Part one

As I strolled down the beach I smiled to myself in anticipation of seeing my Lisa. It had been almost a year since she flew off to pursue her career as a lifeguard and left me finishing my University degree , it had taken me that long to work part time to afford the flights to visit my girlfriend.
But I was on vacation now for 14 days and boy was I looking forward to this especially after Lisa’s recent emails.
Perhaps I should back up a touch in my story to a month ago , I was chilled out relaxing in my flat when my PC announced Lisa was on-line. God I really missed her, I hadn’t had sex at all this year and if it wasn’t for my right hand and the GTS internet sites Im not sure what would have happened to me , being faithful was tough when your thousands of miles apart. I looked at my monitor and we began to chat as I read her first message.
“Hello my little Boob Rider ” ( Lisa gave me this nick name as she knew my fantasy was to be shrunk down and experience a giant pair of breasts , and she often indulged me with teasing interaction over our many online chat exchanges.)
“Hi Goddess” I typed.
“Steve Im so excited you will never guess what they installed at Baywatch HQ today”
“A sun tan oil vending machine” I offered in jest.
“No this is absolutely serious it was one of those machines you told me about , you know like they have at the Space Exploration Centre near you”
I gulped hard as I read this response but my rational brain insisted this couldn’t be true.
“A Mini-maxer ? Come on Lisa be serious with me , how could a Lifeguard station afford one of those and what use would it be?”
“your doubting me aren’t you my little Boob man , but I swear on my mothers life we have one of those machines in the training room and one on the beach!”
I knew she wasn’t joking now she would never swear on her mother life I was amazed and couldn’t type whilst I took this news in.
“Its been donated for 6 months trial from some safety executive organisation we are the first Lifeguard team to evaluate it , I tell you Steve when I found out what it was I could feel my self almost get wet with excitement”
“What are they using it for? , do you have access to it ? does it really work like the documentaries on TV show?”
“Oh it works alright! We had our first training on how to use it today and shrunk some surf boards down to about 12 inches long! I was amazed! We have one for training at HQ and the other is being installed at the entrance to a newly sectioned off part of the beach”
“no way!” I was lost for words and reliant on Lisa to keep up the information flow.
“From our briefing today , Mitch said it has several key uses to be tested. The beach is becoming increasingly overcrowded with people fighting for space combined with a shortage of lifeguards to provide adequate cover. Steve they are gonna shrink people down real tiny here!”
“Oh Lisa that’s unreal!” I enthusiastically typed “How small are they gonna make people?”
“Im not sure baby , CJ my team leader seems to think they are going to make people about a foot tall can you imagine?”
“You know I can Lisa! I would love it”
The following day at around the same time I eagerly awaited updates from Lisa on this fantastic news. Mini-maxers had been around for about 10 years as a technology but due to the cost it was only the military and high end industry that could afford them plus they had very strict licensing laws to govern the use of them. As a lover of giant women I was waiting for the day when this technology would become common place and enter the realms of the private user but that day never seemed to get any closer much to all the mass disappointment of the GTS community.
The fact that Baywatch had landed two of these systems was almost impossible to believe but simply the most exciting news I had heard since I read about this technology for the first time.
Lisa was on-line and we chatted some more.
“Hey Boob Rider today was better than yesterday you would have loved it”
“Tell me!”
“We had some training and they told us why the system is going to be beneficial , seems the idea is to have more people in a smaller section of the beach reduced in size so they occupy much less space and get this ..with just one lifeguard looking after them who will happen to be normal sized!”
“Oh boy Lisa they would appear like giant lifeguards !”
“giantess lifeguards Steve! they don’t want the guys in there as well giant men might be to intimidating to the public , they want us girls because we are gentler , isn’t this great!”
I became aroused at the mere thought and again unable to converse.
“Youre thinking about it arent you baby? , real giant women , sexy giant women in their swimsuits looking after poor tiny little people at our feet”
“oh Lisa this is awesome”
“there’s more Steve , they are gonna train us how to handle little people when we save them. Ive been given a little Ken doll to take home so I can practice scooping the little doll from my bath water and trying not to make waves as I approach it! Thing is I imagined tonight he was you , so much smaller than me floundering in the water at my feet”
“Save me!” I typed Lisa was getting me hot she knew all the right buttons to press.
“I pick you up gently out of the water my big hand wrapping around your middle as I lift you up”
“I need the kiss of life”
“I step out of the water onto the sand and bring you to my huge lips , they smother you as I blow life back into your tiny lungs”
“you’re a vision , your so big and beautiful in your tight red costume you can see my shorts getting hard as you hold me”
“I notice your little dick pressing into my big palm and I tease you with a look down into my swimsuit my huge cleavage inches away from you”
“I cant help myself I reach out for your boobs”
“I lift you closer and smother your tiny body into my big breasts”
At this point I was handling myself and getting unable to type.
There was a pause of a minute or so and Lisa knew what I had been doing.
“Did you enjoy yourself baby?”
“sure did you are one sexy girl Lisa”
Over the next few days conversation was absorbed discussing the Mini-maxer every evening in our now 2 or 3 hour long chat sessions. For me it was bliss and at the end of that week I had to ask the question.
“Lisa when does it go into operation , I mean for real? When do you get to see a real shrunken guy?”
“Oh baby its frustrating its being used already starting this week but im not one of the senior lifeguards so I haven’t been scheduled to cover that special beech yet. But you remember Shauni the girl I share this flat with , well she covered the afternoon session today and she loved it!”
“You talked about it? You let her know we are into this ?”
I was a little sensitive over revealing my fantasy to others as it was a major hurdle to relay tings to Lisa I wasn’t ready for all in sundry to know yet.
“No of course not we just you know had a girly chat about work and I asked her what it was like seeing little people”
“Oh Steve she said it was really cool a bit weird at first with everyone looking up to her but she found it kind of empowering like she was the centre of attention important somehow. None of the usual brats stepped out of line they didn’t dare with her being so big! She could see across all of the beach easily and she didn’t even need her tower and binoculars, it takes her 10 steps to the waters edge and she saved a guy today!”
“really she picked him up?”
“yeh Shauni said it was the easiest rescue of her career she simply stepped in up to her knees and reached out and lifted him clear of the water , he had a bad fall off his windsurfer and she simply picked that up in her other hand and set them down on the sand together ..job done ..inst it great!”
“amazing!” My mind pictured Shauni who I had seen pictures of before she was a natural blonde like my Lisa and has a wonderful curvy figure , she was definite giantess material and I only wished I was the guy she saved looking up at her.
“She also said he weighed like less than a bag of sugar and his windsurfer was like a big toy to her”
“they shrink down windsurfers as well?”
“Oh sure boards , small boats , jetskis , infact anything that will fit in the beach Mini-maxer and the public loves it they can catch major waves if they are keen surf worshipers even on a pretty calm day”
I could imagine how a doll sized man on a windsurfer would appreciate a medium sized wave all in all this beech experiment had a lot of benefits for every one.
“Hey little boob rider , have you been fantasising being down on that beach with me saving you?”
“Of course “ I replied this was a constant fantasy ever since Lisa had sent me pictures of her in her tight high cut red swimsuit my imagination kicked in automatically.
“I only wish we were allowed to interact with the people then I might be your fantasy girl for real”
“hey Lisa you are my fantasy girl babe but what do you mean your not allowed to get near the tiny people unless its an emergency?”
“that’s it im afraid , to avoid any accidents from a huge giantess falling over our tower is off set to the back of the beach and there’s a marked channel for us to walk to the water so Im told. We are only allowed to get near people when they are in trouble and most of the time all the little people can see is a huge tower with a giantess lifeguard looking over them but Shauni said to them it must be like she is over a 100 foot or more away that’s the closest they can get. Oh and as things are under evaluation the beach is covered with Cameras so HQ can record highlights and monitor events there’s no way a lifeguard could get close to a guy if you know what I mean”
“Oh man that shatters my dreams Lisa I thought when I came over in a few weeks I would actually get to see a giantess close up”
My illusions were shattered and I could also tell Lisa was equally disappointed she must have had the same ideas about how wonderful it would be for her to manage that beach and for me to be one of the tiny crowd below.
“Im sorry too baby I have been pushing for a slot on that beach so you could fix your flights over in time with it but they said I might not be guarding that water for a few months it seems the seniors have monopolised the rota”
“that’s a real shame baby but I am still looking forward to seeing you”
“me too I might have a surprise for you anyway one Im sure you will enjoy”
“really” she had begun to intrigue me
“like what?”
“you’ll see , it gonna cost me a fortune but Im sure it will be worth it”
Lisa didn’t reveal any more that night and I felt a little down from the high I had been experiencing the last few days , I really wanted to see Lisa as a giantess to have her hold me and it almost had a possibility of coming true until she had relayed the stringent measures they had set to make the public safe in this unique beech I suppose my mature brain could understand this but my smaller fantasy brain between my legs was in depression at this news.
The next day Lisa was on-line early and clearly excited.
“Hey my little Boob rider I saw a little man today it was awesome!”
“oh wow Lisa fill me in please fill me in!”
“We had training again today and CJ was demonstrating how to rescue people at the same time.
They shrunk Mitch our boss and Eddie one of the lifeguards , Steve I was pretty close sitting in the third row of the training room and they looked so tiny!”
“How did they look compared to CJ?”
“CJ is about my size 5 foot 4 but they didn’t even reach past her knees she made them look so small and I noticed Eddie was sneaking peaks at her cleavage”
“Oh boy , could she tell?”
“I think so she tends to flirt with Eddie even though he’s Shauni’s guy and when she picked him up Im sure she moved him in closer to her boobs on purpose , actually Shauni was sat beside me and she and Eddie had words later because she accused him of getting aroused by CJ.”
“who could help that I wou..”
I couldn’t believe I had just started to type what I was thinking , CJ was a major babe like Shauni and had the biggest breasts Ive seen on a short girl infact my eyes often strayed to them when I looked at the team photographs Lisa sent me earlier in the year.
“you would do what ?”
I paused , @#%$ was Lisa getting a bit sensitive as well ?
“I would have got aroused I cant blame him”
I confessed seeing no choice.
“most guys would baby she has a couple of great distractions”
I sighed with relief Lisa wasn’t the jealous type she trusted me.
“talking of distractions baby I couldn’t help but play with my little practice pal Ken last night.”
“You naughty girl Lisa ,please go on..”
“Well I had saved him in the bath water a few times and kind of got to thinking how if you were his size on that beach how would you measure up to me”
“and.. Lisa continue please…”
“I lifted him in my hand and held him before my boobs , he was so small to them I think they would be like huge beach balls to him. I was wearing my costume and decided to see how he would fit , I imagined if we ever get the chance somehow it would be good to see if 12 inches is a good size”
“please Lisa describe what you did”
“I lowered his little legs into my cleavage and pushed him deep down until only his little head showed out of my costume and I could feel his legs pressed down by my belly button, he did look small and I enjoyed imagining it was you down there but he was cold and plastic and didn’t move you would feel much nicer”
“wow Lisa I wish you could send me a photo of that”
”I think he would have been disappointed compared to Eddies view earlier today CJ is just so big up top”
I knew Lisa despite her gorgeous legs and sexy curves always felt her 34C charms were not ample enough for me , infact once we almost had a an argument when she felt self conscious that I fantasized about giant big boobs but in reality one of her breasts could be contained in one of my hands pretty well. I must admit I did love big breasts on women but as an overall package Lisa was pretty perfect her c cups stood out firm and proud on her slender frame and she did cut a fine profile , I was a happy man but she just needed reassuring now and then.
“and you’d be pretty impressive to a 12 inch man , baby that’s a sight I would love to see”
“They are nice I mean ive got a good figure but compared to the girls I work with I feel like im wearing my training bra”
“hey Lisa your not in competition besides they don’t have your looks to match”
“flatterer! but it doesn’t matter anymore Ive got plans..Oh Steve Shauni has just come in im gonna log off see you soon little lover”
With that I was more intrigued than ever , was my girlfriend contemplating a boob job? I really didn’t like silicone breasts , sure they looked good under clothes but they couldnt feel real and the way they appeared you could always tell unnatural boobs. I hoped she wasn’t going under the knife for me.
Strangely for a day Lisa didn’t communicate and I was kind of worried she had done something rash to impress me the next time we conversed on line it was my first question.
“Lisa , honey I don’t know how to put this so I will come right out with it the way you talked the other day I got the impression you have been thinking about plastic surgery , you know a boob job”
“Hey boob-rider its me Lisa your talking to. Im a natural beauty remember Im not about to have a pair of false boobs so don’t worry yourself ”
“Sorry babe guess I read something that wasn’t there , hey good news I now have saved enough to catch a flight to you when should I come?”

From this point we arranged my current trip but unfortunately Lisa still hadnt managed to get booked on duty at the special beach which was another disappointment for me but this visit was still going to be great.

So back to present day and I was strolling up the beach towards the beach side property that Shauni and Lisa shared and as I came close my eyes locked onto Lisa.
There she was looking more gorgeous than my mental images of her. She was facing in profile to me leaning over the small railings on the front porch looking out to the ocean. Dressed in what looked like a short white tennis outfit her sun kissed skin contrasted a great deal showing off her smooth shapely legs , her natural blonde hair was blowing in the slight breeze it was very long much longer than I remember now reaching perhaps half way down her back . She was stunning I could describe her no other way, how I hadnt lost her to the male population around here I would never know. I shouted a greeting from afar and she turned and her face lit up as she ran across to me. Her little skirt rode up on her thighs as she moved and my eyes caught the pleasing bouncing actions beneath her top as her medium sized breasts showed off their size on her slim frame. We hugged and I lifted her off her feet and kissed her spinning my girl around in the embrace.
“Oh Steve I am so pleased to see you baby its been far to long you look great!”
“and so do you babe your hair its so long and wow what a tan you’ve got “
“that’s a benefit of working outside do you like my hair this way?”
“It looks fabulous on you Lisa very sexy”
We kissed again repeatedly and then Lisa led me in to her home . I stood in the main living room which was a nice size and not overcrowded with furniture at the back of the room I could see the kitchen and some stairs it was a huge place but very feminine in decoration and it smelt divine infact like Lisa herself.
As I put my case down I was introduced to Shauni who was as lovely as her pictures did her credit for. She was taller than Lisa at 5 foot 7 or 8 and perhaps 25 or more years old I exchanged pleasantries and small talk with her whilst thinking how lucky I was to be staying here for 2 weeks with 2 major hot women under the same roof.
That evening Lisa and I had a lot of catching up to do and spent a few hours in her bedroom to relieve our mutual sexual frustrations.
“Oh I really missed you Steve that was the best”
“Lisa you have no idea you been teasing me for months over the pc and its great to get release
hey talking of which whats the latest with the Mini-maxer stuff?”
“Well the experiment in terms of safety is going very well in a few weeks Mitch has enough evidence to prove its safe to manage a beach like that and overcrowding should be no issue anymore”
“hey babe come on Im not interested in that you know the type of feedback I want”
As Lisa sat on the bed aside me she gave me a beautiful knowing grin and continued
“well I still haven’t been scheduled to cover the beach which is frustrating especially as you’re here now I wish I could have done that for you darling”
“Hey im disappointed as well but you said yourself the giantess lifeguards cant get near the public in any normal way so it would only have been a major tease to see you like that from a distance”
“oh Steve you know I worked it out the other night the amount they are reducing people I would look 30 foot tall as the lifeguard on that beach”
I looked down at Lisa’s fine legs and imagined reaching barely up to her knee caps it would a dream come true in many ways.
“hey I haven’t shown you this either”
I watched Lisa go into her panty drawer and retrieve her Ken doll she had told me about.
“you keep him in there amongst your underwear?” I smirked
“that’s where I would keep you if you became as little as him baby but check this out”
She held the doll before her I noticed her hand was covering a third of his body at least
“this is how small you would be to me on that beach , he’s pretty cute this size especially when I do this “
I watched her strip her top off and her firm breasts in her silk black bra stood out nicely , slowly for my benefit she lowered the Ken doll into her cleavage and let the elastic hold him there so his torso was between the caress of her breasts.
“he’s a lucky man” I said absolutely in love with the picture she had created for me, I imagined myself for a second in his position fighting the elastic of her bra with two breasts bigger than my head by far holding me firm.
“one day this will be you I promise ”
Lisa smiled and slipped Ken out and we began to kiss once more.

The next morning Lisa announced she had a private errand to run for a few hours and didn’t want me to come else the surprise would be spoiled.
”You will find out later babe so I guess I know where you are going off to today the beach right?”
She smiled and I nodded, I must admit this morning was exciting for me even minus Lisa a chance to see a 30 foot giant female for real. After our breakfast Shauni came in the front door , she had been jogging and was drawing deep breaths of air which most distracting as she wore such a small top. I hoped Lisa wouldn’t see my glances and I tried to be casual as Shauni in her lycra running shorts stepped in the room.
“hey guys whats happening”
“Hi Shauni , well Im off to town but Steve here is going to our special beach he thought it might be a unique experience who is covering today?”
“Infact I am “ she beamed
“you can hitch a ride with me if you like Steve im just gonna hit the shower and fetch my costume”
I tried not to let my pleasure of knowing it would be such a hot looking girl like Shauni being the giant woman I would see show to much in case Lisa sensed it. But Im sure she knew me to well.
Half an hour later Lisa had left and Shauni emerged looking fresh and beautiful wearing her red bathing suit and a red Jacket both with the Baywatch symbols on them. I couldn’t quite see her full figure as the Jacket was baggy but her legs and bottom looked very fit indeed!
Baywatch HQ and the special beach aside it was about 5 miles away by car and I chatted to Shauni as she drove her Jeep. I so much wanted to get Shauni to discuss the special beach and being a giantess and sat there figuring a subtle way to bring it up.
“Shauni I hope you don’t mind me asking but I didn’t think Lifeguards are allowed to wear any make up” I noticed her pale lipstick and she had obviously emphasised her eyes.
“normally that’s the case Steve but we normally get pretty wet on a regular basis from going in and out the water , at this beach regulations are different as we probably will never go as deep as to be able to swim they make everyone so small they are out of their depth when Im only up to my knees so im wading most of the time its pretty cool. It also means I don’t have to tie my long hair up as normal as it doesn’t tend to get that wet either.”
“guess you like this special beach duty then”
”Its so hassle free Steve on my normal regular tower duty I tend to get some of the muscle bound creeps who work out on the sand and think they are gods gift to women hovering around my tower bothering me and trying to get me on a date. For one they are not my type, I like leaner guys you know more athletic like you for instance I think Lisa and I share a similar taste in men and well those big jerks are such a pain to fend off sometimes.”
She smiled wide as she turned to me briefly I was flattered she found me attractive and looked out the passenger window as I felt my face flush a little to her words.
“but here the same guys are very intimidated by me as I tower over them and I expect I could lift the little barbells they use without trying” she giggled “its great! I love seeing them act nervous when I walk past them I think this size thing makes them uncomfortable, you know less macho having a girl so much bigger than them for a change”
She changed the subject a little as we pulled into a reserved parking bay by the beach.
“I tell you who does love this special duty though , CJ”
I nodded as if to acknowledge that I knew who she was talking about so she could continue.
“yeh she sure craves coming down here on duty she loves feeling big and having everyone looking up to her, even more so since she picked Mitch up in training Im worried she’s getting a bit obsessive about coming down here , infact she wanted me to call in sick today and let her do my stint ”
My mind swirled with what she was saying , was CJ into being a giantess? Did she really love small men ? I began to imagine but then Shauni snapped me out of my day dream.
“anyhow here we are Steve you go to the public entrance of the main gateway building over there and Im slipping in the staff door over here , hey next time you see me you’ll be looking up its like being a giantess if I didn’t know you guys had been shrunk”
She smiled again as if to advertise the idea and concept of this all really appealed to her but perhaps that’s what I wanted to think?
I joined the cue towards a normal sized door and I noticed we would be walking into one of those porta-cabin style units like they transport on the back of lorries although this one had no windows and only two doors and looked thicker than the fibreglass structures I had seen before.
At one end was an pretty large hanger attached with side shutter doors which I assume was where they shrunk down the larger objects within like jet-skis and other such small craft. Being observant I also saw that the operator who resided presumably in the office section of the porta-cabin was watching people in the queue via a small CCTV camera unit.
After ten minutes myself and 3 other guys entered through the electronic door that locked automatically after we stepped in. The room was pretty large and barren of any furnishings it was pretty simple with just the entrance door no windows at all and a door to the operators room and a tiny 2 foot door in the corner. Wow I thought Im actually going to walk through that little door any second.
A speaker asked us if we are ok and ready for the procedure we all verbally offered yes and I looked up to see another camera watching us and a plasma screen high up which offered data. It was stating three subjects and our individual heights. I wondered how they knew ? But then I saw the small laser emitters in each corner of the room and assumed we had been measured by beams we couldn’t see in the light.
The operator announced the shrinking was underway and told us the small door would be open when we felt ready to leave. The lights dimmed as a small hum came from behind the walls around us and then I could just make out a flood of green lasers moving lots of beams around us and then the lights came up and I was small!

I didn’t feel a thing the guys in the room laughed and looked around at the scale of the room walls and doors around us and I looked at the towering plasma screen now way above me and saw I was exactly 12 inches tall and the two other who must have both been around 5 foot 10 had been reduced to just under this mark so our proportions remained the same. Eagerly I was first out the door in my swim trunks and carrying just a towel. The door out was straight on the sand and the beach looked huge stretching out for maybe quarter of a mile to me im not sure. But in all directions except out to the ocean I could see a large blue wall which had slanted Perspex panels on its top.
This was the perimeter wall that enclosed the beach and the Perspex barriers I guess it stopped any thrown objects from coming over onto our heads from the “normal” people outside.
Out to sea I thought I could make out a mesh barrier just barely I suppose it was to ensure none of the little vehicles or swimmers strayed out to the larger world for our safety. But it was so far out and only just noticeable it didn’t spoil the view.
There seemed to be several hundred people here but there was bags of room to spare and my interest was where to find the giantess Shauni. I saw or should I say couldn’t miss the huge standard wooden lifeguard hut or tower as they refer to them in the far corner of the beach so I walked towards it. My progress was halted by a 4 foot ( to me ) high railing which read
”for you own safety do not cross this barrier . CCTV cameras are in operation.”
“Dam!” I cussed to myself aloud I was so far away from the tower it looked huge and maybe 100 feet tall on its stilts to me but so far away!
I waited watching for signs of life in the tower hoping Shauni would walk out any minute to survey the beach but there was nothing. This wasn’t living up to my hopes and expectations at all , except for the tower and surrounding walls I might have well been on a normal beach.
I laid on the my towel to catch some rays and kept close to the railing. I must have dozed off in the warm breeze when my slumber was disturbed abruptly by the thudding of loud footfalls I spun around and it was the thuds upon the wooden ramp to the tower I could hear made by Shauni as she descended to the beach rapidly towards the water. Even from this distance she looked pretty big and I was suddenly filled with wonder as I watched a real giantess in action. Shauni was covering the path that was cleared for her the other side of the railing very swiftly with her long strides and entered the water in seconds. I looked out in the water to see if she was making a rescue and I was drawn to the waters edge to try and remain closer to her even though her legs now had been fully immersed and she was a good distance from shore and a long way from me. What I saw next excited me and if I wasn’t on a beach with other people I think the growing urge to play with myself would have consumed me. Shauni was confronting two windsurfers who had stopped in the water and obviously seemed to be having aggressive words between them although I could only just make out the voices. One of them dived off his board in an attempt to grab the other guy and then all I could see was some splashing as they must have been fighting because he dragged the other guy off his board. The wonderful sight of Shauni towering over them and the comparison I could draw was great but unexpected was her next action , she bent down and reached out both hands grabbing each guy separately and lifting them before her face. Her voice was louder than theirs and carried better, she told them to grow up and behave themselves or she would carry them off the beach herself and the guys looked shocked and disoriented at being plucked out of the water and then confronted by a this stern giantess , I swear they both at first fought her grip but she was so strong compared to them she held them fast and separated them with ease. I wish I had a camera ! I felt aroused and had to control my excitement. Shauni put them down on their boards and even pushed one of them along so he was several metres away from his foe and she turned towards the sand mission accomplished.
I saw her pretty face was pleased and smiling broadly to herself . When she came back she was heading towards me and I was frozen! As she came closer and closer I was in awe of this 30 foot gorgeous creature her tanned legs began to fill my view and then in seconds I was level with my eyes just under her knees looking up a her towering beauty above. Her chest was so much larger it pressed her costume out with swells bigger than those novelty inflatable beach balls.
“Hi Steve how’s the weather down there in little land”
She smiled down at me and I felt my manhood jump to attention as I looked up at her perfect towering frame.
“err hi um Shauni” I struggled to speak like an idiot and concentrated so my eyes didnt stray to her chest for fear of offending her. This is a giantess my mind was shouting from within and my member betrayed me as I feared it might pitching a evident tent into my swim shorts within seconds of being in her presence. I saw Shauni’s big blue eyes noted my attention to her and she smiled wide.
“I can see your enjoying little land Steve”
I went red and felt consumed in the embarrassment of the situation but Shauni stepped past me and I watched her huge tight bottom wiggle in her costume as she slowly retreated back to her tower. As she was about to disappear through the door she took one last look back at me and winked and
as the door closed I ran into the waves to dampen my spirits.
That was the last I saw of Shauni whilst I was on the beach that day and in someway I was glad because I didn’t know what to say to her, I mean she had seen me get excited and I might as well had a t-shirt on me with flashing lights saying “ I love giant women”
I laid in the sun for an hour or more and decided to go back to have a shower. The enlarging process was pretty much the same as the shrinking very swift and I walked out the same door as the entrance door. I had arranged with Lisa that we would meet at her place and by the time I caught a cab back she was already home. What had she been up to this morning I wondered ? She wasn’t often secretive but I guessed it was something she really wanted the element of surprise for.
Lisa had given me a spare key so I let myself in and called her.
“babe you home?”
“Steve! Great your back come up here!”
Her voice was full of excitement and I was eager to see her the vision of her 30 foot friend was fresh in my mind and I wanted release. When I got to her room she had her back to me and I could see she wasn’t fully dressed as she had only a thick towelling pink bath robe on , she was staring into her dresser mirror.
“stand right there honey and close your eyes”
She was speaking in a teasing tone I loved her when she was playful like this. I complied and shut my eyes as I could smell her step close to me her sweet perfume filling my nostrils.
“now keep your eyes shut and hold out your hands”
I felt her hands take my own and turn them upside down and slowly raise them until I was cupping her breasts , no not her breasts they were far to large and heavy and my hands couldn’t consume them. Startled I opened my eyes and looked down to see Lisa naked the robe at her feet and there in my hands was her breasts , her large full firm breasts daring my hands to try and hold the abundance of flesh.
“whats the…”
Lisa took a finger to my lips and smiled with a sultry look on her face as she proudly displayed her blossoming figure
“like the merchandise? , take a good nice long hard feel baby , they are real only bigger a lot bigger?”
I was amazed and confused and highly turned on. My already sexy girlfriend had become even sexier with a pair of boobs that made her look fantastic and so busty it was unreal. How I loved breasts and these felt perfect. Needless to say I was saluting her new shape from below and Lisa teased the hell out of me for a few minutes brushing her body against me until I snapped and lifted her to the bed and released all my energy into her. The sex was terrific better than ever and as we recovered and began to put our clothes back on I watched Lisa dress. She wiggled her cute rear end over to her panty drawer below her dresser and came out with a big black bra and promptly slipped it on to contain her now more than ample charms. She walked across the room to her cupboard and found the Ken doll.
“Hi little Kenny “ she play acted for my amusement talking as if the doll was alive
“Yes that’s right im a lot bigger girl up here now care to try them for size?”
Smiling to herself she repeated the display she had done the other evening and lowered plastic Ken into her bra only this time he fitted very tightly and they covered nearly all of him except his legs dangling from below.
“now that’s more like it “ she said proudly “that’s what I call smothering him in pleasure”
If I hadnt already spent my load a few minutes previous I would have cum again right there and then seeing her playfulness.
“So this is how big they would be to you on that beach Steve if I could sneak you into my tower and tease you”
“I wish” I sighed and then realised I hadnt answered the burning question in my mind.
“ Lisa baby tell me how you did this please it almost magical”
“No not magic baby” Lisa slipped Ken out and put him away in her cupboard as she dressed in some lycra shorts and a baggy t-shirt , well baggy apart from around her new impressive features.
“I had an appointment a while back to see a body converter as they call them from the new clinic down town. “
“body converter?”
I wasn’t familiar with this term at all.
“it’s a unique clinic and very exclusive treating mainly the stars and super models you know the high end clientele but Ive saved enough over the last 2 years to pay for my treatment.” She saw my eyes as she said the word treatment
“Oh don’t worry Steve its all harmless and perfectly safe , you see this clinic is a one of a kind they have a mini-maxer based system that can target areas of the body for enhancement. I walked in a meagre C cup and stepped out 3 cup sizes up “
“so that’s all you they are just enlarged ?”
“yep this is all me” she squeezed her boobs as if to emphasize “just bigger and better than they used to be I did this for you baby I so much want to be your ultimate woman and I know how much big boobs do for you”
She was right my weakness was for busty blondes a combination that sent me wild but I felt guilty she had obviously done all this for my benefit
“how much did it cost?”
“too much I gave them 15k of my savings and the other 50% is interest free for the next 2 years”
“no way! 30k for me?”
I hugged her and couldn’t believe her commitment feeling guilty she had gone to such an extreme
“well for both of us I like being this shape as well it will make all my outfits that much sexier.”
“oh hell your clothes Lisa you’ll have to buy a new wardrobe”
“no that’s not true baby you see I took a few outfits with me and they enhanced them after me the price includes that service , oh and by the way these are on evaluation I haven’t made up my mind about them yet”
“Im sorry evaluation ?”
We went out and sat on a local beach that evening sharing a Chinese takeaway as Lisa described in detail about the clinic.
“so you see Steve I have to go back and either try another size out or get a refund either way they have to have the ultimate decision by the close of the week and they only deduct 2k for the evaluation if I don’t take any of the options”
I sat beside Lisa my arm around her back and all evening I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her new shape which didn’t go unnoticed by her. As we walked back to the apartment Shauni was just stepping in at the same time . She was dressed in a sleek black cat suit with just her cleavage showing for dramatic effect and her hair up in a pony tail she was looking very seductive and obviously had returned from some party. I felt very nervous to see her as I was thinking back to my beach experience how different she looked now at her normal size.
“Hey guys “
She greeted in a normal manor
“ Hi Shauni”
Lisa offered and we all walked in. Shauni grabbed Lisa and spun her around excitedly
“look at you! Go girl! You did it . They look fantastic on you your bustier than I am now!”
Lisa showed off her curves to her impressed friend
“can I feel them?”
“sure” Lisa responded
I watched Shauni take the weight of Lisas chest and smile as she squeezed them.
“Oh I have got to have this done and get rid of my silicone they are perfect”
I tried to sneak away upstairs as the two girls discussed their respective chest sizes when Shauni saw my attempt to leave
“Hey Steve , did you tell Lisa about the beach today?”
”err the beach?” I felt instantly nervous
“yes you know what happened there today or haven’t you told Lisa?”
Lisa looked at me and I felt myself begin to get red
“what happened?” I said sounding like a moron
“with me Steve you remember”
Shauni was enjoying seeing me squirm and let a few uncomfortable seconds roll by until she began
“Oh Ill tell you , Steve saw me break up a fight between two guys and he was very impressed by me weren’t you Steve”
“er Yeh , erm Shauni handled the situation well”
Shauni proceeded to inform Lisa of how she manhandled the two guys at the beach and as she finished she smiled across at me. It was the then the girls began to talk shop so I slipped away with relief that Shauni hadn’t told Lisa I was excited at the beach over her. I lay down on Lisa’s bed and relaxed when she came to join me half an hour later.
“Hey Steve” she said with excited tone in her voice I loved “guess what? Mitch just called and the duty schedules have been altered CJ is guarding the special beach tomorrow but Im covering the morning session with the mini-maxer!”
Her face was alive and beaming but I couldn’t see the relevance
“That’s great Lisa but you’ll be locked away in the control room and I still wont get to see you only CJ”
“Where’s your imagination baby” she sat beside me and her hand rested on top of my jeans as she drew circles with her fingers across my lap in a teasing fashion.
“Your gonna see me as the biggest giantess you have ever seen baby and I promise you wont be disappointed tomorrow Im gonna fulfil all of our fantasies”
I turned to look at her beautiful face and my mouth dropped open.
“but how isn’t there security cameras recording in the shrinking chamber “
“yes but I control them , In our training we must arrive early and test the system by shrinking a test object down and guess who’s gonna be Lisa’s little test object”
I smiled back at her this was untrue finally after years of wonder I was going to have the chance to be intimate with a gorgeous giant woman.
“Oh Lisa I cant wait”
“neither can I baby Mitch is dropping the keys off late tonight its going to be so special”
That night I hardly slept and kept dreaming of what the morning would bring, in the early hours I lay on the bed cuddled up to Lisa and my eyes studied her body recording every last detail. Her little feet and smooth legs which seemed so short to me now as her 5 foot 4 inch frame was wrapped against my longer legs which stretched almost to the edge of her bed several inches past her own. This petite girlfriend of mine was going to be a giantess to me and it was hard for my mind to accept that seeing her as I did right now. Her new breasts pressed nicely into my chest and I revelled at their new size these would be so fantastic from a shrunken view point. Her pretty face even now without makeup was lovely and almost begged for her to be on one of those great skin commercials with her fine complexion and her hair fell across the bed in a golden splendour , yes I was a lucky guy.
Lisa and I woke a few hours later with her tugging at me to get up , she was in a hyper mood and eager for the mornings activity to commence. After breakfast and a shower we went to her room to dress, I noticed Shauni wasn’t at breakfast and was glad to avoid her so she may forget the incident on the beach a little. I put on my Nike swim shorts and went bare chested then I watched with great interest as Lisa searched for clothes.
“It’s a shame I cant wear anything really sexy for you today baby but I have to dress in my uniform if we arent on beach duty, but that doesn’t mean I cant wear some nice underwear does it?”
She grinned and slipped on a black g string and grabbed a white lacy bra ready to secure her overflowing charms. Whilst I sat mesmerised by her she looked down at the bra in her hand
“I simply had to buy this bra yesterday darling its actually a real 34E cup it felt great ignoring the little C cup bras on the other racks and buying this big thing do you like it ? It should enhance my cleavage”
I nearly began to salivate as she pulled the bra over her breasts and those full round orbs squeezed together and formed the most teasing sight I had ever seen.
“now that’s what I call cleavage” I smiled with my eyes full of lust.
“calm down lover boy we haven’t time for any of that you’ve got a date with a giantess remember”
“how could I forget”
“but remember how small these look to you now because they’ll be a lot bigger very soon “
I watched her cover those two jiggling treats with her work blouse and half of her cleavage disappeared from sight beneath the neckline much to my disappointment. Finally she put on her black short skirt and some 3 inch black heels.
“how do I look?”
She twirled in her uniform , I must admit there was no denying her incredible shape in those clothes she looked smart but sexy.

What a day this was going to be for me , to finally see my girlfriend in the way that only my imagination has seen her and to actually be touched by this giantess , I could only hope that this experience would live up to my dreams.
I sat watching Lisa apply her deep red lipstick and then brush her golden locks back into a high ponytail, man she looked good today. She smiled back at me from her dressing table and I could see her excitement.
“Steve this is going to be so cool today I finally get to have my little man to play with you are going to look so cute when your small”
“and you’re going to look dam sexy Lisa are you ready yet?”
“lets go”
She grinned from ear to ear and grabbed my hand pulling me out of her room and downstairs through the front door.
Lisa drove us in her old 1980’s BMW to the special beach.
“So baby” she started informing me of the days events “ the plan will be that Ill shrink you down when we get there and take you through to my office for the morning. When Ive finished work we can go and play and then I get to keep you overnight as my little lover before I enlarge you tomorrow morning how does that sound?”
We reached the beach and Lisa opened only the office and staff entrance keeping the public door closed as it was far to early yet. I walked into the small room , it had just a desk with a pc on it and 3 monitors a small control system and a bank of vcr systems that took feeds from the internal and external cameras. Apart from a chair that was the full extent of the furnishings and with no windows it was a pretty bland environment to work in all day. Lisa busily booted up the pc and then unlocked the door into the shrinking area.
“let me take one last long look at you honey” she hugged me and looked up into my eyes , I leaned forward and kissed her.
“Im ready baby” I declared “let the fun begin”
I walked into the shrinking room and Lisa closed the interconnecting door. Her voice came over the speaker as I saw the plasma screen indicate my presence and height data as before.
“get ready for land of the giant girlfriend”
She giggled and activated the process.
As before in seconds I was reduced and stood there in just my swim shorts I looked towards the door to Lisa’s office with eager anticipation of her arrival only something was different now. The door seemed much taller than before , the whole room was vast way beyond the scale it had seemed yesterday and way above the plasma screen seemed monstrous like a huge drive in cinema screen suspended in the heavens but the big words on it reading all to clear to my little eyes.
“Reduction complete subject height 1.5 inches”
She shrunk me to one and a half inches ? I wasn’t prepared for this I assumed that I was going to be 12 inches tall as I was before , sure part of me was excited by this development as Lisa would now be incredibly tall to me but I was also nervous as much as I wanted to see her step through that door I felt a touch afraid of her presence now.
It wasn’t long before I heard Lisa’s footsteps as her shoes hit the ground from behind the door. The clunk of the lock and then I watched the huge handle turn. The door swung open and the doorway was filled with Lisa! Lisa was gigantic, my once petite girlfriend looked to me like she was nearly 200 feet tall. From down on the floor way below her and in the middle of the room as I was she looked like she was several hundred feet away but to my astonishment within a few simple steps her massive black heels and shoes came thumping down before me each longer than your average lorry! The sheer vibration her footsteps caused unsettled my footing and I felt every single step this colossal giantess made as she approached.
“oh your just darling! just look at you way down there!”
The heavens above me seemed to fill with Lisa’s voice a once soft sweet voice but now an ear booming commanding voice that seemed to rattle in my head as she spoke.
I looked directly across at her shoes now only a few feet before me in my scale and these shiny black heels towered over me by far. I couldn’t even reach my girlfriends ankles which seemed like they were perhaps 25 or 30 feet above my head. The smooth exterior of her tanned legs climbed skyward out of her shoes way above me. There was so much flesh on display my head was starting to spin , her legs seemed never ending. Even though I could see the canopy of her black skirt soaring high above covering some of these shapely columns the sheer scale of her now towering legs was awesome. I stepped back and craned my head as far back as possible to see the extent of Lisa giant body when suddenly I saw her huge face with her sparkling blue eyes focused onto me as she was peering over the fabulous virtual ledge of her bust.
“fee fi fo fum” she teased down in a quieter manor than before which eased my ears.
“are you feeling small baby way down there at my feet?” she grinned and I could see she was enjoying the situation.

“yyyour ttttitanic” I stuttered feeling nervous to speak to this imposing giant of a woman before me
“Im a giantess” Lisa smiled “a real giantess to you now , how do I look ?”
“amazing” I called up “taller than most buildings I cant believe its you”
“you had better believe it little man your so tiny now this is what a short 5 foot 4 inch
girl looks like to you now “
I had almost forgotten Lisa wasn’t actually tall but how could words like short be applied to what I saw before me now.
“your voice is so funny Steve all little like you are “
I watched as Lisa peered down at me I was so enthralled by her actions watching her enormous body.
“time for me to pick you up and get a close look at you my little cutie”
Lisa began to bend down and reach out for me with a hand that was nearly twice as wide as my whole body and large fingers each as thick as tree trunks. In that instant I witness hundreds of tons of female form descend towards me and it was more than I could handle. I backed off falling to the floor and kept pushing myself frantically along with my feet trying to escape her reach. I was frightened , frightened of Lisa and my natural reaction was to avoid her grasp like a little mouse trying to scamper away.
Lisa was surprised at my response and drew back in an instant with her hand her eyes wide with confusion. She remained now in a crouched position but didn’t attempt to grab me again.
“Im so sorry baby did I scare you ? am I that monstrous that you are afraid of me?”
I gathered myself heart pumping wild and took a few deep breaths. She had definitely startled me with her forward movement. I stood back up feeling weak and stupid with my timid reaction
”Oh Lisa you are gigantic! I guess I didn’t realise just how big you are until you reached for me with your big hand, it was a bit soon , Im sorry your just so intimidating in size to me now”
“its ok Steve don’t be scared of me you can trust me to be gentle with you and Ill remember to move a little slower from now on. You do look so sweet from up here ,so tiny like a little doll made to look like my boyfriend”
I was feeling better now and began to take in her proportions.
“can we just take this a step at a time please Lisa Im just so much smaller than I expected to be but you don’t look like a monster you look gorgeous its magnified your beauty”
Lisa smiled and her white teeth glistened way above
“keep on with compliments like that Mr and ill keep you this tiny forever”
She gently kneeled down on the floor and then grinned down at me.
“so when does a big girl like me get to hold my little toy man ? I would really love to feel you stood on one of my palms here to actually lift you up “
“I think Im ready now Lisa just go slow please” I stressed and watched her lower her right palm down toward me until her massive hand filled the floor directly before me. I looked at her perfectly manicured nails on the end of each of her tree trunk thick fingers and I could only imagine what damage they could do to someone my current size. I walked up to her index finger and touched her finger tip as if to test this mighty platform and I heard Lisa giggle a little from above.
“My hands are huge compared to you aren’t they baby? Each of my fingers is longer than you are tall, even my little finger is bigger than you.”
“I didn’t know it would be like this you are incredible Lisa , I bet you could lift whole houses with these hands” I was in complete wonder as I tentatively stepped up onto the fleshy but firm surface of her hand and centred myself in her palm.
“I might be able to lift houses if I was a real giantess Steve but its only you who is small it just makes me seem like a giantess to you. But picking you up should be no problem now you’re pocket sized”
I steadied myself in her great big hand and sat down as her fingers all curled up protectively and she raised me to her face. Her big beautiful clear blue eyes looked so enormous and I could almost feel the wind off of those long eye lashes as they fluttered periodically up and down. Her lips proved an even more dramatic sight. Her glistening lipstick coated two astonishing pillows of pouting perfection before me . I could feel her exhaling breath between them as its fresh minty swirl seemed to cut into my eyes a little. How erotic it was to be held this way by my girlfriend totally under her control waiting for her next action.
“You mr are seriously cute this size im going to enjoy tonight”
I was still busy absorbing the view of her immense face when Lisa began to stand up.
“Babe I hope you’ve got a head for heights”
Suddenly I felt my stomach unsettle like you would experience in a fast lift and in seconds the sensation vanished and Lisa was standing to her full towering potential and I was feeling like I was perched on a balcony of a tall building. I moved to the edge of her hand and looked through the gap between two of her fingers and the ground was way below! Im not sure how big Lisa was to me but the drop looked well over 100 foot from the level I was now. I turned to face her as she smiled flashing those big white teeth of hers at m again.
“Long way down eh baby?”
“Lisa your colossal”
This comment produced a smirk across her face and she began walk holding me now with her fist wrapped around me. I was facing the direction she was walking and I could glimpse the monumental fleshy columns of her fantastically long legs as they strode beneath me, even from up here her heels thumped the ground. We entered the small office and Lisa locked the interconnecting door and then settled me down onto the small desk before the computer.
I wondered at the size of the objects around me , the computer monitors were like cinema screens and I was so small now I could actually sit on her computer mouse. Pencils and pens shared the surface with me each looking like military missiles I wondered if I even had the strength to lift one of them. Lisa sat in the chair before me and I turned to view my giant girlfriend. What confronted me now from this level was acres of blouse material tensed across her chest, oh boy her chest it was breathtaking! Her firm boobs hugged in that thin blouse towered over me making me feel even smaller than I already felt . I watched as they majestically bobbed in rhythm to her simplest movement and my eyes strayed higher up trying to see what cleavage broke free of her blouse. Unfortunately at my current level this pleasure was denied to me as I looked up only seeing the underside and curve of her amazing bosom. My manhood was officially in over drive mode now.
“How do I look, am I as sexy at this size as you dreamed?”
Lisa’s question was easy to answer , from my normal perspective her 5 foot 4 inch frame was the ultimate eye candy to any red blooded male who liked women with major distracting curves in the right places and now from a mere inch and a half perspective this body of hers was impossible to ignore commanding my attention and dominating my vision.
“You look absolutely fabulous Lisa you were born to be a giantess”
Lisa loved my attention to her and could see my swim shorts had gained a new shape.
“mmm , I can see you really do find me more attractive this way . I find it a real turn on seeing you so tiny just knowing your helpless to me and you are so dam adorable “
Her huge right hand came towards me again and she reached out a solitary finger running it down my chest and across the front of my shorts just letting her huge nail rest on the resistance of the bulge in them for a lingering second before she ran the tip of the finger sideways down my inseam parting my legs gently. My whole body trembled to her touch and I was amazed at just how gentle this mammoth woman could be in her actions to someone so little.
“You are perfect this size darling , your hunky little body hasn’t changed a bit every little muscle is still there “
“god its mad when you touch me you are so over powering”
“Is it scary Steve knowing I posses more strength in my little finger than you have in your whole body?”
“yes” I admitted “you have no idea the simplest of your actions could kill me Lisa its scary and makes me nervous to see your gigantic body move but ..”
”but it’s a complete turn on for you isn’t it Steve knowing I have ultimate power over you now” Lisa interrupted and moved a little closer to me with her face more to my level way down on the desk she was certainly getting a rush from her dominance over me now but she was right I loved it.
“Now let your big beautiful giantess see whats under those shorts”
I looked up and didn’t move , she wanted me to strip here ? It didn’t kind of feel right in this office.
“Come on bashful I wont ask again, I want to see my tiny little man naked on my desk your not too shy to undress before me are you? “ she grinned “I promise I wont laugh”
Lisa was teasing me and I thought I would counter her, small or not I was her man.
“Not just yet big woman how about you impress me first”
“Oh you are so funny when you try to be assertive when your so small , ok tiny if you wont pull them down then I will undress you like a little dolly myself”
Helpless her fingers held my arms and upper body as her free hand slowly pulled my shorts away , as she held me up inches above the table she pinches the shorts between two finger nails and put me back down with a triumphant look upon her face. Defeated I smiled up at her
“no fair!”
“well if you play with us big girls you loose little man. Oh just look at you , your so tiny down there my nails are longer than your little member, isnt it sweet”
Lisa made me feel so inferior I had always been proud of my length but what was it to her now? It was nothing but a mere spec. She toyed for a few seconds with my shorts
“ want these back little man?”
I nodded knowing she had no intention of offering them to me.
“ Perhaps later you can have them back if you’re a good little boyfriend” she smiled and licked her lips gently and deliberately waited until she knew I was watching ( not that I could keep my eyes of her ) and she dropped my shorts into her waiting cleavage and out of sight as she giggled.
“Care to fetch them tiny?”
Oh man this was it , this was my fantasy. She was beginning to tease me with her giant breasts.
I stood there silent as she shifted her position and lowered her chest toward the desk level and me.
“Now I know what my boyfriend really loves , what you’ve always fantasised about , I guess you get to earn that little boob rider nickname today baby. Didn’t you wonder why I shrunk you down so small , why you arent the standard 12 inches tall? These are the reasons why. I wanted you tiny enough that I can carry you in my bra baby just how you’ve always imagined being surrounded by my big boobs held fast in my cleavage.”
I gasped as she tilted her blouse forward and thump! A curvy wall of white blouse landed on the desk before me. Her boobs within confronted me with their hill sized proportions. I moved close drawn in by the magic of the situation I felt like a little David confronted by two Goliaths. I could see the faint patterns of her lacy bra through the material. A bra that was many times my size and as I looked up I could see her semi-aroused nipples forming impressions in the fabric from the inside.
“I know you find this sexy baby , seeing my boobs so enormous to you , towering over you this way but the sexy part is still to come, you haven’t seen my giant cleavage yet.”
“this is unreal!” I stared in awe and my hands touched the outside of her blouse pressing into the material testing if the flesh behind was real. There was tons of boob here, if one of these humongous mounds of pleasure had landed on me I would have been flattened and suffocated under its sheer weight. Lisa was being such a tease knowing my love of her breasts she backed her huge globes off the table and gave me a very seductive look flicking her long blonde locks over both her shoulders at once as she filled her lungs with air pushing her chest out proudly. My tongue hung on the ground and my eyes reached out on stalks as her impossibly huge chest swelled in size with her actions stressing her blouse and the buttons upon it with an impressive form. Lisa made her breasts sway left and right jiggling them in a slow teasing manor.
“Like what you see baby?”
Her voice was now more seductive than before with its deeper tone and now a husky element mixed within it and my raging erection was beginning to hurt.
“My boobs are so much bigger and sexier to you now little man do you want them? Do you want me to pick you up in my hand and tease you with them?”
I watched and nearly drooled as Lisa ran her hands across her breasts gently squeezing them and from down on the table as they smashed together that was the fist glimpse I saw of her cleavage as a huge line pushed up from the v shaped neck of her blouse erupting into view.
“Oh Lisa !” I needed release so bad with her teasing.
“whats is it my tiny lover do you want these so bad? Do you want to feel them wrapped around your little body ? Do you want me to smother you deep between my giant boobs?”
Lisa leaned down and finally I was almost face to face with a deep valley of wondrous boob flesh that was created by her push up bra. To me there was probably a ten foot long crevasse begging my attention. Lisa smiled at my reaction and knew she had me totally absorbed by her charms she then gently lifted me between two fingers.
“Now my little tiny doll you can experience my boobs the way you’ve always dreamed of”
My naked body was lowered towards the welcoming sight of her cleavage all the while as I descended the size of her cleavage seemed to grow longer and longer. I looked down into the depths between the small gap that her bra allowed and it was deep! So deep that I couldn’t see the base in the dim light beneath her white blouse. Lisa paused holding me above this tantalising meeting of two giantsized gorgeous hills.
“Are you ready my tiny boob-rider ?”
“Please” I begged and then as I was lowered by two giant fingers into my girlfriends cleavage all I could say was that her boobs were so enormous that they engulfed my body completely. At first the width of my shoulders held my naked body dangling caressed on either side by these pleasure mountains and suspended by their warm and firm exterior. I looked up as Lisa’s fingers moved out of sight and she giggled from above.
“oh you are just so tiny look at you baby my breasts are huge!”
The resulting jiggling of her chest shook me deeper into the depths of her bra and finally I was
8 or so feet deep in her cleavage.
“lisa this is so sexy! Im in your bra! “
I was liked a man who had reached the top of Everest and had achieved his ambition in life but there was still more pleasures to come from this situation. Before I could completely take stock of my new surroundings I heard the intercom to the main door buzz , a loud buzzer that throbbed my ears for the few seconds it had emitted.
“Oh @#%$ its CJ” Lisa muttered “ keep quiet Steve and don’t move about too much in there, your already getting me aroused just looking at you , I have to let CJ in”
Seeing breasts in motion from the outside as you watch well endowed blondes walk and jog sexily by is terrific to say the least but to feel and move with two giants sized breasts in motion from within is something else. I was receiving a full body rub as Lisa stood up and moved to the door.
Concealed deep in her cleavage CJ wouldn’t be able to see me and it was a real turn on to know that two giantesses existed in the room around me.
“Hey Lisa how’s it going?”
“erm fine CJ , you’re early..”
“Guess Im a bit eager nowadays Lisa , I cant get enough of duty on this special beach”
“Really I haven’t had the chance yet”
I heard the two of them move around and felt the feedback as Lisa sat down once more.
“I suppose I have been pulling rank and grabbing every opportunity here its just so exhilarating Lisa im hooked, can I tell you a secret?”
”Its not the easy life this duty offers that I like its feeling like im super tall that I love. Every chance I get im trying to pick one of the little men up in my hands its such a rush! You know soon im not sure if I can trust myself to not take advantage of one of those perfect little dolls , I love it”
Hearing CJ talk and being just where I was now sent me crazy. This girl was a born giantess wanna be.
“Your right CJ it is nice to see guys that tiny like when you held Mitch in training the other day”
“Oh girl I was so wet! I had to have a cold shower and cool off. You’ll never know what its like until you actually pick a man up like that and they are under your complete control”
“I have a pretty good idea CJ “
“Are you ok Lisa ? You look a little flushed in the face”
Lisa was most probably still aroused by my position and frankly I was at bursting point.
“Me ? Oh Im fine its just a little hot in here”
“Listen Lisa can you do me a favour today ?”
“err sure like what ?”
”well , regulations ask for you to bring the guys down to around 12 inches tall and I was kinda wondering if you might just tweak that a little lower today ? No one has to know but us , just for the morning session until you leave ?”
“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt but how much smaller?”
“Well my ex, Jake is coming down today to speak to me. He still lives by the beach in that luxury RV we bought together you remember when we were going to travel the world together…and he still has half my stuff in it! Not only does he have the cheek to want to talk me into him keeping the RV to impress that slag he is shacked up with no doubt, but he also wants to discuss keeping my stereo. Well the little weasel can come and discuss it with me whilst im on duty and nearly 50 feet tall”
CJ smiled at the mere thought and Lisa smirked
“I think he might not be so cocky and sure of himself when he’s only 8 inches tall at my feet “
The girls laughed and Lisa agreed to help out.
CJ exited through the shrinking area and out onto the beach. Lisa locked up again and turned her attention to me.
“That was so cool speaking with CJ whilst all the time my little man was between my boobs secretly tucked away “
Knowing CJ had departed I ignored Lisa and I was on the move to explore her bra. I crawled around and under the cup material of her right breast.
”ooh that tickles what are you doing in there you naughty little man?”
Man her boobs were massive and how big was this bra? I was climbing around her silky flesh and its warm smooth exterior had my dick screaming to appreciate Lisa’s beauty.

Soon the texture changed beneath my body as I crawled across her areola , her giant areola and there was my goal her nipple. Lisa’s nipple was half my size! I grabbed it pressing my body into it
And it swelled even larger in my arms.
“ooooh you sweet heart! you little wonder!”
Lisa moaned in her thundering voice. I kissed and caressed as best I could her nipple thinking that once upon a time I could have fitted half of her boob and this nipple in my mouth but now she had more flesh here than I could handle.
“is that your little dick I can feel rubbing against me , is it baby? Oh your so small so , so small!”
I came from just rubbing up against her huge swollen nipple and my juices spurted against Lisa’s nipple. My body went limp and I let her bra cup material just suspend me there between her sexy orb and its soft material. Bright light drifted in around me as the cup went slack and two fingers hoisted me and my spent penis from her bra.
“You really know how to get a girl going little man. You have a rest while I do some work and then ive got plans for you”
Lisa took me to her lips and her tongue a virtual carpet of a tongue came out to lick me clean in her palm , if I had the ability I would of cum once more there and then. Lisa lowered me down a little and I could see her nipples poking like warheads within her blouse.
“see what you have started tiny Im not going to be able to concentrate on my work , Ill keep you down inside my blouse pocket which should keep you out of mischief for a while”
She smiled and dropped me into the confines of her blouse breast pocket and I laid across the bottom deep down inside. I was grinning like the Cheshire cat as I lay there trapped in my girls pocket totally content and I must have drifted off.
I was awoken by a prod from the outside world. Lisa’s finger pressed gently into my back and I got to my feet.
“hey sleepy head you have been out for a few hours I need you to keep me company”
“Sorry babe I didn’t realise” I looked up at her two huge eyes peeking into her pocket from above.
“I cant believe you are so small I can fit you in my pocket Steve”
I looked at the material around me and I was in a pocket that was 12 foot wide and twice as tall!
”I think you could carry a few of me in here Lisa”
We laughed and I asked her to lift me out.
“Not just yet baby Im still working you can chat to me”
“come on Lisa I want to stretch my legs please”
Lisa sniggered
“Ok go on then I wont stop you”
She was toying with me and I tried to climb up from within her pocket but the slope of her chest that the pocket followed made me slip back down every time on the smooth material much to the delight of Lisa.
“hey come on get me out of here”
I called out.
”whats a matter darling are you trapped in my big ole blouse pocket cant you get out?”
She made me feel so weak and puny as after two more attempt to climb out failed.
“here let me help you baby”
I watched as Lisa unexpectedly guided thick strands of her long blonde hair into the opening for me to use as ropes to climb out. Holding these thick golden vines I was raised aloft and Lisa lent forward to lower me to the table once more. She shrunk a few more people in the main chamber using the pc and I moved out of the way of her big hands on that keyboard.
“Well that’s us nearly finished tiny so we can go home and play”
“I like the sound of that” I smiled up.” Can I have my shorts back honey?”
Lisa gave me one of her playful looks.
“You don’t need them baby you’re my little doll now and I like you naked”
“Come on babe , please”
“I don’t think so Steve and there’s nothing you can do about it is there? One advantage of being a giantess is I get my way all the time”
She smiled and it was debate over and I had lost.
“ hey tiny you haven’t checked out my legs yet im betting they look at least a hundred feet long to you”
Lisa lifted me in her hand and tumbled me down into her lap on top of her skirt. The material beneath my feet was smooth and walking around and across her lap was amazing her skirt stressed taught with the hint of flex or bounce similar to a trampoline effect. Lisa’s lovely pins stretched out from under this skirt and ended in two giant knees that descended with even more leggy flesh to the floor below. What amount of leg I could see from this perch was breathtaking , her skirt which this morning I knew was very short seemed enormous to someone my size it was now that I began to wonder just how massive my girlfriends other features would look below this skirt.
“having fun on my skirt tiny? Why don’t you walk down one of my legs if you dare?”
I looked up to respond but all I could see was blouse hovering and towering above me.
“Im up for that challenge “
But just as I was about to set foot on the surface of her bare upper leg the door catch began to un-lock from the outside , someone had a key!
Lisa didn’t have much time her hand grabbed me from her lap and she pulled up the hem of her skirt by the edge of the chair and set me down underneath it between her gigantic thighs.
I was out of sight and only with seconds to spare as a woman entered.
“Hey Ann” Lisa greeted
“Oh Hi Lisa are you ready for me to take over?”
Lisa felt awkward, I was standing on the inner base of her skirt between her legs and not secured if she stood up to leave I was sure to fall out into the open and she knew it.
“erm yeh sure Im just finishing up “
Lisa pretended to make some adjustments on the monitors and I was stood wondering what to do?
I looked around and her two tall creamy thighs dwarfed me , I couldn’t resist running my hand along her left inner thigh as I walked along thinking of what to do and I heard Lisa make a small sigh as she felt my touch..
“You ok girl?” Ann questioned.
“Me oh yes fine I just get a little twinge in my stomach now and then “
“well are you gonna let me have the chair and get yourself out of here or are you looking for overtime” Ann laughed.
Dam I needed to do something fast , I looked forward at her lacy knickers and ran to them. Lisa must have felt me there as she opened her legs wider and this allowed me to pull back the tight material and I climbed in probably somewhere a few feet under her womanhood , what a turn on!
Lisa sounded excited in her words as she stood up realising I was now in her underwear.
“I , I wwill see , see you later Ann”
Ann gave Lisa a strange look and watched her leave . Suddenly I was aware of her movements around me and the strong smell of her sex wafted down to me , calling to me.
Lisa was walking kind of strangely but not that I could see from the darkness beneath her skirt.
I climbed upwards following my sense of smell until I was a foot in my perspective from the base of her love entrance. The smell was intoxicating I was actually in my girlfriends knickers smaller than her sex and the opportunity that presented itself was difficult to refuse. But just as I started to ascend some more light flooded around me as Lisa was now in her car and had hitched up her skirt.
Her fingers removed me and elevated me to her face.
“Oh god you excited me Steve, feeling you crawl into my panties that was so sexy! But I cant have you exploring down there yet I need to drive, you are far to much of a distraction little man”
Lisa overpowered me with ease as she then slid me back down into her blouse pocket where she knew I couldn’t get out and distract her.
“Sorry honey but you can ride in my blouse I don’t want to crash”
Stood in her blouse I could just see through the material as we drove.
“Hey tiny I hope Shauni is out when we get back because you’ve got a date with a giantess”
When we reached her house I was bounced around in her soft pocket as Lisa walked from the car and into the living room.
“good she must be at the gym you can come out now my little lover, lets grab a snack and then you can continue your exploring”
In seconds I was on the small kitchen table and watching Lisa make a sandwich for herself, she sat down and I was walking around the table admiring the oversized everyday objects like forks and spoons. Lisa used her nails to take the tiniest of corners from her sandwich and she lowered it to me. I must have looked comical trying to eat ham that was half an inch thick and the smallest fraction of the bread filled my stomach.
”Im stuffed babe” I called up in approval “any chance of a drink?”
Lisa smiled as she finished off her food and then picked me up , figuring she was lifting me over to get a drink I was surprised when I found myself in her drink!
I was dropped into a tall glass as Lisa giggled at my plight. Plunging into gallons ( well to me ) of orange juice I was using a slowly dwindling ice cube to keep myself up on the surface. I watched Lisa grinning as she peered into her glass.
“Oops , sorry sweetie I guess you might need a smaller glass”
“Lisa baby this is cold please “ I shouted up to her amusement.
“Im sorry Steve I couldn’t resist. You do look funny swimming in my drink. Do you need a lifeguard ?”
Lisa lifted the glass and I saw her huge lips cover one end of it as she tilted her head back , I was
now trying to counter the flow as the orange juice rushed around me into her waiting mouth. In vain I tried to move to the back of the glass until I slid uncontrollably towards those sexy lips and her cavernous mouth. When my feet brushed her top lip Lisa opened wide and tipped up the glass until I was in her mouth up to my chest! What a sensation her warm lips formed an “O” around my body and her tongue moved slowly around my legs and my now iron manhood as she played with me. Then her fingers slid me in and out of her mouth so my body was coated in her saliva which felt divine, warm and pleasant I was going to explode as she gently sucked on my body but Lisa knew and expected this and withdrew me before I could follow through. Holding me in her palm I was taken to the sink and Lisa turned the tap on testing the water as she held me in the stream of a mildy warm downpour just to clean me.
”Did you enjoy that baby , sorry I couldn’t let you get too excited I want to save that for the bedroom”
“Lisa that was mad I was in your mouth and your lips , wow your lips”
I looked at her beautiful giant face beaming at me as she puckered those sexy pouting lips and closed in on me , then she enveloped half my body from my legs to my chin in those kissing pillows and that quickly brought rise to my attentions once more.
“You cant get enough of me this size is every simple action I do so sexy? “
“Lisa you just kissed me with lips as wide as I am everything about you is so sexy at this size I cant help it”
“and you haven’t seen anything yet baby. Come on I think we need to satisfy ourselves”

In seconds I was carried upstairs into her bedroom and set onto the floor as Lisa brushed her hair by the dresser. What a playground this was , deep carpet rising past my ankles and a bed larger than well anything I had ever seen made of wood it was vast. Her wardrobe and dresser both towered high above like huge buildings and then there was Lisa. With her back to me now and stood to my perspective about 70 feet away she was so huge , she belonged to this world that surrounded me but I certainly didn’t I was smaller than a child’s toy. My girlfriend was gigantic beyond my wildest dreams , I looked at her heels and how her sexy legs travelled up into her tight skirt , her pert bottom outlined in this skirt looked huge and I could only recall how I used to pinch those wonderful cheeks with my fingers. Now my complete body could have been pinched between them. Higher still her back with long hair laid upon it like a golden waterfall perhaps 70 feet long swaying as she brushed it. I then watched her slowly turn to look for me and she stepped forward.
I swayed as the floor boards gave a little and my feet unsettled to her footfall.
“I don’t think my bedroom floor is the ideal place for my inch and a half boyfriend I think you need to come up to my level so I don’t step on you with these great big shoes of mine”
Lisa bent down and raised me in her fingers. She sat down on the bed and then placed me on the top end by her pillow. Standing up Lisa began to undress purposely slow. Her buttons one by one released down the front of her blouse until she pulled it off and revealed the largest bra I had ever seen in my life filled to capacity with her perfect tits. Then her skirt was edged down her silky thighs inch by inch revealing more flesh until I got my first total impression of her never ending giant legs. Lisa saw I was mesmerised and gave me a seductive sexy pout as she climbed on the bed unsettling me for an instant as the mattress gave to her weight. I was laid on my back and my member pointed upwards. I watched the giantess blonde slowly move over me on her hands and knees , first her hair circled around me as she looked down. Her thick blonde mane gently washed across my whole body as she teased me. This was so exciting her clean shiny hair smelt gorgeous with a hint of coconut from her shampoo and as she smothered me in this mass of blonde locks I was writhing in the sheer enjoyment of its touch. Lisa then lifted her hair in her hands for a second and tied her hair back using a black scrunchy she had slipped into her hand. Now I could see those heavenly breasts again! Her white bra filled out with the gravity of her bending down and those boobs looked larger than before . Cleavage now formed before me so tall that I was speechless and her boobs formed a barrier of lacy bra that was perhaps 40 to 50 feet or more across from end to end. She slid those breasts along the bed closer and closer they came and bigger and bigger they appeared to me. I became a little unsure as they loomed towards my tiny frame and I stood up and backed away almost afraid of their power and size as she closed in on me. My back hit a crease in the pillow and I was trapped as this wall of lacy fabric gently pushed into me as her colossal right breast pushed me deep into the pillow so that the pillow formed a deep impression with me inside it.
“Hold on to the outside of my big bra baby”
Lisa commanded and I grabbed two fist fulls of the material as Lisa pulled me up free of the pillow.
“Hold tight tiny”
She offered as if I had a choice suspended now as I was 50 feet above the bed below as she manoeuvred onto her back to lay down. Suddenly the tremendous breast I was on wobbled then settled as she came to rest and there I was on top of her mountainous bra covered breast.
It was high up perhaps 15 or more feet to her body below . The bra material felt smooth and comfortable under my feet as I walked on her boob like a mountaineer who had reached a summit surveying the views. Lisa’s huge face studied my every move.
“You are extremely small Steve you look downright titchy compared to my great big boob under you”
“Lisa its awesome can you take your bra off for me?”
“isn’t that the mans job you used to like taking my bras off”
I looked at the sheer scale of the bra I was stood on she was joking not even Hercules at my scale could accomplish such a task.
“babe I cant its too big your bras simply massive”
Lisa smiled at my comments
“I know its far to big for you but I just wanted to hear you say it”
Lisa lifted me onto her neck whilst with my back against her chin as she carefully slipped her bra off and threw it on the floor below. Now I could appreciate her exposed flesh and man it was something to appreciate. I walked forward and could see a valley between her boobs plenty wide enough for me to pass through those fleshy pleasure towers but I wanted her nipple again. I tried to scale her boob but it was steep and her smooth skin didn’t provide any foot or hand holds.
“I think im far too busty for you baby you cant conquer my 34E’s although I think even a b cup would be a climb for you now”
Lisa giggled and I watched these mountains wobble and I fell down with the vibrations. I was then lifted to her left boob onto the centre to confront her aroused nipple.
I caressed and rubbed this monster nipple and I was close again to bursting. Lisa moaned in approval at my slightest touch but she wanted more. Slightly breathless she took me in her fingers again and put me on her stomach. The vast plain of her tight stomach was so sexy to walk upon and seeing those long legs in the distance was incredible.
“Steve , baby please will you climb inside my panties I really want to feel your little body down there”
I looked across at her face obscured behind those mega mounds. I wanted so much to satisfy this goddess that I walked upon. Lisa couldn’t wait for me to climb into her underwear and I saw her eager hands pull them down just enough to reveal her fair pubic hair neatly shaven around her giant @#%$. I walked down her stomach a long way until I was knee deep in her hairs that tickled my legs. The aroma I had smelt before was now more intoxicating than ever. The huge lips seemed to quiver ever so slightly and they seemed to glisten with moisture from within. Her lips down there rivalled me in size and just how deep would a girl her size be if I fell within her? She could take maybe 7 inches of me no problem but 7 inches at my scale ? Her Sex would be over well over 15 feet deep a sexual well that could drown a tiny man as small as I was to her now. I looked back over my shoulder at her and her blue eyes twinkled as she breathed heavily with extreme arousal at my proximity.
“Please Steve , baby touch me”
I laid down and crawled up to her love entrance and ran my hands along the inner flesh of her enormous lips . Lisa sighed heavily at my contact.
“God your huge Lisa , its so big ! I feel so tiny to you “
“Please baby will you enter me ? I want to feel you inside me its so sexy you being so small to me down there , please don’t be afraid I wont loose you in me I promise but I want to feel your naked body inside me”
Her words sounded so breathy she was in a state of total arousal and I was at her words and imagining slipping within her. I lowered a leg in pushing her lips aside and it was immersed in hot sticky fluids that felt so amazing. Then my other leg joined it and holding some of her pubic hair I lowered myself into her until I was up to my arm pits in heaven. The warm wet embrace of her inner skin folds touched my every fibre and my dick wanted to dig into this flesh. Then unexpected Lisa fingers parted her lips and my grip slipped and I slid inside her deeper and deeper until I was perhaps half way in her love cave and in darkness except for the small light beyond as her huge fingers played. It was a little hard to breathe and I just instinctively humped myself silly into her flesh which brought on a bellow of giant moans from the outside to my actions. As I pumped my dick rubbed deep into her inner flesh , sticky fluids slid off the walls that contracted around my body rhythmically and I came in a torrent spending my load but Lisa must also have reached her climax as my whole surroundings nearly drowned me and I gasped for air momentarily as I felt myself dragged out by gravity and her finger tips as she knelt up and reached inside herself. My semi limp body which was exhausted dropped into her palm below and my hair and body was thick with her juices. Looking up I noticed her glazed eyes and her flushed features and her heaving chest catching her breath, it was clear that this giantess was absolutely fulfilled beyond any expectations from our encounter. Lisa placed me between her breasts and I lay there recovering as she laid back.
After what must have been twenty minutes she uttered her first words since her orgasm.
“You are so sexy this small baby that was the ultimate orgasm I just had. It went from my head to my toes and back again Ive never felt it so intense before”
I was surprised and delighted to have pleasured her from just being inside her I didn’t even really do anything to her or her main pleasure centres yet she had such a thunderous orgasm.
“Just feeling your body touching me and seeing you disappear inside me was ..” she closed her eyes and sighed “ .. I cant explain”
“ I cant believe it myself babe I mean I was actually inside your giant @#%$ , deep inside you if I hadnt been enjoying myself so much I should have panicked for my life but it felt so right so good to be so close to you almost like I was for a minute part of you”
“We must do that again and soon baby” Lisa began as she lifted me and walked to the bathroom.
For the next hour we had a bath together , Lisa enjoyed covering me in her shower gel and washing my body . I loved it when she let me wash her massive breasts which took me ages as I was unable to reach all of them. Finally she dried me and allowed me to retrieve my shorts whilst she dressed in a very short red summer dress that simply looked sprayed on to her curves. I sat on her jewellery box on top of her dresser watching her apply her lipstick and we chatted.
“I wish I didn’t have to change you back baby I love having a little man to play with as much as you seem to enjoy me being a giant woman”
“Hey Lisa perhaps we will get another chance to do it again before I go back”
“I hope so tiny because its tempting just to leave you this way”
Lisa’s teasing was such a turn on because I knew if she wanted to she could keep me as her little toy man and I would be helpless to alter the situation.
“I fancy a walk and grabbing some food by the beach are you up for that tiny?”
“Sure big woman Im all yours”
“You certainly are “
Lisa fixed her hair into a ponytail and smirked.
” Oh dear no pockets on my dress so what’s it to be sweetie middle floor ladies silk knickers or top floor ladies lacy bras?”
“Ill take the top floor madam” I grinned and once more I was placed in the paradise of her cleavage out of sight and pressed into gorgeous boob flesh.
Lisa walked out to the beach by the house and grabbed some takeaway food she took me to a secluded cliff top and set me on her lap as I shared small morsels of her meal. That evening we returned to her house and Shauni was home. Lisa seeing Shauni’s Jeep outside whispered down into her cleavage for me to keep still.
“Hey Shauni”
Shauni was stretched out on the sofa watching a DVD and wearing only a skimpy t-shirt.
“Hi Lisa , where’s Steve?”
“Oh err he decided to go visiting a relative in the area he is staying overnight”
“So its just us girls eh? Hey Lisa, Im worried about CJ she was so pissed with Jake this afternoon and I think she may do something rash”
Inside her bra as the two girls talked I was desperately trying to see through the material and catch a glimpse of Shauni but it was far to thick.
“Jake? Didn’t she confront him this morning on the beach and sort out that RV business ?”
“Well yeh he was pretty meek this morning alright totally agreeable but I guess he didn’t want her to stomp him then”
Shauni laughed and continued “but this afternoon he had her in tears. He back tracked big time on what they agreed, him selling the RV and them splitting the money and then announced by 10 am tomorrow he’s off travelling the world with that Crystal girl he dumped CJ for and she knows she’ll never see him or her investment again. I caught her in the gym this afternoon working out her frustrations but she was so depressed Im worried about her”
“That guy is such a jerk Shauni , should we invite her to stay the night she might need a shoulder to cry on I know she didn’t really get over him when that incident with Crystal happened”
“I thought of that but she wants to be alone, guess we should console her after he leaves perhaps go out with her tomorrow night a girls night out?”
“sure” Lisa edged towards the stairs tailing off their conversation just as the phone rang.
“Ill get it” Shauni reached for the cordless phone on the coffee table in the living area.
“yes ok Mitch I will let her know “
“hey girl before you disappear that was Mitch you remember that aqua-lung company with the fancy slim line tanks? Well they want us to test their new range and Mitch has changed your duty for tomorrow morning, your out on a scarab with Eddie at 9 oclock test diving the new gear. “
“but Shauni I cant I must be on the mini-maxer duty”
“that’s ok hes got Ann to change duty with you”
“you don’t understand I need to”
“what?” Shauni looked puzzled at Lisa reaction
“nothing I guess if Mitch wants me on the boat that’s , that”
“I get it you still want the afternoon free because of seeing Steve , don’t worry its only a morning session Mitch knows your on half days this week and next”
Lisa said unconvincingly and rapidly went upstairs with me to her room after saying goodnight to Shauni. I was worried boy was I worried , as much as it was fun and novel to be an inch and a half tall spending another complete day this way unexpectedly was a real surprise.
Lisa retrieved me from her bra and I watched her undress as she prepared herself for bed. As she slipped on a short t-shirt I paced her dresser surface.
“Lisa I didn’t expect to be like this all day tomorrow “
“Sorry babe I cant help it I guess someone up there is giving me my wish to keep you small for a bit longer”
“yeh but going out to sea with you that’s scary what if I fall overboard I would never swim back and the waves”
My mind raced at the frightening thoughts of a giant ocean at my scale.
“That’s not a problem baby because there is no way Im even taking you with me , I cant if im diving you would be left on the boat and what if Eddie spotted you or some equipment fell on you I cant risk it”
We didn’t discuss this further she was right and it didn’t make sense for me to go with her. Lisa then wanted to discuss our sleeping arrangements.
“Now tiny your gonna sleep in my panty drawer tonight “
Lisa lifted me above a deep drawer under the dresser which she pulled a quarter out exposing a literal sea of silk, lace and cotton underwear all giant sized and very sexy to behold at this scale.
“I told you I would keep you in my panty drawer one day didn’t I?”
I was lifted by Lisa once more and she pressed me into those full lips leaving me fully aroused as she lowered me into the mass of underwear that would become my bed. Taking a last look at me from above the towering sides of her drawer she smiled at me and blew me a kiss before getting into bed. I found myself dwarfed by her sexy knickers around me. Many of them I recognised infact many of them I had bought for her but now I was surrounded by these delicate fabrics and I decided I would wrap myself in a pair of red silk knickers I had bought her for a birthday day and I tried to concentrate on sleeping but how could I? Totally immersed in a pair of silk knickers that belonged to my giantess girlfriend I couldn’t sleep I was far to aroused and I had to satisfy myself before I could drift off.

Morning came suddenly as I found myself being lifted up on top of those very knickers and I stared into Lisa’s two huge blue eyes.
“good morning sleepy head “
She greeted and set me down on the bed surface. I could see as she loomed over me that she was already dressed and obviously ready to go. I was surprised such a giant hadn’t woken me with her every move as she readied herself.
“Hey babe , man I slept well” I enthused
Suddenly Lisa pulled the knickers like a carpet from under me so I fell on my backside.
“So I see, you enjoyed yourself in my big knickers didn’t you?”
She grinned holding up her knickers showing the small pea sized stain I had made last night.
“guess in future Im gonna have to make sure I drain off all your excitement before I put you to bed in my sexy knickers, I hope you were thinking of me?”
I grinned and flushed a bit red at being discovered it made me feel smaller than I was to be found out that I had masturbated in her underwear. It didn’t seem to bother her and she was obviously amused that I couldn’t temper my passions when I was so small.
“Listen Steve this is important baby , I have left you some food and a small container of drink in one of my boots on the floor down there in the corner and if you get the call of nature whilst I am out Ive left a tiny pot down there as well. I will try and be as fast as I can but please don’t leave my bedroom its not safe for you at your size , ok?”
“but what am I going to do all day?”
“Its only a few hours darling your giantess will soon be back to take care of you and by mid day Im going to be so horny for you”
She lifted me in her hand and I could see the look of disappointment in her face before she kissed me. “I really wish I could just drop you down inside my costume and take you with me but its not safe. Here you go you explore my big bedroom and Ill see you later sexy”
I watched Lisa leave and noticed she hadnt closed the door fully behind her.
An hour later I was walking through the knee high carpet taking in the sights of her room. I was beginning to get bored the novelty of her oversized room was wearing off and so I decided to investigate her boot. Lying on its side next to an identical but upright black leather go-go boot was the boot hiding my basic survival kit she had left me. As I approached her boot the upright one looked vast and towered like a huge thin black building over me. The heel was enormous and the boots had a platform base that easily was up to my neck. I loved to see her in these boots , she often wore them for parties and going out on the town with small mini skirts and the heels did elevate her so I didn’t have to bend over so much when we kissed. I think she said they had 5 inch heels on them but 5 inches to me now was towering.
I walked around to the circular entrance of the boot on its side and instantly I could smell the leather and the faint waft of something else? Ah yes I knew this smell it was her feet , I could remember last year when I played with her pretty dainty feet and kissed them , sure this smell was of Lisa.
I stepped into the boot and it was so deep! This really emphasized just how long those legs of hers had become to me now as this tunnel of leather looked a good walk to the heel end. It was then I saw a small toy bowl filled with biscuit fragments , bread crumbs and other bits of food and I tucked in. I also had a drink it was water plain and simple but in a plastic cup that was ken doll size but to me it was more like a small barrel. Walking around and climbing over her boots proved amusing for the next half hour but boredom set in again, I needed new stimulus. As if by divine intervention a distraction presented itself. I heard some humming , a loud but sweet melodious voice that was coming up the stairs along with great big thuds of some shoes. Lisa ? I thought, no not so soon , it had to be Shauni. The sounds went into the adjacent room and I knew it had to be Shauni. My little brain between my legs perked up and prompted the question of what she might look like as a taller giantess than before , she was taller than Lisa and had an equally sexy outline it would be awesome just to take a peek at her. Following my curiosity rather than my better judgement I walked the long way across the room and out the door and quickly over to Shauni’s bedroom.
Stealthily I entered the room and made for the first cover I could find which was a wicker laundry basket. I looked around the edge and beheld the stunning view of this colossal blonde babe with her back to me as she was dressing herself. Her legs which I knew could only be a few inches more than Lisa’s in length looked immense and what a figure! She was half dressed in just some pink girly ankle socks and she had a very tight and skimpy pair of cut off jean shorts on. High above she was just putting on a bra and I could see her hands clip it into place from behind on her back. She was looking at herself in a half length mirror and she slipped a pink crop top on and began striking some poses. I marvelled at her for what seemed 5 minutes before I became braver and thought about running across the open floor and under her bed so I could get in front of her and take a better view point. I could see she was gathering what must have been yesterdays underwear by her feet and I raced out whilst she fussed with this. My heart thumped hard this was exhilarating. I was several metres into my sprint for cover when a huge shadow caught my peripheral view and wallop!
I was forced hard into the soft carpet as something landed on me descending from the sky like a net. I got to my feet and my head rubbed into soft black fabric that was filled with perfume. I was caught up in something huge a piece of Shauni’s clothing that had fallen? I tried to find a way out under the relatively heavy cloth that covered me. Then I saw a white label stitched into the material before me , it was a little dark under the tent like structure that had captured me but I grabbed the label and pulled it flat to read…”Wonderbra size 36DD”
Holy cow I was under one of Shauni’s bra’s the one she was picking up before I ran !
What I hadnt realised was that she had thrown a g-string and this bra over her shoulder towards the laundry basket just as I had attempted my daring crossing of her room.
“What on earth?”
I heard her loud booming voice from above , had she seen me? I began to panic a little and I tried to lay down only just realising my small height would have made an impression on the outside of the bra cup above me.Then all the black material around me closed in rapidly , there was no escape. I found myself constricted as ….oh no the bra was lifted up with me trapped inside! For a few seconds I lost my orientation until light poured in around me and I was gently swaying laid on my back in the deep centre of one enormous bra cup. This bra cup was so big I couldn’t have climbed up and out of it , if I wasn’t so scared I might have enjoyed thinking about the sheer scale of Shauni’s breasts that would fill this cup but every thing happened so fast. As I looked up there was Shauni looking down at me captured in her giant bra, a one and a half inch man trembling in fear of this giant blondes reaction.
“what do we have here ?” A look of wonder filled her face.
“A tiny little man in my bra ? Your real arent you?”
She looked closer
“Steve is that you?”
I saw the look of wonder transform to that of a full smile in her recognition that it was me.
”Naughty , naughty Lisa using company property to shrink her boyfriend down”
I was more than nervous now , hell I was pretty scared stood trapped in a bra cup as big as any tent I had ever camped in and at the mercy of a pretty blonde giantess that I hardly knew.
“So I see that our little encounter the other day wasn’t an accident eh little man?”
I didn’t speak but simply cowered in her bra what a wimp I felt but until you have been in such a circumstance its easy to say how brave you might be.
“can you speak? Come on I want some answers tiny or I might give you as a present to the little girl who lives at the end of this road , lets see now she’s about 6 or 7 years old and she would die for a moving little dolly”
“Im sorry Shauni” I began “we didn’t mean for anyone to find out we just wanted a bit of fun”
Shauni smiled at my little voice no doubt .
“And I bet you have had a lot of fun haven’t you being this small? . I know when you saw me you got very excited and it quite intrigued me as well. CJ seems to have a liking for tiny men and so I find does Lisa there must be something in this….. you are pretty puny this small your really lucky I didn’t step on you without knowing”
“can I go now?”
“and where would you go little one ? You came in my bedroom for a reason I think you’ve been peeping on me haven’t you? I know you fancy me and I know you like giant women that’s it isn’t it? You wanted to check me out see what my giant body looks like?”
I flushed red she saw straight through me and I said nothing.
“you naughty little boy, if I was a nasty girl I might take offence and teach you a lesson for spying on me like this but I think it was very brave for a little guy your size to even come in here because I must be pretty terrifying towering over you like I do. And now your in my clutches , well in my big bra anyway”
Her face broke into a smile a mischievous smile that I wasn’t sure about.
“I bet you like big breasts don’t you Steve ? That’s why Lisa had hers enlarged isn’t it and being shrunk so tiny it makes them all the more larger for you. I bet you love it when she teases you with boobs larger than you are”
I didn’t react but I was starting to wonder what she was going to do with me.
“please Shauni Im so sorry I intruded can we just forget this happened and you release me ?”
I was totally sincere and looked into her blue eyes hoping she would comply.
“Release you what out of my bra , I don’t think you really want that now do you Steve? I mean here you are a tiny weeny little man trapped in a humongous sexy bra , I mean have you even thought how big the boobs that fill that bra you are in could be? I know you have , I saw you look at my cleavage the other night when I had my slinky cat-suit on and Im betting you would like a closer look now wouldn’t you Steve , see how much larger they look to you?”
Oh my , I was in deep here she was teasing me and it was working my nerves had begun to subside and I was getting aroused by her teasing lines.
“No I err just want you to put me down please”
“That doesn’t sound very convincing Steve are you sure? Are you sure you aren’t the slightest bit curious what’s under my top?
Shauni lowered me so I was now level with her amazing chest which looked incredible in the crop top she was wearing perhaps larger than Lisa or was it because this top of hers was so snug to the shapes that swelled it from within. She rubbed the outside of the bra net I was in with one of her breasts and I was gently rocked in the air from the collision. Shauni laughed and proceeded to knock me the other direction with the alternate breast.
“Come on little man admit to me you want to see my giant boobs don’t you? They are part of the reason you came in here?”
I was gawping at her heavenly shape as it hovered so close to me and I was fighting back my arousal now.
“Please Shauni” I called up to her not sure if I really did want her to stop or continue.
“Please what little man ? Please show me your boobs? Why if you insist. Hold on to my bra”
Shauni release one side of the bra I was in and as I held on for dear life I was suspended in the air as her bra hung down. Freeing her other hand from supporting me she began to lift me higher until I was directly over her chest and as I fought to hold on to the fabric I looked down below to see her silicon enhanced breasts pushing up a cleavage formation that was stunning and so firm as only artificial breasts could be , defying gravity so well.
“You better climb down before you fall little man “
I saw she had strategically allowed the strap of the bra I clung to drape into her cleavage and I had no option but to descend for my own safety and played right into her plan. I used her thick bra strap like a massive flat rope and like a little SAS soldier I lowered myself.
“That’s so cute what a little action man you are”
In seconds I was perched a top her ledge of breasts infact on her right breast above her crop top. The warm flesh felt great and my view now of that sexy valley before me made my dick stand up like a rocket.
“I knew you would enjoy this , come on climb down into my bra we are going out”
“but” I began
“In the bra I wont ask twice “
I didn’t have a choice the firmness in her command told me she was totally in charge and I dropped into her beautiful valley and squeezed myself tight in between her breasts. She wiggled a little to let me drop about an inch from the top of her cleavage line and I was once more trapped.
“comfy? You feel pretty nice in there . Im starting to appreciate small men myself”
Shauni walked downstairs and began to put some shoes on and soon we had left the house and entered her car.
“Shauni where are you taking me?”
I was concerned I still didn’t know If I could trust this woman and I was so completely helpless.
“Don’t fret tiny we are going roller blade-ing on the main promenade by the beach and I could use some company it’ll be fun to have you in there”
Ten minutes later and she was putting on her in-line skates and cruising along the paved area before the special beach. I had seen many girls dress like she was in the past all skating and having fun showing off their fit bodies as they darted about but I had never imagined being in the bra of one of those hot babes as they skated. The wind slightly cut through her thin top and bra and I could sense the speed of our travel perhaps she was going 6 or 7 miles and hour but to me it seemed we could take off!

“isn’t this great!” she beamed looking down her cleavage at me .
I must admit I was enjoying the company of her two breasts and the lovely smell of her skin and her huge beautiful face and blonde hair sailing in the wind stream above was dazzling. Shauni stopped for a second resting on a public bench and I found by now after her exercise spurt her breasts had begun to get warmer and giant sweat beads formed on them around me as large as my fist. Although this made me hot it wasn’t as unpleasant as you may imagine infact the smell from her exertion was kind of nice. Looking around first Shauni lifted me out into her palm.
“Did you enjoy that little one? I bet these are a lot firmer than Lisa’s eh?”
Suddenly we heard a thunderous noise and Shauni look around . Following the sound which was a terrible ripping noise we looked across to the roofline of the mini-maxer shrink chamber and I couldn’t believe my eyes!
A huge hole ripped open shredding the roof panels like a thin tin can and two huge hands pushed the hole wider followed by a mass of bleached blonde hair as the gigantic face of CJ rose from the hole!
Larger she grew splitting destroying the roof as her body swelled to unimaginable proportions as CJ began to tower over the building whilst still stood inside it. The glow of the chamber illuminated her knees now as she continued to grow higher and higher in the sky line suddenly becoming taller than anything around the area and dominating the view. As the growth process continued from the emitters bombarding her feet she was now too large to be contained in the building and satisfied with her height CJ stepped out of the building still growing as she did!
I couldn’t tell exactly how massive she was but the cars in the parking lot at her bare feet simply looked like miniatures it was a scene that I had only witness in the mega giantess collages , CJ was
simply titanic!
We both watched as she turned to the mini-maxer structure and simply began to stamp on its walls crushing it in like a matchstick model.
“No one will stop me now “ she laughed in a thunderous voice that carried like a mega-phone.
“Jake! Where are you ? You little worm”
CJ stepped as carefully as she could over parked cars thudding her enormous feet down into the tarmac cracking it as she stomped on a mission to find Jake.
“Holy @#%$! CJ no!”
Shauni was completely alarmed and stood up she placed me on the bench and threw off her blades and sweeping me up swiftly I was tucked into the top band of her tight shorts and seeing I was holding on she made her way towards the giantess in the distance.
“Oh Steve we cant let her get to Jake she’ll kill him!”
By the time we arrived at the area that Jakes and CJ’s luxury RV was parked she was standing over it with the tiny vehicle right between her two feet.
I looked up and it wasn’t a woman I saw way above with her head looking like it would touch the very clouds it was a mountainside of a female. She was dressed in just a tight red baywatch costume and her breasts must have been easily bigger than half the size of those blimps that circle around dragging advertising hoardings with them!
As you could appreciate from my very perspective she was bigger than the largest of skyscrapers I had ever seen. Somehow if it was possible Shauni didn’t seem so imposing to me anymore this was a true giantess enormous beyond belief to everybody in the whole area.
I could hear distance cop sirens but they wouldn’t arrive fast enough .
“ come out Jake I know you are in there”
CJ demanded and stomped a great foot down which unsettled everything within a 30 foot radius causing a lot of car alarms to go off and some people to stumble as they tried to run clear of this giantess. It was like a movie with an angry giantess on the rampage.
Suddenly CJ bent down and darkness descended from her shadow all around as she grabbed the tiny RV in her hands and lifted it up to look through the windows. Jake must have had some view of her eye balls pressed up and filling those windows !
“I know your in there you had better come out right now”
CJ put the vehicle back down but not very softly Im sure she must have totalled the suspension.
Shauni walked up to her nervously and shouted up as I held my ears.
“CJ ! CJ! It me Shauni please stop! Please think about what your doing!”
CJ smiled to see her friend and knelt down almost calm for a few seconds
“Hello Shauni , I would get back if I was you things might get a little dangerous if Jake doesn’t do as he’s told I don’t want you to get hurt.”
CJ totally ignored Shauni’s additional pleas for her to stop she was far to focused for that. From my perspective stuck in the snug fit of Shauni’s waist band I could see CJ was determined to get her hands on Jake. Suddenly two cop cars screeched up on the scene but CJ wasn’t about to be distracted by two tiny police men , before the cops could even get out of their cars she grab a car in each hand lifting then high into the air.
“sorry guys but you cant stop a woman on a mission especially a giant woman like me!”
CJ side stepped to the beach and set the cars down on their ends pushing them deep into the sand so the doors had been covered trapping temporarily the poor officers within until they could be pulled out. Her attention was back to the tiny RV and she slammed a foot back down outside it rocking the RV as if it was in an earthquake. Although myself and Shauni watched from about 50 feet away every movement trembled the ground under Shauni.
“I cant stop her Steve , she is so big she could crush him like a bug!”
I gulped down hard at the mere thought and even if I was my normal size I wouldn’t have got in the way of CJ to attempt to stop her. All we could do was watch like the growing crowd of gawping spectators. The door of the RV opened and two people stepped out a man and a woman.
The guy was obviously Jake I assumed and perhaps his new woman?
“There you are and with that little tart as well” Boomed CJ.
I think Jake began to say something but in seconds CJ had grabbed the woman up in her hand knocking Jake on his butt as she did so.
“So he chose you over me did he? What was it Jake did she have bigger tits than me? They don’t look so big now”
CJ ripped the top off the frightened woman in her hand and exposed her chest. Pointing a finger at her teeny breasts she giggled
“I bet my nipples are ten times the size of those pathetic excuses you call breasts”
CJ dangled the woman high above in the air half naked and the crowd gasped thinking she was going to let her fall from such a great height. CJ simply turned and stepped over to one of the flag poles at the edge of the beach and stuck the woman on the top. The woman was completely humiliated holding on for dear life some 30 feet high on this pole unable to cover herself at all and with all the onlookers surrounding her. Jake had decided to flee he was running across the car-park at full sprint. Two steps from CJ and she blocked his escape with a giant foot. He turned and ran the other direction and her other foot came crashing down.
“Pathetic ! You have always been pathetic Jake, you and her deserve each other but I need to teach you a lesson”
Jake crawled under an 18 wheeler articulated lorry feeling safe when the whole lorry was picked up in a simple gesture by CJ , she took one look at it and through it down like a toy over the crowd and into a deserted section of beach it crumpled from the impact but luckily didn’t explode. Jake like a bug who had been discovered under a rock didn’t know where to run from this giantess. He managed to reach one of the close marine shelters and ran inside for cover. CJ laughed at his attempt to evade her clutches and knelt down beside the shelter than was still only as tall as her waist level.
“Jake! You are ticking me off now you little insect”
I heard the amazing sound as CJ simply ripped open a hole in the roof of the building with ease reaching a hand inside she picked Jake out struggling in vain between her finger nails as she clasped the scruff of his top. She stood up again and dropped him in her palm. I couldn’t see what was happening now but CJ spoke down to him.
“You didn’t think you could get away with it did you Jake? First dumping me for some hooker and then trying to keep the RV I worked so hard to afford. Well if you want the RV so bad you can have it because I don’t think its roomy enough for me now.”
CJ smiled and walked back to the RV and raised her foot hovering over it.
“No CJ!” I heard the cry from her hand but it was too late. Crunch! The RV was pressed into the tarmac and flattened in an instant as her tremendous weight was brought upon it. I guess it was hardly taller than a foot now and totally unrecognisable , a junk yard compactor couldn’t have done a better job! She lifted the thin flat wreckage to display it before Jake who must have been in total disbelief at her actions and then she tossed it like a discus way out into the ocean some several hundred feet.
“I like being a giantess Jake you know why?”
He didn’t answer.
“Because now no man will ever take advantage of me again. All men should be as little as you are to me now Jake so us women can command the respect we deserve.”
She moved over to the woman on the flag pole who was teetering on its top still.
“Look at your little woman now Jake she isn’t so impressive is she not when you see what you gave up for her”
CJ confronted Jake with her impossible chest and her incredible cleavage that gave her such a sexy frame in her tight red swimsuit.
“Look at the size of you Jake your nothing compared to these now “
She dropped him into her cleavage and I watched looking up to see her next move. CJ clasped her hands aside her huge breasts and pressed them in. Jake was completely helpless caught in her titanic tits and now smothered by them for an instant. I could hear him yell for help and then his muffled cries as she kept pushing in and releasing her breasts around his tiny body.
“I could squish you like a little bug in-between my tits Jake but that would be to easy”
She plucked his scared now almost limp body out and as more cop cars came she walked off with Jake in hand stripping his clothes off as she went and stepping over the crowds and off into the distance towering over ever building in sight. The last I saw of her was her blonde hair disappearing behind some of the lower buildings as she went further away.
Shauni lifted me up in her hand to her face.
“I don’t believe what I have just seen”
“me neither” I remarked
“He was even smaller to her than you seem to me , CJ must be more than 200 feet tall”
“hey she looked thousands of feet tall to me , suddenly you don’t seem so big”
“well Im still big enough to do this little man”
Shauni lowered me into her crop top and wiggled me down into her bra as she went back to her Jeep. For the next hour she drove around trying to find her giant pal but to no avail , you would think it was easy to find a curvy blonde who was nearly as tall as Godzilla but even the police sirens had died down and the commotion that CJ had left in her wake.
“Dam where is that big bimbo?” Shauni banged the dashboard frustrated “I hope she hasn’t killed that little bastard. Come on tiny we better head home and catch the news”
We arrived at the house and I was still under her top warmly immersed in her bra. I was starting to get used to travelling this way and I had decided Shauni meant me no harm she was just a big tease.
Whilst I was jostled around in her top I wondered how on earth I would be made normal again as the mini-maxer was trashed but there was nothing I could do about it .As we entered the house I heard Lisa’s voice greeting Shauni she was in a panic.
“Shauni! Where have you been ? Have you seen Steve?”
“Hey Lisa, what wrong have you lost your man?”
I went to call out but Shauni must have folded her arms across her chest as I was consumed by boob flesh drowning me out.
“Its just that he’s, well he , I err…nothing “ Lisa stopped herself and went outside to look for me.
“I think she’s missing her little pipsqueek don’t you”
“Shauni come on let me out Lisa’s worried cant you see that?”
“It wont hurt her to long for you just a bit Ill give you back to her but first I want you to do something for me”
I looked up at her face through her cleavage and she smiled.
“I want you to make me cum little man”
I was shocked at her words and she was serious. She walked upstairs with me and closed her bedroom door. Settling down on the bed she took of her top and her bra letting me fall onto her stomach.
“Im sorry to do this to you but I might never get another chance to be with a little man I mean they’ll surely take the equipment away from Headquarters and well CJ trashed the beach mini-maxer for good.”
“Shauni I cant”
I looked up to her and those imposing towering tits of hers , even prone those silicon enhanced wonders didn’t shrink at all she was a very big girl and my manhood appreciated that.
“See Steve you know you want to get close to me I can see your little shorts getting tighter down there”
“But Lisa”
“Lisa is outside and its just you and me tiny I wont tell if you don’t. Come on Steve you wont get another offer like this , a sexy blonde ready to let you pleasure her with no strings attached. You know Im so big I could force you but there’s no fun in that …your thinking about it arent you?”
My head spun from her come on . The sexy landscape under me and all around me begged my attention but being faithful to my Lisa was nagging me I had been away a year from her and never betrayed her trust but then I hadnt been seduced by a sexy giantess before.
“Come on Steve think how much of a rush it would be with another woman feeling my giant breasts , seeing what I keep in these little shorts of mine , you know you want me”
Shauni was tweaking her great nipples way above me and I watched them grow in her fingers. Then her hand came down with her long red painted finger nails that glided gently down my body touching my back , my bottom and them the back of my legs before it continued to her waist band behind me. I turned to see her button being released and slowly the enormous metal zip going down revealing that she had a hot pink g-string on!
I didn’t see her other hand as I watched the show and then two fingers clasped me around the waist from behind and I was set on top her left breast. The surface was less giving than Lisa’s and almost hard but it looked dam sexy! Her breasts were huge and her nipple bigger than Lisa’s begging for me to pay attention to it.
“go on you want to …how can you resist Steve my giant body is yours “
Well Im weak that’s all I can say and I challenge another man who has my same loves in life to tell me they wouldn’t have crumbled at this point. I hugged her nipple and kissed it. Shauni moaned softly and encouraged me.
“harder Steve hold it let me feel your body against it”
Before I could continue Shauni held me again and slid my body over her breasts until my dick was rock hard . She pulled off my shorts and let them fall on the bed.
“such a nice little body , such a nice tiny little dick I bet this is quite impressive when your not one and a half inches tall but then it wouldn’t be so easy to do this with it”
Suddenly my dick was on her tongue she liked the shaft with her giant wiggling muscle and my inner thighs and legs with it.
“I must have you little man” she moaned and I was taken from the caress of her tongue and slid feet first into her hot-pink g-string. Shauni had a shaven @#%$ it was as large from the outside as Lisa’s as my legs explored its interior to Shauni’s contentment she made positive noises from above.
Her fingers pushed me deeper into her and she circled me around in her wetness.
Then I heard foot steps “Lisa!”
Shauni pushed me totally into her deep softness in one suprisingly swift action. She then pulled up her shorts. Throwing on her top with no bra she stood up as Lisa walked in the room.
“Shauni have you noticed anything strange here today?”
I could hardly hear the voices from outside her hot @#%$ as I was trapped within it. The air was thin and filled with her strong scent much like Lisa’s . Knowing my sweetheart was in the same room as I was stuck inside her friends @#%$ was to much for me I burst my load inside Shauni. Shauni was having a job to concentrate and act normal , Lisa had noticed her bullet sized nipples pressing into her top
but didn’t say anything figuring Shauni had been playing with herself.
“I err sorry Shauni I didn’t mean to just walk in , Idd better leave”
Shauni sat back down and the jean shorts zipped free again as two fingers opened the exit to the giant world above me and Shauni bucked and came as she stimulated her clit with her fingers.
I was drawn out and she carried me to the on-suite in her bedroom to wash her juices off me.
“That was so much fun little man , thank you. That will be our little secret” She winked.
When I was washed Shauni returned my shorts to me and took me in her hand downstairs.
Lisa greeted us by the base of the stairs.
“Steve!” She beamed and took me from Shauni’s hand and pressed me to her cheek.
“Is this why you’ve been acting so strange girl I found your naughty secret in the bathroom just a minute ago he was calling out stuck behind the sink pedestal.”
“Im so sorry Shauni please don’t tell Mitch it was just a bit of fun that’s all”
“If you had seen what I have seen today Lisa I don’t think Mitch will be bothered”
The two giant woman sat down and discussed the mornings events whilst I sat on Lisa giant leg as she was still in her lifeguard costume.
“So CJ is out there with her ex at her mercy”
“That’s it in a nut shell”
We looked on the news and it must have been suppressed from media coverage , this didn’t surprise me because the company that built the mini-maxer technology was wealthy enough to own the media and they could buy silence.
The next topic of conversation was getting me back to normal and it was decided that I would be smuggled into HQ and enlarged back there the sooner the better incase the whole program of using the machines was called off after the CJ incident. Shauni said she would assist with getting Lisa access to the machine.
As fate would have it Mitch rang Shauni in the next few minutes from the Police control centre he was busy in the search for CJ and coming up with plans to get her back to normal. He asked if Shauni knew where CJ might go but she had no clue, however he did ask her to go to HQ and see if she could take the mini-maxer main power unit out and bring it to him so it could be inserted into a mobile version the local military base had offered for service to this little crisis. The plan was to shrink CJ when they found her.
“Great “ Shauni explained his call and said they could enlarge me before she disassembled the system component.
An hour later and in a quiet Baywatch HQ Lisa lifted me out of her Jacket pocket and onto the floor of the little chamber. She fired up the mini-maxer and in seconds I was back to my old self. Six feet four felt like being a giant after the last few days I can tell you.
Shauni left us and Lisa and I drove back in her car.
“what a day” I remarked
“crazy eh?”
“sure was”
“did you enjoy being little while it lasted babe”
”you know I did”
“Talking of little I have to make a decision on these tomorrow Steve” she pushed out her chest
“Lisa its up to you babe nothing will compare with how they looked to me earlier today
and last night “
We laughed and arrived at the house.

The next morning I woke up and Lisa had gone off early to the special clinic. In my holiday mode as I was now I had managed to have a relaxing morning in bed. Playing with giantesses had taken it out of me and I needed my rest.
I got up and dressed in some shorts and a sports vest and headed downstairs. I hadnt seen Shauni since yesterday and when I came into the kitchen she was at the table reading the paper.
“Hey my little man-dildo”
She grinned
“cut that out Shauni Lisa might suspect something”
“sorry but I couldn’t resist”
“How’s the CJ situation?”
“Oh she’s safe we found her last night and her handy work”
“handy work ?”
“She had him naked and had used him much like I had you yesterday evening but without his consent. You should have seen the state of him I had to give him CPR to revive him he was nearly drowned in her! We reduced her with the army’s modified prototype unit and I think she’s got a lot of explaining to do. But Jake isn’t pressing charges he’s scared to death of CJ”
We chatted for some more until I heard Lisa’s car arrive.
I stepped out eager to see if she had retained her impressive swells. From the distance she looked different her chest still seemed prominent in her tight bikini top she wore and there was something else?. I walked over to her and she smiled and greeted me. Suddenly I aware she was staring me in the face eye to eye!
“Like the new me?”
“Your taller, much taller but how?”
She kissed me without me having to lean down a strange experience for us both. I noted her flat slip on shoes and smiled at her long , long legs. She looked hot very hot and her chest didn’t seem that much smaller at all.
“I went to the clinic and thought about what to do , you loved my big boobs and I was going to keep them when I heard one of the girls in reception talk about the option she had to become taller , seems it’s a new service so I swapped my bigger breasts for a few more inches on my legs and hey presto you’ve got a six foot stunner of a girlfriend.”
“wow 6 foot no wonder you legs look so long!”
I admired those wonderful pins and then drifted my eyes across her chest again,
“Oh and these are still a little larger they lost my original statistics when their computer crashed so I lied and said I was a Double D cup when I came in and combined with a little height increase Idd say Ive got my moneys worth if the heads I turned on the way out the building are anything to judge by”
We hugged and I walked back to the door with my tall busty girlfriend.
“Hey Lisa wait a minute if you six foot I still should be 4 inches taller than you?”
She giggled
“Oh sorry babe I forgot to enter that four inches when I enlarged you didn’t I say?”
She smirked as the realisation hit me
“and babe do you remember those 5 inch heeled boots of mine”………