Monica XXL
by Chuckcjc

Before the Earth started shaking to the extent that no one could stand on their feet, and the building sides started breaking into grotesque spiders webs of cracked masonary and crumbling red brick; before the streets began to explode under immense unfathomable pressure, releasing underground piping for water, gas, and electricity, and before hundreds of main avenues and thousands of streets and bi-streets were clogged with a livid terrified throng of humanity hopelessly looking into the vast sky for some sign that they might survive the horror above them and about them; before the millions ever knew this horror's name or could see into the great mesmerizing pools of her ominous brown eyes, or before her great encompassing shadow fell over the entire length of their prosperous city, the City of New York was once again on its regular schedule of business - its streets brimming with millions of toughened upbeat citizens the sun was out and it was a beautiful day to be alive.

Hundreds of Thousands of citizens heard of stories from the previous evening about a colosal woman who had grown to more than a third of a mile tall in an apparrent fit of rage after being attacked by the seemingly victorious military. But few believe the stories having not seen her with their own eyes or heard it from their own friends or family. The media was such bullshit anymore, their phony studios were dying to make a story out of anything, and to most it seemed like a fantasitic tale fleshed out with amazing special effects. They did not know that the government was foolishy trying to blind their eyes as it has done for years. Any attmepts to further investigate the story were severly thwarted by the government. Even commercial satellite conveyance of the entire state was cut-off by the powers that be. But some things were never meant to be covered up, or kept at bay - Monica was one of them. Her code-name by the government was Monica XL, she was an unexplainable phenomenon on collosal proportions that shouldn't be able to breathe or even bat an eyelash let alone trample highways and small towns, and pull skyscrapers from their steadfast foundations. No one could explain her, but no one in the know could deny that she was as real as the ground they walked on, and that her crushing power was second only to the almighty God's. Some even wondered if Monica was God. She was certainly tall enough for the job.

With every step Monica proved her superiority over the frightened race of humanity. Her ambition was like a great boulder resting atop a rocky crag high above a bustling town of people. On the slightest of whims Monica could snuf out hundreds of lives just as the slightest wind might one day send the threatening boulder rocketing down the jagging cliffs on a path of destruction in the civilization below. This was Monica's right. Her size gave her the ultimate power of edict. She could wield her strength in any fashion that she saw fit. If she wanted to walk across a downtown district crushing and leveling all in her path - so be it. If she wanted to stop and laugh at the helicopters and planes continously buzzing around her before lazily swatting a few away - so be it. If she wanted to take a nap on a mountainside for a few hours, and maybe roll over in her sleep ontop of a half dozen patches of farmland -so be it. If she woke up and decided have a snack of a few hundred heads of cattle - so be it. If she dispensed with the angry mob of cattle raisers that had joined in unison to chastice her choice of a mid day snack - by crushing them all under her big toe with the perfect red paint -so be it. Quite simply Monica XL could do what she wanted at any time to anyone anywhere. Today she decided to take a lazy stroll into the once great New York City, and show them how big of a girl she had become. She might even show them that they might need to rename her to Monica XXL or even Monica XXXXXL.

And so on the mightiest of whims Monica rose from her mountain leveling nap, brushed off the evergreen forest that insistantly clung to her firm breasts and stomach. Performed her morning stretch, while batting away the four dozen helicopters that always seemed to encrouch upon her form when she slept. She spoke in pure thunder, "You Know... I am Growing really tired of having to swat away your tiny helicopters piloted by you tiny MITES!!" "When will you learn that you are now NOTHING!!," Monica stamped her foot into the forgiving soft earth as she emphasized the last word. The grain silo under the ball of her forceful foot was compressed so aggresively that it was pushed like a small Tylenol caplette into the ground, only a glimmer of the metal dome could be seen from the bottom of Monica's footprint when she removed her enormous ped. "You should know its not wise to anger your Goddess on purpose!," exclaimed Monica, taking a great breath into her lungs, "I guess I will have to teach you another lesson today - to make sure you understand this time." With that Monica began walking slowly and confidently over the mountain overpasses towards the great coastline that she knew would lead to the classroom for today's lesson in manners -New York City.

Within three steps she was already causing great calamity. Directly in her path was a lazy mountain highway that wound its way around and between the very region where Monica had decided to take a relaxing nap. Travellers had less than a split second to react between the moment the great shadow overtook a small pack of thirteen cars and the instant the forboding shadow met the toughened unforgiving flesh of Monica's pretty right foot. They had no time to notice Monica wiggling her sexy toes adorned with blazing red polish before she smashed them all into the mountain side. To those in passenger cars, minivans, and tractor trailers that were spared the fate of being instantly cristened by the goddess Monica's divine foot, the world had seemed to end. Suddenly there was deafening sound that seemed to make the mountain itself cry out in protest, and then there was only a tiny patch of asphalt ahead of them that was dead-ended by the round sheer cliff of tanned and off-white flesh that was the heel of the colossal woman's foot. Those not suffering from immediate trauma from the scene in front of them, could barely find the will to stamp the brakes with all of their might stopping their cars before crashing in to the goddesses' heel. Some cars were not meant to survive the aftermath of Monica, and fell in the gaping cracks that eminated from the perimeter of her footprint. One driver of a a bright red Honda civic four-door sedan was lucky enough to stop his car at the very edge of a deep spindly apeture in the roadway that two Dodge Caravans had already tumbled into as the the roadway split apart. But as Monica removed her godly foot from her own footprint, the earth was shifted again, and the perimeter cracks opened a tad further. The driver of the Honda screamed in despair as his luck turned immediately sour and the crack swallowed his car whole sending his car plummeting through the parsed highway down the pine tree covered mountain.

Monica noticed that she had only taken a few steps and was already managed to step on a dozen or more cars and demolish a mountain highway. She watched as dozens of cars piled up behind and in front of her foot and a few more crashed through the road railings - falling to desair down the side of the mountain. Monica sighed and spoke in a slightly sarcastic voice, "Geez it seems that you tiny tiny bothersome mites can't even follow the one rule that I have over you - Stay out of my way." "If you don't watch were your Goddess is walking than this might happen to you." Monica landed her left foot squarly on the highway in front of her right foot heel to toe, so that those who had stopped in puzzlement or awe were obliterated by her sexy foot. "You people aren't even bright enough to evacuate the area that I am in, I can't not help that you are so stupid, and I will show no pity." The corner of Monica's mouth turned upwards into a slight sneer as she looked down and very purposely landed her next step on the highway in front of her. She continued her omnipotent walk through the mountains, and with every step she proclaimed the word "Stupid" to the two or three dozen vehicles she covered with each of her titanic feet.