Tim was moving up and down, his belly sweeping over
her mammoth mammaries, her fat motherly nipples erect and
rubbing against his chest. Tim began to grow smaller.
A pecular hum was coming from Ellen's pelvis, and Tim felt it
strongly as he plunged in. The vibration seamed to enter through
his groin and spread throughout his entire body. From bouncing up
and down, he began to tremble and felt as if he were collapsing in
on himself. When he started to rise, not an easy task on Ellen's
ample body, she just moaned and held her grip. Soon his head was
down to breast-level, his chest sliding into her lake of a belly.
Tim was shrinking, his arms buried under her bulky
buttocks, His nose fitting for a moment into her jelly-cup of a
navel. He was down to the dimensions of a five-year-old, with
Ellen's queenly thighs dwarfing his small shanks. Then he was
infant size, most of him snug aginst her patch of blue-black pubic
hair, floundering helplessly against her fat mound.
"What--mmphrr-is going on?''
Trying to lever himself up from his wife's plump pit, Tim
only sunk in deeper. It was dark and furry and soft, the yielding
flesh almost smothering him. Ellen bent over, picked him up in her
arms, and looked at him, almost dropping him in surprise.
"What have they done to you?" she cried. "You've turned
into a little baby!". Her breasts quivered with indignation, her
massive tit-flesh rippling as in a breeze from nowhere.
"You did this!" he roared. brandishing his now tiny fist.
Now it just looked ridiculous, like a baby imitating Napleon. "I'm
going to lay into, you someting fierce when I find-when I see-"
"When you see what?" She peered down at him.
He stopped, unsure of what he would or could do, pressed
against Ellen's gargantuan belly. "Put me down."
But there was an unpleasant gleam in Ellen's eyes, from
the memory of certain incidents, Tim liked to throw his weight,
around on Saturdays, and sometimes Ellen got hurt. Now Tim was
cuddly size, though sill perfectly formed, down to his little tool.
She was going to play with him. "Oooh, that's a nice baby!" She
nuzzled him against one breast; heavy and pendulous against his
little body. She centered his face on one luscious fat nipple, red in
the center like a cherry candy. He bit it.
''Baaad boy, naughty!" And she did with him what she
had done with three misbehaving infants as they grew up. She
wedged him firmly between her huge thighs and spanked him with
the flat of her hand, three times. Then she held him up for
inspection. His belly made him look babyish and innocent. He
struggled in her grasp, ridiculously. He was strong for a baby --
but he was no match for a body ten times his size.
Ellen shook him. "Stop that!"
'"So help me, Ellen. I swear I'm going to--damn it. I'll
think of something ! "
Annoyed again, Elllen eased himunder her shaved armpit,
in the area where her soft underarm met the oceanic swell of her
left breast. She brought down her arm and clamped him into this
pocket of fresh for about fifteen seconds. He came out pale and
"Don't-don't do that again. I can't breathe!"
"Would you like me to sit an you?"
"l could smother you completely against my breasts." She
nudged him teasingly, threateningly, her smooth white breast twice
as big as his head. Breasts like pale mountains. bush like a dark
ravine, her belly and buttocks sticking out front and rear like hills
for him to climb--unless they fell on top of him. His heavy wife
could squash him wittout even thinking, he realized.
''No. Please."
"All right. I won't." She spoke to him kindly, the way she
did when talking to the kids. She laid one plump finger across his
chest. "But be good."
Tim was good.
When Ellen left for work on Monday, Tim was still
pint-size, kept in the bedroom for fear the kids would see him.
Tim was sleeping on top of a pillow in the bedroom. He had
gotten over his rage, but was still annoyed.
At three in the aftenoon. Cindy came home. Bill and Hank
were at basketball practice. She was just pouring herself some milk
to go with her cake when she heard sounds from her parents'
bedroom and decided to investigate. She was careful: she opened
the door a crack-and saw nothing. A little wider--and there,
looking out the window from the sill he had crawled to, was a
diapered version of her father. Eilen had found some old cloth
diapers in the attic; they were the only clothes that would fit him.
"Daddy! is that you?"
Tim looked around, almost falling off the window sill.
Cindy was only thirteen but big for her size. Also, she ate alot and
her rear end stuck out taut against her jeans. What Tim saw was
his own daughter advancing on him, a plump girl with cake
crumbs around her lips.
"Stay back--l'm not your father"
Cindy stared at him critically, disbelevingly. "You sure
look like him." She extendsd a chubby hand.
"All right. I am your father, but keep away. I'm sick."
Cindy reached out and grabbed his tiny little hands,
advancing to where she formed a wall between him, and the rest of
the room. Her belly poked above her dress, the bulgy white flesh
not quite meeting the bottom of her halter top. The flesh quivered
mightily: she was remem-bering all the times her father spanked
her, or sent her to her room. Now he would come to her room.
"Hey!" Tim was suddenly picked up and carried across the
hall to Cindy's room, where he was dropped onto a lacy pillow.
He tried to scramble away, but Cindy pinned him down with one
heavy thigh.
"We're going to play." Letting him up for a moment, she
rummaged in her closet for her old doll's clothes and found what
she wanted. Tim was almost out the door--"No you don't!" She
grabbed him by the legs and held him gently while she set out the
clothes, a little brassiere, tiny nylon panties and half-slip.
"You're going to put on my doll's undies and we'll have a
little party," she said as she held the little pink panties up to my
Cindy, only thirteen, got up and slipped off her dress,
revealing tent-sizd pink, nylon panties that barely covered her
plump cheeks. They expanded to twice the size as she bent over.
Then she sat down-whuff--on his whole body, girlflesh pressing
down all around him, utterly pinning and practically suffocating
Every time he inhaled, her soft nylon plumpness would fill
his mouth, his nose, his eyes. She let him up after half a minute.
He lay pasty-faced on the floor, recovering.
"Wanna play now?" Her tone was silky sweet.
Tim took the dolls bra, panties and half-slip that Cindy
held out to him and began shucking off his diaper.


When Ellen came home, she sensed something was wrong.
It was too quite. She rushed to the bedroom and saw Tim was
"Tim, Tim, my God, where are you?"
She heard giggles from Cindy's room and ran across the
hall, fearing the worst. Without knocking, she flung open the door.
She played a little rough and now Cindy was playing
nurse. She had Tim pressed against her soft swelling breast buds,
as she rocked him gently and tickeled the soles of his feet. She had
diapered him up again and even bandaged a little cut above his
brow. At the moment that Elllen threw open the door, she had just
planted a wet, sloppy kiss on his forehead. She playfully
threatened to eat him.
"Cindy, what are you doing?"
Ellen slapped Cindy, took her husband back, and gave her
daughter a stern lecture on respect for her father. Carresing Tim all
the while, and patting him on the bottom, she carried him back to
the bedroom, where the whole story of the afternoon came out.
Tim stood like a little Caesar on her bed, blowing off steam .
"Ellen. you've raised those kids to be brats! Not enough
"That's never been your problem, has it?" She sat down
next to him angrlly. Somehow, Tim had the knack of turning Ellen
from a dutiful wife to a corrective mother in seconds. She reached
out and held him at arm's length away, from where he could see
the full weave of her vast pair. She was wearing a low-cut pink
sweater today, and her twin enormous globes jiggled noiselessly
against each other. As for Tim, he was staring at tits that for his
size looked like the eighth wonder of the world, with a cleft that
could engulf his whole body. She brought him closer to her deep
cleevage and the delicate twin blue veins that ran down them. A
vague womanly musk came from her flesh, and she pressed him
closer, as if to bury him. Tim was half-excited, harf-terrified.
"You're squeezing me!"
"Am I squeezing poor Tim, who loves to crush me flat
everytime we make love? It's time you got a little of that back."
She pulled down the front of her sweater, revealing the strong
white suspension of her bra. His feet dangled against her resilient
midriff as she slid his arms under her elastic shoulder straps. Now
he was spread-eagle against her frontage. His head was wedged in
her chest. His arms pulled between her plump shaven armpits. It
was like being crucified on a sofa.
Tim spoke into her massive bosom. "Mmph--no. I didn't-
mmph--mean that. Please--"
But Ellen was busy. Carefully, so as not to disturb the
positioning, she removed her sweater. Now he was more or less
hanging from her boobs; when she shook her tits, he bounced with
them. Then she slowly bent forward so that his feet met her lap. As
she bent over, she quickly unzipped her skirt so that he was left
teetering on the wide front of her panties. So far. so good. Then
she slipped off her panties, her blue-black bush popping up like a
flower in a flesh landscape. His feet could find no purshase on her
yielding thighs, and he slid into her squashy dark vee. When he
tried to wiggle around, it was wonderful for her. So he did a little
"Aaah. aaaaah!" In the throes of ecstasy, with her
husband's feet nudging her plump twat. She clutched his body
Tim felt his wife's breasts move around him like two soft
steamrollers, wiping out the rest of the world in their creamy
smoothness. His torso wes engulfed in belly-flesh, as if he had
died and gone to fat heaven. Everywhere his hands and mouth
explored was silky soft plumpness. He sucked in deeply, so hard
he almost blacked out.
When he saw light again, Ellen was nursing him against
her fat right nippie, stroking his hair. "Maybe I shouldn't have
done that"-she spread her wide thighs--' 'or at least I shouldn't do it
to often. I might hurt you." The old maternal look was back in her
eyes. That night, she cut up a hamburger into tiny piecas and
spoon-fed him. She lectured the children that their father Was off
bounds, and that night he slept in the warmth of her nightgown,
snuggled beside one mammoth sloping breast.
It was the week after the shrinking, and the kids were out
seeing a movie while EllIen stayed home to take care of Tim. One
thing led to another, and pretty soon he was sliding down her huge
belly, arriving with a gentle bump at the strong undergrowth af her
bush. With almost super-baby strength, he began to twiddle his
wife, plunging his fist in and out. When she saw what he was
doing, she began to help him out, pressing him into her flesh.
From then on, about once a monch, Ellen shrank him down
to size and let him ride her galloping jelly-belly. And Tim
found his own attitude changing. He would climb under her huge
rear as she playfully buried him. He would emerge through the
plump walls of her thigh, making her grown in pleasure. "Was it
good for you, too, sweetheart?" she always asked sexily
Tim leaned lazily against one immense flank, wide as a
landscape. "I guess a wife should baby her husband every now and
then," he would mumble contentedly, and snuggle in closer
against her flesh.