Sequel to Attack of the 50' Woman

Part 1

“You’ll just love this house!” the decorator said to multi-billionaire, Richard Crane and his lovely wife, April. “You won’t believe it...but THIS is the very house that Harry and Nancy Archer lived in before... their... eh.... y’know....” Richard and April nodded, knowing that the decorator was trying to remind them about the crazy occurrences that happened 10 years ago.

Nancy Archer was better known to the world as the woman who grew to 50 feet in height! Her rampage through the nearby sleepy town had made her world famous... even though she and her husband mysteriously disappeared after a fight with US Air Force helicopters.

“We’ll take it!” Richard told the decorator before he could go into his speal about how they shouldn’t worry... because the Archers hadn’t been seen since, etc.

Everyone around the town had warned the Cranes to stay away from the house... saying it was a forbidden place, full of ghosts and a past better left alone. No one had even bothered to replace the broken chair Nancy had once grown out of, or to repair the ominous hole in the ceiling.

After a few hours, the decorator was pushed outside, and the Cranes were quickly moved in by their personal “army” of housekeepers. After settling down, the Cranes celebrated their new home by opening a couple of bottles of champaign and throwing a tiny party for their servants.

“My dear, isn’t this place just to die for?” Richard laughed, kissing April.

“Yes it is, love of my life! Won’t it be fun to invite the McMahons over some evening? I’m sure Vince and Linda would get a kick out of that wonderful swimming pool!” April chuckled, clinging her glass against his in a sort of toast-like manner. “If you don’t mind, I think I’ll take a little stroll outside and view the landscape... it was awfully lovely and I didn’t get a really good look when we first arrived!”

“Have it your way, honey bun! I think I shall sit here with my favorite paper, and see how my stocks are doing.”

Richard sat looking at the newspaper, when he heard his wife call out his name. She was outside, gaping at strange hole in the ground. “What is it, my darling?” Richard purred, gently nibbling at April’s soft neck.

“Husband, look at this! It’s the strangest thing I’ve ever seen... if I didn’t know better, I’d say it was a footprint!” she exclaimed taking a sip of her champaign. “Do you think it belonged to that dreadful Archer woman?”

“Lover, don’t be absurd! That was over ten years ago... surely the rain and snow would have washed away anything that beast left behind!”

“But, honey bunch... step back a little and see for yourself!”

“Goodness! You’re quite correct, my dearest! It’s a giant human footprint! Look....” he said putting his foot over the smallest toe imprint. “...the pinky toe is almost three times larger than my entire foot! Can you imagine the size of the shoe needed for such an enormous foot?” April giggled and kissed Richard on the side of the cheek, both of them easily able to stand in the huge footprint. A noise broke their passionate moment... and the couple looked towards the strange barn nearby.

“W... what was that, husband? That... that barn wasn’t there a minute ago, wasn’t it destroyed by that awful Archer girl?” April asked clinging fearfully to his arm.

“I don’t know... let’s have a look, shall we?”

The frightened pair slowly approached the barn, and peeked inside. They simultaneously gasped in horror as they saw a Titaness of a woman sitting in the barn, wearing a strange yellow jumpsuit. She looked down at them, as though expecting their arrival, and motioned them with her gigantic finger to come in. April and Richard looked at each other... hoping one of them would tell the other this wasn’t happening... but there was nothing but a dead silence. The giantess started to become impatient, and she smashed her huge fist into the ground, not only getting their attention, but scaring the virtual life out of them at the same time!

“Are you two puny snobs going to keep me waiting all night? That’s MY house you’re living in...” She said, lowering her head towards them, breathing so hard, that Richard’s glasses began to fog up.

“I’m terribly sorry... eh..., Mrs. Archer, I presume, but that is OUR house now, and I do believe you are trespassing! If you’ll kindly be on your way, I promise you shall not be sued.” Richard spoke, his voice breaking every once in a while as he stared up into the giantess’s eyes, feeling stupid for even trying to make such demands on someone so powerful. Before he or April could act, Nancy snatched him up in her massive hand and squeezed him just enough to make him cry out in pain. April grabbed an old piece of plywood, and began to beat on the giantess’s leg.

“You monster! Let my poor husband go or I’ll take you apart myself... I will!” Nancy merely looked amused and loosened her grip on Richard, just enough so that she wasn’t hurting him anymore. With her other hand she captured April and held the quivering duo in her titanic palms.

“Ahem... ok... look here Mrs. Archer, perhaps my sweet adoring wife over reacted, but that is no reason to punish her, she was only trying to help me! Please, do what you want to me, but let my wife go!” Richard pleaded, trying to keep his cool, despite his sheer terror at the situation. Nancy spoke not a word, but a sad frown appeared on her lips as she stared at Richard while he talked. It was almost a lustful frown... as though she wanted him for herself, but could not have him. Instead, she gently sat the frightened billionaire down, and crawled out of the barn, still carrying April. “Wait! Where are you taking my wife!” Richard called out after her, as she escaped into the blackness of the night. He rushed to his limo, and personally drove it all over the countryside, hoping to catch up to them... but they had disappeared!

Richard arrived home, frantic. He ordered his maids to call the local police and be on the lookout for April and the giantess. After several hours, there was nothing! He went outside once more to search... when he saw April’s pump lying in the sand. He picked it up, and saw a dark figure stumble towards the house, it was April! Richard ran to her, screaming her name, and she collapsed in his loving arms... seemingly in a drunken stupor. A butler met Richard outside and helped him carry April back to the mansion, and laid her on the couch.

“What do you want me to do, Mr. Crane? Should I cancel the annual party for tomorrow?” the maid asked, fanning poor April.

“NO! Don’t do anything... call the police and tell them it was a false alarm... if anybody got word of what happened, I’d be ruined! They’d think me a madman! Get Mrs. Crane a hot cup of tea, and let’s try to wake her up!” As the group attended to April, she started to wake, and kissed Richard on the lips.

She smiled and whispered into his ear.... ”They’re testing the strength of our marriage, my husband! If we pass where they all failed..... ssssshhhhhh.... don’t tell anyone!” she giggled, before passing out once again.....

Part 2

Once again Richard and his servants worked furiously to awaken the unconscious April from her slumber.

Finally her eyes fluttered open and she grabbed her head, as if in tremendous pain. Richard grabbed her hand and held it in his own...patting it gently and tenderly. “My dear! What is this test that horrid woman wants us to take? What happens if we pass? What else did she tell you??” April looked at her husband as though he were insane. Everything that had happened was a total blur and try as she might, nothing was coming to her.

“I...I don’t understand what you are talking about, my sweetheart!” she sighed with a frown. Richard groaned and released her hand, collapsing in the recliner nearby.

“I’m sorry, my dear... maybe I’m just losing my mind!” he quietly said, rubbing his forehead, trying to make sense of everything. “Do you feel up to the party tomorrow, or shall I cancel?” he asked at last.

“Oh! I had nearly forgotten, lover! Pilar, can we still manage to have everything ready for the festivities?”

The maid shook her head, “Yes, ma’am.”

“Excellent, Richard dear, that awful Rebecca Hotchkiss won’t be attending... will she? You know how I abhor that snob!”

“Unfortunately she’ll be there, my angel. Ever since she became engaged to my idiot cousin, Julian, she’s been trying to sleep her way to the top... so to speak.”

“I hate it the way she hangs on you! It’s like she has no knowledge I even exist! She treats you like a wallet... and she has every right to just snatch you up for herself... if you know what I mean! You wouldn’t let her get to you, would you, honey bunch??”

The very thought sent shivers of disgust down Richard Crane’s spine. He HATED Rebecca, and wasn’t particularly fond of Julian either, but his uncle Alistair was head of Crane Industries... and very powerful. With a snap of his fingers he could ruin life for Richard and April.

“Dearest, I would rather sleep with a great big pile of cow dung then even THINK about cheating on you!” he said with all honesty. This brought a large smile to April’s face, and she leapt into his arms, hugging and kissing him with all her being! “I love you, my dear, but tonight has been... stressful. I think I’ll get some shut eye and turn myself in. Good night!” Richard said, kissing her and putting her down. Once he’d gone, April summoned Pilar to her side.

“Pilar, I trust Richie with all my heart, but that Hotchkiss witch can be VERY persuasive! I want you to keep an eye on her, if she makes even the slightest move for my husband, I want you to come straight to me, understand?”

“Si, senora, I promise your marriage will remain a happy one!” With that, April climbed the stairs and joined her husband in bed.

The next morning, Richard sat in his office, finishing up some paper work for his business... when his special private phone began to ring! “Hello, Richard Crane speaking.” he said, wondering who it could be...

“Richard! This is Alistair!”

“Uncle Alistair? What a pleasant surprise! It’s good to hear from you, how are things?

“Fine, fine, I have merely called to inform you on two things.... one, I regret I will be unable to make your party this evening....”

“Aw...that’s too bad...”

“...and two.... I’ve decided to name you my heir to Crane Industries!”

“WHAT????? That’s great.... but why?????”

“As you know, my son Julian is an incompetent bungler and womanizer... and Ethan... well you know about that, I’m sure.... anyway, you are my closest living relative and the only one truly worthy of the Crane name! Tonight, at the party, Julian will be handing you some papers... he thinks it’s just some sort of financial concerns... in reality they are papers that you need to sign... making you legally my heir!”

“I thank you, Uncle, and I promise I won’t let you down! Think of it... Crane Industries and Cranes Incorporated merged into one! We’ll show that ruffian, Bill Gates, the meaning of wealth... hahahahahahahaha... hello? Uncle Alistair? Are you there?” but there was no answer. Richard shrugged and quietly hung up the phone... smiling to himself. He could hardly wait to tell April the good news. Immediately he rushed off to find her.

Hours later, after a long... personal celebration... the happy couple lovingly welcomed their guests into their new home. April kept to herself mostly... every once in a while joining her husband and playfully flirting with the various businessmen... but always keeping her eyes on her enemy... Rebecca Hotchkiss! Already Rebecca was hanging all over Richard... annoying him to no end, and continuously angering April. At times, when she was truly upset, April felt dizzy and weak... like everything was spinning around... but she managed to keep her composure.

Richard was amusing himself with his good friend, and relative, Fraiser. “Fraiser, it’s so good to see that you could make it! I’m pleased to see you, but where is Niles and Daphne at this fine evening?”

“Well... heh... you know them....”

“Yes, of course, I’m sorry to hear about your radio show being cancelled, if there is anything I can do...” before Richard could speak another word, Julian approached and shoved a leather folder in his face.

“Hello, my dear cousin! These are some papers father wanted you to sign... I don’t know what they are all about, but I’m sure they aren’t anything too important.” he said, trying to sound friendly.

“Yes... well... you know, Julian, I think that...” again, Richard was interrupted, this time by Rebecca.

“*Tee hee!* Isn’t Richard here, to die for? How manly he is... and how caring and giving of himself without asking for anything in return! Any girl would be proud to have a husband like you... even that cow you call a wife... hahahaha!”

“Mrs. Hotchkiss, I will not stand for you insulting my wife in my home! I suggest you take Julian and...” before Richard could speak, Rebecca pressed her lips onto his, kissing him passionately. April’s eyes widened with hate as she watched Rebecca try to force herself on her struggling husband!

Everything started spinning, and April felt as though the air was becoming thinner. She was so furious she did not notice everyone staring at her... staring as her legs began to lengthen... her breasts expanding against her blouse... struggling until they managed to burst free! All her lovely jewelry, snapping off her fingers and neck as she continued to increase in size... her sandals reduced to shambles as her feet grew to larger proportions. Her perfect buttocks tearing and shredding the rest of her dress to pieces. Within the blink of an eye, the beautiful Mrs. Crane was now a 20-foot juggernaut of rage! Her hate still blinded her, and she did not realize how big she was... or that her calf merely nudged the side of the appetizer and knocked it completely over, spilling all it’s contents! No... all she could see was the evil little vixen who was trying to seduce her husband! The guests screamed and fled in fear of her, as she lifted the seemingly doll-sized aristocrat effortlessly.

Richard stood there... afraid... but somehow he felt like he knew this was going to happen. He watched as April lifted Rebecca close to her face...

“STAY AWAY FROM MY HUSBAND YOU LITTLE SLUT!” April thundered. Without another word, she tossed the frightened woman away like a piece of trash... and laughed hardily as Rebecca landed in the swimming pool. April put her hands on her hips... still angry, but kept Richard between her feet as if protecting him... before coming to the realization over what has just happened... she shrieked and quickly covered herself with a table covering, watching humiliated as the guests ran away.

Richard looked up... and saw her mighty vulva overhead. He was unafraid... after all this was just his wife... only bigger... he was just... concerned. “I think I need some more wine...” he said with a frown.

Part 3

“I’M A MONSTER!” April’s voice bellowed, shaking the china in the cabinets.

Richard wiped the sweat from his brow and took another drink... not from a glass... but from the champaign bottle itself! It was the morning after April’s big change and he’d just finished talking to reporters trying to get them not to print the story of how his wife almost drowned Rebecca Hotchkiss... the very influential fiancé of his cousin. The butler, Alfred, ran about frantically trying to meet the needs of the giantess. Pilar the maid was busy trying to keep April calm but was obviously failing miserably!

“I WANT MY HUSBAND AND I WANT HIM NOW!!!!” her voice thundered.

Richard finished off the bottle and once more wiped his face as the maid dashed into the house. Multiple black rings had developed under her eyes from staying up with the crying April, and her clothes were in a disarray after trying to feed the stubborn aristocrat, and having the food kicked back in her face.

“M... Mr. Crane... your wife would like to have a few words with you....” she slurred, as she leaned against the doorway, barely able to stand.

“Ummmm... thank you Pilar... your services will no longer be needed for today! Why don’t you and Alfred take the rest of the day off... with pay of course!”

“Thank you, Senior. It’s been a looooong night... I shall see you tomorrow.” With that, Pilar and Alfred left, leaving Richard alone with his wife.

Richard approached the barn, where April was staying, very slowly. Quietly he opened the door and saw his beautiful wife, half naked with only several bed spreads to cover her private parts. She had become even larger than before, standing at nearly 30 feet tall. Her face was buried in her hands as she wept, so distraught over these strange happenings.

“April? Dove? Love of my life? It is I... your gracious husband come to see how you are doing...” Richard said with a slightly frightened smile.

She looked at him through her fingers and slowly moved her hands away. She wiped away the tears and stared at his small form for several seconds. Despite her terror over her predicament, the very sight of him relaxed her... he was so cute, standing a bit taller than the dolls she had in her collection. The way he stood and spoke... so shy, as though they were going on their first date again. She waved at him, humiliated for him to see her this way.


“Has anything that happened come back to you April?”She shook her head sadly and continued to stare at her now diminutive spouse. She longed to hold him in her arms, his touch relaxed her and made her feel good. To her surprise, Richard approached and gently rubbed his hand against her knee cap, sending goose bumps up her spine. She managed a smile and touched the side of his face with her huge finger. “Don’t worry April, I’ll stand by you no matter what happens. I promise those sorry media bastards won’t eat up the Cranes! If I see your picture in even one tabloid, there’ll be hell to pay!” Richard said reassuringly, grabbing her finger and kissing it passionately. “Look... would it help... my angel, if we snuggled for a bit? I know you used to enjoy that when...” Before Richard could complete his sentence, his overjoyed wife wrapped her powerful hand around his waist and lifted him into the air. She pressed him into her chest and squeezed him tightly.


“Don’t worry about it... Rebecca had that coming... if I’m mad at anything, it would be that I didn’t push her into the pool myself!” The couple burst into laughter, but Richard had to cover his ears from April’s much louder voice. She noticed this, but understood, and pressed him against her lips, delivering to him, a loving kiss. Richard felt safer now... he decided to try and act like nothing was out of the ordinary. He looked up at her, as she hugged him, and stroked his entire body with her powerful hand. “April... Uncle Alistair is sending a hotshot lawyer over tomorrow to try and... renegotiate my being his heir... um, it would please me greatly if you could attend our meeting... and perhaps show my uncle’s lawyer that you meant no harm... does that sound reasonable?”


“Don’t worry about it! They say you can never be too tall to be a model right? Well you can never be too tall to be a Crane either! Ha ha, never forget that April! You’re a Crane now, and Cranes are strong! Cranes are tough! Cranes can literally crush the competition! As long as you and I are together, no one would dare mock you!”

April thought about Richard’s words, as he sat in her arms ranting on and on about Crane power. He was right! She was a Crane... maybe the most powerful one of all... married to the most powerful male of all! From that point on, she silently vowed to herself that she wouldn’t let any of those snobs push her around ever again! After a few moments, she put Richard down and placed her finger tip under his chin.


“*Heh heh* all right, my darling, I look forward to it!” With that, April bent down and kissed Richard goodbye as he left for the office.

The next day, Tom Matin arrived at the Crane estate, loaded with all sorts of legal weapons to try to win back Alistair Crane’s heir. He was met by Richard at the front door and was invited over to a nice looking outdoor table, with an umbrella on top. He noticed there was a meal for him and his host, and gladly ate while they chatted.

“Mr. Crane... it appears that my employer, your uncle, charged you with being heir to his company. Unfortunately, this situation with your giant wife has changed things dramatically. Mr. Crane fears that he will be run out of business, trying to feed and clothe your lovely bride, and would like to pull out in light of this unfortunate turn of events.”

“That would be fine, Mr. Matin... but the papers have already been signed and are safely locked away in my private safe. I am the legal heir of Crane industries now, and have no compulsion to give up the honor. Tell my Uncle I am regretfully sorry, but I am his heir and there is nothing he can truly do about it. My wonderful bride shall be nourished and taken care of via my own personal wealth... I do not need the help of Crane industries to stay afloat by any means!”

“Mr. Crane... my employer is a reasonable man... but if you do not give up your rights to his fortune, I’m afraid that we will splatter pictures of your monstrosity of a spouse all over the tabloids. Now, hand over the papers, or be eaten up by the media dogs... it’s your choice, Mr. Crane!”

Richard chuckled for a few minutes. He knew his uncle was a dirty old man under all his fame and glory. He looked Tom Matin right in the eyes and said, “Mr. Matin... would you like to have the honor and pleasure of meeting my wife?”

“Well... I uh... no... that is... um....”

“Honey! Would you come here for a few seconds, Mr. Matin would like to get to know you first hand!”

Mr. Matin gulped as the slow sounds of loud pounding drums started to grow nearer and nearer with each passing moment! The water in the glasses began to vibrate... and soon, so did the entire table! Soon, Tom Matin was looking up the towering legs of a giantess! April had heard everything, and was very angry! She glared down at the little lawyer and put her hands on her hips, to let him know she was very annoyed with his attitude.

“EXCUSE ME... WHAT WERE YOU GOING TO DO WITH MY PICTURE, MR. MATIN? SELL OUT TO THE TABLOIDS? YOU CAN TELL ‘UNCLE ALISTAIR’ THAT IF HE EVEN THINKS ABOUT PULLING A STUNT LIKE THAT... I’LL CRUSH HIM LIKE THE BUG HE IS! NO ONE ORDERS THE RICHARD CRANE FAMILY AROUND!! NOT EVEN HIM!” April reached down and snatched Tom up in her massive hand. She smiled and squeezed him tightly watching as he screamed in horror. Her anger gave way to amusement however... as she noticed a steady stream of yellow substance run down Tom Matin’s leg. She dropped him, feigning disgust and dipped her hand into the pool... to clean it. She clenched her teeth and lifted her foot overhead. “ONLY BABIES WET THEIR PANTS! YOU LITTLE WORM, NO ONE PISSES ON ME! DO YOU HEAR? NO ONE!!!!”

Matin could bare no more, he collapsed in a heap, begging Richard to stop his wife, before she stepped on him and ended his life. Richard was giggling like crazy and soon noticed Alfred and Pilar laughing nearby... with a camera!

“Mr. Matin, let’s make a deal... you tell my dear uncle to keep me as heir and not to sell me out to the tabloids... and I won’t do the same to you, does that sound satisfactory?”

“Yes sir, Mr Crane! A... anything you want, Mr. Crane! T... thank you for your time, sir...!” Matin slowly stood up and began to creep away, watching April with total fear. Her foot was still raised, so he quickened his pace, until she called out to him.


“Y... y... yes ma’am?” Tom screamed as April began to slam her foot down on top of him. He froze, and covered his face with his arms, terrified to meet death... instead, April’s toes landed inches away from him. The cowardly lawyer cried out in horror and fled, running as fast as his legs could carry him.

As Matin disappeared into the distance, April, Pilar, and Alfred shared a happy and hardy laugh with each other... their plan a total success! The only one not laughing was Richard. He was amused but troubled... troubled by the faint ripping of fabric he could hear... April was growing again... he wondered what tonight’s meal would bring!

Part 4

The fateful hour had come at last.

Richard peeked outside and saw two enormous semi-trucks parked side by side, and both covered by a humongous white cloth. On top of this improvised giant table were barrels and barrels of wonderful things to eat; strawberries (April’s personal favorite), grapes, apples, raspberries, and pineapple slices. Also there was a normal sized table especially for him, carved into the shape of a heart. On it was some of April’s favorite and best china.

Summing up the courage, Richard left the house and approached the trucks. His stomach growled with eager anticipation despite his attempts to remain cool and confident. Everything around him suddenly became very dark. Frightened, he instinctively looked up and was relieved to see that it was just his 40' giantess bride... overshadowing him!

April hadn’t bothered to sew up a new dress since that afternoons growth. Her formally modest gown was now more of a shredded skimpy two piece dress. She smiled adoringly at her husband, for she could tell he was still a bit intimidated by her ever growing size. Try as she might to block such feelings from her mind... she couldn’t help but think that Richard’s timidness was very cute... and made him much more appealing to her! She crouched down, and looked directly into her husband’s eyes. “DINNER IS SERVED, MY LITTLE DOLL-MAN!” she purred.

Richard’s face turned pure red with embarrassment, but he grinned sheepishly and looked around the trucks for perhaps a ladder or something so he could climb up.... “ALL ABOARD!” April’s voice sang out like a train engineer, as she lay her gigantic hand out in front of Richard. She was testing him... to see how much he trusted her. Did he still think of her as his wife, or as a giant monster? She smiled and gave him a “come-hither” stare that she knew he liked so much.

Unsurprisingly, Richard back away at first, not sure what she was doing. Once it hit him what April’s intent was, he blushed and climbed onto her fingers. The warmth of her hand was incredible... to Richard it was like standing on a soft heater. He mentally measured her hand in comparison to himself... it was almost the same size as he! His daydreams were soon interrupted as he was forced to cling to her thumb... she was standing up!

Soon, her beautiful face was all Richard could see, and April was bringing him closer and closer. Her husband chuckled. “I hope I’m not the main course!” April simply laughed at his jest.

“IN A WAY, YOU ACTUALLY ARE SOMETHING FOR ME TO NIBBLE ON!” she giggled, planting a loving kiss on his body.

Richard returned her love, but was unable to make his kiss as tender... for she had already begun to lower him onto the giant table! As they seated themselves, Richard began to wonder how April felt... being surrounded by toys and playthings all the time. Regardless of her feelings... he definitely saw that she was much more confident than she’d been in times past!

April quickly served dinner and never took her eyes off of her prized possession... her husband. As he ate happily, her love for him only increased, for he was taking all this giantess weirdness so well and hadn’t treated her any differently since the change. Subtly, she began to move her hand until one finger was under the table. She smiled slyly and started rubbing Richard’s leg. He jumped a bit in surprise, and looked under the table jokingly... as if he didn’t know what was touching him. He grabbed hold of April’s finger and she allowed him to guide it up to his face! He smiled seductively at his wife, and gently kissed her finger tip multiple times. April sighed, though she could sit like this forever, she had to get something off her chest. It was time to get serious. She rubbed Richard’s face a little, then pulled her finger away from him. He seemed a bit disappointed, but could tell she had something to say.


“Look April, about that, I...”


“Rule the world???” Richard asked, afraid of where this conversation was heading.


This was an interesting turn of events. Richard was dumbfounded, yet, honored by his wife’s strange way of thinking. She was the most powerful woman... no... the most powerful person on the planet, a literal goddess, and she was choosing him to be her lover! Despite her size... she still loved and preferred him to any other man.

“YOU’RE THINKING ABOUT IT... I CAN TELL...” she stated, hoping to push him into a decision. Richard smiled shyly, the word “yes” was on his lips...he tensed up and readied himself to inform her of his desire to mate... when a small metallic ball flew onto the truck! Out of it spewed... gas!!!! Three more similar balls followed, and soon the couple was bombarded by the rancid fumes!

“Oh my... April... you have to get out of here! Leave me... hurry!” Richard coughed, as he tried to escape the gas.

April gasped and tried to fan away the fumes... Richard was right in the middle of the stinking cloud, but her size allowed her to stand over the cloud and avoid it’s effects. She reached for Richard to try and save him, when she felt several stings all over her body... she turned and saw a literal army of masked men driving several vans shooting at her... she recognized them as mercenaries... most likely hired by Julian and Rebecca to get revenge for their separate humiliations!

“Let’s teach this big bitch that no one makes a fool outta Rebecca Hotchkiss!” The lead mercenary shouted to his men. “Drop her!” The men obeyed and showered April in a hale of gunfire!

To their horror, their cowardly attack only served to make the giantess angrier... and bigger!!! As she burst from the last articles of her clothing, the furious titaness stomped towards the evil little men, and caught one of their vehicles. She held it overhead for a few moments... then threw it down into the crowd... killing several of the villains! She chased after the fleeing cowards, stepping on a few and swatting the others as though they were bugs. In a desperate attempt, some of the surviving evil ones managed to get to more of their gas launchers and hurled every last bit of their gas bombs at the raging Mrs. Crane.

Though she put up a good fight... her huge lungs soon filled with the fumes, and she collapsed. The leader wiped the sweat from his forehead as he surveyed the massive loss of men he’d suffered. His men brought forward, the half conscious Richard Crane. The leader looked him over, then spoke. “Bind up the whore... I think Mrs. Hotchkiss wants to sell her to a zoo or something... but we’re taking the husband to see Alistair Crane himself! You shoulda never backstabbed your family, dipstick!” He said to Richard. With one backhand, he knocked out the struggling billionaire!

Part 5

“So my dear cousin, we meet at last!” Julian said with a sneer, after Richard had been brought to him in his temporary office in town. Richard looked around at his surroundings and found himself bound to a chair with chains.

“Nice to see you again, Julian... still having troubles with that little ‘Timmy’ doll that belongs to that dear old woman?” Richard laughed, insulting his cousin. Julian was obsessed with someone named Tabitha Lennox... who he claimed was a witch and had a living talking doll named Timmy. In a fit of rage, Julian slapped Richard across the face, with Rebecca cheering him on.

“You show him, Pookie!” she giggled.

“Give me a break, MRS. Hotchkiss! YOU could hit harder than that!” Richard shot back, this time receiving a blow from the head mercenary from before. “I hope you all get in as many licks as possible, you cads! When my wife breaks free she’s not going to be very happy with any of you!”

“Please, my cousin. Your wife is a freak of nature and a monster! She’s going to be examined by our doctors, then sent somewhere... perhaps the pen for what she did to my poor Rebecca... perhaps the insane asylum for what she did to those men... or maybe the big beast will simply end up in a zoo somewhere! I’m sure people would pay a fortune to see: The biggest oddity alive!”

“Oh, Pookie, you’re so funny! Maybe we could put a beard on her and she could be the worlds largest bearded lady! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!”

As the evil Cranes laughed it up, little did they know that the woman they were speaking of had already awakened from the gas and was struggling to break free from her bonds! One of her captors approached her... standing no taller than her huge thigh, and touched her. “Don’t worry, bitch, ya ain’t gettin’ outta them chains anytime soon! The people ‘round here remembered Mrs. Archer and gave us some extra strong chains ta hold yer big ass... and what a mighty fine ass it is too... y’know, Mrs. Crane, I’m a lonely man and yer enough woman for about a hundred o’ me! Hahaha!” as the evil little insect stuck out his tongue and licked the side of April’s leg, he had no clue that on the other side of April, Pilar and Alfred had come with a hacksaw! Within seconds they loosened the chain around April’s hand, and she was able to snap it with ease!

The fool was so busy trying to rape the giantess, he had no way of knowing that her hand was coming down for him! April snatched the man up and smiled evilly! She squeezed as hard as possible, enjoying every last scream from the dying man as his blood spewed from her fist like a broken water balloon. In a simple matter of time, April shattered the rest of the chains and easily dispatched the rest of the goon squad! “RICHARD! I’M COMING FOR YOU MY DARLING! YOU’RE COUSIN WILL PAY FOR WHAT HE’S DONE... I SWEAR IT!” She began her dreaded march to the sleepy little town, not caring if anything got in her way.

Richard suffered through about a hundred more awful jokes about April, unable to defend her honor before all went quiet... THUD! What was it? THUD! It was coming closer... growing louder! THUD! The wine Julian and Rebecca were drinking... started to vibrate! THUD! THUD! THUD! Rebecca screamed and pointed out the window! Julian gulped a bit but soon all four of them, Julian, Rebecca, Richard, and the head mercenary, peeked out and saw April’s HUGE eye glaring right back at them!! April reared back her powerful fist, and as everyone scattered out of the way, she rammed it through the roof of the office. Julian protected himself with Rebecca and pointed at the mercenary. “It was all his idea April! Y... you know we Cranes would never hurt family... right?” he whimpered. The mercenary jumped back in surprise at this betrayal (it was actually Alistair’s idea) and quickly aimed his gun at April’s beautiful face. As he pulled the trigger, something hit his legs, causing him to buckle over and fall flat on his face! Richard had managed to trip him!

“GOOD WORK, LOVER, I’LL HANDLE THINGS FROM HERE!” April laughed, reaching for the mercenary and grabbing him tightly. The man screamed bloody murder, threatening to kill everyone she held dear... ”YOU AREN’T IN A SITUATION WHERE YOU CAN THREATEN ME! DON’T YOU REALIZE I HOLD YOUR MISERABLE LIFE IN MY HAND?” she asked. The thug began to weep, and April smiled. “POOR LITTLE KILLER, YOU’RE JUST HAVING A BAD DAY AREN’T YOU? WELL, LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING,” she continued, standing at full height, “WHENEVER I’D BE DEPRESSED, WHEN I WAS A TINY THING LIKE YOU, RICHIE WOULD TAKE ME OUT FOR A FLIGHT. WE’D SOAR THROUGH THE AIR... IT REALLY WAS A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE... MAYBE IT WILL WORK FOR YOU!” she said, suddenly smiling diabolically, and throwing the villain far into the air. He would eventually land 10 miles from where he had started... only his dental records were able to identify him!

April looked back down, and noticed Julian and Rebecca trying to flee. She smashed her hand down in front of them, stopping their escape, ready to take revenge upon them as well, when she saw Julian quickly press a button on his beeper. He grinned and suddenly looked very confident. “I suggest, dear April, you get the Hell out of here! You see... I just paged the police and they should be here with choppers any time now!” April listened carefully... he was right! The sound of the helicopters was getting louder. With one fast movement, her razor sharp, spear like finger nail freed Richard from his bonds. With another movement she snatched up him in one hand... and Rebecca in the other! Julian rushed to her side, trying to pry open the huge fingers, but April merely brushed him aside... sending him crashing into the wall!

The copters gave chase to the fleeing giantess, with one of the pilots yelling orders to her through his loudspeaker. “Put the hostages down, miss, and you won’t get hurt!” April smiled and responded...

“ONE OF THEM IS MY HUSBAND ... I’M NOT PUTTING HIM DOWN FOR THE WORLD! HOWEVER, YOU CAN HAVE MRS. HOTCHKISS!” Rebecca could tell she was going to be dropped ... but there seemed to be more to it than that ... she looked down and saw ... a swimming pool! Not again! April’s fingers opened, and Rebecca fell to her death, hitting the water as hard as if it had been concrete!

“You’re a violent one ... aren’t you, my honey-bunch?” Richard asked, snuggling against April’s soft and gentle fingers.

“ONLY TO THOSE WHO MESS WITH THE RICHARD CRANE FAMILY!” she responded, kissing him with virtually all her strength. “CAN I TELL YOU A SECRET? I HAVE MOST OF MY MEMORY BACK! DON’T WORRY MY LOVE ... WE’RE GETTING OUT OF HERE!” she said, pointing to the sky. Richard looked up and saw a mammoth spaceship coming for them! He watched as April flipped off the helicopter pilots ... and gasped as they were surrounded in a bright beam from the ship ... in seconds they soon disappeared!

Part 6

The Earth seemed to shrink as the ship pulled further and further away from the blue orb. Richard Crane millionaire, industrialist, the envy of men, and the desire of women watched sadly, but thoughtfully, as the planet disappeared from view. He was well aware that he’d never see his home, fortune, or family again, but it didn’t seem to matter anymore. He leaned back, resting himself against his giant wife’s soft palms. She was holding him in her cupped hands, and seemed to be more interested in watching him than in watching the Earth. Richard looked up at April and gazed long into her blue eyes. He could see nothing but love and admiration, feelings which were mutual. Everything he’d been on Earth was nothing compared to what he was destined to be, and he took this knowledge very seriously.

Sitting with them were hundreds of women, each as big and as powerful as his wife and all seemed to be fascinated with their tiny guest. Among them was Nancy Archer, the giantess who started this whole ordeal from the beginning. April lowered her hand, and allowed Richard to climb off. He approached Nancy and looked up at her.

“Thank you for allowing me that moment. I appreciate it. Now, could you please tell me what this is all about? What was the test that you put April and I through? Why are all of you so big, and what do I have to do with any of this?” he asked, still intimidated by the enormous woman.

Nancy looked down upon him and smiled. “I shall explain ... your role here is extremely important and you must know your place,” she began. “Humanity was changing, Richard. In the early 1900’s, a brilliant young woman realized that several women like her, possessed genes that allowed them to grow to giant size. She realized that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct and that women were taking a different evolutionary path from men. However, these genes were not apparent in all women and she realized that if she and women like her did not mate and have babies, this new evolutionary course would never come to pass. As quickly as she could she gathered as many women as she could who shared her genes. Using their combined intelligence the women managed to awaken their power and grew to giant size. They attempted to mate with their husbands, but were shunned and called monsters! Since then, the women have been watching the Earth, collecting the fewer and fewer others who shared this rare gene. Your wife and myself were the last ones to carry this lineage.”

“Our mission has been disastrous! Our emotions are stronger than normal women’s are, and we tend to fall in love very easily ... usually with the wrong type of man. These men hate us once our genes are unleashed and we find ourselves bitter and alone. You are a rare breed. A man who does not fear and loath his wife just because she is different. Despite our size and strength, we are people, too! We don’t want to die out, but we can’t live with normal humans anymore. Thus we built this spaceship and decided to round up the last of our kind and release their power. I hope you understand that you are our last hope and chance of survival. You and April must help to keep our kind from dying out forever. We promise to attend to your every need, and you will be treated as an equal.” Nancy concluded, great sadness filling her eyes.

Richard understood, and his feelings for April never changed. He didn’t truly care about preserving some strange offshoot of humanity, but he loved his wife and just wanted to be with her ... and become a daddy. However he had to know just one thing. He looked up to Mrs. Archer and approached her bravely.

“Do you ... hate your husbands?” he asked, curiously.

“N-no. In fact, we love our husbands too much.” Nancy wept. She then stood up and led Richard to a huge cylinder like object. Inside was Nancy’s husband, Harry, now a raving lunatic and madman. He cursed everyone and everything, and upon seeing Nancy’s huge face, he flipped her off and spat into the ground. “I love him so much ... I know I’m a fool, but I just can’t let him go. He’s the first and only man I ever loved. I wish he were more like you!” she said, her voice cracking up and tears flowing down her soft cheeks.

April came closer to her “sister” and hugged her. She glared angrily down at Harry, then watched as Richard came closer and closer to the cylinder.

“May I have a word with your husband?” he asked Nancy in a quiet and stern voice. Nancy nodded, a bit confused and opened a door for Richard to enter. The millionaire looked at the madman, who just grinned at him as though he were Charles Manson.

“What do you want, pretty boy? You want some of this? Well, I’ll give ya all you can handle!” Harry said, motioning for Richard to “bring it on!”

Crane lashed out mercilessly, punching Harry in the nose and flooring him. Richard looked down at the sniveling little man and walked calmly away. “That was for your wife.” He whispered silently.

Richard and April spent long nights after that, in a comfortable bed. They made love often, the giantess fondling her husband gently and the aristocrat attempting desperately to return as much love to her as she gave to him. They did have children ... lots of them, 15 in all! The boys were larger than their father, but far smaller than their mother and sisters. Eventually the travelers found a new planet to settle, and life began anew. Richard and April watched with great fondness as their children grew up and had children of their own. For the rest of their lives, the happy couple lived in peace and harmony ... lives that were extended due to the wonderful science of their “sisters.” The Cranes were the prime example of love, they were the Adam and Eve of their people!

The End