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Chapter 1

Dr. Andrews looked over his rag tag group and wondered if they had a
hope in hell of accomplishing their goals. Each one could contribute
his or her experience, the sum total of which may add up to something
worthwhile. But this was such an offbeat subject and nothing concrete
was really known. In fact at times even he wondered if it wasn’t all
the creation of some overactive imaginations. Except he did have his
own vivid memory of that event last summer, didn’t he. That was the
beauty of it; it was self-protecting because who would believe any
one of them unless they had an experience of their own.

He loudly cleared his throat and the general conversation faded as
the seven turned to face him. “Well, we all know why we’re here so
the next step is to relate our individual experiences,
accumulate data and come to know our adversary a little better.
“David, why don’t we start with you…is the tape recorder on?”
A voice came back “it is now, go ahead”. David turned towards the
group and began “My experience was probably the most recent; just
three months ago and not first hand but a very reliable source.
“Jerry was a buddy of mine from college and he became an agent for
the NSA when he graduated. “He told me about the case he was working,
something he really could have gotten in trouble for but he knew I
wasn’t about to tell anyone…until now that is”.

David went on to tell them about Jerry’s disappearance after he
confided that he was investigating a case of possible human female
predation. She apparently had devoured the three 
agents that went after her. David had laughed his head off at this
and told Jerry he couldn’t be serious. Two days later Jerry
disappeared and hadn’t been heard from since. When David contacted
the agency they told him it was a matter of national security and no
information could be released except the fact that Jerry had lost his
life in the line of duty.

David continued, “When I first became concerned about Jerry’s 
absence, I decided to check out the lead Jerry had told me about. I
went to the strip club where he met Trinity. “I’m convinced she was
the culprit because of what Jerry told me she did; she did the same
thing to me. “While she was dancing for me she made like she was
going to engulf my head in her mouth. “It was frightening because
along with that was the …I have to call it a hallucination… that she
was actually swallowing me whole.


 “Really shook me, particularly after what Jerry had told me happened
to him. “She seemed to have the ability to project an image into my
mind. “I was so shaken that I left with a plan to come back next
week. Well I did but she had now disappeared. She hasn’t been seen
I lost a good friend in Jerry so I wasn’t about to let it pass. That’s
how I came to find out about you guys…went searching the web
and came across Dr. Andrews site requesting experiences with female
predation.  And here I am!”

“Thank you David” Dr. Andrews said, “that was a valuable
contribution; we can postulate from both Jerry’s and your experience
that these predators seem to have at least one extended ability. “I
mean of course the ability to project an image into another’s mind.
“That’s a start; so who wants to go next?”

A short pause and then “My name is Cindy and I lost my fiancé to one
of those…those creatures.
“Go ahead Cindy, tell us what happened” urged Dr. Andrews.
Cindy began “It happened about a year ago; we were taking a romantic
stroll by a moonlit lake in Vermont and this girl appeared out of the
shadows saying she was lost. “Now Bill,
he was my fiancé, being a helpful soul asked her where she was going.
“For answer she broke down in tears muttering something I couldn’t
make out, but it takes a female to know when another female is
manipulating a male and Bill was falling for it hook, line and
sinker. She began blatantly flirting with him right in front of me.
“I was irate and she seemed to sense it and took my hand and pulled
me beside Bill. 

“It’s not really clear what happened next but I remember very little
was said although I got the distinct impression she wanted to ‘take’
Bill and if I got in the way she would ‘take’ me too.
“Next thing I knew, Bill and I were standing together and we were no
taller than the grass but she towered over us like a giantess. “She
looked to be 100 ft. tall but really it was us who had shrunk down to
about 2” tall. “I was completely overwhelmed so when she brought her
face down to our level
I could only stare in disbelief. “Then without a word she opened her
mouth wide so we could both see all the way back to her throat which
was eerily lit by a moon on the rise.”


With this, Cindy had to sit down and gather herself; she was
emotionally shaken by this recounting. Everyone waited patiently in
rapt silence for her to continue. Finally she steeled herself and
went on. “I don’t think I’ll ever forget what happened next; as we
watched, the back of her tongue dropped down revealing her enormous
throat. “Then with cat like speed she swooped her mouth down over
Bill’s body so he was completely enveloped
down to his ankles and just as fast she closed her mouth and picked
him up so she was facing me again. “Her mouth slowly opened revealing
Bill straddled along her tongue, his head almost in her throat. “Then
she begun tossing him about her mouth and rolling him over and over. 

“It was then that it finally dawned on me that she was preparing to
swallow him alive and I almost lost it right there; I mean literally
because I had such a conflict of emotions. “I was about to watch the
man I loved devoured by a girl we’d known for just minutes, but at
the same time I’m… Oh God, I don’t think I can say it, I’m so

Dr. Andrews gently coerced her. “Cindy, we’re all your friends here,
you can tell us anything and we’ll think no less of you; in fact it’s
vital you tell us everything if we’re going to understand our

Cindy gathered herself and went on “Well, imagine the turmoil of 
watching the one you love going to a certain death but at the same
time being incredibly turned on by watching him being swallowed. “By
the light of the moon I watched as she maneuvered him to the back of
her tongue and simply tipped him
headfirst into her waiting throat. “He hadn’t struggled at all until
now but it was like he suddenly woke up to what was happening to him.
“He was being eaten alive!  “He had come to a stop halfway into her
throat so all I could see was from his waist to his feet, but he
scrabbled himself around so his head reappeared as his feet slipped
deeper down her throat. He struggled vainly to climb back up the
tongue but it was like she just opened her throat and he was gone.
“Then the whole back of her throat heaved as she gulped him down. 


“That’s when I thought I’d pissed my pants because I was all wet down
there. “What had actually happened was I’d had an explosive orgasm as
I watched Bill swallowed and creamed myself. “This was so in the face
of everything I believed and so morally depraved, I guess I did the
only thing I could under those circumstances; I passed out”.  A
lengthy silence ensued.
A little impatient foot shuffling brought Cindy back from her inward
reverie and she said “I keep remembering the desperate look on Bill’s
face just before he disappeared down her throat, like he was pleading
for me to somehow help him but all I could do was just stand there
and watch him vanish forever. “Also the very idea of him trapped in
her stomach and being digested alive was just too much for me”.

Dr. Andrews said “What an ordeal, you have all our sympathy Cindy;
I’m just so glad you managed to escape with your own life”. Cindy
went on “Oh I didn’t so much escape as she must have let me go
because when I finally came around I was right where I had fallen and
the sun was rising. “Oh yes…I was back to normal size and there was
no sign of her. “Although the memory was still vivid of what had
happened, I convinced myself I dreamt the whole thing and the only
mystery was how I came to find myself sleeping in the wilds of
Vermont. “That is until I got back to Bangor and there was no sign of
Bill. He was now officially a missing person. “Naturally I didn’t
tell the authorities; they’d have locked me up in the loony bin.
“Now, I can accept what happened
but I’ll tell you it’s really tough trying to get closure when the
one you love is callously swallowed alive before your eyes”.

Dr. Andrews who had by this time made his way over to the distraught
girl and put a reassuring arm around her shoulders, 
said “Cindy my girl, you’ve given us a little more insight into the
ways of our adversary.” Before he could go on she said, practically
in tears “But I’m so disgusted with myself; even as I was recalling
the details of how she swallowed Bill whole, I could feel myself
getting aroused.” Dr. Andrews replied “ Cindy, you have remarkable
courage to be able to admit that and believe it or not, this is very
valuable information. 

“You see, in my research of this subject I came across a study of the
humanities that was done back in the 60’s that concluded that all of
mankind could potentially be sexually stimulated by the concept of
eating or being eaten. “I say potentially because in most it is
completely dormant and it would take an experience like you had to
awaken it. “That branch of the study was terminated when it was
realized it was a blind alley and led nowhere. “It left a lot of
unanswered questions but it did answer one. “That is when an organism
is threatened with certain death,
his or her last act is an attempt to continue the genetic line by
dramatizing the sexual act and ejaculating. “Medical science confirms
this when coroners tell us that a great deal of their cadavers have
ejaculated on the point of death.

“Genetically, our cells have come up the line with many incidents of
eating and being eaten down through their history of thousands of
years of evolution, so I think what we’re looking at here is cellular
memory. “This could be a clue to our female preds.
“You also told us another important clue, Cindy. Up until now I had
believed there was some chemical agent involved in the shrinking that
the preds are able to achieve. “But you told us that there was
nothing except physical contact made prior to shrinking. “Oh by the
way, on the subject of shrinking did you know that if you removed
almost all the water from a human body, you’d be left with a very
small mass!
If you were able to do that to a human, he would be amazingly rich in
nutrition. “Something like a mineral/vitamin concentrated boost to
end all supplements ever invented. “Maybe that’s what these preds are

“Think of it; instead of eating your meat and vegetables and
synthesizing all the needed nutritional value to sustain the
organism, you simply eat a man and he’s nothing but all the nutrition
you ever needed, already synthesized. “Unless of course he regularly
ate at McDonald’s”. 
This brought a chuckle from the seven self proclaimed Giantess
hunters, as they were coming to think of themselves.




Chapter 2

“Now we’re going to hear from someone who literally escaped the jaws
of death and lived to tell about it. “Why don’t you come up front
Lance?” A young man in his mid twenties moved forward and addressed
his cohorts; “I consider myself very lucky to be standing in front of
you, although I do feel like a hunted man.
“I’m convinced that because I lived to tell about it, my personal
predator is hunting me down and means to finish the job. “She may
have friends too! “I don’t think I’m being paranoid”.

Dr. Andrews responded “You’re not, Lance. “These preds can’t afford
to have their victims running around spilling the beans”.
Lance continued “I was a little jaded with my girlfriend Kay of 2
years and although I hadn’t planned to be unfaithful I did need some
time on my own so I went by a bar where some of my buddies hang.
“Didn’t see anyone I knew but looking around I spotted this stunning
brunette at the end of the bar and she was watching me. “Then I did
something I never do; just walked up to her and asked her if I knew
her. “she said no but maybe you should. “I hadn’t planned my question
as a pickup line but it sure worked because we were immediately deep
in conversation. “She told me her name was Vivian, a name I’ve always

“At one point I made a smart remark and she threw her head back and
laughed, giving me a glimpse of the most beautiful mouth and throat I
ever saw…Oh did I mention I’m a GTS voraphile so this was gold for
Dr. Andrews interrupted Jason here to give the group a brief
description of what a GTS voraphile is which they all appeared to
accept as the most natural thing in the world.

Jason went on “Vivian must have noticed my attention on her mouth
because she now gave me abundant glimpses into her mouth and
constantly licked her lips very seductively. “To cut a long story
short, one thing led to another and next thing I knew we were back in
my apartment feverishly pulling off each other’s
clothes. “I won’t get into the sordid details but it was the best sex
I ever had. “She was wild, abandoned and very aggressive.
“For me the experience was intensified by an almost continuous close
up view of her beautiful gaping mouth. “It was as we were relaxing in
the afterglow that things became very strange when she suddenly came
to life and was all over me, growling like a wild animal with a very
hungry look in her eyes.

“There was something in Vivian’s manner that told me she wasn’t
playing when she told me she was going to eat me alive and she didn’t
mean oral sex. “I really didn’t have a chance to react because I was
suddenly shrunk to about 3” and my next perception was of her
monstrous naked female body towering above me on all fours. “Here was
the reality of my lifelong fantasy and I was in terror. “It was only
when she lifted me to her mouth and opened it wide that I began feel
the familiar yearnings and arousal but in addition to the terror on
low volume. “She fed on my fear as I gazed into that entrance to
oblivion and even as I watched, she tilted her head back, her tongue
dropped deep and the enormous arches of her throat were revealed. “I
had to admire her perfect uvula as it hung above that dark abyss that
I was destined to pass down. 

“Vivian held me there as she worked her throat, going through the
motions of gulping, opening and closing it and dropping her tongue so
low I could clearly see her epiglottis deep in her gullet. “She held
me by my wrists and I hardly noticed my hands going numb from the
cut-off circulation because I was transfixed by the wonders before
me. “Then she began lowering me feet first into her yawning jaws;
first my feet, then my legs and then my thighs, all the time coming
closer and closer to that dreaded throat, at least that’s how I now
thought of it.	
“Now chest deep in her mouth with my feet entering her throat, I
could feel the heat of her breath blasting my body as she was now
practically panting in anticipation. “Lowered still deeper, 
I could no longer see my feet as they disappeared down her throat and
she now embraced my legs in that hot slick tunnel and her grip on my
wrists became painful when a powerful gulp pulled me downwards.
Another powerful gulp and I was halfway down her throat, her hold of
me the only thing preventing a quick trip to her belly. “Question was
when did she plan to let go? “Hopeless as it seemed, I figured I
should try NOT to be swallowed. “It occurred to me as long as I was
in her throat she couldn’t breath so if I could jam myself in her
gullet, she’d gag. “I instantly jackknifed and flung my arms wide.

“I didn’t get the result I expected; she released me into her throat
and her uvula rose in preparation for that final deadly gulp.
“With no time left I thrust both fists with all my strength into the
soft back wall of her throat as I began to slide deeper. “I could
hardly believe what happened next. “She gag-coughed ejecting me
completely and next thing I knew I was free falling and the bed was
coming up at me with alarming speed. With amazing luck I hit the
pillow but took a bad bounce off the top end and found myself again
falling; this time between the mattress and the wall. “I landed
painfully on the carpeted floor with all the breath knocked out of

“For what seemed like an eternity I lay there gathering myself.
“Nothing seemed broken so I gingerly got to my feet realizing I had
no time to waste in hiding from that monster above me, who even now
was muttering and by the sounds of if, frantically searching the bed
for me. “Scanning around under the bed I spotted my shoes and socks
which of course were gigantic to me at my present size. “Quickly
making my way over to a shoe and grabbing a sock, scrambled inside
dragging the sock after me. “No sooner done than I could hear her now
on the floor beside the bed searching under it with sweeps of her

“With terror building in my chest I realized I had hopelessly trapped
myself and she was bound to find me, so in desperation I began
pulling the sock in the shoe over myself in an attempt to hide deep
in the sock. “Immediately the shoe lurched as she batted it with her
hand, then pulled it out for closer examination. “Suddenly the sock
was being withdrawn from the shoe and… discarded as she seemed to be
searching inside the shoe. “I held my breath, waiting for the moment
she would take a closer look at the sock but she seemed to move on.
“I got up the courage to take a look through the weave of the sock
which to me was huge. “I saw her now searching all around the night
stand. “She was absolutely awesome to behold in her nakedness but at
the same time terrifying because of her gargantuan size and predatory
aspect as she literally hunted me down. 

“As Vivian seductively stalked on all fours I found myself staring at
her beautiful belly, glad I was still outside of it but also
wondering if that might be my eventual destination. I marveled at her
gorgeous well-defined abdominal muscles and mused at what a
formidable prison wall they made if I did end up on the inside.  Even
in my frightened state I was becoming aroused at the idea of being
engulfed and assimilated by that mass of feminine flesh prowling
before me. “There was something distinctly primal in the idea of this
female hungering for me to the point of swallowing me alive, body and
soul into the depths of her physical being”. 

End of part 2.    


Part 3

Lance looked around at his audience and saw that they were into the
spirit of the story and were anxiously waiting for his next words. He
continued “So at this point she was looking under my dresser and
facing away from me with her shapely derriere high in the air and her
nether regions gaping at me in all their glory. “I tore my gaze away
from them, struggled out of the sock and made a fast dash back under
the bed, glancing backwards to be sure she hadn’t spotted me. “It was
at this point both Vivian and I
heard a key turning in the apartment door and someone entering.
“Oh God, the only person with a key to my apartment is Kay, my
girlfriend; I’m in for it now. “But then I caught myself and realized
being caught with another woman was the least of my worries, in fact
my biggest worry was Vivian catching me!

“Kay walked into the bedroom and was confronted by a now standing but
still completely naked Vivian. “This was getting interesting!
“Without a word, Vivian calmly dressed herself while Kay threw a
torrent of angry questions at her. “With Kay dogging her every step,
Vivian swept up her purse and stalked out of the apartment leaving
Kay fuming in the doorway. “I decided this was not a good time to
make an appearance since Kay was as big to me as Vivian was and in
her present mood SHE would probably eat me! “From my vantage point
under the bed I watched her rattle around gathering my clothes and
searching  every room, muttering incoherently the whole time.
“Eventually she stormed out slamming the door behind her leaving me,
still 3” tall, naked and lying beneath my own bed.

“I simply lay there letting the terror and tension of the last little
while settle out. “Gradually my body began to relax and I closed my
eyes and tried to make my mind a blank. “Suddenly the front door was
opening again and in an instant Vivian was in the room and coming
straight for me even as I tried to roll further under the bed. “She
scooped me up in her enormous hand and raised me to her face. “With
an evil smile she tilted her head back and raised me above her greedy
mouth which now opened wide displaying the enormous cavern that
terminated in the black void of her gaping throat. “She took a step
backwards making sure the overhead light now fully illuminated my
destination and my terror returned full blown when I was now able to
see deep into her gullet down that glistening esophagus all the way
to her stomach, it seemed. 

“She begun lowering me head first and as I passed by those deadly
incisors I noticed traces of blood on them and yet more on the
enormous molars. “With a shudder of horror I realized she must have
caught and devoured Kay as she left the apartment, chewing her up
before swallowing. “Now mesmerized in pure terror I looked down at
the waiting throat below me and it seemed to undulate in
anticipation. “Then with a reverberating growl from deep below, her
throat opened impossibly wide and I was released to fall helplessly
passed her fleshy uvula, down her hungry gullet hardy touching the
walls as I plunged. “Amazingly I could still see clearly as the
esophagus walls rushed by and looking down I could see the stomach
sphincter…God, it was opening even as I approached it. “I plunged
straight into her waiting stomach and SPLASH! “Immediately the
stomach walls contracted on me, churning my helpless body in their
destructive grip and exerting unbearable pressure on my chest. 

“With a sickening lurch I was awake! “I’d dreamt the whole thing but
the pressure on my chest was real enough. “While I slept I’d resumed
my normal size and now lay under a bed that I had no business fitting
under and some of its’ weight pressed down on my chest. “Painfully, I
lifted and squirmed my way out, not too much worse for wear. “Quickly
I dressed, packed a few clothes in a carry-all and put as much
distance between me and my apartment as I could. “That was last fall
and I’ve been living like a nomad ever since, traveling from city to
city until I made it here. I might have gone back to my apartment
after a week or two but became convinced Vivian and two of her
friends were tracking me. “I’m something of an expert at recognizing
the preds now; they have a particularly hungry look to their eyes and
if they nail you with them,  your willpower seems to sap away and
you’re seduced to their will. “Something like what certain snakes do
to their prey so they can get close en
 ough to strike.

“I think what saved me is embraced by the expression ‘Once bitten and
twice shy’ except in my case it was ‘Once swallowed
and twice shy’. “Voraphile or not, I’m not willing to become a meal
for Vivian or her friends; there’s something very final about the
digestive process of a female twenty odd times your size”.
 Lance looked around at his appreciative audience and couldn’t help
noticing there was now a little space around Cindy, the only girl in
the group and he thought to himself  ‘How could you be absolutely
sure, maybe they were all potential preds under the right

Seating himself in the nearest chair, Lance couldn’t help grinning
when spontaneous applause broke out for his account of his exploits
and more importantly, his escape.
Walking forward, Dr. Andrews said  “It seems to me we might have a
unique opportunity to trap our adversary if Lance here is willing to
be the bait in the trap but don’t you worry Lance, that won’t be
until we know exactly what we’re up against.”  

End of part 3      Look for part 4 at a vore site near you!