
Dana put her hands on her hips as she looked down at the perfume
counter lady. "I'm not looking for something for myself, I'm
looking for cologne for my
boyfriend." she was so intimidating in her 5" heels that
the sales lady visibly cringed. 
"We don't have a men's department, you'll have to get something
Dana leaned closer. "Unisex is NOT what I'm wanting. If you
don't have it on hand, then ORDER something specifically for
men!" the taller blonde's lips became a
thin line as she dominated the sales lady. 
"I'll... see what I can do... Ms. Ross? Please come to the
cosmetics department?" she called over the store wide intercom.
Presently, Josh came up with a whole
shopping cart of goodies. 
"Hey, I've got everything you wanted for your Hummer." he
said cheerfully. Ever since he'd met this most alluring off world
woman, he felt like a school boy beside
"Thanks, darling. I'll be out in a moment." Dana looked
more like a super model than someone who would drive a hum V. But
evidently on her home world, it was
unthinkable to drive a vehicle that couldn't climb a 45 degree
Josh took her credit card and paid at the front counter, then
continued piling stuff into her hummer that he was going to use to
fix it up to her taste. She wanted
ALOT more lights on it for some reason, and she wanted everything
they had to make it water proof. He had a whole assortmenet of
silicone and seal kits for the
body. Whatever she was up to was strange to him, but for all her good
looks and intelligence, she treated him like a king. And her couldn't
for the life of him figure
out why. 

Presently, Dana came out of the store and hopped into the driver's
seat. He gave her back her credit card and she put it in the pocket
of her khaki shirt. Her long
silky blonde hair blew in the wind as she began to drive. 
"What you eating?" he asked off handedly as he went through
the box containing water tight epoxy patches. 
"Oh, eh. Gum." she said finishing chewing whatever it was
and swallowing. 
"You're not supposed to swallow your gum. It sticks to the walls
of your blood vessels." 
"Oh, uh. Sorry." she licked her lips and he could swear it
looked as if her lips got redder when she did so. He was about to ask
about that when he came opened
the glove box and came across a bunch of little chrome boxes.
"Hey, what's this stuff?" he asked noting that some of them
were empty (weightless) and some of
them were full and heavy. 
"Oh, just batteries." she said offhandedly trying to keep
her eyes on the road. 
"They don't look like batteries to me. What do they go to, some
off world CamCorder?" Josh shook one to see if it rattled. 
"Uh, yea. This is my cam corder." she patted the pouch she
always carried. 
"I was wondering what that was, I figured it was a weapon of
some sort, but most people carry a gun now adays. If that's not a
weapon, what to you use for self
defence?" he asked. 
"I know you're asking because you want to be protective, I'm
happy just riding around with a man with a gun." she winked. 
This made Josh's head swell up a pretty good bit. Even though his
.380 pistol was by no means a super gun. "Okay, then I'll be
your body guard when we go to
town." he smiled taking on the responsibility for the beautifull
"I'm so glad! Just think, we would never have talked so much if
you hadn't come over to ask me about this big clunky truck!" 
"Big clunky... This hummer is brand new!! And if you think it's
so clunky why did you buy it??" He wasn't really arguing with
her, but it was weird having her putting
down her own vehicle of choice. 
"I... let's just say I like things that are big and tough and
can be played with rough." she smiled and showed her beauty in a
way that usually only happens on the
cover of vanity magazine. 
"Well, allright." he shrugged again. They rode the rest of
the way to her house with him wondering how in the world to ask her
out on another outing, or better yet,
ask her how in the world to get in her panties!!! 
Under her car port he began scoping out how to put everything on that
they'd bought. 
"I guess I'll get started." he mused. He had agreed to help
her customize the thing. 
"I don't know ANYTHING about what to do. Tell you what. When you
get done, I'll reward you then. How's that?" she said kicking
off her high heels to stand in
her 6 foot bare foot glory on the white concrete. 
"Uh, okay. But, I wasn't really going to charge you
anything..." he began. 
"OH! I wasn't going to pay in money! I think you like me, or you
wouldn't be helping me so much. Am I right?" she asked opening
her khaki shirt top buttons. Her
perfect skin above the two orbs of her breasts was staring him in the
face and he couldn't lead him self to believe she was offering what
she was. 
"I, oh, that would be... FABULOUS!" he stammered. 
"Good. I'll go make you lunch darling." she turned on her
bare foot heel and strode into her new house. Josh looked at all the
junk that he had to put on the hummer
now, and his hands found new speed he didnt' know he had! Patch after
patch went around the undercarriage and a kit that allowed even more
underwater time on
the intake system. He guessed the thing could go across the bottom of
a river 50 feet across when he got done. 
The hours clicked away, and soon it was night fall and Dana had
brought a radio out on the back porch so they could listen while she
barbequed some streaks for
him. He thought it was REALLY something for her to do, since he'd
never seen her eat anything but a salad or fruit off of trees. 
Finally he washed his hands in the garden hose and cleaned up the
empty boxes. "Looks like she'd ready to take on a raging
river!" he was rather proud of his
"Oh? Good." Dana said conversationally. She put the steaks
on a plate and served him as he plopped down in the patio chair. The
dusk 'till dawn lights were just
coming on all around the neighborhood as they ate dinner listening to
K605SFM radio. 
"I think it's ready for combat. You plan on taking it up in the
mountains?" Josh asked savoring her excellent cooking. 
"Oh, you could say that." she said eating a peach daintilly
beside him. 
"Where? You going to Grand Rapids?" it wasn't far from
there, and there was ample room for cross country touring. 
"Not exactly." she ate her peach letting some get on her
fingers just so she could lick them clean. 
"Well, how about Sunno? It's open untill fall." he
suggested figuring she was so new to the area, maybe she didn't know
where she wanted to take it. 
"I know where I want to take it, I'm just not sure how to say
it." she licked the half eaten fruit in her finger tips and took
more little nibbles letting her big full lips play
on the skin surface. 
"Oh, then, when are you going?" he asked taking another big
cut of steak and letting the salty barbeque flavor melt in his mouth. 
"I want to go... now." she said slightly parting her legs
and letting her skirt drift up her thigh a bit. 
"Oh. Is this... my reward?" he asked with a huge smile
creeping across his face. He didn't want to ruin the situation by
becoming too excited, but it was difficult. 
"If you want it to be." she said as her half lidded eyes
began to smoulder into his mind. He was almost in a trance as she
leaned forward. "Would you like to drive
me?" she said with a breathy tone. 
"Well, yea. I'd love to!" he said thinking a good test
drive of this ever so enticing woman would be the greatest thing in
the universe. 
"Good. Hop in." she stood and tossed the peach over her
shoulder as she pointed at the hummer. 
Josh looked at the hum-v. Then back at her. Then back at the hum-v.
"OH! Yea. Let's go!" he figured she wanted to do it in the
hummer!! It had been a long time
since he'd had sex in a vehicle, but what the hell. She was well off
and eccentric. He clambored over to the stout 4 wheel drive and
hopped in the driver's seat. He
then hung his head out the window. 
"Well. Aren't you coming?" he asked as she stood beside the
still smoking grill and took out her cam corder. "Oh, you want a
shot of me driving?" he asked
"Uh, yes. Hand me the spare batteries, please?" she stepped
forward and he took all the full metal boxes out to hand to her.
"Thank you." she kissed him on the
nose and stepped back to take a shot with her camcorder. 
He soon found out it was no camcorder! 
In an instant he found himself in a huge concrete plain. It looked
like the desert for miles and miles around, but the thing that was
strange was not only how he got
there, but why there were two bare feet that must have been the size
of oil tankers coming toward him. 
In the sky was a vision of his new lady friend, she strode toward him
in the hummer, and soon the world turned into a tumbling and falling
nightmare as he was
plucked off of the ground like a cigarette butt and jostled around
mercilessly. He beat his head several times before he got his seat
belt secured and was holding on
to the 'oh shit' handle for dear life. 
Suddenly the windshield opened up again as the hand that had taken
him let him go on the surface of a flowery plain. This was fabric
material on a bed the size of a
small town. He clutched the steering wheel wondering what in creation
he'd gotten himself into. 
"If you can hear me, flash your headlights." she said. He
looked around and saw in the rear view mirror was a pair of bare
thighs the size of missile silos towering over
the edge of the bed. 
He pulled on the switch and she just said "good" and
continued undressing. 
As soon as she was naked, he was grabbed again and brought to her
super enormous face. Each of her eyes were easily larger than the
hood of the hummer. Her
fingernials were as big as surf boards on either side of the windows. 
"Do you still like me?" she asked looking direclty at him,
but not really seeing him because he was so tiny. "flash your
lights" she prompted. 
He did still like her, and even if he didn't he wouldn't be foolish
enought to piss her off now. He blinked the lights again. 
"Good" she said again with a twinkle in her eye. "This
is for you." she said taking the tiny trinket in her fingertips
down to her pussy. The big pink creases were
perfectly exposed where she'd recently shaved. When the tires hit the
surface, Josh was holding on to the brakes to keep from rolling on
the steep incline. 
Seeing his plight, Dana layed all the way back on her bed, and
propped her butt up on a pillow so she could see herself better
comfortable. Josh held on for dear
life as the mountain of a woman settled her tons and tons of torso
down. He looked over at her glistening pink folds and guessed that
the hummer would go over her
clit like a speed bump. 
Suddenly he saw her so called 'cam corder' come up again. 

"Then, let's play." she said zapping him again. He yelped
as the hummer bucked again and suddenly the clit was more like a hill
than a speed bump. Now he guessed
it would take some effort to go 4 wheeling up the 8 foot hill. 
He looked over in sudden fright at her fingernail that was now 16
feet wide and very dominating like the shovel of a front end loader
hovering over him and the now
tiny hum-v. 
Suddenly he was blasted YET AGAIN! 
This time when he screamed out he found that the very skin around him
became terrain with huge water tower sized stubble around the uneven
ground. And now
her fingernail was a monsterous 56 feet wide looking very much like a
whole building hovering in the air above he and the miniscule hum-v.
With shaking hands he
began driving forward and saw that her clit was no longer just a
hill, but a mountain complete with valleys and hills on it's rough
He began driving it, noticing that the tires dug in and slung sloppy
goo all over the underside of the wheel wells. It drove the engine
hard just to stay moving in the
sticky mess. The more he drove, the messier it got, untill he was
sliding down hill on a droplet of ooz. He was taken by the avalanche
of girl cream and dripped
down the wide canal toward her parted labia that loomed like great
mountains on either side of him. 
He began to invision that if he continued to drip off of her in the
rush of her pussy juice, he would surely end up in the niche of her
ass and perhaps crushed in her
pert cheeks if she lost track of him. He began fighting the
adventuring vehicle all the more spinning all four tires as he tried
to get any traction at all on the mile wide
pussy ravine. Suddenly he moved away from the main drip and got to
the shallow end of her slit where some puffy pink walls were enough
to drive on again. He
headed up the pink wall toward the top where he might make it out of
her pussy entirely and drive back to her clit again to try again. He
turned on the windshild
washer and the pussy juice began wiping off the sides with the brisk
little wipers working furiosly. 
In the distance, miles and miles away, he could see she had an
enourmous vibrator in her mouth. She was licking it and lubricating
it with saliva. He stopped dead in
his tracks as he feared she was about to use it. His fears were all
to well founded. Her finger tips came down and parted her pussy so
that the titan rocket sized
vibrator could allign with her pussy. 
He kicked it back in gear and drove furiously, but it was too late.
The crater of female flesh began to buckle as the vast round
instrument began to penetrate it. He
saw in his rear view mirror that he was getting closer to the gooey
impaling instrument even though he was moving forward on the lips
around it. With a huge ghastly
noise the whole gooey sloppy mess sent down into her gaping hole and
the world went black amid slurpy noises that Josh was certain would
break the windows in
the tons and tons of goo. He held onto the steering wheel as he
cowered back in the seat. The inside of her pussy was completely
blacker than the darkest night. He
jostled around a bit more and was suddenly aware that grinding noise
of the vibrator against the hummer was gone. She'd burried him in her
cunt in the four wheel
drive casket! He was sweating profusely as he realized the engine was
still running. He guessed it would die soon, so he went ahead and
turned on the air
conditioning as he waited to be smothered under the tons and tons of
goo in the planet sized woman's pussy. 
Remembering also that she'd made him install many extra lights, he
numbly pulled the off road lamp switch and lit up the inside of the
clear goo like daylight. Each of
her veins and divots in her pussy was like a vast wall of a cave to
him. The hummer was rotating slightly as it floated in the
contracting cunt juice. He didnt' know
whether she knew he was inside her or not, but either way, he wasn't
even touching the sides as he saw bubbles from her saliva off of the
vibrator that were 12 feet
across floating in the mix. The aimless floating lasted until light
broke from somewhere up ahead and the flood of juices gushed out.
Josh was frantically holding to
the steering wheel as the goo kept him from being crushed by the fall
to the flowered fabric of the bed sheets. Each of the vast squares in
between the huge threads
was big enough for him to drive through, but the goo kept him
Suddenly the hummer bucked and was free of the goo. 
He'd been grown to the size of a bug. 
Then it bucked again and the hummer became the size of a match box
car again. He saw Dana's eyes fill the gooey windshield again.
"So, you okay in there?" she
asked looking for any signs of movement in the tiny vehicle. 
He blinked the lights off and on at her. He'd made it! He'd really
really made it!!! 
She purred happily. "So, are you ready for the rest of your
reward?" she cood. 
Again he blinked the lights. It was very weird foreplay, but
evidently she was ready now. 
"Good. Now you can take a dirt road..." she shrank the
hummer again, once then twice untill it was the size of a dust mite
again. With her fingertip she took the
entire pile of goo he was in and brought it to her face seeing the
tiny speck in her juice. She then flipped over and inserted her
finger tip into her puckered tight anus
and clenched her finger deliciously around it. Somewhere in her ass
he was fighting for controll of the great big machine again. She
savored the sensation taking her
finger out of her anus and frigging her clit with it again. Her pussy
was on fire as she envisioned him fighting for his life, maybe
crushed already by her finger tip. 
"Oh, you're so brave." she cooed as she had another orgasm
on her finger and inserted her finger again into her puckered ass
hole. Another thought occurred to her.
She flushed him out of her pussy when she orgasmed, but how would she
flush him out of her ass? She crossed her legs to keep herself from
masturbating further
untill she could come up with a solution. 
Feeling that she might need further "help" on the subject
she opened the bedside door and extracted her snack box. The small
case was mostly full with about 48
small vials. Most of them contained a tiny shrunken occupant much
like the sales lady she'd eaten earlier. She browsed over their
frozen forms and touched the
button to de-frost a relatively younger woman she'd brought from her
home world. 
Dana couldn't remember the girl's name, and if she so pleased, would
simply eat her anyway. She began to move as she thawed and was
rejuvinated by the snack
box because of her tiny size. Dana plucked the tiny brunette from the
vial and dangled her before her eyes. A single droplet of normal
sized moisture fell from her
foot to Dana's nipple. To the tiny shrunken woman it was the size of
a foot ball. 
"Listen up. There's a truck in my ass. I want you to go in there
and get it." Dana commanded the tiny naked girl. Three inches,
just the right size for snacking, but
Dana held off on that and put her to her ass cheeks. 
Without a word, the girl put her whole arm up the giganitic woman's
ass hole and began feeling around as if she were cleaning out a
drain. To the shrunken girl, the
hum-V was the size of a match box car. She found it with her finger
tips and retrieved it. 
Dana was happy about that. 
Soon Josh was grown yet again as Dana's languid eyes followed him. He
got out of the hummer and stood next to the 5 foot 7 inch girl.
"Hi, who are you?" he
asked the naked girl who just stood there. 
"I'm Beverly." the girl said nervously. 
"I'm Josh, nice to meet..." his words were cut off as Dana
brought her mouth forward and wrapped her lips around the girls upper
body. A tremendous crunch was
heard as her jaws clamped down and the kicking slender legs went into
Dana's mouth as she swallowed the girl whole. A big lump went down
her throat 
"Ahhgh!" Josh cringed back. He'd never seen anything so
horrible in his life. Dana absently stroked her pussy and touched the
buttons on a few more vials in her
snack case completely ignoring his reaction. 
Another tiny man came out completely naked. He barely made it to
consciousness before Dana had him in her mouth. This guy was chewed
and crushed in her
molars to a pulp as she enjoyed her snack and turned her attention to
Josh again. 
"What are you waiting for? I'm yours." she cooed and
ushered him up the crook of her arm to her nipple. He stood before
the missile cone sized nip and cringed as
another screaming victim went over his head into Dana's waiting
mouth. This one she swallowed and a feint screaming could be heard in
her chest for a few seconds
before she burped and giggled. 
"Why are you doing this?! Why are you killing those
people!?" Josh stepped back from the gigantic nipple and
confronted the enourmous beauty. Dana simply put
another man in her mouth and closed it on him. Slight marks in her
cheeks could be seen where he was trying to fight his way out.
Suddenly his face came trough her
lips as he forced his head through her opening. She looked as if she
couldn't keep him clamped tight enough with the muscles of her lips,
so she bit down on him and
his face disappeared as she sucked him back and swallowed him. 
"I do whatever I want. I'm a Varnholmian princess. You are my
consort. I will let you touch me, these puny beings are only to
please me." she said imperiously. She
took another blonde woman from the case and let the soaking wet woman
fall to his feet. "There. If you feel for them so much, I give
you a gift." she prodded the
tiny woman with her finger. "This is your new master. Serve him
well, or you will join the others!" she took another woman from
the case and leaned her head back
to engulf her with her lips. 
The woman beside Josh began to beg. "Leena! Leena! No!" The
woman in Dana's mouth had her whole upper torso and small breasts
above her giant lips. She
saw the woman beside Josh and began screaming. "Laura! No!
Please! Help mee!!!" and then she was gone and another lump went
down Dana's throat. Her face
came back forward as she licked her lips. 
"That was your sister, wasn't she? I remember you now! You
wanted to court my last consort!! How fitting that I give you to my
new consort you horny bitch!"
Dana accused the tiny soaked blonde at Josh's feet. She trembled as
Dana broke out into laughter. "Tell you what. You please him,
and I'll watch. And if you
DON'T satisfy him..." she licked her lips and took yet another
woman from her box. This one she brutally beat with her finger tip
and put her in her mouth side ways
so that her feet and head were handging out either side of her lips.
The woman gasped in terror as her hand also escaped the gigantic lips
and began beating on
Dana's upper lip when suddenly the teeth clenched down and the woman
quit struggling all together. One of the feet fell off and landed on
Dana's chest as the rest
was pulled into her lips and devoured. 
"Be a darling and throw that up here, would you?" Dana
asked the skinny blonde next to Josh. She scurried up Dana's arm and
up her side between her water
tower sized breasts and threw the dismembered foot up at Dana's mouth
who caught it in the air and swallowed it too. 
"Now, both of you need to get fucking so I can watch! Here. Have
another." she took another girl from her snack case and the
small red head had a matte of sopping
wet hair stuck to her back. She tried to stand on the uneven bed, but
ended up falling on her back. Laura and Josh were both confused for a
sec, then Laura started
licking and kissing on the red head. 
"Quickly, before she eats us..." Laura prompted Josh. Josh
gulpled and got on his knees to watch. 
"Not each other! Him you fools!" Dana prodded the girls
with her skate board sized finger nail. 
They both wearilly began bogging him down and pressing themselves to
him. He was suddenly aware they were stripping him and soon he was
having sex with
Laura while the red head licked his balls from behind. He was going
to stop them, but they were so good at fucking and sucking that soon
he was blasting in load in
the wet blond on top of him, and the red head put her lips to his
dick as soon as he pulled it out and she licked ever millimeter of
him clean. 
He was so absorbed in the endeavor that he screamed when he saw Dana
lean in close right behind them and take both of the women in her
mouth and begin to
chew. It was sloppy and noisy as globs of bloody saliva fell on the
bed sheets. Dana tilted her head back and swallowed the chunks as she
continued chewing on
the tender pieces still in her mouth. 
"Don't worry, I got more." is all Dana said and suddenly he
was picked up in her fingers and taken to a plastic prison in the
tall black snack case. 
"Hey! What the?!?" the door shut on it and he could see her
gigantic finger tip toggle the lever beside him. He was engulfed in a
poof of refrigerant and suddenly
Dana closed the case still licking her lips. She really enjoyed this
planet and decided to take a shower. Her thin nubile body slid off
the bed and she thought about
the stained sheets and drug them behind her down the hall. Her tiny
hum-v crunched under her big toe without her even noticing as a penis
the size of a mouse turd
fell from her lip and fumbled down the 80 story body all the way to
the carpet below.