James and The Monster Farm by TheWanderer

This was once a story based on people in the giantess community that I had made friends with but now it is a self-insert story.

James was down on his luck in regards to finding a job. One day a friend he made online invites him to help work on a farm. While he may not know much he needs the money and he trusts his friend. Little does James know his friend was a Holstaur and she may have more that good intentions on getting him a job at this farm. Follow James and his adventures on a Monster farm! This story may start a bit slow with the lewd stuff but I hope you still enjoy.

Categories: Giantess, Breasts, BBW, Body Exploration, Butt, Couples, Entrapment, Fantasy, Furry, Futanari, Gentle, Giant, Insertion, Lesbians, Mouth Play, Sci-Fi, Vore Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.), Giant (31 ft. to 50 ft.), Mini GTS (16-30ft)
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.), Dwarf (3 ft. to 5 ft.), Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 17718 Read: 22607 Published: March 27 2023 Updated: September 07 2024

1. A Gamble on a Job by TheWanderer

2. A Few Weeks Later by TheWanderer

3. Dealing with Dragons by TheWanderer

4. Dragon Milk by TheWanderer

5. A Dwarf, An Elf, and A Vampire by TheWanderer

6. New and Old Friends by TheWanderer

A Gamble on a Job by TheWanderer
Author's Notes:

First chapter, now much to say really. Some characters will have references to characters drawn by artists that I like and use as reference

I looked out the train window at the passing scenery. It was full of beautiful farm fields and trees scattered throughout them. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen anything like this in person. It was probably back when he was a kid and didn't have to worry about things like rent, loans, and necessities. Ah, but it was no use worrying about that for now. A friend I made online a while back had gotten me an interview for farm work. Now, granted, I didn't know much about working on a farm, but I’d like to think I was able to adapt pretty quickly. I just hope that I will be able to stay at this job. The size-changing watch they had me buy was expensive and put my no-loans-for-life plan in disarray. Still, I hadn't had any luck finding employment elsewhere, and I was just glad my friend was putting in a good word for me.

The train screeched slowly to a halt and a voice indicated that they arrived at a station. I grabbed my belongings and stepped off into the station. I looked around, searching for a person with a sign. Luckily he didn’t have to look long as an elf holding a sign with his name on it was standing not too far from where he was. He walked over to the elf, who was a head or two taller than he was. “Are you James? I believe that you may have an interview with my boss”, he said. “Yes I’m James and yes I have an interview with your employer. Are you here to show me to the farm?”, I asked as the elf began to walk out of the station. “That is what I was instructed to do yes. I have a car waiting to take us there whenever you’re ready” they said, pointing to the vehicle. I nodded and said he was and joined him in the offroad car.

I was used to seeing elves around before, ever since the world-altering events that happened decades before he was born they were around. They, along with a myriad of other magical peoples and creatures came through rifts that opened throughout the world. With their help, his planet became a safer, cleaner place to live. The most interesting thing to come from the ability to change the size of objects and people through magic, science, and alchemy. I had experienced all three before and preferred the science-based method of shrinking. Something about the other methods gave me the chills for some reason.

The elf, who introduced himself as Martin, told me that he would help me acclimate to the farm if I got hired for the job. He explained that he helped deal with more of the smaller magical creatures such as pixies and fairies and such. He droned on for a few minutes until we arrived at one of the entrances to the farm. From what I could see it was a normal-looking farm for the most part. A few cows dotted around a field, workers off in the distance. What stood out the most so far was the massive farmhouse with some separate smaller houses “The big boss should be in the main house right now, waiting for your interview. Don’t worry about it too much, she’s pretty nice and usually finds a job for almost everyone who comes around for a job. If she does have any hesitations, just tell her that Martin got an alright vibe from you”, Martin said as we stopped.

I was let out of the vehicle and peered up at the house. It seemed like any other regular old house but just on a larger scale. Martin waved goodbye as he drove off to who knows where on the farm. As I walked up the steps of the house, the first thing that he chuckled at in a while was the size of the door. It had to be at least 16ft in height and 10ft wide. I couldn’t help but wonder how large the people who called this home were. I knocked on the door and waited for it to open. A pair of horns popped out from the door and a woman's face followed suit. “Oh what a cutie! Whatcha doin’ here today hon? Wantin’ a tour or are ya here on special business and such?”, she asked, fully opening the door. This towering woman had to be at least 12ft tall with a bust larger than I had ever seen. While I had never met one before, I recognized the species. She was a Holstaur, Minotauros, or as some referred to them a Cow Girl. “Um yes actually, I’m here on business. I have an interview with your boss today”, he stated.

“OOHH, well why didn’ ya say so hon? Come on in, Maria should be in her office right now waitin’ for ya. It’ll be right in front of ya at the end of this hall here. Good luck hon!”, she said, ushering me in and pointing me in the direction of the office. The halls loomed over me as I made my way to the end. On the door, it read “Maria Sukimi, GM of Maria’s Farm”. I knocked on the door hesitantly. Through it, he heard someone say “Please come in, the door is open”. So he stepped inside and low and behold, Maria was sitting behind a large desk, fitting her large frame. She had a pair of reading glasses on, looking over documents and other such papers. She ushered for me to take a seat in front of her which I did quietly setting my bags down as I did. She set down the papers in her hands, took off her glasses, and looked at me, smiling warmly. “Well, I was wondering what you’d look like whenever we talked. Sufficed to say, not too shabby”, she said resting her arms on her massive breasts.

I must have had a confused look on my face as she chuckled a bit before standing up. She was even taller than the person who had let me in the house, standing at least 15ft tall! “Who do you think you’ve been talking to all this time? I may not have told you that I was a Holstaur or that I’d be interviewing you but I did mean it when I said we were friends”, she said as she sat on the front of her desk. I looked up at her, which was difficult considering that her breasts were somewhat in the way. “I do believe you when you said we were friends and I can understand why you didn’t want to say what you were at first. I know there’s still some stigma against everyone who came through all those years ago. If you’ll still have me, I’d like to try working here. I just want to know what I’ll be doing here”, I replied, feeling slightly more relaxed.

“Good, then follow me”, she said, grabbing me from my seat, holding me under her arm like a box, and kicking the door open. Maria waved to the other person who let me in as she walked out of the house, me in hand. “You’re gonna be the first human that has worked at my farm. For now, you'll just be in charge of giving tours to any guests that stop by. Lately, we've been having more and more humans wanting to see our farm here" she said as we walked to another area. "Does that mean you took what we talked about online into consideration then?", I asked, looking up at her. "Yes, I did as a matter of fact. Some worked out well and others could've worked better as I told you before but in the end, I appreciate the help. So here is our first stop”.

First were the smaller houses where most of the other employees were housed along with a tool shed. The introductions to the other employees were brief as Maria hurried us along to the next area. She showed off the Centaurs' and elves' housing next. With each location Maria showed off, the more she seemed to get excited. For some reason, she kept me held under her arm the entire time, carrying me around like luggage. It was fun if I was being honest. We pretty much wasted the whole day introducing me to the various residences. As the sun began to set, we arrived back at the main house sweaty but happy. I was happier than I'd been in a while I admit. We sat down at a dinner table and discussed what else I might be helping with.

"Did you get the watch I asked you to get?", she asked as she had me sign some papers. "Oh yeah, I did. That sucker was not cheap, let me tell you. It's in one of my bags", I replied. "Well it shouldn't be too much of a problem, you did click the link I sent you right?" "Um, no. I didn't get any link". Maria huffed and pulled out a phone, scrolling through it until she found what she was looking for. "Mmm. Looks like it was never sent. I've been meaning to get some better coverage. Oh well, just give me the info for the payments and I'll take care of it. Now go grab your stuff, I need to show you to your room", she finished as she stood up again. I snatched my things from where they were in her office. We then walked upstairs to the second floor, which was shorter than the ground floor so she had to crouch to get around.

Feeling confused for the third time today, Maria neglected to lead me to whichever door would be my room. Out of nowhere, she hip-checked a wall and a panel in the ceiling opened up, causing a ladder to fall straight down. "Your room is up here, I figured that it should give you enough space away from everyone for now", she said kneeling down. She must've wanted me to climb on top of her. So I did exactly that and she stood up, elevating me into the attic. It looked like a normal room with a few boxes, a desk, and a hammock for some reason. Maria couldn't show me around since it was impossible for her to get inside so her head just poked out of the hole while I looked around. "Yeah, this is perfect. Did you have someone clean it up before I arrived?", I asked as I sat in front of her. "Yup, had some of the smaller folk clean and move some things before you got here. You can move into another room as soon as one opens up or you can co- see if someone can build you your separate space", she explained. "Something to consider I guess. Hey mind letting me out for a sec?", I asked. 

She ducked out of the hole, allowing me to climb down. Once I was down I hopped up and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. "Thank you, seriously. I'd be in a much tougher spot if you hadn't given me a job. Thanks", I told her in a whisper before letting go. "Uh, um, moo… I mean, I'll get your… stuff in order", she stuttered before going back downstairs. I climbed the ladder back up and closed the hatch. Before turning in, I unpacked my things, making sure my new watch was charging before I hit the hay. The hammock was comfortable enough as I lay down. Soon enough I began to drift to sleep.

End Notes:

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. If anyone from the old RP groups doesn't want to see this story out in the world, let me know so we may talk about it

A Few Weeks Later by TheWanderer
Author's Notes:

Another chapter for the story! Please enjoy. This one has mostly original characters except from what I named them from. Just Greek Mythology not the Hades game.

I gotta say, I did not expect to enjoy farm life as much as I have. Waking up before the crack of dawn is still not something I'll ever get used to, but everyone has been relatively lenient in that regard. Although I will say, I had a fair few bruises after the first week. It turns out that Holstaurs are really fond of their food and will charge through people and things to get to it. If I wasn't getting jostled around, I was squished against a wall by a myriad of breasts and buttcheeks of varying sizes. Once everyone had gotten used to my presence, things got much more manageable. I still got squished against walls, but it was usually an accident. One of the better perks I've discovered was the milk. I have no idea how they get such rich, sweet, and deep flavor out of the cows, but I was practically addicted. 

My tour guiding part of the job was going reasonably well. From what I could gather from some of the Holstaur and Elves when they opened up the guided tours, people felt nervous about having non-humans lead them through. With me being hired, anyone who came to felt more at ease as they walked through the farm. Maria also considered adding a gift shop or something they can visit after it’s done. For some reason, many people seemed to want to see a part of the farm that even Maria was hesitant to let me into. Marias' farm is one of the few places where dragons have decided to nest and cooperate with other beings. Apparently, she and the current clan matriarch were childhood friends, so when they needed a place of residence, she offered. Luckily dragons being extremely knowledgeable of magics that they are, they disguised their cave system to look like an ordinary barn. From what Maria said, it saved space during their move-in.

Maria said she was reluctant to let me inside because dragons like to collect things. This does not disclude collecting living things either. More than once, they have left the farm to increase their hoard, only to bring back some poor confused soul. They usually get let go after a week. After hearing that, I took her advice and steered clear of it. 

Anyways, enough thinking of the past few weeks. I had just finished my final tour for the day and waved the guests goodbye. There was still plenty of light left in the sky, so I decided to wander the farm a bit. Being close to many rushing people in the main house is nice, but sometimes I craved the quiet of a walk. I didn't have any particular destination in mind, but I wanted to look at the woods near the edge of the property. The trees were packed tightly together but left enough for a path for someone at my height. The air was cool and made the trek all the better. There was a hole within the canopy, so I went to see what the night sky would look like. Just as I arrived, I tripped on something and hit my head on a rock, which knocked me out.

I had no idea how much time had passed when I was knocked out. It was dark as soon as I woke up, and I could feel the split where my head had hit the rock. There was something else that was off. I couldn’t move my limbs as well as I wanted to. I was also wrapped in some sort of strange material. Squinting, I could see some rope-like material wrapped around me. I struggled to free myself of the ropes, but they held firm. “Hm? Oh, it seems our guest is awake. I suppose we should let him out then”, a voice said. Above me, a large hand entered with a flash of light, and I was pulled upwards. I could properly see my capture as my vision returned from being blinded. She had long silver-white hair and six pairs of blood-red eyes. Looking lower, she was very well endowed with a set of large breasts. Her waist had a set of carapace legs jutting out from behind her and a large abdomen to boot. White spots dotted her black armored skin, reminiscent of a starry night sky.

"Well, little one? Are you going to say something? I could put you back where you were if you're so inclined", she chimed, pulling the collar of her shirt open. "Um, hi, I'm James. I didn't disturb your nest, did I Miss?", I simply asked. Arachne were reasonable people but were particular when it came to where they called home. She chuckled and then whistled for some reason. "No, you did not. My companion brought me to your unconscious body out in the small clearing. Obviously, I had to shrink you to transport you. You're currently around 5 inches tall. I can heal your injury if you wish", she said plainly. "Yes, that would be greatly appreciated", I meekly asked. "Very well, " she simply said as she hung me on the front of her shirt and began humming. A glow surrounded our bodies, and I could feel the wound begin to close. It was a healing song powered by magic.

While waiting for my healing to finish, I looked better at my surroundings. It was a humble cottage-looking place, with a few corridors wide enough for a forklift to pass through. Strands of near-invisible spider silk were hung above us. In a corner of the ceiling, a writhing black mass hung ominously. "Um, may I ask what that black ball is up there?", I said. When the Arachne spoke, the glowing stopped, "Oh, they are my adopted children. Their mother asked me to take care of them before she passed. They can't grow into Arache, as they are a species that can't, but they can speak human languages. Do they frighten you?". "Well, no," I said, "I was just curious, is all.". She didn't speak or start humming but instead snapped her fingers. The ball dispersed, and small orbs traveled across the strands of silk over to where we were.

Once a few were over us, they descended onto the waiting Arachne. The ones who landed near me investigated the foreign object that was me. “‘Who’s that?’ ‘Don’t know.’ ‘Is it food?’ ‘No, still alive.’ ‘Looks funny.’ ‘Looks hurt.’ ‘Hope it’s ok.’ ‘Wanna touch it”, I heard whispers all around me. Suddenly the strands of silk around my arms unraveled. “If you aren’t too afraid to move, you may touch them”, the Arachne said, resuming her humming. One of the little spiders moved closer, and I patted its head. It seemed to like it and ran to the others. “It is rare to see non-arachnids touch the little ones, much less pet them. You are an unusual human. Oh Dryad, you’ve finally come”, she said. A chubbier-looking woman walked into the room wearing a thinly veiled green dress.

"I see the one who distributed my sleep is alive and well. Have you finished healing him, Arachne?”, she asked, pointing at me. “Yes, the wound on his head has fully healed, but it is too dark to send him back to that farm. He will have to stay here for the night”, she said, snapping her fingers again. All the spiders that covered her crept up back their webs and scurried back to wherever they came from. “Fantastic. Not only does the one who disturbed my sleep have to stay here, one of us will have to guide him back to that tantalizing farm”, the Dryad grumbled. 

“Um, excuse me, I want to ask something. Do neither of you have names?”, I chimed in. They both looked at me as soon as I spoke. “No, neither of us has a name. We just refer to each other by our species”, the Arachne said, picking me up again. “If you’re so concerned about it, human, then why don’t you come up with names for the both of us!?”, the Dryad snapped. “You know you don’t have to snap at the human just because he tripped on your root and woke you up.’ ‘I was just falling asleep when he tripped on me, and he smells like that farm.’ ‘You don’t need the sleep; look how much nutrients you absorbed while you slept!”, they continued to argue for minutes.

Since I couldn’t move, I thought of names for this pair to distract myself from their arguing. The names dawned on me as I stared up at them. “I have some names if you’ll hear them”, I shouted to them. They stopped arguing and looked back down at me, saying, “Well, what do you have?” they said in unison. “For the Dryad, I was thinking of the name Euridice after the Greek Dryad. For the Arachne, it was Nyx since her armor looks like a night sky”, I said. They both stared at me for what felt like hours, then the Dryad spoke, “I find that name agreeable”. “Nyx feels appropriate for me as well. I like it”, Nyx said. It was hard to tell because of the angle I was hung, but it looked like they were blushing. “Oh, speaking of that farm, does anyone know where you are?” Nyx asked. “OH SHIT! No one does. Can you unshrink me so I can use my phone?”, I asked.

Nyx pulled me from the necklace holder she put me in and set me on the ground. She drew a magic circle in the air above me. A sick feeling washed over me, and I could feel my body grow back to normal. I was still shorter than Euridice and Nyx, but I was glad I had my autonomy back. I pulled out my phone and called the farmhouse's phone and told them what had happened. While Maria was unhappy when she heard, she understood that I couldn’t make the trip back at night. As soon as I finished my call, Nyx shrunk me again out of nowhere. “Now that that is taken care of, you will stay with me until morning comes. Euridice has already left, which leaves you with me".

"Before you object, the children will still be eager to see you and may sneak into wherever you may be sleeping tonight. If I keep you with me, you won't be disturbed, nor will my children be killed if you move by mistake. Does this sound reasonable?", she continued as she moved to another part of her home. "As I don't have many other options, I accept. Where are we heading now?", I asked as I was wrapped up again.

"Firstly, dinner. Neither of us has eaten, and I am quite famished. Then a bath to clean off and after to bed. I'll need my rest if I'm to take you back to that farm", Nyx said as she began to prepare a meal. "Can I take a bath alone at normal size once we've eaten?" "No, you may not, Fire magic is something I am not overly experienced with, so I’d rather save the use of it for one use for dinner and bathing”, Nyx retorted as she continued. Even if I could argue against that point, there was no way I could fight against her at my size, so I resigned myself to being a necklace. She must've been feeling fancy as she pulled out some wine and drank a few cups.

Nyx thankfully regrew me and let me eat my meal normally, but as soon as we finished, she shrunk me again and scuttled to a large bathroom. Tied back onto the necklace, Nyx undressed while I watched on. “Are you not embarrassed to have me see you nude?” “No, not really. If you’ve been near animalistic people before, you’d know that most of us aren’t hung up on conventional human ideals”, Nyx said as she pulled off her shirt. Her breasts flopped out from her shirt, having not been bound by a bra. Her breasts weren’t as big as some of the Holstaurs, but they were still relatively large with how small I’ve been shrunk. She turned to face a mirror, fixing something with her hair. This allowed me to see her nipples which were puffy yet inverted. 

Nyx saw me looking at her nipples and covered them with her hands. “Please don’t look at them. They’re the one thing I’m self-conscious about on my body”, she said, blushing. “Oh, I can’t look anywhere else, so…”, is all I could say in response. Nyx didn’t reply as she stepped into the bath she had heated up. She cleaned herself with a strange-scented soap and hummed to herself. Nyx must’ve thought of an idea to tease me back because she put some soap on my body and squashed me between her breasts. Her soap kept my body from being dragged roughly against her breasts as she rubbed them. It was my first experience with a sexual act like this, and I could feel my dick harden the longer it went on.

Nyx must've felt it too because she suddenly stopped and poured water on both of us. I was left sputtering, coughing, and confused while she finished rinsing off. Once she was satisfied, we left the bath and dried off. We made our way to her bedroom, which was sparsely decorated but with a dresser and a cot made of web. She must've still been annoyed by my comment earlier. As soon as she lay down in her cot, she said, "You know, human, I may not get another chance with you being as small as you are right now. I want a taste". My eyes widened in surprise. "Nyx, please. You can't be serious." " Oh, but I am serious little James. Humans never visit this forest, and other species hardly venture too far in. Besides, I saved you and healed your head wound; think of this as payment", she said, pulling me off her neck. She opened her mouth, and what greeted me were fanged teeth and a long, thick pink tongue.

Nyx ripped a hole in my binding, revealing my member. Her tongue flicked the digit, eliciting a reaction. The wet muscle slapped against my body, her breath smelling of the wine she had at dinner. I squirmed with each passing lick, feeling myself grow closer to climax. Once more, the sly Arachne stopped deadpan, cocooning my body again. She turned me to face her, all the while laughing, "Oh human, I wish I could see the look on your face. I may have helped you, but don't think me such an easy woman to win over just because you gave me a name. You'll have to put in some effort next time. Now good night". Nyx slipped me deep into her cleavage, her rapid heartbeat echoing through her chest. The darkness and the flesh encompassed me were inescapable no matter how hard I thrashed. Eventually, I resigned to my pillowy cage and drifted to sleep.

The Next morning:

My eyes cracked open as my mind began to break away from sleep. My vision was blurry, and my body ached for some reason. Then what occurred the night before came back to me. I turned my head as best I could, and from what I could tell from the low light, I was still trapped in Nyx's cleavage. I squirmed in place, hoping to gain notice of my living prison. All my efforts gave me was a low mumbling from above, "Mmmm, five more minutes, Dryad". Nyx rolled to her side, shifting my prison along with her. What little space I had was now filled with my captures chest. I struggled as much as I could, but still, my predicament didn’t change. Beads of sweat had dripped down before she turned, and one sat before me. Thirst crept up my throat, and I grew desperate for a drink. 

Out of options, I tried chewing my way through my bindings. The few threads near my mouth snapped, letting my mouth slip through an opening. I squirmed my way to the bead and drank the salty liquid. It would do for now, but I needed actual water. Then the realization struck me; I could try biting Nyx to get her to wake up. I shifted my body to face a side of her breasts and bit into the skin. I didn’t want to hurt her badly, so I tried to keep it as gentle as possible. My actions seemed to have worked because soon, the pressure around me let up, and I could feel myself shifting into a horizontal position.

“Mmmm, it must be morning. I wonder how the human is doing”, Nyx said, parting her cleavage. Her hand reached for my body and grabbed me, freeing me from her breasts. “I understand that you may have been hungry, but no need to try and eat me, young human. I would’ve let you out eventually”, she said with a yawn. The Arachne crawled out of bed with me in hand and left to her bathroom. She pinned me to a string of webbing while she readied herself for the day. Nyx used a mist magic to wet down her hair, and her children came down to straighten it. They left it in a braid as she brushed her teeth. “I’ve been meaning to ask. Where did you get your kitchen wares and that dresser”, I asked, breaking the silence. 

She held up her finger as she rinsed out her mouth. Once she did, she said, “Fairy Courier services. Exchange goods or a monetary payment, and they’ll get almost anything for you. That's how I get all my wares. Just draw the right scrying circle, and they’ll always answer”. I had to admit that must be very convenient. Nyx plucked me from where I was hanging on the wall and brought me back to her kitchen for breakfast. We ate in silence again as her brood watched over us. I’d have been alright with this if she had not misplaced my clothes while they were small. 

Once we were done, I was shrunk again (shocking, I know), and Nyx left her home to bring me back to mine. We, I should say she, made the walk early morning to ensure I didn’t miss too much of my duties. I was resting on the outside of her shirt, watching the scenery pass by. “Um, can I ask about what you said last night? Before you… tucked me in?” I asked. She was silent for a moment, recalling what she had said. “Ah, that. You see…” she stuttered. “It was the wine talking?’ ‘YES! Yes, it was the wine talking. I tend to tease people whenever I drink wine, from what the Dr- from what Eruidice has told me”, Nyx confessed.

“But did you mean what you said about having a chance, I mean?”, I probed. She said nothing as we came to a break in the trees. Maria and a few others were waiting for me a fair distance away from the forest. “Look, I'm sorry if I'm being cagey about my answer, but I don’t know as of yet. Before you return, you need a new set of clothes, " Nyx said, pulling at the threads that bound me. They weaved themselves into a perfectly fitting set of white clothing. “Wow, I think this is the nicest set of clothing I’ve ever had. Thank you, Nyx. How can I repay you?” I asked. Before she could answer that, Maria had walked to where we were and introduced herself. My Holstaur boss stuck out her hand, saying, “Hi, I’m Maria. Thank you for helping dear James here. Would you like to come to the house and chat? I’d like to get to know a little about you”. Nyx shook her hand and thought for a moment. "You know what? I think I’ll take you up on that. I’m Nyx, by the way. Your human here gave me that name. By the way, do I need to regrow him?” Nyx asked, holding me in the palm of her hand. “No, you can keep him at that for now. I’d like to have a word with him after we talk”, she said as she turned back towards the farmhouse. As I worried for my job, Nyx chuckled and said, “Oh, this I gotta see”.

End Notes:

Let me know what you think. Also does anyone know an artist that draws good Monster Ladies? I want to get some of these characters drawn.

Dealing with Dragons by TheWanderer
Author's Notes:

New Chapter. Not much to say, just to read and enjoy

Now for the few weeks I've lived in the house, everything was large when I was normal-sized, but now everything was skyscraper levels of large. Nyx kept me on top of her cleavage while she chatted with Maria in the living room. They'd have gone to her office to talk, but our Arachne guest was a bit too large to fit in the hallway. At first, they talked about their hair and style, where Nyx lived, and about Euridice. Eventually, the topic switched over to me. "So, how was James during his stay? Was he polite, or did he wreck the place?", Maria jokingly asked. "Oh, you should've seen the path of destruction he carved through my home. He was a maverick!", she joked back. For my part, I just sat there blushing from the jokes and holding onto Nyx's shirt as she laughed.

They continued their talk for an hour before Maria switched to talking to me. “Now, James, what did we learn about from our experience yesterday?”, Maria asked. “Uh, that I was lucky that Nyx and Euridice were kind enough to save and help me?”, I answered. “Yes, and?”, she pressed. “Don’t go exploring a dangerous place without someone, or if it’s too dangerous, don’t go in at all?”, I added. My boss looked at me with narrowed eyes and sighed. “I suppose that’ll do for now. Ok, Miss Nyx, I’d like to switch to something a little more serious if that's alright”, she said, crossing her legs.

“Sure, did you want me to leave?”, she asked, setting me down on a coffee table. “No, actually, I have a proposition for you if you’ll hear me out", Maria told her. "Well, I don't have anything else going on today, so, sure, I'll listen". Nyx said. "Alright, I'll get right to the point. I'm looking to expand my property by a large margin, and your forest is one area that I'm planning to envelop", she started. "Now, before you say anything about me cutting them down, I don't plan on that. All I want is a "small" path through it to the area past it. You mentioned your Dryad friend Euridice lives there as well, which means this will affect her too. How do you think she'll react to this?", Maria finished saying. "Maria, you never talked about this; how come you didn't let me know?", I asked. She leaned forward and grabbed me from the table. It was strange feeling her hold me like a pen, which I was probably about the size of. "Well, I would’ve told you last night, but someone had gone and gotten himself lost and injured, didn't he? It worked out in the end, I suppose. Would you mind tying him up again? I'd like to keep this troublemaker with me for now", she asked.

Nyx smirked as she made a circle in the air with her finger. Smaller white circles appeared around me, wrapping me up in the familiar white silk. "Is that how you were able to quickly tie me up last night?" I asked as Maria drooped my bindings around her neck. "Oh heavens no. That's just for prey that's at a distance. If you're within grabbing distance, a wave of our hands and you're done for. Oh, just a second", she said before making another circle. It was blue this time, and a wave of nausea washed over me as some of my size returned to me. "There, he was far too small to manage for someone as large as you. I think 9 inches should be sufficient", she added. Maria inspected my slightly grown body. "It does make it easier to use-HOLD HIM… hold him, I admit. Could you call your Dryad friend? You did say you could scry", my boss said. "Yeah, just get me a piece of paper. It's easier to have a physically drawn circle to scry than projecting one", Nyx said.

Maria stood up and lumbered to her office, my body bouncing atop her chest. She opened the door to her office, and a wave of heat washed over us. Something on Maria's desk was fuming and producing smoke. "Oh, wonderful, just what I need right now", she huffed before pressing a button on top. A circle appeared in the air, and a feminine Dragonoid figure was shown through it. "Devora, honey, I'd really love to chat, but I'm trying to work out a deal with-", Maria began to say before she was interrupted. "Dwarves", Devora said plainly. "You can take just care of the dwarves yourself, Devora. You know they come around once a month for the scales, so just hand over the-", she said before being interrupted again. "They want to speak with you too. We're coming through", the Dragoness said before the circle shifted. The circle changed into a rectangular doorway, and four figures walked out from it.

"DEVI! What did I say about opening portals in my office?!? You know the scorch marks are impossible to get out!”, Maria shouted. The Dragoness was slightly shorter than Maria was, seeming to only stand at 13 ft tall. Devora's scales were shimmering gold with black rimming around each end. Her horns arched back from the top of her head, pointing upward. Her tail trailing behind her where she stood. The size of her bust rivaled that of my employer. “Doesn’t matter. We’re here now”, she said, motioning for the dwarves to exit the room. The Dragoness sniffed the air and turned to Maria's chest, standing on her toes. She saw my bound body, and smoke puffed from her nostrils. “A human. It’s been some time since I’ve seen one. Were they always this small?”, she questioned. “No, he’s just that small as a punishment. Look, since you're here, you might as well stay for the negotiations”, Maria said, walking out of her office after grabbing a few sheets.

When we returned to Nyx, she was chatting with the three dwarves that Devora brought with her. “Ok, so my dragon friend brought some dwarves with her to discuss dragon scale usage. She’ll also be listening in as well. Are you ok with dragons Nyx?”, Maria asked. Nyx's back legs skittered as Devora walked in and sat opposite her. "Not really; all dragons have an overwhelming presence. It takes some getting used to" she said. Maria then handed her a piece of paper and a pen, and she began drawing the scrying circle. What was shown through the projected circle was a large tree. "Dryad, we need to talk; wake up". The tree did not respond, which caused Nyx to sigh. "Look, Euridice, I'm at that farm right now trying to work out a deal, and I need your input. If you don't respond, I'll have my kids chase you down and string webs through your hair", she threatened. The tree soon began to glow and shift in form.

"Alright, alright, I hear you—no need to threaten my hair. Now what's all this about?", Euridice asked as she yawned. The two explained the plan to Euridice as she tried to keep awake. All I could see on my part was Maria's face and chin since I was laid in my boss's cleavage. As they discussed it, I couldn't help but feel someone was watching me. With some maneuvering, I flipped on my side and saw my spy. Devora was staring intently at me, with almost a hunger in her eyes. I gulped, fearing what she would do. I tried to focus on Maria, Nyx, and Euridice's conversation. "So we make a path through your forest to the coast in exchange for letting you into our fields for the nutrients, occasional trimming, and you'll use your powers to bolster the fruit tree harvests, correct?", Maria asked, writing down each term of the agreement. "Not to mention a designated spot where I'll be staying in tree form that won't be disturbed by your employees!", Euridice shouted. "Yes, yes, there's that too. Nyx, what would you like to get out of the deal?", she asked.

Nyx put her hand to her chin and thought for a moment. "You said you might be bringing in more Hybrids like yourself and I to this farm, right?", Nyx asked. Maria nodded, prompting her to finish her question. "You said you had representatives for everyone currently living here, and you'll assign ones for those who arrive. When they come, can you make one of them the representative if there are any Arachne, if possible?", she asked. "Well, some may object, but I can see about that.", Maria reassured her before turning to Devora and the Dwarves, "Ok, on to the dragon business. You guys still need your scales, right? ". A dwarf with a pair of glasses stood and cleared his throat, "Aye, lass. Our boss tol' us ta get a fresh batch o' scales for our tools an' buildin'. Many of the youngins snapped at me, and me associates when we asked them. We went to Lady Devora 'ere, but instead, she brought us 'ere! Lookin' at ya house now, though, I'd say it may need a wee bit of maintenance", he said, adjusting his glasses.

"Hmm. Well, I can get Devora here to get you the shed scales you-", Maria started to say before the Dragoness interrupted again. "I'll give you mine if I can have the human", she said nonchalantly. Everyone's attention snapped to her after what she just said. "Lady Devora, we canne' ask ya for your scales. The quality of them alone is higher than anythin' our company 'as worked with before!", the spectacled dwarf said, almost bowing to her. "This human is out of the question, Devi. He works for me and has the right to choose whether or not he wants to go with you", Maria said before whispering to herself, "Dragons, I swear". "I want to help the human at least. I can see he has a low resistance to magic. I can fix that", she retorted. Across from Maria, Nyx, and Euridice were trying to keep their laughter in check.

"Um, could I get a say in this?",  I chimed. "Yes!' 'No.", the friends said, overlapping. Nyx and Euridice finally broke and were dying of laughter while the dwarves excused themselves. Maria and Devora argued for several minutes while I bounced atop her breasts. In the middle of their arguing, Devora made a grab for me! Maria was just a bit faster and snatched me from her neck. She then did something I never expected her to do. She pulled the back of her jeans open and slid me in! I was nestled under her tail, hoping this would end it. Unfortunately, as it happened, her finger pushed me deeper between her cheeks. It wasn't complete darkness, but it was more suffocating than being between a pair of breasts.

Maria sat down, clenching her cheeks as if that wasn't enough. Holstaurs are known for their immense strength, and it seems their buttcheeks are no exception. I could no longer hear their argument from the muffled confines of my boss's ass. For some reason, she continued to clench her cheeks. I could tell that I was moving, but each clench made it harder to keep conscious. Maria's final squeeze knocked me out as I felt my feet hit something within her crack.

Much Later:

When I woke up next, I was freed from Maria's cheeks but not my bindings. She was holding me in her hand, but she seemed to be sleeping. I looked around as best I could to get my bearings. It was a large room with a bed, a mirror, and two dressers. I must’ve been taken to Maria's room after her argument with Devora. I'd only been inside once or twice, and each time, the scale she lived in amazed me. Her bed was a foot higher than me when I was normal-sized. She told me how she had the dwarves that visited today make sure that she could not break a thing in the room if she tried when she first brought me in here. 

Looking at her, she had a peaceful look on her face while she slept. I didn't want to disturb her, but I needed to free myself. “Hey, Maria! Can you wake up?!”, I shouted. She stirred, her eyes fluttering open as she yawned. "Hmm? Oh, James, you're awake now. Sorry about earlier. Dragons are very insistent in their desires", she said, her eyes looking distant. "From the tone of your voice, it sounds like she's not letting this go", I said. "You guessed right. I had to make a deal with her. It was that, or she takes you by force", Maria said. I thought about what she just said for a moment. I had a feeling I knew what kind of deal was struck, but I needed to confirm it first. "So what kind of deal did you make with Devora?", I asked to which she replied, "That she'd have access to you at least one day a week after I take care of something". 

"What do you have to take care of?", I asked. Maria wouldn't say, but she undid the bindings Nyx had tied me with. With my limbs freed, I stretched in her grip until she set me down on her bed. From the look on her face, she was having difficulty putting what she had to say into words. "Does what you have to do involve us?", I probed. Maria only replied with a stuttering moo. "How about you regrow me for a start, and we can figure this out together, yeah? Wait, can you grow me back?", I questioned. My boss snapped her fingers, then rummaged through her pockets. She pulled out a piece of paper and unfolded it. Maria set it down, and I saw a magic circle drawn on it. “Nyx gave this to me before she left for the day. She said in case I needed to regrow you, all you needed to do was to step into the circle”, she explained.

I was hesitant to step in, but I was tired of being stuck at this size, so I stepped inside the circle. Once more, a wave of nausea swept over me as I was restored to my normal size. “Phew, I still can’t get over that feeling. Ok, what was it you needed to work out again?", I asked. With me standing on her bed, I was at breast level with her. I’m usually not that tall unless I needed to move something larger than myself. “Well… look, you can say no if you want, wecanfindanotherway-” she began to say before I stopped her. “Maria! Breath”, I told her, which she followed, “does it have anything to do with sex?". She scrunched her face and said, "Sort of. With most Holstaurs, it means a great deal to them if someone they like drinks from their breast… and I haven't had someone that special yet". I must admit I'm shocked that Maria thought of me that way. "Hey, we don't need to do this right now; you still haven't had dinner and probably want a shower, " she said. 

I admit I was hungry, but a rumor floated in my head. Holstaur milk was five times more nutritious and flavorful than regular milk. "The shower can wait; as for dinner, I see two big melons in front of me that will do quite nicely", I said, trying to sound suave. Maria blinked a few times, then chuckled to herself. "You're such a goof. Take off your clothes at least while I lock the door", she said, turning to it. I quickly stripped my new clothes and tossed them onto her chair. After the door was locked, Maria undid her jeans and kicked to the side. Her panties had some pattern on them, but I didn't get a good look at them until she turned around. Pulling off her shirt, she revealed a cow print set of panties and bra. "My underwear isn't too weird, is it?", she asked. It was my turn to chuckle this time, saying, "No, of course not; they look good on you".

Maria unhooked her bra from the front and let her massive breasts flop out from confinement. Huge areolas surrounded large erect digits on each breast. I marveled at the sight of her breasts, hesitantly grabbing her right with my hands. "Wow. These must be full; they feel heavy", I said, gliding my hands over them. "Mmm, can I lie down? It'll make this easier.", she asked between soft huffs. I obliged and moved as she rested on her bed. Her breasts swooped to the side and jiggled before settling. Her panties held tightly around her groin, making a large cameltoe impression. “I… You can start if you’d like”, Maria said, hefting her breasts. I nodded and kneeled next to her right side. I gently grasped her nipple and lowered my head to it. The moment my lips connected with her nipple, milk dripped into my mouth. It tasted better than I ever imagined.

The more I suckled, the more milk flowed out. Maria let out a contented sigh and pulled my smaller body into hers. I straddled her as I continued drinking from her breast. The sweet, rich liquid filled my stomach, but I still couldn't get enough. I switched to her left and drank from it greedily. A warm feeling spread through the center of my body with each gulp. I pulled away from her breast and laid myself between her breasts. She looked beautiful in the rooms low light. I pulled myself closer to her and wrapped my arms around her neck. Maria hugged me as we kissed, compressing my body between her breasts. She pushed my head lightly, wanting me to move lower.

I moved lower as she wanted and was faced with her cameltoe. I pulled the material to the side and stared at the quivering lips hidden behind them. A strong smell of musk and sweat crept from the area as I took the sight in. Maria pulled my head closer, and I began to lick at her. She moaned and buckled her hips, matching my movements. I drove my tongue as deep as I could in her pussy, tasting every inch I could reach. Maria must not have done anything like this before because what little I was doing sent her over the edge. Her thighs clamped around my head, and she came loudly. I was dazed by the sudden pressure and felt dizzy. Maria pulled me back up on her and held me to her chest. We stayed together like that until we began to drift asleep.

End Notes:

Hoped you liked it. Realized that I didn't add any details as to what James looks like. The same goes for Ethan in the Pokemon story, That should change within the next chapter or two.

Dragon Milk by TheWanderer
Author's Notes:

This chapter was a long time needed. James finally is physically described!

I woke up that following morning feeling more refreshed than I had ever felt before. At some point, Maria pulled a cover over us while we slept. I wouldn't have minded it, but being half buried between her breasts, being held like a teddy bear along with a cover, made things a bit too warm. Thankfully, I was facing her so that I could get her attention quickly. I planted kisses along the base of her neck and moved higher once I heard her murmur. "M… moo," she muttered as she reciprocated my actions. Our lips met, and we pulled closer to each other, enjoying the embrace. "Moorning hun, how's your head feeling? I kinda squished you between my thighs last I remember," she said. "Yeah, ya squished me. Can't deny I enjoyed it just a bit. What time is it?" I replied to her. Maria reached for her clock and pulled it from her nightstand. "It's half past 9. I haven't slept in this late in ages. Suppose we should get up," Maria said, shifting to a sitting position. 

She still held me between her breasts as she walked to her bathroom. There wasn't much to say about it, just a normal-looking bathroom scaled up to meet the needs of her size. A vanity surrounded the sink bowl. Her actual shower was pretty extensive, though. There seemed to be a stone slab in the middle that was probably a seat for her. Maria opened her cleavage, letting me drop to the floor as she began taking care of business. She began brushing her teeth, rubbing her head as she did. I figured it was an excellent time to grow on my own terms, so I activated my watch and set my height. I grew to 12 feet tall and sat on her toilet, waiting for her to finish. She brought a cup up to her mouth and rinsed. Once she raised her head, she looked at me curiously. "Hmm, it's rare to see you grow with your watch. How does it feel compared to when you've grown by other means?" she asked. She waved me off the toilet, handing me a spare toothbrush from her vanities drawer. I tore it open, saying, "Well, the best way I can describe it would be like having a long stretch after getting out of a hot spring or warm shower. When I shrink, it's like wrapping myself in a blanket after it comes out of a dryer or has been in the sun all day."

"I feel relaxed whenever using the watch to grow or shrink. Compared to magical growth or shrinkage, it's like having someone pull me. Have you ever seen those toys that stretch when you pull their limbs? It's like that with magical growth," I continued. I quickly brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth out. "And when I've been shrunk, it feels like someone is trying to ball me up," I finished. Maria stood up, walked into her shower, and sat on that slab. She waved for me to come in, making a lowering motion with her other hand. I returned my height to my original and placed my watch in the drawer. I joined her in the shower, standing beside her while she set it up. We were both doused with water as steam began to fill her shower. Maria turned her back to me as she grabbed her soap and washcloth. "Do you, uh, want me to get your back?" I asked. “Hmm, I was gonna offer to get you cleaned up first, but if you’re being so kind as to offer… You can clean me up first," she teased.

She stretched out her left leg, flexing it. Maria handed me the soap and washcloth, letting me get to work. "I've been meaning to ask, how much did you increase the property line by? I know you wanted to discuss it with me," I asked. "No. No business talk in the shower. This is relax time," she responded. "I guess we have the rest of the day to discuss it. Do you have any idea why Devora wants with me?" I questioned. Maria sighed as she lifted her right, having me switch to it. "To be honest, I have no idea. Devi has always been fickle with what she wants, even for a dragon. Maybe her interests were piqued when I talked about you during one of our chats," she suggested. As I scrubbed her thick muscular leg, the doubts wouldn't leave my mind. "Still, though, I'm nervous. What did she mean by helping me with my magic problem?" I muttered.

"Well, that 'help' she mentioned coincides with why I told you my feelings last night. The method Devi has in mind is to drink her milk. A full cup at first, then she said to dilute it if you want to build up your magic capabilities and mana capacity. I wouldn't let her have the first pass at you with that, sooo I had to accelerate things," Maria said, sounding dejected. I finished with her legs and walked behind her, starting with her cheeks. The round tan-lined globes were soft enough that my hands sank in when I pressed against them. "It sounds like you had a plan all set to get us into a relationship together," I said. She chirped on about how she'd ask me out after another few weeks, getting me to sleep in her room from time to time, even suggesting going into one of the cities for a date instead of the small towns surrounding the farm. I couldn't help but smile hearing what she wanted to do as I scrubbed her down. 

As I washed her back, I couldn't help but wonder what made her fall for me in the first place. I was only 6 ft tall when I didn't use any growth methods. I'm not particularly strong or skilled, though I could work on those. I wasn't a stud by any means. If I had to say something about my looks, I'm average. Dull brown hair, tanned skin from being out in the sun most days, and blue eyes. Maria only knew how I looked the day I came for the interview. By most accounts, it makes no sense for us to work. She was a thriving farm owner who just bought more property while I was just some schmuck. I was so lost in thought that Maria asked me what was wrong since I stopped scrubbing. "Oh, sorry, I just got lost in my head," I continued. "It's probably silly to ask this now, but what part of me wants to know? Why me?"

"Was that what you were thinking about? Finish up my back, and I'll tell you, ya goof," Maria said with a chuckle. I moved onto her back, a large, slightly paled wall that took a minute to clean. Once I told her I was done, she ordered me to come back in front of her. She scooted back on the slab and had me stand where she was sitting. Maria quickly parted her breasts and enveloped me as much as she could. "Now you were wondering what I saw in you, right?" she asked, grabbing the soap bottle she gave me and pouring some of the contents into her cleavage. I nodded as she moved her breasts up and down. "Well," she began, "no matter what was going on during your day, even if you got some bad news, you always made time to talk to me. Even when I texted you late at night, you'd reply within a few minutes, so there's that". She lowered herself enough to have my lower half mostly covered.

Maria rubbed me up and down with her breasts as she listed her points. I tried to focus on her words, but her titjob was doing an excellent job of distracting me. "You always gave me advice and helped me with my problems even when things weren't working out for yourself. I like how you look; you're a pretty nice guy overall. Plus, we have a similar background," she said. My legs wobbled from her technique, and I instinctively grabbed onto something to steady myself. I accidentally grabbed her horns, causing her to let out an "eep." "Oh, you're gonna get it now!" she said, releasing me from her cleavage and forcing me to lie down. She stood up enough so her body was hovering over mine, my head between her thighs. Without saying a word, she slammed herself down on my head, trapping it. Maria knew what she was doing since I wasn't in any pain, and she positioned me to be facing her asshole.

I took it as a sign and began to lick around, my tongue tasting the mixture of soap and sweat. Maria seemed to enjoy my actions as she gently ground her hips against me as things went on. I lapped at her hole, passionately licking at it as Maria pressed into me further. I jolted in surprise when I felt my member being grasped at. She began to jerk me off the longer I kept licking her. I had no arguments on my end and continued my work. Her hand was gentle yet firm from the years she had worked on her farm. Her asshole puckered each time I lapped closer to the inner ring. Temptation had taken me, and I slipped my tongue inside her hole. I felt her body shiver above me as I plunged my tongue deep into her. Marias' hand stroked faster the longer I had my tongue inside her. I could hear muffled panting above me and felt another type of wetness drip onto my chest.

My member was twitching wildly in her hands, threatening to release at any moment. Maria was getting close as well, from the feel of her increasingly wet pussy. I could feel myself getting closer, so I decided to send both of us over the edge. My hands searched until I felt her pussy just above my chest. I began to finger her, my digits sinking into her entrance. Once more, her body shuddered at the new sensation she was feeling. I couldn't see what I was doing exactly, but I knew whatever I was doing was getting her off. More of the liquid gushed out as I continued. My cock finally reached its limit, and I shot my load into her hand. I worked my fingers and my tongue on her until I heard a muffled scream above me. A flood of warm, viscous juice drenched my chest, accompanied by heavy trembling. She pressed onto me so hard I could feel my bones and joints creak.

Maria lifted herself just enough to pull me out from under her before sitting back down. We both sat there, soaked in soap, sweat, and cum. The silence was broken when she said, “Fuuuuccckkk. I could get used to that in the mornings. How you doin', little guy?”. I gave her a weak thumbs up. “Feeling a little smushed, won't lie. Maybe I could use some healing or some reinforcement magic next time,” I muttered. Maria parted her breasts to look down at me. “You mean it? You'd be ok doing this more?” she questioned. “Yes, it felt amazing. Can we rinse now? I could use some warm water to loosen up,” I suggested. “Sure thing. Watch this,” she said, clapping twice. A blue, glowing magic circle appeared above us as a warm, gentle rain fell on us. “Magic sure does have its uses. Who set this up?” I asked.

“One of the dragons staying in the dens set up the magic circles for water around the farm. Since Aria is a water dragon, she’s an expert in all things related to water manipulation. There's a few more too, but for now, we shouldn't keep Devora waiting,” Maria said. She grabbed a bottle of shampoo, squeezed the bottle in one hand, and squeezed some onto my head. We finished up in the shower and left to dry off. Since Maria only had towels custom-made to her size, I had to use a towel larger than a king-sized blanket. “Hey, is Devora gonna meet us in the house or outside?” I asked as I went to grab my watch. “She said she'd be waiting in the dens, so we'll have to visit the dens today,” she said, looking for my clothes.

Maria found them under a pile of her clothes and handed them to me. They had a powerful musk coming off them. “Phew, I think I may need a change of clothes. Mind if we pop by my room for a change?” I asked. “I wouldn't bother,” she replied,” Devi said that you might get dirty.” I should've asked what she meant by that or what the point of washing up was, but it was only getting later, and we needed to move—by the time we left her room, another hour had passed. We grabbed some extra sandwiches and went on our way.

News apparently traveled quickly on the farm because everyone asked us how our night together was or what we'd do staying in so late. We offered polite answers or brushed off inoffensive teasing. It was all well intended, but we weren't ready to discuss it yet. The dragon den was disguised as a normal-looking barn, for the most part. Dragons can create liminal spaces, manipulating the area inside to suit their needs. When we entered, it was a vast network of tunnels and caverns. A flock of baby dragons whizzed above our heads, disappearing into one of the tunnels. 

As we made our way deeper inside, I could feel dozens of eyes staring down at me. There was almost a— how to describe it? A curious hunger hung in the air. As we neared our destination, the feeling subsided. There were small piles of gold that grew larger as we approached. Rounding a corner, Devora's massive dragon form filled our view atop a gigantic pile of gold, sleeping soundly. There was no way to tell how large she was with her curled up. Her scales were inverted from her humanoid form. Black scales etched with gold along the edges of them. “DEVI, WE'RE HEEERRREEE!” Maria suddenly shouted. “Ya know you could've warned me before you yelled. I think my ear is ringing a little,” I grumbled. “Oh, you'll be fine. Look, she's waking up now,” she chided.

Devora raised her head, stretching her neck from her nap. “Mmm, I fell back asleep waiting for you two. Is the human ready?” she asked. “He has a name, ya know. It's James,” Maria said, annoyed. “Okay. Are you ready, James?” she asked, to which I replied, “As ready as I'll ever be.” She hefted herself from her pile of gold, her breasts swaying with each movement. Devora's clawed hands grabbed at one of the piles, crushing the gold as if it were paper. She manipulated the gold until it formed a large container taller than Maria. “I won't lie; that will never not be terrifying,” I muttered. Maria set a hand on my head to reassure me as the Dragoness above us squeezed her breasts. Milk rushed from her golden nipples into the container that she formed.

The container soon overflowed, the milk spilling over the side. Devora seemed satisfied with her work and moved away.  Her body began to glow as she transformed into her human form. “There, this should be more than enough. Drink a cup from this hu– James, and your body's natural aversion to mana will cure over time,” she spoke, handing me a cup. I looked up at Maria, who then lifted me onto her shoulders. I scooped up a cup and swirled it. I sighed as Maria set me down, saying, “Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Bottoms up.” I tipped the cup into my mouth, the still-warm milk sliding down my throat. I drained the cup, leaving barely a droplet behind. Something went wrong as I could feel a burning sensation well up from my stomach, and then I collapsed, feeling myself fading out of consciousness. I could vaguely hear Maria scream my name as I clocked out

5 Days Later:

I woke up on a hospital bed, hooked up to monitors and an IV. Devora and Maria were leaning against each other, sleeping. When they woke up, Maria was fawning over me while Devora stood off to the side, a little embarrassed. The Dragoness explained her milk should've purified my body from a mutation that causes mana sickness, expelling said mutation from me via a small green orb. The orb from any human from our world is typically the size of a baseball. What came out of me was the size of a beach ball. It was the reason I passed out so suddenly. A doctor walked in to check on my condition and to reexamine me.

After a myriad of tests, the doctors said I was fit to return to the farm. We left the hospital soon after and boarded a train back. Returning to one of the rebuilt cityscapes after working on the farm for so long felt weird. “Are there going to be any side effects, Devi? “ I asked, trying to pass the time. “Unlikely,” she replied, “though it would be beneficial to hire an in-house physician to monitor you, just in case.”. Maria agreed, saying she'll post a listing when we get back. For my part, I just have to continue my normal activities, though I had a feeling things would keep changing.

End Notes:

I have a new one shot story for MSA that I'm working on, sooo hopefully that'll turn out well. Don't know when I'll get that one out. Let me know what you think.

A Dwarf, An Elf, and A Vampire by TheWanderer
Author's Notes:

Hey everyone. New chapter is here. It's less lewd and more lore, so hope you don't mind too much.

A month and a half had passed since we came back from my sudden visit to the hospital. Marias' ad for an in-house doctor on the farm had largely yet to be answered. There were a few candidates, but none were willing to uproot their lives and move to a farm. As per Maria's advice, I kept from drinking any more dragon milk in case of another episode. Devora, on her part, said she’d teach me how to make use of magic. The Dragoness said everyone can use the four base elements in magic: earth, water, fire, and air. She said one has to visualize what each element in my hand would look like, and it would form in time. I had to spend a week trying before I could conjure a small flame. How I managed to conjure it properly was to think of a lighter flame and thought of my fingers as flint and strikers.

Moving into Maria's room was a much quicker process since I didn't have that much stuff to carry. Waking up next to (or, in some cases, between) her every morning has made the mornings more enjoyable. We haven’t… actually had sex yet, but oral is something we do a lot. I may have made her cum in the shower that one time, but we’re both still inexperienced with it. We’re taking it one step at a time, like any relationship. I still use the attic space, but it's mainly for planning where the tours will go. Speaking of which, few people have been visiting to take the tours since it's been getting warmer. I've been helping with random tasks across the farm to keep busy. Unfortunately, Maria said we can't spend all day together since it'd be unfair to most of the other employees. 

Today, I volunteered to help clear the path Maria mentioned. Maria had bought massive plots of land, which ended at a coastline. Turns out that when you have a hoard of dragons, negotiating property expansions is a breeze. This was one of the rare days I needed extra strength, so I had set my height around 14 feet. Besides me, there was a mixed group of dwarves, elves, Holstaurs, and Euridice. She mainly was there to make sure we didn't make too broad of a path through her home or to injure any sleeping dryads. Nyx had been right about how large she'd gotten, too. She went from a bit of chub when I first met her to a proper BBW. The dwarves would chop down the trees, the holstaurs and I would put them into carts, and the elves would use earth magic to uproot the stumps. I'd say I was helping, but the holstaurs were far more adept than I was for this kind of work.

When we decided to call break, I shrank back down to my standard size and joined the others for lunch. One of the dwarves was staring at my watch as I ate. He was a stout, broad-shouldered man with a neatly trimmed dark beard. After a gulp from his drink he asked, “Lad, is that the Galvanized Size Watch yer wearing there?” “Yeah,” I replied,  “the reviews said it was the oldest and most trusted one on the market. Better than the Insta-Sizer Watch at least”. The dwarf guffawed heartily, slapping his knee. “Ah lad, me father would be beaming to hear ya say that. He was one of the people who first developed GSW along with an elf and another human”, he said. “So wait, your father was Harvick Metalbelt? One of the founders of shrinking technologies?” I asked him. He stood proudly from his seat, jutting out his hand. “Dimitri Metalbelt. I'm one of the equipment managers for yer farm. Ya don't really see much o’ me around the normal-ish parts of the farm,” he said.

I shook his hand, amazed that someone on our farm was related to someone so revolutionary. “I've always wanted to ask, how come trying to grow back with one method of growth can cause physical problems if you were shrunk with another?” I asked him. Dimitri's mouth opened for a moment, then closed. “Ah, me father told me a bit of how it worked, but that was… 4 decades ago,” Dimitri admitted. “I can explain that if you're ok with me butting in,” another voice chimed behind me. A female blond-haired elf walked up from her group and sat with us. “Lura Varen,” she said, shaking our hands, ”I'm a good friend of Martin's, and I've studied the theory between scientific and magical shrinkage methods for school,” Lura said, sitting down. I took a bite of the food Maria packed for me, then said, “Oh yeah, Martin's mentioned you a few times. It's nice to put a face to the name finally. So what do you about the complications?”

Lura clapped her hands and pulled them back, colored smoke appearing between them. “Now, as you know, there are three ways for a living to change size. Technological, magical, and alchemical methods”, Lura said, emphasizing the point by forming a wizard's hat, an atom, and a flask. She had the three symbols into a circle with a hat on top and the flask and atom on the bottom two-thirds. “Magic can change someone who uses technology; technology can change alchemical size changes, and alchemy can change magical alterations. With one exception, you can't go in reverse. Magical and technological energies don't mix if you're trying to grow someone who shrunk from magic with technology. And because of some of the ingredients in the drafts, your body may grow or shrink oddly. There's still a risk of that happening, even in the normal order,” Lura finished.

I absorbed as much of the information as possible, but some of the concepts still needed clarification. “From the look on your face, you probably don't fully grasp it,” Lura said. She was dead on, so I nodded, which made her chuckle. “It's ok. That was a lot of info I just dumped on you. Plus, it was only the basics; if we wanted to delve deeper into the subject, that'd take years of study,” she said. “Yeah, definitely a lot to take in all at once. I have two more questions I'd like to ask you both if that's alright,” I asked. They said ask away, so I said, “Where did the name for the type of energy that the shrinking technologies your father helped come up with come from? And I've read somewhere that dwarves and elves used to not get along. Is that true?” Dimitri raised his hand to answer “Ah, me father would crack up every time someone asked that. See, the human scientist ‘came up’ with the name. Truth be told, he altered the name from an old… Ah, what do ya call it?”

Dimitri was trying to find the right words for whatever he was describing. “Trashy fanfic?” Lura said. “Aye, that!” allowing him to continue. “It was about some made-up school that taught youngsters with powers in– Japan, was it? Anyways, the human got the name Micronized and Macronized radiation from there and didn't tell me father until a decade later, “Dimitri admitted. “As for that old myth, “Lura interjected, “Back in our world, there's still ongoing conflicts between elves and dwarves, though mostly the older generations continue that. In your world, though, nearly all elves and dwarves are considered young, so all the old grudges never made sense to us. We ‘youngsters’ get along just fine”, she explained. The break bell rang, signaling it was time to return to work. I grew back to my working size and rejoined the larger group.

We continued our path, working through the forest until we arrived at a perfectly circular clearing. Some of the holstaurs and elves said something felt off about it. So what did we naturally do? I went to explore it with Dimitri and Euridice. “What do you think has them so spooked?” I asked as we approached the middle. “I don’ know, lad. Say, uh, what was yer name again, miss dryad? Was there anything ya remember about this particular, ah circle thingy?” Dimitri said. Euridice said nothing as she stood staring at the center. “I think, a century or two ago, something happened here. Hmm…” Euridice muttered. She kicked at the ground, looking for something. “If there's nothing of importance, then I'll go and te–AH!” I began to say before tripping on something. The corner of some manufactured wooden thing was jutting out of the ground.

“Are you alright, human?” Euridice asked indifferently as she summoned roots from the ground to pick me up. I guess being 14 ft tall doesn't prevent me from being clumsy. “Ya seemed ta have stumbled upon something, lad. Should we dig it up? Could be some old raiders left before things re-civilized”, Dimitri commented. I looked to Euridice, who said, “You and the dwarf can dig it out yourself if you're so interested in treasure; I will save my power. Dimitri and I quickly grabbed some shovels from where the group was staying and returned, sinking them into the dirt. It didn't take us long before we had fully unearthed a coffin. “I don' think we dug up a grave, lad,” Dimitri said grimly. There was a chest beneath it, but our attention was on the coffin for the moment.

The coffin had an old-world language phrase written on top of it, along with various old-world religious symbols. A weak tapping and a faint woman's voice rang from within the wooden box. “Please, please open the lid… I'm so thirsty…,” the voice said. Dimitri trod over to a locker on one side of the coffin. “Hmm, coffins sealed with magic. Only the caster or their descendants can unlock this with their blood,” he grumbled. I knelt to look, taking the lock in my hand. “Are you sure we can't just–  OW, my thumb!” I shouted. “Ya seem ta be accident prone today, lad,” Dimitri said. Before I could retort, the lock had glowing red lines along it, then began to disintegrate. “Human, I think you just opened Pandora's box,” said Euridice.

The coffin's lock faded away, the lid flying open. The feminine figure with wiry red hair was withered and wrapped in chains. A faded old black dress with yellowed frills on the sleeves dawned the bound person. “Please… I won't turn you… just need some blood…” she chittered. We looked at each other, Euridice quickly growing some shade for the body within the coffin. Something about her made me want to help her. “I don't think we should help it. The old rumors say vampires can be unpredictable sometimes,” Euridice said, eying the body. “Ya know those old rumors were never based on any facts, lass,” Dimitri argued. “Dimitri's right; we can't just leave her there based on old stories,” I said, agreeing with him. “If you two want to turn into mindless drones, be my guest,” she said, turning away. 

Dimitri and I looked at each other, knowing what our next decision had to be. “Well lad, I've always been a wee bit squeamish when it comes ta blood, so good luck,” he said, walking off. I sighed and knelt beside the coffin, asking, “Um, how do I… bleed myself to help you?”. She didn't respond but extended a clawed nail. I took it as a sign and dragged one side of my left hand across it. My hand trembled as I brought it to the withered lips. I pressed my bleeding appendage against her lips, feeling her suck on my hand. Her skin immediately began to restore itself, her hair's color brightening. The withered, wrinkled skin soon was a pale, smooth surface. She let out a contented sigh as she drank her fill. If I wasn't already grown, I might've been in trouble with how much she was drinking. True to her word, there were no fang marks when I retracted my hand.

“Ah, that was so refreshing after a long confinement. I'm Victoria Thorn. To whom am I to thank for replenishing me?” Veronica asked. I propped her up on the coffin's edge, answering, “Uh, my name is James. Don't know if I have a last name.” She cleared her throat, and I offered her my hand just in case. “Oh no, thank you. It's kind of you to offer, but what you gave me will suffice. Are you a Giantkin by chance? You certainly look young enough to be one,” Victoria asked. “Nope, just a human. Although my increased size is due to a technological marvel”, I told her. I tapped a button on my watch and shrank back back down. “Incredible!” she shouted as she watched me shrink. “Did you invent this perchance?” Victoria asked. “Also, no, this was made, according to current records, 200 years ago,” I answered. 

“I see, and what year is it, if I may ask?” Victoria said. “2542. Give or take a few decades,” I told her. She paused, seemingly lost in thought. “Hmm, it seems I have been locked away for roughly over 400 years. That would explain why you aren't suffering from radiation poisoning. If you unlocked my coffin, that must mean you have a hunter in your ancestry”, she muttered. I shrugged and said, “I wouldn't know. I was raised in an orphanage. They didn't even bother giving me a last name.” Victoria seemed to struggle against her chains as she listened. I brought my bloodied hand to the chains, running the side against it. What little wet blood was wiped onto the chains activated the magic within, causing the binding to dissolve. Victoria gawked in disbelief and attempted to stand. Her legs wobbled, and she fell, catching herself on me.

“Oh dear, my body hasn't quite recovered as much as I thought. What to do, what to do?” she said. “Look, we aren't that far from the farm I work on; how about I bring ya there, and we can get you sorted out?” I suggested. Victoria looked into the hole we dug her out of, then back to me. “If you could have someone grab my belongings, then I find the prospect quite agreeable,” she said. “Sure thing. Let me get someone over to help”, I told her. I waved for some of the group to come over. Lura and Dimitri walked over, staying in the sunlight. “So lad, who's ya new friend?” he asked. I helped Victoria up as she introduced herself, “Hello, I’m Victoria Thorn. Nice to meet you both.” Lura eyed her up while Dimitri stuck out a shaky hand still in the sunlight. She shook it gently, pulling back her hand before it could burn in the light.

The pair standing in the sunlight looked past us into the hole in the ground. “So what did you call us over for James? Obviously, it isn’t for feeding your new friend,” Lura asked. “I promised Victoria here that I would bring her to the farm and help her get her things sorted,” I told her. Dimitri was scratching his beard, looking like he was trying to recall something. “Hmm, yer last name is Thorn, aye lass? Would ya happen to be one of the Thorn sisters?” he asked. She said correct, and Dimitri snapped his fingers. “I knew it! Lad, do ya know who this is? Her an’ her sister were responsible fer bringing back yer world medical technologies and techniques. Me father told tales about them,” Dimitri explained. “Oh yeah, I’ve heard of them. So what did you need us for?” Lura said. “We need to grab the chest that was underneath her coffin and bring it with us. Wait, did you want us to take the coffin too?” I said.

“No, just the chest. It has all my belongings,” Victoria said. “I can handle the chest. The lass will need shade, though,” Dimitri commented, reaching down into the hole. The chest came out of the pit, crusted with dirt. “Ok, now all we need is an umbrella,” Lura said, crouching beside her coffin. She felt around the walls until she grabbed something. “Ah ha, luckily whoever buried you here was dumb enough to leave your parasol. Sloppy work on their part,” she said, handing it to Victoria. “Indeed, the ones who trapped me were not the brightest group I met in the old wastelands,” Victoria said, opening it. She hooked her arm around mine, and I led the way.

An Hour and a Half Later:

While it took us much longer to make the path, returning to the house took less time. We had to stop periodically to let Victoria catch her breath. Every time I offered her another drink of blood, she refused, even if I were to grow to accommodate the loss. Dimitri asked an endless stream of questions about the early days of her travels. Apparently, she and her sister help bring back not only medical knowledge but also knowledge of weapons, transportation, and infrastructure. There was one question she had. “How is it that this land is fertile again? Based on Vanessa's estimates, it would take another half millennia for the ground to sustain life”, Victoria said as we exited the forest. A familiar voice sounded behind us, saying, “It's because of us dragons that this world is flourishing.”

We turned our heads to see Devora standing behind us. “James, who is this you're escorting to the house?” she asked sharply. “This is Victoria. We found her coffin along our path, and we're helping her get back on her feet,” I answered. She walked up to Victoria, crouching down and gently grasping her chin with her thumb and finger. I saw a flash of small magic circles form in front of her eyes before she stood back up again. “This one is safe; you may bring her in the house. If Maria says anything, have her call me”, Devora said, turning towards the dens. “Lass, what did Miss Devora do to ya?” Dimitri asked. “She looked into my mind to see if I was an enemy. This Devora left a message in my head saying to ask Maria about the in-house physician job?” Victoria told us.

We wouldn't have to wait long as Maria was waiting for us on the porch. “Hon, who's that you’re bringing with you?” Maria asked. “Victoria, vampire doctor. Can’t walk that well from being trapped in a coffin for a few centuries. Victoria, this is Maria. She runs the farm and is my girlfriend,” I quickly said, setting her on one of the seats on the porch. “Ah, I see; nice to meet you, Maria. I was told to ask about an in-house doctor position by a dragon?” Victoria said, putting out her hand. Maria shook it, saying, “Yeah, I think I know who you're talking about. We've been needing one for a while now. I originally wanted one to check on this guy whenever he had dragon milk, but the more I think about it, it'd be easier to have a doctor on the farm if something happens,” she admitted. 

“Well, if you'll have me, I'd love to do medical work again. And having a Holstaur girlfriend would explain the exquisite flavor of your blood”, Victoria said. I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks as I blushed. I turned to Maria, and she was as red as I was. She cleared her throat and said, “Yes, well, for now, you'll need a place to sleep until we can set up a proper workstation. You can use the attic until we can make more permanent housing.” With that, Maria opened the front door and entered the house. “I think I may have said something that embarrassed her,” Victoria mused. I excused myself from the group and went inside after Maria.

Maria was sitting on one of the couches, waiting for me. I intended to sit beside her, but she pulled me onto her lap. I leaned into her as she played with my hair. Finally, she said, “You know you have an odd way of solving my problems for me, sir.” I wanted to argue against her theory, but this has happened twice so far. “Evidently, I do,” I said back. We sat there for a while, Maria holding me to her like a kid would a stuffed animal. Eventually, I asked her, “Do you want to head to our room and just chill?” Maria said yes, hoisting me up and walking to the bedroom. Once inside, she shuffled onto the bed, still clutching me. I flipped over and hugged her as we lazed away for the rest of the day.

End Notes:

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Let me know what you think.

New and Old Friends by TheWanderer
Author's Notes:

Hey everyone. sorry for the long wait if you were looking forward to more of this story. Anyways here's the next chapter.

Within three weeks of the path clearing, construction, and inspection we had an excellent road through the forest. At the end, there was a large open beach that spanned for miles. According to Victoria, the region where the farm is located is a state called Texas. With whatever war that happened centuries ago, the land changed and shifted, mostly with large craters. The land remained like that until the Hybrids crossed over and changed the land to suit their needs. Apparently where the farm is, is where a city used to be. I wonder what that city would’ve been like back before it was destroyed. It’s interesting to think about sometimes.

Maria worked quickly throughout those weeks setting up permits and permissions for houses to be built along with whatever amenities the new residents needed. This meant some late nights in her office filling out paperwork and sending mail. She'd often fall asleep at her desk, an immovable giantess resting on her breasts. Since people stopped coming to the farm for tours, I’d visit her and try to help out when I wasn't busy with other work. Most of the time I’d end up in her pants, literally. I’d shrink down to a comfortable 6 inches and she’d slip me down the back of her pants. Sometimes if she wanted to talk while she worked, I'd be nestled in her cleavage. I became her stress reliever during those long hours of paperwork. Of course, there's been plenty of times when I'd fall asleep and she'd be mad for nodding off on her. I think she's more annoyed that she can't nap when the work gets piled up.

Today was different, however. Some Hybrid representatives were coming over to see where they were going to be living.  They both are groups that are looking for calmer places to live, as they were driven from their new homes by something. From what I understand, changing weather and humans who still resent people from the other world are the main reasons. How people can still act like that is beyond me. If it wasn't for them, most of what was brought back would still be years from coming back. One of the few friends I made while living in the city said, “Some people just don't know how to stop fighting, or who they would be without it.” I should call Marina the next chance I get. The last thing she said to me before she moved away was about her going somewhere for her health. I hope she's doing better.

As the thought lingered in the back of my head, I refocused on what I was doing. I had grown to the same size Maria was since she wanted to set up a picnic area for the guests that were arriving today. That meant moving tables, and benches, and having spares on standby in case they needed a different kind of chair. All of this at eight in the morning, seven hours before they were set to arrive. “Chairs, tables, food, and drinks; what else, what else? Oh, we still need to set up at the beach too” she muttered to herself as she walked around. She was moving so quickly, changing direction so suddenly that some people had to dive out of the way to avoid her nervous stampede. “James,” Lura asked, “could you see about dragging Maria away for a minute? Maybe see about calming her down?” I nodded and walked over to where she was pacing. “Hey, hon? Wanna step away for a minute, catch your breath?” I asked her. “I can't step away now, there's still so much to set up. I just ca–,” Maria began to say before I kissed her. “You're stressing too much and you need a breather. Come on, let's sit down and talk,” I told her.

I brought her to a secluded spot that was still near the outdoor dining area. “Are you sure we aren't too far? We could mo–,” Maria said before I sat her down. I took a look at her face, her cheeks seemed to be especially flushed this morning. “Hon, you're not looking too good, have you been feeling alright?” I asked her. She wouldn't look directly at me when I asked her. I sat down next to her and held her hand. “You know if there's anything that's bothering you, you can tell me,” I reassured her. 

Maria kept her head turned from me, muttering something. I asked her what she had said and she pulled me in. “I said I think my heat is starting soon. I can feel something coming”, whispered Maria. She let go of me and turned away. I was a bit stunned to hear that, especially since we haven't gone further than oral. I kissed her cheek and said, “If it's your heat that you're worried about, it's ok. It may not be exactly how I was hoping to have our first time, but you know I’ll help you with whatever you need.” She leaned against me, fiddling with my hand. I suddenly felt myself shrink back down to my normal size. “Sorry for acting all frantic earlier. And for messing with your watch” she apologized as she pulled me onto her lap. I said it was alright as she messed with my hair. “One of us should probably get back to helping set up the meeting area,” Maria said, sighing.

“How about I get back with the others and you take some time to head back to the farmhouse and prepare?” I suggest. Maria agreed, letting me off her lap. “I'll be waiting in the house. Tell those who'll be attending to change before the guests arrive,” she said, before returning to the farmhouse. Meanwhile, I got back to the setup group and told them an abridged version of the conversation. 

Seven Hours Later:

Once everything was completed, Maria, Lura, Dimitri, Devora and I waited for our first batch of guests to arrive. For all the prep work we did beforehand, only Maria and Devora knew what kind of Hybrids would be visiting today. “Hey lass, did yer guests say when they'd get here? It's a wee bit warm out today,” Dimitri asked, pulling at his collar. “They'll be here soon. They have to travel on foot rather than by car or train. They don't have proper accommodations for one of them just yet. Goodness knows those train cars are small enough as it is.” Maria replied, keeping an eye on the roads. “We’ll also head out to the beach after we eat later” she added. Dimitri was about to ask what she meant before we saw a cloud of dust climbing up the road to the farm. A small group of Centaurs pulling five carriages ran up the road and entered the farm. They pulled up to the house, the dust settling as they unhooked themselves. The doors to the carriages swung open and several pairs of Lamia slithered out.

“Welcome to the Hybrid Farm and Homestead. We're so glad you could come and visit. How was your trip?” Maria asked as she shook hands with the Lamia. An Echidna she shook hands with last, said, “The roads were rougher than we expected but the Greenchaser family brought us here with no issues.” One of the Centaurs with a satchel trotted over and greeted Maria next. “Ah, it's good to be back Maria, and hopefully permanently. It seems we have a new face in your group” he said, gesturing to me. He stuck out his hand and I shook it in turn. “I'm James, moved here a few months ago”, I told him. “Hm, that would explain why I haven't seen you before. It's been a year since I last returned. I'm Zaff Greenchaser, and hopefully, we'll be seeing each other more often”, Zaff said, as he greeted the rest of the group. Some of the Lamia and Centaurs whispered to each other while looking in my direction. It might've just been my imagination though.

Lura ushered everyone to the tables and soon we began lunch. Maria and Devora discussed housing plans. “We're hoping that once the buildings for Centaur and Lamia are finished we'll be able to move in all at once. Some are still being moved from the eastern continents but the other representatives will be taking care of that after today,” a Gorgon stated, still looking at me. “Where might the last representative be by chance? I believe I requested each to arrive today,” Devora asked. Zaff cleared his throat, stating, “Regina agreed that she was too large to travel overland so she is arriving with the seafolk”. Dimitri looked up from his drink and asked, “Hm, does that mean that Dala is a Behemoth?” The Lamia perked up, saying how proud they were to see a Behemoth born into their clan. “Wait, I thought natural-born Behemoth-sized hybrids were a myth,” I mentioned.

“James, your girlfriend is a generation off from being a Behemoth herself. They're no more myth than everyone sitting at this table” Devora said. “The Dragoness is right you know. I’ve seen her myself,” Zaff attested. I never thought about it too heavily but Maria is tall, taller than most of the other residents on the farm. “I guess you have a point, Devi. I've only ever seen a Leviathan sized hybrid once so a Behemoth one isn't too out of the question,” I said, taking a sip of my drink. “Oh, you'll be meeting a Leviathan today as well. The Scylla has been helping guard Mermaids from pirates and hunters for some time,” one of the less-scaled Lamia said. A Leviathan as well as a Behemoth? This was turning out to be quite the meeting today.

Eventually, we finished our lunch and made our way down the newly paved path that cut through the forest. Our guests were impressed with how quickly the path sprung up along with the cooperation we received from the Euridice. “This Dryad you call Euridice, is she the only one that governs the forest?” Zaff asked, watching the trees that surrounded us. “Not really,” Lura said, “ there are others but she's the oldest one here so they kinda just do what she says.” The Centaur pondered this as we walked towards the clearing where Victoria was found. 

For the moment, there were only building supplies and tools strewn around the circle. Maria talked about future houses and amenities, like putting temperature-controlling magic circles around so it doesn’t get too cold during the nights and winters. “We'll get you connected to the main power line that powers most of the farm. Then it's just a matter of getting furnished,” she went on. The Lamia hung onto her words, talking amongst themselves about their plans. Some were taking pictures of the scene, while some asked some of the workers about the area. “Hey Dimitri, how many Lamia and mermaids do you reckon will move here?” I asked him as we moved on further. “Ah,” he began,” I think we’ll be gettin' a fair number in lad. At least between 20 or 30 of ‘em.” “The farm will need more fields set aside for personal food for us, huh?” I said, following the group.

After finishing up in the circle, we followed the path further towards the shoreline. It spanned for miles left and right with a slightly polluted sea. Much of the sea was still being purified by sea dragons and aquatic folks. “Devora, would you like me to call the sea folk?” Zaff asked. The Dragoness nodded and Zaff pulled his satchels top open. He pulled out a flare gun and shot towards the open sea. The distant sea writhed and surged as small waves formed from whatever was swimming underneath the surface. Pairs of scaled hands and blue tentacles holding platforms arose from the sea, followed by heads, one with giant snacks attached to it.

A Gorgon and Scylla Leviathan emerged from the sea. Their busts were practically the size of Maria. Both of them set their platforms down on the beach, revealing various merfolk sitting on chairs. After they were set, smaller Scylla crawled out from the water, joining them. Devora's form shined, transforming back to her dragon state. She shook hands with the pair saying, “Welcome, it's good to see you both are doing well.” “Better now that my people are away from those dreadful bandits”, Gina said. “You don’t know the half of it. Pirates and bandits at almost every small island we had to stop at for rest.” the Scylla complained. Devi hugged the tentacled Leviathan, giving her reassurance. The Dragoness looked down to one of the platforms and extended a claw down to one of the mermaids. She called up to her and said, “It's good to meet you at last Madam Devi. Shall we start talking about our plans?”

“Don’t worry ladies, my associate below us has housing plans for you all. Would you like to meet her?” Devi asked. The three of them said yes, turning their attention to all of us below. I stood next to Maria as she greeted herself and introduced us. Just as my name was brought up, the Scylla suddenly perked up. “Wait a minute, your name is James? By any chance were you raised in an orphanage in Central?” she asked. She couldn’t be the same person I knew, so I had to ask, “Marina, is that you?” She squealed in delight as her tentacles rushed toward me, wrapping around me. She brought me up to her face and pressed me against her lips, covering me in wet lipstick. “Oh my gods! I never thought we would meet again like this” Marina said, holding me in her hands after her tentacles set me down in them.

“Yeah, I never expected this. I had no idea that you would become a Leviathan. When did the change happen?” I ask. “I’ll tell you later, I think we’re getting a few looks,” Marina said looking at the group back on the beach. She set me down next to Maria, and I could feel her annoyance radiating towards me. She sighed and went back to greeting the seafolk and telling them about the plans for future amenities. They seemed happy with what was promised and made promises in return. I wasn’t around for most of the talks because I was wiping off most of the lipstick from my face. As I returned, the group that emerged from the sea concluded the meeting and was about to return to the sea. “Before I go,” Marina began to say, “Come here you two.” Her tentacles slithered over myself and Maria, bringing us up to her face. Maria was flustered, having not been handled like this before. 

“Just wanted to say I’m sorry for the kiss out of nowhere. I had a crush on James here back when we were kids. If you two want to talk about it, call me so we can hash things out. I can tell you two have something between each other. It's the way you two look at each other, ” she said before setting us down. Maria dusted herself off, saying “Yes, I think that would be a good idea. Maybe we can talk about this tomorrow.” Marina gave us a thumbs up and moved to grab the platform she brought up with her. We waved our visitors goodbye and watched as they sank beneath the surf. After they left, we began to walk back along the path ourselves. The Lamia and Centaurs left shortly after we returned to the house, saying they would inform the rest of the refugees about the farm. Maria gave everyone the go-ahead to do whatever they wanted for the day. “Not you mister. You're coming with me,” she said, dragging me into the house with the same annoyed look she had on the beach.

End Notes:

Hope you enjoyed and let me know what you think.

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=12906