University Law chapters 1 and 2


University Law Chapter #1

The Court Room grew Quiet. Judge Linda Carlson made her way to the bench. She stood for a moment looking at the spectators. She noticed the usual crowd of eager co-eds filling most of the seats. As usual no male students were present. In fact the only men present sat along the wall fidgeting and looking nervously at each other-today's defendants.
She shook her head briefly feeling disappointment that the male students seemed so disinterested in the workings of justice. She filed a mental note to send another note to the Dean of Men, urging that attendance in court be made mandatory, at least twice each term. She knew that this was only a University Court-just traffic tickets and personal behavior code violations- yet it was a court of law, and she could not fathom why at least the law students and political science majors did not come to observe. She sighed and noticed that every one was waiting on her. She sat and as everyone else was seated, she picked up the pile of vanilla folders. She looked at the bailiff.
" Well, Who's first?"
" the bailiff allowed her crisp voice to project over the courtroom.
"The first case your honor, id # 23874-State University vs.student Lyle Edmonds...charged with violation of University Code
3941-failure to yield right of way, and Behavior code 794-verbal abuse.
Have the young man brought before the bench. Is the arresting officer present?"
"Yes your honor."
"Hello Mary , haven't seen you here recently. Let the record show that Detective Mary Allen is present. And representing the
University... "
"That would be me, Your Honor."
" Ah yes... Amanda Rider as prosecutor... By the way Mandi, I like your new hairstyle, it's very ... Professional."
Thank you Linda; that means something from a woman of your high standards."
" Then thank you as well... Now, young man, do you have a lawyer?"
" Yes, He is represented by me... "
Judge Carlson glanced with some irritation at the source of the loud, harsh voice. she saw a skinny young man striding towards the bench..
" And who, young fellow, are you?"
"Charles Bernard Barrow, Your Honor, and I have a list of objections..."
" Hold on Mr. Darrow... Let's see... Charles Bernard, Is that what they call you... Charles Bernard?"
" Uh, it's Barrow, not Darrow, and no, I'm usually called C.B...., "
" C.B. Uh, you a Navy man? C.B."
" What? No ma'am, I ...don't understand..."
"Never mind. Just have a seat Mr. C.B. I try to keep this court informal, and I don't like things cluttered up with too many motions..."
"But Your Honor I must protest..."
" Now look, Sit Down and shut up. Everybody sit down so we can get on with this... There's a very full caseload today... Now,
"Well Judge, the facts will show that that Mr. Edmonds quarreled in public with his fiancé, Miss Jane Franklin, who is also a student at the University. Miss Franklin's statement indicates that they argued about their plan to live with the bride's family after the wedding. Miss Franklin left, and on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant, she was accosted by Mr. Edmonds, who refused to step off the sidewalk to let her pass. "
" At this point, Detective Allen arrived to investigate possible disorderly conduct. She observed the defendant standing, arms crossed, in front of Miss Franklin. He turned and sat on the curb, and was clearly heard to refer to Miss Franklin as a " heartless bitch."
A wave of whispers spread through the gallery. The Judge reached for her gavel.
" I want quiet in this court room. If the gallery observers cannot maintain decorum then I will have the court cleared for the evening.
I know that some of you came to offer your services in the administration of justice, but I cannot allow these disruptions. "
Now, we are running behind, so let's cut to the quick. Mr. Edmonds are all of these statements true?"
Mr. .Barrow became agitated and gestured wildly. " Lyle. Don't answer that. I'm your lawyer and I insist..."
" Didn't I tell you to shut up. Sit down immediately or you are in contempt."
" Now young man, answer the question."
" Well, yes, your honor its true as far as it goes, but..."
" Very well then. Is Miss Franklin present? Please step up here."
A tall willowy young brunette lady shyly stepped in front of the Judge. She was dressed like a student, in a sweater and faded jeans.
She also wore dark blue socks and a very worn pair of black leather flats. She was smiling at the defendant.
" Now my dear , do you also agree that this story is correct?"
"Yes Ma'am, it sure is. But I did yell at him first, and I did kind of slap him..."
" Now, young lady, that's very sweet to defend him like that. Do I take it then,that you still plan on following through with the marriage."
" Oh yes, Ma'am. I'm certain he can be rehabilitated."
" Let's hope so. Now Mr. Edmonds please stand... This court finds you guilty on both..."
" No! No!... You can't do this... I haven't had a chance to defend..."
"Mr. Barrow, Stop right now. You're disrupting the administration of justice. This is your last warning!"
" Now... You are guilty on both counts. As is the custom in this court, as a first offender, you will be shrunk and serve 10 days
community service ... on insole duty..."
" Judge, you can't do this... there's no crime here! This is an outrage!"
" That's it Barrow . You are right about the last part, at least... you are now in contempt. Sergeant Smith!! Cindy, escort this young buck back to the table and see that he stays there! I'll attend to him in a moment! Now Miss Franklin, as the aggrieved party, do you wish to execute the sentence? Or do I ask for a volunteer from the spectators ?"
"Yes I'll do it, your Honor, and I wore my favorite old shoes just in case..." An audible groan of disappointment passed through the gallery.
" you're a fine young lady Miss Franklin. Bring out the shrinking machine"
A large metallic object looking much like an old-fashioned telephone booth, was rolled in Mr. Edmonds, visibly shaking with fear, was quickly placed inside and the door sealed shut.
" Miss Franklin..." Jane stepped forward and flipped the lever which was pointed out to her by Sergeant Smith. A moment later and
the door was opened... a dazed, naked 6 inch Lyle stumbled out and was swept up immediately into Jane's hand. He struggled frantically, and his shrill little voice could barely be heard in the court room.
"Janie...Janie...Oh my god...You can't ...Please don't do this Please..."
" Lyle, don't whine... you make me feel bad... you should have thought about this before..."
" It's easier if you do it quickly dear," the judge suggested.
"Thank you ma'am, I think you're right."
Jane slipped off her right shoe, and dropped the still struggling Lyle inside. She placed her foot in the shoe and slowly stepped down .
The high-pitched noise was muffled but was still audible. Jane began to giggle.
" Ma'am he tickles... and he's still wiggling around. "
" yes, Miss Franklin they do at first. Now step on him firmly and place all your weight on him. Now hold that for a few seconds...
that helps to calm them down." The high-pitched noise grew softer and then stopped.
" Now Miss Franklin you will be sworn in by the bailiff. As an officer of the court, he is under your custody. You may not inflict
permanent injuries, unless it cannot be avoided. The sentence is to be 10 days, but may be altered at your discretion, to allow his
release when you feel he is ready. "
"You mean I can let him go in less than 10 days?"
" Less or more. It's at your discretion. The sentence may be extended as long as you fill out the appropriate forms every 30 days. The bailiff will show you the paperwork. Good luck Jane, and thank you."
" Thank you Judge... there's so much I have to learn... He's feels so warm down there, It's kind of neat...Hmmm."
"It will be an education for both of you I'm sure... Now bring Mr. Barrow up here... Now don't talk... you are hereby found guilty
of contempt. You are to serve the same sentence as your client--!0 days as insole. " The Judge turned to the prosecutor. " I usually
execute contempt sentences myself, but my shoes are full at the moment. How about you Amanda?"
" Well my left is full, but I think I have room in the right. You'd have to make him smaller, since he'd have to share the shoe... well
yes I'll take him, We lawyers do like to take care of our own. "
Mr. barrow started a much louder fit of screaming as he was seized and placed in the machine. A few seconds later a new 3 inch
version ran across the floor and almost made it to he baseboard before he was caught. He became quiet. As Amanda lowered him
towards the waiting high heel, he caught sight of two sweat covered little figures who stared up at him with empty hopeless gazes They
appeared to be mashed into the soft insole and were making feeble attempts to move. He began to scream once more...
Amanda quickly slid her stocking foot into the shoe, and stomped vigorously on the floor for several minutes until the screaming
stopped. " Finally... Defense lawyers! they never stop yacking."
" Are you ready to continue Amanda. Good. Let's move on" She turned to one of her staff "I'm already so far behind. Do I have any paperwork pending.
" Nothing that won't wait Judge Carlson, Just the usual big pile of extension papers."
" Good, Let's try to wrap up quickly...Any of you other defendants bring a lawyer... well I'm glad to hear that... Let's get done early, It's such a pretty day... I feel like enjoying the nice weather ... I think I'll walk home today."

University Law #2

Jane and Lyle Day #1
After Jane Franklin left Judge Carlson's court, She wandered the halls of the Administration Building. Finally, she left and walked across the street to her Chemistry lecture. A thousand students crammed into the hall. Jane generally went with her
friends to the balcony where it was less crowded. Today the balcony was nearly empty. Lots of kids were exhausted from last week's mid-term and were taking a few days off. Jane also had noticed that the class had been getting steadily smaller as the
semester continued. She knew that this had to do with the recent epidemic of male criminal behavior--at least that's what the school paper called it. She knew that many of her friends in the dorm were eager to help bring the situation under control, but
she really had not paid much attention until Lyle got into trouble. As she thought, she sat back in her chair and plopped her legs over the back of the seat in front . She had been sitting for several minutes now, and with the reduced pressure in her
shoe, Lyle was moving around more. The sensation against her sole was still strange to her. She had expected to feel very uncomfortable and self-conscious. It wasn't uncomfortable; it felt kind of stimulating, in a way that she could not quite
understand. Lots of her friends talked about how good they felt when they helped execute the court's sentences. Most of her friends had taken on at least one first offender, two or three had volunteered for second offender duty. She found that more
troublesome. Supervising "insole duty" didn't make you change your daily routine much, and the paperwork wasn't too bad. But those second offenders usually got sentenced to "panty patrol." That sounded like a much bigger hassle, especially since
the minimum sentence was much longer, twenty-eight days. She wondered how they came up with that.
Jane started to giggle. Lyle was wiggling more and starting to get loud. She could clearly hear his little squeaks. Her foot was very hot. Lyle took up a lot of room in her flat, and all his struggling and yelling made the heat worse. Lyle's body had
tickled at first, but it felt better now. She could feel almost every jerky movement, and could even sense the air movement against her second toe, as it accompanied each of Lyle's squeaks. She knew her soles would become more sensitive but did not
expect it to happen so soon.
Her thoughts were interrupted by movement in front of her. She had crossed her legs over the seat in front, and as she had become more preoccupied, she started to swing her foot up and down. At the top of each swing her heel became a little loose
and Lyle's noises became suddenly much louder, only to be muffled again as her foot dropped. Just inches from her bobbing foot a boy sat nervously looking at her shoe, paying no more attention to the lecture than was Jane. He swallowed and
suddenly stood up and that movement startled Jane.
She looked sternly at the young man, and said "Is something bothering you fella?"
"No Ma'am,"he replied,"I, Uhh, am just moving closer to the front so I can hear the lecture."
She watched as he gathered his books and quickly left. But, instead of going to the front of the balcony, he turned to flee out the back of the room. Jane was irritated. That seemed kind of rude to her. She thought for a moment about reporting it, but
decided against it. She didn't want to get like some of her friends, who seemed to see male rudeness everywhere.
She could hear Lyle squeaking again. Suddenly She felt angry. She pulled back her right foot and tapped it hard against the metal back of the seat in front of her.
"Darn it Lyle, You've got to quiet down. People are looking at me and it's embarrassing. Please honey!"
Her taps seemed to not effect the noise. Finally in
exasperation she stood. As she rested her weight on Lyle, there was an audible whoosh from inside the shoe. It grew quiet. She stood a full minute as the wiggling gradually abated. She did feel self-conscious now, and was just glad that she was near
the back of the room. She sat again at last. Her watch showed that the lecture was nearly over, and there was not a line written on her notebook. There was hardly any point in staying. She stood again carefully and gathered her things. She exited the
lecture hall and strode across the hall into the rest room. After a moments thought, she entered one of the stalls, and lowered the seat. Jane sat and slipped her hot foot out of her flat. The cool air felt very nice on her wet sock, and she took a second to
enjoy the feeling. She looked down to see Lyle. He was trying to sit up. He seemed to be gasping for air. She decided to speak before Lyle got the energy to start squawking again.
" OK Lyle, don't sit up. Honey, I just want you to know that you're off to a bad start. If you cause me to mess up in chemistry, then I'm going to be very cross with you. Is this the thanks I get for trying to help you? I have half a mind to take back to
the nice judge, and tell her that I can't handle you. How would you like that? Then She could give you to one of those bouncy phys-ed majors out in the gallery. Would you like that?"
" Oh Gaaawd Janey, Please... I can't help it. I can't breathe. It's your socks... Please Janey I think I'm gonna throw up!"
She sat for a moment regarding her fiance. He did look pretty pathetic in there--all naked and shaky and short of breath. She felt her anger giving way again to pity.
" All right Lyle, I'll do what I can. But you really have to try harder to cooperate. This is no party for me either."
She quickly slipped off her other shoe, and removed her socks. She wrinkled her nose at the strong smell, and dropped the socks into her purse. She started to slip back into her shoes and then stopped. After a moment she reached down into the shoe
and grabbed Lyle. She pressed his little body firmly against her sole, grasping his head between her big and second toe. As she inserted her foot back in her old shoe, she squeezed her toes together, mashing Lyle's face into the gelatinous substance
between her toes. Jane stood and placed her weight on that foot, pushing her foot toward the front of the shoe. The young lady could feel his head, like a painful pebble, tightly wedged into position. She doubted that he could scream now, even if he
" I'm sorry Baby, but we've got two more lectures this afternoon, and I won't have you making all that noise. If you're good maybe I'll loosen up a little after the next class. But I'm still not very happy with you. We need to have a serious talk when we
get back to the dorm."
Amanda Rider and C.B., Day #1
Amanda walked into her apartment after dark. It had been another long day. C.B. And the five other miscreants in her pumps were quiet. She sat at the kitchen table and removed both shoes. She placed them on the table and watched as her prisoners
began to stir. The smell of stockings and warm leather drifted up to her nose. The smell was not strong. Amanda kept her feet clean and changed her shoes at least once a day. She noticed with irritation Mr. Kelso had vomited again and may have lost
control of his bowels. There was a small stain under her left heel, which she noted with distaste. Mr. Kelso had been with her longer than any of the others. She could not figure out why he kept moving under her heel, when life was definitely much
easier under the arch. She considered punishing him, but saw little point. For that matter, if he'd simply apologize for the original offense, She was more than ready to end his sentence. He was just very stubborn. She suspected that he was one of
those submissive types that get addicted to life in the shoe and simply wouldn't leave. She knew some women ignored that sort of thing, and let the submissive have his wish die under a woman's sole. Amanda didn't feel that way. She reminded herself
to go to the jailer tomorrow and insist that Kelso was ready to leave. He could complain if he wanted to but she did not want his life on her conscience.
She got two saucers. As usual she filled one with water, and the other with strained baby food. She watched as they washed in the water and stuck their heads into their supper. C. B. And another of the younger prisoners helped Mr. Kelso out of her
shoe and helped him clean up. They all looked quite solemn except Kelso who seemed to have a smile on his face. Yes, he did need to go home before it was too late. If he really wanted to die, then his wife could take over. It's fine for a couple to
make that kind of personal decision, but Amanda thought that he should show some backbone and go back to supporting his family. As a prosecutor, she was not very sympathetic to her prisoners, and was somewhat offended at the idea that they
might get sexually hooked on the punishment. After supper she brought out the little shoebox where they stayed when not in her
shoes. She got two volunteers to give her a pedicure, and replace the pink polish on her nails. It took a long time for even two prisoners to finish her feet, but they did a good job with the special little tools that they used. Mr. Kelso volunteered again,
but she scowled and shook her head no. She relaxed and did some research, while her volunteers worked. She found their efforts relaxing, and drifted off to sleep in her chair. Not wanting to bother her, the two men climbed into their box to get some
rest. Her eyes came open for a second, as she said, "Good night fellas; see you in the morning."
Her eyes closed. No other words were spoken, as they all lay down to sleep. It would be another long day tomorrow.


University Law chapter 3 and chapter 4


University Law Chapter #3

Jane & Lyle Evening of Day #1

Jane felt tired as she trudged up the stairs to her dorm room. She entered her room and landed in her lounge chair. She was about to automatically kick off her shoes when she remembered. Instead She slipped off only the left flat. Slowly she raised the other foot and placed it on her bed. She relaxed back into her chair and quietly gazed at her own worn shoe. Jane casually raised her bare foot and rested it next to shod one. Her bare foot was soaked with perspiration, and the strong smell from her shoe spread throughout the room.
“Well baby, looks like you were better off when I had those dirty socks on. I’ll bet it’s like an oven in there.”
She closed her eyes and rested. She tried hard to imagine what it was like for her fiance. His head remained crammed between her great and second toe. She had meant to loosen her hold on him after her last class, but things had gotten so busy with her friends and then dinner... Well, she had forgotten. His little head was still like a hard marble, and her second toe was feeling sore from the pressing on his skull. Lyle had not tried to move in a while. Her eyes remained shut tight and she focused on the sensations inside that shoe. With her foot propped up, Lyle was nearly in a standing position, hanging from his tightly trapped head. She could feel his body spreading out under her sole. She could hardly detect his knees under her arches, but there were two minuscule hard spots. That must be where her heel pressed down on his ankles. His arms had been wrapped around her toes most of the afternoon. Now Jane could feel them slipping down to his side, in this new position. Jane idly moved her foot to the edge of the bed and pressed lightly into the mattress. She worked her foot back and forth in her shoe, moving him now against the wet insole.
“He must be completely soaked in there,” she murmured to herself.
It all reminded her of a small bath toy that she had played with as a child. She would find the little rubber clown with her foot and press it against the bottom of the tub. As she remembered Jane found herself pushing down on dear Lyle, and being surprised when he didn’t honk like her clown used to do. Silently laughing at herself, she moved her foot back on top of the bed. The tired coed remained as still as possible. Gradually she became aware of his chest moving, registering each breath that he took with pressure on her sole. She listened intently. She opened her eyes and moved her head toward her shoe. Yes, she could hear him breathe. He sounded like a person taking deep breaths through a very runny nose. No wonder, considering where his face was resting.
She sat back and looked up at the ceiling. This was certainly not what she had expected. A rock in your shoe made your foot sensitive with the pain. This was a hundred times more intense, and complicated and delicious. She started breathing in time with poor Lyle, and she felt bits of perspiration dripping down her cheek. Her toes flexed down as Jane breathed out, and moved back up as she drew air in. Lyle's whole body jerked in rhythm to her growing arousal.
Then she glanced at the clock. It was nearly midnight!
Jane sighed, stretched and then stood up. She picked up her purse and sat on her bed. At last she removed her foot from the shoe. She looked at Lyle, who lay shivering on the insole. When he showed no inclination to move, Jane upended her flat, dropping him on the bed between her feet. He stirred and slowly sat up and stared sadly at his fiance. He was pale and quite wet. His face was covered with a white oily substance.
“ Hello Lyle, how are you feeling? Lyle, don’t you want to talk to me. Look I got a little cup of water, and a container of pasta sauce from the restaurant. Aren’t you hungry, baby?”
He continued his blank stare. Lyle looked rather dazed, and did not speak. His left hand started wiping at the white material on his face, which seemed to crusting rapidly as it dried. Lyle’s eyes gradually had more focus and life. At last he made an effort to speak.
“ Janey, I... I’m not hungry now... Just so tired... I need to rest.”
“ Lyle, you can’t go to sleep yet. We need to spend some time together.”
“Wha... What?”
“ Well, I wanted to have this night with just the two of us. I wanted to talk. You know my friends all wanted to come and cheer you up, and maybe play with you a little.”
“But I told them that it would have to wait... That tonight was just for us alone. I wanted it to be a special night. There will be lots and lots of days for my friends to come and play.”
“ But it’s just ten days... “
Yes, I know that’s the basic sentence, but I learned today that it’s almost never really ten days.”
“I, I don’t understand.”
“ Lyle, you know that part of my responsibility as your supervisor, is to decide when you’re ready to be released. Everybody tells me that ten days is just not enough time to make a big impression... To make any real change in a criminal attitude. You remember Marilyn from across the hall? Well, she has had a first offender for almost a year, and he’s still not ready to be released! She says he’s not even close to having the right attitude. I was impressed with how seriously Marilyn takes her responsibilities. She says that she may even have to stay at school for another year, so she can keep supervising him.”
“A year!”
“ Oh, don’t worry baby. I’m sure that I won’t have to keep you anywhere near that long. Lyle, I really wanted you to tell me all about how it feels in there. Don’t look at me like that. I’m not really mad at you now. I was just upset this afternoon about all the noise. But you do have to try harder to stay quiet. I know it’s all so new. You will try harder, won’t you? You do still love me, don’t you?”
“ What... Yes, Janey, I still love you.”
“That’s nice. My little man looks so sleepy. You wouldn’t believe how cute you are down there. I’d pick you up and kiss you but you smell so bad. Right now I have a real treat But you can’t tell anyone. The nice police lady down at court broke the rules a little, just for us. You see she knew that we are a couple, so she let us have this kit. Usually it’s just for married couples, But she gave us one anyway.”
“kit? Married?”
“ My, aren’t you just the chatterbox. She told me there’s a real long official name for the kit, but that everybody just calls it the conjugal condom!”
“ Oh, it's not like a regular condom. See! It has these little slits all over, so you can breathe. Look very closely. See how easy it is... And there’s this great big hole on the top... That way we can either have your head stick out, or close the hole and leave you completely inside... They say that if you’re real moist, then it’s safer to close the hole on top. So, let’s do that tonight. There, that’s it. Wouldn’t want you to drown, sweetie. Later we can open the top and see if I can get my clittie all the way in your mouth. Doesn’t that sound like fun! Lyle you said you were going to make less noise... Just listen to you... And see these plastic ribs up and down the thing. They tell me the ribs feel good, and they keep you from moving your arms too much. See how well they work. And down at this end where your feet are sticking out now, I can tie this string, that way I can’t lose you. Cool Huh! Oh you can yell now, if you want, it makes the air kind of vibrate. Oh, Lyle, please keep yelling and wiggling. You’re so sweet!”

Jane and Lyle, very early in the A.M. Of day#2

Lyle lay totally exhausted, his feet still protruding from his fiance’s vagina. A sliver of light had gotten in the passage. His head rested in a sticky mass of mucus. He somehow recalled from one of his classes that the hot red ring that he could dimly make out above him was her cervix. The smell was beyond description. His head was now outside the latex sleeve. He recalled that he had not been able to take her clitoris into his mouth, though Janey had tried hard enough. The words deep throat, had a new meaning now. Jane was asleep. Lyle was drifting off, when she started to stir. He felt the string tightening, and he was yanked into the outside world once more. She held him, dangling head down above her face. He looked down at her half-open eyes, and smiling lips. Lazily, she lowered him into those lips. He made no sound. He was all screamed out. She sucked on him and stroked him with her rough tongue. The mucus was gone and replaced by her sour slick saliva. Finally she popped him out and let him slowly swing above her eyes.
“Thank you honey. That was very nice. I have to sleep and I’m too tired to let you out now. We can’t have you getting away either. Let me see... “
She lowered him carefully down the side of her bed, and let his helpless form fall into the very shoe, where he had spent the day. She dropped the string, and it fell into the shoe as well. He heard another noise and looked up to see that bare foot entering the shoe to join him. Her sole felt cold now, but still was damp. As she finished pushing her heel into the flat, she moved her foot onto the bed. He heard the covers fall over her feet. It started to get much warmer. He felt her toes pressing down on him once again.
“ I’m sorry honey, but I’m supposed to know where you are all the time. Good Night baby. Sleep tight. I’ll try to remember where you are when I get up in the morning. But don’t worry. If I forget--- Just yell.”


Amanda Rider & C.B. morning of day#2

It had been a busy day, at least C.B. Thought so. Amanda had brought out a pair of new shoes. They were shiny dark blue leather, and the heel was a bit higher than yesterday’s selection. She loaded her prisoners in and left for work. He found himself in the right shoe, once more.
During the night he had met the other five men. All except Mr. Kelso were eager to talk so long as they did not make enough noise to disturb Amanda. Kelso seemed brain damaged to C.B., which was a shame since he and his wife Ruth Ann carried a good reputation as litigators. C.B. recalled seeing Kelso in action-aggressive and self assured. Now he looked like there was nobody was home. Fred Diener beckoned C.B. Into the heavily padded area under Amanda’s arch. There was lots of room there, Amanda dropped Kelso in the same location, but he managed to crawl up into the heel before her stocking came down on them. She stood on them with full weight for a while, shifting every few seconds from one foot to the other. Fred and C.B. Lay side by side and turned their faces toward each other. Her sole pushed them into the flexible arch-support. After a minute she added a grinding motion that embedded them further. When she shifted her weight to the other foot, Fred and C.B. could talk to each other.
“Well, C.B., I guess we’ve come a long way since law school. “
“You don’t seem that upset about it, Fred.”
“Oh I’m still mad enough, but there is something about being down here, seems to take all the fight out of you pretty quick. You don’t know it yet but you’re very lucky. No need to look like that, you’ll see what I mean. Oh she’s coming back to this. . .
For the next minute they felt the crush. No talking or moving or even breathing was possible. Suddenly the pressure let up. After a couple of deep breaths, Fred started in again.
”Amanda is all business. She doesn’t play with us much unless she’s been drinking. She stays clean. She sweats, but not too bad. Lots of new shoes with that new leather smell! Even her footsmell is nice, kind of musky and sweet. She almost never takes us when she jogs, or when she plays softball. She’s never killed one of us, even by accident. Kelso may be the first, but I don’t think that’s Amanda’s fault. Look at him up under the heel, his legs sticking out that way. If she didn’t wear so much padding in her shoes, she would have for sure, popped his daffy head by now. Hey, she’s starting to walk.”
Walking was clearly the worst time. The prisoners learned to go with the cadence:
Bang! The high heel crashes, jarring them into silliness.
then the sudden crush as she steps on to the ball of her foot,
at last a brief respite-a moment to breathe as the shoe flies through the air,
then the earthquake strikes again.
C.B. noticed that it was a lot harder if you tensed your muscles. If you could just be passive-let it happen and not react, then it was not so exhausting. Easier said than done. When Amanda sat it was almost comfortable, though the heat and moisture were more noticeable then.
Amanda went to the courthouse to get Kelso released. To C.B.’s surprise, Fred was taken as well. C.B. Lay alone on the bottom of the shoe looking up at Amanda as she listened to the probation officer speak.
“Let’s see, that’s Diener and Kelso from the right shoe and Skinner from the left. That leaves you just three.”
“I know Mary, and the two lefties should be out soon, if they don’t make me mad. Then there’ll be just Mr. Hot shot defense attorney here.”
As Amanda spoke, she pointed at C.B. With her toes, and while the conversation continued she allowed her big toe to come to rest on his chest. He reflexively drew up his body, and found himself wrapping his knees around the base of her toe. She glanced down at C.B. and continued to look at him as she talked.
“I wonder if Judge Carlson would let us blow this little smudge up to six inches, since He’ll be all alone down there. I expect to keep him for quite some time”
“That would make a lot of sense, since a three-incher alone under your high arches might as well be living in a convention hall! But the law says that they all have to be the same size. We’d need to enlarge the two in the left, and that would be a crowd!
“ I’ll think about it then. I’ve had two six-inchers in the same shoe before. It was a little hot and crowded, but they got by. If that’s all the paperwork, Mary, I guess I’ll see you later.”
Instead of stepping on top of C.B. She pushed him with her toe out of his comfortable home in the arch, and all the way into the front of the shoe. Her long toes came down on him, and she moved him about roughly for a second before taking off down the hall. C.B.was shocked and then angry. There was to be no rest here. She sat at her desk, but continued to tap and flex her toes throughout the day. The air, and the heat, and the moisture were much more intense at her toes, and there was no way to predict what would happen next. He found himself Jammed sideways under her toes. She was tapping her foot to the beat of some song on the radio. He was a little xylophone played by five giant mallets each bashing into his body in time to the music. Her littlest toe bruised his shins, while her great toe crashed down on his face. It was pitch black in there, so he could not see the toe descending on him. He could feel it well enough. As the song ended the toe came down and held him fast. The separate nylon fibers on her stockings were palpable as her toe ground into his face. It was like a giant window screen crushing into him, and as the toe let up, air rushed into his teeny deflated lungs. His universe was the damp pungent scent of her stocking and toe, which seemed to fill his ravaged body and mind.
Then the light assaulted his eyes. She slipped her foot out of the pump. Her toes wrapped around him, and easily carried him outside. She dropped him on the carpet. The ball of her foot descended onto him, and she was rolling him about on the rough carpet. She flipped around and he lay dazed, looking up at those giant toes, playfully wriggling above him. The sole of her other shoe landed on his legs, holding him firmly in place. The toes returned harshly scraping over his head and shoulders again, and again, and again. Somewhere in his terror, he realized that he was being used to calm an itch on the bottom of her foot. He was a miniature scratching post. .
“ I thought She never played with us,”he thought, as the scraping continued, on his raw little body. It occurred to C.B. That this was all intentional, and that he should take this very personally. Strangely, He did not feel angry, But something else perhaps . . . “

Jane and Lyle day#2
Jane overslept that morning and did forget where Lyle was until she was halfway to the shower. Jane thought it funny. Lyle did not. She slipped her foot out of her shoe and continued on to the shower. Lyle remained entirely helpless in the well used “conjugal condom.” He lay face down, with his nose resting in a mushy depression made by many hours contact with her third toe, He tried to roll over, but succeeded only in digging his face deeper in the toe depression. He could hear Jane’s off key singing in the shower. Later the toilet flushed, and Lyle was abruptly dangling in the morning light, as Jane grabbed the end of the string and carried Lyle back into the Bedroom. She dropped him head-first on the carpet, by her bed.
“Janey, please let me out of here.”
“Oh, is it uncomfortable down there? Are you cold, baby. Here, let me warm you up”.
Her freshly washed and dried bare foot appeared, and the warm sole covered him completely. She stroked him with her sole as she read the remaining pages of the “conjugal condom” instruction booklet.
“ You know you are really sticky. We’ll have to wash you sometime. I’m trying to figure out how to get you out of there, but it doesn’t say. I suppose I can get some scissors and cut you out.”
“ What a shame. Then you couldn’t use it again.” Lyle's voice was muffled under her sole, but she could make out what he said.
“You naughty boy! But you don’t have to worry, the condoms come fifty to a kit. Still, I’m not sure I like that tone of voice. Maybe I should just punish you. Yea, I think I can get my toe in the bottom of that thing. Yes, and then right between your little legs... Now let’s spread them apart... A bit further... There! How does that feel? Lyle... Did my naughty fella pass out?”

Jane and Lyle, one hour later

Lyle was finally out of the condom. He lay on bed and watched as his fiance hurried about the room. He was just finishing his stale pasta sauce. Jane was tall, and her pale skin contrasted with her dark shiny hair. It was brushed and pulled back into a bun. The funny, granny glasses looked out of place on such a handsome young woman. Yet it always gave Lyle a little thrill, when she tilted her head to look at him through the lenses. That’s just how she looked when he first saw her, working in the library. He remembered all the silly questions that he made up for her, to get her to keep looking at him in that funny way. This morning she wore little make up and moved, like always, in the elegant way of a dancer. Lyle was entranced despite the terrible soreness in his groin.
She slipped on her jeans, and a pair of bright yellow socks. She entered the closet and emerged with a huge box piled high with old shoes. He dumped them in the middle of the floor. Lyle Started to feel nervous.
“Janey, shouldn’t we be going to class soon?”
“ Oh, is my little man in a hurry to get in my shoe. Just be patient, and I’ll take care of you.” She sat rummaging through her old shoes. “Honey, I decided we’d play hooky today. Since you’re going to be under my foot for a while, I thought we’d try on all my old shoes together, to see which are the most comfortable. That sounds like fun, doesn’t it?” Lyle glanced down at his purple, swollen balls, and kept his mouth shut tight.
“OK. Now, I’ll put in one of them, and then I’ll walk on you for just a minute or two, or maybe a little longer. Then I put it all on this list. You know, how we rate each pair and all... And don’t worry. I included stuff for you... See here... Wetness, how much room you have, how the insole feels on your back, how well you can breathe... see.”
“Did you include smell?” Lyle immediately bit his tongue.
“ Yes, Smarty. Right here... Aroma. Gee Lyle, let’s get to it. How about my old tennis shoes to start?”

Jane and Lyle three hours later

Lyle could barely move. He ‘d always known that Jane liked all kinds shoes, but he’d never imagined this many. The old sneakers were the worst. Didn’t she ever throw them out? He’d almost been relieved to get to her wooden Dutch shoes. They did look cute on her. Then he noticed that the insole was wood too.
“ That’s it, honey. The last pair. Let me total up the scores. I’m not sure you were really honest I see you rated the aroma as wonderful on every single one! I would have thought my soccer shoes at least would have been sort of stale. Now according to the numbers, these sandals are in first place So, I guess we can wear them now when we leave. You could fall out of them, so I’ll have to put you inside my sock. Won’t that be warm and cozy?
“I thought we were not going to class today. “
“No, we’re are going to see my dad. You know that he lives in town, since Mom left him.”
“Yea, but I thought you always stayed with her.”
“ I do, silly. But when they split up, they divided everything, and for some reason he got all my old shoes from high school. Dad keeps them all in his apartment. He has a whole closet full of them right in his bedroom. Can you imagine that? I have hundreds of them. So he’s out of town at the moment, but I have a key. We can go over there and spend the rest of the day checking them out. You’ve never seen my prom shoes, or my track shoes, or the neat boots that I wore when I was a drum major in the band. Oh we’ll have lots of fun... Now come to me while I get this sock off.”
Lyle glumly stumbled across the bed and let himself fall into her warm sock. He watched silently as her sole approached, and covered him. He felt the weight on his chest as she strapped on the sandal. The Judge had been right about one thing; it was quite an education for both of them. It might even be more than he wanted to know.



University Law Chapter 5


University Law #5

Amanda and C.B. Evening of day #2

C.B. Was worn out that night. He was stiff and bruised over much of his body. Since Amanda had only three prisoners remaining, she asked the whole crew to volunteer with her foot care. She slipped off her stockings and relaxed her feet on the leather ottoman that sat by her overstuffed chair. Usually she reviewed briefs or did other paper work during this time, but today she simply stared at the television. She felt oddly restless, but was too tired to get up. She couldn’t concentrate. Then she watched her prisoners work. Two of them had what looked like miniature garden shears, and were smoothing out the edges of her toe nails. Mr.Barrow was stirring the nail polish with a long pole. They were wearing mini-respirators. Amanda insisted they be used. She wanted no lung damage from chemicals.
C. B. was limping, and appeared to be in pain. This made Amanda uncomfortable. She knew it was wrong, as she tried never to abuse her prisoners more than the law allowed. Still, she recalled rolling C.B. Around on the rug, and found herself smiling. C. B. Was putting on the polish with what looked like a mop. She knew she was drifting into sleep. She heard herself reminding the boys to get in their box when they finished the chores. Her voice seemed distant, and some of the words sounded slurred. Then, she was asleep.
Later, Joe and Ed talked to C.B. In their shoebox barracks.
“You know that Ed and I, are getting out tomorrow. She’s sending us all home C.B., So she can have you all to herself. It looks to me like you got a girl friend!”
“Joe, I sure don’t think so. I’ve never hurt so much in my life. She worked me over all afternoon. I thought she was going to rub all the skin and hair off my head.”
“Yeah, We could hear you yelping outside. You know, I been here six months, and never heard anything like that before. She damnwell never rubbed my head like that. Yep, she’s sweet on you . If you want to know the truth... I’m kinda jealous.”
Later, C.B. Slowly climbed to the top of the box to get a good view. She was still there, in her chair. He wondered if she ever used her bed. She was a very handsome lady. She looked gentler and softer when she was asleep. He had always admired Amanda, from a distance anyway. He sat and looked, and felt this gut-wrenching feeling in his stomach. He thought about her smell, and how overpowering it could be when every molecule that you took into your lungs came into you by way of her fragrant foot and stocking. He thought about feeling her sole on his body, and how overwhelming it was when every nerve ending was flooded with signals from her: the crushing weight of her body, the heat from her sole that rushed through him like microwaves, the rough nylon feel of her stocking where he could count where each and every fiber pressed into his flesh. He thought of the utter darkness, and how it difficult it was to think . When he lay in her shoe his confused brain could register nothing but her foot, and the stern beautiful face that occasionally looked at him from the sky.
C.B. sat on top of that box, and he looked and he thought. He should feel outrage. He should feel violated. But as he sat there tears crowded into his eyes, and he felt the urge to rush to her and press himself into her sole. Maybe if he pressed hard enough he could just dissolve into her arch, and be part of her forever. He shook his head, amazed at how far his emotions had gone in just a couple of days. Joe and Ed had lived under her for months. No wonder they were in no rush to go. He slid back into the box. He lay down to sleep, hoping he would dream about her no more that night.

Amanda and C.B. Day #3

“Well, Amanda you officially have just one prisoner. You still want to blow up Mr. Barrow to six inches?”
As Amanda talked to Mary, the probation officer, she slipped her foot again out of her shoe and was stroking C.B.’s tummy with her big toe. It seemed to C.B. That she wanted him to see what was happening out there. She was looking at the other woman, who C.B. Could not see. Every few seconds though, Amanda’s wandering eyes would fix on him for just an instant. Each time C.B. Saw those penetrating brown eyes flashing in his direction, a crash went through his mind, more intense than the one that ran through his body when her high heel struck the side walk.
“Yes, I think so; can I get it done today?”
“Sure, Judge Carlson signed the order. I was wondering though. How long are those big feet of yours?”
“I’m not sure... They’re size ten though, and everybody tells me that my toes are unusually long Why do you ask?” As if to demonstrate, she picked up C.B. With her two largest toes grasping him about the waist. She waved him about in the air as Mary looked down at him.
“ Yes, I think If we measure your feet, then we can surely justify making him larger than six inches. You know, the bigger they are the more intense the feeling can be for you.”
Abruptly Amanda’s foot slammed back into her pump, nearly crushing the surprised C.B. Under her toes. He guessed that this was something that Amanda wished him not to see. Above Amanda watched as Officer Mary sat in a chair. She began to untie one of her black leather shoes. They looked like stylish versions of the plain oxfords that males wore, back when men were police officers.
“Amanda, why don’t you come over here and see what I have. This little scut is my ex-husband. He keeps forgetting his support payments, so the judge keeps giving him these short vacations under my foot. Let me pull him out and show you. Come here, sweetie. You don’t have to be scared. Now stop wiggling or I’ll pop you again. See how long he is... Almost two inches longer than my whole foot.”
“ Yes I can see, but how does he fit in there.”
“That’s the fun part. He can’t lay flat so he has to curl up some way. Sometimes I make him lay on his side. I push him forward in the shoe. So he’s all wrapped around the front of my foot. His face is mashed into the side of my big toe, and on the other side I can wiggle my little toe right into his balls. It’s a riot!”
“Hmmm... But my pumps are way too tight and pointy in the front, he’d never fit.”
“ I imagine that’s right. But let me show you the easiest way to stick a big one in a shoe or boot. Come here hubby. Hey... “
Amanda watched as Mary’s ex-husband struggled briefly. She grasped the foot long man and thrust him on him into the shoe. His head disappeared into the toe region and he was firmly placed on his back. His groin lay about under the point where the laces would be tied. Officer Mary forced his legs apart and pushed them to the outside of the insole, with the feet coming together at the back of the shoe. His legs formed a rough circle, leaving most of the heel area open. Mary placed the shoe on the floor and forced her foot in. She worked her heel in and stood for a moment. Her foot settled into the shoe and she quickly tied the laces.
“See. His legs wrap around my heel. I can have fun poking my toes into his neck. There’s a lot of weight on his middle, but he can still breathe.”
“ That looks interesting. Mr. Hot shot could certainly fit that way in my shoe. But could I get my foot all the way in. I think more than six inches is a good idea, but not that big... “
“All right. Let’s measure your foot and then take him to the machine. Then we’ll see what works best”.

Amanda and C.B. Afternoon of day three
Amanda Rider walked into the offices of Kelso and Kelso. She was early for the Bar Association meeting, but was hoping to talk to Ruth Ann Kelso. She found her friend reading in the conference room. Amanda felt somewhat distracted by the new eight-inch C.B. In her shoe. It was a fairly tight fit and Amanda thought she would need to switch him to the other shoe soon.
She approached Ruth Ann, and sat in the chair next to hers. Mrs. Kelso was a friendly woman. She was red haired and pink skinned, and usually wore brightly colored dresses. She looked very girlish and nonthreatening, which had lured many opposing lawyers into the mistake of not taking her seriously. She smiled warmly at Amanda.
“Hi Ruthie.”
“Hello Amanda. I’m glad you came early. I really wanted to talk to you about my husband.”
“And I wanted to speak to you. I was very worried about him. He was fine the first couple of weeks. But then he kept crawling into places where it was hard to breathe. I became very afraid that I would hurt him and I think maybe that I did. I hope that you are not too angry with me.”
“Amanda, I wanted to thank you. John and I have never been this happy, and we owe it to you.”
“I’m relieved. I thought He had a death wish. I hope he is coming to the meeting. I’d like to see that he is OK.”
“ Amanda, He does have a death wish and he is already here for the meeting. See.”
Ruth Ann leaned forward to undo the single strap on her red high heel, and slipped it off. She raised her foot and waved her toes at Amanda. There in her stocking, and embedded in the clefts under her toes was Her husband.
“John, say hello to Miss Rider.”He turned to look at Amanda and gave her a little wave.”That’s good. Now back in you go. See you later, sweetheart. We’ve been working on this for years, since we purchased our own shrinking machine. We had this fantasy of keeping him down there, but he could never tolerate more than a few hours at a time, until Linda got him on that contempt charge. He says that he had no choice but to work through the terror and claustrophobia, and just surrender to the sensation of it. He tells me that he can stay there as long as I want him to.”
“ How long will that be?”
“As long as he lives, silly. This was mainly my fantasy to begin with. John started out doing it to please me. That’s why he got so scared. Now he loves it as much as I do. I plan on taking good care of him. I know he will get gradually weaker, But I’m sure that we can go for many months, or maybe even years. We have drawn up his will, and all the property is in my name already; so we’re ready when the time comes. Anyway I owe you a lot. We’re both very thankful.”
“ This should bother me some, Ruthie, but I’m glad to hear that you’re both so happy. Still, you’ve got to keep him where there’s air or he won’t last long.”
“ I know. He felt bad about taking advantage of you. He knew you would not be able to reposition him very often since they’re were other prisoners with him.” The meeting starts in a few minutes. Why don’t we get some coffee, and we can talk until then.
When Ruth Ann and Amanda returned, they found Linda Carlson and Judge Darryl Winter waiting. Judge Winter was the last male judge in the county. There were three other men present and two women. Mrs. Kelso’s office manager was also there to act as secretary. When they were all seated, Judge Winter called the meeting to order.
“ Ahem... A very small turnout. I do not see a quorum present, so perhaps... We should reschedule.“
Judge Carlson quickly spoke up.”Now Darryl, you must know better than that. Let’s take the attendance.” Linda quickly removed both shoes and sat them on the table. Eight little two inch figures peered out. Two other women placed their shoes on the table as well. One pair contained four little men and the other pair had only one fellow in the left shoe. Amanda removed only C.B.’s shoe, and he slowly crawled out and sat in the heel area. He felt like a giant as he looked at the two inch lawyers next to him and the three inch men in the shoes across the table. He nodded up at Fred Diener, who looked rather subdued.
Ruth Ann placed her stocking foot on the table. “John is in here,” She said, and we really don’t want him to come out of my stocking. If you don’t mind I will slip my shoe back on since I can tell that john is cold out here. I’ll leave it on loosely so that he can hear plainly what’s being said...Uh... I also have Sam Grainger in my custody... But he is a second offender, and it might be somewhat awkward for me to bring him forward now. While he is here, he is not in a position, uh well let’s say that it is the wrong time of the month, for him to hear and to participate.“
Judge Winter coughed. Well, the secretary must read the role call... After that... As far as I can determine, there is no rule prohibiting voting while incarcerated... But further research... Now also, the minutes of the last meeting... “
Linda moved in quickly. “ Now, Darryl, lets speed this up a little. Do any of the incarcerated members mind if their supervisor votes for them? Good!... Miss Nixon, you are the secretary I assume. Do you know the names of everyone present? ... Good! I think we can give old Sam an excused absence, though I do wish he would learn to control his temper in my court.”
Judge Winter sat fuming while Linda ran through a list of motions and carry over business. She announced that each motion and vote was carried by acclamation. She went through the agenda in four minutes and seven seconds, as measured by Mrs. Kelso. At the end she remarked,”That’s good Linda, but you’re a few seconds shy of the record.”
“ I know, but there were a lot of second votes to document. We can go more quickly next quarter. Is there any more business?”
“ I have one piece of serious business.”
C.B. Noticed that the speaker was Ellen Brown. She was the woman who had placed both her shoes on the table with only one occupied. Next to the empty right shoe, her senior law partner, a stooped grey haired man who looked somewhat ill, sat in the left.
“ I’m very sorry to say that I must introduce a motion to censure Judge Winter for his behavior on the bench.”
“What! How dare you young lady. I may have to sit and watch helplessly as you women take over the profession, but I will not have my professional behavior or character questioned in this way.”
Judge Carlson jumped in again.“Now Darryl, you have been saying those unflattering things about my court, and there is the matter of refusing to employ any of the alternative rehabilitation techniques.”
“Judge Carlson I am not finished yet... “
“Of course you’re not finished Darryl; I am certain that you have many good years of service ahead. It seems to me that this is more of an educational matter. I would hope it could be resolved short of censure.”
“I agree with that,” chimed in Ruth Ann. “ I know that a few of the men in our organization have trouble with the new methods. May I suggest that we ask these fellows to be part of a task force to study the effects of shrinking rehabilitation, and then report back to us.”
“I think that’s an excellent suggestion” Linda responded. “I second that idea. What’s more, I know that the Kelsos have a basic Shrinking machine here. The task force could start with a demonstration tonight, and perhaps make a report at the next meeting. All agreed?”
“ I, for one, do not wish to see a demonstration. This all makes me very uncomfortable...”
“ I believe, Darryl that you do not trust the integrity of our members. This borders on a personal affront. Perhaps a censure may be needed after all! I wish you would not take this direction. Fighting among ourselves is destructive, and I know that this group would be willing to abide by the Task Force Recommendations. Please, help us Darryl.”
“ Very well. If you put all that in writing then I will chair the task force.”
“ That’s very kind of you Judge Winter. I move that Darryl be made the chair, and that Mr. Bledsoe, Mr. Jones, and ah yes, Mr. Diener make up the task force. Any comment?”
C.B. Saw Fred wince at the mention of his name but he remained silent. He was then startled by the older man in Ellen’s shoe who was yelling and gesturing. Ellen Snatched the shoe from the table. The yelling was muted.
“Now Daddy, you shouldn’t get so excited with your heart condition and all. I’m sorry. But my father gets very cranky if he doesn’t get his afternoon nap.”
“ It’s quite all right, Ellen. I think Mr. Brown is very lucky to have a loyal daughter like you joining his firm. Now gentlemen, please go with Mrs.Kelso. Ruth Ann can you show them your machine, and perhaps do a short demonstration for them. Might as well get started now.”
“Certainly, and Miss Brown, Could you come with us. I might need some help with the machine“.
C.B. Watched the men leave. They seemed uncomfortable as the four of them glanced at each other nervously. Everyone remained quiet. C.B. heard some noise and then several shouts. Then he heard what sounded like a scuffle. Finally Ellen returned smiling and alone. She grimaced and stamped her right foot on the floor.
“I wish to report that the demonstration was well received,and that the task force has gone into seclusion to do their important work. They have asked me to act as liaison to the rest of the membership. “ She seemed momentarily distracted and stamped her foot again. “We may expect a report at the next meeting.”
“Well,”Judge Carlson noted, “I’m glad that we could resolve that so amicably. If there is no further business, then we are adjourned.”
C.B. Turned quickly to lie on his back. Amanda’s warm sole settled on him. It was a tight fit indeed. If he were half an inch closer to the rear of the shoe, then Amanda’s heel would have crushed his pelvis. The ball of her foot was very heavy on his chest, but he could breathe, unless she stepped on to the ball of her foot. He was already getting used to this new feeling. He wondered if Amanda had any open toed shoes. He wanted to see the scenery, as well as feel it and smell it. As she walked, C.B. thought of Amanda in her big chair, sleeping with her feet bare and exposed. He was looking forward to this evening.
“Ahhh,”he said to himself; “Alone at last!”



University Law Chapter 6


University Law#6

Jane and Lyle Day #3

Lyle was sitting on the floor of Jane’s room. Next to him sat the blue satin high heels, which Jane had been wearing since yesterday. They were her Senior Prom shoes, and Jane had insisted that she bring them home from her father’s apartment. They were not comfortable. They were very hot, and possessed almost no padding; but Jane loved them.
Lyle was finishing his dinner. Tonight it was beef broth, with bits of softened bread. Jane was busy setting out things for the evening. He saw this evenings conjugal condom. She laid out a single left sneaker. It was very old and very worn. The lace was gone. He was about to ask, when Jane jumped in with the explanation.
“Honey, I found this old sneaker. It's very roomy, so It should be a good place to put you after we finish tonight. I bet it will be a pleasant change from the old flat that we’ve been using. But right now I want to get ready for the party. All the girls on the floor will be there. There’s going to be games and all kinds of fun. My friend Marilyn will be here in a moment, so get a move on. Are you going left or right?”
“The left or right shoe, silly. Hurry up. I don’t want Marilyn to walk in and see you like that.”
“See me like what?”
“Out of my shoe, of course. I hope you’re not getting back into that bad attitude stuff. Want me to tap you again?” Jane lightly touched her toe on Lyle's lap, leaving no doubt what she meant.
“ No Janey, I’ll be good. Let me get in the left shoe, I guess.” With that he made his way to the shoe and climbed in. He lay on his back and waited for her. In a few seconds her foot came sailing in. Jane was restless, and paced back and forth waiting for her friend. Lyle had begged her several times to reduce her walking, but she seemed not to understand. Finally they heard a knock on the door.
Marilyn swept into the room. She looked like Jane’s opposite. Jane was tall and athletic. Marilyn was petite, and delicate. Jane was dark haired, and Marilyn was Blond. Jane had been a bit shy, while Marilyn talked nonstop.
Jane noticed that Marilyn’s feet were quite small. She was wearing black platform slip-ons with perhaps a three-inch heel. Marilyn never wore sneakers, or flats, or sandals. Her variety of high heels made her taller; and also made her feet seem even smaller. Jane envied her friends elegant little feet, but she also wondered how Marilyn could keep a prisoner under her cute size fours, for even a day, let alone a whole year!
Jane and Marilyn set off for the party. The coeds had claimed the cafeteria for their end-of-semester celebration. As they neared the cafeteria, the boisterous sounds of laughter and yelling increased. At the entrance, they were surprised as a six-inch fellow slipped under the door and bolted toward the exit. Four inebriated young women plunged through the opening, and staggered off in pursuit of the unlucky escapee.
Jane and Marilyn paused to watch. He almost made it to the outer door, but the giggling pursuers surrounded him, and started to play with him. One girl stepped forward and awkwardly placed her stocking foot on the terrified male. She clumsily shifted all her weight onto that foot, and would have fallen if her friends had not held her up. She balanced precariously on her victim, and continued to laugh. Jane and Marilyn listened to the screaming for a few moments, before turning to join the main party. Marilyn seemed angry.
“Jane, if they keep that up, the man simply won’t survive. That’s incredibly irresponsible. Our job is rehabilitation, not murder. I’ve worked so hard to train my little fellow; the thought of seeing him wasted sickens me. Some girls just don’t take this seriously.“
“ I really admire your dedication to your work. Are you going to perform tonight? I really want to see you dance.”
“ I’m supposed to, if the girls stay sober enough to sit down and appreciate it.”
For the next couple of hours Jane and Marilyn circulated, and enjoyed themselves. Several girls wanted to see Lyle. It was more fun to play with a male if he were not a stranger, and many of the girls had been friends with both Jane and Lyle, before his legal troubles. Jane dumped him out again and again so that her friends could tease Lyle or step on him. Lyle found himself facing a variety of dirty socks, and stockings and bare feet. The cold tile floor made Jane’s hard insoles seem comfortable by comparison.
Jane let a few of the girls play “catch” with her fiance. Her friends were careful, and he was not dropped, even once. In one corner several girls were playing “Bobbing for Boys.” Jane decided to drop Lyle into the vat of hard apple cider, and watch the fun. There were a dozen prisoners swimming about in the sweet alcoholic substance, and almost as many coeds plunging their faces in the vat, hoping to come up with a struggling boy. It seemed to be harmless fun, as she watched several girls snatch up Lyle. They would swirl him about in their mouths, and then drop him back into the vat. It was funny to watch, although Lyle did not look pleased.
Barbara Heston, the captain of the soccer team, swaggered up to the vat. Barbara, an outspoken Lesbian who was quite active in campus politics, was tonight also quite drunk. Her girlfriend, who lived just down the hall from Jane, was escorting her around the party. Barbara dived into the cider and a few moments later come up with a man. His little legs projected from Barbara’s lips. She sucked on him as her girlfriend whispered in Barbara’s ear. She laughed and cocked her head back. The legs disappeared, and a few seconds later, she smiled and slowly rubbed her stomach. A frantic young woman rushed up to them.
“Heston, you big bitch, you swallowed him!”
Barbara was too drunk to reply, but simply smiled and opened her mouth wide, to show that it was empty. She then collapsed into her girlfriend’s arms, in a stupor.
“You drunken slut. That guy was my responsibility, and you just swallowed him. You know, I have to pay the fine for losing him. Wake up bitch! You damned athletes think you own the place. Just because you have a scholarship doesn’t mean you can get away with anything you want. Wake up I said!”
Jane stood there horrified for only a moment, and then snatched Lyle out of the vat and quickly fled as the shouting escalated in the background. She stopped to replace her fiance in her shoe, and Lyle, for his part had never been so happy to see the bottom of her foot. As he tried to snuggle his cold wet body against her sole, Jane wandered into the kitchen area. Things were much quieter there, as only a few girls were sitting on the floor. They formed a circle and in the middle was Marilyn preparing to do her dance. Jane forgot her upset, and joined the circle, eager to see the performance. Marilyn smiled down at her friend.
“I was hoping you’d get here. Sounds like things are getting out of hand out there. After I finish, maybe we should go somewhere else. I suspect the campus police will be here soon.”
“Oh yes, and if there’s any justice then that snotty jockette, Barbara Heston should end up on probation.”
“ I know that you’re right,”said Marilyn,”but I wouldn’t hold my breath. “On that note everyone grew quiet, while Marilyn prepared to begin. One girl flipped on her small MP3 player and the soothing sounds of Chopin filled the room.
Marilyn bowed slowly to the audience. She moved with the smooth grace that a decade of ballet training had imparted. She balanced on one foot, and brought the other out straight and horizontal. She leaned gracefully to remove her elevated shoe. She turned her shoe, and as her body turned in a circle, she showed the young women her prisoner, who sat in the shoe, his arms spread to the audience. Suddenly the shoe fell forward, and the occupant tumbled to the ground, He rolled and came to a standing position. He immediately threw himself on his back with his arms tightly at his sides.
Meanwhile, Marilyn had gently replaced the shoe on her foot and was gradually lowering it toward the man. As the music came to a sudden crescendo, Marilyn leaped suddenly high into the air, and came down with her newly shod foot aimed directly at his body. Her shoe crashed into the floor. The girls were shocked and all leaned forward to see the little man unharmed, his vulnerable body stretched out in the tight space under her high heel. The man turned on his side and began to wrap himself around her heel. He began to slither up the heel. Her foot once more raised into the air, and they could see him now clinging to the top of her heel. He let himself fall back and he plunged toward the floor. His fall was interrupted by the instep of her other foot, as it rushed up to intercept him. He caromed off her foot and flew high above Marilyn’s head, turning somersaults until he landed into the palm her outstretched hand. He rolled forward and came up on his knees. He smoothly went down prostrating himself to the audience, from the middle of her palm. The girls gasped, then applauded with enthusiasm.
The dance went on for nearly half an hour, through many kicks, and throws. Jane marveled at the precision with which he moved. It was obvious that any flinch, or missed movement would lead to his maiming or death. His discipline was incredible, and Jane thought that this was what rehabilitation should be about. It made Lyle seem so unruly and untrusting in comparison to this lucky man. The dance climaxed as Marilyn threw herself into Flamenco, her heels banging again and again on the tiles, as her man rolled around and under her heels in a frenetic pattern. At the end Marilyn came to a final pose complete with a rose clenched in her teeth. She ended with one final stomp, and they looked down to see the man under her foot. Her heel had crashed between his spread legs, but a fraction of an inch from his pelvis. The sole of her platform came to rest so close to his face, that many of the girls had to put their own faces to the floor, to see that he was not crushed. They saw him staring impassively at the worn leather above him. Finally he leaned up and gently kissed that sole. The applause went on and on until Marilyn removed her shoe and placed him back into his very compact home. Jane sighed. Her mind was full of new ideas for Lyle. Some changes would definitely be made.

Amanda and C.B. Evening of day#3

C. B. Was feeling his oats. Actually he was feeling his strained Gerber’s peaches go down, with a bit of water. No, he was not getting attached to the food here, but he was getting attached to the jailer. Not only that, he was determined to approach Amanda with a confidence that he could never have mustered when full size.
Amanda was in her usual chair. She was reading intently in a large book. Tonight she had changed her clothes and was wearing a silken slip. She reclined under a warm woolen blanket. Her bare feet rested on the ottoman.
C.B. Gathered up some of the nail care tools, and made his way toward her. The tools seemed so small at his larger size, and the respirator would no longer fit. She paid no notice of him until he had scaled the ottoman, and stood between her feet. He saw that her book was not a law text, but something titled”The Uses of Males in Our New Society.” Amanda put the book aside, and spoke to him.
“Well. Here’s Mr. hot shot to do the evening chores. Do you think that you’re up to it?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“My nails are in good shape. Go get some lotion instead.”
“ But that’s on the . . . Never mind, I’ll get it Ma’am.”
While Amanda returned to her reading, C.B. spent several minutes dragging the bottle of lotion across the room. He attached a string to the cap, climbed back on the ottoman, and pulled the bottle up with the attached “rope.” He squeezed out handfuls of the lotion and started to rub it into her soles. The lotion had a sharp medicine smell. Amanda’s natural fragrance was much nicer.
Amanda laughed and shifted position in her chair. From his vantage point C.B. saw under her slip for just an instant. She was naked!
He wanted to speak to her but could think of nothing to say. He applied himself to rubbing the lotion into her feet He had never been this close to her bare sole. The pesky stockings were always between him and her skin, which was white and smooth. He worked at getting the lotion into the folds. It was not neat work, and he soon was covered himself in the lotion. He started throwing gobs of the stuff on her foot and then rubbed his whole body in the goo. The work went more quickly, and was more enjoyable. She put down her book and closed her eyes. After an hour she had still not spoken. She sighed occasionally, and giggled a couple of times. He was certain that she enjoyed his work even if she said nothing. Finally he could not keep himself from speaking.
“Yes, hot shot, what is it?”
“Well, Ma’am, don’t you ever sleep in your bed?”
She opened her eyes and spread her feet apart to see him better. ”You’re a nosy little convict. Yes I do sleep in my bed when I’m not supervising prisoners. You’d better watch your mouth unless you want to stay here a long time.”
C.B. wanted to ask if that were a threat or a promise. He thought better of it, and returned to the lotion. Later she spoke again.
“That’s good fella, you can go to bed now.”
C.B. Could not contain his disappointment. “Ma’am, I haven’t finished yet. The job’s not done.”
He expected to be reprimanded and grimaced, waiting for the scolding. Instead she smiled.
“No, that’s fine. But if you’re feeling that ambitious, maybe I should leave you down there. My feet get cold, and you might be big enough now to keep both of them warm. You don’t think that would be abusing my legal power do you?”
“No, Ma’am.” She smiled again and after a moment, threw her blanket over C.B., leaving him in semi-darkness. She squeezed him between her soles. and turned onto her side. One foot lay on top of the other and he was wedged in between. She moved her toes to his face, but it was a much gentler movement than she had used during the day. Eventually he could tell that she was asleep. He remained there a while in that warm spot. C.B. was still covered with lotion and he slid around between her feet looking for a comfortable place to spend the night. Amanda stirred in response to his sliding, but did not wake up. As her foot came to rest again on his body, he turned so that he could gaze up her leg. Her slender limb stretched into the darkness. The shin was the beginning of a great road. Enough light filtered into that humid cavern, so that he could dimly make out the prize at the end of that road. His brain was crowded with unwise thoughts. He reminded himself how nice this felt compared to a night in the shoebox barracks. He nuzzled against her big toe and felt content, for a little while. This felt more like heaven than a prison, but his restlessness still increased. He sighed.
Carefully he extricated himself from between her feet, and regarded the dangerous route to his goal. He started making his way up her shin.
“Oh well,” he thought, “Faint heart never won fair lady.”



University Law Chapter 7


University Law Chapter#7

Amanda and C.B. Early Am of Day #4

C.B. crawled slowly and carefully on Amanda’s shin. He gradually worked his way over the divide between ottoman and chair, and directed his efforts toward her knee. The skin here was moist and smooth, except for the occasional hair follicle. Her legs were recently shaved. He stopped occasionally to run his hands over the rough black area where a hair was starting to grow. He had always loved this part of a woman’s leg As a geeky student he had spent many hours intently studying that location. He searched for young women who crossed their bare legs, just to see the shin flash in the light as the leg would swing.
Just then he arrived at the knee. He considered his options for a moment, then started to scramble over the top of the kneecap. Amanda suddenly moved. She remained asleep, but clearly felt his presence. He could see her huge hand, nail polish gleaming in the dim light, coming toward him. He was swatted off the knee cap, and found himself sitting on the fabric of her chair, looking up at both kneecaps. He was a little shaken, but unhurt.
C.B. decided to think this through a little better. He had no strategy except the sense that he was compelled to move. He thought he knew where he was going; but what did he imagine he would do after he arrived?
He had never related this intensely to a woman. A mere three days in her shoe had deepened his attachment more than a century of polite conversation and flirtation could have done. But it wasn’t enough. He craved closeness to Amanda; as much as he could get.
He could retreat to her feet, and passively enjoy himself until his sentence was completed. Then what? Go back to defending men in court. He could see himself trying to act like the aggressive defender in Amanda’s presence. “Yes Ma’am, my client is guilty and we will gratefully accept whatever punishment you wish to suggest.” That tact probably would not drum up too much business. Well, he could leave town like so many have done, and move into the mountains. There were enclaves there where men were still respected, and where men helped run things.
C.B. heard a loud scraping noise. Amanda’s knees moved only a few inches, but enough to bring one kneecap up against his face. It occurred to the man that this was not a safe place to wax philosophical. He surveyed his situation. There was no way that he could climb back to his earlier perch on her left leg, without waking her. He decided to crawl along the chair. There was room between her huge smooth legs and the blanket. He resumed his journey, making good time. The path tuned to his tight as he followed her legs. As he came to her hips he realized that could not get between her legs. He stood and delicately placed his hands on her right thigh. C.B. Leaned forward. He could just get his face into the coiled dark hairs that guarded her sex. He could make out the line of her slit. He thought he could make out her clitoris, but could not reach it. The musky aroma was much stronger, but still very pleasant. He drank that in for a moment. Then he felt rather silly, and complained to himself that this would be much more promising, if she would just turn onto her back.
Frustrated, C.B. Crawled off, moving past her smooth flat abdomen. He paused to peer up at it. He wanted to touch her bellybutton, but it was too high. As he moved on there was more light, which spilled in from gaps between Amanda and the very top of the blanket. He was now crawling uphill. Having left the chair cushion behind, he had started to move up the back of the chair.
He came to her breasts. Her right one was pushed into the chair fabric. The left loomed far overhead. Her breasts were not pendulous, but were firm and compact. They looked entirely beautiful to C.B. The nipples were small, and one was within his reach!
C.B. stood and placed his hands on that breast. The pale skin had a rubbery feel. He leaned forward and gently rubbed his face against her nipple. He heard a low moan from Amanda, and he continued his massage. He pushed his lips around the tip of her nipple. He opened his mouth wide, and made a valiant attempt at licking.
She changed position again, and the nipple shot up two or three inches. C.B. was suspended for a moment, hanging from her nipple. His mouth let go and he fell. He had, as a reflex, started to clamp his teeth together, He must have bitten her, He waited for her to awaken and punish him. She did not move again. Her breathing remained slow and regular. He decided to head north once more.
He arrived at the spot where her arm met her shoulder. There was just enough room for him to slip underneath. He was in her armpit!
He could sit up. The light was very dim, and it was also very warm. Her smell here was stronger than ever. It was half Amanda, and half Arrid Extra dry. “Strong enough for a man,” he muttered as he backed himself further in. Amanda shifted again.
The space was cut in half. It was completely dark, and he was squeezed a little, It felt cozy. His body relaxed. He moved his head in a circle rubbing her moist skin and hair, and taking in her scent. He had a strong erection, but felt no need to touch it. C.B. had not had many erections around Amanda, despite his now constant, erotic thoughts about his jailer. He curled up, and simply enjoyed the feeling.
He came suddenly awake. C.B. Had lost track of time. Perhaps he had napped. He knew that he was in the wrong place. With a strong sense of sorrow he started to wiggle out of that nice spot. The light was stronger now. Surely it was not daylight yet!
He sat on the reclining chair-back, between her shoulder and breast; and shivered despite the heat. He was supposed to be between her feet. He felt a need to be back there. It was homesickness.
C.B. decided to crawl over her shoulder and exit the blanket near her head. If he could do it without waking her, then he could climb off the chair and run back to the ottoman. After he crawled back under the blanket, he would be home free.
A few minutes later he poked his head into the light and fresh air of the room. Amanda had not moved. C.B. was staring directly at her ear. Her long dark hair spread around that ear, and rolled right down to him. He took hold of one strand and pulled himself off her shoulder. He wallowed in her shiny tresses. It was a clean pleasant smell, but carried little of her personal fragrance. He could feel her breath on his body each time she exhaled. He was feeling good now. He had all these new tastes of Amanda and shortly he would be back to his place, with nobody the wiser. Before climbing off the chair he turned to get a close look at her haunting face. His eyes turned upward and saw--two giant luminous brown eyes staring back directly at him.

Jane and Lyle Evening of Day#5--University Hospital Emergency Room

Lyle awoke on a small table in the Emergency Room. Two large, attractive feminine faces were above him. One was a smiling red head dressed as a nurse. He could see a name tag that read Amy McDermott R.N. The other, sterner face belonged to a striking dark skinned woman, whose features suggested a mixture of African and European blood. Her tag said Tanika Martin M.D. She seemed to be wrapping something around his arms and body. He could tell that he was sedated. He was very tired. He closed his eyes again, and listened to the women talk as they worked.
“Amy, I thought the little guy was awake, but he seems to have drifted off again. Let’s give him a few more minutes before we bring in Social Services.”
“OK Doc. This one is kind of a cutie. I wonder how he got both his arms broken like that?”
“Well, his fiance, who is also his supervisor, claims that they were practicing some sort of dance step. It was supposed to improve his discipline. Well, that’s what she said anyway. So he has to wiggle into exactly the right place on the floor, and then she stomps right on him with her high heel. The idea is for him to end up between the heel and sole. Somebody goofed, obviously.”
“She stomped on his arm with a high heel! I’m surprised that she didn’t break it off. But how did she get both arms?”
“I gather that she didn’t know that he was hurt, and made him do it again. She didn’t know that he was really hurt until he ran off. He is lucky I suppose. Just simple breaks in both arms. But you know how sturdy they are, when they shrink them this small.”
“You know Amy, these college girls scare me. When this started a few years ago, it was mostly women like us taking on prisoners. Now these young girls are into it. It’s a fad for them like Beanie Babies or cell phones used to be. Could you hold that splint while I get some more wraps?”
“I’ve got it, Doctor... but they have to get enough volunteers somewhere. You and I aren’t volunteering anymore.”
“Yes, but we’ve all learned that it’s more fun to keep just one for a long time. Having a new group of strange men in your shoes every month is too impersonal. It’s better when you know them well. Does your boyfriend still beg you to let him out every day?”
“Not anymore. I think he’s happy enough on days when I don’t work. It’s only on days like today, when I work a twelve-hour shift, that he gets so cute and starts begging and crying. I can’t really blame him though. My work shoes are tight anyway, and you know how my feet swell up on these long days.”
“Why don’t you just buy a size larger shoe? I always do that when I know that our former Head of Surgery will have to spend extra long hours underfoot.”
“ To tell the truth, I sort of like it better with a tight shoe. Greg claims that he can’t breathe, but he’s always awake when I take him out. You Know the feeling. I can forget about him for awhile. But anytime, even during the longest most frustrating days, when the world stinks, all I have to do is pick up my foot and move it for a couple of seconds. Then He’ll wiggle around for me, he’s so scared and he can’t help wiggling when he panics. Then I can step down on him until I feel the wiggling go away. Well, I know then that at least one thing is right in the world. It helps keep me sane... I like this one. I figure Social Services will take him away from his fiancé. Maybe he would fit in my other shoe.”
“You’re a naughty girl. There. I’m about done. He does look kind of cute, with his arms fastened down... Open your eyes fella. The Social Worker is here to interview you. Amy, What is that yelling down the hall? Who is that jerk?”
“Oh, that’s Barbara Heston, you know, the All-American soccer player. You’re right. She is a jerk. They’re wheeling her from the O.R. down to Recovery. She just had surgery for a perforated duodenum. She’s awake and screaming swear words already.”
“Oh, yes, I remember that case. Dr. Allen presented it at rounds. They think that it’s something that she ate!”

Amanda and C.B. Early A.M. Of Day#4

C.B. Was firmly held in Amanda’s hand. She remained in her chair. She turned onto her back and held C.B. above her face. She was frowning, but despite his peril, he could not help but notice that she was now on her back, with her legs apart. A lot of good it would do him now!
“Mr. hot shot trying to escape I see.”
“No, Ma’am, I wasn’t trying to leave. I was just restless.”
“yea, so you say. What makes you think that you can get away with this. I felt you down there, nibbling away. You think I’m a big hay pasture and you can graze wherever you please. You know how many felonies you just committed. Of course not. Defense lawyers don’t believe in felonies, do they?”
“Ma’am, I’m sorry...”
“Sorry. What is that worth? Do you know what I’m going to do?”
C.B. was too scared and ashamed to answer. All was silent while Amanda waited. She pulled him a little closer to her face. Her features softened when C.B.was not looking. She looked more amused than angry. Finally, she sighed, and then spoke.
“Dangerous criminals have to be segregated, and they must be restrained. Yes, solitary confinement where you can’t move and cause trouble. That’s what is needed. And you know what?”
Before you C.B. Could even think of responding, Amanda threw off her blanket, and spread her legs. As C.B. sailed through the air, he could make out other hand spreading, and clearing the way to her vagina. He heard her speak again, just as his head entered her tight passage way.
“ And I’ve got just the place to do it too!”

Jane and Lyle Still at the Emergency Room

Jane was crying. She sat in the waiting room with Marilyn, who tried to console her. Another lady stood close by, and appeared less sympathetic.
“Marilyn, I’m so ashamed. I tried to follow your instructions, but it went all wrong. And Lyle just ran away. He ran away from me!”
“Jane it’s not that bad. Everyone knows that you meant well. Even Lyle knows that. You just have to go slow and be more careful.”
The standing woman decided to enter the conversation. “And I might suggest that intricate dance patterns may not be the best way to encourage discipline in your prisoner. You are a very tall woman.”
Jane continued to cry, so that Marilyn thought it best to speak for her friend.
“Mrs. Pendleton, what about the investigation?”
“Well your friend has shown bad judgement. But Lyle is alive and not permanently damaged. Lyle has to go to a foster supervisor tonight. Old Judge Carillo will sign for that. That’s the law. But I’m fairly confident that Judge Carlson will return him to Jane eventually. She’ll Have to attend some additional supervision classes, and listen to a lecture from the judge. After all, I’ve had five cases in the last week of prisoners that have been crushed, or lost down the toilet, or eaten by the cat. Then there’s that stupid Heston gal who ate somebody else’s prisoner. Last month, one silly girl got made because the prisoner wouldn’t fit in her new shoes. So she bit off both his legs. Poor fellow almost bled to death. I’m not sure she will ever get him back!”
“Are you certain the judge will be available tonight?”
“Oh he’s available. He has his own problems and is now a second offender.” As she spoke, she placed her hand between her legs and smiled.”So the Judge goes with me on all my investigations. So tonight I’ll need someone to cover Lyle's supervision till this is all worked out.”
“ I can do it for Jane. I have a long and a very good supervision record.”
“Yes I know your reputation well. Miss Franklin is still distraught. Have her seen by the doctors here. She could use some sedation and a good nights sleep. Ah, here comes Lyle. Nurse McDermott, I won’t need your help after all. This lady will take over for now.”
“That’s too bad, but I’ll get over it. Let me put him on the floor. Now Miss, he has a soft cast over his trunk. His arms are splinted and attached firmly to his sides. You can step on him, but he can’t lay on his side. Your foot is very small. Are you sure he will fit?”
Oh He’ll do fine. Lyle, stop screaming please. You’re upsetting Jane. Now you have to go in feet first. Bend your legs. That’s good. I have to push you forward so your face will be under my arch. Otherwise you can’t breathe. Don’t worry. I have special shoes at home with extra space so you can breathe better. You are certain that I can fully depress his chest without harming him? Good then here goes.”
Marilyn placed her foot on the still screaming Lyle and stood on him
“Ah, that feels good. I’m sure Lyle will have a lot to learn from my prisoner. The social contact will do them both a lot of good.”

Amanda and C.B. Morning of Day #4

CB looked at himself and at Amanda in the mirror. She stood quite naked. She was a breathtaking sight to C.B. Sometime during the night She had reversed his position. His head and neck now protruded from her vagina. His little head was a comical addition to her image. Amanda also admired the reflection in the mirror. She brought her thighs together, and C.B. disappeared. She sauntered into her bathroom, and turned on the shower.
Later after both of them were clean and well fed, C.B. Sat on her bed, in her bedroom, and watched Amanda dress. Amanda spoke about the long day ahead, and other minor things. She pointed to her closet and allowed C.B. to chose today’s shoes. He picked out a well used pair with a soft insole and an open toe. He dragged them to her as she got her pantyhose. She looked at him for a moment, then lowered her hose so that the grateful man could jump in.
Later as she drove her car , CB lay against the white skin of her sole.There was enough light so that he could admire the long toes above him. He recalled that a few days ago he had been angry and resentful. Now he was the happiest fellow alive. Life was sweet for the moment. Would it continue?




University Law Chapter 8


University Law Capture#8

Kelso & Kelso, Attorneys
789 New Feminine Way
University City

Miss Jane Franklin
Room 312
Women’s Dormitory
State University

re: Whereabouts of Fiance Lyle Edmonds and Miss Marilyn Chambers

Dear Jane:

I hope that you are holding up well. I know that it was a shock for all of us when Miss Chambers failed to show for the Edmonds Forensic Custody Hearing. As per our last conversation, I have retained the services of the Wulf and De Cinque Agency. They have pursued their investigation aggressively, and have enjoyed the full cooperation of the prosecutor’s office, local police, the F.B.I. And U.S. Customs. They have learned a great deal. However the news that I have for you so far, is not encouraging.
It appears that Miss Chambers has been the object of an ongoing investigation into the disappearance of several male students. The F.B.I. was looking into a probable male smuggling ring, and the local authorities were not involved until Miss Chambers failed to appear in Court. Her room was entered under search warrant. Several small empty cages were found, as well as some personal effects belonging to the missing men. Miss Chambers had apparently vacated the premises. It is now believed that she travelled to Chicago, and that in Chicago she boarded a direct flight to Tokyo.
You may recall that shrinking technology came to us a few years ago through Japan, and that the world became aware of this technique, during one week when ninety percent of the male population of Japan simply disappeared. I’m sure that you’ve read how this extreme outcome has lead most traditional male centered societies to rapidly compromise, to avoid the demographic disaster that overtook the Japanese men. Furthermore, the women of Japan, who enjoy a monopoly on this technology, have beyond incredible wealth, a remarkable amount clout with nearly all the world’s progressive feminine governments. I don’t mean to bore you with these well known facts, but they are pertinent to your fiance’s situation.
You see Jane, it very much looks like your fiance has become part of the lucrative white slavery trade to that nation. Small occidental males, particularly Americans, have a very high value as objects of entertainment. Our government is well aware of this trade, and has been forced to accept it. Although clearly against International Law, the political reality is that there is little hope of finding Lyle in Japan. There are also reports that Marilyn has already returned to this country, and has purchased a large estate near Los Angeles. There is apparently no plan to prosecute her at this time.
I can hold out a single ray of hope for you. Marilyn seems to have left immediately after obtaining a ninth young man. Matching groups of nine have an enormous monetary value in Japan. They are mostly used as miniature baseball teams in the leagues that remain quite popular among teens and college age Japanese girls. Rest assured that if Lyle is part of such a team, that every possible effort will be taken to prevent damage to him, as a baseball team’s value is greatly diminished, if even one component is lost. We may hope that Lyle will enjoy a long and productive life, though sadly it does not look as if you will be part of his life. I shall, of course, keep you informed if we learn anything more.
With regrets and sincerely,

Ruth Ann Kelso, Attorney at Law

Lyle- One Year Later

Lyle Edmonds, second baseman for the Kyoto Little Giants, of the local secondary school league, stepped to the plate. He felt strong and healthy. His team was near the top of the standings. He was an important part of their success.
Winning was important. The winning team members got to pick which of the young ladies would have them for the day. Lyle saw his favorite, Tamiko, sitting in the left field gallery. She sat wearing her school uniform, and was waving at him. She smiled. He noticed that she had already removed her shoe, and was holding her rolled up sock. She was ready for him to jump in--if his team won of course.
Life didn’t seem that bad, Of course Miss Ginsu, the league owner, had told them that the last place team would be sold to a company in Thailand. She wanted this to be a further motivation to compete. As she put it, “You no want go to Bangkok. Men not rive rong there. They eat you!” She never elaborated, but then again, she didn’t need to.
The Giants were doing well, so he chose not to worry. He smiled back at Tamiko instead. Maybe, he thought, when they do break up the team, he could finagle himself into being a graduation present for Tamiko.
He swung the bat, and the ball soared high into the gallery. A grand slam home run! He felt great as he rounded the bases. “No dirty tampons tonight,” he thought,”Tamiko here I come!”

Jane Rebuilds

Jane sat once more in Chemistry lecture, not hearing much of what the professor was saying. She sat in her usual place, in the balcony. Only a few students came here now. All of her classes were smaller. The number of young men who had not either left the University, or been remanded by Judge Carlson to “supervision,” was rapidly dwindling.
Since her last court appearance, the fact that Lyle would not be returned to her, increasingly preyed on her mind. She was bitter, and sad. Mostly though, she was lonely. She missed Lyle, and had nothing much to say to her friends.
She sat slouching, and with her long legs draped over the seat in front of her. She had been dressing up more, but was back to her usual jeans, and sweaters, and flats. She looked to her left and saw a young man sitting a few seats down from her legs. Every few seconds he glanced at her for an instant, and quickly returned to his note pad. He was the same fellow who had irritated her, a couple of weeks, ago. She remembered how she had scared him. At the time she had imagined that he was being rude. Since then, Jane had become more aware of how her new, more aggressive manner affected people. She couldn’t remember his name. He was one of Lyle’s friends, and Jane had spoken to him occasionally through the semester. He was a pretty geeky kid, short and skinny with thick glasses. The boy might look a sort of cute without the glasses. But overall, he was pretty easy to forget. She decided to speak.
“What are you looking at? Buster.” He looked shocked and blushed as he turned away.
“I’m very sorry, Miss Franklin. I don’t want to bother you.”
“Then what do you want to do?”
“It’s, well... I read about Lyle in the paper. I kind of was worried about you.”
“Shouldn’t you be worried about him, you’re his friend.”
“ Oh, I worry about him. It’s just that you seemed so... happy I guess, and now you look so miserable. It keeps bothering me. That’s all I meant. I was sitting here just wanting to help.”
“Maybe you can help by minding your own business.”
He flushed again and turned away. This time he did not leave, but he did stop looking at Jane. She felt badly, as soon as she had spoken. He seemed harmless enough. Besides there was something touching about his concern. As the class ended, she gathered her things and made for the door. He was in front of her. He got to the door first, and quickly opened it. He moved aside and held it open for her, blushing again as he stared at the floor. She stopped at the doorway and looked down on him. The other students had left. They were alone. He kept staring at the floor. She felt something stirring within her, then started to smile.
“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be nasty to you. It has been a tough week. Maybe I could use someone to talk to. I’ll be out on the Commons, reading. Why don’t you bring me a coke, and we can visit some. Would you like that?”
Still blushing, he flashed a sheepish grin. “Yes, Miss Franklin, I would.”

Jane and Friend--On the Commons

They sat sprawled on the grass, and had been talking for hours. She told him how she missed Lyle, and of her bitterness toward Marilyn. She talked about how her old shyness, and spoke of her new assertive personality. He mostly listened, and she felt in a happy mood for the first time in days. It was nice to laugh.
“You know something, I can’t remember your name”
“ I know, most people forget, It’s William, William Bender. Some people call me Willy.”
“Well, Willy, How did you get to know Lyle?”
“ we played football together back in high school.”
“You played football. I’m kind of surprised. Don’t get me wrong, but you seem like kind of a... Well a”
“ like a wimp. Yes, I know. My friends who don’t call me Willy, they call me Wimp. I know that I’m small, but I’m real fast, and even pretty strong. I used to run the ball back after punts... And I was a pretty good free safety. I’m not really wimpy around other men... just girls.”
Jane laughed. “That’s funny. Wimp the football hero! But why are you a wimp around girls. Do we scare you that bad?”
“I don’t know for sure. Girls have always pushed me around. Even when I was a little kid. But most girls, don’t really scare me... Just some girls.”
Jane continued to smile. She sat up and looked at him. He sat cross legged in front of her. He was looking down, and seemed to be blushing again. Jane moved one shoe into his lap. She slipped the toe under his chin, and carefully used it to pull his face up.
“Willy. Do I scare you?”
` “Yes, I guess a little bit. “
“ Does my foot bother you? I’ll move it if you want... So how come I scare you Willy?”
‘“Your foot is fine there, if that’s where you want it. You see... You are just so... I can’t say it very well... You know that you scared me even when you were still shy. I think it’s worse when you act kind of ... aggressive I guess. And there’s Lyle you know... I think about that... You know.”
“You mean that I had Lyle in my shoe, in this shoe?”
“Yea, that’s part of it. My Mom keeps getting after me to drop out of University. She thinks I’ll get shrunk, and end up in some girl’s shoe. She thinks that she’d never see me again.”
“Willy, they can’t shrink you unless you break the law. And then, it’s just for ten days.”
“Well, I had a friend that got caught jaywalking last year and he’s still not out.”
“Willy I promise you that you have nothing to fear from me.”
They talked for another full hour, The conversation turned to school and sports. Jane didn’t say anything further about feet. During that time Willy noticed Jane's other foot in his lap. She crossed her ankles and simply rested her feet on him. Once in a while she would tap him gently on his chest to emphasize some point in the conversation. Neither commented on what she was doing.
Finally Jane noticed the time and had to leave for an afternoon class. As she got to her feet Willy fell over on his back and watched her. She stood, and very casually stepped up onto his chest. She turned, and one foot sank into his stomach, while the other rested near his collar bone. Willy was shocked, but somehow did not move or resist. It hurt, and he had trouble breathing. She smiled down at him and continued the conversation.
“Willy, this is the best time I’ve had in a long while. Thank you. I do need the company. You know I come out here about noon, most days. Come by tomorrow, and we can talk some more. And Willy, you don’t have to be afraid of me, OK?”
She stepped off and wandered off to class. Willy lay gasping for air. The pain gradually went away. Already he was thinking of tomorrow.

Jane and Willy, One Week Later--in Her Room.

Jane and Willy were studying Chemistry. Willy knew most of the answers, so it went quickly. Willy sat on the floor and rubbed her tired stocking feet, as Jane wrote down the answers above him.
“Willy, I’m almost done. That feels so good. Do my toes some more. Now don’t be a piggie. It feels better if you take one toe at a time in your mouth. That’s better. As soon as I finish, We can try out my heels.”
“ But Jane you said you wouldn’t walk on me in those high heels.”
“Well I know we talked about it, But I don’ t think I promised anything. I don’t see why all the fuss and worry. You’ve been so nice to let me walk on you this much. And it’s just one more pair of shoes. I never thought about doing this kind of thing before. But it’s the closest I can get to the feeling I had when Lyle was down there. Wow, I’m done with the assignment.”
Willy was wrapped around Jane’s feet just then, trying to figure out how to work her little toe into his mouth, when she was still wearing stockings. Before Willy could move, Jane jumped out of her chair and came down on him. Both feet were lodged in his groin, as Jane laughed and raised her hands. A little victory dance followed. She jumped off and walked to her bed, sitting close to the prom shoes that Lyle had disliked so much.
“Come here Willy.”
“Willy had recovered adequately from her jump so that he could crawl over to her. He lay on his back, and she promptly deposited her feet on him. She rubbed the left one on his face, while her right toes played in the hair on his chest. He heard her happy laughter, and was content for the moment.”
“Willy, you’re the nicest guy I ever met. Do you like the smell. I don’t think Lyle liked to smell them very much. I never thought about it at the time, but I don’t think he liked my feet very much at all. It must have been torture for him in my shoe.”
“Didn’t you ever ask him about that?”
“ I never really thought to. I just got too excited with the whole business. I was saving the state all those jail costs, and I’d make Lyle a better man. All that stuff. But I didn’t expect it to be such a rush for me. You can’t imagine how it feels, to see him in your shoe and you just step on him. You can feel him all the time, and it just never goes away, cause he’s there all the time. I’m not scaring you again, am I? I hope not. Anyway it feels like super ultimate power I guess. I know why the girls all rush down to volunteer whenever some guy gets sentenced. Ultimate power and be a good citizen to boot. OK, stay right there while I get up on you. This feels awfully good, especially when you look at me that way. I tell you what. Let me use my heels on you, and you can stay tonight. You can put your face between my legs and use your tongue. You’d like that wouldn’t you? You are a sweetheart. Let me get down and get my heels. I think you’ll really love them when you get used to it. Don’t worry. The heels are not as sharp as they look. You don’t know how much help you are to me. My lawyer says that if I go to these court classes, and pay a little fine, that I could get another prisoner. I think a lot about that, but I’m not going to do it. Oh stop that Willy, they’re not that sharp! No, I promised myself that I would never put another man in my shoe ... Unless he really wanted to be there.”

Jane and Willy-- One Month Later

“Willy, have you told your mother about me. I think you better call her soon. You haven’t left my room in more than two weeks, and you’re going to flunk out soon. Then she’s sure to find out how you’ve been helping me. I want her to like me Willy, and not have her think that I’m one of those mean girls that she worries about. I got some more heels today. The saleslady said these little metal things would make it feel even better. Come here. You still want me to be happy, don’t you, baby?”
Willy moved slowly as he went to lay before her. He embraced her feet, and helped her change shoes. He laid back and waited.
“Jane those look even worse than the last pair. You know I don’t mind the pain, if it helps you feel better, but I think you’re going to break something. What would we do if I get injured and you can’t walk on me at all?”
“Don’t talk that way Willy. Remember, when we went to the Emergency Room. All they needed to do was stitch up a few cuts. And that nice Nurse Amy remembered me from when Lyle was there. She gave me that ointment for your sore tongue. She said you were in great shape, except that you need to eat more. I’m working on that too. I’ve brought you home something to eat almost every day this week! ... Now these heels are great don’t you think. Look how red your face is. It will be redder if I just stay on your neck a little longer. There, I’m back on your chest. Isn’t that nice?”
“Yes Jane, but they do hurt a little. I keep hoping that you will get through this stage. I figure that you won’t think about the man in shoe stuff so much. But I don’t know Jane. I saw you crying this morning. It hurts so much and still you’re not happy. Oh God Jane, not on my balls you said you’d just use your bare feet on my balls. “
After a few more minutes Jane stepped off him and slumped on her bed. She started to quietly sob.
“I know Willy, It’s not working. I think it’s getting worse. I used to think about Lyle all the time, but now I think about you. I want you in there so bad, but you know I could never do that to you. I even thought about going to the police, and then tell them that you slapped me. Then the Judge would sentence you and I could get you under me all legal and everything. But I could never do that to you against your will. Come here baby, Let me get my panties off. I need you face in there. That helps me not panic. Thank you Willy ... I’ve been thinking. You Know there is one solution. You met my lawyer, Mrs. Kelso. Well she and her husband have a shrinking machine. They use it just to have fun together. The Court has nothing to do with it. Now don’t get excited. Please listen. I talked to her already. She says we could go there once a week or so. We could shrink you for just a few minutes. I know that just a few minutes in my shoe would relieve all this tension. You could take that couldn’t you. Just a few minutes. And then I could sleep, and you could go back to class, and no more trips to the hospital. Wouldn’t that be great? Please think about it. You know I would never do it unless you really wanted me to. You don’t need to be afraid of me Willy. Let’s relax now. We’ll talk more later... You’re so good to me.”

Jane and Willy-- One Week later-- The law offices of Kelso &Kelso

Mrs. Kelso entered the room. Jane and Willy were embracing. He seemed nervous. She hated to interrupt them, but spoke nonetheless. “Kids, It’s time. I only have a few minutes.”
Lyle stood and quickly removed his clothes. Mrs. Kelso was shocked at the bruises and scratches, but said nothing. He turned to Jane one more time.
“Just five minutes, Jane. Five minutes and then you make me big again.”
“Willy, you know how I feel. I never want to do anything to you that you don’t want. Now get in Baby. I need it badly.”
Willy looked down. He was visibly shaking. He seemed deep in thought.
“Jane, you know I want what makes you happy... Maybe a little longer than five minutes. I’ll let you decide.”
“Thank you Honey. I wanted to hear that. Now get in. We’re keeping Mrs. Kelso waiting.”
Willy entered the machine. The switch was thrown and moments later Willy appeared, six inches tall and still shaky. Jane picked him up and slipped him into one of her old black leather flats, where Lyle had spent so much time. She was sentimental about those shoes.
“Here baby, put your little legs up this way. Keep looking at me. Just remember that you don’t have to be afraid of me. Don’t cry. I’ll be with you soon. Here I come.”
Jane stepped into the flat. Willy struggled despite himself. She felt his body give way as she settled into the shoe. Willy started to scream. She stepped down, and she felt his whole warm bony body. She shuddered, and remained still. As she transferred all her weight to Willy, his screaming became less audible. Jane looked at Mrs.Kelso.
“ He’s fighting me, but he’s mine now.”
“Jane, you look like a wino who just had his first glass of Ripple in a week. I have a feeling that we’re going a lot longer than five minutes.”
“Jane smiled for what seemed like eternity. Then she responded. Yes, a lot longer. I know he’ll get used to it. Then he’ll love it as much as I do.”
“ I think you’re right this time, Jane. It makes all the difference if he truly wants to please you. Should I make another appointment. Tomorrow? Next week?”
“ No, I don’t think so. I’ll call if I need you, but don’t hold your breath. Good bye, and Thank you. On the way out Jane turned and glanced at Mrs. Kelso’s shoes. Oh, and say Hi to your husband when he comes out.”
“ I will, if the time comes, but I won’t hold my breath for that either.”



University Law Chapter 9 and 10



Jane and Willy--The Day After His Shrinking

Jane was finally ready to talk to Willy. She had kept on him for twenty four hours. No food. No water. No breaks to relieve himself. The crying and the struggling had finally stopped. She felt contentment, as she sat on the floor. She slipped off her shoe and the odor from her now rank stocking assaulted her. The smell was strong, but arousing to her. She hoped that Willy reacted the same way. Willy lay there on his back. His eyes were open and stared upwards. Jane would have thought him dead, except for his slow respirations. His features were horribly contorted. They showed utter horror, or perhaps it was total awe. She could not tell which.
She removed C.B. He was not responding, She began licking his body, and then rolled him around on the floor. He rested again on his back, and began to feebly stir. Jane covered his body lightly with her sole, so that only his head was visible. She waited patiently as he became more alert. At last she smiled and whispered down to him. “How’s it going Willy?”
“My god! Jane. How long has it been?”
“Just one day. I wanted you to really get used to it. How does it feel? Lyle could never explain it very well. I need to know how it feels to you. Tell me Willy.”
Willy spent a long time looking for the right words. He could not find them. “Jane. I don’t think there are words to describe it. Everything is a hundred times more intense than I expected. The pain, the wetness, the heat, and the darkness are... Well it’s more than I thought I could survive. But the smell... That’s the worst... It’s like I‘m delirious from the smell.”
“Were you excited, Willy?”
“ Oh yes Jane, I could never have imagined that anything could make me so aroused. I was so excited that I thought that I would bust. But Jane, I couldn’t get off. There was so much weight on my middle, that I couldn’t move at all. It felt that way until I was so tired that I could feel nothing but the pain. Are you going to make me big now?”
“ No, Willy. I don’t think so.”
“But Jane, how long are you going to keep me here. Please, Jane, I can’t wait much longer. Please tell me”
Jane leaned forward and whispered again,”For the rest of your life, Willy. For as long as you live... Not a second longer than that. Don’t struggle, at least not right now. Stay still. You can cry if you want. Yes, I think I would like it if you cried real loud. Go ahead baby. Is it that hard to take?”
“ Jane, Please don’t do this. I love you. I want to be with you. I want to be your husband!”
“ I think I’ll like it a lot when you fight me, but not now. This one time we have to talk. You have to stay still. Willy I’m going to stand on you till you quiet down. I know you can’t breathe, baby. It won’t be too much longer. Now, we can have that talk. You can keep crying, but I have to be sure that you understand what I’m saying... There, that’s much better. Now listen very carefully to me. I don’t want you to be my husband. I don’t want a husband. I don’t want a boyfriend. I don’t want a pal or a chum. I want you to love me so much that you will stay under my foot all your life just because it makes me happy. I need you to do that. I don’t want anything else. That is what would make me happy. Willy, do you love me enough to make me happy? I think you do. Yes, cry a while longer. Then tell me what I need to hear. You know I was all confused with Lyle. I thought I was doing the right thing for Lyle. That was stupid. I don’t care about courts and rules. This is just for me. I want to control every breath you take. I want to use you and hurt you; and I want you to thank me every single day for using you. That’s it Willy. If you can’t make me happy, then I’ll take you back to Ruth Ann. You can be big, and then you can go away. Now I think you’ve had enough time. Tell me that you need to make me happy. You have to say it, or I will turn you loose. I’m waiting Willy. Tell me now. Stop crying for a second and tell me. I’m waiting for you.”
“ Jane... I want to do it. Please don’t turn me away. I will do what makes you happy... I’d rather die than disappoint you. Oh god! I’m so scared.”
“Thank you, Willy. I’m not disappointed. I know that you’re scared. That’s part of the fun This is what we both want. You knew that all along, didn’t you? Now I’m putting you back under my foot. I want your head closer to the front of my shoe. I want your face between the first two toes. You’re in the right place I want you to be able to breathe. That way I can hear you better. In a few hours we can clean you up and feed you. But now is a special time for me. I want to enjoy it as much as possible. I will try to make you pass out in there... But not for missing air. I want pain and frustration, and being so tired to do it. Try to cry and scream as long as possible. That so sweet. Yell louder if you can... Let me help you. I love it Willy. Let’s take a jog on the stairs. Do you mind if I jump? You’re such a nice guy... Maybe you had a little to fear from me after all.”

Amanda and C.B.--Day Thirty
Amanda and C.B. Had just gotten home. She dropped her brief case, and walked into the living room. She sat on the carpet, and reached for the remote control. She had been wearing all her open toed heels to indulge C.B. Today though, she had returned to her old blue opera pumps. She slipped them off, and C.B. Crawled out. His naked little form was covered with her moisture. He looked very tired but managed a wan smile.
“Hello, hot shot. Warm in there?”
“Yes Ma’am. It’s very cozy.”
C.B. Sat between her feet and started to watch television with Amanda. After a few minutes he felt her toes pushing into his back.
“Did I say you could watch T.V.? I don’t think so. I need some exercise.”
Amanda started to play aggressively with him. She hooked her long toes around his leg and dangled him head down, ten or twelve inches above the floor. He swung back and forth, until she suddenly let him fly. She tossed him toward her other foot and tried to snag one of his legs on the fly. She missed and C.B. crashed into her instep. He rebounded on to the floor. He jumped up, and tried to run. It was more fun when he tried to get away. Of course he didn’t want to get away. He liked it just fine where he was. They both soon forgot the television. She laughed occasionally, but they didn’t talk They seldom needed to talk to communicate. C.B. was surprised then, when she spoke.
“You know that I have to let you go soon. I’ve probably kept you too long already.”
“I thought you could keep me as long as you wanted.”
“Legally I could. But I’m not a naughty teenager. You are supposed to stay until you’ve been punished enough. This is supposed to be jail, you know.”
“What if I say that I haven’t been punished enough.”
“Sorry. It doesn’t work that way.”
“Well, take me to Judge Carlson. Then I can yell at her and she will cite me again.”
“Then you’re a second offender. You go into some coed’s panties. She forgets, and throws you in the washing machine with her dirty laundry. If not that, then Judge Carlson would find room for you in her own shoes. Don’t mess with that. Nobody ever gets out of Linda’s shoes, Nobody!”
“If you let me go, then I’ll be six feet tall again.”
“That is true... And it’s a shame. I don’t want you to be six feet tall. Your present height suits you well. But I’m not going to extend your sentence just to keep you. That would be wrong.”
They sat glumly for awhile. C.B. thought that she was just too particular about doing things right. He admired her for it. But always needing to be Miss Right was irritating too. Miss Right? The obvious solution finally dawned on him.
“Ma’am, I think... Well maybe I have a solution. See... Well... Let’s put it this way. I’m kind of a sleazy character... So maybe... You could just make an honest man out of me.”
Amanda smiled.”That took long enough, hot shot. Your proposal is accepted. Let’s go shopping. I don’t want a wedding dress, but maybe some new slippers. What do you think?”

Amanda and C.B. Day thirty one

He stood next to Amanda. The little tuxedo scratched his skin. This was the first time that he’d worn clothes in a month. He was still eight inches tall, so it was hard to pay attention to what the big people were saying. Half a yard in front of him was Judge Linda Carlson’s rather pretty stocking feet. She had slipped off her shoes so that the eight little two-inch lawyers in her shoes could observe the ceremony. Some of them waved at C.B. He smiled back at them. None of them looked very energetic. He was waiting to say “I do.” Apparently, they didn’t use that line anymore, as he heard Linda come already to the end.
“. . . And by the power invested in me, I pronounce you wife and Husband. May I present Mrs. and Mr. Amanda Rider. “ Amanda picked him up. She held him before the small group. She smiled and suddenly placed C.B.’s head in her mouth. Her rough tongue scraped around his head. Then she started sucking on him as if he were a Tootsie Roll Pop. He hoped that Amanda was in no hurry to get to the soft candy center. Several times in the next half hour he was brought out to talk to a guest, or to sign papers. He signed contracts agreeing to remain eight inches in height. He signed his property over to Amanda. He signed to make her the beneficiary for all his insurance. He signed his pension fund over to Amanda. After each signing he went back into Tootsie Roll position.
At last she removed him, and held him up close to her face. “ OK, hot shot. Ready for the honeymoon?” He saw a circle of women clapping as Amanda deftly unhooked her skirt Her panties were opened and he knew where he was heading. He could feel her walking, And he could feel her wetness. He could certainly feel the muscular contractions compressing him. He liked it fine in there, but he could not help but wonder whatever happened to “You may kiss the bride.”

Amanda and C.B.--a Little Later
It was that peaceful, early morning time. This special morning, C.B.found himself backing out of Amanda’s Vagina. When she had finished last night, C.B. Was lodged in her sex. His entire eight inches had been inserted. He found his poor battered head pushed through the cervical opening. He awoke from his nap of exhaustion, and slowly understood that his head was entirely within her womb. He moved his head as if to look around. It was pitch black of course. Amanda had started her menstrual flow. He became aware that his body was actually obstructing her flow.
As much as he worshiped Amanda, the notion of drowning in her menstrual discharge had little appeal for him. He quickly backed out and watched as her flow began to trickle. He ran from her bed. A few minutes later, he returned to the fray, bearing a small tampon, like a rifle, on his shoulder. He stopped and began to push the object into her vagina. A few seconds later, and he had completed his task. Amanda was awake by this time, and was watching. “Go wash yourself, hot shot. You look disgusting. Hurry up. My feet are cold. Oh, and don’t worry. We’ll try out those wedding slippers in the morning.” Her voice suddenly grew soft and intimate. “Good night husband. I love you.”

University Law#10 Epilogue

Amanda and C.B. -- 10 Years Later

Another quiet night. C.B. was at his usual bedtime spot. He nuzzled against the bottom of Amanda’s right foot. His back rested on her left instep. Amanda was sound asleep. Tomorrow was their tenth anniversary.
He thought it had been a very eventful ten years, and was thankful for his sheltered position in her household. These years had been happy for C.B. Well, it was time for some chores. He gently squeezed out from between her feet, and crawled from under the covers. He moved to the top of the footboard, and sat for a moment admiring his wife. As handsome as ever, he thought. Little streaks of grey were scattered in her dark hair. Only a few wrinkles interrupted the smooth outline of her complexion. She looked fresh, as if the stresses of life had made little impression on her.
He needed to get moving. C.B. Slid into the miniature levitation belt that he kept on the footboard. Amanda had never gotten the knack of flying, but it came easily to C.B. The woman who sold the belts had explained that”Little guys take to it like fish to swimming.” It certainly let him get more done around the place. He flew past little’s Megan’s bedroom. She was asleep also. Megan was almost eight. Amanda had been among the first to have herself cloned. Megan had her mother’s serious disposition, but was a very generous child. She called him Daddy, but really didn’t understand what that meant. There were not many girls that were Megan’s age, and none that they knew had a mother who was actually married.
C.B. Flew on to the computer station. He instructed it on what information to call up. The system answered him, as always, in Amanda’s stern courtroom voice. He wanted to change the voice, but his wife said no. It was incredibly hard giving orders to something that sounded like her. It felt obscene in some way. He settled in before the screen, He needed mostly text, so he disabled the holographic projector. He was looking at the current events archive for the past year, wanting to make a collection of interesting stories that Amanda would enjoy. He started reading through his selections.

Headline--Local Man Makes Good --University City

Yesterday, Doctor Tamiko Kamasura flew in to University City, and met with local business and political leaders. Doctor Kamasura, the daughter of one of the founders of the Japanese syndicate that licenses Shrinking technology, was enroute to Geneva. There, she will become the new Japanese Ambassador to the World Congress. Doctor Kamasura is renowned, as well, for her own seminal research on male cloning. During her press conference, she also made it known that her long time personal pet is former local resident, Lyle Edmond. Lyle is also the genetic model for the famous “Lylee” brand of living dolls that have become so popular with young girls around the world. He was present at the conference, and Doctor Kamasura graciously allowed him to be interviewed. Mr Edmond appeared uncomfortable both with the bright lights and with the questions. He indicated that he was unaware of the “Lylee” clones, and did not even know that his owner is numbered among the richest and most powerful women in the world. He explained that he thinks of little besides “the bottom of Tamiko’s foot,” and her other leisure-time play with him. Doctor Kamasura acknowledged the accuracy of this report, noting that it is considered unseemly for a Japanese woman to converse with her pet. All interactions are to be nonverbal. Despite this, her fondness for Mr. Edmond was quite evident to all those present. The Governor welcomed Doctor Kamasura to North America, and also noted that Mr. Edmond will be remembered fondly as one the most successful men of his generation.

Headline-- Major Heston resigns from World Police -- Los Angeles

Major Barbara Heston, famed member of the World Police S.W.A.T. Unit, resigned today amid allegations of impropriety. She joined the unit after dropping out of college nearly ten years ago, and quickly rose to a position of leadership. The S.W.A.T. Group was early-on of tremendous importance in the transformation of stubborn male focused governments. The group perfected the techniques of gaining access to groups of powerful men and shrinking them for easy removal or disposal. As one of the most flamboyant members, she quickly gained a large following. Major Heston is also known for her writings, describing some of the exploits of this semi-secret organization. She is perhaps best known for the sentimental Reader’s Digest piece, “Eating Saddam Hussein.” She was also widely acclaimed for her graphic telling of the end of the Saudi Royal Family. Her story detailed the ends of more than two thousand royal males at the hands of veiled and cloistered wives and sisters. S.W.A.T. Has been largely inactive in recent years, leaving the members little to do. Her resignation was apparently prompted by ongoing allegations that Heston has maintained connections with various extremist vigilante groups. These groups, often referred to as “Gulping Gangs”by the media, have been implicated in the loss of many of the worlds dwindling number of independent males. There is speculation that her resignation signals a more open involvement with these groups. The “Gulping Gangs” have been condemned by the World Congress, and many local ordinances have sprung up outlawing capricious swallowing of males. Major Heston is in seclusion and has been unavailable for comment, or to respond to her accusers.
Headline-Local Law professor extols the virtues of marriage--University City
Professor Amanda Rider has earned a national reputation as an advocate of male’s rights. Her latest popular book, “The joy of Marriage” has garnered the admiration of some reviewers, and the ire of many others. She frequently cites her own decade long marriage as an example of a healthy intersexual relationship. In an interview for this outlet She noted that,”It’s easy to forget that men are indeed human, and still have much to offer society. A majority of women retain a heterosexual orientation, and need the warmth and companionship that only a husband or long term relationship with a man can offer.” She fears that current trends will lead to the extinction of that half of the human species, and that the consequences of this are not known, but will likely be quite serious. She is quick to applaud many changes over the past generation, yet she firmly asserts that her husband is a true person who deserves at least some legal protection. Professor Rider is particularly outspoken about the role of her husband in raising her daughter, feeling that if young Megan learns to treat her father with patience, and kindness; then she will likely carry these virtues into her adult relationships with other women. Professor Rider has recently returned to University City, after an extended tour plugging her book. It may be purchased at all finer bookstores, and through the University dot com, Web Site.

Headline-California Billionaire touts new product line-Los Angeles

Marilyn Chambers, whose immense fortune has come through her long association with the Japanese Shrinking Syndicate, is well known for her high end mass marketing of cloned immature males. The ubiquitous “Lylee Doll,” and the two foot “Young Hulk Hogan” line of domestic servants are among her popular offerings. She introduced today, plans to market a line of genetically altered males designed to be used solely as inserts in athletic shoes. The males lack both arms and legs. Special engineering of the torso allows for a spring like effect that will add as much as six inches to the vertical leap of the athlete using this product. Serious athletes are the target market. A pair of inserts will be costly, and some care will be required to keep them healthy. “This is not a practical product for every day wear, “ Miss Chamber’s warned at her press conference. Although production started almost eighteen months ago, mature insoles will not be ready for market for at least six years. She did show the press a pair of surgically modified “volunteer” prototypes. Miss Chambers, a former professional dancer, demonstrated several impressive leaps. Her recent plans have drawn extreme criticism from various men’s rights groups. Business interests have also looked with a wary eye on the very high costs of her products. She has drawn particularly heavy fire for two of her longstanding policies. First, she insists on several years of formal education on all lines of males before being sold. Why, critics ask, do shoe inserts have to know how to read? Second, although all limbs are missing from the newest product, the sexual organs remain quite prominent. Critics contend that the male organ will, in the course of normal use, become erect, causing a distraction to the woman wearing the insert. Miss Chambers responded caustically that ethical business practice makes her policies obligatory. “I insist that practical uses aside, the act of standing on a man remains at its essence an erotic affirmation of the roles of men and women. The male must be alert and educated to comprehend his position in life. The genitals are the badge of maleness. I claim that it is utterly immoral to step on a living creature, unless it is both fully intelligent, and palpably male.” Investors were not impressed with her impassioned defense, as shares in her company fell sixteen points in after hours trading.

Headline- Bender probate case settled after five years-University City

Local businesswoman Jane Franklin successfully laid claim to the estate of the late Gloria Bender. Mrs. Bender’s will left her considerable fortune to her surviving son William, and specifically excluded Miss Franklin. However, Mr. Bender consented to a shrinking procedure a decade ago, and has spent most of the past ten years under Miss Franklin’s feet. Litigation has dragged on in part, because it proved to be impossible to depose Mr. Bender. It was determined that Mr. Bender has permanently lost the capacity for speech, and responds only to communications from Miss Franklin. Expert testimony established this as a common state among those who have spent several years underfoot. Miss Franklin’s lawyer, Ruth Ann Kelso, finally was able to break the stalemate by successfully asserting Mr. Bender’s status, to be as a Common-law Chattel of Miss Franklin. Ownership of Mr. Bender allowed her to take control of all his inherited property, thus invalidating the intent of Mrs. Bender’s will. After the hearing, Miss Franklin issued the following statement-- “Willy and I are happy that this has ended. I am pleased to get the money, but I am even more gratified that the court has formally recognized my ownership of Willy. I have always strived to do what is best for him. Willy is happier with his life than mere words can express. When Willy submitted to me I solemnly promised that he had nothing to fear, and I am proud that I have justified his total faith in me.”

Headline- World population decline levels out-World Congress, Geneva

The Demographic Task Force reported encouraging news today. The steep population decline of the past two decades, has ended. World population is still going down, at a rate of approximately fifty million each year. This compares to the two hundred million reductions that were common for more than ten years. The rapidly increasing number of cloned female children, and commercially cloned males accounts for part of this trend. Political Stability, and a shortage of males in many areas, are also factors. The best current estimate is that the total number of men lost in the transformation, is a little less than three billion.

Headline- New Chief Justice authors historic opinion-Washington DC

Justice Linda Carlson, began her tenure on the court by writing the unanimous opinion, on the controversial Smith vs. the Commonwealth of Kentucky case. The decision upholds the notion that maleness is defined by the presence of a “Y” chromosome. The practical result of this decision is that transsexuals may not be considered legally as females. This re-affirms the legal argument, that the sexes are inherently separate and unequal. Observers felt that this decision is a serious blow to the remnants of the men’s rights movement, and is a clear indication of how the Court will vote on other, similar cases. Judge Carlson was impressive in her first opportunity to preside over the court. Linda Carlson first came to national prominence as a vocal proponent of sequestering male lawyers. She managed to remove all male lawyers in her community by placing them on permanent insole duty with herself and a few of her colleagues. This led to the first clear demonstration that the crime rate declined in direct proportion to the reduction in male lawyers. She is credited with creating the popular and widely accepted adage that to “stomp out crime, just step on some lawyers.” This philosophy has proven so successful that it has spread to other professions. Long term studies suggest that eliminating male physicians has already dramatically improved the general health and welfare of women everywhere.

C.B. Felt sleepy, and cold at the same time. He had much more to review, but he felt the need to be back with Amanda. He shut down the computer station, and flew back to her bed. He decided to indulge himself again, with his favorite hobby. He sat and looked at Amanda. He found himself thinking about all the dramatic changes in the past few years. Most men had not been so lucky as he. By now, most males on the planet have been abused or degraded or simply terminated. C.B. Crawled finally under the covers and sought the familiar altar of his worship. Her feet were still together, and he gently pushed himself between them. He found her great toe, and pressed his lips to the bottom. Was it worth a billion lives to keep Amanda happy? He did not know. Perhaps it was. Anyway Amanda was happy, and it looks like a happy ending for C.B.



University Law Revisited-- 20 years later


 Jane at the Age of Forty.

Jane Franklin stood in front of the boutique window. In theory she was shopping, but she was really daydreaming. She observed her reflection in the glass. A tall, handsome woman who had filled out just a little with the years. She had taken to having her hair long and loose. In the middle of her forehead, a small streak of grey stood out against the shiny black mane that framed her face and hid her shoulders. Laugh lines appeared by each of her bright hazel eyes. She used little make up, and truly needed none.
Her friends thought her wardrobe terribly conservative. The dark woolen suit, and briefcase made her resemble a business woman, which indeed, she was. She still favored nylon stockings, and not the neon leggings the college girls seemed to love. Simple black leather pumps adorned her feet. She turned and glanced at the other women on the street. She saw all different styles of dress, and shoes. She saw no full sized men. She did see one three foot fellow, a manual worker clone no doubt, who walked meekly behind a young woman who held his leash. She saw lot’s of little men. One was attached to a collar, like a living corsage. Several were fastened to the insteps of shoes, and a couple were worn as decoration in ornate hairstyles. Then there were the trendy plexiglass platforms, with the boys bouncing around inside the thick clear soles. The younger girls kept their males in long latex sheaths, each swinging from the girls belt on a string or on a gold chain. This new trend made Jane feel ill at ease. Her Willy had spent many hours in a special condom, but it seemed in poor taste somehow, to advertise this use so publicly. Jane was old-fashioned. She liked Willy in her shoe, and saw no reason to change this pleasurable pattern, simply to be fashionable. She turned back to the window. There were several evening dresses. One had the latest in ornate holograms shimmering a few inches away from the brightly tinted silk. Saturn’s rings rotating around the belt line of the dress. She recalled a lecture once, where the teacher confidently predicted that women would give up fashion completely, now that males played such a menial role in society. Jane laughed silently. How wrong could one be. Women still wanted to look good; for themselves, for other women, and even for the males who were now only toys and servants. She still loved to remove her foot from her shoe, and enjoy the worshiping gaze that her Willy always was ready to provide.
Being in no hurry, she entered the store. She headed, as usual, to the shoe department. She idly glanced over the new styles. She found most of them unattractive. She picked up an extremely expensive pair of dress shoes. She noticed that they were equipped with genetically altered male insoles. She had tried the male insoles once. The feeling was wonderful, yet they proved to be far less sturdy than advertized. Besides, she felt somehow, unfaithful to Willy. The space under her foot was Willy’s spot, and she didn’t need any other males intruding. She looked down at one of the insoles. It didn’t look very human. A smooth soft cushion with eyes, nose and mouth slit at one end, and a minuscule penis at the other. There was the standard warranty etched into the insole. It reminded buyers that the penis certified this product as a genuine modified human male. She saw the insole looking up at her. She decided to speak to him.
“Hello Fella. I see you’re the new improved insoles.”
“Oh yes, Ma’am. My brother and I were cloned specially for this line of shoes. I am a size nine, regular width, and I am guaranteed for a full five years of use. I require a minimum of maintenance, and can produce a wide variety of body surface temperatures and textures to suit the lady’s needs. Would you like to try me on? I really wish you would. We’ve been here for weeks, and it’s rather lonely. It’s so frustrating. We were created to caress a lady’s sole, not to gather dust on some shelf. You know, Ma’am, I heard the manager talking. I think she’d cut our price just to move some merchandise. Business has been slow. ”
“No thank you. But I appreciate the advice. You seem nice. I hope you and your brother find a nice lady to wear you.” Jane continued to browse. Unfortunately the styles that she found attractive were already stacked high in her shoe closet. She was about to move on when an eager young saleslady came up to greet her.
“Hello. My name is Darla. I saw you talking to one of our new insole models. Aren’t they remarkable? I’d certainly wear them, if I could afford shoes of that quality. I have a well-to -do friend who is a professional dancer. She has several pairs, and simply swears by them. I’d love to show them to you. They are expensive, but I wager not much more than those elegant hand-stitched pumps you’re wearing now. Did you buy those shoes here?”
“Yes, I think I did purchase them here.” Jane found the young woman likable, if a bit forward. “And actually, I tried a pair of the male insole shoes a couple of years ago. They were very nice, but I accidently squished one of them after only a few weeks. The leather was so stained that the shoe was simply ruined.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope you brought them back to us. You were certainly due a refund. But you know these new models are so much stronger. They really can’t be popped. We’ve not had a single complaint, since the new models hit the shelves.”
“To be honest, I had meant to return them. The insole in the other shoe was so upset, that he just cried and cried over his brother. My daughter is a sentimental girl. She felt so sorry for him that she just had to talk to him. Turned out that he was a clever little guy. She got so attached to him, that I just gave him to her. She was twelve at the time and just starting to get her period. He made an ideal panty liner for her. She still has him, I think. Anyway, I never brought the shoes back. I finally decided that these newfangled male clones were not for me. I don’t really need chitchat from an insole. I’ll just stick with my good old-fashioned boy. He’s been under my foot for more years than I care to admit.”
“Wow! You have a regular man in your shoe. You know they cost even more than insoles, that is if you can even find one. Ma’am, I don’t want to intrude, but would you mind terribly, if I could just see your fella. I’m really curious.”
Jane laughed out loud. “No, Darla, I don’t mind at all. He is my little pride and joy. I love to show him off.” Jane sat in a nearby chair and removed her shoe. Darla peered in. She saw his legs pressed into the soft fabric above the heel. His body stretched out toward the toe. “He is very bashful. He’s not used to being around women, except me and my daughter. C’mon baby. Be a good boy. Sit up and wave at Darla. That’s my boy.” Darla saw Willy’s hairless body and head swing into view. He tried to smile, but clearly was fearful. He looked up at his owner for guidance. Jane smiled, and sat her shoe on the carpet. She delicately slipped her big toe into Willy’s lap. As she and Darla continued to talk, Jane let her toe dance affectionately over Willy’s grateful groin. He seemed more comfortable, and finally looked up at Darla, and waved timidly at the strange giant face smiling down at him.
“Oh my goodness. He’s so exquisite. He’s just perfect. Gee. He has a cute little boner. Does he have one of those all the time? I don’t recognize him though. He must be a rare clone. Can you tell me what model number he is?”
Jane laughed again.”Let me see if I can remember your questions. Well, I think he’s perfect, even though his head is flattened a little from spending so much time under my heel. He can’t talk anymore, but I don’t need him to talk. And yes, he has an erection much of the time, depending on where I put him in the shoe. He’s always hard when he senses that I’m happy. That’s how my little darling talks to me. He’s not a model anything. He’s not a clone. He’s just my tiny man. He was a student in a chemistry class I was taking twenty one long years ago.”
“You mean he’s a real wild male. Like he used to be big like you and everything. This is just too neat. You know how rare these guys are now. My Mom kept Daddy for awhile like this, but he died when I was just a little girl. So you got him from the court, just like I read about in school?”
“No dear. He sort of volunteered.”
“You mean he was full sized, and not in any legal trouble or anything. And he just volunteered to be shrunk so he could live under your foot. That’s incredible! Why did he do it?”
Jane was genuinely surprised for a second. “Well he didn’t know at first that it was forever. But he did volunteer. He did it because I asked him to. He did it because he loves me.”
“That’s just too romantic. The clones we get to play with now, they understand that they have to please us. But, it’s so impersonal. I mean, the little guy on my belt here; he could love any woman as much as me. It’s just what he does. But this is so sweet. It’s just like the Jane Franklin and Willy tale, that the girls talk about at school.
“Well, I suppose it should sound like that. I am Jane Franklin, and this, my dear is Willy.”
Jane was usually a private person. But there were times when it was fun to be a celebrity. She enjoyed watching Darla scurry about, finding exotic things to show her famous customer. Darla was a pleasant young woman, working her way through the university the way that Jane had once done. She could not help but feel some pity for the younger generation. Not everyone was suited for the lesbian lifestyle. Lot’s of young women remained essentially heterosexual. They needed more from men than could be offered by the compliant products of the clone factories. They wanted personal playthings. They wanted relationships. They wanted romance. Jane thought it sad that her own story was almost an epic fable to this coed, only two decades her junior. How quickly things changed.
Her musing was interrupted by Darla, Who hurried to show Jane her latest offering. Darla could not stop staring at “the” Willy, who still sat in his owner’s pump, tenderly embracing her stocking covered instep. Jane’s toe continued to make small circles in his lap. Willy had not been out in public this long in years. Jane knew that she should put him away, but Darla seemed so fascinated with her little man. And well, Jane enjoyed the attention too.
“Miss Franklin. Here is something very special. It only works with a real regular male. See this depression in the insole. A six inch man fits perfectly here. You poke his arms and legs into these slots. The battery runs a small electric charge through his body. His body convulses facing the arch of your foot. I tried it with my clone boy and it feels wonderful.”
“Don’t you think it would damage the male?”
“Oh no. It’s guaranteed not to shorten the useful life of any male, or your money back.”
“I still think I’ll pass. It is getting late. Willy and I have other places to go. I think I will take the white pumps you showed me earlier. You liked the white pumps didn’t you Willy Willy. Are you listening to me?”
Willy was intent on lavishing kisses on the bright pink toenail under his face, and seemed lost in his own reverie. Jane forced herself to be irritated. She pressed her toe with some force between his legs. That got his attention. Startled, he shot an embarrassed glance up at the two huge snickering faces above him. Darla gawked with complete attention, as Willy’s legs reflexively clasped that big toe, and his whole body shook with a series of brief spasms. Darla did not need to see the growing wet spot on the bottom of her toe to understand what was happening. Willy’s face turned red with humiliation, as the two women struggled to control their laughter. Finally, that same big toe jerked up and into Willy’s torso, knocking him onto his back. He disappeared under her descending sole. She stepped into her shoe, and stood on him for a second. She moved her foot about to find a comfortable position for Willy. Jane turned back to Darla and restarted the conversation where it had left off.
“ Willy seems to like most of the shoes that I buy... And I’ve been thinking... I would like something for my daughter too. That talkative little insole told me that he was a size nine... That’s just Murial’s size. She’s almost as big as I am now... And next week she starts high school. She deserves something special. Well. Wrap those gabby shoes up and I’ll take them home for her.”

That evening, Jane sat relaxing, while Murial finished her homework. Jane had never regretted her decision to be cloned. Of course, everyone did it now, but there was still some lingering controversy fourteen years back. Murial was a slightly smaller version of Jane, but her personality was much different. Murial was naturally confidant and outgoing. Everyone liked her, and there was no trace of the shyness, that her mother had worked so hard to overcome.
Jane knew she could be learning about the world on her vid screen, or learning about the world from her newspaper. She was of a mood to learn more of her very private world. She had changed into jeans and comfortable loose shirt. As she swapped stories with Murial between math problems, She played with Willy.
It was the simplest of games. Jane would raise one bare foot, revealing her toy, suddenly freed from his prison under her sole. Willy would stand and make a dash for the free space under the coffee table, which sat in front of them. Just inches away from the shelter of the table, Jane’s other foot would fall on him, pinning him firmly into the carpet. Then her long toes would hunt for their victim. Finding him, the toes would clasp his helpless body, and lift him into the air. She would pause long enough for two pairs of eyes to meet, and then Willy would be rudely deposited once more in front of her chair, her bare foot now resting comfortably (for her) on top of him until the cycle started anew. Again and again they repeated this erotic caper. The script seldom varied, and Jane seemed never to tire of this diversion. She whiled away many an evening quashing his token attempts at escape, until Willy was too exhausted to flee convincingly. The rhythm of this ritual was so automatic that Jane could talk or even work without missing a step. Sometimes in her office they would play the game under her desk as she dealt with a hostile banker or a stubborn employee. Willy did not relish those times, as the combination of a hard tile floor, and a frustrated owner made for a very painful experience. It was much more agreeable in the evening, when a glass of wine, and Murial’s perky presence dispelled her anger. Presently Murial finished her homework. She sat, watching them play, almost as captivated by the predictable display as was her mother. She almost hated to interrupt.
“So, Mom, you were saying that the little fellow came right there in the store. What did the saleslady think?”
“Oh, I think she was as worked up as we were. Willy was so cute. You should have seen his red face.”
Murial moved the coffee table, and scooted her own chair in front of her mother. She waited patiently for Willy’s next “escape.” This time he ran directly for Murial’s chair, and at the last moment he felt the young girl’s white woolen sock descend on his body. Willy knew this variation of the game very well. Murial liked to take her time. She slowly rubbed her foot on Willy, pushing his compliant form deeper into the pile of the carpet. Finally she released him, and he rushed back to Jane who pinned him with her bare foot. Murial was not as gentle as her mother, and the game was much simpler. Just run and get stepped on. Still he liked this variety better. Murial gave him more time to recover before each wild dash. Mother and daughter took a minute to get the rhythm down, and then resumed their conversation.
“Mom. I sometimes think about Willy... What he must have been like when he was full size. It boggles my mind to think of know... Acting like an old-time boyfriend. I wonder what that must have been like.”
“Oh my dear, Willy was never my boyfriend. Lyle was my boyfriend. And yes, he would put that big thing of his right into me. I even thought it was fun at the time. I know the idea must be kind of sickening to you, but you have to understand that we really didn’t know yet, what was going to happen. I thought it was perfectly normal for this huge monkey to crawl on top of me, and poke me with that thing. Don’t look at me that way. Things were different then. Still I’m grateful to Lyle. I learned from him how wonderful guys could be, if you just kept them the right size. I felt hopeless after I lost Lyle. When I met Willy here, I knew what I really wanted.”
“But Mom, I always thought that Willy was your boyfriend too, before you had him shrunk down to size. I don’t see the difference.”
“Murial, it felt a lot different to me. I grew up thinking of men as persons, like you or me. That was the only right way to be, back then. You can’t imagine how confusing it was for most women. Lyle was a boyfriend. The first time I sat and talked to Willy, I knew it was different. He wasn’t a person. He was my property, just sitting there waiting for me to claim him. I knew, right from the beginning, that Willy was put on this earth just to be my property. Nothing more, and nothing less. Of course, Willy didn’t understand right away. I had to teach him. It didn’t take that long for him to catch on.”
“Then you never felt guilty for tricking him. For telling him you were only going to shrink him for a few minutes. Isn’t that what you did?”
“Guilt is for people. I’d feel guilty if I lied to you. It’s not even fair to poor Willy to think of him in the same way. People have choices. I’d never be cruel enough to give him a real choice about anything. You know, when I step on him it hurts. And when I walk on him all day long, I’m sure there are times, that he wants desperately for it to stop. If I asked him what he wanted, it would just confuse him. I don’t ask my shoes every morning if it’s OK if I wear them. I just put them on. Speaking of shoes, I almost forgot to tell you. I bought you something today. It’s on the shelf behind you.”
Willy was forgotten for only a second, as Murial rushed to open her gift. Jane snatched him up in her hand and dropped him in her shirt pocket. “Did the big girls tire my little man out? You’d better rest now. We’ll be going to bed real soon now.” Her private conversation with her shirt pocket was interrupted by Murial’s squeals of delight.
“Mom! This is just incredible. They’re wonderful.”
“You don’t think they look too old-fashioned.”
“Are you kidding? Real male insoles. I’ll be the envy of every girl in the class. I have to try them on right now. Mom, they fit perfectly. See how high I can jump in them. I can almost touch the ceiling.” Murial pranced happily around the room. Finally, she sat on the floor and slipped off her new shoes. She smiled at the faces that peered up at her from each insole.
“Hi guys. My name is Murial. I hope my dirty feet didn’t stink too much for you.”
Her right insole rushed to correct her. “On the contrary, Miss Murial. You’ve already given us more pleasure than we have ever experienced. I feel confidant that I speak for my brother there. Don’t you agree, Lefty?”
“Oh, without a doubt. Your wonderful perfume was more than we could have hoped for. You know our greatest pleasure comes only from the pressure and fine fragrance of our beautiful owner’s foot. I am already quite certain that we would be the envy of all our classmates in insole school. When may we again experience the supreme pleasure?”
Right insole could not bear to be left out of the conversation. “Miss Murial. My specialty is poetry. I have already composed an ode to your glorious peds. Would you like to hear it now? I feel the need to recite it to you as soon as possible.”
Murial was finally able to get a word in. “Gee guys, this is wonderful. You know, I think I’d like you both to experience the supreme pleasure for awhile. At least till I get you broken in.”
“Oh goddess, beyond our wildest dre...” Murial’s feet silenced her new insoles’ artistic pursuits, and she clattered off, happily enjoying her new shoes. Jane decided to go to bed. As she left the room,she could not refrain from one last comment to her shirt pocket. “Willy, I’m sure glad that you don’t talk anymore!”

Willy truly didn’t need to talk, and he didn’t need to sleep much either. This was good. The hours between midnight and six were the busiest times for Willy. Midnight usually struck as Jane was ending her nightly romp with her plaything. Most evening’s ended with Jane drifting into a happy slumber, leaving Willy still lodged in her moist vagina. Tonight was no exception. For years he had been confined in the special condoms that Jane used. Now he simply crawled in head first every night as she went to bed. Some nights she was very aggressive, grasping him firmly by his legs, and plunging him harshly into her again and again until she felt satisfied. Some nights she didn’t handle him at all, but simply enjoyed the warm feeling of having Willy inside her. For his part, Willy had learned very well all the subtle ways that he could move his arms and body to augment what she was feeling. He was good too at finding the spots where he could breathe, to avoid any danger of drowning in her pleasurable discharge. He was proud that he never succumbed to panic. He waited diligently until she was asleep, and then delicately backed out onto the mattress. Jane almost never woke up, except during that time of the month when he had to insert a small absorbent pad.
This night, after finishing his vaginal duties, he made the long slow trek down her leg toward his home. Jane always wore something on her feet while sleeping. Jane liked to say that a man with a house to come home to, would not wander off. So Willy recalled a succession of fine houses; old shoes, stockings, sandals, slippers. He loved the cotton socks that she wore now. He easily pulled himself into the sock, and slid under her sole. The sock kept him pressed comfortably against her flesh. It was a reassurance for both of them. Jane was always upset if she awoke, and could not feel her Willy. Sleep finally found Willy, in the warm confines of his home.