Big Friendly Giantess by The Doctor

Tucker Martel's life is in tatters but all that turns around when he meets a very gentle giantess. (Re-write of popular story)

Categories: Giantess, Teenager (13-19), Adventure, Young Adult 20-29, Adult 30-39, Breast Enlargement, Gentle, Growing/Shrinking out of clothes, Growing Woman, Instant Size Change, Lesbians Characters: None
Growth: Titan (101 ft. to 500 ft.)
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: Big Friendly Giantess
Chapters: 65 Completed: Yes Word count: 327990 Read: 486341 Published: April 19 2014 Updated: October 23 2014
Chapter 14; Beauty Sleep by The Doctor

  Jessica’s eyes began to flicker open and she felt very refreshed. The sleep was just what she had needed although she did feel a little hungry now. She wasn’t as hungry as she was after her growth spurt but it was still enough for her stomach to rumble. She was still in a bit of a daze and everything was all a bit of a blur but as the seconds went by she began to remember everything that had happened. But what she saw next took her completely by surprise.

  Instead of being in Alicia’s spare bedroom she found herself in what seemed to be a hospital. She slowly turned her head either side and saw several expensive looking machinery very close to her bed. She also noticed that the bed itself was much large than the one she had originally slept in. This bed was easily long enough for her to stretch herself without fear of her feet poking through and it was relatively wide. It was like a double bed.

  She did not recognise where she was but she guessed that she was in one of Park Incorporated’s infamous Medi-labs. She tried to move but she felt a sharp pain in her right arm. When she lifted her arm up she could see that there was a tube attached to it and she immediately pulled it off. The experience had been painful but the only thing that she was thinking about was getting up and finding out where she was. She sat herself up in the bed and put her feet on the ground. She noticed that there didn’t seem to be anyone else inside the room so she thought that she wouldn’t have much trouble.

  Almost immediately the door to the room swung open and three scientists hurried themselves inside. They all looked somewhat panicked and Jessica recognised one of them as Doctor Wagner the scientist who had injected her with the Jones serum. Although she was glad to see them all she could sense that something was wrong. She slowly stood up and she also noticed something else, she was no longer wearing her self-made toga but instead was in a full hospital gown. She didn’t like the idea that someone had changed her while she had been asleep; it made her feel somewhat violated.

  “Miss Snape I think it’s best you lie back down,” said Doctor Wagner. She was several steps away from Jessica although there was nothing to really be afraid of. “We haven’t finished the primary tests yet.”

  “What primary tests?” asked Jessica as she stood up to her full height. For a few moments there was a sense of awe from the scientists. They hadn’t seen her stand up after her growth spurt, all they had seen of her was when she was brought in. “What happened to me?”

  “Please sit down Miss Snape we’re not quite sure if your new height is exactly good for your health.” She was feeling a little intimidated at seeing the towering figure in front of her. It was hard to believe that this had once been a short plain woman with an acne problem.

  “No not yet I want you to tell me everything.” Her voice became very stern and she crossed her arms showing that she was joking around. She could see some fear in the eyes of Doctor Wagner and it made her feel guilty. She felt that she was using her new found size to threaten people.

  “Ok I’ll tell you as much as I can tell you.” She hoped that this was enough to satisfy Jessica for now. The other scientists were also keeping their distance from her. They had never dealt with someone like her before. “When I injected you with the Jones serum we thought that your body was immune to the serum. Unfortunately we were wrong, for reasons that we’re not entirely sure of ourselves the serum delayed itself in your system before finally mixing with your DNA. As you can obviously see your physical appearance has been transformed completely. From what we know so far you’re lucky to be alive, if anyone else had gone through a transformation like that they would have died within seconds. You on the other hand have not seemed to have any ill effect yet, although you did eat almost your own body weight in food and you have been asleep for a long time.”

  “What?” This only increased her confusion. She also felt a little light headed and sat back down on the bed. She didn’t think her light headedness was due to her size but was a catalogue of different things like her growth spurt to finding herself in this room. “How long was I asleep?”

  “You’ve been asleep for three days Miss Snape.” She began to take a couple of steps towards Jessica as she felt more confident around her. She saw that Jessica was feeling down so this also made her feel a little safer. It was better for her to be sad rather than angry. “You fell asleep at your friend’s house and when you didn’t awake the next morning we thought that it was best that we bring you here. I’m surprised that you didn’t wake you up en route. Unfortunately the process didn’t go all that smoothly.”

  “Well my Daddy did say that I was a heavy sleeper.” She tried to break a smile but she didn’t feel all that happy right now. “Where is my Daddy?”

  “Doctor Snape will be informed shortly about your current condition. Please can you lie back on the bed; as soon as the tests are done you can get up and have a look around. I think you might want to stretch those legs of yours after such a long sleep.”

  Jessica considered her options. She knew that she had the power to just get up and walk away and there wasn’t much that Doctor Wagner or any of the other scientists could do to stop her. But that was against her nature, even though her body had changed dramatically she was still the same person inside. She was now physically a very powerful person but she didn’t want to use it against people. The reason why she had even wanted to be an agent in the first place was so that she could help people. She knew what it was like to be small and weak and she didn’t want to be like the popular girls who had made her life a living hell.

  After thinking for several moments Jessica lay back down on the bed and the scientists came in much closer. One of them moved some of the machinery closer to her so that they could continue the tests. Jessica was feeling uncomfortable but she could wait for a few minutes. If anything it was better than being cut open and dissected.

  She had expected the tests to last for a few more minutes but instead they weren’t over for a further two hours. She had to lie almost motionless on the bed as the tests were conducted and she had felt a little bored during the whole process. She did talk to a couple of the scientists while they did their work but the one thing she was most concerned about was the whereabouts of her father. She had expected him to be with her very shortly but though out the tests he had been absent. This made her feel a little anxious and the fact that she was hungry didn’t make her feel any better.

  While the tests were being taken she was not allowed to eat anything. If she did it could throw a couple of the results off. She was promised that she could eat whatever she wanted when the tests were finished. Alicia had told them about how she ate all the food in the house after her growth spurt. They were worried that it would take that much food to feed her each time but from the results that they were getting they didn’t think it was the case. They suspected that Jessica had burned so many calories when she grew that her body urgently needed the food to replace what had been burned off. Normally they would go to a previous case to test that theory but the problem was that there was no previous case. Jessica was the first person in history to go through anything like this.

  When the last test was finally completed Jessica was finally allowed to get out of the bed. She was a little nervous walking around since she knew that the last time she had walked around her legs had felt very weak. For now she was not allowed to leave the room so all she could do was walk around the room numerous times. Much to her surprise her legs now felt a lot stronger, no longer did her knees shake when she was standing up. They were feeling strong and Jessica felt that she could run a marathon. The scientists had left the room so she didn’t have to worry about walking into any of them.

  She was still getting over just how small everything looked now. All her life she had been used to looking up at almost everyone and feeling that she was in a world that was a little too big for her. Now the scales had been reversed, people would have to look up to her and instead of having problems reaching things she would have minor problems bending down to grab things that was low.

  Jessica also took the opportunity to examine her body a little more. She felt her buttocks and she liked the texture, her hair still felt soft and silky. The only part of her body she had a problem with was her breasts, they were much larger than she would have liked and she hoped that when she talked to people they would be able to concentrate on her face and not stare at her breasts. She also noticed that her nipples were very sensitive. The night of her growth spurt when she had squeezed her nipple she had only felt pain. She would have to remember this for the future.

  One thing that she did really like was her legs. For as long as she could remember she had always wanted to have long beautiful legs like the models she had seen in the media. Although now her legs were most likely longer than that of any model. She sat down on the bed and stretched her legs in front of her so that she could get a really good view. She noticed that her feet although very large were still looking beautiful. Her toenails were all nice and trim and her toes seemed to be very long. Normally she would never consider painting her nails but with her new appearance she felt that it was time for her to be a new person. No longer was she going to be the meek shy girl that she had been. Now she wanted to be more like Alicia, outgoing, confident and still retaining her good nature.

  When she heard someone walked through the door she quickly looked towards it she hoped to see her father but instead she saw a nurse bring a tray of food. She could smell the contents from where she was sitting and it didn’t really smell very nice. She didn’t really care about the taste, all she wanted was to eat the food so that she could satisfy her hunger. She didn’t feel as hungry as she did when she had gone through her growth spurt but technically speaking she hadn’t eaten in three days.

  Jessica could also see that the nurse seemed to be nervous as she approached her. This was something that she was going to have to get used to. Many people felt intimidated when they were around people of Jessica’s height. It was also equally intimidating that it was that Jessica was a woman and women in general weren’t all that tall. If she had been an extremely tall man it would not have been so bad but because she was a woman it made it even more unusual. Instead of standing up Jessica felt that it was best to remain seated, at least this way the nurse wouldn’t see just how tall she was. She even tried to smile at her to show that there was nothing to be worried about; she wasn’t some monster who would go on a rampage if she got a little mad.

  As Jessica received the tray she thanked the nurse and she watched her nervously leave the room. When Jessica looked at the meal in front of her it didn’t look very appetising, it looked a little like mashed potato but it was a lot gooier and most likely healthier. Normally she wouldn’t really eat this kind of food but her hunger made her eat it. This time she remembered to use her table manners, instead of bringing the plate of food to her lips and swallowing it like that she used the cutlery that was provided. The food itself was warm but a little too bland for her liking but she knew that this would most likely be the only food that she could have so she just ate it and tried to imagine that it was a sweet product.

  It only took a couple of minutes for Jessica to finish her food and she heard someone else come into the room. She was expecting it to be another nurse or scientist but much to her relief she it was her father David. Almost without thinking Jessica put the tray to one side and she stood up to her full height. She didn’t give him time to marvel over her height, she just gave him a huge hug and she shed a few tears of joy. It was only when she looked at his face that she saw that he was very tired. His eyes were blood shot and there were huge bags underneath them. Even the way he was standing suggested that he was extremely tired. Jessica guessed that he had not been to sleep for a couple of days.

  “Daddy are you alright?” asked Jessica looking down at him. It was still hard for her to comprehend that she was actually taller than him. She always remembered him being a giant of a man to her even though he was only around average height. “You look like you haven’t slept in days.”

  “That’s because I haven’t Honey,” replied David with a sigh. “I couldn’t go to sleep until you woke up. I’ve been so worried about you Honey, my fears have been realised unfortunately.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I broke my promise to your mother. I promised to protect you and I failed at that miserably.” He paused for a moment so that he could collect himself. “I’m sorry Jessica I failed you.”

  “You didn’t fail me Daddy. If anything I’ve never felt better in my entire life. Ok I admit that from now on I have to duck when walking through doors but besides that I’m only seeing positives from my transformation. For once I feel that I’m beautiful.”

  “You’ve always been beautiful Honey.” He had to interrupt her there because he felt that was Jessica was saying was incorrect. He had never considered his daughter to be ugly and he thought that it was very wrong for her to feel anything different.

  “Come on Daddy I had zits bigger than a moon.” She tried to put on a smile to show that it was more of a joke than an actual fact. “I went from being a small weak girl to a tall strong woman and to tell you the truth I couldn’t be happier. I know that people will stare at me in the street when I walk by but this new body has given me a new sense of confidence that I thought I would never have. I’m going to break out of my shell and become a new person.” She put her large hand on his cheek. “I might be almost a foot taller than you now but I’ll always be your little girl and you’ll always the big strong man who always treated me like a princess.”

  The two hugged each other again and the feeling was even more bizarre for David. He felt like he was a child again being hugged by his own mother but that figure had now been replaced by his own daughter. It felt strange now that she was above him, a small part of him felt that she no longer needed his protection but another part knew that she would always be able to turn to him for protection.

  A couple of minutes later both Jessica and David were sitting on the bed talking. At least sitting down the height difference wasn’t as significant but he still couldn’t believe that this woman was in fact his daughter. It was almost like someone had switched her body with a super tall model. But even after everything her transformation had changed about her body the one thing that remained the same was her eyes. Her large hazel eyes were still the same as when she was her normal height, they were also the same that belonged to her mother. There was no doubt in his mind that this really was his daughter.

  “So what are they going to do with me now?” asked Jessica with some concern. She didn’t want to be cooped up here for too long. She wanted to go out and embrace the world with a new perspective so to speak.

  “Well depending on the results of the test one of a number of things could happen,” replied David. “Unless the tests reveal anything really bad the company will be making you into an agent.”

  “What after all this?”

  “Yes you passed the test and you’ve had a positive reaction to the Jones serum. Under company guidelines you’re more or less a junior agent. Obviously you have a lot more training to go before you can actually become a full time agent but if your power is just this then training to use your powers will be scratched off. They’ve already assigned you to an agent.”

  In Park Incorporated when a candidate became a junior agent they were assigned to a fully trained agent for training and guidance. No one agent could teach two juniors at once and the training could last years before a junior could go on a mission by themselves. It was normally very prestigious to be selected to train a junior because it meant that the company had enough faith in that agent to train the junior. It was also the final hurdle into becoming a full time agent and if a junior failed their training for any reason they would be reassigned to another job that suited them better.

  “Who have I been assigned to?” asked Jessica with curiosity. She was wondering if she would be paired with the infamous Agent Blaire or maybe even Agent Myers. They were two of the most famous agents working for the company.

  “You’ve been paired with Agent Frederick,” replied David struggling to remember the name.

  “Who’s that?” She had never heard of Agent Frederick before and she wondered if he was an experienced agent or if she was going to be his first junior.

  “Oh you’ll know him when you see him. To tell you the truth with him you’ll be in very safe hands. Mr Park himself asked for my approval first and believe me I wouldn’t leave you in the hands of someone who was incompetent.”

  “What can he do?”

  “Again you’ll know it when you see him. He has a perfect track record so far and he can make anyone feel good about themselves.”

  Just then Jessica and David heard Doctor Wagner re-enter the room. She was carrying a clipboard with what looked to be test results on them. It was obvious to both of them that they were Jessica’s results. This made her feel a little nervous because she began to imagine the worse. She thought that whatever transformed her would also eventually kill her and she looked nervously at Doctor Wagner. The Doctor herself didn’t seem to look all that concerned. She was looking through the paperwork looking for the best place to start. At least when Jessica saw her lack of concern it made her feel that everything wasn’t all doom and gloom.

  “So what’s the news Doc?” asked Jessica trying to put on a brave face.

  “Well from the preliminary results don’t seem to show anything too serious,” replied Doctor Wagner still flicking through the paperwork. “We just want to keep you overnight for observational reasons but come morning you’ll be allowed to go home. In a couple of days you’ll need to return here to start your training but you will receive suitable information beforehand. The results of the more complicated tests will take a little bit of time though”

  “That’s fantastic.” It was better news than she could have hoped for. Although the fact that she was awaiting the other test results did worry her a little but she didn’t let it get in the way of her happiness about hearing the good news.

  “Indeed it is but I must admit that I am surprised with the results myself. Not only are you normal but you seem to be dare I say too healthy.”

  “Is that even possible?”

  “No not really. I mean that there is an average health level and you Miss Snape are in the top one percent of adults for health. Your father informed me that you once broke your wrist when you were a child and although it healed it was never right since. Well while we went through the tests we were amazed to see that there was no evidence at all that your wrist was ever fractured. It seems that when you transformed it also fixed all your aliments including your unfortunate acne problem.” She took a good long look at Jessica’s face and she couldn’t find any evidence that there had been spots there only a few short days ago. “Your skin seems to be flawless, it’s almost like you’ve had the acne completely purged from your body. I would have thought it was impossible but that’s the unpredictability of the Jones Serum. Miss Snape I’d go as far to say that your body is perfect both externally and internally.”

  “Thank you I guess.” She was surprised with what Doctor Wagner had told her. She thought that she was giving her some kind of compliment and it was the first one she had ever received about her body.

  “It wasn’t a compliment Miss Snape I was just stating a scientific fact. But as a woman and not a scientist I can say to you that you are completely flawless.”

  Now that was the compliment that she had been hoping to hear. This was the first real time that anyone besides family or friends had actually called her beautiful. Before this she had always felt like the short and ugly person in the room but now all that seemed to be in the past. She thought now that when people saw her they wouldn’t think of her as being ugly but the beautiful person she truly was. Although she would miss the girl that she was it was now time to be what she called Jessica Two Point Zero.

  “Is there anything else you need to do right now?” asked Jessica.

  “For now no but it is best that you stay in here for now,” replied Doctor Wagner. “I know there’s not much to do but we’ll bring you whatever you want to keep yourself occupied. Just name anything within reason.”

  “Well….” She began to think for a moment as she began to have a good idea. “There is one thing I do want.”

  Several minutes later Jessica was alone in the room sitting in the bed with a screen in front of her. She was resting the screen on her lap and she made sure that she had a good view of the screen. On the side of the screen was several buttons each with a single digit printed on the key. She typed in a long series of numbers and then pressed a large green button just under the numbers. The screen lit up and Jessica brought it up more to her level so that she could use it better. After a few seconds a teenage boy appeared on the screen, he had short brown hair and blue eyes. He also had a few spots on his face but nowhere near as many as Jessica had once had on her face.

  “Hello,” said the Boy with a croaky voice.

  “Hi Ethan is Alicia there?” replied Jessica. She wasn’t sure if he had recognised her since her transformation. This teenager was Alicia’s little brother and they often had a love hate relationship.

  “Yeah just wait there.” He then turned his head away from the screen. “ALICIA SOMEONE’S ON THE COMMUNICATOR FOR YOU!”

  Several seconds later Alicia’s face appeared on the screen and she was very surprised to see that it was Jessica who was trying to communicate with her. She had been very worried about her friend ever since she had grown inside her home. She had feared the worse but things didn’t seem to look too bad. She saw a grin on Jessica’s face so she knew that things were beginning to look up.

  “Hey Alicia,” said Jessica in a cheerful voice. “Sorry I haven’t called you sooner but I overslept.”

  “What you’ve only just woke up?” replied Alicia in a shocked voice. She had found it funny that Jessica hadn’t tried to call her sooner but she figured that she was being prodded by the scientists. She didn’t think that she had slept the entire time. It almost seemed to be too unreal but given the fact that she did grow almost two feet in the space of a few minutes she didn’t find it all that surprising.

  “Yeah I’ve been up for a few hours but they had to run a lot of tests on me. This is the first time I’ve had a bit of time to myself to call you.” She blushed a little. “Sorry again about eating all you food.”

  “Don’t worry about it the company paid for us to restock the kitchen.” Her expression changed to one of concern. “I was so worried about you, I tried to get into contact with you but I didn’t know where to call.”

  “That’s alright Alicia, as I said before I was snoozing.” Her smile grew again. “And you’ll never guess what. I’m officially a junior Agent.”

  “For real?” She didn’t think that Jessica would actually become an agent after everything that had happened but she was hardly surprised.

  “Yep and tomorrow I get to go home.” She then looked a little gloom. “But I have one big problem so to speak and I think you’re the only person who can help me.”

  “Oh and what’s that Jess?” She became very curious, she wasn’t exactly sure what the problem was but she could think of a few ideas.

  “I don’t have any clothes that fit me. But the company said that they would pay for me to get a new wardrobe and as you know I don’t exactly have the best sense in clothes. That’s why I need my best friend to help little old me.”

  “You know I will Jess.” A huge grin appeared on Alicia’s face. “Just you wait I know a place that will have clothes to your liking.”

  “That’s the thing Alicia, I don’t want the same old bland clothes and I want something more feminine. Something more like you.”

  “Don’t you worry your pretty little head my very tall girlfriend. Just leave everything to me.”


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