The Deep Freeze

I thought I was so smart, and in most ways I was. My name is Kevin I worked hard all my life and had made my first million by the time I was 25. After that I sunk all of my money into a cryogenic freezing lab. My scientists perfected the process and before you could say Willy gates, I was the richest man on the planet, everyone came to me to be frozen, and with a 4,000% profit on each one I was set for life. Life unfortunately was not that long. I was diagnosed with a rare bone disease when I was 30 and given two months to live. Now I must undergo my own cryogenic process and hope in the near future I can be saved. At least I can take my money with me so to speak. Kevin was frozen on March 15, 2004 at the age of 31. He was interned at his faculty with the thousands of others he had “saved” and many many more were added after him. Kevin was a shred businessman but his replacements were not, and through a war depressions and recessions the company went bankrupt. It was a lot more expensive to keep those people for so long. On bankruptcy all assets were seized by the government. The only assets worth anything were the people themselves, more than 100,000 of them.
In 2025 the world was at war, this war destroyed every country on the planet so the United States no longer existed. The new county formed was the confederate of the Americas encompassing both North and South America. Over the next seventy five years they rebuilt there towns and cities, by the year 2100 it was like the last century had not even happened the technology and fashions were almost the exact same. Many inventions from before the war was lost including the secret to Kevin’s cryogenic success, everyone frozen was shrunken to 1 inches tall reducing the expense of storage by about 99% So now the government had about 200,000 1 inch tall people to worry about. To recover there loses the government decided to sell the mini-people, this required the government to change a few laws and remove citizenship from them, not a problem as they were all born before the country anyway. The poor people were all cured, (Medical knowledge had flourished during the war and not been forgotten) and sold. Oddly enough it seemed only young women were interested in buying this new product and mini people now awoke to find themselves in a mostly undesirable situation.

Kevin awoke to find himself in a large silver cylinder, the roof was about 35 feet about him and had what looked like a hole in the middle to allow light to enter. He looked around and noticed about 10 other people with him, none he recognized. They were slowly waking up, one of them a man who introduced himself as Robert recognized Kevin and asked him what was going on. Kevin wasn’t sure himself but he told everyone to remain calm it was probably part of the un-freezing process. He asked each of the others why had been frozen, and the answers shocked him each had been frozen for a different reason. Kevin found it odd they were all being unfrozen together but didn’t want to scare them. All of a sudden the cylinder started to move fast. The people inside were thrown against the wall. Now the cylinder was shaking and the people inside were being thrown everywhere. Finally after 5 minutes it felt like they were being lowered and it stopped, seconds later it began moving again only this time it was like it had been put on a conveyer belt, it would speed up and slow down, even turn corners but it was not as bad as before. The people demanded to know what was going on but Kevin had no answers, they began banging on the walls and shouting, but the only answer they got was a loud tapping on the roof that hurt their ears. Finally after some more vertical movement it looked like they had finally stopped. It also looked to Kevin like Robert and the others were about to kill him. As he backed away from them the rood of the cylinder suddenly flew off and it was tipped over. The people came rolling out.

Kevin shook his head to clear it. All around him people moaned and a woman was screaming that she had broken here arm. Kevin slowly got up and looked around wishing he hadn’t. He was on a huge wooden platform as he did a slow circle he saw a pair of knees, looking up past the mini skirt and blouse above them he saw a huge girls face, she had to be like 400 feet tall. She was staring down at Kevin smiling, and she was beautiful. With large round blue eyes and big pouting lips, her skin was perfect and here hair was about shoulder length and blond. She looked about 18 or 19 and Kevin had two simultaneous thoughts the first was “This girl looks like a model” and the second was “they forgot to un-shrink us.” Just then Robert who had not noticed the girl grabbed Kevin by the collar and asked him what the hell was going on. A loud voice from behind Kevin boomed down “Play nice guys” Robert looked up and his eyes went wide. Kevin turned around to see another one sitting on a couch before him, she look about the same age as the other. This one had on jeans and a t-shirt, and was though every bit as beautiful as the first he had seen couldn’t have been more different. She had dark hair all the way down to below here chest (which looked like two huge boulders to Kevin) she had brown eyes that shown with here perfect smile, her skin was dark making her look Hispanic. She Spoke.

“My name is Tiffany, the girl behind you is Jenny, and we are your new owners.” The little people on the table screamed and began running around looking for an escape. Tiffany picked her foot up and with a bang brought it down on the table, resting on her heel. The Mini people were thrown down. “Good now that I’ve got your attention it would be wise for each of you to listen carefully” said Tiffany The woman with the broken arm was still screaming although others were trying to quiet her. “Jenny could you take care of that please” asked Tiffany, “My pleasure Tiff” replied Jenny Who sat down next to Tiffany and picked the woman up. As Tiffany went on to lay down the law Kevin didn’t even pay attention he was engrossed by Jenny’s actions with the hurt woman, Jenny was teasing the woman, throwing her in the air and catching her then Jenny put the little woman in her mouth and began sucking on her. Tiffany noticing she didn’t have the little people’s attention and reprimanded jenny, Jenny said she was sorry and asked if they could kiss and make up, Tiffany smiled as Jenny pushed the tiny woman into her mouth and passionately kissed Tiff. Kevin could see the little woman going back and forth between the two giant girls, Finally they stopped and jenny asked Tiff if she had the little woman, Tiff said “no, I think I swallowed her” to which both girls laughed uncontrollably. Finally Tiff said “Now as I was saying before, we own you people and we can do anything we want to you. If you are good you will live a lot longer, and it won’t be so bad, but if you disobey either of us, you will regret it for the rest of your short little lives, does everyone understand?” A small chorus of yeses came from the table. Except for one man who yelled “go to hell you big bitch, my name is Ken Roberson and I can buy and sell both you bitched” Tiff looked and Jenny who waved her to go ahead, Tiff picked little ken up and asked him how he got so rich. “My company made shoes and I’m sure we are still making them today! So back off!”. Tiff lowered Ken to the side of Jenny’s shoe, it was a flip-flop, “Is that one of yours?” asked Tiff. “No you dumb bitch we made Roberson Pumps,” “Roberson Pumps, I got a pair of those” laughed Tiff “Here Jenny hold little Kenny while I go get my shoes.” When Tiff got up Jenny placed Ken on the ground between her feet, which were effectively keeping him caged in, the sole was taller than he was “ are you sure these aren’t some of your shoes Kenny? She asked get a real good close look” , and with that she began to slid here left shoe up, so that they would get closer together. Ken was scared for the first time in his adult life, this crazy bitch was going to squash him between her shoes. Just as the space left between them was disappearing Tiffany returned, still barefoot but carrying a pair of pumps. Jenny picked Ken up and handed him to Tiff, “ I love these shoes Kenny I was wondering if you would autograph them for me” Ken who was feeling a lot more cooperative since his brush with death said he would be happy to. Tiff just smiled and dropped him in her shoe. Ken slide down to the toe section just in time to see Tiffany’s toes following him. Soon he was engulfed by them, the smell made him sick and he felt like he was going to pop from the pressure.

Meanwhile outside the shoe jenny bet tiff a dollar that Ken would last less than 1 minute if they danced around. Tiffany took that bet and got up to turn on the music. Jenny got up grabbed a woman and stuffed here down the front of her panties, Saying “I get one too” with that they began grinding together to the music, Kevin watched helplessly as tiffany was grinding her butt into Jenny’s pelvis, and he knew there was no way the poor woman in there had survived. Kevin was right the poor woman (whose name was Alice) was in hell, Jennies short pubic hair had ensnared her and by trying to get free she was only getting more tangled, and getting jenny hotter. Jenny pushed herself into tiffs butt and began to gyrate to the music, grinding little Alice to a pulp between them, but pleasing both gigantic women.

Meanwhile it was even worse for Ken, because he was still alive, Tiffany’s dancing had broken both his arms and legs but the way his torso and head were jammed between her toes he was still alive but wishing he were dead, he could feel every move, every pivot or step tiffany made as shooting pains in his broken useless limbs. He was praying for death. When Jenny answered his prayers. Tiff has whispered she could still feel little Kenny’s breathe and he was still alive, Jenny said five minutes weren’t up yet and brought her heel down on Tiffany’s toes hard enough to snap Kenny’s neck. They stopped dancing and sat down on the couch once again, both kicking off there shoes and resting there feet on the table next to Kevin and his 6 remaining customers.

Tiffany gave jenny a dollar under protest and both girls laughed. Kevin could still see little Kenny’s body between Tiffany’s enormous toes. Tiffany still giggling ordered the other little people to clean this mess up and they all moved at once to follow her orders. Jenny brought her foot down in front of Kevin, “Not you” she said “I need a foot massage, but don’t worry I’ll do all the work.” With that she picked up her foot and brought it down on poor Kevin rolling him around beneath her foot. Kevin was in hell and it seemed to go on forever. Jenny just kept rolling him around telling Tiffany it was the best she had ever used. Tiff said “oh really? Let me try” Jenny said go ahead and lifted her foot off of Kevin, Kevin got to his knees thinking it was over when Tiffany’s huge foot came down on him and began rolling him around, Tiffany was much less gentle that Jenny and before long Kevin had a broken nose and a lot of other bruises. After about 15 minutes Tiffany let him up agreeing with Jenny, “You have your new job worm,” she told Kevin “but what about the rest of you.” “I think we should have a contest for the best way to dispose of them, keeping the new foot worm of course” Jenny piped in “We can have our little foot worm be the judge and the winner gets to wear him in her shoes tomorrow” “Great Idea” Tiff agreed and I know how I’m going to get rid of the first one.” With that the girls put 5 of the remaining people in the cylinder and with jenny carrying Kevin Tiff took the last remaining woman and headed for the bathroom.

Kevin watched in horror as Tiffany dropped the girl into the toilet, then pulled down her pants and sat down, Jenny let go of a laugh remarking about the Mexican food they had eaten earlier, Tiffany with a broad smile on her face commenced to do her business. Kevin couldn’t believe that such a horrible smell could come from such a beautiful woman. And the sounds of it made him want to gag. Tiffany and Jenny spent the entire time chatting about things like the weather and their classes at the university, as if they had forgotten about the poor woman in the toilet. Finally Tiff wiped herself off, and got up looking satisfied, give the judge a good look, she said. Jenny lowered Kevin into the bowl, just above the water. It looked like a brown soup, the woman was choking and crying in the middle and Kevin could barely keep his eyes open from the smell. Tiff went to leave and jenny asked her if she was going to flush, “Naw I’ll let her stew for a while first” was the reply. Both girls looked down at the little woman who was having trouble staying afloat, and laughed till they cried. “Wow that is going to be hard to top said jenny, but I think I can do it, here take the judge. And she handed Kevin to Tiffany. They returned to the living room and Jenny grabbed a little man lying down on the couch and taking off her shirt. She placed the little man between her huge tits and asked him if he had ever seen tits like these before. He was too busy crying for his life to answer. She began to knead her breast together slowly at first then quickening. The whole time Tiffany held Kevin right above Jenny so he could get a good view. The man was turning beet red and his screams had been cut off to low sobs. Jenny kept going, and was bucking up and down as she did. The poor little man gave a final gasp and died, but jenny kept going for another few minutes, “just to make sure. She got up and put her shirt back on smiling at tiffany as she accepted Kevin. Tiffany without sating a word picked another man from the cylinder and lied down on the couch, taking off her pants. Holding the man by the ankles she inserted him into her pussy, slowly and pulled him out, she continued to plunge him in and out, Kevin couldn’t stand the mans screams any longer and turned away he looked at jenny and could see she was really turned on. Finally she couldn’t take it anymore and when the little man was inside of Tiffany, Jenny went down on her. The little man inside was trying to get out when a giant tongue invaded, he tried to get to it but it kept pushing him in further and further. Kevin could see none of this as the hand he was in was squeezing one of tiffany’s breasts. He was getting pushed far into the skin and was having trouble breathing, He could hear Tiffany moaning above him and Jenny moaning below him but was just concentrating on staying alive. Suddenly it was over, Tiffany got up smiling and thanked Jenny for the assist, Kevin didn’t even see if she had pulled the little mans body out of her.

Jenny reached in and selected another little man. “That Mexican may have satisfied you but I’m still hungry. And this looks like a good snack. She took him into the kitchen with Tiffany right behind. Jenny went into the fridge and pulled out a piece of dough. Turning to Kevin she explained her plans. This is Entro-bread. After you cook it, it takes about 10 seconds to harden so you can mold it around anything you want. And I want this little man. She put the bread in the microwave, and sat chatting with tiffany about there Civics test. The entire time the little man in her hand was trying to escape, Jenny just broke his legs with a snap of her fingers without missing a beat in the conversation. Both girls ignoring the little man's pathetic screams. Finally the bread was done and she molded it around his body with just his head sticking out. With tiffany holding Kevin right in front of the little mans face, Jenny bit his legs off. He screamed and both women laughed and laughed, jenny saying he tasted like chicken. She took another bite and the little man was gone. Rubbing her stomach Jenny said “that sure hit the spot” and both girls erupted with laughter again. Heading back to the living room where the last two captives awaited there fate.

Tiffany grabbed one and got some tape, the then walked into the bathroom and looking at the little woman in the toilet, still fighting for life gave a contented sigh. She put the lid down and looked at her feet, then moving the left one taped the little man down where it was. Jenny barked out a laugh, Our roommate, Beth who hates these games is a stripper, she works late and sleeps in, she will be getting up in a few minutes and the first thing she does is go to the bathroom, here worm let me tape you up here so you have a good view of the action. With that jenny taped Kevin to the ceiling right above the toilet, Kevin prayed the tape held. The girls left the room and went back to the couch giggling. Just like they said Beth came in 3 minutes later, Kevin was stunned. This woman was gorgeous she had green eyes and long curly (but not frizzy) red hair. She was wearing a bra and panties and looked half asleep; Kevin noticed she had some hard soled slippers on though. She pulled down her panties and Kevin cheered when he noticed she hadn’t stepped on the little man. He was yelling at the top of his lungs to get her attention but she didn’t notice her. She must have had that Mexican too because her stench was just as ripe. She got up and Kevin cheered out loud the fact that the little man on the floor was still alive, then he cried when Beth flushed the toilet, he knew he would never forget the look in the little woman’s eyes as she spun around to her doom. Beth meanwhile oblivious had began brushing her teeth as she did she kicked off her slippers. After she was done she stripped naked and turned on the shower. Humming to herself she backed away from the water and put her heel down right on top of the little man. His death beneath her foot unnoticed. She showered removing all traces of him and got out fried off and left. Tiffany and Jenny came right in and seeing the red stain on the floor hi-fived each other. Tiffany took Kevin down and said wait till you see what jenny did to the last one.

They walked to the living room where Kevin looked where Jenny put her foot up on the table, there around her big toe was the last man. A rope connecting his feet to his neck. Kevin couldn’t believe it, even after all he has seen, that these girls could get so excited about turning another human being into a piece of foot jewelry blew his mind. “At least he is still alive” Kevin thought. Now watch carefully, Jenny said. With Tiffany putting him right next to Jennies toes, He could tell it had been a while since Jennie’s last shower. Jenny flexed her toes, and Kevin could see the rope straining, and pulling on the little mans neck. His face grew red, and then she relaxed her toes, and he began coughing she did it again and the same thing happened, then she kept on flexing her toes. “Its great exercise” Jenny confided. Finally with an audible snap the little mans neck broke and Jenny looked disappointed. “Aww I thought his head would come off” she began flexing harder and finally a minute later his head did come off. She got up and began jumping up and down like she had won a million dollars, grounding his little body to paste in the process. Finally she stopped and after tiffany set Kevin on the table (between there feet of course) the girls looked at him expectantly. Kevin Finally said. “Your sick, sick individuals, and I couldn’t even begin to figure out which of you is worse, I started my cryogenic company to give people hope for the future and you girls have perverted that. I hope you both rot in hell” Both girls bust out laughing, Jenny pounding her foot on the table till Kevin thought he would be squashed. After the girls wiped the tears away Jenny said, “So it’s like a tie right? I guess we will have to flip him to find the winner. Heads I win tails you win ok Tiff?” Tiff agreed and Jenny threw Kevin high into the air flipping him he landed on his face on the back of her hand, “Damn you won” Jenny said, “Don’t worry Jen” Tiffany replied “You’ll get your chance I think our little foot worm here is going to be with us a long, long time. The last thing Kevin heard as tiffany slipped him into her sneaker was both girls giggling again.