Elizabeth by Black Neptune

Derrick has a fling going on behind his sister's back with her longtime friend Elizabeth. After having a dream in which he is shrunken and killed by her, he goes on to meet her for yet another sexual encounter. However, prophetic dreams do exist...

Categories: Butt, Young Adult 20-29, Crush, Feet Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences, This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: Gruesome Shorts (GTS)
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 5737 Read: 11391 Published: July 06 2012 Updated: July 06 2012

1. Elizabeth by Black Neptune

Elizabeth by Black Neptune


Derrick ran with as much strength as he could muster. An athletic type, his speed was unmatched by all of his peers; he took great pride in that fact. However, right now, he feared that not even his agility would be enough to save him in the situation that he was presently in.

Below him were white marble tiles on the floor. Large white tiles. Larger than anything he had ever seen in his life. In fact, everything around him was larger than one would expect them to be; furniture and appliances rose high above him like highrise offices, the wooden brown walls surrounding the area seemed as far as the horizon, and the white ceiling above him seemed more like a blank sky than what it actually was.

It did not take a genius to determine that he had been shrunken.

But that was not his primary concern.

His primary concern was to escape.

Just then, something huge crashed down right in front of him, the force of which blew him back some distance. Having been knocked back onto the floor, he regained his bearings as he looked upon the object that had fell from above.

Before him was a large foot, its fair skin adorned in a black flip-flop. He looked upward, moving from the foot and past a blue jean-covered leg, to the grey T-shirt worn over C-cup-sized breasts, and finally to the face high above. The fairly attractive face of a young 22-year-old woman, her shoulder-length sandy blond hair framing her face and her glasses covering her hazel eyes.

This was none other than Elizabeth, the woman he was currently "seeing".

Elizabeth smiled down at him as she turned towards him. "Well, Derrick," she started. "I always said that one day, I was going to step on you. ...Looks like more than any day, that day is today."

Each of her toes--all of them unpolished-- wiggled before the foot on which they belonged to lifted off of the floor and moved over above Derrick. The last he saw of Elizabeth's face was of her pushing her glasses closer to her face with her index finger while wearing a sickingly cute grin, before all he saw was the black sole of her sandal.

"W-wait, Liz...!" Derrick said as he stared up at the menacing sight, fright taking hold of him and preventing any kind of movement. "You can't do this! What will you tell to Tiana?"

Derrick heard Elizabeth giggle. "I don't know anything about it!"

Once those words left her mouth, the sandal-clad foot descended upon him.


The sunlight from the uncovered window shone onto Derrick's face as he slowly awoke. As he opened his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of a teal ceiling; his own ceiling. Beneath him was something comfortably familiar: his own bed. He was in his bedroom; his experiece was nothing more than a dream.

'That was a stupid dream,' he thought to himself. 'Why the hell was I so little?'

 He shrugged it off and got out of his bed. He walked to his dresser, on which his cell phone was set upon with its AC adapter plugged into it. It's clock read 10:57am.

'Thank God this is a Saturday.'

Still a bit weary from rest, he headed towards his bathroom to shower and answer nature's call. The entire process took less than ten minutes, before he emerged from the bathroom, touch wrapped around his waist and returned to his bedroom. There, he dressed himself in casual attire--white t-shirt, black jeans, and white socks--before walking towards the room's exit.

However, as he walked by, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the LCD screen displaying on his smartphone; as he had not touched it since he had checked the time after waking up, the screen should have had no display or lighting at all. He walked towards the phone, and looked upon the screen: "1 new message".

His thumb touched the "Read message" button on the screen:

    hey can u come by my place by noon? i kno its still early but i just cant wait. i have a surprise 4 u. :)

The text message was from Elizabeth, the woman who was in his dream. This was not just any woman, however; Elizabeth was a close childhood friend of Derrick's younger sister Tiana, and as such, he and Elizabeth had their own kind of relationship while growing up. Particularly one of light-hearted teasing and even a bit of rough play in the form of playful wrestling, the usual of what you would expect from adolescents. However, while their relationship was innocent for the most part, there was a growing sexual tension between the two of them as they got older.

Soon after Tiana left to attend an out-of-state university three years ago, these feelings erupted, and Derrick and Elizabeth began to engage in sexual activities with one another. They made a good job of hiding it from his sister when she returned for visits, even; both of them doubted that Tiana would approve of the two of them even being together.

Derrick looked at the screen for a few seconds, before making his reply:

    yeah, i'll be there in a few

After sending the message, he deleted both her message and the one he just sent from his phone, and then slipped it into his pants pocket.

He wondered what this "surprise" of hers was, but knowing her, it was just her way of trying to get him to her place faster. It was likely going to be their usual activities, the "surprise" being the untypical time of day for these encounters.

He wandered into his kitchen and opened the refrigerator. Nothing inside caught his eye.

'Maybe I should just get something at Burger King,' he thought to himself. He'd do that after making his stop at Elizabeth's place. ...He hoped that he did not pass out from hunger while he was with her.

He went back into his room to put his shoes on, and after grabbing his wallet and keys, headed out of the front door and into the sunny summer morning of the world outside.


    yeah, i'll be there in a few

Elizabeth held her cell phone in her right hand, looking at the message on the screen with a smile on her face.

"Excellent," she purred. "I can't wait to try it out on him."

She placed her cell phone on the shelf behind her, and then looked down at her bare foot below her on the floor. Caught between its toes was another guest of hers; a man she had invited over the night before. She had lured him over with the promise of sex, but he instead found himself shrunken to 2 inches tall and completely helpless against her.

With her right index finger, she pushed her glasses closer to her face. "Well, Jamal. I had a good time with you. You really put on quite a show."

The beaten young man looked up towards her. "You're a crazy bitch, you know that!?"

Elizabeth sighed. "You're not doing yourself any favors, little man. You sure you wanna get on my bad side?"

"Just let me me go...!" he demanded.

"And what will you do? Tell the whole neighborhood? Beat me up? Sorry, but it's in my best interest to keep you right." She tightened her toes' grip on his body, causing him to yelp in pain. "Where." She squeezed again. "You." Another one. "Are." One last squeeze.

"Owww!! Stop!! Please, man!!" The tiny man screamed.

Elizabeth shrugged. "Whatever." She kicked that foot in front of her, releasing the man from her grip while doing so and sending him sliding across the floor a few feet away.

She watched as the man regained his bearings and started to crawl away from her. She smiled devilishly, and looked on the floor around her. Behind her--sitting next to the shelf--were her favorite pair of flip-flops, mostly black with straw insoles.

She slipped her feet into them and then walked over to where the pitiful Jamal was still trying to make his escape. As her shadow loomed over the tiny man, he slowly turned and looked up towards her as she stood over him. The look of fear on his face was unmistakable; to him, she was an unstoppable force, one he had no hope of surviving.

"W-what're you..." Jamal mustered to say.

"I need you gone before my 'special guest' gets here," Elizabeth responded.

She moved, and then lifted, the front end of her right foot over the minuscule man. She smiled as she heard him scream once more, before she lowered her foot onto the man's body and pressed down on him. The sounds of bones breaking filled the air as her foot crushed Jamal into a fine paste. As her foot completely settled on the floor, she lifted her heel and began to twist it back and forth, shredding whatever remained of Jamal with its motions. Finally, she dragged her foot back, smearing the unfortunate little man's bloody remains across the white-tiled floor with it.

Elizabeth let out a laugh as she looked at the gruesome mess below. "Awesome. I can't wait to try this out on Derrick when he gets here." She moaned, and pushed her glasses closer to her face with her right index finger. "I guess I should hurry up and clean this up."


"Alright, I'm here," Derrick said to himself as he arrived at a white, one-story house seven blocks away from his own home.

He approached the front door, and upon reaching it, rung its doorbell. As he waited for a response, he looked around at the neighborhood. A few elderly residents were sitting on their porches, just watching the street or reading a newspaper. A middle-aged man further down the street was mowing his front lawn. An abandoned, dilapidated house stood across the street four houses away, its windows nearly all broken, and its front doorway wide open; both he and Elizabeth wondered why the City never got anyone to just knock that house down. It was nothing more than a haven for crime.

Derrick heard the doorknob turn, and the heavy wooden door opened up, revealing the sultry Elizabeth behind the window of the storm door.

"You're finally here," she said with a grin, before unlocking the storm door and then opening it for him to enter inside.

"You make it sound like I took my sweet time," Derrick said as he walked out of the warmth of the outside world and into the relative coolness of Elizabeth's house. He stood just a few feet away, in the hallway between the dining room and the living room.

She closed and locked both doors behind her, and walked past him into the dining room. As she did so, Derrick took notice to her attire; grey t-shirt, blue jeans, and black flip-flops. 'Just like in my dream,' he thought to himself. He stared at her butt for a few seconds as it swayed back and forth while she walked further into the dining room, before she turned around to address him.

"Are you gonna follow me, or just stand there like an ape?" she asked.

Derrick's gaze shot back up at her face. "Racist," he playfully chided.

"Oh, hush," Elizabeth teased. "C'mon."

Derrick shrugged, and followed her into the dining room. As he walked inside, he noticed that--unusual for her at this time of day--the window's shades were pulled down, and the curtains closed.

"Hey," Derrick said. "Isn't your bedroom back the other way?"

Elizabeth nodded. "Yeah. So?"

Derrick was confused. "Does this have to do with that 'surprise' you texted me about?"

Elizabeth winked. "Maybe."

"What is this surprise, anyway?"

"We'll get to that in a bit," Elizabeth answered. "First... You know why I called you over here."

"To fix your computer again?" Derrick joked.

Elizabeth smiled. "You wish."

"Yeah, I know..." Derrick looked downward, towards her feet.

Elizabeth nodded approvingly. "Then get to work."

Derrick stepped closer to the blond young woman, her eyes watching his every movement. Then, he kneeled down, before getting on all fours on the floor right below her. He drew closer to her right foot, her toes wiggling impatiently with their natural unpolished nails.

He then started to kiss her toes, pressing his lips against its joints and nails. He also licked on and between her toes, and under them as well, the tip of his tongue also touching the straw-based insole at a few points. Alternating between both actions, he worked his way from one side of her right foot to the other, before moving onto her left foot, applying the same actions to that one as well. He heard Elizabeth chuckle above, but he did not pay her any mind at the moment.

After a while, Elizabeth pulled away from him and walked toward the nearby table. There, she pulled out one of its chairs, turned it towards him, and then sat down on it. It was clear to Derrick why she had done this; at this point it was more like a signal.

He crawled over to where she was, and grabbed her right foot. After slipping it out of its flip-flop and placing the sandal on the floor beside him, he pulled her foot closer to his face and began to suck on her first toe, his tongue also rubbing underneath it. It did not have a particular taste to it; she always had rather clean feet, which was how he liked it.

One-by-one, he moved from her biggest toe to its companions, even two and three at once. He licked in the crevice underneath her toes, and then started to lick her sole. His tongue worked from her heel to her arch and finally her ball; there, his tonque lapped from one side to the other. At this point, he was pretty sure her entire foot was wet with his saliva.

After kissing right in the middle of the ball of her sole, he released it from his grip,and switched to her other foot, removing its sandals in the process. He performed the same actions on her left foot, also lightly gnawing on its big toe as well. After planting a kiss on its ball as well, he set her foot back on the floor, trying to ignore his erect member bound within his pants.

"You're really a pro at this, you know that?" Elizabeth said with a smile as she looked down at him. "I really should tell my friends-"

"No," Derrick interrupted as he looked up at her. "No one can know. You know a lot of girls around here got big mouths."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, I know. No one can know about our affair. Especially not Tiana."

Derrick nodded. "Right."

Elizabeth pressed her glases closer to her face with her right index finger. "Anyway, lay down on your back."

Derrick did as he was told, and watched as the blond young woman stood up and slipped her still-wet feet back into their flip-flops. Then, she walked around him until she stood at his feet in front of him.

She then stepped forward, walking between his outstretched legs, and then planting her right foot onto his crotch. He winced as she pressed down on both his erection and sack, and moved her other foot onto his chest. The air was pressed out of his body as she applied more pressure, her right foot releasing his crotch from its punishment and joining its companion on his belly. He tried his best to endure the pressure, looking up at Elizabeth as she gave him yet another smile.

Then, she moved forward, going from his chest and making her way for his head. She stopped on his upper ribcage, before moving her right foot over his face. He got a good look at her sandal's black sole before it lowered on the left side of his face. She did the same with her left foot, placing it on the right side of his face.

Derrick's arms fidgeted about as he bore the full weight of Elizabeth's body pressing his head into the hard floor. At 5-foot-11, Elizabeth had always been a tall girl. As they grew up together, she had actually outgrown him for several years; this often led to her jokingly telling him that she would one day "step on" him. Since then, his growth spurt kicked in and caused him to ultimately outgrow her, but only by about three inches. Even then, she still kept to her "threat".

Elizabeth applied as much pressure as she could, even bending her knees slightly. Despite being so close in height, she was able to keep balance on his face, even with her sandals. Of course, this was far from the first time she had done this.

After a while, she kicked off both of her flip-flops, and resumed standing on his face, this time barefoot. The feeling of her soles pressed against his face with no obstructions made him even harder, which made him wish that he'd be able to release it very soon.

She wiggled her toes on his forehead, before kneeling down and grabbing both of his arms by the wrists. With them in hand, she stood upright again, using his arms to increase the force upon his head even further. As she did this, Derrick found it in himself to force his tongue out of its mouth and lick her heels pressed firmly against his lips.

Before long, she released his arms and let them fall back onto the floor. She stepped off of his face and onto his ribcage again. Derrick breathed heavily as the two of them looked at each other, before she sat down on his chest. With her legs arched at the knee, she started to caress his cheeks, nose, and lips with her bare feet and toes, before taking to rubbing her soles over his entire face. Both soles moved against each other, leaving only his nose exposed between her feet within their arches.

She continued for about a minute or two, before she pressed both of her soles into his face, once more pressing his head against the floor. Though it was not nearly as intense as when she was standing on him, its pressure still excited Derrick even further.

Soon, Elizabeth removed her feet from his face, and placed them on the floor on both sides of his head. She then reached behind her and pat his crotch with her hand.

"Oh man..." She said. "We gotta do something about this, huh?"

Derrick nodded.

"Blowjob or footjob?" Elizabeth asked.

"You pick," Derrick responded.

"Alright~" She said gleefully.

As if she had already made her decision, Elizabeth shifted her position, turning around on Derrick's body and moving backwards, to the point where her jean-covered buttocks was sitting right on Derrick's face, already worn from being stepped on.

She reached forward and unzipped his own jeans, and then reached in and fished for his member. Upon grabbing hold of the thick appendage, she pulled it out, letting it stand up proud like a pole. She leaned back, and began to caress and stroke it with her feet. She caught the shaft within her arches as her feet began to work it up and down.

Derrick--his face smothered within Elizabeth's behind--could feel himself becoming harder and harder at the sensations of her soft feet rubbing against him, and his member began to pulse. Even though he could not wait to unleash it all, he fought the urge, to prolong the feeling of her smooth soles against his shaft for as long as he could.

Eventually, he could not fight it any further, and he allowed himself to orgasm.

Elizabeth watched as viscous white liquid erupted from his member like molten lava spewing from a volcano. His seed spilled out, some of it landing on her feet and some of it even making its way down to his pants. Elizabeth continued to stroke his now-softening penis with her feet, until the flow of semen started to calm and stop almost completely.

"Gotta clean this up," Elizabeth said as she looked at the cum-covered member, still slightly erect. She moved forward and leaned towards it, taking it into her mouth and licking off as much of the excess seed as she could.

Having moved off of his head, the heavily-exhaling Derrick was treated with the view of her backside sitting on his chest, though he relished the feeling of her warm tongue passing over his shaft. 'Too bad I don't have any left right now,' he thought to himself.

Eventually, Elizabeth withdrew from his penis, now wet with her saliva, before she stood up and moved off of Derrick.

"Awesome way to start my day..." Derrick said between breaths.

Elizabeth smiled as she looked down on him. "Oh, it's going to get better for me, too."

"What are you talking about?" Derrick said as he reached down and tucked his member back into his pants.

"Remember my surprise?"

"Oh yeah..." Derrick sat up. "What's all that about, anyway?"

Elizabeth giggled. "I think you'll love it. It's something I've been working on for the past five years. I just perfected it a week ago."

"You sound like a mad scientist. ...Wait, five years? How come I never heard about it until now?"

"I'm good at keeping secrets." She winked.

"Whatever. Tell me what it is, already."

Elizabeth walked away from him and headed towards a bookshelf. There, she reached for something on the top shelf and pulled out what looked like a digital camera.

Derrick was mystified. "That's what you called me over here for? A damn camera?"

"Oh hush," Elizabeth said. "This isn't your run-of-the-mill camera. This one's special."

"How?" Derrick asked.

"I'll give you a demonstration!" She said cheerfully as she aimed the lens towards him. "Say 'cheese'!"

Before Derrick could react, he was blinded by a flash of light, presumably from the camera. His vision was obscured completely by whiteness, and he felt dizzy. Furthermore, he felt a tingling sensation all over his body. Immediately, he knew that something was wrong; no normal camera would have those effects.

After a minute, he noticed that his vision started to clear up. The faint view of the room that he was in started to become more vivid, and the dizziness and tingliness dissipated as his sight returned to normal. However, something inside of him was telling him that something was wrong.

Once his vision completely cleared, he realized why he had that gut feeling: everything in the room had grown tremendously. The chair, the table, the walls and ceiling, everything. Not the very least of which was the smiling Elizabeth still holding that strange camera.

"...Wait..." Derrick realized that he had seen this before. 'This... This is that dream I had! What the hell!?'

"How are you feeling?" Elizabeth asked, her voice booming into his ears.

Derrick stood up. "What did you do to me!?" He shouted at her.

"Silly. What does it LOOK like I did? I shrunk you."

Derrick was shocked. "What!? How!?"

"What a stupid question. With this, obviously." She held her camera closer to him, before placing it back on the bookshelf.

Then, she started to walk towards him, her bare feet slapping against the white tiled floor, each step creating a tremor that almost knocked him off of his feet.

She stopped right in front of him, placing both of her feet mere inches before him. "I remember you acting so proud of yourself when you finally outgrew me," she said as she looked down upon him. "Well, too bad. Now you've lost it all except for two inches."

"Why did you do this to me!?" Derrick asked as he backed away from her.

Elizabeth smiled, once again pushing her glasses closer to her face with her finger. "To have more fun, stupid!"

Before Derrick could react, her right foot lifted and shot towards him, capturing him between her first and second toes. He was lifted off of the floor, his legs swinging back and forth as he tried to free himself from her grip.

"Gotcha!" Elizabeth said, before she began to squeeze him between her toes.

Derrick screamed as his torso was compressed between her massive digits. He pounded against her foot as hard as he could, in an effort to make her drop him, but to no avail; he seemed to cause himself more harm than he did to her. Soon, the pressure became too intense for him to even focus on getting himself freed, and he merely had no choice but to wait out every painful second, each one seemingly lasting an eternity.

After a while, she released him from her grip, dropping him back onto the hard floor. He clenched his chest as he laid on the floor, all the while looking up at this gigantic woman in front of him. She still wore a smile on her face.

"What are you doing!?" Derrick shouted at her.

"Having fun," she replied. "You know how I am with bugs, but tiny guys are MUCH better!"

Derrick knew exactly how she was with bugs, and then he had a startling realization: He was not making it out of that house alive.

'The dream...!' Derrick thought to himself. '...Shit!'

As he continued to nurse his wounded chest, Elizabeth moved her right sole over his body and pinned him against the floor. Though she did not exert enough force to crush him, after going through what he did, this only intensified the pain he was going through, and his arms flailed about; for Elizabeth, this gave her a ticklish sensation. The ball of her massive foot was pressed right in his face, and with his mouth open his tongue picked up the taste of her sole. At his present size, he was able to pick up a minute salty taste.

Elizabeth released a bit of the pressure and turned 90 degrees to her left. Still keeping Derrick underfoot, she pulled her foot back until she had caught the tiny man within the crevice under her toes. With her toes, she grabbed him within the crevice and lifted her foot slightly. Then, after squeezing him for a few seconds within her toes, she released her hold on him and let him fall to the floor. After this, she lowered her foot on him again and grabbed him in the same manner and repeated the process. Dropping him again, she once again picked him up and squeezed him, before releasing him. She repeated this several times, giggling all the while.

For Derrick, this was too much. He was not sure how much more his aching body could handle, if not from being squeezed within her toes, then from the fall to the hard floor. It was not a far fall, but it still hurt.

After lifting him up once more, Elizabeth did not release him. Instead, she sat down on the floor and bent her knees so that her soles were facing each other. Then, she pressed them together, and released Derrick within them. After which, she rubbed her soles back and forth against each other, causing the tiny man to roll from her ball to her heel with each motion. Derrick's dizziness returned, and his orientation became distorted as he violently spun around between her soles.

"So, Derrick," Elizabeth said excitedly. "Having fun?"

She continued for several minutes, before she grew bored and stopped rubbing her soles against each other. She held Derrick between the balls of her feet for several seconds, before pulling them apart, causing Derrick to fall to the floor. She watched him breathe in heavily, before lifting both of her feet at the same time and planting them right on his tiny body. She was disappointed that he did not flail his limbs this time; perhaps he was tired out, or he just gave up fighting her.

Indeed, Derrick had decided that there was no point in fighting the giant woman; at his size, there was no way he could win. Suffering recoil from the fall, he was in no position to fight her off, either way, and he could do nothing but watch as her soles came together and descended upon him, each one catching a half of his body underneath them. His head however was not completely caught underneath her feet, and from between her big toe he could see the ceiling and Elizabeth's glasses-covered face ahead of him. He wondered why she was putting him through all of this; all he wanted was their usual sex play, only to find himself the size of a bug and being treated like one.

The dream was a warning; a prophetic dream. He should have either refused her invitation or ignored her text message; instead he followed his libido and put himself in this position.

Elizabeth pulled her feet back, sliding them over and off the tiny man's body. Then, she stood up, and pressed her right big toe onto his face. She was delighted to see that he still had a bit of energy in him after all, as his limbs started to flail about as she applied more pressure on his head against the floor. Though she was careful; she did not want to exert too much force and end up splattering his head.

At least, not that way. But the time was near.

After a minute, she removed her toe from his face, and turned around. Breathing heavily, Derrick sat up as she walked away and headed in the direction of her flip-flops. He watched as she slid her feet into them, and walked back towards him, the sandals slapping against the floor and her heels with each step.

"Well, Derrick," Elizabeth said as she stopped directly overhead. "This is the end of the road."

Derrick stood up. "What do you mean?"

"I had a lot of fun with you today. Hell, I had a lot of fun with you for years. But I think it's time that I closed the cover on this chapter of my life. I have bigger things planned, and honestly, you're just deadweight at this point."

"What're you talking about?"

"I need you to do one last thing for me," Elizabeth said. "I want you to run like your life depends on it. ...Because it does."

Derrick's eyes widened. "What-"

Before he could react, Elizabeth's right foot shot forward and crashed into his chest, sending him flying some distance away. He landed on the hard floor clutching his beaten chest in pain. However, he felt the floor shake; he did not have time for rest, as Elizabeth was coming right for him. Bearing the pain, he got up and ran as fast as he could. He did not know where to go, but he had to get out of there.

"Dammit!" He said to himself as he ran. "This is just like that dream! Shit, I don't believe it! This bitch is really out for blood!"

Just then, something huge crashed down right in front of him, the force of which blew him back some distance. Having been knocked back onto the floor, he regained his bearings as he looked upon the object that had fell from above.

Before him was Elizabeth's large foot adorned in its flip-flop. He looked upward, moving from the foot and past her blue jean-covered leg, to her grey T-shirt worn over C-cup-sized breasts, and finally to her face high above, framed by her shoulder-length sandy blond hair and her glasses covering her hazel eyes.

"No, Liz..." Derrick pleaded.

Elizabeth smiled down at him as she turned towards him. "Well, Derrick," she said. "I always said that one day, I was going to step on you. ...Looks like more than any day, that day is today."

Each of her toes wiggled before the foot on which they belonged to lifted off of the floor and moved over above Derrick. The last he saw of Elizabeth's face was of her once more pushing her glasses closer to her face with her index finger while wearing a sickingly cute grin, before all he saw was the black sole of her sandal.

"W-wait, Liz...!" Derrick said as he stared up at the menacing sight, fright taking hold of him and preventing any kind of movement. "You can't do this! What will you tell to Tiana?"

Derrick heard Elizabeth giggle. "I don't know anything about it!"

'Just like the dream...' Derrick thought to himself.

Once those words left her mouth, the sandal-clad foot descended upon him. Time seemed to slow down as her foot lowered, his body completely paralyzed in what he was reluctant to call fear.

Soon enough, the sandal lowered onto the floor, it's heel making first contact as the rest of it lowered slowly after. As the rest of her foot settled, Derrick felt an unbearable pain from his feet, and then his legs as they were flattened beneath the powerful sandal. He screamed, even moreso as his chest was next to meet its fate underneath Elizabeth's foot. Soon, he was unable to make any sound at all--at least, intentional sounds--and as the black sole caught up to his head, he had just enough time to make one last observation before he blacked out.

'Momma always told me not to mess with the White chicks... Guess I should've listened...'

Elizabeth stepped completely down on Derrick, feeling his tiny body crack and compressed beneath her flip-flop's thin sole. She relished in the feeling and sound of both, as her foot settled flat on the floor, before she lifted her heel slightly and slowly twisted her foot back-and-forth, further demolishing the tiny man into nothing more than a red paste underneath her. Finally, she dragged her foot back, smearing blood and bits of flesh across the floor with it.

She smiled at her handiwork. Nothing recognizable at all remained of her unfortunate friend; nothing except for a bloody splatter with his blood-soaked clothes and crushed skin and bones, all as red as they could be, and a red trail with bits of his remains intersperced within it leading to her right foot.

"Now Tiana will never know about us," Elizabeth said to the splatter.

She then dug into her front right pocket, and pulled out a brown wallet; Derrick's wallet, which she had snuck out of his pants pocket while she was giving him his footjob. She looked through it, ignoring his state ID card and debit card, and pulling out 2 $100 bills, 3 $20 bills, and several $1's.

"I think I can keep this up a few more times before people start getting suspicious," Elizabeth said as she shoved the bills back into her pocket, and threw the wallet on the table. "Then I gotta move." She looked back at the splatter. "And you've got me a bit closer to reaching that goal! Thank you, Derrick! And enjoy heaven!"

With a satisfied smile on her face, she walked out of the dining room, leaving the bloody mess for a later clean-up.

[The End]

End Notes:

(A/N: Elizabeth is actually based on a real person, much like Ms. Brooks in  my  older story "Student Teacher" was. The actual person IS a friend of  my  younger sister who I had a crush on, and we DID play around with  each  other occasionally (not in a sexual way, but in the way kids do).   Unfortunately, things never progressed past that, and she's now with   another guy and has a kid by him. Ah well...)

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=2852