Reviews For A Shocking Start
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Reviewer: Zaximus Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 31 2024 11:28 AM Title: Chapter 1

Hey ShrinkGirl,
Wanted to drop by and say, please don't listen to this klinza imbecile. I've seen the updates you post here frequently in the Most Recent section. You work really hard and it shows. You have a raw dedication and determination this person couldn't hope to match. You're a valuable writer and valued by this community. Please don't let this one voice drown your spirit. Keep pressing on and keep doing your best. Let this hater hate cause you got folks in your corner.


Author's Response:

Oh wow ... thank you so much for that! I wasn't offended, so much as confused by the comment made on my work. I love getting reviews/feedback but I feel like they were basically a "bot" making an "AI" type statement that not only wasn't relevant to my story but also made zero sense. But hey I do appreciate your kind words and I'm glad you took the time to write this. Sometimes I'm not sure anybody sees my stories lol but whether they do or not, I just enjoy writing them and am still going strong! Thanks again :) and hope you're having a nice day! 

Reviewer: rygar300 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 31 2024 1:17 AM Title: Chapter 10

Not usually into shrunken women stories, but I enjoyed the adventure of this. I look forward to reading the rest in the series 

Author's Response:

Thank you so much! I will admit, these are more "superhero" stories with shrinking elements. Yes, the main character (and many other characters) will be female but rest assured, I am a "switch" in real life -- so I enjoy both tiny, large women and vice versa. I won't spoil anything (and this is a long series just to warn you) but it won't just be shrunken woman content. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far :) thank you very much for your review 

Reviewer: klinza Signed [Report This]
Date: July 15 2024 1:17 AM Title: Chapter 1

You are a fucking idiot btw... It was a help code for an assault but meh who cares who gives a fuck about putting assault content up. Stop trying to smooth it over you take a needle for someone else's crime if it's all jokes 

Author's Response:

Uhhhh I'm sorry, what?? 

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