a warm smile, completely oblivious to the fact that you weren't crazy about her plan, but silently looking forward to the experience.

Who knew that the real dangerous giantesses would be the kind ones…?


End Notes:

Been a few weeks, huh... I got highly sidetracked by finishing all the main routes in Nier Automata and starting my playthrough of Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Golden Deer!)

Hope you enjoy the chapter!

With Reshma's aware stuff, I wanted to present her as a doting kind of woman toward the main character. But despite how she wants to be super kind and helpful toward him, she can be a bit ditzy with how she delivers that kindness, as you can see at the end of this chapter. Hopefully I did that well.

Also, thanks a bunch for filling out the survey. It gave me lots of feedback to look through. I might start making them for other stories/projects like my text adventure.

Take care!

Also, I've got a Twitter account, so follow me there if you want immediate updates on when I upload new chapters for my stories!

Chapter 10 by Sheograth
Author's Notes:

TAGS: Partially Unaware Partially Aware In-moccasin (3 in to 1/2 in) with Reshma, lots of toe interaction


Reshma slowly shuffles her foot into the moccasin, gradually eliminating your light source, preventing you from seeing anything. Once she gets her shoe on, she scrunches her toes, overwhelming you while saying "That's much better!"

But then she frowns while running her 2nd toe over your body, pressing you into the sticky moccasin fluff, before saying "It feels a bit tight with him in there. He must be cramped…"

Then, you feel yourself shrink, until her 2nd toe was taller than you, reminding you of how intense everything looked the smaller you got.

Kayleigh then looks over and says "What are you doing?"

Reshma replies, saying "I just shrunk him down to ½ an inch. This way he'll be able to stand or sit comfortably…"

Kayleigh nods in response and says "Yeah that sounds like a smart idea…"

Now that you were at this new size, you had to admit that you did have a lot more room, but you had a reasonable suspicion that she would soon pester you without realizing it. At this puny size though, you looked forward to getting dominated, especially once Reshma's foot really started to sweat.

And speaking of that, she was correct about the increase in temperature, since it was already sweltering just standing in front of her 2nd toe. You didn't have long to adjust to this hostile environment when everything shakes as Reshma goes to stretch her legs forward. You wind up colliding with the front of her 2nd toe, causing it to rise just high enough for you to tumble further into the imprint underneath. Calling it an imprint might be a disservice though, since you felt like you were in a blackened crater.

Before you could think about that further, Reshma's toe comes back down, firmly planting itself onto you and keeping you immobile. When she feels this, she giggles and says "Aww… He must be really cold because he scurried right under my toe!" She then happily sighs and adds, saying "You're welcome there as long as you'd like…"

Following that, Kayleigh smiles and says "Now that the little guy is comfy, let's continue with the movie…"

With that, your fate was sealed for the next hour or so…

Since you were now underneath Reshma's toe, you were forced to contend with her absentminded antics. She'd periodically scrunch them, wiggle them, and flex them, with each movement having separate consequences for you. Wherever she'd scrunch her toes, you'd get buried deeper into the sticky and warm fluff. Whenever she'd wiggle her toes, you'd be constantly smacked into. And whenever she'd flex her toes, you'd end up being dragged all around the imprint area of the moccasin.

During the moments where you weren't being toyed with, you attempt to display your appreciation for Reshma's actions by kissing and licking her toe. It tasted quite salty, but she'd only press her toe into your face in response, smothering you without mercy. She probably didn't even react consciously to you, which was probably because of your size, making you think that her actions were purely instinctual.

But after nearly half an hour of this, Reshma lifts her legs and props her feet up onto the nearby ottoman. Due to this, you found yourself falling down along her foot, rolling along her moist and warm skin. You expected to descend all the way to her sole, but she chooses to slide her foot back and press it against the corner of the ottoman at the perfect time. When that happens, you are pushed against her sweaty sole by the moccasin ground, preventing you from moving a muscle. She then shuffles her foot slightly, causing you to slide and get stuck in a large fold in her sole, surrounding you on all sides with her skin.

Reshma decides to keep her foot in this position, still assuming that you were safely near her toes. Due to that, she'd occasionally grind her foot back and forth, brutally crushing you into that sweaty wrinkle in her sole. But if there was one constant in all of this, it was the heat. At this point you felt like you were in a sauna cranked up to the maximum temperature, as her sweat pooled around you continuously. And because she was wearing this moccasin without socks, the atmosphere remained heavy and oppressive, since there was no room to bring in fresh air.

Even with your limited mobility, you still wish to display your appreciation to Reshma, so you start licking the skin near you. She seems to not notice you fully, but that doesn’t stop her from reacting anyway, as she begins to tap her foot against the ottoman. Due to that, you find yourself getting pounded deeper into her soft and damp flesh. Thankfully, the ottoman and her foot were both equally soft, so it wasn’t too difficult for you.

After that, Reshma moves her foot again, this time going to cross her leg and dangle the moccasin you were in. Each time she allowed her moccasin to loosen and hang, a fresh gust rushed past you, clearing away the stale air that surrounded you. Another side effect of her shoe dangling was that each time she shuffled it back on, you got smothered due to how she had to press the ball of her foot to get the moccasin back on. This continued for a little while, which was nice since the insides of her moccasin was starting to get truly oppressive for you, but that was just another reason to enjoy getting shrunk.

While you were being toyed with by Reshma without her fully realizing it, the movie was getting close to the end, so she decides to grab her and Kayleigh some drinks…

Kayleigh quickly pauses the movie while Reshma stands up, reminding you of how her full weight felt when it bared down on you. And as she walked into the kitchen, you were crushed repeatedly as her foot collided with the floor. But once she reached the fridge, she poured two glasses of iced tea while idly shuffling her foot in and out of the moccasin. During the course of that chaotic process, you were dislodged from her sole and fell back into the moccasin, only to be plowed into by her toes. Once she feels you, she giggles and says “Oh, sorry for bothering you… I’m sure this is keeping you nice and warm though!”

Then she scoops you up between her toes and begins to affectionately squeeze you, while saying “You’re so soft and malleable! Hopefully this feels like a massage to you…” Since Reshma’s toes were fairly sweaty right now, they were soft enough to feel amazing as they mashed you. She does this a few times, before smiling and saying “I can see why Kayleigh seemed to enjoy using her dummies. But a real person feels even better. Good thing you enjoy it too, right?” She had a good point, since you loved getting dominated by these gigantic mature women, and it was even better since it brought them so much enjoyment too. After telling you this though, she shuffles back on her moccasin and returns to the living room.

Once she gets back, she gives Kayleigh a drink and settles down onto her chair, before shuffling out of her moccasins and tucking her feet under the ottoman flap. Even though you were given a chance to enjoy a bit more freedom, that didn’t last as Reshma quickly gets back to squeezing you like a stress toy. And this time, you were not given any chances for respite, as she continues to squeeze and grope your puny body with her toes, for about an hour while they finished the movie and idly chatted.

During the course of their lengthy conversation, you were given a thorough tour of each of Reshma’s toe spaces, barely giving you time to catch your breath. But each time you got shoved into one of those sweaty and sticky spaces, you’d try your best to kiss and lick the skin around you, prompting Reshma to just squeeze you even harder. You wonder how aware she was of what she was putting you through, but she probably assumed that it was far less chaotic on your end. Despite how intense the experience was, and getting repeatedly shoved deeply between her toes was incredibly intense, you'd feel disappointed if she went easy on you.

Eventually, their conversation shifted to planning out what to do next, prompting Kayleigh to say "Wanna take a walk? It should be nice enough to go around the nearby park."

Reshma nods and says "That sounds like a great idea! I feel like I need to move my legs…" To drive her point home, she starts to stretch in her chair, smothering you by clenching her toes in the process. But then she taps her chin and says "I should take him out first, huh? I'm sure he could use a change of pace too."

Kayleigh nods and says "Probably…"

After that, Reshma removes her moccasins and brings her foot closer to her lap, before spreading her toes to look for you. She soon finds you completely stuck in the tight gap between her 4th toe and pinky toe. When she sees you like this, she sighs with amusement and says "Had a nice time…?"

She then carefully peels free, before growing you to a foot in height and placing you on the ottoman in front of her. Now that you were large enough to be heard, you take a few deep breaths while saying "Give me a minute… that really was… incredible…"

Reshma then gently ruffles your hair while saying "Aww… you sound so tough…" Then she smiles and adds, saying "Feel free to take a break, okay? We won't be long…"

After that, Reshma goes to get her socks and skater sneakers, prompting Kayleigh to walk over to you. As you were taking a breather, she smirks and says "If you'd like to take a boring nap, be my guest… But I've kind of missed my little helper. If you're feeling particularly driven, would you like to come along with me? I'd like to show my, umm… appreciation for you, beyond as an employee…"

That sounded a bit interesting, so it ask "What do you mean?"

Kayleigh just shakes her head and says while deeply blushing "I'll feel way too embarrassed if I explain now! I'll tell you tonight…" But then she clears her throat and adds, saying “How about I let you experience something a little different…”

You’re not sure what Kayleigh had planned, but you were given your answer when she decided to tug on her blouse shirt and pulled back her bra cup. You were given a point-blank view of her exposed chest, causing you to blush and her to giggle in response, before saying “Oh don’t feel so shy…”

Then, she shrinks you down to ½ an inch again and drops you into her bra, before sealing you within and saying “This is your reward for being so accommodating with all of my nonsense!”

Following that, she fixes her blouse and walks over to Reshma, ready to take a brisk walk with you along for the ride...


End Notes:

Fire Emblem is still holding onto most of my free time, but I managed to get another chapter out. Hope you enjoy it!

Also, I'd appreciate feedback on a different story I've been posting/updating, Small Bargain: Amy Kobayashi’s Story (if you've read it of course). Since I posted it originally as an interactive addition on, I wasn't able to get much feedback over there. So I'd love to know how I'm doing with that one.

Take care!

Also, I've got a Twitter account, so follow me there if you want immediate updates on when I upload new chapters for my stories!

Chapter 11 by Sheograth
Author's Notes:

TAGS: All Aware, Boobs (in Kayleigh's bra at 1/2 in), Kissing (Reshma), Mouth-play (Reshma), then in-sneaker under sock (Kayleigh), then in-sock (Kayleigh)


Now that you were safely enveloped by Kayleigh's boob, you close your eyes and relax as she begins walking out the door. With every step, her chest would bounce subtly, barely noticeable to anyone but you, since those vibrations would shake through your body. But it was soothing, as the scent of a strawberry perfume filled your senses, though you easily picked up the faint smell of her natural scent too. All in all, it was an enjoyable mixture, leaving you relaxed enough to tune out the conversation up above.

While they walked towards the park, Reshma looks over and says "So he's just one of your assistants?"

Kayleigh hums to herself and says "Well yes and no… Sure he technically does answer to me for work stuff, but I also think he's a likeable person. At least I try to present myself as being approachable, like a friend..." Her body quickly started to heat up, making you feel like you were getting squished in a sauna, as you wonder what kind of conversation they were having.

Reshma nods and says "Oh, really? I just assumed that you took advantage of one of your staff." She then sticks her tongue out and adds, saying "That'd be an HR nightmare…"

Kayleigh then folds her arms defiantly, unintentionally pushing up her chest and burying you even deeper into the squishy breast. As she does this, she says "I've long since pieced together that he likes feet, so nothing I suggested wasn't something he would have disliked. If anything, this proves that I care about him since I'm giving him the opportunity to live out his fantasies while getting paid for it…"

Reshma rubs her friend's back gently while saying "I'm just messing with you… it's clear that you guys seem friendly, even if you are his supervisor at work." But then she leans in and whispers, saying "So, do ya like him? You are still single…"

Kayleigh's eyes suddenly widen as she replies, saying "That's just because I haven't dated in a few years! And you're also single!" When Kayleigh said this, her heart started racing as she warmed up from nerves, making you extra curious about what they were talking about, since you still couldn't hear any of it.

Reshma just quietly laughs in response before saying "I've gone on a few dates recently. Can't say I've had many 2nd ones though…"

Kayleigh then huffs to herself and says "So you're just barely less hopeless than me!" But then she grumbles and says "And about him, yeah he a nice looking guy and I do enjoy his company, but I'm so much older than him…"

Reshma shakes her head in response and says "Age is just a number, as long as you're both adults. And think about it, if he didn't at least find you attractive, he'd have never agreed to being your stress dummy in the first place, no matter how much he'd get paid."

Kayleigh then thinks silently for a moment, while looking down toward her chest, before furrowing her brow and saying "Screw it! Tonight, I'll ask him!"

Reshma then starts to pat Kayleigh's back while saying "That's the spirit! I'll head on home so you guys have some quality time together… Just let me see him occasionally. That cute little guy is the perfect cure to a lonely night…"

Kayleigh begins to laugh and say "You'll need to ask him, but I've got a hunch that he won't object…"

Now that they were finished with that, the two women go their separate ways, ending things off with a friendly hug. That embrace caused you to get squished yet again against Kayleigh's breast, as Reshma's boob seemed to be trying to ram you into submission.

Once they ended the hug, Kayleigh pulls you out if her bra discreetly, before presenting you to Reshma. After that, Reshma leans in and gives you a quick kiss, before smiling and saying "It was so nice to meet you! I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon, so look forward to it… You're welcome near my feet whenever you ask…" Kayleigh's eyes widen after seeing that kiss, prompting Reshma to give you a second and more intense kiss than before, making you feel like she was trying to suck you into her mouth. You were struggling to breathe, as you never pictured that Reshma had this kind of ravenous side to her.

But then Kayleigh shouts "I think that's enough! I'll see you later!!"

Surprisingly, Reshma mumbles "Not yet…," before actually sucking you into her mouth. And once you were in that humid cave, she used her tongue to swish you around, coating you with saliva in the process. As she did this, she smiles and says "Tastes pretty good… You should give him a try sometime, Kayleigh…" After that, she presses you up against the roof of her mouth, squishing you against it like you were a piece of candy. Then she smirks and says "Should I give him a few friendly bites…?"

Kayleigh shakes her head rapidly while yelling "No, no, no!!"

Reshma finally listens to her friend and releases you, allowing you to fall onto her palm in a puddle of her spit. After that, she starts to rub you into her palm while saying "Let me tell you a secret; I find it so much fun to make a cute guy squeal, and you're the cutest one I've met…" After that, she dumps you into Kayleigh's palm, leaving you lost for words. Then, she slyly winks before walking away while saying "I hope you enjoyed my company as much as I enjoyed yours…"

Now that she was gone, Kayleigh sighs at you and says "Sorry about that… She's normally incredibly warm and caring, like you saw at my place. But when Reshma gets excited like that, it's hard to stop her, and it's even harder with you being too small to resist. You okay?"

You nod and say "Reshma is cool, so I'm not bothered. And that was insanely hot, even if it did get scary at times…"

Kayleigh nods in response to that and says "Well, glad you're in high spirits!" Then she mumbles to herself and says "Maybe I should act that aggressive with him…?"

She then pulls out a tissue and wipes Reshma's spit off of you, causing you to shiver as you realized just how cold you were.

When she sees you like that, she asks "Are you okay…?"

You nod and say "Yeah… Just a bit cold…"

When Kayleigh hears that, she laughs and says "In that case, why don't you ride back in my sneaker? My foot will keep you nice and toasty!"

You accept her offer and say "That sounds good to me!"

Kayleigh then grind and says "Perfect! I need some time to figure something out, so I want you somewhere out of sight. And I've realized that my mind seems to flow far better when I've got you under my foot. I'll figure out the best way to word it once we get back…"

When you hear that, you ask "Wait, word what?"

Kayleigh gasps and then says "Oh, I shouldn't have said that! You're going right in my sneaker before I blurt anything else out!"

Following that, Kayleigh pops off her light gray running shoe, before dumping you into the hot and stuffy sneaker. You didn't have long to rest before her toes reentered, burying you under them as she started to walk back to her house.

Soon, a very arduous walk started for you…

Since it was pretty cold out, you appreciated being under Kayleigh's socked toes, where they enveloped you like a heavy blanket. But then she takes her first step, nearly flattening you between her toes and the cushioned insole. And with each step she took, you found yourself getting battered more and more under those extremely large toes. However, after a few more steps, she stops and forcefully scrunches her toes, smothering you under them. She does this a few more times, before saying "I hope I'm warming you up… If not, I can always go for a quick jog. I am dressed for a run!"

You were honestly looking forward to that, though you had no way of communicating that to her, but then you notice that she had a small hole right under her 3rd toe. So you attempt to move toward it, but Kayleigh stomps her foot before you could move very far, saying "Stop squirming in there!" That stomp knocked the wind right out of you, as multiple tons worth of pressure bared down on you. You were not deterred though, so you get back to crawling, this time reaching that sock tear. After that, you start poking at her highly moist and slightly wrinkles skin, causing her to stop again.

This time, she scratches her chin and mumbles, saying "What the heck are you doing…" She starts to tap her foot while thinking about that, forcing your head through the sock tear in the process. But then, her eyes light up as she says "Oh, my sock! Now I get it…"

But then she pops off her sneaker, before bringing her foot up to her waist to check the sock tear, noticing you stuck halfway into it. When she sees you like this, she begins to laugh while saying "Guess you're still a bit too big…" When you yank your head free and look up at Kayleigh, you see her mouth slowly creep into a mischievous smile, before she says "Wanna try something a bit experimental…?"

You try to yell up to Kayleigh, since you didn't like the sound of that, but she shrugs and says "I can't actually hear your little squeaks, so I say let's do it!" Following that, she shoves back on her sneaker, burying you back under her toes and leaving you directly under the sock tear. After that, she says "I've never shrunk anything under ¼ of an inch, so let's see how you like being shrunk to u39; of an inch!"

Kayleigh doesn't even give you a chance to ready yourself, as she turns the dial, causing you to feel like your body was compressing. It was actually giving you a headache, to the point where your vision blurred, but that quickly passed. But once that all stopped, you look around and realize how much scarier her socked foot looked now. You could more clearly see the individual strands of sock fabric, where each of them were soaked in sweat. The odor from before started to feel heavier and far more oppressive, almost as if it were weighing you down.

But while you were adjusting to this far smaller size, Kayleigh begins to speak, though her voice sounded far deeper and carried a sharp vibration. You try to listen as she says "Since you're much smaller than I usually do things, I'll change you back to ½ an inch in a minute. If you don't make it into my sock by then, well then I guess you didn't want it bad enough…"

You felt like Kayleigh was challenging you, so you crack your knuckles and start to climb up her sock toward the tear, wanting to reach her bare foot resting within. But since she already got back to walking, you had to hold on even tighter while her whole foot shook from each step. Luckily, because you were so extremely small right now, you were able to fit between the sock strands, preventing you from being squished.

But you continue to climb, slowly crawling closer and closer to the sock tear, before you finally managed to slip inside. You were forced into a deep wrinkle on the ball of her foot almost instantly, where you became trapped by walls of sticky and hot flesh. And because you were so small, Kayleigh didn't even notice you, so she continues to walk until those 60 seconds passed. And during that time, she was blissfully unaware of just how awkwardly crammed you were in the moist folds of her foot.

Those 60 seconds proved to feel far longer to you, as your miniscule body was shaken to its very core from each step she took. Kayleigh's full weight pounded into you, making you feel as low as a piece of dirt stuck to her foot. But at your current size, even pieces of dirt were as large as boulders to you, making you feel truly insignificant.

Once that minute passed, Kayleigh adjusts your size, growing you back to ½ of an inch in height. By doing that, she notices that you were fairly stuck to her foot, causing her to laugh and say "So, was it worth it…?" Then she starts to grind the ball of her foot into the pavement, thoroughly crushing you while saying "I wonder how this feels…" But then, her eyes light up as she says "Oh, I've got an idea! Let's see if you've built up your endurance…"

You don't like the sound of that, but you weren't in a position to say anything, so you just mentally prepare yourself. After that, she jumps into the air, smashing your body on the landing. You thought that your whole body would explode, but everything held together, and you barely even felt like you'd pass out. And once she did that, she taps her chin and says "That's just the warm up… Let's see how you handle 3 in a row!"

When you hear that, your eyes widen as you mutter "Please be kidding… please be kidding!"

But then she energetically says "Here I go!!"

And right after that, Kayleigh leaps into the air, before crashing down on you with the force of a mountain. Before you could even scream, she jumps again, knocking the air from your lungs and silencing you. And when she jumps for a third time, you find your body getting forced into her sweaty flesh, as the force from the impact caused you to pass out from the sheer terror of it.

She soon notices that you weren't moving or squirming, so she playfully taps her foot while saying "Hello…? Did I over do it…?" Then she sighs and says "I think I did…"

Following that, she continues the walk home, leaving your unconscious body in her sock, though you were otherwise unharmed. And during the rest of the walk, Kayleigh thought deeply about how to best reveal her newfound feelings toward you, hoping that you'd be receptive of them.

By the time you'd wake back up, you'd be back at Kayleigh's house resting in her open palm…


End Notes:

Hey everyone!

I'm back with this story. I know it's been a few months so I hope it was worth the wait.

Feel free to leave a review with your thoughts. They're always appreciated!

Take care

Chapter 12 by Sheograth
Author's Notes:

TAGS: All Aware, All Kayleigh, Kissing & Mouth-play (at 1/2 inch), In-moccasin (same size), some roleplaying of Kayleigh showing off an aggressive side for fun that leads into next chapter


When you wake up, you find yourself on a soft and cream-colored field that seemed to stretch on far. But after rubbing your eyes, you realize that you were on Kayleigh's palm. Right after that, you remember how this all happened, causing you to look up at her with an annoyed expression.

When Kayleigh sees that, she frowns and says "Was I too rough…?" You nod, causing her to sign and say "Did you enjoy it at least…?" You deeply exhale in response, before eventually nodding, causing her to grin and say "Then I'll try to treat you rougher more often!" You fold your arms, causing her to guiltily smile and say "I understand… I'll only do it occasionally…"

However, she could tell that you still looked a bit annoyed, so she grows you up to 6 inches and presses you against her cheek. You felt like a pet, as she rubbed you up and down while saying "Will you forgive me…?" You remain quiet, so she places you in front of her lips and starts to pepper your small body with kisses. In-between them, she'd say "Can you please forgive me…?"

You eventually nod, causing her to grin and give you one more kiss on your face, smooching you for a longer period of time. Kayleigh continued to suck on your face, before pulling your entire head into her mouth, giving you a clear view of her pink tongue. Before you could do anything, she starts to lick your head, treating your head like a piece of candy. Her tongue would dance around you, covering you in spit while she continued to show her affection for you.

But after about a minute, she stops, finally releasing you. And once you were free from her mouth, she guiltily smiles and says "Sorry, but Reshma made me feel a bit jealous…" Before you can respond, she licks her lips and says "But she was right; you do taste pretty good…"

After saying that, she reaches into a drawer and pulls out what looked like a wooden popsicle stick, before tightly wrapping you against it with string. And before you could say anything, she opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue, confusing you. Then, she gives you one extra long lick, starting at your legs and slowly moving up to your face. And once she finishes that lick, she smiles and says "Yep. You taste great!"

You start to yell at her, but she just smirks and shoves you into her mouth, silencing your protests. It was incredibly warm and humid in Kayleigh's mouth, and you could clearly smell what she last ate. But for the next few minutes, she licked and sucked on you like an icy popsicle, filling you with waves of pleasure. Eventually though, she stops and goes to dry you off, while saying "I got a bit carried away, didn't I…? Whoops…"

But then, she clears her throat and says "Well, think of that as a preview to what I wanted to ask you about…"

In response to that, you say "So what was that question, anyway? At this point, I've got a feeling of what it is…"

Kayleigh then taps her chin and says "Yeah by this point I'm not being subtle, huh? But before we get into that, why don't I make us some dinner? I'll tell you all about it after that…"

You nod, so then she says "You can go relax in the living room while I cook. I'll even grow you back!" You thought that sounded reasonable, but then she smirks and says "Although… you could always do something more adventurous instead…"

When you hear that, you say "Consider me curious. What'd you have in mind?"

Kayleigh smiles in response and says "You could hop in my moccasin while I cook…? I'm sure you'd have a nice time, and I'd like it too! What do you say?"

You think back about how you briefly got to go in Kayleigh's moccasin, and that short experience only made you want to try it again. While you think it over, she says "Just to warn you, I've owned this pair of moccasins for a few years now, and I wear them almost daily in the evening. At least on nights that I'm home…"

That was all you needed to hear, so you say "I'm game for that!"

Kayleigh quietly laughs and says "I wonder what you'll say once I finish cooking. I guarantee that I'll squeeze and squish you thoroughly, since you'll be acting as my dummy again. I'm well aware of how grabby my toes can get, but that just means that they really like you, so I hope you appreciate the affection they show you. And before you ask, yeah, I even throw my dummies in my shoes on occasion. I don't have a problem!"

You stay quiet, causing her to pout and poke you in the chest, easily overwhelming you while saying "Why aren't you saying anything…? I'm not weird for being obsessed with my dummies." She pauses for a moment, before quietly adding  "Not while I've got you from now on…" That last statement confused you, and she seems to notice, so she says "Oh, I said too much again! I've gotta toss you in my moccasin before I blab anything else…"

Following that, Kayleigh quickly grabs her left moccasin and drops you into it, not even letting you take a look beforehand. She must've been really flustered, making you want to know even more what she planned to ask you, though you had no choice but to wait until she was ready to tell you. Your thoughts are interrupted when you land on the sticky and fluffy ground, where you notice that it was heavily seeped with absorbed sweat. As you stood up, you notice that the odor was also intense, which was worrying since she didn't even start wearing them yet.

But then Kayleigh places the moccasin on the floor, before nudging it with her foot, causing you to fall back down. As she sees that, she giggles and says "You okay…? I hope you're ready, because I know I'll be pestering you relentlessly, so let me apologize in advance…" Then, she forcefully cracks her toes just above you, startling you from the noise as she says "Uh oh… Looks like my toes are getting a bit impatient. I've gotta feeling that they'll really go crazy with you this time… I know by now that you'll love it!" All in all, she was totally right, abd every word seemed to get you more excited for what was to come.

After that, she tips the moccasin forward, causing you to tumble toward the toe area, as she says "I've gotta make sure you're in the right position! No need to thank me…"

Once you land in the far stuffier toe section, Kayleigh begins to shuffle her foot inside, causing the whole shoe to shake as if an earthquake was happening. And as they got closer, you reminded of just how massive her toes were, while you crouched down near one of the imprints. But they continued to bound toward you like massive trains, though you manage to slip between her 2nd and 3rd toes, avoiding a hard tackle from them.

She quickly notices your position, so she scrunches her toes, smothering you against those walls of sticky and warm flesh, while she says "Did you want me to bully you this badly…? Despite my bravado, I was gonna go easy on you to start. But now that I know how you really wanna roll, I can improvise!" She then pauses and wiggles her toes, rolling against them effortlessly, reminding you of just how much power Kayleigh held over you. Then, she says "I can play the role of the cruel boss, so I'll give ya a truly hellish experience, and I'll even be mean to ya too!"

She then clears her throat, signifying a change in demeanor, before stomping her foot, startling you. Then, she laughs and says "For the next hour, I'll try as hard as I can to break your puny and pathetic body, since you're nothing more than a sad little bug. My toes will be your tormentors, and they know just how to make pests like you squeal in terror. By the time I'm satisfied, you'll be begging for mercy…"

It seems like your action gave Kayleigh a slightly different impression than you intended, though you had no qualms of getting dominated by such an awesome woman…

Following that concerning claim, Kayleigh starts to scrunch her toes more frequently and keeps them scrunched for longer periods of time, making it more difficult for you to breathe properly. Due to your current size, she had no issues with keeping you entirely under her control. But because of how forcefully she was squeezing you with her toes, it almost felt like a massage, where you could feel your muscles relax as she happily dominated you.

She decides to cook a simple chicken parmesan and pasta dish, so she starts by boiling the water and heating the sauce, while also putting the chicken cutlets into the oven. Due to that, the kitchen quickly warmed up, causing Kayleigh to sweat. And because of your location deep within her moccasin, you found yourself slammed by waves and waves of sweat. Beads of sweat would travel down her toes before breaking onto you, splashing and soaking you with the salty liquid. And it seemed that as time went on, she'd only sweat more profusely, leaving you to deal with the consequences.

Her profuse sweating had a different impact on you as well, where it caused her to wriggle and stretch her toes much more aggressively, and you were unsure if she was totally aware of it. Despite all her big claims, you had a feeling you'd have a rough experience even if she tried to ignore you, based on how antsy her toes could get. But right after thinking that, she shuffles off her moccasin and bends her ankle, hovering her foot so her sole was perpendicular to the floor. Before you could figure out what she was doing, she brutally squeezes her toes, making you feel like you'd pop from the extreme pressure.

After that, she hums to herself and says "Since I'm cooking for such a worthless little speck, the least you can do is properly worship my toes. I expect you to use your tiny tongue, and if I don't feel like you've worked hard enough, then no dinner for you…"

With that command issued, she shuffles her foot back into the moccasin, leaving you to deliver expert care to her toes…


End Notes:

Hey everyone!

Hope you enjoy the chapter. Feel free to leave a review. This one was uploaded from my phone, so excuse any formatting issues. I'll clean it all up when I can access my computer again.

Take care!

Chapter 13 by Sheograth
Author's Notes:

TAGS: All Aware, All Kayleigh, More aggressive (due to roleplaying) in-moccasin interaction for most of the chapter, then plot stuff


Kayleigh just commanded you to lick and kiss her toes, and you'd like to do a good job, so you waste no time in getting started. Since you were lodged between her toes right now, you start by shuffling forward until you reached the space between them, before burying your head in and licking like crazy. Her skin was incredibly warm and moist, but you continue to lick even as your mouth was filled with her sweat. As you continue to lap up her sweat, Kayleigh quietly moans to herself and says "That feels amazing!" Once she realizes that she wasn't being much of a 'cruel boss', she coughs and says "I mean… It feels good so far, but I expect you to keep that up until I finish cooking. Lazy workers don't get dinner!"

She then pauses for a moment before scrunching her toes, enveloping you while saying "Keep going, bug…" You had no desire to stop, so you keep on licking, soon moving on to the sides of her 2nd and 3rd toes. While you licked, you noticed that bits of sock fluff were stuck to her toes, so you pluck them off whenever you see them. Eventually, she raises her toes, preventing you from reaching them, before saying "I think it's time for you to move along… Better walk quickly unless you wanna get stomped."

In response to that, you walk under where her 3rd and 4th toes would be, before she lowers them, trapping you between them. After that, you get back to work, licking and kissing all over, making Kayleigh incredibly happy. And while you were between this pair of toes, you noticed that you had far less room, where you could barely move your arms. But after a few minutes of this, Kayleigh lifts her toes again while saying "You know the drill! Get going… And my big toe needs some attention now!"

You comply and walk from where you were to the area near her big toe, ready to work hard over there next. And once you get near it, she lowers her toe, prompting you to approach the front of it. Now that you were there, you take a look, seeing that there was some dirt stuck in the grooves of the toe. Due to that, you start picking that dirt out, causing her to smile and say "I can feel your tiny hands… It seems like you're working hard! Not bad for such a pathetic speck..."

Hearing her praise only makes you want to work harder, reaching under her nail to remove the dirt and moccasin fluff from there as well. Normally this wouldn't be noticeable to anyone, but you still wanted to do some cleaning since it was perfectly in reach for you. Once you finished getting rid of all the dirt, you get back to worshipping her toe, licking and caressing the smooth and sweaty skin. When she feels that, she happily sighs and says "That feels great… Don't lose focus, unless you want to be punished!"

You continue to lick and kiss her big toe, moving along it toward the large gap in-between, noticing that the skin there was nearly twice as tall as you. But now that you were facing that wall of sweaty flesh, you run into it and press yourself into the soft skin, causing Kayleigh to squeeze her toes in response. After that, she giggles and says "Somebody feels excited! Why don't I work off that excess energy real quick… Gotta remind my bug boy who's in charge!"

Following that, she starts to scrunch and wriggle her toes intensely, as if trying to grind you into tiny pieces. Her big toe was many times larger than you and it showed, as it had no difficulty in keeping you under its control. No matter what you do, you remain trapped among the wrinkled and moist flesh, as she energetically used you as her plaything. But there was something magical about having your agency be completely stolen from you by her toe of all things, since that was the weakest part of the giant that was Kayleigh. And yet you had complete trust in her not to abuse you in ways that you would dislike. True, she was forgetful and that did cause some problems this weekend, but those accidents were never intentional. And they did allow you to be unknowingly abused by her and some of her pretty attractive friends.

However, your period of introspection was cut short when Kayleigh taps her foot, causing you to get thrown into the inner wall of the moccasin, before rolling back into her big toe. And while you were dazed, she says "Time for another switch! My pinky toe really wants some of your expert care. I trust you'll rush over and keep it company…? And if you take your time you'll lose your meal privileges..." You brush yourself off and start walking along the moccasin ground, eventually reaching where her pinky toe was.

She kept her toes lifted during your walk over, but she eventually loses patience, allowing her pinky toe to crash down next to you. Unfortunately, your angle was slightly off, so it ends up landing on top of you. And because Kayleigh was currently stirring the tomato sauce, she failed to notice this, and instead started to knead your body under her pinky toe. You attempt to free yourself, but then you notice a large piece of fluff stuck next to her pinky toe, which comes loose at the worst possible time.

It lands on you just as Kayleigh grinds you under her toe yet again, effectively burying you into the moccasin fluff. And due to your small size, you couldn't free yourself since your arms were essentially glued to your sides from the sweat. With each impact, you found yourself getting shoved deeper into the soft and sticky moccasin fluff, as her toe felt more like your executioner. Before you knew it, only your head was above ground, though her pinky toe continued to smother you regardless.

Eventually, Kayleigh dusts off her hands and says "Well, now just gotta let everything cook! I should get you cleaned off… Hope you enjoyed my 'angry boss' routine! I thought it was a fun change of pace."

She then walks into the other room, treading on you with each step, before sitting on her ottoman. After that, she shakes off her moccasin, leaving you trapped inside it while she separates her toes, looking for you. But when she doesn't see you, she scratches her chin and says "Huh…? Are you still in the moccasin?"

After that, she picks it up, causing everything to shake while your were pressured from the resulting G-force. Then, she perks inside, before pulling back and scowling and saying "These reek! Why do you enjoy this…?" You were about to feel self-conscious, but then she laughs and says "I'm glad you do since I like you in them, but geez…"

But after a minute of looking, she frowns and says "Where'd you go…? I should just make you bigger…" When she turns the dial, you fail to grow, filling you with fear. But then you hear an error noise, causing her to hum to herself while saying "I forgot to mention this, but there's a built-in safety feature where if something shrunk ends up in a space where growing it could cause it damage, it automatically stops working."

Then she sighs and says "Guess that means you got stuck deep in my moccasin. Lemme get a flashlight real quick…" After that, she leaves to get a flashlight, as you hope that she finds you soon. Because as much as you enjoyed being in Kayleigh's moccasin, you didn't want to miss dinner because of it. So when she gets back, she shines her flashlight into the toe section, making you feel like she was searching for a dead body.

Eventually the light shines over you, revealing to her that you were trapped under the fluff where her pinky toe imprint was. After that, she carefully frees you, before smiling and saying "You okay?"

You nod, while pulling moccasin fluff off of your face, before saying "Yeah… Glad you found me. How'd I do?"

She then grows you to 10 inches, before affectionately rubbing your head and saying "You did an awesome job! I've never felt so pampered before…"

But now that you were a bit bigger, she frowns and says "You don't look great… Since we've got half an hour before dinner is ready, how about I give you a shower?"

You then start to look at yourself, realizing that you were covered in sweat and grime, before nodding. But then, you say "Hold on… You give me a shower?"

Kayleigh nods and says "Yep! I'll scrub you down and get you squeaky clean…" Then she pauses for a moment before adding "Might as well spill the beans now."

You silently listen, as she takes a deep breath and says "So… basically, I like you. Not as a co-worker, or an assistant, or even as a friend. When I asked you for help on Friday, that was my way of confirming my feelings to myself. So… yeah. Well…?"

You quickly respond, saying "I'll just say how I feel then, no filters. I think you're an awesome person, you're smart but also incredibly fun to be around. You're my boss but I never felt afraid around you. But you also know how to take charge, which I love. So yeah, I think I feel the same way."

Kayleigh grins before hugging you, pressing you against her chest while saying "Yay…!"

You squirm in an attempt to free yourself, causing Kayleigh to let up the pressure just enough for you to look up at her. And after that, you say "But what about work?"

She winks in response and says "Don't worry about all that! I'm real close with the firm's founder, so we'll be totally fine. They'll probably not let you get paid for being my dummy during work hours after this weekend, but I make enough for the both of us. I'll get you a highly flexible work schedule…"

Now that feelings were revealed on both sides, Kayleigh smiles and says "Ready for that shower now…?"

You were about to experience the best shower of your life, but from how the conversation went, it most definitely wouldn't be your last…


End Notes:

Hey everyone!

Hope you enjoy the chapter. Even though Outer Worlds is currently taking up my time now (it's great!) I'll still try to get the next chapter our this week.

And feel free to leave a review with your thoughts.

Take care!

Chapter 14 by Sheograth
Author's Notes:

TAGS: All Aware, All Kayleigh, Slow Undressing, Naked Hugging, Being Kayleigh's Washcloth (4 in)


Well I messed up a tad. I ended up forgetting how Kayleigh was dressed between chapters, so I’ll need to do a quick retcon. Basically, before taking her walk where you go in her bra, she changes into a different outfit. Also, the protagonist’s current size is 1 ft.

As of now, she is wearing a maroon sweatshirt over a gray v-neck T-shirt, tight fitting black pants, and matching maroon sneakers.

Kayleigh quickly brings you into the bathroom, before looking at you and saying "Well, ready to strip?" You feel apprehensive, causing her to smirk and say "Sounds like you're being shy… Allow me to fix that!"

Following that, she rips off your clothes, rendering you naked. And when you see that your clothes were ruined, you cover yourself before yelling "Hey!! What'll I wear now??"

Kayleigh just smiles and says "Oh don't worry… I'm good friends with the head researcher of thus shrinking project, she made me a collection of things for you to wear, and their size can be adjusted at will. Personally I think you'll look dashing in them…"

When you hear that, you ask "Who is this researcher?"

She responds, saying "Her name is Amy Kobayashi. She's super cool and wicked smart."

After that, you say "Hmm… she sounds like she'd be fun in a size related story…"

Kayleigh scratches her chin and adds, saying "It'd definitely be fun to read, if a story about Amy Kobayashi was written. Or in a text adventure update of Shrunk at College"

*Stares at reader*

Anyway… by now you realized that you were standing in front of Kayleigh completely naked, causing you to cover yourself up as best as you could. Kayleigh giggles in response to your embarrassment, while saying "You're a pretty good looking dude… But it's not fair if you're the only naked one."

After saying that, she starts by pulling off her maroon sweatshirt, revealing the light gray shirt that was under it. Then, she slowly slips out of her tight fitting black pants, balancing on one leg at a time. During this process, you got a close-up view of her butt and things as they tensed up in response to her attempt to remain balanced. At times it seemed like she might fall over, evoking the image of a massive tree, due to your still fairly small stature. Once she finished with that, she was down to her light gray v-neck T-shirt and her dark green panties, so she takes her shirt off next, stripping down to her undergarments.

Following that, she shakes her shirt a few times, before smirking at you and saying “I’ve got a fun idea…” Before you could question her further, Kayleigh tosses the shirt behind you like a large ring, pulling it and you toward her bare stomach. Due to that, she had no difficulty in keeping you pinned to her, as she says “Isn’t this fun…?” During her energetic walk back to the house, she worked up a minor sweat, causing you to heat up as a result. After that, she releases the grip on her shirt, though she wraps her arms around you before you could fall down, trapping you in a powerful hug. While she does this, she giggles and says “I feel like you’re a cute little animal… I just can’t resist holding you while you’re this size!”

You attempt to move your head enough so you could speak, before saying “That’s definitely an accurate description!” But before you could say anything else, she pulls you up, pinning your body against her ample chest while looking down at you happily. Right after that, she lowers her neck to kiss you, covering over half of your face with her soft lips. Even though she was far larger than you, you still attempt to kiss her back, though her tongue did significantly more work than yours did. Either way, you were having an intense makeout with Kayleigh while she held you snugly in her arms, reminding you of just how stunning she was and how much you enjoyed being smaller than her. This kiss lasts a few minutes, as she continuously squeezes you harder into her chest, where the both of you continue to get more and more into the situation.

But eventually, she pulls you away and nervously laughs, before saying “Guess we got carried away… We still need to shower after all…”

Once Kayleigh says that, she turns around and says “Would you mind unhooking my bra? You’ll be able to reach it easier than me…” She proceeds to bend her knees, knowing that you wouldn’t be tall enough currently, allowing you to easily unhook the bra, causing it to fall to the floor. She then turns around and says “Well, how are they…?”

You were absolutely awestruck right now, as Kayleigh’s breasts looked amazing. They were nicely rounded and perky, probably because of how she exercised regularly, but the craziest part right now was their size compared to you. It wasn’t a secret to you that she had large breasts, but their size were fairly proportional to her height, so it wasn’t crazy or anything. But right now, her boobs were probably half your size, and your head was many times smaller than each of them. And because you felt so flustered, the only thing you could say in response was “Amazing…”

Kayleigh’s eyes widen, before she blushes and smiles while saying “Talk about a confidence booster…” Then she takes a deep breath and then exhales, before saying “Well, if you like them that much, then soon you’re gonna be best buddies with them!”

That was an odd statement, which was enough to stop you from feeling embarrassed, so you ask “What does that mean…?”

She just smiles and says “Allow me to explain! I normally use a washcloth to shower with, which is normal of course, but now I’ve got something way better.” You wonder if she bought a loofah or something, since she still wasn’t making sense to you, so you just keep on listening. She continues to explain, saying “Once I shrink you a bit more, you’ll be the perfect size to scrub myself down with! Doesn’t that sound fun?”

Now things were making sense, and Kayleigh’s plan of action sounded incredibly exciting, but also a bit terrifying. Before you could say anything though, you feel yourself shrink again, as she says “I think 4 inches should be a good size. I need ya to fit in my hand comfortably…”

Once you were at that size, Kayleigh grabs your naked body and brings you to her face, before grinning and saying “I swear, you just keep getting cuter the more I shrink you…” You start to blush again, so she starts to pepper your tinier body with kisses, keeping you entirely in her palm. With your now further diminished size, her lips were easily half as big as you, though they remained as pillowy soft as before. She continues to do this for about 30 seconds, where you begin to struggle, causing her to stop and say “Whoops… We are here to shower after all. And you must be getting chilly, being stuck naked with me getting distracted constantly…”

After that, she reaches down and slips off her panties, finally stripping down to nothing, before turning on the water and stepping inside the tub. It seems like your intense washdown with Kayleigh was finally about to begin…

Kayleigh begins by closing her eyes and lowering her face under the stream of water, happily sighing and saying “Nothing beats a hot shower…” Right now you were getting hit by small warm water droplets even though you were currently being kept out of the way, but that soon changed when she moves you under the water. She makes sure to hold you tight and upright, giving you a thorough soaking, which you enjoyed. The roar of the shower and the force of the water was a bit more intense than you would have liked, but you quickly adjust.

And once you were sufficiently dampened, she says “Well, why don’t we get started… I hope you like my choice in body wash!” Soon after that, she squirts the clear purplish liquid onto you, which was berry scented. And once you were covered with that liquid goo, she brings her hands together and rubs them aggressively while saying “Bare with me now… I’ve gotta get a good lather going!” She keeps this up for a minute, massaging you with her soft palms while you soon found yourself lost in a sea of suds.

Now that she seemed ready, she brings you toward her stomach and says “Time to start! Have fun…” She starts by pressing you into her stomach, where you noticed that it was well-toned and somewhat muscular. After that she rubs you in a circular motion around her stomach, cleaning herself off while slowly moving you up along her abs, allowing you to experience that muscled area. But then you look up and see her mountainous breasts, making you look forward to your next destination, but to your surprise Kayleigh lifts you and starts to rub you against her forearm instead. As she does this, she giggles and says “Oh, were you looking forward to something…?

It seems like Kayleigh still enjoyed teasing you, as she thoroughly rubbed you against her arms, cleaning them off. Right after that, she brings you toward her armpits while saying “You may want to hold your breath… I’ll try to be quick!” You listen and take a deep breath right before she squishes you against her underarm, where the scent of the body wash overpowered everything else, which was convenient for you. But she was true to her word, as she quickly finished scrubbing her armpits before placing you under the shower again, rinsing you off. And while she did that, she says “That was only round 1! We’ve still got a long way to go…”

Following that, she pours and lathers more body wash onto you, before finally moving you toward her chest, aggressively pinning you against her left breast. And while she squishes you against her boob, she giggles and says “Does that feel pleasant…?” You attempt to nod, causing her to grin before smearing you all across both breasts, using you to clean every inch of her chest. But after that, she shoves you between them and then lets go, allowing you to slide downward for a moment before squishing her boobs together and trapping you in her cleavage. As that happened, she smiles and says “I hope you weren’t scared… I definitely won’t drop you!” While she was trying to be reassuring, you planned on waiting until the shower was over before choosing to believe in that statement.

Your thoughts were then interrupted when Kayleigh suddenly starts to rub her boobs up and down, grinding you against her soaked skin without showing any signs of stopping. While this was happening, she giggles and says “Why don’t we make you even smaller…?” Before you could respond, she reaches through the shower curtain and adjusts the shrinking ring, reducing you to 2 inches. And at your current size, her breasts enveloped you on all sides, to the point where you felt like those sacks of fat were consuming you.

But you only had a moment to rest, before she resumed her rubdown of you, happily crushing and rolling you between her boobs. And for the whole duration of this amazing experience, Kayleigh laughed and laughed, making you feel happy that she enjoyed the activity this much.

This was only the start of your shower, but you were sure that you wouldn’t forget it...


End Notes:

Hey everyone!

It's been a few weeks, but here's the next chapter. Hope the action here is spicy enough. And I hope I can get the next chapter out a bit sooner, but we'll see!

Take care.

Also, I've got a Twitter account, so follow me there if you want immediate updates on when I upload new chapters for my stories!


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