The Pact by Franchise Writer

Alexis is a scorned Blood Elf. Seeking revenge on the one who betrayed her she'll go to any length to get it... but just what price will she have to pay for it?


Based in the Warcrafy Universe.

Categories: Giantess, Entrapment, Fantasy, Gentle, Insertion, Lesbians, Mouth Play, Violent Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Doll (12 in. to 6 in.)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 21567 Read: 5744 Published: September 28 2015 Updated: September 28 2015
Story Notes:

I do not own any rights to World of Warcraft and make no claim to it. World of Warcraft is the rightful property of Blizzard entertainment and i'm making no money off this story.

The Pact by Franchise Writer
Author's Notes:



This story has been one i've wanted to post for awile but commissions from other's got in the way sadly. This story takes place in the same universe as Nixxie's but they don't really cross paths in it. However there is a note about Chapter 7 of Warcrafts Littlest Pet shop i'd suggest you should read before reading this but if you decide not to it won't change things.

Anyways it's good to be back guys it really is and again i'll try to post more often for you all, i know my loyal fans still hanging around have missed me and all your emails and private messages bring me great joy to read. Thank you all for your continued support.


So without further adoo~


Turn off the lights,


Get comfy


Kick back,


Get back up and go over to your door to lock it,


sit back down now a bit annoyed you didn't think about it before,





~ The Pact ~



~ Prolog ~


-         To who may be reading this letter, I write on regards to one, Alexis Sorrowmourne, a name that seems fitting for one based on her life. By the royal decree of Sir Lor'themar Theron, Regent Lord of Quel'Thalas, young Alexis is hear by sentenced to incarceration for a period of 12 years. Her release shall be granted to her upon her 18th birthday.


The reasons for her crimes are as follows: Grand theft, Assault & Battery of magic, and treason. While death would be the alternative and most appropriate action, Lord Lor’themar has pardoned her from severe crimes because of her unusual age.


He has written this statement for the clarification of the Orphan matron that she is being escorted to now. “Alexis Sorrowmourne has committed crimes against the capital of Quel’Thalas. By my orders, she is to be incarcerated for an extended duration. Compensation will be provided to the matron of the orphanage of course for her lenience.”


And thus you have it. Please look after her and by no means leave her off on her own. Though she is to be shackled at all times and is but a child, she is still considered a threat to our city. Payments for your contribution to our fair city shall be paid monthly. Please use them to support her as best you can, but by no means spoil the child, she is still a criminal after all.


To your regards ~ Grand Magister Rummath.




The Orphan matron of Silvermoon read through the letter she had been handed over a few more times before looking down at a child between two guards. The child was about 3 1/2 feet tall, taller than most for her age. She wore ragged clothing that looked to be scuffed and torn in many places.

What she assumed was auburn hair was blackened and dark from dirt and grime, and finally her body was bruised in many places along with dark scuffs over her body. What caught the matron’s eyes however were her own? They were green like all other blood elves but they lacked a look of life… almost as if nothing mattered to her, if she lived or died she didn’t care…

Looking to the guards she sighed knowing this wasn’t a choice she was being given but a burden. “Alright… please escort her in. I’ll take her to her quarters later.” The two guards bowed before shoving the young elf with the bottom of their shields.

As she stumbled forward she said nothing at all. The gentle humming of her arcane shackles radiating a soft sound for all to hear. “The restraints are to remain on her at all times. Their waterproof and unbreakable by tools. The only way they can be removed is by runes only Grand Magister Rummath can create.” One of the guards stated to the matron.

“If she ever tries to leave this building before her sentence ends we’ll know. Also if she ever gets out of line…” the guard lifted up his palm before casting Arcane torrent, a spell all blood elves knew well. Alexis Gasped as her body shook violently, the arcane shackles stunning her body in a very painful way from what she could tell.

Lowering his hand, the child coughed as she fell to her knees. “Just preform a torrent spell near her and she’ll be easier to manage.” The matron nodded taking some solace knowing she could control the girl if she ever turned on her.

“If there is anything else you need please contact the royal guard. Her incarceration has been hidden from the general public and this is confidential so try to keep it to yourself.” The matron nodded again before shutting the door behind the guards.

Sighing, the matron shook her head in dismay. ‘This orphanage is already in pretty rough shape from the wars but this…’ she looked over her shoulder at the young girl but she was still in the same position as before. Turning back she walked over to her before glaring down at her.

“Alright, follow me.” Alexis got to her feet before slowly walking behind the matron, almost robotically. As she past various rooms, young heads popped out to see what all the commotion was from before.

Soon whispers spread quickly by the other children, none of them good. ‘Who is she?, why is she all dirty and gross?, what are those things on her feet?’. And so on. The Matron came to a room at the end of the hallway before sighing further.

“From this day on, you’re my problem and I’ll just have to deal with it. This room is yours. You’re only allowed to leave this room when I say so. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are at specific times and choirs are split up amongst all children under my care, don’t expect any special treatment. If you miss any of the meals at their designated times then you don’t eat, am I understood?” Alexis nodded before moving towards the room.

As she entered, the matron shut the door behind her before heading back down the stairs she had just came from. Once alone Alexis looked around her quarter’s before she felt tears falling down her cheeks. Moving to her bed she sniffled seeing the raggedy thing she was supposed to sleep on. Apparently this wasn’t a very furnished room.

Sitting down she cupped her face in her hands, and cried in silence. No one would ever be able to see her tears, and no one would ever be allowed to get near her again, she’d make sure of that…



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~ Present Day, 12 years later ~


Alexis closed the door to her bedroom before taking a deep breath. Today was the day she was released from her current prison, and her emotions where running rampant. One of her greatest was fear. Fear that she’d be convicted upon release. It had been 12 years since her sentence and a lot could have happened she wasn’t privy to.

As she descended the stairs curious heads poked out of the bedrooms lining the walls as glowing emerald eyes watched her from all around. She could hear there whisper’s, there sneer’s and insults. None of that mattered, today she was free… at least she hoped.

Stepping into the landing, no belongings on her but the clothes on her back, she walked to the living room of the building before sitting down patiently as she waited for the matron of the orphanage to come to her.

She didn’t have to wait long as an elderly Blood Elf stepped through one of the entryways before scowling at her. “I guess you must be excited about today. Why their letting you go is beyond me. You should be locked away for life… or worse.” She grumbled the last part under her breath before sitting across from Alexis.

Even if her words hurt, she showed no emotion. Her emotions where locked away tightly, no one would ever be able to see them unless she allowed it. Sitting in silence for 15 minutes a loud knocking came from the front door of the building alerting them to who it was.

The matron pointed towards the entrance commanding Alexis to walk, it had become a common command with them. Stepping to the front door she waited for the Matron before the door was opened.

Two guards (Possibly the same ones 12 years back) stepped forward before glaring at Alexis as they made their way in. Taking a scroll from his side, one of the guards lifted it up before unraveling it to read.

“Alexis Sorrowmourn, you are hereby cleared all charges you have committed and your sentence has been paid… in full” the guard almost looked pained to utter the last part. “By Order of Lord Lor'themar, your free to leave this establishment and welcomed back to our city. You will however be flagged at all times from here on out. If any crimes are committed in the city of Silvermoon, your sentence will be treated as treason to the capital and the penalty for your actions will be death.”

The guard folded the note before putting it away. “Are there any statements you’d like to present for your Lord before your release?” Alexis shook her head remaining quite. “Then by his order, you’re free to go.” The second guard pulled a small rune stone from his pouch before placing it between the arcane cuffs around her ankles.

As it glowed faintly, the shackles clicked releasing her darkened ankles. The guard’s brow rose as he stared at the strange markings but shrugged it off before collecting the cuffs. Bowing, the two guards left, leaving Alexis alone with the orphan matron.

Once they were gone, she looked over her shoulder before feeling a sharp gust of wind blown into her from the door being shut in her face. Even with the rude send off, a small smile graced her lips… she was free.

Breathing a quieted sigh of relief, Alexis started walking towards one of the guard posts stationed at the corners of the city. Upon seeing her however, she was only greeted by harsh glares. Apparently news of her incarceration had gotten out and the whole city had found out.

After a scandal like hers though, she wasn’t surprised. If anyone in the Eversong didn’t know about it she’d be more surprised. Walking up she looked the brooding guards over before speaking. “I’d like to know where I can find a class trainer.” The guards gave her a skeptical look before frowning.

“Herona Direhoof is the Class distributer. You can find her at the end of Elder’s walk. She’s a Tauren mind you but she’ll point you where to go… more than can be said by any of us.” He hissed quietly before looking away.

Taking his statement with a grain of salt, she started walking down the path before she came across a lone female Tauren standing in what looked to be a small garden. As she stepped over some of the bright flowers that dotted the garden she was greeted with something she hadn’t seen for year, a friendly smile.

“Welcome, I take it you’re a new adventurer?” Alexis recoiled upon hearing her cheerful voice, she wasn’t used to someone acting… well nice to her. ‘I guess she doesn’t know who I am then.’ Nodding, the Tauren smiled again before bringing out a small stack of paper’s from her satchel.

“We’ll all right just tell me, what you like to do. Are you a fighter?” Thinking it over, Alexis shook her head. ‘Hand to hand combat would take years of extensive training not to mention I’d have to stay well nourished…’ the Tauren frowned before flipping through some papers.

“Well then you could always be a healer then. The light shine’s upon us all. We druids tend to use nature but in the end it still shines through.” A tic mark appeared on her brow as she listened to Herona talk. ‘The light, please if it shined on me then why was I imprisoned for a crime I never committed!’

Taking a deep breath she calmed herself before she said anything she’d regret. “I’m sorry but the lights not for me either. Do you know of any classes that maybe fight from a distance, perhaps from the shadows?” the Tauren frowned at her but flipped through some more papers.

“W-well there’s plenty of ranged classes my dear. We have Mages who implore arcane magic. They also are adept at using elemental magic such as frost and fire to fight with. Combined with their vast knowledge of the arcane and extensive training they focus upon their minds, their formidable forces to be reckoned with.” The Tauren said excitedly.

‘Vast knowledge of arcane... what?’ Her schooling had stopped upon her incarceration. The orphan matron hadn’t bothered teaching her anything besides how to wash the dishes or how to sweep the floors. All the knowledge she learned was of how cruel the world truly was.

“I’m sorry but that won’t suit me either. Got anything else?” Herona tsked before flipping to the next sheet. “Well we have Priests still. Mind you, you don’t have to heal if you’re a Shadow Priest. Shadow Priests use mental attacks to disable there enemies by getting in their mind, causing hallucinations, migraines, and much more!”

Alexis’s gaze darkened as she shook in rage. “N-No… that class won’t do, please don’t mention it.” She whispered in a hushed tone. Herona frowned as she lifted a different sheet forward having not noticed her emotional state changed. Apparently she had never met a blood elf such as her.

“W-W-Well… t-there’s also hunters who use bows and arrows and-“before she could continue Alexis let out a very loud sigh before pointing her thumb downward. “My strength is limited to how I walk, my knowledge is bordering on pubescent and I don’t give a damn about the light! Now tell me is there anything else, anything!” Alexis finally snapped, her patience having reached its limit.

Herona whimpered looking on the verge of tears after Alexis’s outbreak, but the blood elf didn’t care. She’d had her emotions locked away for years. All her anger was piled together like a cesspool of hatred and rage, just ready to be unleashed when she saw fit.

“I w-well I mean I-“,”IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE!”, “yes!” Herona screamed back visibly shaking now. “T-T-There’s one m-more class b-but…” the redhead scowling motioning for her to continue. “B-But… it’s not a good class…”

“Just tell me what it is…” Alexis muttered, her temper subsiding somewhat. Herona reached into her papers before shakily handing out a small paper. Grabbing it, she read the name confused. “War-lock? What kind of a class is that?”

The Tauren’s eyes lowered to the ground as she wore a solemn expression. “Warlocks are damned… they implore the power of Demons to do their bidding.” Alexis’s eyes widened in shock. “T-They, they summon demons to fight for them?!”

Herona nodded before spitting on the ground angrily. “Anyone who practice the arts of demonology, are damned. You should sooner die than ever consider this class! Your very soul is on the line! One mistake and that’s it, eternal damnation.” The Tauren shivered, showing her fear of the thought.

Her knowledge of Demons was limited to old tales of the Burning Legion but from those she knew they weren’t something anyone could take lightly… ‘So Warlocks command Demons to do their work for them. They obey without question… and never betray you.’ Looking up Alexis lifted the paper up. “Where can I find a Warlock trainer?” Herona’s eyes widened upon seeing the resolve in her eyes. She had made up her mind and she knew without a doubt whatever she said wouldn’t sway the blood elf.

Looking down sadly, she pointed towards a dark lit pathway. “Murder row… the Warlocks of Silvermoon slink in the darkness together. If you head in there, you’ll find them.” Nodding Alexis was about to go but was stopped as the Tauren grabbed her wrist.

“Whatever you do, never make a pact!” seeing the serious expression she wore, Alexis nodded, unsure of what a pact even was. As she left the whimpering Tauren she headed down the alley known as Murder row before coming upon a dark corner.

Looking around, she checked the paper she held from the Tauren before seeing a building cloaked in shadows. “What are you doing outside our guild elf?” Alexis froze, as she felt a chill run down her spine. Looking into the shadows a feminine shape slowly emerged before a Blood Elf came into view.

“Speak…” Her tone was one of dominance, clearly used to commanding others. “I-I’m, I’m looking for the Warlock guild.” She lifted the sheet up for the blood elf to see. The cloaked female raised her hand before something jumped off her shoulder to grab the paper.

‘W-WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, I didn’t even see her holding a pet?!’ Alexis’s eyes locked onto the small creature crawling around her cloak. What on Azeroth was it? As the blood elf looked over the paper she sighed. “So I take it your aspiring to work in the arts of Demonology? I must warn you, this isn’t a class picked for the light hearted. If you don’t give it your all, you will die.” Her tone hinted no sense of whimsy or deceit. She was deathly serious.

Giving the Blood Elf a fierce look of her own, she nodded. “I have nothing to go back to, and nothing to look forward to either. I have nothing to lose.” The blood elf raised her brow at Alexis’s statement, curious as to why she was so sure. All knew warlocks usually had some form of fear or apprehension upon joining but this girl… she was certain.

“What’s your name?” Alexis froze. Her name wasn’t something she ever wanted to give out, especially not in this city. As she stared the Blood Elf down, she considered telling her a false name but what if they somehow found out she was lying and kicked her out?

But what if she gave her name and was rejected outright? If she was kicked out later at least she would learn something first… “Well?” Alexis blinked looking back up. Apparently she had been spacing on the question. “Your name…?”

“A-Alexis… Alexis Sorrowmourne.” The Blood Elf’s eyes widened slightly before a smirk crossed her features. “So that’s why. Do tell, why does the Silvermoon thief, want to be a Warlock?” Her voice sounded somewhat teasing, something that irritated Alexis to no end.

“T-T-That’s none of your business!” The Blood elf giggled lightly, along with some other form of chuckling from within her cloak. “Well I assure you, our guild doesn’t care about past crimes. We’re all bound by a higher calling… and you will be to.” Her hand rose as she bared her teeth.

“Welcome to the Sanctum, Sorrowmourne” Alexis’s eyes widened, they didn’t care… she was accepted and now she had found a place where they wouldn’t judge her… Feeling her lips twitch upward she smiled nodding.

“Where do I sign up?”


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~ Two months later ~


“Focus! Channel properly. Imagine your life flowing into a singular object, you must picture it!” Alexis grit her teeth as she focused her powers. It had been a couple months since joining the warlock guild and things couldn’t be better.

Training was brutal, especially conjuring stones but if she couldn’t even manage that then what chance did she have at summoning demons? “Good, keep it up! Visualize it, and take it!” Nodding, she forced her palms closer as they glowed.

Alexis felt her very essence being pushed through her body into her fingertips as she attempted to create a healthstone. The current Blood elf instructing her how to conjure had actually been the blood elf that had brought her in the beginning.

“Ease into it, your almost there Alexis. Now just take the stored life you’ve gathered and compress it into a sphere.” Alexis’s breathing slowed as she felt her life slowly being drained from her body as it was melded together into something new entirely.

As the life in her hands vanished, she fell to her knees shakily. ‘Damn… not again…’ grinding her teeth she clenched her eyes angrily. She had been trying to make a healthstone for a week now but it just wouldn’t form!

“Hmm, well that’s not what I expected but it certainly is a stone.” Alexis’s eyes shot open as she looked at Talionia smirking at her. The warlock pointed down before a small imp crawled out from under her robe. Alexis looked at the creature as it went to her hand before lifting it up.

“I think I understand why this lesson’s been giving you so much trouble while the other’s you managed to pass within hours.” Talionia chuckled. “You weren’t using the proper energy. You used something else.” As the imp lifted up the small stone, Alexis looked at it confused.

It looked like a small purple sphere, glowing faintly with a violet glow. “What… what is it?” The warlock leaned down picking it up with interest. “It’s a soulstone my dear. As Warlocks, death is only but a setback when we fight. Too many of our kind fell to the most demeaning of deaths, so we created a way to cheat it.”

‘To cheat death? That’s possible?!’ “What’s truly amazing however is that you even managed to conjure it. Creating a soulstone is an impressive feat warlocks spend months or even years to learn but you managed to do it by accident.” It was clear by her expression she was flummoxed.

Taliona crushed the stone in her palm before pressing into her imp’s chest. “A demonstration’s in order.” The imp twitched before its body erupted in fire causing it to fall over lifelessly. ‘S-She just killed her own pet for an example?!’

However as Alexis watched, the imp slowly rose from the fire before brushing itself off. “See? When a demon dies in our world they get sent back to theirs. But by using a soulstone, upon death who ever its cast on will come back to life. Guarantied you’ll probably feel a bit nauseous at first but honestly, you just died so that’s to be expected.”

‘Wow…’ She knew warlocks had a lot of unique abilities but to cheat death? “As for the matter of a healthstone, I’ll have to get one of our other members to teach you. For some reason you seem to be advancing much quicker then I imagined. I’m impressed.” Alexis blushed bowing lightly.

“Don’t let it go to your head!” Talionia snapped drawing her eyes back. “Just because you’re a quick learner doesn’t mean you’ll survive…” A feral grin spread over her lips. “That’s why it’s time for you to form a contract.”

Alexis’s eyes widened as her body shook with excitement. ‘T-T-This, this is it!’ All her training, her studying, it had led up to this! Grinning from ear to ear she nodded, it was time for her to summon her first demon, and she knew just the one she wanted.





The moment she had been waiting for had finally come. Upon joining the Warlocks Guild of Silvermoon, she was treated human… well at least how the humans put it anyways. No one looked down on her they just regarded her like anyone else. She was truly happy there… however.

Alexis finished etching in the last runes from a small grimoire next to her before standing over it. ‘It’s time to call my minion, a servant who will never betray to me!’ She grinned from ear to ear as she began channeling her mana into the circle.

Slowly the runes glowed one by one before she started chanting. “Parn xi no zar x amanare az shi lok maev, xi amanare x no rikk thorje!” The runes glowed brighter as Alexis chanted their language. Studying the foreign dialect was taxing but she spent weeks on it every day. She had to get this part correct, it was vital.

“Keep calling, your minion will find you.” Talionia instructed. “Parn xi no x amanare az shi lok maev, xi amanare x no rikk thorje! Parn xi thorje!” The runes erupted in fel green light as a shape began to form. “Good, you’ve made contact, focus! Try to chain it to your will before it realizes what’s happening to it!”

Alexis screamed as she thrusted her spell forward. “Parn Xi, parn xi! Thorje amanare thorje!” The creature suddenly began to shake violently as cries could be heard from the portal. Suddenly it stopped completely confusing Alexis. ‘Did, did it work?’

Suddenly the shape started moving forward as it came into view. “Congratulations, you’ve summoned and bound your first demon. You’re a true warlock now.” Alexis wanted to scream her happiness but… her eyes locked on the shape as it fully took form. Whatever joy she felt before suddenly vanished.

“A… An imp?” the small demon bowed before bouncing around giddily. “I… I gave it my all, I… I tried so hard and all I summoned was an imp…” Alexis fell to her knee’s feeling sadness wash over her. “You’re surprised? An imp is a basic demon. While summoning them isn’t hard binding them is a different story, you should be proud you even managed that.”

Alexis shook her head dismayed. ‘I don’t understand… I wanted… I wanted to summon a Fel Guard, or even a Pit Lord. The ones of legend I was told about…’ the redhead felt tears beginning to form. ‘The other warlocks told me they summoned theirs already, so why didn’t I summon mine?!’

“This is wrong… I didn’t want a stupid imp!” Alexis clenched her fist in anger. “What did you think you were going to summon?” Talionia muttered before it dawned on her. “You’re trying to follow in the others footsteps aren’t you.” Her silence proved her assumption.

Sighing, the elder warlock kneeled down next to Alexis before resting a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Give it time Alexis. Summoning demons of that caliber takes a lot of skill. I, myself have only managed to do it a few times. The one I’ve bound constantly tries to rebel against me because my will over it isn’t strong enough.” Alexis shook her head.

“The other warlocks of the Sanctum have spent years at this, and you by default have beaten all their records. In time you’ll be able to surpass them, I have no doubt in my mind.” Talionia tried to reassure her but it was clear by her demeanor it wasn’t working.

‘I should have summoned one, I know I could have!’ “I want to try again!” Alexis stood up before Talionia pushed her back down. “I forbid you from trying it.” The redhead looked at her mentor shocked, was she trying to hold her back!?

“Why! I can do it, I know I can! I study twice as much as these other uneducated troglodytes do! I know I can do it, just give me a chance…” Talionia scowled at Alexis before standing over her. “I’ve made myself clear Alexis. You are forbidden from attempting another summon until the time I see you fit. Take your imp and learn to control him first, then we’ll talk.”

And with that she walked away leaving Alexis to simmer in her rage. ‘If you won’t help me summon a better minion, then I’ll do it myself! I don’t have time to wait. I’m still behind her… I must get stronger!’ she’d get a real minion to obey her, whether her teacher liked it or not…



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~ The Sanctum, early hours ~



Alexis, read through a small book as she kneeled down hiding her form as best she could. What she was about to do and had already done was bordering on treason. ‘If they find out I’m attempting this, I could be exiled, or worse…’ trying whatever she could to talk herself out of this, her eyes hardened on the Grimoire.

“No, I need to do this, I’m not like those other warlocks, I need to be better, I am better than them!” Flipping over the pages she memorized them to heart. A talent she had found out about upon joining the warlock guild was her memorization of enchantment and spells. Even the most complicated ones she could manage to memorize by heart in no time. And this was a prime example of that talent.

Reading over the advanced techniques, she made sure to take every word to heart. This was her master’s grimoire and she knew if she found out she took it she’d be in unimaginable trouble, summoning aside. Once Alexis read enough she snuck back in her master’s room before placing it back where she nabbed it from.

Looking over her sleeping master she shook her head angrily. ‘I know I can do this, and by tomorrow you will to!’ Slinking back to the cellar the warlocks used for summoning rituals she lit the fel candles around the circle before drawing new runes over the gateway.

They were advanced runes warlocks used mostly for demon gates but if used right they could be used to quicken the summoning of stronger demons… or at least that’s what the book stated. ‘Once you begin the ritual you can’t leave the circle, be prepared.’ Looking over the advanced circle she made sure each mark was where it belonged before her eyes began to glow.

 ‘Channel your energy, harness it and press it into the circle. Activate the runes clockwise and begin the summoning procedure.’ Taking a deep breath, her hands began to glow an eerie green as she began to chant.

“Xz revola zila aman ruk amanare Xa rakkan shi tiriosh gulamir. parn xi xi amir x amanare shi xaxa maev kuol nalek shi ruk. X revola zila aman ruk amanare X rakkan shi tiriosh gulamir lok aman zar!” As she spoke the runes on the ground slowly began to glow brighter before fading off the ground completely and forming again the in air.

“X revola zila aman ruk amanare X rakkan shi tiriosh gulamir, parn xi xi amir x amanare shi xaxa maev kuol nalek shi ruk. X revola zila aman ruk amanare X rakkan shi tiriosh gulamir lok aman zar!” Alexis’s breathe quickened as she felt her energy being drained from her body and into the portal.

Slowly the runes in the air began to connect to one another before they formed the completed circle. “Xaxa, rakkan, shi tirosh, gulmir!” Alexis cried in pain suddenly as the portal split open shining a green light onto her.

Squinting, she panted softly as she saw a shadowy image coming closer. “Parn, parn! Xaxa parn amanare!” As she chanted a dark laugh suddenly bellowed from the portal causing her words to die at her lips. “Gor'om haguul! Who are you to call upon me little elf?” Alexis’s eyes widened as she saw a glowing pair of yellow eyes looking through the portal.

Raising her hands she continued. “Parn tirosh gulamir lok-“She started but was cut off as the voice broke into a bellowing laughter. “Anach Kyree, your pathetic commands are nothing! My imps wouldn’t even yield to your call! And for your arrogance you shall be punished!”

Alexis’s eyes widened as she saw a massive hand slowly reaching from the portal. Falling back, she tried to crawl backwards but the circle stopped her. ‘I… I can’t exit the circle till the summoning’s complete!’ the voice continued to laugh loudly as it grabbed Alexis tightly.

“Now know what you tried to summon, you’ve incurred a wrath like no other!” The voice continued to laugh as it began to drag her into the portal. “N-N-NO, S-STOP, I COMMAND YOU S-STOP!” Alexis screeched, as tears fell from her eyes.

But it was in vain. As soon as it happened it was over. The portal flashed shut and the runes vanished completely… along with Alexis.


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~ Unknown… ~


Pain, a burning pain was all she felt. It surrounded her as she traveled through the very portal she had opened. The massive hand around her body squeezed the life out of her as it finished pulling her to the other side.

Once she emerged on the other side, a blinding red light shined overhead forcing her to clench her eyes. “This is the fate that awaits all who dare call upon us.” Alexis squinted before she felt her body go limp as she stared at what was holding her.

‘What… is… that…?’ The demon looked demonic of course but much more so then any demon she had ever seen. The two large horns sprouting out of its bald skull looked sharpened and ready for gouging and the massive bat like wings on his back where definitely a sight to behold as well. The cloven hooves it walked on where that of satyr to, if all that wasn’t enough though the dark armor all over its body finished his imposing look.

Whatever she had tried to summon, this was what heard her, and apparently it wasn’t very happy about it. The creature smirked looking Alexis over. “Shaza-kiel, this is the fate that awaits all who meddle in the affairs of the Nathrezim!”

Alexis’s eyes widened in terror. ‘H-H-HE’S A DREAD LORD?!’ Amongst warlocks there was a law prohibiting contact with any of the Nathrezim. They were like no other demons. Too many warlocks had attempted enslaving them and they all met the same gruesome fate… one she was soon to meet herself.

The Dreadlord laughed boastfully as he drank in her fear. “You seem to understand the severity of your mistake, but you’ll still suffer.” Pulling his arm back, he tossed Alexis to the ground roughly.

Looking up, she crawled back in fear as she saw his massive stature. He had to be at least 10 feet tall! Almost as if knowing what she was thinking, the Demon grinned raising his hand up. “kyrees like you don’t have a right to be stomped by me, I’ll leave you to my pets.”

The redhead wondered what he meant before suddenly screaming in agony as black lighting shot down seemingly from nowhere as the Dreadlord channeled his unknown magic onto her. As fast as it appeared it was gone through leaving the blood elf in a much weakened state.

Rolling onto her back, Alexis craned her head soon wishing she hadn’t. Her situation had just gone from dire to grim as she saw what the Dreadlord had done to her. ‘What… what is this magic…’ Attempting to rise up, she stumbled before falling down all together causing the demon to laugh. She had shrunk! Magic like this was foreign to her, she had never heard of a warlock being afflicted by any magic like this before.

“Now you fit the name, insect. While it would be entertaining to see what happens, I have more pressing matters. Achor she-ki! Do what you want with its remains.” The Nathrezim commanded before his wings flapped loudly as he took to the air before flying off.

‘Achor she-ki…’ Alexis tried her hardest to understand what he had said, but her understanding of demonic was next to none. The only reason she knew how to speak the spell’s she had earlier was from memorization, not its meaning.

She didn’t need to dwell on it long though as the ground started to gently rumble. Gritting her teeth, she got to her knees before looking into the distance, her eyes widening as she saw the new targets of her fear. “N-N-No, NO!” She screamed stumbling backwards in pain as she saw a massive horde of imps rushing towards her.

Apparently it was beneath the demon to finish her off. He had to use his underlings to do it. Standing up fully, she tried to channel her magic but the mana on her finger tips died away. ‘T-The spell he cast, I-it didn’t just shrink me, it must have sapped my magic…’ she was defenseless.

With no choices left she did the only thing she could in this situation. She ran…





‘This feeling… what is it?’ Flying up, a dark shape looked over the bright jagged landscape, bathed in red as it searched, searched for the source making such a… delicious fragrance. Flapping its bat like wings it swooped down as it flew over the rock formations checking everywhere for what was causing it.

It didn’t need to search for long however, as a massive swarm of imps chased after something… the very thing it was looking for. Flying towards the small creature now cornered, a smile graced its lips before it descended.




Alexis, clutched her chest in pain as she took breathe after breath into her lungs. She had been running for who knows how long, she just had to escape them. No matter how much she ran though, the imps never relented. They were only gaining on her.

Deciding to cut corners, she ran through crevices and narrow pathways, trying anything to lose the horde of imps but they just jumped over the cracks and rocks as they chased her. As she continued to run a shape came into view making her heart drop.

Coming to an abrupt stop, she gazed at the massive wall of mountain blocking her pathway. “D-DAMNIT, I need to-“she turned to find another way but froze upon seeing the massive wall of imps on all sides of her. While a normal imp wouldn’t seem so opposing, at her new stature they were twice her size!

Clapping her hands together she called on all the mana she had left, as she felt her bodying being drained of life. ‘This is it… I hope it works…’ Taking a deep breath she recited the steps she had heard days before.

“Focus, channel properly. Imagine your life flowing into a singular object, picture it, visualize it, and take it! Ease into it, and take the stored life you’ve gathered and compress it into a sphere.” Her hands started to glow a light shade of green confusing the imps as she began to form a small stone in her palms.

Pushing the last bit of life she had into it, Alexis smiled before falling over, a small green stone tumbling out of her hands as she hit the rocky ground. ‘N-Now… Now I get it right…’ a lone tear fell from her eye as she gazed at the green healthstone she had practiced for so long appear. Even when she tried, it ended in her failing in the end, fitting for her life...

Feeling the last of her consciousness leave her, Alexis blacked out knowing when she awoke, it would be in the next life…





Landing harshly, the ground shattered underneath the large creature, now standing over the thing that had brought it so much curiosity. As its eyes lingered on Alexis for a few more moments it soon turned to the imps before hissing loudly.

“she-ki xi maev rathumar!” It screeched as tendrils of magic violently shot out from around it. The imps fearing the new demon screamed and retreated where they came from leaving Alexis and the new demon to themselves.

Stepping back, it looked down at Alexis grinning before picking her up with its delicate finger’s. “Xa eukmar she-ki.” Extending its wings it took to the skies before retreating back to its dwelling. When Alexis woke, she would be in for a very strange meeting…


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~ Unknown… ~



Alexis twitched around before shaking violently as her eyes opened. Letting out a loud scream she shot up before looking around in a panic before her heart stopped pounding out of her chest. Breathing ruggedly, the blood elf surveyed her surroundings with worry as she attempted to understand just where the hell she was.

Where ever it was, she was no longer in the harsh jagged landscape she was pulled into before. In fact this place was the exact opposite. It looked like some kind of a cave but it had many amenities that just shouldn’t belong in such a place.

There were regal furniture pieces, lush red drapes and carpeting, and many other fancy pieces. If she didn’t know better, she’d think she somehow made it back to Silvermoon and was in a local inn. “W-Where… where the hell am I?”, “Xi, Shi-Ki. Tu mevaku eukmar.”

Alexis froze, as her eyes widened in terror. ‘O-Oh p-please no…’ Looking up shakily, the redhead almost fainted as she saw a colossal looming face staring down at her with interest. What horrified her the most, was the demon before her was none other than a Succubus, demon’s known for their cruelty and savagery!

She wasn’t like the succubus she had read about however. Her skin was a dark pale color with a faint hint of fel surrounding her. Her long black flowing hair was pushed away from her face by the two large horns growing back over her head. Another surprising feature was her wings. While most Succubae had black leathery bat wings, hers were more draconic if anything. They looked leathery with a red tint and a dark furry base on her back where they sprouted from. The same could be said for her tail. It had a furry base and a red leathery tip which looked extremely deadly at first glance. However, the thing that made her truly different was her feet… she had feet! No hooves were present but actual feet… If that wasn’t bad enough her clothing truly made her shiver. She wore a leathery bra and thong of skins unknown, held together by jagged chains.

Knowing something was off Alexis decided not to dwell on it as she fell backwards in fear. The succubus looked at her somewhat befuddled before blinking. “Mae vaco, shi-ki ruthmar zixi?” Alexis stumbled back more as she heard her elegant voice speaking to her. She didn’t have the faintest idea what was being said however.

As she continued to crawl backwards her hand slipped before she yipped falling off of the chair she was on... however. Alexis felt something coil around her waist before she was slowly lifted up. Looking down, her heart sank as she realized just what she had been sitting on this entire time.

‘I-I was lying on her lap from the very start?! W-W-What does she want me for!’ Alexis began struggling as she tried to get out of the leathery tail constricting her, but a smirk was the only thing she got out of the succubus for her effort.

“Shi-ki no xizi rukmar?” The Blood Elf finally stopped fighting as she just slumped against the demoness’s tail. “I-If you’re going to kill me just… just get it over with… “The succubus’s eyes widened before she stood up.

‘O-Oh crap did I make her mad?!’ Alexis watched as, the demons long tail moved to the chair she had just been sitting on before… letting her go?’ The Succubus pulled her tail back before sashaying away leaving Alexis to herself.

“What… what just happened?” Looking around, she thought of ways to get off the chair but finally decided to just sit down. Even if she got off the large chair without fatally injuring herself from the fall, where would she go? She didn’t even know where she was in the first place.

Sitting down she sighed before rubbing her hand over the silky fabric, a small smile making its way to her lips as she brushed the chair. ‘I can’t believe how soft this is, I’ve never felt anything like it.’ Biting her lower lip, she looked over her shoulder towards the direction the Succubus had went before lying down on the soft fabric.

‘This… this fells like… well heaven.’ She nuzzled her cheek into the chair before taking a deep breath, her senses tingling as she spelled the pleasant fragrance on it.  ‘Is… is this her smell? Why does it smell so… amazing?’ She blushed as she continued to nuzzle the chair.

“Shi-ki, xaxa rukmaroo~” Alexis eeped as she bounced backwards. The succubus’s beautiful face was mire inches over her as she giggled at Alexis’s reaction. “Shi-ki xa rukmaru kurak.” Sighing, the redhead shook her head. “I c-can’t understand a thing you’re saying… but I’m guessing you’re talking down to me.” The succubus turned her head a bit as she tried to understand Alexis but it was clear nether knew what the other was saying.

Moving her tail forward, the Demoness shoved Alexis over before scooching down next to her. “Hey that was rude! You could have just told me to move… not that I would have understood.” The Succubus giggled softly as it moved a small bowl she was holding over to her.

Presenting it before Alexis, the Blood Elf looked in it with worry before seeing a pleasant surprise. Inside the small dish were… berries? The succubus reached in before delicately plucking one of the berries from the bowl before popping it in her mouth.

From what Alexis could tell, or at least hear from the guttural purr the succubus was making, they had to taste good to. Reaching back in the bowl, she picked another berry up before moving it towards Alexis.

‘I-Is… is she trying to feed me? What do I look like a pet?!’ Her mental complaints where hushed however as her stomach gurgled loudly. ‘Damnit… what if it’s poisoned…’ Hearing her stomach again, Alexis sighed before taking the berry making the demoness grin.

“Shi-ki maev zaxi rukmaroo~” Letting out a loud sigh, she sniffed the berry before taking a tentative bite out of it. As she chewed it for a moment, she dropped it on the chair before coughing painfully. ‘O-Oh god that’s sour!’ She clutched her throat before feeling a painful sensation coursing over her tongue.

‘I-It was poisoned!’ She cringed in pain fearing the worst before it suddenly began to die away. After a few moments the pain stopped entirely leaving her mouth feeling rather dry. Panting she tried to catch her breath but felt her throat spasming as it ached for something to drink.

“Huh, so that’s what happens when a human eats a marberry… fascinating.” Alexis froze upon hearing the elegant voice. ‘I-It’s… beautiful…’ Looking up her eyes locked onto the colossal demoness as she watched her carefully.

“It’s rude to stare pet, I would think your master’s would have taught you as much.” The Succubus tsked making Alexis fall back in shock. “Y-Y-YOU CAN SPEAK?! S-SPEAK THALASSIAN?!” The Succubus looked at her befuddled. “What is Thal-ass-ian?”

Alexis shook her head shocked, what the hell happened. “I’m sorry my dear but I don’t speak… Thalassian was it?” The succubus rolled the word for a moment before chuckling. “I’ve never even heard of such a word before. What a strange thing to hear from a human, even one as unique as you.”

Now it was Alexis’s turn to look befuddled. “H-Human? I’m… I’m not a human I’m a Blood Elf.” Looking Alexis over curiously, the Succubus grinned. “Interesting… I’ve never seen a Blood Elf… Are you sure you’re not a human your skins pinkish like theirs”. “I’m not a human alright!”

Alexis covered her mouth looking away. “Feisty… Well pet, as I was saying, I’m not speaking Thalassian, you’re merely speaking Eredun.” Alexis shook her head confused. “How the hell am I speaking demonic? I haven’t mastered it yet. I couldn’t even understand you a minute ago!”  The demoness chuckled shaking her head in clear amusement.

“Have another taste pet,” she reached down picking up the berry Alexis had dropped before presenting it before her. The redhead looked at it then her before scowling. “You’re joking right… I nearly died last time!” Alexis flinched as the Succubus broke into a fit of giggles.

“O-Oh pet… your just to amusing. I knew saving you would be worth it, you’ve already made me smile more than I have in the last century.” Alexis was going to retort but whatever she was about to say died. ‘She… she did save me…’ “Eat.” She pushed the berry forward pressing it forcefully in Alexis’s hands.

Looking down at the round, lush red berry, she sighed. “If I die I’m going to haunt you.”, “I’ll take my chances, eat.” Pressing the berry to her lips she took a bite out of it cringing before her eyes widened in surprise. ‘This… this taste’s… wonderful!’ Immediately she began eating it with gusto.

It was sweet, sweeter than anything she had ever tasted. Sweeter then revenge the she wanted so desperately. The succubus smiled as she watched Alexis eating franticly as she ravaged the nearly finished berry. “Hmm, I wonder why the poison hasn’t taken effect yet.” Alexis coughed, nearly dropping the berry before glaring at the demoness.

“Mock me if you want but, why does… why does it taste so good? I couldn’t stand this thing before, it was just so… bitter.” The demoness tapped her cheek for a moment before sticking out her tongue. “There’s no need to be rude…” Grinning, she flicked her fork like tongue around before retracting it.

“Why not try it?” Blinking, Alexis scowled before sticking out her tongue, her eyes widening in fear. “Wah?! Wah the hell di yu do u ee?!” shaking her head the demoness chuckled. “Well that certainly wasn’t Eredun.”

Retracting her tongue, Alexis growled angrily at her. “What did you do to me?! Why is my tongue… like, like this!?” She stuck her pointed, demonic tongue out, now much longer than that of an elf’s. Reaching into the small bowl, the Succubus picked up one of the berries before smiling dreamily.

“Marberries… there treasured by Succubae for their divine flavor. Harvested once every decade, there sought after by all for their unique properties. One of which is the taint they carry. The more potent they are, the sweeter the taste. My guess is it tainted you. I wonder what would happen if you ate them all? Maybe you’d grow other demonic features. I think a little tail for my little pet would look cute don’t you?” Alexis blushed looking away.

“I’m not your pet why do you keep calling me that!” the Succubus frowned placing the berry back in the bowl. “Have you given me a name? I suppose I could call you human but that seems worse than pet.” ”I’m not a human!” taking a deep breath, Alexis tried to calm herself knowing her anger was always trying to escape her.

“Alexis… My name’s Alexis Sorrowmourne.” The Succubus smiled as she extended one of her delicate, clawed fingers. “Lilimlieleotha” Alexis blinked, was that even a name? Shaking her finger, she sighed. “C-could… could I call you something shorter?” The Succubus giggled as she leaned back in the chair they both sat on.

“You may call me Lilith then. It’s the name my sister had taken upon her enslavement.” Alexis froze hearing that last part. ‘E-Enslavement? Does she mean by a warlock, wait! D-Does… does she know I-I’m a warlock?’ Hearing the part about her sister being enslaved made her sweat a bit.

Seeing her nervous demeanor Lilith raised her hand before pressing it behind Alexis. “Sit with me, I miss holding you.” Alexis shivered before doing what she was told, was she really in any position to decline? As she was placed on the Succubus’s lap, she suddenly felt a warmth run over her.

‘W-why… why do I feel so… good?’ It was like her body was being cascaded in a gentle warm glow easing her body… Lilith watched amused as Alexis slowly leaned back before lying down on her completely. “By all means make yourself comfortable.”

Ignoring her, Alexis did just that as she lay there quietly. As she felt Lilith’s finger running over her back she knew she had to ask this sooner or later. “Are… are you going to kill me?”,” Maybe, I haven’t really decided yet.” Lilith said somewhat seriously unnerving the redhead.

“If… if you want to kill me please just do it… I don’t want to be fed hope, that’s cruller then any death.” The Demoness raised her brow as she stared at her. “Eager to die? Perhaps you see life not worth living?” Alexis scoffed before turning to the side to look away from her.

“That’s none of your concern…” frowning, Lilith’s tail moved up before wrapping around Alexis. “Well now you have me intrigued. “Tell me how did you come to be here in the first place?” Looking down, she remained quiet but that didn’t stop Lilith from pointing her finger at Alexis.

“I could just as easily rip the memories from your mind. But doing that would force you to relive them. Do you really want to be chased by a pack of imps once more?” Gritting her teeth Alexis glared at her. “I bit off more than I could chew!” she screamed at her angrily.

“Let me guess, you tried to summon something and it wasn’t something you could control. You warlocks are all the same.” She smirked. Alexis’s eyes widened. ‘S-she knew I was one all along? Then why did she save me!’

“Why did you rescue me before? I would think you’d hate warlocks since they enslaved your sister.” The Succubus twitched slightly but didn’t bat an eyelash at her snide remark. “I had no clue you were a warlock when I came and found you. I just felt a foreign magic enter one of the domains near me and I wanted to find out what it was. The fact it was a tiny warlock, especially one as cute as you only made my find all the better.” Lilith chuckled. “C-C-Cute?!” Alexis stuttered blushing heavily. The Succubus smirked moving her face closer.

“Well of course my sweet. You’re a creature I’ve never seen before but your body is most definitely… delicious,” Lilith licked her lips. Alexis shivered hearing the lust in her tone. “Does it not surprise you that I find you attractive? I am a succubus you know.” Lilith giggled laying back in her chair as she dangled Alexis over her.

 ‘She… she thinks I’m cute…’ Looking away she took a deep breath trying to calm herself. “C-Can you put me down…” Lilith frowned wagging her finger. “Aww my little Alexis can ask nicer than that, can’t she~?” Gritting her teeth, Alexis took another breath. “Can you please put me down…? I don’t like being held like this.”

Lilith giggled waving Alexis around. “Alright now say it again but much cuter and raise your hand a bit, as you say my name sultrily~”, “LILITH PUT ME DOWN ALREADY!” The Demoness laughed happily as she set her down. “Now that’s the reaction I wanted. You were so feisty just moments ago but then you began to fake it. Why act humble to something that might kill you on a whim?”

“Because flattery’s my only weapon at this size.” Alexis grumbled before blinking as she felt herself slowly being placed down on Lilith’s bare stomach. “Aww, we succubae do enjoy flattery but you know what we like more, the truth.”

The Blood elf looked at her confused, but shivered as she saw the demoness’s serious expression. “You tried to avoid it before but I want to know. Why do you care so little about your life? You taunted a demon ten times your stature. That’s not what any rational human would do in your position so why did you?”

Looking away Alexis said nothing. Raising her tail up, Lilith pointed the tip at her head. “I’ll rip the memories from your mind if you don’t tell me. You’ll relive every one if you don’t answer me!” Lilith hissed angrily, her jocular demeanor now gone to be replaced with a much darker one.

Shivering, she clenched her eyes looking away. “I won’t tell you… I won’t tell anyone my past, and I know your bluffing. Succubae can’t take people’s memories!” Lilith’s eyes began to glow a blood red as her anger started to drip out of her very being.

“Do I look like a regular Succubus to you?” before Alexis could say anything the air began to grow heavy as she suddenly coughed in pain, a crushing pressure soon surrounding her making her fall to her knee’s. ‘W-W-What… What is t-this?!’

Lilith moved her tail closer before gently pressing the tip to Alexis’s forehead. “I warned you…” Alexis looked up in fear as the tip glowed brightly. Suddenly images began to flash over her mind making her heart ache. “N-NO, S-S-STOP, STOP!” Alexis screamed as she felt all her painful memories suddenly surge forward dragging her along for the ride…



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~Eversong Wood’s 12 years ago ~



“Happy birthday Alexis!” A young blood elf looked up before smiling happy. “Thank you aunty.” An older blood elf smiled warmly before kneeling down to present the young elf with a small box. “This gift came all the way from Northrend Alexis. Your parents sent it to me to give to you on your birthday.

Alexis’s smile faded before she nodded quietly. “T-Thank you… but, are they not back yet?” The elder elf frowned before looking down disheartened. “No… your parents are still in Icecrown. It could still be some time till they return… B-But don’t be sad Alexis, I’m sure things are going in our favor and they’ll be back before you know it.”

Alexis nodded solemnly before turning to leave. “I’m going to play outside for a bit…” The older elf frowned but nodded none the less leaving Alexis be. Leaving her current residence, Alexis walked down the quiet streets of Silvermoon as she cradled the small box she had been given.

‘Mommy… Daddy…’ It had been 6 months since her parents had left for Northrend to fight against the Scourge threatening there continent. Her parents had been a part of the Blood Knights, a branch of Paladins in the horde sworn to protect the capital against threats both in and out of the city.

Upon being called to arms, her parents knew they couldn’t take her to Northrend. At the age of 5 she was just too young. Instead leaving her with her aunt, they both traveled to Northrend to do their part for both Silvermoon, and the horde.

However… Alexis moved to a small bench before sitting down quietly. ‘You said you’d be back in a few months…’ Sniffling lightly she shook away her tears before looking down at the small package they had sent her.

Reaching for the red ribbon holding it closed, she tugged it aside before pulling the lid away. Inside sat a small blue gem shaped in the form of a tear. As she pulled it out, a small card revealed itself to her resting at the bottom.

Alexis placed the strange pendant down before looking at the card curiously. “Dear Alexis, Your father and I miss you so much. The fight against The Lich King is going well, he’s been cornered in his citadel, and I believe this war will be coming to an end soon.

We know that you miss us just as much as we miss you. Please stay strong. You’re a Sorrowmourne after all. I hope you like the present we left you, it was a gift we received in a place known as Dragonblight. It was a gem from the queen of the red Dragon flight, Alexstrasza.

Keep it close to your heart and may it bless you and your future. We’ll see you soon…”

Alexis watched as her tears dripped on the card. This was the first thing she had received from her parents in months. Sniffling a bit, she wiped her tears aside before picking the pendant back up. ‘Alexstrasza…’ The name was familiar but she didn’t know much about dragons.

Lifting the tear shaped gem up she let the sun shine through it cascading her face in a beautiful cerulean light. “Thank you mommy…” Alexis smiled before putting the necklace on, admiring its appearance before tucking the small box away in her small dress.

Feeling a bit better now, she hopped off the bench before walking back towards her aunt’s home. As she walked her eyes traveled all around as she watched Blood Elves left and right as they worked hard. Being in the city was still unique in her eyes.

Her real home was in the country side of Eversong but being forced to live with her aunt in the city wasn’t so bad, although she did miss her friends… Looking around she sighed quietly. After months of living here she hadn’t met a single blood her age that wanted to be friends with her.

The few she did meet just made fun of her for some reason, she never even did anything to them! Feeling her loneliness returning she began walking faster as she hung her head in sadness. ‘Please come home soon… I don’t like it here…’

Suddenly she fell backwards as she collided with someone. “Hey watch where you’re going!” Rubbing her head, Alexis looked up before going silent. Standing over her was a young elf no older than 6 or 7. She wore dark robes giving her a rather unusual look compared to most that adorned red or gold.

Her hair was a dark shade of black giving her clothes an even darker vibe but what truly caught Alexis’s attention were her eyes. Shivering slightly she remained speechless as she saw the young elf’s eyes piercing her, she felt frozen… but, not with fear… something else she never felt before.

“Are you listening?” Snapping out of it Alexis got to her feet before bowing slightly. “S-S-Sorry… I, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going…” the dark haired elf looked at her quizzically before nodding. “Just be careful from now on. Some of the adults around here can be rather mean when you interrupt them.”

Taking her warning to heart, Alexis was about to thank her but she had already began to walk away. Feeling something inside her clench she stuttered a bit as she tried to speak up. “M-M-Miss?” The young elf stopped before craning her neck back.

“Yes?”, ”U-Umm… c-can I ask your name?” Turning back, she smiled before walking over to Alexis and extending her cloaked hand. “Alessa… Alessa Draven.” Alexis shivered nodding silently. “And you?” blushing, Alexis rubbed the back of her head sheepishly before bowing again.

“A-A-Alexis… Sorrowmourne! I, I mean my name it’s, Alexis Sorrowmourne…” she stammered before shaking Alessa’s hand. The young elf smiled before waving to her. “See you around then, Alexis.” And with that she turned leaving Alexis in a stupor.

Time passes by as Alexis looked in the direction Alessa had left. It was only when she noticed the light leaving the sky when she realized how late it was. Looking around she blinked confused before she began to walk quietly back to her aunt’s house.

“A-Alessa…” Blushing, she tried to figure out what she felt for that strange girl but shrugged it off. Upon returning her aunt had berated her for staying out so late but she didn’t care. She suddenly didn’t feel so lonely anymore, just hopeful…

‘Alessa… I hope I’ll see you again…’





It had been a few weeks since Alexis’s birthday and one thing plagued had her mind since. “Alessa…” Muttering quietly, Alexis turned the corner of the street she was on as she looked around with hope. Each day she would go out for a walk hoping to find that strange elf she met on her birthday but every night it ended the same, with her finding no sign of her and her aunt mad that she was gone so long.

Turning the corner she frowned as she saw the vacant streets again. ‘M-Maybe… maybe I imagined her… I was lonely after all, what if I just thought I met her, wait what if she was just a dream?!’ Alexis pondered the idea but shook her head angrily.

“No, no, no! I know I met her… but who is she and why can’t I stop thinking about her!” Growling angrily she kicked her foot on the ground before turning back, it was starting to get late again. Hanging her head in shame she sighed before following the pathway she had searched over that day.

‘Maybe she’s from the country to and she was only visiting for a day… I guess if that’s true I’ll never see her again…’ Feeling her heart ache she grumbled quietly before suddenly falling backwards as she collided with someone.

“Owe… ok seriously we need to stop meeting like this,” An agitated voice caught her attention making Alexis look up in shock. Sitting on her rear as she rubbed her head in agitation was none other than the girl she had been looking for.

“A-A-Alessa, y-you’re here?!” The young elf looked up at her confused. “Why wouldn’t I be here I live here?” Alexis’s eyes lit up upon hearing that. “R-Really?! So, umm… w-where do you live exactly?” Alessa got to her feet before giving Alexis an odd look.

“Why do you care…?” Blushing, Alexis rubbed her arm embarrassedly. “W-Well… I’ve kind of been looking, for you I mean…” Alessa eyed her curiously before frowning. “I live in the royal palace with my family.” Alexis’s eyes widened in shock, she was a royal?!

“W-W-Wait, y-your royalty?!” Scoffing, Alessa shook her head before dusting her dark gown off. “I’m not a Regent Lord like our king; I’m just a part of the clergy who reside there. My parents are the Draven’s. There the head priests and clerics of Silvermoon.”

Alexis looked up at Alessa in awe. “Wow that’s so cool! My parents are kind of like yours I guess, there paladins.” Alessa looked at her oddly before sighing. “There entirely different…” Before Alexis could apologize for her statement Alessa turned to leave but was stopped prematurely.

“W-W-WAIT!” Sighing in annoyance she looked back giving the young elf a vexed glare. “What is it now? I’m going to get in trouble if I’m gone too long.” Fearing she might not see her for a while, Alexis extended her hand shakily. “C-C-Can… Can we be f-friends?”

Silence passed between the two elves making Alexis fear her response before her hand was cupped by Alessa’s. “Sure… but don’t stalk me again, that’s just creepy.” She muttered before turning to leave. As Alexis watched her walk away she felt saddened but overjoyed at the same time… she had found a friend…




Alexis smiled happily as she sat with Alessa. It had been two months since she had become friends with her and life had begun looking better. Her parents were still in Northrend but the loneliness she felt before was all but gone.

Every day she would go out and meet up with Alessa and they would go to different districts together. It seemed like they had a lot in common. Alessa was an only child like herself. Her parents both healed people and she was trying to take after them. Not to mention she was her only friend. It made her feel somewhat honored…

Lying back on the grass Alexis sighed contently as she basked in the sun. ‘I never want this to end…’ Feeling a soft weight on her lap, Alexis looked up before her cheeks dusted red. “A-A-Alessa?” The young elf blinked looking up as she saw Alexis face over hers.

“Yes?”, ”W-W-Why are you laying on me?” Alessa scowled as her head nuzzled itself a bit in her lap. “Because I don’t want my hair to get filthy and your laps comfortable, do I bother you that much?” Alexis shook her head with worry. “N-N-NO, NO, NO, NO! I, I didn’t mean anything by It I swear!” Alessa shrugged before closing her eyes again.

As Alexis watched her friend laying there her heart began to beat faster, the strange feeling from before increasing. ‘W-Why do you always make me feel like this!’ Shaking her head she frowned still not understanding what these feeling were.

“Hey Alexis… What do you plan to do when you grow up?” Alexis looked down at her friend confused. “W-When I grow up? Well…” The statement hung for a moment as she tried to think of a response. She honestly had no clue.

“Well I guess I want to be like my parents and protect the city. Why?” Alessa scoffed quietly as she nuzzled her head to get more comfortable. “That’s it? You’re thinking to small again, what have I told you about doing that?”

Blushing, Alexis looked away unsure of what she wanted her to say. “I know what I’m going to do when I’m older. I’m leaving this place…” Alexis’s eyes widened in shock, her only friend was going to leave?! “W-Why, w-where will you go?”, “I don’t know… Anywhere but here, I hate it. All the joy people have for this place, I can’t even fathom it.” She muttered bitterly before opening her dark eyes.

“You should leave to you know.” Alexis looked down unsure. “I… I don’t know… I don’t think I’d be able to.” Sighing again, the dark haired elf leaned up much to Alexis’s dismay before pulling her knees into her chest.

“This city… it doesn’t matter does it? What’s the point of being in a place where no one will appreciate you anyways?” Alexis frowned before matching Alessa’s stature. “What about your family? I thought you were training to be a priest. You’d be helping lots of people.”

Alessa brooded silently as she lifted her hand up. “My powers aren’t anything special. I can’t even cast a flash heal yet. Not to mention there’s people flocking the clergy to be priests. I wouldn’t be special.” Alexis’s eyes widened in shock, before she cupped Alessa’s hand.

“D-Don’t say that! You are special! You’re the most special person I know!” Alessa looked up at her before smiling. “Thanks but… I still think I’m going to leave when I grow up. Who knows maybe you can come with me.”

Chuckling softly, she laid her head back on Alexis lap but received no response as Alexis sat in silence, her cheeks a bright shade of red as she tried to imagine her future… with Alessa.






“I can’t believe your taking me here, I’m so excited!” Alexis chirped giddily as she walked through the halls of the royal palace. “Keep it down, if they find out I brought someone else here, I’ll get in trouble.” Alessa hissed causing the young elf to look down saddened.

“S-S-Sorry… maybe I should just go, I don’t want to get you in trouble…” Alessa stopped before grabbing Alexis’s hand. “Just come with me… everything will be fine…” Blushing, she nodded as she followed her friend down the large corridors of the palace.

As they walked, Alessa suddenly stopped as they stood in front of a draped hallway. “What’s this place?” Alessa remained quiet as a dark smile graced her lips. “This is the hall where all the treasures of Silvermoon are kept. After the war on our city, all artifacts that were recovered were taken here for safety.”

Alexis looked at the corridor in wonder. This was news to her, she had no idea such a place existed. “Come on,” Alessa muttered quietly before dragging Alexis with her. “W-W-Wait?! Where going inside?! W-Why?!”

Alessa stopped before sighing again. “I want to show you something. Trust me…” Hearing her words a chill ran down her spine but she brushed it off. “A-All right.” As Alexis walked inside the darkly lit room, she gazed at different pedestals containing varies objects with wonder.

“This is amazing…”, “Indeed…” As they walked further in, Alessa moved very carefully before stopping in front of an altar. “Take a look at this.” Alexis looked up before her eyes glowed brightly. Sitting atop a porcelain pedestal was a small flouting gem, being bathed within holy light.

The gem was very well designed with rich textures and a brilliant ruby hue. “W-What… what is it?” Alessa grinned pushing Alexis a bit closer. “This is our clergy’s greatest treasure, The Eye of Divinity.” Alexis felt warm just looking at it. It was almost as if it pulsated with life!

“This gem was used back in the third war by one of Azeroth’s greatest priests. It rested in the center of her staff imbuing her with unimaginable holy powers. They called it Benediction.” It was truly a sight to behold. “Where’s the staff if belonged to?”

Alessa frowned before looking down. “It was shattered… The fragments of it where cast far away leaving it bare. Alone the gem is truly powerful but when combined with its other parts it created a weapon unlike any other. Would you care to hold it?”

Alexis froze as she looked at Alessa clearly shocked by her statement. “H-H-Hold it?! B-But this is your family’s greatest treasure! What if something happened to it? W-What if I dropped it or worse?!” Alessa chuckled calmly before stepping closer to it.

“The gem can’t be broken. Its power makes it indestructible. That’s the reason why it’s the only piece of Benediction left.” Alexis looked at the gem conflicted. A part of her did want to hold it since she would probably never get the opportunity again but… the uneasy feeling from before was returning.

“M-Maybe… maybe I shouldn’t…” Feeling a hand on her shoulder she froze before looking over at Alessa. “Trust me… I’ll watch the entrance to the hall and you can take the opportunity to admire it, I know you want to.” Moving her hand back and forth she gently massaged Alexis shoulder making her blush.

“W-W-Well… ok…” Walking behind her, Alessa stepped back leaving Alexis to herself. ‘S-Should I really be doing this?’ As she admired the gem she took a step closer, then another, and another. Soon she stood right in front of it. Before it even dawned on her what was going on the gem was in her hands as she felt the radiating feeling from before pulsing through her palms.

“Wow… it feels so… so…”,”Addicting?” Jumping, Alexis nearly dropped the gem as she turned in fear. “A-Alessa you said you’d watch the door, what if someone came in?!” Alessa’s smile twitched before she chuckled darkly. “It’s kind of moot considering the royal guards are coming here now.”

Alexis froze before her eyes widened in shock. “W-W-WHAT?! W-WE HAVE TO GO NOW THEN!”, “Why?” Alexis looked at her friend confused before she felt her body freezing up. “W-What’s… w-what’s h-happening to me?!”

The dark chuckle from before continued before Alessa stepped forward. “You know, I probably should have mentioned this before but… that gem also has a dark past. You see it wasn’t always holy. It used to be called something else entirely… The Eye of Shadow.”

Alexis struggled as she tried to move but it was as if her whole body was being restricted by something dark and malevolent. “The staff it belonged to was called Anathema, and it was the ultimate weapon for a certain type of priest.” Looking to her friend with fear she felt her heart ache as she saw her remaining calm and collect.

“A-A-Alessa, p-please I’m scared what’s going on?!” Alessa smirked before her body slowly started to fade as it was engulfed in shadows. “Do you want to know what’s going on? I used you… You’ve been my puppet for months and you were too desperate and naive to realize it.”

Lifting her hand up, she reached towards Alexis before taking the gem from her. As she lifted it in front of her face the ruby coloring on it began to fade before a dark purple began to shine. “You want to know what’s going on. You’ve been played!”

Tears fell from Alexis’s eyes but before she could say anything she collapsed in pain as shadowy spikes entered her mind rendering her unconscious. The shadows around Alessa faded before she looked at the Eye.

“Goodbye Alexis… I almost had feelings for you…” As she was about to leave she gave Alexis one last look before reaching down. With a snap she tugged off a small blue tear shaped gem from her neck. “I doubt you’ll miss this…”

Walking away she left Alexis unconscious where she lay…




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~ 3 days later ~



“Answer me! How did you get into the Sunfury Spire!” Alexis screamed in pain as her shackles ignited with fire as the blood knight known as Vranesh tapped the chains with his sword. Pulling it away Alexis went quiet as she hung there limp.


“Ready to talk?” Alexis craned her neck as she cried in pain. “I didn’t… steal it…” Vranesh cursed in some language she didn’t understand before stabbing his sword back in the chains. New waves of screams echoed underneath the blood knight halls as he tried to receive answers from the young elf but the results were always the same.

Pulling his fiery sword back she glared at Alexis before stepping away. As Champion Vranesh walked into the next room he growled in anger. “Has she told you anything yet?” Looking up, he scowled before shaking his head. “My deepest apologizes Lord Lor'themar… she’s, different. I haven’t been able to get anything from her besides her prior statements.”

Lor'themar looked stricken as he folded his arms. “She claims that the daughter of our high priests let her in and framed her… do you think it’s possible we over looked her?” Vranesh scoffed before looking over his shoulder.

I had my men look into Alessa Draven, she’s clean. No prior incidents and no friends to date. She stays in doors mostly and studies. She’s the ideal student to her teacher’s and has never lied nor stolen from her family. Do you honestly believe she could be capable of an atrocity like this? Framing a child into stealing one of our cities greatest treasures and remaining inconspicuous of it all?”

Lor’themar frowned before looking over at Alexis’s limp form. “This doesn’t sit well with me, but… people are getting restless about this…” Sighing he turned to leave before stopping at the entrance of the room. “I’ll send Grand Magister Rommath here by nightfall… I need some time to think this through.” He muttered, clearly troubled before leaving Vranesh with his prisoner.

As he was about to leave however, a grim expression played over his features. “Did her mother have anything to say on this matter?” Vranesh scowled before looking down. “The women we talked to apparently wasn’t her mother, in fact she didn’t even seem to have any recollection of anyone by the name of Alexis Sorrowgrave. I’m not sure if she’s covering for her or not but just to be safe I’d suggest you let me do some checks on her to.”

Lor’themar’s mood soured upon hearing this but he nodded none the less. “I’ll leave matters up to you then.” Now alone, Vranesh sighed knowing this incident wouldn’t end well. Turning back to Alexis he brandished his sword before walking towards her. “Let’s try this again… What did you do with The Eye of Divinity?” Tapping his sword on her chains he glared at her hatefully as she remained quiet.

“Have it your way…”






Alexis covered her ears as she sat on her broken orphanage bed. All around her she could hear them, their voices as they teased and bullied her… she hated them all. A pounding on her door made her glare at the wooden wall in anger.

“Come out or we’ll tell the matron on you!” Hearing the loud laughter outside she bit back her tears before going to the door. “What do you wa-“,”Arcane torrent!” One of the blood elf kids laughed as he cast the minor spell. Immediately Alexis’s shackles lit up shocking her painfully as she fell to the floor in anguish.

The group of elves around her laughed happily as they took turns casting there spells. After a while they soon grew bored of Alexis as she remained the same leaving her a spasming heap on the ground. ‘I… h-hate you all…’ Crawling painfully towards her door, she kicked it shut before collapsing, tears freely falling now that she was alone.

This wasn’t life… it was hell… and she was stuck in it…



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~ Memories End, Present ~



Alexis rasped as she fell over on Lilith’s lap motionless, her body frozen in pain both physical and emotional. Everything she felt, every painful day she spent… she just relived them all… 12 years in a matter of seconds…

Her lip trembled before she clenched her eyes, tears falling freely as she tried in desperation to hold them back. It was no use though as she soon broke into fledging tears as she cupped her head trying to hide her face from the demoness.

Lilith however was in a similar state. Her body shook lightly as she trembled from everything she had seen. ‘H-How… cruel…’ visibly shaken, she stared down at Alexis feeling sorrow for her. “Such a cruel fate for someone so young… You truly aren’t human, no human could have put up with what you faced… you really are special…”

Alexis remained quiet as she continued to cry, the pain she felt was just too much. The Succubus moved her tail away from the small blood elf before cupping her in her hands gently. ‘To think you’ve pushed yourself so far… only to be struck by a worse fate…’

Shaking her head, Lilith looked up thoughtful as she tried to figure out what she felt. Seeing Alexis’s broken state was… not what she wanted. Pulling the elf closer, she stroked her back protectively as she held her.

Silenced passed between the two for a long time before Alexis finally stopped crying and remained motionless. “…” Looking down, she uncovered Alexis enough to hear her. “Please… don’t make me relive that again… Do anything you want to me I don’t care… b-but… but not that…” Alexis whimpered as she pulled her knees towards her chest.

It seemed her mental state was in worse shape than her being. Lilith frowned as she lifted Alexis up before resting her in front of her face. “You’ve been patient… for years you’ve been patient and waited, all for revenge.” Alexis shivered knowing her deepest secrets where all known.

“You want to hunt her down… this, Alessa-“, “DON’T SAY HER NAME!” Alexis shrieked as she clawed her way to her hands and knees. “Betrayal wasn’t the only thing you felt that day… As a Succubus it’s a foreign feeling to us but we know what heartbreak is all the same…” Alexis glared at Lilith enraged.

“I NEVER LIKED HER!”,” No you loved her…” Screaming, she slammed her hands on Lilith’s palm shaking her head angrily. “Y-You’re… You’re wrong!” Growling, the demoness’s tail came up before resting in front of her head. “Do you want to go down memory lane again? No? Then admit it! I know your thoughts and memories do not lie to me!”

Alexis quivered as she fell back to her knees. She was powerless… she couldn’t do anything to stop this demon… her future was, over… Lilith frowned before her tail moved back down. “You want revenge and you won’t stop till you get it will you?”

Alexis remained quiet but… tilting her head up she glared venomously at her before nodding. “I don’t care if I die… I’ll find a way to come back… I don’t care if I need to claw my way back, I’ll kill her…” Lilith’s lips twitched into a smile as her eyes began to fade into a glowing red.

“Then I’ve made up my mind…  Alexis Sorrowmourne… I’ve decided that you shall be my bond mate.” Alexis froze feeling a shiver run through her. “B-B-Bond M-Mate?!” The Succubus grinned, setting Alexis down next to her before crossing her legs.

“Indeed. How much do you know about Succubae?” Before Alexis could reply Lilith’s hand rose. “That’s rhetorical I know your mind inside and out…” scowling, the blood elf looked away but remained listening. “A bond mate… is different for every Succubus.”

Lilith’s eyes glowed brighter as she smiled dreamily. “A miss conception of Succubae is that as demons we live eternal… that however is false. Everything dies, even Succubae.” She whispered quietly before looking back at Alexis.

“When a Succubus beds another, they take part of that person’s life, not by choice but by necessity. For every drop of life we take, our own grows. This gave humans the understanding that we lived indefinitely. But… we can only take so much before the person we’re with die away.”

Her face darkened a bit as she looked back up. “All Succubae enjoy pleasure, we live for it… but what we truly crave is someone we can love… someone we can be with who will never die because of us… someone we can ravage endlessly!” Licking her lips, her eyes landed back on Alexis causing her to shake in visible fear.

“You Alexis… You are my mate.” The blood elf remained silent before her eyes widened. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! YOU’RE INSANE! WHY THE HELL WOULD I WANT TO BE WITH A DEMON LIKE YOU!” Regretting her outburst she looked down fearfully but only received a knowing look from the Succubus.

“We don’t choose out Bond Mates, they are chosen… When I found you out there… I felt you. You were different, alluring… I had to find you and now I know why. You are my Bond Mate whether you like it or not Alexis, and that means I’ll do anything to have you.” Lilith grinned as her tail flicked back and forth eagerly.

The Blood Elf backed up a bit but screamed as she was shoved forward by Lilith’s tail. “A Bond Mate is a tricky thing… the reason there special is because we can’t just force them to be with us… if we do the bond is broken. It must be willing.” Alexis’s eyes landed on Lilith’s before she glared angrily.

“I ALREADY TOLD YOU I’D NEVER BE WITH A M-MATE TO A DEMON!” Lilith smiled happily as she moved one of her elegant finger’s under Alexis chin. “Even if I can make your wish come true?” Time seemingly slowed as Alexis’s eyes widened.

‘S-She… She can’t mean…’ Smiling, Lilith stood up before kneeling on the ground before Alexis. “I can be your revenge. I know you want it, and I can be the weapon which harbingers your wrath.” Images flashed over her mind causing her anger to boil.

“Why…” Lilith looked up curiously but visible flinched from the gaze she was receiving. “WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?! Y-YOU’RE JUST TRICKING ME, YOU REALLY ARE A DEMON!” Lilith’s glared back at Alexis as the air around her grew dense.

“I can be your revenge…”, “SHUT UP!”, “I can be the one to help you.”, “I-I SAID STOP!””MAKE ME STOP THEN!” Lilith hissed angrily. Alexis, grit her teeth as her fists clenched anger like never before pouring out of her.

“You might be my bond mate but you’re weak! You’re mortal! You’re powerless!” Lilith hissed again before her hands rested on both sides of Alexis. “If I so wanted I could crush you with the flick of my wrist! You wouldn’t even have to be the size of a pet for me to do so!”

“THEN WHY DON’T YOU!” both Lilith and Alexis glared at one another before the Succubus calmed slightly. “I need you Alexis…” The blood elf’s eyes widened slightly upon hearing the gentle tone from Lilith. “N-Need me? For what?”

Looking crestfallen Lilith’s tail fell. “My time’s almost up… I’m going to die soon.” Her statement caught Alexis completely off guard as she backed up. “W-W-WAIT W-WHAT?! What do you mean you’re going to die?!” Chuckling, the Demoness shook her head.

“I already told you, we Succubae steal life to survive… and mine’s about up.” Alexis’s brain tried to process this but she kept coming up with blanks. “W-Why… why not just take some life then, why didn’t you just take mine if you were so desperate?!”

“I made a pact… and it’s been my curse to bare for centuries…” Alexis froze hearing that word. “A… A Pact?” Lilith nodded quietly as she lifted her left palm up. Resting just underneath her palm was a small rune etched circle seemingly scarred into her wrist.

“I was a fool…” Lilith muttered bitterly as she gave Alexis a forlorn look. “When I was young I heard stories of our kind finding Bond Mates… and I thought I found mine.” The air around Lilith grew warmer before scolding as her anger rose.

“W-W… what happened?” The demoness clenched her fist before looking away. “I was wrong… and for my arrogance I was left with this.” She flashed the symbol once again. “The pact I made is still there. A pact can never be broken once made… they’re the only thing eternal about us.”

Alexis felt her anger all but evaporate now as she heard the pain in Lilith’s voice, it was like her own. “What’s it doing?” Sighing Lilith slouched a bit as she traced the symbol over. “I can only mate with my bond mate… and no one else.”

Alexis’s eyes widened in shock. ‘S-She can’t be with anyone else but someone who she may never even met?! That’s insane who would make that pact!’ Lilith’s eyes looked up a bit before falling. “It’s been 4 centuries since I received it… and I’ve been with no one since.”

Her voice was shallow… needy, in pain. “This is why I’ll do anything for you Alexis… You’re my Bond Mate.” Lilith looked up as she bowed her head as bit. “I’ll do anything, and give you anything you wish if you’ll make a pact with me.”

Her words hung in the air as Alexis remained silent. ‘She’s desperate… and… and this is a second chance but…’ the words she had once heard rang in her mind. ‘Never make a pact…’ Lilith looked up worried upon seeing Alexis’s scorned face.

“I… I don’t-““Hear me out…” Looking up, she sighed before nodding. “The pact I offer to you will be completed upon your death.” Lilith said sternly, causing the elf to shiver at her tone. “I offer you myself. I will be your willing minion, your weapon of revenge, your shield against all foes… your loyal pet…” She muttered the last part as a whisper before staring back up.

“And in exchange, when your revenge is met or you die a death beyond my control, I’ll claim you as mine.” Her eyes began to glow a light shade of red as she smiled. “I’ll take your afterlife away from you, and make you mine.” Alexis shuttered hearing her words but remained quiet as silence passed between her and Lilith.

“You’ll be powerful with me… I’m far stronger than anything you can ever hope to control Alexis, I assure you this… your revenge will come, and with me, as soon as you wish…” Time seemed to slow once more as Alexis let her words hang in the air.

“W-what… what will you do to me when the time comes?” Lilith licked her lips before trailing one of her fingers underneath Alexis’s chin again. “You’ll die… and I’ll take you with me back here. Think of it as an eternity of pleasure… for the both of us that is,” She chuckled the last part shivering with excitement.

“You will belong to me and obey me without question, just like I will serve you in every way.” The thought of death was nothing new to her but hearing it so clearly given… it gave her a feeling of unease. “A-And… and if I refuse…” Lilith scowled resting her chin on her palm.

“Then I’ll release you… I’ll die away and then you will to. Tell me, how long do you think you’ll last outside of my protection here?” Her hand moved around the room. “This world… it’s not meant for mortal beings… If it wasn’t for me, you’d be a magnet to them all.” She whispered quietly before eyeing Alexis over.

Alexis shivered at the thought. It was bad enough being chased by a pack of imps but what other horrors lurked on this world. She didn’t even know where this world was for that matter. Knowing the question still hung, so many other questions came to mind.

“W-Will… Will it hurt…?” Lilith’s eyes glowed brighter as she smiled. “Maybe for a little bit but the pleasure that follows is well worth it I assure you. When a Succubus tells you that, you have to know it’s true.” She chuckled darkly before moving her hands around Alexis.

“H… How do I k-know you’ll keep your promise and give me my revenge?” Lilith’s eyes darkened a bit as she scowled. “You don’t…” Alexis looked up angered but saw Lilith’s wrist or more where the pact was she had shown her.

“A pact is a contract created by two. It cannot be broken until both ends of the contract are met. To break it… is impossible. Attempting to do so… lead’s to fate we demons can’t fathom.” Her tone was one of fear, making Alexis shiver at the thought.

“With my word I promise to you, you’ll receive you revenge you so crave and much more. But if my word is not enough, our pact will be.” Both elf and demon stared at one another before Alexis closed her eyes. “L-Lilith… I’d like to make a p-pact…”

The air around them grew cold as Lilith’s smile broadened. “State the details of our pact.” Gulping in fear, Alexis nodded reciting what she was told. “I… I Alexis would like to make a pact. You will serve me, a-and help me get revenge on the one who’s wronged me. Until that revenge is met or… or I die, you’ll be under my servitude.”

Lilith grinned further bowing her head. “And in return, when the pact is met by your vows I shall in turn come to claim you as my own.” Do you agree to these terms Alexis Sorrowmourn?” Alexis remained quiet for a moment before her eyes hardened.

“I… I do.”, “Then the pact can be made.” Extending her hand, Lilith pointed her finger out before placing her tail over the tip of it. “Extend your hand for me, and the first part of the pact can be made.” Alexis looked at her confused but did as she was instructed.

Moving her tail down she pricked her own finger before a light sheen of green blood formed. Moving her tail over she did the same but in turn stabbed Alexis’s hand making her flinch in pain. “The exchange of fluids is the first part of a pact. We need to give blood to one another for the pact to surface.”

Nodding, Alexis lifted her hand up shakily before Lilith pressed her finger into her palm. The feeling that followed… was something else entirely. Growling in pain, Alexis feel to her knee’s as she felt her hand ignited in pain. Wanting to scream she bit back her tears refusing to show them anymore, she was done crying.

After a minute the pain passed leaving a scorched mark on her hand. “I-Is… Is this the pact?” Lilith chuckled softly as she brushed the burned mark on Alexis’s hand. “No, this is not it. Demon blood has an unusual effect on some. It seems to your kind it’s poisonous. Any more and I could have easily killed you. I’ll have to take note of that in the future.”

Scowling, the Blood elf was about to protest but was silenced as she felt her body lifted up. “Now onto the next part… one I’m looking forward to greatly.” Alexis shivered seeing the ravenous look she was being given. “W-W-What… W-what are you going to do now…?” She whimpered out fearful but got no reply as she was stroked gently.

“The next fluids we must exchange are very special ones…” She whispered huskily before standing up with her. Alexis shook silently as she was taken somewhere by the Succubus. Getting a better view now she had to stare in awe at the rest of the cavern Lilith called home.

It was the same as the room she had been in before, lush furniture, regal designs. She still didn’t have the faintest idea how a demon came into these things but she didn’t have to think on it long as she was lead into a large bedroom. In the center sat a massive bed which looked fit for royalty.

“Wow…” Lilith’s eyes traveled down as she giggled softly at Alexis’s expression. “Just imagine, one day this will be yours to… after your revenge that is.” Blushing Alexis looked down, feeling sadness at the thought. “P-Please just get on with it…”, “As you wish, Mistress.”

Alexis blushed furiously now glaring at Lilith. “D-D-Don’t call me that!”” But you are going to be my Mistress soon, I just want you to get used to it now rather than later.” Growling the elf was about to bite back but stopped as she was placed down on the soft bedspread.

Immediately as she touched the fabric her legs gave out. “W-What’s… what’s h-happening… I… I feel so… good…” She mumbled incoherently as she laid herself on the soft blanket. “For a Succubus, our place of rest is our sanctuary. The more comfortable we feel, the more pleasure and power we have. I’m no different than any other Succubus when it comes to that.”

Sitting next to Alexis, she stroked the soft bed before shuttering. “It’s been so long since I’ve had anyone in here… 4 centuries to be exact. And the last person here was the one I claimed as my bond mate before you…” Her expression turned dark as she glared at nothing in particular.

“For the next part, we must seal the pact…” She whispered quietly before lifting Alexis towards her lush, dark hued lips. “With a kiss,” She hissed quietly as she pressed the small elf’s face into her mouth. Alexis’s eyes widened as she began to struggle.

“W-W-Wait, w-why do we have t-to kiss?!” Lilith stopped before scowling at her new Mistress. “The pact must be made when a demon exchanges parts of them with another… I can do other things to you, but all would end with your premature death sealing our contract sooner…”

Whimpering, she closed her eyes before nodding. “J-Just… Just get it over with then…” Grinning, Lilith continued her kiss as she pressed her soft lips into Alexis’s face. The blood elf, felt the demoness’s wet appendage stroking her face before forcibly pressing it against her mouth.

Struggling slightly, she groaned before opening her own mouth exchanging what she knew she had to. Moaning into the kiss, Lilith pressed Alexis harder into her mouth as she savored the taste. It had been too long since she felt this feeling, it was euphoria…

Seconds turned to minutes and soon Alexis grew restless and out of breath. Pushing herself away, she struggled for a moment before Lilith got the hint and pulled away. Gasping softly, both of them caught there breathe before looking at one another.

“There’s no doubt in my mind… you truly are my bond mate.” Lilith smiled warmly before extending her forked tongue. Alexis gasped slightly as she saw a new rune on the surface of her tongue similar to the one on her wrist.

“W-W-Wait, d-did you just kiss me to put the pact there?!” Blushing, the demoness looked away before smiling. “I told you I could have put it other places…” Gritting her teeth, Alexis struggled to get free of Lilith before she was lifted up.

“The pact is not complete… we still must share one more thing.” Lilith whispered seriously. Feeling the succubus’s grip on her tighten she stopped moving. “W-What else is there I thought you just made the pact.”

Smiling giddily, Lilith stuck her tongue out again before pointing to the dark rune. “It’s not in effect Mistress, its only showing itself to you. For it to be made we must share something else… something we hold close to ourselves.”

Leaning up, Lilith placed Alexis on the bed before spreading her legs apart. Immediately, the small elf’s eyes zoned in on the wet spot between her panty clad legs before blushing furiously. “W-W-WAIT, Y-YOU CAN’T M-MEAN WE… We have to…” She shook her head trying to get rid of the thought.

“N-N-No way! I’m refuse, besides I’m the size of an imp!”, “Well actually you’re about half their size. And there’s ways around this you know,” Lilith purred sultrily before moving her hand behind Alexis. “Just leave everything to me, and the pact will be made. I promise you’ll feel good… when a Succubus tell you this, we never lie.” She smiled warmly before moving her fingers over Alexis’s shoulders.

“Disrobe for me… that is, unless you want your clothes ruined.” She smirked before moving her clawed fingers over the apprentice robes Alexis displayed. The Blood Elf blushed before looking down embarrassed. “C-Could you m-maybe turn around?”, “Not a chance,” Lilith grinned, eyeing Alexis over with anticipation.

Glaring back at her, Alexis whimpered lightly as she began to pull up the robes moving them over her shoulders and discarded as she stood in her white linen bra and panties. “Aww, those aren’t cute. I thought you’d have some lingerie at least, how disappointing.” Lilith wined before receiving a hash glare from the small elf.

“Do I look like I’m trying to show off for someone! “Obviously not, but you could still do a little dance for me if you’d like.”, “HELL NO!” Chuckling, the Demoness picked Alexis up before holding her gently. “Why so stubborn Alexis? I can tell you’re tense but there’s nothing to fear. Even if it’s your first time I’ll be gentle.” Lilith cooed much to Alexis’s shock.

“H-How… how do you know it’s my first time…? I could have…” She wanted to continue but the look she was being given from the Succubus made her feel like a child. “I don’t like repeating myself but I have all you’re memories Mistress. I know everything you did, and have done in your life, and someone else doesn’t fit into either of those categories.”

Blushing, Alexis looked down shyly before feeling her heart beat faster. “Not to mention you smell delicious.” Jumping at her statement, Alexis craned her neck in fear before receiving a befuddled look from the Demoness.

“Succubae can smell when our pray haven’t copulated before. It means there ripe, fresh! There the best kind of meals we could ask for.” Shivering, the Blood Elf looked away again as Lilith’s sharp claws gently pinched her bra.

“You need not feel shy, we are mates after all.” As the white garment was stripped from her chest, Alexis wanted to cover her chest but Lilith’s fingers pinned her hands over her head. “Beautiful… their perfect, so lush and creamy… I can’t fathom how you’ve remained pure for so long…” Her voice was husky as she drank in Alexis’s form.

“P-P-Please… s-stop…” the small elf whimpered looking away. Leaning down, Lilith moved her tongue out before the pointed tip flicked her breast causing the Blood Elf to yip at the strange sensation. “Oh what cute noises you make my dear, I can’t wait to hear you scream.”

Slowly her tongue slithered down Alexis’s navel before poking under the waistband of her panties. “L-Lilith, w-wait, I… AHH!” Alexis screeched as the tip of Lilith’s tongue pressed against her neither lip’s. The Succubus mewed happily as she lapped at Alexis’s core. It had been centuries since she tasted someone else… and she was delectable.

Screaming loudly, Alexis thrashed in the Succubae’s hand as she felt Lilith pressing her tongue in. ‘I-It hurts… Lilith p-please…’ She wanted to speak but all that came out where whimpers and whines as she struggled in vain.

Lilith lapped greedily as her tongue burrowed its way deeper inside of Alexis. Soon the tip hit a barrier however making the Succubus grin widely. “This will hurt for a second, but after that…” She let the sentence hang as her eyes glowed crimson.

Shaking in fear, the Elf nodded, unsure of what to expect. Pressing her tongue deeper, Alexis’s eyes widened as she screamed in pain. It felt like something was ripping from the inside! Crying loudly, Alexis struggled harder but stopped suddenly as she felt a gentle sensation soon flow through her.

Slowly, her breathing became normal as gentle warmth filled her very being. “L-Lilith… what… what is this?” The Succubus smiled as she moved her tongue around very slow, the wet appendage massaging her inner walls.

After a minute or so, she pulled her tongue back showing Alexis the lingering remains of blood. “This pleasure, it’s what I promised”. Alexis’s eyes landed on the pact they had formed earlier now noticing the eerie glow surrounding it.

“My end of the pact has been formed, it’s your turn now mistress.” Lowering Alexis back to the bed she smiled as she set her down gently. “Just relax Mistress. I’ll make this last part painless for you, just drink in my essence as I drank yours and the pact shall be made.” Nodding timidly, Alexis looked forward feeling her breath hitch as she came face to face with Lilith’s crotch.

Cooing some more, the Succubus moved her leather thong to the side displaying her bare, glistening folds for her. The small elf shuddered as a tantalizing smell hit her. “You like it don’t you? It’s calling to you… now go ahead, I’m all yours.” Lilith purred quietly as she gave Alexis a light nudge.

The Blood Elf cupped her heart as she felt it beating rapidly. This feeling, it was almost foreign to her but just barely known. ‘I… I always felt like this when I was with…’ her expression darkened as she looked up at Lilith’s smiling face.

‘She can’t betray me once the pacts made… so why am I so scared then…’ feeling her body move on its own closer towards the Succubus she took a deep breath before closing her eyes. ‘If this is my fate… I’ll take it.’

Lilith’s head fell back as she moaned softly. Alexis’s hands pushed against the Demoness’s outer walls as she tried to pry them open but they wouldn’t budge. Gritting her teeth she was about to call up to Lilith but froze as she felt her hands sucked in.

“L-L-Lilith?!” The succubus looked down before smiling. “Just relax. My body will take care of you.” Looking to where her hands where imbedded she whimpered silently before pressing her body closer to Lilith’s.

Immediately, her skin felt like it was ignited as a tingling sensation washed over her. Shivering, Alexis let out a quiet moan as she nuzzled herself closer. Soon her body began to move inward as Lilith’s muscles pulled on the small elf trapping her inside.

As darkness enveloped her, a feeling of dread passed over her but… at the same time she felt, safe… secure. It was as if she couldn’t be hurt no matter what she faced. Lilith quivered as she felt Alexis pulled all the way inside of her.

This was the first time she ever felt like this before. She had been with a number of men and women before but, feeling one inside of her… it was like she was being fed their life essence in excess. The rejuvenating sensation of Alexis’s life was bathing her in ecstasy!

Panting loudly, she began moving her walls around as she positioned Alexis how she wanted her. The small elf moaned softly as she felt her arms and legs being spread aside as the numbing feeling around her began to feel more like a massage.

Thousands upon thousands of pleasuring nubs rubbed against her as she was pressed up and down, side to side. Soon her body rested perfectly still however as a gently wave of Lilith’s essence washed over her. Doing as instructed, she opened her mouth before coughing as she felt the Succubae’s juices filling her mouth. ‘She tastes… good… ‘Her juices, they were thick like cream, and the flavor danced on her tongue…

Lilith groaned as she bucked her hips in the air. “A-Alexis… Y-Yes, yes!” She growled as she clenched the mattress, her claws digging into the frame as she let the pleasure consume her. Alexis felt her throat being violated as she tried to breath but no matter what happened she could only cough as more and more of Lilith’s essence seeped into her.

The feeling, it scared her. It felt like she was dying slowly, drowning in the demon’s fluids but… at the same time, she still felt safe. Moaning loudly, her legs where pushed aside, by Lilith as she felt something penetrate her.

Her eyes widened before she gave a guttural scream. The inside of Lilith’s neither lip’s where nothing like her own. Small nubs lined the walls in the thousands stroking and pleasuring her from all sides. This had to be a special trait to Succubae… As weird as if felt however, the pleasure it gave her was fantastic!

Feeling her own inner muscles tighten up, she knew something was coming. Drinking more of her fluids, Alexis bucked her hips into Lilith’s lined walls before giving a final scream of ecstasy as she felt her body coursing with lightning! Pleasure struck her very being, causing her to thrash violently much to the Demoness’s delight.

Lilith gave of a bestial roar of pleasure as her hips rose in the air, the tide of her juices flowing out of her as her first climax in centuries shot out of her. Alexis gasped as she was suddenly airborne. Falling out, she felt herself land on Lilith’s bed with a wet slap as she landed in a puddle of the demons fluids.

Lilith panted softly as she lifted her hand up. The rune on her wrist… it was still there but, she just mated and the pact didn’t stop her. Looking between her legs, her eyes landed on Alexis’s shuddering form as her lips twitched into a smile.

“The Pact has been made… I live to serve you now and forever, my Mistress.” Alexis half heard her, as her eyes fluttered open and closed. A feeling of bliss surrounded her unlike anything she had ever experienced… she felt, free…

Closing her eyes she slipped into unconsciousness, the addicting pleasure around her lulling her into a self-induced slumber. Lilith cooed happily as her fingers gently picked up Alexis. “My… Bond mate. I’ve searched so long for you… I’m never letting you go.”

Pressing the Blood Elf’s face into her dark lips she gave her a chaste kiss before laying her between her bosoms. “Sleep my Mistress, your journey starts once your awake after all.” She chuckled darkly before letting sleep claim her to.


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~ Silvermoon City, the Sanctum ~



Talionia looked down saddened as she stared at the rune circle underneath the dorms of the Sanctum. “Alexis, you foolish child…” She shook her head in remorse. From one look she could tell the summoning circle was altered. Add onto the fact she had one student who wanted to summon another demon, and said student was missing from the dorms, it was easy to piece together what happened.

“I warned you… and this is the price you paid…” A lone tear fell from her eye before being brushed aside. “Shorel'aran Alexis…” Leaving the circle, she was going up to inform the other members of their coven but was stopped however a dark glow radiated from behind her.

Turning back her emerald eyes widened as six runes clumped together formed in the air. ‘The circle, I-its opening?!’ Running towards it she began channeling trying to stabilize it before it suddenly burst open sending her backwards.

“W-What power… what on Azeroth is it…” Gritting her teeth she stared into the glowing vortex of fel energy before a figure began to emerge. As it became clearer, her eyes widened in shock. “A-Alexis!” Alexis stepped out of the portal looking around before her eyes landed on Talionia.

“M-Master, why are you on the floor?” Stepping towards her, she extended her hand but was suddenly pushed back. “What did you do?!” Flinching at her tone, Alexis looked away before sighing. “I knew I was meant to summon something else earlier… and…” She bit her lip with worry before looking back towards the portal.

“Lilith, come.” Talionia looked past Alexis before taking a step back as a large figure soon emerged. Stepping onto the stone floor, her bare feet gave a soft clap as she stood over the two elves almost a foot taller than them.

“A-Alexis… what is the meaning of this…” The redhead whispered as she gripped her student’s wrist with worry. The Succubus that had stepped from the portal looked at Talionia before bowing. “Zaxa shi ruthmar,” she spoke quietly before kneeling down before them.

“I serve mistress…” Telionia looked at Alexis shocked before looking back at Lilith. “Y-You… you summoned a succubus?!” Alexis flinched once more before nodding. “When I opened the portal yesterday, I heard a calling… it wasn’t from that imp though… it was from her.” She waved her hand over Lilith.

“I don’t know why an imp appeared but she was what I tried to summon. After the ritual however I felt her… it was like she was still trying to come through the portal. I knew I had to figure out why so… so I opened it again…” Alexis whispered before looking down ashamed.

Talionia looked to Lilith, who remained in the same position as before. “She… she’s different Alexis, I’ve never seen a Succubus like this one before…” Lilith looked up before her eyes darted to Alexis. “Zaxa shi’ki rumaru?”

“No za shi’ki ruthmaro!” Talionia snapped surprising the Demoness. ‘So she speaks Eredun,’ Lilith smiled bowing her head lower. “Alexis, this is wrong… You need to get rid of it! This isn’t something you can control!”

Alexis looked towards Lilith before smiling. “Kill yourself.” Lilith bowed before moving her hand towards her chest. Before she could mutter a word, Telionia was rendered speechless as she watched the Succubus impaled her own chest with her claws before falling over dead.

“W-W-What… h-how is that possible?!” Alexis chuckled as she pressed her hands together. “I’ve bound her, and now she’s mine. She’ll listen to whatever I say without question, even if it causes harm to herself.” Moving her hands apart she held a small purple stone before crushing it over Lilith.

Breathing slowly, the Succubus’s eyes opened as she sat back up. “Zaxa shi ruthmar,” she muttered again before bowing before the Blood Elves. Talionia was speechless… this, it just wasn’t possible. Not only did she have full and unbridled control over her newly acquired demon, she also mastered the soul stone over night!

‘She… she can’t be a blood elf can she?!’ Silence passed between the two elves before Alexis kneeled down before Talionia as she hung her head. “I disobeyed you master… and, and if you’re going to banish me… I, I accept your punishment,” Alexis choked out the last word feeling a deep sadness run through her.

More silence passed before Alexis felt a hand placed on her shoulder. “Go to your room… and take your demon with you. You’ll be called later today…” Alexis said nothing as she stood up. Looking towards Lilith she motioned for her to follow before moving towards the stone steps leading out of the room.

Talionia said nothing as she watched the Succubus following Alexis up. As she was left alone, the elder Blood Elf remained quiet. ‘Alexis, Sorrowmourne… you might just be the strongest warlock our kind has ever known, or the most foolish child I have taught…’

Shaking her head, she moved towards the stairs herself before taking once last look at the closing portal. As it blinked out of existence she shook her head again. The council of warlocks would need to be informed of what happened… and what they now had living in their sanctuary.




Alexis paced back and forth as she chewed on her nails in fear. “Mistress, why are you so anxious?” Stopping prematurely from her paces she looked at Lilith before frowning. “I… I might be banished Lilith… I’m scared. This is my home, when everyone else abandoned me they took me in…”

The Succubus smiled before moving towards her. “Your home is with me Mistress, I’ll never abandon you.” She placed her hands on Alexis’s shoulders before smiling softly at her. “…” Lilith leaned down a bit to hear Alexis before chuckling.

“I’m sorry I killed you…” The Demoness gave her cheek a pet before taking a step back. “You did as I told you to. You should feel no remorse for that.” Alexis looked down with worry. “Still… I’m sorry.” Shaking her head amused, Lilith moved back as she sat back on her bed.

“Apology accepted, but if you’re still feeling guilty I could always kill you to make us even.” Alexis twitched before glaring at Lilith. “Like hell you will! I want my revenge before you claim me!” The Succubus giggled as her tail wiggled back and forth.

“Well you can’t blame a demon for trying now can you?” Rubbing her temple, Alexis began pacing again as she tried to relieve her stress. As she walked in front of her bedroom mirror, the Blood Elf stopped before looking at her face.

Sticking her tongue out a feeling of unease washed over her as she looked at the rune on her still pointed tongue. ‘I wonder if Talionia will find out about this…’ “You know it’s an improvement right?” Alexis’s expression dropped before she looked back at Lilith.

“You’re not helping…””It was more for my benefit then yours,” she grinned. Alexis was about to retort but her door suddenly opened making her freeze. “Alexis Sorrowmourne, you’ve been called into the…” The blood elf at the door stopped however as his eyes landed on Lilith.

“I’m over here…” shaking his head he looked back at Alexis before scowling. “You’ve been summoned to the sanctums council room. Leave your pet here.” Lilith glared at the man but held her tongue as she watched Alexis leave.

As the door shut behind her, Lilith laid back and waited. Time passed slowly in this world, much slower than in her own world, it felt annoying. Moving her tail back and forth she soon grew bored and wanted to leave the room but knew her master would get angry.

‘Ironic I think of her as my master already, I guess I do feel more for her.’ She shook her head amused before the door opening caught her attention. Looking up, her eyes brightened as she saw Alexis step into the room.

As she shut the door separating her from the elf on the other side, her lips twitched into a smile as she looked towards Lilith. “I’m cleared of speculations… I wasn’t banished…” Lilith grinned as her tail wagged happily. “Oh the joy you much be feeling,” she chuckled as Alexis flopped on the bed next to Lilith sighing happily.

“I was scared… the way they spoke it sounded like I was going to be kicked out or worse but… Talionia spoke up for me… I’m going to be under watch for a while but, I’m off the hook.” Lilith grinned as her tail moved around Alexis’s waist.

“Well this does call for a celebration, how about I show you how to-“Before she could continue however the door to the room suddenly opened causing Lilith to recoil her tail. “Alexis, report to the summoning chamber, I need to assess how far you’ve come since yesterday. It seems like your powers have doubled over night…” Talionia muttered quietly before looking towards Lilith as she twitched a bit.

“You may bring your minion with you if you so choose or send it away till later.” Leaving the room Lilith whined as she threw a small hissy fit. “Damn that elf! I wanted to play with you!” Alexis chuckled a bit before standing up.

“She’s my master, and I must follow her wishes Lilith. It’s time to go now we don’t want to be late.” Lilith scowled before standing up. As Alexis neared the door however she was halted as something pulled on her waist.

“Lilith what is-“The Succubus pulled Alexis into her with her tail before capturing the surprised elf’s lips with her own. Moaning into the kiss, Alexis felt her mouth being invaded forcibly by the Demoness’s tongue. Seconds turned to minutes and soon both grew out of breath.

Finally, Lilith pulled back panting quietly as she watched Alexis’s face in a stupor. “That… is… just the… beginning…” She panted quietly before moving her hands towards Alexis’s rear. “When you’re no longer being watched, you… are… mine!” Alexis shuddered at her tone. It was, feral… Moving to the door, Lilith stepped out first before her tail moved back in tugging Alexis along with her…

Life was going to be different now, for better or worse, she didn’t know… one thing was certain though… her future was Lilith’s, and she couldn’t be happier.




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~ Epilog ~



Alexis walked out of the Sanctum’s entrance with a pack over her shoulder. Her crimson apprentice robes had been shed and replaced with a dark black and white pair more suited to a necromancer then a Warlock. Stepping right alongside her was her tall, elegant Demoness.

Another figure emerged from the entrance as she watched Alexis leaving. “Al diel shala Alexis. You’re always welcome back, the Sanctum acknowledges you.” Talionia smiled to her once apprentice. It had been a few months since Alexis had become a Warlock, and without a doubt she was a prodigy.

Her powers had grown exponentially and her mana capacity was off the charts for a beginner… and her summoning skills… Talionia looked towards Lilith before shivering. ‘There unnatural… I don’t know how you’re this powerful Alexis, but all power comes with a price. Shorel'aran Alexis, be safe.’

Alexis looked back before bowing to her teacher. “I appreciate your words, and I thank you for everything you’ve done for me. If not for you… I don’t think I’d be where I am now.” She smiled back in acknowledgement.

“Take care, and…” Her eyes traveled to Lilith before she clicked her tongue. “Shindu falla, melorn senora Daemon.” The blood elf turned back before entering the sanctum leaving Alexis alone with her minion. “Mistress, what did she say?”

Turning to leave Alexis shook her head sadly. “Don’t trust her, she’s still a demon.” Lilith scowled before tsking in annoyance. “And I considered her a possible mate for you, what a shame.” Alexis blushed furiously before giving her Demoness a glare.

“I already told you I’m not going to jump into bed with my teacher! S-shouldn’t you be against that anyways?! I thought I was you’re bond mate…” Lilith stopped before cupping Alexis’s chin. “You are my bond mate Alexis, but if you want to have a little fun along the way I won’t be opposed to it. In the end, you’ll still be mine for eternity so I can wait.” She chuckled darkly before letting go of the blood elf’s face.

‘I know that already… I’m damned you don’t need to remind me…’ Sighing Alexis began walking again, letting the conversation drop… it was beginning to turn dark. As she walked down the street, guards and venders gave her odd looks. Apparently rumors had spread when she studied underground for so long.

‘They probably thought I died… jokes on them I guess…’ Alexis cracked a small smile as she walked by them, their eyes traveling between her and her unusual minion. As she stood before the massive front gates of Silvermoon she took a deep breath before continuing.

“It’s been nearly 13 years since I left this city…””Then this must be hard for you… or perhaps the best day of your life?” Alexis looked down unsure. “I suppose I feel conflicted… I’m not really certain.” Feeling her hand gripped she looked up before smiling softly.

“Your home will always be with me Mistress,” Lilith smiled warmly. Nodding Alexis started walking again as she passed by the guards. She had a schedule now, and she had to keep it. Passing through the imposing gates she stepped outside the city before smiling as she saw the forests of Eversong.

‘I guess the next step of my story has yet to be written.’ Looking up at Lilith she smiled sadly. ‘But in the end… I already know how it’s going to end…’ Pulling the strap on her backpack closer she began her trek. She didn’t know where to start on her search but one thing was for certain.

She would find Alessa, and she would pay… It was only a matter of time…



To be continued…?

End Notes:





Well i hope you all enjoyed as usual and i'm hoping to see plenty of reviews... hopefully. Your reviews are what keep me writing and make my day every time i get them.

I have one more commission i need to knock out after this so keep looking for my work, i'll try to get it up soon hopefully :)


Until next time guys~

This story archived at