I Own You Now, Don by Octosquid11

After a strange event that reduced more than half the population to around 3 inches, the world governments were forced to pass laws that made shrinkees essentially pets with more restrictions.

Don Clarke is part of a small group of shrinkees who chose to live on the road rather than under the ownership of a regular-sized person. What happens when they steal from the wrong house?

Categories: Giantess, Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Butt, Entrapment, Insertion, Odor, Slave Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: This story is for entertainment purposes only.
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 2362 Read: 7995 Published: May 22 2022 Updated: May 25 2022
Story Notes:

A shrinking story. Definitely going to be quite a bit of ass, maybe some grosser stuff here and there, I’m not sure yet. Either way, I hope it’s enjoyable! Please leave a review if you enjoyed it or not. 

1. Thieves on Cherry Street by Octosquid11

2. Deals with the Devil by Octosquid11

Thieves on Cherry Street by Octosquid11
Author's Notes:

Obligatory story development chapter. The horror!

It was shrinking day, three weeks ago. The world was complete chaos those first few days following the event. I had heard of horrible things. The government was in shambles trying to figure out what to do with millions of citizens who were now no larger than four inches, with most people hovering around 3-ish. 

In those first days, there were so many deaths. Una-

A hand covered my page. “Why you always gotta be so gloomy, Don?” My friend Dan spoke. “That last part is not even factually correct. We are pretty much invincible, remember?” 

I scoffed. “Can you think of anything good that happened around shrinking day?” 
“Uh, yeah! My birthday! It was the best. It was right after I had shrunk. My parents gave me my cake they had prepared a week earlier. You should have seen it man, it was awesome. Best cake I’ve had in my life. It was great until… until they tried to pawn me off to someone who would ‘take care of me’.”

I nodded my head. “Well there you go. Even the best perks of being small still don’t make slavery sound any better.”

Dan shrugged, and looked towards the road. 

Idly, I tugged at my ‘clothes’. As it turns out, most cloths aren’t that comfortable when you are as small as we were. It was mostly just rags tied together with string, as most clothing for shrinkees is shockingly expensive, and can only be bought by regular sized people.

We were both a part of a small group of shrinkees who opted to live on the streets instead of under the possession of another person, despite the government’s wishes and advice. 

We were walking down the road towards a house we had heard was empty from the grapevine. Pretty much any empty house is a cause for celebration when a few grapes is enough to keep you satisfied all day. 

Life in the group was difficult at first, but there was certainly something to be enjoyed in this lifestyle. It wasn’t easy. In fact, it was terrifying. But I would be lying if I didn’t gain a lot of pride by living like this as opposed to being someone’s pet. 

“Hey, Jamie!” I spoke to a man near the back of the group. “What’s the address of that house we’re headed to?” 

“4654 cherry street” a voice answered from the crowd. I did not see who spoke. The location sounded… familiar. Perhaps it was a family member? A friend I fell out of contact with? Or perhaps I was just going mad. Being this size does that sort of thing to you. As it turns out, the brain doesn’t really know what to do around a squirrel multiple times your size.

Checking the house numbers, I saw we still had a ways to go, although we were on the right street. I think. No better time to looks around and take in my surroundings. 

We were walking along the sidewalk today. I liked the sidewalk. Things were much easier to see, and the grass tends to scratch up your legs. 

The street was relatively average. The houses were small (not to us, of course) and of average quality. I would have loved to live in a house like these before I was the size of a thumb. 

The blooming trees far above were rustling in the wind, their leaves drifting out of sight. The noon sun casting golden rays between the branches.

After an hour or so of walking, we finally arrived at the house. It was just like the others on the street. Grey brick, yellow door on a small home. 

Being on the right side of the street, we simply had to make it into the house. I had done this part a good few times before. Most houses have a hole or two just around. Worst case scenario, we end up going down the chimney. 

We each scanned our own area for possible entry as we approached the steps to the porch. Each one of us had an assigned spot to scout. Dan and I were on holes. We would circle the foundation, and see if we could find anything worthwhile. 

Holes was, without a doubt, the easiest job. It was all just walking around. It was dirty sometimes, but we didn’t really have to climb anything like the poor guys on windows. 

I made eye contact with Dan, him responding with a knowing nod. We hopped down off the walkway away from the group and began making our way around. 

“Hey, Dan.” I began, “did you have your own house before this?” I asked, investigating a crack in the wall.

“I was saving up a bit but I never got the chance to move out. I was actually looking at a place around here, two blocks down.” He responded solemnly. 

“Damn. That sucks, dude.” I said, sticking my hand into the crack in the wall. I felt my hand hit a hard surface, the crack having not made it through all the way. “Nothing over here. Let’s keep going”

Dan spotted another hole near the side of the house, behind some taller grass. He spent a few minutes in there. I could hear him grunt occasionally. 

“We got one!” I heard his voice echo from inside the hole.

“Sweet! I’ll go grab the others.” I exclaimed, already running towards the porch. 

I rounded the corner with a slide across the dirt. I took a deep breath, putting my hands around my mouth in a cone shape and shouted: 


The others immediately turned their heads towards me and making their way over, practically climbing over one another to get over. 

I spun on my heel and began making the jog back to Dan. Speed was our quality, despite most of our runs not taking that long. 

Upon arrival at the tall grass, I skidded to a halt, catching my breath. “Hey Dan” I panted, “you there?”

A muffled “mhm” and the rustling of the grass was all the confirmation I needed. I gestured for the group to come to me. 

As they arrived I pulled apart the grass to reveal the hole in the wall. Dan must already be on the other side. Almost immediately, the group began crawling inside, one after another. 

I was the last to go. After the final shrinkee entered I stepped towards the crevice. I put my hands on either side. The concrete was cold, and scratched my fingers a bit. I leaned down and stuck my head inside. I could see the exit. How the owner of this house missed a crack like this, I have no idea. 

I made my way in, pulling myself along with my arms and crawling on my stomach. The brick surrounding me was unpleasant on my arms, and I could feel my rags tearing. I would need to find some more after this. 

I eventually made it past the brick and to the inside of the wall, behind the plaster. This area was dusty, but at least it wasn’t the uncomfortable brick. I pulled myself out onto the floor of the house.

I let out a sigh, and picked myself up from the floor. I looked down and brushed myself off. Lifting my head up, I looked around the room. 

We were in the kitchen. Perfect. It was probably built in the 80’s, apparent from the wallpapers and dark wood cabinets. Of course, we weren’t here to inspect the house. We were here for the goodies around the house, mostly food and water. 

Clearly everyone was already going about with that. A few had already managed to crack open the fridge, while others were searching the cupboards or headed to different rooms. 

Before I could even join my comrades looting, the sound of a car pulling into the driveway entered my ears. 

End Notes:

Next chapter will introduce this story’s lady of interest.

Deals with the Devil by Octosquid11
Author's Notes:

Shorter chapter here. Still no smut yet, sorry fellas. 

Everyone else heard the threatening sound. Some were trying to hide, while others became frozen with fear. I was one of the latter. 

I felt so paralyzed. I could hear my own heartbeat like thunder in my ears. My limbs seemed to refuse to budge, my muscles tense as steel. A cold chill washed over me like a wave, terror hitting me like a tsunami. 

I heard the door click as it was unlocked. The handle turning. The door open, and close behind the owner of the house, the keys being placed on what I would assume to be the table. Gigantic steps rumbled the floor beneath me, growing closer, each footfall more jarring than the last. 

A feminine foot as tall as I was entered my view, clad in sandals. An exposed leg stretched far above me. I lifted my head up at the monolith as the rest of it entered view. 

As I had thought before, it was a woman. She was thin, to an almost unhealthy extent.  She wore a black dress that revealed her pale skin. Her hair was brown and short, only going down to her shoulders. I could not see her face.

Out of seemingly nowhere, she recoiled in surprise. With a turn of her head, she saw every one of us. She stopped when she saw me. We made eye contact, recognizing each other immediately. 

It was Kailee. I knew her from high school as a bit of a loner. At one point I had tried to befriend her, but instead accidentally ended up embarrassing her in front of the entire school. I still cringe at the thought of it to this day.

I could see her resentment immediately. Adrenaline kicked in, my body finally responding to my mind’s demand to run. I snapped out of my frozen state, spinning on my heel and rushing back towards the wall. I dove head-first into the crack, sliding out of reach but not daring to leave the house. My best bet was to remain inside the walls. 

Kailee let out an annoyed groan. “I saw you shrinkees!” She hissed, “Don. I saw you, too. If you come to me, I will let your friends leave.” 

I was terrified. My chest was heaving in the dusty cavity in the wall. I had to go. I couldn’t leave my group back in there. 

I composed myself. “LET THEM LEAVE FIRST, THEN I’LL COME OUT!”, I shouted. 

There was silence for a moment. 

Finally, she responded. “Alright. But, if you don’t come out, I will personally find all your buddies and kill them myself.” 

I gulped. I was soooo fucked. But maybe if I explained myself to her she’d let me go? For now, all I could do was wait for all of my friends to leave. 

After a few minutes, Kailee had released every single one of them through the front door, locking it behind herself. 

I had no choice anymore. I took a deep breath, and slid my body out from the crack, hanging my head low. She stepped into the room. 

“Listen, Don. I’m not evil. I believe in justice. It just so happens that you’ve been put into the perfect place to allow me to finally deliver it.”

“Kailee,” I pleaded, “I didn’t mean to embarrass you, I-“ 

“Cool the act.” She scoffed, “I don’t want to hear it. It’s a tale as old as time, popular guy embarrasses loner in front of everyone. Only difference is this time, I get ultimate revenge. I own you now, Don.”

That last part sent a shiver down my spine. It wasn’t true. She had not yet signed the papers that dictated it so. I was still legally a free man for now… right? 

Kailee continued. “Now what do I do with a little bully… let’s go find out!” 

She quickly scooped me up and brought me to her room. I felt completely unprepared for whatever awaited me. 

“Now I can’t completely break you just yet, but there’s so many things I want to try!” She cheered, opening the door to her room. 

I immediately noticed It was quite a mess. Unmade bed, clothes strewn about, glass cups everywhere. She didn’t seem to care, navigating between the sea of litter expertly. 

I was quickly tossed into one of her empty mugs, a bit of water pooling at my feet. I could not see outside, but I could hear her doing something.

“You should take those clothes off, they look like shit.” Kailee muttered, 

“I worked hard on this…” I retorted pitifully, my voice echoing around the ceramic walls. It was shameful, but I had a lot of pride in this particular set of rags. It had brought me through a vicious encounter with a rat at one point.

“Just take them off.” She demanded. Reluctantly, I reached for the string tied around my waist that held my robe closed. I would much rather embarrass myself than find out what would happen if I didn’t listen to her. After a couple seconds of fumbling with the string, it finally came undone. The previously tight cloth slid open, cold air meeting my now exposed chest. 

I quickly slid off the robe, letting it drop into the wet ground. I gave it a solemn salute. You will not be forgotten, dear cloak.  

I was sitting in a mug. My feet were wet, it was dark. I was completely nude. It had been five minutes. At this rate, I have absolutely no idea as to where I could be tomorrow. 

The ground began to shift and rotate below me as I was dumped onto her desk next to her keyboard, the jarring shift leaving my head spinning. I could feel Kailee’s massive presence looming above me. Craning my neck up at her, my squinting eyes seemed to be refusing to focus. 

She was wearing a tight workout outfit. With the revealing outfit I got a good look at her, well, everything. Her pale, clear skin, her thin form that was borderline anorexic. I didn’t do that, did I? God, I hope not… 

I had to stifle a groan when I saw her keychain dangling from her finger, a gym membership card strung on it. I quickly put two and two together: we were going to the gym. 
End Notes:

Next chapter is at the gym! Any fun ideas?

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=11848