Dr. Dawn


Dawn was in a foul mood, brooding over her career success or lack thereof. Years of college then the successive years of trying to work her way up the ladder only to be slapped down. Mostly she thought it was because she was a woman, and no matter what endeavor, women will never progress as well as men…..males in society, what pigs! Taking a moment off from her introspection , Dawn looked around her present surroundings; open ocean as far as she could see. Looking back to the rear of the boat (if you could call it that, it was more a scow than a boat!) She could see the two goons that crewed the boat leering at her. “No surprises there” she thought, “just a couple more pigs.” “Oh well, a few weeks of work away from idiots like this will be good for the soul.” Reflecting on her task at hand, two weeks for a site survey on some island to see if there was flora suitable for further company research. Being a wild life naturalist and botanist can have its rewards once you get past its downside. Looking once again in the direction they were headed she could see the slightest deformity on the horizon, good! Hopefully she could be soon away from doofus and dumb-ass’s prying eyes and get some real work done!

Juan and Rudy were having inner turmoil’s of their own. “No big deal” they were told. Take Dr. Sleighter to the island with her equipment, drop her off and in two weeks time pick her up. For the short 30 mile journey the $500. charter fee was well in excess and should help repair the failing vessel with overhead. The issue the two were wrestling with was leaving one of the most beautiful women they’d ever seen alone on an island that although uninhabited definitely had some nasty critters running around on it. The notion also of cozying up to the Doc also ricocheted around their dimwitted nuggets. She did have a way of giving the cold shoulder even at a distance, maybe a challenge?!

As the island drew nearer, Juan began steering towards the leeward side where the inlet protected a small beach area. Coral reefs ringed the island far enough out to that should they strike one the water would still be deep enough to overwhelm the boat. Shuddering at the thought of finding himself swimming with eels and sharks and the unknown, he redoubled his concentration to steer the channel. Rudy, his not so bright younger brother used the situation to move closer to the Doc under the guise of scanning for the reef. Standing next to Dawn, He peered into the water off the bow while taking in her presence and perfume. “God” he thought, “The things I could teach this bitch in the sack!”

Dawn though “Gees! does the bastard ever wash!” and moved away to the middle of the skiff. Again looking toward the island she thought “Home @#%$ home, or whatever I find” The beach was actually pleasant enough with calm water and fine sand without many rocks at all. The foliage was a respectable 50 foot back from the water line and had several favorable places to pitch her base camp. Beyond the first trees the jungle blended into shades of ever darkening green to finally merge into darkness. Progressively they slowed until the prow of the skiff was a short distance from the beach. Juan shut down the motor while Rudy threw a small anchor off the stern. Dawn collected her gear up and waited not too patiently while the two “goofs” got a small raft ready alongside. “One last time” she thought, “ Then I’ll be clear of these two and into some well deserved private time.” Making the beach Rudy jumped out and pulled the raft further up so the Doc wouldn’t have to get her feet wet. Dawn refused his hand and stepped out on her own. Juan began handing across the gear while Dawn walked toward the forest, hands on hips taking it all in. She mused that it looked like a scene from that movie Hollywood kept resurrecting for sequels; Jurassic Park. “Well” she laughed “If there are any dinosaurs in there, I’m screwed!” Eager to be rid of her taxi driver and his yellow-toothed relation, Dawn grabbed her pack and propped it up against a tree. Taking the tent out of its stowage bag, she began to set up camp. Juan and Rudy watched for a moment, offered their assistance then began trudging back down the beach to the raft after a fixed, cold stare and a “NO” that was more the verbal spear than vocabulary could possibly convey. Watching the skiff make its way slowly out of the lagoon, Dawn breathed a sigh of relief. “There go living examples of Cro-Magnon man!” Having set up the tent and organized it to her taste, Dawn laid out topography chart of her temporary resort. The island was really not all that remarkable for a south pacific sort. Maybe a whopping 30 mile circumference but definitely with an interior with high ridges locking in a smaller hilled area. “Tomorrow” she declared “It’s onward to the interior!”

The following morning, Dawn was up with the sun. Bathing first in a campers “shower” she appraised her figure. At 5’ 9” she thought she looked like any other plain-jane on the street. Always unhappy over her breast size she again thought that she would have a reduction. “Lord knows! that is all anybody (at least the male of the species) seemed to look at” “Thank gosh I’m not blonde as well!” Her brunette hair was usually kept tied back but when down for maintenance as she called it, it fell almost to the hip. “Oh-Kay then! whatever! now for some exploring!” Having a quick bite from her rations Dawn set out, GPS in hand, for the interior.

The first few days became a week in short order. Categorizing, classifying all the samples found occupied the vast majority of her time. Occasionally she would stop to take in the view from the upper elevations. Warm winds, pleasant temperatures made her feel as if she was on vacation in Hawaii. Late Saturday afternoon, Dawn found herself making way up what was rapidly closing into a jungle canyon. Up ahead she could hear the rush of a waterfall and the moisture from the spray filtered down through the air. Reaching the fall, Dawn found a poolside smoothed over rock to use as a chair. “It’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen!” For some time she sat by the water, letting it lull her into a peaceful state of mind. Finally rousting herself out of her reverie, Dawn got down to business collecting more samples for her research. That evening back at the tent, while placing the latest specimens into their containers, Dawn found a clipping she didn’t recognize. Excitedly, thinking she could have identified a new strain (and make the books calling it by her name!) Dawn broke out the micro-scope for a closer look. Under the lens she found herself correct, although it appeared outwardly to be your standard gee-whiz moss, this sample had blossoms she had never seen before. Saving it in a petri-dish, she sat back to ponder her findings. Absently tapping her forefinger to her lips the entire time. “I’ll go back and collect more in the morning” she thought, “I can’t be in error when I make my claim to fame!” “I’m need to find a way to protect my findings as well, one of those left-nutt bastards will no doubt try to claim this for themselves”

“Ugh!!” “What the heck time is it?” It was still pitch black outside, the water quietly lapping the beach. “I think I’m gonna’ spew!” Dawn felt ill, just downright sick. She opened her eyes but things kept spinning just like when you first lay down after way too many cold ones. Trying to make her way out of the tent was an effort all too much, colors whipped past with the burning sensation in her throat. Dizziness beyond anything she had ever experienced before kept her from standing. Her pulse rate was faster than a sewing machine on fast forward. “I’m going to black out!” she thought in fear, then nothing…………

Slowly the sounds of the island woke her. The sun had been up for some time now and the wind was making its presence known through the sound of palms rustling. “My God!” “What the hell was that all about” Dawn thought. Her head was pounding as though hung over. Nausea was still there but had retreated a distance. “I don’t want to open my eyes” she thought, “I need some water cause I feel like I wretched my guts out,…dehydrated…...” Slowly, as she became more aware of her surroundings, she stirred. Something prodded beneath her hip, “really frikking uncomfortable” she thought. Rolling over to remove the offending object she found herself in a puddle. “That’s it! Now I’m really pissed” thinking she had puked and had just located it. Sitting upright she moaned again for the pulsating pain behind her eyes. Ever so slowly did she open her eyes to take in whatever disaster she had created in the tent. Time stood still, then as the minutes began to pass Dawn took in the scope of her surroundings. There was no tent, she was feet first into the tide that seemed be nearly covering the beach. “What the @#%$ over!” looking back over her shoulder another shock waited. The first palm trees to come into view were slightly below eye level. The faster she turned her head to the closer trees , the further the tops fell away. Blinking and utterly uncomprehending her situation, Dawn stood up. “I don’t do drugs, not even the light weight stuff!” The tallest palm tree barely reached half way up her thigh. Dropping back to her knees, she covered her face with her hands. “What kind of a nightmare is this? and how the frik to I wake up?!” Stealing a peek through her fingers Dawn saw the crushed remains of the camp along with a few trees knocked clean over. Holding her breath she reached down with one hand, pinching up the collapsed and torn tent with her thumb and forefinger she lifted its remains until it was only inches from her stare. Crushed items fell from it as she turned it around to inspect it; a cup, some clothes, papers fluttered out. Eyes wide she flung it away from her, “This isn’t real, I must be hallucinating”. Another reality began to surface, “I’m buck-@#%$-naked!” As before, she took mental stock of her figure, her chest drawing her attention. “Now those things are WAY to big, how the hell can I pay to have these things reduced now!” Rolling over to a sitting position Dawn again supported her head with both hands. Miserably she kicked out her foot in frustration, “What the hell is happening!?”

The first few hours Dawn spent commiserating over her plight. The pain was slipping away and for the first time she was able to evaluate things clearly. Standing up, she surveyed the area at her feet. “Yup, everything just up and suddenly got small or I’ve just set the book of world records record for growing geeks.” Collecting up the fragments of her equipment, Dawn began to remove evidence of her presence from the beach. “I’ve got to hide away somewhere and figure this out.” Looking at the remnants in a single hand she marveled how miniscule they were. “I’ve got to be somewhere in the area of seventy to ninety feet tall now.” Stepping through the trees gingerly to avoid any further damage she made her way towards the canyon. While striding towards the waterfall her thoughts turned toward just how enormous she had become in comparison to the rest of the world. “It could have some benefits, they would have to listen to me instead of brushing me off.” Other concerns began sprouting up, “What the hell am I going to eat?” She knew water wasn’t a problem and shelter, at least temporarily could be provided by an overhanging cliff a short distance down from the waterfall. The more Dawn reflected her comfort increased with the events. “Hell!, This could actually be fun!” “If I could only just stay here without the bother of the world and its problems” The notion began to creep into her mind of `disappearing’ and living her time out in her jungle kingdom. “That isn’t realistic though is it?” “Some day some @#%$ will decide this will be a perfect place for a resort.” Making herself busy in her new state, Dawn prepared a crude “bed” of palm fronds on the sand at the base of an inset to the cliff. Plans started to form for the simple things she would need to maintain her health. Then, like a splinter, she remembered the goons would be back to pick her up. “Could I hide from them? Will there be a search team once they can’t find me?” “How do I disappear?” Late into that night Dawn turned idea after idea down, discounting them as too far fetched. The one point that remained; the goons were coming back for her, if the two idiots came back without her then surely her employers would make a search effort……..but…….”What if the two never make it back?” “An accident?” Would it pass muster that the skiff sank and the three of them drowned? “Could I actually take those two puny idiots and their boat and create an accident scene that would be believable?” More darkly looking at her hands with the tiny landscape in the background “Could I or should I…..?” Reaching for the nearest palm tree she tore it from the ground. Pulling a coconut from it she held it up against the sky. Adding more and more pressure between her fingers she imagined for a moment it was actually a squeaking little victim dangling above her, at her mercy , in her gigantic nude form. She shook her victim slightly back and forth seeing how the terror made the screams for mercy intensify….her eyes narrowed, then - `crack’ and the coconut became wet mush between her fingers. “Rubbing the remains between her finger tips Dawns’ reaction came from deep inside, heart racing and blood burning “Dear Gosh, I almost had an orgasm!” Glancing down, she seized the other end of the palm tree, in a quick, deft movement, `SNAP’ the tree was halved in a split second. Tossing it aside new ideas began to swirl as she pivoted on one foot leaving a deep gouge in the sand witness to her violence.

The second week passed quickly, far too quickly for Dawn. Although she was able to adequately survive on the islands resources, the day she dreaded drew closer. How would she handle this? Her thoughts wandering, she did think her tan was coming along nicely and that she had lost some of that baby fat around the middle. Still not happy about her boobs she tried to imagine someone witnessing her. They would have to look up from their pathetic size, see her from below in all her glory….”I don’t want anybody just checking me out!” She had made an attempt to create some kind of clothing but her efforts had failed. Trying to tie the reeds with palm trunks was an art for someone else, resigned she threw it down and stomped off. “If it’s nude I’ll be then that’s just what I’ll be! Damnit!” “Guess I had better start working the tan-all-over look”

The sun rose that morning with light winds beginning to sway the palms. Dawn picked a point behind a ridge where she thought she could observe with out being seen. Her pulse rate ratcheted up as the sun rose and the air began to warm. What will she do; watch them come and go? Give them a chance to report her missing? Or should she “create” the accident? Where the heck does that leave those two dumb-shits? Over and over she mulled the question. Then time ran out. The familiar putt-putt of the skiff reached her ears. “Little fuckers couldn’t wait till mid day!” she spit. She watched as the boat reached the edge of the beach. The raft was thrown over and two figures made their way to shore. Remembering the first morning of her transformation and her initial reaction to her size, Dawn saw just how puny people would really be to her. Juan and Rudy were toys, insignificant, mere objects to be played with then discarded. They had no power over her and at the moment had no idea what lay before them. She could grab them up and treat them in any manner she so chose. Dawns’ thoughts were moving a mile per second, “Who would miss them?” The possibilities suddenly abounded, “I AM the fifty foot woman! @#%$! I’m damn near the hundred foot woman!” As suddenly as the thoughts popped to mind they screeched to a halt, “I can’t just hurt them, just because of my size I shouldn’t go hurting others for my own needs.” “Could I?” Dawn thought about all the B.S. she had tolerated over the years. No matter how hard she had tried to become a professional in her field she kept getting knocked down. Hell, she deserved this, it was owed her this serenity on her own island. Remembering how easily and erotic it was just fantasizing with the coconut, Dawn looked again at the movement on the beach. “They don’t begin to know” Lowering herself from the cat like pounce her body had risen to while she contemplated her move, feelings of arousal and how powerful she was surfaced again. Dawn settled into the contours of the hillside crushing the foliage back to the ground.

She watched. The two had worked their way up and down the beach several times call out to her. At one point it seemed one had started into the jungle to search but after several minutes he emerged. “Probably too scared of lions, tigers and bears…” “Bettcha’ he’d piss himself if he knew what was really waiting for him!” By late evening it was apparent the two were going to spend the night. They had thrown bedrolls up on the beach near where she’d originally set up her tent. A bottle was drawn out and passed back and forth. “Good, you little pricks, get drunk! it’ll make this easier for me!” The sun set and the stars began to appear on the horizon. “No moon tonight, this just keeps getting better!” By what Dawn guessed was midnight the campfire had died down, no more noise could be heard. “I wonder what they thought they’d wait for? I guess facing questions when they returned scares them nearly as much as going into the woods.” Dawn began to make her way down the opposite end of the ridge from the beach. Crouching down she crept along the coast until she could see the skiff in the harbor and the embers from the fire. Easing herself into the water she dropped as low as she could until all that protruded from the surface was her jaw and up.

Juan thought Rudy was a light-weight. Half the bottle and he was out like a light. Leaning back on his bedroll he took another plug from the bottle and wondered where, what they had come to call the Doc, was the “Ice Queen.” It wouldn’t be a good idea to leave without searching. The authorities would suspect something of him, no he needed to look the island over, the crazy bitch had probably fallen and killed herself off some cliff or been killed by a snake or …………he thought up scenario after scenario. Taking another drink he looked out at the ocean and stars. “Weird” he thought, “There are some stars missing.” On moonless nights the stars would seem to come right down into the water, there seemed to be a hole in the effect. “Whatever, time for some ZZZ’s.”

Dawn was starting to emerge from the water as she moved closer to the beach. For a moment she thought one of them had moved. Freezing in place she waited, ….no, nothing. She realized she was beginning to loom above the two. “How do I keep them quiet?” Remembering all the monster stories from childhood through the Sci-Fi movies over the years she realized that it would have to be forceful even though she knew this before she had started out. Squatting down over the sleeping forms she moved both hands in from either side. Her intention was to grab the two by their upper half covering their faces in order to keep them from shouting. She made her move; it worked well with Rudy, he was out anyway. Juan was a different story, still partially awake he sensed movement and opened his eyes. Scrambling backward tangled in his bedroll Juan screamed. Dawn seized him, his shoulders just sticking above her enclosed fist. Rudy dangled from her other hand, only his hips and legs twisting in view. Standing, Dawn squeezed Juan trying to press the breath from him. It worked, “Finally the little @#%$ shuts up!” Rudy was coming around, his legs twitched then as he fully woke panic set in and his flailing began in earnest. Dawn thought this was amusing, and no doubt in her mind arousing, “Two adult males, just barely big enough to fit in my grasp.” “They have no control and I can do what ever I want with them!” Putting the squeeze on Rudy quieted him down as well. Opening her grasp, Dawn inspected her catch. The two were helpless. shaking Rudy slightly she watched his body roll to the side then settle back to the center of her palm, his arm flopping to one side. She moved him in closer to her breast, “Little prick, your head is barely bigger than my nipple!” She laughed out loud, this was something! A giant women with control over anybody man or woman. Squeezing the two again Dawn marveled at how tiny they really were and how sexually arousing it was to have this control. “Coconuts and fantasy have nothing on this!!!” Taking the next step she stripped the two down to their birthday suits. Thinking it was too easy at how effortlessly their clothing tore away, Dawn made a game of trying not to tear them off. It worked for the shirts and pants but the under shorts just were too difficult. Holding them both with her thumb and forefingers under their arms she laughed when she moved her hand in an up and down motion watching their appendages flop all over, heads lolling side to side. “You call those dicks!?! not even worth calling those slivers!” Collecting all the clothing and leaving her toys in a heap on the beach, Dawn made her way to the skiff. placing the clothes on the deck she pulled the anchor up and began to drag it all out of the lagoon. Swimming for what seemed forever to here out away from the island back toward the mainland, she turned on the boat. Grabbing it with both hands in glee, she pushed it together then wrenched it in half. Again thinking how glorious her power was to be able to create such damage. Throwing the forward section as far as she could she then overturned the stern so it would leak fuel and oil, a boat accident. A small skiff run down in the dark by a passing freighter. The clothing spread out around the stern to complete the effect. Dawn smiled, a smile mixed in with a smirk and a snarl, then a laugh! “My do I have the largest swimming pool, anybody else want to play?”

Juan awoke first. His chest hurt badly, breathing was a task. He saw Rudy only a few feet away laying nude on the beach. Taking in everything he realized he was no better off than his brother. “What the heck happened?” Vaguely recollecting what had happened he had trouble believing it. Going over to Rudy he saw bruises on him similar to his own, “Is this for real?” Rudy was brought around with a splash of water. “What happened?” Juan shook his head “I’m not sure, what I remember couldn’t be real.” Rudy stood up and looked around, “Where is the boat? and what happened to our clothes?” again Juan just shook his head, it was hard enough to breath. The sun was beginning to create the early morning sky when Rudy pointed and asked another question “What is THAT!!??!” that Juan could not answer, not from difficulty breathing this time. Down the shoreline, water foaming around her magnificent hips as she moved forward through the water, Dawn strode from the ocean, water cascading down her legs as she stepped from the water, Dawn set foot on the beach. Teasingly she slowly turned her head towards her victims tossed her hair over her opposite shoulder then lowered her eyes to meet their fear stricken gaze, “Morning you little shits, run while you can because I’m only going to count to one hundred, then we will see just what `men’ you really are!”


“Little Games”

As Dawn started counting loudly with a tinge of threatening inflection, she decided to head back to the waterfall and wash the salt off herself. “Let them believe whatever they want”, then pausing with a slight twist back to the frozen pair, she allowed them a glance at her figure looking back over her shoulder with her breasts projecting against the skyline. A short growl, then the counting began again. Walking on “This should give them some time to talk and really work themselves into a frenzy, that’ll really make the chase more exciting!”. The waterfall was her place of serenity, standing below the fall while showering, she let herself fall into her fantasies, notions that she knew were becoming further from the morals she used to believe and yet reservations kept showing up. “Wouldn’t it be something to find myself in a small town or city?!” “What would it be like to tower over hundreds of piss-ants, stomp through the streets doing what ever struck my fancy at the moment?” “There would be no stopping me, it would be my “game’ and their lives!” Then, as before, another dark picture flashed to mind “Rape, pillage, loot, ….the image of her colossal nude figure with a handful of screaming men and women squeezed in one fist while she hurled some mode of mass transportation and its occupants hysterical with fear into the side of skyscraper” Flushed with arousal, the very idea made her dizzy. “Plant my ass down in the middle of a street teaming with frightened squeakers’, herd them up under my twat then slowly roll my hips forward over them doing the grind, feeling their final struggles against my sex!” That was too much! “Skyscraper!” she snorted, “Crotch scratching post filled with more toys!” Wringing her hair out Dawn thought of the people she had known that putting a `squeeze’ on would be so very gratifying. “That idiot that they promoted over me, Steve something-or-another, would make an excellent crap-rag!” “And that busy-body bitch Paula, yeah, I could get busy with her body!” All these ideas went pinging around in her mind, then she remembered her “game” with the two mental cloth-less midgets that should be trying to find some way to avoid her finding them. “Yee-Haw Boys! Giant Dawn is coming, you two pricks better run!” “That is if you have plans past today!”she added.

Juan and Rudy talked, panicked at first then with time they settled down into reasoned, thoughtful conversation. Juan, the more insightful of the two “We need to find a way to hide and still watch for any help in the direction of the inlet, that would be the natural approach for any boat” Rudy was still shaken, “That bitch is gonna’ kill us! I know it, she is gonna’ KILL us!” “O. K. then, lets get the hell out of sight at the very least for now, see what we can find for shelter, like a cave or something” Juan gestured towards the jungle. Once under cover of the trees, Juan decided that away from the direction the Doc had left would be the best. Heading further into the trees they turned to parallel the coastline. After about a mile they found a copse of brush mixed with palms that looked like a decent place to hide. Rudy made his first rational thought known “Man, I don’t like this no clothes thing, do ya’ figure we could use some leaves or something to cover up?” After some searching around a reasonable front and backside cover was fashioned from reeds and palm fronds. “@#%$ friggin’ itches” complained Juan. “It’s apparent she’s not coming after us any time soon. It’s been at least a couple of hours since we last saw her” The sun was full up and the sky was clear with a deep blue hue. The normal breeze was giving sway to the trees and the surf on the beach lulled a false sense of peace. “All right Rudy, here’s what I’m thinking; a raft, that’s what we need. We’ll build a raft and at night paddle our way the hell out of here. It’s only going to take a few days if we take enough to eat and drink….and if we are lucky we will be picked up by passing shipping earlier!” Seemingly always the pessimist Rudy pointed out “That is if we live long enough!” Ignoring the comment Juan started looking around for the materials he needed to build a rudimentary raft so they could escape this unbelievable situation.

Dawn stretched her full length, her tan beginning to conform to her entire frame. “Now how do I outsmart the un-smart? They will expect me to come from the same way I have each time sooooo….if I come around the opposite side….Oh @#%$-on-it! I’ll just climb straight up the ridge behind the beach and see what’s moving around.” Dawn left the canyon and re-crossed the hilled area to the large ridge that sheltered the island interior. Finding the surroundings more and more familiar she began to call areas by names: front room, bed room, shower, back forty. Moving up the ridge she slowed as she neared the top. Moving `inch by inch’ she raised her head to peer over toward the beach. “Humph! Little bastards are smarter than I thought! Nothing is on the beach…” Raising up further “Ha! I didn’t think so!” noting the two sets of foot prints leading away from the clearing into the tree line. “Wonder how far they went before they felt safe……Got some news for them, there is no SAFE!” Backing down the ridge Dawn moved off along its base until she reached a point where it shot up sharply in height. Clawing her way up its escarpment she found herself a few miles up from the beach. “I’ll just work my way back from here, those two wimps wouldn’t have gone too far”. Moving to within a hundred feet of where the sand ended in the ocean, Dawn began what she mused to be “cutting the grass.” On her hands and knees she began to scrutinize left to right moving what seemed to her inches at a time. Careful not to cause any more damage to her precious island, she found she felt a deeper sadness when she accidentally crushed a bush beneath her hand or knees. Occasionally one of her pendulous breast, playfully swaying side to side as she moved would push a tree off kilter. A quick press to either side of the roots corrected any of the mammary mischief.

Juan wandered further inland trying to find more reeds that seemed to be particularly sturdy for tying the raft pieces together. “I’m not used to real work! and this damn palm outfit is scraping the hell outta’ my jewels!” Rudy had stayed behind to hide in their `fortress’ of brush and trees. They hoped that if somehow, someone did decide to come to this forlorn island they would be able to hear them or at least sneak up to make a visual check every so often. Caught up in remembering the past events, Rudy shuddered…”Who could have ever dreamed such a thing could happen? What does that woman have against me?” The crushing vice of her grip he had been in flooded back, “That was a woman, a female, just damn huge doing that too me” Rudy had lost more of his self confidence, his world shattered now that he was no longer the dominant one of his world. Above the steady rustling of the palms and muted crash of the surf……something went `swish’….Rudy froze, silence, the noise of the world became deafening to Rudy, “I heard that! What the @#%$ was that!?!” …….nothing…….. Rudy looked around finding himself hemmed in by the jungle. “Am I loosing it? Hearing things now too?” After a time he settled down, “Must have been my imagination” Laying back Rudy entertained the notion he was too stressed, need some rest, That was it! get some sleep then things will come into focus. Allowing himself to let the kinks loose themselves from his muscle, the tension eased and for the first time in hours he relaxed. Taking in a deep breath then letting it out slowly, Rudy eased his eyes ease open to take in the blue sky up through the tree cover.

Juan was reaching for another lashing of reed when the hair literally stood up on the back of his neck, goose bumps and gut wrenching fear enveloped him as a blood curdling scream echoed through the trees. “Rudy!” Dropping his collection he turned and ran toward the hiding place. The screaming had changed to pitched shouts intermixed with more screams. Rudy slowed, “What can I possibly do? spank her and tell her to behave?” “What is she doing to him? What will she do to us?” Rudy’s’ doubt made for a continued but less than urgent pace. Ahead he could make out movement, movement that sounded like pure pressure against the ground, an area where the sounds of nature were blocked, walled away by sheer presence. He knew she was back, the overgrown bitch with a power problem that he was fruitless to do anything about but to hide or submit to her vagaries.

It was too easy. Dawn thought as she gazed down at Rudy. “Looked like he was on to me at first, but then this kick-back thing.” “Freeze here you sexy monster Dawn!, let your prey figure it out in his own time.” Still on her knees and both palms bracketing Rudy, Dawn watched, even teasing herself by giving her boobs a little rock from side to side motion. She watched smugly as Rudy opened his eyes, first uncomprehending then replaced by abject fear. When he coughed his first squeak of panic Dawn became a bronze beauty in motion placing all her weight on her right hand, she moved her left in making Rudy her immediate prisoner. Lifting him before her face, dangling from one leg where it disappeared between two sculptured gigantic fingers, Dawn gave him her biggest smile with her eyes closed to slits. “Hi ya’ squirt! Ready for some action?” “Gees he’s so tiny!” “Found a clothing store? Well, that’s just gotta go!” Short work of the leaf coverings, Dawn just made a quick pinch at the frond and ripped it off the hapless squirming man. Looking him over stem to stern, taking in every detail she thought “Lilliputian meets Sexy Goddess! how he flails about because I’m making him!” Rudy couldn’t have spread himself any wider in the natural reaction to his predicament. Arms wide, hands out , fingers outstretched and his free leg trying to obey gravity but for the feminine force in control of his existence. He saw it all, her enormous beautiful face, wet lips and gorgeous brown eyes. Beyond he could see those gargantuan breasts swinging as though in slow motion side to side, and the ground below. Rudy lost it again, totally, completely, he screamed so loud his ears crackled. Then he lost his self control and last vestige of dignity. Rudy soiled himself. Dawn yanked him away from her face and continued to watch as he vacated himself, the mess running down towards his head before dropping off to the ground. “Messy little @#%$ aren’t you!?” Standing, Dawn brushed off her knees then made way toward the beach. “Going to have to wash your bitty’ ass off now aren’t we?” Dawn knelt down on one knee and extended her catch out over the water. “In you go!” She lowered him into the water then began to pull him back and forth in the surf. She continued until satisfied that he was clean enough, “Clean enough for what? Consumption?” That brought a sharks smile to her lips and a hearty laugh. “O.K. you little prick! Lets check the merchandise out!”

Juan burst through the brush a few hundred feet down and behind the Docs’ peripheral vision. He saw the miniature figure now pressed upright between thumb and forefinger at the waist, struggling with little jerks, legs swinging in a circular motion, arms out clawing at the vice of her fingers. “Oh @#%$!” was all he could say, easing back to the safety of the trees. He watched as Rudy was handled, dangled, prodded and scrutinized. The big bitch would occasionally rub him against her nipples that seemed impossibly huge and rock hard. From time to time she would cast out a remark, usually loaded with sarcasm with a twist of lusty overtone. Then she sat down, reclining back so all Juan could see was her legs jutting out into the sand, the waves running just past her feet. Making his was along the tree line, he moved closer. Finding a spot where he could take in the entire picture, he dropped down into the foliage hoping to blend in with the surroundings.

“Don’t you ever work out?” Dawn asked “I’ve seen women with more definition to their figures, you look like you were on your way to a professional couch-potato if it weren’t for your tan!” She had found a slight incline to lean back against that was located just far enough in from the water where she could cool her feet and take in the sun. Placing her `treat’ on her stomach, she uprooted one palm that seemed to be just too close and tossed it to the side. “I’ll replant it later, first things first” Dawn had never felt quite any emotion like this before. Her wildest fantasies were true and now she was going to live one out. Glancing down between her breasts she evaluated the puny pricks condition. For certain he was frightened as he was panting hard and had a panicked look with eyebrows raised high and eyes wide. He had come to rest with his knees dropping down into her belly-button giving the appearance he was climbing out of a fox-hole. “So where do I start, I’m on fire all over and just handling him triggers new feelings that seemed to work into her sexual desires. Reaching down for him again she picked him up only this time by his head. She watched as he clawed frantically at her fingers and swung spasmodically with his kicking little legs. Lifting him well up against the sky she felt herself getting wet, the itch burning hotly. Remembering the coconut one more time she eased the pressure and brought him in closer to her right breast. She felt the need to see and feel him desperately clinging to it. At what was just over 10 feet to Rudy, she let him go. The fall seemed to last forever before she was pleasured with his small form landing directly on top of the nipple. He hit face down crotch first, flailing legs and arms close behind. Grabbing for purchase to keep from falling further he looked up to see Dawn drop her eyelids halfway, a feline statement forming with that terrifying sneer. Before he could even begin to form any idea of what she was doing with him an anvil of weight came down from behind him. Pushing him into her nipple with her finger pressing on his ass, Dawn made small circles with him, reveling in the pure ecstasy of it all. Rudy was loosing his energy quickly, this pummeling was about all he could take. Noting the flagging efforts of her toy, Dawn eased up, “Not yet you little bastard, you still have some work to do!”

Juan knew something Rudy didn’t and that would be where the Docs’ other hand was. While she was using Rudy to tickle her tit, she was also giving her crotch a good stir. Her eyes almost closed to slits, she was watching Rudy fight for his life, Dawn was beginning to become lost in that glorious haze of raging hormones. Juan recognized she no longer had what he and all his old drinking buddies had called `bedroom eyes’, she was beyond that. She was close to the wildcat stage where grinding was the next step…. Juan knew some women in his past that could really grind; Rudy might be in more than just trouble!

Dawn felt herself rotating her hips in the natural reflex into a would-be lover. Opening her eyes a scant more she gave Rudy one more shot “Little-man, it’s time you got to work!’ Dawn drug both her feet back up the beach digging deep furrows the entire length. Brining her knees up to full height she pushed herself further up the incline, “Just like in my old favorite arm chair” Her left hand lowered again to her crotch, rubbing it vigorously, her lips extending with the arousal. She didn’t think she had ever been this wet, ever! Rudy could hear what sounded like someone shaking brush, a rustling sound that crackled and popped. Straining, he could see her left elbow jutting out just below the breast then the forearm angling further down across her rippling stomach. Unable to twist any more, he could only imagine what she was doing guessing the noise came from her pubic hairs as she swirled her hand about. Dawn lifted her finger slowly from him, watching to see if he would move. Rudy rose to a crouch then hesitated. Dawn grabbed him again encircling him from the waist down. Pushing her tongue through closed lips she deliberately move it the circumference of her mouth. Rudy felt forward motion as the tip of her tongue retreated back behind those huge wet, rose red lips. His heart was at it again, picking up speed as he was moved ever so closer to her mouth. His arms out to try to stop himself, he brushed against her lower lip. She kept pushing him inward until she could feel his miniature head.

He couldn’t breath, the sight of what was happening to Rudy had Juan rooted to the spot, fear choking him. He thought he saw the titanic tanned bitch with huge dark nipples raise her eyebrows in an evil statement. The moment lasted forever when suddenly her tongue darted out under Rudy. Her mouth opened and Rudy disappeared. Juan, unable to control himself yelled out in protest a useless “No!” As quickly realizing how he had endangered himself Juan dropped back down into his hiding place and froze.

“Yeah, I knew you were out there somewhere, thanks for letting me know how close, sawed off little crap!” Dawn wasn’t going to stop though, feeling Rudy’s’ tiny body moving in and out of her mouth, across her tongue was going to cause her to cum without any other action. Holding his legs pinched just above his feet, Dawn used her people popsicle to take her to new un-encounted levels of ecstasy. “This is just right, a little person, one of millions I could do this to. So small, his pitiful cries, useless struggles as I use him for my own personal gratification” She was ready, wanted it badly now. Taking one more suck coating him in her saliva, Dawn pulled him out with pressure on her lips to take in every sensation. Opening her legs as wide as she could, feeling the stretch of her crotch as another wonderful sensation of her power and sex, she drug Rudy down her breast plate, up over her nipple. Fighting still the whole way was Rudy, knowing where he was headed. Words failed him, only startled frantic noises issued from his throat. Across her belly, past the belly-button, into her bush. Rudy could smell her woman-hood, felt the heat, her trembling with excitement. Through her glazed eyes, Dawn watched as he reached the edge of her pubic bone, half deep in her hair. “Edge of eternity pipsqueak!” Still pinching his legs, she gave a small tug and watched him drop over the edge. She could feel him against her lips, still trying to save himself grabbing for hand hold. Dawn pushed him against herself, into her soaking wetness. Moving a single finger up to his backside again she began to rub him against her in clockwise motions, slowly at first, increasing with each lap. With her free hand she grabbed at her thigh, squeezing for all she was worth, working up her lithe body until she had her breast cupped. Massaging her tit, gripping it with the strength to crush a city bus, she pressed the frantically fighting little man harder against that special spot. Her mind was reeling with flashes from her fantasies; “Scores of tiny people in my palm! Spread my feet apart sweeping through their flimsy town destroying buildings, cars, all the things on a city street. Move my knees outward to show them my gigantic lips dripping with lust. Slowly so they all can comprehend what I am doing, move the tiny victims in my hand to my @#%$, then move it up until I can feel them moving beneath me. Press them into me and make myself cum in front of all while ripping the top off one of their `great’ skyscrapers…!!!!” Dawn didn’t hear it, she was in the throes of an orgasm, one so overpowering and long she didn’t think she would remain conscious; Rudy’s frail body couldn’t take the pressures. With a small crack he was crushed against Dawns @#%$ soaked in slickness.

Juan ran, he heard that sickening crack between the overgrown bitches noises. “I’ve gotta get away! That’s not going to be me! No woman can do that to me” Although he was ignoring the real reason, being scared shitless and shocked to the core over what she had done to his brother, his macho still made it through to the surface. No woman could do that to him!

The wave of sheer pleasure passing, Dawn became aware again of her surroundings. The soft sounds of the trees and ceaseless rush of the waves made her moment in the sun complete. “I’ve never been so satisfied in my life!” “If is the middle word in life, I do believe I have found my `if’ in life!” He thoughts finally made it back to her “itty-bitty” partner. Sitting up she looked down between her thighs, “That’s what I call wet!” commenting on the slick spot below her. Rudy’s’ form was sliding slowly down her vagina, when he reached the area separating her love from bung hole it made a short head over heals roll to end in a heap covered in her juice. “That tickled!” Hmmm, he’s not moving. Flicking at Rudy, she knocked him over to see that he wasn’t going to be playing anymore. “That’s alright, there is another chase to be run yet, But not just now” Grabbing the lifeless form She stood and turned to walk away from where she all to well knew the other one was hiding. Back into the interior, she found a place in the back forty she thought was suitable. Using a boulder she dug out a hole that to Rudy would have seemed to be nearly 20 foot deep. Gazing at his form in her hand she wondered again what it would be like….”It doesn’t matter to him now, so what the hell!” She pinched his head between thumb and forefinger, closing her eyes she imagined herself in the center of town with all the noise of cars, screaming running people …then….she squeezed. The `plupp' sound was faint to her ears but audible nonetheless. Rubbing her nipples lightly with one hand she slowly looked at the mess dangled from her closed fingers. She dropped him into the hole, covered it over and then slammed the rock down on top to pack it all down solid. “I can’t get enough of this! It feels good to be enormous, to have such strong sexual vibrations pulsing through me with all the world my toy!” Turning back to the canyon and the shower she wondered how exciting the next chase would be.


The More the Merrier

Juan was fast becoming an animal in survival mode. After witnessing the demise of his brother in a way that the average person was not yet capable of comprehending, his movement was more ferret like. Staying hidden and motionless for long periods, listening for the slightest change at all, Juan had become the hunted, the rabbit, a victim in waiting. It had been days since the colossal woman had used his younger brother as a tool, his tiny size bringing her the satisfaction of power intermixed with sexual pleasure. A psychologist could probably make some tangled sense of this all but the bare fact remained that the Doc was a giant with lustful desires unfulfilled. Drowsing fitfully, Juan imagined that there was hope, a way back to normal life as he had known it. He could hear people talking, remembered the crowded streets of his hometown village and its familiar faces. “damn, dry throat!” trying to stiffel his cough as it roused him, “Water, damn it!, I can’t even have a drink of water without worrying about becoming her amusement” Rolling over he looked from his hiding spot. “Only 100 feet or so to the stream”, “I have too or else I’m on the downhill road”. Gradually he made it to a curve in the shallow creek that fed down from some distant source inland. Cupping his hands, he shoveled as much as he could into his face. A sound…..”Oh yeah, now I’m on the fast track to insanity!” He imagined he could hear laughing and shouts faintly in the roaring silence of his world. Then; as suddenly and faintly as before, a peal of laughter…..”Holy smokes!” The sound came from the beach, the very inlet where this nightmare had all begun. Caution guided his movement, shadowing the tree line he made his way to the inlet. The sounds grew louder until he found himself at the stump of a long weathered away palm. His eyes drank it all in with some disbelief. In the channel was a yacht, not the largest of the line but it spoke of money no less. On the bow stood a taller blonde, looking to be in her late twenties/early 30’s, she gazed wistfully back out over the ocean. At the rear of the boat was a young male taunting a similar aged female with flowing red hair as she attempted a dive into the clear waters. “I remember the first time I swam!” he called. She hit the water with an awkward splash. On the upper deck, two more adults were in various stages of lounging about. A man and woman. Both had drinks and were casually throwing conversation about. “I dare not move, she’s sure to be nearby and I don’t want to become part of a group thing!” The drive for survival competed with being in the company of his `kind’ broke Juan from his newer instinct. Breaking from cover he ran to the beach shouting the entire way.

His first real vacation! “Man! It’s about time” Bob was reveling in just how nice things were for the first time in almost 15 years. having worked his way up the corporate ladder, he had finally the time to take his wife on a jaunt. All the money he had pumped into this boat, it was about time he made use of it. “Too damn bad we had too haul along the baggage as well! He referenced his spousal units newly divorced sister Heather and her two kids. “Those two have been leaching off her for years!” Glowering at the two `kids’ he thought about all the extra dollars he could have saved were it not for the `lending’ to Heather while she was ripped off then dumped by her looser husband. “Free loading buggers! They could both be finished with college by now, but Noooo, free ride - why work!” Bob took another pull on his drink, looking toward his wife Tammy, “Those two kids are old enough, why doesn’t you sister send them out on their own? They have to start sometime and she needs to get her life back together?” Tammy rolled her eyes to the heavens, “Gees! Here he goes again!” “Lay off it Bob!” “Heather will pull through this, she just needs a little moral support and understanding” Bob was about to retort when a shout was heard from the beach. Standing, shielding his eyes from the glare off the water he observed what appeared to be a half naked man running along the beach edge waving his arms over his head at them. “Is that what I think it is?” Tammy asked out loud while thinking that the flimsy covering the person was using for cover was about as solid as a screen door. “I can’t make out what he’s saying, can you hear him at all?” Bob strained to hear but it was all unintelligible. The redhead climbed the ladder at the stern. Grabbing up a towel she and her brother watched the scene. “Billy? Do you think there are savages on these islands?” Billy, a whole year older than her at 23 with the superior attitude a wise-assed man, “Of course not you idiot!” “These islands have been explored so many times over the years, there is no one out here un-civilized!” He wondered how she could be so stupid, maybe that’s why they named her Candy, she had the IQ of a chocolate bar! At the bow Heather had turned to take in the events. Shaking her head in mild disbelief “What now! God, are you ever going to give me a break and let me have some space from the weird!” The man on the beach jumped up and down frantically, putting his hands to his mouth trying to make himself heard. With his back to the beach, Juan wished fiercely that the idiots on the boat would send a raft. He was frustrated at their apparent lack of concern over his appearance and couldn’t believe they could not hear him. “Don’t they hear me? Can’t they understand we are all in serious danger?

Dawn gritted her teeth. She had been laying in hiding a short distance into the jungle watching for awhile now. First spotting the sails in the distance that morning, she had quickly dropped to her knees and searched for an area she could conceal herself from these new intruders. That had been a few hours ago. Her plans up to the point where Juan had run out onto the beach had been to simply wait the day out and that night in the darkness make her way back to her cliff walled dwelling. Her hopes completely gone that the boat would spend a night and leave without even coming ashore. “Well, new plan then!” The boat clearly had a radio judging from the amount of antenna jutting from a bar looking support on the upper cabin, and if the shrimp managed to convey his story to these people and they believed it, no, even if they didn’t believe it they would still call for some kind of help. “Unacceptable! so how to deal with this?” “Radios first!” Standing to her full height dawn she stretched the kinks out from being cramped on the ground for so long. Taking another second she brushed the sand from her body before striding forward determinedly toward the beach. It wasn’t until her first earth shaking step on the sand that Juan noticed her approaching. Turning slightly to face the Doc, Juan raised his tiny arms in a defensive posture. Dawn drew closer to him in short order, glaring down over her breasts, her anger at his giving the secret away getting the best of her. Clenching her fists, grinding her teeth together Dawn watched her shadow envelope him. Her seething anger boiled over.

The reaction on the boat to the picture emerging on the beach was varied but definitely agreed on one point; “Oh My God!” Everybody missed a heartbeat or two when the golden colossus rose up, higher and higher. Billy couldn’t tear his eyes from her chest, clearly the biggest pair of tits in the world with a wonderful yet threatening wobble as the giant made towards the man on the beach. Bob fighting to compose himself with reality, realized that the man was in a direct line to the boat, “What is happening here? Are we in danger?” The three women were locked in place, wrestling with emotions of fear, shock and just a bit of curiosity. “Great gosh!, She must be almost 100 feet tall!” from Tammy. “She’s naked, big and naked, is she mean?” wondered Heather. “Daaaaad!” was all Candy could call up. They watched riveted as the giant moved onto the beach and the tiny mans reaction. In horror they saw her raise her foot higher than with her previous steps coming to the only logical conclusion of what was transpiring. His shrill squeak before she stomped down on him, his body disappearing beneath the mass of her foot where it imbedded itself deep in the sand.

Dawn twisted her foot some getting a good “squish” on him, grinding him further into the beach. “Ohhhh, now that was something!” “No doubt about it, I like this giant stuff!” Continuing toward the yacht Dawns first step into the water displaced tons. It geysered up her ankle and foamed outward. Making her way steadily toward the boat she fixed its puny occupants with a stare. Water boiling around her waist it was nearly up to her belly-button before the lagoon bottom planed out. Intentionally moving up to it until her stomach brushed its’ side knocking the small ones off their feet, Dawn grabbed the antenna with both hands. Ripping the entire bar like fixture loose with a quick yank, she smiled in satisfaction “No calls out ya’ll!” Casting it aside it splashed down, disappearing immediately below the surface. Leaning slightly back she placed her hands on her glistening hips and looked down her ever darkening tan at her latest conquest. “I don’t recall inviting anybody to my island for a party, do you?” She addressed them with a tone meant to strike fear into them, to make them feel as small as they really were! Making her mind up, Dawn began to scoop them up without any restraint on the force she was using. The woman on the bow was the first and easiest. The two on the stern were locked together in a panicked support for each other, pinching the two to each other at their waist they made a quick dizzying journey to the other hand and its blonde captive. The man and woman on the upper deck were still sitting in a tumbled pile starring up her front, teasingly she bent even more over them till she actually spanned the width of the boat. Looking from her now upside down viewpoint back at the two she could see her breasts catching their full attention. Behind them she could see her waist and the tan she was becoming so proud of down to its meeting with the water. “I’m too sexy for your boat” sprang to mind. Lowering her right breast over them, Dawn grinned in anticipation. Settling down the last few feet she began to feel them, faint at first but as she increased pressure more frantic struggles could be discerned. “That’s it, work it! Come on you do better than that! Give your giant her dues and maybe I’ll let you hang around a little longer!” Get it you puny people? “Little” longer!” Standing erect again she seized them both at the same time bringing them to her eyelevel. “Hmmm, the man wasn’t all that bad looking, I could use him for some fun” Then shifting attention to his companion in captivity a new feeling began to stir. Her heart fluttered as an entirely new idea percolated to the surface. “A woman….just like a barbie doll, I think we could strike up quite the relationship!” Swiveling about on one foot she began to travel, her intention; back to the canyon to find some way of caging her new pets. After that she would have to find a way to dispose of the yacht, these little ones made the mistake of coming here, they are mine to do what I please. Pausing at the shoreline Dawn looked at the imprint of her foot, seeing the crushed form centered in it she thought “Bulls-Eye!” “Gonna have to clean that up too” The palms playfully teased at her flanks as she moved through them. Her twisted smile forming as the squirming in her hands continued, “Keep that up shrimps! You are just turning me on more!”

Heather, Billy and Candy were pressed together tightly, Candy had dropped lower than Billy when the big bitch flopped them down on top of her mom. “Mom!, I can’t breath!” Candy tried to shout into her mom’s bosom. “Shut up!” Billy hissed at her, “We are in real trouble here, what kind I don’t know but we saw what `Goldie’ here did to that man on the beach.” Heather tried to twist some to provide Candy a better position to breath. “Did that help?” she whispered receiving a short nod. Candy was crying now, her sobbing just barely audible. Bob and Tammy were squeezed akimbo, Bob with his left arm free the other pinned to his side by gigantic fingers. Tammy was gripped against him with both arms trapped, her tits just above the giants upper finger. Tammy wondered if this was intentional “She does seem to have a strong aura about her and the sexual comments she keeps casting make the statement she’s definitely in control.” Then out loud, “What are we going to do, Bob?!” “I’m not too sure this is even happening!” Bob snuck a look up at the woman, “I’m scared too honey, there isn’t anything I can do…” “Hold it together for now, we don’t know what she intends to do” Tammy thought for a minute then replied with a sob “If we’re not dinner!” Being dangled in Dawns grip just below breast level both groups were having fearful thoughts as to their future. Deeper into the jungle Dawn swept with the little victims. Every now and then she would peek down at them, for fun she would move them up against a nipple to feel their forms, tease herself at the feeling of their soft hair against her skin. “I don’t think she cares what she does to us” ventured Candy. “If I were in her place and real people were only inches tall they would be at my mercy….she’s going to kill us!” Heather listened to it through her storm clouds of fear. She thought about what Candy had said for a moment. After all the BS she had put up with in life, “yeah, they would call me Hurricane Heather, the ones I let survive that is. Candy has a point” Keeping the thought to herself Heather saw another nipple rub in progress, the enormous nipple had hardened and goose bumps formed around the areola . “She’s turned on, she is using us to please herself” “That can’t be a good sign for us.” Heather tried to twist her face away as she and her son and daughter were pressed again against the giants flesh. With short twists of the wrist all three heads became one with the sun darkened nipple. As the hand moved them back to what they thought of as the `normal’ carrying position they observed the same happening to Bob and Tammy. “Aunt Tammy looks plenty scared too” Billy whispered, “Do you think Bob has any ideas to get us out of this?” Candy’s’ wide eyed fear glazed over when she heard her moms reply “I doubt it, how could you possibly have a plan for the impossible, now shut up and let me think!” Heather said the last although she already knew they had no hope, they were at this big brown bimbo’s mercy or whim. Heading into a canyon, they could make out the sounds of a waterfall. They also began to hear a new sound, a steady dull thump. Tammy figured it out first, as quietly as possible she whispered to Bob, “It’s her heart beating, she’s getting excited about something!”

Dawn could feel her excitement increasing with each step. Her `bedroom’ hove into sight ahead. “I think we will have a `little’ sit down chat to lay out the rules.” Moving to the face of the cliff, she ducked down slightly then pivoted around and dropped heavily on her ass. Straightening her legs she rotated her knees open then pressed the bottoms of her feet together. The ground formed quite comfortably beneath them creating a corral into which she dumped the five making sure they were right up against her crotch. She watched for a reaction, noting that the younger male was fixated on her vagina. The taller blonde was hugging the sobbing redhead while the other man and woman collected themselves standing ever so slightly in a crouch while daring to look up at her. Moving her right hand around behind them she began to push the shorter blonde woman towards her crotch. She heard the man call out; “Tammy!!” and he tried to pull the small woman away from the insistent finger. “So! we have names do we?!” “Lets get down to the brass tacks here, names! I’ll let you know when I want you to say something, trust me you’ll know!” Pushing the woman named Tammy again from behind she steered her back towards the enormous twat. She appeared to fight the effort, twisting and turning against Dawn’s finger to no avail. Dawn could feel her slight struggles but kept the same force into the push. The woman tried to turn her back to Dawn but was easily turned back again with an adjustment by a second finger. “O.K. Tammy, time for you to make with the futile squirming” Pressing her in, but not nearly with the force she had used on her last friend, Dawn held Tammy in place feeling her beating fists and tiny body trying to free herself. Leaning over Dawn watched the show and its minuscule audience with their jaws open aghast at what they were witnessing. Releasing suddenly Tammy fell backward onto her butt. Crying but other wise all right she was comforted by the man who was casting looks up at Dawn, fear, anger maybe helpless and definitely overwhelmed. “Big man can’t protect anybody now can he!” Dawn scoffed. “Now! Names!!” Pointing to Billy she was given them one at a time through quavering sobbing voices. “Billy”, “Candy”, then when pointing at Bob, Tammy answered at the same time “BobTammy.” Dawn kept a straight face, she didn’t want to laugh but they were so tiny and scared! She knew it would be no other way. “Listen you little bitch! I know your name and YOU know what I can do to you, so unless I point at you keep that pinhole of a mouth shut! Understand?!” Tammy nodded cringing and cowering even closer to the ground. “Bob you say? Tell you what Bob, why don’t you get out of those clothes now, pile them up here” she indicated a spot again directly below her crotch accenting it with a poke into the dirt leaving a small hole. “Now, you, tall blondie, Name!” Dawn saw her mouth move but didn’t hear a sound. Reaching for the woman, Dawn deliberately circled the woman at her waist leaving the rest above her grip. Lifting her up not so roughly as before she moved the tiny figure up to meet her gaze. Looking into the woman’s face she could see pain, a forlorn and tired stare. “Things been a little rough on you?” Dawn thought she saw a reaction there and wondered what had happened to her. “O.K. then little one, let me help you out of that outfit, maybe you and I have something to talk about later” Opening her hand, rolling it palm upward, Dawn moved in with her other hand and lightly touched the woman’s body. So soft and small, she caressed her up the side until reaching the breasts. “It might be an idea for you to do this, I wouldn’t want to rough you up” Their eyes locked, the small woman hesitated. Then, seeming to make her mind up, she removed her top, the short summer skirt followed by her panties. Shoes and sunglasses lay on the boat deck far behind. Dawn made another exploratory of her little body with a finger noting she had a pleasant figure. With her pinkie, Dawn made circles around each tit then down her length to probe at her bush. Pushing against her side turning her over Dawn was even more pleased to see a gorgeous ass with tan lines that spoke of the smallest bathing suit. “I’d always thought about trying a female partner, and with your looks, little girl, you fit that bill!” Placing her back on the ground with the others, Dawn said, “I’ll get your name later girlfriend, now then the rest of you! Clothes!, Off! NOW!” They started slowly then the pace increased when Dawn leaned over them again wobbling her boobs with the unspoken threat of using them as tools of discipline. Dawn pinched up their garments and tried to think of a way she could shock them even more. Evilly she grinned then licked her lips, lifting the assorted pieces of fabric she tilted her head back and opened her mouth as wide as she could. She heard them gasp when she released them all to flutter into her maw. Looking back down at them, Dawn worked the clothes around with her tongue. Only then, when all the little drawn fearful faces were watching and with a hint of dramatics she swallowed them with a gulp. “Not bad! better than the flora-salads I’ve been living on lately!” Leaning forward placing a palm on the ground Dawn rolled to her knees, her wonderfully shaped titanic ass passing over them showing all, then sat back supporting her rear with her feet. “Stay right there, no one moves or you know what’ll happen! Remember that little guy on the beach?” Dawn backed out of the cave and glanced along the cliff face just down from her `bedroom’. “There it is, I was sure I’d seen it before!” Referring to a small cave inset the cliff three quarters from the top. Examining all around it, Dawn satisfied herself that the only way for the teenie-tiny to escape would be a jump to a certain death. Stepping back over to the `bedroom’ she again picked up her prey, their limbs thrashing about as she moved them to the rock face. Reaching into the cave she deposited them with a slight drop to the floor. “You can try to escape, and if you survive the fall you can even run for it but just keep remembering how that puny prick on the beach squealed just before I crushed his ass!” She reached back in grabbing Billy, pressing him with two of her fingers, one behind his tiny butt the other covering his crotch. She could feel his hip bones and loved the sensations he created with his arms pushing at her fingers, legs kicking wildly. She drew him to her lips and inserted his head up to his chest. A loud cry of protest was heard from the rest as she worked her tongue over Billy’s’ diminutive form. She could feel his little face as he twisted his head beneath the tip of her tongue. Pulling him out she adjusted her grip to support him from below his arms. He hung there coughing, trying to catch his breath. She looked him over, head to foot thinking “Not bad for a young punk” then moved him in again, this time extending her tongue out to meet him. Twisting her head enough that the other squirts could see the show from a silhouette point of view, Dawn pushed her tongue between his legs, forcing them apart at the knees. Working slowly with little twists she pushed further between his legs forcing them to their limits apart. Curving to touch his back, she slid the tip back down to the small of his back, under that delightfully tiny butt then surrounded his jewels. Pushing him against her lips she pursed his member between them giving a slight suck on it that to Billy felt like if she were to continue it would be pulled off. “Like that little man?” Too startled to reply Billy just blinked, realizing that “Goldie” had him sporting `wood” Dawn returned him to the rest, enjoying again how it was so erotic handling their puny bodies. Laughing, Dawn tossed her hair to one side and moved off down the canyon. She had a boat to sink along with a few other tidying up items before she could terrorize her peewee pets some more.



The yacht floated serenely, the afternoon water placid. The approaching behemoth trailing a foaming wake arrived soon enough setting the boat to rock away first then back toward her. Dawn thought for a moment, again standing aside her prize with hands on hips, legs spread more than shoulder width apart. “It’s real, the most realistic toy I’ve seen yet! Too bad it isn’t going too make it!” Crouching down she took in the detail, the wooden deck work, a door swinging with the boats movement, all the accouterments needed to actually sail. The details looked so fragile Dawn had a hard time believing it could challenge the ocean. “It’s becoming a game!” the teasing thought erupted, “I keep forgetting I’m the one who changed, this is a real honest to gosh boat built by people and it probably cost some real dollars” “Well, it is obvious it will have to look like a sinking again, where do I take it to so it won’t draw too much attention?” “I want evidence left floating, sure enough so the search won’t come near here….wonder how long I can swim?” Scowling down at the Yacht, she started itemizing the little items that were light and most likely float. “A new angle on my fun, I get to tear one of their precious belongings apart, piece by piece! Too bad there won’t be anybody to push around in the process!” Setting to work, Dawn began to tear the boat apart, piling the wreckage in a heap on the stern. The door snapped of with a quick twist, Deck rails, anything on the topside. Then it occurred to her that some personal items would add realism to convince any searchers. At the forward end of the cabin were two forward facing windows. Placing her palm on its top, she curled her fingers down through them, plunging them inside glass fragments shooting outward. When she had nearly folded her grip in half she began to pull the roof upward and back with a shattering, wood snapping sound. The interior had even more detail, chairs, cushioned benches, a fridge and stove. “Was I ever really that tiny? Humph! Can’t imagine it!” Digging through the cabin she found more cabins, easily torn open, drawers full of clothing were unceremoniously overturned, crushed with a snap of fingers allowing the contents to fall free. “We are ready!” she chortled. “All I have to do is find that antenna stuff” Dredging to the side she remembered tossing it she found it soon enough on the bottom. “Let’s go sailing!” One hand following the anchor chain to it’s seat on the bottom, she began pulling, the yacht followed almost eagerly. As the ocean floor fell away she rolled onto her back, and began to kick with enough energy so as not to become too quickly exhausted. This would take some time she knew. The time passed faster than she expected, “Must have been twice as long since the last time, I’ll go a bit longer, that should do the trick” The yachts’ bow happily cutting the water followed like a devoted puppy as her body surged onward driving waves the size monstrous oil tankers create ahead.

Watching the sun set lower from the edge of the cave they’d been deposited in, Bob was lost in thought, feeling so helpless, he couldn’t do anything to save his family, it nearly became a physical pain. At his side sat Tammy, her eyes ringed red from her crying. She had finally stopped with comforting from Bob and her sister but still shuddered at how she’d been treated like a bug, pushed into that woman, her most determined efforts to fight it useless. At one point Billy had approached to offer words of solace and encouragement but she pushed him away angrily “I saw what she did to you! you enjoyed it damn-it!” Tammy also didn’t like being unclothed, it was like loosing her security, her sense of self. Candy was also looking out over the jungle vista, leaning against the wall she kept finding herself assailed with her situations stark reality. she day-dreamed what it would be like to be as enormous as what they were all starting to call after Billy coined it; “Goldie.” Billy sulked in the corner, “What the hell did I do? Wasn’t my fault what happened! And just what was I supposed to do anyway!?!” Heather had other questions roaming about, “Was “Goldie” almost nice to me?” For a moment Heather had seen a change in statement, one of almost understanding. “It was almost as though we connected, were on the same wavelength” Not to sure, she broke the situation down to it’s basics. “Goldie speaks English exceptionally well so she is educated, there is no doubt she is enjoying herself treating us the way she does, so something has changed in her life.” “It is also clear she is enjoying her power and has a hairs breadth sexual trigger.” Heather was sure that Goldie would be spending more time with her. “God don’t let her kill me!” Standing she walked over to her brother in law and sister. “Hey Sis, You doing alright?” She place her hand on her sisters shoulder again trying to console her. “We have to take this one step at a time if we can even hope to make it out of here” Tammy looked back through her swollen eyes, “One step at a time….one step at a time? you saw what one step could mean to any of us!” Bob spoke finally, “She is using us as playthings, not on the same level as herself. We are apparently objects, ones that she is familiar with, but objects to be used as she sees fit at the moment. The way she regards us with her looks, uses us to satisfy herself, we aren’t people to her - - we are toys!” His sarcasm didn’t do much for Tammy who was starting to pull out of her nose dive. “She squashed me into her! I couldn’t breath and she just kept pushing me into her!” Bob realized his mistake and tried some crisis management, “I tried to help you, tried to pull you away! Heather is right, slowly, rationally we need to think this through” The sun was starting to create mid-evening colors on the clouds, reddish in the distance with darker gray-purple overhead.

The yacht was finished, the wreckage spreading out from its innards, Back broken, the stern barely projected above the surface matching its’ opposite that twisted a different direction. Dawn watched, taking in the moment thinking how easy it had been to take the entire bulk, lunge upward, a hand on either end and crash down upon it. It broke instantly, the water first creating a suction that pulled everything down then rushed back to the surface, foaming wildly. She took the sections and folded them back up to create its’ final condition and watched it settle deeper until the mast slipped out of sight. “That I am so powerful makes me wet!” she loved what she could do, having a second shot at using her strength on her former worlds objects. Still treading water she surveyed what she’d done. “That looks good to me.” Noting that oil was spreading from the center of the bubbling she moved back then began her journey back to the island. It was almost uncanny how she unconsciously knew which way to go. All the time she had been going put the island a long way over the horizon. “That’s another new one! I just looked and knew it was the right way!” Curious, she looked back the way she’d left her carnage, “There is a larger island over there, that is where I flew into to catch the skiff!” She remembered the twin engine plane, filled with smoke from inconsiderate locals making the transit. The routine stares from the men and curious glances from the women. She recalled no difference in the attitudes with the two idiots that finished her transit to the island. “Look at me that way now frikking little imps! I’ll pop your heads like over ripe grapes!” Turning again toward `home’ she began leisurely making her way back. She kept coming back to the taller of the two blonde women. “There is something there, I am without doubt attracted to her but there seems to be something deeper.” A revolution in her mind, “Could we be lovers? There IS a bond there, I just haven’t quite connected it.” Her mental picture of the potential mate lying supine in her hand, the curves her breast pronounced, and how she had almost helped by rolling over to display a nicely rounded ass. “It was almost as if she was teasing me, wanted to arouse me.” Slowing momentarily, Dawn wondered what it would be like to press herself against another giant being, blonde, supple, and of the same mind. “I need to talk with her, she might just become the second woman in this world to see things my way!” With increased vigor, she pushed homeward.

Heather woke with a rush. She could feel `Goldie’s’ presence close by watching. Lifting her head she cautiously turned toward the cave entrance. Huge brown eyes reflected the starlight, her face only partially obscured by the cave opening. Heather sat up, twisting herself to return the gaze. Not knowing what to expect it wasn’t a surprise to see Goldie’s’ hand reach past the other sleeping forms toward herself. Standing, she thought it would make it easier, less painful than being grabbed. Surprised when Goldie angled her palm to allow her to fall back into it, feeling fingers closing about her, Heather pushed herself up the hand to keep her arms from being pinned to her sides. Quietly in a graceful motion she felt herself accelerate out of the cave. She wasn’t held up for scrutiny but instead found herself centered above the giants cleavage being looked at again inquisitively. Waiting for a time as she was carried toward the rushing of a waterfall, Heather tried to think ahead, “How should she respond? Tell the truth or try to be evasive?” “Truth!” she settled on, “I’m tired of all the bull, whatever will happen is what will happen!” The jungle was lit by a nearly full moon, the shadows of the giant and company moved to the waterfall. Heather felt herself almost weightless as they descended to a sitting position. Time slowed until all sound faded, the two looked to each other trying to understand what came next. Heather decided to make the first move, “It’s Heather, my name that is” She watched as a twist formed on either side of Goldie’s lips. Instead of an answer, Heather felt movement again, directly toward a set of lips that could engorge her entire being. She couldn’t believe what happened next but was overcome with relief when she found herself covered from mid-thigh to her tits in the biggest kiss the world had seen to date. “So I won’t be dying just yet!” She was held there for moments, beginning to feel something more than just pitiful survival pangs. Reaching out she smoothed Goldie’s upper lip with both palms, “Am I still just trying to survive with her? Or am I trying to take a further step and communicate?” Heather just didn’t know but had decided to go with the flow. The tip of Goldie’s tongue emerged to caress Heather, from her left leg it massaged up her hip and side. Spending attention on her breasts it wondered back down to her crotch where it was twirled about in deliberate motions. Heather found the movement to be gentle, not forceful or demanding. The intention of Goldie clear, Heather found herself relaxing, starting to move her hip in rthyem to her captors advance. Her legs as far apart as possible, she rode the tongue tip, pressing herself against it as hard as she could. Lost in ecstasy she came, expelling a gasp with a slight trill. The attention continued, until Heather was drained, her legs going limp while she reeled in the moment. Laying back, letting her arms and legs dangle as if asleep, Heather was moved out a short distance from what her mind, in the after-haze, was calling the `pleasure palace’. The enormous smile returned and the brown orbs glittered with their own satisfaction. The lips formed words, “We need to talk girlfriend!”

Feeling as though she had cum herself, Dawn watched her now relaxed lover, loosening her fingers and drinking in her entire figure. “What is your story? I sense something but can’t if you will pardon the pun, put a finger on it” Like a dam breaking, Heathers’ words overflowed, her past troubles, pains and abuses. Dawn couldn’t believe how much this one had put up, it far surpassed her own frustrations. In the revelations; the advances of Bob on her after all the loans, guess he thought he get some action for all his `humane’ contributions. How her ex-husband had cleaned her out of all the cash then dumped her for some ditzy broad in Florida. The kids leaching off her. This woman didn’t have a life! Everyone else lived it for her while she suffered! The idea of a companion grew stronger in Dawn’s mind, “Can I trust her, knowing what she has told me, to be a faithful and trusting lover?” on the flip side, “What I have to offer her, should she choose, would be release from all those troubles, a paradise even fiction couldn’t conjure!” Looking back at Heather, Dawn made her decision. “I have an idea, but you have to answer from your heart.” Heather started to speak but was cut off before she completed the first word. “I can offer you companionship, friendship you can count on, trust. I can give you the power over people that they can’t defy.” “If you want we can be together, rule any and all people that come to our island” “But I have to know you mean it!” Heather had in some distant corner of her mind hoped for this. Yes, she had enjoyed the company of other women in her past when her thoughtless husband had beaten her, kids carelessly ignored her plight, sister too worried about herself to notice. With a gasp, she replied, “Yes, Yes I would, more than I could ever hope!” Dawn rolled to her side, facing the water fall. Placing Heather down to stand on the sand, she told her, “This was damn unpleasant, thought I was going to die the night it happened.” Moving her hand to the base of the waterfall she ground her finger against the small growth of her plants. They were worked down until they became paste. Dawn sampled it, worrying that it could cause problems unknown, then offered it to her company. Heather balked, the green mass in her face was now mixed with giant spittle. Dawn reached around with her other hand and pushed her head toward it. “Trust me, it will be worth it and we will be together!” “Think of us as the `Titan Twins!” Heather had no choice being pushed into the gunk. She opened her mouth to scream then stopped, “It IS what I want, gross or not” She licked the mess, then swallowed a mouthful. Dawn allowed her to wash in the shallows. Glad that Heather didn’t get sick, she bundled her new found friend off to the bedroom. Knowing that the night would bring discomfort before the bliss, she placed Heather between her massive breasts to watch her slowly fall off into a well deserved rest.

Heather couldn’t believe her stomach could feel so bad, wanting to retch she flipped upright to cough the unpleasantness out, rid herself of whatever she needed to. It wasn’t easy, something was in the way. She found herself being gently helped, soft caressing hands guided her to sit upright. Not so sure she was hearing the words or maybe just imagining them she was told things would be O.K. Her shoulders were being massaged, they worked the tension out of her neck muscles then down her back. More, almost whispered, words, “Wish someone had been there for me, it hurts, damn do I know how” The hands moved down her side, beneath her arms then cupping both her tits. “Those babies are bigger than mine!” The flash of remembering where she was and what was going on seared back to Heather. The fondling was pleasant and helped calm her. “Am I?” she started. “Oh yeah, a giant, beautiful and in control you are!” came the response. Reaching out she felt for her companions legs with both hands. “ I remember seeing you for the first time, perfection, the ultimate.” “When you stood in front of us, all I could think of was how beautiful you were with those sculpted legs, wonderful ass, tits so round and huge! I knew in some way that I wanted you!” Dawn pulled Heather back against her, “So you know, my name is Dawn, now relax, sleep is what we both need now, trust me” “When it happened to me it was like fighting the worst hangover, the world and the little ones will wait a few more hours” Dawn continued to pay affections, lightly rubbing her fingers over her body while they leaned back against the wall of the `bedroom’. Heather felt secure, hearing Dawns voice lulled her. Drifting off, her last conscious thoughts were what a pretty name her new found friend had, and in the background of that thought was a new, almost sinister cloud brewing; “This could be the ultimate fantasy!” Heather passed into that realm where rest was rampant with dreams. Dawn watched as Heathers breasts rose and fell, tantalizingly as moonlight splayed across them. A tickle demanded her attention, visions entered her mind that she had never considered, wasn’t sure where they emanated from. She saw houses, residential all around as she straddled one beneath her, felt heat from herself, sexual lust that wasn’t anything she had envisioned before. Tiny people running in all directions, panic complete, their small squeals reached her ears. A step with a foot covered three scrambling for cover that wasn’t there, the female in the group tripped, falling onto her back, arms raised against the inevitable. Dawn imagined how she lowered herself onto them, feeling them under her foot before she pressed into the pavement ending their futile, pea minded fleeing. “Where did that come from?!” She started, “That was a new take I’d never thought of and it seemed so real!” She saw watched as Heathers lips curl on one side and saw that her nipples were erect. “Did having more of that plant have another effect?” She felt another stirring in her groin that seemed to be driven by lustful desires, “Am I sharing her thoughts!?” Dawn developed a smile of her own, entertaining the pictures she’d seen. “This could be even better than I had ever dreamed!” Closing her eyes she soon fell asleep with Heather snuggled against her browned skin. Images of the mayhem the two could cause flitting about in her mind, knowing the few hours of rest would pass soon, the people of the world at their whopping few miniscule inches will wait, the sun rising over the jungle could wait, and the millions of puny, self minded ones that scurried about had to wait. Soon they would know why!

Looking out over the valley below, Tammy looked for signs of movement. Waking with the sun, it was immediately found Heather was missing. First peering over the edge to the base they looked with morbid fear for her body. Seeing nothing they scanned over the jungle for any sign of what had happened to her. Nobody could recall her getting up during the night. Candy was the first to voice what no one else could bring him or herself to say, “That big bitch got her! Took her and used her like she used Aunt Tammy!” Stating this as fact, Candy crossed her arms below her tits posturing matter-of-factly. She shook her head with now almost impossibly tangled hair, she stomped her foot in frustration, “Goldie has her, she’s gone! Probably got stuffed up Goldie’s big brown bung hole or something!” Billy immediately protested, “No! Mom is O.K.!” His heart rate was torturing him, fretting over what had happened to his mom, he sought out Tammy, “She can’t be dead!? She has to be all right!” Tammy couldn’t stand Billy as long as she could remember, now he was in her space, trying to cling to her like a sibling. The most irritating problem was he not a child, what society called in manhood. Tammy slapped him away, “You spoiled prick! Get off me!” She finally let him have what she’d bottled up all the years, “Get a grip, grow up! You have sucked the life out of your mom. You two didn’t support her for a single instant while she tried to keep you living securely” Her menacing statement drove the two into the smallest pocket, Candy quivering, pressed back against the rock by her brother. Their naked contact wasn’t even in their minds as this newest onslaught of fear accosted them. “Just sit in the friggin corner, just park it damn-it!” Tammy raised her arm, counseling finger straight out and accusing. She continued her verbal description of their poor consideration while they pressed together trying to make themselves the smallest target. Tammy shook her accusing finger at them, her breasts jiggling with each shake, hair falling across her eyes. It sank slowly into her awareness; the two brats weren’t looking at her but beyond. Her diatribe trailing off she felt the sun blocked from her back. Turning her head, expecting an enormous brunette with large brown eyes. What she saw choked her. Gasping for breath she watched as long lashed eyes, blue-gray framed with long blonde hair filled the opening. As if that wasn’t enough a hand reached from behind, pulled the blond hair back to reveal a second set of smiling eyes. Tammy dropped to the cave floor her arm still partially raised with the one finger pointing out from a clenched fist. “Heather?” she finally rasped. “Heather???” The face blinked, only it seemed that it was in slow motion, the crinkles at the edges forming then straightening back out. There was intensity to the look, then her hair shifted on the shoulder opposite Goldie. The blonde brought her hand up, hesitating for a brief instant at the cave opening then continuing inside. Tammy saw she was the target, kicking at the dirt she wormed her way to the back wall. The hand formed two fingers slightly apart, entrapping Tammy at her hips. Carefully she was lifted, her legs bicycling through open space, hands in a frozen claw on the giants’ fingers. She was extricated from her cage up to the blonde face. In a fearful glance downward she took in another unexpected sight; Goldie was caressing Heathers left breast, it’s nipple well into an excited state. Goldie had her other arm further down, disappearing from view below Heathers belly. Tammy put it all together to form a mental picture; the life size sight was far too large from her present spot to take in with her tiny eyes. She saw Heather, her legs ever so slightly spread from a normal stance, feet pointing outward and her ass curved back toward Goldie. Her spine curved from there to thrust her breasts out proudly. Bob was shouting from behind Tammy, “Put her down Heather! You could hurt her!” Bob thought he was going to have a heart attack; this was all becoming too much for him, mentally overwhelmed. Billy watched it all, pasted in place against the cave wall, not a single thought occurring to him as he took in his mother’s size, and his Aunt twisting in her grip. Candy was more curious, “Gees Mom! You are really getting in touch with your feminine side!” Candy cautiously moved to the cave opening, looking out she compared her moms’ figure to that of her golden companion. They were almost the same height, Heather standing just below that of Goldie. “Oh, wait a minute,” thought Candy as she looked over the edge seeing just how companionable Goldie was. “Mom is probably taller when she’s not spread out like that getting a pet from her friend!” Tammy was beginning to wonder just what was going to happen when the enormous fingers suddenly rolled her. She found herself now facing the cave where the others gaped back. Almost as quickly the hand rotated her back to the giant face. Heather spoke. It took Tammy by complete surprise after listening and re-running the words a few times that Heather wasn’t talking to her at all! “So very tiny! cute, soft and just helpless!” Tammy’s’ blood ran cold, there had seemed to be some hope but that was dashed in a flash with that comment. Heather had a distant look brewing in her eyes. They closed down to halfway, watering. It suddenly made sense now; Heather had adjusted Tammy in her fingers to expose her full frontal. Tammy was moved to her lips, lips that were trembling just so. Heather extended her tongue, parting the little woman’s legs, traveling up between them until they supported Tammy’s barely noticeable weight. Heather loosened her pinch on those little hips and made the short trip up under the little arms, scissoring them up. Tammy pushed as hard as she could breaking into a sweat with the effort. Heather pulled her treat to her lips, feeling the little legs trying to close back together, her little ass twisting on her tongue. Tammy was pushed by the shoulders into the lips, twisting her face away to be able to breath she came in full contact with them. A strong warm wind blew down from above for some seconds, stopped then reversed directions. “She’s breathing really hard! What is this, is she coming? My own sister is using me to get off?” Dawn knew she was nearing her goal. Heather was having her first little people encounter. It needed to be a good one, a wonderfully good experience; Dawn was going to give all she had to ensure just that. Heather opened her mouth to expose just a glimpse of her teeth, exhaling, blowing Tammy’s hair straight back then sharply inhaling reversing the effect. Heather now held her breath, her body trembling the feeling more intense, wave after wave of sheer pleasure coursing through her. Thoughts of how deeply erotic the whole scene was, helpless, tiny people, her gigantic lover, all the possibilities the future held for them. She came, mightily and wetly. Dawn knew to continue just a bit longer as Heather pressed back and down with her sopping @#%$. Tammy’s mouth formed a small `O’ as she seemed to be forgotten, then those enormous blue-grays re-opened, reacquiring Tammy. Heather lifted Tammy from her tongue and deposited her back into the cave giving just the slightest of a toss the last few feet. Tammy landed hard rolling over in the dirt before coming to a stop. The giant faces both smiled with a hint of evil at the corners of their mouths. Then as if to punctuate what had occurred the two turned and embraced each other pressing tightly together, they kissed passionately. The sight was more than Billy could deal with; Candy snorted, “Guess this is a real turn on for you Billy-boy!” Ignoring her he watched the two giants enjoying each other, tons of tits bulging as they roiled together from the pressure. Dawn broke from the kiss and winked at the captives. Heather licked her lips first, glanced down her front at the heaving titanic tits then joined Dawn with a cat-caught-the mouse stare. “Meet Dawn you tiny, little things!” “In case you were wondering she and I are a happening thing.” Dawn finally spoke, “Heather here has taken enough bull from the world, I’ve given her the chance to take a break from that and maybe even let her throw some back at whoever treated her crappy before!” Arms around each other they turned and strolled away. Dawn slid her arm down Heathers back to give her ass check an affectionate squeeze. Looking back she winked at the forms standing at the opening of their cage. “We’ll be out for a while but don’t worry! We will be back!” Moving from their sight Heather looked to Dawn, “That was good!” “I can’t believe what a turn on it was, it wasn’t like she was my sister, just some insignificant tiny woman at my mercy!” Dawn nodded now knowing with certainty the future belonged to two giant women.


Making Tracks

Sitting on the beach the two talked well into the afternoon. Dawn gave the details of how it all began for her. Heather asked “Didn’t they come back to pick you up?” Dawn smiled the cheshire grin. “Oh yeah, they came back all right” She told the story with every detail of Rudy’s misadventure. “I let the other one go, if I gave him time to acclimate it would be far more fun.” “Unfortunately for him he rushed out trying to get you to help him.” Heather shifted slightly to one side, “So he was the man on the beach?” “The one you pile drove on the beach?” “Yup!!, I could feel his arms beating at me, then just a lump under my foot, an exquisite feeling!” Heather looked up at a meandering cloud then volunteered, “I have had some really wild thoughts, of doing things to towns of people” Dawn replied instantly “I know, you stepped on some of them didn’t you?” Heathers startled statement encouraged Dawn to continue. “One was a woman in blue jeans and a green t-shirt. She had quite the figure. She fell running from you, on her back with her little arms trying to fend you off.” “So who was she?” Heather thought for a moment, she had described her dream perfectly. “She was the bitch my husband left me for.” Dawn understood. “Don’t feel bad, I’ve had my share of fantasies since this transformation.” “I know that what I do in them is really bad but it just feels so right to do!” Dawn plucked two coconuts from a nearby palm and handed one over to Heather. “Put this in your fingers just like this. Imagine some small person hanging there by his or her head.” “Close your eyes, picture everything down to the last detail of clothing, hair color, hear the cries… then squeeze” Heather closed her eyes, after a moment she began to sneer. The coconut was crushed as its predecessor. Heather opened her eyes, “I saw my husband there, screaming for forgiveness.” “And I enjoyed every second of his terror!” Dawn was still holding her imaginary victim out between them. It popped suddenly with a satisfying `snick’. They both laughed, “Imagine what would happen if we suddenly showed up in some city” Heather suggested. “Think of it from one of its inhabitants perspective, looking up at us from below.” “They’d piss themselves they would be so scared!” Dawn helped her along, “Yeah, reach down and grab a bus loaded full, then chuck it at the crowds running from us!” Heather grew quiet for a time thinking it over. “Do you think we could actually do something like that?” Dawn had considered this several times before ‘We could swim the distance easy, the problem would be what would happen after our jaunt.' They would certainly bring the big guns out, I don’t know if we would survive something like that,” Heather laughed at that, “An army after us! Don’t think I would enjoy that very much.” Dawn had become something of an expert on developing `accidents’, “You know if there was someway to explain it away, they might buy into some natural disaster” Remembering her last stop before coming to the island Dawn visualized the town. It had the small airstrip with its bungalow style terminal. There were a few taller buildings in the town, but mostly single story houses dotted the landscape. She did recall seeing some houses down around the coast as the two idiots had putt-putted her off in the skiff. “Heather, Do you remember those old monster movies where something happens late at night but nothing ever gets seen till the end of the show?” Dawn was starting to think a midnight raid might be an experiment. Heather did recall watching the old movies, “It was always some isolated place, with only a few people there” “Well girl, I’ve got an idea going here, are you up for a swim later this evening?” Heather smiled wickedly, “You go girl!”

Tammy and Bob were arguing again. Bob was trying to see if there was a way up or down the cliff while Tammy nagged away at him. “What’s the point dumb ass?! Even if you do find a way out of here it won’t matter. There are two of them, TWO!” Candy watched her aunt peck away. She admired her uncle for not pushing her right off the cliff. Candy walked over to Tammy and tried to steer the conversation away from the doom and gloom stuff. “We should probably start looking for something to eat, it’s been over a day now” Tammy whipped around and began by firing right back, “Oh yes miss goodie two shoes! All you’ve done is stand around flashing your perky tits at everyone and now you suddenly have ideas?!” Candy tilted her head to one side deciding to take a rational approach no matter how hostile Tammy was. “That giant, Dawn, she has been her longer than us and she seems to have survived on something” Tammy was done with her niece, stomping to what seemed to be her favorite spot she plopped down and fumed. Bob caught Candy’s attention and winked, thanking her for the distraction. He had found, to one side of the cave, a very narrow lip that traveled down about 30 feet. At the end was a contour that looked feasible enough for climbing to the top. He decided to give it a try. “I’m going to see if I can make it along this ledge, get to the top and find something I can lower down to you all.” Tammy just stared coldly, Billy walked to the entrance curiously with Candy, “Do you think it will work?” Bob replied, “Gotta try!” Scuffing along the precarious foot hold Bob gradually made his way to the spot he thought he could make it up. “Damn! That hurts!” As he scraped his genitals for the millionth time on the rocks. After a few heart stopping slips he made it to the contour. Making progress at the speed a snail races, Bob finally climbed out of sight. They could hear rocks rattling down the hill so they knew he was still O.K and on the move. After a time even that stopped. Reaching the top he collapsed trying to regain his breath and nerve. “Lets see that on one of these survival shows!” Looking around he started gathering up vines and lashed them together to create a rope. “Am I willing to trust this to be sturdy enough to pull them up?” He snickered recalling his boy scout days, “Guess knot tying class is going to pay off after all!” It took some time but eventually he thought he had enough to bring them up one at a time. Pushing it over the edge he called down, “Can you see it?” Candy nearly pee’d herself when the `rope’ landed in front of her with feet to spare. “Gees-uss!” Billy thought about it for a moment then called back, “Gott-it!, how do you want to do this?” They heard faintly “One at a time, Billy you first, you can help me pull up the other two” Billy looked back at the women, shrugged then tied the rope around his waist. “When we throw it back down, tie it to yourselves like this” he demonstrated. Then he stepped out to the lip Bob had traversed and called “Ready!” Bob thought he had given himself a hernia pulling Billy up. The other two came up quickly with Billy helping. “Let’s get moving!” Bob urged them on. They made their way down the slope into a parallel valley. Bob figured it would take the best part of a day to get to the ocean. He hoped the yacht was still anchored securely and they could make the escape. Resting against a palm he related his plan to the others. They all agreed and wanted to forge on, “It shouldn’t take all that long if it’s like this the whole way.” Billy declared indicating the soft ground they were on. Bob looked around at their rest area, “No, I don’t think it will stay this way, all the dirt here looks like it was recently disturbed.” Failing again to realize the strength Dawn and now Heather possessed, It just didn’t occur to them that some forty foot below them was the final resting place for Rudy.

“They’re gone!” Heather exclaimed. Dawn inspected the cave; sure as hell the little buggers had made it out. But which way? They looked around the base and saw nothing to indicate Bob and the others had made it down there. “Hang on a second!” Dawn spotted the smallest bit of thread hanging over the top of the cliff. Jumping up to grab it, Dawn managed to snag it. Pulling it out to its length it was apparent it was tied to a tree above. “Enterprising little bastards aren’t they!” Dawn gave it a short tug that snapped it free. “Maybe we will leave this on the beach for them as an omen. I’ll bet they are headed back to where they think the boat is.” Heather liked the idea, “It’ll scare them because it will tell them we know what they are up too.” Dawn looked at Heather, “Just so you know, they are your family so I don’t intend to hurt them. It is fun lording over them and I expect we will play often, BUT I won’t hurt them!” Heathers simple reply, “I knew that, we’ll just have to have our fun elsewhere!


Dawn kept checking the distant lightning as it flashed sporadically, illuminating some fierce looking clouds. They’d left the island hours before to make their way to the population Dawn had described to Heather. “I think we might have to deal with some weather later.” Heather had been watching it as well wondering if it was going to be a problem, “Do you think we could be getting into trouble with it?” Continuing on Dawn throated a negative noise in response, “Nope! If the big ships can handle it, what is there to stop us?” Steadily swimming on, the pair covered the miles nearly as quickly as high-powered pleasure cruisers. Slowing suddenly, Dawn reached out to Heather indicating, “Stop” without speaking a word. Heather saw her motion, gliding up beside Dawn. “We are close, I can sense it!” Dawn wondered inwardly at how this ability was developing, “I can almost read minds and just a moment ago felt the presence of people, a lot of them. I’ll talk with Heather about this later, has she some new talent developing too?” Moving forward at a more cautious pace facing where Dawn had pointed too, they closed the island. “There! See those lights?” Dawn insistently jabbed her finger forward again. Heather couldn’t see diddle yet but followed the brunette. Dawn stopped once again, looking for footing on the bottom. It was there, allowing her to stand with her shoulders just above the water. Heather followed suite then moved closer to Dawn reaching around her waist she pulled them together. Dawn could feel the contact and responded with a mischievous smile. “How about a “Little” foreplay!?” Heather took her to mean this in the conventional sense; turning to Dawn she pressed her mammoth mammaries into their twin friends. “I’m well excited over this now! Foreplay might bowel me over!” Dawn saw in her mind what Heather pictured. Not wanting to ruin the moment she caressed Heathers breasts then down her sides to hold her at her waist. Locked in an intent tongue battle they would have missed it altogether if it hadn’t been for the slightest of noises. An almost inaudible “Thunk” echoed across the swells, reaching the giants ears. Still locked together they both started, eyes inches apart flying wide open. “I heard it too!” Dawn was the first to speak. Heather looked around the oily black water seeing nothing at first, and then she spotted movement not too much further ahead in the direction they had been traveling. “There!” her arm surging above the surface to point, “It’s a boat of some sort!” Dawn stepped forward maintaining hold of her lover with one arm. Pulling Heather with her Dawn closed in on the object. They stepped up to it then bracketed it between their now emerging breasts. “How cute! a fishing boat!” Heather dipped down enough to look more closely. Dawn thinking “Great! Another boat….. I’ll let Heather have this one!” “Heather?” Dawn called in her best bedroom voice. Heather looked up to meet her gaze. “Why don’t you take care of this `little’ problem. Heathers heart leapt understanding immediately that she was to have her first conquest. Reaching down she seized the boat, pulling the aft end with one hand, the other hand grabbing the single housed in area she guessed was where it was steered. As screams of fear emanated from below she yanked as mightily as she could, the deckhouse breaking free from her violence. The stern was damaged as well, much of the upper planking cracked or torn completely off. Heather moved in pushing the boat against Dawns big bobbing boobs. They both looked into the fractured compartment. “There are two that I can see.” Heather blinked away some spray thinking the ocean was becoming more agitated. Dawn nodded agreeing, “That’s what I see big girl, two little squirts that are all yours!” They closed together pressing tightly against the boat. It creaked in protest joining the screaming from its occupants. Heather thrilled at the fear they were exuding, she felt strong meanness building inside. Her right hand burst from the water, forming a claw. Plunging it into the wrecked cabin she squeezed it into a vice containing her victims as well as equipment and other assorted debris. Lifting and reversing her hand palm up so they could see the capture more clearly she opened her long fingers. Tiny arms and legs kicked out, partially buried beneath wreckage. Watching until the two had managed to extricated them selves and furtively looked about, Heather plucked one up ruthlessly by one puny arm. She shook him as he squealed and flailed away. “Dawn dear, do you think you could strip this one down for me?” Heather greedily accepted the offering pinching him by an ankle. Heather turned her attention to the second man who was nervously looking downward for some avenue of escape. “Not a chance you runt!” He was pulled as forcefully from the pile in her palm. Treated no differently than the other, after being shaken for her amusement he was stripped bare. Heather looked to Dawn, “Lets get rid of this toy boat, it’s beginning to chaff me!” Stepping back, two hammer blows, one apiece did the trick. Planks flew everywhere tangled with fishing nets and gear. Then it was gone. Bubbles replacing the spot it had recently occupied. The two women moved together again breast to breast. “Have you ever wondered what it would be like to really do the titty-boink thing” Heather saw only one option for the two, dangling her mini-man over Dawns cleavage, she waited until she was sure he knew where he was bound. Dawn brought hers around to match. They both looked at each other, then dropped the two. Heather pulled Dawn into her by her waist while Dawn braced their tits together. The first sensation of tiny people falling down their front was that it tickled and drew lustful sensations to the surface. As they continued their journey downward one still managed to scream some, the other just huffed as the air expelled from his lungs each time he hit. They finally rolled to a stop where the two giants cleavage met, their nipples hard against each other. Dawn made a guttural purring noise that drew Heather even more into sexual excitement. “It’s almost an animal feeling!” she breathed out huskily. “Do it too them! Crush them with our boobs!” Heather loosened her grip to allow some space between their tits. When they had fallen into the pool created between their tits, fearful little faces looking back up at these goddesses of doom, she pressed together again, increasing pressure with cruel slowness. Dawn worked with a sexually frustrating patience, kneading the boobs together while the tortured howled below. She licked her lips then leaned into a demanding kiss from Heather. The frantic beating reached a zenith of panic and pain, the two no longer able to shout for mercy for lack of breath. Heather pressed her toes into the sea bottom and leaned into Dawn with all the force she could. The tickling quit to the sound of crushed bodies. Easing back the women admired what they had done. In a sexual act, they had grabbed two tiny men from the security of their toy sized boat, stripped them then crushed them betweens tons of titty. Enjoying each and every moment, right to the satisfying kiss of death. “Hey Girlfriend!” Dawn brought Heather back from her reverie. “Lets see how much better this can get!” Heather nodded excitedly, “I can’t stop imagining the things I can do to them all!” Dawn closed her eyes for a moment to give her `ability’ a chance to see, “You know Heather, I think I can. You know what else? You and I think a lot alike!” Rubbing Heathers back they turned back to the faintly glimmering lights in the distance.

Beach houses dotted the coast away from the central portion of town. The more distant ones belonging to rich but not so famous types from around the world who usually were seasonal visitors. The big dollar homes were built on eight to ten acre plots. Who wants to have nosey neighbors around all the time! One of the home caught Heathers fancy. It had a mix of different trees along its sides and inland side, the seaward side left clear except for one palm that was strategically placed near a decked pool. “Can you believe some people!?” she asked Heather. “With all the bucks it must cost to own one of these, why build a pool when a beautiful beach is only yards away!” Heather nodded in agreement, “ I like that skylight though! I’d always wanted one of those you could open on warm nights or just look up at the stars.” They walked casually out of the surf up to the house. Heather leaned over and whispered in Heathers ear, “It only reaches to just below my knee!” She covered he mouth quickly with both hands trying to suppress a snicker. Heather mimed her only not so well. A “Snort!” escaped leaping into the open air. Heather gave her a semi-stern look shaking her finger to her lips in the classic “Shush!!” Not seeing any reaction from the house they moved up to peer in the skylight. Inside the house dim light glowed. It was a lavishly decorated room with the standard to be expected beachside trappings. What caught their attention was almost directly below, surrounded by piles of `throw’ pillows. It was a man, naked but in pain or having what appeared to be a seizure. Heather looked questioningly to Dawn who held a similar puzzled look. “Think he’s dead?” Heather mouthed it silently. Dawn shrugged her shoulders with a skeptical statement. They looked in again. Something was happening. The man was moving but his hands and arms were bent weirdly behind him. He was trying to flip over to see something. Dawn didn’t look up for her next sarcastic whisper, “Maybe it’s a robbery…” Heather stood up, her tits were itching as the salt water dried. Scratching herself she looked around to plot the surroundings. “Man! the wind is really kicking now!” She saw the trees whipping to and fro, the waves capping out in the distance. The beach was mostly fine white sand, smoothed for centuries by the waves. A house was barely visible in the distance; it’s lights winking through trees blown in the wind. “Hey!” a sharp whisper from Dawn. Her thoughts returned to the havoc at hand, seeing Dawn grinning from ear to ear, beckoning urgently. Dawn pointed back in the skylight. Crouching back down she stole another look at Dawn, her underside glowing from the blue light of the pool, Breasts gently wobbling. “Gosh!” she dared, “I hope I’m only as attractive to her as she is to me!” The skylight framed the missing element that defined the little mans dilemma. A woman had entered from somewhere in the house. They could see that, even though a five-inch tall piss-ant, to others her size she cleared six feet with change. Dark red hair fell over her shoulders a respectable length hiding her face from them. “Red” Dawn named her, nodding to herself. Heather nodded too in the corner of Dawns eye. “Can she hear my thoughts also?!” Dawn wondered. They watched the activity below. Red stepped further into the light, placing her feet well apart, hands on hips. She was still looking down at the man; clearly she was talking by the movement of her head. Still postured in a superior pose she suddenly produced a riding crop and slapped it into her other gloved hand. “Isn’t that like some kind of nazi uniform or something” Heather asked about Reds outfit. She had gloss black thigh boots, gloves that extended up past the elbow ending in a taper. Dawn concluded, “She’s a dominatrix bitch!” Red whipped her bound man about the shoulders then concentrated on his flank. He strained against his bonds with each strike, trying to avoid another. Dawn thought this was so funny! Heather couldn’t stand it, two itty-bitty people trying to dominate each other! She couldn’t stop it this time, she laughed, hard. Controlling herself her eyes refocused to see Red looking up with an incredulous, slack jawed face. The man twisted about her high-heeled feet trying to figure out what had happened. Heather reacted, using her clawed hand jamming it through the glass reaching for Red. The glass showered down around Red who was encased in long, sexy, gigantic fingers. They all came closed around her at the same time, a people cage. Heather lifted her quickly out, dropping Red into her other hand. Red landed on her ass, legs askew and arms wide to support herself. “I think she’s gonna beat your ass next!” Dawn describing the riding crop beneath Reds spread palm. Red still wore a terrified look; her hair blew back in the wind showing the squared shoulders of a strong woman. “Don’t think so!” Heather merrily replied. Dawn Reached down for the man who was spinning madly, restrained from running away. “He’s rolled into a little ball!” Dawn played with him in her palm, spinning him by pushing on his feet. Red was shaking her head from side to side in denial. Heather decided to bring her palm-sitter to a new level of terror, ‘Little miss T & A, did you think you were highest in the food chain!?” Dawn thought “Food chain!” She picked the man up by his tiny gagged head. He was turning purple from the pressure. “He’s not too big…bettcha I can!” Lifting him above her tilted head, she positioned him headfirst. Red and Heather watched one’s heart beating from sheer terror the other in anticipation. Dawn released him, his figure rotating in the fall. When he landed, he rolled to her throat where Dawn swallowed. “Gulp” Heather watched Dawns face, “Don’t choke on him!” Dawn formed her best cheshire grin to date, opened her eyes and rolled her tongue across her lower lip. “MMMMMmmm, tastes just like chicken!” Red passed out; her long legs flopped to one side as she fell back. “Some defensive mechanism, a real dominatrix would have been tougher!” Heather ran her nose tip along the length of the unconscious woman, “Nice perfume though, I think I’ll keep her for now!” Heather looked to Dawn as they walked down the smooth beach to the next stop, “You sure you’ll be O.K?” “I mean that was a real person and all, uncooked I mean…” Dawn ran two fingers down Heathers breast, tickled the nipple then jumped to her arm, lightly all the way until they reached the feet of Red. “That is another thing I meant to tell you about when we get home tonight, Girl, I think there are a lot of things we are capable of that we weren’t before!” Heather jumped to the side suddenly; something had squished beneath her foot. Pausing she saw it had been a sunning chair, squinting she squatted down to look closer. Dawn joined her, “Squash two! For gorgeous, gigantic Heather. Rising up they twisted to the next house, leaving behind them the two mashed lovers who were too involved with each other to notice the approach of two gigantic goddesses. “This one is two stories tall! I might be able to use it to scratch an itch!” Dawn filled a hand with breast in anticipation.

“So, what are you keeping her for?” Dawn was naturally curious about Red. “I thought I’d keep her for Billy, he’s going to need some kind of attention…” Dawn found this interesting, “What about Candy? Just going to leave her celibate?” Heathers reaction was swift, “That kid got around more than a race car at the 500!, I was worried she was going to get knocked up and I would have another problem on my hands! No, she can just tough it out.” Dawn saw her point but added, “We know what it was like, growing up and all, she’ll find a way you know!” Looking questioningly at Heather, she waited for a response. Finally Heather shrugged, “Well, her mom has a new grip on the situation, we will see!” Nearing the second house they could see several cars parked out front. There seemed to be activity on a covered patio on the opposite side. Dawn told Heather to move up to the closest end then wait for Dawn to swing around the front. “I’ll just rip the roof off, that’ll spook them toward the back of the house to you. Better find someplace to put Red for now.” Heather looked about for safekeeping, seeing only trees. She selected one of the older, taller palm trees with a center that formed a nest. Pressing a finger between Reds long firm legs, Heather teased them wide open rubbing her crotch. “She is really out, can’t sleep through that kind of attention.” Rolling Red from her hand onto the tree, Heather turned toward their next source of excitement. Dawn tried to tiptoe between the cars. Grazing one its alarm blared out an intruder’s presence. Silhouettes appeared along the windows facing the driveway. “Damn!” Dawn was angry with herself; no she was pissed off at the stupid car. As fast as she could, she grabbed the annoying toy, her grip so tight windows burst and metal crinkled. Raising it high and behind her head she pitched the honking-beeping vehicle out into the water. It tumbled crazily end over end spewing its contents like the trail of a comet. Impacting well out from the beach it disappeared quickly returning the night sounds to the complaint of the trees leaning in the roaring wind. Heather looked across the roof wondering what Dawn would do now. The question was put to rest quickly when Dawn plowed through the remainder of the cars, grabbed the roof below the eve’s ripping the majority free. Tossing it away she planted her knees at a 45-degree angle, one leg running the length of the patio while the other down the front. Bending at her waist she lowered her tits to the new top of the walls letting her nipples poke over into the room. Her hair had fallen into the room covering most of its contents from sight. Shaking her head to throw her hair over the downwind shoulder, She got her first glimpse of the occupants beneath her. “Must be ten to twelve of them her!” Batting her gigantic brown eyes for the audience set them in motion. From stock still to full retreat the all tumbled over each other trying to put distance between themselves and the gigantic nude woman. “Heather, I should have thought of this before, rip that phone line to the house down before a squeaky thinks to call for help.” Heather obliged snapping the pole near its base pulling with it all the connecting cables. “Done!” Heather announced with glee. Tiny heads swiveled as one to look up Heathers front, long blond hair wafting with the winds. Screams, mostly from the women and shouts of direction from the men, the gathering of ants tried to make it back inside the house. Heather watched for a moment then lifted her right foot as high as she could. Picking the spot she thought would work the best, Heather plunged her foot down through miniature tiles. Rafters snapped like Popsicle sticks; plaster shot like pellets in every direction. Her downward pressure continued, She could feel the upstairs rooms contents as it was pulverized under her. Still down feeling the floor give with a loud crashing protest, the jingle of glass in accompaniment. Dawn watched eagerly as Heathers foot arrived on the ground floor, the tiny men and women trying to protect themselves from the flying debris. As the last chunks of ruined housed settled atop Heathers foot, one small woman clawed her way over the big toe, pulling herself as fast as her little arms could across the top still trying to get inside. Heather giggled, “That tickles! What’s happening?” Dawn kept her eyes on the scene replying, “Some pee-wee bitch just crawled across your foot, guess she really needs to get to the bathroom.” Dawn began to collect them up, grabbing them by whatever stuck out. Choosing them in pairs she arranged them male to female. Handing up four to Heather she pinched up the other five. “Looks like some of them made it inside, hang on to these for a second.” Dawn handed her group over, dropping them into Heathers opened hand. At the house front she repeated her act of roof removal, allowing the remnants to flip up and over to the back of the structure. Heather stepped back to stay clear of the flying mess Dawn was creating. “Looks fun!” she suggested. Dawn was enjoying herself. As she uncapped the house, rooms were exposed revealing household commodities. Knowing she needed to open it up to the first floor, Dawn would stop from time to time to crush some familiar object between fingers, larger items with the crush of her fist. Dressers exploded, beds tossed, sheets tangled at fingertip, a cast iron tub took the form of an emptied toothpaste tube.

Breaking through the floor she heard the screaming. Tearing more away, breaking out main walls it grew louder until finally she could see two of them, pressed into a corner. Reaching through the mayhem, she positioned the heel of her hand on the floor in front of the two. Jamming her fingers into the wall above their heads she watched as the plaster powder drift down on upturned faces. They weren’t screaming now, the dust choking their lungs. Heather was distracted momentarily when a call from her right hand rose above the others frantic jabbering. Squeezing them tighter she drew them up before her face. A little man, one arm free, was begging for her mercy. She heard his plea with indifference. Heather met their heads with her tongue, slathering all the little faces feeling the struggles increase against her. She fixed on the pathetic wimp; opening her lips she took his head into her mouth. Sucking in slightly she pulled him from his place with the others closing her hand to keep them firmly in place. Growling in her throat she pulled him inside, pressing her lips down surrounding his chest. The tiny legs kicked wildly, hands twisting fingers out while the arms were held against her lips. Keeping the growl rumbling in her throat she shook her head left and right shaking him haplessly about. Dawn had stopped to watch the display, the two encaged inside by her hand. She was already excited, feeling herself becoming wet again. Seeing how Heather was treating her victim made Dawn think of the old movies again, where some hundred foot monster bit down on a little person and shook it in its mouth. Heather slowed the movement, sucking the man in to his ass now, the feeble movements of his legs weaker. She worked him around inside, feeling his face then exploring his body. As she drew him in further she continued to prod the new areas until she felt his member inside his summer shorts. Twisting around it several times she thought it might be erect but wasn’t sure because of the clothing. “Gonna have to remember that next time, get rid of the clothes!” His feet slipped from sight, the handheld terrified captives wiggling away with pure terror on each face. Heather now treated her man with ruthless pushing about in her mouth. Her cheeks bulged outward as he made pass after pass around her mouth against the inside of her teeth pressed on by her tongue. She could detect no movement now, breathing in deeply she spat his body out with the force of a shotgun. Arms and legs pin wheeling he flew into the crumbling wall. The wet smack before the lifeless piss-ant dropped to the ground below verified the weaklings passing. With nothing to say, Heather looked over at Dawn and winked. Feeling something brush a finger below, Dawn returned her full attention to the two inside. Both were trying to wriggle through her fingers, successful up to their tiny waists. Dawn watched for a moment how their little tits made jiggles as they fought their way out. It was Heathers turn to watch. Dawn snarled at the two, bringing her fingers together she raised them up to the top of the crushed house. In what was becoming a familiar reaction to capture, Dawns two squirming toys had their arms rigid pushing at Dawn, fingers wide and latched on, legs and hips twisting through open air. Turning her hand, fingers toward herself, She began to strip them. Summer skirts and tops flitted down in the wind. A bra catching on a scrap from the house, panties rolled off the tiny bodies. “This what’cha meant to do?” she asked Heather. Heather smiled, “Live and learn!” Having looked them over Dawn picked the dark haired girl, shoving her into her mouth. As she had with Rudy she moved the woman in and out of her mouth, slowly playing at her with her tongue. Pulling her out with a slurping noise, the girl fought the entire trip down Dawn. Headfirst, Dawn plunged her victim inside until only little feet could be seen. Repeating this with the second, Dawn filled herself with living vibrators. Dawn now stood and moved to Heather, “Ooohhhh! She moaned, you’ve got to try this!” Heather was more than ready to get into the action. Handing the five that `belonged’ to Dawn back to her, Heather set about stripping down her toys. Dawn sat down with her back against the house, the miniature garden chairs and table disappearing beneath the crush of her perfect ass. Heather paused for a moment then sat as well, legs straight out to meet Dawns feet. “Showdown at the big bitch corral!” It didn’t take long for them to rip the clothes from the Barbie’s’ and Kens’. Dawn pinched the feet of her ticklers and moved them in and out a few times to keep them working. Surveying the cowering ants Heather selected a man and woman for spelunking duties. She did find it to her liking swishing these little ones around her mouth. With two sets of feet kicking sticking from her, she treated herself by rubbing the other two on her nipples. Heather, having no tiny types to corral any longer, lifter her legs over Dawns and scooted as close as she could to her lover. Her feet plunged through the walls into the house until the protruded from the other side. Dawn gazed down through hers and Heathers gigantic swollen boobs at the five little faces surrounded by gigantic wet womanhood. The two pressed together again, teasing tongue tips danced for the little ones to see. Locking in another impassioned kiss Dawn and Heather crushed the man and woman Heather had brought hanging from her hardened nipples. The little bodies trapped between their enormous orbs while the giants lost themselves in lust. Hands made their way to each other’s love button, stirring their companion to a crest of ecstasy. They came together, muscles contracted in the surge of pleasure crushing the life from those enclosed. As the moment passed they caressed each other, drinking in the others beauty with wan smiles. Heather finally stood; plucking the two from her, she dropped them in a wet mass. Dawn remained in a sitting position, moving her hands to drive the five witnesses of their passion toward her. Pressing them into her, she spread her legs to a cheerleader spread. Then with a devilish smile she ground her hips forward, over them. “I’m going to have to try that!” Heather exclaimed watching the pleasure Dawn gained. Pressing down with all her weight she felt them break. Little snapping and poppings were felt through her extremely sensitive vagina that sopped over her toys. Dawn stood now, dropping her vibrators earthward. They stood over the ruins admiring the handy work. “I think that storm is almost here.,” remarked Heather. “Yeah, we’d better get going, it’s going to get ugly here soon.” In the distance they could see rain sheeting down, backlit by the lights of the town. Waves were breaking further up the beach and the wind continued to howl. “You know, we have to go that way.” Dawn pointed along the beach past sets of houses. “We’ll miss the town but there are still these.” Heather looked along the line Dawn pointed, “I don’t get what you mean but I’m game!” Dawn smiled, “Sweetie, why don’t you go back down to Red’s and kick the living heck out of it, toward the beach.” Heather recalled suddenly. “Red!” She trotted over to the tree to see Red, hair hanging through the fronds still unconscious. “I’ll be right back!” Heather ran the distance to Red’s house. Standing over it she took her sex-goddess stance, hands on hips, feet wide. She looked it over one more time noting the garage. “I’ve gotta' do what Dawn did!” She tore the roof from the garage, throwing it into the air, watching it crash down breaking into sections. The car was a`Beam-er’ shinning in its stall. She used her strength to lift it, crushing it squeezing tighter. She hurled it into the water, pleased at how easy she had destroyed it. “Time for the house!” Kicking against the walls, she made short work of what had to be an expensive house. It exploded outward, its innards accelerated with the force of her foot almost one hundred miles an hour. She drug her foot through it directing splintered furniture, cabinets, workout bike all toward the beach. “Finished! Literally!” she laughed. “I’ve been laughing a lot lately, it feels damn good to be happy for a change!” Jogging back she found Dawn had finished as well. “What did you do with the cars?” Dawn flashed the smile that just turned Dawn on; “I used to ride around in those things, now I can throw them a long way!” “Now you big breasted horny one!” Dawn read Heathers feelings, “Here is my idea!” Dawn outlined her plan; a storm was on its way, a big one. “It might even be a hurricane!” she smirked. “We’ve gotta’ go that way to get home, wanna’ go for a run?” Heather got it, right through the neighborhood. “Ready! Ready! Go!” Dawn bounded off towards target one, Heather hot on her trail. Houses vanished violently, boards flipped through the air. Occasionally tiny screams were heard and a grape like squish felt underfoot. They reached the point where Dawn knew they had to start the long swim back. “You ready?” Heather started move into the water then stopped, “I’m forgetting something….but what?” Dawn asked, “Did you still want Red for Billy?” Heather stamped her foot, “I always forget something, dang it!” Dawn grabbed her by the shoulders, rubbing them. “Hey so what! We are the giants here remember? Come on beautiful, for you I can wait! Go get the little bitch! I want to watch you stomp some ants anyway!” Heathers heart beat strongly; the bond between the two was becoming as strong as titanium. She giggled and turned, sprinting off back to Red. Kicking in anything in her path. Dawn watched her go, loving the sight of her companions body, tits swinging in unison, her ass shaking just right to every crushing stomp. Dawn heard something behind her, then saw the headlights through the rain. A car was headed her way following the road by the houses. “A new pleasure approaches!” She knelt down beside the road, placing herself between a few trees and the oncoming vehicle. It wasn’t moving too quickly, “Must be a cautious driver in the rain.” The car reached her. She could see a face in the passengers window, looking forward intently down the road. As it passed Dawn grabbed it by the roof, it’s sudden deceleration throwing its passengers forward. Dawn stood, lifting the car in a way that its lights illuminated her. Up her leg, past the furred `V’ of her crotch, up the belly and past mountainous breasts. She shone it on her face, enjoying how the faces behind the rain spotted windshield gaped. With her thumb she punched through the drivers window. Clamping down she peeled the top back, glass shattering and metal tearing. “Hi there ya’ll!” The yells of doomed little people reached her ear for the ump-teenth time that night. Two woman were seat belted in, the forces of Dawns motion causing the belts to strain between the women’s breasts highlighting them. “Sure seems to be a five to one ratio of girls to men here!” “What are you two hookers doing out on a night like tonight? Don’t you know that there are monsters out here?” She turned the vehicle upside down and shook. Tiny arms dangled down, hair fell past faces as the pair screamed. All manner of trash fell from the interior, purses, shoes, things so small Dawn couldn’t make them out. Righting the car she reached behind the driver, she pinched the seat on either side then yanked. It came out without argument, the belts tearing from their bolts. “Damn did she scream then!” “I’ll bet that really hurt!” Looking at the passenger Dawn decided to save her for Heather. Glancing back she could see the glorious progress of her titanic friend making another trip through the houses. She arrived breathless, “I don’t think I can get enough of this! There were some survivors that I got to squish!” Dawn agreed, “Did you find Red?” Heather held Red up by her armpits. “This girl is going to set a record if she doesn’t come too soon.” “Hey! What’s that you’ve got!?” Dawn lifted the car to her friend, “One last toy time before we swim!” Dawn took Red from her, holding her by the shinning black-leather covered hips, her body folded over with arms and hair hanging down. Heather removed the woman by pulling the door off then using her fingernail to pop the seatbelt loose at its top. “Wish I thought of that!” Dawn remarked with new appreciation for Heathers ingenuity. Heather threw the car to meet the rapidly filling parking lot below the surface. “You know, this one is kinda’ cute!” She playfully toyed with the woman, running her finger over her head, finding every spot personal to the tiny thing. Hungrily she stripped the clothing from her ignoring the protests. “She’s got a nice rack on her, and a decent figure to boot!” In Dawns hand, still in her car seat the other woman squeaked incessantly. This earned her a quick trip to Dawns face, “In a hurry? Don’t worry, you’ll get you chance soon enough!” Heather seemed to be blushing. “What’s wrong?” Dawn queried. As soon as she had asked the images Heather was projecting flooded into her mind. Dawn thought she would hurt herself from smiling, “Don’t be embarrassed, if that’s what you want, Ohh Baby! that’s what you get!” Heather brightened; popping the woman into her mouth she prepared her for the next stop. Dawn moved Red to spend some time with the driver, then took the saliva soaked woman from Heather. Stroking Heather to reassure he things were all right, Dawn moved behind her. “Go Girl!” Heather dropped to her knees then forward on her elbows. Her face became a study in concentration as she felt Dawn comply with her desires. Tiny hands fought away, little body wriggling. Heather Dropped to the beach, her face to one side while she attended to her burning needs. Her mind fogged over again, the sensations of pleasure coursing to every nerve electrically. When she came she puckered down to feel the crushing sensation. Panting, she slowly brought herself back to her feet. Dawn spoke for her, “That floozy he ran off with, that is one fantasy!” Heather still trying to catch her breath nodded, reaching around her exquisite rear she pulled the tiny form from her by her head. “How many time can a woman orgasm in a night!?” she asked as she flung another victim to the ocean. “As many time as we want, sugar buns!” Handing Billy’s treat back, Dawn concentrated on the driver. The seat was reunited with the car in a toss. The skimpy outfit this little girl wore tore like wet toilet paper from her body. Lightning flashed, Heather saw Dawn dangling the woman from her armpits, lashing her with upward strokes of her tongue. As another futile struggling trip was completed, Dawn pushed this one, feet first into her. “She’ll last longer this way.” Dawn reached to Heather; her hands passing through the blonde silky hair, urgently pulling her towards her. Heather understood the tug downward; fighting the force just enough to increase desire by attending Dawns nipple then trail downward touching all the sensuous places before the ultimate place was reached. Dawn curved her legs outward, in a slight crouch to meet Heathers searching tongue. Her hands just above her knees, she clamped down tightly, release, then grip again. Another flash from the storm, Dawn and Heather illuminated as one. The tiny woman was, as the others had, fighting for her life. Her efforts fueled by the giant woman who worked her captors’ flesh with vigor. Heather would tease the woman’s fear by running through Dawns lips, pushing deep inside enjoying the pleasure she gave her partner and the feel of tiny fist beating the underside of her tongue. Dawn began to tremble, running a hand through Heathers hair she clasped her leg with the other. Muscles tightened, her stomach becoming defined, legs forming shadows as she flexed mightily. Heather sensed this and increased her attentions wanting to satisfy Dawn as much as she had been. Shaking, and dripping with sweat, Dawn achieved climax. Her tiny toy vanished inside with the contraction, surrounded by steaming hot walls. Heather continued until Dawn was finished. Leaning back she looked up to meet Dawns half closed eyes returning their understanding. Heather gently inserted her finger, searching for the tiny one. She pressed the little body against Dawn and guided it out. “Dawn?! You are one mean giant bitch!” Holding the slick coated woman out, Heather displayed the pleasure toy to Dawn. Dawn had one more thing she wanted to do. Plucking her victim from Heather, she closed her fist around the still form. Pressure, slowly, deliberately until her fingers creaked from the tension. She felt it collapse, puny bones breaking. Throwing it into the water as well, she helped Heather to her feet. “Come on jugs, let’s take a swim!” They splashed back into the water, one last look at what they had done. “We have GOT to come back!” Heather suggested while massaging Dawns ass. “Count on it, this one will look like the weather if we are lucky, the next one won’t!” With that Dawn smiled then plunged ahead into what she was sure was a hurricane building.


Unlimited Possibilities

Bob was pissed. Just red-in-the-face angry. They had made it to the beach finally after hours of gingerly making their way out of an obstacle covered jungle floor. That had given way to rocky shoreline that was anything but hospitable to bare feet. Now they stood back on the beach looking toward where he had anchored. Right on out to the nights horizon the stars could be viewed with the moons glow, minus, that is Bobs’ expensive hobby. He wasn’t speaking English as far as anybody could tell; it might not even have been human. Billy and Candy had moved back to the jungle edge thinking that if they needed to run for it that would be the place to hide. Tammy followed Bob like a pomeranian on a long leash trying to get a word in edge wise. What really rubbed the salt in was what WAS on the beach waiting patiently for them; a stretch of rope had been laid out in the shape of a valetines day heart. In its center was a `Have a Nice Day’ smile scratched by one large finger. Outside the `face’ were the `Love & Kisses’ X’s and O’s usually seen on the correspondence of lovers. Bob walked up to the image again, pausing at the edge, “What the frikkin holy hell are they doing to us!?” “Where is my damn yacht!!” Tammy tried again, this time with limited success, “They are just teasing us! I mean that IS Heather and I can’t see her hurting us or even letting her over-grown friend do anything…” Bob stopped dead in his tracks; he closed his eyes concentrating intently, “O.K. miss smarty pants! We are standing her buck naked, the boats gone stranding us in the middle of a boatload of water, your sister has a lesbian lover with a fantastic tan and great gorgeous tits…Oh Yeah! I forgot the hundred foot tall part!! What else am I forgetting, Oh! How you had your face, No! body!! pushed into Miss Giant Gold persons twat, how did I ever forget that!” Bob spit the words vehemently out for any and all to hear. Tammy was definitely done talking for the moment. Billy ventured, “Damn! I’ve never seen him pissed-off, Now he’s a living, breathing definition for the phrase!” Candy thought that was pretty accurate, “You don’t think he could get, well….like violent or something?” For once Billy thought she had a valid point, “You never do really know, think we are best off just staying here for now.” Bob was winding down, worn from his tantrum, exhausted from the whole damn thing. He finally found a lot of sand and parked. After some time Tammy was brave enough to sit with him, trying to rub the tension from his shoulders. Bob, making his first rational statement, “There is some weather moving in.” Gesturing toward the clouds starting to wisp across the moon. Purple red flashes in the distance by lightning colored the picture. “We should probably find some shelter then try to figure this out.” Grouping together they made their way back into the jungle. Using logic similar to long gone Juan and Rudy they traveled up the beach to find secure hiding. Shuffling slowly forward they all saw Bob with hands outstretched moving bushes aside. Then, in a single blink he was gone. They heard him cursing , some thrashing about then he stood up. “What the bloody hell was that!?” He was looking down at a grouping of saplings that had been carefully stacked. Some of them had been tied together as if somebody were trying to build a platform. “That looks like it might be a raft, the start of one that is…” Billy, helpful as ever made another astute observation. “Do you think it could have been that mans’? You know the one brown eyes finished off!?” Candy was shaking with the recollection. Bob was seeing hope again, “Let’s get undercover, we may have a chance out of here yet!” Leaving Juans’ project they located, after some difficulty, a reasonable recess in the base of the hill. It had enough plant and tree life around it to provide natural cover from sight and the elements. Tammy sat with Bob, “Do you think we could build a raft and make it to safety?” Patting her leg, “I wonder if there is such a thing as safety in this world anymore…I don’t know how those two grew to that size, Dawn is dangerous! We’ve seen what she can do and we don’t know how Heather has been affected for sure.” For the first time in a long time Tammy clutched to Bob, “I’m afraid, really afraid!” The brother and sister listened to it all quietly. Moving to the back of the shelter Billy sat first motioning Candy to sit beside him. Candy shook her head negatively at first then realized the storm brought a chill with it, she was cold, hungry in a world where her mom was incredibly huge with a vicious friend of the same stature. She sat next to Billy, “Keep your hands to yourself though!” Using her best `Go to Hell’ face, she waited until Billy responded defensively, “I don’t do my sister!” The four sat in silence listening to the storm gather strength outside.

They came ashore in the early hours, breaking through heavy waves like juggernauts. Excitement from the fevered pitch had become a sense of feline satisfaction, exhaustion from the arduous swim back ever-present. “I feel like how those idiots that swim the English Channel look when they reach the other side!” Dawn looked to Heather who just nodded. “You still have Red?” Heather lifted her hand to display her redheaded captive, limp in her grip. “I think she made it, that was work trying to keep her ass above the water wasn’t it!?” Dawn remembered how they had traded the woman back and forth while crossing the distance, holding her above the swell. “My arm will never be the same!” They made the journey to the `bedroom’ to collapse thankfully for some rest. Dawn lay back against the wall stretching her length. Heather followed her, lying with her back snuggled against her friend. Red was deposited atop the frond bedding at Heathers waist. “Just don’t roll over on her!” Warned Dawn. Heather took one more glance at Red; “She’s been out for hours, probably in shock. I don’t think she’ going shopping anytime soon.” Red lay legs splayed out, still garbed in her shiny black thigh boots and g-string like bottom. Her top was long gone, hair a scrambled mess. She was still breathing, her mind having closed down in a defensive state protecting her from the horror she had witnessed. Outside the entrance trees danced to the rhythm of the wind and the pelting of rain. They slept.

Billy woke unaccountably; He listened carefully trying to discern what drew him out of his fitful dreaming. “A mumble?, No” he thought, “A moan!” Lifting his head he turned to Bob and Tammy. In the darkness their outlines could be seen, just barely. “Damn-it!” Billy blinked, “Uncle Bob gets a hummer from Aunt Tammy!” He was right; Tammy was definitely providing Bob with what she felt he needed to loose some of the tension he’d shouldered the past days. Bob wasn’t going to argue, Tammy had a talent with her moves that worked like a charm over all the years. Billy felt movement from Candy, saw she was watching the show as well. Bob’s moment came, apparent to all present, bystander or participant. “How disgusting!” Candy couldn’t believe it, her Aunt Tammy swallowed! “That rocks!” Billy reacted, noting he had become aroused watching Tammy in action. Candy flicked Billy’s program with a single finger “Thwack!” The noise audible to their relatives. Tammy pushed Bob away glaring at her niece and nephew. “Can’t a person have a single moment of privacy?!” Bob ran his fingers through her hair, “It’s all-right dear, don’t worry about it.” he consoled her while privately recalling how he had been imagining Candy was the one holding him in that lip-lock. Billy was incapable of responding, instead concentrating on the pain radiating from his jewels. Candy smirked at that, “That’ll keep Mr. Happy at bay!” Light was beginning to peek through the entrance, sunrise in another hour or so. The wind no longer shrieked dropping into a steady breeze. The surf was calming as well from booming to a more gentle crash. “Sun comes up, we’ll take a serious look at this raft idea” Bob trying to steer the group to other subjects. “And!” he paused “We will look for something more edible!” Tossing that out for Candy solely, hopping to look the hero in her eyes. The humble beginnings of light soon became morning. With the subsiding storm moving on, the island returned to its normal state. They ventured out to survey the effects the weather had caused. “Only a butt-load of leaves got knocked down” Billy continued his scan of the area. “What the heck is that?” “Say! Bob! I think we may have lucked out!” Billy walked to a palm, its top exposed from the previous nights treatment. Billy picked up a coconut, “Think we can open one of these up?” Bob nodded thoughtfully recounting a show from one of those how-too channels. “That’ll work! At least for a start!” He searched around trying to find sharp stones of a manageable size to employ as chisels. The others helped in the search, before too long having what Bob felt would do the job. They sat about consuming over ten of the things, starved survivors of the most insane situation the world had witnessed to date. Bob got right down to planning: Billy you will work with me, Girls; I need you to collect up as many of the coconuts as you can and take them to the shelter. If you find any scrap that might be useful bring it along as well.” Candy stopped his roll, “What if Mom and Dawn show up?” Bob didn’t hesitate for that one, “Hide as best you can. Just don’t move. From their height they will detect your movement well before they see something stationary. After they move on make it back to the shelter and wait for us.” Tammy led Candy by the shoulder off on their mission. Bob turned to Billy, “Remember where we found that raft stuff last night? Lets go!” They made the way back to Juan’s collection of goodies. “This is a good start, you see what that man was gathering? That’s what we need. Same rules for us as the girls, understand?” Billy nodded and set about his task.

Red finally came out of her self induced coma. Her mouth was dry and her stomach was heaving, nauseous. “I don’t remember partying hard….did I drink too much again?” She fought the haze trying to account for feeling so lousy. The sun was in her face, its glare compounding her headache. “Ugghhh! Enough!” She tried to move, “God I’m sore too! What the hell did I do!?” Her waist felt as though she’d left her electrical pulsing waist tone thingy on way too long, every muscle and joint felt over taxed. Successful in her attempt to put the sun to her back she began to contemplate going to the `john’ for some water and taking a leak. The wind in the trees began to pry their way into her day. “Did I pass out on the patio? What am I doing outside?” With eyes still closed she made her way up to support herself on elbows, “I don’t want to open my eyes, the hangover is bad enough!” The irritating itch of wet clothing manifested itself in her consciousness; “Still in the boots? What the hell happened!?” She attempted to open her swollen eyes, hazily she could see shapes, some color through the fog. Closing them again she rubbed them as gently as she could, then painfully made it to support her ass on her feet. Fingers to her temple she treated them as softly as her eyes, “Never again, I mean NEVER again will I party like this!” She dropped her hands to rest on her thighs, took a deep breath in holding it to the count of three then exhaling slowly. She prepared herself for an expected mess of beer bottles, caps tossed about the ground, cigarette butts in overflowing ashtrays and cups floating about mindlessly in the pool clogging the filter. All the standard debris of a knockdown drag-out party. The light re-entered through slatted eyelids. The focus improved the longer they remained open. “Where did I pass out? At the neighbors?” The blurry objects just couldn’t fit any mental map she could recall. “If I stand up, I’ll blow right here and know.” Her mind was reeling with confusion. She waited for the sour feelings to pass. After quite some time she tried to look around one more time; her vision was steadily improving now she could make out individual trees. Still unable to place herself on the map she moved to take in the full 360 degrees at a snails pace to keep the dizziness to a minimum. She reached a point where the image changed into a hillside climbing over her. Finally she reached a point where everything just turned brown. Becoming annoyed now she put all her effort into focusing, blinking several times she looked again, “Just what the hell is that?” The brown area had a hole in it, not more than a foot or two. The inside had a curious texture, sort of crinkled lines ran in a spoke-like pattern into it. The surrounding smoother area had small dimples on it with fine, almost transparent little hairs….”Hairs!?” Her eyes opened now with that jolt of adrenaline. Looking quickly first left then right she took in a dark triangular patch a distance down. To the right were two gigantic breasts, one on top of the other squeezing down under the weight. Craning back to look up she recognized the curves of a female waist making its smooth transition to hip and chest respectively. Resting along the curves was an arm, the hand down toward the knee with the thumb draped over pointing down. Holding her breath again, now for a different reason she looked back in the direction of the upper breast, slowly heaving as the giant breathed. Her heartbeat pounded furiously against her chest, recollection searing into memory she watched as another apparition hove into view. It was a forehead rising like a full moon on the horizon. It was draped with brunette hair, strands falling down in thick groups. Eyebrows almost hidden from sight by the hair the upward movement continued until the bridge and partial length of a nose were revealed. A huge hand parted the mass of hair uncovering a beautiful brown eye, the other still covered with hair. “Morning sweat pea! Sleep well?” Reason fled the little woman for the second time in her life faster than light travels the galaxy. Red tried to stand, her tortured legs shakily supporting her. She tried to run and actually thought she was in motion when the belly in front of her stirred with a wiggle then began to fall towards her. She saw from the corner of her eye the brunettes hair tidal back to its original vertical position before the enormous stomach hid it all completely. Falling backward to the ground Red raised her arms as she felt the wind rushing past from the giant’s motion. It had contacted her arms and was pushing down upon her when it stopped as suddenly as it had started. Her head amid drying palm fronds she looked upward from her prone position until she was looking almost parallel to the ground, only upside down. Four tree trunk thick fingers pointed back at her, softly gripping the waist. Heather was eased back to her side preventing her mass from crushing Red below. Dawn nibbled at her ear and fondled her breast cajoling her lover back into the world of the conscious. Red watched as those huge funbags were teased by the ton full, a light pinch to the nipple brining it to a size bigger than the tiny redheads’ cranium. “And a good morning to you too sexy!” Heather turned to Dawn for a light lingering kiss, making only satisfied noises a woman can make. Dawn massaged Heather down her length then plucked Red up by one of the tiny arms she tried to protect her puny self with. Transporting Red to twist before Heather, Dawn whispered; ‘Think Billy is going to like his surprise?” Still waking up Heather smiled providing Red an unobstructed view of giant lips stretched back across shining teeth that would put a T-Rex to shame. “Ohh Yeah! She purred, my little Billy always falls for tall women!” Red was putting it all together, or so she thought. She remembered these two faces looking through her skylight, breaking glass and being lifted like a mouse encaged in the blondes fingers. Still not too sure of her boyfriends fate, she hopped she was just too shocked by it all to recall. Her fear wasn’t settling down though. Red had no idea where she was at, just that two colossal lesbian women were dangling her about like a toy, talking about some `Billy’ and how she was his gift. “Is this guy a giant as well?’ “Oh God! Save me from this!” Dawn slid one leg over Heather then supported herself on an elbow still holding Red by the arm. Dawn ground down gently against Heathers hips; “I’m going to take Red for a shower while you wake up.” The two kissed again, Red witness to the pressure they melted together with. Dawn left the `bedroom’ and Heather, down the well familiar path to the falls. Red was given a less painful support when she was gripped by Dawn in the other hand just below her ribs. Dawn looked the little women over. “Nice banana tits!” Dawn remarked on Reds not so small breasts that had the familiar low-slung shape. “I like the dark nipple effect and you definitely have some muscle tone too!” They came around the bend that revealed a pool, its surface shimmering from the water pummeling down from above. Dawn stepped to the edge then sat with her feet in the pool. “Well then Red, let me introduce myself. I’m Dawn. My companions name is Heather. And yours is?” Dawn watched as comprehension crept across Reds’ face. “Anytime today will be fine!” Dawn gave her most ingratiating smile, tilting her head to the side as a harmless gesture. The tiny woman surrounded by the fingers of a goddess, held well above the ground from her perspective finally responded, “Colleen…..its Colleen” Dawn nodded approvingly, running her hair between her fingers to push it over her shoulder. Dawns face now fully visible to Colleen was a study in beauty. Colleen had to look around to map the almond shape of her head, fine line of her nose. The lips weren’t too full but not straight lined without statement and a jaw perfectly formed, not square but not a sharp point either. “What are you going to do with me?” Colleen voiced with more than a tinge of fear. The giant lips smiled warmly, “You, little one, are to be a gift to Heathers son Billy!” Hearing this Colleen leapt to a new level of fear, “I’m to be given to a giant man?! So he can do what!??” The laugh was deafening to tiny Colleen, it went on for some time while she covered her ears in pain. Dawn saw she was hurting the girl so she quieted: “No silly thing! Billy is your size, you are to be his companion!” Colleen shook her head already filled to overload, impossible things, giants, what was next! “Colleen dear, lets get out of that outfit now, it looks uncomfortable.” The world spun as she was turned away from Dawn. She felt a pressure at her foot then the right boot, sticking at first from soggy wetness then pulling free. The left boot came off as quickly, then Dawn ran into a snag as the ocean soaked leather bottom proved to difficult to roll of as underwear had with others. She tried to slide a fingernail underneath then pull away to no avail. Colleen was tired of the efforts to defrock her body and yelled out in frustration; ‘Knock it off you bitch!” The finger stopped instantly, Colleen was wheeled about her arms and legs thrown out like people on the big spinning swings at the fair. “Bitch? Did I just here you call me Bitch?” Dawn was teasing again, Colleen didn’t know that just seeing furrowed brows that she had to look left and right to see it all. “I’m sorreeee!” The apology was almost heart wrenching Dawn thought. “It’s O. K. half-pint, take this slowly and you’ll be just fine!” Dawn cupped her had allowing Colleen to slide to its center. “You take it off then, so you don’t get hurt.” Colleen hung her head in pure dejection. She pushed a thumb under either side the leather garment and wormed out. Dawn watched as the muscles flexed on this one. Her hips twisted in an alluring manner, those cute little banana boobies accentuating the motion. Heather had arrived and watched resting her chin over Dawns shoulder, arms wrapped around the belly, fingers clasped. “Colleen, Meet Heather!” Dawn raised her palm higher for Heather. Her smile was that of pure pleasure; “Pleased to meet you Colleen!” Turning to Dawns ear she suggested knowing full well Colleen could hear; ‘She’s well built, attractive and we know her nature!” Dawn listened carefully waiting for the image Heather was projecting to arrive. It didn’t take long at all in full color and detail. The vision presented itself drawing back to a larger picture from a single point. A man, arms wrapped tightly around an erect nipple, desperately trying not to fall. A twin tit came into view with another hapless person twisting, her hands clawed into the giants flesh. Racing backward two more pair of breast, six nipples in a triangle of contact with even more citizens of a doomed city. All this framed small cars; some sticking crushed beneath huge feet while little people frantically ran between them for their lives. The image began to level with the ground and pass over one shoulder, a structure of ten stories plus competing for the skyline with beautiful figures of similar size. Dawn blinked twice. That was a new one! Complete with the sexual urges Heather was having! Dawn was now convinced they needed to sit down and try to refine the ability, try to figure out its limits and explore it to its potential. Looking to Colleen she tried to focus, “What’s in your puny mind right now?” Waiting again, Dawn held her almost nose to nose. Ever so faintly she saw herself in a mirror, only distorted like in the mirrors at amusement parks. Confused at first, Dawn moved Colleen away to try and figure it all out. The image in her mind sprang immediately into focus including most of Heather curiously watching Dawns experiment. Dawn got it, moving Colleen in again the distortion returned then refocused when held back to a distance. Heather Gasped in awe; “No Way!” Dawn’s thoughts returned to herself, the image erased. “Did you see that?” she queried Heather. “Some of it, it seems to be there for a moment then fades out like when you turn a TV off.” Certain now that they had changed more then just size, Dawn turned, rubbing Heathers breasts with her arm. When the two faced each other she placed Colleen atop their breasts. She pulled Heather into loving embrace and tongue wrestled with her partner. In her mind Dawn built up her thoughts, forming them into a detailed picture for Heather. Unspoken Heather understood, aroused by the idea, satisfied to wait for now. Billy would have his time with Colleen to be sure, but it wouldn’t be permanent at all depending on Colleen’s behavior. They could feel her tiny body above the beat of giant hearts, see cleavage of unbelievable size twisting tightly together then upward toward two titanic lovers locked in the throes of passion. Heather and Dawn knew they could never part and would enjoy their time together. Later, perhaps, they would welcome another.