Yuki's Law by Ark

This story is the 3rd of 4 part intro to my characters and this time stars Yuki, the older sister of the Fujita-Thompson duo and the more domineering of the two. Which is saying a lot since Jennifer enjoys her domination....


Hope you enjoy. ;) 

Categories: Young Adult 20-29, Adult 30-39, Feet, Humiliation, Lesbians, Slave, Violent Characters: None
Growth: Amazon (7 ft. to 15 ft.), Mini GTS (16-30ft)
Shrink: None
Size Roles: None
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 3161 Read: 3659 Published: August 24 2016 Updated: August 24 2016
Story Notes:


Another day, another dollar. Or at least, so the saying goes. Yuki Fujita, one of two heiresses to the Fujita-Thompson fortune, stopped counting the actual numbers ages ago. It takes something out of the thrill of knowing you're rich when the number never seems to diminish, much in part to her family's intelligence, business acumen and just being born in the right era. Standing an impressive 16 feet tall, the woman, weighing in over 3, 600 pounds, was a juggernaut second only to a handful, half of which were kept a closely guarded secret by Yuki's corporation at the moment. Yuki, while not quite as enormous as her sister, had equally large feet, just an inch shy smaller at 28 inches, a point that Jennifer loved to rub into her face, sometimes literally when she was feeling daring.


The woman was at her desk, murmuring over some memo or another as there was always another task or brush fire for Yuki to put out. “Why do I even employ a staff of thousands if somehow I always seem to be the one handling all these issues and inanities? Ugh, I swear Jennifer has got to start taking on more of the slack around here. I can't keep doing this all on my own. Well....that's not true. I just see no real reason to keep doing so on my own.”


As Yuki was rummaging through her own thoughts, she felt a pause in activity. She looked down with her eyes glowing purple, just on the faint edges of her iris as she said “I didn't tell you that you could stop.”


The fear in the woman's eyes was real, not even half of Yuki's enormous size as the exhausted woman looked at her and whimpered out a simple request “Water...please.”


The woman, while dressed in a proper business suit, looked as though she'd be been through hell. It wasn't far from the truth. Her clothes, slightly stained from perspiration and obvious smudges of what appeared to be dirty footprints, had her hair in a mess and looked almost like she was going to faint any moment. Yuki, just pushed the desk back and she grabbed the woman to her lap. The woman whimpered audibly, but did not resist. No one dared to oppose Yuki's wrath, not even Jennifer. As the woman looked at the large cup on Yuki's desk, she saw the larger woman take a sip of what smelled like mint tea. Taking her time to savour the taste, Yuki swallowed, audibly. As she looked at the woman, cup still in hand, the woman's heart sank as Yuki placed the cup back onto her desk. “Oh, you couldn't possibly believe I'd waste good tea on on you, did you? No, tea is for closers.”


Without even thinking anything of it, Yuki used her massive hand, pushing just gently for her on the woman's side of her jaws to make her mouth open, wide. With a look of utter indifference, Yuki lowered her mouth to the smaller woman's own and let a large glob of saliva fall from her lips into the woman's own. It was almost a mouthful, given the size difference between the two women as Yuki simply said in a quiet even tone. “Swallow.”


The woman obliged, crying slightly as she did, fearful of what defying this giantess would do. Yuki didn't even acknowledge the complete act of submission that this woman was displaying. She simply returned her to the ground, complaining about how her filthy body stained her suit. “Make no mistake, you will be forced to clean this suit by day's end. Now, resume your duties.”


Yuki shoved a large foot towards the woman's face as she pressed a toe painfully into her mouth, sipping on the tea delighted by the sound of the woman crying. Her tears felt divine on Yuki's feet as she said, without even turning her chair around “Are you enjoying the show my love?”


Vanessa was gobsmacked, not even able to respond. It wasn't that she didn't know that Yuki could be so cruel. Heck, she was usually this cruel with Vanessa herself, but she openly welcomed it. However, something about seeing how...broken this woman was, how utterly owned she was by Yuki....it made Vanessa jealous for the first time ever of Yuki's position, not her slaves.


“I uh, wanted to let you know that we'll be heading out soon for the promotional run. Jennifer's actually already on board, if you can believe it. Lily's been briefed, but I'm not sure she's going to be ready for what she's in store for. Shouldn't we have set her up somewhere other than the HR department? Somewhere a little more tame perhaps?”


“Oh hush now Van. As if Lily needs to be treated like a child. She's been here for years, even if she hasn't been to the Tower alone. If she can't handle the truth of what we do, or what we are, then she has no place being with my sister. “


“That's rather harsh don't you think?”


“Tell me, do I mollycoddle you or expect you to be a mewling servant to me?”


“Well no, but-”


“Don't underestimate her Vanessa. Lily's stature has nothing to do with her power. She is stronger than you can imagine and if she wishes to indulge in her submissive fantasies in the meantime, let her.”


“You mean, you don't care if she even achieves her goal?”


“Of course not. If I wanted someone fired, it'd be done. No, this is a chance for Lily to, well, let us say 'acclimatize' herself to our organization. What roles she plays in it is her business. She's wise enough to know the difference between the business world and the bedroom. If she can't handle the strain, well, then she can always just be Jennifer's love toy. Now, let's go, I do so grow bored waiting for investors and I'd hate to treat them any worse than I prefer to be treated.”


Vanessa laughed as she looked at Yuki, still sitting, having her feet worshipped clear as day by this submissive woman as Vanessa said “Right, because you're a champion of the little people.”


“No, I'm a champion for those who stand up for themselves. Take for example our little toy here. Amber, would you ever dare to defy me even if it meant your freedom?”


“N-no Ma'am.”


“See? Spineless. Terrified to even move. Look, look at her weakness as it oozes out of every pore.”


Yuki emphasized her point by placing one large foot on the woman's back, forcing her from her knees to just laying flat on her stomach, whimpering as she feared that Yuki may decide to stand on her. “If she had half the nerve you did, she'd be free right now, but instead she chooses to remain weak and powerless. You are only a toy, because you allow it to be.”


Yuki lifted her foot off the woman and put her shoes on as the Amber's tears stopped and soon she could be seen growing enraged. Her own eyes, flashing violet, rushed at Yuki before even Vanessa could react. Without even turning around to acknowledge the threat, the entire room seemingly turned dark, almost pitch black and it felt like the very bowels of Hell had unleashed themselves in the office. The woman fell to her knees, mere inches away from Yuki as the woman turned around, resembling something out of a horror movie. A succubus like creature, but tainted, pitch black in colour and eyes glowing red as her voice boomed around the woman as though it threatened to devour her very soul. “That is the bravery I seek little one, but never dare to raise a hand to your Mistress again. I can show you darkness your beautiful little mind cannot even fathom.”


As Yuki approached the woman, whose face was now frozen in sheer terror, the darkness lifted, the eyes stopped glowing and she realized it was all a hallucination from Yuki's power. She felt the gigantic woman kiss her on top of the head as she said “Good girl. Now, prove to me what your lesson here has taught you. Do not let me see you with anything less than an assistant manager position attached to your profile by the time I return. My private shower is yours and you have clean clothes waiting. I look forward to seeing what you can accomplish my sweet.”


Vanessa helped Amber to her feet as she was still mumbling incoherently as Yuki left the room. “Yo-you saw that? Right?”


“I steel myself, but yes. It never gets any easier to bear, so do me a favour and do right by Yuki, or I'll make your sweet little body mine. I could always use a new workout partner.”


Vanessa flexed her powerful thick ebony skin to prove her point as she shivered slightly as the woman touched her leg in appreciation of the wonderful display. “Now go pet, before your Yuki returns to find you still mewling like a kitten instead of roaring like a lioness.”


Amber nodded as she hoped to never again see that same terrifying gaze. Whatever it was, she could feel it still resonating in her bones as she just began to go toward the shower, hoping this would all simply fade into oblivion as a distant memory.


As Yuki, Vanessa and Jennifer were loaded into their mobile transport, no other description would give the gigantic craft justice, Yuki took a look at the Tower below and grinned wickedly. “What are you thinking there Yuk?”


Jennifer knew Yuki hated that nickname, but answered all the same “Oh, just wondering who'll come out on top while we're gone. You do know how I love a new challenger. Pity that Amber wasn't a better challenger, but I'm sure the next one will do much better, don't you?”


Vanessa mused to herself the cruelty that Yuki truly possessed. This was all to demonstrate a point. If she wanted to, anyone in the confines of the Tower would be at her beck and call, but she enjoys the idea of actually finding someone she could lose to, and unbeknownst to everyone, she assumed it just might be Lily, if ever given the proper motivation.


Settling into the craft, Yuki asked nonchalant “So, did we make this large enough you think?”


The entire craft was like a mobile floating fortress, powered by propulsion systems that seemed to defy gravity. It was basically the top portion of the Tower itself, designed to detach in case of emergency and was a mansion onto itself. The staff, engaged in the various operations, were outside of the main area, where Yuki, Jennifer and Vanessa shared in various treats, both of taste and of perverted delight.


While Vanessa didn't have quite the same penchant for dominance as the sisters, she had to admit, she admired the ease of how naturally it came to them. Without skipping a beat, Yuki sat at a comfortable table, snapping her fingers as a woman scurried to her feet and she kicked off her shoes, feasting on some strawberries while beckoning the woman to lap at her toes.


Jennifer's gift gave her a bit more of an advantage as being in the same room was sufficient to make people almost drool for her body. Two of the women standing by were shaking, sweat visibly on their brow as she kicked off her footwear and propped them on a couple of ottomans saying “No need to resist any longer girls. Dig in!”


The duo dropped their trays as they greedily ran to the large soles, sucking and lapping at Jennifer's feet as though it was Manna from Heaven itself.


Jennifer just stretched and relaxed into it. For most people, this might be a once-in-a-lifetime experience but for her, this was 'Wednesday.' She almost laughed at the look on Vanessa's face as she said “Awww, Van, feeling jealous? Tell me though, of which party?”


Vanessa was caught off guard as she sputtered her response. “I'm not jealous...I just think it's unfair that you hog everyone all the time.”


“Ah, you're jealous of me. Interesting....I'll have to keep that in mind for the future....”


Vanessa cleared her throat as she looked over at Yuki and said “So, what's our strategy?”

Yuki laughed as she adjusted her glasses. They weren't necessary for anything other than show, but she liked how they made her just a bit more daunting. She polished them now as she began to speak. “None. There will be no need.”


Vanessa looked at her, waiting for the joke to be over with. “Oh I'm not kidding my dear. I mean, look around you, really look. I have a woman at my feet, Jennifer has two at hers and we have an entire workforce who'd be willing to do the same. In fact, random people on the street would kill to be in just the position these ones are right now. Isn't that right Cheryl? Don't speak, that's rhetorical.”


Yuki took a sip of tea and put her glasses back on her face. “I haven't the time to waste any longer with such triviality as a negotiation, so we'll make it simple to them. They can either buy in for 20% more right now and gets more in dividends than they can hope or I can convince them to just sell out to our company now.”


“Isn't that technically illegal?”


“Vanessa my dear, you have got to stop worrying about such trivialities. Legal, illegal, moral, immoral. Who exactly is going to stop me? Everyone who works for me does so willingly and so will they. They'll have better benefits within a week, higher pay, more autonomy and none of the monotony. Look at our own company. Everyone who works for us does so willing. Think back to Amber. She could've got up and just left. Did she? No, she'd rather suffer a week at my feet rather than surrender a position she knew was divine.”


“She did so out of fear Yuki. She knew that most of her value was in company stock and quitting before liquidating voids the stock. “


“So you're saying she was too stupid to call and sell while she was in my service?”


“Well no, but-”


“She's too dense to understand that she could've left a multi millionaire at any moment?”


“That's not what I me-”


“Oh, then she simply was too beaten down to resist?”


“Well you do tend to have that effect on -”


“Admit it Van, you liked it!”


Vanessa looked bewildered by Yuki's accusation. Yuki sighed as she looked genuinely upset now. “You're a Domme Vanessa, not a serf. You're not a switch, no matter how much you may like to claim you are. Yes, for a while you enjoyed my feet, the idea of being the small lady, but that novelty passed years ago. When was the last time you licked my feet with any fervour, and instead wondered what it would take to be the one forcing another to their knees?”


“I don't think this is the place to talk about something so private do you?”


“Why, Jennifer's going to run her mouth? The flight crew? These servants perhaps? Cheryl? Anything to say?”


Cheryl didn't even dare to speak as Yuki kicked her casually over toward Vanessa. Her eyes were starting to turn purple. “Make a decision yourself Vanessa. Kitten or Lioness? Fearless predator or fodder? No more in between. Show me your true nature and quit denying to yourself what you know is right!”


Vanessa's heart began to race as she looked at the injured woman. While Yuki had hardly kicked her hard enough to do any lasting injury, the sting was visible on Cheryl's face. She looked down at her and just saw...weakness.


She wanted to say she pitied the woman, or maybe sympathized with someone who had to face down Yuki's brutality, but she knew it wasn't true. She would never allow such an outrage go unanswered. No, when she looked at the pitiable creature at her feet, she felt contempt. She understood what Yuki meant now.


She looked at Cheryl and seemed annoyed. Taking off her shoe and sock, Vanessa placed the foot heavily onto the woman's face. She covered it completely beneath her much larger foot and simply said “Lick.”


Her entire demeanour changed when she felt the obediently tongue against her sole and Yuki chuckled. “Good girl. Finally assuming your rightful place. Now, as for the meeting, I'm going to issue them the ultimatum as planned. They are either with us, or against us. Either way, we will accomplish everything I came out to achieve. Any objections?”


Jennifer was in her own bliss and just murmured her agreement as Vanessa's face blushed slightly as she said “None.”


“Good, now we have a few hours. Why don't you enjoy some time with your new toy Vanessa? Break her in, so to speak....”


The meeting went according to Yuki's plan. She forced the entire boardroom to their knees once they rejected her generous offer and offered them a simple choice: Submit, or be destroyed. They submitted, they always did.


Returning was actually quite boring really. It had been years since she met a challenge and wished to find someone, or cultivate someone, to do just that. She returned from the trip, dismissing everyone and telling Vanessa she didn't mind in the slightest of Lily's reported failure. She just wanted a quiet evening alone. Well, given the lack of alternative.


She didn't anticipate what happened next. The entire room grew dark as she felt footsteps that sounded more like thundering hoof-beats. The office dimmed in a way that made every nerve in Yuki's body electrify. The wall collapsed as she leapt expertly away from it and could see only the faintest outline of a gigantic being. “You wanted a challenge, right Ms. Fujita? You'll get one.”


The being, given the dark room, could only be identified as being nearly 30 feet tall in Yuki's luxurious office that stretched to 50 feet tall. Yuki chuckled, as she hit the intercom and said to Vanessa “Feel free to hold my calls Van. I have a special guest. Feel free to indulge yourself while we're gone.”


The last sounds Vanessa could hear was the giant being shouting as it charged at Yuki and she could hear her say “Finally, a real challenge....”



Yuki's Law by Ark

Another day, another dollar. Or at least, so the saying goes. Yuki Fujita, one of two heiresses to the Fujita-Thompson fortune, stopped counting the actual numbers ages ago. It takes something out of the thrill of knowing you're rich when the number never seems to diminish, much in part to her family's intelligence, business acumen and just being born in the right era. Standing an impressive 16 feet tall, the woman, weighing in over 3, 600 pounds, was a juggernaut second only to a handful, half of which were kept a closely guarded secret by Yuki's corporation at the moment. Yuki, while not quite as enormous as her sister, had equally large feet, just an inch shy smaller at 28 inches, a point that Jennifer loved to rub into her face, sometimes literally when she was feeling daring.


The woman was at her desk, murmuring over some memo or another as there was always another task or brush fire for Yuki to put out. “Why do I even employ a staff of thousands if somehow I always seem to be the one handling all these issues and inanities? Ugh, I swear Jennifer has got to start taking on more of the slack around here. I can't keep doing this all on my own. Well....that's not true. I just see no real reason to keep doing so on my own.”


As Yuki was rummaging through her own thoughts, she felt a pause in activity. She looked down with her eyes glowing purple, just on the faint edges of her iris as she said “I didn't tell you that you could stop.”


The fear in the woman's eyes was real, not even half of Yuki's enormous size as the exhausted woman looked at her and whimpered out a simple request “Water...please.”


The woman, while dressed in a proper business suit, looked as though she'd be been through hell. It wasn't far from the truth. Her clothes, slightly stained from perspiration and obvious smudges of what appeared to be dirty footprints, had her hair in a mess and looked almost like she was going to faint any moment. Yuki, just pushed the desk back and she grabbed the woman to her lap. The woman whimpered audibly, but did not resist. No one dared to oppose Yuki's wrath, not even Jennifer. As the woman looked at the large cup on Yuki's desk, she saw the larger woman take a sip of what smelled like mint tea. Taking her time to savour the taste, Yuki swallowed, audibly. As she looked at the woman, cup still in hand, the woman's heart sank as Yuki placed the cup back onto her desk. “Oh, you couldn't possibly believe I'd waste good tea on on you, did you? No, tea is for closers.”


Without even thinking anything of it, Yuki used her massive hand, pushing just gently for her on the woman's side of her jaws to make her mouth open, wide. With a look of utter indifference, Yuki lowered her mouth to the smaller woman's own and let a large glob of saliva fall from her lips into the woman's own. It was almost a mouthful, given the size difference between the two women as Yuki simply said in a quiet even tone. “Swallow.”


The woman obliged, crying slightly as she did, fearful of what defying this giantess would do. Yuki didn't even acknowledge the complete act of submission that this woman was displaying. She simply returned her to the ground, complaining about how her filthy body stained her suit. “Make no mistake, you will be forced to clean this suit by day's end. Now, resume your duties.”


Yuki shoved a large foot towards the woman's face as she pressed a toe painfully into her mouth, sipping on the tea delighted by the sound of the woman crying. Her tears felt divine on Yuki's feet as she said, without even turning her chair around “Are you enjoying the show my love?”


Vanessa was gobsmacked, not even able to respond. It wasn't that she didn't know that Yuki could be so cruel. Heck, she was usually this cruel with Vanessa herself, but she openly welcomed it. However, something about seeing how...broken this woman was, how utterly owned she was by Yuki....it made Vanessa jealous for the first time ever of Yuki's position, not her slaves.


“I uh, wanted to let you know that we'll be heading out soon for the promotional run. Jennifer's actually already on board, if you can believe it. Lily's been briefed, but I'm not sure she's going to be ready for what she's in store for. Shouldn't we have set her up somewhere other than the HR department? Somewhere a little more tame perhaps?”


“Oh hush now Van. As if Lily needs to be treated like a child. She's been here for years, even if she hasn't been to the Tower alone. If she can't handle the truth of what we do, or what we are, then she has no place being with my sister. “


“That's rather harsh don't you think?”


“Tell me, do I mollycoddle you or expect you to be a mewling servant to me?”


“Well no, but-”


“Don't underestimate her Vanessa. Lily's stature has nothing to do with her power. She is stronger than you can imagine and if she wishes to indulge in her submissive fantasies in the meantime, let her.”


“You mean, you don't care if she even achieves her goal?”


“Of course not. If I wanted someone fired, it'd be done. No, this is a chance for Lily to, well, let us say 'acclimatize' herself to our organization. What roles she plays in it is her business. She's wise enough to know the difference between the business world and the bedroom. If she can't handle the strain, well, then she can always just be Jennifer's love toy. Now, let's go, I do so grow bored waiting for investors and I'd hate to treat them any worse than I prefer to be treated.”


Vanessa laughed as she looked at Yuki, still sitting, having her feet worshipped clear as day by this submissive woman as Vanessa said “Right, because you're a champion of the little people.”


“No, I'm a champion for those who stand up for themselves. Take for example our little toy here. Amber, would you ever dare to defy me even if it meant your freedom?”


“N-no Ma'am.”


“See? Spineless. Terrified to even move. Look, look at her weakness as it oozes out of every pore.”


Yuki emphasized her point by placing one large foot on the woman's back, forcing her from her knees to just laying flat on her stomach, whimpering as she feared that Yuki may decide to stand on her. “If she had half the nerve you did, she'd be free right now, but instead she chooses to remain weak and powerless. You are only a toy, because you allow it to be.”


Yuki lifted her foot off the woman and put her shoes on as the Amber's tears stopped and soon she could be seen growing enraged. Her own eyes, flashing violet, rushed at Yuki before even Vanessa could react. Without even turning around to acknowledge the threat, the entire room seemingly turned dark, almost pitch black and it felt like the very bowels of Hell had unleashed themselves in the office. The woman fell to her knees, mere inches away from Yuki as the woman turned around, resembling something out of a horror movie. A succubus like creature, but tainted, pitch black in colour and eyes glowing red as her voice boomed around the woman as though it threatened to devour her very soul. “That is the bravery I seek little one, but never dare to raise a hand to your Mistress again. I can show you darkness your beautiful little mind cannot even fathom.”


As Yuki approached the woman, whose face was now frozen in sheer terror, the darkness lifted, the eyes stopped glowing and she realized it was all a hallucination from Yuki's power. She felt the gigantic woman kiss her on top of the head as she said “Good girl. Now, prove to me what your lesson here has taught you. Do not let me see you with anything less than an assistant manager position attached to your profile by the time I return. My private shower is yours and you have clean clothes waiting. I look forward to seeing what you can accomplish my sweet.”


Vanessa helped Amber to her feet as she was still mumbling incoherently as Yuki left the room. “Yo-you saw that? Right?”


“I steel myself, but yes. It never gets any easier to bear, so do me a favour and do right by Yuki, or I'll make your sweet little body mine. I could always use a new workout partner.”


Vanessa flexed her powerful thick ebony skin to prove her point as she shivered slightly as the woman touched her leg in appreciation of the wonderful display. “Now go pet, before your Yuki returns to find you still mewling like a kitten instead of roaring like a lioness.”


Amber nodded as she hoped to never again see that same terrifying gaze. Whatever it was, she could feel it still resonating in her bones as she just began to go toward the shower, hoping this would all simply fade into oblivion as a distant memory.


As Yuki, Vanessa and Jennifer were loaded into their mobile transport, no other description would give the gigantic craft justice, Yuki took a look at the Tower below and grinned wickedly. “What are you thinking there Yuk?”


Jennifer knew Yuki hated that nickname, but answered all the same “Oh, just wondering who'll come out on top while we're gone. You do know how I love a new challenger. Pity that Amber wasn't a better challenger, but I'm sure the next one will do much better, don't you?”


Vanessa mused to herself the cruelty that Yuki truly possessed. This was all to demonstrate a point. If she wanted to, anyone in the confines of the Tower would be at her beck and call, but she enjoys the idea of actually finding someone she could lose to, and unbeknownst to everyone, she assumed it just might be Lily, if ever given the proper motivation.


Settling into the craft, Yuki asked nonchalant “So, did we make this large enough you think?”


The entire craft was like a mobile floating fortress, powered by propulsion systems that seemed to defy gravity. It was basically the top portion of the Tower itself, designed to detach in case of emergency and was a mansion onto itself. The staff, engaged in the various operations, were outside of the main area, where Yuki, Jennifer and Vanessa shared in various treats, both of taste and of perverted delight.


While Vanessa didn't have quite the same penchant for dominance as the sisters, she had to admit, she admired the ease of how naturally it came to them. Without skipping a beat, Yuki sat at a comfortable table, snapping her fingers as a woman scurried to her feet and she kicked off her shoes, feasting on some strawberries while beckoning the woman to lap at her toes.


Jennifer's gift gave her a bit more of an advantage as being in the same room was sufficient to make people almost drool for her body. Two of the women standing by were shaking, sweat visibly on their brow as she kicked off her footwear and propped them on a couple of ottomans saying “No need to resist any longer girls. Dig in!”


The duo dropped their trays as they greedily ran to the large soles, sucking and lapping at Jennifer's feet as though it was Manna from Heaven itself.


Jennifer just stretched and relaxed into it. For most people, this might be a once-in-a-lifetime experience but for her, this was 'Wednesday.' She almost laughed at the look on Vanessa's face as she said “Awww, Van, feeling jealous? Tell me though, of which party?”


Vanessa was caught off guard as she sputtered her response. “I'm not jealous...I just think it's unfair that you hog everyone all the time.”


“Ah, you're jealous of me. Interesting....I'll have to keep that in mind for the future....”


Vanessa cleared her throat as she looked over at Yuki and said “So, what's our strategy?”

Yuki laughed as she adjusted her glasses. They weren't necessary for anything other than show, but she liked how they made her just a bit more daunting. She polished them now as she began to speak. “None. There will be no need.”


Vanessa looked at her, waiting for the joke to be over with. “Oh I'm not kidding my dear. I mean, look around you, really look. I have a woman at my feet, Jennifer has two at hers and we have an entire workforce who'd be willing to do the same. In fact, random people on the street would kill to be in just the position these ones are right now. Isn't that right Cheryl? Don't speak, that's rhetorical.”


Yuki took a sip of tea and put her glasses back on her face. “I haven't the time to waste any longer with such triviality as a negotiation, so we'll make it simple to them. They can either buy in for 20% more right now and gets more in dividends than they can hope or I can convince them to just sell out to our company now.”


“Isn't that technically illegal?”


“Vanessa my dear, you have got to stop worrying about such trivialities. Legal, illegal, moral, immoral. Who exactly is going to stop me? Everyone who works for me does so willingly and so will they. They'll have better benefits within a week, higher pay, more autonomy and none of the monotony. Look at our own company. Everyone who works for us does so willing. Think back to Amber. She could've got up and just left. Did she? No, she'd rather suffer a week at my feet rather than surrender a position she knew was divine.”


“She did so out of fear Yuki. She knew that most of her value was in company stock and quitting before liquidating voids the stock. “


“So you're saying she was too stupid to call and sell while she was in my service?”


“Well no, but-”


“She's too dense to understand that she could've left a multi millionaire at any moment?”


“That's not what I me-”


“Oh, then she simply was too beaten down to resist?”


“Well you do tend to have that effect on -”


“Admit it Van, you liked it!”


Vanessa looked bewildered by Yuki's accusation. Yuki sighed as she looked genuinely upset now. “You're a Domme Vanessa, not a serf. You're not a switch, no matter how much you may like to claim you are. Yes, for a while you enjoyed my feet, the idea of being the small lady, but that novelty passed years ago. When was the last time you licked my feet with any fervour, and instead wondered what it would take to be the one forcing another to their knees?”


“I don't think this is the place to talk about something so private do you?”


“Why, Jennifer's going to run her mouth? The flight crew? These servants perhaps? Cheryl? Anything to say?”


Cheryl didn't even dare to speak as Yuki kicked her casually over toward Vanessa. Her eyes were starting to turn purple. “Make a decision yourself Vanessa. Kitten or Lioness? Fearless predator or fodder? No more in between. Show me your true nature and quit denying to yourself what you know is right!”


Vanessa's heart began to race as she looked at the injured woman. While Yuki had hardly kicked her hard enough to do any lasting injury, the sting was visible on Cheryl's face. She looked down at her and just saw...weakness.


She wanted to say she pitied the woman, or maybe sympathized with someone who had to face down Yuki's brutality, but she knew it wasn't true. She would never allow such an outrage go unanswered. No, when she looked at the pitiable creature at her feet, she felt contempt. She understood what Yuki meant now.


She looked at Cheryl and seemed annoyed. Taking off her shoe and sock, Vanessa placed the foot heavily onto the woman's face. She covered it completely beneath her much larger foot and simply said “Lick.”


Her entire demeanour changed when she felt the obediently tongue against her sole and Yuki chuckled. “Good girl. Finally assuming your rightful place. Now, as for the meeting, I'm going to issue them the ultimatum as planned. They are either with us, or against us. Either way, we will accomplish everything I came out to achieve. Any objections?”


Jennifer was in her own bliss and just murmured her agreement as Vanessa's face blushed slightly as she said “None.”


“Good, now we have a few hours. Why don't you enjoy some time with your new toy Vanessa? Break her in, so to speak....”


The meeting went according to Yuki's plan. She forced the entire boardroom to their knees once they rejected her generous offer and offered them a simple choice: Submit, or be destroyed. They submitted, they always did.


Returning was actually quite boring really. It had been years since she met a challenge and wished to find someone, or cultivate someone, to do just that. She returned from the trip, dismissing everyone and telling Vanessa she didn't mind in the slightest of Lily's reported failure. She just wanted a quiet evening alone. Well, given the lack of alternative.


She didn't anticipate what happened next. The entire room grew dark as she felt footsteps that sounded more like thundering hoof-beats. The office dimmed in a way that made every nerve in Yuki's body electrify. The wall collapsed as she leapt expertly away from it and could see only the faintest outline of a gigantic being. “You wanted a challenge, right Ms. Fujita? You'll get one.”


The being, given the dark room, could only be identified as being nearly 30 feet tall in Yuki's luxurious office that stretched to 50 feet tall. Yuki chuckled, as she hit the intercom and said to Vanessa “Feel free to hold my calls Van. I have a special guest. Feel free to indulge yourself while we're gone.”


The last sounds Vanessa could hear was the giant being shouting as it charged at Yuki and she could hear her say “Finally, a real challenge....”









This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=6177