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Reviewer: Stubbornstain Signed [Report This]
Date: December 31 2012 12:12 PM Title: intro 2

Have you read the "Writing Tools" section of giantess world? It there for aspiring authors such as yourself. It's a good idea because I noticed you don't have any speech marks to define the speech of the characters. I don't want to sound harsh because I believe you have a good idea, you just need to organize you ideas better.

Author's Response:

I did not read the "writing tools" part of the site yet, but now I have started to read them. Thanks for the tip's. I don't think your harsh at all, becuase I know that I need inprovment.


Thank's again for your feed back and I will be trying to organize myself better. I am good at organizing my thing's, math, chess and so on, but writing is not yet one of them. I hopping it will be one day. As lest I don't seem to lack good idea's, so that's a start.

Sorry for any misspellings in advance, becuase I am a bit tried. That and well it's my weakest point subject in school.     

Reviewer: Stubbornstain Signed [Report This]
Date: December 31 2012 12:06 PM Title: intro 1

Alex's achievements don't sound at all realistic. This chapter was actually rtaher amusing and I liked it in a weird sort of way.


Her name was holy and was 17 years old

You mean Holly not holy.

Author's Response:

Sorry about that mistake, but I am not the best proof reader. I based some of the "achievement's" of thing's I did and madethem a bit more cool. Note I said some not all and I know it does not sound that realistic, but you find out more about how he was able to do some thing's. Writing is one of my weakest subjects, so I am not really working with my natural skills here. Thanks for the feedback and hope to hear more.


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