z29th story transferred to my new timescrybe2 account by timescribe

See my Timescrybe2 account, as I am going to ask the admins to terminate this one as soon as I've finished moving the stories to the new account. This old timescribe account has been malfunctioning since Jan 2019, causing hassles for both me and the readers. I plan to get rid of it ASAP.

Categories: Giantess, Adventure, Gentle, Instant Size Change, Mouth Play, Unaware, Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 33 Completed: Yes Word count: 57433 Read: 181106 Published: October 01 2012 Updated: December 17 2012
Chapter 5: LOVE AND THE SHRINKING MALE by timescribe

United States of America, 36 years ago…

Dianne kept looking up from her work to see if Jared was on his way back.

At last he returned.

“Hello again,” said Dianne, “Did you find what you were looking for?”

“Yes, they’re going to send it on to the office. Thank you for all your help too.”

“It must be quite an undertaking to start running a company,” she said, “Do you usually have time for lunch breaks?”

“I always take an hour, though I could get away with two,” said Jared.

She noticed his eyes looking down at her dress, apparently appreciative of the material and the style. She was sure that this boy had never asked a girl out and simply didn’t know how to go about it. She would have to help him along.

“I’ve found some nice places to eat in Central Park,” she said, “I could probably take my lunch at the same time as you and show them to you, if you like.”

“It would be good to know,” said Jared nervously, “What time do you usually have lunch?”

“One o’clock,” said Dianne, “But I might be able to swap with Justine and change it to twelve.

“I can make my own lunch hours,” said Jared, “One o’clock would be easy for me. Where would you like me to meet you?”

“What’s closer to Central Park?” asked Dianne, “Your office or this store?”

“Definitely the store,” said Jared.

“Could you meet me here just before one then?”

“That’s around two hours time,” said Jared, “I’ll be here.”

“I’ll look forward to it,” said Dianne, thinking that now might be the time to reveal a little more of the true extent of her enthusiasm.

Jared left the store, and Dianne returned to Justine.

“How did you go?” asked Justine.

“I think I have a lunch date,  in Central Park,” said Dianne.

“Well done, you! I saw how young and cute he was too. What was he shopping for?”

“An office chair. He’s taken over a company after recently finishing school.”

“Really! What prospects you have there!” said Justine.

“That’s not important to me at all,” said Dianne, “I just know I’m going to want to be with him long-term. That’s what’s different about him.”


England, present day…

Leanne served dinner, and asked him what he thought of the new chapter.

“I could see myself as Terry and you as Yvonne all the time. It was fantastically written,” said Tarquin, “It’s even better now, watching you eat a meal right in front of me. I can imagine myself down on the plate, with you as a giantess eating me.”

“I’ve noticed you watching my tongue coming out while I’m eating,” said Leanne, “It’s very flattering.”

“Most women wouldn’t think so,” said Tarquin.

“Most boys wouldn’t want to be eaten,” said Leanne.

After dinner, she led him in some slow dancing, and then took him to her bedroom. They snuggled up together in her bed. He thought of the beautiful lake district outside, and the comfortable roof over their heads, and the beautiful woman who would have eaten him, were it at all possible.

They kissed and cuddled, and she often licked his cheek. At one stage he asked her to open her mouth, and proceeded to slide his fingers around inside it, on her tongue, each in turn.

“I’m enjoying you doing that,” she said.

“I thought it might only be good for me,” said Tarquin.

“Not at all. Every little manifestation helps,” said Leanne.

“We have the most unique and special fantasy in the world,” said Tarquin.

“Not entirely unique,” said Leanne.

“How do you mean?” asked Tarquin.

She leaned out of the bed, opened a drawer in the bedside table, and took out a paperback book with the title ‘Love and the Shrinking Male’ on the cover. It was written by an author named Howie Kenville.

“Have a look inside,” she said.

He turned the cover and the first page, to find that it was first published nearly two decades earlier, in Australia, and that the author lived in Sydney.

“Does he think like us?” asked Tarquin.

“Somewhat like you, although he came up with the preference of reducing his male character, rather than encountering a giantess,” said Leanne, “It was reading this that gave me the courage to insert a small hint of myself into the book that first drew you to me. Take it home with you and borrow it for as long as you like. I think you’ll enjoy it.”


As soon as Tarquin was back on the train to London, he quickly engrossed himself in the book.


Wally McGee was an 18 ½ year old second year literature student at Redfern University, the most prestigious, architecturally magnificent and scenic university in the greater Sydney area. It combined the grandest old stone buildings with a set of gardens which could both inspire him as a writer in training and distract him from his studies, if he were to allow it.

For over a year now, he had seen a tall, dainty elegant lady walking around the university on a number of occasions. He had begun to follow her movements unnoticed, and learned that she was a science teacher at the university, and that she had her own private laboratory/office in the basement of one of the large buildings. He knew from his pleasant walks in the gardens of the university, that the basement rooms all had high windows which were level with the garden outside. If he could just work out which window was hers, he might be able to look in and learn a little more about her…

He made a point of watching her go into her laboratory one afternoon, when he had no class to attend, and then visualized the outside of the building in his mind. He walked around and crawled into the garden and found himself well concealed, as the sun began to go down. He saw the light on in the window he had calculated to be hers, and sure enough, he looked down and could see her sitting at a desk, with her back to him. She was writing notes, but he could not read them at that distance. At least he had learned one thing. The laboratory door had a plaque with her name on it: Rosemary Markham.

He took his video camera out of his backpack. He had used it to take footage of the gardens in the daytime on a few occasions. Today it would serve as a telescope. He used the zoom lens to look through the window, glad that the circular polarizing lens prevented it from focussing on the glass which was immediately in front of him.

Wally zoomed in on her note book, and decided to press record, so that he could always take time to read over it again later. He began reading what she had already written.

I am now 30, and still unmarried, though I see good reason for this. Neither of my past loves (one in my teenage years, and one in my twenties) has expressed any support or interest in my ongoing experiments.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have wanted tiny beings to be real. The more I thought about it, the more I realised that it would be far more practical to make a full sized person tiny, than to go on searching for a tiny person who simply didn’t exist. Though I never told them of my actual endeavours to reduce a lad to tiny size, I did ask how they would feel about it. Though each of them had a typical male interest in me, neither of them felt any inclination to be reduced. In both cases, we eventually went our separate ways.

I’ve been alone for two continuous years now, which has allowed me more time to concentrate every free moment into working on a way to shrink someone. I know that I am so close to achieving a result, yet so far from ever finding someone willing to participate in the experiments.

The most discouraging thing for the participant, is the fact that I could not possibly hope to enlarge the shrunken person, should I succeed in reducing him. The change in size would be a one way conversion. This would not concern me, but it makes the pool of volunteers rather empty, even if I were to make my need of a volunteer known…


Wally had read enough … or at least, almost enough. He watched her continue to write, but the rest of it was unintelligible scientific text, recording the results of her experiments. He kept reading, hoping that she would give some hint as to the one aspect of her experiment which meant the most to him.

Would she want to eventually eat the participant?

Ever since he had been a little boy, Wally had dreamt of being swallowed whole by a woman, being so tiny that this would be a simple feat to accomplish. It was this very fascination that had fuelled his crush on Rosemary Markham. There was no mention of any desire to eat the tiny person she wished to bring about. Yet there was no desire to restore his size either. Perhaps to be reduced by her, if it were even possible, and be in her company forever would be the closest he would ever come.

The next day, he looked for her during lunch time, and found her sitting alone in the garden. He went and sat beside her. Would she be upset with the way he had learned of her experiment? Even so, could she look past that, since he was the only volunteer she had ever had?

“Could I talk to you, Miss Markham?” he asked.

“I don’t think we’ve met, but please go on,” she said.

“I have something to own up to,” he said, “I knew that you had a laboratory in the basement, and I was curious. So I used my video camera zoom lens to read your notes through the window last night. I’ll give you the film to keep or wipe, and I’ll never tell anyone, but I know you need someone for your shrinking experiments.”

“Oh,” she said, “It is difficult to find someone who would be willing to live out the rest of his life at a height of two inches or so. Are you interested in volunteering?”

“Would you let me live with you, always, so that I’d never have to cope on my own?”

“I certainly would. The whole idea is to have a little man in my care forever. Do you understand the permanency of the situation, if I should succeed?”

“Yes. I’ve thought about it half the night, before I fell asleep. I’d like to be your guinea pig, and I don’t mind at all if you can eventually make me smaller than one.”

“I don’t know what to say,” she said, “Can you start after classes today?”

“I’m free from four o’clock onwards.”

“I’d better put a curtain over that window from now on, just in case anyone else is out there in future. We must keep this strictly between ourselves,” said Rosemary.

Soon they were testing a machine that she had been working on for some time. It projected a ray, but would not reduce anything. After three months of continued experiments, they finally saw a laboratory chair reduced to tiny size before their eyes.

“We’ve done it!” she said, “I can reduce you to two inches tall whenever I like now. I’d like to test it on a living person, but not fully for tonight. It would be nice to go out and celebrate. You’re two inches taller than me. Would you like me to reduce you to six inches shorter, and then take you out for dinner? We can see all the sights of the city together, and then I can reduce you to tiny size back here tomorrow.”

“That sounds great,” said Wally.

They went out to a beautiful restaurant in the highest tower in the city, and sat at a window looking out at the city lights, and then danced to soft music, and walked around the city together. They walked back to the university and into her laboratory and she turned her head to his and embraced him and kissed him passionately.

“I thought you’d like to do that once, before it was too late,” she said, “I know I did like it very much. Would you like to stay the night with me?”

“Oh yes,” he said, and she drove him to her house in the suburbs.

They snuggled up and kissed and cuddled all night, slept in for most of the day and then considered their absence.

“I don’t have any classes today,” she said, “But you’d be missed, I guess.”

“They don’t ask questions like they did at school,” he said, “But my height would be conspicuously less than it was.

“Nobody will know,” she said, “We’ll get back there after dark, and then I’ll use the machine on you.”

They had a mid afternoon meal, and then she drove him towards the city.

“Now that you’ve enjoyed last night, are you sure you want to go through with this?” she asked, “You haven’t lost that much height yet, and you could still live out a normal life as you are. It won’t be possible again ever afterwards.”

“I thought about that a lot, while we were together romantically, and I’m still sure,” he said.

“Well you don’t have long to change your mind,” said Rosemary, and pushed her long dark hair back with her hand, while waiting at the traffic lights.

She looked so feminine.

They reached the university after sundown and went down to the laboratory.

Rosemary turned the machine on.

“You know where to stand. Are you having any second thoughts?”

“No,” he said, “But I would like a last hug while I can.”

“Me too,” she said.

They embraced for what turned out to be nearly half an hour.

“Still sure?” she asked.

“Yes,” said Wally and moved in front of the machine.

He looked not at the machine, but at Rosemary, as she turned it on, and slowly he dwindled down until he was only a little taller than her knees. She stopped the machine and walked over.

“Now you’re the size of a dwarf,” she said, “I can’t undo that, but I can stop there, if you like.”

Her legs looked so shapely. He put his arms around them and hugged her in this new way.

“Could we date again tonight, with me as a dwarf, and I’ll give you my final answer at the end of the evening?”

“Of course we can,” she said, and they went this time to quieter places alone.

They did get some notice at a secluded city restaurant, when they sat at a table together, but nobody came near them. She took him back to the laboratory just before midnight, lifted him up and sat on a seat and cuddled him.

“Have you reached a decision?” she asked.

“Yes, and I’m very grateful to you for stopping the shrinking process to give me time to think it out,” he said.

“I thought you might be. So you’d like to leave it at dwarf size, then?”

“No! I want to be the tiny boy you’ve wanted to make tiny. I’m just glad of tonight with you as well.”

She hugged him tight, with her stronger full-sized body, kissed his cheeks and then his mouth, and then gently placed him down in front of the machine. She activated it again until he was only two inches tall, and slowly walked over, towering like a giantess!

She gently stooped down, picked him up and held him in front of her face.

“Are you still comfortable with it?” she asked.

“Yes. Oh Rosemary, it’s incredible.”

She kissed him.

“Thank you,” she said, “Thank you for being so interested in me that you spied on me and found out what I wanted to do and made it possible.”

She took him home and kissed him to sleep on her pillow.

But would she ever want to eat him?


Tarquin was fascinated, and planned to read on, as soon as he could, but for now, the train was pulling in at London. He put in a bookmark, and closed the book.


This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=3022