Voracious by Silhouette
Summary: A series of short nameless vore based stories
Categories: Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: None
Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: No Word count: 2300 Read: 17684 Published: January 09 2011 Updated: January 19 2011
Chapter 1: Strange Little Man by Silhouette
The giantess was out walking through the forest, as she often liked to do.
The sun was shining, birds were flying, and it was a nice warm day.
The giantess was in her early 30’s, and had straight brown hair that went past her shoulders and down to her back.
Not very long into the walk, she passed the wall of a cliff.
While she was there she stopped to look around, as she thought could hear something.
After a while she realised where the noise was coming from.
On top of the cliff there was a human shouting at her.
Thanks to the cliff, the human was around chin height.
The giantess leaned slightly forwards to get a better look at the human.
He seemed to be in his young teens, and was around the size of her little finger.

“Hey giantess! Giantess!”
She leaned a bit closer.
“Can I help you?”
“Eat me!”
She stood up shocked at what she’d just heard.
“What?" "Eat me!" "Why would you want me to do that?”
Now the human was jumping up and down, waving his arms and shouting, “Eat me!” over and over.
The giantess shrugged her shoulders and thought ‘Why not?’
“If you insist”
She picked him up and dropped him into her mouth
As she worked up enough saliva to be able to swallow, she could hear him laughing inside her mouth.

The giantess felt the human slide down her throat, and could hear him cheering along the way.
When he reached the end, she leaned her head down nearer her stomach.
She could faintly hear him laughing and splashing around inside.
“What a strange little person”
With that, the giantess continued on with her day.
She finished her walk, and stopped for a lunch that was a bit smaller than usual.
She met up with some her friends and told them about what happened, and then went out for a meal with them.
After saying goodbye to her friends she headed home, and made herself comfortable on the sofa.

Some time later nature began calling, so she got up and went into her bathroom.
As she sat there, she began to feel a little bit guilty.
Even if he did ask for her to do it, she knew she shouldn’t have eaten him.
She couldn’t help but picture him inside her stomach, not realising what it would be like and being slowly and painfully digested.
It didn't matter now though, it was far to late to change anything.

Before she flushed the toilet she heard a noise coming from the in the bowl.
She looked down to see the little man splashing in the water inside.
“Oh my god!”
She ran to her kitchen, grabbed a rubber glove and ran back into the bathroom.
She reached into the toilet bowl and fished out the little man.
He sat in her hand wiping the water off his face, covered in you know what.
“Are you ok?”
He rubbed the last of the water out of his eyes and looked up at the giantess.

“Eat me again!”

The End
This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=2039