A Slow Shrink Tale

By Slipstream

"Why me? O’ god why me?" Chris thought to himself as he sat on the

oversized yellow plastic chair drinking stale water from a plastic cup that

dwarfed him as he struggled with it in his hands.

"Finished already…here let me fill it for you."

Suddenly the cup became too heavy to hold as fresh water cascaded into it

causing Chris to slump forward placing the oversized cup on the wobbly

plastic table…but not before he had soaked himself.

"Jesus Christ Becky now looks what you’ve done!"

Chris jumped down from the chair and rung out his ill-fitting shirt, a dark

shadow fell over him…again he’d made the mistake of raising his voice after

all it was an easy mistake to make…only twenty two months ago his voice

commanded respect and authority…but now…

* * * *

22 months earlier

"Come on babe the waters lovely and warm!" Chris called out to his wife Kim.

"No I’m fine right here with Becky, enjoying the sun."

"Your loss."

Chris swam in the clear water of the blue lagoon; it was a lovely sunny July

day and what better way to spend it than with his wife and daughter.

Life was good for Chris he’d been married going on 9 years and at the age of

29 still had plenty to look forward too. His wife Kimberly was 2 years his

junior and quite the stunner, Chris was proud to have such a pretty and

intelligent wife.

Becky had come along 7 years earlier; she was planned and both Chris and

Kim hoped to give her little brother or sister shortly.

Chris snorkelled along his favourite reef looking at all the pretty coloured

fish…he could name most of the species as this was his favourite past time.

As he swam he noticed something strange, there seemed to be an orange

light emanating from the side of the reef about 12ft down. Taking a deep

breath Chris swam down to investigate…true enough Chris was right there

was a bright orange light but it wasn’t coming from within the reef, it was

actually on it!

Unable to hold his breath any longer Chris returned to the surface, he was

giddy like a school kid…had he just discovered a new type of water plankton?

Taking in another deep breath he swam down to the light and after taking

another good look decided he needed to take a sample back with him,

reaching for his knife he slowly tried scrapping off a small sample. It was

useless the stuff just wasn’t playing ball, Chris was close to running out of air

and in a last ditch attempt to break off a piece he stabbed at the rock but to

his surprise the blade sank in easily…far too easily causing his hand to rub

roughly against the rock. Returning to the surface he felt pain shooting

through his hand, which surprised him as it, was only a graze.

"Chris honey…thank god."

Chris opened his eyes to see his wife clenching his fist and crying with joy.

"Kim honey…where am I?"

"You’re in hospital, don’t you remember?"

"Remember what? How long?"

"3 day’s, the Doctors almost gave up on you!"

"No wait, but…it can’t be…I remember grazing my hand…but nothing else."

Little did Chris know what effect those little graze would have upon his life!

* * * * *

Chris didn’t try to fight off Becky’s hand as her trunk like fingers wrapped

around him covering him from head to toe…after all what could a 3" tall man


Becky held her Dad before her face and lifting an eyebrow she said…

"Sorry Daddy, what did you say?"

Chris held his head low and said…

"Nothing Becky…I…I just got a little wet!"

"Hmm, well that’s good cause you know that Barbie doesn’t like blasphemy."

Becky was playing with her dolls and Chris was dating her Barbie doll! Even

though he didn’t stand much higher than her knee!

Becky lowered Chris back to the floor and watched as he struggled to climb

back up onto the plastic chair.

* * * *

19 months earlier

Chris was getting ready to go out, he and Kim were off to the summer ball

that his firm held every year.

"Kim have you seen my jacket?"

"What darling." Kim replied as she walked into bedroom holding her head to

one side drying her hair.

"Have you seen my jacket? You know the one I bought for Donna’s wedding."

"Hmm, yea I think its hanging at the top of the wardrobe."

Chris opened Kim’s wardrobe and looked amongst her stuff on the top rung

and sure enough there was his jacket…as he reached for it something really

strange happened…

"Chris what is it? Chris…you ok?"

"What? Well I’m not sure…could you come over here."

Kim got up and walked over to Chris.

"Well what is it?"

Chris looked Kim up and down and then asked.

"Do I look different?"

"Err…different how?"

"Well erm…shorter."


Kim stood closer and looked slightly alarmed.

"What? I do don’t I…I knew it, look I can’t reach my jacket!"

Kim stood with her mouth open for a minute…had she noticed it earlier? No

she’d always been slightly taller than Chris when she wore her heels…Then

looking down she realised that she wasn’t wearing anything on her feet, in

fact it was Chris that wore his slippers and yet he was still a good half inch

shorter than her.

Chris’s head followed hers and he could tell by the look on her face that he

was right.

"Christ Kim you’re taller than me without any heels on! You’re what…Five feet

eight inches. I’ve been 5’ 9" since I was eighteen…Jesus that’s 1 and a half

inches shorter."

"Calm down, would you listen to yourself…what you think you’re the

incredible shrinking man now! There has to be an explanation…maybe I’ve

grown…yea that must be it…I’ve grown."

"Well settle this for sure just wait here." Chris said as he ran out the bedroom


Chris fumbled about in one of the kitchen draws looking for a tape measure.

"O come on, I know you’re in here!"

The doorbell rang startling Chris.

"HONEY CAN YOU GET THAT?" Chris yelled.

"WHAT?" Kim replied.

"Never mind." Chris mumbled to himself as he closed the draw and headed to

the front door.

"Hi Mr Jackson." Greeted Cally as the door opened.

"O’ hi Cally…please come in."

Cally was the baby sitter a nice 17-year-old girl that lived next door.

"Jeez, even Cally looks taller." Chris thought to himself as Cally walked passed


Chris left Cally to make herself comfortable a he went back upstairs.

"Right here we go let’s settle this here and now."

"Chris we’re running late…come on hurry up and finish dressing, look I’ve

gotten your jacket down for you."

"Please Kim just humour me for a minute…then I’ll get ready at the double."

(Big sigh) "Ok…what do you want me to do?"

"Just stand up straight against the door and let me measure you’re height."

Kim stood straight and Chris marked off a small mark at her height.

"There you go 5’ 8" same as always…you haven’t grown. Now will you do


Chris backed up against the door and stood straight, Kim reached up and

looked surprised as she marked it off.

"What is it?" Chris asked as she stood back.

Chris turned around and straight away could see that the mark Kim had made

for his height was slightly lower than hers!!!!!!

* * * *

"Becky can you bring your dad in here." Called Cally.

"No were playing!" Replied Becky.


Becky reached over for Chris and roughly grabbed him while knocking over

his chair and table.

Chris winced as she marched down the stairs mumbling to herself and

swinging her arm up and down.

"Here you go." Becky said as she roughly threw Chris on the ground next to

Cally’s feet.

"Jeez Becky, be careful would you!"

Cally leaned forward and could see the little man lying between her feet.

"You ok Mr Jackson?"

Chris looked up at the pretty face looking down at him and nodded.

He was hurt! But his male pride still covered up the pain he felt…he knew

Becky didn’t mean it…she just treated him like one of her dolls…difference

was they were hard plastic, he was flesh and bone!

"Becky you come back here!"

Stomping back into the room Becky replied.


"Apologise to your Dad."

"What for?"

"For being rough with him!"

Stamping her foot down and looking sternly at Cally she said

"But I wasn’t…not my fault if he’s a cry baby."

"Becky now please."

"O’ sorry Dad." She said and then walked off.

Chris wished Cally wouldn’t do that as Becky then blamed him for her being

told off and that meant trouble for him!

Cally reached down and picked Chris up, she lay him carefully in the palm of

her hand and rubbed his chest with her right pointing finger.

Chris knew what she wanted…she was going to get him to paint her finger

nails, he didn’t mind too much when he was 5" and taller but at his current

height he found it difficult to lift the brush…but he really didn’t have a choice.

* * * *

17 Month’s earlier

"Please smile Chris…for Christ sake cheer up!"

"Cheer up! O’ yea it’s alright for you…you’re not shrinking!"

"What! It’s all right for me…of course it doesn’t matter that my husband

might fit in the palm of my hand one day! Don’t you dare lay that on me…this

is just as hard for me as it is for you."

"Mummy who’s shrinking?"

"O’ err no one honey!"

"But you said…"

"I know what I said but!"

"Wait! Becky come over here and sit on Daddy’s knee." Chris said as he

looked over at Kim.

Kim frowned and shook her head.

"No it’s time, she’ll notice soon anyway."

Becky sat on Chris’s lap and he tried explaining what was happening to him.

"Will I be getting bigger than you?"

"Yes Becky…one day!"

"How small will you get?"

"Becky that’s enough let you’re Daddy have a rest now." Kim said as she felt

tears well up in her eyes.

Becky kissed Chris on the cheek and skipped out the room.

"Phew that was easier than I expected."

"Did you have to tell her now? Couldn’t you have left it for a week or two!"

"Kim I’m 5’ 4" tall…that’s a loss of 5" in 12 week’s, and as you quite rightly

pointed out yesterday I seem to be shrinking faster with each passing week."

Kim sat next to Chris on the sofa and taking hold of his hand said

"Whatever happens Chris we’ll face this together ok…"

Chris looked into her eyes and smiled knowing there were some tough times


* * * *

Chris was indeed finding it difficult to paint Cally’s fingernails, not only was

the brush heavy to hold but he becoming intoxicated by the fumes!

"Come on Mr Jackson only one finger and thumb to go!"

Chris looked up at her with a pained expression hoping she’d take pity on him

and complete the task herself…no such luck she just smiled and carried on

watching the TV.

Lifting the brush up into the bottle to fill it with paint was now proving almost

impossible, as Chris was exhausted; the brush was becoming increasingly

heavier and the top of the bottle was chest height…

"Just two more to go, just two more." Chris kept on repeating to himself.

Carefully he painted the last but one nail making sure not to go over the edge

or she’d make him clean it off and do it again! Standing back he looked and

thought that was a good job now for the last one.

Struggling with the brush he heaved it up onto his shoulder and planting his

hands firmly on the narrow stem lowered it into the bottle one last time…he

sure was a mess, polish all over him and his hands were now feeling the

strain of having many layers of polish on them!

Chris began to lift the brush out one last time but as it neared the top he

pulled it too soon sending the bottle toppling toward him. Quickly he dropped

the brush and attempted to stop the bottle from falling over…but it was too

heavy. The bottle hit the tabletop and rolled towards Cally’s hand leaving a

trail of purple glitter nail polish in its wake.

"Cally help please." Chris shouted as he got back to his feet.

"O’ you stupid idiot."

Quickly Cally’s hand shot out and picked up the bottle, in doing so she had

inadvertently knocked Chris off of the table.

Cally got to her feet and quickly ran to get some paper towels to clean the

table before it stained too bad.

* * * *

15 Month’s earlier

"Now remember Chris, Donna’s coming today."

"Yea, how could I forget…what was it she said on the phone, O’ I can’t wait

to see the little fella!"

"Come on Chris you know she’s only teasing…after all the years of you calling

her shortie…besides she is my only sister, so remember be nice…if only for


"I suppose so…but only for you."

"Good, now we won’t be long…an hour maybe two. Come on Becky hurry


Kim ruffled Chris’s hair as she walked past him. Chris clenched his teeth as he

hated when she did that…it had become a regular thing since he’d shrunk

below the 5’ mark and being 4’ 5" now meant he was 15" shorter than her

and only 5" taller than his quickly growing 8 year old daughter! He really

wasn’t looking forward to the day that his daughter’s height would pass him

by…but he knew that day was coming fast!

Chris watched as Kim hurried Becky out of the front door, her nice trim arse

never looked better!

Settling down he switched on his X-Box and loaded up Halo, he’d completed it

twice but that didn’t matter the game was just so darned good. He’d bought

one of the smaller controller’s as he was finding the default one a little bulky

in his ever-dwindling hands!

Chris was happily blasting away when the doorbell rang.

"O’ bloody hell! Who can that be?"

Pausing his game he got up and before opening the door he looked out

through the glass window to the side.

"DONNA! Shit no…that’s all I need."

The last thing he wanted right now was to be left alone with Donna for he

knew she would tease him. They hadn’t seen Donna since her wedding over 2

years ago but last month when Kim was chatting on the phone with her (as

they do every now and then), she let the cat out the bag about his

shrinking…that was it, before they knew it she’d invited her self to stay for a

week or two…and so here she was on the door step all 5’ 5" of her.

Donna was a pretty woman medium build with dark hair and striking blue

eyes…some might say she resembles Morgan Brittany, truth be told she could

probably pass as her double!

Again the doorbell rang!

Chris put his back to the door and thought for a moment…should he wait until

Kim got home and just pretend that he fell asleep or something like that.


"You stupid prick!" Chris thought to himself as he realised that she’d lifted up

the mail lid and like the daft berk he was he was standing with his back to it.

"O’ yea sorry Donna…err just having a little trouble with the latch!"

"Hmm, I bet you are!"

Chris opened the door and looked up and up into the eyes of his towering

smiling sister in-law. She looked an awfully lot taller than 5’ 5"…looking down

to her feet he might have guessed! She was wearing knee high boots with at

least a 3" sole and maybe 5" heel, making her 5’ 10"…that’s a whole 17" taller

than himself!

Donna smiled down at Chris as she stepped in close to try and intimidate him

with her height…it worked!

Chris felt himself redden as her large cleavage almost swallowed his nose.

"My bags are in the car short stuff." She sniggered as she held her car keys


"And?" Chris replied as he took a couple of steps back.

"Well being that you’re the man of the house I thought you’d bring my bags

in for me."

"Well of course Donna…where’s my manners, please come in and make

yourself comfortable while I fetch your bags."

"That’s more like it pip squeak, now come along hurry it up."

Chris looked angrily at her but bit his tongue and went to take the keys from

her hand. But as he did this she raised them higher and higher until they

were well out of his reach.

Chris jumped to try and reach them and Donna sniggered, she loved this and

Chris knew it!

"What’s the matter tiny can’t you reach up and take the keys from the little


Chris was boiling now, but there was no way he was going to loose it…well

not yet anyway.

Again he reached for them and again she lifted them up and out of his reach.

Suddenly a moment of inspiration came to Chris…he reached for the keys and

as before she bought her arm up and out of his reach, but this time he

redirected his reach and tickled her under the arm.

"Arghhhh, that’s cheating!" Donna yelled as she let go of the keys.

Chris bent down to pick them up only for Donna to move her foot and stamp

down on them.

"Donna would you move you’re foot please."

"Hmm, look up here first!"

"And why would I want to do that?"

"Just do it and I’ll take my foot of the key’s little man!"

Chris turned his head and slowly guided his eyes up along the shinny black

boots to the tight stretch denim of her jeans to the tight fitting white T shirt

and past the hills that jutted way out to her smiling face peering down at him.

Donna stood with her hands on her hips and loved every minute of it!

"Ok now will you take you’re foot off of the keys?"

"Just a minute Chris; just enjoy the view…because if you continue to shrink as

you are then you’d better get used to it!"

Chris looked away quickly as she slid her foot back allowing him to pick up

the keys, once again he felt himself flush red…but she was right!

Donna turned and walked into the house laughing to herself.

Chris opened the car boot and lifted out the heavy case…boy was it heavy,

"What’s in here, the kitchen sink." Chris thought to himself as the bag landed

on the floor with a heavy thud.

Chris closed the boot and began struggling with the case…he could barley lift


"Hi Chris."

Chris stopped in his tracks and looked around to see June walking up the

drive. June was Cally’s mum and boy was she big…when Chris was 5’ 9" she

was big but know she looked enormous! Standing 6’ 2" in her stocking feet

and weighing in at 192lbs that was more than double his own weight, which

just for the record was a mighty 77lbs.

June cast a big shadow over Chris as she stood next to him; he craned his

neck back and looked up into her pretty face.

"Is Kim in?"

"No I’m afraid not, she won’t be long though, would you like to come in and

wait? Her sister Donna’s just arrived and I’m sure she’d like to meet you."

"Well only if you’re sure!"

"Of course follow me."

Chris smiled to himself knowing that Donna would have to stop her teasing

while June was there. Chris lifted the heavy bag and began struggling to the

door with it.

Suddenly Chris felt a large hand on his shoulder.

"Here let me."

June reached down and with little effort picked up the bag and marched into

the house. Chris just stood there his mouth ajar…he couldn’t believe she’d

lifted that so easily!

* * * *

Chris awoke a little groggily…where was he? Why was it so dark? Then he

remembered Cally knocking him off of the table…but where had he landed?

He tried to sit up but found that the nail polish had dried solid, sticking his

upper body and his arms tightly to the floor. Chris kicked his legs about in the

hope that it may free him, but this proved useless.

Craning his neck back he could just make out some small indentations in front

of him…five to be exact each smaller than the last.

"O’ shit no…Please don’t let it be…HELP, HELP ME PLEASE…HELP." Chris

screamed as he began to panic!

Chris had realised where he was not only was the odour starting to work

through the smell of the nail polish but he knew what the indentations

were…they were from Cally’s toes…he’d fallen into one of her ankle boots!

Franticly he pulled at his hands and attempted to roll over, all to no avail he

was stuck solid. The only part of him that he could move were his legs and

his head other than that he wasn’t going anywhere!

It was getting increasingly hot in there and the smell was getting stronger it

really was unpleasant, a kind of strong acrid smell. Chris’s struggles were

subsiding now as he was close to exhaustion.

"HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP!" Chris continued to scream.

But the outside world could not hear him. As Chris quieten down he could

hear the TV, so he knew that Cally had returned and was sitting right next to


"She must hear me she must." He thought to himself.

10 minutes later and Chris was both horse and exhausted, he could no longer

scream as that hurt too much and he could barley move as he’d struggled so!

He just lay there awaiting the inevitable, he just hoped and preyed that she’d

notice him…but then he was rather a long way down the insole, his head lay

not too far from the big toe indentation…but that’s all he had…hope!

Chris listen hard he could hear the TV as clear as a whistle but still he hadn’t

heard any voices…and then as if on cue.

"Cally can Dad come play with me now!" Becky said as she entered the


"What! Yea sure if he wants too."

Chris felt the ground shake as Becky approached; she stopped standing

directly over Cally’s boots.

"Where is he?"

"Sulking somewhere I suppose."

Suddenly Chris’s hope’s raised, as the darkness in the boot became a whole

lot darker.

"Help…please help me…down here in the boot." Chris softly barked.

Becky was standing talking with Cally while ideally playing with her boot…the

boot that Chris was in!

Becky slid her foot slowly into the boot…Chris screamed as he saw five plump

toes heading his way…He closed his eyes and waited…and waited. Looking up

again he saw that the toes were gripping the edge of the boot and not

actually entering it.



"I like your boots."




"Can I try your boot’s on?"

"Yea course you can…just be careful with them they cost a lot of money."

Chris screamed…he didn’t want his daughter to have to live with the fact that

she’d killed her Daddy; he began struggling harder than he ever had as the

light slowly evaporated until he was in total darkness. Chris was pulling up so

hard now that the skin on his chest was close to ripping off, it was too little

too late as Chris felt Becky’s toes pass over him…his struggling ceased and he

began to sob.

Becky completed inserting her feet into the boots and after zipping them up

began to walk around, she could feel a slight bump in the right one under her

arch but as the boots were too big she didn’t worry about it!

To his amazement Chris was still alive after Becky had completed putting on

the boots. He began to wriggle against her arch hopping that because her

skin was soft there that she would feel it…his wriggling soon stopped as

Becky took her first step.

"Well what do you think…look good or what?" Becky said as she walked in

front of Cally.

Cally burst out laughing as Becky looked really funny wearing such big boots.

Chris felt like he was going to pop as her soft arch compressed against his

body…he felt the soft insole give in under his body as his face and chest were

mashed in until they met the hard sole. Lucky for Chris just as he thought his

time was up did the pressure relent and he gasped for air. However he found

he didn’t have time to breath as Becky’s foot once again assaulted him.

After 5 or so minutes Becky sat down on the sofa laughing with Cally, she

unzipped the boots and let them drop to the floor.

Chris thought he’d died and gone to hell, he was fighting for every little bit of

air he could, just as he would draw some in then the impact of Becky’s next

step would force it from him…he wouldn’t last much longer and he knew it.

Five minutes was an awfully long time for Chris but suddenly he felt hope as

Becky’s weight became much less, he could actually turn his head and draw

in a huge breath. Then his prays were answered after a minute or so of the

constant swinging he heard the welcome sound of the zipper on the boot

being undone.

The downward motion began and Chris felt a rush of fresh air as the boot

toppled over. The top of the boot smashed onto the ground, Chris screamed

as he hang their for a second or two suspended by the nail polish still gluing

his chest and arms securely onto the boot insole! The boot finally came to a

halt on it’s side and this was really uncomfortable for Chris his whole weight

pulling down against the skin on his chest and arms.

"Cally where’s Dad?"

"I don’t know, let’s go find…after all your Mum will be home soon."

Chris could hear them and tired to shout but his poor battered body found it

far to painful.

"Becky, why don’t you go look in the kitchen under the table, he often keeps

out the way there."


While Becky was off looking in the kitchen Cally was searching the lounge

looking in all his favourite hiding places.

"Hmm, well he’s not in here, must be in the kitchen." Cally thought to herself.

Just then Becky came bounding back into the lounge.

"Did you find him?" Cally enquired.

"No, he’s not in there."

Cally was beginning to worry a little now, after all she was employed to look

after them both while Kim was at work…"maybe he shrank again and we can’t

see him any more…O’ god what if one of us has stepped on him." Cally

thought this as she glanced at the bottom of her feet.

"Where can he be?"

"Wait a minute Becky…just think where did you see him last!"

"Err, when I bought him down for you…you know when he painted your


"Course yea…wait let me think, I was sitting here."

As Cally walked back to where she was sitting she accidentally stood on one

of her boots.

"Stupid thing." She yelled as she kicked her boot out of the way.

Chris lay there and could hear them searching for him, but there was nothing

he could do, he just had to wait and hope.

Suddenly the boot began to shake as one of them walked close to it.

"Arghhhhhhhhh!" Chris screamed faintly as the boot collapsed and

compressed almost to the point of squishing him.

The boot reshaped it self and then was aggressively launched into the air,

everything happened so fast that Chris didn’t have time to think about the

land as he was brutally assaulted again by the hard landing.

Cally retraced her steps, but still couldn’t work out what had happened to


"He knocked over the polish, I ran out to get some paper towels…that was it

haven’t seen him since then."

"Maybe he’s in one of these…remembered how I was nearly lost in them."

Cally turned to see Becky holding up her boots.

Chris was close to given up…he was in so much pain and could see no way

out when all of a sudden he felt the boot lift quickly and the words he’d so

long wanted to hear left Becky’s mouth.

"Cheeky madam, my feet aren’t that big…now come on stop messing around

and help me look for him."

Becky smiled and lifted the boot to her mouth and shouted.



Chris’s eardrums almost gave out as Becky yelled into the boot…his luck stank

along with the rest of him, why couldn’t she have screamed into the other


"Becky I mean it put them down and help me fined him."

Cally snatched the boots from Becky and dropped them to the floor. She was

really worried now…what would she say to Kim…"Err sorry but I lost him!"

Cally sat and pulled on her boot thinking only of where to look next. She

zipped it up and pulled on the other one.

Chris didn’t know whether he was coming or going as the boots were thrown

about, then suddenly it got really dark and quiet, he could hear her skin scrap

along the boot as her foot entered. Chris managed one last scream as her

foot compressed him. This was it his life was over just as soon as her foot hit

the floor and applied some weight as the ball of her foot covered his head

and he knew for sure he wouldn’t survive!

Cally zipped up her second boot and was just about to stand when she felt a

slight tickle against her arch, worried it was a bug or something she quickly

unzipped it and pulled out her foot.

Chris gasped for air as her toe’s passed him and exited the boot. He felt the

boot rotate and was violently shaken.

Cally couldn’t believe it…there was defiantly something in her boot but

nothing had fallen when she shook it. Gingerly she turned the boot over and

carefully looked in.

"O’ my god…Mr Jackson."

Becky ran over and looked into the boot in which her Dad had been

imprisoned for the last few hours.

"Hee, he looks really funny in their…naughty Daddy you’ve had us worried."

"Becky don’t laugh…" Cally said trying not to herself.

Cally reached in and pinched Chris between her finger and thumb, but as she

tried to pull him out she heard a faint scream come from the depths of her

boot. She withdrew her hand and whispered into the boot.

"What is it Mr Jackson, don’t you want to come out of there!"

She then turned her head and placed her ear to the opening to hear a triad of

obscenities being directed at her, but she did manage to understand that

Chris was in-fact stuck fast with nail polish. This amused her somewhat to

think that something as simple as nail polish had held him trapped in her boot

all afternoon…then she though of Becky prancing about in the boot and this

bought another smile to her face.

Cally passed the boot to Becky.

"Here hold this for a moment…but don’t touch, you’re Dad is stuck and I need

to get something to release him."

Becky held the boot and looked in, she could only see Chris’s legs kicking

about and thought he looked really funny.

Chris couldn’t wait to get out of there, he wasn’t sure if he would have any

lasting injuries, his whole body was just one giant pain at the moment.

The boot moved suddenly and then Cally warned Chris to close his eyes; she

then began to carefully poor some nail polish remover over his back.

Chris could feel the cold liquid run down his back and sides, although he was

keeping his eyes tightly shut he could still feel the burning sensation as the

fumes took hold of his surroundings. Holding his breath he hoped he’d be free

before he needed to breathe again.

After only 3 minutes or so the remover had soaked under Chris and he was

able to break free, unfortunately he had taken many breaths and was feeling

hi as a kite!!!!!!!

* * * *

13 Months earlier

Chris was alone in the house just generally tidying up and doing a little

housework for Kim. He didn’t go to work anymore it had just become too

embarrassing with everyone always starring at him and asking if he was

ok…for Christ sake did he look ok! The bloke is getting smaller and smaller.

He’d given up going to the Doctor’s as that too was a joke…or at least he


His Doctor to be fair had done all he could and still came by once a week for

the height and weight checks, he’d been by yesterday and Chris’s greatest

fear was close to happening…


"Well Doc, what am I? How much smaller?"

"48 ¼ inches and weight is 50lb, that’s about the average for a 7 year old


"Cheer’s Doc, I really needed to know the last part…boy that’s really cheered

me up! Shit, that’s the worst yet! 2 ½ inches in a week!"

"I know Mr Jackson I am sorry…I wish…we all wish we could find something

to help you but everything we try…well you know!"

"I know Doc…it’s not you’re fault, but do you think the shrinking will ever

settle down…I mean last week I only shrunk by ½ inch, yet this week well

you know!"

"Sorry Mr Jackson I don’t have any answers…I wish I did."

Well that was yesterday and since then Chris has really made himself

busy…so busy that he’d forgotten the time…Becky would be home any


Suddenly he heard the Back door open.

"O’ Christ is that the time." He said to himself.

"Hi Dad, it’s only me." Becky shouted.

Chris walked out to the kitchen to see Becky just stepping in the door.

"Hello Becky, did you have a nice day?"

"Yea great…hope you don’t mind Dad but I invited Steph round for tea as her

Mum won’t be home till later…she said she’d pick her up around six…is that


"O’ I do wish you’d checked with me first…still shouldn’t be a problem…what

time is Steph getting here?"

"She’s here already Dad…right behind you!"

"Hi Mr Jackson."

Chris heard the voice but it sounded above him. Slowly he turned his head

and his jaw dropped at the size of this kid…she must have been 5’ 3" at least.

Chris found he was no higher than her chest! Looking up to the smiling face

looking down at him he gulped and replied awkwardly while stepping back.

"Err, what…yea Hi, erm Steph."

Holding her hand over her mouth she sniggered and said.

"Sorry Mr Jackson…it’s just that well, you’re so tiny!"

Chris felt himself get hot as his face flushed red.

"Hmm, yea well, but I prefer small, thank you very much." As he tried to

make light of her comment;

"Even Becky look’s taller than you!"

"She is not! Now if you don’t mind I have dinner to get."

Chris turned and began to start dinner…ready-made lasagne just remove the

lid and stick it in the oven…nice and easy, even enough left for Kim when she

gets home.

Becky and Steph watch as Chris wondered around the kitchen.

Becky turned to Steph and said.

"You know what I think I am…I think I’m taller than my Dad."

Chris could hear them but tried to ignore it for he feared the worst…that in

fact his own 8-year-old daughter was now taller than him…was he the

smallest member of the house?

Chris placed the Lasagne in the oven and readied himself to leave the kitchen.

Suddenly Becky blocked his path.

"Dad can we see who’s tallest."

"No Becky, now please step aside."

"O’ go on please, and then we’ll leave you alone…I promise."

Chris felt a little uneasy…he really didn’t want this to happen, but then he

knew it would one day.

"Ok, let me get the tape measure."

"No it’s ok Mr Jackson, you won’t need it…if you both take off your shoe’s and

stand back to back I’ll see who’s tallest."

"O’ err ok."

Both Chris and Becky removed their shoes, Becky smiled at Chris as they

turned around and stood straight up with their backs touching.

Chris could already feel that Becky’s shoulders were higher than his own so

with a little hop up he raised onto his toe’s…not much but just enough to

make him slightly taller.

Steph placed her hands on their heads and measured them off.

"Ooo’ that’s strange, Mr Jackson you are taller."

"There you go Becky you’re still smaller."

"No wait a minute!"

Suddenly Steph pushed hard on Chris’s head and forced him to stand

flat…Becky was a good inch taller than him…2 ½ inches lost in a week was

bad but now he’d lost over an inch in little more than 24 hours! He’d been the

same height as Becky only yesterday!

He turned and saw the look of excitement on Becky’s face.

"I’m taller than you tiny! Taller, taller, taller." Becky tunefully sang to him.

He smiled knowing this to be the worst he could ever have imagined…to be

shorter than his own 8 year old daughter, he knew she found it great fun.

She was only a child after all and didn’t understand just how much it hurt


"Ok Becky that’s enough, why don’t you take Steph up to your room and I’ll

call you when dinners ready."

Becky skipped off with Steph and Chris sighed with relief that he’d be alone

for a while…

* * * *

Chris lay on his bed thinking of the events of the last week and wondering

just how lucky he was to still be alive. For all the punishment he’d taken while

stuck in Cally’s boot all he ended up with were a few bruise’s and being that

it’s close on a week ago most of those have healed up nicely.



Chris heard Kim fumble about above him as she switched the alarm off for a

second time.

"Why doe’s she do that? She set’s the alarm half an hour earlier than she

needs too and then spends the next 30 minutes moaning as the sleeper alarm

buzz’s every 10 minute’s." Chris thought to himself.

His bed was under hers now, it used to be on the bed side cabinet next to her

but if Chris wanted to go to the bathroom he had to wake her to take him so

she decided that it was best that he slept at ground level. Under the bed just

so that if she gets up in the night then she wouldn’t have to worry about

where she stepped…great idea in theory, in practice…well that’s another


Chris woke, and it was still very dark…he was busting for a leak!

He moaned to himself as the walk to the bathroom was a long one for

him…Kim had offered that he could use a thimble and that she would empty

and clean it every morning, but no he didn’t like that idea…everything had to

be as normal as possible!

What if he just walked over and peed in the corner…she’d never know! Maybe

not…but he would and that just wasn’t in him even though he did give it a

second thought!

Pushing the covers back he rolled of off his nice soft sponge…he’d tried many

different things to sleep on and this was by far the best a normal bath


As he approached the edge of the bed he looked around as best he could in

the dim light…"Stupid woman’s forgot to leave the night light on again!"

He could hear Kim breathing above him so he knew it was ok to venture out,

as she was still fast asleep. As he ventured out the first things to greet him

were Kim’s slippers! They were amazingly huge…well what isn’t compared to

him! Chris couldn’t help but run his hand along the soft material as he walked

by, and he noticed the distinct odour of her feet…"Hmm never gave that

smell a second thought when I was 5’ 9", but now…!

By the time Chris reached the bathroom he was almost bursting…he didn’t

use the toilet now…think about it for a moment…how could he get up so

high! No he used the shower! Kim had bought a little ladder, like the one’s

you get in bird cage’s and placed it at the base of the shower cubicle, it was

just long enough to enable Chris to climb up and in. He practically ran up the

ladder and slid down the side of the cubicle base, on the last leg of his

journey now so he pulls out Percy pecker in anticipation, no sooner than he’d

reached the drain was he peeing…he could have peed for England it was that


Having finished he threw a few cup’s of water down the drain hole to wash it

away and then cleaned his hands in the small bowl that Kim leave’s in there

just for that purpose.

Walking over to the cubicle wall that stood chest height to him he realised

that pretty soon he’d need a ladder to get out as well as in! After a couple of

failed attempts he was climbing back down the ladder feeling a lot better than

he had before, after all the exercise he was looking forward to getting back to


Suddenly as he reached the bedroom door and was about to walk through the

slight opening, the door was pulled open and the resulting airflow this caused

pulled Chris into the air. Everything happened so fast…as Kim pulled the door

open and stepped out into the hall Chris found himself flying through the air

only coming to a halt as he made contact with her shin!

Kim didn’t feel a thing and just continued her walk to the bathroom; Chris on

the other hand was out like a light…lying right in the middle of the hallway

floor…a very dangerous position!

Kim did what she needed too and began to return to the bedroom. Chris was

only just regaining conscious as she stepped out into the hall.

She hadn’t bothered switching on the hallway light…she never did when she

got up to go to the toilet. Chris rose up onto his elbows and gasped at the

giant dark figure rapidly approaching him, he scuttled back on his elbows in

panic, as she got nearer! The thud of her foot as it hit the ground scared him

shit less for he knew within the next couple of steps she would be upon him!

He screamed out! But she didn’t hear him…she had taken to wearing earplugs

in bed since they first got married as Chris snored rather loudly!

Rolling over on to his front Chris got to his feet and began running for his life

as her left foot crashed to the floor just behind him…would he be ok would

her right foot just pass him by! Or would he end up a stain on her soft-soled


"Mummy." Becky called from her bedroom door.

Kim stopped dead in her tracks…she might not have been able to hear Chris’s

little voice but she could certainly hear Becky’s.

Chris’s heart was in his mouth as Kim suddenly stopped and her right foot

crashed to the ground about an inch from him…if he hadn’t just relieved

himself he surely would have then!

Kim span on her toes to speak with Becky.

"Shhhhhhhhh…go back to bed Becky."

Chris was in imminent danger as she span and her right heel hovered

dangerously above him, with no time to think he just dived to right and not a

moment too soon as Kim’s heel hit the floor right where he’d been!

"I had a nightmare…can I come sleep with you?" Becky asked.

"Ok, but be quiet…we don’t want to wake Dad."

Chris felt the ground shake as Becky ran toward Kim…he was already on his

way making haste for the relative safety of the skirting board.

With not a moment to spare he was safe as he watched two giant set’s of

feet pound the floor next to him and then in a moment they were gone!

Chris slide down the skirting and calmed himself down before making the long

trek back to his bed!


"That’s it she’ll get up this time…always’ on the third buzz!"

Chris hasn’t told Kim of the other night for he knew if he did she would make

him use a thimble and he didn’t want that just yet.

He heard the springs creak above him, the tell tale sign that she was on the

move. Raising up on his elbow he watched as her giant feet and calves glided

down from the bed…she was still half asleep as she was having trouble

slipping her feet into her slippers…Chris smiled to himself as she stepped and

nearly stumbled as her slipper wasn’t on right.

"Bloody hell." He heard her mumble from above. And then all was right; she

disappeared through the bedroom door!

* * * *

Just over 11 months earlier

"Ok let’s go." Chris called to Kim.

"Hang on a minute let me get me shoes on." She replied.

"Now Cally you’ve got my number in case you need anything right?"

"Yes Kim…just go and have a good time."

Kim stood up and with her 3" inch heels on towered over Chris by a lot more

than two foot now…they did look an odd couple. Kim tall slim and pretty,

Chris…well very short and getting shorter.

Tonight was to be a welcome release for them; a night to spend with old

friends and just generally let their hair down.

Melanie and Steve had been friends with both of them for year’s…good

friends too, but since the accident and the shrinking began they just seemed

to drift apart. But Kim had received a welcomed call from Mel in the week

inviting them to Steve’s thirtieth birthday party. At first she was a little

reluctant to accept, as she was unsure just how Chris would feel after all

most of their friends hadn’t seen him since the shrinking began. To her

surprise Chris was really keen on the idea and looked forward to it, in fact

that’s all he’s talked about for the last week!

The taxi pulled up outside the small village hall that Melanie had hired, Chris

looked out of the cab window and watched a couple of his friends walk in

through the front door.

"We don’t have to do this Chris!"

Chris looked at Kim and loved her for the way she always put him first even

before his shrinking began.

"What no way…we’re going to have a few drinks and a good chat, come on

woman lets go."

Chris opened the car door and waited for Kim to follow him as she paid the


Kim took his hand and walked in with him, the first to spot them was Melanie

a short bubbly blonde with a baby face.

"Hi Kim so glad you could make it…Chris hi, I didn’t, I mean…o’ you know err

how are you?" She sounded a little awkward as she looked down at the little

man standing next to Kim.

"It’s ok Mel…it’s still the same me even if a little shorter…well maybe quite a

bit shorter. You’re looking well." Chris replied.

Mel bent down and kissed him quickly on the cheek.

"Chris honey would you get me a drink and I’ll go find us a table."

"Ok babes."

Chris left Kim talking with Mel and he headed for the bar. It was rather busy

and awkward for him to reach.

"Chris…Chris Jackson is that you or your half brother?"

Chris turned around and looked up.

"Steve, hello mate…happy birthday."

"Bloody hell just look at you…half pint!"

"Yea, yea trust you everyone tip toes around the subject of my size but

you…straight in with both feet…what a relieve, I just wish everyone else were

the same."

Chris had a right good chat with Steve and shortly afterwards a few more of

his old mates showed up and it was just like old times…standing at the bar

getting smashed.

"So Chris just how short are you now?" Enquired Mark.

"I prefer tall Mark…how tall am I? Well I’m 3ft 6inches."

"What’s it like?" Asked Trevor.

"Gees! What is this forty questions?"

"Sorry mate, I can understand if you…"

"No, no it’s ok…let me think! Exciting…frightening…shocking, and fear, yea

lots of fear…fear of the unknown! That’s how it makes me feel and more, the

feelings I have change from day to day! I wake in the morning and wonder

how much I’ve shrunk, and on the days I don’t…I get hopeful that maybe the

Doctors have found a cure that works. Then other days I wake and find I’ve

shrunk by half inch or more…and those days are depressing. But it isn’t all


Trevor places a hand on Chris’s shoulder.

"Christ I can’t even begin to imagine what you and Kim are going through…I

assumes its tough on all of you!"

"You’d better believe it, I may be the one shrinking but I can see the worry

etched on Kim’s face as each day goes by."

There was an eerie silence around him as all listened intently.

Suddenly the silence was broken as Kim burst the circle around Chris.

"Mind if I kidnap my husband boys! Come on dance with me honey."

Kim grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the dance floor.

"Sorry guys gotta go."

They all laughed as Chris was nearly lifted off of his feet.

Kim kicked off her shoes and held him close as they smooched to George

Michael’s Careless Whisper.

"Christ Kim mined the feet would you?"

"Oops sorry babe, I guess I’ve had a little too much to drink."

Chris was getting hot as she kept smothering his face in her chest.

"Kim please!"


"You’re smothering me!"

"Yea and…"

"O’ don’t start."

"Who’s starting?"

Chris looked up into her face and guessed he’d better end this now.

"Sorry…no one."

"Good." She said as she smothered him again.

Chris was glad when the slow music stopped…he needed a breather. But as

the dance floor emptied Kim kept hold of his arm.

"Let go please."

"O’ come on let your hair down a little."

"You know I don’t like dancing."

"Go on just for me…please."

Chris never could say no to her even when he was 5ft 9 tall. So he began to

dance with her and pretty soon he was in the middle of all her friends as they

joined in the fun.

He began to feel a little self-conscious as everyone in the hall seemed to be

watching him and whispering to one another…well not everyone but most.

That was enough now he’d danced for the last couple of tracks and needed to

replenish some of the water that had sweated out of his body.

"Excuse me…Kim please I’ve had enough."

Kim bent down and grabbed his cheek between her thumb and finger.

"Arrr is my poor little man tired."

"Kim please!"

Chris noticed that her circle of friends was laughing at her messing with him

and he felt a little embarrassed by it.

"O’ come on Babe just one more song."

He didn’t have a choice as she bent down slightly and lifted him of off his feet

bringing rapturous laughter from all around.

Chris felt himself flush, at this point he felt a lot smaller than he really was.

He dare not struggle for he’d look even more ridiculous trying to break from

her grip.

"Girls there are a few good reasons why every woman should have a small

man…number one dancing like this means your feet are safe. Number two

you don’t a headache anymore, as you have control! Number three…"

"Kim please put me down…you’re drunk."

Kim let him slide down her body but still kept him held close.

"Number three…you can use him to prop up your boobs!"

As she said this she leaned forward and held him close to her she then bent

down slightly causing his head to push up her boobs.

By now the whole place was watching and at that point everyone exploded

with laughter. Chris ducked quickly breaking from Kim’s grasp and pushed

passed many bodies until her reached the sanctuary of the toilets. He entered

a cubicle and locked himself in away from all prying eyes.

He sat there and cooled down a little, he knew Kim didn’t mean to hurt him

she was always a joker when she’d had a few too many…but his male pride

had just taken one hell of a bashing and he needed time alone to gather his

composure before facing the crowds again.

Kim hadn’t seemed to realise the embarrassment she’d caused Chris as she

continued to enjoy herself on the dance floor.

"Chris you in here mate?" Called Steve.

"Ugh! Yea in here…didn’t feel too good."

"O’ yea right…I understand, look is everything ok?"

"Yea sure, go on I’ll be out shortly."

"Well if you’re sure!"

Chris listened as Steve left leaving the toilets quiet again. He left the stool

and splashed some water onto his face.

"Arrr that feels better."

The door opened and Chris looked over to see who it was.

"Sorry, but this is the gents." Chris directed to the 6ft red head standing at

the door.

"Hmm, you sure sweetie…looks more like the boys to me!"

Chris felt a little uneasy as she checked behind her and then closed the door.

Slowly she walked toward him…he was feeling a little like the rabbit caught in

lights, he didn’t know what to do.

"Err sorry lady but if you look on the door this is the gents."

"Never mind that…you’re a cute little thing, what do they call you?"

She was almost on top of him now…she was big 6ft plus and built like the

preferable out house! Chris felt more than a little intimidated.

"Chris…my name’s Chris, and you are?"


Gulp "Nice to meet you." Chris said nervously and held out his hand.

Her hand was massive and completely enveloped his; she then began to

squeeze. Chris looked up and up into her hard but pretty face as she smiled

down at him. She could tell it wouldn’t be long!

"Argh, please you’re hurting me."

Chris now had his other hand on hers and was attempting to prise her fingers

apart, his face was contorted with pain and in a final act of desperation he

kicked her hard in the shins.

She didn’t flinch, just continued to smile and squeeze ever harder on his tiny


Chris dropped to his knees and it was then that she let go. She turned and

walked toward the door, Chris breathed a sigh of relief…but that soon

changed as she put a wedge under the door to stop people from entering.

She turned back to Chris and said.

"Now where were we?"

"Please just leave me alone…"

"Soon honey soon."

Chris didn’t wait for her to come to him, quickly he got to his feet and dodged

past her, but he couldn’t remove the wedge in time and was quickly pulled

from the door as her powerful hands clamped down hard on his shoulders.

"HELP, H…oomph!"

Her hand clamped hard across his face as she turned him round and held him

high against the wall with one hand.

"Now be quiet sweetie and it won’t hurt too much."

Chris kicked and pulled at her arm as she unclasped his belt and unbuttoned

his trousers with her free hand causing them to fall to his ankles.

"Now lets see what you’ve got under there little man?"

Amber licked her lips as she slowly pulled his boxer shorts down.

Chris was struggling to breathe as she kept him held high against the wall

with the one hand while she played with his dick with the other. Chris hated

himself as his member began to respond to her touch.

"Well, well would you look at that…hmm, not bad for a small boy…but for a

man, well let’s just say I couldn’t be bothered."

She released her grip and Chris fell to a crumpled heap on the floor sobbing.

Amber totally ignored Chris as she straightened her dress and checked her

make up in the mirror before taking the wedge from the door.

Chris watched as she exited the door and as she did she looked back at him

one last time and blew him a kiss.

Quickly he gathered a little composure and pulled up his boxers and trousers,

which was just as well as Steve walked in through the door.

"You’ve been gone ages…we’re all worried out their mate, you ok."

"Fine, j, just fine."

"Well you don’t look to good."

"F@#king hell, would you stop already…I’m fine…thanks."

Steve felt a little awkward and let.

Chris soon followed, he wanted to go home…he wanted to feel safe and right

now that’s the only place he would.

He ran out onto the dance floor and found Kim.

"Kim honey…can we go home?"


"I said, could we go home?"


"Yes now."


"Please babe…I’m not feeling too well."

Kim nodded and as she bent down to put her shoes on and pick up her bag

and who should be dancing in front of him none other than Amber.

"O’ sorry how rude…Chris this is Amber, Amber Chris."

"Hi nice to meet you Chris." Amber said as she winked at him and held out

her hand.

"Err hi." Chris replied nervously.

"Come on Kim please I don’t feel well."

Kim took his hand and after finding Mel and Steve to say their goodbyes they


Chris was glad to be home safe and sound it wasn’t until a couple of days

later when Kim got of off the phone did the horror come back to him.

"Who was that babe…the Doctor?"

"What! O’ no…remember at the party the other night, the big woman I

introduced you too…Amber it was her she’s coming by for coffee at the


Chris froze, he’d been rapped and humiliated by that woman and now…now

she was coming for Coffee!!!

* * * *

Chris sat on the windowsill watching the world go by…it was a lovely

September day and Becky was out playing with her friends, Kim was at work

and Cally was making out with that boyfriend of hers! Yea making out while

she’s supposed to be looking after Chris and Becky and in their house!

But Chris could do nothing to stop it…at first he had objected but Brad had

threatened to stomp him into the ground if he told Kim, so now he tried his

best to keep out of their way when Brad was around.

Today however was different, Chris hadn’t had any close contact with a

woman (sexually that is) for quite some time and while sitting on the Kitchen

windowsill he could hear them going at it big time.

Chris’s curiosity got the better of him and so he thought he’d go and take a

sneak peek, after all they’d never know he was there!

Problem was he was on the windowsill and it was Cally that put him there! He

needed help to get down…maybe he wouldn’t be spying today after all.

Standing on the edge of the windowsill he looked around for possible escape

route’s, the rubber gloves hanging on a clip was within jumping distance, if he

could leap over on to them he could then climb down onto the work top and

then look for a way down…it would give him more option’s.

Chris backed up to the window and started his run…

"Bomb’s away!" He screamed as he launched himself.

He’d over done it; he didn’t land at the side of the gloves as he’d hoped,

because of his lightweight he went further than he thought; right into the

opening of the glove.

Chris sank into the pink gloves and bounced up and down a couple of

times…not what he’d planned but none the less a good result…or was it. He

tried to pull himself up but found that he was wedged tightly into one of the

fingers from his chest down. Chris remembered when he used to wear these

for washing up and trouble he used to have getting them off as they were

slightly too small for him. Now it wasn’t his fingers stuck but his whole being!

Reaching up he grabbed handfuls of rubber in both hands and pulled with all

his might…it was no good he wasn’t going anywhere.

* * * *

11 Month’s earlier

Today was Becky’s ninth birthday October 21st and Chris and Kim had hired

the local McDonalds Restaurant to host a party for her…well Kim had hired it

and just told Chris about it really, that’s just how things were starting to go


Chris had thought it was a good idea as Becky was a good kid, but he was a

little peeved that Kim hadn’t discussed it with him first.

"Sorry darling I just thought…"

"I know what you just thought! Just because I’m only 3’ 5" tall doesn’t make

me any less a man and I’m still head of this house hold and don’t you forget


Kim turned and looked at the mad little man who was craning his head back

to look up to her…"The mad midget!" she thought to herself.

"Ok…ok calm down, next year you can go down and make all the

arrangements…" Kim said with a sly smile.

"Nice one Kim, thanks for that…do you really know what it’s like for me…"

Suddenly Kim grabbed him tightly on his biceps and shook him violently.

"For Christ sake will you stop your whining? What’s done is done…next time

I’ll make sure to ask you ok."

With that Kim then pushed him hard sending crashing against the bed before

falling the ground in a heap.

Kim sat down at her dressing table and continued to get ready as if nothing

had happened.

Chris was shocked not only by her tantrum but also by her strength! It hadn’t

really occurred to him that with his size diminishing then so was his

strength…He wasn’t stupid but he really hadn’t given it a thought. He was the

size of a 4 maybe 5 at a push; year old boy why would he retain his strength.

Suddenly Chris heard a snigger and looked toward the open bedroom door…it

was Becky…had she seen the whole thing?

"Mummy did you hurt Daddy?"

"What! O’ err no, we were just playing…right dear." Kim said as she looked

down at Chris.

"Yea, course we were…just playing." Replied Chris as he got to his feet.

"Hurry along now dear and get yourself ready…wouldn’t want to be late for

your own party would you?"

Becky ran off to her room to finish getting ready.

Chris got up and walked over to Kim…it was better now, she was sitting down

so her head was only slightly higher than his.

"Hon, I don’t think I’ll come this afternoon." Chris said.

Kim still looking in her mirror looked at his reflection.

"Don’t be silly…Becky wants you there, I want you there…how can she have a

party without her Dad there?"

"I know, but its all the others that will be there…the pointing, starring and all

the whispering that goes with it."

"So you would ruin your daughters birthday party over something so trivial!

Look I know it’s hard but your coming so get yourself ready."


"I don’t want to hear another word."

Chris got his clothes together and changed.

She was right of course…that’s why he didn’t argue! Plus he didn’t want the

embarrassment of ending up on his arse again!

Soon he was all dressed and ready to go, as he got to the bottom of the

stairs Kim and Becky came out from the kitchen, Kim ruffled his hair and said

how nice he looked! She was doing that more and more and it was really

starting to piss him off!

He looked up and smiled at Becky who now stood a whooping 10-½ inches


"Right come on you too, in the car."

Kim opened the front door.


"O’ shit…Donna!" Chris thought to himself.

Kim and Donna hugged while Becky got excited for she knew that Auntie

Donna always bought he nice presents.

"I didn’t think you were coming?"

"As if I’d miss my favourite nieces birthday party." Becky had to be her

favourite niece for she was the only one she had…

Looking to Becky Donna said…

"My look at you…so tall and all grown up!"

Then turning and looking down at Chris she said…

"And look at you so…so small."

She then stepped over to Chris and placing her hands on his shoulders pulled

him close to her.

"Would you look at that Kim, he’s not even eye level with my cute belly


Chris bent his knees and pulled away.

"Leave him alone will you, Christ you’ve just got here and the two of you


Chris looked dumbfounded…he hadn’t said a word!

"Come on pile in its time to go."

Chris walked round to the front of the car and opened the passenger door,

the door felt really heavy now…it was funny how you just take your own

strength for granted.

Suddenly he felt himself lifted off the ground as he tried to step up into the


"O’ no you don’t…little one’s in the back."

Before Chris could protest he was sitting on the back seat with his safety belt

fastened. Donna leaned back over him and smiled as she did.

"There we are safe and sound."

Donna then closed the door and got into the front passenger seat next to


Chris was seething; he might have looked like a 4-year-old boy! But he wasn’t

he was still a man and expected to be treated like one.

Becky could see that her Dad was a little upset so she leaned over and said…

"Its ok Daddy Auntie Donna used to do that to me when I was as small as


Chris gritted his teeth and smiled in an ok sort of way.

It was a short journey and pretty soon they arrived at McDonalds.

Becky hurriedly exited the car to greet her friends.

"Becky is careful." Kim called out.

"Go on Kim, you go with her I’ll lock the car up."

"Ok thanks."

"Becky wait for me."

With Kim and Becky out of the way Donna was free to torment Chris… that of

course she did.

"Where have you two been?" Kim enquired as Donna and Chris entered the


"O’ you know how it is me and peep squeak were just catching up." Donna

said this as she looked down at Chris and winked.

Chris wasn’t amused.

An hour later and the party was in full swing all the kid’s were having a great

time and enjoying the food, the parents were all chatting with each other.

Chris was fed up! How many more times was he going to be asked if he were

ok…he needed to get out…so when no one was watching he slid out the door.

It was a cold crisp day…but at least it was dry. Chris tucked his hands in his

pockets and went for a walk.

Its surprising just how far you can walk and not even know it when you’re

head is full of so many unanswered questions just going over…

"Excuse me sonny!"

"Err what!" Chris looked up from his trance.

"Can I give you a lift?"

Chris looked up to see a fat balding bloke leaning out of his car.

"What…sorry what did you say?"

"You look lost young man, I thought I might give you a lift."

"No! I mean no thanks."

"Arrr come on I don’t bite."

"What are you some kind of perv…now FUCK OFF!"

Chris wasn’t thinking…after all in his head he was still a 5’ 9" tall man not a 3’

5" boy…but that’s how he looked.

"You cheeky little sod come here."

The man looked angry and began getting out of his car; Chris suddenly felt

very vulnerable and turned and began to run back to the McDonalds…shit it

was a long way off.

He looked over his shoulder to see the giant bulk of a man hot on his

heels…Christ he was gaining a little too fast.

Chris was nowhere near McDonalds when the man caught up with him.

Grabbing Chris tight he pulled him into his body, Chris screamed but the man

just placed his large hand over Chris’s mouth, covering his nose also.

Chris struggled but it was no use the man was just too strong…he couldn’t

break free.

"You little shit…stop struggling."

The man’s hand stank of stale smoke and piss! Chris really was panicking as

they neared the man’s car; he knew if the man got him in there, there would

be no escape!

Holding Chris with one arm the man began opening the back door of his car

with the other, this was it his last chance. He bit down hard on the mans

hand, screaming and yanking his hand away gave Chris just the moment he

needed. He pulled himself free and as fast as he could kicked the man real

hard between the legs.

The man sank to his knees and Chris ran as fast as he could screaming at the

top of his lungs.

"You little sod, come back here."

Chris couldn’t believe it! The man was already after him…at this rate he’d

catch him again!

Chris was running faster than his legs would carry him and he stumbled

forward hitting his head hard on the concrete path!

Chris opened his eyes and tried to focus…something hovered just above his

face, it was dark…he was still dazed…suddenly a large hand took hold of the

back of his head.

He began to scream and fight off the…

"Calm down…it’s ok I’ve got you, everything’s ok."

Chris focused and found a pretty woman cradling him in her arms…she was a

police officer!

"There, there the nasty man’s gone now." The Police officer said as Chris

cried into her embrace.

"Wow! That’s quite a bump you got there, doe’s it hurt?"

Chris shook his head.

"There’s a brave boy…now where is Mummy and Daddy?"

Chris pointed to the McDonalds about 100 ft or so away.

"Are you ok to walk or would you like me to carry you?"

Chris looked up into her eyes and said while sobbing…

"I’ll walk."

The Police officer took Chris’s hand and walked him back to McDonalds.

On the way Chris managed to regain his composure and calm himself down,

he was still shocked but the worst was over.

Entering the Restaurant Chris tried to release the Policewoman’s hand.

"Now wait a minute, let’s find Mummy first!"

Chris pulled he didn’t want the humiliation of trying to explain what had

happened. The Policewoman held firm.

Suddenly Chris’s greatest fear…Donna had spotted them and was heading


"Err hi, can I help you?" Enquired Donna.

"Yes, could you tell me who this little boy belongs too?"

Donna almost lost it; she looked down at Chris who was looking at the

ground…he dared not face her.

"Of course its my sisters little boy…Christopher."

Donna then took Chris’s hand and pulled him tightly to her side as the

Policewoman explained what had happened.

As the Policewoman left Donna bent down and hugged him.

"Christ Chris it must have been awful…you poor little sod."

"What must have been awful?"

Chris heard Kim’s voice behind him.

"What! O nothing, Chris and I were just having a chat weren’t we?"

He nodded and appreciated her not letting on.

* * * *

Chris was still stuck in the rubber glove and had long since given up

struggling…usually he would get up set but on this occasion he guessed he

deserved it, after all if he hadn’t tried to get down to go spy on Cally and Brad


It must have been a good hour later when he heard the front door go and

then footsteps enter the kitchen…it was Becky and Steph.

"HELLO." He screamed out.

Becky went to the fridge and got both herself and Steph a drink. Chris could

hear them ideally chatting.


Chris waited but still they ignored him…well ignored him isn’t quite true for it

was hard to hear his little voice now…very hard.

He heard the voices grow distant as they left the kitchen. Again he was alone.

Chris had heard Brad leave a little earlier so Cally was probably watching a

little TV before she came out to start dinner…he had hoped she might check

on him…then again she thought he was safe.

* * * *

10 Months earlier

Chris had discussed the idea of taking a holiday…a family holiday while he

was still tall enough to have a relatively normal time. He and Kim had

discussed the subject many times and even picked out a few places to go;

eventually they settled on Orlando Florida.

Becky was really excited; the thought of meeting Mickey mouse and the rest

of the Disney characters was a dream come true.

Booking it at the last minute was great, it took all their minds off of Chris’s

shrinking…it was just the tonic they all needed.

The flight lasted a little over 8 ½ hours and Kim was really glad to be getting

off of the plane due to the cramped seats…ok for short hall but long hall with

a 29inch pitch, no fun at all.

Chris however really enjoyed the flight, for the first time he was actually

comfortable in an aircraft seat…in fact it was that large to him that his feet

didn’t even touch the ground!

"Listen to you; moan, moan, moan…the seats weren’t that bad!"

Kim looked down at her diminutive husband standing next to her while they

queued for hours to clear immigration!

"O’ alright for short arse’s like you…plenty of room, but I might have DVT for

all you know?"

Becky sniggered "Mummy said the naughty bum word!"

"WHAT! O’ yea Mummy did…naughty Mummy." Kim reprimanded herself.

For once being 3ft 1 inch tall had it advantages…unfortunately Chris would

soon find out that it was the one and only advantage on this holiday!

The holiday soon started to go down hill for Chris right from the second day!

They arrived at The Magic Kingdom just at it opened so as to get in as many

rides before it really got busy.

While they walked down Main Street Chris suggested that they start in future

world first and then work there way round to each themed part, Kim agreed.

Once in Future World the first thing they headed for was Space

Mountain…Chris remembered it from when he and Kim visited on their honey

moon all those years ago and he loved it!

"Come on hurry up!" He called excitedly

Kim was really pleased, she hadn’t seen him this happy in months…but that

was just about to end.

As Chris ran down to the entrance to Space Mountain the young girl doing the

height restriction checks suddenly stopped him.

"Excuse me."

Chris stopped and looked up at her as Becky and Kim arrived behind him.

"Yea, what?"

"Would you mind stepping up here please?"

Chris looked at her blankly but did as she requested…it still hadn’t dawned on

him what the problem was.

"Sorry but I can’t let you on." She said apologetically.

"WHAT! Why not?" Chris barked up at her.

"Your too short! For safety reasons you need to reach the mark here and I’m

afraid you come up well short."

Kim put her hand to her mouth; she hadn’t given it a thought…he was going

to struggle to get on any of the fast rides.

Becky stepped forward and pressed her back against the post.

"Am I tall enough?" She enquired…she already knew the answer!

"O’ yes plenty tall enough…why don’t you donate a few inches to your little

brother here?"

Chris reddened and both Kim and Becky sniggered.

"He’s not my brother silly…he’s my Dad!"

It was now the young girls turn to redden.

"O’ sorry I didn’t…"

"It’s ok dear…easy mistake to make."

Kim turned to Chris who was still standing there hoping she’d let him on. Kim

bent down to meet his eyes with hers.

"It’s ok babe…you just wait here; we won’t be long."

Chris didn’t know what to say as Kim stood up and ruffled his hair before she

and Becky walked down the entrance to Space Mountain. Becky turned and

smiled broadly at him.

"Come on, surly you can bend the rules a little…after all I’ve come a long

way!" Chris was given it the wide-eyed o’ please let me on look.

"Sorry…rules are rules and your just too short!"

Chris hunched his shoulders and dropped his head, "this is going to be a long

day!" he mumbled to himself.

Becky really rubbed salt in the wound when she got off of the ride,

"Dad you would have loved that, it went up and down and over and over…I

screamed from start to finish it was great!" All the while she did the arm

movements in his face to simulate the motion of the ride.

"Lovely Beck’s I’m really glad you enjoyed it."

"Come on let’s go on again…oops sorry forgot…you can’t can you." As she

said this she ruffled his hair.

That’s all he needed…Becky ruffling his hair now…she’d seen her Mum do it

and as usual it didn’t take long for her to copy.

"Becky that’s enough…let’s fined a ride we can all go on." Kim said as she

smiled down at Chris.

To Chris’s bitter disappointment it didn’t stop with that ride…he wasn’t able to

go on Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain the list just continued to grow!

It had been a long day and he was sat between Becky and Kim on It’s a small

world ride…one of the only ones he was able to ride. In truth he didn’t want

too on this one at all, but Kim had insisted.

With each day and every new park visited Chris’s mood sunk lower as ride

after ride refused to let him on…it was a long two weeks!

It was the last night of their holiday and Chris wanted to end it on a high, so

after Becky was in bed he suggested he and Kim go to bed early. Kim was

only too pleased with his idea…she knew how hard the holiday had been for

him and thought this just might be the tonic they both needed.

Both were naked in bed as Chris wrapped his arms around Kim as best as he

could and gave her a huge passionate kiss, Kim in turn responded and met

his tongue with hers.

Chris coughed slightly and broke from the kiss.

"Hey what’s up? Have I got bad breath or something?" Kim asked a little put

out by his pulling away.

"What, no course not babe…just needed to clear my throat."

Yea right clear his throat…OF HER TONGUE!

Chris was taken aback as her huge monster of a tongue filled his little mouth

and threatened to dig out his tonsils! In truth it wasn’t that bad but Chris was

used to being in control and to have her tongue fill him up like that was a

little unnerving.

Kim eased off on the tongue as they kissed again as she had surprised herself

a little by the way she filled his mouth…

Chris was enjoying himself immensely; Kim was no Pamela Anderson on the

breast front but she did have a nice natural pair and he’d always loved them

but now they felt much larger and firmer.

Kim was also enjoying Chris stroking and sucking on her tits but she needed

more, she wanted satisfaction…and she wanted it NOW!

Chris was a little alarmed as Kim rolled him over and straddled him…he felt

smaller than his current 3 feet as she placed her hands either side of his head

and looked down at him mischievously.

"Enough of the for-play…I want you little man…and I mean to have you!"

Suddenly Chris felt his hard member being pulled by her big hand.

"Is that all you got…come on a big girl like me needs more than that."

Chris yelped as Kim began pulling on his dick harder and harder, he tried to

restrain her but he wasn’t strong enough.

Kim was frustrated she new his little dick wouldn’t satisfy her, but still she

pulled in the hope it might get a little bigger!

Chris had tears in his eyes as his prick was being rudely assaulted, but he

couldn’t let her know he was hurting…after all he was a man and this was his

woman…he needed to satisfy her!

Kim could take no more; she needed him inside her, to feel him in her. She

guided his little weenie into her glistening lips and began riding him.

Chris bucked up and down in time with her but knew she was in

control…complete control. It was a new experience for them both…one Kim


Faster and faster she jumped up and down upon him…Chris had finished

bucking with her he was too busy biting his lip…he wasn’t enjoying himself.

She was too big…or should we say he was too small!

Chris could feel his pelvic area flatten as she came down on him…suddenly

she rolled over and took him with her…at last he could breath and wasn’t

being flattened.

Kim needed more, she need his Dick to go further in, she grabbed his little

butt with her right hand and pulled him in closer…that’s better she could feel

his head rubbing her nub.

Chris was about to ask her too let go when she mashed his face roughly

between her tits as she aggressively assaulted him as she neared orgasm.

She held his butt closer and closer to her as she gyrated upon him. His nose

was flat and his face contorted as he eventually managed to scream…

Kim tilted her head back as she too screamed…hers was in pleasure…his was

in pain!

Again Chris managed a scream and Kim smiled thinking she was sending him

into another orgasm.

The tears were running down his face…he couldn’t take much more.

"Arghhhh! Please your hurting me!"

Kim immediately stopped and lifted his head from her chest…she was

shocked by the pained expression on his face…but at least she’d had


Kim knew at that moment that things between them would never be the

same again! Chris knew it too as he lay their sobbing in her arms as she

comforted him.

* * * *

It had become really tire sum hanging in the rubber glove but still Chris

couldn’t free himself…he had hoped that the wetter he got then the

lubrication would aid him, unfortunately it had the opposite effect he was now

completely consumed in the finger, well up to his armpits anyway. He had

tried swinging the glove around a couple of times hopping to break it free

from the clasp that suspended it…he’d tried bouncing up and down, but now

he resigned completely to the fact that he’d have to wait and be rescued.

Cally looked at her watch and decided it was time to start dinner, she walked

into the kitchen humming her favourite tune when she suddenly remembered

about Chris sat on the windowsill. Looking over to it she could see that he

was gone!

"I imagine he’s playing with Becky." She thought to herself.

Chris was yelling so hard that he was hurting his throat, but still didn’t hear


"That bloody song! Her humming drives me nuts."

He gave up and just waited until she did the washing up.

"BECKY…COME ON DINNERS READY." Cally called up stairs.

"OK, JUST COMING." She replied.

Cally sat down to her meal she had cooked a nice mild curry tonight, she had

the table set for three and a bit…a little tiny bit!

Becky came in and sat down.

"Cor this looks nice!"

"Becky where’s you’re Dad?"

Becky looked up from her meal and shook her head.

"What doe’s that mean? Have you seen him or not?"

"Not." Just about escaped Becky’s lips between mouthfuls.

"O’ no not again!" Cally sighed.

Getting up from her seat she remembered the last place she’d seen him…on

the windowsill…but where could he go from there. Walking over to the

windowsill she caught sight of the glove moving and instantly realised where

he was.

Leaning over and looking into the glove she saw a depressed looking Chris

gazing up at her.

"You silly little man…I suppose you need help getting out of there?"

Chris nodded.

Cally picked the glove up and held it by the finger that Chris was trapped in,

carefully she tried easing him out…it didn’t work. She reached in the glove

and tried pulling him out, his arms would have dislocated before he’d been

free! She looked puzzled for a moment wondering how she could get him out


A. Hurting him

B. Cutting the glove

She’d got it.

"Chris look down and put you’re hands over your ears."

He looked at her a little strangely but complied.

Cally took a deep breath and gathering the end of the glove up she put it to

her mouth and blew.

Chris suddenly shot to the fingertip and found himself pinned there as the

glove expanded around him.

He began to panic, what if the glove burst! He would never survive such an

explosion…why didn’t she just cut the blasted glove.

The powerful wind stopped as fast as it had started and Chris found himself

sliding down the inflated finger toward the ballooned hand. Like shooting

from water slide he flew toward Cally’s open mouth…shit her mouth.

Cally coughed suddenly as something hit the back of her throat. The glove

deflated and fell to the ground. Again Cally coughed and this time the

obstacle that almost slid down her throat nestled firmly on her tongue.

Chris screamed as he flew past her front teeth and didn’t stop screaming until

he splattered into the back of her throat. He thought he was a gonna as he

slid down her throat in total darkness…but then he got a reprieve as she

coughed not once but twice until he found himself lying face down on her


Carefully Cally opened her mouth and let Chris fall into the palm of her

waiting hand.

"That’s it buster…rule changes around here as from tomorrow."

Chris looked up from her palm and shouted.

"What kind of rule changes?"

Cally put him down next to her plate so he could eat something and she

smiled at him saying.

"You’ll see…"

* * * *

9 1/2 months earlier

Chris had thought about it a lot in the last week and as the day neared he

plucked up the courage…he was going out on his own!

He stood a measly 30inches high; he was nervous about going out on his own

but it was Kim’s birthday on Friday and he so wanted to get her something

nice…something she hadn’t bought herself form him, a surprise!

Kim was at work and Becky was at school, it was ten in the morning giving

him plenty of time to get to town do what he needed to and get home.

Chris found what clothes he could that didn’t look too childish and looked at

himself in the long mirror. It didn’t matter what he wore he still looked like

something out of circus…"Roll up, roll up…come see the man that looks like a

child!" He smiled to himself.

Putting on his jacket he grabbed his keys and wallet and headed out the front

door…as the door shut behind him he suddenly realised that he couldn’t reach

the lock.

"O’ shit…derr dumb arse didn’t think of that, did you." He reprimanded


Still that wouldn’t be too much of a problem he’d just ask Cally or June to

open it for him.

And so he took his first steps out into the public arena for quite some time. It

was a good time to go out as the streets were pretty empty and the bus stop

was only a couple of hundred feet down the road.

As Chris entered the bus shelter there were a couple of old dears waiting also

who seemed astonished to see someone so small.

"Morning ladies…lovely weather we’re having?" Chris said as he leaned

against the side of the shelter.

"Morning…yes isn’t it." They both replied.

This was followed by an awkward silence before the ladies began chatting

with each other again.

Chris kept looking at his watch.

"Jeez how much longer."

It had been a long time since he’d used public transport…now he knew why!

Suddenly Chris felt a sharp blow to the back of his head. He stumbled forward

and turned quickly to see middle-aged woman chatting on her mobile phone

with her handbag hung over shoulder. It must have been the bag that

knocked his head as she stopped right next him…she hadn’t even noticed he

was there. Maybe going into town wasn’t such a good idea after all!

Chris rubbed his head and looked angrily up at the woman, suddenly she

noticed him and she smiled friendly at him.

His look of anger receded and he smiled back as the bus pulled up.

The two old ladies carefully stepped up into the bus and then it was Chris’s

turn. God it was difficult the air suspension lowered which made the first step

simple enough but the second was higher than Chris’s knees, he had to climb

up it and then a new obstacle presented itself…how was he going to put the

money in the machine?

He walked up and reached as far as he could but he was still a good foot

short. Suddenly to lady behind him said.

"Here let me." As she held out her large open hand to Chris.

Chris smiled up at her and put the money in her hand while thanking her.

The bus was fairly empty which was a good thing…not too many funny looks

and sniggers.

He found himself a seat about half was down and climb up into the window

seat. Sitting he found he was too small to look out the window so he just

looked at the back of the seat in front of him and passed the time reading the

graffiti written upon it.

A couple of stops had passed and only one more to go before the bus

reached the stop he wanted.

He still sat quietly minding his own business as the bus pulled up for the last

but one stop. Quite a few people boarded at that one…he glanced over as

some walked by.

His eye caught some gothic chicks as they walked past…unfortunately the last

of the three caught his eye also.

"Hey wait up! Lets sit here for a change…we always sit at the back" she turn

to look at Chris "Is there anyone sitting here mister?"

Chris looked up and shook his head as he cleared his throat.

The girl sat down and slid right up next to him as her two friends sat in front

and with their knees on the seat they leaned over the backrest to converse

with there friend.

He felt really awkward as he looked down at his shoe’s…he knew they we’re

all watching him.

"Come on bus hurry up." Chris said to himself.

"Oi mister." One of the girls said as she pulled on Chris’s coat sleeve.

Chris looked up to return her stare.


"Have you got the time?"

At the front of the bus there was a clock that everyone could see but she had

to ask him.

"Err, a little after 10:30."

"What little like you?" she replied.

All three of the girls laughed at her quick retort causing Chris to blush.

"O’ very original…I bet it took all your brain power to come up with that witty


Oops Chris had a big mouth!

The bus came to a halt and Chris got down from his seat, looking up at the

girl next to him he asked…

"Excuse me please…this is my stop."

She looked down at him and replied.

"What…you own it?"

This time Chris smiled and tilted his head a little as they laughed at her


"Please excuse me."

She pulled her legs in and offered him the space between her knees and the

seat back.

Chris looked at her and knew that was the best she was going to offer…she

wasn’t going to get up for him. So he squeezed past her knees and the seat


As he got between her knees she opened her legs and slid forward thus

trapping him between her thighs.

Her friends roared with laughter seeing the child of a man foolishly trapped so


"Oop’s looks like you missed your stop." She announced to him as the bus

pulled away.

The bus had emptied on that stop all that remained were the driver, the three

girls and Chris.

Chris placed his hands on her thighs and tried to prise them apart…it did


"Get your hands off of my thigh’s you dirty little man…I’ll have you for sexual


The teasing continued and Chris grew more and more frustrated…should he

call for the drivers help?

The bus pulled up at another stop, Chris waited a minute before dropping to

his knees and rolling out into the isle, quickly he got to his feet and ran for

the open door. The door was shutting just as Chris got there but being so

small he just managed to squeeze through as the bus pulled away.

Chris brushed himself down and waved at the three girls shaking their fists at

him out the back window of the bus.

Picking up his pace he walked into town as fast as he could.

It was like a different world when he got into town…it was so busy, not

everybody noticed him down there as they were either too busy in what they

were doing or speaking on their mobile phones…why is it when you use a

mobile phone in public you shout so loud that the whole world can hear you!

Eventually and many bruises later Chris found the jewellers shop he was


The door was heavy but he managed to just about push it open. Once inside

the counters rose around him just like the kitchen counter at home now did.

There was an assistant sitting to his left behind the counter, he made his way

over and coughed loudly.

The assistant looked up and could see no one and so returned to what ever it

was she was doing.

"Err excuse me miss, down here if you please." Chris said as he waved his

hands above the counter.

The woman looked over and down she could see his hands waving. Getting to

her feet she walked to the counter and leaned over.

"So sorry…I didn’t see you there."

"O’ that’s ok I get that a lot!"

"What can I do for you?"

"Well I’d like to see some anklets please…you see it’s my wife’s birthday."

"Certainly sir we have a good selection…look would you like to come

round…it’ll be easier."

"Yea sure…if that’s ok?"

"Well I hardly think your going to rob me." She said with a slight smile.

"I guess not."

The woman lifted the counter and opened the door to allow Chris round to

the sales side of it.

She offered Chris a seat…one of those chrome bar stools, he could never get

on that…before he could object she picked him up and sat him down.

"Sorry I hope you didn’t mind only it was hurting my back keep bending down

like that…besides at least now you can look at the trays upon the counter."

Chris didn’t mind, after all it did make sense…it was easier for them both.

Eventually he did find one he liked.

Thanking the lady he left and was ready to do battle with the crowds once


No busses this time…he’ll get a cab, but while he’s passing he may as well get

the daily paper.

It was busy in the newsagents and after picking up his paper he had to queue

to pay for it. He found himself sandwiched between a dirty trampy looking

bloke in front of him and a young blonde behind him. He wished he were

behind the blonde at least he’d have something nice to look at.

Suddenly Chris heard the man fart…he couldn’t miss it his head as arse


"Jeez…that stinks!" Chris thought as he turned away.

The man shifted slightly and turned his head…he wasn’t aware of the little

man behind him.


Again the man farted and Chris could swear he saw green mist emanate from

the blokes arse…it was fowl.

"Excuse me." He said up to the pretty woman behind.

"Would you like to go in front of me?"

She looked down at him sternly.

"Certainly not, I’m not having you stare at my arse you dirty little man!"

Chris didn’t know where to look…he hadn’t though about that, he just wanted

shot of the fowl smelling arse in front of him.

Chris was too ashamed to look up into her face again so he put his paper

back and left the shop.

He made his way to the taxi rank and got a taxi home. Upon pulling up

outside he asked the driver if he’d be kind enough to open the front door for


Kim loved the Anklet and wears it all the time, so in the end the trip was

worth it.

* * * *

Chris stood in the jar on top of the TV screaming and waving his fist at Cally

as she sat there watching TV…in reality she was watching him but he wasn’t

to know that!

Cally had said yesterday that as off today there were going to be some rule

changes but she didn’t say what!

When she arrived this morning Chris was soon put clearly in the picture.

"Morning Mr Jackson…how is you this morning?"

Chris looked up form his position in the middle of the lounge floor on his

favourite pillow. She was a towering goddess…true Chris was against having

someone come in to do the house work and too look after Becky and of

course himself. But now that Becky came each day it was like a breathe of

fresh air she really was a pretty young woman…the only down side was her

arsehole of a boyfriend.

Cally stood with a foot either side of the pillow looking down at him with a

broad smile.

"WHAT!" Chris yelled up.

Cally could just about hear his little squeaks from way down there.

She then slid her foot out of her sandal and did something that really

surprised Chris…true she had nudged him with her foot on the odd occasion

or even hovered her foot over him just teasing…but nothing like this before.

Placing her foot next to him on the pillow caused him to fall into the deep

impression her foot made, he screamed up at her and hit her foot as he tried

to steady himself. Looking up he could see that she still had that daft smile on

her face. Suddenly her foot rolled onto its side lifting the inside of her foot off

of the pillow. Chris rolled down the indentation until he was right under her

foot. He continued screaming up at her as she slowly rolled her foot back

over Chris. He found himself in total darkness unable to move and held firm

by the weight of her foot.

"What the hell is she doing?" He thought to himself while he tried to fend off

her foot.

Cally was rather enjoying feeling Chris struggle beneath her foot…in fact it

made her feel strange, no not strange more like…excited!

She continued to hold her foot over him for about five minutes…well until his

struggles stopped.

Cally lifted her foot and Chris gasped for air and quickly rolled off of the

pillow. Regaining his composure he looked up at her and angrily shook his fist

while he hurled abuse at her.

She smiled at him and then bent down and picked him up. Holding him firmly

in her fist she bought him to her face.

"Now you see how easily my foot covered you…Well just imagine what it

would have been like had I not known you were there! You would have ended

up squashed and I’d have felt awful…so what I’m about to do is for your own


"What the hell are you on about, please just put me down…for Pete’s sake

put me the hell down…You’re fired, do you hear me…FIRED!"

"O’ I don’t think so…you haven’t the power to fire me only Kim could do

that…and I don’t think she would…do you?"

Cally then carried Chris out into the Kitchen and carefully placed him in an old

Coffee jar!

Chris was lost for words as she screwed the lid on and he watched as he

distorted face smiled in at him. He saw her giant hand wrap around the jar as

she lifted it up and carried it into the lounge, placing a top the TV.

"There you all safe and sound…I can get on with my work and not worry

about you…I’ll come by later and let you out for lunch."

Chris was horse he’d been sat atop the TV for hours now and she’d been sat

watching it for the last 20 or so minutes.

Suddenly Cally got up and walked over to the TV.

"Sorry Mr Jackson, but I’ve got to move you…you’re too much of a distraction

and I’m trying to watch this."

Chris yelled yet more abuse but she just smiled and picked up the jar.

She sat back down and placed the jar on the floor between her feet.

Looking up Chris could see the end of the sofa and her knees through the air

holes she’d made in the jars lid.

Yelling and screaming was useless so he decided to just sit…what else could

he do?

* * * *

9 Months earlier

"Well I think you do!"

"For Christ sake Kim…please, I can look after my own daughter, ok so I’m a

little short!"

"A little have you looked in the mirror lately, you’re 2’ 6" tall, Jesus even

Becky’s nearly twice your height now!"

"Kim, please can you sit down…its making my neck ache looking up at you."

Kim didn’t sit she knelt on the floor…even kneeling she was taller than him.

"Look I know I’m small, and I probably look pretty funny in these kiddie

clothes but inside I’m still the man you married. I can understand your

concern, not just for me but Becky too! Look can we just get this week over

and then talk about it again."

Kim looked at him and felt guilty, but she was only thinking of him…Becky

could be a right madam sometimes and was hard enough for her to handle

but Chris…well he’s just so small and weak.

"Ok, we’ll how it goes this week…but if you get much smaller then I’m going

to ask Cally to look after you while I’m at work. Talking of which if I don’t get

a move on I’ll be late!"

Cally stood to her towering height and continued to get ready for work.

Chris didn’t want a baby sitter, sure Kim hadn’t called it that…but that’s what

it was all right, he’d show her he could cope!

Entering the kitchen everything was just so darn big and unmanageable but

with the help of a short stepladder he was able to get round most things.

Kneeling on the side by the sink he filled the kettle…he needed two hand’s to

lift it now when it was full, so he always used just enough water to fill three

mug’s…Kim had recently asked him why he doesn’t fill the kettle and he

instantly responded that he was thinking of the planet…waste no want not.

When Kim entered the kitchen she found a bowl of cornflakes and fresh

orange along with a fresh cup of tea and most impressive of all was that

Becky was sitting down in her school uniform eating her breakfast.

Smiling at Chris she sat down and ate her breakfast. Chris was pleased with

himself and had proved to Kim that he could indeed manage.

Kim smiled as she ate her breakfast…talk about role reversal! 12 months ago

she would have had the breakfast ready and waiting on the table for him

before he went to work!

Chris filled his time with doing the housework and whatever else he could

manage. He still had his weekly visits from the Doctor but in truth both he

and Kim had accepted the inevitable, so the best thing was to have a normal

a life as possible!

Chris was in the garden sweeping up the leaves when Becky arrived home

from school.

"Hi Dad, is it ok if Steph comes in to play."

"Yea ok…but not for long!"

Becky and Stephanie disappeared into the house while Chris continued

sweeping up the leaves; by the time he’d finished he had a pile that was taller

than himself!

After packing them tightly in to the compost bin, he went inside to make

himself a cuppa and relax for a while before starting dinner.

With his mug in his hands he walked into the lounge to find Becky and

Stephanie playing on his Xbox…something Becky knew she wasn’t aloud to do


"What’s going on?"

"O’ err hi Dad…we’re just playing on the Xbox!"

"I can see that…did you ask my permission?"


"No buts young lady you know the rules…Stephanie would you mind going

home now please…and Becky get your things together and go to your room

and stay there until I tell you to come out."

Stephanie looked at Becky and then at the little man throwing a tantrum…he

did look silly!

"NOW…I won’t ask again!"

Stephanie got up and walked past Chris to get her things, purposely brushing

past him…Chris stumbled a little spilling his tea on his hands.

"WOW! Look where you’re going."

With a cheeky smile Stephanie replied…

"O’ sorry MR Jackson I didn’t see you down there."

Chris felt himself flush and bit his lip.

"Please Stephanie would you just go home…you can see Becky tomorrow."

Stephanie picked up her bag and headed for the door.

"See you tomorrow Beck’s…bye Mr Jackson."

Stephanie slammed the door shut behind her…Chris couldn’t believe it but he

actually breathed a sigh of relief.

"Becky gets to your room."

Becky jumped up and ran past Chris knocking him over as she did (good job

he’d put his mug of tea down).

"I hate you, hate you hate you."

Chris got to his feet and walked over to the TV he hoped they hadn’t been

playing GTA3 as that is one of the reasons she was to be supervised due to

the adult content of some of his games.

He was pleased to see that they hadn’t…but what he did find disturbed him


They had been playing WWF RAW and had created their own characters.

Becky had been "Tiny Chris" and had set him up as small as you could set it

and Stephanie had been "Stomping Steph" set as tall as you could set it!

He looked at the comparison on screen and thought pretty soon he would

actually be no taller than her knee…Christ he wasn’t far off now!

He reset the Xbox and cleared his mind of what he’d seen after all their just


* * * *

Cally had forgotten about Chris trapped in the bottle down at her feet…well

not exactly forgotten but she was so engrossed in the program she was


Chris was sick and tired of steadying himself and picking himself up off the

floor as she nonchalantly rolled the jar about under her foot.

At last she’d stopped, Chris settled down on the cold base of the jar and

wondered just how long she planned on keeping him like this…he’d have to

speak to Kim about this.

After ten or so minute’s Chris began to find it a little hard to breath and it

wasn’t until he looked up that he found out why!

Cally had rested her foot atop the lid and unknowingly blocked the air holes.

Chris realising this suddenly began to panic and the more he panicked the

harder he found it to breath. It wasn’t long before he was close to passing

out due to lack of oxygen.

As luck would have it the doorbell rang.

"O’ nut’s right in the middle of a good part." Cally said under her breath as

she got up to answer the door.

Cally lifted her foot from atop the jar and headed out the lounge, the jar

wobbled a little and then fell onto its side.

Slowly Chris crawled along to the lid and placing his lips to one of the holes

drew in large breaths until he stopped gasping for air.

Cally returned and sat back down completely ignoring Chris…well nearly she

did begin to roll the jar under her foot again!

With her TV program’s finished Cally returned to tidying the house before

Becky got home. She lifted the jar with Chris in and placed it on the worktop

in the kitchen. Chris screamed and smashed his fists against the glass as she

smiled at him.

Chris sat on the cold glass, he was mad…all morning long he’d been made to

suffer in this darn jar! Hell at one point she’d almost snuffed him out without

even realising.

A couple of times Cally passed him by during the last couple of hours but she

still didn’t free him! Then horror of horror’s Chris could see Brad, Bret o’

whatever his name was walking into the kitchen…Cally’s prat of a boyfriend!

Walking in he completely passed Chris by…which was a good thing! He sat

down at the table and lit up a cigarette.

"Hey Cally how long before we can get it on." Brad called out.

"Just make us both a cuppa tea and I’ll be there in a minute."

Brad moaned a little under his breath as he got up to put the kettle on…as he

reached for the kettle on the work surface he noticed the jar.

Chris looked up and his eyes met Brad’s.

"O’ shit…that’s all I need."

"Well, well what we got here then." Brad said as he picked up the jar.

Chris braced himself against the side as the jar lurched into the air.

The pig ugly face of Brad (he really wasn’t ugly but to Chris he was…)

became Chris’s entire line of sight.

"What you doing in there little man?"

"Waiting for a bus…what do you think you dumb arse?"

"Think your funny ugh! Well see how funny you think this is!"

Chris looked up as Brad unscrewed the lid…what was he going to do…why did

he have such a big mouth sometimes!

Brad removed the lid and looked down at Chris with a large smile on his face.

He then drew a drag on his cigarette, but didn’t take it down.

Chris guessed what was coming as Brad lifted the jar to his lips. Slowly thick

grey smoke trickled down the side of the jar until it formed a thick fog around

Chris’s legs all the while rising like water filling a tank.

Chris waved his arms about and tried desperately to get rid of the smoke but

it was useless and soon the blanket of fog reached up and over his head.

Brad satisfied that he’d carefully emptied his mouth quickly replaced the lid

and set the jar back down on the worktop.

Chris was already on his knee’s unable to see anything through the dense

smoke but worse than that he was choking! Clasping his hands to his throat

he was gasping and coughing for air.

Brad unhappy that he couldn’t quite see what was going on in the jar tilted it

to one side until Chris fell against it.

Brad laughed aloud at the sight of the little man gasping for air.

"What’s so funny Brad?" Cally asked as she entered the kitchen.

"O’ nothing really…well have a look and see…here catch!"

Cally turned around and saw a jar flying toward her; quickly she raised her

hands and caught it. At first she didn’t click as to what jar it was but then on

closer examination she could make out Chris lying unconscious on the floor of

the smoke filled jar.

Quickly she undid the lid and tipped the contents out onto her hand while she

hurled abuse at Brad.

"You stupid idiot…get out, Jesus you dumb arse."

"What! It was just a joke. Christ I was only playing with him…F#*@ you!"

Brad said as he stormed out and slammed the door behind him.

* * * *

7 Months earlier

Chris stood with his back to the trusty old height measure that the Doctor had

used from day one.

"19 and one half inches…hmm that’s a loss of 3 ½ " in a week, that’s more

than the last 3 weeks put together. Sorry Mr Jackson but it just keeps


Chris hung his head, he knew it was bad news, he was actually dreading

today as with each passing week the smaller and smaller he became the more

and more he noticed the difference with each inch lost…and with losing so

much in one week was quite a shock!

"I know Doc…I knew it was bad news."

Chris stepped onto the scales.

"Six and half pound…hmm that makes you about the average height for a

new born baby and slightly lighter."

After a few more tests the Doc left. It was 14:00hrs 1-½ hours till Becky

returned home from school.

Kim was almost insistent that they ask Cally to come over even just for a

couple of hours…but Chris had just about persuaded her otherwise, but he

knew the days were numbered…he was even admitting that to himself. But to

give up that little piece of independence he still had was very hard.

True he was too small and weak to do much around the house anymore, but

he tried…sometimes Kim wished he wouldn’t for normally he creates more

work than he doe’s.

A couple of weeks ago they’d had a cat flap fitted on the back door so that he

could at least go into the back garden if he wished. He couldn’t open door’s

anymore the handle had long been out of his reach. The cat flap was a great

idea though because at least he could go out there on his own…he can’t walk

the streets anymore not even with Kim or Becky as he just can’t keep up and

besides it too dangerous.

The cat flap in an ingenious idea, no cats or rodents can get in through it as it

works electronically. When Chris goes out he takes a little ball with him and

that has a microchip inside that tells the cat flap to let him through.

Chris was sitting in the front room when Becky got home.

"Hi Dad."

"Hi Becky, did you have a good day?"

"Yea great…is it ok if Steph comes over?"

Chris looked up at her standing over him.

"Please Dad we’ll be good."

"Sorry Becky…we’ve already discussed this, you know you’re not aloud friends

over unless your mothers here…sorry but try to understand…it’s hard for me."

"But Dad…"

"No…now I don’t want hear another word. Now go and get changed out of

you’re uniform."

Becky remained blocking his view of the TV. He sat in an armchair with lots of

pillows to pad round him so that he didn’t feel lost in it…although he was.

"Becky do as you’re told."

Becky crossed her arms and stood there defiantly, looking down at her father.

Raising an eyebrow and tilting her head slightly she said.

"Make me!"

"Now you listen here young lady, go to your room and stay there until your

mother gets home."

"No…and you can’t make me."

Becky really was pushing him…but he was the parent, the protector, the one

in charge!

He jumped down from the chair…big mistake for now he looked even smaller,

a tiny funny man standing only a little taller than her knee…if she stood close

enough she couldn’t even see him as her pleated school skirt fanned out

above her knees.

Chris hit the floor and looked up…he knew he’d made a mistake it only

emphasised the size difference more.

Coughing nervously Chris said to her knees…

"Right err, get to your room before…"

Becky was feeling confident now…she had remembered playing WWF RAW

with Steph and "TINY CHRIS" was about as small as her Dad was to

"STOMPING STEPH" in the game.

"Before what Dad?"

Chris tried to step back but found that he was right up against the chair as it

was; he had nowhere to go except around or between her legs.

Becky was more than confident now and positioned her hands upon he hips

taking up a very dominant position.

"I’m waiting before what?"

Chris looked up but Becky was standing too close for him to see her face.

"Becky would you step back a little please…it’s hard to talk to you being so


Becky smiled to herself and stepped back a little…just enough to see his

worried little face looking up at her.

"Tell you what Dad as I can’t have Steph round to play…would you play with

me instead?"

Chris looked up at her and gulped, what choice did he have.

"Yea sure…what do you want to play?"

Becky lifted her chin and thinking for a minute replied…

"I know lets play Mum’s and Dad’s."

"Hmm, doesn’t sound to bad." Chris thought to himself.

"Ok Honey."

Becky smiled down at him and then as quick as a flash bent down and picked

him up.

"Wooaaaaaa!" Chris wailed as he was whisked up so fast.

Before he’d even objected to being picked up by her she was out of the

lounge and already on her way up the stairs.

"BECKY YOU PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTENT." Chris screamed at her.

Becky put him down all right, but it wasn’t until they were in her room.

"Now I’m Mummy and you’re my little Baby!"

"WHAT! You can forget that idea young lady…now, now let me out of here."

Chris tried to pull himself free but Becky was just too strong for him…Becky

was taken aback by just how easily she could restrain her Dad with only one


He continued to struggle and scream.

"O’ shut up!"

Becky grabbed a pillow from her bed and placed it on top of Chris. Chris

struggled to push it off but Becky just put her foot on top.

Becky was elated she had completely over powered her Dad and was holding

him down using only her foot!

Chris was beginning to panic, it was hard to breathe and Becky was applying

far too much weight to his small chest.

Becky was looking for something and at last she had found it!

She released her foot from the pillow; Chris pushed it off gasping for air.

Becky reached for him and started to insert him into some type of sleeping

bag…no it wasn’t a sleeping bag it was one of those zip up things that you

put a baby in leaving only there head free.

By the time Chris found the energy to struggle it was too little too late! Becky

easily zipped it up tight around his neck.

Chris lay there on the floor trying for all he was worth to get his hands

free…but it was impossible, it was just too tight and besides the tooth lock on

the zipper could only be released from outside.

Becky stood over Chris for a moment smiling, as he turned scarlet with rage

and frustration.

Next she wheeled out and old push chair and carefully set Chris into it,

making sure that he was strapped in nice and tight!

By now Chris was screaming blue murder, and telling Becky over and over

about how much trouble she was in.

Becky stood up and looked at the struggling little man screaming at her.

"I know just the thing to finish it off."

Reaching in to her box full off dolly stuff she retrieved an old dummy that had

been hers as a baby.

With all his yelling Chris didn’t see it coming, suddenly he had something

filing his mouth. He tried to spit it out but Becky was too clever for that and

had held it in place with a piece of sticky tape strapped across his cheeks!

"There we go now isn’t that better?"

"MMFFFFFHHHH" was all Chris could manage.

Becky laughed and thought of one last thing. Reaching in to her box of doll’s

clothes she returned with a pink bonnet.

Holding it out in front of Chris’s face she said.

"Now won’t this look nice!"

Chris was constantly mumbling but could make no loud sound due to the

dummy filling his mouth. Becky pulled his head forward and fitted the bonnet

on, tying a nice tight bow under his chin.

"Well I guess you won’t mind if Steph comes over."

Chris found himself alone in Becky’s room; with no means of escape he just

sat there awaiting her return and the thought that she was bringing

Stephanie too didn’t sit too well with him. Why hadn’t he agreed to the baby

sitter…now he looked a baby in every sense of the word!

Suddenly he heard the front door go and then the thundering of steps

running up the stairs…the door opened and there in the door way was Becky

and Stephanie. Upon seeing Chris like that just burst out laughing and kept

saying to Becky that she can’t believe she’d actually done it.

Stephanie bent down and smiled as she pinched his cheek between her

thumb and finger.

"Who’s a pretty boy then…"

Chris had never felt so humiliated, firstly his own daughter did this to him and

then to make things even worse she brings over her friend to show him off as

some kind of trophy!

He spent the most uncomfortable couple of hours in his entire life strapped in

the pushchair while Becky and Stephanie teased him and played on his Xbox.

Then at about 17:15hrs the doorbell went, Chris turned his head as Becky

answered the door…it was Stephanie’s Mum come to pick her up, Becky

invited her in while Steph got her stuff together.

Chris started to jump about in the pushchair in the hope that she might notice


"What am I thinking? Do I really want the embarrassment of someone else

seeing me like this?" He thought to himself.

No of course he didn’t so he just kept still and waited for them to leave.

Wouldn’t be long before Kim got home and Chris would have to face that

humiliation…or would he?

Becky began to undo the strap that held him firmly in the pushchair, once

done she lifted Chris out and cradled him in her arms rocking him like a baby!

Chris could only mumble but she got the message. His face stung as she

ripped the tape from it…he didn’t even spit out the dummy but waited for

Becky to remove it for him.

"Promise you won’t scream!"

Chris nodded his head. Becky removed the dummy and Chris was able to

close his mouth at last.

"Becky please let me go."

Becky looked at him and said. "Ok…but promise you won’t tell Mum!"

Chris thought he might turn this to his advantage.

"Well I don’t know…maybe, but you have to promise to be a good girl from

now on."

"I promise, I promise."

"Ok then, it’s a deal."

Becky laid him on the sofa and released him. Gee’s was he hot, his clothes

were soaked with sweat, but it did feel good to be able to move about again.

He jumped down from the sofa and ran for the kitchen…first thing he did was

down a quick drink. Becky went to her room and acted as though nothing had

happened. Chris however needed to talk with Kim that night about getting

that baby sitter…

* * * *

Three days had passed since the smoke in the jar incident…Brad was no

longer welcome at the house, which pleased Chris immensely, in fact he even

came to the conclusion that it was worth being almost choked to death just to

get rid of him.

The last couple of days had been good and as he’d agreed not to let Kim

know what had happened Cally had agreed to not put him in the jar again.

He lay on his pillow under the couch and just day dreamed as he often did,

Cally was out getting the shopping and as it was mid morning he knew Becky

wouldn’t be home for hours…

"Arrr peace…so lovely and quiet!"

"DING DONG" The front door bell chimed.

Chris jumped "Bloody hell."

Again the doorbell rang.

"Hello, there’s no one home…except for the worlds smallest man!" Muttered


Five minute’s later and Chris was once again distracted from his

thoughts…this time by a noise coming from the kitchen.

Chris jumped up and ran over to the kitchen door to investigate…as he

walked into the Kitchen he could see throw the frosted glass on the back door

that someone was trying to get in.

"Shit…o’ shit, shit, shit SHIT! What the hell." Chris ran up and down unsure of

what to do…what could he do?

The handle slowly turned and then the door began to slowly open. Chris ran

under the fridge but made sure he could see who was breaking into his


The figure closed the door behind them and then as they turned around Chris

was amazed by whom he saw…It was Cally’s friend Lisa…what the f#*k did

she want?

Chris climbed out from under the fridge and ran out to confront her.


Of course Lisa didn’t hear him…for that matter she didn’t even see him as she

walked toward the Kitchen door.

Chris realised his mistake far too late, she was already upon him and her

Reebok trainer’s were one step from flattening him! He stopped dead in his

tracks as her trainer rose almost in slow motion and was heading right for

him, he leapt like a man possessed and was very luck as her trainer toe

hooked under his feet and caused him to roll up her foot as she finished her


One of Chris’s leg’s got caught firmly under her laces and like it or not he was

going along for the ride.

With each step she took Chris yelped out in pain as his leg was getting badly

twisted. At last she stopped and he managed to secure his arms under her

laces, which should take some of the strain off of his leg.

Lisa had stopped in the lounge and was looking for something…Chris didn’t

know what but was about to find out.

"Little man…are you in here, please come out…I won’t hurt you."

After searching the lounge she left and started up the stairs.

Chris was in pain, his whole body was being shaken to the bone and the

strength it took to hold him self-firm and save his leg from any more abuse

was taking it toll!

Lisa walked into the bathroom and looked behind the toilet where she’d seen

him before, but of course he wasn’t there now. She left and entered Becky’s

bedroom…of course he’d be in the dolls house. She bent down and carefully

searched the dolls house.

Chris knew he needed to get free, and this may be his best opportunity.

Releasing his grip on the laces he went about the task of freeing his leg, it

was tightly stuck but after a bit of ‘jiggery pokery’ he managed to get it free,

as soon as it freed he tumbled off of her foot and landed awkwardly between

her feet as she balanced on her toes. Chris struggled to his feet and limping

badly managed to get under the small table.

Looking around there was nowhere to hide, he couldn’t move very fast and

she was bound to look under here.

Wait there was a half filled mug of cold tea that had probably been there for

ages knowing Becky. He could hear Lisa above and she was close to finishing

her search of the Dolls house. Chris had no choice he needed to hide, with

the mug standing 4" tall nearly twice Chris’s height it wasn’t going to be easy.

Jumping up as high as he could with his gammy leg he managed to grab the

rim of the mug, with great effort he pulled himself up, and what he saw

turned his stomach. It wasn’t tea; it was coffee about an inch deep and thick

like treacle…it must have bee sitting there for weeks…

Suddenly he heard a noise behind him and without a thought slid head first

into the sticky mess.

Lisa reached under and picked up the mug…Chris’s heart raced as he felt the

mug move, holding his breath he submerged himself under until he felt the

mug return to the ground. As he wiped his eyes he could see Lisa stand to

her titanic height and look elsewhere in the bedroom.

Chris realised that she was looking for him at 5" tall not the 2-½ inches that

he now stood. All he had to do know was wait it out until she gave up.

* * * *

5 Months earlier

"Kim please, I don’t want to sleep under the bed…I’m alright up here."

"Sorry Chris honey but I need my sleep…I can’t keep having you wake me up

every time that little bladder of yours wants emptying."

Chris was 11" tall now and for the last month he’d been sleeping on Kim’s

bedside cabinet. At first it was ok but now that he’s under a foot tall he find’s

it hard to climb down and even harder to go the entire night without needing

to pee. So being that he can’t climb down he has to wake Kim to help him

down…not a good idea!

"Ok then, but do I have to go under the bed…can’t I go next to it."

Kim shook he head, she did feel guilty but she needed her sleep; after all it

was she that went to work everyday.

"Chris you know it has to be under the bed…what if I get up one night and

accidentally step on you. And you know how often Becky wonders in…I’m

sorry honey but it has to be like that."

Chris hung his head and walked under the bed…he was just small enough to

walk clear under without bending down.

"Hey wait a minute don’t I get a goodnight kiss?"

"Sorry babe course you do." Chris said as he turned and walked back out

from under the bed.

Kim leaned over and placed a hand on the floor and lowered her head just

low enough so that he could reach her lips. He couldn’t help but get aroused

at the sight before him…a giant goddess wanting a kiss and one of her giant

breasts hanging out the side of her skimpy negligee.

God how he wanted her…he’d give anything just to be normal…to take her in

his arms and make love to her as he did only months ago! It felt like years,

Kim hadn’t let him near her once he broke the 3ft mark.

"It’s dangerous…you’re too small, I wouldn’t want to hurt you!"

That’s what she kept telling him but in truth she probably didn’t like the idea

of making out with someone who reminded her of a little child! He really

didn’t blame her; she still loved and always would no matter how small he

was. How he wanted to try new things sexually with her at his ever

decreasing height, there were probably woman out there that would love to

try something new with a tiny man…but Kim sadly wasn’t one of them.

He reached out and touched her bare breast as he went over to kiss her. She

opened her eyes and looked at him sternly.

"You just can’t help yourself can you."

"Kim please, you know how much I love you…want you, at least lets give it a


"Chris go to bed…night!"

Kim leaned over and turned out the light, Chris was left looking up into the

dark…dropping his head he trudged under the bed and settled onto his bed.

He couldn’t sleep, he didn’t like it under here…it’s not right he should be in

the bed with his wife. He’s the man…the dominant one.

That was it he decided he’d sleep with her whether she liked it or not…after

all he should decide what’s dangerous to him or not.

So in the dark he emerged from under the bed, walking along he could see

no way to climb up…there was just nothing to hold onto. Once her reached

the bottom of the bed there was his answer, a piece of bed cover was

hanging down. He jumped to try and reach it…being so darn dark it was hard

to judge distances but after a couple more failed attempts he realised that he

would need a leg up.

He needed to find something high enough yet still light enough for him to

move. Looking around the room as best he could in the dark he found one of

her high-heeled shoes, "Perfect." He thought.

Now all he needed to do was move it over to the end of the bed…easier said

than done. Grabbing hold of the top of the heel he managed to pull it a little

way…this was proving to be more difficult than he first imagined.

An hour later and nearly dead on his feet Chris had managed to pull the shoe

into position. He stepped into the shoe and stepped up the steep hill to the

heel, balancing precariously he managed to reach and achieve his goal! He

pulled on the cover until enough was down that it was able to take his

weight. With little effort he was atop the bed.

He could see in the shadows that Kim lay on her front, if he could just nestle

up next to her head he’d sleep safe and sound. As he stepped up to walk the

length of her body she moaned and rolled over, Chris jumped back just in

time as her huge foot exited the covers and landed on its heel right in front of


Chris was a little shocked how her simple movement could have such an


He got to his feet and found that he could just see over the tips of her toes,

he guessed her foot to be roughly 9 inches from heel to toe…only two inches

shorter than his entire being!

Carefully he approached her foot and gently touched it, as he did he stepped


Kim moaned and moved her foot slightly.

Chris was getting braver now and was actually sniffing her foot…she’d bathed

before bed and he loved the smell of the lotion that she covered her body

with. To his glee it wasn’t long before he was hard as a rock. He needed

sexual satisfaction…it had been so long.

He stood by her foot and began beating off…it was ok, but he needed Kim

somehow he needed her to get him off. That was it; it was right next to

him…why not she’ll never know!

Chris carefully angled her foot so that her toes were level with his groin.

Standing there with the sole of her foot facing him he took her big toe in his

right hand and her forth toe in his right hand. He paused for a moment and

looked over in the shadows at her head far off in the distance…she was fast


With a deep breath he thrust his stiff member between her second and third

toe’s…it felt wonderful as he slowly bucked her foot. Faster and faster he

began to thrust until he’d worked up a good sweat and then suddenly he

came, as he never had before. His hot sticky semen landed with a splat half

way up her shin…still he wasn’t done.

He came again this time the mess was all over her toes.

"ARRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH." Chris screamed as her toes clenched together

clamping him tighter than a donkeys arse.

"What the!" Kim yelled groggily as she leaned over and put the light on.

"O my god Kim please let go."

Still startled she relaxed her foot and Chris fell in a crumpled heal at her heel.

Kim was worried at first that she might have hurt him…that was until she

woke up fully and realised what he’d been up to.


She raised her fist over him and Chris screamed for mercy. She bought her

fist down tight next to him causing him to bounce off the bed and land atop

her fist. Kim wrapped her fingers round his chest and squeezed while

clenching her teeth and trying not to inflict any lasting injuries…she was so

darn mad.

Chris struggled in her vice like grip and said how sorry he was over and over.

Eventually she let him drop between her legs; Chris lay there balled up

sobbing like a baby.

"Don’t cry…I SAID DON’T CRY."

Chris did his best to stop but still blubbered a little.

"Good now clean that mess from my leg and foot."

Chris didn’t say a word he just got to his feet and walked over to her shin and

whipped it off with his hand.

"That’s no good, I want you to lick it off…go on every last drop."

Chris looked up into her eye’s…there was no love…not even pity…just disgust!

She made him lick it all off even the parts that were dry he had to moisten

them with his spit and then lick it clean.

After inspecting the job he’d done she got up of off the bed and instructed

him to wait there.

The minute her back was turned Chris was up and away like a man

possessed, leaping off the bed and landing hard on the floor rolling over a

couple of times. As he steadied himself and tried to get up he suddenly

became a where of a giant wrinkled sole almost as large as him coming fast

at him.

He didn’t have time to move and found himself pinned tightly under Kim’s

right foot. His chin sat nestled between her big and second toe.

"What is up with you…did I not make myself clear…what part of don’t move

didn’t you understand? Hey come on I’m dying to hear."

Chris couldn’t reply she was applying far too much pressure and he was

struggling to breathe.

With a flick of her toe she almost wrenched his head off, she lifted her foot

and for one moment felt a little sorry for the tiny defenceless little man lying

at her feet…and then she remembered why he was being punished.

Bending down she picked him up and roughly slipped one of her old dirty

nylons over his head until he was totally covered she then held it up to her


Chris could barely see anything out of the reinforced toe section but he could

see enough of her wicked smile.

"As you like my feet so much then I think you should sleep in there for a

while…don’t you."

Chris was uncomfortable and tried to turn himself around.

"O’ no you don’t."

Kim got the other nylon and tied it around his waist holding him firmly in

place. She then tied the top of the nylon that entrapped Chris at the bottom

of the bed so that he hung upside down with his head about 3" form the

ground. Smiling to her self she nudged him with her toe and sent him

swinging up and down.

"Night, night…sleep tight."

Kim then climbed back into bed and switched the light off.

Chris couldn’t sleep he was so uncomfortable and hot, he couldn’t move and

wished he’d stayed on his own bed after all.

After ten or so minutes he began to call out to Kim.





"Right that’s it I did warn you."

Kim put the light on and stomped to the bottom of the bed.

Chris caught sight of her legs under the bed as she walked down the length

of it.

She passed him by and went to her wardrobe.

"What’s she up to!"

By the time Kim was on her way back to him he had spun around and was

looking under the bed again. Suddenly he felt her fingers wrap around him

and then as he was lifted he quickly descended into somewhere dark…then

he heard what sounded like a zip being zipped up…

She’d left him dangling in one of her boots!

"That’s better…peace at last!" she smiled to herself as she climbed back into


Chris faintly heard her call out and then it was silent…deadly silent.

He screamed and fidgeted but it did no good and in the end he actually fell


Morning came and Chris awoke as he heard the bedroom door open and then

the faint voice of Becky talking with Kim.

Becky looked under the bed…

"Mum where’s Dad."

"O’ err he’s at the bottom of the bed."

Becky looked and could only see her mothers boot.

"Where Mum, I can’t see him!"

"Look in Mummy’s boot…Daddy was naughty last night so Mummy had to

punish him…I need to get ready will you let him out…there’s a good girl!"

Becky knelt down and unzipped the boot she then pulled it away leaving Chris

swinging in the air.

"Ha, ha, you look really funny." She said as she pushed him causing him to

swing up and down violently.

"Becky that’s enough…now let me out!" He tried to sound commanding but

that was pretty hard when you squeal like a mouse.

"Ask nicely."


"I’m gonna tell Mum what you said."

Becky sent him swinging again and ran to the bathroom to tell her Mum.

Five minutes later both Kim and Becky returned.

Kim bent down and took hold of Chris in her hand.

"Thank god Kim…please let me out."

"Sorry, running late…I’ll get Becky to tell Cally where you are and she can

look after you…after all that’s what I pay her for."

Kim then let go of Chris and he dropped almost to the point where his head

hit the floor before bouncing back up again…he’d often whished he’d done

bungee jumping…but if this is what it felt like you can keep it.

Chris yelled after Kim and Becky as they left the bedroom but the only

response he received was Becky putting her tongue out at him.

He bounced and span about a little more and thought back to last night…he

knew he’d upset her if caught…but not like this…some serious creeping is


But more problems lay ahead before then…like getting out of here with out

Cally seeing him…the humiliation!

It had fallen silent and the only sound to be heard was that of his own

laboured breathing…has she really gone to work…no she wouldn’t leave him

like this…would she?

Chris waited but still no one came she had left him…she’d taken Becky to

school and left him…he was mad! A mad little man hanging upside down

while trapped in a woman silk stocking! There was no escape he just had to

wait it out…at least he wasn’t in the boot anymore…thank god for small


An hour or so passed and he heard the front door go…it would be Cally she

normally gave him an hour to himself before she came over. She had her own

key now and was like one of the family, she was a good kid…well not so

much of a kid, she’d be eighteen in only a couple of months and she

blossomed into a really pretty young woman.

"Mr Jackson…hello Mr Jackson."

Yep she started the day as normal alright…first thing she did was to look for

him…no matter where he hid himself sooner or later she would find him.

He could hear her coming up the stairs…he didn’t want her to find him like

this…it was bad enough that Becky saw him…but Cally…she still respected

him…didn’t she?

"Mr Jackson, please come out I’ve a lot to do and you know I like to know

you’re safe before I start."

He watched as she walked into his bedroom and lifted up the clothes on the

chair and looked in the wardrobes for him. She stood at the bottom of the

bed her shin almost touching him he could see that she wore open toed

sandals today…the glint from her nail polish reminded him of what a good job

he made painting them yesterday for her!

"Mr Jackson…please where are you."

She was just about to leave when Chris cleared his throat and replied.

"Err Cally I’m down here."

Cally looked down with a puzzled expression on her face. She looked up


"Where? I can’t see you!"

"Down here next to your legs…I’m err hanging in the stocking."

Cally knelt down and Chris watched as her tight denim mini skirt pulled her

shapely thighs together.

Looking closely Cally could make out Chris hanging upside down in the

stocking…she bough her hand to her mouth and giggled.

"Yea it’s really funny I know! Now will you let me out of here!"

"Err I don’t know that I should, you got yourself in there so you can get

yourself out…hee you look real funny."

"I didn’t put myself in here…do I look that stupid!"

"Don’t tell me Becky’s been playing with you again."

Chris went quiet…she couldn’t know about that, it was his and Becky’s secret.

"No it wasn’t Becky…Kim did this to me!"

"O’ well if Kim put you in there…I guess I’d better leave you as you are."

"For Christ sake Cally would you just let me out!" Chris was getting very upset


"Hmm I don’t know! I mean at least I know your safe in there leaving me free

to get on with my work without having you around my feet all day!"

Cally stood as if to walk off…she would let him out she just liked to tease him

a little…that was before Chris lost it.


"Well you really don’t want out of there do you! I’ll come back in a while and

see if you’re feeling any better!"

Cally reached down and pulled on his body and then let go sending him

bouncing up and down up and down.

She did eventually let him out after he’d apologised over and over again.

* * * *

A good hour had passed and Chris knew that Cally would be home

shortly…Lisa must have given up by now! Mustn’t she?

He was cold and sticky, the thick coffee coated him from head to toe and his

leg felt no better…he was pretty sure it wasn’t broken, just twisted. One thing

he had noticed, as he’d gotten smaller was that he seemed to recover from

injuries a lot quicker than he’d used too…good thing really considering all the

injuries he sustained now. Christ just the other day Becky bruised his ribs just

by picking him up!

Standing on tip toe the top of the mug was well out of his reach…he needed

to jump up but wasn’t sure if he could get the momentum in here. Still he

tried…and tried…and tried again…it was no good he’d just have to wait until

Becky or Cally found him.

* * * *

A little under 5 months earlier

Chris stood on the table with his back up right against the ruler as Kim

measured him off.

"Well what is it?" Chris enquired eagerly.

"What! O’ err, 10 ½ inches." Kim replied.

"Hmm, not bad…that’s what? ¾ of an inch in the last week…Christ could it

finally be stopping!"

Kim looked up at her husband and smiled in a pitiful sort of way.

"I know…I know, shouldn’t get me hopes up…but I have to Kim, I have

too…after all hope is all I have." Chris hung his head and sighed heavily.

Kim reached over to him and placed her finger under his chin and lifted his

head up until his eyes met hers.

"Now you listen here…you have a wife and child that love you lots…so we’ll

hear no more feeling sorry for yourself…hope isn’t all you’ve got you have

Becky and I…just you remember that."

Chris smiled at her and nodded before embracing her finger.

Kim gently picked him up and held him close to her chest. She breathed in

heavily and thought to her self…"Well now’s a gooda time as any."

"Chris honey."

"Yes sweet heart."

"You know how Cally’s away for the next three day’s."

Chris looked up into her pretty eyes.

"I know…I’m so looking forward to spending some quality time with you…just

you and me all day while Becky’s at school…maybe we could go out a couple

of times, it would be so nice to get some fresh air."

"Woo just hang on a little…I know I’d said I’d take the time off and look after


Chris’s smile disappeared…he knew what was coming.

"I’m sorry honey but I just can’t get the time off…we’re just so busy. Please

don’t be angry…I’ll make it up to you…forgive me?"

Chris although greatly disappointed accepted that she needed to save guard

her job just as he’d done many times when he’d been the family provider.

"That’s ok babe…I understand…I’ll be ok, just make sure there’s enough milk

and cookies to see me through the day."

Kim smiled appreciatively at him.

"What you think I’m going to let you stay home alone! No way."

"Urgh! For Christ sake Kim it’s only three days…I’ll be ok."

"I’m sorry babe but there’s no way I could concentrate at work knowing you

were on your own…"

"Tough, cause there’s no way I’m coming to work with you…no way Hoesay!"

Chris jumped down from her grasp and started walking away from her across

the table.

"You ignorant little shit…don’t walk away when I’m talking to you."

He stopped in his tracks as her hands landed hard in front of him. Turning

sharply to meet her gaze, he quickly apologized.

"Good, apology accepted…now as I was saying. I’m not leaving you here on

your own…and no you’re not coming to work with me…"

Chris looked up at her a little confused.

"Well what are you going to do with me then?"

"Now don’t get upset, but Donna has said she’d look after you…"

His face flushed, she could see he wasn’t happy!

"No way! I’m not going up to her place to be teased by her…and Dick well

even you think he’s a prat! There’s no way I’m going to stay with them."

"Calm down, calm down…no one said anything about you going up there,

Donna will come and stay here…we have a spare room."

"WHAT! That’s even worse…"

"SILENCE!!!" Kim screamed as she thumped the spot next to Chris causing

him to drop to his knees.

"For Christ sake Chris! Donna’s coming to look after you for the next three

days…you’ll do as she tells you and no arguments. Jesus you make me mad


Chris looked up at her a little afraid and nodded his head in agreement.

Donna arrived that evening while Chris was relaxing under the sofa on his

pillow…still not happy with the arrangements.

Chris felt the ground shudder as Kim and Donna walked into the lounge.

"Chris honey, come out and say hi to Donna."

Donna hadn’t seen him since the McDonalds party, although she new he was

under 11inches tall she was still needed to see him to believe it.

Kim bent down and looked under the sofa…Chris hadn’t moved.

"Chris come out and say hello to Donna…NOW!"

Reluctantly Chris got to his feet and walked toward the giant black stilettos

standing before him.

As he got clear of the sofa he began to tilt his head back, looking past her

shins and then knees, up to the thigh…under the short skirt! Naughty,

naughty…over the short skirt; past the tight stomach and over the ample

bosom before meeting her striking blue eyes looking amazingly at him.

"O’ my god…your, your tiny, Christ Kim how do you…you know! Make out?"

Kim flushed red as she met her sister’s expectant stare.

"Donna, please."

"Hi Donna, and we don’t…that answer your question."

Chris lowered his head again as looking up to her was making his neck ache.

Typical of Donna though she could easily have picked him up…but no she

liked him to look up at her.

Standing there looking at her anklet made him realise just how tiny he

was…his head only reached a couple or so inches past her ankle.

Suddenly Donna stepped out of her shoes as she spoke with Kim.

"O’ that’s better my poor old feet are aching."

Chris was startled as one of her size fives landed next to him, immediately he

could smell the mustiness coming from within. He turned his head away and

looked up.

Donna was looking down at him as Kim excused her self and went to put the

kettle on.

Donna smiled and after quickly checking that Kim was out of sight raised her

foot over Chris.

Chris stumbled back as her giant bare foot descended upon him, he tried to

fight it off but it was useless and soon found him self pinned beneath her

foot. It was vile, wet with sweat and the smell was putrid.

Donna had seen his reaction to her removing her shoe’s and just couldn’t help

her self. She rolled him around a little just to make sure he had plenty of the

smell left on him when she removed her foot. She heard Kim returning so

quickly released him and bent down to pick up her shoes.

Chris gasped in the fresh air and looked in horror as one of her knees

descended quickly and hovered dangerously above him as she picked up her


As Donna stood Chris got to his feet and quickly retreated to his pillow.

"This is going to be a long three days." He thought to himself

It was now evening on the second day, Donna had for the most part left Chris

alone…a little teasing yes, but he had expected that, but it had been much

better than expected.

"Well I’m bushed…I’m heading to bed, you coming Chris."


"I said you coming to bed?"

"Not yet, I want to see the end of this."

"Ok, night then." Kim kissed her finger and bought it down onto Chris’s face

as she got up from the seat next to him.

Chris mumbled and made himself comfortable again as the cushion returned

to its former shape.

"Night Donna."

"Yea good night Kim."

Ten minutes later and Donna hadn’t taken her eyes off of the little fella lying

on the middle seat of the sofa.

Donna got up from her chair and enquired if Chris would like a drink.

He nodded and said "Please."

Donna had already had quite a bit to drink as had Kim but Chris hadn’t

touched a drop all night.

Donna returned and after handing Chris his thimble of drink she sat down

next to him.

Chris drank a little.

"You did get me Coke didn’t you?"

"Yea, why?"

"Well it tastes…I dun no, just funny."

"It’s only Coke…maybe its diet."

"Yea could be." Chris drank some more.

Chris couldn’t drink alcohol, it seemed the smaller he got the less his body

could take it and at his current size it only needed a sniff and he was


Well Donna had made herself a half pint of Vodka and Coke and thought that

a little wouldn’t hurt Chris…in fact it might lighten him up a little.

Chris was thirsty and quickly downed the contents of the thimble.

"Finished?" Donna said down to him.

"Hic! Oops, yea ta." Chris slurred.

Donna took the thimble from Chris and placed it on the table next to her. She

then bought her legs up and under her leaving the soles of her feet facing

Chris on his pillow, as she settled down Chris found him self rolling down to

her feet caused by the pressure they exerted on the pillow.

"Wooooo." Chris yelled as he rolled down to her feet.

Donna felt his little body bounce against her soft soles and looked down, she

began to giggle at the sight of him trying to push himself up the slop away

from her feet.

Chris couldn’t understand why he was so light headed; even the simple task

of getting himself up the slope and away from her feet was proving difficult.

Donna fidgeted a little as he was tickling her…soon her giggles were loud

laughter, he just looked so darn funny.

She managed to calm her self a little and asked.

"Chris would you like a hand?"

Trying one last time and then falling on his back against her sole shouted up

to her.

"Hic, please ‘hic’ if you’d be so kind."

Donna reached down and picked him up and sat him carefully on her lap as

she put her feet back on the floor.

"Thanks ‘hic’, you know I’ve always fancied you ‘hic’ don’t you."

Donna smiled.

"Careful little one…careful."

"What ‘hic’ too much man for you ‘hic’ to handle?"

"Yea that’s it! Now be quiet before you say something you’ll regret."

"O’ come ‘hic’ on Donna, admit it ‘hic’ you’ve always wanted me…to ‘hic feel

my throbbing member ‘hic’ between those baggy lips of yours."

Donna looked shocked as to the way he was speaking to her.

"Come on its time for bed before I do something I’ll regret."

Donna wrapped her fingers around his chest to pick him up.

"Get your ‘hic’ filthy grubby hands off of ‘hic’ me, you slapper!"

She squeezed a little harder.

Chris leaned forward and sunk his teeth into her hand…he actually drew


"Ouch!" Donna screamed as she released him from her grip.

Chris tumbled onto her knees before sliding down her shin and landing

unceremoniously at her feet.

He struggled to his feet while shouting obscenities at her.

Donna sucked the blood from her wound and upon examination could see a

set of tiny teeth prints…she was pissed!

She leaned over and could see Chris standing there unsteadily on his feet

launching a triad of abuse up at her.

"You little shit…you asked for this."

With little effort Chris was soon struggling under her foot…but still undeterred

he continued to provoke her.

Donna stood and knew that all she needed to do was step down a little and

he’d break…although the drink had made her head spin a little she knew she

needed to be careful.

Slowly and deliberately she undid her belt and let her skirt fall to the floor.

Chris watched as he continued to struggle beneath her foot.

The lights went out for Chris as her skirt landed over her foot. Chris was

released as she stepped out from the skirt. Struggling for a minute he

managed to get him self free, looking up and up he saw her standing over

him with only her panties and bra on.

She smiled down at him and slowly slipped her thumbs either side of her

panties and began to slide them down her smooth thighs.

Chris had lockjaw as he swayed back and forth on his knees looking up at this


Donna stepped out of her panties and pinching them between the toes of her

right foot and then dropped the panties onto Chris.

Chris clenched them to his face and breathed in the aroma of her panting


Suddenly he felt the earth move, pulling the panties from his face he looked

up to see her dropping to her knees and her pussy heading his way.

Donna settled down on her knees and looked at her little brother in law

kneeling between her thighs looking at her privates.

"Ok Chris I’m waiting…or are you all mouth."

"O’ I’m ‘hic’ all mouth alright."

Chris stood and used her thigh to steady himself as he walked toward her

pussy; the sweet aroma that emanated from her was drawing him in.

Wasting no time he buried his head into her and started eating her out


Donna was a little taken aback and almost pulled him out but the feeling he

was given her was hard to explain…Dick her husband never in all there love

making had ever made her feel this aroused.

Chris forced his arms up into her as she spread her legs further.

Donna was now leaning back and gripping the carpet with both hands…god

this was good.

Chris could feel it…her clit! He reached a little further and took it between his

hands and pushing and pulling it aggressively he was getting her close to


Donna was ridding high and knew any minute she would wash him

completely in her fluids.

Chris took her to the brink and then withdrew.

Donna felt him pull out and looked down at him as she panted heavily.

"Come on finish the job you started little one."

Chris looked up and said.

"Donna ‘hic’ I can’t…its ‘hic’ not right…"

"Ok then I guess I’d better finish the job myself."

Before Chris could blink she took him and inserted him head first into her.

At first she left him there just basking in his struggles, but that wasn’t

enough…she needed him deep…deep inside her.

Holding his legs below the knee she thrust him in and out slowly at first.

Chris struggled and fear was sobering him up…what had he done! God what

trouble was he in.

Donna tightened her grip and speeded up the thrusting until finally she

peaked and reached the moment she’d so longed for…true sexual pleasure,

for the first time in her life she was completely satisfied.

She relaxed and let Chris slide out of her slowly.

Chris was on his hands and knees coughing and spluttering.

Not another word was spoken as Donna gathered up her things and after

cleaning the carpet carried Chris to the bathroom and cleaned him. She left

him at his bedroom door and retired to her room for the night.

Guiltily Chris trudged into his room and under the bed of his wife sleeping


He didn’t sleep that night and the following day was kind of awkward with

Donna, neither of them saying too much to each other.

* * * *

Chris was cold and bored, he didn’t know how long he’d been stuck in the

darn mug but it was an awfully long time. He’d heard the familiar thumping

around downstairs now for ages; he’d even got excited when he heard the

floorboards groan as Cally came upstairs, but she didn’t venture into Becky’s


Cally had arrived home a couple of hours earlier and at first called for Chris

but like so many times now, if he didn’t want to be found it was pointless

looking for him as he could hide in such small places.

The day dragged like no other for Chris as he heard the hum of the vacuum

cleaner and then the distorted whispering of the Television. To be so near to

someone yet unable to get there attention was something Chris was growing

more and more accustom too, still hopefully Becky will be home soon.

* * * *

3 Months earlier

"No way Cally…you’re not having any friends over…No way!"

"O’ don’t listen to him, course you can have some over…just so long as you

get your work done I can’t see there being a problem." Commented Kim

totally undermining what Chris had just said.

"Err excuse me…didn’t you just hear me…or is it that I’m 7 inches tall that I

no longer get a say?"

Kim looked down at the little man marching around on the table.

"O’ honey off course you do…it’s just that Cally’s been so good…it can’t do

any harm."

"Thanks Mrs Jackson…I won’t make a habit of it…just the odd occasion."

Cally smiled as she excused her self and went home.

Kim took Chris in her hands and told him…

"I tell you what…if I don’t hear any more whinging from you then I’ll let you

sleep on your sponge tonight under the bed and not hanging in my stocking."

Chris’s face lit up, for the last two month’s he’d spent each and every night

hanging upside down dangling in her boot for that one misdemeanour with

her foot!

"Ok…yep I’ll agree to that…doe’s that mean you’ve forgiven me?"

Kim raised an eyebrow and tilted her head slightly.

"Hmm, not quite…but I’m getting there."

This was music to his ears, he’d really missed her these past two months.

She’d spoke with him sure and looked after him as normal but the twinkle in

her eye had been missing, but now he could see it returning.

Chris slept well that night, comfortable on his sponge, which now resembled

closer to a double bed than a single!

Morning arrived all too quickly for Chris, for today Cally was having a few

friends over and he hadn’t been keen on the idea.

Kim had gone to work and Becky to school, Chris lay on his favourite pillow

flicking through the music channels…

The front door opened and Chris felt the fresh air run through.

"Brrrrr, shut the door…was ya born in a barn?"

Cally closed the door behind her, she was earlier than usual as he wanted to

make sure that Chris was indeed ok with her having friends over.

She kicked off her shoes and hung up her coat before entering the lounge.

"Morning Mr Jackson…how are you this morning?" she said as she walked

over to his pillow.

Chris nodded his head…he couldn’t be bothered to shout up to her…she

probably wouldn’t hear him any way. Being only seven inches tall your voice

doesn’t travel too far.

Cally lay down next to Chris and placed her head by the pillow resting it up on

one arm.

"Are you sure you’re ok about today…I mean I’ll cancel if you want?"

Chris looked up into her bright eyes and though what a lovely girl…although it

had been decided she knew he had reservations.

"What! No I wouldn’t here of it…have as many friends around as often as you

want…all I ask is that you don’t tell them about me…and I’ll keep right out of

the way."

Cally smiled "deal!"

She bought her finger down.

"Ok let’s shake on it."

Chris laughed and shook her nail.

Cally carefully picked up the cushion with Chris on it and placed it on the

coffee table as she wanted to get her jobs finished early as her friends were

expected at noon.

Chris was sat on Becky’s bed playing on her PS2…not as good as his Xbox but

the controllers were a little easier for him to manage.

"Won’t be long before these are too big!" He thought to himself.

In truth the controls were already far too big for him, he couldn’t use all the

buttons and could only play simple games. The controller lay on the bed as it

was far to heavy for him to pick up.

It wasn’t long before he got tired it was kind of hard pushing those buttons


Looking over at Becky’s clock he could see it was only 13.30hrs, another 2hrs

before she got home at least…he was bored! Cally had left him in here at

11.50hrs with a couple of cookies and a drink of milk; she said that if he

needed anything to call he on her mobile.

14:00hrs still bored…but needed the toilet! Chris climbed down off of the bed

using the bathrobe tie that Cally had tied on the corner post for him. Getting

to the floor he walked over to the phone to call Cally. As he dialled her

number he suddenly hung up.

"I only want to wee…I won’t bother her."

Chris walked over to the door and pulled it open just enough for him to fit

through. He poked his head out into the hall…all was clear.

Quickly he exited Becky’s bedroom and made his way along the skirting board

until he was level with the bathroom door opposite him. Again he looked left

and right…all clear so he ran across the hallway and into the bathroom.

He was actually enjoying himself…it was fun! He climbed up into the shower

cubicle and relieved himself. Once finished he washed it down and cleaned his

hands. He climbed up and out of the Shower basin and headed for the

bathroom door. He pulled it open slightly and peered out.

"O’ shit!"

There was someone coming up the stairs…he could see the top of her head

and it wasn’t Cally. Looking about the bathroom he could see nowhere to

hide…he didn’t have time to climb back into the shower cubicle his only

option was to run behind the toilet. He ran as fast as he could and could hear

the thunderous footsteps approach the bathroom.

Suddenly the door swung open and the light was switched on.

Chris couldn’t see her face all he could see was her shapely legs and stiletto

heeled shoes.

"Might have taken her shoes off before walking round my house." He thought

angrily to himself.

Jade locked the door behind her and walked over to the toilet.

Chris was nervous as hell and kept as low as possible behind the main bend

of the sewage pipe.

Jade lifted the seat cover and turned around.

He couldn’t help it…could he, after all he’s only human. Poking his head out a

little further than he really should have he watched excitedly as she slipped

her panties down to her ankles and lifted her skirt. Wondering put a little

further he managed to see her cheeks as she sat down. Quickly he ran back

for the cover of the sewage pipe.

Suddenly his ears were assaulted by the sound of her pee splashing into the

water below. Quickly he held his hands to his ears.

"Jeez that was friggin loud!" He said to himself.

Jade finished and wiped herself, pulled up her panties and straightened her

skirt she then turned round and flushed the toilet.

Chris was keeping low but the urge to look up at her was hard to fight off…he

really wanted to see what she looked like.

She put the toilet cover down and sat down; reaching for her handbag she

sat there sifting through it.

"Come on, what the hell is she up too!" Chris wondered as he sat looking at

the back of her right calf.

Jade was in no rush she’d just made herself a joint and was about to enjoy it.

Chris heard a match strike and then her drawing on the joint.

"I don’t believe it…the cheeky bitch is smoking pot…IN MY HOUSE!"

He was MAD and it was all that he could do to stop himself slapping her on

the back of the leg.

Jade meanwhile was enjoying the relaxing smoke and the buzz she was

getting form smoking it in someone else’s house. Another big draw and she

could feel herself relax all the more.

"God this is good shit!" She said under her breath.

Twenty minute’s later.

"COME ON JADE! What you doing in there I need to go!"

"O’ yea err sorry, won’t be a minute."

Jade jumped up quickly and leaned over the toilet to open the window.

Chris was caught off guard and just about took cover under the sewage pipe

as she quickly span around.

Jade looked down…

"Wow that must have been good shit I’m hallucinating now!"

He was lucky she rinsed her face and opened the door.

"Bloody hell Jade…you been smoking in here?" Lisa enquired.

"NO!" Jade said defensively as she barged her way out.

Lisa shut the door behind her…

"If she hasn’t been smoking her shit then I’m a monkeys uncle!" Lisa said

under her breath.

It was another voice Chris hadn’t heard before, but he knew her name was

Lisa. He smiled to himself at her uncle comment in fact he started

giggling…he held his hands to his mouth but he just couldn’t stop…was he


Lisa pulled down her skirt and panties and then sat down onto the toilet seat.

Sitting there she was sure she could hear something…like squeaking! No

more like a very low giggling!

Chris’s sides were hurting and he huddled up as close to the pipe as he could

but still he couldn’t stop continuingly giggling!

Lisa forced her pee out as fast as she could for she feared there maybe a

mouse or…a rat in the bathroom with her. Quickly she wiped herself and

flushed the toilet but before she left she just had to see where the noise was

coming from.

Leaning forward slightly Chris could see Lisa’s foot point his way…as scared

as he was he still kept giggling.

Placing her right hand on the toilet system she apprehensively leaned forward

until she was able to look clearly behind the toilet.

Chris could see it getting darker as her shadowed loomed above…what could

her do? He couldn’t hide…he couldn’t run…so he did the only thing left open

to him…he stepped out in front of her!

"Hee, hee, err, hee, Hi, hee, hee." He managed between giggles.

Lisa’s jaw dropped and her legs became weak…was that really a little man

looking up at her…Laughing!

She blinked and shook her head a couple of times…but he was still

there…looking up at her with a smile on his face!

"Rrrrrrrr you real?"

Chris nodded and shouted up "YEP!"

"And you’ve been here the whole time?"

"Err yea."

Suddenly the tone of her voice changed "THE WHOLE TIME?"

Chris didn’t like the change of tone and he certainly didn’t like the hands on

hips stance she’d taken.

Lisa stood tall and asked Chris to come out from behind the toilet…well

commanded more like.

Gingerly Chris walked out into the open making him feel very vulnerable.

"Come closer."

Chris looked up and walked a little closer to her colossal feet, one of which

was tapping the ground slightly.

"So little man…do you make a habit if watching us girls take a leak?"

Looking at the floor he replied meekly "No."

"Look at me…I didn’t hear you."

Chris looked up and up until he was hanging his head right back.


Lisa smiled and bent down.

Chris stumbled back a little as her mass closed in on him.

"It’s ok little one I won’t hurt you."

Lisa reached out and grasped Chris in her right hand.

The world flew by for Chris as Lisa stood up. Lisa put the toilet cover down

and sat down.

"Now then…who are you?" She asked as she eased her grip on him.

"I’m Chris…Chris Jackson, this is my house and…"

"Shsss…slow down…that’s right I remember reading something about

you…you’re that shrinking bloke…wow! But that still don’t explain why you

were in here watching me!"

Chris explained what had happened and why he hid behind the toilet rather

than make himself known to her. Lisa seemed to except his explanation.

"Err would you mind putting me down now…please."


"Well I don’t want to keep you from you’re friends and I should really get

back to my room."

"O’ ok then."

Lisa lowered Chris to the floor and watched as he walked over to the

bathroom door. She was amazed that a human being could exist so small.

"Excuse me…could you open the door please."

"What…o’ of course."

Lisa got up and walked over to the door and opened it to let Chris out.

Chris wanted to get back to his room as soon as possible and could feel her

eye’s on him as he hurried down the hall.

Suddenly there were a couple of heavy thuds and then right before him her

sandaled foot plummeted to the floor. Chris found himself falling over her


"JESUS WOMAN…YOU NEARLY STEPPED ON ME." He barked out angrily.

Lisa stood over him giggling.

Rolling onto his back Chris felt himself redden as he found himself looking

directly up her skirt at her pink panties.

"Enjoying the view little man!"

"What err, please leave me alone."

Rolling over to his front he tried to stand, but as he did Lisa lifted her foot

and carefully placed it on his back forcing him face down into the carpet.

"Hee, hee my foot’s bigger than you."

All Lisa could see was the back of his tiny head poking out from under her


Chris screamed as loud as possible for her to release him as he struggled

beneath her.

Lisa hadn’t meant for any of this to happen she was just going to let him

return to his room and she was going to go her own way but something

inside her just…well she couldn’t help herself.

Lisa removed her foot from atop of Chris but only long enough for her to

remove her sandal. Chris rolled over and before he knew what had hit him he

found himself pinned to the floor beneath her bare foot.

The more Chris struggled the greater Lisa enjoyed it, she always enjoyed her

boyfriends playing with her feet but this…this was something way beyond

anything she’d ever experienced. She could feel herself getting wet! She was

actually getting off on this…was it the fact that a man’s whole body was

struggling beneath her foot? Was it the feeling of absolute power over

another human being? No she just enjoyed having her feet played with!

Chris was tiring now and his struggles were weaker…much weaker. Lisa

eased the weight upon him and pinched his head between her big and second


Chris at last had his arms free and reached out and grabbed her big toe and

whatever toe he could and tried to pull his head free.

Lisa spread her toes as he was tickling her so…and if she hadn’t spread them

she would have scrunched them thus popping his head!

Chris fell to the ground, quickly getting to his feet he ran toward the open

bedroom door.

Putting on her sandal she smiled as he ran…he couldn’t get away from her

and she knew it.

In two short steps she was upon him just as he dived through the open door.

"LISA! What are you doing we all thought you’d got lost!"

"What!" Lisa sounded startled.

Chris wasted no time and headed for the mess under Becky’s bed.

Lisa looked hesitantly at the door.

"COME ON!" Came another cry.

"I’ll be seeing you little man." Lisa whispered at the door as she headed down

the hall.

Chris heard her as he lay beneath the dirty clothes under Becky’s bed.

* * * *

Chris’s eye’s squinted against the bright light. At last someone was in Becky’s


He could hear thumping about and them Atomic Kitten thunder around the

room…it was Becky.

Chris yelled a few times but knew it was in vain…it had been for weeks

now…no one could hear his tiny little voice.

Suddenly he caught sight of Becky as she leaned over the edge of her bed

and picked something up from her dolls house.

If only she’d looked down she would surly have seen him!

Becky sat on top of her bed and was singing along to Atomic kitten as she

changed out of her school things, she jumped about on the bed as she

removed her grey pleated skirt and then her white blouse throwing both on

the chair beside her bed. Sitting down she took of her white socks and threw

them over to the chair.

One fell short and suddenly Chris watched as it landed tight on top of the

mug, the toe section entered the mug and landed on top of Chris. At last the

break he’d been waiting for. Digging his way out from under the sock he took

hold and pulled himself up, hand over hand until he reached the top and

rolled down the draping sock as if escaping from a plane on an emergency


Chris got up and limping heavily made for the door…he knew it was no good

trying to get Becky’s attention she was too engrossed in her music…no he’d

go to the top of the stairs and wait for Cally or Becky to find him.

Being so small he had allotted areas now where he needed to go to be found,

by the top stair upstairs and on his pillow down stairs.

As he neared the bedroom door it suddenly swung open and there before him

where the young feet of Steph, he knew this instantly as she wore blue glitter

nail polish.

Lucky for him she looked toward the floor as she entered the room…sort of a


Chris hadn’t realised she’d seen him and panicked, turning as fast as he could

he tried to evade her giant sandal glad feet.

Upon seeing this Steph thought she’d have a little fun and carefully stepped

just in front of him causing him to run into her foot…she sniggered a little.

Becky had jumped up to greet her friend and seeing her look to the floorfollowed

suit and soon gathered what she was up too. She too sniggered as

her dad fell on his arse after hitting Steph’s foot.

Chris was in a blind panic, his leg was sore and Steph’s feet had him worried.

He struggled to his feet as one foot up and left only for the room to grow

dark…turning around he looked up and too his horror could see nothing but

the sole of Steph’s sandal.

Becky looked shocked, as her friend seemed to stamp on her Dad; her look of

amusement was suddenly replaced with one of horror as Steph bought her

foot completely to the ground.

Stephanie twisted her foot a little as it to grind Chris into the ground. Becky’s

eyes quickly welled up and tears began to run down her face.

Chris could do nothing as the sandal hit the floor, his instinct was to curl up

and tuck his knees into his chest as he screamed…

* * * *

2 Months earlier

Chris woke late he could see from under the bed that Kim was already

dressed for work…that meant he’d have to take care of himself this morning.

"HEY MORNING BABE’S" He called out as he edged out from under the bed.

Kim heard a little squeak and guessed it was Chris. Carefully she edged closer

to the bed and could see her little 5-inch husband waving up at her, she

smiled and bent down.

"Morning Chris…did you sleep well?"

"Like a log…didn’t even hear you’re snoring!"

"Cheek…" Kim replied as she playfully knocked him over with her finger.

She then picked him up and gave him a kiss before placing him back down at

her feet.

"Sorry Chris…but I haven’t got time to look after you this morning, Becky’s

gone over to Steph’s and Cally will be about half hour late…will you be ok?"

"O’ please…I might be small but I’m not stupid, go on move that sexy arse

and I’ll see you tonight."

"You are a dear."

Chris wobbled a little as Kim stood to her towering height and walked toward

the bedroom door…

"What an ass!" He said to himself as he watched her sexy rear exit the


Chris didn’t waste anytime in following Kim out of the bedroom and soon

found himself walking into the bathroom.

Kim had left a small bowl of warm water in the shower for him and a little

shower gel in a lid. Chris removed his shorts and had a quick was before the

water got to cold.

Five minutes later and he was done…even dried himself on the squares of

toilet paper that he used as towels!

What now he still had at least an hour before Cally came over and he didn’t

fancy the climb down the stairs so he’d just have to find himself something to

keep him busy until she came up looking for him.

Walking out of the shower and onto the bathroom floor he noticed some dirty

washing lying on the floor by the laundry basket. He went over to investigate;

there was a pair of Becky’s dirty socks…

"Geez, they smell awful! What am I doing? Looking through dirty

washing…it’s not as if I can put it in the basket."

Chris stepped back and headed for the door but just as he past the last

remaining garment lying on the floor he noticed a pair of silk knickers…Kim’s

silk knickers…the pair he loved her to wear, he bought them for her with the

matching bra for her birthday a couple of years ago…was it really that long


He couldn’t help himself he just had to feel them it was a heavy reminder of

when he and Kim had a healthy sexual relationship…he’d almost forgotten

what it was like to have sex…all he had for sexual companionship now was

his right hand!

He pulled the knickers out onto the floor and opened them up…almost

instantly he could smell her…he used to love oral sex and going down on Kim

was great for she enjoyed it as much as he.

He climbed into the crotch of the panties and got on his knees, placing his

hands down he leaned forward until his nose was almost touching the

material…he inhaled deeply…he was in ecstasy. Closing his eye’s he could

almost believe that he was getting down on her the smell was so

overpowering, instantly he felt a stirring in his groin.

He was hard, harder than he’d been since making love to Kim’s foot all those

month’s ago. He needed satisfaction and he still had an hour or there abouts

before Cally arrived.

Quickly he removed his shorts and taking his hard member in his right hand

and holding the crotch of the panties to his nose with his left hand he began

to masturbate. Harder and harder he pulled on his cock, the harder he pulled

the greater sniff he took of the panties.

It wasn’t long before he shot his first load and to his great surprise he stayed

hard and needed even more relief.

Kim was half way to work when she realised she’d forgotten her palm top,

she needed it, unfortunately she’d have to return home.

Kim pulled up and ran into the house…where had she left it? It wasn’t

downstairs…she ran up to the bedroom…wasn’t here either.

"Now I remember…It’s in the bathroom I left it on the side this morning." Kim

thought to herself.

Chris was close to his second coming and hadn’t heard Kim come back into

the house…he hadn’t even heard her thunder past the bedroom. He was to

lost in the throws of passion…well he did love his right hand!

Chris’s world rocked, even when he’d made love with Kim he’d never felt the

earth move like that as he shot his load for a second time.

Kim opened the bathroom door and didn’t even look to the floor below as she

stomped over to the sink. Her foot landed right next to Chris about an inch or

so from his tiny body.

She collected her Palm top and turned to head out but as she looked down at

her hand something caught her sight as her foot landed on what looked to be

her silk panties.

Chris was on his hands and knees now breathing hard as he felt another

great rumble and the earth moved. This time however he opened his eyes

and turned his head to the right. He was shocked as he met his own

reflection starring back at him from the shinny surface of a woman’s shoe.

Kim looked down and could see Chris on his hands and knee’s with his shorts

around his ankles…she knew immediately what he’d been up too.

Chris turned and slowly began looking up past her foot, ankle, and shin and

so on until he met her angry expression looking down at him. Quickly he

pulled up his shorts and wiped his hands clean on her stained panties. She

began to tap he foot as her hands now rested on her hips…she was boiling.

He knew he was in deep shit, the last time he’d seen her look like that was

the time he was caught shagging her foot! He didn’t wait for her to say

anything he just bolted for the door as quickly as he could.

"O’ no you don’t." Kim yelled.

Before Chris had really gotten anywhere his path was blocked by Kim’s

foot…it came crashing down so fast and close to him that he bumped into it

and landed hard on the ground. Before he could get up he found himself

wrapped in her colossal hand rising up faster than an express train!

Kim bought him up to face level and looked at him sternly.

"So you like my dirty knickers?"

Chris hung his head.

"Look at me…so you like my dirty knickers?"

Chris said nothing.

"What, I didn’t hear you." Kim said as she squeezed him slightly.

"Arghhhh…you’re hurting me."

"Well answer the darn question then."

"Arghhhh…No, no I don’t…"

"Hmm, why don’t I believe you…could it be that I just caught you

masturbating on the crutch of them…do I look that stupid. Did you really

think I didn’t know what you were up too?"

"Arghhhh, please you’re hurting me…Arghhhh!"

"Then don’t lie to me…do you like my dirty panties?"

"YES…YES, I LOVE THEM." Chris yelled out as she squeezed a little harder.

"Good…now where getting somewhere…did you masturbate over them?"

"Yes." Chris said quietly.

"Speak up, I didn’t hear you."

"OUCH! Please stop!"

"I’m waiting!"


"Good, that’s better isn’t it?" Kim said as she relaxed her grip on him.

Chris nodded and breathed a little easier.

"Now look at me…more to the point look at the time! I’m going to be late for

work…well five minutes, 20 minutes makes no odds…Late is late. Now where

were we o yea I remember? Would you like me to put you back with my

panties before I go to work?"

Chris looked at her a little surprised…did she really mean it?

"Err, no it’s ok."

"O’ what so you don’t like my panties any more!"

"No, no I love them…its just well…"

"Well what?"

"I don’t know!" Chris looked sheepish.

"Be honest Chris…you know honesty is the best policy."


"Yes what!" Kim smiled.

"Please would you put me back in your panties before you go."

"Are you sure? You really want to get in my panties." She smiled broadly.

"Yes please I’d love too."

"Ok then, remember you asked for it!"

Chris looked at her a little confused, what did she mean.

Kim carefully placed Chris on the toilet system and straightening herself back

up giggled slightly as she looked at his confused expression.

"Now wait there just a minute."

Slowly and deliberately she undid her skirt and slid it down over her silk

covered thighs.

Chris was gob smacked by her behaviour; he thought he was going to be in

so much trouble…instead here she is stripping off right there in front of him.

He was getting so excited that he reached into his shorts and started fondling

with his stiff member.

Kim was pleased to see that and made a real show of unclasping her

stockings from her suspenders. Slowly she rolled each nylon down to her

knees and then began to run her thumbs under the elastic of her cotton


Chris was loving the show…this was some turn on. Eagerly he watched her

pubic region come into view as she slowly slid her panties down…Sure Chris

had caught the odd peek of her nether regions over the last few months but

nothing like this. As she pulled her panties lower Chris could see the light

slightly shine off of her wet lips…she did have a lovely pubic area, kept as

neat as a bowling green and shaped like a heart. He’d always loved the care

and attention she took keeping it looking nice. Even though he hadn’t been

there for some time it was nice to see that she was still keeping it just as he

liked it.

Kim reached out for him as she bit her lower lip.

Chris stepped back.

"Arrr, what’s the matter…thought you might like a closer look?"

"Yea ok." Chris said eagerly.

Kim held him gently and bought him down between her legs, she positioned

him so that he lay on her hand looking up and as she put her hand under her

his face was directly under her lips.

"Enjoying the view down there Chris honey?"

"YEA! THIS IS AWSOME." He yelled out.

Chris raised his hands and gently stroked her moist lips.

"Naughty, naughty…no touching."

Slowly Kim lowered Chris until he was lying in her panties looking straight up

into her woman hood. Carefully she removed her hand…He didn’t even notice

he was so excited at the sight before him.

"O’ Chris honey…you still want to be in my panties?"

"What…o’ yea."

"Good…then I’ll see you tonight."

Suddenly Chris found himself moving fast toward her sex, she was pulling up

her panties with him in them!

He stuck out his arms and screamed as he neared her sex. Quickly it was

dark and warm, his head nestled firmly between her lips and his body arched

up the front of her crotch…he couldn’t move the panties were holding him

tight. His arms completely submerged inside her…he could breath…barely.

Kim felt really good as she pulled up her stockings and clasped them to her

suspenders. As she pulled up she took one last look at the bump in her

panties and smiled to herself. She gave him a little pat on his back and pulled

up her skirt.

"Remember you asked to get in my panties, ha, ha."

Chris was a mess and he’d only been here for a couple of minutes…not only

was it hard to breathe, but the heat was becoming unbearable. Surly she

wouldn’t keep him in here too long…would she?

Kim picked up her Palm top and headed out the bathroom door. She breathed

hard with each step…she would have to be careful…this felt so good!

Chris groaned with each step she took, he did manage to get him arms half

way out but this seemed to make matters worse so he just relaxed and

concentrated on breathing…when she let him!

Kim left a note for Cally saying that Chris had gone to work with her (of

course she didn’t explain the travelling arrangements).

Lunchtime came quickly and Kim as always was heading into the mall with

Jenny and Paula for dinner.

Time hadn’t moved quickly for Chris, when she was standing or walking it was

bearable, but when she sat…well that was a different story all together. His

entire upper body was almost swallowed by her and breathing became almost

impossible. As the morning had worn on then Chris was almost worn out…his

stomach was full with her juices, his eyes stung and his body was raw with

the friction caused as she walked.

"Excuse me while I powder my nose." Kim said as she rose from her seat.

She entered one of the stalls and after lowering her skirt slowly she pulled

down her panties, she giggled as Chris was half swallowed by her and hung

there kicking his legs as she lowered her panties to her ankles. Taking a little

toilet paper she wrapped it around Chris and pulled him out before sitting

down and taking a leak.

Chris coughed and spluttered as she wiped him down…he was having trouble

focusing on her as his eyes were full of her juice’s.

"There you go honey…you look like you’ve been enjoying yourself! Hmm, I

have to say you do feel kinda sweet down there."

Chris tried to reply but just kept coughing.

"I know, your feeling cold and want to get back quickly…I’m sorry but I’m

going to have to pad you in with one of these, I mean just look at my soiled


Kim attached a ladies pad to her panties crotch…it was one of those with

wings proven to stop leaks!

She had to hold Chris in place this time as he struggled, not wanting to go

back under her. His struggles were in vain and once again he struggled to

breathe as he woman hood threatened to swallow him.

Kim returned to her table full of the joys of spring and wondered why she

hadn’t put him down there before…he felt so good.

Chris found that afternoon harder than the morning; for one thing she sat

down a lot more and continually crossed her legs, which was hell for him. She

was wetter than this morning and was starting to smell a little, Chris couldn’t

swallow anymore his poor stomach just wouldn’t allow it.

18:15hrs and at last Kim returned home.

"Hi Kim."

"Hello Mum." Becky yelled as she ran to her.

Kim bent down and picked Becky up, giving her a nice big hug. Becky swung

her leg and caught Kim right in her crotch!

"Wow, be careful Becky."

"Sorry Mum…where’s dad?"

"What! O’ yea your father…he’s in my bag…I’ll just go and fetch him."

Chris was drifting in and out of conciseness; he had all afternoon due to the

intense heat and lack of air. As Becky’s leg caught Kim right in her crotch it

was a rude awakening for Chris as it thrust his entire upper body into Kim

leaving only his legs protruding. He struggled as he know couldn’t breath and

the reaction to him by her virginal muscles was less than welcoming.

Chris kicked, pushed and pulled but it only seemed to drive him further into

her until only his feet remained.

Kim quickly pulled her skirt down and could see that the lump in her crotch

was gone…she was hot having him wriggling inside her was electrifying. She

had never felt anything like it before, she pulled her panties down and could

only see the soles of his feet moving around as he continually struggled.

Chris was in hell…or was it possible that hell could be so hot! He was burning

up and still unable to breath. He felt his feet feel the cold and guessed Kim

had pulled down her knickers…why hadn’t she pulled him out?

Kim placed one foot on the side of the bath and took hold of Chris’s feet,

slowly she pulled, in doing it excited her more…she bent her head back and

closed her eyes while biting on her lower lip. Her heart rate was up (up, it

was f#*king racing), as she pulled a little more of him out. She let out a

scream, was she actually having an orgasm.

Chris was being pounded and wondered why she had only pulled him out to

his waist. Her muscles were pressing harder and harder until he was

enveloped completely within them…

"God Chris please wake up, please god."

Kim held the lifeless body of Chris under the running cold-water tap…but still

he didn’t move…had she killed him!

Suddenly his body convulsed and he threw up the entire contents of his

stomach…Kim breathed a sigh of relief and realised that she needed to be

more careful in future!

* * * *

Becky didn’t know what to say or do as Steph looked at her…

"Oop’s, did I just…" Steph said with a smile as she bought her hand to her


"O’ my god…you…you…"

Chris felt the sole of Steph’s sandal press him lightly and twist a little back left

and right, but to his surprise he was still alive.

It was tight and dark but he managed to unroll himself, he could see daylight.

Lying on his back he edged forward using his feet until his hands got a hold

of the edge of the sole. He pulled himself forward until his head popped out

near the heel…the small triangular gap between her heels and sole had been

his saviour.

Pulling himself completely out he punched the side of her foot and stepped


Steph looked down and could see Chris looking up at her; she smiled and

then looked over at Becky whom had seen her father too.

Becky wiped away the tears and jumped off of the bed.

Chris was a little startled as the floor thumped heavily.

Becky reached down and picked Chris up off of the floor.

"Thank god you’re alright…I thought…we thought…"

"Wait a minute…YOU KNEW I WAS THERE!" Chris shouted angrily.

"What, of course not Mr Jackson! Do you really think I would have stepped on

you?" Steph jumped in as she leaned in close.

"Err, no sorry Stephanie…I guess not!"

Steph sniffed hard a couple of times.

"Poo! Is that you…you smell?"

Chris flushed red, not only was he still sticky with the old coffee but he peed

himself when he was nearly stepped on…well wouldn’t you!

Becky bought him to her nose and sniffed.

"Poo! You do stink…"

"Hey why don’t we give him a bath?" Steph said excitedly.

"Yea would you like that Dad?"

Becky didn’t wait for an answer…so all three of them headed for the


Becky lowered Chris onto the soap dish just above the sink as Steph put the

plug in and turned on the taps.

"Oi’ Becky please take me to Cally…I don’t want to be bathed."

"But Dad just look at the state of you…all gooey and smelly, you’ll feel much

better when we’re done."

Chris continued to protest but Becky had long since ignored him.

Steph tested the water and decided it was just fine.

"Should we undress him?" Steph said as she smiled at Chris.


Cally looked at her Dad and guessed it would be best to leave them on.

"Na’ leave me on…that way there’ll get washed too!"

"Ok…well go on Mr Jackson…what you waiting for…jump in."

Chris looked over the edge; it was quite a drop…a good 20 or so feet to him.

He looked up at the girls and shook his head…he wasn’t jumping that far.

"O’ don’t be such a baby!" Becky said as she gently flicked him off the soap


Chris screamed as the water rushed toward him "SPLASH" quickly he swam to

the surface to get some air…the water was freezing, Steph had filled the sink

with cold water!

Chris broke the surface and already he was feeling numb…the water was just

so darn cold, why did she have to be so rotten, just your typical 13 year old


Becky reached into the water and lathered up her hands with soap.

"Cor Steph that waters cold."

"Oop’s must have forgot to put the hot tap on." She said with a smile.

Becky picked Chris up in her soapy hands and began to move him around like

a bar of soap.

Chris tried to protest but it was useless as the soap went in his eyes and in

his mouth.

"Steph watch this." Cally cried excitedly.

She held Chris in her fist with only his head showing, she began to squeeze

harder and harder.

Chris couldn’t breathe and feared for his life as her grip became tighter and

tighter until he shot out from her fist like a bullet. He must have travelled

about 15 foot into the air (15 foot to him that is) before gravity took over and

he fell back into the water with a splash. As he broke water both the girls

were in fits of laughter.

Becky lathered her hands again and picked Chris from the water.

Chris screamed and kicked until she wrapped her soapy fingers around him

once again.

"Ready Steph let’s see if I can get him higher this time."

Becky began to squeeze and as before just as Chris thought he would pop he

left her hand like a missile from a launcher.

He neared 20 feet at least before he began falling again.


"Wow! That was neat…here let me have a go!"

Chris screamed for them to let him be but they just ignored him and this time

it was Steph that was lathering up her hands.

Chris dived under the water as Steph reached for him…he knew it was a futile

attempt to escape but hoped they might get the message…they didn’t.

Steph picked him up and quickly wrapped her fingers around him leaving only

his head showing…but even that wasn’t on show for long as she pressed

down on his head with her finger until he was completely consumed within

her larger hand.

Steph began to squeeze and Chris began to creak…or at least his body did.

She squeezed a little more and still Chris hadn’t moved, a little tighter and

Chris was almost blacking out due to the intense pressure, then suddenly it



* * * *

Just under 2 months earlier

Chris awoke to the thumping of feet; looking out from under the bed he could

see Becky’s feet jumping up and down with excitement.

"Becky quieten down please…we don’t want to wake your father."

"Hmm bit late for that." Chris said to himself as he lay back down.

He knew why Becky was excited more than normal for today was the day that

his life would take another turn for the worse. He’d argued with Kim about it

but she thought it was for the best…

"O’ come on it’ll be fun for you…everything your size and best of all you’ll

have a little privacy."

"But I’m happy here…in our bedroom, I don’t want to move into Becky’s

bloody dolls house."

"Well tough, we can’t disappoint Becky now, she’s so been looking forward to

the day when you’re small enough to move in."

"But Kim…"

"That’s enough you’re moving in and that’s final."

That was last night and the morning had come all to quickly for Chris, not

only was he moving into the darned doll’s house but it was to be moved from

Becky’s room and placed on the floor in the spare room.

Chris lay there pretending to be asleep as Kim’s heavy footfalls began

pounding the floor.

"Right I’m going to get washed and dressed…now remember Becky let you’re

dad sleep…I mean it."

Chris opened one eye to Kim exit the bedroom and a soon as she did Becky

dropped of off the bed and straight to her knees looking under the bed.

"Dad, dads are you awake." Becky whispered.

Chris sighed and kept his eyes tightly shut…he knew it wouldn’t be long.

"Dad…wake up." She said a little louder.

Suddenly Chris’s bed moved a little as Becky nudged it with her finger. Still he

remained still and just hoped she’d go away.

To Chris’s surprise he felt her move away and the ground shudder as she did.

He opened his eyes and she was gone, rising up on his elbows he looked

around in all directions.

"Well that’s a first!" He thought to him self; She really had gone.

Chris climbed out of bed and walked out from under Kim’s bed toward the

bedroom door.

Suddenly the sky darkened, Chris turned round and looked up to see Becky

jumping off of the bed at him, he crumbled to a heap on the floor as her

huge feet crashed either side of him.

"Surprise…I knew you were awake." Becky said as she stood above Chris.

Chris ‘s heart was missing several beat’s…he really thought his time was up

and much to his embarrassment he’d peed his pants!

He rolled over and got to his feet, before he could say anything Becky bent

down and wrapped her fingers around him.

"Argh! You’re all wet!" She screamed as she let him drop from about 8 inches.

"Baby Daddy’s wet the bed, hee, hee…guess you need a diaper!"

Chris stood and looked up at her.

"I didn’t wet the bed! You scared the shit out of me when you jumped off of

the bed."

Becky bent down and pinched his arm between her thumb and finger and

picked him up.

He hated being picked up like that and kicked and screamed for her to put

him down…she didn’t!

Kim had just finished in the bathroom and was heading back to the bedroom

when Becky exited the bedroom holding Chris out at arms length.

"Becky, what did I tell you?"

"But Mum I didn’t wake him…he woke him self…and guess what he’s wet him


Chris continued to swing and scream from his dangling position.

"Give him to me."

Kim wrapped her fingers around the five inch figure and she too could feel

him wet.

"Becky go and get yourself dressed please."

Kim looked at the embarrassed little man cowering in her fist.

"And what have you got to say for your self?"

"It wasn’t my fault…Becky…"

"O your such a man…laying the blame at your daughters feet."

She had no idea how close to the mark she really was with that remark as

she entered the bathroom.

An hour later and all three were sitting at the table eating breakfast…well

two sitting at the other on!

"Mum can we go now?" Becky said excitedly.

"Wait you’re fathers not finished yet."

Chris sat there taking his sweet old time with his food for he still hoped that

Kim might change her mind.

Kim got up and took both hers and Becky’s dirty plates to the sink while Chris

continued to play with his food under the watchful eye of Becky.

"Come on Dad…hurry up." She whispered.

"Becky would you please leave me alone while I’m eating, when my plates

empty then I’ll be ready and not before."

Becky sighed and continued to watch as he ate a little food then moved a

little over to one side of his plate.

Suddenly Chris’s plate was covered by Becky’s thumb pad, as she withdrew it

all his food stuck to it…before he could protest she was licking the contents


"Mum, dads finished." She said as she poked her tongue out at Chris to show

him the remains of his breakfast.

Kim leaned over and picked up Chris’s plate.

"Very well off you go I’ll be up shortly."

Eagerly Becky reached out and picked Chris up and then headed out of the


Chris felt ill as Becky entered her room, she’d run up the stairs in such a hurry

that Chris almost wet his clean trousers.

She dropped to her knees by the table next to her bed that currently housed

the dolls house…she wanted it to remain there but Kim had insisted it be


Chris was unceremoniously dumped onto her lap as she began undoing the

clasps at the front of the house which aloud you to open it like a book.

She sat up a little causing Chris to tumble down her lap and land roughly on

the floor by her knees.

"Oop’s sorry dad." She said as she reached for him.

Chris was placed in the right hand lower room, which he immediately

recognised as the living room.

He got to his feet and turned to Becky, whom had a look of real excitement

on her face.

"Go on dad, have a walk round…Cor this is neat."

Not wanting to disappoint his little girl he began to walk around.

Everything in the lounge was his scale which he had to admit felt good, it had

been a long time since he was able to sit on a chair or even at a table! On the

sofa one of her dolls sat there, clothed in Victorian attire. Sitting down next to

her he pretended to have a conversation with her and even took her cold

plastic hand in his.

Becky was giggling she was really enjoying seeing her farther walking around

in her dolls house…after all it was every little girls dream to have a living

doll…many woman’s too!

Chris was actually enjoying this too, it was nice that he could still keep his

little girl amused and entertained.

"Would you care to dance?" Chris said to the dolly he sat next too.

"Why I’d love to." He replied in a high tone to himself.

He stood and pulled the doll toward him by its arms, as it righted itself level

with Chris he suddenly realised that the doll was a good two heads taller than

he was, and that it also weighed a lot more than he expected.

The doll began to topple toward Chris he couldn’t stop it and before he knew

it the hard plastic breasts of the doll had smashed his lip as it fell on top if


Becky was in hysterics…she was rolling about on the floor having seen that,

and just to make matters worse Kim had just entered the room and seen the

entire thing. At first she was worried for Chris but having head him swear she

too was rolling about on the floor in fits of laughter.

Chris was so embarrassed and hurt! He could taste blood; he’d cut his lip. He

managed to free himself from the doll lying atop of him and stood looking at

his wife and daughter literally dieing with laughter.

He stood with his hands on his hips looking like he wasn’t amused and this

just caused more laughter as Kim pointed to him, he began to relax and even

giggle a little himself as he thought about how funny he must have looked.

Eventually all three regained their composure.

"Right Chris take a seat." Kim said.


"Well we’re going to move it to the spare room."

"Not with me in it your not!"

"Wanna bet."

Before Chris could object any more the front wall closed in on him and he had

no choice but to sit and hold on tight.

"Mum…please, can’t I have it in here."

"Becky I’ve already explained that you need privacy as well as you’re

farther…now take the other end."

Chris held tight as the house was lifted, with each step taken the whole room

slid from side to side.

Lucky for Chris the move went smoothly and the house was lowered to the

floor in the spare room.

"Ok honey, you can come out now."

Chris walked to the front door and pushed the door didn’t budge he pushed

again still it didn’t move.

Walking over to the window he called out.

"The door won’t open."

"Sorry babe didn’t hear you."

Kim knelt down and put her ear to the window.

"The door won’t open!"

"Ok I’ll give you a hand."

Chris went back to the door and pushed, Kim prodded lightly on the door with

her finger.

Suddenly the door flung open inwards and caused Chris to almost hit the back

wall as he was flung along the floor.

"There we go…just needed a little prod, must have been stuck." Kim said

pleased with herself.

Chris got to his feet none the worse for wear and decided it would be best

not to say that he’d been pushing the door and not pulling!!!

Becky clapped as Chris walked out of the house and onto the carpet.

"Ok Becky, lets leave your farther alone to settle in for awhile."

"But Mum."

"Come on, no buts…I’ll leave the door slightly open should you want to come


Chris watched as Kim and Becky left the room and Kim did as she said she

would she left the door open slightly.

Chris had spent the last three hours alone in his house and although he’d

been against the idea at first now that he’d arranged everything to his liking

he figured it may not be that bad after all.

The door to the bedroom opened quietly and Becky walked in along with her

friends Steph, Hazel and Linda.

"Be quiet everyone or he’ll here us." Becky said.

"I still don’t believe you…how could your dad fit in there?" Enquired Hazel.

"It’s true he’s been getting smaller and smaller." Replied Steph.

They all got to there knees and slowly leaned down to look in a window.

"O my god…look there he is, on the bed." Linda pointed.

"Isn’t he just the cutest little thing?"

Chris was totally unaware of the four giants looking in at him…but that was

about to change.

"I’ve got an idea! All stand to the side of the house so that he can’t see us."

Linda said.

"Why?" Enquired Becky.

"You’ll see."

So two girls quietly went one side while the other two went to the other side.

Linda lifted her foot and placed it on the roof of the house.

Gently at first she began to rock the house back and forth.

They all began to giggle as they realised what it must be like for the little man

in there.

Chris’s heart pounded as the house began to rock and all the furniture began

to slide about, he just managed to roll off of the bed as the wardrobe toppled

over and landed right where he’d been. As fast as he could he ran out into

the hall to the stairs as the house rocked more and more violently.

Chris tumbled arse over tit down the stairs and landed in a heap at the foot of

the door.

The house stopped rocking and Chris got to his feet, quickly he opened the

front door and fell out onto the carpet…he wasn’t going back in there.

Suddenly his eardrums were assaulted by high-pitched laughter, he turned to

see Becky, Steph and two other girls he didn’t know standing they’re laughing

at him.

He wasn’t scared just a little over whelmed to see four huge giants standing

over him so he bolted for the front door of the house. But as he neared it a

Nike trainer thundered to the floor in front of him blocking his path.

"Geez, Hazel be careful…you could have squashed him." Said Becky a little


"He’s alright, aren’t you little man."

Chris stepped back a little not wanting to show his fear…after all they were

young children after all.

"Would you mind moving your foot please?"

"Hee, hee, did any of you hear the mouse squeak?" Hazel said as she bent

down and picked him up.

"Hazel please…be careful, he’s not a mouse."

"Shut up little girl, or we’ll stop letting you hang about with us."

Chris didn’t like this Hazel girl one little bit and being that he was now sitting

in the palm of her hand he realised that she was quite a bit older than

Becky…she even looked older than Steph!

"Well, well little mousy…what’s you’re name?" She said as she prodded at

Chris with her finger.

Chris fought as best he could but eventually found himself pinned to her palm

by her finger.

"Get off of me please."

"Hmm, that’s a funny name!"

All the girls sniggered even Becky although a little fake.

"I wonder what your hiding under there?"

Hazel let her chipped silver nail run down Chris’s chest until it met the

waistband of his trousers. She lifted it slightly and began to pull them down.

"STOP IT…PLEASE STOP IT." Chris yelled out.

"Arrr is the tiny mouse ashamed of what he’s got?"

Chris tugged at his trousers as her finger continued to molest him.

"WHAT THE HELLS GOING ON IN HERE!" Kim yelled as she walked into the


"Nothing Mum, we, we were just playing."

Hazel quickly bent down and dropped Chris to the floor. He wasted no time in

running into the house.

"Right all of you out…go on get out."

They all walked past Kim and Steph said sorry as she did.

Kim went over to the house and opened up the front upon doing so quite a

lot of the furniture tumbled out onto the floor.

"Chris are you ok."

"What me, yea of course…they just kids…I can handle them no problem."

Kim didn’t press for an explanation of what really happened but told Becky

she was only aloud to bring in one friend at a time. She reluctantly agreed

with Chris that him living in the dolls house was probably a bad idea and that

he should continue sleeping under the bed in there bedroom if he so wished.

* * * *

Chris left Steph’s hand in a semi conscious state and like a speeding bullet!

He flew up and up and up, almost hitting the ceiling before falling back down

and unfortunately nowhere near the sink.

Both Steph and Becky couldn’t believe it…he’d gone so far. They both

watched in oar as he sailed so gracefully into the air and then down faster

than he went up…neither were quick enough to catch him.

Chris was out of it for most of the trip up but was now fully aware of where

he was as the ground rushed toward him.

Finding himself wrapped in cloth Chris felt lucky about his landing…right in

the middle of the laundry basket.

He’d always been going on to Becky about putting on the lid after she’d

dumped her dirty clothes in here…for once he’s glad she hadn’t listened.

"Wow, Steph that was great…bet I could do better."

"Bet ya can’t."

Chris could hear the too of them as they neared the basket…he wasn’t having

no more of that, he might not life through another dose. Quickly he dove

deeper and deeper into the washing basket…he wasn’t about to through that


"Where is he? He did land in here, didn’t he?" Becky said as she pulled a few

garments out and let them drop to the floor.

"Well I thought he did." Replied Steph as she stared to look around on the

floor just for good measure.

Chris could feel the clothes above him being lifted out and knew it wouldn’t

belong until he was found. Deeper and deeper he dove until he came to an

abrupt end…he seemed to have gone as far as he could. So he just waited in

the dark for Becky to find him.

Steph was now on her hands and knees looking around the bathroom and

calling out his name. Becky was close to emptying the laundry basket.

"Where is he…he has to here?"

Suddenly Chris’s world got lighter and he felt himself lurch as Becky lifted the

garment he was hiding in.

Becky held up one of her Mum’s silk stockings and dropped it to the floor

along with all the other clothes.

Just Chris’s luck, of all the dirty washing he had to find himself in that…well at

least they hadn’t found him yet!

"He’s not here." Becky said dejectedly.

"He has to be…where else could he have gone?"

"Well you look then."

"No way…I’m not going through your dirty washing…gross!"

Becky looked at Steph and turned her nose up as she bent down to return all

the dirty washing to the basket.

Chris found himself hanging at the bottom of the pile as she gathered it all

together and then lifted it in one go.

He feared he wouldn’t be able to escape if that lot were placed on to of

him…it was no good he’d have to call out for help and just take his chances in

the sink.


It was too little to late…they’d already moved on and were talking about

something else altogether and his tiny little voice wouldn’t carry above theirs.

Becky dropped the washing into the basket but lady luck was shinning on

Chris as the foot part of the stocking remained hanging out the basket. He

watched though the black silk as the too giant girls walked past him, Steph

actually brushed past his little body with her thigh.

Chris swung a little before coming to a halt…the bathroom door shut and the

light off made it very quiet and near dark from where he was.

He climbed up the stocking until he reached the end where it bent over the

edge. Suddenly he found himself free falling as the stocking came free from

the clothes within the basket.

Chris landed hard on the cold tiled floor knocking him unconscious.

* * * *

7 Weeks earlier

Chris lay on his pillow under the sofa as Cally walked around dusting and

generally cleaning. It was Chris’s first day at home in over a week…one week

2 days to be exact! Not that was keeping count or anything.

Today he was just taking it easy and letting his bruised and aching body

recover for the last weeks pounding.

Since being found masturbating over a pair of Kim’s knickers she’s been

taking him to work with her as punishment…in her knickers!

She was still pissed with him but needed to concentrate today as she had a

very important meeting and that was the only reason she was leaving him.

"That god for important meeting’s." Chris thought to himself as Cally suddenly

lifted up his pillow.

"Wooow." Chris yelped in shock.

"Oop’s sorry Chris but unless you want to end up in that then I need to put

you somewhere safe." Call explained as she pointed to the vacuum cleaner.

Chris had already had a close shave with that and didn’t fancy another.

Cally placed him carefully on the sideboard and continued on with her


Chris decided while he was up here me may as well have a look around; after

all it had been a while.

He walked past photo frames of himself, Kim and Becky, stopping at one in

particular. It was the first picture taken of them after Becky had been born,

seeing himself holding not only his daughter but his wife too bought tears to

his eyes…jeez he doesn’t even remember being that height now it seemed

like so long ago.

Breaking from his stare he walked a little further to the hamster cage. He

remembered the day Kim bought it home, she teased him about how she’d

bought it for him and that as soon as he were small enough she was going to

keep him in it…of course she was joking…wasn’t she!

He took hold of the bars and began to shake them and whistle at the same

time. Suddenly there was movement from within the little plastic

house…Monty was awake.

Monty was Becky’s pet hamster…a fat dumpy hamster that was over fed and

under exercised, in truth it was the laziest hamster you’d ever wish to own.

Chris shook the bars again and called out its name. At last he could see its

twitchy nose with its long whiskers and buckteeth poking out the door to the

little plastic house.

Looking around Chris found a little bowl with some peanuts in; picking one up

he held it between the bars and again called for Monty.

The great bulk of a hamster followed its nose and wobbled over toward Chris,

as it neared Chris withdrew the nut until it was out of Monty’s reach.

"Here you are fatty, come and get it."

Monty rose up onto his back legs and reached out with his front’s paws to

take the nut but Chris held it just out of his reach.

"Cor, you don’t half stink…Poo."

Monty struggled to reach any further and Chris continued to tease and taunt

him until Cally saw his little game.

Suddenly Chris was lifted off of his feet and held above the cage door, which

Cally held open with her, other hand.

"Would you like to go in there and give that nut to Monty?"

"Waaa, no please put me down." Chris screamed as he dangled helplessly

above the open cage door.


"Yea, know please put me down."

Cally lowered him little closer to the door, Chris kicked and shock as he

watched Monty balance on his back legs below him, just waiting.

Chris let go of the nut, as it dropped into the cage Monty duly caught it and

wobbled back to his little house.

Cally let the door shut and placed Chris back on his pillow.

Chris was breathing heavy…for a split second he thought Cally was going to

let him drop.

Cally bent down so that her face was level with Chris and she than smiled and


"That’ll teach you…don’t tease the hamster."

Before Chris could reply she picked up his pillow and returned it to it usual


Cally had left him a thimble of milk and some broken bit of ginger nut


After eating the biscuits and drinking the milk it was time for a nap before

Becky got home.

"Dad wake up! Come on wake up." Becky said as she shook the pillow.

"What, o’ hi Beck’s, did you have a god day at school."

"Yea ok…wanna play?"

"No not now thanks…I’m still a little sore."

"What if I don’t give you a choice?"

"Becky leave your father alone please." Called Cally.

"Look I tell you what, if you clean out Monty I’ll play what ever you


Becky looked a little peeved but Cally had warned her and if she did want to

play with her Dad then…

"Ok…I’ll see you later."

Chris settled back down on his pillow and drifted off to sleep again.

Chris was having a nightmare he could feel things on his face and he couldn’t

get them off! He twisted and turned and slapped his own face until he woke

himself up.

"GET OFF…GET OFF." He shouted as he brushed at his face.

He was awake but could still feel something on his face…and that smell…it

was familiar but where had he smelt it.

He opened his eyes and all became apparent, as there in his face was Monty!

Monty stood over Chris sniffing his face. Chris couldn’t move he was too

scared…those huge buckteeth could rip his flesh to ribbons.

Where was Becky, Cally anyone, just get this thing off of him.

"Nice Monty…good Monty." Chris said as he tried edging away from it.

As Chris moved slightly then so did Monty…it was as if he were his shadow!

Suddenly Cally’s foot hit the floor next to the sofa as she casually walked

past. This freaked Monty out a little and gave Chris the chance to make a run

for it.

Chris got to his feet and ran in the direction Cally had gone hoping that she

might see him. He was out into the dangerous open area of the lounge;

looking over his shoulder he could see chunky Monty hot on his heels.

Chris lost his footing and stumbled over, it was getting increasingly difficult to

walk yet alone run on this deep piled carpet. He rose up on his knees just as

Monty reached him.

Monty leapt at Chris and landed right on his back. Chris sunk into the deep

pile as Monty hit him. He was held fast and waited for the creature to dig its

teeth into him…it didn’t happen.

Monty stepped back off of Chris. Chris got up on his knees and was ready to

bolt when Monty rose up on his rear legs and leaning forward with its front

legs extended wrapped them around Chris’s chest.

Chris dropped forward onto his hands and knees…Monty stayed with him…it

was then it started.

Monty began to hump Chris. Chris couldn’t believe it, he feared for his life and

the fat hamster was making out with him.

He edged forward on his hands and knees hoping to break free…but it wasn’t

happening, Monty had too firmer grip…so firm in fact that Chris could feel

Monty’s claws digging into his skin.

He tried screaming…that didn’t work. He tried all manner of noises and

movements but nothing seemed to knock Monty from his stride.

At last Chris was hopeful of ending this nightmare as he watched Becky’s feet

heading his way. They stopped just short of him and he could tell she was

bending down as the light dissipated.

"There you are Monty…you naughty boy."

As Becky picked up Monty then Monty in turn picked up Chris…he wasn’t

letting go of his Bitch!

"What have you got their Monty?" Becky enquired as she placed him in her

open palm.

Monty was still going at it; Chris was now on his hands and knees on his

daughters open palm with a hamster screwing him from behind.

Becky looked closely and her eyes opened wide as she saw Chris under there.

"What you doing Dad?"

"Please Becky…get him off of me." Chris said in a shaky tone.

"CALLY QUICK YOU GOTTA COME SEES THIS!" Becky screamed out almost

piecing Chris’s eardrums.

Cally entered the lounge.

"What is it?"

"Hold out your hand and close your eyes."

"Becky I haven’t got time for this."


"O’ be quick then." Cally said as she held out her open palm and closed her


Becky sniggered as she carefully transferred Monty and Chris to Cally’s hand.

At first Cally was a little shocked to see that rodent in her hand it wasn’t until

she looked more closely that she could see what was going on.

Chris turned his head to meet her stare and cried out for her to help him.

First thing she did was laugh hysterically and then after regaining her

composure and having one last look at Chris’s pained expression, she

carefully prised Monty of off Chris’s back.

The poor thing was exhausted…so was Monty!

A couple of days later and Monty was living at Steph’s!

* * * *

Kim sat down at the table and began eating her meal.

"Mum where’s Dad?" Enquired Becky.

"O’ he’s not feeling too well."

"I hope it’s not my cooking." Cally joked.

"Don’t be silly, this is just great."

Kim crossed her legs and ideally bounced her foot up and down while

dangling her slipper from her toes.

Chris was uncomfortably hot! And the bouncing of her foot was sending him


He no longer struggled and just lay there facing the insole of the slipper from

atop her foot. Is this how life was to be from now on…punished by his wife in

new and imaginative ways each time she thought he needed it. True on most

occasions he had performed some indiscretion and probably deserved to be

taught a lesson. But on this occasion he’d done nothing more than escape

form his playful daughter and her friend and yet look at him; trapped in his

wife’s stocking.

Kim herself got fed up with swinging her foot and slid her slipper back on.

Chris cringed as her toes stretched below him and forced his body to bend

with them as her foot nestled snugly into the slipper.

Kim finished dinner and was about to ask if Cally needed a hand washing up

when Becky to her surprise said she’d help Cally.

Excusing her self from the table she went to her bedroom to get out of her

work clothes.

As she entered the bedroom she kicked off her slippers and sat on the edge

of the bed. Bringing her right foot up she smiled at the little bump pressed

against the top of her foot.

"What must it be like for him?" She wondered to her self as she unclasped

her stocking and began rolling it down her smooth shapely leg.

As the stocking passed him by Chris rolled over and landed by the side of her


Kim reached down and picked him up, she rolled him over and examined him

thoroughly before placing him on her bedside table.

Chris sat there without saying a word or even moving as Kim smiled at him

and left for the bathroom.

Alone and a little upset Chris got to his feet and walked around the cabinet.

"Jesus…she knows I hate being left up so high." He said to himself as he

looked over the edge.

Chris liked to be left on the floor that way he could get around and still have

that little bit of independence that he so craved…it was important to him. But

leaving him up here was just crawl and she knew it.

Again he sat and waited…what else could he do!

It wasn’t long before the bedroom door opened and Becky walked in.

Quickly he got to his feet and jumping up and down screamed out her name.

"O’ hi Dad, are you feeling any better?"

"Much thank you, would you lower me to the floor please."


"Now stop teasing, you know I hate being up of off the ground…please put

me on the floor."

Becky looked at him and smiled as she placed her upturned palm level with

the top of the cabinet.

"Ok step on."

Chris looked at her palm and then up at her face.

"Couldn’t you just pick me up…?"

"Sorry dad it’s the Becky elevator or nothing."

"Very well…but hold very still until I’m sat in the middle."



"O’ dad."

"Becky, promise."

"Ok I promise."

Chris stood on the edge of the cabinet and slowly stepped into her open

palm, her soft skin given slightly under his weight.

She smiled at him and shook he hand slightly causing Chris to jump back onto

the cabinet.

"Becky you promised."

"What I didn’t do anything."

"You did…"

Becky withdrew her hand and turned to leave.

"Ok then stay there, see if I care."

"No wait, please…"

"Ok but this is the last time."

Becky rested her upturned palm level with the cabinet top once again and

watched as Chris gingerly stepped onto it.

As soon as his too feet were on her hand she dropped her hand like a free

falling elevator causing Chris to hover in the air for a slit second be for he

followed the force of gravity and ended up a heap on her shaking palm…it

was shaking as she was laughing so much.

Chris rolled of off her hand as fast as he could once it reached the floor just in

case she decided to tease him some more.

Becky stood back up and looked down at her diminutive father looking up at


"You promised." Chris screamed at her shaking his fist.

"Had me fingers crossed…" She replied.


"Everyone knows that a promise doesn’t count if you got your fingers crossed,

ha, ha." Becky said as she headed out the bedroom door.

Chris was hungry but decided against heading out from under the bed until

Kim came back in.

* * * *

Chris awoke feeling a little groggily, his head hurt and his leg was sore…in

fact there wasn’t a part of him that didn’t feel a little sore.

He noticed how dark the bathroom was now…how long had he been lying


Slowly he began to crawl toward the open end of the stocking to freedom.

Suddenly Chris heard the familiar thuds of footfalls…someone was heading for

the bathroom…he was in a very precarious place.

The swung open and the light went on momentarily blinding Chris as he

called out to whom ever had entered.

"Now how did that get there?"

Kim said as she saw her stocking lying on the floor.

She reached down and picked it up, but just as she was about to drop it in

the basket she noticed the toe end hung like something was in it.

Chris watched as Kim’s eyes came into his view.

"Err, hi babe…can you get me out please?"

Kim looked sternly at him.

"You don’t give up do you…first my panties and now this!"

She was pissed!

"No wait babe I can explain, you see Becky…"

"Now that’s low…trying to put the blame on your daughter, I didn’t think even

you could stoop that low…but I guess I was wrong."

Chris didn’t have time to defend himself anymore as Kim bent down and

turned the stocking upside down causing Chris to tumble out and land with a

thud on the floor.

She stood up and watched the little man stand between her feet.

"So you like my feet? What am I saying of course you do…maybe you need to

spend some quality time with them."

Chris didn’t like the sound of that. He began to make haste, his leg slowed

him down but never the less he ran pretty fast.

Kim smiled down at the 2-½ inch fool, just how far did he think he could get?

Slowly she bent down and removed her right slipper. Chris looked over his

shoulder…he wasn’t even an arms length away and he was already tired.

Next she unclasped her stocking from her suspender and carefully rolled the

stocking down her smooth leg.

Chris was almost at snail pace now, his legs hurt and he was wheezing,

probably due to the pounding he took from Becky and Steph earlier.

Kim took one step and placed her pretty bare foot right in front of him.

Chris stopped sharply and turned to look up at her.

"Please Kim…I didn’t do anything, please."

Kim bought her finger to her lips meaning be quiet.

"Chris climb onto my foot please."

Chris looked at her foot and then up to her face.

"WHY?" He shouted up at her.

"Because I said so…now don’t make me ask again, there’s a good boy."

Chris didn’t want to and he didn’t like the idea of being on top of her

foot…but still it’s better than being under it.

He placed his hands on her toes and pulled himself up until he stood half way

up her foot.

Kim enjoyed having his little hands touch her and to see the effort it took just

for him to get on top of her foot was marvellous.

"Ok…can I get down now?" Chris yelled up at her.

"No not yet…I’m going to lift my foot with you on it so I need you to hold


"Where…there’s nothing to hold onto?"

"Lay down on your chest with your head between my big and second

toe…that was you can hug them both with each arm."

Chris didn’t like the sound of this but what choice did he have…he didn’t want

to piss her off any more than he already had.

Once Kim was satisfied that he was holding tight she stepped slowly over to

the toilet pan and lifted her right foot up onto the seat.

Chris hung on for dear life and felt a little nauseous as she moved her foot

even though it was slow.

Once she’d stopped Chris wasn’t overjoyed with the view he had…the toilet

looked like a deep dark pit with walls he could never scale. He began to roll


"O’ no you don’t, just stay still until I tell you to move."

Not wanting to upset her he complied.

Suddenly Chris’s world got a whole lot darker and tighter, he was unable to

move, best he could do was to slide his arms up her toes.

Kim pointed her foot and quickly inserted into her stocking firmly holding

Chris in place. She rolled the stocking back up her leg and then gave it one

last tug to ensure it was nice and tight before doing her suspenders back up.

She stood straight and looked at the tiny bump on her right foot and smiled

to her self.

Chris was in despair…how could she do this to him? He’d done nothing

wrong…after the panties episode the last thing he’d have done was

masturbate over her underwear.

Kim freshened up and giggled as she felt his little struggles down there…

"It’s such a shame that I can’t keep him there for long…or can I." She

thought to her self.

"KIM DINNERS ON THE TABLE." Cally called out.


She picked up her slippers and sat carefully on the toilet.

Lifting her right foot she could see her tiny husband, could she possibly wear

her slippers. They were the slip on type that showed only the heel, so he’d

have enough air to breath but would the slipper squeeze him a little too much

when she walked…only one way to find out.

Chris was yelling and screaming the entire time he’d been trapped between

her toes. Not only was it uncomfortable but also the movement of her walking

was sickening. Each time her foot hit the ground his head sunk lower

between her toes, and just as he’d managed to pull it back up her foot hit the

floor again sending his head firmly between them…it was a never ending


Things were just about to get a whole lot worse for Chris as Kim slowly slid

her foot into her slipper…the lights went out completely and the sound

became distant.

To Kim’s joy he was no worse off in the slipper than out so off they went for


* * * *

6 Weeks earlier

Chris sat with Becky and Steph watching TV while Cally was getting the

dinner ready. He was fed up with the daft program they were watching.

"Becky would you turn it over please and see what else is on."

"But Dad were watching this."

"Please Becky, you had the last choice."

"O’ alright then."

She flicked trough the channels until it got to the History channel and there

was an interesting program about the "Scram Jet Engine" the engine of the


"Ok that’ll do, you can leave it on that."

"I don’t want to watch that…it’s boring."

"Shushhh, if you don’t want to watch it then you and Steph go and play


Becky crossed her arms and looked at Steph who was looking as bored as she

was. And there sitting on a pillow between them was this tiny little 4" man

whom was giving them orders.

Chris was engrossed, and engine that needed little fuel but didn’t kick in until

it reached mach 6…London to Sydney in two hours.

Becky fidgeted and knocked Chris’s pillow sending him tumbling of the edge

and down next to Steph’s thigh.

"Oop’s sorry." She sniggered.

Steph looked down at the little man struggling to get him self-back up on to

the pillow…but wasn’t having much luck.

"Hello! A little help wouldn’t go amiss."

Becky looked over and sniggered once again…he did look funny. Steph

pinched his arm between her thumb and finger and lifted him back onto his


"Thank you…Becky be more careful in future."

Chris lay down on his front with his head propped up by his hands. Again

Becky sighed.

"Dad this is boring…can we play on the X-Box?"

"Becky please I’m watching this."

Steph was bored also and began to chew her gum louder and louder blowing

small bubbles and making them pop.

That was it…Chris couldn’t hear a darn thing what with Becky continuingly

sighing and Stephanie popping her gum he was finally at the end of his

tether. He stood up on his pillow and shouted at Stephanie.

"For Christ sake will you shut up or I’ll…"

Steph looked down at him and raised an eyebrow before replying.

"Or you’ll what Mr Jackson?"

Chris turned and looked at Becky whom looked intrigued as to where this was


"Erm, I’ll err…well please be quiet I’m trying to watch this."

Chris felt a little uncomfortable and return to his position on the pillow. He

then heard Becky snigger and egg Steph on.

Suddenly the channel changed. Chris jumped up and shouted at Becky.


"But Dad it wasn’t me…I haven’t got the remote."

Turning he looked up into the smiling face of Steph.

"Please could you turn it back?"

"No…come on Beck lets play on the X-Box."

Chris was fuming his little girls friend was back chatting him…she was just a

kid, a couple of years older than Becky true, but nether the less still a kid.

Becky got up and switched the X-Box on and handed a controller to Steph,

Steph smiled and looked at the screen as Halo booted up.

"How about a one on one…first to tem kills."

"Oi’ I’m still here you know…now please will you return to my program."

"Sorry Mr Jackson where’s my manners…would you like to play?"

"Don’t be so stupid! Now please."

Chris did look funny a 4inch tall man having a tantrum while stood on a pillow

between two giant girls…each of whom could swat him like a fly without any

effort what so ever.

Both Becky and Steph ignored him and started playing the game.

"Right that’s it I’m going to get Cally."

Chris felt like a little kid going to tell on his big sisters…but what could he do,

he’d lost the control of the situation and needed a full sized adult to sort this


Standing on the edge of the sofa he looked down…it was a long drop farther

than he dared fall…looking around his only option of getting down would be

to use the X-Box controllers cable that hung down to the floor from Steph’s

lap. He could always just ask to be put on the floor but he didn’t want to give

them the satisfaction of knowing he needed there help.

Looking over at Becky he saw that she was using his controller the wireless

one…well he used to use it but now he was far to small. He would rather

have climbed up onto Becky’s lap but as she used the wireless controller it

would be pretty pointless so he walked over to the side of Steph’s thigh and

taking hold of the seam on her jeans pulled himself up.

Steph was too engrossed in the shoot out with Becky to notice the tiny

creature climbing up her leg. Chris huffed and puffed but eventually reached

the top of her thigh. He then climbed up onto the pillow on her lap (which she

used to rest the controller) and made his way over to the cable. He stood and

looked up at Steph, as she was engrossed in the game, her fingers mashing

the controller. He walked to the edge of the pillow and took hold of the cable,

would he be able to do it, the cable was thick in his tiny hands.

Suddenly Becky shrieked with excitement, she’d just killed Steph.

"Blast…that’s your fault!" Steph said looking directly at Chris.

"What! How do you work that one out?" Chris replied.

"It just was, alright."

That was it Chris would go over the edge he’d had enough, he was pretty

sure he could hang on. He lowered himself and looked down, it wasn’t too

bad. But then the ground got a lot further away as Steph lifted the controller

up until he hung before her eyes.

"And just where do you think your going?"

Before Chris could reply Steph wrapped her fingers around him and plucked

him from the cable. She then removed her gum from her mouth and began

wrapping it around Chris starting with his mouth and pinning his arms until

she finished at his waist. Then taking him between her thumb and finger she

pushed his back hard onto the X-Box symbol on her controller.

Chris couldn’t move except for kick his legs as they dangled down by the

‘Back and Start’ buttons.

Becky watched all this happen with her mouth agape, until he was stuck on

the controller, she then roared with laughter.

Steph smiled and was a little shocked herself by what she’d done…but he did

look funny and at least they wouldn’t have to put up with any more of his

whinging while they played happily on the game.

Chris was both embarrassed and annoyed as he looked up from his position

as she battered the controller. He was uncomfortable and the rumble in the

pad didn’t help matters.

It was over an hour before Cally came in and called them to dinner, she

sniggered a little when she saw the state of Chris but then reprimanded the

girls and freed him…he was not a happy chappie and sulked for the rest of

the day!

* * * *

Kim sat down at the table and began eating her meal.

"Mum where’s Dad?" Enquired Becky.

"O’ he’s not feeling too well."

"I hope it’s not my cooking." Cally joked.

"Don’t be silly, this is just great."

Kim crossed her legs and ideally bounced her foot up and down while

dangling her slipper from her toes.

Chris was uncomfortably hot! And the bouncing of her foot was sending him


He no longer struggled and just lay there facing the insole of the slipper from

atop her foot. Is this how life was to be from now on…punished by his wife in

new and imaginative ways each time she thought he needed it. True on most

occasions he had performed some indiscretion and probably deserved to be

taught a lesson. But on this occasion he’d done nothing more than escape

form his playful daughter and her friend and yet look at him; trapped in his

wife’s stocking.

Kim herself got fed up with swinging her foot and slid her slipper back on.

Chris cringed as her toes stretched below him and forced his body to bend

with them as her foot nestled snugly into the slipper.

Kim finished dinner and was about to ask if Cally needed a hand washing up

when Becky to her surprise said she’d help Cally.

Excusing her self from the table she went to her bedroom to get out of her

work clothes.

As she entered the bedroom she kicked off her slippers and sat on the edge

of the bed. Bringing her right foot up she smiled at the little bump pressed

against the top of her foot.

"What must it be like for him?" She wondered to her self as she unclasped

her stocking and began rolling it down her smooth shapely leg.

As the stocking passed him by Chris rolled over and landed by the side of her


Kim reached down and picked him up, she rolled him over and examined him

thoroughly before placing him on her bedside table.

Chris sat there without saying a word or even moving as Kim smiled at him

and left for the bathroom.

Alone and a little upset Chris got to his feet and walked around the cabinet.

"Jesus…she knows I hate being left up so high." He said to himself as he

looked over the edge.

Chris liked to be left on the floor that way he could get around and still have

that little bit of independence that he so craved…it was important to him. But

leaving him up here was just crawl and she knew it.

Again he sat and waited…what else could he do!

It wasn’t long before the bedroom door opened and Becky walked in.

Quickly he got to his feet and jumping up and down screamed out her name.

"O’ hi Dad, are you feeling any better?"

"Much thank you, would you lower me to the floor please."


"Now stop teasing, you know I hate being up of off the ground…please put

me on the floor."

Becky looked at him and smiled as she placed her upturned palm level with

the top of the cabinet.

"Ok step on."

Chris looked at her palm and then up at her face.

"Couldn’t you just pick me up…?"

"Sorry dad it’s the Becky elevator or nothing."

"Very well…but hold very still until I’m sat in the middle."



"O’ dad."

"Becky, promise."

"Ok I promise."

Chris stood on the edge of the cabinet and slowly stepped into her open

palm, her soft skin given slightly under his weight.

She smiled at him and shook he hand slightly causing Chris to jump back onto

the cabinet.

"Becky you promised."

"What I didn’t do anything."

"You did…"

Becky withdrew her hand and turned to leave.

"Ok then stay there, see if I care."

"No wait, please…"

"Ok but this is the last time."

Becky rested her upturned palm level with the cabinet top once again and

watched as Chris gingerly stepped onto it.

As soon as his too feet were on her hand she dropped her hand like a free

falling elevator causing Chris to hover in the air for a slit second be for he

followed the force of gravity and ended up a heap on her shaking palm…it

was shaking as she was laughing so much.

Chris rolled of off her hand as fast as he could once it reached the floor just in

case she decided to tease him some more.

Becky stood back up and looked down at her diminutive father looking up at


"You promised." Chris screamed at her shaking his fist.

"Had me fingers crossed…" She replied.


"Everyone knows that a promise doesn’t count if you got your fingers crossed,

ha, ha." Becky said as she headed out the bedroom door.

Chris was hungry but decided against heading out from under the bed until

Kim came back in.

* * * *

A Little under 6 weeks earlier

Chris awoke as he heard the bedsprings creak above him and then Kim’s feet

drop from the bed and slide into her slippers, the slight creak of the

floorboards giving under her weight as she walked out the bedroom door.

Rolling over he caught sight of her as she exited the room; sitting up he

stretched and got out of bed him self.

Standing he stretched again and clenched his toes up in the deep pile of the

carpet, he needed to hurry to the bathroom himself his small bladder was In

need of relief.

Quickly Chris ran out from under the bed and out into the hall where he kept

close to the wall, as he turned into the bathroom Kim was just stepping out of

the shower.

He froze as her wet foot landed next to him. Leaning back he looked up at

her smiling face as she dripped huge droplets of water from her wet hair onto

and around him…

"Morning my little man, did you sleep well?"

Chris nodded his head as a large drip landed smack on his face almost

knocking him off of his feet, Kim giggled a little and shook her hair a little

more violently trying to wet him some more.

Running past her foot he reached the ladder that he used to enter the shower

cubicle…he’d managed to evade the droplets quite skilfully as Kim smiled at

him and continued to dry herself.

Chris climbed the ladder and quickly made it to the drain for some wellneeded

relief. After a quick wash he headed back out of the shower hoping

that Kim would dry him off…he loved it when she held him in her hand and

blew on him with her sweet warm breath it was one of the advantages of

being 4" tall.

Today how ever he’d have to dry himself as Kim had just stepped out of the

bathroom as he climbed down the ladder onto the cold tiled floor. Looking

around she’d forgotten to leave him any tissue to dry himself with, so he’d

have to settle using the damp towel that she’d left lying on the floor by the


Running over her felt it…it wasn’t just damp, it was soaking, it must have

been the towel she dried her hair with! Feeling over it he managed to find a

corner that was relatively dry. While standing there atop the towel he didn’t

hear Becky enter the bathroom.

"Geez what a mess!" Becky said to herself as she kicked the towel over

toward the laundry basket.

Suddenly the lights went out for Chris as Becky kicked the wet towel.

Screaming he found himself held firm under the wet towel as he heard the

sink filling with water.

Becky washed and dried herself long before her farther had managed to find

a way out of the wet towel.

Chris felt dirty again as he’d sweated an awful lot struggling to free him self

from the heavy wet towel.

At long last Chris was under Kim’s bed getting dressed in the tiny clothes that

Kim had made for him out of one of her old ‘T’ shirts. He pulled the top over

his head and slipped his arms down the sleeves…something’s wrong! Why

didn’t his hands exit the sleeve as they had yesterday?

His head popped through the opening of the top and his worst fears were

confirmed…he’d shrunk again. ‘But how much?’ Judging by the length of the

arms it looked considerable. He rolled the sleeves up until he could once

again see his hands, putting on the trousers it was pretty much the same the

legs were far longer than his own.

He sat on his bed and felt really depressed…he’d hoped that maybe the

shrinking had levelled out, hell even stopped! But now this, he needed to find

out just how much he’d shrunk.

Taking the small feet sized cardboard cut outs that he bandaged to his soles

to give him protection, he found that they too were large on his feet making it

little uncomfortable.

At last he was ready, the house seemed quiet…Kim hadn’t even bothered to

find him before she left for work…not that it was unusual if she were running

late she simply didn’t have the time. Besides he was always going on to her

about how he didn’t want her fussing over him all the time.

"I can do it myself." He was always telling her.

He walked into Becky’s room looking for a ruler surly she’d have one. As usual

Becky’s room was a mess with all her dirty clothes lying on the floor and piled

up on her chair. There was even a mug with a little treacly coffee sitting

under the doll house table…how long had that sat there. He’d have words

when she got home!

Chris could find nothing on the floor but perched up against the wall next to

the door was her canvas bag, the one she normally used for school.

"Silly girl she’s forgotten her school bag." Chris thought to himself as he

walked over to it.

Standing there looking up at the open bag he suddenly realised that there

must be a ruler in there…what was he waiting for?

In no time at all he was sitting side-saddle atop looking down into the deep

bag. There it was just visible in the darker reaches right at the bottom…a

ruler. Chris thought for a moment, "should he wait for Cally…no he’d be in

and out with the ruler before she arrived."

Carefully he lowered himself in until he was hanging down with his hands

holding tightly onto the teeth of the open zip. He looked down past his feet

and counted to three before letting go.

Right dead centre of her hairbrush he landed, lucky he’d bothered to dress

and wrap his feet otherwise he’d surly have cut his feet and legs on the hard

bristles. He fought his way out of the brush with the odd prick and tangle as

he tipped over her hair caught in it.

Once his eyes had adjusted it wasn’t that bad in there and as luck would have

it her books leaned up against the side of the bag that was against the wall.

After stumbling over an open pack of mints and half-eaten snickers bar he

reached the pencil case that housed the ruler.

Reaching over her pulled at the plastic 8" ruler that poked out slightly; it was

tight…too tight for him to pull free. Looking at the pencil case he found that

the zipper was zipped up tight against it.

With both hands he pulled the zipper up to free it from the teeth and then

eased it back a little. He moved over to the rule once more and pulled on

it…he was pleased with himself as it easily began to pull free.

"Just getting my bag." Becky called out.

Chris’s heart leapt form his chest as he looked up and saw Becky bending

down to pick up her school bag…the bag he was in.

"No Becky wait!" He screamed as she lifted the bag.

Becky obviously didn’t hear him and flung it over her shoulder as she headed

back out of her bedroom.

Chris continued screaming as the books fell forward and pinned him tightly to

the bottom of the bag.

Becky stopped and quickly dropped her lunch box and bottle of coke into her

bag before zipping it up tightly and fastening the flap over.

Chris felt the bag stop moving and then light poured in, he screamed and

tried to pull himself free but it was a futile attempt as he saw her lunch box

land in front of him and then the books become heavier as the bottle of drink

sat upon them.

He lay there in total darkness as Becky ran out of the house and jumped into

the car as Kim was giving her a lift to school. Chris had totally screwed up this

time…he thought the house was empty…he couldn’t have been more wrong.

As Becky sat on the back seat chatting with her Mum, Chris struggled to free

himself. Eventually he did manage to pull himself free of the books and it was

with great relief that he stood up and found that nothing was broken.

It was dark and no matter how much he screamed for help it didn’t

come…hell he could barely hear the muffled voice of Becky’s powerful voice

so she had no chance of hearing his little whimper.

He sat down and tried to think of a means of escape…there wasn’t one, the

bag was zipped tight and the fastening flap draped over and buckled

down…he was going to school!

Becky said goodbye to Kim and quickly jumped out of the car (after it had

stopped of course!). Dragging the bag off of the seat she quickly put the

strap over her shoulder and walked into school.

As the bag shifted then so did the bottle of drink, Chris didn’t even see it

coming, it knocked him over and rolled straight over him! If it hadn’t been for

the slight curvature of the bottle he’d have been rolled flat!

The contents of the bag continued to get thrown about as Becky went to her

first class.

Arriving in class she sat down and opened her bag.

Chris had braced himself tightly in one corner to avoid being crushed by the

bottle again and looked up through squinted eyes as the bag unzipped.

Becky’s hand entered the bag and began sorting through her books looking

for the one she needed. Wasting no time Chris struggled past the brush and

leapt at her hand…to late, Becky withdrew her hand holding the book she

needed. Chris landed hard on another book and was a little winded as her

hand returned for her pencil case. On this occasion he didn’t even have time

to react; her hand was in and out in a matter of seconds.

Chris braced himself as Becky lowered her bag to the floor and rested up

against the desk’s leg…he was in luck she’d not bothered to zip it shut. All he

needed to do was climb up and out and then get her attention.

Looking up he hadn’t realised just how big a task he now had in front of him,

the books on their sides stood at least 4 stories high and the top of the bag

had to be at least another 3 if not 4.

First thing Chris did was climb up onto the lunch box at least that made the

top seem nearer, but it still didn’t help matters…there just wasn’t anything to

get a hold off…why hadn’t he thought this through more carefully at home!

"Oi stop it…or…" Becky yelled at Ruth.

"Or what? Beaky Becky?"

"I’ll tell Miss Masters."

Ruth leaned forward and pulled on Becky’s ponytail again. Becky turned

sharply and caught her bag with her foot, knocking it over.

Chris was in luck he was the right side of the books as the bag shifted and

the entire contents dashed toward the opening. Once everything had settled

Chris made hast scrambling over the books and Coke bottle to freedom. He

just dived out of the bag as Becky leaned over and stood it up against her

desk leg again.

Tumbling over a couple of times before coming to a rest Chris looked about

and could see nothing but feet and legs under desk’s he soon realised that he

was a little too far between desks as he heard the thumps of shoes hitting the

floor…the unmistakable thump that a high heeled shoe made.

Chris looked behind him and just a couple of steps away were Becky’s teacher

coming over to see what all the commotion was about. Wasting no time he

got to his feet and just about managed to reach Becky’s bag as Miss Masters

Blue high heels beat the ground where he’d once stood.

"What’s all this noise…keep it down Miss Jackson."

"But Miss…"


Chris watched as the blue shoes turned and walked back from whence they’d

come. His attention now firmly back on getting Becky to notice him…he

thought it would be easy!

She wore a two-inch wedge shoe; at least he now knew his height for the

two-inch sole came up level with his chest…

"Christ a whole inch, I lost a whole inch." He said to himself.

Suddenly he fell on his arse as Becky moved her foot back and rested her feet

up on their toes.

He ran back under the chair and stood in front of her huge feet that swayed

left and right…not a wise decision to stand in front of them!

Quickly he ran around behind them and looked up the sole, was there no way

he could climb up those colossal shoes.

Panic was starting to take over, soon the class would be over and Becky

would be leaving…he has to get her attention somehow, either that of climb

back in the bag and take his chances…

"I don’t believe this…all the effort of escaping the bloody bag and it looks like

my only option is to climb oomph!"

Chris didn’t have time to finish his thought as a huge hand suddenly

smothered him.

"Miss Gordon, return to your seat at once!"

"Sorry Miss I dropped my pen."

Ruth had caught sight of Chris running around Becky’s shoes, at first she

thought she was seeing things and closed her eyes but looking again there

was a tiny creature running around…it looked like a little person.

Ruth opened her hand and looked shocked at what she was holding…it was a

tiny person…it was a little man!

"O my god…what are you."

Chris looked up at this giant teenager scarred shitless, he hated strangers

picking him up even when Kim, Cally or Becky were about, but they didn’t

know she had him!

"Err, hello young lady…ermm would you mind putting down please."

Ruth looked at the tiny man cowering in her hand and shook her head.

"Please put me down, I don’t like to be held."

Ruth was still struck dumb she was holding this tiny man in her hand and all

she had to do to restrain him was rest her thumb across his groin.

Chris tried to move her thumb but it wasn’t going anywhere, again he looked

up at her.

"Please, just put me back where you found me…please."

There was panic in Chris’s voice now…he wanted to get back to Becky.

"Miss Gordon would you pay attention!"

Ruth quickly opened her desk and dropped Chris into it.

"What! O sorry Miss I was…I mean I will."

Becky turned and stuck her tongue out at Ruth.

The bell went for end of class.

Chris had scoured around the inside of the desk looking for anyway out…but

all he’d managed to find was loads of old chewing gum that was stuck hard

and old sweet wrappers.

The lid to the desk lifted and before he could say anything he was engulfed in

her fist.

Ruth opened her bag and got out her purse.

"This should keep you safe for now."

She opened her hand and Chris tumbled out onto loads of coins, before he

could say a word the purse was clasped shut and he was in total darkness.

The purse was then dropped into her bag and she then left for her next class.

Chris sobbed hard as he knew he was up shit creek without a paddle! As her

bag swung about Chris rode the coins, which were both cold and heavy.

Eventually after what seemed like hours Chris was in the light again as the

purse was opened, he breathed in some fresh air as the air in the purse had

become very stale?

Ruth reached in with her thumb and finger and after picking him up placed

him in her open palm.

Smiling down at him she began to carefully run her finger over his head.

"Please don’t do that!" Chris screamed at her.

To Chris’s surprise she stopped and looked at him.

"Do you have a name…or shall I just call you little man?"

"No…I mean yes I do, my name is Chris, what’s yours?"

"Ruth…Ruth Gordon."

"That’s a pretty name…for a pretty face."

"Why thank you Chris." Ruth said smiling.

"Ruth do you know Becky…Becky Jackson?"

Ruth squinted her eyes slightly.

"Yea I know Beaky Becky…why?"

"Thank god, please you have to give me to her."

"And why would I want to do that?"

"Well…well because I’m her farther!"

Ruth’s jaw dropped and then she seemed to remember all the press months

ago about Becky’s farther and how he was getting smaller. But like most

others thought it was just some kind of elaborate hoax.

Ruth’s smile changed from one of happy and caring to one of pure evil

sending shivers down Chris’s spine.

"Beaky Becky’s little dad hey…well isn’t that something! Well I guess we’d

better be getting to my next class, as she’s in that one too! But I think we’d

better make you a little more presentable…don’t you?"

Chris looked at her alarmed as she reached into her bag with her free

hand…what had she got planned for him?

Ruth settled down in class and for once she actually took the desk next to

Becky…to her right to be exact.

"Hi Beaky."

"Shut up…and stop calling me that!"

"Don’t remember calling you THAT!"

"Very funny Woofy."

Ruth hated that more than anything and especially hated it when Beaky

Becky called her it.

"Right class settle down, settle down and turn to page 56 of course book 4."

Mrs Chambers called out.

Ruth smiled over at Becky and pulled the book form her bag along with her

pencil case. She made a big fuss of which pen she should use and eventually

decided on one.

"Like my pen Beaky."

"Shove off Woofy."

"Look at my pen, would you." Ruth said as she held it under Becky’s nose.

"Leave me alone." Becky said as she pushed Ruth’s hand away.

Ruth sat and looked at her pen while she twisted it around…there was

nothing special about the pen…it was just a plain ballpoint pen, a clear plastic

Bic-biro to be exact…But wait there was something, something a lot of kids

have on there pen or pencil, it was one of those little rubber Gremlins with a

large hole up its arse that you place the top of your pen in, only Ruth’s wasn’t

rubber…it wasn’t even a Gremlin…it was CHRIS!

She’d placed his legs either side of the pen and wrapped clear tape around

them holding him firmly in place, she’d taken little strips and fastened hi arms

to his side and last but not least she’d stuffed a piece of chewing gun in his

mouth and tapped it shut with a little clear tape.

Chris was horrified that a pretty young girl could be so crawl, he screamed as

she laughed and easily held him on the pen as she fastened his legs. She

wasn’t going to bother with his arms as she loved the way they stuck out like

helicopter blades when she span the pen fast enough. But he spoiled her fun

making so much noise! So she tapped his arms tight and then she just had to

shut him up. At first she stuck a piece of tape across his mouth but he soon

managed to work his mouth free…she then got the idea for the gum, biting

off what to her was a mere morsel she forced Chris’s mouth open and filled

his mouth completely with her chewed gum and just to finish it off she tapped

his mouth shut.

Chris could hardly move and feared foe his life as she nonchalantly waved the

pen about and at one point he found himself almost thrust up Becky’s nostril

as she waved him in front of her face.

Becky still hadn’t looked over…why would she they hated each other with a

passion and the only words they ever exchanged were insults.

Chris was feeling pretty sick by now as Ruth was just ignoring him and

getting on with her work, as she wrote the pens constant movement was

upsetting him more and more.

Suddenly Ruth smiled down at him and took her gum from her mouth she

balled it up and planted it straight on his head. Chris couldn’t breath and

hoped she’d take it off soon.

"Beaky…sorry Becky."


"Please take a look at my pen."

"Will you leave me alone then?"

"Yea of course."

"Ok then yea nice pen." Becky said as she quickly looked over at it."

Chris was almost out of air, another second and he’ll pass out.

"Wait take a closer look."

Ruth held out the pen and in one fluid movement pulled the ball of chewing

gum from Chris’s head.

Chris sucked up all the air he could through his nose and then noticed the

surprised look upon Becky’s face as she looked down at him.

"I see you like it!" Ruth said as she pulled the pen back quickly.

"Th, th, that’s my Dad, how the hell…give him to me."

Ruth pulled away and quickly put Chris in her mouth.

Becky stopped in her tracks as she could see the danger her farther was in.

Chris found himself thrust into her mouth and clamped tightly between her


"Back off Beaky or I bite."

"No…god no, please give him to me."

"What’s going on with you two?" Mrs Chambers said as she approached

Ruth’s desk.

Ruth let the pen drop from between her teeth into a pool of saliva just under

her tongue.

"Nothing Mrs Chambers." Ruth said and almost burst poor Chris’s eardrums.

"Take that pen out of your mouth when you talk to me."

"Sorry Mrs Chambers."

Chris was removed from her mouth just in the nick of time, as his nostrils

were full of her saliva.

"I’ll take that."

Mrs Chambers leaned over and snatched the pen from Ruth’s grasp.


"You can have it back at the end of class…now both of you get on with your


Mrs Chamber’s looked at the wet thing and dropped it on her desk.

Chris struggled to get her attention but she was too busy teaching class, he

was tired but still moved around enough to notice his bonds becoming looser.

It must have been when he got all wet in her mouth the tape had lost some

of it’s gum and was actually giving under his struggles.

Chris knew he didn’t have long but the faster he thrust himself about the

looser his bonds became…he was so intent on getting free that he didn’t see

the dark shadow that fell over him.

Mrs Chamber’s was back from her walk around the class and was about to

park her arse on the corner of the desk…the corner where she’d left Chris!

Just as he broke his arms free did he notice the huge butt heading his way; it

was too late to do anything but say your last pray.

"Mrs Chamber’s could you help me please?"

"Of course Charlotte, what is it?"

Chris opened one eye…"it was gone, her butt was gone." As fast as he could

he unwrapped the tape from his legs and was free from the pen just in the

nick of time as Mrs Chamber’s returned and sat right where the pen was.

He ran over to her leg and began hitting her with all his might…she didn’t

even flinch, the thick woollen skirt she wore just absorbed his tiny worthless


Chris removed the tape form his mouth and pulled out the huge ball of gum.

His jaw ached and he found it hard to speak let alone shout up at her.

"How the hell can I get her attention? Or should I just hide amongst the

books and wait for Becky to come looking?"

Chris’s choice was made for him as Mrs Chamber’s slammed a book down

right next to him…the updraft it caused swept him right of off the table and

he eventually landed in the waste paper bin…unhurt!

The bell went for the end of the lesson and Chris could hear Ruth moaning to

Mrs Chamber’s about her missing pen top; Of course Mrs Chamber’s was at a

loss as to where it could have gone.

Becky meantime guessed that her farther had escaped and as it was now

lunchtime had the time to look for him.

Chris easily climbed up and out of the wire mesh waste bin…once at ground

level he could see Becky the other side of the room on her hands and knees

looking for him.

Not thinking of his foolishness he ran out into the open toward her…big

mistake as Ruth was still on the prowl and was looking for him also.

Suddenly a black loafer landed mere inches from Chris (inches to Chris that

is). He hit it hard and collapsed onto his back, the last thing he saw was

Ruth’s evil grin as she swung her foot on its heel and lowered the ball of her

foot onto him.

"No…O’ god please no." Becky screamed as she saw what Ruth had done.

Ruth stood there she could just about feel a slight bump under her foot and

she knew that just a little more pressure from her and he’d pop!

"Don’t come any closer…I mean it."

Becky stopped as Ruth’s foot lowered just that little bit more.

"Please let him be…please."

Ruth put her hand on her chin and thought for a moment.

"Hmm what’s it worth?"

"Ermm…I…I’ll be your best friend forever and ever."

"No way…I don’t want you as a friend…Beaky Becky no way!"

Chris was in so much pain it was, even the slightest twitch from her sent new

meaning to the word suffering.

"Please let him go, please…I’ll do anything."


Ruth hadn’t noticed that Steph had entered the room and from what she’d

heard and seen she was pretty sure that Ruth had Chris beneath her foot.

"God yes, anything."

"Let me think for a moment…Na I’d rather see the look on your face as your

Dad pop’s under my foot."

Chris felt the pressure increase a little and coughed up blood…his nose had

been bleeding so much he was surprised that he had any blood to cough up!

"Nooooo." Becky screamed as Ruth leaned forward to press her foot flat.

Steph had sneaked right up behind Ruth and in the nick of time wrapped her

arms around Ruth and lifted her off of the ground.

"Let go of me…let me go."

Becky ran to the spot where her foot had been…but Chris wasn’t there just a

pool of blood…she was too late.

Steph was just about to release Ruth when Becky called to her.

"No Steph don’t; don’t let her feet touch the ground."

Becky had noticed something hanging from the sole of Ruth’s shoe. As she

knelt down and held her foot still she could see that it was Chris he’d been

wedged in the deep tread of the shoe…he was still alive. Carefully she prised

him out and then held his convulsing body in her open palm as tears built up

in her eyes.

"Is he ok?" Steph said as she threw Ruth to the ground and kicked her a

couple of times.

Chris realising he was in safe hands nodded as best he could to Steph’s

question…he was already feeling a lot better.

Half hour later and Chris was feeling a whole lot better as Becky and Steph

had taken him to the girls locker room and really cleaned him up well…Becky

had phoned Cally whom had been frantically looking for Chris all morning and

was relieved to hear he was ok.

"Are you sure your ok Dad?"

"Yea stop fussing…in fact I’m better than ok, all those years at school of

trying to get in the girls locker room and I’m here at last…it was worth it!"

All three laughed as Becky placed Chris carefully into her bag and then she

and Steph went out to meet Cally as she was coming to collect him and take

him home.

Chris sat comfortably in the bag as it motion was rather relaxing, he caught

sight of the ruler and shook his head…

"All this bloody hassle because I wanted to see how much I’d shrunk and I

still don’t know how much?"

* * * *

Chris walked through Regent Street and looked down at the small houses he

walked a little further past Bond Street and eventually stopped at Park Lane,

there below him stood one single hotel.

"Yippee that’s mine…let me see…that’ll cost you, with one Hotel £1,500


Chris looked up at Becky and sighed.

"Kim would you pay the lady for me please."

Cally was staying the night and after Chris had eaten something after

spending a little time trapped in Kim’s stocking they were all sat around the

dinning table playing Monopoly.

Kim was the Car, Cally was the Boot and Becky was the Hat, Chris…well Chris

was himself!

"Sorry Chris but you don’t have enough to pay her!"

"What…you gotta be joking! I had loads of money!"

"Yea, but on this last go round the board you landed on Trafalgar square

which has a Hotel on it so you had to pay me, and then you landed on

Piccadilly Circus which also has a hotel on it so you had to pay Cally and now

Park lane…"

"Hmm, you sure I haven’t got enough to cover it?"

"Well if you sell your house’s on Regent Street, Bond Street and Oxford Circus

and then mortgage the properties then…yea just about."

"But if I do that I’ll have no way of getting any money back!"

"Not my problem…besides that’s what the game is all about."

Chris looked over at Becky.

"Becky honey…super daughter, twinkle of my eye…"

"No I want my money." She smiled down at him.


"No…I want my money."

"Stupid game anyway." Chris said under his breath as he kicked the Hotel

over on Park Lane.

"Right I want another hundred for property damage please."

"What! That’s not in the rules…"

"No, but it’s what we agreed at the beginning…remember any movement of

property by dice or LITTLE PERSONS would result in a hundred pound fine."

Kim Chirped in.

"Come on Dad pay up."

"I’ll give you the hundred when I pass go."

"No…you’ll give it to me now!"

"But I can’t I don’t have anymore cash."

Becky smiled at her Dad as she reached over and took all his mortgaged


"Hey, what you doing?"

"Putting you out of the game…I own all your properties now…in fact I own


"You can’t do that."

"O yes she can…and she has!" Cally said as she leaned in close to him.

"Right my turn." Kim said as she reached for the dice.

"Hang on a minute Mum…Dad come on over here you’re my piece now so

stand on King’s cross please."

Chris huffed and puffed a little as he walked over to King cross.

"Good." Becky said as she reached over and removed the hat.

"Can I through the dice now please?" Kim said sarcastically.

Kim threw the dice one of which rolled onto Kings Cross causing Chris to

evade it rather quickly.

"Wow, careful babe…that nearly had me."

"Oop’s sorry." Kim giggled slightly.

The game continued for another hour before Becky was bankrupted by Cally.

Becky huffed a little and crossed her arms as her face pouted.

"Right then Kim…game on just the two of us." Cally said rubbing her hands.

Chris was pleased Becky had been eliminated for he was bored, walking

round the stupid board at the command of how many dots showed up on the


He walked across the board toward Becky, figuring he could sit with her when

suddenly he was pinched between Cally’s thumb and finger.

"Waaaaaaa." Chris yelped as Cally lifted him up.

Cally held in front of her face.

"And just where do you think you’re going?"

"To sit with Becky…why?"

"I won you…so know you’re my piece…you replace the boot."

"O’ come on I’m tired…please."

"Nope you’re mine now so start on Old Kent Road."

Cally placed him on Old Kent Road and removed the boot.

Chris was not a happy chappie…Becky was out and just sitting there

watching, why couldn’t he!

"Nine, come on Chris, I threw a nine."

Chris was still daydreaming and hadn’t really heard her.

"Nine please, come on Chris." Cally said as she poked him with her finger.

"What? O’ yea ok I’m going."

Slowly he trudged up the board until he reached just visiting.

Kim took her go and landed on Bond Street with one house she huffed and

paid up…there was only going to be one winner it was just a matter of time.

Cally took her go and Chris moved up until he stopped at Vine Street, which

was owned by Kim.

"Mine, mine…with one Hotel that’ll be £900 please."

Chris suddenly got an idea and kicked over the Hotel.

"O’ dear…another £100 please."


"That what we agreed at the start."

Kim righted her Hotel only for Chris to knock it over again.

"Hee, another £100 please."

"Chris stop it." Cally sounded a little upset.

Kim sniggered and righted her Hotel once more, only for Chris to knock it

over again.

"Hee, hee you know what I’m gonna ask for."

"Right that’s it you’re fired little man…fired."

Cally placed the boot next to Chris and picked him up, before he could protest

she placed him on the floor next to her feet and sarcastically smiled at him as

she sat back up and continued with the game.

"Oi, don’t leave me down here; Oi." Chris screamed up at her.

True he didn’t want to play any more but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to


Walking over to her slipper he climbed onto the toe and walked up her foot

until her came to her bare skin. He lay down and began to stoke it.

Cally could feel him on her foot and chose to ignore him…but now he was

tickling her…she had to be careful what she did for she didn’t want to hurt

him. She shook her foot a little but Chris hung on tight; she shook it a little

harder but still he held tight.

Chris was pleased with him self, he knew he was bothering her.

Cally slid her foot out of her slipper, which caught Chris a little off guard and

her ended up tumbling into the opening. Instantly he felt the heat and smelt

the unpleasant odour, wasting no time he got up and moved to the side and

quickly escaped just as she slid her foot back in.

Cally smiled to her self, as she couldn’t feel Chris tickling her anymore…she’d


Chris had in fact given up on tickling her and was heading across the floor to

Kim’s feet in the hope that she’d pick him up.

He approached Kim’s feet with caution for he knew what a fidget she was and

if she was unaware that he was there it could be mighty dangerous.

Giving her feet a wide berth her made his way under her seat and slowly

moved toward her exposed heels. He still found it amazing to think that he

was actually standing next to his wife’s feet and the sole of her slipper came

up past his knees! He thumped her a couple of times hard on the back of her


Kim leaned over and could see Chris at the back of her heel.

"What do you want?" She enquired.

"I wanna come back up there."

Kim smiled and replied, "Well what’s stopping you?"

"Very funny…look I’m laughing ha, ha."

Kim returned to the game and ignored the further hitting on her foot.

Chris had missed his chance with Becky she’d just got up and walked off into

the lounge…he could go and sit with her and watch a movie…no she’d

probably watch something soppy.

Chris thought for a moment as he sat behind Kim’s heels…should he try

climbing her? It would be a long climb and very tiring but at least it would

prove that he didn’t need her help…well not directly anyway!

He was going to do it; he was going to climb MOUNT KIMBERLY.

* * * *

5 Weeks earlier

Since last weeks incident involving Stephanie and the chewing gum Chris had

gone out of his way to steer clear of both Becky and Steph…and today was

no exception.

"Please Cally…I promise I’ll be good."

"No Chris…I’m not taking you with me."

"Please…o’ pretty please."

"Look if you come then you’ll be staying in my handbag and you won’t be

seeing the light of day until we get home."

"Yea sure, what ever…anything you say!"

"Ok then."

Cally bent down and picked Chris up and then carefully placed him in her


It was half term and Becky was home with Steph and they both seemed

disappointed that Cally was taking Chris with her.

"Now you two behave and I’ll be home in an hour or two."

Chris was beginning to think he’d made a bad call…it wasn’t exactly

comfortable in here and the bouncing of the bag as she walked didn’t help

matters either.

By the time Cally reached the hairdressers Chris was right fed up and he’d

only been in there for twenty minute’s.

"Morning, can I help you?"

"Good morning, yes I have an appointment for 11.30, name of Hillman…Cally


"Arrr yes, please follow me."

Cally went and sat in the chair, she lowered her bag to the floor and relaxed.

She enjoyed having her hair cut and found it nice and relaxing when her head

was washed and massaged.

Chris sat there quietly in the dark, he knew they had entered the hairdressers

and he knew that Cally was sitting down that much he’d been able to make


Why did he need to stay in here…surly it wouldn’t hurt to have a little look

around…would it.

Chris pilled up some of the items in her handbag to give him enough height

to reach the top of the bag. He was lucky that it was only a single magnetic

clasp in the middle so being just less than 3 ½ inches in height really helped

to squeeze through those tiny gaps. Pushing a little harder he popped his

head out of the bag, with a little more effort he was out and sliding down the

side of the bag. He looked around from his vantage point on the floor and

could see Cally’s pretty feet to the left of him and then various other pairs of

feet along the line of hairdressers.

He didn’t want to go far just far enough to be able to see everyone that was

around…he liked to put faces to feet and he needed a lift to be able to do


The hairdresser working on Cally was right in front of her so he guessed she

must have been cutting the fringe or something like that. He’d decided his

best route would to run under the bench along the front window and them

make his way over to the coat rack and from there he hoped he’d be able to

climb a little.

So making sure the coast was clear he made a run for the bench. He’d only

covered a foot or so when Cally’s hairdresser moved around to her back.

Chris suddenly saw these huge black mules drop from the sky and block his

path. He stopped and began to edge his way around them when a large

clump of Cally’s wet hair landed bang on his head.

Chris struggled to free himself as another heavy clump landed right on top of

the last. He heard the thumps as her feet moved around him…he was in

trouble, big trouble. Eventually he began to see the light only to see a course

heavy brush-heading straight for him.

The young apprentice Marie was brushing up the hair and she’d inadvertently

brushed up Chris too.

Chris was swept into the dustpan and then deposited into the bin. Chris was

in real trouble he found himself buried deep in hair not knowing which how

far to the top if indeed he could even reach the top.

Chris struggled to climb to the top, not only did the hair and grim collapse

beneath him but a lot of the hair was sticky with gel and Chris was already

completely covered from head to toe.

It was twenty minutes before Chris saw light as Marie pushed the pedal down

on the bin and the lid flipped up. Chris Screamed and jumped up and down as

she emptied yet more hair and this time a blob of gel landed smack on his

head…did his luck stink or what.

Again he was in darkness and the top of the bin was well out of his reach…or

was it? What if he climbed up the bin liner, if he could make small holes as he

went he could use them for foot holds and then once at the top wait for her

to open it again.

It was worth a shot; after all he didn’t have anything else to try. And so he

began, it was harder than he thought it would be, making the holes was a

real struggle but eventually he did reach the top. Now all he had to do was


It seemed like forever but eventually the lid opened and Marie stood above

him emptying the contents of her pan. Chris didn’t waste any time and quickly

climbed up and over the lip of the bin. He was hanging from the edge of the

liner when Marie took her foot from the pedal causing the lid to slam shut.

Chris realised just how close that was another second sooner and he’d have

been mashed under it, as it was though he was back in the outside world.

He lowered himself as far as he could before letting go, he bounced off of the

pedal and landed next to it, a little shaken but everything seemed to be ok.

Chris found that he was in the small staff room at the back of the salon there

were two women sitting at a table chatting…Christ how long had it been,

would Cally still be here?

Chris moved awkwardly due to having all this hair stuck to him and the gel

beginning to set. Making sure he kept close to the skirting board he walked

through the corridor toward the salon. Suddenly the door swung open and

Marie came walking through, Chris froze as she walked right past him. He

needed to make it through the door before she returned, as there wasn’t a

small enough gap underneath for him to squeeze under.

Awkwardly he stumbled through the open door just as Marie came bounding

up behind him. The door slammed shut and the draft it caused sent Chris

sprawling over the ground.

He quickly got up and walked back to the skirting board, he could see Cally,

she was still there but she was mile’s away on the other side of the salon, for

him to reach her he’d have to venture out into the open for he wouldn’t have

time to walk around the edge.

There was no time to waste so Chris started the precarious journey over the

vas expanse of the Salon floor.

So far so good, he’d made it about half way without too many problems.

Trouble was he was getting slower and slower as the gel set harder and


With Cally’s bag clearly in sight Chris was getting over confident, true he

wasn’t moving very fast now but he should still keep still when someone

walks by…unless of course he needs to evade there feet!

Marie was sweeping up when she noticed movement out the corner of her

eye; she turned round and could see this clump of hair slowly moving along

the floor.

"Must be the wind." She said to her self.

But looking again she could see quite clearly that it was moving…and it had

nothing to do with wind.

She walked over to it slowly and looked closer as she stood above it.

What was it, should she just stamp on it.

Chris was totally unawhere of the pretty young woman watching him…he only

had one thing on his mind…the bag, he needed to get back into it before he

seized up totally.

Marie stood back up and resting her foot on her heel slowly began to lower

her foot.

"Marie, what are you doing?"

"Err what. O’ nothing…well no here have a look at this."

She slid her foot back and the slightly overweight blonde woman stepped up

next to her.

"Yuck! I hate those hairy cretins."

Without another word she lifted her foot and slammed it down right on top of

Chris…or so she thought.

As her foot hit the ground she’d actually stamped on a clump of hair next to


Chris literally shit his pants as this red shoe slammed the ground next to him

with such a force that it lifted him clean off of his feet and sent him about

10ft closer to his goal.

The woman lifted her shoe to examine the bottom of her sole and to both her

and Marie’s astonishment it was only hair.

"Well I guess it was just the wind after all." Said Marie as she went back to


Chris made it to Cally’s bag and climbed in just as the Gel set solid.

Once home Cally removed him from her bag and shook her head, after

washing him off she told him.

"That’s the last time I take you anywhere in my bag!"

* * * *

Standing there looking up Kim’s shin the severity of the task at hand was all

too daunting, could he do it…more to the point should he do it. He heard the

women laugh above him, he wanted so much to be back up on the table

sharing in the joke, and again he called to Kim. He wasted his breath for she

could no more hear him call up to her than see a pink flying pig fly past her


He held his head low and decided to go and see Becky, as he trudged out

from under Kim’s seat the roar of laughter assaulted his tiny ears.

Enough is enough man has conquered Everest; split the Atom…hell we’ve

even landed on the Moon, so he would conquer Mount Kimberly!

Chris summand up his courage as he ran back under her chair. Her left foot

was pushed back and sitting on its toe but her right foot sat flat on the

ground…right leg it is!

Carefully he climbed up onto the toe of her slipper and walked along the top

until he stepped off onto her foot.

Kim immediately felt his tiny feet on her foot.

"Hmm, I wonder what he’s up to?" She thought to herself.

Chris took hold of her stocking and being so small it was like fishing net to

him making it easy for him to take hold and begin climbing up.

Ten minute’s past and he was about half way up her shin…it was harder than

he’d thought, a lot harder!

Kim could feel him on her and had kept her leg as still as possible but feeling

how far he’d got it was time for a little fun. She bent her leg back until her

foot was resting up on its toe.

Chris lost his footing as the shin changed from a vertical slope to one where

the knee hung out a lot further. He was hanging there from her shin by only

his hands, he screamed for help but none was coming.

Kim smiled to herself as she felt him swinging about on her shin.

With great effort he managed to manoeuvre himself around her leg until he

was almost able to stand on her calf muscle.

Kim was impressed by how he’d moved around her leg and found good

footing on her calf…so impressed that she left her leg in that position for

quite awhile.

Chris quickly climbed up the calf muscle until he was just under the crease of

her knee. Now for the tough part, he needed to climb around and pull himself

up the inside of her leg. With great difficulty he began the task at hand, at

one point he slipped and almost fell, the drop would surly have killed him…or

was his weight insignificant enough to stave off a heavy impact like if you

drop a spider? He didn’t want to find out!

Kim was enjoying feeling him on the sensitive part of her leg, so much so in

fact that she’d missed charging Cally when she’d landed on a couple of her


Chris was a relieved man as he fell to his knees on the inside of her skirt

between her mighty thighs. While he rested getting his breath back he looked

into the dark and could just make out her red panties…the same red panties

that he’d been forced to spend quality time in when he was a little larger.

What he needed to do now was climb up to the top of her knee and

then…suddenly the walls started closing in on him, Kim was closing her legs.

Chris fell to the floor as her thighs met each other and he found himself held

tightly in the triangle that formed between them. He could move…well he

could but not much; but it was enough to get Kim’s attention.

She could feel his tiny body squirming around beneath her…it felt good, real


"Kim are you ok?" Cally enquired.

"What? Hmm, I mean yes fine…phew! Just a little hot in here."

"Yea you look a little hot, shall I get us another drink?"

"Would you, that would be nice thanks."

Kim eased her legs apart slightly thus releasing her tiny captive…she was

eager to find out where he would go next.

Chris thumped at her thighs a couple of times angry that she’d done that to

him, she knew he was there he was sure of it…but he had no idea just how

hot he was making her feel!

Cally returned with the drinks and Kim quickly drank some of the cool

refreshing liquid…she thought that maybe her little man might be thirsty?

When Cally wasn’t looking Kim carefully scooped a little of the drink onto her

upturned fingernail and carefully reached down between her legs.

Chris was just about to resume his climb when her huge hand appeared, he

could see that she was holding her finger out and that it was wet. He

understood and carefully drank what was left from her up turned nail…perfect

now he’ll hitch a ride back to the tabletop…or so he thought!

Quickly Chris wrapped himself around her finger.

Kim was having none of that and flicked at him with her other fingers; Chris

soon let go as he was rudely assaulted. Sitting on his butt he watched as her

hand quickly withdrew.

"Bitch! I’ll teach you!" He yelled out.

Getting to his feet he ran fast at her panties and shoulder charged her nether


Kim flinched and almost spat out the mouthful of drink she’d just taken.

"Kim, you alright?"

"Oops, yea…drink went down the wrong way."

Chris stepped back and again shoulder charged her. He thought he was

pissing her off…he had no idea that she was getting hotter and hotter the

more he charged at her.

Another bulls eye! Chris hadn’t realised just how much of her panties he’d

pushed into her and after the last assault he noticed just how wet his

shoulder had become…he needed to rest before he continued on his journey

so he slid down the inside of right thigh and rested for a moment.

Kim had almost peeked when he’d finished, she could feel that her face was

flushed and that she was having trouble controlling her breathing…Cally kept

looking at her quizzically, but she just smiled and got on with the game. But

now that he’d stopped she was annoyed, she was sure he knew just how

close she was and as usual he couldn’t last to finish her off…or maybe he

didn’t want to!

Quickly she reached under her skirt.

Chris was taken aback at the speed in which her fingers wrapped around

him…he thought he’d won! That she was going to place him on the table!

Instead she pulled the top of her stocking out slightly and pushed him in

there and then letting it snap back into place she effectively restrained him.

Chris struggled to free himself as Kim excused herself for a toilet break.

His world moved and then he watched in oar as her mighty thighs gracefully

passed each other by, over and over.

Kim soon reached the bathroom and without hesitation dropped her skirt. She

quickly took a hold of Chris and bought him to face level.

"Well my little climber…thought you’d tease me? Get me that excited and

them leave alone…I don’t think so."

"What? What are you talking about…I…O shit."

Chris suddenly thought about the wetness and the fidgeting she’d been

doing…he was in trouble.

Kim laid him down and began fastening his legs together with cotton.

"Thought you could excite a big woman like me and leave the job half done!"

"Please Kim…I didn’t think…for god sake please."

She’d tied him nice and tight and was dangling him before her face to prove

the point.

"There we go, should keep you safe and sound."

Before Chris could say another word he found himself on an express elevator

to hell!

Kim had taken her panties off and standing with her legs slightly parted she

thrust him up her as far as she could. She then tied off the piece of cotton to

her suspender and closed her legs.

Chris took a deep breath as he saw her giant pussy fast approaching, before

he could say, "tally ho!" he was submerged within her…completely!

Kim stood tall while closing her eyes and tilting her head back…it was

amazing…her husband was totally consumed within her and she could feel his

struggles…she was close very close and still Chris kicked and wriggled

about…"just a little more." She kept telling herself "just a little more."

Chris was struggling to breath, this was far worse than the last time he’d

visited here…having said that at least now even with her muscle contraction

he wasn’t too badly crushed…but breathing was defiantly the major problem.

He kicked and struggled as much as humanly possible for he knew he needed

to get his giant wife off before she’d release him.

Kim was mighty close now…she could feel it building inside her; she needed

release. She stood with her hands against the wall leaning forward slightly

with her legs parted a little…it was coming.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Hello, Kim are you ok?"

"O’ god…just fine, I’ll be…yes, yes…out in a mo."

"Err ok."

Mount Kimberly erupted…she was no mountain to be conquered…she was a

raging Volcano that has just blown its top!

Chris felt one last build up of pressure before it suddenly released and he

found himself riding the wave of juices right out of her…he screamed the

moment he left the safety of her pussy.

He managed to open his eyes slightly as the ground fast approached…he was

done for…is this how its going to end, a mess of broken bones…a bloody pulp

mixed with his own wife’s juices…No!

Suddenly the cotton around his legs pulled tight and he slowed down, he just

managed to touch the ground before he sprang back up.

"Holy shit! I’ve just made the biggest free fall bungee jump ever! I should get

me name in the Guinness book of records for that one." Chris enthused.

A couple more bounces and he was done…literally!

Kim relaxed a little and carefully untied her man from the cotton…he did look

beat…but he also had the largest smile she’d ever seen upon his face!

* * * *

A little over 4 weeks earlier

Chris lay on his pillow under the sofa…bored! It was Saturday and as usual

Kim had gone out shopping with her friends and Becky was over at Steph’s.

He’d told Kim long ago when he first shrunk below the 4ft mark that she

should get on with her life as normal as possible and that he would try to do

the same. At first it was hard for Kim but now, well Chris just wished she’d

spend a little more time with him…after all the day might soon arrive when

he’s no longer around, Chris shuddered he didn’t like to think like that he still

hoped that this confounded shrinking would stop. Hell he’d settle for living a

life this small…it was living after all!

Chris got up and went for a walk around the living room, he was quite safe

seeing that no one was in, but still he kept an eye out. It still shocked him to

see how big normal everyday things had become and were still becoming

bigger it was as if the whole world were changing…getting bigger not he that

were getting smaller.

Walking through into the kitchen he could hear voices in the back garden…it

sounded like Becky, but she was over at Steph’s with strict instructions not to

come home until Kim was home.

Making his way to the back door he was sure he could hear Becky. He had to

see what was going on. Problem was being so small now there was no way to

reach a window and even the cat flap that had been installed for him long

ago was now way out of his reach.

"Come on think man…think."

Chris looked around the kitchen floor, there was nothing…well not quite

nothing there were both Kim’s and Becky’s slippers on the mat by the back

door, but what use were they…for a start he couldn’t move one even if he

wanted too!

"Wait, I’ve got it." He yelled excitedly.

He remembered the birdcage that sat on the floor under the stairs in the

hall…there was still a ladder in there that he could use.

After 10 or so minutes Chris was standing looking up at the cage, it was one

of those with the spring loaded door about half way up, he was sure he had

the strength to open it and to climb in but carrying up a ladder and opening

the door from the inside would be a totally different challenge all together.

Chris could only just reach above the blue plastic base, but once he had a

hold of the bars it was plain sailing until he reached the door. Holding onto

the bars with his right hand he pulled on the door with his left hand using the

strength in his legs to open it slightly…soon he realised that it was useless, he

couldn’t even open it without carrying ladders and if he did manage to get in

would he be able to get out?

Dejected Chris climbed down the cage and slumped to his arse defeated.

He was so bored that even the thought of just being able to see his daughter

play with her friends was exciting and now that he faced the challenge of

seeing that he wasn’t defeated for long.

"What about the sliding tray for cleaning…if I could edge that out a little

maybe I could squeeze under?"

Chris made his way round to the end of the cage that wasn’t against the wall

and as luck would have it, it was the side that you slid out for cleaning.

Bending down he took a firm hold and pulled with all his might…it wouldn’t

budge. Again he positioned himself and pulled…still it didn’t move. This time

he lay on his back and with his feet planted on the side of the cage he took a

firm hold and pulled, his face quickly reddened and the veins in his neck grew

as he clenched his teeth and groaned…suddenly there was movement, it was

working the cleaning tray was coming out…if only a little.

Chris had pulled with all his might and was worried that if he pulled any

harder he’d do himself an injury. But looking down he figured the gap was big

enough for him to crawl under.

It was…Chris stood triumphantly at the bottom of the cage looking up at the

perch’s above him and the all-important prize he’d struggled so hard to

win…the ladder!

Climbing up the side of the cage he soon reached the perch that the ladder

hung from. The next trick was to get along the perch to where the ladder


Being that the perch was round there was no way Chris was going to walk on

it…what if he fell? Looking down it was easily a 10ft drop to him if not more!

He decided the best way would be to scurry along it on his belly using his legs

as a counter balance, it worked…he found himself at the ladder in no time.

Chris bought a leg up and straddled the perch. Once he was nicely balanced

he unhooked the ladder and let it fall to the bottom of the cage.

A little later Chris was at the bottom of the cage trying to push the ladder

under the gap that he’d squeezed through to get in there and to his delight it

fitted just nicely.

Chris squeezed under the gap and was soon on his way to the kitchen

dragging the ladder behind him.

Once at the back door he positioned the ladder on top of Kim’s slipper and

found that it was still a couple of feet short of the cat flap, but he should be

able to reach the lip if he stood on the top rung.

Reaching up after balancing precariously on the top rung he managed to get

a firm grip on the ledge and pull himself up…pleased with himself he was

eager to see what Becky was up to, but as he pushed on the cat flap it

wouldn’t open…he pushed as hard as he could and even barged it a couple of

times with his shoulder and then it dawned on him, he needed the key…the

electronic key that would hang from a cats collar.

"O’ bollards, I don’t believe it…how could I have been so stupid."

Chris sat on the ledge for a moment racking his brains; where had he left the

key…the spare was in the kitchen draw with the cutlery, so that was out of

the equation. Where had he left it?

"I remember."

He jumped down and landed softly inside Kim’s slipper, he climbed out and

headed for the fridge.

Gingerly he walked down the side of the fridge and could see in the dark

corner the small barrel shaped electronic key.

He didn’t like looking in the dark places in the kitchen, at his size he didn’t like

bumping into creepy crawlies…he didn’t like them when he was normal sized

but now…the thought made him shudder.

Quickly he picked up the key and was once again running along the kitchen

floor toward the back door.

Chris stood at the base of the flap and pushed, to his delight he opened it

easily enough and crawled under without any problems.

Carefully he sat down in the corner with his legs hanging down and he rested

the key next to him. He wished he could get down but the drop was to far

and he’d never be able to get back up. But at least he could see Becky and

her friends…even if it was from a distance.

It was a lovely afternoon and Chris was really enjoying watching Becky

playing with her friends, it made a change from television and beside the

fresh air was doing him good.

Chris smiled to himself as he watched the girls play "Handicap catch" well that

what he thought it was called. Each of the girls would throw the ball to each

other and if the one receiving it dropped it, she would then have to drop onto

one knee, if she dropped it again, down onto two knees and so on until you

were out.

It was nice to see them playing and laughing; this whole shrinking business

had been hard on Becky at first…true she loved the day she stood taller than

her dad…but some days had been real hard for her.

Suddenly Chris was shaken as the tennis ball they were playing with hit the

door hard, almost knocking him off…in fact had it been a foot or so lower

Chris would have ended up a messy stain on the door!

The girls were playing a little closer to the back door now and after the ball

incident Chris realised that it was a little too dangerous for him to be out

here. He looked down for the electronic key and felt sick to the stomach as he

saw that the key was actually on the floor below…it must have fallen when

the ball had hit the door!

Chris stood and tried pushing the flap…but it wouldn’t budge. What could he

do? That decision was suddenly taken from him!


Again the door thudded and this time Chris lost his balance and fell hard onto

the concrete floor below.

He lay there stunned for a moment as one of the girls came bounding over to

get the ball.

Ruth retrieved the ball and didn’t notice the tiny man laying a couple off feet

from her foot.

Chris rolled over and gingerly got to his feet, he looked up and knew

immediately he wasn’t going back in the way he’d come out. Holding his head

in his hands he felt like screaming…but what use was that, the girls would

never hear him. And while they were playing as they were he dared not go

near them for fear of being stood on!

What was he to do? Waiting for the girls to settle down seemed like a good

idea…but what if there just up and leave once they’ve finished their game!

No, Kim was the answer…if he could get round to the front of the house he

could wait until her car pulls up and then attract her attention as she walked

to the door.

So keeping a close eye out Chris hurriedly ran around the house.

Everything was going just fine until he reached the side gate it was then that

he heard the thunder behind him. He stopped and looked around, it was

Becky and her friends running up the path toward him laughing and pushing

each other.

Quickly he ran toward the wall and stood against it as there huge feet passed

him by. He was glad that he hadn’t waited in the back garden as he’d thought

about for he’d only be beginning this journey now not half way through it.

He resumed his slow jog and pretty soon he was outside the front door,

unfortunately the step up was a little too high for him to make so he couldn’t

just wait for the door to be opened to walk in he would need to be found. He

sat there under the step for a moment and knew he needed to find

somewhere with a bit of cover for he was too exposed like this. Looking

around he found the perfect hiding place…an old food tin that lay on it’s side,

if he could just turn it a little so that the opening faced out onto the drive

then he could watch for Kim to return without having to watch his back.

Making his way over to the old tin he was pleased to see that it was fairly

clean inside and that whatever had been in here was pretty much dried up.

Chris moved the tin around to the right direction and then gathered himself a

couple of leaves to sit upon and after making himself comfortable settled

down to wait.

Wait he did…Kim did enjoy her shopping!

Chris fell asleep and was only awoken by the can moving. Opening his eyes

he could see a training shoe positioned right in front of the opening, before

he could move the front of the tin collapsed in front of him almost blocking

out all the light.

Kim had pulled into the drive and Becky had just run up to greet her.

Climbing out of the car Kim asked Becky to help her with the shopping, Becky

grabbed a couple of bags and headed for the front door. As she reached the

door she placed the bags on the floor and waited for her mum, as she did she

spotted the tin at her feet. She placed her foot on top of it and let her weight

increase until the edge of the tin collapsed under the strain.

Chris was screaming as the entire tin began to buckle. Becky was now

balancing on the on the base of it, she was intrigued just how long it would

be before it collapsed and became completely flat.


Chris was trapped, there was no way out and the tin was groaning under her

weight…he knew it wouldn’t be long, he backed up against the bottom of the

tin as it started to bend over. Screaming more he kneeled down, as the

ceiling of the tin got ever closer.

Kim reached the front door and opened it…Becky stepped off of the crumpled

tin and picked up the bags to step in.

"Hold on young lady…don’t leave that rubbish on the door step, put it in the

bin please."

"Arrr but mum."

"No buts just bin it."

Becky stepped back and kicked the tin toward the door but getting no height

it just smashed against the step.

Chris was in a small space where the tin hadn’t quite flattened out…he was

still alive! He lurched violently as Becky kicked the tin, as it hit the step his

body squeezed itself into an opening it had no business in being in.

"Don’t kick it…pick it up please."

Becky huffed and put one of the bags down but before she picked it up she

gave it one last kick.

He foot hit the edge hard while the other edge remained tightly against the

step, the tin opened slightly…enough for Chris to see light and hopefully an

escape route if he were quick.

Becky bent down and picked up the can.

"Dirty thing…" She mumbled under her breath.

Picking up the bags again she followed Kim into the house and with her foot

closed the door behind her.

Chris was wedge between the walls; it reminded him of when he’d seen

climbers on the TV climbing what they called "Chimneys."

Slowly he pulled himself closer to the light as Becky walked with the tin in her


Once in the kitchen Becky put the bags down and placed the can on the floor.

Chris could see his daughter standing above him as she conversed with Kim.

He yelled for help but they couldn’t hear him…just a couple more feet and

he’d be free, it was just a at that point that Becky placed her foot atop the

tin…she was going to collapse it before binning it!

Chris screamed in horror as Becky’s grooved sole blocked out the light.

"Not in here please, you’ll damage the floor."

Kim bent down and picked up the tin.

Chris was a relieved man and screamed for help as the tin moved violently.

Kim opened up the cupboard under the sink that housed the kitchen bin. She

pushed the tin at the flap until it was open enough and then just dropped it


Chris was glad to still be alive but wished that he’d never left his pillow this

afternoon…all this trouble just because he was bored!

Lucky the bin was rather full and after exiting the tin it wasn’t long before he

managed to reach the top.

Jumping up he managed to get a hold of the lip of the swing bin, after pulling

himself up he was easily able to push the swing lid open and climb out.

Problem now was how to get down…the bin was smooth plastic and the drop

too far for him to fall. Edging around the lid until he was at the back of it he

found the perfect answer…

Suddenly light flooded into the dark cupboard and the bin lid flapped up

sending Chris hurtling through the air.

Kim had just put the old carrier bags into the bin, and that simple action had

proved devastating for Chris!

He flew uncontrollably threw the air until he hit the back of the cupboard, he

then began the downward journey until he landed on the cold tiled floor.

He shook his head and was glad to be alive…but where was he…He’d fallen

into the space behind the cupboard and landed in the area behind the boards

at the bottom of a fitted kitchen.

Was there no escape from here! He could see light shine through the bottom

where the boards met the floor…but the gap wasn’t even big enough for him

to put his hand under.

He could hear Kim and Becky talking…they stood only a few feet away, but it

may well have been on another continent for there was no way they’d ever

hear him.

It did give him some comfort to know how near they were, but how the hell

was he going to get out of here!

It was dark and even felt damp, he remembered when he’d plumbed in the

dishwasher he’d removed the bottom boards to position the waste pipe. The

area was full of creepy crawlies, he was glad now that he bothered to vacuum

them all up including the spider webs…but that was over a year ago! What

lived in there now apart from him?

At least thinking like that had given him the solution of how to escape this

prison. When he’d plumbed in the dishwasher he’d incorrectly made a hole in

one of the cupboard sides. He knew that this hole was right next to the one

he later made that was in the correct place for the waste pipe.

Staying close to the front board where there was at least a little light he

walked along until he was pretty sure that he was near the waste pipe.

He know knew how a blind man felt…well close to it…it was dark, very dark

and all he could do was feel with his hands.

Luckily he found the pipe…being a heavily ribbed pipe it was very

distinguishable between that and the smooth water pipes. Feeling his way

along it until it raised up, looking up he could see little light coming from the

hole he needed to climb through.

So far so go, no bugs. Being a little less than 3 ½ inches tall he was still big

enough to fend off a roach or spider but he didn’t want to have to try.

Climbing up the pipe was easy and soon he reached the hole, he leaned over

and pulled himself up and into it, it was a little tight but he squeezed trough

and had no choice but to drop to the floor below.

He landed awkwardly but apart from being a little bruised come morning he

was ok. He got to his feet and walked along the side of the dish washer until

he was out into the open floor of the kitchen…a sight he never realised he’d

be so pleased to see.

Looking over at the table he could see that Kim and Becky were eating…god

he was hungry.

As fast as he could he ran over to Kim’s chair.

"HELLO KIM, I’M DOWN HERE." He screamed up at her.

Kim continued to eat and chat with Becky…she couldn’t hear him.

Her feet were crossed and raised back on her toes under her chair, it should

be fairly easy to get her attention.

Chris walked up behind her huge bare sole but just as he were about to touch

it her feet slid forward and her chair moved back…she was getting up.

Quickly he turned and kept safely under her chair as she walked over to the


Not wanting to risk the open floor he headed for Becky but before he got to

her she too got up and left the table.

He waited to see if either would return but guessed they weren’t when Becky

started clearing the table.

Chris made his way to the lounge and slumped tiredly onto his pillow.

He hadn’t been in there five minutes when he saw Becky’s feet thunder in

and then her knees smash the ground in front of him. Her face appeared and

smiled at him as she reached in and picked him up.

"Arghhhh! Becky not so rough."

"Cry baby, I only picked you up."

"Please, you know I don’t like it…ask me first."

Becky sat on the couch and placed Chris on the pillow next to her.

"I bet you had a boring day!"

"Like you wouldn’t believe…"

* * * *

Chris woke on the 3rd buzz of the alarm, and shortly after felt the ground

rumble as Kim got out of bed. He was still tired what with all the climbing and

sexual activities of the day before. He rolled over to try and get a little more

sleep but as he did something didn’t feel quite right?

Opening his eyes confirmed that something was indeed different; the

underneath of the bed seemed higher than it had yesterday…

"Shit no, please don’t let it be."

Sitting up and throwing his cover from him confirmed his fears…he’d shrunk

again, for the first time in weeks he would have to face the world a little

smaller; well by the looks of things quite a bit smaller!

The sponge that Chris called bed was 6" long by 3" wide and 2" high,

standing at 2 ½" tall made for little effort to get on and off of it, but as he

leaned over the side it seemed more like a 7ft drop. Wasting no time he

dropped to the floor which in it’s self was something completely new as the

deep pile carpet was waist high now making it difficult for him to walk.

Looking back up to the top of the sponge that stood level with his chest only

yesterday he estimated that he had shrunk and inch or so over night,

reaching up he could just about get his hands past the edge.

He’d grown used to seeing everything from a 2 ½" perspective and in the

space of a night everything had nearly doubled in size…he was scarred!

If he’d stayed where he was he would have been found in no time at all as

surly Kim would have looked down on him as she normally did…but no he

decided to venture out into the expanse of the bedroom.

Chris had been on the move for a good ten minutes and already was feeling

tired as the carpet was really difficult to manoeuvre through. Looking back he

could see he hadn’t really got that far…maybe 1 ½ to 2 feet from the huge

bed that still cast a shadow over him!

Suddenly Chris became aware of the ground shaking and the rumble of

distant thunder…only it wasn’t thunder it was Becky casually strolling down

the hall toward Chris’s bedroom.

Chris looked up in wonder as his huge colossus of a daughter stood at the

bedroom door.

"Becky…thank god, down here in the carpet…its me your father!"

Becky slowly got on her hands and knees and carefully crawled toward Chris.

He was under the impression that she’d heard him and now seen him, he

couldn’t have been more wrong and he was in grave danger as she moved

closer to him.

Becky was being quiet for she didn’t want to wake her Dad…well not until she

on top of him. She just loved making him jump in the morning…well

frightening the shit out of him really!

As she neared the bed she could already see that he wasn’t there.

Chris screamed up at her as her head hovered above him now, but she seem

to pay him no attention; it was then that her head began to pull away as she

began to get up of off the floor.

She pulled herself onto her knees and already Chris was in oar of her gigantic

size. He stood half buried in the carpet looking up at her as she bought her

foot up and planted it right next to him.

Chris gasped at the speed of which her foot landed…and the size was

unimaginable, right there and then he relieved himself…warm pee ran down

his leg and awakened him from his daze…he was in danger real danger.

Becky stood and looked around the carpet below for Chris, she turned and

looked toward the skirting board knowing that was always a safe place for

him…he wasn’t there?

As Becky turned on her toes she depressed the carpet next to Chris causing

him to roll under her raised foot…Chris was in trouble now as he knew any

second her foot would lay flat once more and he’d probably end up flat as


* * * *

6 ½ Months earlier

"No way! No, no, no, you can forget that idea." Chris said as he paced up and

down the kitchen floor.

"But honey…"

"Never mind, but honey, there is no way, no bloody way."

"Mummy, Dad said a naughty word!" Becky chimed in.

"Yes Becky I heard him."

"O’ sorry. But the answers still no."

"But we need to get you some new clothes."

Chris looked up at Kim as she sat leaning forward on the chair; he stood

barely 17" tall now…no taller than a newborn baby!

"I know…but can’t you get them without me, I’ll only slow you down." Chris

said as he reached over and placed his hand on her knee.

Kim smiled down at him and placed her hand on top of his, which caused

Chris to pull his hand away and look down at the floor.

"Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?"

"Pull away when ever I touch you?"

"I don’t!"

"Yes you do, you did it just then."

"No I didn’t."

"You did Daddy."

"Thank you Becky…sees even Becky noticed it."

Chris looked over at Becky and gave her a look.

"Well sorry I didn’t realise I had."

"But you always do…come on why is that?"


"Chris I’m serious, please tell me why do you always pull away."

Chris was feeling awkward now and didn’t know where to look.

"Well its just that…well my hand looks so small against yours, I feel kinda

stupid…I mean look at me…the man in a child’s body."

Kim smiled at him and reached out picking him up under the arms and

bringing him onto her lap and then hugged him hard.

Becky wanted in too and wrapped her arms around her Mum effectively

smothering Chris between them.

"Now you listen to me Chris, it doesn’t matter how small you are just

remember always that your still my husband and Becky’s father." Kim felt a

tear run down her cheek…it was getting harder on all of them.

"Oompffff." Was all Chris could muster smothered between them.

Five minutes later and the family hug had finished leaving Chris all hot and


"Right Becky go and put your shoe’s on." Kim instructed her.

"How long will you be?" Chris enquired.

Kim looked down at him and smiled.

"Well that depends on you."

"What do you mean…me?"

"Well…you can walk under your own steam or Becky can push you in one of

her dolly prams…hmm maybe I’ll just carry you."

"Jesus Christ Kim I said I’m not coming…how many more times."

Kim locked the front door and then walked over to the driver’s side of the car.

She climbed in and after doing up her seat belt looked in the rear view mirror

and smiled to herself.

Chris wasn’t smiling as her eyes met his in the mirror…he didn’t want to come

but in the end she gave him no choice, " I’m fed up with buying clothes that

don’t fit you, so your coming and that’s that." She’d said to him.

Chris sat with his arms crossed in the baby seat and a pout on his face; he

was so low he couldn’t even see out of the window.

Becky sat next to him and for once was quiet and just looking out of the


Kim pulled out of the drive and began the 20-minute drive to the centre of


The twenty minutes flew by and they were soon in the multi story car park.

Kim leaned over and said.

"There we go Chris honey, parking in the multi story means we can enter the

shopping centre without ever going out onto the street…happy now?"

Course he wasn’t he’d still have to put up with all the strange looks and

whispers under there breath, but why should he care he had a wife and child

that still loved him and respected him…well loved him anyway!

Becky opened the door and exited the car; Chris had to wait for Kim to undo

the special childproof clasps on the baby seat, it wasn’t that he was stupid

that he couldn’t unclasp them but he just didn’t have the strength!

Kim opened the back door and after unclasping him stood up and waited for

him to exit the car.

Chris carefully climbed down onto the back seat and then lowered himself to

the floor of the car. He made his way behind the drivers seat and stood at the

open door looking down…why did she have to use his 4x4, the step to the

ground was at least 2ft, a whole 7" taller that himself.

"Come on we haven’t got all day." Kim said impatiently down at him.

Chris looked up at her "All right keep ya hair on."

He wasn’t going to ask for help…he needed to do this himself. Getting down

on his knees he hung a leg over and then two, before shimmering lower on

his stomach until he eventually hung by his arms which enabled him to just

about touch the ground with his feet.

He let go and stumbled slightly back before straightening himself up and

walking past Kim as she closed the Car door.

Chris felt smaller than ever as he ran behind Kim and Becky as they headed

for the elevator.

Kim wore her 4" stiletto heels which meant the back of her shoe was nearly

as tall as Chris’s entire leg, the top of his head was a good 4" shy of her knee.

Christ if she stood with her legs slightly apart he’d be able to walk between

them as her skirt was just above her knee.

Kim stood in the lift holding the open door button as she and Becky waited

for Chris to enter.

Chris was puffing heavily as he leaned against Kim’s shin for support.

"What’s the matter…tired already?" Kim smiled and said down to him.

"No not at all, just…just relaxing."

Kim smiled to herself, she knew he was tired already and that was just

walking from the car to the elevator. "He would have to be so bloody

independent…it would be so much easier if he’d just let me carry him." Kim

thought to her self as the lift doors opened.

Chris stepped out of the lift into the Mall, he felt smaller than ever as people

passed by not even knowing he was there, had it not been for Kim and Becky

sandwiching him he would surly have been knocked over.

Looking up at Kim standing next to him he rubbed on her shin to get her

attention. Kim lowered her chin and turned her head to look down her side at


"What?" She said.

"I don’t know if I can do this babe."

"Do what?"

"Go shopping…can’t I just wait in the car?"

"Chris honey how many more times do I need to say it…I’m fed up with

buying clothes that don’t fit you so this time we’ll make sure they do…BECKY


Becky was already off and away, she was keen to look for clothes for her two

even though she’d been told it was a one shop stop.

With a sympathetic smile Kim asked "The offers still open; I’ll carry you if you


Chris stepped back a little and shook his head, he wasn’t going to air lifted

like some little baby…no sirree he was going to make it under his own steam!

"Very well then, but don’t say I didn’t offer; come on lets go."

Kim began walking toward the shop opposite, the shop that Becky was

looking in the window. Chris tried to keep up but soon her giant strides left

him in their wake…it was going to be a long hard morning!

Even on this short 40ft walk across to the other side of the Mall Chris found it

ripe with obstacles…already he’d narrowly avoided being run over by a push

chair; he yelped as the buggy passed right in front of him causing him to stop

abruptly and drew in a deep breath as the woman’s leg brushed his nose.

"Oi, watch where you’re going…stupid bitch!"

She didn’t hear him…too busy chatting on her cell phone.

By the time Chris reached Kim she’d taken hold of Becky’s hand and motioned

for him to follow.

"No wait…please wait up!" Chris screamed.

Kim stopped and waited as he reached them.

"Well…what is it…have you reconsidered my offer?"

"No I don’t want you to carry me…Becky honey I think you should take my

hand too."

Walking up to Becky’s side he reached up with his hand and she reached

down with hers; taking his tiny hand within hers she smiled down at her

farther. It was a little uncomfortable having to reach so high but at least he’d

be able to keep up now!

"Think your clever Mister…hmm we’ll see." Kim said to herself with a sligh


"Right then come on lets get a move on, if I remember rightly ‘Toddlers’ is

next to ‘British Home stores’…so we need to go this way."

Kim began walking at her normal pace which was even a little fast for

Becky…for Chris it was downright impossible and already he was at arms

length dragging his feet along behind him.

Becky looked down at her diminutive little farther swinging about from her

hand…he was so light. She began to lift him right off the ground and then

lower him quickly again…she remembered when she was little and walking

between Kim and Chris and how she loved it when they lifted her and swung

her back and forth as they walked.

"Becky stop it! Stop it."

Chris managed a few grunts of complaints as he tried desperately to regain

his footing each time he was harshly lowered to the ground.

"Weeeee…up and down, all the way up…and all the way down, hee, hee."

Chris felt like his arm would leave its socket as she continued lifting him up

and down…faster and faster, higher and higher; he’d lost which way to face

as his feet were barely touching the ground now. Any one seeing this from

afar would have thought that Becky was throwing around a rag doll…not her


At last the abuse to his little arm stopped as they reached the shop and Becky

let go of his hand. He fell to his knees and massaged his abused arm to try

and get the blood flowing again.

"That was fun…wasn’t it Dad?" Becky said down to him.

Chris looked up and with a fake smile nodded is head.

Kim led Becky into the shop. Chris got to his feet and followed, but as he

reached the door it slammed shut.

He pushed on the door to open it, but it didn’t open…it was too heavy for


"Hey Kim wait up…please I can’t open the door." He called out as he could

see Kim and Becky disappear into the shop.

Again he pushed…this time as hard as he possibly could, but still it didn’t


"Why is it that whenever you go into a shop you seem to stand there and

hold the door open for dozens of people but when you want it held for you

there’s never anyone around?" Chris thought to him self as he stepped clear

of the door.

He waited by the side of the door…someone had to enter soon!

He didn’t have to wait long as a woman approached with a little boy, he

couldn’t have been more than 2 years old but as he walked past Chris he

towered over him. It really bought home to Chris just how small and

vulnerable he was.

The woman easily pushed the door open and Chris used this opportunity to

quickly dart into the store.

Standing by the entrance he looked around hoping that he might not have to

g far into the store to find Kim, Geez it was so big! He couldn’t see anything

above the isles of clothes stands…he’d have to look for there feet!

Venturing further into the store he felt uneasy but at the same time pleased

that it was so empty.

He’d walked up and down a couple of isles and was totally lost he’d seen

some feet walk briskly down an isle next to his but they weren’t Kim’s or


Walking around into another isle he struck lucky there level with him but on

the other side was a black pair of 4" stilettos…it had to be Kim.

Quickly he fought his way under all the clothes that hung between them and

at last reached out and rubbed her calf, but when he looked up it wasn’t the

face of Kim that smiled down at him…

Chris’s mouth dropped open and fear etched across his face as Amber smiled

down at him.

"You little perv! Look up my skirt would you…well you need teaching a lesson

little boy."

Chris backed away, this giant bitch had rapped him and befriended his wife!

"O no you don’t." Amber said as she reached down for him.

Chris’s panicked as he say this giant Amazon reach for him…her giant hand

covered his entire face as she lifted him up by his head.

His screams were completely muffled by her palm as she carefully concealed

him beneath the clothes she was carrying.

Chris was desperately kicking and pulling at her for all he was worth but it

was no good she wasn’t letting go.

Amber walked over to the kiddie play area and after reaching the pen that

was 2ft deep with plastic balls she stepped in and quickly held Chris below the

balls. Releasing her hand from his face so that he could look up at her she


"This is gonna be so much fun."

Chris opened his mouth to scream at her and as he did she forced a ball into


"Amber hi."

Amber was distracted for a moment and looked up.

"O’ hi Kim, what bring you here?"

"Well we need to get Chris some clothes…and well he’s pretty small now so

this is probably the best shop to find something for him."

Chris broke free from her grasp and headed away from her, he could hear

Kim and tried desperately to break the surface above him but every time he

tried to pull up the balls just rolled out from under him. Screaming was out of

the question, as he couldn’t get the darn ball out of his mouth, Amber had

really forced it in!

Amber was searching the floor with her feet, as she couldn’t see where Chris


"Amber have you lost something?"

"What! O yea one of the kids in here earlier pulled at my bracelet and I’m

pretty sure it came off in here."

"Can I help?"

"No, no, but thanks anyway…you go find that husband of yours."

"Well if you’re sure."

"Tell you what if I come across him I’ll put a tanoi out for you."


Chris was desperate and heard Kim walk away.

"Right you little shit come back here and I’ll go easy on you." Amber said

through gritted teeth.

Chris couldn’t very well go back to her, as he didn’t have a clue where he was

let alone where she was!

Amber grew more and more frustrated by not being able to find him and

began kicking the away in huge sweeping motions.

Chris had found the side wall and was feeling his way around hoping that

there was a way out…of course there was it was called Amber as he’d never

be able to reach the top of the pen.

"That’s it I give up, you can just wait in here until I have time to look for you

later little man."

Amber stepped out of the pen and after putting her shoes back on went back

to work.

Chris jumped up and down at the side and the best he could do was just

about break the surface with his hand. It was no good he wasn’t getting out.

He sat down and pulled at his mouth, he needed to get the ball out. After

great pain and stretching his lips further than he’d like he managed to get it


Exercising his jaw felt great at least now when someone came close he could

scream for help.

It wasn’t long before he heard a woman’s voice outside of the pen.

"Help me please in here." Chris screamed and jumped around.

The woman hadn’t heard his screams as her friend’s baby was screaming with

larger more powerful lungs than Chris had.

Chris heard someone enter the pen and headed in the direction of the sound

screaming and hollering for all he was worth.

The woman stood just where she’d entered and watched as her son dived

about in the balls.

Chris continued to head for the noise and eventually found the young

boy…well to be exact the little boy found Chris. As the little boy dived into the

balls his head sunk low and made contact with Chris’s. Chris collapsed in a

heap as the blow had almost knocked him unconscious; as for the boy well he

stood up and started screaming while holding his head.

The boys mother head in their direction and her foot eventually landed square

on Chris’s chest as she reached for her son.

Chris let out a whimper as he felt his chest compress. The woman felt the

strange thing under her foot and found that what ever it was she could move

it about with her foot. Holding her son in her arms she began to manoeuvre

the lump with her foot until she’d carefully supported it on top of her foot she

then lifted slowly and almost fell over when Chris’s little body emerged

hanging limply from her foot.

"O’ my god…Clare, quick Clare get in here."

"What? What is it?"

"Quick…o my god quick…I think I’ve killed him."

"Sally what are you talking about, calm down, killed who? What?"

"He’s there…down there by my feet, quick hurry up."

Chris moved slightly his head was clearing…where was he.

Clare reached her friend and bent down, feeling with her hands below the

balls she soon found Chris’s little body.

Suddenly Chris was airborne and free of the darned balls.

"O’ god is he ok?" Sally said as she looked at the tiny man in her friend’s


Clare’s face was a picture; you would have thought she’d seen a ghost!

"Sally…Sally it’s a man, look a tiny perfectly proportioned little man."

"Yea I can see and look he’s opened his eyes."

Both women stepped out from the Ball pen and sat on the bench in the play


Chris was still a little groggy but was enjoying the attention being given to

him by these two pretty young women.

"Look at him Sal, he’s perfect…I bet he’s no taller than a 1ft and half…"

"17inches actually." Chris said.

"O’ err are you ok?"

"Apart from a sore head and chest I think I’ll live."

"Chris thank god…I’ve been looking everywhere for you."

Chris sat up on Clare’s lap and looked at the relieved expression on Kim’s


"Hi Babe."

Clare looked up at Kim and smiled.

"Sorry it not what it look’s like you see my friend here found him…"

"It’s ok you’ve no need to explain…my husband’s always getting into some

kind of fix."

Chris climbed down from Clare’s lap and thanked them both for there

kindness. They both looked at each other and then at the little man as he

walked away.

"I wish my Richard was that small…just think of the fun you could have with a

little man like that."

"Clare…naughty you."

Kim bent down and picked Chris up so that she could place him on the


"Right then, how the hell did you end up in that woman’s arms."

"O I see you found the little devil then."

Chris’s blood chilled as he heard Amber’s voice behind him.

"O’ I found him alright in the arms of another woman."

Amber leaned close and smiled wickedly at him.

"And what has the little Romeo had to say for himself?"

"I’m still waiting…"

Chris looked up at Kim who didn’t look very amused and Amber was close

enough he could feel her breath upon him.

"Well I…" He turned and looked Amber in the eye; she just raised a brow as if

to say, "I dare you little man."

"Yea I’m waiting."

"Well I lost both you and Becky so I was getting frustrated looking for you

both so I climbed the steps up to the ball pit and used the higher vantage

point to look for you. Unfortunately I lost my balance and fell in, being that

the walls were so high I couldn’t escape but luckily those kind woman found

me and helped me out…and that’s about it really."

Kim looked at him a little puzzled, she didn’t believe one word of it…she could

always tell when he was lying by the way his nostrils would flare out with

every word. She decided to let it go for know as Becky rounded the corner.

"So you found him then?" Said Becky.

"Yea…at last. Right then Amber…have you anything his size?"

Amber reached out for Chris and he backed away.

"Chris don’t be silly…Amber only wants to measure you." Kim said as she

blocked his escape route and ushered him back toward Amber.

Amber smiled down at him and wrapped her huge fingers around his torso.

Chris hated her touch…he hated everything about this evil woman. He trebled

in her grasp as she laid him flat on the counter and measured him off against

the 3-foot rule that was built into the edge of the counter.

"Hmm, a little under 17inches tall…new born that’s about all that might fit but

even then the build of a baby is chubbier than this little fella." Amber said to

Kim as she continued to hold Chris hard against the counter.

"Well let’s see what it looks like any way…you never know."

Chris was relieved as Amber let go and he quickly got to his feet and stood

over next to Becky as she was the furthest from Amber.

Amber quickly came back with a jumpsuit, a pair of jeans and blue T-shirt.

"Right tiny, let’s see if these fit?"

"Wait a minute…I’m not trying them on out here…I want to change in the

changing room."

"Chris honey don’t be so bashful…after all you’ve got your boxers on…haven’t


"Well yea…but that’s not the point…I want to change in the changing room."

"But Chris…"

"It’s ok Kim…he can use one, I’ll even take him over myself."

"Ok thanks amber."

With that Amber reached over and placed Chris on the floor.

"Now follow me Chris."

Chris hated her and hated just how big she looked as she stood to her full

height and smiled down at him…"geez she looked as tall as a house" he

thought to himself.

Amber walked slowly to the changing room and enjoyed looking at the small

man running behind her.

"There you are…one changing room."

Chris stood and looked, it didn’t have a door it had a curtain that was about

12 inches of off the floor so even when he was in there he wasn’t very well


"Well come on hurry it up…or do you need a little help?"

Chris knew better than to complain so he quickly ran in and waited as Amber

pulled the curtain shut.

Standing there he felt stupid and afraid as he undid the belt that kept his illfitting

trousers from falling down.

Suddenly the curtains parted and Amber poked her head in.

"Are you ready?"

Chris looked up in horror, as he hadn’t yet put the jeans on.

"No…do you mind…"

"No not really…remember little man I’ve seen all you have to offer and well

lets just say that if you don’t get a move on I’ll use it as a tooth pick!"

Chris said no more and felt a cold chill run down his back…she really did

frighten him. He dressed with the watching eye of Amber looking down on

him from above.

The length of the jeans was fine but the waist was double his size, he looked

up and looked at Amber as she giggled at him. He began to remove the illfitting


"O’ no you don’t." Amber said as she bent down and picked him up.

Amber held him firm and walked back to the counter where’d she left Kim and


"Here we go…maybe a little loose?" Amber said as she dumped Chris atop the


"A little…ha, ha, look at the state of you." Kim laughed.

Chris felt even smaller as Becky laughed at the sight of him too, and just to

finish him off one of the other shop assistants had wondered over to see the

little man that everyone was talking about.

Feeling hurt and humiliated he stood there as all these giants laughed down

at him.

Kim stopped laughing and could see he was upset by the whole situation.

"Ok Amber…could you bag up the clothes and I’ll get him changed."

"What! O’ what about the others we don’t know if they’ll fit?"

"They’ll be fine I’ll sort it out at home."

"Argh…well ok if you’re sure."

Kim leaned over and picked Chris up.

Pretty soon Chris was standing next to Kim as she paid for the clothes.

Looking up her shapely he couldn’t help but pitch a tent in his trousers…she

certainly was a fine looking woman.

"Dad…shall I carry you?" Becky said breaking Chris’s stare.

"Err what, sorry."

"I said do you want me to carry you?"

"Erm…no it’s ok, I prefer to walk."

"Ok then…but don’t say I didn’t offer."

Becky turned and headed for the exit, Kim looked down and smiled at him as

she too began walking toward the exit. It wasn’t long before he was far

behind when suddenly a huge leg fell from the sky and caused him to run into


He shook his head to clear away the shock as he sat on his arse.

"Stupid little man…should watch where you’re going."

Chris looked up…he might have guessed it was Amber; she’d probably done

this on purpose.

Getting to his feet he apologised for running into her leg.

Amber was just about to tease him some more when Becky came around the


"Come on Dad we’re waiting."

Chris didn’t need telling again and this time tried his best to keep up with

Becky as they headed to the shop door.

Kim was waiting just out side the shop and once they’d reached her she

announced that they should have lunch before continuing with the shopping.

"Woo…back up just a little, I don’t mind the lunch thing but more shopping…I

don’t think so. You said one shop and we’re out of here…well hello! We’ve

been into one shop…and as far as I’m concerned its one to many already."

Kim bent down and said to him quietly.

"Well honey it’s a woman’s right to change her mind…so live with it, we’ll go

home when I’m good and ready and not before…besides how often do we go

out as a family?"

Kim stood back up to her intimidating height and waved for him to follow as

they headed for McDonalds.

Kim and Becky sat down on the vinyl seats in the cubicle opposite one

another and started tucking into their big Mac’s.

Chris for once wished he’d asked for help as he stood looking up at the under

table above him. He found it hard to climb up on vinyl seats…each time he

jumped up to get a grip he would just slide back down again.

"Hmm lovely burger…and the fries are to die for." Kim said to Becky knowing

Chris could hear.

Chris was getting angry now and could hear Kim and Becky sniggering above

but he wouldn’t ask for help he was capable of getting up on a seat without

help…wasn’t he?

Looking both left and right Chris made sure the coast was clear as he backed

up away from the table, this time he’d do it, giving himself a good run up

should help.

Kim just caught sight of her little hubby as he started his run up, quickly she

leaned down and looked under the table; Becky curious as to what he Mum

was doing followed suit.

Chris beat the floor with his little feet and gathered more and more speed

ready for the leap…but as he neared and his foot hit the floor ready to push

him off he slipped on a fry and ended up crashing face first into the wood

below the vinyl seat.

Upon seeing this both Kim and Becky roared with laughter and almost choked

on their burgers. The whole place seemed to come to a standstill as they

continued to laugh out loud.

For Chris it was no laughing matter as he groggily got to his feet only to

stumble back and land on his arse once more.

A young female employee that was cleaning tables came over to see if she

could help. She looked down and saw what she thought was a small baby

crawling about on the floor, she bent down and picked Chris up…before he

could utter a word in protest he found himself sitting comfortably in a child’s

high chair at the end of the table.

Chris sat looking at Kim and Becky who were still laughing at him, his face

scarlet with rage and embarrassment.

"It’s no good getting a cob on honey you’re the one who didn’t want any

help…we did offer."

Chris crossed his arms and let his lower lip hang out in a sulk.

Becky leaned over and pinched his cheek.

"Arrr is the iddy biddy little man getting the humpy? Arrr didums, poor little


"Becky that’s enough leave your father alone…here Chris eat this before it

gets too cold."

"Get me out!" He said looking even angrier.

"Just eat your burger and stop being such a baby."

"Get me out! NOW." As he said this he threw his burger across the table

knocking Kim’s drink over in the process.

"You stupid little fool, now look what you’ve done…Becky quick go and get

some paper towels."

Chris went quiet as he could see that Kim was now upset…had he gone too


Becky returned and helped Kim mop up the drink, luckily none had spilled on

either of them.

Once finished Kim leaned over to Chris and holding his burger in her hand she

crushed it right in front of his face and said through gritted teeth "now eat it;

every last bit I want to see gone by the time I get back."


"No buts just eat…Becky I’ll be back in a moment, make sure that you’re

father eats all of his dinner, I mean it all of it."

Chris opened the wrapping of the burger to find and mashed up gooey cold

mess that looked like someone had barfed up the night before; he looked

from the burger up to Kim with a "please forgive me" look on his face…it

didn’t work.

"I mean it, when I get back Becky had better tell me that you ate all that or

they’ll be trouble."

Chris pinched a little of the pulp between his thumb and finger and slowly put

it in his mouth…it was disgusting. Over and over Chris agonised with each

mouthful until Kim was gone.

"Come on Dad…eat it up already."

"Becky honey…world’s greatest daughter, light of my life please could you

dump this in the bin."

Becky shook her head and smiled wickedly.

"Now you know what Mum said, you have to eat it all and I’m here to make

sure that you do, so come on open up."

Taking a handful of the pulp she pushed it into Chris’ mouth…it was far more

than his little mouth could manage and he tried to spit it out but she held her

hand there and instructed him to swallow.

Chris coughed and spluttered as he downed the large mouthful, again Becky

took a handful.

"No (cough) please I’ll eat it on my own, please."

Becky looked at him and nodded.

"But as I’ve got this mess in my hand you should eat that first."

Holding out her hand Chris humiliated himself further by taking the messy

pulp from her opened palm and eating it. Becky smiled broadly as she loved

watching her father eat from her hand like a pet! She liked it so much that

Chris ended up eating the entire burger in the same fashion.

Chris was just washing down the horrible meal when Kim arrived back.

"Hi Mum."

"Hi Beck’s, well did he eat it all?"

"Every last bit."

"Good then let’s finish shopping."

Chris looked up; he was tiered and didn’t fancy running around the mall after

these two…he’d had enough excitement for one day and just wanted to rest.

Kim smiled down at Chris as she pulled something from her bag. He looked a

little confused as she turned away from him while Becky kept looking past her

Mum and smiling.

All too soon it became clear as Kim turned around with a huge grin on her

face…she was wearing a baby harness, the ones you often see mothers wear

with their babies are held face forward against their chests.

"No way…there’s no way this side of Christmas that I’m going in that…no


"Arrr come on babe it’ll be fun…"

"Mum please can I wear it…pleeeeease."

"Maybe later…"

Chris tried to get out of the high chair as Kim walked toward him but it was

too high to jump he might hurt himself.

Kim reached forward and slid her hands under his armpits; his legs flayed and

kicked about as she lifted him up.

"Kim I mean it…put me down, for Christ sake put me down."

Chris struggled but it was futile as she didn’t have any trouble inserting his

little legs into the holes…he was soon fastened in nice and tightly.

Kim looked down her chin at him; he did look small pressed firmly against her

ample bosom.

"Come on then let’s go…we’ve a lot of shopping to do, right Beck’."

"Sure Mum."

Kim leaned over and picked up her bags, she didn’t even feel his little weight

as she did so.

The afternoon dragged for Chris as different woman in various shops ruffled

his hair as they all thought he was a toddler…easy mistake to make, only he

was smaller than most toddlers and certainly a lot lighter.

After a couple of hours Kim gave into Becky’s relentless asking and strapped

the harness onto her.

"Now be careful, no running or messing about."

"Ok Mum…"

"Becky I mean it!"


Chris was horrified that Kim had allowed Becky to carry him like this but he

didn’t really have a say in the matter.

It wasn’t long before Chris was bouncing up and down as Becky ran up and

down the clothes isles.

"Becky what did I tell you?"

"No running."

"And what are you doing?"


"Right now stop it or I’ll have your father back."


Chris felt a little sick what with that mashed up burger he’d been forced to eat

earlier and now the bouncing around at the hands of Becky.

"This is better isn’t it Dad?" Becky said down to Chris as she stroked his head.

"O yea just great!" Chris replied sarcastically while trying to push her hand



Becky turned to see who was calling her. Chris just caught sight of her and


"Hi Auntie Donna."

Donna bent down and looked at little Chris held helplessly against his

daughter’s chest.

"Well would you look at you…being transported around like a little tiny baby,

ha I bet you love that? Beck’s where’s your Mum?"

"O she’s just over there getting some new clothes."

"Hmm I wonder what she’s doing here?" Chris thought to himself.

He was about to find out.

Becky walked over to her Mum and it appeared that Donna had driven down

and hoped to spend the next couple of days with her sister.

"Well I guessed you’d be shopping when I found no one home and rather

than wait for you I took the chance that I might find you."

"It’s great to see you isn’t it Chris?"

"What o yea wonderful."

"Mum Steph’s just waved me over is it ok if I go hang with her?"

"Yea of course but you’d better give me your father back."

"Argh Mum but I was gonna show Steph…"

Kim undid the straps and Becky ran off, she was just about to put it on

herself when Donna intervened.

"Hey I got an idea, I’m a little tired after my drive…how about I take Chris

and head off home to let you finish your shopping and that way I’ll have tea

ready for when you get back?"

"O what a wonderful idea…I bet your pleased honey, you wanted to go


Chris didn’t know what to say, on the one hand it would be nice to get out of

this darn thing but on the other he would be alone with Donna.

Kim helped Donna into the straps and fastened them off nice and tight. Chris

cringed as Donna looked down her chin at him and smiled…he was a lot

smaller than when she teased him last.

It wasn’t long before Donna was putting the key in the front door.

She took of her coat and hung it up, Chris was sweating she’d fastened the

coat up over him thus entrapping him underneath it.

His eyes adjusted to the light as she walked into the kitchen and put the

kettle on.

"Oi, excuse me…can you let me out now please." Chris sounded impatient.

Donna looked down at him and replied "Why?"

"Well because we’re home and I don’t need transporting around the

house…and besides I need to go to the toilet."

"O err ok then."

Donna unclasped him and pulled him free.

Chris was pleased to be on the ground again even if was standing next to his


"Wow would you look at that…" Donna enthused.

"Please Donna in a minute…I need to pee!"

"Ok…but hurry back."

Chris rushed off for the toilet and just about made it.

"Phew! That was close." He said to himself.

Once finished he made his way back to the kitchen where Donna was making

the tea. As usual she wore high heels and today they were knee length boots

with a 4-inch stiletto heel.

"Good you’re back, come over here."


"Don’t answer me back just come over here NOW!"

Chris hung his head and walked over to Donna…slowly. By the time he

reached her all he could see was her huge black boot tapping the floor


"About time…now stand up straight."

"I am standing up straight!"

"Ok now stand right up against the side of my boot with your back to it."

"What…O’ ok."

Chris walked up to her huge powerful leg and turned around and stood with

his back straight up against her boot.

"Holy shit…that’s awesome." Donna said excitedly.

"What is?" Chris said as he tilted his head back and looked up the side of her


"My boot…my boot it stands taller than you! My boot is taller than you! It’s

incredible…stand straight again…that’s it…wow it’s a good 2inches taller than


Chris had heard enough and began walking away form her.

"Stop! Chris I mean it get back here."

He didn’t even turn around he just raised his arm and gave her the one

fingered salute…not a good idea!

"Why you cheeky little sod."

Chris heard her begin after him so he bolted out of the kitchen toward the

front room.

Donna smiled and didn’t alter her speed…after all he had nowhere to run to,

hell he couldn’t even open a door unless it was opened for him.

Entering the front room he could hide nowhere except for under the

sideboard and that didn’t exactly fill him with confidence…change of idea if he

hide behind the sofa he could double back through the door without her


Chris kept his breathing shallow as Donna rounded the door and walked in.

"Come out now and I’ll go easy on you…make me find you and you’ll regret


She wanted desperately for him to stay hidden so that she could tease him

even worse…there was no sigh of him he wasn’t going to come out and this

pleased her greatly.

"Ok…don’t say I didn’t warn you!"

As she walked past the sofa she saw him out the corner of her eye heading

back toward the open door, quickly she turned and within two steps she was

upon him. Chris looked behind and saw her giant form catch up to him.

Donna just stepped over him and formed an arch with her legs, which he ran

under she then bent over and scooped him up as he came out the other side.

"Well that was a little too easy, don’t ya think?"

"Put me down…I’m not a toy! Now put me down."

Donna just ignored his struggles as she sat hi on the kitchen counter.

"Now what am I to do with you? Hmm I said I’d get tea ready and I can’t

very well get on with that if your getting under my feet all the time can I?"

"Please Donna…you’ve had you’re fun now please let me go."

Donna shook her head and then though of a great idea.

She opened one of the kitchen draws and found just what she was looking


Picking Chris up once more she placed him on the floor next to her booted


"Now then Chris back against my boot again."

"We already know you’re boots taller than me…do I really need reminding of

the fact again!"

"Just do it."

Chris stood with his back against the side of her boot once more.

"Now keep still with you’re arms at your sides."

"Yea, yea what ever."

Suddenly a strip of tape was plastered across his chest and over his arms

effectively retraining him.

"Oi’ what’s the game?" Chris called up as Donna wrapped yet more tape

around both him and her boot.

"There…that should hold."

Chris tilted his head back and looked up the side of her leg, past her skirt he

could only see under her arm, as she stood straight.

"Ready Chris here we go."

Chris felt his feet leave the ground as Donna lifted her leg to ensure he was

fixed tightly.

"Wow! You’re so light…I can hardly feel you down there."

"Donna…please don’t do this…please."

There was no stopping her; she was on a power trip!

Donna looked down her leg as she began to walk…it was incredible to see a

fully grown man held against his will by a little house tape and most

incredible of all…he was attached to her BOOT!

Chris felt sick as his feet left the ground and screamed up at her to stop this

messing around. Donna found the whole experience exhilarating and wished

that her little brother-in-law were hers and hers alone.

She ignored his continuing whaling as she walked around the house, she even

went as far was walking out into the garden and actually chatting with Cally’s

Mum over the fence all the time while Chris was tapped to her boot!

Eventually she ended up back in the kitchen and started getting tea ready, as

Kim would be home anytime now.

Chris had long since shut up for he knew it was doing him no good so he’d

just have to wait it out.

Wait it out he did another hour before Kim came home and even then after

her initial shock she tried the boot on a got rather a buzz of having him

helpless like that.

It had been a long day and one that Chris would much rather forget…

* * * *

Chris screamed as Becky’s foot pressed him deep into the piled carpet…he

waited for his life to end…to become a stain…a red mark upon the sole of his

daughter’s foot…but it didn’t happen. Becky stepped off of him almost as

soon as she’d applied any weight and headed back out of the bedroom.

Chris lay there completely buried deep within the carpet fibre’s, he felt a little

surreal as he lay there looking up past the tall woollen stands…it reminded

him of when he was a child playing in the corn field’s only this wasn’t

corn…was it!

He could hear Becky calling to Kim through the bathroom door, she was

asking where he was…Kim didn’t know.

It was no good lying there feeling sorry for him elf, he needed to move and

fast as he could feel the thunder of footsteps getting closer.

Raising up onto his elbows he realised he was in serious trouble for his right

leg was badly twisted and tangled tightly within the carpet. Chris pulled and

still felt little pain but couldn’t free his leg; he could get no higher than the

carpet strands…shit he was in trouble!!!

Even if Kim and Becky came looking for him it would have to be a bloody

miracle for them to see him buried so deep in the carpet.

The ground shock as Becky and Kim entered the bedroom they were

enormous beyond all comprehension…there shear size made Chris realise just

how far apart they were now; could he really hope to be part of there life’s

now? What could he offer them? Was it really worth living? Why not just

accept the inevitable? Why struggle to survive?

He didn’t need answers to these questions…there before him stood the two

reasons to carry on.

Chris began waving and yelling in the hope that they might see him.

"Well I don’t know. You know what you’re fathers like if he’s got a cob on

then you won’t find him until he’s ready to be found."

"But Mum he’s normally late at getting up."

"Well you carry on looking but quickly as you have to get ready for school."

There voices sounded different almost unrecognisable but still with their

distinct tones.

Becky turned away and headed back out the bedroom in search of her father.

Kim stepped forward and her slipper landed dangerously close to Chris…there

was no time to loose he needed to free himself.

Kim turned and walked over to her dressing table.

Chris felt the air around him circulate as her casual stride stirred up the dust

and loose carpet fibres around him.

Chris was growing tired and the pain receptors in his leg were kicking in.

Kim readied herself quickly…unlike a lot of women she needed little makeup

to cover any blemishes on her near perfect skin.

She stood and opening a draw removed a fresh pair of stockings and after

kicking off her slippers began to pull them on.

Chris watched from his estranged position as she slid the stockings over each

leg, it was always something he enjoyed at normal size the sheer smoothness

of her legs and the sexy way in which she pulled them up…it never failed to

get a rise out of him.

Kim stood and straightened her skirt; she did look fantastic. Chris meanwhile

continued to scream and wave his arms up at her but she wasn’t looking

down in his direction, and even if she was the likeliness of her seeing him was

pretty slim!

She stepped closer to Chris; he screamed louder and pulled on his twisted leg

more frantically than he already had. Another step and her stocking clad foot

landed right next to him, her big toe actually brushing the side of him. She

paused and looked around the room…

"Chris honey…would you come out please, I’d like to make sure you’re ok

before I go to work."

Chris began hitting her toe with all his might but it was useless he just didn’t

posses the strength to get her attention.

Suddenly the earth shook some more and Becky came running in…

"Mum…come on Mum or we’ll be late."

"Hold on a minute…did you find your father?"

"No…he’s hiding today! Naughty Daddy."

Chris was out of options, he couldn’t free himself; he realised that now! If he

stayed here all day he’d never break free the carpet fibres were just too

strong…he had but one hope; but it would be dangerous, very dangerous!

* * * *

A Little more than 7 weeks earlier

Chris was sitting in the lounge watching TV when he noticed a cold draft

blowing in from somewhere…it was still morning and the warmth of the room

was quickly evaporating.

"Cally." He cried out.

Why he did that he didn’t know, she would have to be pretty close to hear


Climbing down form his pillow he headed to the hall with a cob on…he didn’t

like being disturbed while he watched the old re-runs of Star Trek on Sky

One, but he had to find out where the draft was coming from.

"Cally." He cried out again as he entered the hall.

It was soon clear what was causing the draft; the silly girl had left the front

door open.

Chris called for her again from the bottom of the stairs but she would never

hear him, she was too busy cleaning.

There was only one thing for it he’d have to close the door himself…a major

task when you stand a little less than 5 inches tall.

Chris got to the door and noticed just how brisk the draft was; he could also

see why the door wouldn’t shut.

The paperboy must have chucked the paper at the door and it had wedged

itself between the doorframe and the door.

Chris mumbled under his breath as he attempted to pull the paper in. Taking

a firm grip he pulled…he pulled again and again but it wouldn’t budge.

Now that was it! Chris was never one to be beaten…he’d close this door if it

were the last thing he did…determined as ever he pushed the door open a

little more and tried pulling at the paper once more. Unfortunately each time

he left the door it would shut against the paper again effectively placing him

backs to square one.

Pulling harder and harder until he was red in the face and actually panting

didn’t help, he just couldn’t budge the bloody thing.

Chris kicked at the darn paper in rage and eventually sat down on it as the

tears of frustration welled up in his eyes.

"Why? God why me…look at me a mere doll in a giants world! For Christ sake

I can’t even carry in the daily paper."

Thing’s grew harder and harder as each day passed…with each inch he

shrunk. Even at the dinner table now he has to get Kim or Becky to put a little

salt and pepper on his dinner, as he can no longer lift the dispensers!

Life was hard and only going to get harder…Chris knew this and most days

just accepted and got on the best he could, but other days like today he felt

sorry for himself…and of course his family for he knew it was hard for them


Having rested for a minute Chris began to feel a little cold with the draft

blowing threw the open door.

He looked at the paper again and as much as it hurt him he realised he was

just too small to pull it clear…or maybe not!

He decided to climb over the paper and out the door, what if he could pull it

out onto the porch…sure the paper would be outside but at least he’d be able

to shut the door; besides that’s all he wanted to do really…close the door.

Chris bent down and took a firm hold of the paper, planting his feet flat on

the ground he leaned back and used his weight (what there was of it) to help

his efforts…a little grunting later the paper had moved a little and Chris was

feeling hopeful.

Again putting all his weight into it he pulled…suddenly it cleared the door and

Chris ended up running backwards puling the paper until his momentum

finally landed him on his arse!

He sat up and pushed the paper off of him…he was pleased with himself; now

he could close the door!

Chris got to his feet and as he did he heard the familiar creak of the door


"O’ shit no!" Chris yelled as he bolted for the door.

It was too late the door slammed shut a little before Chris got there.

Chris was shut out in the cold with no way of getting back in until someone

let him…how long before Cally realised he was gone? Would he have to wait

for Becky to return home? He stood at the bottom of the door thumping

against it in the hope that Bally might hear it…who was he kidding?

Eventually he faced the inevitable, he would be out here all day. He looked

around for somewhere to shelter and keep warm…if only he’d stayed where

he was all he had to contend with was a light draft now it was a gale force


There was no where to shelter and he dare not venture off of the porch for

fear of wild animals…well next door’s cat!

Suddenly a bright light beamed above his head…he had a thought.

"The news paper, I can use that for shelter."

The paper was rolled up and left a nice little tunnel in the middle that only a

little man his size could squeeze into.

Moving the paper up against the door Chris sat down and eased his legs in

until he was up to his waist; that was as far as he wanted to go so that at

least he could escape quickly if he needed too.

A couple of hours had passed and still Cally hadn’t looked out here for

him…after all why would she, its not as if he can open the door…was she

even looking for him?

Suddenly Chris heard the familiar sounds of stilettoed-heeled shoes tapping

there way up the path. Pulling himself free from the paper he jumped up to

see who it was…it was na attractive young woman in a short red skirt and

black leather jacket with matching black high heeled boots that came up to

her knees…shit it was Lisa!

Chris remembered Lisa, Cally’s friend that he only just managed to escape

from when he was a couple of inches taller…he began to panic; what if she

found him out here. He ran up ad down the doorstep in blind panic not

knowing what to do and all the time the sound of her fast approaching

footsteps echoed around his head.

There was only one thing for it he’d have to hide in the rolled up paper…he

just hoped he wasn’t too late!

Chris wriggled into the paper with his hands above his head it was the only

way but he was concealed…just in time too as he boot landed mere inches

form the paper blocking his entire view.

"Please God don’t let her stand on the paper…please." Chris preyed to


Lisa rang the doorbell and looked down, she noticed the paper on the floor.

Chris felt his world roll slightly and feared the worst…but he wasn’t to be trod

flat, no he was about to get airborne.

Lisa picked up the paper and stood up holding it in her hand.

Meanwhile unbeknown to Lisa Chris was bracing him self as tightly as possible

as she innocently tapped the paper into her free hand.

The door opened and a surprised Cally greeted her.

"O’ hi Lisa…how are you?"

"Fine, and you?"

"Yea good thanks…what can I do for you?"

"Well hadn’t seen or heard of you in a while and seeing that I had the day off

I thought I’d pop over for a coffee…that is if you have time?"

"What…why of course, please where’s my manners…please come in."

"Thanks." Lisa said as she stepped into the house.

At last Chris was in out of the cold only he hadn’t banked on being escorted in

by Lisa.

"Here let me take your coat."

Lisa put the paper on the hall table and removed her coat handing it to Cally.

Chris felt the paper tilt and the floor came into view, she only have balanced

the paper and his weight was sending it over the edge.

"Had you been waiting long? Only I didn’t hear the bell." As Cally said this she

raised her voice considerably for the last part of the sentence as it was Chris’s

code to let him know they had an uninvited guest and that he should hide.

Fat chance of that all Chris could think about was not falling from the table.

Cally walked into kitchen to put the kettle on as Lisa removed her boots and

stood them by the hall table right under the wobbly paper.

Chris could see her boot come into view each time the paper rocked

forward…it looked like the black hole! If he should fall into there he’d never


Fear gripped him by the bollocks as the paper edged ever further and he felt

himself slide down a little.

Lisa seeing the paper was about to fall picked it up and carried it into the

kitchen…already her eyes were looking for the little man she’d seen last time

she was here…she was keen to find him again.

Little did she know that he was closer than she could ever have imagined.

Chris hung on in there, if a little precariously.

Lisa entered the kitchen and sat down, but she didn’t put the paper

down…quite the opposite she began to unroll it.

Chris felt the world spin and didn’t know what to do. He yelled out but it was

in vein as the two women nattered to each other completely drowning out his

tiny whimpers.

The paper finally unrolled and Chris slid off of it and landed softly after a

short fall.

Lisa took a quick look at the front page and then put it down as she sipped on

her coffee.

Chris had landed on her lap…right between her thighs on the tight piece of

skirt that acted a little like a trampoline…had she felt him?

He lay as still as possible, even afraid to breathe as the two women continued

to talk above him.

Laying on his back with his head near her crotch he could see the underside

of her well endowed breasts, and on the odd occasion he would catch a

glimpse of her chin and even her nostrils as she moved about in the chair.

Ten minute’s had passed and Chris knew he’d have to make a move soon as

he didn’t want her getting up and him sliding off of her lap to the hard floor

below as the fall might kill him. But on the other hand he didn’t want to fall

into the clutches of this young woman…who knows what she might do?

Carefully Chris began to roll over onto his front slowly and if she moved

slightly he’d stop…so far so good he was on his side and still undiscovered but

there was still an awful long way to go.

He was at first base; he was on his front. Now he needed to get to his feet,

carefully he placed his hand on the tight skirt between her thighs and pushed

up while rising up on his toes.

He’d made it to second base and yes the crowd roared; he was standing, but

what now? Very carefully he turned and decided the best was down would be

to climb over the edge of her skirt and drop between her legs and then over

the edge of the seat and an easy climb down to the floor…and freedom! It all

sounded easy in his head but in practice, well that’s a different story.

Like a child taking his first steps he carefully and one has to say skilfully

negotiated the walk to the edge of her skirt without being discovered.

Now the next part was tricky as he had to lower himself between her thighs,

it was very difficult as the edge of the skirt almost met with the edge of the

chair, but there was no going back now.

Carefully he sank to his knees and then slowly laid flat on his front. Now for

the moment of truth he needed to push himself over the edge, he was almost

there just needed to swing his legs in a little and then hang right over.

Right at the death Lisa moved forward a little moving the edge of her skirt

way beyond that of the chair…Chris was left hanging by the hem of her skirt

between her nylon covered thighs. There was only one thing for it he’d have

to pull himself back…the drop to the ground was just too great a risk.

He swung himself back and forth a little trying to build up momentum but he

was finding it hard and his arms were growing tired, he tried getting a foot

hold on the skirt below him but it was split up the back and there just wasn’t

enough tension to hold him.

It was useless he had neither the strength or hold to pull himself back

up…the only option left open to him was to take a big swing and letting go at

the right time he might be able to land on the chair seat, it was a gamble but

one he had to take.

Lisa was getting a little fidgety now as she needed an excuse to look for the

little man but Cally was hard to brush off.

Chris swung back and forth and each time he gained more and more upward

motion until at last his feet were just touching the under side of her skirt…it

was now or never.

"Gerominooooooooo." Chris yelled as he went for it.

It was a good jump; one to be proud off…unfortunately it was just a little

short. True Chris’s feet did indeed land on the seat of the chair but as he fell

back the only part of him on the seat were from his knees down so the

weight of his body was sending him over the edge anyway…all that effort he

may just have well jumped…well not quite! You see as Chris fell back human

instinct kicked in and he reached out for anything he could get a hold off,

even her fishnet stocking!

Lisa gasped as she felt something pull on her inner thigh just above her left


Chris was stuck he wasn’t going up and he wasn’t going down…he was in

limbo! His feet firmly on the chair seat and almost lying straight out his hands

were clinging tightly to her stocking but he was too tired to pull him self up.

Pushing her seat back Lisa pulled her skirt up at the hem and was amazed to

see Chris hanging there…on her stocking.

Chris looked up and say her pretty face smiling down at him, he smiled back

and even let go with one hand to give her a wave!

"Lisa, you ok?" Enquired Cally.

"What err…sure fine, just had an itch…it needed scratching!"

Lisa reached down for Chris…he knew he was in trouble as she spoke for she

didn’t mention him…

Chris didn’t fight her fingers as they wrapped around him as anything’s got to

better than falling to the floor…hasn’t it?

Lisa quickly placed Chris up her skirt between her thighs and closed her legs a

little…not too much but just enough to render him helpless.

Chris felt her shift a little as she pulled her chair back under the table…he was

trapped and finding it hard to breathe as her soft thighs encased him


Chris tried his best to move but soon learnt that it was best to remain

completely still, for when she felt him move she held him a little tighter and if

he still refused to be still it got a little tighter. So there he was held against

his will by some 19-year-old woman whom was having a conversation in his

kitchen at his table with his baby sitter sorry housekeeper, he didn’t like the

term baby sitter as he could look after himself…yea right!

"Sorry Cally but I need to use the toilet."

"Sure go ahead, top of the stairs first…but you already know."

Lisa parted her legs and Chris fell to his knees totally exhausted, she’d held

him too tight for too long and not only had he found it hard to breath but the

heat…hotter than the Sahara Desert, at least that’s how it felt.

Chris didn’t even attempt to fight her as she skilfully and quickly slid his limp

sweaty body into the top of her stocking.

He found himself upside down with her fishnet holding him firmly in place, as

she got up from her chair Chris watched the ground at her feet come into

view and then watched in awe as her legs swung back and forth and then her

feet pounding on the stairs until the familiar tiled floor of his bathroom came

into view.

Lisa was so excited she never dreamed he’d fall into her lap…literally.

She sat on the edge of the bath and lifted her skirt, she giggled with

excitement at the sight before her.

As she pulled the stocking out to retrieve Chris he slipped down further and

almost ended up at her knee, she laughed a little and unclasped her stocking

and then began rolling it down her smooth leg.

Chris still hadn’t moved and hoped this was all a dream as her hand reached

him and then the stocking began rolling over his legs. Lisa didn’t bother to roll

it any further and taking hold of his legs pulled him free. She held his little

limp body before her pretty face and said…

"I don’t know how long you’ll last little man but believe me when I tell you

that we’re going to have so much fun…well It’ll be fun for me, hee, hee."

Chris didn’t move but was chilled by her tone and the words she’d said.

"Well aren’t you going to say anything?" She said as she shook him slightly.

His only response was to moan a little.

"Well maybe this’ll help."

Lisa dropped him in the sink and turned on the cold tap while she sat and

took a pee.

Chris was blasted by the torrent of water as it burst down from the tap taking

his breath away…but it had the desired effect in reviving him as he clamoured

to his feet to escape the freezing water…lucky she hadn’t put the plug in!

The toilet flushed and soon her shadow loomed above him.

"That’s better, all fresh and ready for some fun are we…good cause I know I

am…Hmm but first I need to make excuse’s to Cally…you can wait, can’t


Lisa reached into the sink and picked him up, before he could protest she

smothered him in a towel and dried him best she could.

"Right then where should I keep my little man…somewhere safe and sound

where no one would ever find you!" She said this with an evil grin that chilled

Chris to the bone.

"Put me down…I demand you put me down, you can’t do this to me…I’m,


"You’re what little man?"

"I’m a husband and a farther…you can’t treat me like this, I demand that you

put me down…please."

"O’ I had no idea I just though you were a little play thing for us big

girls…please forgive me I’ll put you down right away."

Chris was shocked by her change of attitude but please as she lowered him to

the floor.

Lisa stood back up and smiled at the little man between her feet.

Chris craned his neck back to look up at her.

"Please could you open the door?"

"Well of course I will."

Lisa stepped over Chris and opened the door.

"There you go after you."

"No please, after you." Chris called up.

"O’ such a gent." Lisa said as she stepped out the bathroom in to the hall.

Chris leaned against the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

"She wasn’t that bad…just needed a firm hand and some home truths told."

Suddenly Chris was shaken as Lisa’s stocking clad foot landed with a thud

next to him.

"Oop’s sorry didn’t mean to scare you…but did I say I’d put you down?"

"Well yea…and you did."

Lisa leaned against the door surround and put her finger on her lip in a kind

of thinking pose.

"Hmm, I see, sorry that was my mistake."

She looked down at him and Chris once again felt very uneasy.

"You see I did mean to put you down…only…"

"Only what?" Chris called up nervously.

"Well I kinda put you down in the wrong place."

Chris had heard enough and tried to edge past her foot but she knocked him

to the cold floor and covered his little body with her foot leaving only his head

peaking just above her toes.

"I meant to put you down alright…down my knickers, ha, ha."

Chris couldn’t move and screamed as she knelt down to pick him up. The

smile on her face is one he’ll never forget.

This time he fought her with all his might as she clamped her trunk like

fingers around his tiny body and lifted him skywards.

"See you soon my little lover."

In a flash Chris found himself pressed into her woman hood, which was

already to great him with its big wet lips ready to kiss him all over.

Lisa patted her crotch and breathed sharply as she straightened her dress.

"What kept you?" Cally enquired as Lisa entered the kitchen.

"Time of month." Lisa quickly replied.

Chris looked up at her a little confused.

"O’ sorry, erm."

There was a minute’s awkward silence, which Chris tried to use to his

advantage, but unfortunately his little voice wouldn’t escape her panties.

Lisa sat down and enjoyed the fact that she had a man trapped in her

knickers…an older man…a husband…a father…God she was getting hot.

Chris knew only too well that she was getting hot and used this to his

advantage, although tired he played with her lips and reached into her as far

as he dare go with out being pulled in.

It wasn’t long before he noticed a little moan creep into the conversation…it

was working.

Before long Lisa had to excuse her self again and this time ran up to the


Chris breathed heavily as light flooded into his prison.

"You naughty little man…getting me worked up like this…guess I need to

place you some place else."

Chris looked up from her hand and hoped it would be somewhere that he

might stand a chance of escaping.

"Hmm, I know just the place."

Chris was smothered by her hand and knew nothing of where he was

heading…but he knew it wouldn’t be good. He felt the movement of her

heading down the stairs…where was she going to put him?

He felt downward movement and then he was released headfirst…he dropped

into a black tunnel until he hit a relatively hard floor that slopped heavily

down to an end where he came to rest…it was dark and smelly…it didn’t need

a brain scientist to guess just where she’d dropped him…into one of her


"Now behave, I won’t be long." Were the last words he heard as she walked


Chris turned himself around and crawled up the steep hill to the heel, he

looked up and could see nothing but the ceiling above.

What was she thinking putting him in here…daft bitch he’d climb out of here

in no time…wrong.

Chris tired to brace his left arm and leg one side with his right arm and leg

the other and walk up the inside of the boot much like you’d imagine Santa

climbing up your chimney at home on Christmas morning. But it didn’t work,

as the boot was far too soft.

"Shit how am I going to get out of this hell hole? The boot is zipped up and

the only means of escape is up…maybe 3 times my height."

Chris sat in the boot and thought, he had to be quick she’d be leaving soon

and the thought that he’d be alone with her chilled him to the bone.

"Got it!" He yelled enthusiastically.

Chris stood as tall as he could on the very spot where her heel would settle

and began pushing to one side than rocking back and hitting the other side of

the boot with his back…it began to work, the boot was rocking.

Chris had built up good momentum now but just couldn’t get it that last inch

he needed…that was until he heard her voice…that was just the

encouragement he needed to find that little extra!

"Timber!" He cried as the boot toppled over…but not completely over, it fell

against the wall, he was so screwed.

The ground began to shake as Lisa got up to leave and Cally followed to see

her out.

Chris felt cold with fear and ran up the shaft of the boot that lay bent over, as

he neared the bend the floor beneath him sunk lower causing the gap he was

hoping to climb through to shrink…he was running out of time fast.

He lay on his back and pushed hard against the bend, his head squeezed

through and he could see that the top of the boot was only 3 maybe 4 inches

away…he was that close.

The all too familiar boom of giant feet rang in his ears as Lisa stepped into

the hall…immediately she say the boot was toppled and she ran to it.

Chris’s worst fears were realised as her face appeared above him…she

straightened the boot forcing Chris to tumble into the toe end once more.

"Boy those are nice Lisa, I bet they cost a pretty penny?" Said Cally as she

looked over Lisa’s shoulder.

"What! O’ yea…Italian leather, hand made soles…nothing but the best for my

pretty feet."

"Would you mind?" Cally said leaning over to pick one up.

"Err no go ahead."

Cally picked one up…but not the one that Chris was in…he was shouting blue

murder now and Lisa actually heard him…if she heard him!

"Well what…"


"What, but I…"

"Be quiet…I thought I heard something."

Chris screamed for all he was worth and Lisa decided to play it cool.

"O’ my god what was that…it sounded like it was in my boot, Could it be

rat’s?" Lisa looked really convincing.

"Calm down it’s not rat’s…I know just what it is…or more to the point who it


Lisa looked confused…acted well more like.

Cally tipped the boot over and Chris came tumbling out…hot sticky and

smelly, but in one piece.

"O’ my god…what is that?"

"Lisa meets Chris…Chris meet Lisa."

Chris got to his feet and ran behind Cally’s ankles for cover, as he still feared

Lisa might do something.

"Easy little fella, Lisa won’t hurt you…will you Lisa?"

"God no…never!"

After trying to tell Cally the truth…which she didn’t believe given his past

record…Lisa leaned over him as she left and said…

"I’ll be seeing you again little one."

Chris cowered low and knew she meant it.

Cally shut the front door and looked down at Chris by her feet.

"Well I guess we should punish you for your little indiscretion…unless you tell

me the truth."

"But I am…she put me in the boot, Christ she tried to kidnap me."

"Ok mister its your own fault but Kim did say I must punish you…unless you’d

rather I tell her."

"But it’s the truth!"

"So you want me to tell Kim how you messed the insides of my friends

expensive boot?"

Chris looked at the floor…Kim would never believe him either.

"Well…I’m waiting." Cally said as she nudged him with her foot.


"What I didn’t hear you."


Chris bolted for cover only to get knocked over and rolled around under her

foot while she thought of a fitting punishment.

Five minutes later and the front door opened…it was Becky and Steph.

"Hi Cally…what ya doing with Dad?" Becky asked.

"Thinking of a punishment as he’s been naughty…Beck’s did you have gym


"No…but Steph did."

"Good, Steph could I borrow one of you’re gym socks for a while?"

"Sure." Steph replied as she routed through her school bag.

"Here this what you want." Steph said holding out this gross looking crusty

whitish sock.

"Perfect…Phew that reeks."

Chris kicked and screamed as Cally dropped him into the smelly sock.

"Let me out! It’s not fair let me out."

The opening closed shutting out the view of Cally’s pretty face. She then

tucked the open end into her jean back pocket and left him hanging there

while she got on with the housework!

* * * *

Chris grabbed hold of Kim’s stocking; to him it was like fishing net. He knew

that if he could hold tight enough as Kim stepped away she would pull him


"Mum come on."

"Ok, ok…Chris honey we’ll talk tonight."

The moment of truth arrived Kim lifted her foot!

Chris felt as though his arms were about to rip off but he knew he needed to

hold firm. The pain form his leg intensified as the carpet fibres fought against

his break for freedom…but they eventually stretched and then snapped under

Kim’s awesome power. Lucky for Chris that his leg was stronger than the

fibres or it would have been his leg left behind.

He found himself slap against her big toe as her foot hit the ground; to Chris

it was the fastest most exhilarating and dangerous journey he’d ever

made…and it was only one of her steps. The second came and went much

the same as the last only this time Chris was holding on less tightly; by the

third step he could hold on no longer and unfortunately he let go at probably

the worst moment…right in mid step as her leg travelled forward at its

highest speed.

He took off like a circus clown shot from a cannon; flying through the air so

fast that everything around him became a blur.


Chris hit the wall by the bedroom door and lay there motionless as Kim

walked passed totally unawhere that she’d had a passenger for all but three


"Chris…Mr Jackson, where are you…please come out, we’re all worried."

Chris awoke to the distant sounds of voices, his head thumping and his body

aching. He was a mess he had dried blood around his nose and mouth and by

the look of the stain on the carpet he’d bled quite a lot. Slowly he sat up and

to his great relief he was still in one piece and to his even greater surprise the

pain in his leg was gone.

Shocked as his world got darker he looked up and to his relief saw Cally’s

head above him with her eyes staring straight at him.

"O my god! Look at you…you’re, you’re so tiny." Cally said surprised.

Chris held his hands to his ears; her loud thunderous voice almost blew his

head apart.

Cally got the message and whispered softly to him.

"Are you ok?"

Chris nodded, he’d spent much of the morning screaming and his throat was

still very sore.

Cally didn’t know how delicate he was…she didn’t want to take the chance

with picking him up, after all what if he popped! So she laid her hand

knuckles down in front of him and waited for him to climb aboard.

Chris approached her hand and standing by the side of it made him feel even

smaller and more insignificant as her flat palm was chest high to him!

Cally watched as this tiny little man climbed onto her hand, she could hardly

feel him he was so light…so light in fact that his weight didn’t even make an

imprint on her palm as he walked to the centre of it.

Looking up Chris still found it hard to believe…how could anything…or anyone

be so big! But of course it wasn’t that they were so big it was that he was so


Carefully Cally stood up holding her hand as still as possible, it still wasn’t

steady enough for Chris and he fell in a heap, which caused her to snigger a


"I’m just going to close my hand slightly as I don’t want to loose you." She

said softly to him as she walked to the bathroom.

Chris lay down and gasped as her huge fingers curled up and over leaving her

long nails hanging menacingly over him. Christ her fingers had the girth of

the ancient Creek pillars he’d once seen when he had visited Greece.

Cally opened her hand and told Chris to lie still while she cleans him up.

Taking a cotton bud she wet it and carefully began to dab at Chris’s face

trying to remove the dried blood from it.

It was a little uncomfortable and occasionally she dabbed a little too hard but

it couldn’t have been easy for her, him being so small.

She leaned in close to see whether she’d missed any and smiled pleased with

herself that he looked so much better. Looking down a little bit more she

could see that his tiny little pecker was indeed standing to attention…she

couldn’t help herself she just had to do it. Smiling at Chris she held the cotton

bud above him and before he realised what was happening she bought it

down and twanged his pecker with it.

Chris gasped with shock and humiliation as she did it again. His little dick bent

painfully toward his toes as the cotton bud brushed against it before pinging

back up as it passed by.

Cally could see that he wasn’t amused as he tried covering himself up, she

felt a little sorry for doing it now and lifted the cotton bud away.

"Sorry" She whispered as she gentle tilted her hand and let him roll slowly off

of her hand onto the bath sponge.

"Wait there a minute."

Cally left the room for a couple of minutes before returning with a little silk

hair ribbon.

"Here Chris see if you can fashion some sort of cover for yourself with this."

Gratefully he took it from her. First he wrapped a little around his waist and

then up over one shoulder and back down between his legs…once he’d

finished he tied it off as best he could and was a little surprised that it was so


"Thanks." He called up.

"Sorry I didn’t catch that." Cally replied as she leaned in close.

"I said Thanks."

"Your welcome, now what do you say we get some lunch?"

Chris nodded he was hungry and really thirsty.

Cally held her hand out and Chris again climbed onto her open palm.

Chris found himself on the vastness of the kitchen work top as Cally began to

prepare lunch…he couldn’t grasp just how big things now looked, just

standing next to the salt and pepper pots was amazing they towered over him

like tall buildings.

He started to walk round and as he neared the edge he tentatively looked

over…god it was a long way down, quickly he stepped back as he didn’t like

being that near.

"You gotta be kidding me." Cally laughed out "You’re scared of height’s? Well

you’ve got no hope have you?"

Chris looked up at her and nodded, he didn’t remember being that scared of

heights before…but then when had her ever been so high?

With lunch made Cally placed Chris on the edge of her plate and carried it

into the front room to watch TV while they ate.

Chris sat watching Cally as she ate; amazed at the sheer size of her mouth…it

was huge! Easily able to swallow him whole in fact he thought he may be

able to move in and set up residence in there!

Cally was far to busy to notice Chris watching her eat as she tucked into the

pasta, she hadn’t bothered to make him any; after all being so small he could

just help himself to a little from her plate.

Sliding down the edge of the plate Chris soon found himself knee high in

warm tomato pasta sauce…not exactly what he had in mind when he ate

lunch, but hey what the hell he’s hungry. Leaning forward he grabbed the

edge of a tube of pasta and tried breaking a little off, it was harder than he

thought it might be…a lot harder! Pulling with all his might a piece no larger

than his hand snapped off and as it did Chris lost his footing and slid down

the side of the bowl into the "belly of the beast" or so to speak!

Flapping his arms and calling for Cally wasn’t working he just kept slipping

below the surface of the creamy sauce. She was so near and yet so far, he

could see her plunge the fork into the bowl and carefully lift the contents until

it was placed into her waiting mouth, over and over she did this…like a welloiled

machine, except for the occasional giggle at the program she watched.

"Cally…Cally help! Please Cally Help!" Chris called but she was too engrossed

in watching the TV.

The bowl was emptying pretty fast which would have been good for him

except that Cally was sinking the fork into the pasta a lot closer to him now

and he didn’t like that one little bit.

He tried desperately to climb up the smooth sides of the bowl; it wasn’t that

deep in reality, but still deep enough to keep him from climbing out! As Chris

gave another frontal assault on the side he turned quickly as the fork chinked

the surface just past his feet…that was too close for comfort.

Scrambling as fast and as hard as he could he still couldn’t make any dent on

the smooth slope’s; again the fork entered right next to him, he looked

up…Cally wasn’t even looking where the fork entered.

As Cally lifted the fork a tube of pasta slipped off and hurtled down toward

Chris as though it were a guided missile "Shoooosh" it landed on him and

slipped down to his knees before stopping…it fitted like a glove. Chris toppled

over from the weight and all that could be seen of him were his little lower

legs kicking frantically.

He couldn’t move his arms they were tightly pinned by his sides and his head

was a couple of his inches shy of the top, he was just able to move his head.

Looking out from the opening all he could see was the red stained innards of

the bowl with very little pasta tubes left.

He began thrashing about as hard as possible, which wasn’t easy. Cally

lowered the fork into the near empty dish and scooped the fork about a little

rounding up all that remained of the pasta, with great care she filled her fork

with the last couple of pasta tubes.

Chris felt the fork knock him about and his heart started racing and tears of

fear welled up in his eyes…was this to be the end? Was he to be mashed to a

pulp in the mouth of this young beauty? If he were at least it’d be quick…that

he was thankful for.

He heard the screech of the fork as it slid beneath him, and the slight roll as

the pasta nestled comfortably on the fork; and then the upward motion


Chris tilted his head back enough to allow him to see out of the tube…he

wished he hadn’t, for all he could see was Cally’s full sexy lips growing larger

by the second until they began to part. Her normally bright shiny white teeth

had slight staining from the red tomato pasta sauce and pretty soon that

would be added to by Chris’s own crimson blood. As he drew nearer he could

see her stringy sticky saliva stretching and snapping, as her mouth grew ever

wider, ready to accept her last mouthful.

Chris could see nothing now except for the cavernous mouth with its tongue

waiting to strike like some huge reptile from the Jurassic age…it would soon

be over!

* * * *

5 ½ months earlier

"Becky leave your father alone…he doesn’t want to play."

Chris was sat on the chair filled out with pillows to make it more comfortable

for him, trying to watch TV…trying being the operative word; for Becky and

Stephanie wanted him to play with them. In truth he wanted too but as he’s

gotten smaller its become more and more dangerous for him to play with

excitable kids and standing barely 12 ½ inches tall it could be life


"Will you play with us then?"

"O’ Becky I’d love too…but I need to get diner ready for when your Mum gets


"Come on Steph let’s go to my room and leave these miserable oldies to their

precious TV."

As Becky walked past Chris she just couldn’t leave alone and quickly pulled

one of the pillows from behind him and dropped it on top, effectively burying

him beneath it.

"Hee, hee." She sniggered as she and Steph exited the room.

Chris grumbled and struggled out from beneath the pillow to see Cally

bending down looking at him.

"What?" He cried out to her.

"O’ nothing." She sighed.

"Don’t give me that…I know that look, you think I should go play with them

don’t you?" Chris said as he made himself comfortable again.

"Well it’s not my place to comment."

"That’s right its not! Now if you don’t mind."

"Sorry I’m sure." Cally said sarcastically as she stood tall and exited the room.

Chris sat there trying to watch the TV but he couldn’t really get into the

program now…he was feeling guilty, besides soon he’d be too small to play

with his daughter…maybe he should go play.

With a change of heart Chris climbed down off of the chair and made his way

out to the hall…it was a long climb up the stairs, maybe he should ask Cally to

give him a lift.

"What the hell it won’t take that long."

Chris started the long climb and after reaching about half way he wished he’d

asked Cally for a lift.

Another 10 painful minutes later and he were at the top…out of breath but at

the top!

After getting his breath back he walked over to Becky’s bedroom door.

Standing there at the foot of the door he realised just how dependant he’d

grown on all his family for even the simplest of things like opening a door.

Since he’d shrunk below the level of the handles all doors were to be left

open, even just a little so that he could go where he wanted when he


He had no option he’d have to knock at the door something he loathed doing

in his own house!

"KNOCK, KNOCK" he banged on the door.

He could hear Becky and Steph talking and it was all too obvious that they

hadn’t heard his knocking.

This time he smashed at the door with both fist’s as hard as he could.

"Ouch…f**k that hurt!" He cried out.

He heard movement and stepped back a little.

The door opened a little and bending his head right back he looked up at the

underside of Steph’s chin as she held the door open a little.

Just as he was about to shout up to her she shut the door.

"There’s no one there." Chris could hear Steph telling Becky.

"Strange…it sounded like a knock?" Becky replied.

Chris was a little pissed that she hadn’t looked down for him. Again he stood

at the foot of the door and smashed it with both fists. He stepped back a little

as the door opened again.

Again it was Steph and as before she closed the door before he could shout


"For f**k sake that stupid kid…" Chris mumbled as he approached the foot of

the door yet again!

He was well pissed off now and let the door have it big time and this time

he’d stand his ground.

Again Steph opened the door a little but still couldn’t see anything but she did

feel a little tap on her shin; looking down past the flair of her skirt she could

see Chris standing next to her foot looking up at her, well under her skirt


"Err Hi…erm." Chris stuttered as he stepped back after realising he was

staring up her skirt at her white cotton panties; he hadn’t meant too it just

happened…kinda hard not too really!

"What’s up Steph?" Asked Becky.

"Well it’s your Dad…and he was…never mind."

Becky came over and stood at the door with Steph.

"What do you want?"

"Well I changed my mind…I thought we could play?"

"Na, don’t want you to play anymore." Becky said and motioned for Steph to

step back while she closed the door.

Steph smiled at Chris and leaned over to Becky whispering in her ear. Becky

sniggered and looked at Chris a little menacingly.

Chris felt a little uneasy with the whispering and the look he got after from

both of them.

"O’ ok I’ll see you at dinner then." Chris said up to them as he turned and

began heading for the stairs.

Before he’d taken more than a couple of steps Becky’s shadow fell over him

as she stepped over him and blocked his path.

Chris looked up at his giant daughter annoyed.

"Jesus Christ Becky don’t do that…how many more times do I need to tell you

its not nice having someone step over me like that…now excuse me."

Becky didn’t budge and continued to look down upon him with a sligh smile

on her face.

Chris tried to walk around her but she moved with him and kept his path


Putting his hands on his hips in an attempt to look all authoritarian he

stopped and looked up at her.

"Becky please step aside…I won’t ask again."

Becky looked over to Steph who was still standing at the door and smiled a

little while nodding her head. She then looked down at Chris who was still

standing with his hands on his hips.

"Bet you didn’t climb up all those stairs on your own?"

"What! Of course I did…now step aside Becky, I…I won’t ask you again."

Chris’s voice had an air of urgency about it now…and it hadn’t gone unnoticed

as Becky took a step closer almost standing over him now.

"So Cally didn’t carry you up those big stairs…I can’t believe you managed all

them on your own; can you Steph?"

"No way it would have been far to much for your little Dad there to manage."

"Now you listen here young lady I managed the stairs all on my own…without

any help from Cally, I may be small but I’m not incapable yet! Now excuse


Chris tried to walk around the towering trunks of flesh that were blocking his

path but as he did they moved in tandem with him. He was getting really

frustrated and all the more embarrassed as he could hear Steph giggling

behind him and egging Becky on.

"Didn’t Cally want to carry you up here? Or was it that she was too busy to

worry about you?"

Chris stepped back a few steps to enable him to see past Becky’s pleated

school skirt.

"For you’re information I decided to come up here and spend some time with

you and Steph and as Cally is busy getting dinner ready I didn’t want to

disturb her so I…" Chris stopped as a broad smile appeared across Becky’s


Suddenly a large hand wrapped around his torso from behind and he found

himself being lifted into the air.

"Put me down." He screamed as Steph held him up to her face and smiled.

"Steph…be careful! Don’t hurt him." Becky said as she walked over.

"O’ stop fussing, I’m not hurting him…am I Mr Jackson?"

"No…but please put me down…I don’t like being handled without being asked


"Sorry…can I handle you Mr Jackson?" Steph said sarcastically.

"No…now put me down." Chris screamed out as the bedroom door shut

behind them.

"Ok you asked for it."

Chris gasped as her hand released him…he was still face high to her! From

this sort of height he’d smash his legs at the very least. He thrust his arms

out in an attempt to grab hold of her, but it was useless she was well out of

reach; quickly he fell past her chest and then her waist, he tried in vain to

grab her pleated skirt and then…he landed softly on Becky’s bed.

Steph had seen the look of horror on his face, as she’d let go of him and

again the look of surprised relief as he landed softly on the bed.

He sat up and looked at the towering teen standing over him smiling.

"Th…th…that wasn’t funny Stephanie Bygrave…I’d like you to leave now…go

home Becky will see you tomorrow."

"I don’t think so Mr Jackson…I’m staying right here with Becky."

"Yea Dad, I don’t want her to go home."

Chris stood and even standing on the bed found that he was still talking

below her stomach.

"Stephanie go home now and we’ll forget what just happened…ok!"

"O’ what like you look up my skirt and we just forget about it!"

"What! I did not…how dare you young lady."

"O’ sorry my mistake, when I stood at the door and looked down at you…you

must have been looking…at what Mr Jackson?"

Chris felt himself flush…he didn’t know what to say, he had looked up her

skirt, not intentionally…Christ he’s a little more than 12inches tall its kinda

difficult when you look up at someone from this height…but that’s no excuse!

If he’d kept his distance? But when she answered the door she kept looking

over him…god he felt bad…real bad.

"Dad you didn’t, o my gosh…just wait until I tell Mum…she’ll be real mad!"

Chris looked up Becky whom was standing next to Steph and she could tell by

the look on his face that he was worried…the last thing he wanted was Kim to


"Steph…I…I…O Christ I’m sorry, I didn’t mean too…I’m so sorry."

Steph smiled, she knew she had him so let the fun begin!

"It’s ok Mr Jackson I understand…"

"You do…O thank god." Chris felt relieved.

Steph turned and began to sit down on the bed…right where Chris stood!

Chris looked up just in time as her mammoth arse descended toward him,

quickly he dived left and just missed being squashed beneath her.

"Oop’s sorry…didn’t see you there…hope you wasn’t trying to look up my skirt

again?" Steph said to Chris as he pushed her thigh to get his foot free.

"No Stephanie I wasn’t, and I didn’t the first time…it was…"

"So enjoyable that you thought you’d do it again." Steph said finishing his


"NO…Bloody hell…NO." Chris screamed up at her as the bed gave way under

the weight of Becky as she sat the other side of him.

"What! Don’t you think I’m pretty?" Steph asked while fluttering her eyelashes

at him.

"Yea of course I do…but…"

"You’d like to see up my skirt again!" Again Steph finished off his sentence.

Chris bit his tongue; he was fuming…but decided against carrying on with this

conversation. In stead he’d get down off of the bed and ask Becky to open

the door for him.

As he tried to lower him self off of the bed Becky reached over and pulled him

back up again.

"Becky please let go…I’ll go and leave you two alone."

"But Dad you said you’d play with us."

"Well I’ve changed my mind…so please open the door."

"Maybe I should tell my Mum about your Dad looking up my skirt."

"For the last time I didn’t look up your skirt…well not intentionally."

"But if you play with us…well maybe we’ll forget it ever happened, wouldn’t

we Becky."

"Yep! Mum never needs to know."

"And that goes for my Mum too."

Chris had no choice he’d have to play with them…

"Ok then…but I’m playing with you because I want to…not because I’m

scarred or feeling guilty…ok."

"Yea ok Mr Jackson whatever…go on then Beck’s what shall we play?"

Becky thought for a moment and then jumped up excitedly shouting, "blind

mans buff."

"Yea good one."

Chris hung his head…he was hoping for a game of snap or a board game…not

blind mans buff!

Becky routed out an old scarf and asked Steph to put it on her. Chris stood

well clear as Steph tied the scarf around Becky’s head and then made sure

she couldn’t see anything.

Steph led Becky to the centre of the room.

"Right come on Mr Jackson come and help me spin her."

"No its ok, you can do the honours."

"Don’t be shy, its part of the game you have to help."

Chris reluctantly made his way over and stood next to the towering

teenager…he dare not look up!

"Go on Mr Jackson you have to help too."

Mumbling to himself he leaned forward and rested his hands gently on

Becky’s shin. Steph smiled down and began turning Becky around.

Chris soon backed up as his giant daughter began spinning faster and faster,

in fact he backed up until he was near on under the bed!

Steph stood back and rested quietly against the door as Becky slowed down

and eventually stopped. Out came her arms and she began the Frankenstein

monster impression as she slowly reached out trying to touch someone. Chris

knew that he was meant to keep still but when a blind folded lumbering giant

heads your way you think self-preservation before being it so as Becky

stomped her foot down near him he backed up completely under the bed.

Becky was clumsily stomping about and paying no thought to her diminutive

father, if he hadn’t ducked under the bed he’d have surly suffered a horrific

injury as she brushed past the bed and he.

Continuing around the room she cluttered into the bedside table and then the

huge dolls house and nearly knocked that off of its table, eventually she

reached the door and touched Steph.

"Gotta…your it!" Becky said loudly as she pulled the scarf off.

"Well that wasn’t fair…you wasn’t even looking for the shrimp!"

"Was too!"

"Then how come your hands were always up high and out in front of

you…like your gonna find him up here aren’t you, derrrrrrrrrr!"

"Oi! Who you calling shrimp young lady?" Chris sounded annoyed…well if a 12

and a bit inch man with a squeaky voice can sound annoyed?

Stephanie looked down sharply at Chris as he came out from under the bed.

"You!" She said sternly looking a little upset.

Chris stopped in his tracks, "O’ erm…would you…well if its not too much

trouble not call me that…"

Stephanie’s hard look evaporated…he was scarred of her, a grown man

scarred of her. She smiled and nodded her head.

Steph walked to the centre of the room and kneeled down in front of Chris.

Chris began to back away…

"O’ no you don’t…you’re not scarred are you?"

Chris felt a little claustrophobic as Steph wrapped her hands around him and

pulled him close.

"Scarred! Who me? What of?"

"Me." Steph smiled and held her head over to one side allowing her long hair

to hang over her right bosom.

Clearing his throat and coughing a little Chris looked up into her eyes and said

"Don’t be silly…why should I be scarred of you…you’re my little daughters

best friend…I’ve know you since you were this big." Chris gestured with his

hand the height he meant.

Steph laughed and replied.

"I don’t think I was ever that small."

"Come on you two…let’s get on with the game." Becky interrupted them as

she came bounding over.

Steph sat back on her heels and released her grip on Chris allowing him to

back of a little.

"Come on then…stand up!"

"No…look if I stay on my knees I have more chance of finding your Dad."

Chris didn’t like the sound of that…not one little bit!

"Great idea…ok then."

Becky blindfolded her and began to twist her around.

Chris backed right up as Steph’s legs swung around clumsily.

Quickly Becky ran over to her wardrobe and quietly climbed in and closed the

door behind her…there was no way she was going to be it again.

Chris had watched Becky and made the mistake of calling to her for Steph

had heard him and was heading in his direction…crawling along on all fours

like a cat ready to pounce!

Chris wanted to give Becky up, but knew that Steph wanted to find

him…make him it, he had to avoid her. It was going to be difficult as she

swept the ground in front of her much faster than he could ever hope to


It had only been a couple of minutes but already he was cornered with no

where to go, he’d backed right up against the wall and had just avoided her

left hand as it swept the ground in front of him.

Steph was clumsily swinging her arms about in front of her; if she did come

into contact with him she’d probably cause him serious injury.

Again Chris just managed to avoid her clumsy lunge! What was he to do?

Surly she’d find him on the next blind sweep! Should he call out to her?

He didn’t have time to decide as her hand closed in on him fast, instinct took

over and Chris dropped to the floor, belly down. Her hand whooshing over

the top of him, his hair actually catching in the draft her speed caused. Chris

found himself looking directly at the gap between her knees’s…that was it his

escape route, if he could quietly crawl between her knees he could make his

way to the other side of the bedroom and the sanctuary of the dark space

under the bed!

There was no time to loose; Chris went for it. Shuttling along on his stomach

like a stealthy soldier in Ghost Recon Chris approached her knees.

Chris paused and realised just what a risk he was taking, if just one of her

knees rose up and landed on him it would break him in two! Was it worth the

risk for some stupid game?

"I know you’re here Mr Jackson." Steph giggled as she began to feel the wall

in front of her.

The decision was taken for him as Steph slid forward and placed a knee either

side of Chris leaving just enough room for him to manoeuvre with out

touching her.

Chris began edging forward carefully; already his butt was level with her

knees…it wouldn’t be long now.

Steph carefully felt along the top of the skirting board and below it along the

carpet…he wasn’t there! She was sure he was there, when she’d finished

turning she had seen him run this way from the small gap down by her nose.

She decided to pause for a minute and take stock of the situation…she was

going to cheat!

Chris was getting ever closer to her feet; in fact he was nearly within range of

her white ankle socks just a few more inches.

Suddenly darkness began to fall…Chris wondered what was going on, it

wasn’t until he turned his head that he realised just how much trouble he was


Stephanie’s thigh was easing down to meet her calf muscle…she was

beginning to sit back onto her heels.

Chris tried to bolt for freedom and even attempted to scream…but it was all

too little to late as Steph sat back, her toes pointed in and her heels out to

form a triangle that her butt nestled nicely into.

Chris found himself face down in the carpet unable to move…almost

impossible to breathe, was this the end…

Steph sat back and tilting her head back managed to see the area of floor

right in front of her and to her annoyance, Chris was nowhere to be seen.

"Mr Jackson, where are you?"

She had no idea she was a top of him.

Try as he might he just couldn’t move the pressure upon him was greater

than anything he’d ever experienced, hell even greater than the night Kim

pinned him down with her foot on his chest and tickled him until he wet his


Becky had got bored with sitting in the wardrobe and quietly sneaked out,

she could see Steph sitting back and holding her head back.

"You’re cheating!" Becky called out.

Steph turned her head toward Becky’s voice and replied.

"No I’m not!"

"Were too."

"Well I’ve had enough of being it…besides you were hiding in the

cupboard…that’s cheating."

"Where’s Dad?"

"Don’t know…he was here a minute ago, I was sure of that." Steph said as

she removed the blindfold.

"Dad, Dad where are you…please come out."

Steph was just about to get up when she noticed a pair of tiny feet poking

out just past her skirt that was just above her knees.

"Becky quick over here, quick." Steph called excitedly.

Becky walked over to her.


"Look I’ve found you’re Dad."

Becky followed Steph’s eyes and her own widened as she saw her fathers tiny

feet poking out past Steph’s skirt.

"O my god…that’s so funny." Becky said as she dropped to her knees in front

of Steph.

Chris meanwhile was trying with all his might to get Steph’s attention; he was

suffering under here…really suffering.

"Do you think he’s alright?" Becky sounded a little concerned.

"Well let’s find out shall we."

Steph reached down and began to remove Chris’s little socks.

Chris was shocked as he felt his socks being pulled off…Christ she knew he

was under her and still she didn’t let him free.

Steph held his tiny socks up and both she and Becky laughed at the tiny size.

She then carefully ran her nail up and down the sole of Chris’s feet.

He was really ticklish on his feet and hated for them to be tickled. He began

to struggle with a newfound zest.

"I felt him…he’s really struggling under there, I guess he doesn’t like his feet

being tickled."

"It’s not fair I want to feel him struggle…he’s my Dad."

"Don’t be such a baby, you can sit on him anytime…here you have a go at

tickling him."

Becky leaned forward and tickled the soles of his feet really gently.

Steph sat up a little and enjoyed the extra feeling of him struggle more

violently beneath her.

Chris was able to move his arms now and was thumping hard against her legs

as he screamed out in both pain and laughter as the relentless tickling was

driving him insane.

Becky stopped tickling him and asked Steph to let him go.

"Why? He put himself under there…he can get himself out."

"Please Steph, just let him go."


Chris was in a bad way, he’d peed his pants and feared he’d pass out if he

didn’t get some fresh air…it was just so damned hot under Stephanie.

"Steph, let him go…or."

"Or what."

"Nothing…just let him go."

"No, come on or what!"

"Let him go." Becky called out and pushed hard at Steph.

Steph leaned over and her right leg left the ground.

Suddenly there was a waft of fresh air and Chris could see light as Steph’s

right leg lifted into the air. Chris reached out his arm in the hope of pulling

himself free only to nearly loose it as her leg smashed back to the ground

blocking him in once again.

"Now that was stupid, I could have crushed your little Dad then…is that what

you want?"

"Please Steph, please let him go." Becky was getting upset now and Steph

could tell.

"You really are a spoil sport sometimes, just because it’s me having fun."

Steph stood up and looked down at the tiny figure lying panting at her feet.

"Here have you’re little Dad…I’m off."

Steph stamped her foot down hard right next to Chris’s head and walked to

the bedroom door.

Becky looked down at her father and reached out to him.

Chris stood although a little unsteady and backed away from her reach.

"Keep you’re rotten hands off me, for Christ sake will you just leave me


Saying no more he summoned up all his strength and ran out the open

bedroom door.

Becky was hurt, she loved her father…they never meant to upset him, after

all they were only playing…it was him that came knocking on the door.

Chris leaned against the cold porcelain of the toilet…completely naked trying

to reduce his burning temperature. Suddenly the door handle pushed

down…someone was trying to get in. Luckily Chris had got Kim to fix a lock

on the door that was low enough for him to reach…only just as he’d shrunk a

good few inches since then.

"Dad…I know you’re in there?"

"Go away Becky…please just go away."

"I’m sorry Dad…we were only playing."

Chris felt more tears run down his cheeks, he knew deep down that it wasn’t

there fault, after all he looked more and more like a child’s doll as each day

passed him by.

"I know Becky…I’m ok, just need to clean myself up a little."

"Sure you’re ok?"

"I’m sure Beck’s…I think Cally’s calling us for dinner…please tell her I’ll be

down in a minute."

"Ok…will do."

Chris listened, as the thunder of her footsteps grew fainter. He felt alone, he

felt angry…angry with himself for being so small, so vulnerable, so weak! It

was hard now, just how much harder was it going to get…would he shrink

any smaller!

He didn’t feel like a man any more…sure he looked the same, good muscle

tone, fairly good looks but that one important factor…he stood lower than his

wife’s knee!

Chris climbed into the shower cubicle and using the water that sat I a bowl

just for him he cleaned himself off, already he felt better.

Luckily there was a change of clothes in here; he dried himself off and got

dressed. He walked over to the lock and with a little effort slid it over to the

unlocked position. He then grabbed hold of the rope that was tied to the door

handle and pulled down…it didn’t move.

"O’ CRAP!" He shouted.

With each passing day he was getting shorter and the shorter he got the

weaker he got. Yesterday he’d been able to pull the rope…not easy but he

was able to do it, but today it was just to stiff.

Chris reached up and wrapped his hands around the rope, this time he used

his weight for a lever, jumping up and swinging on the rope had the desired

effect but now he needed to open the door. The minute he lowered himself to

the ground did the door handle spring back up.

"Bollocks…for Pete’s sake."

He was growing more and more frustrated. Again he swung on the rope and

the handle pulled down only this time the rope slid off of the handle.

Chris landed hard on the cold tiled floor and the rope fell and almost covered


"Jesus flipping Christ."

Jumping up he hop skipped around the floor for a minute rubbing his sore


His blood was boiling, and he was hungry…very hungry.


Chris continued to scream until he could scream no more, "why bother" he

though to himself they’d come looking eventually.

But he wasn’t one to just sit and wait, so after a few minutes he began to

formulate a plan for getting out of here.

Gathering up the rope he climbed up the makeshift ladder that Kim had

rigged up next to the bath for him. Once on the edge of the bath he walked

over to the tap ends and looked across to the toilet.

"Typical…bloody typical." The toilet lid was up…when he was normal sized

Kim was forever moaning about him leaving the toilet lid up…now he couldn’t

have possibly left it up!

He was going to give up, but something in the back of his mind kept telling

him he could make it. Sure the distance wasn’t out of his reach…but it was

the landing, he only had the width of the seat as a landing pad, and a slippery

one at that!

But Chris thought it through, he realised that if he landed on the back if the

seat he had a good stretch in which to aim for.

He backed up and counted to three. On three he went, after 4 strides he was

leaping across the expanse between the bath and the toilet. His right foot

landed first and found no grip what so ever, his arms flailing around in blind

panic as his left foot searched for a foot hold. He jarred the wooden cover

that didn’t take a lot of moving to cause it to shut, as the seat cover headed

his way the back of his head hit hard against the seat. His legs were now

fighting against the white porcelain inside the bowl…he was going down. The

seat cover shut fully making contact with his head as it did…Chris was out like

a light. Eventually his body came to rest in the pool of water at the bottom of

the toilet, he was slumped over but luckily his head was clear of the water.

An hour had passed and Becky had gone up stairs to look for her father. She

opened the Bathroom door…well it wasn’t locked so he wasn’t in there.

"Dad, Dad where are you?" Becky called out as she looked around for him.

Kim came up the stairs; she’d just gotten in from work and wanted nothing

more than to have a long hot soak in the bath.

"Becky where’s your father?"

"I don’t know Mum…he even missed dinner."

"Well when you find him make sure you give him something to eat and tell

him I’m in the bath…ok."

"Yea ok."

Kim entered the bathroom and put on the light, she locked the door behind

her and after rinsing out the bath she began to run it.

She was down to just he bra and panties as she stood admiring herself in the

full-length mirror.

"Not bad Kimmy, not bad." She said to herself.

She removed her bra and then stepped out of her panties.

Chris was starting to come round…slowly. It was dark and cold…he could tell

that much…much of him was wet, but where was he?

Kim walked over to the toilet and lifted the lid.

Light…Chris could see light…bright light beaming in from above…was he

dead? Was he to head for the light…he couldn’t tell everything was still far

away…he couldn’t see clearly, everything was just a foggy haze!

Kim never looked into the toilet, (well you don’t do you) she just sat and

waited for nature to take it course.

Chris reached an arm up toward the light…but as quick as the light had

appeared it went leaving just single narrow beam lighting up this dark wet


Kim sighed heavily as she felt a hot steamy stream of urine leave her…

* * * *

Chris screamed one last time as Cally, still totally oblivious to him placed the

fork entirely into her mouth and withdrew it empty. Suddenly it was dark and

silent…Chris knew where he was and waited for the inevitable to happen.

"At least it’ll be quick, one crunch beneath her molars and…" Chris thought to

himself as his world began to shift.

Cally was just about to chew her last mouthful when the program she was

watching made her laugh! The pasta that held Chris firmly within it slid to the

back of her throat and all too quickly began sliding down it. Chris screamed

as he could see from the light that entered her open mouth just where he

was heading…for a slow painful death.

Cally gulped in a large mouth full of air as she lurched forward and coughed

frantically…for Chris it was like riding a fast roller coaster, one minute he was

sliding down her throat toward certain death and the next he was shooting up

out of her throat and mouth like a speeding bullet. Chris couldn’t catch his

breath he was moving at such a velocity, Cally quickly bought her hand to her

mouth and was just in time to stop the contents of it splattering all over the

table…well most of it anyway.

Chris’s well fitting piece of pasta was caught firmly between Cally’s middle

two fingers…unfortunately he wasn’t!

His momentum slowed as Cally caught the pasta, Chris fell down to the table

where he landed awkwardly on her fork hitting his head pretty hard.

Cally finished coughing and using a tissue gathered up the mess in her hand

and after scrunching it up, she dropped it into her empty bowl.

She picked up her bowl and as she went to pick up her fork she noticed Chris

laying in the bend of the fork.

"Typical man! Eats and then sleeps…for all he knows I might have choked to


A wicked smile crossed her lips as she carefully picked up the fork.

Chris felt the fork move and was just coming around as Cally reached the

sink. Suddenly he became aware of water filling the sink below him, now fully

aware of his current situation he held onto the prongs of the fork and looked

up at Cally as she smiled down at him.

"What are you doing? Please put me down."

"Very well then…your wish is my command." She said with a sligh smile.

Slowly the fork began to tilt, Chris screamed a few obscenities at her as she

smiled and continued to tilt the fork some more.

Chris found himself hanging onto the last prong of the fork as his feet

dangled way above the water, which was rapidly rising.

Cally giggled as she shook the fork slightly causing Chris to loose his grip…His

arms and legs flailed helplessly as he fell fast toward the water.

As he sunk beneath the water he almost froze with shock at just how cold the

water was…he reached the surface coughing and spluttering and struggling to

tread water.

The phone ringing interrupted Cally’s hysterical laughter as she watched him

bob about in the water…

"Wait just there I’ll only be a minute."

"O’ god no (cough) please don’t leave me (splutter)."

Chris was pulled under again as Cally left his line of sight. Swimming as hard

as he could didn’t help…he was still being pulled toward the torrent of water

that was entering the sink from the tap!

He just managed to gasp in one last mouthful of air as the current pulled him

under; the flow of water hit him and pushed him deeper than he thought it

possible for him to go…his lungs felt like bursting as he struggled toward the


As he broke the water surface the second thing he did after filling his spent

lungs with much needed air was look for a way out…there was none! How

could a half-inch tall man possibly escape without help? He couldn’t, he knew

that as he struggled to keep away from the tap once again.

Cally was only a few feet away from him, but it may well have been

miles…she laughed with her friend as she chatted on the phone completely

unaware of how Chris was fighting for his very life…a fight that he was

looking like loosing!

Again Chris was pulled under and washed around the sink, this time he hadn’t

managed to intake a deep breath; already his lungs burnt and the pressure

increased upon his tiny body, as he was forced ever deeper…

Chris looked up through his bulging eyes, the surface grew more distant…was

this it? After all the struggles and painful adventures he’d been through was

he going to die so easily, so ridiculously, because his teenage house keeper

was forgetful as she chatted on the phone just a few feet away!

7 Weeks earlier

"FOR PETE’S SAKE!" Chris yelled out as Kim tilted his cushion causing him to

roll off.

He jumped to his feet as Kim stood back up and walked away…she hadn’t

heard him.

It was Sunday morning and Kim was in a strange mood, she hadn’t really

spoken to Chris yet, sure she’d taken him downstairs and given him breakfast

but all with a cold feel about it…not her usual warm loving self.

Chris had tried to converse with her at the table but at his height it was hard

to be heard, he decided in the end to treat silence with silence.

So there he was all 4 and half inches of him, under the table on his cushion

clear of any stray feet that might walk past…bored as hell! Becky had stayed

the night over at Stephanie’s and it was Cally’s day off. Normally he enjoyed

time alone with Kim, but not today…not in the mood she was in.

Chris got comfortable atop his cushion that he’d unceremoniously been

dumped off of only minutes earlier. He lay down and placed his head in his

hands…Kim hadn’t even put the TV on, and the remote was across the room

on the arm of the sofa, not that he could see it, he just remembered that’s

where Kim left it when they went to bed last night.

As usual Chris was getting fidgety, he knew he wasn’t to venture out without

telling anyone…the dangers were obvious. But he was bored, really bored, at

least if he put the TV on he could watch the old Star Trek re-runs and pass

the morning a little faster!

Chris looked out into the lounge and thought for a moment…

"If Kim catches me out in the open she’ll be furious, but then if I’m quick

enough she’ll never know!"

Sitting up he edged his way over to the pillow until he slide down to the

carpet and on to his feet. Carefully he walked out a little, just enough to see

the lounge door…it was shut and it was very quiet.

"Bloody hell…she’s shut me in."

Chris hated being shut in a room, true it was dangerous for him to walk about

freely but he liked to know that if he needed to leave the room he

could…after all he wasn’t a prisoner; although sometimes he felt like one.

He was pissed off that Kim was probably sitting in the kitchen reading the

Sunday papers while he was left alone and on the floor with nothing to do.

His mind was made up; the door being shut was the last straw…no one was

going to tell him he couldn’t move about in his own home.

Chris had a short memory, many times he had ventured out when he

shouldn’t have and many times he’d ended up in some kind of trouble or life

threatening situations, but hey he’s only human!

Gingerly Chris walked across the open floor, the carpet was easier to

negotiate here due to the wear it took with being walked over so much, the

pile was rather flat and he didn’t sink quite so deep.

His heart was racing but he’d made it to his chair, ok so it was only 3ft from

where he’d started but when your worried about being stepped on its quite

an achievement.

Walking around his chair toward the front of it he looked up and wondered

why he still referred to it as his chair. It seemed so long ago that he sat as

the dominant one, breadwinner and head of the family…now he was…what

was he? He wasn’t a man; a man takes his woman in his arms and loves her

he couldn’t even take her little toe! But he was still a father…or was he? A

father looks after his children, provides for them and steers them in the right

direction; teaches them right from wrong…he could do none of these, hell he

looks to his 11 year old daughter for protection.

Chris sunk to his knees as his eyes filled up…

"O’ god why me? Why has this happened to me?"

Suddenly Chris was snapped out of his self pity as the door opened, quickly

he backed under the chair for safety.

He felt the ground tremor as a giant approached, as the giants feet came into

view he knew it was Kim for she had on her house slippers that exposed her

heel and covered her toes. She stopped and sat down; her feet almost close

enough to touch. Chris grew cold with the realisation that had he not rolled

under here he’d have been smashed to a pulp under her foot.

"O’ shit…she’s gonna go mad when she sees I’m missing." Chris thought to


Should he come clean and get her attention before he really gets himself into

trouble or should he try and make it back to his pillow before she realises his

gone? Chris thought for a moment and chose the latter.

Carefully he crawled out and got to his feet, he stood looking directly at her

right heel, at his size he could notice the small pieces of dry skin that were

caught in the deep creases just above her heel. She had lovely soft feet and

looked after them well but at his size he could see things that the normal

human eye couldn’t.

Moving carefully to his right he had nearly passed her foot when he noticed a

shadow above him, looking up he could see a shoe falling from the sky. Chris

fell to his knees and braced for the impact.

The tip of the 3-inch heel grazed past Chris’s right arm causing him to scream

in pain as the shoe hit the ground and bounced over onto its side. Holding his

arm he rolled back under the chair. He rubbed his arm and was glad the skin

hadn’t been broken.

He guessed that it would be better to keep hidden and come out when she

called for him. Rolling over to enable him to see out from under the chair he

watched as her feet slid out of the slippers and effortlessly righted the huge

shoes before sliding into them. In seconds Kim was on her feet and leaving

the room.

Chris waited for the call but it never came! Rolling out and getting to his feet

he looked at his arm and could see the beginnings of a nice bruise forming

from his elbow to his shoulder.

"Bitch…she didn’t look…hell she didn’t even ask if I wanted to go with her!"

Chris’s anger drained as he looked at her slippers sitting just a couple of feet

from him, eagerly he approached one and climbed up onto the back of it

where her heel normally sat. He could feel the heat radiating from inside the

slipper and smell the distinctive odour of her sweet smelling feet. He felt a

stirring in his groin…this is when he truly felt alone after all he still had the

same sex drive he’d always had only now he didn’t have a woman to share it

with, causing his frustration to grow ever larger within him with each passing


Getting on his hands and knees he ventured into the dark toe section, it still

amazed him just how prominent the indentations of her toes were in here,

each one perfectly shaped as though it had been painstakingly chiselled out

to fit. He closed his eyes and revelled In the warmth and smell of his beloved

Kim…he remembered the good times when he was normal sized, the morning

she told him he was going to be a father…would he ever experience

happiness like that again?

Hugging his knees to his chest he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Chris was still in the land of nod when Kim arrived home with Donna in toe.

Donna walked into the lounge and looked for her favourite little brother-inlaw

on his pillow…but he wasn’t there.

"Where’d you say he was?"

"On his pillow…well he’d better be!" Kim replied.

"Darn it I was looking forward to teasing him a little."

"Maybe Becky’s taken him out for a bit of fresh air."

Donna began walking back to the kitchen.

"No stay in there I’ll bring the coffee in…we can chat in comfort then."

Donna walked back into the lounge and sat down on Chris’s chair; she always

made the point of sitting there, as when he was normal sized he’d never let

anyone use his chair so she just loved to sit there knowing he couldn’t do a

darn thing about it now.

Chris stirred as Kim walked into the lounge carrying the coffees.

"Here you are Donna."

Chris went cold at the mention of her name, as she always teased him. At

least she didn’t know he was there; if he could just keep out of sight he could

wait until she was gone before venturing out.

Donna kicked her shoes off and rested her feet flat on the floor with her toes

slightly touching the edge of Kim’s slippers at the heel.

Chris looked out and cringed at the brightly painted red toes that pointed

directly at him…they weren’t Kim’s; he knew exactly whom they belonged to.

Chris backed right up into the toe section, his heart was beating faster than

he thought possible…maybe he was playing it wrong; after all the two woman

were busying chatting, maybe he’d be better off getting out of the slipper and

hiding under the chair.

Before he made could make up his mind Donna made it for him as she slid

her foot up the heel so that her toes wiggled just at the opening of the


Chris braced himself and held firm as she started grabbing at the slipper with

her toes. Her big toe slipped over the top while the other four slid closer

toward Chris until the edge of the slipper top met firmly with the web

between her big and second toe.

Donna lifted the slipper of off the ground and crossed her legs. She had no

idea Chris was in there and she didn’t even realise what she was doing, it was

habit, she always messed with her own slippers at home.

Chris clung on for dear life as the slipper rose high of off the ground, his legs

slipped forward as the slipper began pointing toe up toward the ceiling. Chris

just managed to get two good handfuls of fur from the toe section as he

dangled half way under her foot.

Donna bounced the slipper a couple of times before tucking her big toe in and

letting the slipper fall all the way on to meet her toes…but of course this

didn’t happen and to her surprise she could feel something squirming beneath

her foot.

Chris was flung about like a rag doll as she bounced the slipper a couple of

times. He than screamed in horror as her toes began approaching rapidly as

the slipper fell to meet them. He let go and decided he’d rather take the

chance with the drop than end up crushed beneath her foot. Unfortunately for

him he never got that far as his chin hit the web between her big and second

toe thus pinning his head firmly between them.

Donna dropped her foot to the ground rather smartish and pulled her foot

out; when she saw a pair of little human legs kicking she smiled evilly and

quickly reinserted her foot.

"Donna what’s so funny I’m telling you about my troubles and all you can do

is smile…well if that’s…"

"O’ god no Kim please, I’m sorry I wasn’t smiling at that…it was just

wind…nothing more."

"O’ err ok then…well as I was saying…"

Chris sat up quickly and edged forward as Donna’s foot left the slipper, but

before he could escape her toes headed back toward him. Dropping flat once

more he watched as her giant toes passed over him until he was facing the

wrinkled ball of her foot, he pressed his hands against her foot in a vain

attempt to stop the inevitable.

Donna could feel that she hadn’t been fast enough and quickly re-adjusted

her foot.

Chris tried desperately to wriggle out from under foot, but his hopes were

dashed as her foot quickly slipped back and little. Donna spread her toes and

tilted her foot…bingo, she’d managed to clasp his little head between her big

and second toe.

Banging frantically against her toes and screaming as loud as his little lungs

would allow Chris was dragged back deep into the toe section of the slipper,

his misery complete as her toes pressed firmly against either side of his head

and her heavy foot pinning him completely flat beneath it.

Donna now satisfied that Chris was totally and completely restrained she

relaxed and listened whole-heartedly to her sister.

Chris was in hell and to make matters worse he knew she was doing this on

purpose, sure at first it was a chance mistake, but she must have seen him

and of course she could now feel him. He was totally beaten and the heat and

stuffiness he was experiencing was making him really miserable, but still he

fort against her.

Donna was loving the feeling of Chris struggling beneath her foot, but she

was feeling a little worried about how she was going to explain the fact that

she’d kept him in there…maybe she ought to let him go!

"I don’t know how much more I can take." Kim said sadly as tears formed in

her eyes.

"There, there don’t upset yourself…it’ll be ok!" Donna tried comforting her


"You don’t understand…you can’t understand…nobody can…I really miss


"What miss who?"

Kim looked at Donna and choked back the tears as she said "Chris…God I

really miss Chris."

Donna looked confused and pressed her foot down a little causing Chris start

squirming again, "I don’t understand? He’ll be back."

"I know…O’ God I hate myself for saying this…but I sometimes wish he


"What come back?"

"I hate myself but I miss Chris, my Chris…not the little insect he is now." Kim

burst into tears.

Chris nearly burst as Donna leaned forward to comfort Kim but just before

popping point she eased the pressure, Chris was in shock at what he was

hearing…god how he wished he hadn’t fallen asleep in her slipper.

"You know sometimes I just wish I’d accidentally step on him, vacuum him up

anything just to be rid of the…O god what am I saying, he’s still a

person…isn’t he? Still my husband, father of my daughter…but he stands no

taller than my ankle and the chance’s are he’ll get even smaller."

Kim continued to cry as Donna comforted her.

Meanwhile just a few feet from her Chris had exhausted him self and was

sobbing upon hearing his beloved Kim spill her heart out to Donna.

Donna was upset for Kim and realised she was right, sure Donna would joke

about how she wished she had a little man and she always loved teasing

Chris when she came over. But truth be told no one could understand the

horror to which the pair of them were going through.

Kim calmed down a little and continued…

"It’s not like I still don’t love him…I do, it’s just that I need a man, someone

to hold me. Someone for Becky to respect and look up too…not something

that’s smaller than her doll’s."

"Shshshshshshsh, it’ll be ok…look at me (Kim raised her head). The Doctors

haven’t given up hope have they?"


"Then you shouldn’t either…who knows this time next year you might all be

looking back at this as one big adventure."

Kim shook her head "no, the Doctors have already told me that even if they

manage to stop the shrinking the chance’s that he’ll never return to his

former height…they think he’d be lucky to gain a couple of inches. So you see

he’ll always be small."

Chris didn’t know this, neither the Doctors nor his wife had told him…he

always assumed that when a cure (not if) was found he’d slowly return to his

real height and mass.

Donna listen some more and wondered now what to do with Chris, at least

she didn’t have to worry about him telling Kim about how she had kept him

pinned beneath her foot. The last thing Chris would want was to let Kim now

he’d heard all her fears and worries.

Chris was miserable; in his entire life he’d never been so miserable. His

position under Donna’s foot was uncomfortable and unbearably hot, his tears

had mixed with her sweat and were running down his face to his mouth. He

winced again as Donna pinched his head tightly between her toes once more.

Kim rose from the chair and excused herself as she went to clean herself up

before Becky and Chris returned.

Donna waited until she was sure Kim was in the bathroom before she slid her

foot out of the slipper.

Chris felt her foot pull back and he squinted as light once again abused his

sore eyes.

Donna looked down at the sorry excuse for a man under her foot with only

his face peering up at her from between her toes. She felt sad and wished

she hadn’t done this to him…but it too late now…far too late.

Chris felt the cold air against him as he was pulled out of the slipper, his

battered body stuck firmly to her soft sole, his arms to tired to struggle and

break himself free…he looked up past his captures foot to the pretty face

looking down at him, she looked kinda sad as she mouthed the words "Sorry,

please forgive me."

Donna lifted her foot and slid it into her stiletto heel, as her toes passed over

the heel Chris’ body became free and his back roughly bounced along the

back of the heel as she pulled him into her shoe.

Chris screamed and even found the strength to struggle as her toes entered

the toe section.

"God Chris please…this is best for both of you. Don’t struggle."

Donna had decided to crush Chris…Kim’s suffering had to end and she would

be the one to end it.

Chris thought he new what fear was! After all he’d spent a week in the

clutches of Kim’s unstable friend Mel, he really thought that was the end!

That was until he saw the look on Donna’s face as she manoeuvred him into

her shoe…

Her foot nestled comfortably into her shoe…all she had to do now was stand

and the small lump under her foot would flatten. A tear filled her eye…could

she really do it?

Chris struggled for his life; her toes smothered his head and face, which

caused him difficulty to breathe. From where he didn’t know…but he found

the will to survive the inner strength as he fought against her foot.

Donna didn’t want Chris to suffer and began to increase the pressure upon

him, she could feel his struggles and almost pulled her foot free…but she

knew deep down that it was for the best!

With what little air Chris could fined he was using it to scream, although even

at his loudest effort it wasn’t getting past the confines of his tight

claustrophobic coffin!

Kim returned and apologised to Donna for laying all that at her feet! "I’m

sorry it’s just one of those days I guess! You know it gets me down from time

to time but he’s my first and only love and the father of my child…and it

doesn’t matter what size he is"

Donna breathed a sigh of relief as she eased the pressure upon her little shoe

guest; her mind was made for her…no longer did she have to make a life or

death decision.

"Kim don’t apologize that’s what sisters are for…how about another Coffee

before I go."

Kim smiled at her sister and gave her loving kiss on the cheek "coming right


Donna used the time alone to pull Chris free from her shoe and shut him

tightly in her bag.

Chris was almost unconscious as Donna freed him; he just hung limply in her

hand as she deposited him into her bag.

After finishing her coffee Donna said her goodbyes and left.

On the way to her car she saw Becky heading down the drive, she unzipped

her bag and after kissing Chris on the face handed him to Becky.

"Becky just tells your Mum that Daddy was with you all morning."

Becky looked at her Auntie "o’ ok."

Chris felt a cold chill as he was placed in Becky’s cold hands.

Becky opened the front door and shouted out "Hi Mum I’m home."

Kim came round the corner and upon seeing them both hugged Becky tightly

and taking Chris in her hand she bought him to her lips and kissed him.

"Phew! You stink…like sweaty feet. (Looking sternly at Becky) You didn’t…did


"No Mum I…"

"Go to your room, NOW!"

"But Mum."

"Now young lady."

Looking down at the tired looking beaten man lying in her palm she smiled

and said "time for a bath…mind if I join you my sexy little man?"

Chris smiled up at her and replied, "Yes please."

* * * *

Chris opened his eyes and coughed a little.

"Mum quick Dad’s awake." Becky called out.

Chris bought his hands up to cover his ears upon being assaulted by such

loud noise.

"Opp’s sorry Dad, hee, hee."

Becky still found it amusing that just by the simple action of raising her voice

she could make her father drop to his knees in pain.

Looking around Chris could tell he was lying in his matchbox bed, no longer

did he use the sponge under the bed as it was too high for him to climb up

and besides he found this far more secure. Kim had been on to him for the

last couple of weeks about spending the night in a jar…for his own safety of

course, but he’d have none of it; even still at his diminutive stature did he like

to keep that feeling of freedom.

Sitting up Chris noticed something different…everything was smaller, looking

around excitedly he realised he was no longer half inch tall.

"O’ thank god my darling you’re ok." Kim said as she approached the table

that Chris was on. With her hand she reached down and picked up the

matchbox and carefully kissed the little being sat up in it.

"Honey I’m taller." Chris yelled.

As usual his yelling fell on deaf ears, it had been that way for weeks now he

was just too small to be heard by the normal human ear.

"Mummy look I think he’s trying to say something."

Kim pulled the hair back over her ear and raised him up to it.

"Kim honey…I’m taller, I’m really taller."

Kim could just about make him out. He was right he’d been comatose for the

best part of the last month, ever since Cally found him at the bottom of the

sink, but he was in fact taller, just over an inch taller to be exact.

* * * *

4 ½ weeks earlier

Chris sat on the windowsill looking out the window watching all the people

walk by. It was a lovely day and while Cally busied herself with house

cleaning Chris had asked her to place him up here out of harms way and

besides it was just nice to relax with the window open and feel that nice

warm air blowing in.

It was the perfect position he could climb up and even walk along the outside

windowsill if he chose to which just what he’d decided to do. Getting to his

feet he pulled his 3-inch body up onto the ledge of the open window and

carefully lowered himself down onto the outside ledge.

It was nice to just walk along outside every once in a while as the sun was

slightly magnified shining through the window.

Walking along Chris kicked the tiny bundles of moss that had gathered near

the window, he watched them shoot off the edge and fall what looked like

hundreds of feet to him. He did however stand well back most of the time as

it would only take a little gust of wind to brush him clean off.

Reaching the far end of the ledge he stopped and looked up the wall, it

looked so different to him, the texture of the bricks weren’t just rough like

they were to him when he stood at normal height; each one was a climbing

wall each with varied foot holes and levels of difficulty. Placing his hands into

the brick he found good grip then with his feet he easily found foot holes and

before he knew it he’d reached the cement between his brick and the one


"Holly shit…I’m Spiderman!"

Suddenly his ears hurt at the sound of loud clapping. He cringed and looked

in the direction from whence the sound came. He gulped loudly as his eyes

fell upon her…well her huge chest anyhow! Slowly he raised his line of sight

but he already knew who owned the magnificent chest with cleavage 4

maybe 5 times his height… Samantha Johnson…or as he called her Simple

Sam, not to her face of course.

Samantha stood and crossed her arms over her ample chest smiling at the

little man whom she could see looked very nervous…even frightened.

Samantha Johnson was an old friend of Kim’s; they went way back. She had

auburn hair and dark blue eyes, some might say she was pretty…not Chris he

didn’t like her one bit and he was pretty sure the feeling was mutual. She was

36 years old and had been divorced getting on for 2 years, she had two

daughters, twins to be precise, Carla and Wendy whim had just turned 16.

"Well, well what have we here then…a little wall climbing wonder…I must say

I’m very impressed." Samantha said sarcastically as she bent down and

leaned her face closer to Chris.

Chris quickly released his grip and fell with a nervous landing back to the

window ledge.

"O’ err hi Sam…nice to erm see both if you…sorry I mean…you."

Sam smiled "Just can’t help yourself can you…I bet these look enormous to

you don’t they?"

Chris blushed he felt like a fly caught in a Spiders web. Normally when he

knew Mel was coming over he’d make himself scarce.

"Nice weather we’re having! Don’t you think?" Chris tried to sound casual as

he started his walk toward the open window.

"Chris I’m sorry I didn’t quite catch that could you repeat it please."

Chris hurried his step and yelled out to her once again.

"O’ yes, very nice."

Suddenly Chris came to a halt as her hand came onto the window ledge and

blocked his path.

"Going somewhere?" She enquired.

"What err no…just walking along the ledge…just feeling a little cold thought I

might go back inside."

"Well here let me help you…after all I’m going in."

"No, no it’s ok, Cally needs to know I’m on here as she’s coming back for me

in just a minute. Besides Kim’s not in right now…but I’ll tell her you called."

Samantha smiled "I’ didn’t hear half of that little man but I can guess that

you don’t want my help and that some ones coming for you…well your right

about the latter." She leaned in far too close for Chris’s comfort and her head

dropped almost to the point that her chin sat on the ledge just in front of him,

a toothy evil smile crossed her lips as she said "Because your mine now…all


Chris tried to back up but felt her huge finger wrap around his back, he

turned and tried fighting it off but of course it was useless she just dragged

him effortlessly to the edge and with a final tap knocked him over the edge

"Oop’s now where did that little man go…hmm must have been caught by a

gust of wind…poor Kim she’s going to miss him so much."

Chris fell screaming thinking it was all over but when he looked down he

could see right where her was heading…toward her cleavage. He landed on

her right boob with a soft splat before bouncing slightly and falling down

between her cleavage. Finally he came to rest on the base of her bra that

held these two monsters up, he found that he had plenty of room to move

but no means of escape…he was trapped, and as trapped as he’d ever been!

Sam stood up straight and looked around…good there was no one around.

Carefully she left the Jackson’s driveway and headed out onto the road to her

car parked just a couple of houses away.

Chris screamed and sunk his fists into her bosom as she made her was to her

car…she was loving it, feeling him struggle down there was the most exciting

thing she could ever remember.

Eventually tiring Chris slid down and sat in his fleshy prison which was

gradually making him feel sick, what with the smell of her cheep perfume and

the sway of her chest he was beginning to feel rather nauseous.

The drive back to Sam’s house was just a short one as she only lived a couple

of streets away…all the ride home she said nothing, she just glowed with the

fact that she t last had the little shit…and know the games could begin!

Chris guessed she was home as her bosom swelled out after being removed

from the confines of the safety belt. Again his unpleasant journey continued.

Sam entered the house and called out for her daughters…there was no reply

"Good I’ve got the house to myself…well not quite." She smiled down at her


Kicking off her shoes she walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on, she

then pulled her top out and began fishing about in her cleavage for Chris.

Chris saw her breasts part above him and welcome light enter his prison and

then her thumb and finger roughly entered and blindly pinched at him.

"Come here you little shit!" Sam barked as she felt for him.

Chris was going to make nothing easy for her and evaded her attempts to

snare him as best he could. A couple of times he’d just managed to slip past

her pink nail as it bore down on him, but he wouldn’t be able to keep this up

long as he already felt tired.

"Enough." Sam called out and removed her thumb and finger.

Lifting up her top she pulled her bra away.

Chris was happy to hear her shout and felt good about himself as her hand

withdrew…that was until the ground below moved away sending him

plummeting toward the ground. He screamed and reached out for anything

he could get a hold off, fortunately for him she had her belly button pierced

to which she had a nice sleeper inserted. Clumsily he managed to grab the

sleeper as he sped past it; unfortunately he was unable to hold on. He kicked

his leg up in a last attempt and managed to bend his knee over the ring. He

came to a sudden halt and bounced up a little as her skin stretched and

retracted, he screamed as his knee buckled under his weight.

He lay there hanging form her belly button ring upside down by just one leg,

he stretched and fumbled with the waistline of her skirt as she watched him

with amusement.

"Would you like a little help there?" She said smiling down at him.

Chris feared for his life it was a long way to drop…farther than he could hope

to survive; he nodded his head in acceptance.

"Sorry what was that…I didn’t here the magic word?"

Chris looked up from his angle past her bosom to her smiling face above and

cringed as he tucked his other leg into the ring, feeling a little more secure he

gave her the finger.

"Very well have it your own way."

Already Sam was enjoying these games…she was going to have a lot of fun

breaking him and eventually smashing him! She lowered her top back down

and continued making herself a coffee all the while making sure she could still

feel him struggling down there.

Chris didn’t know quite what to do next…maybe he should have accepted her

offer? No bollocks to her he’d find a way down himself, maybe if he did it

without her realising he could escape the titanic witch!

Pulling himself up he managed to grip the ring with right and then left hands,

once a firm grip was established he pulled his legs free and lowered them to

the waistline of her skirt.

Sam was going to sit down and drink her coffee before starting dinner but

thought it might be fun to stay on her feet and see how her little man tackled

her huge body.

Still Chris clung tightly to the ring and tucked his feet tightly into her

waistband…what next? He pulled one leg free and hung it over the

waistband, it was a long way down but he needed to take the next step.

"After 3…1, 2 (long pause) 3."

Chris slipped down and found himself straddling her waistband…it was more

difficult than he thought, as she just wouldn’t keep still.

"What now? Should I head inside and use her panty hose or climb down the

outside of the skirt to her knees? He decided on the latter.

The skirt she wore was one of those fashionable knee length jobs that was

tight around her butt and enhanced her already shapely figure. But Chris’s

hands were just the right size to fit into the tiny woven stitch.

Every now and then Sam took a sneaky peak at Chris as he carefully

negotiated her skirt…she was amused by his efforts, but at the same time she

wanted to tease him but them there would be plenty of time for that later.

Hand over hand foot after foot Chris eased himself down her skirt with great

care and skill. When he eventually reaches the floor he wasn’t sure what he’d

do but lets not jump ahead of ourselves.

Chris had reached the end of her skirt but he problem was her knee was

much to far away from her skirt for him to ever be able to reach…was this it?

Was he beaten, unable to any farther?

Sam knew all along that once he reached the bottom of the skirt he’d have

nowhere to go unless she helped him out a little by standing in such a

position that would allow him make the transition from skirt to leg.

Chris hung there growing ever more tired…too tired to climb back up and

even his grip know was becoming harder to maintain. Just the simple

movement of Samantha stepping to one side was a life or death struggle for


Sam stood in such a way that her skirt pulled tight against her right leg; Chris

wasted no time in climbing onto her leg, she smiled as she felt his little hands

and feet grip the tight silk, Chris didn’t realise just how smooth her stocking’s

would be even to his little hands.

Suddenly Kim was startled as the front door slammed.

"Hi Mum, what’s for dinner?" Carla asked as she walked into the kitchen.

Kim was caught a little off guard, she’d wanted to play along with Chris and

let him have that feeling that he could escape form her but she hadn’t banked

on his journey lasting so long.

Chris lost his footing as Kim turned sharply to greet her daughter. Hanging on

by just one hand he kicked and lunged with the other hand to try and get a

grip…it was no good and he lost his grip entirely sending sliding down her


Kim chose that very moment to step forward to greet her daughter, her shin

slammed into Chris knocking him forward as he fell. Suddenly he was free

falling toward the cold hard kitchen floor then with her continued movement

her other foot raised as she stepped forward to meet him. Chris screamed

and braced himself for impact as her toes approached at great speed.

Chris’s arms head and legs pierced the stocking between her big and second

toe thus entrapping him in an uncomfortable position right atop her foot.

"Dinner, won’t be long…I’ll call you when its ready."

"Ok, I’ll be in my room."

Chris heard the slapping of heavy feet as Carla left the kitchen.

Sam looked down at her leg.

"No…where are you…I don’t believe it."

She lifted each foot and inspected the sole for any trace’s of Chris and to her

relieve there wasn’t any…yet!

"Where could he have gone?" she said to her self as she knelt down to look

carefully over the kitchen floor.

"Mum what ya doing?" Enquired Wendy.

"What O’ err looking for my earring." Sam hadn’t heard her other daughter

come in.

Chris was trying desperately to free himself, but it was useless and as his

head had been forced through a hole it had no right to enter, the stocking

was far too tight around his little neck…so tight that he was actually being

slowly choked to death and coupled with the fact that her toes were bent

over that pulling it tight he feared the worse.

"Which one? Maybe I can help."

"No…no dear its alright, you go get changed out of your uniform and I’ll call

you when dinners ready."

"Well ok if you’re sure."

Sam stood up as Wendy left and scouted the floor one last time…there were

no stains so she knew he hadn’t been stood on, where could he be?

Chris was close to blacking out; he hadn’t taken a decent lung full of air in

well over a minute. He played his only card her tried to tickle the sensitive

area between her toes hoping she might feel him down here!

Sam was gutted until she felt a slight rub against her inner toe, it was very

faint but she felt it none the less.

She looked down and laughed aloud at what greeted her, Chris’s little bum

stuck up in the air and the rest of him seemed to be grasping for her toes.

She bent down and tried carefully to prise Chris off…he wouldn’t come easily.

"Well seeing as you like my feet so much you may as well stay there while we

have dinner!" she stood back up and called the girls for dinner.

That was the last thing Chris wanted to hear, he was almost unconscious and

knew that if he passed out he’d never wake again. With all his strength he

managed to force his hands under the stocking on both sides of his neck and

then pull it out far enough to gasp in some air. He found he couldn’t hold this

for long and was soon choking again. The cycle kept repeating itself all

through dinner…it was a constant struggle to survive.

With dinner finished and the girls washing up Sam thought it was about time

to release her little captive so the games could begin.

Chris moaned with pain each and every time her foot slammed the hard and

then carpeted floor.

Once in the privacy of her bedroom Sam sat on the bed and after unclasping

her suspenders she carefully rolled her stockings down her smooth shapely

legs; of course she started with the right.

After she’d rolled the left one down she carefully slipped if off of her foot and

held it up to her face, it bought her great pleasure to see Chris still clinging

for life although she never knew just how much stress he was really under.

Taking the stocking firmly in her left hand and Chris’s firmly in her right hand

she pulled him free with a sharp jolt.

Chris thought his head was about to be pulled off and was pleased that the

silk was so elasticised.

"There we go…now isn’t that better?"

Chris was just doubled up on her hand coughing furiously.

Sam looked around for a place to put him while she changed into something a

little more casual "yes that’ll do nicely." She said as she deposited him in the

glass next to her bed.

Eventually Chris stopped coughing and got to his feet, he looked out into the

vastness of her room slightly distorted by the curve of his glass prison.

He looked up and could see that the wall of the glass was way to high for him

to jump up after. He pushed against the glass in the hope he may be able to

roll it over but it didn’t move the think base weighed far too much. No the

only way he was getting out of here was with her help.

The adjoining bathroom door opened and Sam walked back into the bedroom

dressed in a pair of sweats and a baggy T-shirt.

Chris watched as she walked straight over to him and reached out for the

glass. His vision was completely transformed from one of the misshaped room

to an amazing network of patterns formed by the lines on her hands.

She sat on the bed and tilted the glass over to look in "Hello Chris, would you

like to come out?"

Chris looked up at her with hatred in his eyes and nodded.

"Ask nicely then…I’m waiting."

He bit his tongue and tried yelling up at her but he found that he’d lost his

little voice due to the abuse to his neck earlier on.

"Come on we haven’t got all night." Sam said as she turned her head and

places her ear over the top of the glass.

She could have stayed there all night…she still wasn’t going to get an answer.

"Ok you little prick have it your way!"

With that she opened up the bedside cabinet and stood the glass on the

shelf. Without another word she withdrew her hand and closed the door.

Chris was alone and in the dark, his throat sore and his stomach hungry.

2 days later.

Chris had lost all track of time and was starving hungry, he’d been shut up in

this cabinet since Monday evening, "was that 1 or 2 days ago," he thought to


He’d only seen her twice and each time all she did was sink her finger into a

glass of water and then drag it along the top of his glass prison so that a little

water ran down to him…he didn’t get much but it had been enough to quench

his thirst.

The worst thing was the smell, he was dirty and one side of the glass he’d

used as a toilet. What he did was remove his clothes and form a little half

moon shape with his trousers then after messing in there he used his top to

cover it over…it helped but only a little.

The glass wasn’t quite wide enough for him to lay down completely straight

so it was hard to sleep and really uncomfortable.

Chris heard the bedroom door open; maybe today she’d let him out. It wasn’t

her it was one of her daughter; she could hear her on the phone as she

walked past then the bathroom door closed. Suddenly more heavy footfalls

"Wendy you in there?" Sam called out.


"Have you got the phone in there with you?"


"Well hang up I need to make a call."

"But I’m talking."

"Just do it…NOW!"

"Ok…Jen I’ll call you later…ok bye."

"Thank you."

Chris listened as Sam left the room, "that’s why there was so much traffic in

this room if the main bathrooms being used then the girls are aloud to use

this one" he thought to himself.

He waited and heard the toilet flush, but then all too soon the latch undid and

the thumping of her feet passed him by, although he managed a little

whimper he knew he was wasting his time. Even without the sore throat he’d

be lucky if one of them heard him.

Chris dozed in and out of conciseness until bright light hurt his eyes; he sat

up and could make out Sam as she kneeled down dunking her finger in a

glass of water.

"Please, please let me out." Chris said softly in a raspy voice.

Sam just dragged her fingers over the top of the glass and then closed the

door without a second look.

Chris caught as much of the water running down the glass as he could before

the light was gone.

Another day passes.

Chris lies huddled in his glass prison, awaiting the next visit form his capture.

He’d heard her this morning singing as she showered and chatting with her

daughters as he slowly becomes weaker and weaker from lack of food and

water. His lips are chapped and sore now, his tongue feels rough and furry,

today he must get her attention…he must.

The greatest torture of all is to be confined in something so simple…a normal

drinking glass to you or I but to Chris it’s a clear tomb, he can hear he can

see; there’s even a way out! A large opening just above his head, just that

little too far for him to reach…that is the greatest torture of all!

Chris hears the bedroom door open, he listens carefully, with sadness his

hopes are dashed as he’s become accustom to Sam’s walking, he knows her

distinctive thud as her feet hit the floor. He’s sure its Wendy, as she likes to

wear sandals or a shoe that slaps her heel as she walks.

Suddenly the bedroom door opens again.

"Wend can I borrow you’re black stockings, please!" Carla calls to her sister.

"Sorry sis, laddered them so there in the bin…borrow a pair of Mum’s, she’ll

never know."

"Ok, do you know where she keeps them?"

"Err try her bedside cabinet, lower shelve I think."

Chris’s heart races, could this be the break he’s been waiting for?

The thunder of her steps grow louder the nearer she gets…until silence, Chris

clears his throat, he knows there’s just the small matter of that door between

him and freedom. He squints as the door opens and there before him is Carla,

young pretty and the most welcome sight ever to befall his tiny eyes. He

watches her for a moment as she sorts through Sam’s stockings, she holds a

pair up, and "these will do." But just as she goes to close the door something

catches her eye…

Chris’s face lights up and with all the energy he can muster he calls to her,

still weak and raspy but louder than before.

Carla reaches in her hand fast approaching the glass.

She’d seen a new pair of stockings tucked up on the top shelve, carefully she

pushes the glass to one side with her hand as she reaches out and picks up

the new packet.

Chris begins banging on the glass frantically, but its no good the glass is

pretty frosted up now and given the poor light she just hadn’t seen him. He

cries out one last time as she closes the door and leaves. Chris slips down the

glass, the tears roll down his face…so near yet so far…

Hours have passed since his hopes were dashed when he hears the bedroom

door open…it was her he knew straight away; a minute later and the door

opened, through the misted glass he could see she was holding a glass, "god

no I need food…please, help me please."

Sam could just about make out the tiny figure leaning against the glass and

beating it feebly with his fists…she held her breath and listened carefully, yes

she could hear him…was he begging "one more day, just one more" she

thought to herself.

Chris screamed as she dragged her wet fingers along the top of the glass, he

was too busy screaming at her and missed the majority of the water as it ran

down the glass.

Again he was alone and in the dark…

Yet another day later…

Chris had given up using any form of toilet habit now; he just sat amongst his

own mess and at one point even tried eating it only for it to make him reach

which hurt all the more for he had nothing in his stomach to bring up.

Suddenly the door opened, he didn’t even bother to move he was just too


Sam reached for the glass and lifted up and out of the cabinet. She peered

over the top and quickly pulled away.

"Phew! You sink, you dirty little man…there’s only one place for you."

Chris was flung about in his glass prison as Sam marched him into the

bathroom. She lifted the toilet seat and without batting an eyelid dumped the

entire contents of the glass into the water far below.

Chris hit the water, which bought any energy he had to the surface and

enabled him to break the top of the water coughing and spluttering. He wiped

the water from his eyes and looked up at the pretty face smiling down at him,

suddenly his field of vision was blocked as Sam lowered the toilet brush into

the pan. She lowered it just until it was over his head.

"Ok Chris, you’d better hang on if you want out of there."

Reaching up Chris pulled on the course plastic hair; he nearly slipped as she

lifted him out of the water.

"You’d better hang on honey." She said with a little giggle as she flushed the


Chris hung on for dear life as the water ran wild beneath his feet.

Slowly she lifted the brush and dropped him into the sink where she washed

and cleaned him properly.

At last Chris felt much better, now all he needed was something to eat. He

sat cowering in Sam’s hand as she carried him down stairs.

She bent down and set him on the floor between her sandals in front of the

chair where she sat. She stood to her full height and marvelled at the tiny

being sat between her feet.

"Now then Chris I’m going to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea and

when I return you’d better be in that exact same position…or else."

She slipped her feet out of her sandals and left him sitting between them,

that way she’d know if he’d moved.

Chris would have hidden but for the fact he was so tired and hungry, he really

hoped she’d feed him.

Sam was more than pleased when she returned to find him still sat there just

like she’d told him.

"Good boy, now sit quietly and don’t move while I watch TV."

"But I’m hungry, please can I…" He was wasting his breath she’d already sat

back and was watching TV.

He sat there motionless as she laughed above him and startled him by

accidentally kicking one of her sandals away.

Sam began eating her chocolate biscuit; Chris heard the rustle of paper and

wished he could have some as he looked up past her knees and every now

and then he caught site of her as she leaned forward laughing at the comedy

on TV.

Chris looked past her right foot, she’d dropped the chocolate wrapper, and

maybe there was some in there. He heard her brush her lap and watched as

a small piece of chocolate flew off and land between her little and next to

little toe of her right foot, it would be plenty for him, his mouth watered just

with the thought of having that chocolate.

He looked up at her again, she was busy drinking her tea and watching TV to

worry about him. Hell if he were quick enough she’d never know.

Quickly Chris stood and on unsteady feet he walked over to her foot. Her foot

rested atop her sandal that had a 2-inch cork sole rising to a 4-inch heel. He

stood with his head just a little higher than her little toe "this isn’t going to be

easy" he thought to himself.

Her toes rocked back as she laughed and Chris caught site of his prize, it was

a melted blob of chocolate right under her little toe. His mouth watered some

more…he was so close. He waited until she took a sip of her drink and at that

moment reached in between her toes and scooped up the handful of melted

chocolate. Chris wasted no time and quickly devoured it.

He wanted more, his hunger was still biting into him. Again he timed his

move to perfection, as she drank than he snatched, not as much this time but

still a good mouthful. Licking the last trace’s form his fingers he was suddenly

startled by Sam coughing above him…a cough that was meant to get his


Slowly Chris looked up until her met her eyes as she leaned forward with a

stern look of disapproval on her face.

"Well Chris I see you’re stint in the glass didn’t teach you as well as I’d

hoped! Didn’t I tell you to sit between my feet and not move? Well didn’t I?"

Chris nodded nervously.

"Well then why aren’t you there now?"

He didn’t know what to say, he didn’t want to drop himself in it still further so

he fell to his knees and clasped his hands as though he we’re preying for her


Sam smiled a little and was pleased he’d succumbed so easily…but he still

needed to be punished. She reached down and took him roughly in her hand

completely concealing within her fist!

Chris felt her move as she got up out of the chair and headed for the stairs.

Although he knew it was useless he still fought against her grip…he didn’t

want to go back in the glass again for he feared he might not leave it alive!

As she reached her bathroom she dropped him into the sink, Chris rolled over

a couple of times and ended up with one leg hanging over the plug hole;

quickly he got up and moved away from there fearing she may turn on the


Sam reached over and picked up two cotton buds she then preceded to tie

these together to form a cross, once done she picked up Chris and lay him

face down on the counter.

"Arms out." She ordered.

Chris kept his arms tight to his side and shouted some abuse at her that she’d

never hear.

"Chris honeys…don’t make me ask you again!"

Now Chris was worried, she didn’t raise her voice, she didn’t even sound

annoyed…just cold and calculating!

"Very well have it your own way."

She turned Chris over and held his legs apart using her left hand and then

casually flicked him in the balls sending him sliding along counter until his

head met with a nasty crack on the tiled wall…if he didn’t know what pain

was she’d certainly taught him very quickly.

Chris was doubled up in pain, it felt like his balls were in his throat and that

he was growing another head out of his own, the lump from the knock on the

head was so large!

"Right you’ve got two minutes to get yourself together and then I want you

face down over here with you’re arms out nice and straight."

Sam then left the bathroom.

Chris was crying as much with his own pity as with the pain "why’s she doing

this to me?" he wondered to himself.

The two minutes were almost up as Chris could hear her heavy footfalls

heading back to the bathroom. Still doubled up from pain he managed to

crawl along to the spot she’d pointed out and spread himself out as best as

he could.

Sam stood and looked down at the pathetic excuse for a man "he’s how all

men should be" she thought to herself.

"Good I’m glad to see you’re learning."

She then pulled three of her hairs out of her head and proceeded to tie Chris

to the cotton bud cross. Once done she turned him over and examined her

good work.

"Well, well I must say I’ve done a pretty good number on you there, wouldn’t

you agree?"

All Chris could do was to nod his head as the hairs were wrapped around him

so tightly he couldn’t move anything else.

"Hmm." She looked at him puzzled. "I can’t think what to do with you now."

Chris had an idea "LET ME GO YOU GIANT EVIL BITCH!" he screamed out in

his head.

"You may as well come down with me and watch a little TV…you’d like that

wouldn’t you?"

Chris had no choice as she picked him up and carried him down stairs.

She found a little blu-tac and after moulding a nice triangular base out of it

she pushed the cotton bud in nice and firmly until it held Chris firm.

"There was go…can you see the TV form there?" She sniggered and returned

to her chair.

From Chris’s position on the high shelf on the wall he had a perfect view, not

just of the TV but of the whole room…there was just one small problem…he

was upside down!

A couple of hours had passed and Chris was not fairing to well, apart form the

obvious discomfort of being up side down his bindings were beginning to dig

into his flesh just a little to tightly. Sam hadn’t even acknowledged him even

though she’d walked past a couple of times all he saw was the top of her

head which was almost level with the shelve.

Sam sat watching TV, it was 20:30hrs and she hadn’t bothered to check on

Chris…after all he wasn’t going anywhere.

The front door shut loudly.

"Carla, Wendy is that you." Sam called out.

"Yes Mum, were just going to our room." Came the reply.

"Wait come here a minute I need to ask you something."

Chris twisted his head toward the door and watched as first Wendy and then

Carla entered the room and walked right past him, as he turned he noticed a

third head pass just below.

"Did either of…O’ hi Cally how are you?"

Chris’s ears pricked up, could it be his Cally?

"Bearing up I suppose!" Came a dejected response.

It was her, Chris would know her voice anywhere and just to confirm it he

could see her now as she stood next to Sam’ chair.

"Look dear I’m sure everyone’s already told you, but it wasn’t you’re

fault…you mustn’t blame yourself. He was a stubborn little sod at the best of

times and if he wanted to sit on a window ledge in harms way then that was

his lookout not you’res, just you remember that."

"Thanks Mrs Coleman, but I still feel kinda responsible…but Kim doesn’t

blame me so I suppose that’s something."

"Off course dear…have they given up looking for him yet?"

"I think so…besides there probably isn’t anything left to look for." Cally was

beginning to get a little teary.

Sam got up to comfort her and immediately made eye contact with Chris and

smirking as she did so.

Chris had been screaming in his still raspy tone ever since Cally had started

talking with the bitch! But it was no good she’d never hear anything as quiet

as him. He began sobbing to himself…help was so near and yet so far…Christ

its not as though he were hidden, he was after all sitting on a shelf amongst

the photo’s and other dust collectors!

"Come girls lets go and have a nice Coffee." Sam said.

Wendy and Carla walked past and then Cally, Chris wailed at her as loud as

he could…Cally stopped suddenly.

"What is it dear?" Sam enquired.

"O’ sorry my lace has come untied please go ahead I’ll follow in a minute."

"Very well."

Sam looked up at Chris and winked as she walked past while given him that

sly smile.

Cally bent down to tie her lace back up.

Chris was screaming for all he was worth, and almost felt hope when she

stood back up and seemed to look toward him…but then in seconds she was


One hour lapsed into two, two into three and so on, Chris was disturbed only

once as Sam switched the lounge light off…the house was silent and all

members of the house hold slept tight in there bed’s.

Chris hardly slept a wink all night his arms and legs numb from the tight

bindings and his stomach aching from the ball blaster Sam had given him

yesterday, that coupled with hunger pains made him as miserable as he’d

ever been.

Suddenly the door swung open…it was Sam.

"Morning sleepy head time to wake up, start of another day you know. It’s

Friday today, last day of work before a whole weekend off, and if you’re a

good boy then I may let you go tonight…then again I may not! Ha, ha."

Chris looked at her with hatred in his eyes.

"Catch you later." She said cheerfully as she left the lounge.

For the next hour or so the lounge was busy with Both Wendy and Carla

watching breakfast TV while they ate there breakfast and talked about some

boy at school.

"Bye Mum, see you tonight." Wendy and Carla called out in unison as they

left the house.

Five minutes later and Sam was ready to leave for work but before she did

there was something she had to tell Chris before she left.

"O’ Chris honey…is there anything you want me to pass onto Kim today…I’m

having lunch with her you know…you see life doe’s go on."

Chris couldn’t believe what he was hearing, why was she doing this to

him…did she really hate him that much.

"Please Sam…please." Chris mumbled.

Sam saw his lips move and smiled.

"What Hon, I didn’t quite catch that." She said as she leaned in closer.

"Please Sam, please I’m hurting…I’m thirsty and hungry…I’m begging you


Sam didn’t quite hear all of what he said but she did pick up on beg and

please which satisfied her.

"Very well you can come too!"

Roughly she reached up and plucked him from his Blu-tac stand and dropped

him into her handbag.

At last Chris was getting some blood into the rest of his body, he guessed

he’d shrunk a little too as the bindings seemed a little more comfortable.

He was knocked from pillar to post as she carried her bag and then threw it

into her car as she entered it.

"She doesn’t give a rats about my well being." Chris thought to himself as he

was rudely assaulted by first her lipstick and then her hairbrush and anything

else you can think off that a woman normally carries in her bag.

The only daylight Chris had seen in the last couple of hours was when she’d

casually tossed her car keys in on him causing him to scream in pain as one

caught his very sore groin area.

Chris’s tiredness was getting the better off him; desperately he tried to keep

awake…why? He didn’t know, after all he couldn’t move, no one could hear

him…It was just that in the back of his mind he hand hope he knew Sam

couldn’t pass up the opportunity of letting him see his wife Kim, after all that

would be the ultimate torture!

Sam sat down and looked at her watch, 12:50hrs she was a little early, Kim

wouldn’t be here for another 10 minutes or so. The little Café they’d arranged

to meet was a regular haunt of theirs; the food was good and the cubicles

nice and private. Looking around she found what she was looking for.

Chris whimpered as she reached into the bag for him, holding him cupped in

her hand she smiled and said.

"Well I did say you could see her didn’t I…and I always keep my word."

Before Chris could plead with her she was leaning under the table.

The table was one of those with the single centre leg that was bolted to the

floor. Taking a hair scrunchy from her bag she held Chris with his back

against the post facing the seat opposite her and then looped one end over

the right end of the cotton bud and then after pulling it around the post she

looped it over the left of the cotton bud, effectively suspending Chris just

above knee height.

"There we are close enough to touch…well nearly." She teased him.

Chris struggled but it was useless, besides if he did manage to break free the

fall would probably kill him…and then he froze! It was Kim he could hear her.

Looking to his right he could see her standing at the side of the table, well

the bottom half of her anyway.

Kim tucked her skirt under her as she sat down and slid along the vinyl seat


Chris’s eyes welled up and he had to blink just to clear his bleary vision…he

thought he could handle it…seeing her that was…but he couldn’t. Finding an

inner strength and vocal cords he didn’t think he had he struggled and

screamed for all he was worth.

Kim began casually chatting with Sam about the upset and hurt of losing

Chris and how the Insurance people were insisting on a body before they’d

pay out the £200,000 premium.

Chris was sobbing and preying to god that she’d somehow hear him or see

him, but deep down he knew she wouldn’t as did Sam when she placed him

so carefully out in the open.

Suddenly he became aware of another giant nearby, turning his attention

from Kim he could see black pumps with black stockings leading up to a black

skirt…the waitress was here to take there order.

Chris’s mouth watered at the thought of food bringing back the all too familiar

stomach pains that he’d been suffering due to his hunger.

Turning his head back to Kim he calmed down and began to save his

energy…he was going to need it. Looking across at his wife he could see she

wore no stockings today and that she had on the 3" heeled sandals that she

loved to wear, he remembered how she used to say, "I think these make my

legs look longer." It seemed like another lifetime, another world.

Chris was suddenly startled as Kim stretched out and placed a leg either side

of him…her soft skin was mere inches away…if only he could get one arm

free…even then she’d still be out of reach. He looked down her shapely thighs

and was sure he could see into the darkness of her crotch…was she going

combat today? Often she’d go panty less saying, "how it made her feel sexy."

His head dropped and eventually tiredness took over and he fell into a deep


"Mummy wait…I want it."

Chris awoke with a start as a giant chubby hand reached around him.

"Christina, you come out form under this instant." A woman called down to

her little daughter as she reached under Sam and Kim’s table.

Taking her arm she jerked her out roughly.

"Now get over there and wait for Mummy."

"But Mummy I want that."

The woman dragged the little girl away while apologising to Sam and Kim.

Chris had come loose, as the giant girl had attempted to take him, he

screamed as the ground fast approached.

First to hit was the cotton bud at his feet which caused him to slid down until

his feet nearly hit the floor then in what seemed like slow motion he fell

forward and landed softly on his front.

"That was close." He thought to himself as he twiddled his fingers and toes

just to make sure nothing was broken.

"I wonder what that little girl found so interesting under there?" Kim said.

Sam’s face took on a look of shock as Kim leaned under the table to


"O’ err I’m sure it was nothing." She replied a little nervously.

"Argh what’s this?" Kim said enthusiastically.

Sam braced herself she’d need to talk fast to get out of this one.

Kim sat back up and held something cupped in her hand.

Sam felt the colour drain from her face "Err I can explain."

Kim looked at her a little confused, "explain what?"

"Well how you came to find…well that in your hand."

"O’ this old scrunchy…why is it you’res?"

Sam’s shoulders dropped and she almost fainted.

"Are you ok?" Kim enquired as she sat up.

Chris noted that the scrunchy had fallen a foot or so to his left, suddenly his

heart raced as he saw Kim’s hand reach down and pick it up…surly she must

see him too. But all to quickly she was gone leaving him lying face down in

the carpet still firmly attached to his cotton bud crucifix.

Turning his head to his right he realised he was right between Kim’s feet, her

right foot sat menacingly to his right while her left sat all too close to his left.

Chris thought to himself about "how ironic that the woman he loved and

worshipped, his possible saviour could any minute…second turn out to be his

executioner…without even knowing it!"

"Well thanks for lunch…" Kim said as she gathered up her bag and began to

slide out form the booth.

Chris screamed as Kim’s right foot slid toward him, he began to get pushed

and bumped along as she dragged it along the carpet.

His left hand cotton bud caught in the carpet and his right side began to rise

up as she foot continued to slid along…this was it he’d surly get twisted and

mashed beneath her foot…but by some miraculous miracle the cotton bud

jolted free but his right arm had slid under the gap between her foot and the

sole of her shoe.

The movement stopped and then started in one fluid motion as Kim swung

her legs out in front of her. Chris lurched up into the air at some unforeseen

speed before being set free and crashing back down to the carpet.

Chris looked up and realised where he was as this time he lay on his back…he

was out in the open right in the path of all the patrons and Waitresses,

someone would either spot him or swat him, he knew this for sure.

Kim stood and said her good buys to Sam and began walking away. Chris’s

eyes reached as far from his head as they could as he watched her walk

away…for possibly the last time.

"Hello honey…pleased to see me." Sam said as she knelt down to pick him


Chris’s torture wasn’t complete; Sam had spotted him and quickly put him

back in her bag.

Chris could feel the ocean breeze upon his face as he listen to the sound of

the waves breaking on the beach…he was in heaven. Well that was until he

opened his eyes!

Sam held him in her hand free from his crucifix and gently blowing on him.

"Arrr awake at last…boy can you sleep…that was some adventure you had

this afternoon…I recon you’re half Cat, you must have at least five lives it not

the full nine!"

Chris tried to sit up but she bought her thumb over and pinned his chest

beneath it.

"Time for a was little man."

Before Chris could get his breath he was rudely thrust under water and

mashed between her hands.

Once she was happy that he was nice and clean she pulled him out and

dumped him on the cold ceramic surface while she finished washing her own


Chris lay there shivering in the pool of water around him; too weak to even

stand…wondering when it would all end.

After drying her hand she looked down at the pitiful excuse for a man starring

up at her blankly, she could see he was shivering.

"Arrr is my little hero feeling the cold?" she said in a mock caring voice.

Chris nodded his head.

"Would you like me to warm you with my nice warm lips?"

Again Chris nodded…anything just to feel warmth again.

"Ok baby…you asked for it."

Chris immediately felt better as her hand engulfed him completely and lifted

him up off of the cold wet surface.

Suddenly her hand opened and Chris found himself falling quickly toward the

ground, but as she screamed and looked below it suddenly dawned on him

that he wouldn’t get anywhere near the ground. As Sam stood holding the

waistband of her panties out for her invited guest!

Chris hit her panties and bounced as though he’d hit a trampoline right into

her thick bristly bush.

Sam gasped at the feeling and suddenly realised he might be of some use

after all.

"Please me little man and I may feed you."

Suddenly the light dissipated as Sam let her panties snap back into place. She

walked back into her bedroom and after locking the door she lay down and

was actually getting excited by the squirming of the little lump trapped in her


"Hmm, now I see why Kim misses you so much!"

Chris was hungry and knew that without nourishment he’d soon die, and so

as much as it disgusted him he worked his way through her tight bush until

he found her waiting moist lips.

Already she was bucking slightly and biting on her lower lip…she never

realised he could be useful…more than useful…a sex god!

Running his hand up and down her lips he could hear her moaning above,

"More…god I need more."

Reaching as far into her as he could he found her clit, it felt as big as a

football? He began to stroke it and rub it with his hand whilst holding tightly

to her panties with his other.

"More…more I need more of you now!" She commanded.

Chris was tired hungry and above all frightened, but he knew that to feed his

hunger he needed to please her and for that he needed to find his inner

strength once more. Pulling his arm out he took handfuls of her coarse pubic

hairs in either hand and slowly sunk his feet into her, passed his knees and

then up to his waist, he could feel her grip becoming tighter as her sexual

muscles clamped tightly around him. He feared she might crush him and

contemplated pulling himself free, but thought better of it as her bucking

became more intense and her screaming louder.

Never in her life had she felt so sexually excited…sure she’d had Dick’s in her

bigger than the little man that now pleased her, twice even three times as

big, but a Dick just bangs in and out rubbing past her clit. But this was

different…a lot different!

Chris wrapped his legs around her clit and began crushing it, pulling it,

stretching it…each time bringing louder and louder moans of pleasure from

the giantess, her bucking became faster and faster.

Suddenly Chris felt her erupt and her fluids washed his spent tired body out

into her soiled panties. He lay breathing heavy on her soft lips with her

panties stuck firmly to his back.

Sam lay her legs down and breathed heavily…exhausted but more importantly

satisfied, her grip on the sheets easing as her hands relax.

She could feel no movement below and smiled to herself.

"If I’m spent imagine what he must feel like."

She turned her head to look at the clock.

"Shit 16:30hrs the girls will be home shortly."

She sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed until her feet met the

carpet below. She then reached into her panties and retrieved the soggy,

sticky little man.

"Guess we could both do with a quick shower?"

Chris gave no response just raised his head slightly before slamming it back

onto her palm.

For the first time since she’d kidnapped him she’d actually treated him

humanely, Chris found himself clean and lying comfortably in her underwear

draw. She’d carefully wrapped him in a fresh pair of panties and placed him

down into a bra cup before saying "she’d return later with some food for


Chris was warm and comfortable for the first time in nearly a week…but still

his stomach pained him…he was so hungry.

It had been over three hours and Chris was wondering whether she was

going to feed him or not…he’d kept his side of the bargain was she going to

Welch on hers?

The bedroom door opened and closed quietly; Chris sat up as this was unlike

anyone in this house…they were never quiet.

He could hear various draws slide open and cupboard door opened and closed

silently…someone was looking for something!

Chris waited with baited breath as the draw he was sat in slowly began to

open; he squinted up anxiously to focus on the person searching first the

room and now the draw that he was trapped in…

"Where is it? I’m sure she keeps it here somewhere?" the person whispered

to herself as she carefully began looking under the drawer contents.

Chris could make her out now, it was Carla…god he was saved, and getting

her attention would be easy. Standing up he freed him self from the panties

and screamed up at her. At first he didn’t think she’d heard him and then her

eyes fell upon him and her mouth dropped open as her body froze!

"Help me, o god please help me." Chris screamed for joy as he jumped up

and down in the bra cup.

Carla leaned in closer still with her mouth agap.

"O’ my god, no, no it can’t be."

Inquisitively she poked at the little man, slamming him in the chest with her

index finger easily knocking him over. She bought her other hand to her

mouth as she sniggered.

"You’re so tiny."

Chris quickly got back to his feet while rubbing his chest "please help


Again she prodded him, only this time as he fell on his back she slid the tip of

her finger up and down his body…paying particular attention to the groin


"For Christ sake, would you just get me out of here…PLEASE!"

"I wonder where Mum got you…I want one!"

Chris had managed to squirm free from under her finger and once again

began screaming up at her.

Suddenly she turned her head and shut the drawer quickly causing Chris to

bounce this way and that before smashing painfully into the front of the


Both painfully and dejectedly he got to his feet alone and in the darkness

once more.

He heard the bedroom door open and Sam speak.

"Carla what are you doing in here?"

"Just used the toilet Mum…why?"

"O’ no reason…but why use mine when the main bathroom is free?"

"What is this the Spanish inquisition? Can’t even pee without…"

"Ok, ok never mind."

The bedroom door shut and seconds later the draw began to open.

Sam’s pretty face came into view but her soft smile soon turned into a

horrifying scowl.

"And just why are you out of your bed?"

Chris had to think fast "Well I heard someone and quickly hid beneath your

panties…please I didn’t know it was you…I’m sorry…please don’t hurt me."

Sam’s scowl eased, she was pleased that he was broken in so well…her trusty

little toy man!

"Are we still hungry?" She said teasingly to him.

Excitedly he nodded his head.

"Arrr that’s good." She said as she carefully picked him up and placed him in

the bedside cabinet.

Chris stood there next to a plate with the largest piece of chocolate cake he’d

ever seen. He licked his lips and actually felt his knees weaken as he got a

smell of it.

"Now Chris honey, I need to use the little girls room and I don’t want you to

start without me…is that understood?"

Chris looked up at the living skyscraper standing next to him and nodded.

"Good…I shan’t be long."

Chris’s diverted his gaze from her back to the cake, "a quick hop up on the

plate and one little crumb…she’d never know."

He looked back toward the bathroom door and then to the cake…his mind

playing tricks on him…if she caught him helping himself after she’d told him

distinctly to wait…the thought of what she’d do to him, it didn’t bare thinking

about…he decided to wait…and wait…and wait.

Sam purposely took her good old time and stopped to adjust her sandal as

she walked back over to Chris.

Sitting down she noted that Chris hadn’t moved…which was good, but she

had to be sure!

"Did you take any?"

Chris shook his head nervously…what if she didn’t believe him?

"Show me your hands."

He held out his hands for close inspection.


Sam then leaned over and picked up the plate and began eating the cake.

Chris watched every mouthful as she slowly and purposely devoured it,

making plenty of hmm sounds along the way.

He wasn’t going to get any…he should have taken his chances when she was

in the bathroom.

"Oops silly me…look I’ve eaten it all, Chris honey why didn’t you say

something?" Sam said and then dabbed the last remains up on her wetted

finger and sucked on it.

Chris knew that without food he would surly die, and in four or was it five

days he’d eaten nothing but 2 handfuls of melted chocolate.

"I am sorry honey…but you must learn to call out"

Holding his stomach Chris sat down…he was so miserable.

"Well would you look at that Chris honey…it must be your lucky day?"

Chris looked up at her a little confused.

"Look down there between my feet I must have dropped a little…well its all

yours. But don’t leave it too late its not good to sleep on a full stomach."

With that she stood and carried the dirty plate to the bedroom door and

glanced back at him before turning out the light and exiting the room.

Chris stood in the dark, beaten not only in body but soul as well; she really

knew how to keep him down.

He’d rushed to the edge of the Cabinet and seen the piece of cake…easily as

big as his head, if not bigger, but that was down there and he…well he was

up here, 13 maybe 15 stories of off the ground, it may as well been a mile


Chris sat with his legs hung over the side contemplating jumping and ending

it all, but then a look of grim determination came over his face…he wasn’t

going to give up, after all he only needed to get down there…how hard could

it be?

Well Chris soon found out how hard as there was no leads or cords that

where always so conveniently place in Land of the Giants. Sure there was a

lamp but the lead was tucked behind the cabinet and the gap was far too

small even for him to fit through.

He stood and looked at the gap between the cabinet and the bed it was easily

12 to 15 feet to him, he couldn’t believe he was actually thinking of making

the jump…but he was!

Taking a dozen or so steps back he breathed in heavily once twice and then

sprinted for the edge of the cabinet. His foot landed right on the edge and he

pushed off with all his might, rapidly the bed came toward him…he was going

to make it…wasn’t he?

He slammed right into the side of the bed, his hands frantically groping for

the cover, unable to grip he began to slide down his legs kicking in all

directions. Roughly he hit the bed as it stuck out slightly from the mattress

and continued his fall unconscious.

Chris awoke to the sound of thunder…well footsteps actually! He sat up and

nursed his throbbing head.

"Wow that was some fall."

He noticed he was sitting on something soft, obviously it had saved him from

any permanent damage upon his heavy landing. Looking above him he could

see an oval shaped hole that looked out into the bedroom above. Then it

hit…he was in a tissue box! Its grey cardboard walls rising high all around

him. He stood atop the tissues as they beneath his feet he was way short of

reaching the opening, he jumped a couple of times but he was wasting his

time and energy.

"Hello, help here in the tissue box." He screamed out hoping that whomever

was in the bedroom might hear him.

Sam was not happy to see him gone and was on all fours looking under the

bed when she heard a faint sound, she stilled herself and waited.

"Help, here in the Tissue box." He called out again.

Sam heard it again…it was close.

Chris stood under the hole looking up when he noticed her lumbering hulk

hover high above. She turned on her knees and caught the tissue box with

her foot sending it spinning out into the open room.

Chris was rudely slammed against the cardboard wall and then hit by

tremendous G force as the box span for only a second or two. Just as he

regained his senses the box shook again and darkness began to fall, Chris

screamed as he looked up…her giant toes descending into the box like a

runaway train. Chris just managed to dive to his right as her toes hit.

"What the…" Sam called out as she felt her foot sink into the box of tissues.

Violently she shook her foot and sent the box flying toward the door, it hit

with a dull thud and landed on its side.

Chris held tight to the tissues in the box as it sawed into the air…he knew

how astronauts must feel as he felt weightlessness…for all to shorter time.

Groggily he stood and pulling the tissues of off himself he found that to his

excitement the box was on it side…he was able to escape. Looking out he

could see Sam still on her hands and knees looking under the bed…now were

his chance.

Climbing over the side he ran as fast as his little legs would carry him toward

the cover of the wardrobe.

Sam couldn’t find him under the bed and was growing impatient by his

insubordination. She decided to look no more! Instead she would order him

out, after all she’d broke him, his mind and soul owned by her…or so she


She got up and sat on the bed with her feet slightly apart.

"Chris…Honey." She called out softly.

Chris almost wet himself…he was so near the cover of the wardrobe…please

don’t let her find him now.

"Chris." She said after clearing her throat.

Stopping dead in his tracks his shoulders slumped as he turned round…to his

surprise she wasn’t looking at him she was just sitting on the bed calling his

name…she hadn’t seen him, quickly he continued his run for cover.

"Chris baby…I’m going to count to ten and if your not sat between my feet by

the time I’m finished, then god help you when I get hold of you!"

He’d made it to the cover of the wardrobe…just feet from the bedroom door,

then he heard her, standing behind the front left leg he looked out hesitantly

at her. The tone in her voice was cold and calculating…he was scarred, he

even took a couple of steps toward her, but then something deep inside

stopped him…he was going to take his chances.

"Nine…Ten…right then little man when I do get my hands on you you’ll be

sorry…very sorry…and mark my words, I will get my hands on you…that’s a


Chris backed into the shadows as she rose from the bed and walked over to

the bedroom door.

Her footsteps grew quieter and quieter until silence; all that he could hear

now was the erratic beat of his own heart!

Quickly he ran over to the bed to look for the piece of cake that had been

dropped by her earlier…there it was, pressed flat and at one with the carpet

fibres. It disgusted him; repulsed him even…but he needed nourishment if he

were to survive the adventure ahead.

With great care he retrieved and ate with haste what he could for he feared

her return. After eating what he could he carried what was left to the relative

safety under the wardrobe…he reached his destination not a minute too soon.

The all too familiar sounds of footsteps rang in his ears as the ground began

to shake slightly.

The bedroom door opened and Sam’s bare feet stomped into the room

followed by…a vacuum cleaner.

Chris’s heart sank…"would she really vacuum me up?" he thought to himself

nervously, he already knew the answer.

Sam didn’t say a word…didn’t even give him a chance; after all she doesn’t

give second chances he’d either die quickly beneath her foot or slowly

trapped inside the Dyson vacuum cleaner.

Chris looked for cover, sure he was out of sight but when the nozzle of the

vacuum cleaner came looking he’d surely be found. Fear gripped him as the

huge monster whirred into life sending a fast buzzing sensation through his

entire body.

Sam began at the bed…she didn’t bother to look for him she just thrust the

tube under and covered every last inch until not even a dust mite would have

evaded it.

Chris had nowhere to go and it was just a matter of time before he’d meet

the nozzle of the beast face to face…he was beaten and above all afraid!

Would she spare him if he lay at her feet and begged for forgiveness?

Probably not!

But what choice did he have? He didn’t want to end up sucked into a vacuum

cleaner. Taking his life into his hands he decided to give himself up and beg

to her for mercy.

Chris took a deep breath and walked out from under the cover of the

wardrobe, his head held high…he would sink to his knees and beg her for

forgiveness once she’d spotted him.

Suddenly the bedroom door flung open, missing Chris by the tiniest of

margins. A huge high-heeled shoe landed within touching distance knocking

him to the ground as the air beneath it got displaced.

"Mum, can I have some money?" A voice above him called.

"What?" Sam responded as she switched the vacuum cleaner off.

"Can I have some money?"

"How much?"

"I dunno…a tenner should be enough!"

"Ok, take it from my purse…only ten pound, I mean it!"

"Ok, thanks."

Chris looked up, he couldn’t see past the flair of her skirt but by her voice he

was pretty sure it was Wendy. At first he just lay there looking up frozen with

fear as the giantesses conversed…and then it dawned on him, she could be

his escape route, but he’d have to hurry.

Quickly he got to his feet and ran around to the front of the shoe, he jumped

up and made a grab for the lip where her foot entered the shoe, he missed

and slid back down the toe of the shoe. Panic began to overtake him as he

could hear the conversation above him wrapping up, time for one last

desperate attempt. He jumped up and lunged forward his arms reaching out

as far as possible, hid left hand miss’s its target by a fraction of an inch but

his right hand grabs hold of the leather. He reaches over with his left hand

and grabs hold of the leather, there he lays spread across the toe of her

shoe, and he pulls himself up and buries his arms as best he can between the

shoe and her soft flesh.

He braces himself as she spins on her foot, quickly his world turns and before

he could readjust she’s taken her first step, Chris screams as the soft flesh

bends and pulls tight against the shoe; his arms locking firmly into the folds

of her skin as it wrinkles. Her foot takes to the air releasing Chris from the

gruesome pain before it once again hits the floor and the cycle of pain


Chris is eventually worked loose and slips from her toe just before she exits

the front door.

The front door slams shut shaking Chris back to a semi coherent state…he

lays there looking up toward the ceiling so far above him when he notices the

ground begin to vibrate and then the familiar sound of foot steps

approaching, he struggles to get up and find cover…but it’s no good he falls

and passes out!

Chris awoke and to his relief he felt quite well, but where was he? He sat up

and immediately realised he was in a match box, packed with a little cotton

wool and that he had a cover and he even had on a pair of ill fitting boxer

shorts. He climbed out of the box and to his shock discovered that he was

under a bed, carefully he walked to the edge of the bed and looked out…it

was his room, his bedroom at home! Suddenly the ground began to shake

and Chris looked up as the bedroom door opened and in walked Kim dressed

in her bathrobe and drying her hair as she walked in.

Chris’s jaw hung open…"how did I get here" he thought to him self.

As Kim sat down at her dressing table Chris ran over and started planting kiss

after kiss on her toes.

Kim noticing the tickle looked down.

"Arrr that tickles…sorry if I woke you, I tried to let you sleep in being Sunday

an all. Don’t forget we have to see the Dr this afternoon so don’t go getting

into any trouble buster." She smiled and playfully pinned him beneath her

sexy foot.

Chris rolled about beneath her foot and realised the whole adventure must

have been a long bad dream…no nightmare!

As Kim rolled him a little too much he noticed a sharp pain shoot up his arm,

he struggled out from under her foot and looking at his upper arms he had

huge bruising from under the pit of each arm right down to the elbow. He

looked up at Kim as she smiled down at him, "how did I get the bruises?" he

thought to him self…was it just a dream?

* * * *

"It’s true Mr Jackson you are a little taller than last week, half inch to be

precise." The Dr conformed to Chris.

"That’s fantastic news, how long Doc before I’m normal again?"

The Doctor looked over at Kim and then down at Chris who stood on a set of

tiny scales.

"Well I’m sorry…but we don’t know just how height you’ll gain, whether it’ll

be anything considerable or not I can’t say…none of us can. But lets take a

week at a time…why only three weeks ago you were one and a half inches

tall and today your two and a half inches tall, that’s a gain of an inch."

"That’s fine Doctor we understand…don’t we Chris." Kim said trying to ease

the Dr from the awkward question.

"Yea I guess so." Chris replied.

After the incident where Chris nearly drowned in the sink a few weeks ago,

he’s started to increase in size. The Doctors put it down to the fact that his

heart stopped, effectively he died albeit for only a few seconds but it was long

enough to destroy the virus that was causing his perpetuity gland to excrete a

chemical imbalance into his body thus miraculously causing his entire being to


Twelve months later

Chris stands a lofty 8inches tall now, the Doctors don’t think he’ll grow any

taller and are worried by the fact that the virus still resides in his body but for

now in a dormant state.

Chris is quite the celebrity now attending movie premieres and appearing on

many talk shows. His book is a best seller and there’s even talk of a film with

Universal and Paramount fighting for the rights.

The biggest down side is that the government want to do some extensive

testing on him to see whether or not they can duplicate the virus…god knows

what might happen should a virus like that get out onto the open market!

The End

Written by
