Envision X by fosmat

Alice gets her hands on the latest piece of technology that lets the user create an entirely realistic simulation of whatever scenario they want. So of course, she includes her boyfriend in exploring her deepest fantasies. 


Categories: Giantess, Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Butt, Entrapment, Feet, Humiliation, Muscle, Odor, Slave Characters: None
Growth: Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.), Giga (1 mi. to 100 mi.), Mini GTS (16-30ft)
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.), Dwarf (3 ft. to 5 ft.), Lilliputian (6 in. to 3 in.), Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 1782 Read: 5651 Published: March 09 2021 Updated: March 09 2021
Story Notes:

This will mainly be a bunch of mini stories interwined into one overarching narrative, with bits of story on either end of each scenario. Each scenario should hopefully be unique and fun in it's own way, hope you enjoy!

1. Flexing the Hardware by fosmat

Flexing the Hardware by fosmat
Author's Notes:

Establishing characters and some classic giga giantess in the city destruction, like I said I'm gonna aim to make the scenarios more interesting than this but just wanted to start safe. Bit of shoe, thigh and butt action in this chapter. Enjoy!

“Let me go set mine up,” said the red-haired beauty as she turned on her heels, Cale’s eyes lingered on her athletic 5’10 frame and couldn’t help but stare as he watched her thick, juicy ass bounce and sway its way out of the room, as an Instagram fitness model she had a standard to meet and she more than exceeded it.

He nodded and lifted the strange looking device to further inspect it, it looked like something straight out of a sci-fi movie, a sleek, black helmet with a pair of goggles hanging on the front and the words ‘Envision X’ printed on the side. With a deep breath he lifted it up and placed it over his head. Futuristic font flew in front of his eyes as a fancy looking heads up display filled his vision, he entered in the details to join a virtual room.

“Ready?!” shouted her voice from another room.

“You bet!”


Cale awoke suddenly, the rising sun beginning to peak through his bedroom blinds. However, it was not the bright rays of sunshine hitting his face that woke him up. It was the resounding booms in the distance that gently rocked his bed.

He slowly pulled back his covers, the floorboards creaking as he walked towards the curtain. All while the dull thuds grew louder, the shaking became more intense. Hesitantly, he pulled the curtains back.

Looming above the high-rise apartment neighbouring his, was the upper body of a red-haired giant, his girlfriend, Alice. She was clad in a tight, white sports bra that greatly contrasted her striking hair and the waistband of her gym leggings hovered over the crest of the building.

Alice wore a grand smile and her bright blue eyes gleamed with joy as she watched the miniscule people on the streets sprint away from her gigantic sneaker covered feet, the soles of her shoes were double the height of anyone unfortunate enough to be in their presence.

Massive volumes of air were dispersed as she let out a long sigh, “Hmmmm, I’m not quite sure I’m big enough yet,” she said in a husky tone, accompanied with a booming giggle. Her full lips curled into a mischievous grin as she tapped a trunk like finger against her defined nose, It was obvious by the look on her face that she was enjoying herself.

The thunderous tones of her laughs grew louder as she began stretching towards the sky, her arms extended upwards looking as if they could almost caress the clouds above. Caden’s entire visage became consumed by her and it was not long before Alice’s shoes dominated the skyline. Sounds of building and tarmac crumbling from the sheer size of her Nike’s overwhelmed his senses as the apartment that once stood before him collapsed to the ground, and in its place were the mighty foam soles of her shoes. He watched in awe as the fabric of her sweaty worn in sneakers were pushed to their limits as she wiggled her gargantuan peds inside the hot confines.

Holy shit, she’s huge he thought to himself as his eyes lingered up her gargantuan body. She utterly dwarfed everything in proximity, her shoes the size of multiple city blocks, he couldn’t imagine what the rest of her would look like up close and he wouldn’t have to wait long to find out.

Alice began to squat down, her two ass cheeks straining the black fabric of her leggings, they protruded outwards like two mountains of heavy flesh. Citizens who were lucky enough to not be in close proximity of her feet watched in awe as she brought her round, firm rear down closer to them, the sexual energy that radiated from it brought thousands to their knees, covering the sky was the ass of their new owner.

The stunning titan looked down upon the sprawling metropolis before her with a toothy grin, she knew what she saw wasn’t technically real, but it was unbelievable how realistic it was, she truly felt gigantic. Not just because of the insignificant lives scurrying beneath her but she could also feel how much weight and power there was behind her movements, she could probably squat a whole island if she really tried… Alice had dreamt of a moment like this. The heels of her sneakers lifted off the ground as her ass came into contact with the back of her ankles, revealing a hefty shoe print imprinted into the Earth’s crust.

Not that she could see, but there were a handful of tiny survivors who had managed to find themselves between the leftover treads of her workout sneakers. They sat huddled in fear, craning their necks to look up at Alice’s dirty scuffed sole, the sight enforcing the miniature inhabitants insignificance compared to her, smaller than the dirt stuck to the bottom of her shoes. This dirt however contained the remnants of once proud skyscrapers and many, many unrecognisable human bodies.  

Majority of the cities land was overcome by the shadow from this gorgeous giant's titanic derriere, she totally dwarfed the city below her. “How do I look from down there?” she teased the masses as she peeked over her shoulder to get a glimpse of her legging covered ass savouring the faint, miniscule sirens and screams from far beneath her. While the feeling of towering over millions of specks was indescribable, there was one particular speck that Alice hoped was getting a good look at the destruction she was causing with her larger-than-life presence. Her mind began to wonder where Cale was amongst the debris below.

Her boyfriend was a fit guy who put his strength and cardio before anything else, the perfect match for a competitive gym junkie like herself, always using him as motivation to get better. Yet, there was something inside of her that yearned to be superior in every way, a dominant streak. Though he was not exactly the submissive type, she managed to convince him to use the Envision X to live out her greatest fantasies, and finally here she was.


Cale lay battered and bruised atop what he believed to be his study desk; it was hard to tell considering the darkness and all the rubble around him. After he rubbed his eyes and swiped some of the lingering dust that was yet to settle, he noticed the humidity of the air around him. Alone and confused he looked upon the towering white monolithic wall that seemingly stretched thousands of metres in both directions he looked, utterly looming over any sorry excuse for a building. His neck began to hurt as he had to lean all the way back just to see anything past the top of the great white barrier, his eyes widened as he came to the realisation he was staring at the sole of Alice’s shoe.

His nose crinkled in disgust at the stench of rubber emitting from the dirty scuffed sole of her sneaker, he cursed the device for making all this possible, perhaps there was a way for him to leave this world and go back to real life so he could tell Alice to clean her god damn shoes. His eyes began to travel even further up as struggled to take in what looked like a massive navy tarp that stretched far across the sky, connecting from one heel of her shoe to the other, the comparatively teeny man put two and two together and concluded that it was her butt that currently resided in the heavens, the sheer scale of it inspiring awe inside of him, his awe quickly dissipated as a deafening rumble roared across the destroyed landscape as she extended her foot outwards to rest her powerful quad and titanic tush upon the ground.

What might have sounded like more of a dull thud to Alice was instead a resounding boom to Cale and the rest of the citizens as the impact echoed for kilometres around them. Firstly, something that large should not be able to move like that and secondly something that large shouldn’t even be able to exist. Yet, there it was right in front of him, her shoe now replaced with her tremendous thigh.

“Heh,” he heard her boom from above, “I wonder who can squat more now squirt,” she continued with a flex of her muscular quad, flaunting her size to millions of microbes. Unbeknownst to Alice, Cale could barely keep his footing as the ground beneath him buckled with every flex of her gigantic leg, something which he knew she would have loved to see. She was gargantuan in every sense of the word, and it took little to no effort to put those under her in their place, especially her little boyfriend.


Alice giggled with childlike glee as she watched her massive thigh bulge against her leggings, she imagined the bugs below her could hear the material groaning from the shifting weight it contained. With her ego thoroughly inflated, she leaned down to get a better look at the diminutive buildings that brushed against the bottom of her thigh, as she pondered which building Cale could be in, she slightly adjusted her leg to allow her to lean in even further.

‘caleisdope97 has been forcibly disconnected’ suddenly appeared in the top of her vision, “Fuck!” she shouted to herself knowing what had happened. ‘Forcibly disconnected’ was just the Envision X’s way of saying killed, her slight change in position must have moved her leg over wherever Cale was holed up.

“Whatever, later pipsqueaks,” she muttered nonchalantly as she let her other leg slam down into the ground, casually obliterating thousands. The gorgeous redhead reached behind her neck massaging it out and spoke the command to exit the simulation.



A slight commotion could be heard coming from the kitchen as Alice slowly came to.

“That was fun babe,” Cale said from behind the stove, as he began to cook dinner for the two of them, he looked back at her with a reassuring smile. She knew what he was trying to do, play it off like he thought nothing of it, she was gonna give him something to remember next time they used it.

“Glad you enjoyed yourself hun,” she replied while getting to her feet, scheming up new scenarios they could play out with the Envision X.

“Thought I’d make steaks tonight, bit of protein after your big afternoon,” he said, smirking at his own joke.

“Very funny, I’ve got an idea for a scenario after dinner if you’re game,” she stated with a half serious, half joking glare.

“Hit me,” he replied, concentrated on the task at hand.

“Let’s shoot some hoops.”

End Notes:

Next chapter is going to be some basketball mini GTS action, hope you liked the chapter and leave a review if you did! 

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=10270