Trusty Lab Assistant
By Carnaj

It was my freshman year in High School; my 15th winter when my life and survival became someone else's concern. Through no planning of my own, though because of my own carelessness I imagine, I lost my ability to decide things for myself. When I eat, and sleep, and even when I go to the bathroom is all at the whim of my keeper. It really isn't such a horrible existence, but it can be trying and humiliating at times, and it is then when I wish it all would end. But it can't, so fate has decided. So I go on, day after day, doing as I am told... evermore...

Why me, I don't know. I was a good kid growing up, I like to think. I was happy at any rate, with parents who loved me and an older sister that did not treat me too bad. I suppose I was obnoxious from time to time, but who isn't? In school, I got into my share of fights, and more than a little bit of trouble, but I also got good grades and even made the honor roll on occasion. I was fairly average looking, if not a little tall and lanky, with wavy brown hair and a strong aquiline nose (okay, it was big). I was not ugly by any means, though I was not in league with my sister either. Christy was two years older than I was, and anyone who saw us side by side had trouble believing that she and I were related. She was five foot five (about a foot shorter than me), with sandy blonde hair, a pert little nose, and a body to die for. All of that, of course, made her one of the most popular girls in school with the boys. She was incredibly congenial, which made it hard for the other girls to dislike her. And she got almost straight A's, that made her a role model for the teachers to brag about. She was a cheerleader, and an honor student, and just about perfect, excelling in everything she did...damn her. Christy is not really to blame at all for my current predicament, except that I blame her for my somewhat rebellious nature from time to time. A man can only take so much comparison to his perfect sister before he snaps. Thus it was that when my English teacher was telling me how my older sister would have approached a certain writing assignment, I had to go and tell him "Well why don't you go get her to write the F***ing paper for you then!". Bad mistake on my part. It earned me two weeks of detention. Now detention at my high school was not sitting after class with all the campus thugs for hours on end. Some teacher in the past thought it would be a good idea to have malcontents such as myself go out into the school and help clean, thus working off our punishment. I'm quite sure that all the teachers at the time thought that a grand idea and patted themselves on the back for weeks. My teachers took it in stride as a fact of life, and so I was assigned to help out in the Science Labs after school for two hours every night for two weeks. My first scheduled night I arrived promptly after the last bell to Mr. McCormick's room. He would best be described as the 'Nutty Professor', Fred MacMurray, not Eddie Murphy. He was an old man about twenty years past retirement, eccentric and forgetful, with wisps of gray thread where his hair used to be and a pair of glasses with lenses thick as the bottoms of Coke bottles. He was likable as hell though, which I imagine was the reason he was not yet out to pasture. I found him sitting at his desk, shoving papers into an old battered brief case, preparing to leave. I introduced myself, and handed him my detention note, which he signed and put in his out box for pick up tomorrow. He then led me around the Science Class, explaining my duties and what was expected of me, babbling on about the weather and Physics as his mind wandered. Finally, he excused himself, explaining that he had a faculty meeting, and that his trusty lab assistant, Diane, whom he introduced, and who I already knew, would supervise me. I had grown up with Diane. She lived two houses down from me, and we had played together when we were little. We had walked to school together almost every morning until she went on to Junior High School, leaving me in the Sixth grade as she was one year older. We had drifted apart then, as it was not cool for her to be seen with an elementary school baby like myself, and then an underclassman as I followed her to Junior High, and then High School. She was never mean to me, or rude in any real way, but she did not go out of her way to acknowledge me either. It was the way of life in school. She had her cliques and friends, and I had mine. I said 'Hi' when Mr. McCormick introduced us, and she gave me a truly dazzling smile. I looked her up and down as the teacher explained to her why I was there, and I realized that I really had not noticed her for awhile. She was cute, with shoulder length brown hair and huge brown eyes. She did not wear much makeup; just a little lip gloss and pink polish on her finger and toe nails. Her body was well toned and shapely, and I remembered that she was on the girl's soccer team in the spring. That day she was wearing a tight yellow top that accentuated her breasts nicely, a knee length skirt that hugged her hips and showed off her legs, and popular blue flat leather sandals with straps and buckles. We both listened as Mr. McCormick rambled on for a bit, bustling about the room as he shoved more and more into his already bulging brief case. He was a character, to say the least, but likable, and I looked forward to taking his class the next semester. Suddenly, in a flurry, he glanced at the clock on the wall, bid a hasty farewell, and rushed out the door. Diane and I glanced at one another and burst out laughing. We chatted for a bit, until Diane thought we had best get to work cleaning up. She continued talking to me as she straightened out the desks, telling me to tidy up the dozen workstations. I explained what I had said to my English teacher and she laughed, sympathetic, as she had gone through school in the shadow of her own sister, Pam, who was five years older than she was. Still, she thought I should be used to it by now. I explained that since Christy was only two years older than I that she was still fresh in the teacher's minds, and there at school every day, so it was a little different was. She agreed, but still thought I should get over it, and she was probably right. It was about an hour into my penance when it happened. Diane had settled at Mr. McCormick's desk to grade some quizzes for him. I was watching her out of the corner of my eye, thinking how sexy she looked as she bounced one crossed leg, chewing on the eraser tip of her red pencil as she perused the papers before her. I was gathering beakers and bottles and vials into a plastic bin for washing, going from station to station down the line, my mind more on her than my work. I don't know if it was my lack of concentration, or the mixture of chemical fumes, or what, but I felt dizzy and stumbled, falling face first into the bin of chemicals that shattered on impact, splashing me with a burning mixture of liquid and gaseous fumes. My upper body was soaked, and my eyes were burning. I felt my skin boiling and sizzling from some acid based compound. I screamed. It was a pathetic little shriek, reminding me of a mouse I heard once that had burned itself trying to squeeze past a hot radiator. I was on the ground, and couldn't catch my breath to scream again, or call for help as I sucked in a lungful of the chemical fumes that were clouding around me. I tried to push up and away, but was too weak, I found, and my head was spinning like a top. I rolled over instead, splashing in the spilled chemicals, soaking my back as I gasped for breath. My body was in convulsions by then, and I felt my muscles cramping up which caused me no end of pain. I heard a ripping sound as I curled up in a fetal position, the left side of my brain slamming into the right with a jackhammer's force and speed, an agonizing pain building in my head. My stomach churned and heaved, and my lunch was suddenly in my mouth and spewing into the huge puddle beneath me. I voided my bowels, and everything went black... Diane told me later that I must have only been unconscious for a minute or two. I don't know, but when I came to, I was hurting. I felt as though I had gone on a bender the night before. My head was spinning and my skin felt hot, like sunburn. I could not focus my eyes, which were puffy and tearing. I was weak and sickly and moaned for anyone in earshot who might take sympathy on me. I was laying on my back, half sticking out of a huge water (chemical) logged sheet that I must have pulled over me when I fell to the floor. In my current inebriated like state, I was seeing things that I thought surely could not be there. Hallucinations, borne of the best drugs that money could buy. I saw the melted remains of the plastic bin I had been carrying off to my right, the shattered remains of the beakers and vials littered about it. The chemicals had eaten a hole in its side, and looking at it made my stomach lurch again for some reason. It seemed odd, and gargantuan as I lay there staring at it. I tried to back away, realizing that I was too close to focus on it and it was messing with my head. I was weak though, and that little bit of movement winded me. Better to lay there until help arrived, and I remembered Diane then. She would help me. I called her name.

"Diane." My voice was hoarse, and barely a whisper. She must have seen me fall though, or at least heard the commotion I thought. I waited, trying to focus on the still huge bin, and the gargantuan shards of broken glass... The towering walls of faded orange and brown that rose up around me. The garish light far above... Where was I?

THAP! THAP! THAP! THAP! The ground began to tremble slightly as I heard something massive approaching. I shivered in a sudden panic, still unable to move or cry out, wondering what was coming. I tried to roll over again, but I was tangled in the huge blue sheet that covered my body and did little more than prop up on my elbows as a great shadow fell upon me. I craned my neck, trying to see just what was blocking the light, and my head started to spin again as little flecks of gray danced in my vision. At the time, I thought I was hallucinating, as I looked up and saw Diane standing over me. But not the gentle happy Diane that I had grown up with. Not my friend. Diane was gigantic. I thought that the chemicals, and my position on the floor were playing with my vision. Diane appeared to tower above me, seemingly 100 feet tall (though she later figured the math and placed the relative size at about 60 feet). I stared in awe, my eyes travelling up her body from the flats of her sandals to the top of her head, soaking in every monstrous detail. Her toes were closest, just at the edge of the chemical pool that I was laying in. She was careful not to step in the liquid I noticed, and she shifted back as it continued to spread. I followed her legs as they rose like California Redwoods, disappearing into the folds of her skirt. I tilted my head back to see her stomach, then her breasts, which almost hid her face from my angle on the floor. I could not see her expression, as her head was silhouetted by the light overhead, and she held a chemical mask over her mouth against the fumes, but I could see her eyes, wide and sparkling. She moved, and I screamed, my voice choking as I thought she might step on me. I closed my eyes and felt my bowels empty again as I waited to be crushed under her massive feet. Then I felt a torrent of water raining down upon me. It was like a waterfall, hitting with a destructive force that ripped and burned my skin with the force of its impact. I tried to open my eyes, and squinting, I saw the gigantic Diane spraying down the area with a hose from one of the workstations. She doused the area for what seemed several minutes, oblivious to my feeble cries of mercy, spraying the chemical spill towards a drain set in the floor several yards from where I lay. I screamed, but my croaking voice was lost under the deluge. I felt my body shift and start to slide out from under the sheet, towards the drain as Diane bent lower to force the spill away. I was sliding along the cheap tile floor amidst the melted plastic and broken glass, just another bit of flotsam to be washed away into the sewers. I rolled over and over in the flood of water, bouncing along the metal grate, until I finally came to rest with the spray pounding down over me. I stared at the dark maw of the pipe beneath me, wondering what horrors awaited me down below, hoping I might drown before I had to find out. And the water stopped... I heard God then, her voice soft yet booming over me- "OH MY GOD..." I started to giggle then, as the absurdity of it all washed over me. God was calling upon god... Something hard pressed into my sides and I was screaming again. I was whisked up and away, into the air like a rocket, my body flying as something metallic swung me through the sky. I saw flashes of color; oranges and brown, a huge swath of blue splayed on the ground far below, then a splash of bright yellow before I was surrounded by steely gray and water was rushing past me again. I sputtered and gasped for breath, realizing that I must somehow be in one of the workstation sinks. My hands rested on the metal bars that pressed fiercely into my ribs, and I tried to no avail to pry them apart. I had regained some of my strength and voice, but I was still helpless as the water cascaded over me. I felt my body rotate from side to side, and after a few minutes, the torrent of water ceased. I felt myself flying again, for a heartbeat, before I was dumped onto a smooth, cool surface. The metal bars soared away into the distance, and I recognized them as lab tongs as they vanished from my line of sight. I coughed, spitting water from my lungs as I struggled to regain some composure. My skin no longer burned, and my head had stopped spinning now that my body was clean and settled. I tried to regain my voice, clearing my throat as I rose to my hands and knees. I was still shaking as I looked about, trying to figure where I was, and saw God staring me in the face. Only God looked exactly like Diane...

I screamed again, and this time it sounded more like a mewling whimper. I skittered back as far as my jellied muscles would allow before they gave out and I cringed in terror as my gigantic friend stared at me. She was resting her chin on her arm, her big brown eyes wide, a look of astonishment on her suddenly terrifying face. She made no move towards me, nor barely moved at all as she watched me, only blinking automatically, and wrinkling her brow as she tried to puzzle out what had happened. I could feel her warm breath on my bare and sensitive skin. "BILLY?" Her voice rolled over me in a wave and I clutched at my ears. It was deafening, like standing at the speakers at a rock concert. "Diane!" I squealed, remembering the mouse again. "Please!" She looked confused for a moment, then understood. When she spoke next, her voice was a soft whisper. "What happened? How..." I looked at her stupidly, puny me staring at her face. "I don't know." I whined, but I had an idea. Somehow I must have shrunk. Or maybe I was having the most vivid dream of my life. I thought whichever, that the mixture of chemicals that I had breathed in and splashed about my body had done this to me, and I told her so. She seemed a bit dubious, but the evidence, me, was right in front of her, so it did not take much to convince her that I was probably right. She stood upright then, and I felt my stomach twist as I watched her grow before me. She ran her hand through her short hair as she considered, and I saw her lips twist and curl as she thought what to do. She even went so far as to place one hand on her hip and scratch her head with the other. In the end she shrugged, then stared down at my naked body, laid out on the linoleum countertop of the workstation. "I dunno..." She shrugged again. "This is way beyond me Billy. Maybe Mr. McCormick would have some answer, but I don't have a clue as to how this happened." "I don't care how it happened, Diane. I know how it happened. Change me back!" I screamed. "AM I SPEAKING CHINESE?" she bellowed. "I DON'T KNOW HOW." She must have realized that I was hurting as she lowered her voice again. "I'm sorry Billy. I don't know what chemicals Mr. McCormick was using today, or how much of which you got on you. I doubt even he'll know, but that's our best hope right now. We should talk to him." "So go get him." I demanded. She sighed. "He had a faculty meeting, but that's probably long over. I don't have his home phone number. We'll have to wait until tomorrow." "Tomorrow!" I screamed. "Yes...Tomorrow. I don't know what else to do." "Fine." I pouted, and plopped down on the cold countertop. She stared down at me, a smirk playing at her lips. "I'm not leaving you here." "What?" I looked up, wondering what she was thinking. "I can't leave you here in the Science Lab all night. The janitor might sweep you out with the trash." She giggled, and I got to my feet. "What's your bright idea then?" "I'll take you home with me." A look of panic crossed her face then. "OH-MY-GOSH! WHAT ABOUT YOUR FOLKS?" I cringed as her voice boomed again, and I screamed for her to tone it down. "My parents are away for a couple weeks." I explained. They were upstate, visiting my Aunt who just had a baby. They would be gone for ten more days at least, leaving me at the tender mercies of my sister. She would not realize I was gone for a week. Then I realized what Diane had said. "I'm not going home with you. Your sister hates me. Imagine if she found me like this. Six inches tall and helpless. Jesus...She'd grind me into the carpet." "No she wouldn't" Diane giggled. "Pam just likes to tease. And she and my mom won't even know you're there. I'll take care of you tonight, and tomorrow we can come in early and talk to Mr. McCormick." It sounded reasonable. At the time, however, I could hardly say that I was in a reasonable state of mind. I was on the verge of panic. I was sure that I was missing something. Diane's sister hated me, ever since she babysat the two of us years ago. And her mother was no better. I am quite sure that given the opportunity, she would gladly beat my ass to whip me into shape. Imagine little six-inch me under her authority...I shudder to think of it. "Okay..." I finally conceded. "Take me home." "Okay. Gimme a minute." In a flash Diane moved from my line of sight and I wondered briefly how something so big could move so fast. I realized that she was taking strides that were ten times my own, but her size was not impeded in the least. Size was apparently relative to speed somehow, but before long my mind was awhirl and I wished I had paid closer attention in my Physics class. Before long she returned, wearing her long overcoat and her purse looped over her shoulder. "Pocket or purse?" she asked, and I looked at her in confusion. She scooped me up in the palm of her hand (I screamed again), and held me just below her face. I could feel her warm breath again as she spoke. "I can't very well carry you out of the school in my hand. Someone would see you. Do you want to ride in my pocket, or my purse?" I stammered, lost in the warmth of her skin as I lay helpless in the palm of her hand. Something stirred between my legs at this new sensation, and my mind was mush. I looked up at this beautiful woman who held my body- my life- in her grip. I could not find my voice. "Purse then." She said it without a second thought, and before I knew it I was tumbling into the confines of her soft leather bag. I winced in pain as I bounced off her hairbrush, then settled to the bottom beside a tube of lipstick and a compact. I glanced about, surveying my domain, and found that I shared the space also with a packet of tissues, a nail file, a pen and address book, a sealed Kotex, a bag of sunflower seeds, and a ring of keys. I saw her face briefly as she peered down into the confines of her bag to check on me before folding the flap over and sealing me in. I heard her muffled voice as she told me to hang on, and suddenly we were moving. Diane was a fast walker, and though I'm sure she was trying to take it easy on me, I was bumped and jostled like anything else in her bag. I thumped from side to side, getting friction burns on the coarse leather interior of her bag. I hurt intensely for a few seconds, but oddly, the pain passed quickly, replaced by another injury as she rounded a corner or repositioned her purse. I felt a blast of cold, which lasted several minutes as I realized that she was outside, heading for her car. Then I heard a new voice, calling her name. I felt the purse sway to a stop, and knew that Diane was talking to someone. I took the opportunity of the calm and repositioned the tissues about me to add some protection to my buffeting about in her bag. I caught bits and pieces of her conversation, but was not sure what was happening until we started moving again, and her purse was dropped casually into her car. I heard the engine start, and felt the new motion of the car as it backed out of its parking space. I crawled to the top of the bag and peered out, and quickly backed back into the bag. I saw two heads poking over the front seat. I crouched in terror at the top edge of the bag, listening as Diane spoke to whoever was riding in the passenger seat. "I really appreciate this, Diane. I'll kill Steve when I get hold of him." "It's okay, Kathy. No problem." I gazed up at the girl in the front passenger seat. It took me a moment to place the name with the oversized head of hair that I could see, but finally I realized that it was Kathy Byrnes, and my little heart melted. Kathy was a goddess in my eyes, the image of many of my fantasies. I wanted to run out and jump and shout to get her attention. I wanted to go to her home, not Diane's. Then I remembered that I was small, and I realized that if she took me seriously, she would treat me like a toy, or a pet. I was crushed. I sat there on the edge of Diane's purse, listening to them gossip for the ten minute or so that it took to reach Kathy's house. Apparently Steve, the school jock and her steady boyfriend, had ditched her after school and left her without a ride, the bastard. I wanted to kick his ass, but realized that at my size I could barely kick his pinky. We pulled into Kathy's driveway, and she got out of the car, saying her 'thankyous and good-byes', and the car door slammed shut and she was gone. Diane peered back over the seat at me. "Sorry about that. She was begging me for a ride home. I couldn't say no." She gave me a weak smile, and I waved it off. "Just get me home."

It was another fifteen minutes before we pulled into Diane's drive and she told me to get back in the purse. I did as I was told, and was jostled about as she slung the bag over her shoulder and went into her house. I slammed up against the side of the bag, feeling her hip for a second before I fell away again. Her brush tumbled on top of me, and I was pushed up onto her lipstick. I heard her call out when we were inside the house, but heard no answer before she bounced me into her room and dumped me onto her bed. I crawled out of Diane's purse to find her hanging her long coat on a hook behind her door. I looked around the room and found it little changed from when I was last there years before. It was still in pastels; pink and blue, and rather plain. She had a nice desk and bed set, obviously too big for me, as well as a vanity and a matching nightstand. She had replaced a ballerina lamp on her nightstand with one a bit more adult, and the clown posters I remembered on her walls were now posters of current boy bands. A typical girl I thought as she hung up her coat, then plopped onto the edge of the bed, giggling as I bounced. "Sorry." she said, but I did not believe she really was. I stood up. "So what happens now?" I asked. She shrugged. "I dunno. I guess we wait until tomorrow. We'll go in early and talk to Mr. McCormick." I watched as she bent over and undid the buckles on her sandals, sliding her feet free and dropping the shoes onto the floor. She settled back onto the bed, her back against the headboard, stretching her legs out and crossing her ankles. She looked down at me, a little smile playing on her lips. "Hungry?" she asked, and I nodded. "A little, I guess." She sniggered, but I missed the joke. "Okay." She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, towering over me. "I'll go-" "Pam! Diane! I'm home!" We both paled as we heard the front door slam in another part of the house, and Diane's mother calling out. I had no doubt that should Diane's mother find me, she would find some cruel way to abuse me. She was a healthy woman, a little overweight and evil in my mind. I've seen her drag her dogs down the street, straining on their leashes, and I know she used to spank Diane for the slightest infraction. God knows what she might do to little, helpless me. I could see by the expression on Diane's face that she knew it too. "Well, so much for that idea. I better go out and keep her company so she doesn't wander in here. I'll bring you some food later, when I can." I plopped down on her bed, feeling dejected. "Great. What am I supposed to do 'til you come back? You don't even have a television." Diane glanced about the room, puzzled for a moment, then bent down by the foot of her bed. "Here," she said, tossing her sandals onto the bed beside where I sat. "You can play with my shoes until I come back. Clean 'em up if you like. I'll be back soon." And she was gone... I sat there, staring at the blue leather of the sandals before me. I could see the imprints of her toes and heels on the insoles. I could smell her in the leather. Was she joking? Did she suspect? Did she know that I loved feet? I had thought of her that way before, when we were younger, but I could not remember ever sharing that with her. But here were her shoes, right in front of me. Bigger than me. "Clean 'em up..." she had said. Slowly, I crawled forward...

It was several hours before Diane came back to her room. I looked up as the door opened, smelling of shoe leather and feet, my tongue dry and gritty. She smiled and came bounding in, plopping on the bed beside me and bouncing me into the air again. "Sorry it took so long, Billy. I had to keep mom busy, then Pam came home and we ate. I just couldn't get away until now." I looked at the clock on her nightstand, and it was after ten. I sighed. "Did you bring me anything to eat?" Diane had her sandals in her hands, looking them over and glancing at me out of the corner of her eye. She set the shoes on the floor, then dug into the pocket of her skirt. "Yeah." She tossed a half-eaten bag of peanuts onto the bed beside me. "Sorry no real food. Mom was tired and dinner was next to nothing. And you know how Pam eats." That was true. I remembered from the times when Pam sat Diane and me that Pam ate everything in sight. She stayed thin though, which was odd. I stared at the peanuts, and finally took one in both hands. One or two would make a meal for me. I nibbled at it as Diane got ready for bed. She started to pull her shirt over her head, then hesitated when she noticed me watching. "Hey. Turn around, you." "You're kidding, right? I've seen you naked before." And I had. We had played doctor a few times growing up. She smirked, pulling her shirt back down and putting her hands on her hips. "That was years ago, Billy. I've changed some." "I know." I said, wishing I had some water to wash down the peanut. "But it's not like I'm not naked too." I stood up, displaying my naked body for her scrutiny. "That's different. You're...Well, I'm sorry, but you're hardly normal right now. You're like a doll. Anatomically correct, I suppose. But you don't even seem real." "Thanks." "You know what I mean..." "No, I don't." I snapped. "Just what do you mean?" Diane sighed, watching me watching her. I could see that she was mentally wrestling with some inner turmoil, but I never expected that she would do what she did when she reached a decision. In a flash she reached down and snatched me up, her thumb and forefinger pressing into my ribs. Futilely I beat my puny fists against her fingers as she held me before her face. She was biting on her lower lip, her brows arched in sorrow or pity. She squeezed... "STOP IT!" she said in her normal voice which rattled my body I was so close to her face. The pain in my ribs forced me to stop. Diane was hurting me, but she did not ease up the pressure. She squeezed until I was seeing stars, and those little exploding flecks of gray I loved so much. She was not even trying hard. "Now do you know what I mean?" Her voice was a whisper again, but seemed almost normal to me. I whimpered in her grip as she squeezed her finger and thumb together, threatening to break me in half. "You're like a bug to me Billy. Not a real boy. You're my friend, and I don't want to hurt you, but you have to understand that at the moment, you're nothing without me. I could squeeze my fingers together and pop you like a zit." I begged her to stop, and through a haze of pain I saw her frown. She loosened her grip, but kept me between her fingers. "You listen to me Billy. Please. You need me. Imagine what my mother or Pam would do with a little boy like you." She was still frowning, and seemed sorry, but I saw a twinkle in her eye as she thought about that. I shuddered, suddenly terrified for my life. "Shall I toss you out in the hall and find out?" "No..." I whined. "Please, Diane. I'll do whatever you say." She smirked. "Good." She tossed me onto her pillows, watching as I bounced and rolled onto the bed itself. "Now turn around and eat your peanuts like a good little boy while I get undressed. And no peeking." There was nothing I could do, but do as I was told. In moments, Diane was dressed in an over-sized tee shirt that she wore as a nightgown. She said she would be back in a minute, and I should finish eating, so I did as she left the room, closing the door behind her. She was gone for awhile, and eventually I heard the far off familiar sound of a flushing toilet. This made me realize that I had to relieve myself as well. I looked about, wondering what to do. I dared not make a mess that she might find. God knows what she might do, now that I knew she had no qualms about punishing me. I was still considering when she returned, her face scrubbed and hair brushed out for bed. She scooped up my peanut bag and saw that I had barely eaten three of the half bag she had given me. It was too much for my tiny body. She smiled down at me, dangling the bag over my head. "All done, Billy?" "Yes, Diane." She was still speaking softly, but she was saying my name in a little singsong voice that she knew had irritated me when we were younger. It still grated on my nerves, but I tried to ignore it. "Diane... I have to go to the bathroom." Diane smirked, barely stifling a giggle. "Hmmn... I hadn't thought of that. But I guess if you have to eat, it's only logical that you'll have to go. What to do?" She glanced about the room, looking for something for me to go in, I assumed. Finally she went to a pile of clothes on the floor in the corner and produced a white knee sock. She held it up for my approval. "Here we go." She said, twirling the sock as she came back to the bed. "You want me to go in your sock?" I said, unbelieving. "Not in the way you think. I'll take you to the bathroom, but I can't just carry you. What if Pam or mom saw you? I'll hide you in my sock, and they'll think I'm just washing them out for school tomorrow. Brilliant, hunh?" There was something wrong with her plan, but before I could reason it out, she had scooped me up and dropped me into the mouth of her tube sock. I slid down to the toe as she raised it up, and quickly started gagging from the smell. It was obviously one of her Gym socks, or one she wore in soccer practice, and from the odor, it must have been several days on that pile. It smelled of her feet. It reeked of her feet, and I could barely breathe. Worse, as she strolled leisurely to the bathroom, Diane was casually swinging the sock in a wide arch, which was helping to turn my stomach into knots. I tried to hold back the chunks of peanut I had just eaten, not wanting to vomit in her crusty sock, though I doubted she would notice. Suddenly I was tumbling head over heels out of the sock as it was upended. I spilled out onto the slick counter top in the bathroom and continued to tumble, right into the sink. Thankfully the stopper was in the drain as I crashed to a stop on top of it. I moaned, rubbing my back and stomach as I looked up at Diane's pretty, smiling face. She seemed to be enjoying this more and more. "Okay...Go ahead. Make it quick." She said this, then settled in to watch. I stared up at her, still lying in the bottom of the sink. "I can't go with you hovering over me like that." I felt my whole body turn crimson, and I foolishly directed my hands to cover my privates. "You're kidding, right?" "No." I blushed deeper, struggling to my feet while still trying to hide my manhood. I don't know why that suddenly mattered, as she had seen it already, but it did. "Not with you watching." I said it firmly, staring into her huge brown eyes, hoping that she might show me some of the sympathy she had shown before. Finally, she shrugged and turned away. "Okay. That better?" "Yes." I answered, and turned my back to her. "Thank you." I said pathetically, then concentrated on forcing myself to pee. It took an effort, and several minutes, and in the end barely a trickle emerged. My privates shriveled up like a prune when I was through, but I felt better. I turned around to tell her I was ready and found her looking at me with a grin. "That was so cute. All better now?" If I had not already been a mere six inches tall, I felt I would have shrunk away to nothing. I nodded, humiliated, and felt myself scooped up and swiftly wrapped in a terrycloth towel. It was hot, and I could barely breathe as she hugged the bundle of me to her body. I was moving again, and I figured she was returning to her bedroom, carrying me.

I was dumped onto the bed again when the towel was unrolled. I quickly tried to get my barings and saw Diane rummaging through her dresser drawers on the other side of the room. She glanced over and saw me watching, and gave me her dazzling smile again. She looked once more in the drawer, and apparently satisfied, came over and gently picked me up. She carried me to her dresser drawers in the palm of her hand. "I've been thinking about where to put you for the night. It had to be someplace safe and warm. I thought about letting you sleep on the bed, but I might roll over and crush you. I thought that maybe I could make you a little bed in my nightstand, or in a shoebox, but then I figured a great place; nice and soft and warm..." She tilted her hand and I tumbled out. I did not fall far, and fell into a silky soft pile of fabric that could only be one thing. "My panty drawer." Diane giggled as I tried to sit up in the soft, fluffy pile of her underwear. It was all clean, and for that I was glad, but it was still degrading, and I told her so. "Diane...Please. This is humiliating." She stared down at me, giving me a stern look. "Oh, hush." she said, her hand dipping into the drawer to hover over me. She extended a finger and gave me a poke, toppling me over with amazing ease. "You'll be perfectly safe and have complete privacy once I close the drawer." "Close the drawer?" "Of course. I can't have you wandering off and getting hurt, or having mom or Pam find you. God, what if the cat got hold of you?" "Cat?" "You remember Fluffy, don't you?" I hadn't, until she reminded me. I remembered a fat yellow nasty creature that always hissed at me whenever I came near. I shuddered. "Fluffy might think you were a mouse at your size and gobble you up." She giggled and I hung my head. It just got worse and worse. I felt the drawer start to slide closed and glanced up at Diane's leering face, filling the dwindling sliver of light. "Now you be good and sleep tight. I'll wake you in the morning so we can go see Mr. McCormick. Nighty-night." The drawer slid shut and I was locked in a soft, suffocating darkness. With the drawer sealed, I started to smell the aroma of Diane's personal things, still faintly scented with her body odors; sweat, perfume, her womanhood. Her underwear was not as clean as I had originally thought, or maybe at my size, it was just more overpowering. I tried to ignore the scent as I stumbled about in the dark, knee deep in her soft panties. I tried to somehow move the drawer, to slide it open again, but it was too big. Rather, I was too small. But not small enough as I tried to climb through the slight gap at the back of the drawer and found it too slim. After some time I sank into my silky mattress, defeated. There was no way out of the drawer. I was just too small and helpless. I settled back, wrapping up in a pair of Diane's cotton panties for warmth, and oddly, security. I prayed that night for the first time in probably a dozen years. Really prayed; that Mr. McCormick would be able to help me, and more importantly, that Diane would actually take me back to school to see him. Sleep was a long time coming...

'Doc' Ellington

I woke to total darkness, breathing hard. A wave of panic washed over me as I tried to accustom my sight to the shadows and did not recognize my surroundings. I did not know where I was, and started to flail about, tangling myself in the blankets about me. I felt silk and cotton, and there was a strange, suffocating smell in the air. I called out for my father, my mother... The earth moved and I tumbled back into the darkness. I thought it was an earthquake, and in my present state of disorienting panic, I screamed. I saw the roof of my room split, and a wide shaft of glaring light beamed down on me from the heavens. I started to remember where I was, and what had happened to me. I had been shrunk. There had been an accident at school and a mixture of spilled chemicals had somehow combined to shrink me down to the size of a mouse. My friend, Diane, had been there, and took me home for the night in order to keep me safe until we could confront Mr. McCormick, the Science teacher with my condition. She had put me in her panty drawer for the night, for safekeeping. I stared up into the blinding light, blinking away tears as my eyes adjusted. I wondered what time it was, and what was going on. It felt as though I had just fallen asleep. I was dead tired, but felt otherwise healed. I had been in a sorry state after the accident; sick and dizzy and weak, and my skin was burned and blistered. My body felt fine now though, and I wondered at the miraculous rate of healing as I ran a hand over my smooth, unmarred skin. A shadow filled the bar of light, and I squinted to take in Diane's gigantic, harried face as it filled my field of vision. She looked as out of it as I felt, as though she had just woke up. Her short hair was tousled and out of place. Sleep crusted in the corners of her huge brown eyes as she blinked at me. She had no makeup on, though I knew she wore little anyway, and I noticed that she had the cutest trail of faint freckles running from cheek to cheek, across her nose. She seemed out of sorts, but gave me a little smile as she saw that I was awake. "WE'RE LATE." Her voice boomed over me, and I winced in pain, covering my ears, though it was not as bad as it had been the day before. I assumed that I was getting used to my current state of being. I saw pity cross her features, and she spoke softly from then on. "Sorry. I overslept. My alarm didn't go off." Without warning or apology, Diane reached a massive hand into the drawer and scooped me out along with a pair of panties. She set us on the bed, then continued rummaging through her drawers, continuing to speak as she searched for clothes. "We've gotta get going. As it is, I don't think we'll make the first bell." She tossed a bra and a pair of socks on the bed beside me, then hurried for the door. "We'll have to see Mr. McCormick at lunch." "Lunch!" I yelled after her, but it was too late. Diane rushed out of the room, the door swinging too behind her. I plopped onto the soft bed and hung my head, wondering just how long this nightmare was going to go on. Under other circumstances, it might have been fun...even erotic, I suppose. There were a lot of things I guy my size could do to and for a girl like Diane. But I didn't think of her that way. Not really. She was really cute, but she was my friend, and had been for too long. Even when we had played 'doctor' a time or two when growing up together, it had never gone beyond 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours'. Still, I had noticed how she had matured. She had a great set of legs, and nice breasts. And I loved her feet. But then I loved all women's feet: my own sick little fetish. I leaned back, taking in the vast expanse of the comforter and the things Diane had placed near me. I was well aquainted with her panties, having spent the night with them, and I had spent a brief, agonizing minute in one of her tube socks, so there was nothing new there for me either. Her bra however was another story all together. It towered over me as I crawled over to it, its black cups like twin hills pointing to the sky. I reached out and touched it, feeling the stiff, lacy material. It felt cool. I stood and circled it, feeling the straps and buckles as I passed them, then walking between the mounds to return where I had started. I started laughing, thinking how the bra seemed like a statue to me; like a huge monument dedicated to the majesty of Diane's breasts. I fell back to the bed, holding my stomach, laughing even harder. Something caught my attention and I cut short my laughter. Listening intently, I heard the far off sound of water cascading in the shower in the bathroom, and knew that Diane was still occupied. I rolled over onto my stomach and lay flat, surveying the room. I noticed nothing new, or out of place, until I glanced at the door. It had swung open and was now slightly ajar. Diane had pulled it too, but it had not latched shut. I waited, not moving and barely breathing. I rationalized that if someone had opened an outer door in the house that a breeze or air pressure might cause this one to shift. Even someone passing in the hall might have stirred the door to swing open, but I had heard no one pass. I trembled, realizing what I feared it might be. Fluffy...

As if on cue, prompted by my mental utterance of its name, the big, ugly beast pounced up onto the bed. It might have been actually fluffy once upon a time, but now its yellow hair was streaked with gray and pale and matted down in spots on its body. It was as fat as I remembered, though obviously much bigger from my current point of view. One eye was glazed white and milky, but the other was alert and peering about. I saw its nose wrinkle, its whiskers twitching as it sniffed, seeking me. I stayed prone on the bed, partially hidden by Diane's bra. Terror swept over me, crashing down like a wave, and I had to bite my tongue to keep from crying out. I watched the beast as it padded towards the pillows at the head of the bed, hoping that the lingering odors of Diane's body would mask my own scent. It was huge, and my mind conjured images of the great prehistoric cats that probably plagued the lives of my far distant ancestors. I felt like a claymation figure in an old Harryhausen monster movie. I barely stifled a moan as I watched Fluffy circle twice then settle in on the pillows for a nap. I was trapped. "DI?" I heard a knock on the door and buried my head in the comforter in dismay as Diane's sister, Pam, eased into the room. This just got better and better. I held my position, still hidden behind Diane's brassier, hoping that like the cat, Pam would not see me. She stopped just inside the doorway, looking around the room, obviously annoyed that Diane was not available for her. Pam was taller than Diane, and thus, towered far above me even from a distance. She was in decent shape too, though slimmer than her younger sister, and with a little more muscle tone as she was on the volleyball team through high school, and now in college I suspected. Her hair was longer and a little lighter than Diane's, and she had it tied back in a tight ponytail. She wore no makeup as well, but had on a slender pair of round spectacles that I did not remember seeing her wear before, though I had not really seen her at more than passing in months. She wore a tight tee shirt of green that did not really do anything to flatter her small breasts, and a pair of faded blue denim pants that hugged her slender hips but made her long legs seem too straight. She seemed about to leave, and I prematurely let out a sigh of relief when she noticed the cat curled up on the pillows. Her face broke into a wide grin as she stepped into the room and flopped onto the edge of the bed to scratch the beast behind its ears. It hissed slightly, having been roused from its nap, then started to purr in a gravelly voice as Pam scratched it pleasurably. "HI KITTY." Pam's voice echoed around the room and pounded my eardrums, but there was nothing I could do but bear it. It was loud, but did not hurt as Diane's had the day before. I watched as she stroked and poked at the cat, wishing that she would just pick the creature up and leave. "GETTING HAIRS ALL OVER DIANE'S BED, KITTY." She giggled, and I cringed. "PRINCESS ISN'T GOING TO LIKE THAT." Pam sniggered and brushed the beast harder, depositing more hairs onto Diane's pillows with every stroke. Fluffy, apparently tired of the unwanted affection, stood and quickly bounded off the bed and, thankfully, out the door, leaving Pam with a handful of fur. Pam brushed her hands together, letting the stray hairs fall to the bed, then shifted her weight, about to rise. My heart skipped a beat as her huge face turned fully in my direction. Our eyes locked, and she cocked her head in curiosity. I saw her hand rise up and soar towards me like some great bird of prey. I tensed, ready to bolt... "PAM!" Diane's voice screeched, breaking the tense silence and jerked Pam up short just inches from grabbing me. Pam shot to her feet to confront her sister who was standing in the doorway, a towel wrapped about her body and her damp hair hanging loosely about her shoulders. She looked awesome. "HIYA SIS." Pam said casually standing before Diane with a conceited smirk on her face. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?" Diane asked as she moved past her sister and over to the bed to block me from Pam's view. She had to speak normally, and I had to endure it. "NOTHING MYSTERIOUS, DIANE. I NEED A RIDE TO THE CAMPUS IS ALL. I THOUGHT MAYBE YOU COULD DO ME THAT FOR ME." "I'M LATE AS IT IS, PAM. CAN'T YOU TAKE THE BUS?" Diane sat on the bed, trying to act casual, and began brushing out her still dripping hair. Pam frowned, and I heard her sigh as though put upon. "I'VE GIVEN YOU PLENTY OF RIDES BEFORE, BRAT. YOU KNOW MY CAR'S IN THE SHOP. TIME FOR YOU TO RETURN THE FAVOR." I saw Pam cross her arms, waiting for a reply, and it was Diane's turn to sigh. Diane was too nice for her own good. I would have made the bitch walk. "OKAY, PAM. GIMME A MINUTE TO GET READY." Pam grinned triumphantly, having won again, then turned on her heel to leave. "HURRY UP." she added, before pulling the door closed behind her. Diane shifted on the bed, and turned to face me. A look of concern crossed her face, but when she saw that I was all right her expression softened. She smiled apologetically and my heart melted. "Sorry about that. I guess we're stuck with her for awhile. Luckily the college is on the way to school, so it shouldn't make us any later than we already are." She got up then, and went over to the vanity table to sit and finish her hair. I watched as she then applied a bit of lip-gloss, and a pale hint of shadow to her eyes. I thought about telling her about the cat, but decided against it. I did not want her to worry, as she did seem concerned about my predicament, and my safety, despite the little bits of humiliation she had put me through the night before. Better to remind her to close the door next time, or maybe hide me if she was going to leave me alone. Hopefully there would not be a next time. Finally she got up from the vanity and went to the closet. She pulled out a tee shirt and jeans, and dropped a pair of worn leather sneakers on the floor by the bed. She ordered me to turn around then, making a little twirling motion with her finger, and I complied. I made a big show of feeling dejected though, and this caused her to laugh happily, a sound like silver Christmas bells. Everything she did suddenly seemed pleasing to me, and I started to worry. What was happening to me now? I felt the bed rock, and I tumbled over. I turned to see Diane tying her shoes, now fully dressed. She looked like any other girl from school, dressed rather plainly. Nothing glamorous or outstanding, but to me she seemed beautiful. I wondered if I was falling in love as I stared at her, or was it some motherly/protection thing. I had not taken Psychology yet, but I shuddered at the implications of the latter. Diane glanced at me out of the corner of her eye and caught me staring. "What?" she asked, and I stuttered, saying it was nothing. She gave me an odd look, then scooped up her purse from the floor and set it on the bed, undoing the clasp and opening the flap. She ordered me in as she gathered her coat, then asked if I was ready before shouldering the bag and heading out the door and out of the house.

It was a chilly morning, but I had some protection in the purse, and I added to it, wrapping in a tissue to cover my naked body. I was prepared for the ride this time as well, and braced myself against the impending bumps and swinging. Before we got to the car I heard Pam's muffled voice ringing with a snide tone. "About time. I was getting cold." "Sorry Pam." I heard Diane answer, trying to remain pleasant. "I did have to get dressed." "Whatever." There was no love lost between these two. Suddenly the flap on the purse opened and I briefly saw Diane's face before her hand dove in. I wondered what was going on, then realized that she was fishing for her car keys. On a whim, I reached out and stroked her finger, and I heard her gasp in surprise. She casually flicked me away, then snatched the keys out of the bag, closing the flap again. "What's your problem?" I heard Pam ask, and Diane told her that she had just pricked her finger, which made me laugh. Within moments we were all in the car, and I was dumped onto the back seat again. I heard the engine start, and soon we were off. The drive to school was about fifteen minutes, less for the college, and the sisters barely acknowledged one another during the entire trip. After a bit, I cautiously crawled to the top of the purse and poked my head out of the opening. Diane had dropped me directly behind the passenger seat, so there was little chance of Pam spotting me, so I settled back to enjoy the ride. I watched buildings pass by, and occasionally the reflection of another car in the window, though nothing came near enough to see me. Before long the car turned sharply, and the buildings were replaced by trees and I knew we had pulled onto the campus grounds. I edged back into the purse as I felt the car slow and Diane asked Pam where she wanted to be let out. Pam directed her, and eventually the car stopped. I heard Pam climb out, and without a 'thank you', heard the door slam shut. "Bitch." I heard that. I felt the bag shift, and I tumbled down to the bottom as Diane moved it to the front seat. "You can come out now, Billy." I heard her say, and I cautiously poked my head out again as I felt the car start to move. "Is it safe?" I asked, knowing that it was, and Diane smiled at my show of timidity. "Yeah...It's safe. The wicked witch is gone. Ding-Dong." We both laughed and I settled down on her purse, which was softer than the vinyl seat cushions of the car. I watched Diane as she maneuvered the car, shifting gears and watching the road, her eyes always roving. I was totally enraptured by the way her feet moved, shifting from pedal to pedal as she changed gears, sped up or braked. It was like some bizarre ballet, and I could not help fantasizing what it would be like to be under her shoes, her feet pressing down on me. "Are you okay?" Diane's voice snapped me from my daydreams and I jerked my head up to find her staring at me. We were not moving, apparently stopped for a red light as I heard cars buzzing by in the distance. I blushed under her gaze, and turned away, noticing that I had an erection. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer. "You were really spacing out there, Billy. Is everything all right?" Her voice was soft and sweet, and I could see the concern in her face when I got the courage to look up at her again. "I'm fine." I mumbled sheepishly, but she did not seem convinced. "What were you staring at down there...My feet?" I swallowed my heart, which had suddenly swollen in my throat, and nodded. Diane snorted in amusement, and shook her head. "What is with you? Are you one of those foot fetish freaks?" I stared up at her. This was not going in a good direction. "I wouldn't say freak, exactly." "I would have thought that you had other things to occupy your mind right now." A horn blared behind us, and Diane started the car moving again. Like an idiot, I let my gaze drift to her feet, just for a second. She caught it. "Jeez." She giggled, then glanced at me, keeping one eye on the road. Her face was all seriousness now as she eyed me critically. "Did you clean my sandals last night, when I left them on the bed?" she asked, and my voice locked up. I nodded. "I thought so. I was just joking when I told you to, but I noticed they looked cleaner when I came back. What did you do? Polish them with the bed spread?" "N-no..." I whispered. I was too far gone now. I had to tell her. "I- I used my tongue..." "You licked them?" she gasped, and I felt the car swerve slightly. "You licked my dirty SHOES?" Her voice rose, but I don't think she was aware of it. "WHAT ARE YOU...SICK?" I covered my ears, begging her to calm down, and within a few blocks she did. I could see that her face was flushed with embarrassment, and her breasts were heaving as she tried to steady her breathing. She stared straight ahead as we waited at another red light, and I sat there stupidly, wondering what to say. When we started moving again, she spoke up first. "I'm sorry, Billy. That was mean of me to say what I did. It was just a little...shocking." "As opposed to talking to a six-inch tall guy sitting on your purse." I joked, and she smirked. "You know what I mean. Don't try to be cute." She scolded me, but I could tell she did not really mean it. "It's just...Well...We've known each other for years, and it's strange to hear something like that coming from one of your best friends." She glanced down at me and grinned, "Despite his current conditions." I watched as she eased the car around a long curve and knew that we were now about five minutes from the school. When she positioned the car for a long stretch, she glanced at me again. "How long have you had this...fetish?" "Since I was little...younger (I corrected)." "You've had a thing for my feet since we were kids?" "Well...Not just your feet. All women's feet. But especially their shoes." "Oh." She seemed a little hurt at that, but I couldn't figure why. "Even your mother and sister?" "Yes...I guess so. But it was nothing sexual." I quickly added, lest she think me some kind of freak again. She considered for a moment, easing the car into another lane. "I think it's nothing but sexual, Billy. But I know what you mean, I think. What about my mother's feet? And Pam's?" I nodded sheepishly, and she laughed. "Now that's grotesque." We drove on, and I saw that sparkle in her eye again. "What do you want to do to my feet, Billy?" she asked. "There's not much I can do at this size." I kidded, and she sniffed, hiding her amusement. "You're being cute again, shorty." She flashed her dazzling smile again, and I was hers. "You answer me now, and tell me the truth. I'd hate to have to punish you for fibbing." She chuckled, and I felt the car slowing down. "Do you want to kiss my feet? Lick my shoes? Is that what gets you hot?" "Yes." I whispered, and this seemed to delight her for some reason. "Have you ever done it with a girl before? The feet thing, I mean." "No." "Would you like to?" I stared up at her in disbelief. She was staring squarely down at me, a smile of anticipation curling her lips. I only then noticed that the car had stopped. "God, yes." I said, and fell forward onto my knees, which was really not all that much of a shift in my position, but Diane got the hint. In a flash she had gently scooped me up in her hand and deposited me on the gritty floormat at her feet. She stared down at me through her legs, and I in turn stared up at her, wondering what I should do next. I guess I looked pretty stupid, as she burst out in a fit of giggles. "Well, go ahead." She urged me on, seeing that I was confused, then returned her attention back to the road as she eased the car back out into traffic. "No reason you shouldn't have a little fun with this, and it certainly won't bother me if it doesn't bother you. Just be careful down there. Don't get under foot." She ignored me then, so I turned about and stared at her feet. They seemed huge to me, though I'm sure in actuality they were quite small. I watched as they went through the motions of driving the car; brake, gas, shift. After a bit, the car was running smoothly and Diane slid her foot off of the clutch pedal and placed it flat on the floor. Cautiously, I approached, feeling the vibrations of the car through my own bare feet. I could smell the well-worn leather of her shoe as I inched my way forward. She was wearing ankle socks, and I stared at the little pink fuzzy ball that dangled before my eyes. It was almost mesmerizing, the way it bounced with the movements of the car, and tentatively I reached out and touched it. It felt strange. I reached past the ball and caressed the leather of her shoe. It was soft and smooth, and oddly warm, from the heat of Diane's feet I supposed. I stroked the leather lovingly, trailing my hand along the side of her foot as I made my way to the toe cap. I could see her toes flexing under the leather, like a thing alive, some captive animal. A 'toe beast'. I giggled at the thought. I glanced up, and caught her glancing away. Diane was watching me, and watching out for me, I suspected. I bent low, lying on the tip of her shoe so she could feel my weight, and kissed her foot. "SHIT!" I heard Diane scream and suddenly the car veered sharply, sending me sprawling off of her shoe and out of control. I slammed back against the brake pedal, dazed from the impact as Diane's foot shifted to press down over me. I briefly saw the worn tread on the sole of her shoe before her foot covered me and pressed down on the pedal (and me) with all her weight. I screamed in agony as her foot mashed me flat, expecting to hear my own body pop as I exploded under her shoe. Oddly, I did not die. Her foot continued to press down on me, and I continued to scream as I felt the car skid to a stop with a squeal of rubber. After an eternity, Diane shifted her foot, and I was peeled away from the pedal to fall face first onto the floor mat. I felt the grit on the rubber mat under my body, and the stiff bristles of the frayed carpet as well. I sensed Diane's feet on either side of me, but I could not focus my eyes. I heard Diane screaming again, from a long way away. "BILLY! OHMYGOD! BILLY!" A shadow swooped in and fell over me and I was suddenly flying again. I moaned at the movement, as intense pain wracked my body. I wanted to die, but strangely, I felt secure in the tender warmth of her hand. I saw her face as she held me up, but it looked elongated and distorted, as though reflected in a fun house mirror. Her eyes were wide with fright, and sparkling with a wetness. She was crying. "OH GOD BILLY! I'M SO SORRY! THERE WAS A DOG! IT RAN OUT IN FRONT OF THE CAR! OH GOD! I'VE KILLED YOU!!" I wasn't dead. I hurt too much to be dead. I tried to breathe, but my lungs were on fire. I tried to move, but my body was mush. I glanced down my frame, rolling my eyes (even that hurt), and I saw that my body was almost flat. There was no blood, but I could see a black bruise forming, rising up on my skin from my crushed legs to my flattened out chest. I could see the tread marks of Diane's shoe all along my body. I looked up at Diane, one final time, then closed my eyes to wait for death to claim me. "Jesus..." I heard Diane gasp, her voice a whisper. I opened my eyes again, and oddly, her face was back in proportion. The pain was still there, but diminished I noted as I glanced down at my body. The black bruise that had coated my skin was a faded blue, now turning to a sickly yellow. As I stared in disbelief, I could see the impressions of Diane's shoe popping out of my skin with every breath. My lungs were no longer on fire, so I tried to speak. "D-D-Di-" A bit of blood spurted from my lips onto my chest, but there was no pain. Diane's eyes grew impossibly huge, and the tears poured forth as she hugged me to her breasts. I moaned as she squeezed me, and I heard my back popping, but the pain slowly drifted away to nothing. Miraculously, I was alive, and healed. Diane held me out before her, letting me rest gently in the palms of her hands. She was sniffing back tears as she inspected my little body, tilting me from side to side. My eyes focused on the tiny spot of blood on her shirt, smeared there from my chest. "God Billy...I thought I had cr-crushed you." she said, her voice still choked with tears. "You did..." I croaked, trying to find my voice. "What happened?" "A stupid d-dog ran out in front of the c-car." she sobbed, "I can't believe you're alive. You were smashed f-flat. Like silly putty. Then y-your body just seemed to f-fill out again...You healed right in my hands." She sniffed, wiping her nose with the back of one hand while she held me gingerly with another. I tried to take in all she had said, and it seemed to jive with what I experienced. I don't know how delusional I was from the pain, but I would swear that she had smashed me flat like she had said. But here I was, whole and healthy, with only the slightest pain receding in my back. What had I become? "Fuck school." She said abruptly, giving me a final hug before setting me down on her purse once again. "I can't deal with this. We're going to see Mr. McCormick as soon as we get to school, and he's going to change you back. And if he can't help you, then we'll find someone who can. I'm not gonna let you down, Billy. I'll protect you, and take care of you until we find somebody to get rid of this curse." With a look of determination, Diane gunned the engine and roared back into traffic. I heard the blare of horns behind us, and wondered just how rubbery and indestructible I had become. Could I survive the fireball of an exploding car? I crawled back into the purse and hung on to the tissues for dear life, hoping that Diane would get us to school in one piece.

We found Mr. McCormick where we had last seen him the day before, in his lab, teaching his class. Diane, at that point, did not really care about protocol, and marched right into the room to confront him. I couldn't see her, but I could hear the determination in her voice when she told the teacher that she needed to see him, and I guess he did as well. He told the class to busy themselves and followed Diane to his desk, which was situated in the supply room shared by the class next door. "What seems to be the problem, Diane?" he asked, and I could picture him straightening his glasses as he looked her over. "You seem upset." I felt the bag thump down, on the desk I assumed, and light flooded in as Diane folded back the flap. I heard her voice- "LOOK.", and a moment later I saw Mr. McCormick's confused face as it filled the opening over head. I saw his eye brows arch up, causing his thick glasses to slide down his nose as he let out a startled gasp. "OH MY GOODNESS! IS THAT A LITTLE MAN?" I winced in pain as his voice boomed directly down on top of me. Diane warned him to lower his voice, as she knew it hurt me, but it was too late. "A little man?" I heard the other voice from far away. A new voice, definitely feminine, and I heard the clack of heels on the tiled floor as this new person approached. I heard Diane say 'no', and I felt her purse jiggle, but a second later a large dark face was peering down at me, having pushed Mr. McCormick aside. I recognized the face, despite the size. It was Doctor Ellington, 'Doc' Ellington as the students called her behind her back. She was an imposing woman standing well over six feet tall, and a stereotypical example of a female scientist; her dark hair always fixed in a severe bun, big, thick glasses, plain dresses hidden beneath a white lab coat. I had noticed that she always wore low heeled, black leather pumps or sometimes flat casuals. She was Afro-American, and sexy, in a 50's sci-fi kind of way. She was also head of the school Science Department. Her eyes grew wide as she spotted me amidst the junk in the bottom of Diane's purse, but unlike Mr. McCormick, who just stared stupidly, she reached right in and snatched me up. She held me up for the three of them to see, between thumb and forefinger at my waist. I grabbed at her long red nails as she squeezed a bit too hard, turning me this way and that for a better view. I heard Diane ask her to be careful, but she was ignored. "THIS IS INCREDIBLE." The doctor said, dangling me by one leg. I heard Diane's gasp, but could not see her. I flailed about, yelling at the woman to put me down, and she finally did, dumping me onto Mr. McCormick's cluttered desk. The three giants leaned over me, staring at me, and I covered my privates, humiliated again. "WHERE DID YOU FIND IT?" Doc Ellington asked, poking me with her long fingernail. "He's not an it." I heard Diane jump to my defense, anxiety in her voice. "He's my friend. His name is Billy." "OH YES..." Mr. McCormick interjected. "THE BOY WHO HAD DETENTION LAST NIGHT. FUNNY, HE SEEMED FINE THEN." "Please..." Diane pleaded, "Keep your voices down. It hurts him." Though oddly, it no longer did. Still, I was happy she was there, fighting for me. "I can imagine." Doc Ellington said with amusement, though she lowered her volume. "At his size, every noise must seem like an explosion. How did this happen?" "He was straightening the work stations last night, when he dropped a bin of chemicals. I didn't actually see it, but I heard the crash and ran over to see what had happened. I saw his clothes on the floor, soaked through, and there were noxious fumes in the air. I started spraying down the area, washing the chemicals down the floor drain when I saw him on the grating. I panicked, and put him in a sink to wash him off." "You touched him?" the doctor asked. "Not at first. I used a pair of tongs until I thought he was clean. We discussed what had happened, and I decided to take him home until today, when we were going to see Mr. McCormick to see if he could change him back." "I see." Both women turned to the old man then, waiting to see if he had anything to say. He adjusted his bow tie under their scrutiny and shrugged. "I wondered what that mess came from. You should have cleaned it up, Diane." "I had more important things on my mind at the time." She snapped, turning back to the woman. "There's more. In addition to his shrinking, he seems to be almost indestructible." The doctor looked at Diane quizzically. "What do you mean?" "Well..." Diane began, and I could tell she was thinking how best to explain what had happened in the car without bringing up my fetish. "I accidentally stepped on him this morning. I thought I had killed him, but when I examined his body, it just seemed to pop back into place, like it was made of rubber or something. He was flat, and in pain for awhile, but now he seems fine." "Fascinating." The doctor poked me again, a bad habit that was quickly boring me. "His body does seem...spongy, or rubbery I guess." "Can you help him?" Diane asked. "I don't know. What chemicals was he bathed with?" "I don't know?" The doctor turned again to Mr. McCormick, and he shrugged. "I have them in my lesson plans, but I have no idea how much of what got on him. I can provide a list." "That will help, for a start." Doctor Ellington turned back to Diane. "I'm sorry Miss..." "Diane." "Diane. I'm sorry Diane, but the best we can do is run a few tests and try to figure out what exactly is present in his body that should not be there. It will probably take some time, so I suggest you go along to class, and stop in after school, and I'll tell you what we've discovered." Diane looked frantic. "B-But...I don't want to just leave him. I want to stay with him. He's my friend. He needs me." "Oh hush, girl. He'll be fine, and you'll just be in the way. You can see him after classes this afternoon. Now run along." "But-" "GO." Doctor Ellington dismissed Diane with a wave of her hand, but Diane just stood there, staring at me. There were tears in her eyes again. "I-I'm sorry, Billy. I...Will you be all right?" I could hear her voice cracking. I did not want her to leave, as Doctor Ellington scared me, but I did not want to worry Diane. The doctor was trying to help me, right? I sucked up my courage and told Diane that I would be fine, and probably back to normal when she came for me at the end of the day. She sniffed, and forced a smile as she picked up her purse. I think she wanted to touch me, but didn't. "I-I'll be back this afternoon then. Please be careful with him." "Of course. Now run along and I'll phone the office to explain your tardy. If these aren't extenuating circumstances, I don't know what qualifies." We watched as Diane backed away, giving me a final smile of support before disappearing around the corner and running from the class room. I heard the door slam shut, a knell of doom. Doc Ellington wasted no time in roughly picking me up in her hand. She started prodding me with her finger again as she spoke to Mr. McCormick. "Robert, call the office and explain to them that that girl and this boy were here all morning at my request to explain their absences. Then tell them that I'm canceling my classes for the rest of the day, and they should assign Study Hall to my students. I have to examine our little friend here, and I don't want to be disturbed. Understood?" Mr. McCormick swallowed and nodded submissively. "Yes Ma'am." he said in a slight voice, then scurried off to do as she said. The doctor returned her attention to me, scratching a line down my chest with her fingernail as I squirmed in her grip. She smiled as I whined at the pain she inflicted an evil gleam in her eye, then stuffed me into one of the over-sized pockets of her white lab coat and walked back to her room to dismiss her class.

When we were finally alone, Doc Ellington pulled me from her pocket and set me on the cold linoleum of a countertop at what I could only assume was her personal workstation. It was like all the others, with a sink and Bunsen burner, a stack of Petrie dishes off to one side and a small microscope. Unlike the others, she had a notebook opened to one side, along with a small scale and a tapemeasure. She also had a small leather case, like a small purse, sitting within reach. She was searching through a drawer that opened directly beneath the workstation when she finally spoke. "What's your name, boy?" I told her, and she produced a pen, writing my name down in her notebook. After awhile, she had asked my height and weight before the accident, as well as where I lived, my relative's names and phone numbers, my history of illness and diet, blah, blah, blah... Nothing out of the ordinary, and nothing that my family doctor or his nurses had not asked me before. It was afterward that it began. Without warning she snatched me up and placed me on the small scale, recording my miniscule weight when the machine finally settled. She told me to stand, then began measuring me, then my appendages, including my penis with a smirk. She jotted it all down in her books, and asked me if Diane had measured me with a full erection. I told her no, and she said not to worry as it probably wasn't worth measuring the difference, but would do so if the opportunity presented itself. I blushed at her frankness, and she snorted in amusement, explaining that she had seen bigger and better before. "That couldn't have been too hard." I said, and she laughed out loud, writing something in her book. After some time, she was apparently satisfied with her notations concerning my overall size, and she leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs and chewing on the cap of her pen as she considered what to do to me next. She saw my eyes drift to her long, shapely legs and scooted back, giving me a better view as she bobbed one foot. I swallowed as I saw her pump slip from her heel and dangle from her toes. "Ahh..." she said. "There's that final measurement." She folded up her tape measure and held it next to my erection, giggling at the size as she jotted down the length. She set down her pen and leaned back in her chair again, folding her hands over her stomach then, eyeing me closely. "A leg man are we? Oh, don't be so shocked. Do you think I wear heels because I enjoy their 'comfort'? Hardly." She slid her chair forward, hiding my view of her legs and feet, and leaned forward, resting her elbows on the countertop. She steepled her fingers high above me. "I wear heels and skirts to keep little boys like you in line. You would be surprised to learn how many men share your...desires. "I'm going to be blunt. I need to run some tests. I need to draw blood, and I'm going to need you to hold perfectly still through much of what I have planned. We can try it the easy way, with your cooperation, but frankly, I don't think you have the tolerance to stand up to the pain. You'll be squirming and crying, and I don't have the patience for that. So I'm going to tape you down to a piece of plastic, like a large transparent slide, and I'm going to gag you with a bit of tape as well. Any problems with that?" I turned and started to run, leaping from my perch on the scale, but the doctor was too fast for me. She snatched me out of mid air and closed her fist about me. She dumped me on the countertop, on the aforementioned piece of plastic, and held me down easily with one finger as she proceeded to rip strips of transparent tape from a dispenser and tape me spread eagle to the smooth, flat surface. When she had me secured; wrists and ankles, and a wide strip across my stomach and throat, she took a bit of rolled up gauze and snipped a tiny piece off, picking it up with a pair of tweezers. I saw what was coming and clamped my mouth shut. The doctor just chuckled and shook her head, then began pressing her thumb down on my groin until I was screaming in pain. Quickly she stuffed the bit of gauze into my mouth and held it there as she ripped off another piece of tape. She pressed this over my mouth, making sure that my nose was clear, then doubled it with another strip, pressing this down and around my face with her fingernails. Satisfied, she watched me squirm and scream for a bit, then excused herself and strolled off to another part of the room, out of my sight. I was breathing hard, and winded, and the sweat of panic was dripping from me but try as I might, I could not get free or make the slightest noise. I lay back, listening, and I heard her heels as she walked about the classroom, though I had no idea what she was up to. Gathering instruments for my impending torture, I assumed. After a few minutes she came back and took her seat. I watched her intently, terrorized by her threats, and my position. She undid the snap and tie on the small leather case, and I started screaming into my gag as she produced a slender scalpel. True to her prediction, there was no way I would have willingly submitted to what she was going to do, and still, even tied down as I was, I tried to squirm away as she lowered the scalpel to my skin. I felt a burning sensation, and screamed, but the pain quickly passed. She made a note, then cut me again, this time across the belly, and again I cried out silently in pain. So it went, over and over. She cut me again and again, on different parts of my body; chest, leg, arm. It was all the same. She cut, then wrote in her journal. I watched her eyes and face as she cut me, and there was a thrill of delight in her countenance as each incision made me bleed. She was trying to stay clinical, and analytic, but she was like a kid in a candy store as each cut brought a new response or idea. At one point, she produced a stopwatch and started timing my rate of healing. Later, she stopped making random cuts and started aiming for my vitals. She jabbed me in the wrist, and in the heart. She sliced off my left nipple and was ecstatic to watch it grow back. She set up a video camera and tape recorder immediately after that, deciding to record her findings visually and vocally from then on. She logged in the date and time, then proceeded to explain what she was about to do. Now I had to wait in anticipation as she described each new torture before hand. She wanted to take a sample of my blood to study, but found that even the slightest hypodermic needle was too large to accommodate. I watched her think for a bit, and I will admit that she was impressively smart and thorough. I also came to recognize when she had a new idea. Her eyes would light up and grow wide, and she would smirk, curling the left corner of her lips. In that instance she took the scalpel in hand and the needle in the other. She droned on in a monotone voice as she slit my throat, exposing my jugular vein, then quickly jammed the needle into my throat as my blood pulsed from my wound. I watched as my blood seeped into the hypo, and I could feel the wound trying to close about the needle before she pulled it free. I was in constant pain now, but apparently even a fatal wound would not kill me, and Doc Ellington noted that as well. She took the blood sample away, and actually left me alone for a time. I healed, and the pain receded. I squirmed in my bonds, but still gained no freedom. I knew better than to cry out. Who would hear me at my size. I heard the school bell ring, and at my size, it was hell. I thought my ears were bleeding, but I knew that even if they were, they would heal. I lay there suffering for some time, through the late bell in fact, when a shadow fell over me. It was Mr. McCormick. " Hello, M'boy. How are you holding up?" He stared down at me, obviously aware of my helplessness, but he made no move to free me. I screamed into my gag, but he ignored my cries, producing a metal pick from his jacket pocket as he proceeded to inspect my bound body. He poked and prodded me with the sharp instrument, ignoring my moans, sticking me in the stomach and ribs and lifting my groin to inspect my privates. I thought he was about to work the pick into my anus, when Doctor Ellington came to my rescue. She stepped up beside him and peered over his shoulder to see what he was doing, then placed a hand on his arm to stop him. " Now, now, Robert. Mustn't jump ahead." Mr. McCormick withdrew the prod and smiled at his peer. She smiled back and took his arm, leading him away from the workstation as I writhed in my bonds. She flattered him and cooed in his ear, and I was sure that within seconds he had forgotten me. A few minutes later Doc Ellington returned and sat in her chair, watching me. After a bit, she lit a cigarette, then picked up the microphone on her tape recorder. "Journal entry number 124... "10:53 am. "I have exhausted the expectations of the scalpel, and cutting the subject thoroughly. All parts of his body seem equally resilient, and his healing factor is undiminished throughout his system. I considered employing blades of various sizes, but deemed that it would have no true impact on the experiment. I have decided to use heat as the next see if the subject's healing factor can compensate. I will start at his feet..." I screamed as she touched the burning tip of her cigarette to the soles of my feet. The pain was intense. I passed out, but Doc Ellington was nice enough to wait for me to come around before she burned me again...

The day drug on, and the doctor tried every little thing she could think of to hurt me, short of vivisection, and I truly don't know why she decided against that. She burned my entire body before lunch, recording my screams of agony for her journal and marking off the time it took me to recover with each application of her cigarette. Sometime after noon she decided to eat, and sat back in her chair, watching me squirm as she ate. Occasionally some student would come to her room, either ignorant that she had cancelled classes, or just stupid. She chased them away before they saw anything however, and before long she was back to her experiments. Over the next few hours the doctor exposed me to every torture she could think of. She dripped acid on me, watching as it burned a hole in my stomach before the wound healed. She pulled on my penis with a pair of tweezers until it ripped off, then watched as it regrew. She finally sliced off my arms and legs, and seemed surprised that they would not regrow, then seemed astonished as the limbs reattached when she reopened the wounds and held them together. I suspect that she wanted to cut off my head, but was not confident that I would survive. I faded in and out of consciousness throughout, and the least torture I experienced was when she smeared influenza into an open wound and watched, timing me to see how long it took for me to shake the sickness.

She was running out of tricks near the end of the day, when I heard a familiar voice off in a dream. I moaned, as the day's events had taken their toll on me, and I saw the doctor rise as the voice called out again. It was Diane. I screamed into my gag with all my energy, knowing that Diane could not possibly hear me, but I tried none the less. Doc Ellington rose from her chair, and without a second thought, plunged a long pin through my throat, pinning me to the plastic and choking off my cries. She watched me squirm for a moment, making sure that she had properly silenced me, then draped a towel over my writhing body to hide me. I heard her heels clacking against the floor as she went to answer the door. "Yes?...Oh hello, Diane." "Hello, Dr. Ellington. I've come to pick up Billy. If you haven't cured him, that is." "Oh...But I did, Diane. Some time ago. It was a simple matter of injecting some steroids into his system to counter the chemicals that had permeated his blood stream. I sent him on his way just after lunch. I assumed he would have visited you straight away to tell you the good news." "No...he didn't" "Hmmn...Well he's probably about somewhere. I told him not to leave the grounds before classes were out, just in case there were any side affects. I haven't heard from him though. Perhaps he's with his girlfriend..." "Girlfriend?" "Some girl named Beth...I just assumed-" "Thank you doctor. If he happens by, tell him I've...Tell him I've gone home." "Of course...good night." I heard the door shut and lock, and I knew that I was doomed. Diane had given up on me, believing the simplest lie that the doctor could concoct, and I was suddenly gone. Her property and pet, Doc Ellington was going to take me home and keep experimenting on me until she discovered why I would not die. I knew that she did not care a whit as to why I had shrunk. She just wanted to live forever, and I was her key to longevity. She approached the table and jerked the pin from my throat after removing the towel she had draped over me. The wound healed in seconds. "Your friend seems very devoted, little man. She didn't reckon with me, however. I'm going to take you home with me, and I'm going to learn your secrets...eventually. You won't enjoy it, I imagine. But I really don't care." I squirmed and pulled at my bonds as she walked away. I did not want to go home with her, as I knew that would be the last anyone saw of me. But try as I might, the tape would not loosen, and I was held fast. Before long, Doc Ellington returned, wearing a long coat and carrying a briefcase. She set the case on the countertop and picked up the plastic slide, which held me. She looked me over, smiling from ear to ear. "You're going to make me rich, little man. And help me live forever." She kissed me then, her tongue flicking my penis, before she stuffed me, plastic and all, into the tight confines of her briefcase. She did not seem concerned as she wiggled the plastic that held me down into one of the cases' many pockets, and sealed the case with a snap of locks. I felt the case rise into the air and float along as she walked to the door of her classroom. I heard the door slam, then heard the sound of her heels on the outer walk. Suddenly I was falling. I felt the briefcase bounce, jarring me in my restraints, before tipping over, leaving me hanging from the tape. I wondered what was happening, and of course I tried to get away again, but I was trapped, blind, deaf, and dumb in my bonds until Doc Ellington took me out. I listened, and thought that I heard something beyond the confines of my prison, but could not make out the sound. Then silence... The case shifted upright, and I heard a key fumbling in the lock. The clasp fell away, and I saw a dim light overhead as someone pulled the flap away. Suddenly I was moving, and I felt the piece of plastic that held me being lifted free. I closed my eyes, wondering what knew tortures the doctor had invented for me to endure, waiting...waiting... I heard the voice of an angel then... "Billy?" I was saved...

Diane hugged me to her breast, slab of plastic and all. She was crying again, and I have to admit that I was too. I had never been so happy to see anyone in all my life. She held me at arm's length then, and just stared at me. I had to look like a butterfly, pinned to the wall, but she did not seem to care. I squirmed under her gaze, and she burst into tears again. "Oh, God...Billy...I thought I had killed you again." I hung there, wishing she would free me, or at least remove my gag so I could talk. I glanced about, worried that someone might see, and I saw the doctor lying unconscious on the ground. There was a fire extinguisher lying near by, and you did not have to be Columbo to figure that Diane had knocked her over the head. I could see that the doctor was still breathing. Diane had not killed her, and somehow, that worried me. But of course, I could say nothing about it. Diane hugged me to her breast again and started running for the parking lot. She told me not to worry, that she would free me soon, but what else could I do. I was six inches tall, taped to a piece of plastic and gagged. I could do nothing but worry. We passed a few people on her mad dash for her car, and I heard someone call her name, but she ignored them. Before long we were there, and she set me on the roof of her car as she fumbled in her purse for her keys. My eyes grew wide, imagining that she would forget me, leaving me on the roof as she drove away. But I was wrong. I heard the door open and Diane set me on the passenger seat, then climbed into the car after me. She was still crying, and shaking, as she fumbled the car key towards the ignition. She was in no condition to drive, and I hoped to heaven that she would not. I screamed into my gag and thrashed about in my bondage, trying to get her attention. Diane slumped forward, crossing her arms atop the steering wheel and rested her head on her arms. She cried as I hung there, helplessly taped to my plastic slide. There was nothing I could do but squirm against my bonds, hoping that she would notice me. Obviously, she had never had to do what she had done, hitting someone. And it seemed that she had never cared enough to want to do it either. I wondered what it had taken for her to fight to get me back. Diane slumped back in her seat and sighed. Her eyes were red and puffy, and tears were still running down her cheeks. She turned her head to look at me, and her gaze was vacant. "Jesus...I killed her, Billy. I killed her..." I shook my head violently, trying to tell her 'no', wishing that she would free me. I screamed into my gag. Screamed her name at the top of my lungs. I saw her eyes focus, trying to locate the source of the noise. She gasped... "OH GOD!" I winced. Then- "Oh Billy...I'm so sorry." She started to cry again as she pulled me from the board, tape and all. It hurt, and half my body hair was ripped away as she peeled off the transparent tape, but I healed. When she ripped away the gag, I screamed, feeling the wad of soggy gauze jerked roughly from my mouth in a stream of spit. Diane tossed the plastic and the tape out the window and held me in her hands, watching as my skin corrected itself, fading from an ugly red to pink. In seconds I was back to normal, and Diane held me up to her face. "Are you all right, Billy?" Diane eyed me, inspecting my naked body for any signs of lingering injury. I sat upright in the palm of her hand and nodded. I still ached a bit, like a dull toothache in my arms and legs, and groin, but in time it seemed that this too would pass. I told Diane so. She smiled, and hugged me cautiously to her breast again. "Thank God. I was so worried." She held me out again, glancing out the window as some kids passed her car. She seemed to be calming down as she gently placed me on the passenger seat. "We better get out of here. I don't think anyone saw me hit Doctor Ellington, but they're bound to find the body soon. We gotta go before the cops show up." Diane apparently still thought that she had killed the doctor with the fire extinguisher, and I could hear the edge of panic creeping back into her voice. I tried to calm her down. "She's not dead, Diane. At least she wasn't when you snatched me. I saw her breathing." "What? You're sure?" I nodded, and saw Diane sag with a wave of relief. I quickly pointed out that though that saved her butt, mine was still in danger. I figured that the 'mad scientist', Doc Ellington, would not call the police, but she would still be after me. Diane looked a little shocked at that, but it did not take long to get her to agree with me. "I thought it was weird she wouldn't let me see you at lunch. She said you were in some vital phase of an experiment, and that you couldn't be disturbed or it might have 'detrimental effects'. I came back after fifth period again, and the door was locked, and she wouldn't answer." I vaguely remembered a pounding sound at about that time, but was in a delirium of pain waiting for my legs to reattach themselves, so had dismissed the noise. "I knew she was lying when she said later that she had cured you and you had gone off with your 'girlfriend'. I know you've got no girlfriend." She smirked, calm again, and in control of her emotions. She slid the car key into the ignition and gunned the engine to life, and despite my self, my gaze once more drifted to the floor and her feet. "Knock it off, Billy." She commanded. "This is serious. I've got to get you home and safe, away from that evil bitch. Then we've got to figure out what to do next." Diane eased the car out of its parking space and headed into traffic, towards the exit. I could see her mind working, trying to reason out a plan of action. I tried to think as well, but my mind just wasn't up to the task right then. I had been through hell for the better part of that day, and would later find that it was to be the first of many. Diane was a great friend, to help me out, but it was hard on us both, and what little pleasure that was to come my way would be over balanced by her authority and protectiveness. She would have to become my 'keeper' for the duration, and as we found out, it quickly became a full time job. I was almost totally helpless at my size, and completely dependent on her grace and favor. We could apparently trust no one, as we learned the hard way, but that left us back at the beginning... What to do next...


I dreamed in shades of gray...

I was in my home, the place where I had grown up, the safest place I knew. It was wrong though, and as I moved sluggishly from room to room I felt uneasy and a little bit afraid. The warm and sunny colors that my mother had decorated the house in had been replaced by dull and drab degrees of black and white. The walls were dark and barren. The carpeting was black and gritty under foot and I kicked up clouds of dust with every step. Thick, stifling curtains shut out the world beyond, letting in only thin slices of a bright and garish light. The furniture was worn and threadbare, and oddly huge.

I felt like a child as I moved between rooms, marveling incredulously at my surroundings, wondering what had happened. I called for my parents, my sister, but got no reply save a strange echo that lingered in the misty air. Every room I found was void of life, and my home seemed to have been deserted for some time, like some old abandoned house out on the outskirts of town. Each room was a struggle to enter as well, as it seemed that the place had been built to a scale well beyond my stature. I had to stretch up for every door knob and light switch. I had to stand on tiptoe to see the tops of the desks or tables that were left in the various rooms.

My own room was the worst. Entering it, the size seemed to double with every step. I could not reach the light switch, but light was filtering through the curtains and gloom so that I might see. My bed was huge, and it was a strain to hoist my body up the bedspread, like climbing the thick rope in gym class, a chore I had never liked. From that vantage point, atop my dusty and unmade bed, I surveyed the rest of the room. The dark walls had been stripped of anything I might have remembered. The overhead lamp hung from a chain lined with cobwebs, disappearing into the darkness behind the bed's headboard. By climbing to the summit of the heaped up pillows at the head of the bed I could see the top of my dresser, but found it empty as well, a large plateau on the far side of an insurmountable gap.

I could see my reflection in the dark glass of the mirror rising above the dresser. I looked strange, almost a stranger, though I knew it must be me looking back. I was small, smaller even than I had first imagined. Less than a child. And aside from the obvious difference in size, my body looked different as well. My skin was gray, stretched over a body that was not my own. It seemed older, and obviously better defined and muscular. My hair seemed almost white, as opposed to my usual brown, and I assumed in this oddly monotone world that it should appear darker. My face was there, on the strange diminutive body, but it did not seem quite right. It was me, but older, and altered, yet familiar just the same.

When I saw the wall suddenly ripple behind me in the reflection, I realized who I was in the image. The wall was white, and seemed to flow like liquid as it rose behind and above my mirror image. It was like theatre curtains, in the old movie houses, swaying and shifting as I turned. I craned my neck, staring ever upward, following the massive wall of clean white fabric towering above me. I could barely make out curves and mounds along the edges of the wall far in the distance. Something huge floated over head, a shadow lost in the darkness, and I heard the sound of a motor purring far up and away. "Louise?" I asked, tentatively, my naked sweating body suddenly shaking in fear as I slipped into the role I seemed to have been cast. I heard a low rumble that sounded like laughter, and a jangling of metal and suddenly the sun burned overhead, hanging by a dusty chain from the sky.

"No, silly..." The voice was soft and feminine, and rolled overhead like thunder. The wall of white fabric had become a dress, draping the gargantuan body that towered over me. It was cut in a style five decades old, as was the full blonde hair of the giantess, hanging loosely about her shoulders and framing a face that I had come to know and love. It was Diane.

She was smiling down at me; her huge white teeth set in a perfect smile. Her eyes were dark, sparkling mischievously in the blazing light. She hugged a filthy, balding cat to her bosom, stroking it and cooing in its ear as she eyed me playfully. It purred, its rasping voice sputtering like the outboard motor of a boat as it eyed me as well, one milky eye staring into space. I started to back away.

She dropped the cat to the bed, and panic washed over me as I watched the great beast stretch and claw at the comforter. It licked its lips; whiskers twitching as it caught the scent of my fear and padded toward me. I froze, death approaching, as Diane bent at the waist, leaning over my little body. She was laughing now, as the cat's paw lashed out, ripping my body open in a quick flick of claw and fur. I sprawled in a bloody heap, a black stain spreading beneath me. Oddly, there was no pain.

Diane dipped her finger into the gaping hole where my chest had been. Something ripped as she probed about, and her finger was smeared and damp when she pulled it free, holding it out for the cat to lick clean. "What's the matter?" she laughed. "Cat got your heart, Billy..." Billy... Billy...

"Billy?" I woke in a panic, that feeling of not knowing where I was or what was happening. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer, and my skin was pale and slick with sweat. I sat up, spinning about, wide-eyed and terrified. I was surrounded on all sides by faded walls of blue, huddled in a shadowy darkness. I felt warm, and oddly safe, despite the overpowering fear that was gripping me. I cast my gaze skyward, following a curvaceous wall of pale blue, the dream already receding into the dim corners of my memory.

Diane hovered over me, her sweet face marked with concern. She was sitting cross-legged on her bed, still wearing the jeans and tee shirt that I had last seen her in, though she had tied her hair back into a pony tail, and a thin pair of wire rim spectacles sat on the tip of her nose. She hovered over me because I was resting in the safety of the cubby-hole created by her crossed legs. I remembered then that I was still six inches tall, and reality came crashing in on me again like a tidal wave...

While doing detention time, I had been assigned clean-up duty in the high school science class for a few days after school. It wasn't so bad, as I was under the supervision of Diane, a girl I had grown up with and whom I considered one of my best friends despite the difference in our ages and social status at school. She was a year or so older than me, but in the safety and seclusion of the science lab we had gotten along well, remembering happier times when we were younger. As I was cleaning, however, fate stepped in and I had an accident of monumental proportions. I tripped, dropping a tray full of various, and of course, unknown chemicals, which had more than detrimental effects on my body. The long and short of it was...I had shrunk.

Luckily Diane was there. She helped me as best she could, keeping me safe and taking me home with her as we tried to figure out some way to get me back to normal. In the end, after a few brushes with disaster, we mutually decided to take me back to the school science teacher, to see if he might have a clue as to how to restore me. Back at school the next day, however, we learned that Mr. McCormick was little more than an aging 'Mr. Science' waiting on retirement. His boss on the other hand, had a sharp mind, but she was not quite so interested in science as she was in getting rich and making a name for herself.

Diane reluctantly handed me over to 'Doc' Ellington, McCormick's supervisor and head of the science department, and I spent the worst day of my life in her 'tender' care. The truly evil woman subjected me to a series of tests that were in reality the cruelest tortures that she could imagine. I was taped down to a plastic slide and gagged as she poked and prodded me, took my blood, burned me and finally diced me up like a piece of fruit. The only thing that was finally resolved by the end of the day was that, in addition to being the smallest man alive, I was also the most resilient. My body had become something akin to living rubber; virtually indestructible, and would eventually mold back into its original six inch shape, no matter what the mad scientist did to me, and she did things that would have had the Marquis de Sade spinning in his grave with lust.

Doctor Ellington of course saw this as her chance to not only get rich, but to live forever. If...she could unlock the secrets surrounding my accident. She covered her tracks well, telling lies to Diane, and making plans that would eliminate me from my life as a real person. She had planned to take me home with her, to discover just what made me tick, and she made no attempt to soften the blow, telling me in some detail what hell my life was about to become. Luckily Diane cared enough not to be fooled however. She did not believe the doctor's lies and came back at the end of the day. She fought for me, and was willing to even kill for me I found, as she slammed the doctor over the head with a fire extinguisher, rescuing me. Doc Ellington survived, unfortunately, but I was free, none the less, and safe again, with Diane...

"You okay, Billy? You were twitching in your sleep." Diane stared down at me, concern wrinkling her brow. Her huge brown eyes took me in with warmth that chased the last demons of my nightmares away. My heart was still thumping madly, but slowing to a more normal rate, and I almost had my breathing back under control. I looked up at her, her huge, beautiful face taking up the entire field of my vision. When I had first woken from my accident the day before, I had compared Diane to God, and it still seemed appropriate.

"I-" I choked, trying to find my voice. "I'm okay. Just a bad dream...I'm fine." Diane's huge lips twisted in disbelief, but she took me at my word, apparently, and accepted. She had been resting her arms on her thighs, reading a magazine above me as I slept, and now laid it aside. She then took off her glasses and laid them beyond my line of sight on the far side of her legs.

"Want to tell me about it? You fell asleep in the car, on the way home from school. From exhaustion, I imagine, and I didn't have the heart to wake you. You were out for a couple hours." She leaned back against the headboard of her bed, watching me as I in turn leaned back against the warm denim that covered her calves. I was suddenly chilled, and her body radiated a warmth that dried the sweat on my skin and made me feel safe. I could smell a faint odor of the soap in her jeans, and her perfume, which barely hid her more personal, private scent at my size and closeness. It was intoxicating.

I wanted to tell her about my dream, but I was hesitant. I had trusted her with my life, and she had saved me. I had told her one of my most closely guarded secrets, and she had accepted my desires willingly, with only a little trepidation. At six inches, however, I felt like a freak, and though she had taken on the role of my guardian for the duration, and had proven herself to be a true friend, I did not want to do or say anything stupid that might drive her away. Under the current conditions, with my life as stressful as it was likely to become over the last day, it was only natural that my dreams would take up where my waking hours would leave off. I hoped that she would realize that. I did not want any secrets.

I leaned my head back against her leg, closing my eyes, and could feel the pulse of her heart through her pants. "You won't laugh?" I asked. "It was kinda' weird." She smiled. "I'll try not to." I stared up into her trusting eyes, so full of sympathy, and pity. I still could not decide if it was love I was feeling, or some strange pseudo love, like a patient feels for a doctor who has saved his life. My heart melted again, regardless, as I could see that above all else, she really, truly cared. "I dreamed that I was Scott Carey, and that I was back home-" "Who's Scott Carey?" she asked. "The Incredible"

I saw the smirk start to curl the corner of her mouth, and even I had to admit how stupid it sounded. Me, in my six inch glory, dreaming that I was shrinking. To give Diane credit, however, she tried to control her amusement. She quickly slid a poker face into position and looked at me waiting to hear the rest. "I think I saw that once, when I was little. It was a movie, right?" "Yeah." I nodded, remembering one of those happier times we had shared. "We saw it together one Saturday actually, at the theatre. It was a double feature, with the Amazing Colossal Man." She did laugh then, and I had to join her. It was just so ridiculous. "You got sick on Milk Duds and Junior Mints. I remember..." She giggled, and I felt the bed shake beneath me.

I stood up and patted Diane on the leg, wanting her to open up and let me out of the little secure area she had formed around me. She did not get the hint though, so I climbed up the side of her leg, using the seam of her pants as a toe hold, and eventually stood on her thigh. My first view of the world beyond her told me that nothing was changed. We were on her bed, as I had thought, and beyond were her dresser and vanity, her pile of dirty clothes in the corner, her coat hanging from the hook on the back of her door. I saw her purse; my 'mobile home' lying in the chair of her vanity table, and her shoes were lying on the floor near the half open closet doors. The dresser was littered with junk, a jumble of makeup, a key ring, papers and pens. Not unlike my own dresser back home, though nothing like the dresser from my dream. Though a bit more feminine, of course. I felt something sharp poke me in the back, and turned to see Diane's hand hovering near me. "Go on." "What..." "Finish your story. Your dream..."

I waved her off. It did not seem important somehow, anymore. I glanced at the magazine laying on the bed. It was a curriculum guide from the city university. "It's gone." I said, pointing at the magazine. "What's that?" "Oh..." She leaned forward and held the magazine open so that we both could see it. It was turned to pages that described the Science Department and teachers at the university. "It's a prep book for the college. I snuck it out of Pam's room earlier. I figured that we were on the right track, getting some scientist to figure out how to help you. We just have to find one that's a little less 'mad' than Doc Ellington." "A lot less mad, thank you very much." I said with a little laugh as the memories of the hell she had put me through welled to the surface again. The bitch had driven a pin through my larynx to keep me quiet at one point, pinning me to the table like a bug. I shivered, hugging my arms about my chest, remembering every detail. I heard Diane moan in sympathy, and suddenly I was being scooped up into her arms like a baby. She held me tightly, and I could see her eyes welling up with tears. I know she felt a little responsible for leaving me with the woman.

"Jesus, Billy. You're freezing. Your skin's like ice. Do you feel all right?" Her giant hand probed my body, lightly pressing the backs of her fingers along my skin. My teeth were suddenly chattering, but I sputtered out that I was okay. "I hope you're not getting sick. I better find you something to wear." "I-I-I'm...o-k-k-kay...D-D-D-iane..." I chattered, "Really..." I tried to force my teeth together as I snuggled into the crook of her arm, trying to soak up her warmth. I was cold, but I knew that I was not sick. It was fear, plain and simple, as the horrible images of the day's trials tried to overwhelm me again. Diane looked dubious, but she held me, and comforted me until the bout of the shakes had subsided. I explained to her that the doctor, in one moment of devious ingenuity, had infected me with some strain of influenza, and that my body's new defense mechanisms had cleansed me of the disease within minutes. Apparently, whatever it was that made my body resilient in my tiny form also kept it healthy.

I could almost hear the wheels turning in Diane's brain as she stared down at me, not really seeing me. She cocked her head, thinking, as what I had told her slowly sank in with all its far-reaching implications. Suddenly, her eyes grew huge, and she gasped. For a second, I'm ashamed to say that I was a little worried. "Billy..." she said, her voice a breathless whisper. "My God! No wonder Doc Ellington wanted you so badly. If your body can fight off the flu..." I nodded. I had considered the implications while I had been taped down to the slide in the doctor's lab station. At first I had wondered why she had become so ecstatic when I had recovered from her injection so quickly. Then I realized that, if I could fight off the flu, then someone could create a cure from my blood, and everyone would be able to do the same. And it would not stop there. I could be infected with every disease known to mankind, and if my body fought them off, then a cure would be made. If I succumbed to the disease, then no great loss. What was one more lab rat dying in the cause of helping humanity? I could potentially be the catalyst for curing everything from the common cold to cancer, however, and Doctor Ellington saw that, right off the bat. And now, so did Diane...

"My God..." she whispered once again. She leaned forward to close the college book and I took that opportunity to leap out of her embrace. I landed easily outside of the confines of her legs and paced off a ways, putting a little distance between us, so I could see her more easily, and to be out of easy reach. She stared down at me with a look somewhere between astonishment and awe, her eyes sparkling in wonderment. I saw her breasts heave as she took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure before she focused on me again. "Billy. This is way too big for us. Way too big for some teachers at the local college, too. We have to contact someone important, like the Mayo Clinic, or the CDC; someone from the government." I swallowed a lump in my throat, seeing the sudden determination on Diane's face. Call me paranoid, but somehow I did not think that any government agency would have my best interests at heart. I quickly told Diane so...

"C'mon, Diane. You've read Stephen King enough to know what happens to freaks like me. Give me to the government, and I'd be handed over to the real world equivalent of the 'Shop', and that would be the last you ever saw of little Billy. They'd dissect me so fast your head would spin. And do you think that anything they discovered about me would be used for the good of humanity? Please... Rather than find a cure for cancer or Aids, they'd figure some way to make troops invulnerable, or create some missile to shrink down the enemy. Wake up, Diane..."

"But-" she frowned, knitting her eyebrows as she thought of an argument. "I'd stay with you. I'd make sure-" "You'd be dead." I said in the coldest voice I could muster in my six inch size. "Or they'd lock you up too. Anyone who knew would disappear." "We could tell the press; the newspapers and television. They'd help, and then the world would know-" "Until I suddenly 'died' for unexplained reasons." I cut her off again. I could hear the catch in her voice as she was getting worried, realizing that there was at least some truth to what I was saying. She was getting discouraged and starting to feel helpless. I pressed on, not giving her a chance to interrupt again. "Oh, they'd parade me for the press for awhile, at least until they figured some way to fake my death; maybe with a clone, or some poor slob that nobody would miss when they managed to recreate the accident that shrank me. Any way you look at it, I would end up the same; locked in some cage like a lab rat until I died, one way or another."

I watched as the excitement quickly drained from her gigantic body. I was forced to scurry back and out of the way as she brought her knees up to her chest, hugging them with one arm as she picked cat hairs from the bed spread with the other. She looked miserable, and I felt like shit for making her that way. "So what do we do, Billy?" she whispered, eyes downcast, not wanting to look at me. I threw up my hands and shrugged my shoulders. "I dunno. I guess we're stuck until we think of something else, or at least someone we can trust with our 'little' secret. Diane smirked at that.

"You're the one that's 'stuck', shorty." She giggled lightly, extending a leg too quickly for me to avoid. She thumped me lightly in the chest with her toes, just enough force to knock me over, sprawling me on the bed. Before I could react, her sock clad foot spread out over me and pinned me down with just enough pressure to hold me in place with no pain. The smell of her feet; the sweat and foot powder, and a faint aroma of the leather of her soft, white Puma's immediately overwhelmed me. She leaned forward tentatively, knowing somewhere in the back of her mind that she could not crush me, but still not wishing to take the chance. Her wide smiling face hovered over me as she scooted forward on the bed trying to get comfortable. I felt her toes flexing on my chest, and it tickled a bit, forcing me to laugh.

"Like that, huh?" she sniggered, curling her toes and scratching my chest. She brought her hand close and extended her index finger, scratching the nail lightly along my ribs causing me to burst out in a fit of giggles. I begged her to stop. "You know, I could force you..." she said, tracing her fingernail along the little bit of my body that was exposed from under her foot. I pushed against her big toe with one arm, and slapped at her finger with the other, all to no avail. "I could put you in a jar and screw on the lid...poke a few air holes in of course- and then dump you off at any lab I wanted. I don't have to help you. I don't have to care." The tickling stopped, and I felt Diane's foot rise off of me, pivoting on the heel to land beside me. I lay there breathing hard, still grinning like an idiot, worry scratching at the back of my brain. She was no longer smiling...

"But I do, dammit." Diane slumped back against her pillows, more lying than sitting, and planted her other foot opposite the first with me in the middle. She sighed, staring down at me past her breasts, her face shifting from despair to concern. Worried as I was from that position, I had to admit that I enjoyed the view. "I don't know if I love you Billy, or if I'm suddenly in love with you. But I do know that I love you enough not to see you hurt." She smiled at me, and my heart melted again. I wondered if that was some side effect of my dilemma; shrunk, indestructible, melting heart... "So I guess..." she continued, "that until we decide on what to do, we just keep on going like we're-"

We both turned towards her door as we heard the front door slam and Pam announce that she was home. Diane frowned and cursed, leaning forward to scoop me up in her hand. My stomach lurched at the sudden swift movement as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and held me gingerly in her fist. "I guess I better hide you, so we don't have a repeat performance of this morning." I was about to tell her to just make sure that she shut the door when she stood up and walked to her closet. My head spun as gravity flipped about me, and suddenly I realized that she was speaking again...

"-be perfect. No one will find you, and I know you'll enjoy it. I won't be gone long." I was about to protest when I was tumbling out of the palm of her hand and falling. I briefly saw the gaping dark maw of some opening, like a mouth, before I was sliding down into the darkness. I bounced a bit, then tumbled roughly to a stop in the close confines of a new area. I scrambled to my hands and knees, and quickly crawled towards a shaft of light. Looking up, I saw Diane's face beaming down at me. "Now you be quiet. I'll be back as soon as I can." I felt my temporary home shift as she moved it, and the light slowly dimmed, then faded all together as I heard her close the closet doors. It did not take me long to realize where Diane had placed me for 'safe-keeping'. I could smell the leather, overpowering, and a slight odor of her feet, which I was coming to recognize. Judging from the length of the 'tube' I had tumbled down, and the shape of my little room as best as I could make it out, I was in one of her boots.

As I probed my surroundings, however, I quickly became bored. True, I loved shoes and feet, but there's only so much shoe worship a little man can do, especially when no one is there to appreciate it. Of course I tried to climb out, but the legging was too steep and I could not get a handhold. It would not knock over either, as I slammed my miniscule weight against the walls of my leather prison. Diane must have wedged the boot up against her shoes, holding it in place. I tried to fold the leather, but it was too stiff, and I was too puny. I was trapped, I finally conceded, until she returned.

I woke with a start, when I felt the boot move. I bounced around for a bit, trying to regain my senses from sleep as my prison rose swiftly into the air. I could feel it swinging as I held on, wondering what Diane was trying to do to me. I yelled her name, staring up at the sliver of light above me, but she could not hear as she pinched the top of the boot closed as she carried it. To where, I did not know...

The boot landed on the floor with a thump, and I bounced about again, my teeth jarring with the impact. I saw a shadow overhead, moving in and out of sight; Diane moving about the room, I assumed. Then, a moment later the mouth of the boot spread wide and I shook in fear as a foot appeared at the opening, toes pointing down to enter. I screamed, wondering what Diane was up to as the foot slid into the tube of the boot. Her toes hit me, and kept coming, forcing me onto my back, and then shoving me into the toe of the boot. I was soon wedged in tight, with most of my body in agony as the foot tried to squeeze into the cramped confines, pressing me down into the insole. My head was locked between Diane's big and long toe, her sock prying my lips apart, stifling my cries. My arms were pinned under her foot, so I had no way to get her attention. I was in tremendous pain as I felt my bones snapping; my body flattening and oozing sweat and blood. I screamed as I suddenly felt Diane's full weight press down on me as she stood. The pressure was devastating, and the dark closeness was oppressive. I felt sick, blood in my mouth as the aroma of her feet overpowered my remaining sensibility. I realized briefly that something was wrong as I mercifully passed out.

I was drowning...

I woke engulfed in water, something tightly pinning my arms to my sides and holding my legs together. My body shook violently, my head bouncing twice off of a smooth white surface at the bottom of the water. Then suddenly I was flying again, spitting blood and water from my lungs as my stomach churned. I felt a pressure about my body, a slow, tightening force that radiated heat, and I realized that I was in the grip of a gigantic fist. When my rapid movement abruptly ceased, I finished hacking and coughing and tried to get my bearings. I was in the air, being held, and through blurry eyes I could see a huge, leering face forming before me. I screamed when I realized that it was not Diane...

Pam smiled wickedly as she stared at my little body squirming for freedom in her fist. Her eyes sparkled behind her glasses, radiating sheer delight with me, her new toy. I whined and moaned, feeling the softness of her hand as it squeezed on the verge of crushing me, and heard her titter like a little girl with a new pet. She shifted her grip, planting her thumb in my chest and pressed until I cried out. She laughed...

"You're alive...You're really alive." She kept pressing, tipping my head back with the fingers of her free hand, totally ignorant, or uncaring of my agony. "When I saw you on Diane's bed this morning, I thought you were just one of her old dolls. But you're real... "And you look familiar...Who are you?" My mind was racing, my body trying to ignore the pain. If I could fool her into thinking I was no one consequential, or at least no one she knew, maybe I had a chance. I gasped, and she realized that she was pressing her thumb too hard on my chest for me to speak. She eased off the pressure, then shook me instead, to get me to answer. "I-I'm...Jim..." I gasped, using my father's name. "I'm a...friend...of Diane's..." Pam stared at me intently, actually squinting as she opened her palm, but held me down with the finger of her other hand to prevent me from jumping out of her grasp. I noticed then, as I started breathing normally again, that Pam seemed to be dressed up. I remembered then that it was Friday night, and I had a glimmer of hope in thinking that she might soon leave. She was dressed in a black tank top with a short black leather jacket over top. Craning my neck, I could also see that she was wearing a short black skirt, hose, and one boot, the other lying on its side on the floor. She wore a short purple sock on her exposed foot. She was also made up, heavily, at least for her, with lavender eye shadow and lipstick, and her light, sandy hair was teased out to look fuller. She still looked thin, but good. I was surprised...

Her fingernail traced a harsh line down my body, stopping at my genitals. I swallowed hard, staring up at this giant woman who held my life and manhood literally in the palm of her hand. Her nail scooped up and under my groin, holding my tiny sack on the tip of her nail. I saw her thumb inch forward, and before I could react, I was writhing in agony as she began to crush my testicles. I heard her laugh...

"I don't know who you are, little man, but I don't know any Jim. And I know that I know you." She applied even more pressure, and I started to see those little gray flecks that usually filled my vision before I passed out. "Suppose you try again, and this time, if I don't like your answer, I'll just pinch off this little thing between your legs." I screamed, barely able to talk, and begging for my life... "Pam! Please! It's Billy! I'm Billy!!"

I felt the pressure between my legs ease, and I collapsed back against the soft pads of Pam's fingers. My groin felt wet, but whether from blood or urine I could not tell. Whichever, I knew I would heal. The pain was already receding as Pam lifted me closer to her face. She pulled her glasses down to the tip of her nose and stared at me over the rims... "Jesus...I don't believe it." She gasped, probing me with her finger, poking at me. "It really is you. What the hell happened?" She prodded me again, and I quickly related a condensed version of my accident in the Science Lab, omitting the tortures of Doctor Ellington, not wanting to give her any ideas. She laughed through most of it, at my stupidity mainly. She made some comment too, about Diane's soft heartedness, and that made me mad, though there was nothing I could do to retaliate. Just as I was finishing my tale, we both jumped to the shrill ringing of the phone, and a second later we heard Diane's voice- "Pam! Phone!" I started screaming Diane's name and calling for help as Pam leaned across her bed and picked up the phone. We were still in Diane's home I realized then, and in Pam's room. I saw that it was only a little different than Diane's, with posters of rock stars on the lavender walls and furniture with a different style and shade of wood. Pam's room was also a bigger mess than Diane's, with clothes strewn about and junk piled everywhere. Diane shouldered the phone in the crook of her neck and pressed her thumb over my face to quiet me down. "I've got it, Diane. Hang up." I heard Pam speaking into the phone then, and quit struggling as I knew there was no way Diane could hear me. After a moment, Pam eased the pressure on my head, sliding her thumb back over my chest as she spoke...

"Hi Janice... "No, actually...I don't think I'm gonna make it tonight... "Yeah...You could say it's a guy... "No...I don't think you know him. He's from my neighborhood... "No... "No...Listen...Call me tomorrow and I'll tell you all about it... "No...Tomorrow... "Okay...Bye..."

Pam hung up the phone and returned her attention to me. She checked out my entire body, probing me with her finger. She flipped me easily onto my stomach and I felt her fingernail on my butt, poking and prodding. Finally she dumped me roughly onto the bed, folding her leg beneath her as I raised up on my knees before her. She grinned down at me...

"So what was my stupid sister planning to do with you?" she asked, totally amused with the situation. She slipped out of her leather jacket, tossing it to the floor, then picked a rubber band up from her nightstand and pulled her hair back into a tail, tying it off. "She-" I choked, and had to take a deep breath to find my voice. "She was trying to help me. She was going to find someone to change me back." Pam smirked... "Figures. Little Pollyanna Pureheart comes to the rescue again. Don't think too much of yourself, kid. She'd do the same for any stray dog off the street." Pam chuckled. "Still...You are kinda cute like this. With your little prick hangin' out and all. I can see where she might want'a 'help' you." Pam laughed and reached forward, flicking me in the groin with her finger and all the might she could muster. I screamed, flying backwards several yards (about a foot in real space), and sprawled on the bed, my hands dipping between my legs to ease the pain in my jewels as I curled up in excruciating agony. I heard Pam's laughter as the bed shifted beneath me, and felt her hot breath as she hovered over me. "Pathetic little wimp, ain'tcha?" I was crying, curled up in a fetal position, and in no condition to answer. I could feel a tingling between my legs though, the sensation of healing, and knew that I would survive. Pam batted me around in a little circle with her finger as she gloated. "Trust Diane not to use you for the toy you are. I bet she hugged you and kissed you and promised to keep you safe, right?" Pam held me down with a finger in my back and whacked me several times with her fingernail. I was soon crying all the harder, trying to catch my breath as I cursed her out. Pam picked me up by my foot, letting me dangle upside down as she giggled at my flailing and crying... "Ah-ah-ah...Mustn't call Mama bad names..." She tossed me high into the air then, and my hands brushed against the ceiling before I started to fall again. I saw Pam gleefully watching as I fell past, bouncing off the bed and into the air once more. When I hit the next time, I angled towards the edge of the bed and bounded over the side, falling. I hit the floor, pain shooting through my leg as my ankle buckled underneath me. Still, I gritted my teeth against the pain, hoping I would heal, and hobbled off, rolling under the trailing edge of the comforter. I scrambled into the darkness under Pam's bed, hearing her curses as I crawled through the accumulated dirt and dust. There were magazines and dirty socks, bits of food and paper, and a forgotten pair of fluffy slippers way back by the wall. I heard a thump behind me and knew that Pam had dropped to the floor, and a moment later a stream of light washed over me. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Pam reaching for me under the bed. I put my head down and ran for all I was worth...

Her fingernails scratched across my back, but I was just out of her grasp. I screamed and fell forward, arms windmilling to regain my balance. I tumbled through the dirt, spinning about to see Pam's legs as she was running around the bed to my side. I got up and ran the way I came. Light fell over me again as she flipped back the comforter, searching for me. She cursed again, realizing that I was still out of reach, and I heard the bed groan and creak as she crawled across it to head me off. I poured on the speed, my leg barely throbbing, and dove into the wide, dark opening of Diane's boot lying before me. I scrambled into the toe of the boot, hoping that I had been quick enough when I felt the floor shake. Suddenly I was slammed into the sole of the boot as it went spinning out of control. I could only imagine that Pam had shoved the boot out of the way and was searching for me under the bed again. The boot thumped up against something; the wall or the door, and I shook my head and scrambled crab-like out of the boot. I saw Pam, her butt in the air, and her leg stretched out as she probed through the debris under her bed looking for me. Her booted foot was sliding back and forth as she shifted her weight, and I had to leap away before she accidentally stepped on me. Her foot kicked the boot, however, and she glanced back to see what she had struck. She saw me...

I ran for the door, diving at the slight crack between the floor and the barrier. I did not know if I could make it, but I would break every bone in my body and squeeze through if I had to to get away from Pam. The door slammed me in the head as it swung open just as I reached it. I skidded across the hardwood floor, delirious, coming to a rest right before Pam' knees. I was only half-aware, my head ringing in pain as Pam shifted her weight and shuffled forward, settling her ass on top of me and fluffing out her skirt around her. I could barely breathe, could barely hear Diane's voice, though I could feel Pam's whole body vibrate as she spoke...

"Pam...I...What are you doing?" "None of your business, brat. What d'you want?" There was a pause, and Pam settled her weight over me. I pushed, but my arms just sank into the warm soft flesh of her behind. I was trapped and helpless. "I-I was just returning your college- Are those my boots?!" "Yeah...I guess they are. You borrowed my book...I borrowed your boots. What about it?" I struggled with all my might, screaming into Pam's panties for Diane to hear me... "Nothing...I...Was there anything...I mean..." "What?" "Was there anything in them?" Pam giggled, and a soft, putrid breeze wafted past me. I gagged, struggling to remain conscious... "No...Why? Lose something?" "I...An ankle bracelet. I lost an ankle bracelet and thought it might have my boot." "Nope. Sorry." I felt Pam's body shift, forcing me further under her body. "You want your boots back now?" "No...I guess not. If you see it-" "I'll let you know. 'Bye-bye..." There was a bit of silence, and I heard the creak of the door closing... "Oh, Diane..." "Yes?" "My magazine..." I heard Diane's foot as it touched just inches from my helpless body. There was a moment of quiet, when I guessed that Diane was handing her sister the college book, and then I heard the door latch closed. A second later Pam's hand was yanking me out from beneath her by my ankle. I dangled, helpless as she stood up.

"I can see that you're gonna be more of a problem than I thought. What to do...Hmmn...?" I saw her lip curl as she considered my fate as I hung helplessly between her thumb and forefinger. She carried me casually over to her vanity then, and dangled me from her fingertips as she leaned on the table looking for something. Then in a flash, she held me up again, holding me upright by my legs. She had a small white box in her other hand, and in a zip, she had a long piece of slick white string looped about my legs and was wrapping it about my body. It was dental floss. Pam shifted my position as she wrapped the floss up and around my body, tying my legs tightly and pinning my arms at my sides. She looped the thin cord about my chest and shoulders, then knotted it, and started wrapping down my body again until I was thoroughly tied from head to ankle. The cord was stiff with wax, thick, and slick as well, and try as I might, I knew I would never snap it. It held me more or less rigid, and standing at attention in Pam's grip when she finally broke off the line and knotted it off.

She held me up before her face and licked her lips, smiling as I struggled in her grip. "There...That's better." She giggled and I saw her hand lifting her skirt. "Now let's see what kind of fun we can really have."

I screamed and screamed as I was plunged into the darkness beneath her skirts. It all went on for some time...


I woke to darkness...

I was still tied, wrapped head to toe in stiff, waxy dental floss that bit into my skin and hurt as I moved. My body was sticky, coated in a stiff, dried substance that I knew was Pam's 'sexual juices'. My hair was plastered to my head, and it took some effort to force my eyes open as they were crusted shut. I smelled of her, and it made me gag. I moaned as I tried to get my bearings, rolling about, unsure of where I was or how I had gotten there.

I remembered that Pam had used me. Diane had left me, oblivious to my plight, literally in Pam's hands, and bound to do her bidding. I learned that night that Pam had a truly wicked and devious mind. After catching me, smothering me and binding me like a miniature mummy, she had used me as a dildo; a human dildo six inches long. I am quite sure that she enjoyed it, as I move in ways that no vibrator ever could, but to me it was the next best thing to hell.

I remember the darkness, and the heat. It was incredibly warm beneath her skirt, between her legs. It was a slimy, tight feeling, and I recall her muscles closing in on me...pressing. I've read stories of men that had a shrinking fetish, and cannot believe how any of them could believe that they would derive any pleasure from that humid, airless void between the legs of their lover. The woman might enjoy it, until the little man stopped struggling and passed out before he died. For the man however, I can only imagine that it is like being buried alive in hot, steaming mud, water clogging your lungs, your nose and mouth, suffocating you until you died...

I luckily passed out. I have yet to die...

I stared about, waiting for my sight to adjust to the darkness. I was in a stifling, enclosed space, I could tell, and there was a horrific stench that left me gasping for breath fighting with Pam's more feminine odor. I could smell leather, overpowering my senses, and the fading scent of shoe polish and foot odor. I could feel the hard stiffness of a gigantic shoe about me, as my time in Diane's boot had well aquainted me with the shape contoured to a woman's foot; the roughness of the sides, the slick, worn sole, the confines of the toe. These were not boots though, but something cut lower. Not pumps, as the toe was squared, and the insole flat, and too stiff for sneakers. Loafers I thought, and I moaned, wondering how I had sunk so low as to wonder what type of shoe I had been imprisoned in...

I wriggled about, testing my bonds. Pam had tied me tightly, and my 'new' rubbery skin seemed to bulge over the stiff, waxy cord. She had wrapped me twice that I could tell, up to my neck, and back down to my ankles. The yards of dental floss in a single container made the perfect utensil to bind someone of my size; neat and accessible, and almost endless. It was strong as well, almost like fishing line, and try as I might it would not break no matter the force I used. It had one drawback though...

The wax on the floss made it slick. The more I moved, the more it bunched up and slid over my body. I was sweating as I rolled about in the huge, smelly shoe, and covered in Pam's 'love juices', which at first had been sticky, but now, with my exertions, seemed to be aiding in my escape. Pam of course had been conceited in her power over me, and her size. Maybe she had never tied anyone up before, or maybe she just did not really care, thinking that at my size I was probably helpless, but in her arrogance, she had not tied my hands. True, my arms were pinned tightly to my sides, but as I squirmed in my bondage, it was a simple matter to gather the floss in those areas that bent; my knees, elbows, and waist. Rubbing against the rough sides of the inside of the loafer helped as well, like a rough stone wall. I got a bit of friction burn in the process, but I heal real fast.

Being more flexible since my 'accident', it was relatively easy to bend my body in such a way as to reach the floss now gathered at my ankles. It hurt a bit, but I had endured far worse, for instance the crushing weights of two separate women, not to mention the various portions of my body that 'mad' Doctor Ellington had cut away. I try not to mention it, but I'll never forget, and it still haunts my dreams.

The floss was knotted at my ankles, but I could get at the knots with my hands. At one time, knotted dental floss would have been impossible for me to undo, but at my current size it was like a thin nylon rope. It took a bit of manipulating of course, in the dark, but eventually I felt the knot slide free. I then started to undo the loops, spiraling the cord up and about my body, loosening my bonds. The floss snagged at the bunching at my elbows, where the next knot had slid. I had loosened the bindings enough however that this was hardly an obstacle. I wormed about in the confines of the shoe for a time, again using the rough sides and the sweat of my body to slide the waxy floss, getting the knot into a position that I could reach. The knot had pulled taut, but it was simple; a square knot, and did not take long to undo. Again I squirmed, my body soaking up the odor of Pam's feet as I rolled about, my head thumping on the toe of her shoe in my struggles. Eventually though, I felt the bonds fall away until only one knot remained; the slip knot at my ankles again, the first, now the last. I pulled the loop open and slipped my feet out of the loop, finally free.

Or was I?

On my hands and knees, I began backing out of the shoe, but I had barely gone an inch before I was butting up against the heel. I had to maneuver about, as I was still longer than the shoe's mouth, and inched sideways out. I was still in darkness, and readily thumped against a wall of soft worn leather. I reached out blindly, stroking the obstacle. It was soft to the touch, and I could make out the tongue/flap of the other shoe. I could feel the toe cap, the wrinkles in the stitching and the imprints of Pam's toes left in the supple leather. There was a bit of metal too, round, and in proportion to a dinner plate to me, though I imagined in the real world I had left behind that it was about the size of a coin. It was the loafer's penny, held to the shoe with small metal clips.

I looked up, wedged between the two shoes as I was, and wondered why it was still dark. I stood, or tried to, and almost made it before hitting my head on something solid. I reached up and felt the smooth, stiff lid of a cardboard box overhead. I was in a shoebox, I figured, and beyond that, probably in a closet again, or under Pam's bed. I pushed upward, hoping that it was the lid above me, and that Pam had not been smart enough to turn the box upside down. Unfortunately, Luck is a lady, and she apparently likes tormenting little men as well. I pushed with all my strength, but the box would not move. Pam had either tied or taped my little cardboard prison shut, or set something on top of it to keep me trapped.

I flopped down on the toe of Pam's shoe and sighed, depressed. I hated this. It was one thing to be six inches tall with Diane. She cared about me, and maybe even loved me. But to Pam I was nothing but a toy, a plaything. She had used me as a human dildo for Christ's sake, and I could only imagine what other plans she was thinking up as I sat in her little makeshift prison. It would not be all that long before she discovered just how indestructible I truly was, and she would start doing things to me. I shuddered at the thought.

I had to wonder what Diane was doing to help me. Was she still looking for me? Or had she thought that I had run off, unable to cope with her idea of taking me to some government agency for help. Maybe she thought that the cat had gotten to me. I am sure that she must have looked for me for awhile. I can imagine her shock, finding her boots gone from her closet. Thinking maybe she had misplaced them, and turning her room out to find them, and me. Did she suspect that Pam had taken them? Probably not, or I imagine that she would have made a bigger deal when she had spied the boots in Pam's room earlier. That bothered me. I could hear her voice as I lay trapped under Pam, and Diane had sounded hesitant, but not really concerned. She seemed to have forgotten about me, almost. She seemed more concerned with the mystery of what had happened to me than in actually finding me. I couldn't understand...

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Thinking like that, in my current situation would quickly drive me crazy. The only thing keeping me going was that Diane was out there somewhere, just a few rooms away in another part of the house, waiting for my return. I had to get out of the damned box...

It hit me as I leaned back to sulk. Rather, it poked me, I guess. I winced in pain as I leaned against the penny lodged into the top of Pam's loafer, the bit of metal holding it in place jabbing me in the back. It was loose, and sharp. Sharp enough to cut me and cause me pain, and possibly sharp enough to cut through cardboard. I spun about, there in the darkness on the soft leather toe of a shoe that was five times my and ran my hands over the metal that was underneath me. It only took a little effort to pry the penny loose, as the clasp was already bent, and I quickly dropped the ornament aside. I dug my fingers into the leather, inching my way beneath the metal clasp, trying to find a grip. Soon I was pulling with all my might, the cheap metal bending under my miniscule force. Sweat was running down my back, dripping in my eyes and matting my hair as I grunted with my effort. I heaved, gnashing my teeth. I would not be beaten by a little bit of pounded copper that was probably held in place by a stud that I could have snapped in two just a few days prior. It was just a bit of decoration on a damn twenty-dollar pair of shoes, but it was also my only hope...

I fell back, suddenly, slamming up against the rubber crepe sole of the other shoe then sliding awkwardly between the two. I was winded and weak as I slumped down, but I was also grasping the sharp little bit of metal for dear life. I had never heard such a wonderful sound as the leather ripping and popping as my tool came free. I must have looked like a total fool, wedged on my ass between the two shoes with my legs over my head, clutching the thing to my chest in fear that it might disappear. I did not care.

I wormed around, struggling to my feet and worked my way towards the toes of the shoes and the front of the box. I felt the edge of my little weapon. It was not as sharp as I might have hoped, and it was clumsy to handle, but it was all I had. I probed the smooth wall of the shoebox, feeling rough barrier with my hand. I pushed, looking for the area of least resistance which I figured to be the center of the panel, then pressed the tip of the penny clasp against the material of my prison, hoping that it was not flush with a wall.

I scratched, dug, and finally drove the sharp edge into the cardboard with all my might, and finally felt the makeshift knife lodge in place. I whooped in joy of my little victory, then began to saw at the wall. It was a slow, slow process; the wall was harder than I would have imagined, and my blade was not nearly as sharp as I had hoped. I do not know how long I cut and ripped and tugged on the cardboard wall of my prison, but slowly, millimeter by millimeter, I began to see a lengthening scar of dim light seeping into the darkness.

I had maybe an inch, possibly two, cut into the side of the box when I was finally able to shove my hand through, followed by my arm and shoulder. I forced my head through the cut, and soon my torso, my body compressing even as the cardboard ripped to accommodate. I was scraped raw for a few seconds when I was finally spit free, and I lay there in the dim light, healing, breathing in the sweet breath of life and freedom. I had escaped...

Or had I...

I moaned as I realized that I had once again spoken too soon. Yes, I was free of the shoe box prison. I could see it now, the sides taped and a dictionary perched on the top to hold it closed. Pam was taking no chances. That was plain to see as I looked about me. I was in the closet. I could see the slats of the twin doors filtering a pale light from outside into the confines of my new prison. I stood and staggered away from the box, the enormity of the room overpowering me with every step. I was on the uppermost shelf of Pam's closet, a good eight feet above the floor in the real world, and well over one hundred to me.

I sagged to the ground, sitting on the edge of the shelf and dangling my feet over. It was too much. Pam was just an evil bitch, and that's all there was to it. It was not so much that I would fall and break my neck. At the time, I figured I probably would. But I would survive. The fall would not kill me, but the fear of falling might. I wondered if I would survive a heart attack, but figured I would. Diane had broke my heart, literally crushed it on the floor of her car, and I was still here. But I had a fear of falling, and just sitting there (leaning far back), my heart was pounding like a trip hammer. Luckily it was still dark, and I could not really see the height in all its glory. I debated...

Jump or climb... Jump or climb...

It was a long hard climb down (I'm a coward, I admit it). I did have to jump a ways, after walking the edge of the shelf before finding a likely dress that seemed long enough to get me to the floor. I was lucky that Pam even owned a dress, but I suppose, like every man owns a suit, every woman has a Sunday special gown. It took all my courage to leap out into the dark emptiness, and I found when I hit the shoulder that I had closed my eyes in fright. Not my best moment as I clutched at the fabric, fearing that I might tumble into space, but I managed to snag a handful of soft cotton and stopped my descent. I hung on for dear life as I screwed up my courage again, contemplating the task ahead. I had never been very good at hand over hand climbing, and hated those days in Gym Class when I was forced to struggle up a rope or the pegboard. Finally, the ultimate fear of Pam finding me hanging from a dress in her closet and punishing me over rode the lesser fears of falling and dying, and I got moving.

I eventually found myself dangling from the hem of Pam's dress, still some twenty feet (to me) from the floor. I could see the hard wood directly below me; boxes and Pam's shoes piled up to one side. Twenty feet I could survive, but still I started swinging from the bottom of the skirt, trying to angle into the shoes which were a little closer than the floor. I let go, tumbling into the pile and came to rest on the spongy rubber of one of Pam's thong sandals, relatively unhurt and in one piece. I was closer to freedom, and I could taste it. My mouth was watering as I climbed from the shoes and scurried towards the gap beneath the closet door like a mouse.

I crawled on my belly in the dust back into Pam's bedroom. The pale light of dawn was seeping through the curtains, casting the huge room in a ghostly glow. It seemed like a dream, or some surreal nightmare straight out of a Dali painting as I ran for the door. Everything was huge, looming over me and threatening. Her furniture towered over me like buildings, and the great mounds of her own body seemed like snow capped mountains rolling off into the distance as she slept covered with a sheet. I stared in awe at a shapely foot poking from under the comforter, dangling far and away above me as I ran past. I could hear her breathing, barely, over the pounding of my heart, and soft muted whispers as she mumbled in her sleep. I wondered if she was dreaming of me.

I reached the door, eventually, another barricade in my gargantuan Chinese puzzle box prison; a cell within a cell, within a cell. It was shut tight, I could tell, and far too big to move even if it were not. I stared at the slight gap at the floor and sighed. Earlier I had threatened to force my way through it, even if I had to break every bone in my body to do it. Now I had the chance to see that that was not such a far-fetched plan. I would have needed to be paper thin to squeeze through the gap, and I did not believe that even my body could manage that. At least not without one of my giantess keepers stepping me flat first. I was stuck again...

I slumped against the door and slid down to sit and think. I was exhausted, and my body still felt sore from all of the abuse that it had endured over the past couple of days. I needed to rest, and try to come up with a plan. I wracked my brain watching the morning light grow brighter, cheering up the gloominess of the room a bit, and improving my mood. I remembered all the silly sitcoms I used to watch in reruns that for one reason or another had to do with someone shrinking down to tiny size; Land of the Giants, I Dream of Jeannie, even Bewitched on one occasion. I pictured myself as one of the crew of the SpinDrift, forever on the run in a gigantic world, everyone after me as I crawled through the gutters and in mouse holes, climbing my knotted rope with the paper clip grappling hook. I started to laugh and wondered briefly if I was losing it. I thought about Scott Carey fighting giant spiders and cats, and glanced about nervously looking for Fluffy.

I thought about using the phone; climbing the dangling cord, using both hands and all my weight to push the buttons, screaming into the receiver. But who would I call? My parents were out of town visiting my relatives. My sister Christy? I snorted. She would treat me worse than Pam. Or worse, she would just flush me down the toilet and tell our folks that I ran away. And they would believe her too, little Miss Perfect that she is. The cops or school or anyone in any authority were out as they would ship me away for study to some lab. I found that out the hard way with Doc Ellington. The phone was out.

I had to get back to Diane. That was all there was to it. She was the only one I could really trust, at least until my folks got home in a week or two. She was the only one who really cared. I had to get back to Diane, and I would have to get Pam to help me...

I woke with a start to music blaring off in the distance. I did not know where I was at first, a feeling I still have not gotten used to, and I flailed about in a sudden panic. I winced in pain as my elbow cracked against the wall, and I slowly regained my senses. I heard the music abruptly choke off to silence as I began to crawl along the floor.

I poked my head out from the safety of the dresser I had hidden under to nap and surveyed the room. It was light now, though I was still pretty much hidden in the shadows on the floor. I could see Pam, lying in her bed, savoring the last few moments of peace before she started another day. She stretched, yawning, and rose up on her elbows. Diane was far cuter, in my opinion, but with no makeup and her hair tousled from sleep, a dreamy quality to her face, Pam had a look about her as well. I watched, feeling the horniness well up within me again as she threw back the covers and swung her gargantuan legs over the edge of the bed. I licked my lips, wondering what I was becoming as I lustfully watched her feet feel about on the floor and finally sliding into a ratty pair of fluffy slippers. Was this some bizarre side effect of the chemical bath I took. Did it shrink me but somehow make my sex drive grow, causing me to lust after every gigantic girl I saw? Even Doc Ellington had got me erect, despite the hell she had put me through. I watched, my mind swirling as Pam ran a hand through her hair and got up.

She stood there for a moment staring at the closet doors and I paled, wondering if I had left some telltale sign of my escape. She was thinking, rubbing herself, scratching as people do in the morning, and I shivered in anticipation. Finally she strolled for the bedroom door and opened it, leaving the room.

I scrambled to my feet and ran for my life. I could see the door swinging slowly closed in her wake, and knew that I had to reach the opening and get through before she fully closed it behind her. I focused on her legs, her butt swishing in the folds of her oversized jersey nightshirt, hoping my lust would spur me on where my fear might fail. I cursed myself for not hiding closer to the door, but I had been afraid that she might see me. I cursed myself for not being faster and in better shape. I cursed my stubby little legs. I dove through the crack between the door and the frame just before I heard the latch click into place.

I tumbled to the ground, feeling the fuzz of Pam's slipper as I rolled. I cringed, waiting for the crushing weight of her foot to pin me to the ground, knowing that she had felt me hit her. It never came. The ground trembled, and I heard the floor creak as I opened my eyes just in time to see Pam disappear into the bathroom, the door closing behind her. I had made it...

This time for sure...

I was now in the hallway. Of course it was huge, stretching off into the distance in one direction and coming to an abrupt end in the other at a door that soared high overhead. The walls stretched up and away, a pale off white that reminded me of clouds as I craned my neck, following with my gaze to the ceiling. Pictures hung far up the wall opposite me, breaking the monotony of the bare white, though they were too high for me to focus on. I edged along the dark carpet; a shag like long, rough grass to me, away from the closet at the back end of the hall and towards the light of what I assumed to be the living room. I knew that Pam was in the bathroom across the hallway, and I had just escaped her room, which left me with two more doors in the hall, one of which led to Diane. The other door would lead to her mother of course, and God help me if I chose wrong. It was the 'Lady or the Tiger' all over again.

I listened at the first door, dropping to my belly and trying to peer underneath. I hoped to hear Diane, or see her feet as she moved about her room, or sat at her desk or bed. I wished I had been paying closer attention when I had been in there before. I wished I could remember which room was hers from the times I had been in her home when I was younger, and we had been playmates. I wondered if all men were so dense as to not notice those lesser details, or if it was just me. Whichever, the room was silent and dark, and whoever it belonged to had either left it for the morning or was still asleep. There was no way that I would have been able to open the door, and I was not quite ready to try to squeeze myself through the crack at the bottom, only to end up in the wrong room and be snatched up by Diane's mother. I scrambled off down the hall towards the next door...

I had not expected to see the earth move, so when massive shadows drifted by in the distance, I was stunned. I watched, and something the size of a mountain came into view, far away in the living room. I suddenly knew what a cave man must have felt, as a mastodon lumbered around a bend, though I did not even have a spear to defend myself. I stared in awe, still not used to the feeling of something so huge moving about. I hugged the wall, quailing in fear as I tried to focus on the gigantic form. Then I relaxed, and I felt air rush into my lungs, and my heart started to beat again. It was Diane...

I scrambled to my feet and started running towards her, waving my arms and screaming my lungs out. I was too far away to be heard, and in one mammoth step she disappeared out of my line of sight, behind the wall. I ran for all I was worth, pumping my legs like an insect. She had had her coat on, her purse on her shoulder as she dug into its depths. She was going out, leaving me alone in the house with Pam and maybe her mother as well. I had to hurry.

My lungs burning from the run, I rounded the corner, screaming her name as soon as she was in sight again. Luck was with me for once, as she had stopped at the door to dig into her purse in earnest, searching for something. With her massive strides, she could have easily been through the door and outside before I had even reached the corner. I gathered my breath and screamed her name as loudly as I could.

I saw her face go blank as she looked up and around. She had heard me, I know, but she was not sure what she had heard. The high-pitched squeak of my voice could have just as easily been the sound of the house settling, or a door closing somewhere. I watched her flip her hair away from her ear and cock her head, listening. I screamed again...

And the doorbell rang...

Diane turned away as I ran towards the middle of the room. I was still yelling and waving when my mind caught up to my body. I stumbled to a halt, panic smoldering in the pit of my stomach. I was standing dead center in the middle of Diane's living room, and she had her hand on the doorknob, totally oblivious to me and ignorant of my plight. She was about to open the door, and I would be in full view of whoever was on the other side. My plaintive cries had gone unheard, drowned out by the harsh chime of the door's bell. Whoever was waiting to come in would see me, and it would all start again; the questions, the prodding and poking, the captivity...unless Diane saw me first. Unless she saved me.

I stood in shock as Diane opened the door, not knowing whether to run forward or back into the hall. Morning light streamed through the open door, blinding me, and I heard Diane's voice, and another, rolling overhead like thunder. I squinted into the light, staggering back as Diane stood aside to let in her guest-

"Diane...Hi! How are you?" I heard a booming voice I did not recognize, but it was definitely female. Through tear filled eyes I watched as their shadowy forms hugged briefly. A friend of Diane's then, I thought, as Diane responded-

"Janice...Hi. Good to see you."

Janice! I choked. Janice was Pam's friend, and I recalled Pam's telephone conversation of the night before-

"Hi Janice... "No, actually...I don't think I'm gonna make it tonight... "Yeah...You could say it's a guy... "No...I don't think you know him. He's from my neighborhood... "No... "No...Listen...Call me tomorrow and I'll tell you all about it... "No...Tomorrow...

Pam was planning on telling Janice all about me; showing me to her friend...sharing me? I backed away, fear rising from the pit of my stomach. Diane, my savior was right there, just a few feet away, but it may as well have been miles. If I yelled and waved now, Janice would see me as well, or worse, instead. What would she do to me? For all I knew, Pam might not have been able to contain her excitement from the previous night and called her friend after putting me away in my shoe box prison, bragging about her new six-inch sex slave. I started to back away, my sight clearing, and totally intent on what the giantesses were saying-

"I'm just on my way out, Jan. I think Pam's in the shower, but you can wait. Make yourself at home." "Thanks, Di. Where're you off to?" "I...I've gotta swing by Doc Ellington's. Something I need to pick up...for school." "On a Sunday? That's a bitch." "Yeah, well...Can't be helped. Listen, I gotta run. I'll catch ya later." "Okay. Bye, Di."

The door slammed shut, and I saw Janice turn the lock before dropping her purse on the couch and sluffing off her jacket. A cool breeze wafted about me, raising bumps on my arms and legs as I backed against the far wall, shivering; whether from fear or the cold I could not decide. Apparently the weather outside was still chilly, that special time between winter and spring. I had not been outside for almost two days.

I inched along the wall, watching as Janice moved about the living room. She was huge; of course, taller than Diane was I could tell, but at my size did those few inches really matter. To her I was the size of a mouse, regardless. Without her coat on, I could see that she had a nice body, if just a little plump for my tastes, when I was a normal guy of course. She was wearing a pale blue tee shirt that made her breasts stand out nicely, and a pair of flair legged jeans that hugged her wide hips. She had on a pair of black, thick-soled boots that were at least three inches high and dusty, and I felt my friend stirring between my legs as I imagined myself polishing them for Janice's pleasure. My hyped up sex drive was kicking in again, and I could feel my adrenaline pumping as well. She had a pleasant enough face, plain but cute, framed by a thick mane of dark brown hair hanging loosely about her shoulders. I watched as she turned on the television, then plopped down on the couch and propped her feet up on the edge of the coffee table, settling in to wait for Pam.

My plan had been to make my way along the wall and back into the hallway, and then to force my way into the relative safety of one of the two rooms that I knew were not Pam's. Unfortunately, I had about a foot of real world space to cross (a football field expanse to me), with nothing to hide behind. I was closer to the safety of the shadows of a chair in the other direction, with about half the distance to cross. That seemed the safer bet, and I could hide under the chair until Diane returned. Hopefully that would be before Pam found me missing, and her and her friend turned out the house looking for me. I dropped to my knees and began crawling along the baseboard towards the chair, watching for any sign that Janice had spotted me.

I heard a low rumble; a hissing noise like rocks rolling in a crusher. I glanced up just in time to see a pale golden blur and lightning struck me fully in the side. I screamed in agony as my little body flew through the air briefly, before tumbling across the rough carpet. I moaned, my ribs feeling as though they were on fire, and when I touched my side, my hand came away wet with blood. Three deep cuts were slashed into my body, and I gasped in sudden terror, all thoughts of sex and Pam and Janice driven from my head.

I heard an angry roar and looked up to see Fluffy; the damned cat, lunging at me in mid-pounce. I screamed again as it landed on me; paws pushing me into the floor, its claws extended, digging into the carpet on either side of my head. Its purr was a grotesque rumble as it sneered down at me, whiskers twitching and blackened tongue flicking in anticipation of the kill. The beast's fetid breath rolled over me as it considered my struggling body, trapped under its enormous weight. It shifted, settling back on its haunches, which freed my arms, but it was ready to spring if it looked as though I would try to run. It watched me, licking its nose and lips.

I could feel the gashes in my side closing, the skin already scabbing over as I eased up on my elbows. I watched Fluffy, watching me, its paws just at my feet, claws sliding in and out of their sheathes as the beast considered what to do next. I trembled, and I knew the creature could smell my fear. I was just a strangely colored mouse to it, its next meal. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the chair, the safe haven I had been crawling towards. It was only a few yards away, relative to my size this time, but still, it may as well have been miles. There was no way that I could reach the depths under the chair before the gargantuan cat would have me pinned again. But I had to try...Right?

As if sensing what I was about, the beast swatted me, a playful tap that sent me sprawling across the floor again...away from my goal. The damned creature was playing with me; toying with its food. I rolled to a stop in the center of the floor, moaning in pain again. I felt no blood, nor anything broken, but I was bruised. I wondered how long I could stay conscious. Could I stay awake for the end, before Fluffy finally got bored and delivered the killing blow? I felt the weight of its paw shoving me to the floor again, its claws digging into my back. I was draped in darkness as the shadow of death fell upon me...

"What'cha got there, Fluffy? You catch a mouse?"

I looked up through my pain to see One of Janice's thick-soled boots directly in front of me. I craned my neck, trying to look up, but with the fat cat on my back I could only see up to her knee. I clawed at the carpet, screaming in agony as the cat dug its own claws deeper into my back, holding me in place...

"That's gross..." I heard the disgust in Janice's voice and saw her own weight shift on her foot as she crouched down to get a better look. Fluffy had both paws covering me then, and I heard the beast hiss as Janice tried to shoo it away. "Go on cat, move...shoo!"

Fluffy yowled, and suddenly I was free, the massive pressure off of my back. Janice must have swatted the cat away. I could feel the blood clotting in my wounds, now that the beast no longer had me skewered, and I gagged and spat up bile as I realized that the horror was gone...

"What the f-" ...only to be replaced by a new horror; a worse horror. One that could think beyond its next meal.

I felt something thump me in the side, bruising my newly healed ribs, and I saw Janice's massive finger as she flipped me over onto my back. Her nails were long and sharp, painted a dark lavender with tiny silver stars pasted to them. I looked up cautiously, knowing what I would see, and was not disappointed. Janice was squatting down, her arms resting on her knees as she stared down at my diminutive body. Her long hair dangled down above me like the drooping limbs of a weeping willow tree, shadowing the incredulous look on her face. Her eyes were huge in wonder, and her full lips were shaped into a soundless, gaping 'O'. I struggled to rise, actually getting to my knees and scrambling a few inches away, knowing that my only chance to escape was in those first few moments as she was overcome with shock. I saw Fluffy crouching off to one side, waiting to give chase.

I felt the floor vibrate with a loud thump and I screamed as something sharp pinched into my ankle in a vise like grip. I was drug back across the carpet, my enraged penis and nipples burning with the friction before I was whisked into the air. I dangled helplessly, upside-down as I went higher and higher until Janice's huge face came into focus. She was on her knees now, holding me easily between her fingers up to her face for a better look. The initial masque of shock had been replaced by the now familiar happy look of wonderment, tinged with a devious glint of evil desire. I am sure that the same old ideas were rushing through her head that Pam and Doc Ellington, and even Diane had already thought of. All of the cruel and humiliating things that a gigantic woman could do to a tiny, helpless man.

"Holy shit..." she whispered, and her hot, sweet breath made me sway in her grip. She cocked her head to one side as she slowly rotated my body, looking me over. "You really are a little man..." she said breathlessly. I felt her poke me with a sharp fingernail, probing my body with her free hand. I moaned, half from pleasure as she spread my legs with a finger and flicked my cock and balls from side to side for a better view. She cupped my groin on the edge of a nail and I saw her grin.

"This is so cool..."

I twisted away, thrashing in her grip and turned my body as best I could so that I could better see her face. "Let me go!" I yelled, then tried to contain my anger. "Please..." I begged, and she giggled. I felt my stomach lurch as she rose to her full height and carried me away. I saw the floor rolling by far below, and then the coffee table was beneath me and rushing up fast.

I tumbled onto the cold hard surface as she sat on the sofa, and as I had before, I used the momentum to scramble into a crawl towards the table's edge. Janice however reacted faster than any of my previous tormentors, as her hand swooped down and blocked my escape. I rolled about, getting to my feet and ran the other way, only to see her other hand drop down in my path. I charged and leapt, my ankle throbbing with the effort, and tried to dive over the blockade but she was too fast. With a casual flick of her wrist, Janice knuckled me in the stomach and I sprawled onto the dark tabletop, the air rushing from my lungs. I heard Janice laughing at my plight and felt her shadow on me as she hunkered over my tiny, prostrate form.

"This is so cool..." she said again with more conviction. Her mouth was curled into a grin, and I could see that she could hardly contain her gleeful exuberance as she stared down at me. I laid there, panting, trying to catch my breath as her finger returned to my body, poking and prodding. She pressed into my chest a bit too much force, and I squealed, curling up against her onslaught. I heard her gasp as the finger quickly withdrew.

"Oh God! Did I hurt you?" I moaned, still gasping for breath, and nodded. I saw her eyes grow wide again, this time with concern as she bit her lip.

"I'm sorry." She sounded genuinely concerned, but she made no move to set me free. "It's just...This is so weird." Her hand hovered over me and I cowered. She must have seen the fear wracking my body, as she did not touch me then, but the hand remained in easy reach as a warning.

"Who are you?" she asked, and I, with nothing better to do, sucked in enough air to answer. My voice was ragged and gasping, and I'm sure high-pitched and squeaky to her ears.

"My name's Billy. I'm Diane's neighbor...her friend." "How- Have you always been this small? Are you like Tom Thumb or something?" "No. It was an accident." "Tell me what happened."

So I did. I knew I would not get away then and there. She was too quick, and I was injured still, from her and the damn cat. I still saw Fluffy as well, sitting off to one side licking its fur, and I knew the beast was waiting for its chance to strike again and recapture its prey. I laid there healing, and told Janice then about the accident in the Science Lab at school, and the strange mixture of chemicals that had shrunk me to the size of an action figure. I told her about how Diane had taken me to her home to keep me until the effects wore off and I returned to normal size. I omitted the tortures and the whole experience with the evil Doctor Ellington, head of the High School Science Department. I did not want to give my new captor any ideas. I also did not tell her of my time with Pam, or the fact that I seemed to heal at an almost instantaneous rate, and that my body was now composed of some unstable quality that made me almost indestructible. At least so far. I was quite sure she would figure that out soon enough.

I was hoping she would do something with me before Pam finished with her morning bathroom ritual. I was fairly certain that Diane's cruel sister had not told Janice about me beforehand, but I knew that as soon as Pam appeared, all hope of my salvation would be shattered. I tried to look as helpless and pathetic as I could manage (not a long stretch considering my condition). I was hoping to play on Janice's sympathies, hoping desperately that she would turn out to be a gentle giantess like Diane.

"So Pam and Diane are taking care of you?" she asked as I finished my tale. I quickly debated what to say, trying to keep Pam out of the mix. "Diane is. She didn't tell Pam or her mother about me. We figured that the less people who knew, the better it would be." I saw her considering that, settling back on the couch and propping her boots up on the edge. Her feet towered over me like two huge monoliths from the movie, 2001. "So me and Diane are the only ones who know that you're tiny. Not even your family?" "No. My folks are out of town, and I don't really trust my sister to do the right thing. We don't really get along." She smiled at that, and I wondered if she had a little brother that she liked to boss around. She had been twirling her long hair as she listened to me, and now had a lock in the corner of her mouth, chewing on it as she considered what to do next. I got up on my knees, sitting on my heels as my body was healed again and stared up at her.

"Please...Please don't tell anyone. Diane's been really nice, but I can only imagine what someone else might do if they knew about me. They might dissect me like a frog to see what makes me tick, or put me in a cage, or-" Janice giggled at that. I had said too much.

"I think you'd look good in a cage. In fact, I have a little birdcage at home that would fit you perfect. I could keep you in it, and you could sing for me like a canary, and I'd feed you and take you out and play with you..."

I paled, seeing her grin suddenly turn wicked as she realized the fun she could have with me. I had said too much, and realized myself that if she was Pam's friend then how different could their personalities be. I got to my feet and bolted as she dropped her feet to the floor and reached for me. Fast as I was, I knew she was faster, so I leaped for the table's edge again, hoping to drop out of her reach. I was too late. I felt her fingers pinch into my leg again, and I was suddenly dangling upside-down once more as she reeled me in.

"Uh-uh, birdie. You're not flying away from me." She jiggled her arm, laughing as I bounced in her grip. Of course I struggled and thrashed against her, but she was too powerful, and I knew once again how Fay Wray must have felt in the grip of the 'Eighth Wonder of the World'. Janice glanced about then, no doubt wondering what to do with me until she got me home when we both froze. A door had closed in the distance, and I heard a now familiar voice...

"Hello, Janice..." I looked up, twisting my body to see Pam leaning against the frame of the hallway. She looked clean and refreshed, wearing her long jersey nightgown and fuzzy slippers, and her hair was wrapped in a bathtowel. She had her arms crossed over her breasts, and a wicked smile played at her lips as she took in the scene before her. She chuckled-

"I see you found my new toy."

I swallowed the huge lump that had formed in my throat and frantically renewed my impotent struggles, dangling helplessly between Janice's fingers. I was in for it now...


I held on as best as I could as I tumbled out of control across the floor. I bounced and rolled, grunting and moaning with each and every new impact, my body starting to ache with the constant pain. As my momentum slowed, I started to roll and finally came to a stop wedged between the cold hardwood floor below and something rough and cool overhead. That would be the bottom of Pam's slipper.

My mind was spinning faster than my body had been just moments before as I tried to regain my breath, once again wondering how I had come to be in such a predicament, and more importantly, how I was going to get out of it. I had been more or less a normal fifteen-year-old kid trying to survive the day-to-day grind of growing up when my world had turned upside-down, inside out, topsy-turvy? Take your pick-

I had been serving detention in the high school science lab for cursing at a teacher when an accident with some 'unknown' chemicals shrank me down smaller than an old GI-Joe doll with life-like hair and a kung fu grip. I was roughly six-inches tall now, and had been for a few torturous days, and suddenly at the mercy of a gigantic world that seemed- in my mind at least- out to get me. The only saving grace in my current condition was Diane. Dear, sweet and innocent Diane? She was an old friend and neighbor from down the street; we had grown up together in fact, and she had been the trusty lab assistant in the science class when my 'accident' happened. She saved me from melting away in the chemicals that day, and took pity on poor little me vowing to protect me from the big, bad world and to help me find some way to get back to my normal size if she could. Unfortunately, so far, we had come up with nothing.

Our first attempt to put me right was to take me back to the school (after a few distressing- and stimulating- adventures while I was a 'guest' in her house) and present me to the science department for help. A major mistake that, as our teacher was a muddled old man a step below Jerry Lewis in the Nutty Professor, and his boss, the head of the department was an evil bitch called 'Doc' Ellington. As soon as she saw me, she quickly struck on the financial gains that she might reap from dissecting me and finding out what made me tick. She took me away from Diane immediately, secreting me away in her own lab where the good doctor experimented on me for the better part of the day. She did not really discover any way to help me, but instead found out all of the things that could hurt me. Through trial and error we discovered together that I was virtually indestructible, or at least resilient enough that I would heal from whatever torture she inflicted on me. Apparently the chemicals that had shrunk me to the size of a mouse had also made my molecular structure unstable somehow. I would heal at a miraculous rate, no matter what she did to my helpless little body, and learning this just made her wicked smile grow wider as she considered the implications of isolating the cause of my condition. For hours on end I was sliced, diced, burned and beaten, but like an old Timex I took the licking and kept on ticking.

Diane rescued me, eventually, a harrowing bit of adventure on her part, or I probably would not be here now, telling you this. She stole me back from Doc Ellington and took me back to her home where we once again tried to figure out what to do. She wanted to take me to some higher authority; a college, or even the government, but I quickly talked her out of that. I was seeing the world for what it really was and I did not want to spend my life as a lab rat in some secret government installation. I also did not want to be a kept pet, not even with Diane. I wanted my life back, but it was becoming more and more evident that my choices in the matter were severely limited.

After a series of misadventures and bad choices- and to cut to the chase- I ended up in the clutches of Diane's older sister, Pam next. She had accidentally found me in one of my more unique hiding places (one of Diane's tall riding boots), and for a time she used me as her toy. I also learned the joys of sex at six-inches in her none too gentle hands as she used me as her dildo for the better part of a night. Pam hated me, or was at least indifferent to my condition as she did new and different things to my body that Doc Ellington, and even Diane had not tried. But I survived, and even escaped her clutches, for a time at least.

I had escaped Pam, even as I had escaped from Doc Ellington. I had survived an encounter with the family cat. I had been cut up and smashed flat, and I had still survived. I figured that I had used up about a lifetime supply of bad luck in my adventures, and was due for a change when I had seen Diane once more. Unfortunately, luck is a lady, and like most of the women in my life, Lady Luck delighted in torturing me. I had been too small to attract Diane's attention as she left the house, but not so small as to escape the scrutiny of Pam's best friend Janice, that Diane had let in. It was my own inattention that did me in that time, I confess. I had been so intent on getting away from Janice that I had run right into the clutches and claws of that damn cat, Fluffy.

Janice had inadvertently saved me from the beast, but I soon found that one captor was more or less the same as another. Janice's curiosity over my condition quickly turned to delight as she contemplated keeping me in a birdcage for her own amusement. I still think that my shrinking somehow brought out the worst in every female I met. Maybe I was exuding pheromones or something that made them uninhibited and wanting to torture me. Or, maybe they just did not see me as a person anymore at my six-inch size and they just did not care. Regardless, I was soon the object of her affections and dangling between her thumb and forefinger when Pam reentered the scene.

Pam had sauntered across the living room floor, her fluffy slippers scuffing annoyingly with every step, stopping at the edge of the coffee table and bending at the waist to stare at my helpless form. I had twisted and turned in Janice's grip, trying to seem outraged at their treatment of me, but Pam had just chuckled and blew a gust of breath over my body. Having just come out of the bathroom, I have to admit that her breath was minty fresh. It's funny what you think of when your life is flashing before your eyes.

"I see you got outta your box, hunh squirt?" Pam jabbed my butt with her fingernail, which sent me to swinging again. I heard Janice giggle, but she made no move to release me. "You'll have to be punished for that!" she said, standing to her full height again and planting her fists on her hips. Pam was not my ideal woman; not by a long shot, but I had to admit that she could look good when the mood struck her. Along with her fluffy slippers she was wearing an over-sized football jersey for a nightgown and had a towel wrapped about her head holding her damp hair in place. The jersey hung to about mid-thigh, and from my present position, just a few inches above the coffee table, I was getting a great view of her legs and that shadowy secret region beneath her nightshirt. I felt my erection springing to life again, and I quickly closed my eyes, not wanting them to see how their attentions were affecting me.

"Look! He's got a little boner!" Janice exclaimed, gleefully flicking my dick with a fingernail and giggling as I writhed in pain. I knew then that whatever good intentions towards me that she might have been harboring were long gone.

"Yeah," Pam agreed, "he does that. He gets more hard-ons than any guy I know. Too bad it's so tiny. Must be a bitch though, bein' hard all the time and no where to put it. Well, don't worry, squirt. Play nice with us and maybe we'll give ya a treat later on."

The two college girls had laughed as Pam led us back to her room. Janice kept me in her grip until Pam had chased the cat away and closed the door, then tossed me onto the rumpled, unmade bed. I hit softly, bouncing a bit then jumping to my feet. But with Janice on one side of the bed and Pam on the other, I knew better than to run. Janice sat on the edge of the bed then but Pam continued to stand, unwrapping the towel on her head and rumpling it through her hair to finish drying it.

"So," Pam continued, her voice only slightly muffled under the towel, "did he tell you his life story yet?"

"Yeah." Janice nodded as she poked a finger at me, watching intently as I tried to keep it at bay. "I kinda felt sorry for him, poor little guy."

"Well don't!" Pam dropped her towel onto the pile of dirty clothes in the corner of the room and picked up her brush from the dresser. "I used to baby-sit Wee Willie here, and he was always a brat. He deserves everything he gets." Pam sneered at me as she brushed out her tousled locks and I wondered just what I had done as a little kid to piss her off so much that she would still hold a grudge. I had not even seen her for months up until a few days ago, as she was in college and at least three years older than me.

I saw Pam dig through her bureau for a moment, and just as she was starting to pull her jersey over her head Janice's fingers wrapped around my head and torso, cutting off my sight and pinning my arms to my sides. She raised me into the air, my little legs kicking frantically beneath her fist and held me thus until Pam was more presentable.

"Ah-ah, Willie?" she whispered. "No peeking." She squeezed me a little, then dumped me onto the bed again in a heap. I gave her a dirty look, which I'm sure would have impressed her no end had she been looking at me and not at Pam.

"Let's have some fun, Jan." I heard the now distinctive whir of the dental floss dispenser and I whipped around to see Pam uncoiling about a foot of the waxy string from the small white box. I tensed to run, but Janice quickly scooped me up again from behind, gripping me about the same as before. I struggled, mainly for their amusement apparently, as they just laughed as Janice pinched my ankles together at Pam's directions. I felt a loop of the floss slip past my feet and suddenly bite into my ankles as Pam wrapped it round and round. When my ankles were secure, she did the same to my knees, then told Janice to fold up my legs as she knotted them together. With my legs bound and immobile, Pam told Janice to hold my arms behind me, and the giantess adjusted her grip to comply. Pam cinched another loop about my crossed wrists, criss-crossing the bindings several times then ran the floss back down through the crack in my ass and connected it with the bonds on my ankles. She continued the line, twisting the floss through the knots about my knees with a gentle dexterity, then looped the cord around my neck. The floss was like a nylon rope at my size, but slick with wax and easily slid as she tightened the line, folding my body finally into a tightly compacted little ball. I was doubled over in a kneeling position, now held gingerly in Janice's fingers as Pam added a bit more rope about my body so her little package would not come undone. When I finally heard the line snap from the dispenser, Janice placed me gently back on the bed. I tested my bonds of course, grunting and cursing, but the floss was far too strong to snap, and Pam's knots were way too tight and complicated to unravel. She had tied me once before, but not so thoroughly, and I had been able to use the slickness of the waxy line along with the sponginess of my body to worm my way out. Apparently she had learned some tricks since then and had me tied from every direction, making escape impossible. After a minute or so I gave up, winded and weak and aching from every spot where the floss was cutting into my skin. Flexible or not, it still hurt.

"That oughta hold you." I heard the satisfaction in her voice as she picked me up, tossing me in the air like a ball. I shuddered in fear, suspecting what must be coming next. I began to whimper and beg, but she just ignored me.

"Janice!" she called out. "Think fast!"

I went sailing through the air and heard Janice laugh out loud just before I fell into her cupped, waiting hands. She liked the new game, apparently, and quickly tossed me back. I felt the distance of each toss increase as my two tormentors positioned themselves around the room, and slowly the speed of each toss grew as well. A happy game of catch swiftly became a fast-paced game of hot potato as the girls chucked me back and forth as quickly as they could. My head was spinning with the motion, and it was all that I could do to keep my stomach where it belonged. Through it all I could hear their happy, playful laughter.

Eventually the inevitable happened and one of them missed their catch. Whether on purpose, or by accident I don't know, but I went sailing past the gigantic shadow of one of them and went spludding into the wall. I struck with quite a force, and I heard one of them curse while the other squealed a gasp at the sound of the impact. I was seeing stars, suddenly falling, and a second later I slammed onto the floor. I was gasping for breath as all of the wind had been knocked out of me when I hit the wall, or I would have been screaming in agony. It hurt like hell, and it was not even over as I bounced along like a rubber ball. Each time I hit the floor some new part of my body screamed in pain until I finally rolled to a stop up against the comforter of Pam's bed that was dragging the floor.

I blinked, trying to regain my senses as my body strained to heal my injuries. I prayed that nothing broken would heal crookedly, but wrapped up in a ball there was really nothing that I could do to set things straight. Somewhere in the distance, overhead, I heard the sound of Pam's bed squeaking. I could sense that the giant women were staring down at my little broken body, but for the longest time they just watched, doing nothing. Finally, Janice broke the deathly silence, real worry lacing her voice-

"Oh, god! Is he dead?"

I felt something stiff and bristling brush over me, then I was suddenly tumbling head over heels across the floor. Pam had prodded me with the toe of her fluffy slipper and was rolling me about with little jabbing kicks, trying to get some reaction. Had I kept quiet, they might have untied me. Of course, they might have panicked and flushed me down the toilet just as well. It was out of my hands though, as one rather forceful nudge elicited a groan from my abused body. I heard the giantesses collectively sigh with relief.

"He's fine." Pam sniffed, rolling me about under the rough sole of her slipper. "The little shit's pretty tough. Watch!"

Pam's foot slammed into me then, and I was shortly hurtling through the air like a bullet. I slammed against the wall; my world flashing red as the pain of my body shattering overwhelmed me. How I stayed conscious, I don't know, but I bounced off the wall and back across the floor only for Pam to kick me back again...and again...

And again...

I went in and out of consciousness as they played with me. How long it went on I have no idea as, since I was bound and unmoving, they did not even know if I was awake or not. They were having fun, and I guess that is what mattered the most. Janice took her turns kicking me against the wall of course, and after awhile that game turned into a perverted game of handball where they alternated turns and kicks. They played soccer for a bit after that, but they quickly bored with the competition and were now simply batting me back and forth between them. They were not gentle, but they were not trying to smash me anymore either so that my body was healing, albeit slowly. I bounced and rolled across the hardwood floor, coming to a stop under Pam's slippered foot only to quickly change direction as she kicked me back to Janice-

I thumped up against Janice's ankle as she was sitting cross-legged on the floor. She had taken off her thick-heeled boots earlier to better feel me underfoot I guess, and as she had before, she draped her stockinged foot over my helpless body. Her foot was warm, and did not smell, thankfully. It had been sweaty the first time she had rolled me underfoot, with a taint of leather still lingering in the wool. She was careful not to press down too hard, and I knew that she was enjoying the feeling of having me at her mercy.

"I wonder how he'd feel in my boot?" Her voice had a soft dreamy quality as she considered a new sensation. I shivered in terror and started squirming in my bonds, however, as the idea was not so appealing to me. Diane had hidden me in one of her boots before, and luck had again slapped my ass as Pam decided to 'borrow' those very boots to wear for a night on the town. She had not gotten that far, however, as she had tried to slip her foot in the boot and discovered me hiding within. I had been crushed, of course, as she had forced the boot onto her foot and stepped down on me with all of her weight, but she had sensed me within, a little wad of something, annoying and uncomfortable, and quickly found me.

"Give it a try." I heard Pam give her permission, and before I knew it Janice had scooped me up from the floor and dropped me down into the depths of one of her ankle boots. In a flash all went dark as I briefly saw her toes pointing towards me, filling the opening of the boot. I felt her toes pushing me down into the toecap of the boot. I moaned, but she ignored me, applying more and more pressure until my body started to conform to the limited space it had. I stretched and twisted as I was molded into the shape of the boot, her toes wiggling and pressing into me as she tried to gain some comfort. It was like trying on a new pair of shoes with the wadded up paper still forgotten in the toe, but rather than stop and take the paper out, Janice just forced her foot in.

Finally the pressure stopped. There was a little space at the tip of the shoe for my body to squeeze into. Apparently Janice's boots fit her better than Diane's had fit Pam as I was wadded up in the end rather than smushed underneath her foot. There was a momentary calm as she wiggled her toes about; causing my body to be shoved this way and that. I was stretched, it seemed, my body still bound hand and foot, but twisted out of shape with Janice's efforts. The air quickly grew stuffy and stale. I gasped for breath as the intoxicating smell of the leather made me heady and dizzy. Oddly, I did not pass out, even though I did not seem to be getting any air to speak of. Was this some new stage of my transformation? Did I no longer need to breathe? I wondered what I was becoming, and when it would all end.

I felt Janice shift her foot, and suddenly the pressure changed. Her toes pressed into me as her foot slid forward and I knew that she had stood up, her stance adjusting to the incline of her three-inch, platform heeled boots. She wiggled her toes again, trying to force my squishy body into a spot she liked, and then the inevitable. She started walking around the room.

The pain flashed over me like a strobe light set in slow motion. As she raised her foot to take a step the pressure eased and I squirmed in relief. All too soon though she stepped down and her toes were stabbing into me again. I moaned with every step she took, and my body expanded and contracted in kind, filling the space in the tip of her boot, then flattening out again as her foot returned to take up the space. It was a constant agony, but I knew that she was loving it as I heard her telling Pam. I could hear their booming giant voices even through the leather of Janice's boot.

"How does it feel?" Pam asked, and Janice answered with a twist of her toe.

"Cool! I can feel him squirming down there every time I step down. I hope I'm not hurting him too much."

"So what if you are? What's he gonna do about it? C'mon! Let's go eat. I'm starving."

I could do nothing but 'enjoy' the ride as Janice followed Pam to another part of the house. The kitchen I assumed, as Pam had mentioned her hunger. Oddly, I was not hungry despite the fact that my last meal had been a couple of peanuts that Diane had given me days before. My mouth was dry, but I did not seem to need any water either. I was contemplating that as Janice sat and crossed her ankles beneath her chair. I squirmed and groaned as the full weight of both of her legs was now directed into the toe of her boot; my prison. But as Pam had pointed out, what was I going to do about it, but endure. At some point I got some relief as Janice recrossed her legs and my boot was now in the air. She bounced her leg, and I bounced along with it, but so far that seemed the most desirable position.

After awhile they were on the move again, however. I could hear snatches of their conversation, but for the most part I was as deaf as I was blind. Eventually I felt a chill, and I realized that they had moved outside and were walking somewhere. It was not so bad as Janice's own body heat as well as her soft and wooly socks kept me fairly warm. Her boots were dry as well, being fairly new I supposed as she was a bit more fashion conscious than Pam.

Eventually they arrived at their destination, and for an instant I panicked to hear yet another female voice. I gathered from the bits of conversation that I could make out that we were in Janice's home now, and they were talking with her mother. I had no idea what she might be like, but in a way I was glad to be out of Pam's house. In the back of my mind had been a constant nagging fear of being found by Pam and Diane's mother. She was a...robust woman, fat and about Diane's height. She was loud and domineering as well, I knew first hand as any time I was over at Diane's when we used to play together I was made to mind. Bonnie- that was her name- had no problem spanking either Diane or me if we got out of line. I could only imagine what she would do to me now. I wondered how Diane might find me now, however, and despaired for a minute. At least until I remembered that I had left that damn cat, Fluffy behind. For the first time in a long time I sighed with relief. I would worry about finding Diane when the opportunity presented itself. For the time being I would enjoy what I could, and hope that Janice did not have any pets.

After a bit I felt Janice sit down and raise her leg. There was some effort, a tugging on my prison and eventually I could breathe again as her foot retreated from the boot. I felt my body sag, filling out within the constraints of my dental floss bindings. I seemed to be stuck in the toe of her boot, my body wedged in as deeply as it would go. I was no longer in a ball as my arms and legs had shifted despite the wrappings, and the floss had stretched, turns coming out of the loops and knots that Pam had applied. I was still thoroughly trapped, however, at least for a heartbeat.

I screamed to see a giant hand slide down into the boot, the fingers stretched and probing. I recognized the dark, painted nails by the shining stars attached. It was Janice, and she was probing for my body, eventually digging her nails under me and peeling me from the rough leather inside her boot that I had become affixed to. In seconds I was back out in fresh air, involuntarily gasping for breath and feeling my body shift and heal back into a near normal shape.

"He seems okay..." I heard Janice say as I squirmed about trying to see where my captors were. Where I was? I was on Janice's bed I gathered by the wide expanse of soft, satiny lavender material that stretched out beneath me. Purple seemed to be Janice's favorite color.

"I told'ja. He's a tough little bug." Pam snickered at her little joke, and as I finally focused on her face so far above I could see the total lack of concern. Her eyes were sparkling with evil as she leered down at me, and I knew I would never get any mercy from her. She knew that I could take a lot of punishment, and like Doc Ellington, I think she was more than prepared to take me to my limits, and beyond.

My only hope of freedom, or at least some comfort then, lied in Janice. As I looked at her though, I saw a mischievous grin on her face as well. Worse, she was holding up a pair of scissors, which she snapped menacingly. I shuddered in terror as she giggled, panic washing over me...

I felt more and more of the floss fall away with every snip of the scissors. Janice was freeing me, no doubt to participate in some new game they had thought up. At that point, however, I did not care. I was happy just to be able to stretch out again and move my limbs. I felt her snip away the final cords, then my giantess captors were nice enough to give me some time to rub the circulation back into my limbs before they snatched me up again.

Pam held me in her fist, up before her face and watched with amusement as I went through the motions of feebly pushing on her fingers and beating my tiny fists on her hands. Janice was right behind me, watching as well as I struggled, at least until Pam grabbed my head between the thumb and forefinger of her other hand and twisted me to face her friend. Janice's smile was ear to ear as she held up a birdcage for my inspection. I paled and hung my head as they laughed-

"Aww... What's the matter, Billy?" Pam mocked. "Don't you like your new home?" With the little bit of courage and defiance that I had left I told her no and demanded that they set me free. They both laughed again.

"I don't think so squirt." Pam went on as she deposited me through the opened door of the cage. I immediately spun about, ready to dive back through the door but Janice had already swung it shut and was applying a small padlock to the provided loops that would seal my prison shut. With an audible 'click' I was trapped, and Janice dangled the key before me as though to drive the point home. The small brass key was attached to a thin silver chain that was looped about her neck, and as I watched, deflated and defeated, she dropped the key down into the cleavage of her shirt.

I stepped up to the bars of the cage and grabbed hold, shaking them with all of my miniscule might. The giant girls laughed as I accomplished nothing but a feeble bit of noise, and Pam took great delight in flicking her fingernail against my hands until I let go and stepped back. Janice then picked up the cage without the slightest effort and carried it across the room. I watched as my world sped past in a blur until she raised the cage and hung it from a hook that was dangling from a chain hanging from the ceiling in the corner of the room. She gave the cage a push and I grabbed onto the bars again as it started spinning and swaying.

The cage itself was fairly large, apparently made for a bird that was not too much smaller than myself. The bars were metal; solidly set and long, arching up to all meet at the top where a loop was set for hanging. Other bars were welded cross-wise holding the thing together and spaced far enough apart that they did not obstruct ant outside view, but close enough to prevent my prying them apart. There were two wooden dowels inserted and tied to the bars with stiff wire; one just above my head level, and another about ten relative feet above my reach. Perches, I surmised, as there was also a swing dangling a few feet overhead as well. There was also a plastic bin hanging from the bars near ground level. It was empty, but I saw that it tilted in such a way that it could be filled with seed from the outside. Unfortunately there was a trap door that would prevent me from escaping that way. There was a water bottle clipped onto the bars as well with a long tube that allowed the water to catch at a drip collector at its end, and a mirror lashed to the bars beside that, just in case I got lonely. There was old newspaper lining the floor of my new home, and a thimble was set near the food bin for my waste. They apparently had thought of everything.

It took me all of a second to take in my surroundings, and before long I was back at the bars staring out at my captors. They were watching intently, waiting for me to explode no doubt, or rattle the cage again, but I just hung my head-

"Please..." I begged, hoping to appeal to their sense of right and wrong. "Pam... Janice... Please let me go. This is kidnapping for god's sake. Let me go now and I'll forget the whole thing." They were both silent for a moment, and I foolishly hoped that they were really considering my words. Then they laughed, loud and snorting and ugly, as though I had just told them the greatest joke in the world. Janice started the cage twirling again.

"Forget it, shrimp." Pam chuckled as I hung on to the bars waiting for my home to stop swinging. "This is your new home for the duration. At least until we get bored with you, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. We figured it would be better to keep you here than at my house. That way, in case my nosy brat sister comes snoopin', she won't find you. All's Janice has to do when she goes out is drape the cover over the cage an' her mom won't even know you're here. Not unless you do somethin' stupid like try to get her attention an' set you free. You do that an' I guarantee that when I get my hands on you you'll be cat food!" Visions of Fluffy danced in my head as I took Pam's threat to heart. I had no doubt that she would feed me to her cat without batting an eye. I sank to my knees in defeat, then fell on my butt. I was truly trapped and at their mercy.

Janice leaned in close- "Aww, don't be so sad, little fella. We'll have all kinds of fun. Remember what I was saying before? This'll be great! You can sing for me, and I'll take you out and play with you. I'll teach you tricks!" I stared at her incredulously... dumbfounded. Was she really so dense? I was a human being for god's sake. Not a dog to learn 'tricks' or a song bird. I glanced at Pam, but she was eating it up, grinning from ear to ear. She laid a hand on Janice's shoulder, pulling her away-

"C'mon, Jan. Let's leave him alone for a bit so he can get used to his new home. We can go to the mall, maybe find him some pet toys or some doll clothes to wear."

"Cool!" Janice plopped down on her bed and stepped back into her boots as Pam gave me an evil grin. She started humming a familiar tune as she draped a sheet about my cage- the cover. She started singing-

"Little birdie... Pretty little birdie..." Off key, and she did not know the words to the song from the old Jack Lemon movie, Irma La Deuce, later corrupted into a tune for a Chef Boy-r-Dee canned ravioli commercial. After a bit, laughing and chatting all the while they shut off the light and closed the door, leaving me alone.

Trapped and alone...

So very much alone...

I buried my face in my hands and cried...