Cheryl’s Revenge

“ Dad..., c’mon...can’t you see that the world’s changing?”

“ It’s all just a temporary period.”

“ Yea..., a temporary transition from male dominance to female dominance.”

“ She’s right...Tony.”, said the guy’s wife, Martha in relation to her daughter’s words. “ What Cheryl says is true..., I mean look at’ve been demoted in your unskilled job....while I’ve been promoted and am now the main bread winner in this place.”

“ That’s, I’m going to collage now, earning a degree in electronics..., when I get out..., I’ll be self sufficient and independent.

With a sigh, the defeated man got up off the livingroom sofa and headed into the kitchen, looking down at the dirty dishes in the sink. From behind him, out in the livingroom, he heard his dark-haired wife’s voice yell to him, “ You see..., look at yourself, you’re the one washing the dishes now, not me anymore.”

Smiling at her sandy haired daughter, professionally dressed Martha, wearing black pumps and a dark blue skirt suit, bot up as well and slowly strolled into the kitchen.

While the guy cleaned off the china, she made herself a cup of coffee and next placed her attractive and shapely ass right into one of the kitchen chairs.

After her mother, came Cheryl, dressed in a cream colored blouse, jeans, and black high heeled boots. In the kitchen also, Cheryl did the same as her mother, pouring herself a cup of the black brew from the machine and finally parking her spectacular butt in a seat next to her mom.

“ So Tony..., what are you gonna do when you get to your uncle’s place tomorrow?”

“ Like I told you yesterday..., I’m gonna simply stay there most of the day and talk things over with his lawyer, so when he goes..., everything’ll be in order, the guy’s kind of old.”

After taking another sip, Marth replied, “ Oh..., ok, then I should be expecting you home around what...ten tomorrow night or someting?”

“ Yea..., I’ll be taking a Gray Hound..., a cab’ll drive me to the station...everything’ll be all right.”

Her legs crossed, sexy Cheryl mentioned, “ Well..., have fun, dad, enjoy the ride.”

“ I will.”, answered Tony as he completed the last dish and put the thing away.

Glancing up at the kitchen clock, Martha said, “ Looks like it’s just about six thirty..., let’s watch the world news..., I wanna see what kind of bullshit’s going on.”

“ Yea..., why not.”, replied the other two.

Slowly, Martha and Cheryl got up and strolled into the livingroom with the daughter directly after her mother. Last in line was Tony as he softly walked behind the nice looking girl, trying to keep his eyes from making contact with her jean clad ass. However, it was to no avail; try as he may, the man glued his line of sight to her perfect posterior as she walked along, finally seeing her park the beautiful thing into the livingroom’s sofa. For a second, Cheryl glanced in his direction and noticed his horny stare, shaking her head immediately afterward. Quickly, Tony looked elsewhere as to not get his wife’s attention. In the end, all three individuals sat before the tube as Cheryl reached forward for the remote on the table and flicked on the set.

A half hour later, the news was over with Cheryl saying, “ Ok..., I’m going to my room now..., I’ve got home work to finish up with.”

“ All right..., Cheryl.”, answered her mom as the sexy eighteen year old raised her ass and strolled along, going past her father’s face as he still sat there.

Again, the guy glued his gaze upon her butt and simply stared ahead, oblivious now to his wife’s reaction.

When the girl disappeared behind the corner, moving down a hall leading to her room in the one story home, Martha smacked the side of his shoulder and gently yelled, “ Stop that!”

Back to awareness, Tony looked a little embarrassed but finally said, “ I wanna finish reading this mag here..., what are you gonna do before bed time?”

“ I don’t know...think I’ll go out for an hour or two and do some shopping.”

“ Ok.”

Getting up, the long haired brunette strolled over to the main entrance, left the house, walked to the car, placed her ass behind the wheel, and drove off.

Two and a half hours later, Martha arrived back home with a bag of stuff in her hand.

“ So what did you buy?”, inquired Tony as Martha stepped into the structure, closing the door behind her.

“ Oh, not much, just a new CD and a note book.”

“ Oh.”

“ Yea..., just a little something...I really wanted to get out of the house for a while.”

After she put the stuff away, the lady turned to her husband and said, “ Well..., I’m gonna shower off..., it’s about time to turn in.”

“ Yea..., I’ll go when you’re through.”

Headed to the bathroom, Martha realized that her daughter was already in there cleaning herself off when the mother knocked on the door and yelled, “ Cheryl..., you gonna be much longer?”

“ No, mom...I’m almost done.”

“ Good.”

In no time, the door opened and out stepped sexy Cheryl wearing noting at all!

“ Cheryl..., how many times did I tell you not to go naked from the bathroom to your room..., what if your dad sees you.?”

“ If he does anything to me...I’ll report his’s that for an answer?”

“ That’s not the idea..., Cheryl.”

“ For me it is.”

Shaking her head, good looking Martha went into the bathroom and closed the door behind her while the sexy sandy haired eighteen year old strolled naked down the short hall toward her room.

As she went, Tony happened to glance up from the magazine and take a quick glance at his daughter moving down the semidark walkway. Immediately, his prick erected at the sight of her posterior swaying back and forth, just begging for a male’s attention. When she reached her room, the young lady turned to her left and entered, closing the door behind her.

Realizing that Martha was taking a shower, Tony slowly got up and tiptoed toward the hall, being as quiet as possible. After passing the bathroom, he continued along until he stood before his daughter’s closed room door.

Gently, the man sank down to his knees and placed his right eye before the small radiance of light coming from the key hole.

Eager to see something, the guy stared away until he saw Cheryl’s frame appear in sight. His breath got faster and faster as he looked on, watching her move about by the nightstand with nothing on, eyeing her tits with the utmost in lust.

Slowly, the man unzipped his fly and pulled out his erect cock, playing with himself afterward. Turing around, Cheryl bent forward before the nightstand and removed a brush. As she did this, she unconsciously aimed her ass right toward her dirty old dad who continued to jack at the pleasant image before him.

A second or so later, Cheryl was by a funny sensation, feeling as if she was being watched. Quickly, the naked beauty turned around and darted to the door. Before he could react, the panel flew open with Cheryl staring down into his face, exclaiming with an intense whisper, “ You fucken bastard...what the hell are you doing?”

“ Ah...I, ah...”

“ Yea..., I knew it all along, you pervert..., now close your fly and get the fuck away from my door or I’ll tell mom!”

“ Ok, ok.., just please don’t tell her!”

“ I won’t unless I see you pull shit like this again.”

“ Ok..., won’t happen again.”

Extremely embarrassed, the man darted into his and his wife’s bedroom and just sat there on the mattress, waiting for Martha to finish up.

Done with her shower, the brunette put her night clothes on and left the bathroom, going to the bedroom. All ready, Tony entered the shit house and took a shower. When finished, he entered his chamber and finally laid himself next to his wife.

It didn’t take long and everyone in the place was asleep.

The next morning at six, Cheryl’s alarm rang and the pretty naked girl got up and dressed herself, going back into a pair of jeans, a light colored blouse, and her favorite black stiletto boots.

When the daughter left her room and strolled into the kitchen, she made herself some breakfast and coffee. While eating and drinking herself full, Martha entered, already dressed in her business attire, followed by Tony, still in his pajamas.

“ Ok..., Tony...”, said Martha, we’ll be leaving for work and school in a matter of moments..., guess we won’t see you till later this evening?”

“ Yea.”

After he spoke, Cheryl gave him a few dirty looks on occasion, indirectly reminding him of his own degeneracy.

Finally, the two sexy females left, first Martha, and then her daughter. Right when Cheryl stepped out of the home, she quickly turned around and saw Tony staring away at her posterior.

“ Stop staring at fuck.”, said the girl.

Not saying anything, Tony turned his gaze in another direction as the young lady finally left, headed to a bus stop while her mother got in the car and drove to her office.

Back inside, Tony finished his breakfast and then glanced up at the kitchen clock, seeing that he had about two hours to go until his scheduled ride on the Gray Hound bus.

Alone by himself, he got up off the kitchen chair and slowly ventured down the short hall. When he got to Cheryl’s room, the guy couldn’t help but stare inside. As he did that, he got a whiff of some perfume she just put on herself after she got up. Excited by the oder, the man stepped inside the small chamber and strolled over to the dresser where he next opened the top drawer. Reaching in, the pervert grabbed a pair of Cheryl’s white panties and began smelling them. Turned on now, he quickly went out of his pajamas and stood naked in his daughter’s room. Slowly, he reached down for his prick and began jacking off while sniffing away at her panty’s crotch area.

Going on for thirty seconds, his eyes fell upon the computer in her room, just sitting there. Horny as hell, he simply decided to go over and get on line, hoping to see some good porno sites to beat off to.

When the thing booted up, he logged in and was about to search for a site he saw a month ago when all of a sudden he noticed a message come up from the lower right hand corner of the screen, “ You’ve got mail.”

Curious, the naked guy decided to snoop in his daughter’s email and see what she’s got. Bringing up outlook express, he downloaded four messages.

After reading the first two, he realized they were from Cheryl’s girl friend at college. The third message was simply junk mail, an add for some bullshit. However, the forth one got his attention, for it simply said on the title, “ Open immediately.” Like a fool, the man did so, not paying any attention to the fact that an attachment was stuck to the message without any proper identification.

When the thing was opened,all of a sudden, a few large words appeared on the screen, saying, “ Ha, ha..., this is a’re system is now gonna get all screwed up!”

“ Fuck..., shit..., when she finds out I’ve been snooping around, she’ll kill me and tell Martha..., damn...why?”

Frantically, Tony tried to figure out what to do, striking keys and clicking away at the mouse, trying as hard as he could to stop the destruction.

Eager to do something, he entered the computer’s control panel and began manipulating some of the settings, desperate for an answer. Since he wasn’t much of a computer expert, Tony at times worked blindly. Suddenly, after striking some key, the screen went dark.

“ What the hell...!”, exclaimed the guy to himself as he tried to reboot.

Before he could do anything, the screen lit up again, this time with an extreme brightness, causing him to hold his hand before his face. Five seconds later, it went dark again, staying that way, no mater which key or button he pressed.

With a sigh, Tony shook his head and began thinking, figuring out something to tell his daughter when she confronts him about the PC not working. Quickly, he returned her panties to the drawer, closed it, and grabbed his night clothes, heading out of the room afterward. As he moved, Tony realized that he’d be safe from accusation; if she ask anything, he’d simply shrug his shoulders and deny knowing anything.

Satisfied with such a path of reasoning, Tony left Cheryl’s room and went to his bedroom. While the naked guy strolled away, he was overcome by a strange sensation, going all throughout his system. Intensifying, the feeling became more and more dominating, causing him to finally stop and stare away when he eventually reached the bedroom and tossed his pajamas on the mattress.

The feeling wouldn’t go away, getting stronger and stronger. As he stood there, Tony realized something strange, everything seemed to be getting larger and larger. After a minute, the guy was standing there and staring straight at the bed’s coaster wheel.

Looking around, Tony was struck with a hard cold fact: he’d been shrunk somehow by whatever strange virus was in the computer. Terrified, the little two inch high guy gazed around at his surroundings, totally overwhelmed at everything around him.

Not knowing what to do, Tony began his journey out into the livingroom, doing so for no apparent reason, driven by instinct and fear. As he walked out of the bedroom, the little guy passed up a second pair of pumps which Martha had simply left next to the bed. Amazed at the footwear, little Tony nevertheless continued on until he was all the way out in the livingroom.

All alone and small, the desperate tiny creature could only stand there and do nothing. As the hours ticked away, three thirty in the afternoon arrived. Suddenly, the front door flew open and in stepped sexy Cheryl!

With a casual and conceited stride, the jean clad girl came forth, moving straight toward her dad as he stood in the middle of the livingroom. Not seeing him, the girl went forth, headed to her room. As she moved, Tony yelled up to her approaching frame, “ Cheryl...,’s me, dad!”

Obviously, his tiny screams had no immediate effect, the girl heard nothing. When she was only six inches from the guy, Cheryl almost stepped on him. Her boot coming down, terrified Tony jumped out of the way, almost getting killed.

Turning his head, Tony watched the giant looking female move off into the distance, her nice ass swaying back and forth from under her perfectly fitting jeans.

In her room now, sexy Cheryl placed her butt down in a chair directly behind her PC and turned the thing on. Nothing, the only thing she say was the BIOS telling her that the hard drive was empty.

“ What...!”, screamed the young lady to herself, “ This is a bunch of shit..., how the fuck did that happen?”

Confused and angered, Cheryl marched from the room and strolled back out into the livingroom. Still mad, she stomped her boots a little, scaring her tiny dad as he gazed up at her overbearing, yet attractive frame.

Awed by the sound of his daughter’s footwear, the insignificant man ran and hid behind one of the livingroom table’s legs. Her anger subsiding a little, Cheryl decided to go into the kitchen and make herself a cup of coffee. After doing that, she went back out to the livingroom and walked over to the sofa, setting her amazing and shapely ass down upon the cushion. The cup at her lips, the girl simply mused the time away, staring ahead at the opposite wall and thinking about how to purchase a new copy of “Windows Millennium”.

Seeing that the girl was now seated, Tony worked up enough courage to move out from under the table and approach the base of the couch, standing now only three inches from the edge of her left boot.

“ Hey..., Cheryl..., it’s me, dad, can you hear me...please help!”

At first, the attractive teenage girl didn’t react, simply continued to drink away at the black stuff. Again, he hollered upward, “ Hey Cheryl..., it’s me, help!”

For a second, her facial expression froze, straining to hear what appeared to be a faint little sound. Next, she looked down at the floor and suddenly placed the cup on the table before her and quickly stood up.

“ What the hell...?”, yelled the stunned female, as her sexy frame rose up.

“ It’s me..., something happened to me right after you and mom left this morning.”

“ What..., how did this happen to you...I mean..., just look at’re only about two inches high!”

“ I know..., something came from your computer...a bright light.”

“ My computer?”

“ Yes.”

“ What the fuck were you doing with my computer?”

“ I, ah..., I...”

“ You mean you were snooping at my bastard..., you know...!”

“ Yea..., but this is serious now..., you’ve gotta get help.”

A little more relaxed now, Cheryl placed her right hand on her hip and said, “ I don’t’ve been a real jerk...first staring at me when I was in my room..., now I find out that you’ve been going through my email.”

“ I’m sorry..., please.”

“ I ain’t gonna get you shit.”

“ Please.”

“ You know..., I oughta step on you right bug..., you’re really small...smaller than you think and realize!”

“ No, please!”

While he looked up toward his terrifying daughter, the front door opened with sexy Martha stepping in. When the brunette was inside, Cheryl yelled out, “ Hey mom..., look..., down here...look what I found!”

“ What?”

“ Here...come here and take a look!”

When the lady came forth, her eyes widened at the sight of little Tony just standing there all naked and only a couple of inches tall.

“ How the fuck did that happen..., what the...?”

“ He said my computer shrank him this morning...the bastard caused some strange electronic virus to screw things up as he was snooping at my email.”

Squatting, Martha just studied the guy until she said, “ You mean you were going through her things?”

“ Yea..., but you’ve gotta help me...please.”

“ Don’t call the cops or anything..., mom...we’ll never have any peace around here if the rest of the world finds this out..., I say we should just keep him small..., he really doesn’t deserve any better.”

“ Why that..., Cheryl?”, ask Martha.

“ Because the creep was kneeling before my room door last night, staring at me through the key hole and jacking off..., I caught him.”

Her head turning slowly, Martha stared down at little Tony coldly and then gradually stood herself up. Next, she raised her right pump and let it hover over her husband.

“ I oughtta crush fuck, how could you do that to your own daughter?”

“ Please..., Martha..., please, don’t!”

Before she was about to bring her foot down, Cheryl said, “ No..., wait, that’ll be too easy for the creep, I’ve got a better idea.”

“ What?”

“ The asshole’s always staring at my ass...that’s all he ever does, haven’t you noticed?”

“ Yea..., as a mater of fact I did.”

“ Well..., in that case..., I think it’s only right that he punished in a more suitable way.”

“ What have you got in mind, Cheryl?”

“ I’ll show you.”

With an evil grin on her sexy face, super good looking young Cheryl slowly squatted and took hold of her tiny father. Standing straight again, the girl turned around and lowered the man upon the oak colored livingroom table. Next, she rotated her frame as to stare at her curious mother. Afterward, Cheryl unbuckled her belt and lowered both her trousers and panties down to her thighs.

“ Cheryl..., that’s disgusting!”, mentioned Martha, watching the teenager hang her naked ass right before the table’s edge, dwarfing her dad with her awesome and attractive butt!

Her head turned back now, Cheryl remarked, “ There you go...motherfucker..., this is what you’ve always wanted to see..., right, well take a good look at it..., nice...isn’t fact it’s one of the best asses at college...the guys are all crazy about me.”

“ Please..., Cheryl, no!”, cried little Tony as she pushed her rear even closer to the table, eventually hanging her posterior directly over the little man.

“ Now kiss my ASS!..., that’s right, you fuck..., kiss it!”

“ Cheryl..., you really got him humiliated now..., don’t you?”, mentioned Martha, beginning to enjoy the sight.

“ That’s the idea, mom..., he’s gotta learn a lesson someway.”

“ Please..., no, don’t do this to me!”, begged the insignificant creature.

“ If you don’t kiss my ass, I’ll let mom finish you off, you can join the specks of dirt on the bottom of her shoes.”

Frightened, he slowly complied, moving his face toward her curvaceous behind. Two seconds later, the guy began kissing her ass, going at it for the next five minutes.

“ Now that’s pretty good..., don’t you think..., mom?”

“ Yea, Cheryl...,it looks like fun!”

“ It is..., nothing like getting your butt worshipped.” Speaking further, the girl finally addressed her father, saying, “ Ok..., you’re done.”

Quickly, he backed off a couple of inches when the young lady raised her attire, closed her belt, and then turned around. Seeing the naked guy on the table, Cheryl simply stood there, shifted her weight, and placed one hand on her hip. As her mother did the same, the two women just gazed own at him for over a minute when Martha broke the silence with, “ So..., what should we do with him now?”

“ Get rid of the fuck like you originally had in mind.”

“ No, please!”, exclaimed Tony, terrified at his daughter’s words.

“ You asshole..., you ain’t worth crap...!”, replied Cheryl as she grabbed him and set him down upon the floor.

Slowly, the diabolical girl raised her stiletto boot over him and was about to bring it down when Tony darted off to the right, headed toward the sofa’s underside.

“ Shit..., Cheryl..., look...he’s getting away!”

Before she had a chance to get down to her knees and reach for him, cowering Tony managed to run under the couch and then hold still like some frightened bug.

“ Man..., this is crap!”, yelled Cheryl, pushing her face to the floor and staring under the sofa.”

“ Do you see him?”

“ No..., can’t see a fucken thing under here..., it’s darker than the inside of my cunt!”

“ Here..., Cheryl..., I’ll be back in a second with a flash light.”

Looking out from under the piece of furniture, Tony saw his daughter’s pretty face together with his wife’s sexy high heeled shoes as the woman strolled out of the livingroom, into the kitchen, and returned a few moments later with a black colored cylinder.

While Martha squatted slightly and gave her daughter the light, Tony quickly realized that they’d see him with that instrument. Consequently, he ran as fast as he could to the rear left leg and hid behind it, hoping to stay out of Cheryl’s line of sight.

“ Thanks mom...”, mentioned the girl as she flicked the switch of the battery operated instrument and began aiming the light’s ray to and fro, searching the entire underside.

“ Where the fuck could he be?”

“ Why..., can’t you see him?”

“ No..., he’s gone!”

“ May be he ran out from the other side?”

Getting up, good looking Cheryl slowly strolled around the thing and again squatted. As Tony watched her boots circumnavigate the sofa’s edge, he walked around the rear leg’s surface, hugging the wood with his tiny back, going in the opposite direction of her walk, eventually facing the front, hoping to stay out of Cheryl’s view when she inspects the underside from the sofa’s rear.

On her knees, Cheryl again aimed the light under the couch and again saw nothing.

“ Man..., it seems like he’s gone.”

“ He can’t be.”, replied Martha as she went around the sofa as well, approaching Cheryl’s position.

While the girl raised her head for a moment and looked at her mother, saying, “ Well..., I can’t find him.”, Tony saw his chance. As fast as he could, the naked little two incher ran away from the rear leg toward the front. Quickly, he emerged from under the couch and headed toward the opposite wall, trying to reach the TV stand.

Right before he got there, Martha yelled out from behind the sofa, “ There..., there he is, he’s headed toward the TV!”

After she stood up, Cheryl screamed, “ Yea..., I see him too...quick, let’s go!”

With lightening speed, Cheryl and Martha ran over to the television. When she got there, little Tony already went under. However, it didn’t do him any good, Cheryl simply pushed the wheeled cart to the side and exclaimed, “ Ha..., there he is...look at him, standing there, frozen with fear like a roach!”

Momentarily paralyzed with terror, Tony gazed up at Martha and Cheryl, seeing two giant looking women staring down at him with vengeance in their eyes.

Taking full advantage of his vulnerability, Cheryl squatted and grabbed the guy, saying to her mother, “ Hey, mom, go get a scissors together with that empty plastic dishpan in the kitchen sink..., will you?”

“ Why?”

“ Just go get it.”

“ Ok.”

When Martha came back with the stuff, sexy Cheryl said to her mom, “ Here..., hold the asshole for a second.”

After Tony was imprisoned by his wife’s hands, the good looking daughter unplugged the TV cord from the wall socket and took hold of the scissors, cutting the television’s cord about two feet away from the plug.

“ What the fuck are you doing with that cord..., I’ll have to go get it fixed now...tonight I wanna watch my favorite show.”

“ Don’t worry..., mom, any jerk can fix that...I just wanna have a little fun with daddy...that’s all.”

Taking the cut end of the cord which was now separated from the rest of the set, Cheryl split the insulation leads in half, slicing the cord for about five inches from the severed end. Next, she placed one of the leads in her mouth and used her teeth to strip off it’s end, exposing an inch or so of the copper. After doing the same with the second terminal., she took hold of the plug and inserted it into the wall’s socket.

“ Here..., give me the bastard.”

Taking hold of Tony, Cheryl dropped him into the plastic basin. When he got to his feet, he watched in horror as his daughter slowly brought the two exposed ends toward him, smiling and saying, “ You got a charge outta me yesterday...watching my ass through the key hole, so why not get another charge today.”

“ No, please!’, screamed Tony, running all around inside the plastic thing while she followed him with the wires, touching him now and then for a fraction of a second.

Everytime the leads made contact, he jumped at the shock, feeling a sting go through his tiny frame.

“ Ha, ha..., look at him dance..., Cheryl..., hey yea..., this ain’t a bad idea!”

“ I know..., let’s see how long he can run around, I’ll chase him back and forth until he falls from exhaustion.”

For over twenty minutes, the sexy chick tortured him, giving the guy no rest whatsoever. Finally, he fell over and couldn’t get up, completely out of breath and energy.

“ No, no..., please, Cheryl..., don’t!”, cried Tony as she brought the leads toward him one last time...holding both exposed wires to his little body, one to his chest and the other over his cock.

“ Ha..., look at him squirm like a worm!”

“ Hey..., dad...your cock’s’s bouncing up and that from the electricity or the sight of my good looking body hovering above you?”

“ Please..., Cheryl..., no, please...!”

“ Fuck you...asshole!”, yelled the girl down at him as he made his last movements, succumbing to the voltage, finally dying.

“ He ain’t moving anymore.”

“ Yep..., mom..., he’s dead..., that’s it.”

During the next thirty seconds, silence filled the room as the ladies briefly reflected upon their act. However, Cheryl next said, “ Well..., good, now we can collect some life insurance.”

“ That’s right..., they’ll never find his little body.”

“ Nope, mom..., I’m gonna make sure of that one.”

Dropping the electrical cord, Cheryl grabbed both Tony’s dead corpse and the scissors.

Upon her feet now, the sexy girl stepped out of the livingroom, headed to the bathroom. Followed by her mother, Cheryl finally arrived at the smaller chamber and said, “ Mom..., raise the toilet lid.”

A curious look on her face, Martha nevertheless complied and watched as her daughter squatted before the fixture and slowly moved the scissors to her dad’s body, cutting off his right hand in the process.

“ Oh..., sick, Cheryl..., you mean you’re gonna cut him up?”

“ Yea..., why not..., that way no one’ll recognize what it is after we flush it down.”

“ But it’ll be lost cut up or not?”

Yea..., but some maintenance worker could still find it...that’s what happened a couple of years back..., someone killed someone else and flushed a few small body parts down the pipes..., next thing..., they found the guy’s ears and toes.”

“ In that case..., won’t they still be able to find his tiny hand or head?”

“ Just’ll see.”

“ Ok.”

Again, the girl removed another piece of his frame, this time a section of his forearm. Over and over, Cheryl cut away, slicing off his head, arms, feet, even cutting his torso into five pieces.

As she destroyed him, the pieces fell into the cool water below, sinking to the bowl’s bottom. With the flesh, went blood as well, slowly clouding the water, making it’s transparency fade away until all that was left at the surface was a dark red liquid.

Finished, Cheryl said, “ Ok..., mom..., go into the kitchen and get the egg beater.”

Knowing what her daughter had in mind, the woman nonetheless did as requested and returned a minute later. After Cheryl took hold of the thing, she stood up, plugged it into a nearby wall socket, and then returned down to her knees. With a smile on her face, the girl turned the object on and watched the two metal prongs turn away.

Set to the highest speed possible, the kitchen utensil was lowered into the water. As it turned away, it took hold of his severed body parts and began grinding the flesh up. Over and over, Cheryl let the semi-sharp blades slice away, mashing up his remains. Since an egg beater isn’t the strongest instrument in the world, it took her a good fifteen to twenty minutes to eventually grind his flesh up into a fine stew, having a few chucks of residue floating around here and there in the clouded water.

“ That’s gross, Cheryl.”

“ Looks like the product of one of those suction type abortions..., doesn’t it?”

“ Yea..., sick!”

Finally, Cheryl was through, reducing her dad to nothing but an unrecognizable think watery soap, smelling like an after birth.

After standing up, the sexy girl placed the egg beater in the nearby sink and looked down into the mess, saying, “ There..., now we’re safe..., they ain’t gonna find a thing.”

Looking at Cheryl, the mother next ask, “What are you doing now?”

“ I’m gonna take a shit.”, answered the girl as she unbuckled her belt and next pulled her pants and panties down to her ankles.

Right before her mom, the eighteen year old lowered her ass on the toilet seat and shit away, releasing two pieces down into the bloody water. Done, Cheryl reached over and grabbed some bathroom tissue, wiping her gorgeous ass afterward and dropping the soiled paper down into the sick mess.

When the girl was through, he mother said, “ Wait..., don’t flush..., I gotta use it to.”

Casually, Cheryl got up off the fixture and raised her attire. Stepping to the side, she watched her mom lower her skirt and underwear, next placing her shapely butt onto the seat. Ten seconds later, she pissed and pissed, emptying her bladder upon her husband’s most unfortunate remains. Through, the attractive brunette got up and pulled her clothes back in place.

After she turned around, Martha and her sexy daughter both stared down into the bowl when Cheryl finally said, “ Look at him now, he’s really where he belongs...nothing but a pile of nothing mixed in with the shit and piss he was always full of in the first place.”

Laughing, Martha reached forth and depressed the lever, watching the smelly stuff disappear forever.

The End