Gender war: Meet the Johnson's by Mr_G
Summary: The story that reveals how the Johnson's got their powers. And how their world first reacted to them.
Categories: Growing Woman, Giantess, Giant Characters: None
Growth: Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes Word count: 3629 Read: 12933 Published: February 07 2010 Updated: February 07 2010

1. Chapter 1 by Mr_G

2. Chapter 2 by Mr_G

Chapter 1 by Mr_G
1.     Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. 

Author note: this story takes place in 1999.

 Gender War: Meet the Johnson’s Chapter one 

“Are you sure there a story here?”

“Trust me. Susan. The Johnson’s are now a unique family.”

“What’s made you say that Mr. Charm?

“Please call me Stanley. Keep an eye on that red house. They should be coming out soon.”


The Johnson family consisted of Nancy Johnson. She is a beautiful blond. At six feet in height she was the tallest in the family.  Arthur Johnson her husband, was only 5’6’‘in height and dark hair. Their daughter Beatrice Johnson, was 16 years old.  She had brown hair and was a tall 5’10’‘in height. Their son name was Roy Jonson. He was 14 years old, dark blond hair, 5’8’‘in height.


All four members of the family were eating breakfast when Nancy made an announcement.

“Can I have your attention please? “

“What is it mom?” Roy asked.

“I want to see if my growth fantasy came true. Care to join me out in the yard.

Her family thought she was nuts. But since it was a nice mourning, they went out into the yard.


“I want to watch carefully. Notice I have no FemaleGrow on me. “

Nancy then began to grow. Her clothes got a little tight, but for the most part, they kept up with her growth. Foot by foot Nancy grew. She towered over her family and the neighbourhood. A few neighbours watched the sight without much interest. A few neighbours called her a show off then went about their business. Susan watched Nancy grow, but was unimpressed, she had seen many women grow over the years. Nancy stopped growing when she reached the 100-foot mark.

“This is your fantasy? The ability to tower over us? “ Beatrice barked.

“Not quite. While you can’t reach my present size, everyone in this family has the ability to grow.”

Beatrice decided to give her growth power a try. She imagined herself bigger, and to her delight, she began to grow.

“So long, shortly. “ She said to her brother.

“Not so fast, sis. A Roy then began to grow. This really caught the neighbour’s attention. They assumed Nancy and Beatrice had taken FemaleGrow. But that didn’t explain Roy’s growth. Susan watching from across the street was also amazed at the sight. She didn’t think men clothes could accommodate size changes.

Roy struggled to catch up to his sister in size. And for a few seconds he caught up to her in size. Then his growth stalled at the 70-foot mark. While his sister to 80-feet before stopping.

“Ha, you are still my LITTLE brother.”

Arthur watched events unfold with increasing concern.

“Hey Nancy. How are you and the kids going to get back into the house?”

“We can control our size. Watch this. “

Nancy then shrank back to her from height of six feet. Her clothes also changed size with her.

“Why don’t you try it honey?”

“Maybe later. Right now I’m going for a walk.”

“Suite yourself. If you excuse me, I’m going to become a giantess again.”

Nancy then grew to 50-feet in height. Looking around she spotted Stanley Charm and his reporter friend Susan.

“Hello Mr. Charm. I want to thank you from making my Wish come true.”

“Actually, the wishbones grant the wishes. But thank you. People that are satisfied with their wishes are much too rare.”

“What? Why didn’t you mention this to me before?”

“You didn’t ask Susan. Nancy Johnson I want you to meet Susan Blake. Like you she also went to Wishbone. She wished to get hot stories but may get more than she bargained for.

“Nice to meet you Susan. I should get the kids to meet Stanley Charm here. “ Nancy looked around. Her kids had wondered off.

“Oh well. See you later Mr. Charm.”


Arthur Johnson walked down the road, lost in thought. He was worried the World protection committee would not like a family with the ability to change their size. He was so distracted that he bumped into the back of a 50-foot giantess leg.


Linda was a cute redhead. But she had a short temper. Especially when she had a headache from partying the night before. She was talking to her best friend Betty, when she felt Arthur bump into the back of her legs. She turned around, and glared down at him.

“How dare you bump into me.”


Arthur looked to find himself looking up into the face of an angry 50-foot redhead. He got on his keens and said.

“I’m sorry. I apologize for my actions.

“Not good enough. You must pay the price for annoying me.”

Linda then grabbed Arthur and held him upside down. He then noticed the 60-foot blond.

“Please help me. “ He cried.

“What are you going to do to him?” Betty asked.

“I’m going to strip him naked. And watch him try to resist me.”


Arthur started to get mad. What gave anyone, the right to treat him this way? Linda, ripped the shirt off his back, then she noticed something was wrong. The man in her hand was growing, and getting heavier by the minute. Arthur was bringing new meaning to the words towering rage.


“All right. I forgot I could grow.”  Arthur said to himself, as he put his growth in full gear.

Linda didn’t know what to do. She tried to stop him from growing, but had no luck. When he reached, the 40-foot mark, she had to drop him. Linda then attacked Arthur. But this just made him angry and made him grow faster.  To Linda’s horror he passed her in size.

“Do something Betty.” Linda pleaded.

Betty standing there in stunned silence. Arthur was now passing 60-feet in height and was getting more muscular by the second. She was just too plain intimated by Arthur to take any action.


Arthur stopped growing when he reached the 90-foot mark. He looked down at the two giantesses.

“I think you owe me an apology.”

“Never. Giantesses can do anything they want to men. It’s a given right.”

“Look here. What’s your name?”

“My name is Linda, and my friend name is Betty.”

“Arthur is my name. Everyone even men, have rights please remember that in the future.”

“You won’t get away with this. I will be back bigger and meaner than ever. Come on Betty.”

“How did you grow? Are rumours of a Male growth potion true?” Betty asked.

“I’m not sure how I grow. You would have to ask my wife.”


Linda and Betty then left Arthur. They had trouble believing a wife would allow her husband to grow. They feared they would have to fight his wife as well. Something they hoped they wouldn’t have to do.


Arthur was proud that he stood his ground. But he knew, the giantess would have access to FemaleGrow. They could easily grow bigger than him. He decided to look for his wife, and discuss their next move.


Linda and Betty marched down the street. Paying no heed to what was in front of them. Cars and normal sized people scrambled to get out of the way. One man started to complain when Linda crushed his car, but he changed his mind once he saw her face. As it was, he got kicked to death.

Linda was still fuming over her encounter with Arthur. She wanted revenge. Then she had an idea.

“A truck load of FemaleGrow is supposed to arrive at the supply center today.”

“You’re not thinking of raiding it? The committee does not tolerate out of control giantesses, Especially when they grow to mega proportions without permission.”

“The giant threat must be stopped here and now. Even if they shrink me down afterwards, and take away my giantess privileges. History will vindicate me.”

Betty was shocked by what she was hearing, had her friend gone mad? Still she decided to stick around, in the hope that she could change Linda’s mind.


Roy decided to head for Berry Hill High school. Its soccer field was a popular hang out. He decided to shrink back to his normal size of 5'8'‘. He would wait a while before showing off his growth power. When he arrived in the field, There was a small crowd of people standing around talking. Terry, a 50-foot blond, dominated the field. She was with her boyfriend Mark, who was a tall 6'4'‘. Roy really liked Terry, he wished he was her boyfriend. But she told him, he wasn’t a big enough man for her. Then he had a crazy idea.


He boldly walked up to Mark and Terry.

“What do you want shorty?” Mark asked.

“I want to be Terry’s boyfriend.”

Terry sighed.

“I told you time and time again. You’re too small. And not as well built as Mark.

“I can fix that.”

Roy then began to grow getting taller and more muscular by the second. All conversation on the field stopped, as Roy grew and grew.  When he was eye level with Terry, he stopped his growth.

“I’m I too small now? “He asked.

Mark who jaws had been hanging open, tried to get control of the situation.

“She is my girlfriend. You can’t take her away from me.”

Roy laughed. Then he said,

“Don’t you think it’s more appropriate for a 50-foot girl to go out with someone her own size?”

Mark did not reply. Terry for her part was tongue tied. One of the reasons she became a 50-foot giantess was so she can dominate men. Before she became a giantess, she found men too intimating. Now those old feelings were coming back.


“What wrong Terry. I’m not big enough for you?”

“It’s not that.”

“Then what?” Roy then took Terry’s hand and kissed it.

“I would never hurt you Terry. I want you to know that.”


A 100-foot giantess was guarding the truck of Female Grow when Linda and Betty arrived. Linda was relived to see it was her friend Karen Beagle.

Linda: “Hey Karen, what’s up?”

Karen: “They stuck me with guard duty while I’ll rather lie in the sun.

Linda: “Can I ask a favour of you?”

Karen: “Sure. What is it?

Linda: “An hour ago. We ran into a man who called himself Arthur, who then grew into a giant. I need the FemaleGrow in the truck, so I can grow bigger than him.”

Karen: “That’s odd. There are reports on the radio about a local boy, growing to giant proportions at the local High school, but I thought they were a joke.”

Betty: “It was no boy, we ran into to. We should get in contact with the proper authorities.”

Linda: “Nonsense. We can take care of this here and now.”

Karen: “This is against my better judgement but go ahead. I hope for your sake, the World Protection Committee sees it your way.”

Linda: “I’m sure they will.”

Linda then went up to the truck. She ripped a hole in the top of the truck. Then she began to drink.


Across town, Arthur was looking for his wife. Being 90 feet tall he attracted a lot of attention. A crowd of curious people including reporters began to fallow him.

“Don’t you guys have something better to do?” He asked the crowd. Before continuing his search. He finally found his wife in Berry Park. She turned toward him and said.


“I see, you decided to try you grow ability after all.”

“Honey. I got a problem.”

“Just a second honey. “ Nancy then grew to her full height of 100 feet.

“What’s what the problem?”

“I ran into two giantesses, called Linda and Betty a short time ago. I apologized for my actions. But she then tried to strip me naked. So I grew to my current size. I fear Linda and her companion Betty will seek revenge on me.”

“Is one of them a red head?”

“How did you know?”

Nancy pointed to something behind him. Arthur turned around and gasped. He could see, Linda off in the distance and she was growing.


Betty watched her best friend get bigger and bigger, her body reaching for the sky. She backed away, to give Linda room to grow. When Linda, reached the 1200 foot mark, she stopped growing. There was still some FemaleGrow in the truck. So she turned to Betty.

“Do you want some?”

“I want no part of this.”

“But I insist.” She then poured some FemaleGrow on Betty. Betty found herself rising like a balloon eventually reaching 400 feet in height.

“Why did you do that?” Betty asked.

“You’re still my friend. I wanted you big enough so you won’t get crushed in the coming battle. Besides don’t you want revenge?”

“Sure. But this is not the way to go.”

Linda frowned. Why was her friend being a pain?

“You can either make yourself useful by helping me find Arthur and the other giant. Or you can be a wimp and stay behind. What’s it going to be?”

Betty looked at her friend with fear, in her eyes. She was only a third of her friend’s height. She was afraid of what Linda would do to her, if she got mad.

“I will help you find them.”  Betty finally replied.


To be continued

Chapter 2 by Mr_G
Chapter two 

“What are we going to do?” Arthur asked his wife.

“I recommend you shrink down to your normal size and hide.”

“What about you?”

“Did you tell Linda about me?”

“I mentioned you to her. But she doesn’t know your name or what you look like.”

“Then I’ll stay big for now.”

Arthur then shrank down to his normal size. A few reporters tried to ask him questions. But he ignored them as best he could.


Linda and Betty looked over the town of Berry Hill. Linda was plotting their strategy.

“Betty, you head for the High School to care of the giant boy while I search for Arthur. A 90-foot giant can’t be hard to find in this town.”

“As you wish. “ Betty replied.


Roy looked at Terry. She looked like she was struggling to say something. Finally she found her voice.

“I can never love a giant. I prefer men smaller than me. Small but able to withstand lots of punishment.”

Roy couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“But why did you tell I wasn’t enough man for you? I assumed you meant I was too small.”

“You were being a pest. I wanted to get rid of you.”

Roy got mad. He increased his height to 70 feet. Terry started to back away in fear.

“How do you like dealing with a man, taller than you?” Roy asked.


Turning around, Roy found himself staring at a 400-foot blond.

“Thank God, you’re here, this mean giant was about to attack me.”

“That’s a lie. I just want to scare her. I.”

“SILENCE. Your mere existence is crime enough.”

“Who the hell, you think you are?” Roy asked.

“My name is Betty. I’m here to make sure you want hurt any giantess”.

Betty Then picked Roy off the ground. She tried to brake his bones but with no success. In frustration she cried.



Linda was getting frustrated. There was no sign of a 90-foot giant anywhere. Then she realized he must have shrunk back to Human size. She then turned the town upside down to find him. She went from house to house building to building tearing them part looking for Arthur. In her frustration she started killing every male in sight, even a few women who were too slow getting out of the way. She had destroyed 20 city blocks, when she heard Betty call for her.

“All right. I’m coming.” She cried as she headed for the high school.


While this was going on Mark had second thoughts about his relationship with Terry. While he had no problem with her being bigger than him her talk with Roy disturbed him.

“Terry, do you consider me your boyfriend or your pet?” He asked.

“Do you really want to know?”

She then picked him up and carried away, just as Linda came on the scene.


“What’s the problem here?” Linda asked.

“This guy’s bones refuse to brake.”A Betty replied.

“Give him to me.”

Betty handed Roy over to Linda. She then proceeded to twist Roy’s head. It refused to come off. She then twisted Roy body every way imaginable. It refused to brake.

“What are you? The giant from hell?” Linda asked.

“I’m I still Alive?” Roy asked.


“What are you doing to my brother?”

Linda turned around to see an 80-foot giantess standing beside her.

“Who the heck are you?”

“Beatrice Johnson. I repeat what are you doing to Roy?”

“This piece of garage is your brother?”

“Yes. Now let him go.”

“Betty, take care of her for me.”

Betty then grabbed Beatrice and threw her as hard as she could. Beatrice crashed into a nearby apartment building reducing it to rubble.

“The World Protection Committee, going to hear about this.” She cried as she picked herself up from the remains of the apartment building.


Nancy Johnson watched the scene from afar. She was concerned at first when Linda attacked her son. But then remembered in her growth fancies, they were invulnerable when big. Kinds of like a super hero.

“Great Scott. I got to tell my husband this.” Nancy cried. She when out to find him.


Arthur was appalled at the destruction of his hometown. Innocent people had died, and he felt partly responsible.

“If I can lure her out of town I can reduce the death toll.” He said to himself. Just as he was leaving his hiding place the ground began to shake.


Linda was stamping her feet. She was trying her best to crush Roy underfoot. Her efforts were shaking up the entire town. All over town, buildings shook apart, Pipes burst, streets crumbled. And people screamed as their town fell apart.


After five minutes of stomping. Linda was panting, she decided to take a break. To her and Betty’s dismay Roy was still alive.

“What do we do now?” Linda asked.

Betty looking at the runes of Berry Hill Before her replied,

“Pray. How are we going to explain this to the committee?”

Before Linda could respond, a voice said,

“This ends here and now.”


“You decided to show yourself at last.”

Arthur Johnson stood before Linda and Betty. He looked bruised and worn out. But at his full size of 90 feet, he was still an impressive sight.

“You killed enough innocent people. I’m the one you want.”

While he was talking, a 100-foot giantess came up behind him.

“Thank God you’re all right, honey.” She said.

“Honey? Is she your wife?”Linda asked.

“Leave my wife out of this.”

“I can take care of myself. Dear.”

Linda glared at Nancy.

“You’re the one reasonable for creating this mess.”

“I pled responsibility for my family ability to grow. As for the destruction of this town you got no one but yourselves to blame.”

“How did you do it?” Betty asked.

“That’s none of your business. “Nancy replied. She didn’t want them to discover the power of the Wishbone meal deal. There is no telling what would happen.


“Who cares how they did it? “ Linda then pointed her finger at Nancy.

“You’re a traitor to giantesses every where. I sentience you to death.”

“Since when did you join the World Protection Committee? Only committee members are above the law.”

“Screw the Committee.” Linda replied.


Suddenly a megaphone came to life.


The giantess control unit consisted of several amazons each between six and seven feet in height. They wore skin tight grey uniforms. More importantly they were armed with guns that fired the FemaleGrow counter agent.

“Oh shit.” Betty cried.

“If you give me, more time I can take care of these giants. “Linda pleaded.


The giantess control unit, fired their guns. Dozens of darts coated with the FemaleGrow counter agent. Landed on Linda and Betty they quickly began to shrink.

“NOOOO. “ Linda cried as she shrank to her non giantess size. Betty just whimpered as she shrank.  A few darts also landed on Nancy, Arthur and Roy (who was laying on the ground). But to the amazons amazement they didn’t shrink.


After Linda and Betty had finished shrinking a couple of amazons handcuffed them and carried them off to a holding cell.  The leader of the unit a seven-foot brunette went up to Johnson’s.

“My name is Ashley MacNeil. You folks care to explain what’s going on here?”

“It’s a long story. Mind if we shrink down to your size? It makes talking to you easier.”

“Go right ahead.”

Arthur and Nancy shrank until they were at eye level with Ashley.

“I think we got a lot to talk about. Come with me please.”

“What about our kids? They have the same ability we do.”

“Is he your son?” She pointed to the giant lying on the ground. He was just starting to come around.

“Yes. His name is Roy. We also have a daughter called Beatrice. She is around somewhere.”

“We’ll find her. Would you please ask your son, to shrink down to a more manageable size?”

Right after she said this. Roy shrank down to his normal size.

“Can I go home now?” He asked.

Ashley hesitated. She wanted to question him. But he looked so haggard. She turned to one of her fellow Amazons a six and a half foot blond.

“Abigail. Escort this boy back to his home. I will question him later.”

Roy didn’t like the idea of an escort but was too tired to protest.  Besides no one messed with the giantess control unit unless they absolutely had to. So he just shrugged his shoulders, and headed for home with Abigail right beside him.

“What are you going to do to Beatrice, when you find her?” Nancy asked.

“Question her. Can we please go to the briefing room now?”

The Johnsons asked no more questions, so they headed for the briefing room and an uncertain future.


The end for now

Author note: See the story Gender war: Meet the Smith’s for more info on what happened to the Johnston’s.

This story archived at