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Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: August 05 2014 7:15 PM Title: Prologue

OH doh!

I thought they were talking about Lindale. I've always had a problem with all the terms and names being thrown around in this story. Anyway I'm sure Lindale isn't gonna be a cakewalk either, so I'm still excited!

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 05 2014 2:40 PM Title: Chapter 19: Cracking Alliance

The way Gabby made it seem it was like the Phoenixes don't have a chance in the world getting inside the place let alone finding what Manchent left behind! Not to mention the fact that the group is holding itself together by a thread!

If I've ever seen impossible odds, this would be them! I can already see the deaths on the horizon...Anyway, it kinda sucks that THIS is when Pyrra decided to speak since their is no time to flesh it out more.

I'm really excited for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

Just FYI, they were talking about the base in New Atlanta, not Lindale. Lindale is way over near Rome and that is where Manchent left whatever he left.


Anyway, thanks for the kind words and such.

Reviewer: Nhencjnde Signed [Report This]
Date: August 03 2014 9:52 PM Title: Prologue

One more time, I´m sorry.

Gracias por tu respuesta, y por tomarte el tiempo de traducir todo la "charada" que escribi (charada, en mi país, no mi lengua (español latino), sino mi país, significa; o al menos eso creo, este tipo de lenguaje es más callejero que normal, y, con la suerte de haber nacido en clase media baja, (en mi país, las clases sociales se dividen en tres secciones, y, al mismo tiempo esas secciones se dividen en tres subsecciones y este tipo de clase se considera afortunada, poco probable y milagrosa, casi un tiro de suerte, la mayoria solo alcanza la clase baja media, la que se considera el cepillo pobre que que rosa el cuero cabelludo de la miseria) conozco poco sobre expresiones de este tipo; demasiadas palabras inecesarias en el contexto del tema), y, para no alargarme demasiado (si es que en este punto aun puedo decir eso), espero que todo lo dicho anteriormente, en mi anterior comentario, obvio, no altere tu forma de escribir, o, al menos, no de forma negativa.

Me despido, y no te preocupes por mi que yo seguire aquí esperando, con ansias pero paciente, la coclusión del acto dos, y posiblemente la continuación en el acto 3 (con "posiblemente" me refiero a que posiblemente habra un acto 3, no que posiblemente lo leere, estoy seguro que leere cualquier cosa... no, me corigo, cualquier historia que estes dispuesto a publicar ("cosa" puede estar abierta a varias interpretaciones y estoy completamente seguro de que no me interesaria leer tu lista del super), aunque, esto me lleva a mi siguiente, y, ahora si, un poco vergonsosa, pregunta; considerando lo del idioma, la traducción y el tiempo invertido para hacerlo, etc. ¿De qué tratara tu siguiente historia?. Al final de... tu primera publicación (esta algo complejo, para mi, escribir el titulo en ingles y google lo traduce de manera extraña, pero con "primera publicación" estoy seguro que sabes a cual me refiero (me refiero al acto 1)) hay una pequeña historia y , segun tú, se trata de tu proximo proyecto. No debes sentirte obligado a decirmelo, tú tendras tus razones para no hacerlo y yo lo entendere, aunque, si me dieras tus razones las entenderia mejor) de la misma manera que una madre, amorosa y entusiasta, espera el nacimiento de su hijo, la espera es tortuosa pero el sacrificio vale la pena, así que, relax (en mi país, "relax" es una forma más exotica de decir "relajate", aunque signifique lo mismo en tu idioma (curioso, no)).

Ahora, para no alargarme tanto (esta vez si es enserio, I´m sorry), solo dire, Thank you. :)

PS: Lamento lo del idioma, la mayor parte de mi vida en la que he invertido en este sitio, he tenido que traducir todo lo que leo en google y entiendo que algunas palabras no tienen una traducción legible en el contexto, la proxima vez, tratare de usar palabra que tengan traducciones concretas en el traductor y procuraré ir directo al grano y no llevarme demasiado tiempo en mis comentarios. No es algo que controle, simplemente, cuando comienzo a escribir algo, nunca me fijo en que dirreción van mis palabras. Lo siento.

If you read this part without having skipped all the rest, thanks for taking the time to translated everthing, I leave this part translated (with google translator, obviously).

Author's Response:

I tried doing that monstergirl growing project along with After Shrink and it was just too much to keep up with. I will probably go do it when I either need a break from this or I finish it. Whichever comes first.

Reviewer: Nhencjnde Signed [Report This]
Date: August 01 2014 9:42 PM Title: Prologue

I´m sorry but I needed write this in spanish to express myself better.

Voy a ser sincero contigo, de hecho voy a llegar a ser lo más sincero que puede ser con alguien, tomando en cuenta que ese alguien esta a cientos de kilometros de mi, puedes darte una idea de lo sincero que puedo llegar a ser.

Soy un gran fan de esta historia (tu historia, si es importante, para ti, señalar esto), no dire que el fan número uno (estoy seguro que habra personas que serian más dignas en llevar ese titulo que yo), pero aun asi un fan y tengo una pregunta que me lleva consumiendo toda mi atención desde que termine de leer la primera parte de esta gran... !NO¡, DE ESTA !ESPECTACULAR¡ obra maestra (puede que este exagerando esta parte, me refiero a lo de mi atención, para mi esta es una historia asombrosa).

¿Cuantó tiempo falta para terminar este acto?

Ahora, quiero explicarme para no crear malos entendidos y creas que estoy exigiendo una escritura más rapida y publicación constante, o estoy atacando tu forma de escribir. No, nada de eso. Pregunto esto porque yo veo una historia (y creo que todo lector debería verla, de forma diferente, pero con el mismo metodo) como un buen vino.

Cuando tienes una botella (el autor, tú) lleno de ese elixir tan estimulador (una idea, una historia) te gusta servirte una copa, y ahi diferentes formas de degustarlo; unos prefieren ingerirlo en pequeños sorbos (capítulo por capítulo), disfrutando de cada gota bailando en la lengua y deslizandose por la garganta; otros prefieren tomarlo de un solo trago (en un solo acto), sin darse el gusto de siquiera de saborearlo; pero hay algo que todos tienen en comun y es el tenerlo a la mano, para poder gozarlo de la forma que uno quiere sin la necesidad de esperar a que alguien lo sirva, sin tener un limite para poder consumir hasta la ultima gota con el ritmo que uno quiera, un día, una semana... un mes.

Me gusta tu serie, pero prefiero seguir esperando hasta el final del acto dos para poder seguir disfrutandola sin restricciones; sin tener que esperar hasta el siguiente capitulo, como lo hice con el primer acto, pero para ser sincero (oh si, aquí empieza la sinceridad), con la falta de material fetichista en aquel día, comence a leerla sin tener la más minima idea a lo que me abstenia cuando la página mostró que ya habia finalizado y con el mismo entuciasmo que un chico preparandose para la escuela el viernes, mientras más rapido empiecen las clases, más rapido esta volviendo a su casa; pero la trama, el concepto y los personajes me han mantenido enganchado hasta ahora.

Por esto es que me veo en la penosa necesidad (bueno, un poco más de sinceridad, para mi no es una pena, solo trato de ser formal y, en cierto sentido, amable) de pedirle esta información, que teniendo en cuenta el contrato no escrito que existe entre el escritor y el lector (considerando que usted considere esto algo real y con peso) creo tener derecho a conocer (otra vez retomando lo dicho, solo es una pregunta hecha para satisfacer la curiosidad de un lector constante, no se trata de una forma de crítica desanletadora o una forma de ataque hacia tu persona).

Espero tu respuesta con la paciencia que un oso espera el verano, y considerando los meses que llevo esperando, creo que es la comparación más asertada.

Thank you! :)

Author's Response:

If google translated all that right, you want to know how long till Act 2 is finished. Honestly, I can't say. I can say we are not even at the mid way point so its probably going to be a few more months.


And thanks for all the kind words and don't worry about insulting me or anything. I fully understand the want to just read it all rather than have to wait.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: July 21 2014 8:24 PM Title: Prologue

Well its up to you whether you wanna change the synopsis or not but its really easy to accidentally ruin the plot of act I in just a quick glance!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 21 2014 7:42 AM Title: Chapter 18: Old Friends, New Circumstances

Pyrrha can talk, now??? WHOA!!!!

Seriously, though: this installment had everything I like. Action; suspense; a brilliant plot twist (Gabby's back? You go, girl!); and even a shade of philosophical gray that most people all too often ignore.

Namely; that "trust" and "faith" are not one and the same. The latter might be offered blindly (if not unconditionally). But, the former has to be earned before its given...just like respect.*

*Which, btw, is similarly _not_ synonymous with courtesy! And, that's what parents are truly demanding from their teenage children on those occasions when the latter are rude to them.

Author's Response:

Indeed she can, and she is hungry.


Glad you liked it and yeah I was going for that grey area of stuff.

Reviewer: Hubble Signed [Report This]
Date: July 21 2014 3:33 AM Title: Prologue

Even though this could be about the one hundredth story I've read on this site, it is the one only so far that urged me to register an account to say:


I love your storytelling, how pieces add up together to a larger picture, how the characters develop and how you, despite all the science fiction, manage to keep it real and lively.

I'm desparately looking forward to the inevitable confrontation between Aviel and Sanders, and I hope she will find herself in almost the exact same position Lutice has once been in, towering above him while he's down on the ground at her full mercy.

I hope Aviel realizes what she has done, and, regrets it. After all, she is a character one was able to symphatize with, and despite her urge to take revenge, had a noble goal.

Can't wait to see how the story continues, please, do NEVER abandon this story until it is finished! It is far too good to be left in the open like that.

Personal Request: I hope one day you write a (bonus?) chapter in which we can see the growth and first giantess experiences of Aviel in her own perspective, being able to read her thoughts during it. I would love it.

Author's Response:

well, you are welcome.


Thanks, I try to keep things futuristic, but still in the realm of believable.


Hehe, I can say that Aviel and Sanders will meet again. As for having that kind of scene...we will have to wait and see.


Maybe she will, maybe she has gone full on evil and turned her back on everything for her revenge. We haven't seen much of her in Act 2 so its hard to say. Though she did try to kill Sanders in Act 1.


I don't plan on it unless something crazy happens.


Once Act 2 is done, I figured I would hold a poll somewhere where you guys, being the readers, could decide if we just move on to Act 3 or go back and see the events of Act 2 from Flonne's perspective. Persoanlly, I would like the latter as there are some important stuff that happens that Sanders and co never see, but Flonne does.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: July 19 2014 9:10 PM Title: Prologue

Also, this is something I've been meaning to say for a while now but keep forgetting...Change the summary for this story! Seriously you ruin like the most impactful plot twist for Act I right from the get go (the Isabella death thing)!

Author's Response:



If you can't be bothered not to look at Act 2 before reading Act 1, you deserve to have things spoiled. People need to learn some selfcontrol.

Reviewer: Ancient Relic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 19 2014 3:14 PM Title: Chapter 18: Old Friends, New Circumstances

*reads the last bit* AAAAAAHHHHH!!!

Good work on the story. You make good use of multiple close third person, the characters have great depth, and you describe a good action scene.

And good move bringing Gabriella back. She's a great character, and Samantha's girl crush was fun to read about. It seems that Samantha always needs a woman to idolize.

Author's Response:



Thanks, I take pride in my action scenes, what I think I do best.


Yeah we needed a new resident badass and Samantha needed a new role model. Let's just hope Samantha doesn't put her on too high a pedestal.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 19 2014 12:40 PM Title: Prologue

Holy shit, this chapter was amazing! We got a nerve racking encounter with a feral catmonster, the re-reveal of Gabby who is such a badass! And dat ending, oh mah gawd dat ending!!!

You sir, are playing with my emotions!

Author's Response:



And good, that is what I am going for.

Reviewer: KazumaR1 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 19 2014 11:38 AM Title: Chapter 18: Old Friends, New Circumstances

I don't have a good feeling regarding the survivabiltiy of Gabriella even though it was awesome to see her again.  

And oh man Pyrrha being able to talk will lead to all kinds of things. 

Author's Response:

Aww, you make Gabby sad. She is so awesome, how could I kill her? Oh right, easily and without remorse.


And yes Pyrrha starting to speak is going to make for some very interesting things to come.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 12 2014 7:28 AM Title: Chapter 17: The Stage is Set

In the immortal words of a certain cheerleading movie, Mr. Z:

"Bring it on!" :-)

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 12 2014 7:17 AM Title: Chapter 16: A New Weapon

And, the moment of truth has arrived!

Great installment. :-)

Reviewer: KazumaR1 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 11 2014 3:51 PM Title: Chapter 17: The Stage is Set

Well it's going to be a looong wait until next friday or saturday.

With the way you've set things up I can hazard a guess at what characters are going to kick the bucket when shit hits the fan.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 11 2014 1:39 PM Title: Chapter 17: The Stage is Set

And so, the shit begins! Im so glad we got the downtime, because Im sure some of these characters are gonna end up dead. Oh man, I can already see all kinds of possibilities to what can happen! For all we know the society may have an ambush waiting around the next corner! I cant wait to see what happens next!

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 06 2014 1:51 AM Title: Prologue

Quite a bit of world building in this chapter. Lot's of info on different characters and their backstory's...And surprisingly, no immediate consequences to Sander's actions! I'm eager for the next one!

Reviewer: KazumaR1 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 22 2014 11:20 AM Title: Chapter 15: Hope

I kind of hope that what Sanders did doesn’t backfire. It would be interesting if Sanders becomes so popular that he actually becomes a problem to Darius if the people start favoring Sanders over him. As for the chapter itself? It was good but the reference to the game was lost on me as I never played it. 


Author's Response:

The reference was really just a name drop so you didn't miss much.


And that would be interesting and might create a power fight between Darius and Sanders. Whether that will happen or not we will have to see.

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 22 2014 10:12 AM Title: Chapter 15: Hope

It's way more than a few who are homeless, Darius. And, while I agree that the big picture is way less fuzzy from the lower ranks, the fact remains that not "speaking of this again" won't prevent the conversation from recurring from someone else's lips. Just as inevitably as death and taxes!

Author's Response:

It won't but Darius still doesn't want to hear it. He views himself as just barely keeping the Phoenixes alive and any distractions, people or not, could get them all killed. Not saying he is right by any means, but he is not totally wrong either.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: June 21 2014 12:29 PM Title: Prologue

Somehow I can already see the deed Sanders did backfiring and getting someone killed...

Author's Response:

He has to catch a break at somepoint, right?

Reviewer: KazumaR1 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 15 2014 6:55 AM Title: Chapter 14: Rekindling Hope

I'm sorry but I can't get the image of Pyrrha with a cannon on her back out of my head now. Pyrrah Tank must become a reality! 

Otherwise, excellent chapter. 

Author's Response:

Well the Phoenixes do have those three handgun cannons. Would take them a good while, but they could probably fit one to her. Course they would have to find another full sized gun that worked, first. But maybe Pyrrha will become their "mobile fortress".

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