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Reviewer: timescribe Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 16 2012 5:12 PM Title: Chapter 8

Chocolate Mouse.

Ironic to discover this now. I've been working on MOUSE MAN - TIME MASTER all weekend, and am about to post the first chapter.

Author's Response: That message brought to you courtesy of Shamless Cross-Plugs for Men. Of which I'm not only the vice-president. I'm also a client. ;-D

Reviewer: Mr_G Signed [Report This]
Date: September 14 2012 4:39 PM Title: Chapter 8

Wonder if the girls would have won anyway without Gabe? (I'm too lazy to check the results of the real games)

I bet Gabe hates the dessert chocolate "Mouse". 

Wonder what's going to happen next?


Author's Response: No need to check them. I did it as part of my background research. As for what's going to happen, next? That's up to the Fates! ;-)

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