Anna's Rampage

    by Euclid
Inspired by Kiler's cool stories, I had to post one of my own.  I
started it a couple of months ago but never finished it . . . Hope you
like the beginning, at least!


Josh was getting busy with his hot girlfriend Anna.  He was deep
her smooth thighs, his head buried in her crotch as he gave her the
cunnilingus she'd ever had.  She was going wild, gyrating and bucking
all over as her orgasm swelled.  Then something happened . . .

There was a full moon, the planets were all aligned, and some kind of
weird cosmic convergence was happening.  Who knows what caused it, but
suddenly Anna started to grow in the midst of her wild orgasm.	Her
stretched and pushed, smashing the bed beneath her.  She had to duck
head to avoid the ceiling, but pretty soon it was pushing up the
anyway!  Anna outgrew the room in seconds.  The walls buckled and fell
as her legs - now more than ten feet long - pushed them apart.	Her
burst through the ceiling of the house, sending the shingles

"What the hell is happening to me?" wondered Anna as her
glorious, naked
figure began to demolish the house.

Anna grew to 20, 30, 40 feet in height.  This whole time Josh was so
preoccupied with licking her pussy that he was oblivious to the
destruction taking place around him.  He thought it was weird that he
could almost stick his head into Anna, but it seemed kinda cool
He finally knew something was wrong when the lumber started cracking

"Huh?" Josh said dumbly as he briefly pulled away to see
the spectacle
of Anna's growth.

Anna had stopped growing for the time being.  She was seated on her
with her knees bent upward slightly, her giant naked body sitting
the house used to be.  There was a brief moment of panic in her heart,
but then she realized that she could actually control her size if she

"Why go back to normal already?  Why not grow bigger?" Anna
thought with
a wicked grin.	She'd always had a bad girl streak, and now seemed
the perfect time to indulge it!

Anna willed herself to grow more.  She surpassed 50 feet.  Now her
enormous legs and hands were stretched so far that they toppled the
neighbor's houses.  Anna heard something squeaking; it was Josh, who
still huddled between her legs.

"Oh!  There you are!  I was wondering what happened to you!"

Josh seemed bewildered and dazed, unable to recognize his now
giantess-goddess girlfriend.  He knew it was Anna, but this was too
of a good thing!  Anna scooted forward on her butt and leaned over to
look at Josh.  She didn't want him to stop pleasuring her, it had been
so awesome!  But Josh had other concerns on his mind.

"Don't stop, Josh!" Anna pleaded.  Then she thought:	Why
am I begging
him?  HE should be begging ME!  I'm twenty times his size!

Anna reached down and gave a playful push to Josh  . . . which to his
puny frame felt like a car crash!  He stumbled and face planted into
Anna's still-wet pussy, clinging to her pubic hairs as his head
into her gaping snatch.

"Ooooh!" Anna cooed.  "You hit a good spot!"

Anna wanted to grow again.  She mentally focused and soon began to
expand.  Her body grew proportionately and maintained her curvy,
hourglass figure.  On the ground at a nearby park a bunch of guys were
playing football.  They stopped when they heard all the crashing
 They turned to look and gawked at what they saw:  a gorgeous, naked
giantess blowing up before their eyes!	They were dumbstruck and
know what to do.  As they stood there, they saw Anna's massive feet
scrape through a row of houses and turn them to dust.  Like a big,
fleshy bulldozer with toes, her feet skidded across the street and
toward the park.  It churned up the asphalt and grass and plowed
straight for the football guys.  They started to run in terror, but
were too late:	Anna's feet rolled over them, grinding them into a
mixed with dirt as she continued to grow.

Anna decided to stand up now.  She was already more than 200 feet
and still getting larger.  She wiped off the vestiges of the house
her bare butt, shaking large chunks of to the ground.  She looked down
at the swath of destruction she'd caused in the residential

"Wow, I razed a few homes!" she remarked with guilty

Anna stood and looked at her surroundings.  She had a great vantage
point of the entire city and the ocean nearby.  She was thinking about
her next move when she felt a faint tickling between her legs.


Anna bent over and looked, spreading her legs a little to get a better
view.  Josh was still there, only now he looked no more than an inch
two tall!  His arms were embedded in her curly pubic hairs and he was
dangling far above the ground.	 To keep him from falling to his
death, Anna opened her labia a little and gently slid Josh into her
pussy.  He slipped inside her wet snatch about halfway, his tiny legs
still sticking out below.

"Stay in there while I check things out," Anna said to her

Anna casually sauntered toward the beach.  She went down a wide
as she continued to grow.  Her giant steps inevitably crushed cars
packed with beachgoers headed for a day of fun in the sun . . . who
instead found themselves flattened like pancakes under Anna's huge

"Oh, well!" Anna sighed as she continued to crush autos and
occupants under her tons of weight.  "What's a giantess to

By now Anna had settled on a good 1000-foot height.  She stood at the
edge of the beach, casting a menacing shadow over the coastline. 
sunbathers cowered in fear at the monstrous sight before them.	A few
the men, however, took a look at Anna and realized that she wasn't
a monster after all - in fact, she was quite a looker, if you could
out her face way up in the sky!

Anna was impressed by the panic she instilled in everyone at her
They dashed and darted for safety, reeling at the unbelievable
phenomenon of a 1000-foot woman.  Anna looked around and noticed a
banner waving next to a group of beachgoers.  It bore the Greek
of the sorority house that had rejected her pledge last year in

"Those bitches are having a picnic at the beach!" Anna

Anna saw the sorority girls in their skimpy little bikinis and
flip-flops shivering in her shade.  They had no idea that they'd
off this very girl one year ago.  If they'd known that fact, they
would've been even more frightened than they already were.  Anna boxed
in the sorority girls with her feet, trapping them all in a little
of sand.  The girls skittered and screamed - at least, Anna thought
were screams, although to her they sounded like little yips - trying
break out of the foot-prison Anna had made.

"You girls weren't very nice to me," Anna said to the
trapped sorority
sisters.  "So I'm not gonna be nice to you!"

Anna playfully kicked sand on top of the girls, just a few pinches at
time.  Like getting buried alive in quicksand, the women waved their
arms and yelled for help at the top of their bitty lungs.  Anna
continued to kick sand on them, piling it up into a low dune that
to cover their micro bodies.  Soon the sorority babes were buried in
sand dune.  Some of them were upside down, upended by the kicking sand
with their heads buried.  Their little legs stuck out of the ground,
kicking madly in a fight for survival.	Anna laughed as their
flip-flops flew off their feet from all the kicking.

"Keep squirming, girls!" said Anna mockingly.  "You'll
never get out!"

Anna waited for the sorority babes to bite the dust - literally and
figuratively! - as they suffocated in the sand dune she'd made on top
their picnic.  When their legs stopped kicking, Anna moved on and
stepped into the waves.  The water only came up to her ankles, but it
was deep enough for pleasure craft to sail.  Anna waded through the
splashing and making tsunami-sized waves as she passed.  She gleefully
watched swimmers and surfer dudes get sucked under the waves, their
miniature bodies only rising back to the surface much later, after
they'd drowned in the wake of the giantess.  Ant-sized men in wetsuits
washed up dead on the shore behind Anna.

"I have such power!" Anna exclaimed at the wrath she was
"It's such a rush!"

Up the coastline Anna spotted a brightly colored speck flying through
the air.  It was someone parasailing; he was in a parachute canopy
pulled by a speedboat.	It looked like a cute, little
toy to Anna.  She stood in its path with legs spread wide.

"Come to me!"

The speedboat, seeing the unheard-of creature in front, immediately
turned and tried to race away.  With one step Anna easily cut it off. 
The boat turned again, yanking the parasailing man around in circles.

"You're making him dizzy!" Anna laughed.

Finally Anna placed her hand in the path of the speedboat.  She kept
underwater until it got close.  Then, when it was right above her, she
snapped upwards like a shark attack, squeezing the speedboat between
thumb and forefinger.  The boat immediately squished like a hard
 Anna rubbed it between her fingers until it was nothing more than
flakes of nothing.  She looked up and saw the parasailing man, now
untethered, beginning to float toward the water.  Anna grabbed the
severed line at the end and began pulling the man through the air. 
waved him around like a little girl waving a flag, swishing him to and
fro.  His parasail filled with air and the man probably thought that
giant girl was just going to have fun with him awhile and then drop
in the water.  But no such luck . . .

Anna grew bored of her little parasail man.  So she tossed him into
air high above her head.  The bright parachute canopy spread in the
sunlight as it began to float back toward the earth.  Anna positioned
herself directly beneath the descending chute and opened her mouth
 The man in the harness must've seen the cave-like mouth of Anna
open beneath him, because he let out a high-pitched, warbling cry. 
giggled when she heard the sound; it seemed so tiny!

"How could anything that small possibly matter?" Anna

The parasailing man knew he was doomed.  He was about to get gobbled
by a beautiful but dreadful goddess from a science fiction fantasy. 
grew hard in his Speedos as he thought about his unique fate; it was
horrific, yes, but it also had an arousing quality to it because it
so bizarre.  He let go of his harness straps and placed both hands
his bulging manhood as he tried to jack himself to ecstasy before the
woman swallowed him alive.  He never made it . . .

. . . As the parasailing man glided onto Anna's tongue, she snapped
her jaws and took a big gulp.  In one motion, he was sliding down her
throat and into the dark pit of her belly, where he became food for

Anna felt the silky parachute slide down her throat.  Didn't taste
much, but at least it was something to eat!

Next Anna noticed a long, wooden pier.  She saw all kinds of people
gathered on it and staring at the big freak in the ocean.

"Don't you know it's not polite to stare?" Anna's voice
boomed at the

She strode to the pier.  With a little tap of her foot, she dislodged
the wooden structure from its pylons.  The people on top teetered and
screamed.  Anna reached down and picked up the pier, shearing it off
completely from its foundation.  She lifted it to her eye level and
stared at all the little men and women shocked with fright.  With a
deliberate tilt, Anna tipped the pier vertically, shaking the people
off.  They slipped and plunged.  Many of them hit Anna's big breasts,
bouncing off the fleshy orbs and then plummeting to the waves below. 
Others just headed straight down, diving into the water with a
Anna laughed at their predicament.  A few strong men still clung to
railing of the pier.  Anna solved that problem by hurling the pier
into the distance onshore.

Anna walked inland from the beach.  She suddenly remembered her
boyfriend, Josh.  She looked down and saw his minuscule legs dangling
from her pussy, but they weren't kicking anymore.  Having
absent-mindedly stuffed her lover into her cavernous pussy, she'd
forgotten about him and he'd suffocated inside.

"Shit," said Anna.  "He was really good in bed!	Too
bad.  I'll have to
find another someday when I'm small again!"

Anna crouched down over a car dealership that had sold her a lemon a
couple of years ago.  The salesmen were all astonished to see the sun
blotted out by this beauty.  The earth shook around them as she
into position and crouched over them.  Her massive womanhood hovered
over their heads like a dewy cloud; they could barely make out a pair
legs sticking out from it.  The car salesmen panicked and ran.  Anna

"I gotta take a leak," she said mischievously.

Then, with a gentle push, Anna relieved herself right there above the
car dealership.  Josh's wasted body shot out like a cannon in the
golden stream.  A yellow torrent bombed the car lot.  Sleazy car
salesmen dove for cover, but they had no chance.  Anna's piss washed
over them like a tidal wave, carrying them and their crappy cars away
its flooding currents.  They drowned amid the ammonia-scented deluge,
suffering a horrible and humiliating demise at Anna's cruel hands.

Anna stood up again.  There was a lot of activity in the city now;
seemed to be fleeing everywhere.  Police cars raced to the scenes of
destruction, one at each footprint where Anna had smashed the
in her path.

"This is fun!" Anna remarked.  "I wonder what I should
do now?"


(So, what should Anna do now???)

Anna's Rampage, Part 2 - Cop Killer

Anna stood for a moment and surveyed the destruction she'd caused.  It
was significant, but not total.  Most of the city was still standing. 
The places where her feet had smashed the landscape looked like bomb
hits, but everything else was normal.  Well, except for everyone
the city in panic.

Nothing in Anna's past had hinted at her reign as a cold-blooded
 Sure, she'd been called a bitch before - mostly by girls jealous of
looks or guys who couldn't score with her - but she'd rarely gotten
violent about anything.  Still, people had pissed her off on numerous
occasions, and she secretly had fantasies of exacting her revenge on
them in cruel and heartless ways.  Now that she stood taller than
anything on Earth, she felt a power she'd never felt before.  It was
supremely satisfying, and it intoxicated her with lust and violence. 
She couldn't believe that she held the power of life and death in her
hands, lording it over all the little ant-like people beneath her. 
was a goddess in this world, and nothing could stop her.

The city seemed distant and removed from Anna's vantage point.  She
didn't know how tall she was now, but she had subconsciously made
herself grow a bit more in the interim - maybe as much as 1000 feet
more.  Walking through its streets and crushing city blocks with each
step, she had to bend over to get a clearer picture of what was
happening below.  Straining her eyes, she could actually see the
terrified faces of people staring back at her as she loomed overhead. 
Anna laughed and blew puffs of her breath over them, sending them
rolling away like tumbleweeds.

The shrill sound of sirens blared.  Anna watched miniature police
lights flashing, racing to some part of town.  Curious, she followed
them to a large parking lot.  Dozens of police cars were congregating
there, swarming near a couple of RVs with antennae and satellite
bristling from their roofs.  Then Anna figured it out.

"This must be their 'disaster command center,'" Anna

It seemed like the authorities were always setting up a 'command
any time a crisis struck.  It sounded very official and important, but
what did it really mean?  Did anyone actually DO anything at these
command centers?  To Anna, it seemed like a pompous way for the cops
bureaucrats to make it sound like something useful was being done. 
watched as more emergency vehicles crowded into the parking lot and
people huddled in worried clusters.  It didn't take them long to
the 2000-foot girl standing nearby; she was hard to miss!

The police pointed and stared at Anna, nervously backing away as they
craned their necks to see her face.  Anna couldn't hear what they were
saying, but she was sure it wasn't friendly.  She had a mild distaste
for cops; they'd pulled her over for speeding a bunch of times in this
town, and they were always rude to her about it.  Her car insurance
sky-high because of all the violations they'd given her.  The more she
thought about it, the more indignant she became.  Maybe she needed to
teach them a lesson.

Anna dropped to her knees, causing two earth-shaking temblors.	She
slid onto her belly, stretching out her naked body behind her and
sweeping aside almost a half-mile of houses and buildings.  She didn't

Anna lay flat with her chin resting on her folded hands.  She gazed
absent-mindedly at all the commotion taking place at the command
 Cops skittered to and fro, trying to figure out what to do when
confronted by a giant, nude college girl.  Partly they wanted to
her beauty - her beaming smile was arresting, no doubt - but the
part of them wanted to run in fear.  Anna watched them awhile, pleased
to have such a disturbing effect on the little men and women.  Her
presence was enough to scare the pants off people!  They had no
no response to this unprecedented menace.  A giant female was stalking
their city, and there was nothing they could do.  Anna let out a belly
laugh that made the ground shake with thunder.  It shook so hard that
many of the cops were knocked off their feet.  This only made Anna
harder.  Giggling and snickering at their pathetic scrambling, she
thrilled at the way she could torment them to her heart's content.

"There's a new sheriff in town, boys!" Anna called down to
them.  "And
she's cleaning up this place!"

The puny cops were petrified.  Some of them jumped into their police
cars.  As they tried to escape, Anna placed her arms in a circle
the command center, reigning in the fleeing cars.  Seeing a fleshy arm
several stories high in front of them, the police cars made u-turns
raced in the other direction.  There they ran into another dead end,
Anna's arms boxed them in.

"What's the matter?" Anna said petulantly, "Don't you
want to stay and
play with me?"

Anna noticed a line of heavily armed men emerge from one of the RVs. 
Dressed in helmets and commando gear, they looked like a SWAT team. 
With detached interest, Anna saw them race to a spot not far from her
face.  They gathered in a group and started joggling their weapons.

"Oh, I'm terrified!" Anna said in mockery.  "You guys
look so bad-ass!"

The SWAT team aimed their rifles at Anna.  She saw little flashes from
the muzzles of their guns; she flinched in reflex.  It felt like dust
pelting her in the face and eyes.

"Ouch!  That wasn't very nice!"

The SWAT guys kept shooting at Anna, pissing her off even more.  She'd
had enough.  Anna lifted her hand and balled it into a fist.  Raising
over the SWAT team so that a black shadow covered them, Anna frowned
snapped a last remark.

"Say goodbye, little boys with little toys!"

The SWAT guys dropped their guns, placed their arms over their heads,
and screamed right as Anna lowered her fist onto them.  There were
terrible sounds of crackling and popping as Anna rotated her fist and
ground the men and their guns into sludge.  When she lifted her hand
away, there was a red, circular swirl on the ground where the men had
been.  That was all that was left of them.

"Ha!" Anna rejoiced.	"I guess you can say I 'swatted'
them down!  Good
thing they were wearing those bulletproof vests, huh?  That really
their lives!"

Having witnessed the destruction of their entire SWAT team, the other
cops stood dumbfounded.  Some of them raced into action: a male cop
his female partner ran forward and started firing their handguns at

"Didn't you just learn anything?" Anna said, exasperated.

Anna turned her face away from the pinprick gunfire.  Casting a
glance at the two cops, she carefully lowered her chest.  Her
naked breasts dangled in the air above, eclipsing the sunlight.  Like
twin mountains, Anna's tits quivered as she placed them over her
assailants.  The two cops shooting at her backed away, sensing what
about to happen.  The man ran one way, the woman ran the other.  Anna
shifted her body a little and positioned her left nipple directly over
the male cop.  He ran for his life, but Anna had him.  She deftly
dropped her boob onto the ground, its convex, gelatinous form
the little cop in mid-stride.  Anna pressed her bosom more tightly
against the ground, making sure to crush him to death like an insect. 
Then she shifted in the other direction, lowering her nipple toward
female cop.  The woman screamed a tinny shriek, falling and rolling
her back.  She looked up in time to see a nipple the size of a
zooming down on her.  It was the last thing she'd ever see - Anna
plopped her tit onto the cop girl and smashed her into oblivion.

Anna pulled back from the ground and inspected her nipples.  At the
of each jutting, pink knob was the bloody, mangled mess of a tiny
They were unrecognizable except for a tiny tatter of their uniforms.

The cops sensed their impending doom.  Some of them tried to run away,
making a dash for the arch formed by Anna's armpits.  Anna reached
and pushed them back into the center of the ring she'd made with her

"No one gets to leave until I say so!  I'm the boss!"

Anna smiled wickedly at the people below trapped in her view.  She
watching them squirm, imagining what must be going through their heads
as she toyed with them.  Without any warning, Anna leaned forward
quickly and began blotting the ground with her naked breasts.

Boom!  Boom!  Boom!

Her nipples plunged in quick succession on the large complement of
gathered at the command center.  They began to run and shout in terror
as the massive, fleshy orbs fell on them.  Anna dabbed her big tits on
cops left and right, splattering them against her dark areolas.  Cops
ran for safety, only to have a soft, plump breast stop them in their
tracks and smear them dead across the parking lot.  Some jumped into
police cars, only to have the giantess crumple the vehicles with ease
using the mass of her well-endowed chest.  Anna continued to giggle as
she tit-squished everyone she could see.  She noticed a number of the
cops running for protection inside the two RVs.  That wasn't a smart

Anna got up.  She crouched over one of the RVs, glancing over her
shoulder once to see if it was beneath her.  She saw the faces of some
of the cops peering fretfully through the windows, wondering what was
going to happen next.

"You shouldn't have gotten into that RV," said Anna darkly.
 "Now you're
screwed, coppers!"

Anna began to lower herself toward the RV.  Her broad ass shone with
sweaty beads in the sunlight.  Its perfect curve grew closer and
to the long vehicle.  The cops inside began to run for the doors . . .
but it was too late!  Placing the RV expertly between her butt cheeks,
Anna sat down on the RV.  She sighed as she gracefully inserted the
vehicle.  The RV began to buckle almost immediately, but Anna was
careful not to crush it just yet.  Standing upright, Anna lifted the
above the city - almost 1000 feet above the rooftops.  If they faced a
window that wasn't pressed against Anna's skin, they could've seen a
spectacular view of the city.  Jammed into Anna's butt, they didn't
really pay attention to such things.  There were more . . . uh,
. . . matters at hand!

Anna could feel the rigid RV ensconced in her rear end.  She could
almost feel it vibrating, as if the people inside were trying to break
out.  It gave her chills, it was so exciting!  Placing her hands on
round slope of her firm, tanned ass, Anna jiggled her buns a little
to upset the hopeless cops inside the RV.

"I'm wiggling my caboose for you!" Anna said gleefully as
she shook the
RV.  "J-Lo ain't got nothin' on me!"

With the capriciousness of a bored teen, Anna suddenly clenched her
cheeks tightly together, pancaking the RV and everyone inside it. 
spread apart her cheeks and let the ruined vehicle fall to earth
It landed with a clanking boom, splitting apart on impact and oozing
slime.  Kicking the remnants of the RV with her big toe, Anna smirked.

"I can kill people with my ass!  What a trip!"

The second RV was still there, rocking slightly from all the terrified
cops trying to crowd inside it.  Some of them were still trying to fit
through the door, but it was obviously overcrowded already.  Anna
reached down and plucked away two of the cops trying to jam inside the
RV.  She lifted them into the air, pressed between her thumb and
forefinger, until they were at eye level with her.  It took great care
not to accidentally smash the men.  They were so tiny, Anna couldn't
really tell what their expressions were.  She figured they were
probably.  Their little forms wiggled in despair between her fingers.

"You guys didn't get aboard the RV in time for the ride,"
said Anna. 
"You lose!"

With an unceremonious squeeze of her fingers, Anna crushed the cops. 
The two men popped like ripe berries, little jets of red shooting from
her thumbs.  Anna wiped them off on her thighs and then bent forward
the RV.

Anna gently lifted the RV off the ground, hoisting it to waist level. 
She could feel the whole vehicle jostling with distressed cops.  She
began to brush the RV along the thatch of her pussy, slowly guiding it
through the dewy forest of hairs.  Anna could only wonder what the
must be thinking - the scent, plus the sight of her rope-like pubic
hairs just outside their windows.  What kind of feminine heaven and
was this?

Anna took her time, easing the RV closer and closer to her ever-wetter
labia.  The wheels of the RV rolled rhythmically across her sensitive
zones.  She caressed her slick slit with its shiny aluminum exterior,
gradually slipping the RV lengthwise into her cunt.  She bumped the
windshield against her clit, tapping in quick, rhythmic bursts.  The
wasn't very big compared to her mound, so she slid her fingers in
and used them as well as the entire RV.  Anna was swaying and swooning
now in ecstasy; the fact that the trapped cops were still making the
vibrate made her even hotter.  She dripped with juices.  Her knees
weak; everything was beginning to peak now.  Anna threw her head back
and let her long, dark hair tumble down her shoulders as she cried in
fits of exquisite pleasure.


As Anna came, she thrust the RV-dildo violently against her clit,
crunching it harder and harder each time.  The RV shattered into
 The cops inside were dashed against the giant, throbbing hill of
clit.  Mixed in a slimy soup of Anna's love sauce, the cops were stuck
to Anna's most erogenous point.  As her fingers and the wreckage of
RV bashed into them, they were ripped apart, killed in a filthy bath
Anna's fluids.  The thought of all those tiny cops dying so miserably
just for her pleasure drove Anna wild.  Her panting, sobbing cum-cries
echoed for miles.  Her toes curled.  She felt unsteady.  Wobbling and
unbalanced, Anna collapsed.  She toppled with the force of a hydrogen
bomb.  The city beneath her shuddered as her form annihilated it.  The
unlucky people standing beneath her - perhaps numbering more than
- saw the sky go dark just before her titanic body hit and terminated
their existence.

Lying in a haze of smoke and dust, Anna continued to enjoy the
post-masturbatory spasms of her climax.  Sprawled on her back, she
kicked languidly as she pressed her fingers into the tacky surface of
her quivering pussy.  As she writhed like that, her heels dug a
furrow with each pass.	Cars on a highway trying to escape town
found themselves tumbling into the crater formed by one of Anna's slow
kicks.  A hundred cars spilled down the embankment into the deep pit. 
Some of the drivers were dead when they hit the bottom; the ones who
survived the initial fall were quickly snuffed as Anna's foot kicked
through the groove again, this time shredding all the cars and people
its path.

"Wow, that was nice," the horny giantess sighed. 
"Glad those cops could
be of service to me for once!"

Anna relaxed on her bed of destroyed buildings and cars, staring at
sky and thinking.  In the back of her head, she wondered if she could
shrink back to her normal size.  It might be useful one of these days
STOP being a giantess; after all, it was difficult to find enough to
at that size!

Anna concentrated very hard.  She closed her eyes.  When she opened
again, she found herself lying in a churned bed of soil, with debris
around her.  She stood up and looked around.  No longer did she have
vantage point she enjoyed before.  In fact, when she looked down she
a cell phone.  She picked it up in her hand; it was exactly the size
should be for a normal-sized person.

"Wow," thought Anna.  "I'm back!"

Everything around Anna was leveled.  The remnants of the city were
strewn everywhere.  She was shocked to see just how badly she'd
everything; it didn't seem quite so destructive from 2000 feet in the
sky!  Anna began to trek over the flattened metropolis, hiking for
of life.  It was difficult to climb over the rough terrain, which had
been ripped apart from the giantess's rampage.  Tiring quickly, Anna
decided to grow a little so that she could make better progress.  She
closed her eyes.  Slowly the growth process began again.  She could
her limbs stretching, her trunk elongating.  When she opened her eyes
again, she was about 20 feet tall.

"Perfect!" said Anna, and she stepped more quickly now,
taking long,
loping strides over the desolate landscape.

After an hour of walking, Anna came to a portion of the city that she
hadn't wrecked.  She walked down the street.  It was a ghost town;
everyone had either left town or been trampled under her feet.  Anna
spotted a department store at the corner.  She saw televisions
in the windows; the electricity was still working, at least!

Anna knelt to get a better view of the TVs.  She could barely hear the
sound coming from them, so with a jab of her fist she shattered the
window.  Listening intently, Anna watched the live news reports of the
destruction.  She smiled as the broadcasters recounted the horrors of
the rampaging giantess - how funny it was to be on the news like
But then something made Anna stop in surprise as she watched the
. .

"Hey!  That's not this city!"

Aerial footage of a wrecked urban area filled the TV screen.  It
familiar; it looked foreign.  The news people called it something
Anna listened further.	She could hear them reading off a list of
it was a list of countries.

". . . and reports of giant women in Canada, Mexico, Brazil,
Italy, Japan, Korea, and elsewhere are beginning to come in . .

Could it be true?  Were there other giantesses like Anna running
in other cities across the globe?  Her mind reeled at the possibility
. . Suddenly Anna didn't feel so lonely!  She had to find out if there
were women like her; she just had to know!


(OK, guys - here's another episode.  I've got a lot of ideas brewing,
but it takes awhile for them to get on the page.  Please bear with

Anna's Rampage, Part 3 - Big Things Are Afoot

At 2000 feet tall, it didn't take Anna long to walk anywhere.  She
headed north; she wasn't sure why, but something told her to go that
direction.  Thoughts raced through her head after hearing the news
there were other giant women like her, roaming the nations of the
 What happened to her must've happened to them at the very same
 Who were they, and what were they like?  So distracted with her
musings, Anna never noticed all the towns she trampled as she walked. 
Regular earthquakes preceded each step she took, jostling the little
people in her path.  Those who knew what was coming ran for their
those who didn't paid with their lives.

A hot, flat desert lay before Anna.  She traversed the terrain easily,
but the landscape still seemed endless.  She was getting hot and
She thought about shrinking again just to get out of the sun, but
something on the horizon caught her attention.	Just beyond a low
of mountains something was moving.  Anna watched the object bob in the
distance.  She headed toward it, not taking her eyes away.

"What is that?"

As she got closer, Anna finally could make out what was moving beyond
the hills.

"It's another woman, and she's my size!"

Anna rushed forward.  Her running steps made deep craters in the
soil at regular intervals.  When she reached the mountains, she stood
her tiptoes to get a better view.

A young woman about Anna's age stood tall over the earth.  She was
almost Anna's height, and she dwarfed everything around her.  She was
blonde and curvy - her figure naked just like Anna's.  The giant woman
didn't notice Anna at first, so Anna called to her.


The woman's head spun around.  A broad smile crossed her face.

"No way!  Don't tell me it happened to you, too!"

Anna clambered over the mountains like she was hopping a garden wall. 
Landslides followed her vaulting leap.	She approached the blonde
and held out her hand.

"I'm Anna."

"Kate.  Nice to meet you.	Hey, you're about a head taller than

"You can control your growth, you know," Anna told her.

"I know," said Kate.  "Watch me!"

Kate closed her eyes and folded her hands.  Within seconds she began
stretch.  Her biceps bulged and her shoulders heaved.  Kate's legs
trembled and shook the ground below.  Her trunk seemed to expand like
putty.	Even Kate's breasts ballooned as she grew.  It took very
time to complete the process, but when it was over, Kate was looking
Anna in the eye.

"There!  I did it."

Anna nodded.  "And did you know you can shrink back to your
normal size,

"I haven't tried that yet," said Kate.  "I was afraid
I wouldn't be able
to return to this size."

"Oh, no, you can!  I already did it."

"When did it happen to you?"

"A few hours ago."

"Me, too!	Tell me: where you in the middle of something . . .
intimate when it happened?"

"Yes!  Yes, I was!  You, too?"

Kate blushed.  "Yeah.  I was cheating on my boyfriend . . . with
best friend!"

"Really?  Where is he now?"

"Oh!"  Kate looked embarrassed again.  "He's dead. 
Yeah, I accidentally
sucked him into my you-know-what and forgot about him!  When I
remembered where he was . . . well, let's just say he wasn't having

"Same thing happened to me," admitted Anna.  "It was
the best oral sex
he'd ever given me.  That's when I grew.  I couldn't bear to take him
away, even though he was too small to do anything else for me at that

Kate leaned closer to Anna's ear, as if she needed to whisper a
"Can you tell me something?  Did you kill anyone?	Other than
lover, I mean?"

Anna covered her mouth and giggled girlishly.  "Hell, yeah!  I
about wiped out my hometown!  Let's see; first I ran across some
sorority girls at the beach having a picnic.  They'd turned me down
membership last year."

"Bitches!" said Kate.

"I know; aren't they all?  I buried them alive in the sand!"


"Then I saw a guy parasailing in the ocean.  So I ate him!"

"You ATE him?  What did he taste like?"

"Nothing," declared Anna.  "He was so small, all I
could feel was his
parachute sliding down my throat!  What happened next?  Oh, yeah!  I
peed all over the car dealership that sold me a shitty car.  Drowned a
bunch of car salesmen, I think.  Then I ran into a bunch of teensy
 They got all freaky on me and started shooting at me and stuff."

"Ugh!" said Kate.  "They did that to me, too!  What
did you do to them?"

Anna couldn't fight back the laughter as she recalled her encounter
the police.  "I wiped them out, girl!  Smashed a whole Winnebago
full of
them between my butt cheeks!  Then I took a second RV and used it 'for
her pleasure,' as they say in the condom ads!"

"You're kidding me!" Kate said, slapping Anna on the arm. 
"Get out! 
You diddled yourself with an RV full of cops?"

Anna stomped her feet rapidly like an excited schoolgirl. 
"Uh-huh!  It
felt GOOD!"

"I wish I'd thought of that!" said Kate.  "I wasn't
nearly as creative
as you!  I just started trampling all of them like bugs.  They squish
really well!"

"You should try using them for your own ends!" said Anna,
an evil
twinkle in her eye.  "They're there for the taking!"

Kate scratched her head.  "Anna, do you think that being this
big has
made you totally evil?"

"Not totally evil," said Anna.  "But something has
definitely changed
inside me!  I never would've thought of causing so much destruction
before!  But now, I can't seem to stop myself.	I just feel these . .
URGES to do something! Something big, loud, and nasty!"

"Me, too!" squealed Kate.  "I feel really impatient! 
Like I just want
to burst out and smash something!  What's happened to us?  I used to
a pretty nice girl!  Now I can't wait to get my hands on all those
little people and their pretty, little things!  The power trip is

"Does it make you, um," said Anna, biting her lip, ".
. . horny?"

Kate threw her hands over her eyes and nodded vigorously.

"I knew it!" exclaimed Anna.	"Whatever made us grow
this big also made
us sex-starved!  I feel like a bitch in heat these days!"

"I just want to screw someone or something!" said Kate. 
"It's like we
were 'zapped' or something right in the middle of orgasm, and now
in a permanent state of arousal!  Weird!"

"Yeah, it's bizarre," said Anna.  "Hey, did you hear
that there are
others out there like us?"


"Yeah; apparently all around the world there are giant women
through the cities.  I heard it on TV when I was normal sized."

"I wonder what that means?" said Kate.  "How many of
us can there be?"

"I don't know."

Anna was about to consult Kate on strategies when she noticed a large
cloud of dust rising in the desert.  It seemed to be coming from
something low to the ground, and it seemed to be moving.

"What's that?" said Kate, pointing to the dust cloud.

"Let's go take a look!"

Anna and Kate shuffled toward the curtain of dust rising into the
They stopped short and bent over to get a better view of what was
causing all the turmoil.  Tiny vehicles smaller than toys were rolling
in a line toward the two women; they seemed to be painted drab olive
sandy brown colors.  It was the military!

"Looks like they called the marines on us!" said Kate as
she bent down
to pick up one of the tanks.  "I guess I'm not surprised."

Anna watched a swarm of attack helicopters circle her waist.  She
swatted her hand at one of them, and it exploded in a bright fireball.

"Here," said Kate.  "Catch!"

Kate tossed a tank to Anna.  Anna caught it and rolled it around in
palm.  It was smaller than a fingernail to her.  She prodded it and
inspected it.  Then, she lifted it back behind her head and coiled her
arm to throw.  "Catch, Kate!"

Anna hurled the tank . . . a little too strongly.  Kate reached above
her head to grab it, but the war machine whizzed by.  Kate spun around
and saw a little puff of dust behind her where it landed.  She
her shoulders.  "More where that came from!"

"Hey!" Anna reached down and scratched her calf. 
"Feels like mosquitoes
biting my legs!"

"Those aren't mosquitoes," said Kate.  "Those tanks
are shooting at us!"

"Little bastards!"

The soft report of artillery and tank fire wafted to the girls' ears. 
They watched in amusement as the battalion unleashed its heavy weapons
on them.  It must've seemed futile even to the marines and army guys
firing at them, but Anna and Kate thought it was particularly silly.

"How the heck do they think they can get us with those?"
said Anna.

She reached down and focused her attention on one of the tiny tanks. 
Its turret swiveled, as if preparing to fire at Anna.  She gently
her thumb in front of the tank's main gun.  It fired.  The tank
in a little explosion of fire, smoke, and shrapnel as the round went
inside its gun.

"Hee!" snickered Anna.  "He blew himself up!"

"Let me try that!" said Kate.

Kate found two tanks getting ready to fire.  She knelt and waited. 
Then, at the last second, she put her fingertips in front of their
plugging them at the instant they fired.  Both tanks were obliterated
instantly.  Kate rocked back on her knees and clapped her hands.

"That was cool!  Those dumb guys are killing themselves!"

As Anna stood there, something pricked her in her bare ass.

"Ow!" Anna yelped, rubbing her butt and looking around for
the source of
the pain.

Two attack choppers rolled away, little contrails from their missiles
providing evidence of the culprits.  Angry Anna gritted her teeth and
chased after the choppers.  She zeroed in on the first one, which was
diving toward the terrain to hide from the irate giantess.  It didn't
help him.  Anna plucked him by his tail rotor and yanked him backwards
toward her face.  She dangled the chopper close to her eye to get a
at the guys who'd blasted her butt.

Inside the chopper, the pilot and his copilot were trembling with
They could see the massive, hazel iris of Anna's eye filling their
vision.  In the center, the black pupil of her eye looked like the
void of death.  Her long eyebrow arched in a fiery frown.

"Mayday, mayday!" the pilot yelled into his radio. 
"We're caught on
something!  She's right next to us!  Help!"

The copilot was seated directly behind the pilot.  He wanted to get up
and jump out of his seat, but that was impossible.  He stared ahead at
the giant eye of the goddess who'd snatched them out of the sky,
wondering what she was planning to do.  He saw something moving toward
the cockpit; he couldn't tell exactly what it was, but if he had to
guess, it looked like the cross-section of a massive fingernail!  The
giantess was going to puncture the cockpit with her candy-apple red

The pilot didn't see it coming; he was too busy sending a distress
on the radio.  Suddenly the fiberglass canopy shattered above him. 
thick edge of Anna's fingernail pierced through and sliced into the
cockpit.  The copilot watched in horror as the plate-like nail drove
into the pilot and crushed him in the midsection.  The pilot gurgled
the giantess cut him in half.


The nail withdrew, leaving the copilot to tear off his helmet and
in dismay.  The fingernail plunged forward again, slowly pushing
into the cockpit.

"No, no!  I don't wanna die!  AAAHHHHH!"


Anna let go of the tail rotor and watched the chopper plummet to the
desert floor.

"That's what you get for plinking me in the butt!	Now where's
the other

The second chopper was in a standoff position, hovering a few miles
Anna.  A few miles were nothing to her, and she soon located the
and darted toward it.  The pilot and copilot saw Anna turn toward
They had been smugly thinking that their missiles had severely injured
her; to reward themselves, they ogled Anna's beautiful naked body
from a
distance, both of them jacking off wildly in their flight suits.

"She's quite a hottie, especially for such a big chick!"
said the pilot
as he busily spanked himself.

"Hell, yeah!" agreed the copilot between panting gasps. 
"Too bad we had
to shoot her.  Hey, is she turning toward us?"

The pilot stared in disbelief.	"We fired a damn missile up her
How can she still be standing?"

The chopper guys' masturbation took on a new intensity as Anna charged
toward them.  The pilot didn't hesitate; with his free hand, he fired
unguided rockets at the goddess.  The explosions barely nicked Anna's
skin.  The pilot flipped.

"Shit!  Nothing's stopping her!  We gotta get outta here right

The pilot sent the chopper into a hard turn.  It flew in the opposite
direction, desperately trying to outrun the titanic woman.  As the
chopper sped away, the pilot swiveled his head around to look for
of trouble; there was no sign of Anna.  The pilot breathed a sigh of
relief and resumed his self-gratification.

"Whew!  That was close!"

With images of sexy, towering Anna burned in their heads, the chopper
guys quickly drove themselves into an erotic frenzy.  Sweaty and dizzy
with lust, the two men worked their cocks like mad.  Right as they
their cum-loads into their flight suits, the view of the sky and earth
disappeared in front of them - the palm of Anna's hand and all its
wrinkly creases spread out before their terrified eyes.  It was too
to maneuver out of the way.

"Fuck!  It's her!"

"We're dead!"

The pilots shouted a blood-curdling cry in unison as Anna's five
curled around her palm and enveloped the miniature chopper.  There
was a
tiny 'pop' as the shell of the bird crumpled under her grip, wasting
two, horny guys inside.  If Anna had only known that she'd killed them
right at the moment they pumped their juice, she would've gone nuts!

Kate was dancing around the battlefield, nimbly stepping on army tanks
and troop transports with her toes.  Each time she came down, she
smashed a hole in the ground and took out another host of soldiers. 
Many of the brave warriors were fleeing their vehicles in panic,
across the desert for some semblance of safety.  Kate wasn't concerned
about them getting away.  She lay down on her side and watched the sea
of soldiers streaming away from the front line.

"There HAS to be a faster way than stepping on them with my
toe!" said

Like a light bulb going on, an idea popped into Kate's head.  She
giggled at the thought of it, then rolled back her blonde hair in a
tight knot.  She straightened herself out.  Still on her side, she
rocked a little to gather momentum.  Aiming carefully at the ranks of
retreating men, Kate began to roll, tucking her arms to her chest and
spinning lengthwise across the desert.

The soldiers could feel a gathering rumble in the earth beneath their
feet.  They didn't stop running, but some of them looked over their
shoulders just long enough to see what was happening.  They didn't
what they saw.  Kate's massive form was rolling toward them like a
steamroller, hurtling straight for them with the ferocity of a
earthquakes.  There was nowhere they could run in the face of such
awesome power.  The men tripped and fell over each other as the earth
shook mightily and knocked them off their feet.  Soldiers rolled onto
their backs just in time to see a wall of flesh hundreds of feet high
barreling down on them.  They squirmed and kicked and flailed as they
tried to get to their feet, but it was no use: cute Kate the
goddess-giant was on the warpath!  Her 2000-foot long body began to
bulldoze into the men.  Some splattered immediately under the savage
mass of the rolling giantess.  Her naked flesh pressed others deep
the dirt, squeezing the air out of them in the split second before
puny bodies exploded in a crimson splat.

Kate laughed at their suffering screams, the tiny, blurting cries of
big, brawny army studs getting smothered and steamrolled by a young
woman!  Their cries stopped the moment she plowed into them, crushing
entire brigades of the little guys all at once.  Kate rolled and
leaving a trail of itty-bitty slaughter in her wake.  Countless red
splotches marred the land.  In a matter of moments, the military
was finished.

Anna watched Kate rolling like a kid at a playground.  She was
getting a kick of out her fun way to stop the army attack.  Anna
followed her to the point where Kate stopped rolling.  She stood up
dusted herself off, wiping away a few, red remnants of little men at
same time.

"That was fun!" cried Kate.

"You single-handedly wiped out the attack!" said Anna in
"Good work!"

"Thanks," said Kate cheerily.  Then, as she looked back at
the carnage,
she whistled in surprise.  "Wow!  I really smashed 'em, didn't

"You sure did!"

Anna spotted a few survivors of Kate's steamroller attack.  The poor
bastards thought they'd won the lottery after avoiding Kate's
path of destruction, when in reality they were just as dead as
else.  Anna quickly brought her heel down on the last guys standing,
rotating her heel on top of them to grind them up into thin gunk.

"Now that we took care of that problem," said Anna,
scraping the dead
army guys off her foot, "we should talk about our plans.  What
kind of
world domination would you like to see, Kate?"

The two goddesses smiled at each other and imagined all the fun they
were going to have . . .