Hello all, been a little busy lately but here is the next installment of my deep freeze series. This ones going to be a bit bloody and a little different from anything I’ve written before. But it’s my new favorite, I hope you enjoy and comments are welcome. Normal warnings and so on, Enjoy. BTW Asuka, I don’t mind my stories being in your archive at all

Deep Freeze: Large problems

The ancient Romans had a saying, it went something like “there is nothing more dangerous than a bored rich man” They were wrong.

Emma was very excited. After months of preparation it was almost time to begin. She could hardly wait. Emma was a stunning young lady. She was 6 feet tall with long golden hair. Her eyes were the kind you could fall into and lose yourself, and her body was perfect, that was the only word for it, perfect. Unfortunately her outer beauty in no way showed her personality. From a very early age Emma had been spoiled rotten. Her father had never left her wanting for anything. It was easier for the world’s richest man to buy his daughter anything she wanted rather than actually spend time with her. Emma had been raised by a number of maids and nannies, but there was never any doubt who was in charge, even when she was a young girl, one word to her father and her caretaker was fired. What I’m trying to say here is she was really, really spoiled. When Emma was 18 her fathers private plane crashed, and she found herself the sole heir to her fathers 100 billion dollars. She went wild of course, now everyone answered to her directly and set a record for the most money spent in a month. She eventually got board with spending money (hard to believe as it is) and set off looking for more sources of amusement. A few years later she found exactly what she wanted.

When the government started selling the mini people Emma bought a few and played with them, it amused her for a while but got old for her. The she had her idea, she immediately set a small army of laborers to work on her newest fancy. She set the entire power of her companies’ research faculties to rediscover the process she would need. They complied without a word having long since learned never to question her. She also made arrangements with the department in charge of selling the little people for what she wanted; they were shocked to say the least. The preparations took months, even with her considerable funds. Every day that went by made Emma all the more excited, she thought she would burst before it was done, but now she was only a few hours away from her goal. She was just sitting there with Katrina, her personal assistant watching her creation.

Katrina sighed, she just wanted to get this over with, asking herself for the millionth time why she still worked for this girl. She was a young woman (24) and very different from her boss, She was beautiful in her own way, She had dark Hispanic features. She was shorter than her boss, standing about 5’6” and while nobody would ever call her fat, she was a few pounds overweight. The physical differences were not the thing that separated the two women, Katrina was nice, she got along good with others and did not like hurting others, an activity Emma delighted in. She turned her attention back to the window, It really was an impressive accomplishment and she thought she was beginning to see movement in there. Emma must have seen something too, “In another few hour we go in, remember you stand off to the side, its all mine” she breathed heavily. Katrina could sense the excitement in her boss.

Chris woke up with a huge headache, he didn’t remember drinking last night, as a matter of fact he didn’t remember anything at all about last night. The last thing he did remember was his wife breaking down when the doctor had given then the news. Try as he might he couldn’t remember anything after that. He raised his head with considerable effort and looked around. “Great” he thought “where the hell am I” He was in a huge room, some kind of gym he thought and it was full of people in various states of consciousness. Everybody looked confused. There must have been a thousand people in this room. He got up slowly and walked around. People kept asking him if he knew what was going on. “There has to be a door some where” he thought to himself. Going to the back of the room he found it. Others were going out too. Once outside his confusion only grew. He was in some kind of city, it was definitely not Boston, his home town, it was too clean for that. Everything looked clean, and new. The sky looked weird too, the clouds weren’t moving and for some reason he couldn’t put his finger on the sun looked odd too. The skyscrapers rose hundreds of stories all around him but none of them had any lights on. Chris turned around; more people were coming out of the gym. He decided to “borrow” one of the cars lining the street and go look around. He was surprised to find the car he picked unlocked, nobody who lived in any city ever left their car unlocked. When he got in He was even more shocked to see there was no keyhole, only a button where it should have been. He pressed the button and the car roared to life. Chris began driving around. He saw other buildings like the one he had awoken in, all with people streaming out of them, some tried to flag him down but he just drove on. Others were discovering the cars too and traffic started to increase. He also noticed that lights were starting to come on in some of the buildings; people must be going into them. Try as he might he couldn’t find any roads out of the city. That wasn’t the strangest thing either, every building was multistoried. None were shorter than three stories. There were no shops either, no gas stations, in fact none of the buildings were marked with any kind of sign. Finally he gave up and stopped at a group of about 100 people. They were discussing their various theories on what had happened. Chris discovered that most of them had gone into cryogenic sleep, when they mentioned it, it seemed to remind him of something, but he pushed it from his memory. Most people seemed to think they were kidnapped by aliens and one guy kept insisting they were in some kind of futuristic zoo. One guy, a former general or something like that, had taken charge of this group and was asking people he had sent into nearby buildings about what they found. The answers were all about the same. The buildings were either office or apartments, all fully furnished and with running water, but no food. Chris told the group what he had seen and the general took it in without saying a word. “Have you noticed the sun?” the old man asked “I’ve been awake for about two hours and it hasn’t moved at all” Chris thought he was lucky to be with this group, the old general seemed to know what he was doing and had kept everyone from panicking.

The general was splitting people up to forage for food when screaming could be heard off in the distance. Chris was chosen with 3 other men to go see what was going on. Somebody must have found some kind of PA system for the city because he could hear a woman’s loud laughing coming from the same direction. Driving was not as easy as it had been before a lot of people were driving or running away from the screams and Chris almost hit more than one of them. It took all his concentration. As he got closer to the edge of town he saw people just standing on corners and sidewalks staring up. He tried to look at what they were seeing but the car top blocked it out. Finally he stopped the car and convinced his new friends they should continue on foot. He had gone only 3 paces from the car when he noticed nobody else was moving, only staring to the sky. He looked up and almost wet himself.

Standing about half a mile from him were two gigantic women. The one that had been laughing and was still just smiling down at the little people was a beautiful blond, she was wearing a string bikini and was barefoot (Chris noticed these things) she had to be at least 1000 feet tall. The other woman was a little behind her and a bit shorter maybe only 920 ft tall, she was wearing a business suit and red pumps, with nylons. Chris just stared at her, she wasn’t moving, just staring at them with that smile, it reminded him of a cat looking at a mouse. He didn’t know how long he looked at her before she finally spoke. It was impossible to take his eyes off her. “Hello little people, my name is Emma this is my assistant Katrina, but you don’t have to worry about her. I hope you all appreciate all the trouble I went through for you, This city was built just for you, Not to mention all the money I spent getting you just the right size and buying 5,000 of you wasn’t cheap.” For some reason the other woman looked very uncomfortable all of a sudden. “Now don’t worry about paying me back I’ll take care of that myself” the giant woman, Emma finished with a laugh. Chris noticed the predatory look in her eyes, she took a giant step forward. There had been a small group of about 50 men and woman who had been going out to meet the woman. Her foot came down right in the middle of the group. The poor little people never knew what hit them. One second they were walking towards this goddess and the next they were under her. Almost all of them died outright, making a pleasantly warm sensation under Emma’s foot. Seven of the people were still alive, though six of them had some kind of crushed limbs, one little man was gone from the stomach down, and pulling himself away with his arms, Emma seeing this twisted her foot and brought her heel down on him. One of the group had escaped without any injury and was standing there next to her enormous foot. Praying silently not to be noticed. He was. “Watch this Kat” Emma said to the other giantess. With that she picked up her bloody foot and pointing her toes at the little man slowly lowered them towards him. The poor guy was too scared to even move and fell to his knees. He thought his prayers had been answered when the big toe and its neighbor parted right above him and hit the ground to either side of him. Then they came back together with him between them. The pressure was painful but he thought he might be alright as he was lifted into the air. “I got him” Emma reported gleefully” unfortunately in her excitement she let her toes come together a little more and crushed the poor man. “Darn” she pouted “Little things are too weak this size, oh well I can still have fun” Chris finally was able to tear himself away from the sight of this woman and began to run, as he ran he heard the giantess speak “Get ready for the biggest game of hide and seek ever!” Chris wanted to cry

Emma was really excited. She had know this would be good but not how good, playing with the others before had been nothing compared to this. Her heart had skipped a beat when she had crushed all those little people. The feeling of their warm blood between her toes as she wriggled them had almost driven her to orgasm. Knowing the little man who had been between her toes life had counted on her control had done nothing for it. She was sure she could have picked him up without killing him, but had wanted too so badly it wasn’t even really a choice. She wanted to get a good crowd of them together, thousands if she could, watching them scurry before her only heightened her excitement, they had already jammed the roads making the cars she had for them useless. She nodded to Katrina and began her slow walk to the center of town.

Katrina was not having fun, she didn’t even like stepping on bugs and this was just plain cruel but she didn’t want to lose her high six figure salary so she hit the first button on her control pad and followed. The buildings surrounding Emma’s path telescoped down into the ground, opening up enough space for her to walk though without damaging anything. Katrina didn’t want to even think about any people who had been hiding in those buildings, they were now flatter than pancakes. “It’s there own fault anyway” she thought and watched Emma. Emma’s cruelty was enough to make her forget about her own problems. The woman was walking slowly herding the people to the center of town where the next little surprise waited. The money wasn’t the only reason Katrina stayed with her, not even the most important. Katrina Loved Emma and hated herself for it. Emma would never reciprocate the love, even if she was into woman. Katrina knew Emma could only love herself. She had seen her boss toy with enough men, leaving them broken shells when she was done not to know that. Emma was going slow but she was still stepping on a few here and there to encourage the rest of her toys, like she really believed they weren’t running as fast as they could. Katrina stopped for a moment to look at a little woman who was half squished. The woman was shouting something at her, but Kat couldn’t hear her. She just stared at the little woman for a minute. “I can’t leave her like this it’s crueler then the alternative.” So with no ceremony at all Katrina lifted her foot on the heel and pivoted the toe section over the woman. Katrina thought she could hear the woman’s faint cry for mercy. “This is mercy” she muttered as she dropped her toe onto the woman smashing her instantly. She even heard the little crunch it had made and shuttered to think that the woman’s last sight had been the sole of her shoe coming down. She looked up to find Emma staring at her with that infuriating smile. “I didn’t want her to suffer” She told her boss. “Emma said nothing, just kept smiling and for a second before she turned around and continued. Katrina continued showing her mercy to others Emma had left behind without even thinking about it. “They were really just toys” she told herself “and if I don’t do it Emma will and it will take longer.” “It really is the kindest thing to do” she convinced herself. She was so busy snuffing out one little guy who kept trying to run away she almost missed Emma’s signal for the second surprise, pushing the button just in time. “You almost got me in trouble” she whispered to the little man with the broken arm and stomped on him.

Chris was still running, it seemed he had run miles, he knew the Giantess should be catching up with him but whenever he looked back she was still the same distance behind him, his mind wouldn’t even let him think about what that could mean. He had been lucky. When she started moving towards him he had run towards the nearest building just as he was about to enter it the Giantess had said something he didn’t catch and the building had fallen on itself. He had looked in horror as it fell, even seeing a few people through the windows as it went down. As he looked around he saw other buildings going down, staying just high enough above the ground that he knew he had no chance of getting off the road he was on. For some weird reason it seemed people could enter the main road from side streets, but could not turn off onto them. They could only run in two direction, toward the giantess or away from her, and nobody with any brains was running towards her. Up ahead Chris heard the same sound as when the buildings fell and figured she had done it again, until he heard the frightened screams of people ahead. He kept running of course, anything was better than what was behind him. He ran into a huge circle, with buildings all around. Everybody around him seemed to stop. “There’s no escape we’re all doomed” somebody next to him shouted. “They have blocked off all the exits” Chris couldn’t believe it, wouldn’t believe it until he tried. He didn’t want to hide in a building but if it was either that or stay out here in front of the Giantess he would take his chances in the buildings. With a lot of effort he fought his way around the circle, it seemed the giantess had raised all the roads out so that there was no way they could go that way. He sighed and tried the building door, only to discover it was painted on. There was no way in and no escape he turned to face his executioner.

Emma was pleased, everything was going according to plan, even Katrina. People looked at her and thought she was dumb, even when she put them in there places they still couldn’t believe she was smarter then they were. She had left some little half-crushed people for two reasons, Their suffering amused her, and she knew Katrina would finish them, commanding somebody to kill her toys was almost as much fun as doing it herself, in Katrina’s case more, because even thought Katrina probably believed she didn’t want to kill the people, Emma knew better, she knew it was impossible for her assistant to look at the tiny creatures and not feel the same thing she did. Emma had been right of course, Emma was always right. She turned her attention to her little trap. She knew she could have just put all the people here, but then she wouldn’t have had the fun of rounding them up, from the looks of it she had almost all of them crammed in that little circle, by now they knew there was no escape, even the path they had come into was blocked off. She would have to ask Katrina how many were left, the woman’s pad could tell her how many were still alive and where exactly they were. The little people were staring up at her, even at there size Emma could see the fear on there tiny faces, Her games weren’t over yet, but she had to restrain herself from just jumping right on top of them and rubbing them up and down her body. She would own them completely before she released them to death.

Despite herself Katrina was actually excited; part of her hated herself for it but it seemed that part was as small as these people, They were so helpless and that was exciting, The small part of her did still try to fight but she crushed that as easily as she had crushed the tiny people Emma had missed, towards the end even if they were not hurt she had crushed them, and enjoyed every second. She had even left a half crushed man of her own, a glance over her shoulder brought a smile to her pretty face, he was still alive and moving around pathetically. She couldn’t let Emma know about it though, Her boss was already insufferable. Katrina eyed her boss, excited to watch the rest.

Emma was just letting the little people stew; they had long since stopped moving and just stared at her. Se tried to make eye contact with each of them but it was impossible, even though she was sure they didn’t think so. “Katrina dear how many?” she purred. Katrina already had the number for her “321 dead, 8 injured, opps make that 322 dead and 7 injured” Katrina said. Emma could hear the excitement in her assistant’s voice, she had won again. “And 4,432 in the square, that leaves 229 hiding around the rest of town ma’am” “Very good now listen carefully little people, and I will tell you how you may continue living.” Emma was pleased she had there undivided attention. “Only those who get down on there knees and beg me to step on them will live.” The people looked confused and didn’t move, “I mean now people WORSHIP ME” Slowly at first then faster the people began to fall to there knees, barely noticeably from Emma’s great height. She reached down quickly and plucked one of them up. Knowing her huge fingers had to have injured some of those around him. She really had no idea whether he had been worshiping or not, and didn’t really care one way or the other. “This is what happens to those who refuse me as their Goddess” then with 4,432 eyes on her she lifted the man above her head and slowly tilted her head back. Then the little man seeing what she was about to do fainted. Slowly, she lowered his little body to her lips and stuck it between them. She tilted her head down to show him to the little worshipers who redoubled their efforts. Emma then slurped his tiny body into her mouth and played with him on her tongue. She moved it from side to side, banging him on the roof of her mouth, until he awoke. When she was sure she could hear his little screams she placed his body on top of one of her bright gleaming molars. He tried to jump off but her jaw closed too quickly for him. She grinded him between her teeth and made a show of swallowing. The rest of the little people only began chanting louder, The chant of “Please step on us goddess” was easy to hear when they got into a rhythm. She looked down at them and said “How can I refuse my worshippers” and stepped right into the middle of them. People began to scream and run away from her but there was nowhere to go. Emma looked up at Katrina and said “Join me?”

Katrina’s heart skipped a beat when Emma invited her. She was sick of being the nice one, being nice was only letting others walk all over you. Now it was her turn to do the walking. She stepped to the edge of the town square and slowly lifted her foot over the edge when Emma told her to stop. “What are you thinking, if you wear those heels, some of them might survive.” Katrina laughed and kicked off her heels into the middle of the crowd. They went skidding through the crowd maiming anyone not lucky enough to get out of the way. This brought an approving nod from Emma. That little voice inside her head tried one last time to let her know it was cruel to do this. Katrina considered it for all of a second and made her decision. Katrina Stepped into the crowd as one would step into a pool, testing it first with her toes. When she found it to her liking she stepped in with the other foot and began walking towards Emma, who only smiled at her. Emma’s smile was not cruel to her now, it was beautiful, and Katrina knew she had one a reflection of it. As the met in the middle both girls looked down to see the destruction they had wrought, and they both laughed.

In the crowd and still alive Chris was no longer afraid. He knew he was going to die and there was nothing he could do about it. He thought of his wife and prayed she was not here somewhere. The two Giantesses had just wiped out around a thousand people, just by walking towards each other and neither of them seemed to care at all. They were just standing there happily chatting about all the people they had just killed. Chris had held out hope that the shorter one might help them, she had seemed at first disgusted by the other’s display, but that hope had melted when she kicked her shoes into the crowd. A pump the size of a large Yacht had rolled right over him, he was lucky, but many around him were not. It was still as tight in the town square as it had been before the woman started there killing spree too, the people there didn’t want to go anywhere near the bloody footprints the giantesses left. That gave Chris an idea, he would have to be one of the last ones alive to try it, but it just might work.

“What do you want to do now boss” Katrina asked Emma, “Well all this work has made me tired Kat I think I need to sit down, and call me Emma” was the reply. With that Emma plopped right down there in the middle, squashing hundreds under her perfect ass. She then spread out and laying on her back beckoned Katrina to join her. Katrina didn’t have to be asked twice, Relishing every light touch on her body that signified another tiny victim. She leaned on one elbow so she could face Emma, who looked even more beautiful then ever to her. “Are you hungry Emma?” Kat asked innocently, “You should eat something” “Why yes I am hungry” “Emma closed her eyes and played along relishing in the frightened screams that surrounded her, “but there is no food here, what could I eat?” “I’ll think of something” Katrina assured her. And with that she plucked a tiny man out of the crowd and lowered him into Emma’s mouth. Emma chewed for a moment the stuck out her tongue, “Yuk their clothes taste crappy” she complained. Don’t worry dear I can take care of that” Katrina sounded confident. The next person she picked up, a tiny woman who was screaming and kicking, was stripped when Katrina ran her sharp fingernail down the tiny woman’s backside. She laughed when she saw the little woman’s back had been split open too and slipped the morsel onto Emma’s waiting tongue. This went on for a while, with Katrina always splitting the little people open with there clothes. One poor man was cut in half when Emma goosed Katrina as she tried to remove his clothes. Finally Katrina couldn’t stand it anymore and put 5 little people in her own mouth. She then bent and kissed Emma on the lips transferring the hapless people to Emma’s mouth. Emma’s eyes opened in shock, but the kiss was good and the little people she was now transferring back to Katrina felt even better. The poor people must have drowned the kiss lasted so long, finally Emma ended it with the little people in Katrina’s mouth. Katrina just chewed and smiled. Emma told her to stand away for a second there was something she had always wanted to try. After Katrina stepped back a few paces Emma began moving her arms back and forth. “Look Kat I’m making a people-angel.” Kat laughed when she saw what her boss was doing, she had done that as a kid in the snow, but this looked like more fun. Finally Emma stopped and asked for the toll. “Lets see oh my 4,411 dead in the circle now” Emma was spent. “Ok lets just stomp around and get any stragglers then I got to go take a shower, I got a date with Jeremy tonight. If he doesn’t really please me I’ll use the on him and call you” Katrina was hopeful the matter reducer was what they had used to shrink the little people even smaller, but it would work on a full sized human as well, Emma had proven that when she shrunk anyone who knew of it’s existence.

Chris watched the two women get up from his hiding place, if his luck held out a little longer he would escape. He knew it was just chance that had taken him this far. He was hiding inside Katrina’s gigantic pump. It was lying on its side and it was no trouble for him to climb in. He couldn’t see both Giantesses right now, all he could see were the blond’s bare feet stomping around. He watched as a little man who must have had the same idea as him came running towards the shoe. He cursed the man, why didn’t this jerk think of this sooner, while they were busy, if one of them saw him now they would probably check the shoes. Just then he saw both of the blonds feet leave the ground. They came down together right on top of the little man. “I think this one was heading for your shoes Kat” Chris heard, and then both women laughed. Finally Chris felt the shoe he was in being picked up “Thank God” he thought. He had hoped, since her nylons were so bloody she would carry her shoes out and not want to get them dirty. He had rolled down into the toe section but he didn’t care. He was safe. Even being banging back and forth in the shoe as she carried them didn’t dampen his mood, until the movement stopped and he felt himself being lowered. “Why didn’t you just put your shoes on there” Emma asked Kat as she sat down. “I didn’t want anymore blood on me when I took off my nylons, I got a long way to go for a shower” Kat answered. “No you don’t” Emma replied slyly. Chris gave up, he knew he was done for; he curled himself into a ball and waited for the inevitable. Katrina slipped her shoes on and stood up barley even noticing the small ball under her big toe that she unconsciously began to play with, rolling it around under it. “Opps almost forgot, lets see 4331 dead in the circle, hmm one must have escaped, must be that injured one right there.” Emma looked at the display, both legs, and arms broken? Naw he won’t last five minutes.” With that both girls exited the room talking excitedly about the next time they do this. They were wrong about Chris though, even with all his limbs broken by the ruthless prodding of Katrina’s toes, he lasted a few more hours. Katrina without even thinking about it played with him the entire time and long after he died. Chris’s last wish was that she at least knew he was in there so his death wouldn’t be completely a waste, at least it would be know, was unanswered.