
Welcome to Giantess World, the premier hub for a variety of sizey story hijinks. Big, small, guy or girl, we have it all! Almost two decades strong hosting a wide assortment of size-based content!

We are the home of 2814 authors from among our 146634 members. There have been 101030 reviews written about our 11083 stories consisting of 48630 chapters and 139162221 words. A special welcome to our newest member, Mo_mo99.

Guests: 1

Site News
Twitter & Discord


I have created both a Twitter account and Discord server for the site. There are buttons below the site logo, but here are links to them:

Twitter - https://twitter.com/GiantessWorld

Discord - https://discord.gg/tpnzGTJ8nt

The Twitter will be mostly for updates on the site. The Discord provides a place for people to discuss the site and see updates. I hope see lots of followers on the Twitter account and for the Discord server to fill up.

Thank you.

--Administrator on July 26 2020 6:05 PM 373 Comments
Broken Registration


The security image on the registration page was broken, so people were unable to register. I fixed it, so if you tried to register recently and were unable to, try again now. I apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused.

Thank you.

--Administrator on July 17 2020 6:57 AM 373 Comments
Changing Skins


I have been seeing problems with skins reported by different users. I am going to try and handle those, but I have a quick solution for users in the mean time.

If you got to "Account Info" and click on "Edit Preferences", there is a setting there to change your skin. That will become the default skin for your user account.

Thank you.

Edit: This has been handle. The Desktop skin now is responsive in mobile. Let me know if you find any problems.

--Administrator on July 16 2020 7:57 PM 371 Comments
Older News: News Archive
Featured Stories
Smells like Marriage by Divediveburners [Reviews - 27]

Andrew is a simple office man, seeking a hassle-free, organized life. A marriage to a brash, hygienically-challenged giantess proves to be an imposing situation. Yet, in a way, opposites attract, and...

Rated: R starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Slave, Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Body Exploration, Butt, Couples, Entrapment, Feet, Gentle, Insertion, Muscle, Odor, Crush
Characters: None
The Philosopher Boned by LMeir3 [Reviews - 17]
Summary: Markus has recently learned of the dark hunger that his elven adventuring companions have for humans. The elves meanwhile, have just learned that Markus isn't nearly as off-limits as they had always thought...
Rated: X starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Breast Enlargement, Entrapment, Fantasy, Gentle, Humiliation, Insertion, Mouth Play, New World Order, Vore
Characters: None
We Help Each Other Get By by Greenanon [Reviews - 54]

When a mysterious shrinking phenomenon hits the planet a man who had everything finds himself alone in the world... with the exception of one old friend, a lazy and perverted NEET who doesn't know what...

Rated: X starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Footwear, Butt, Entrapment, Gentle, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Humiliation, Insertion, Mouth Play, New World Order, Odor, Feet
Characters: None
The Executioner by contentwelike [Reviews - 11]

A young, seventeen-year-old giantess is forced to serve as an executioner for an evil lord. However, it does not fit her gentle nature. Will she continue to conform?

If needed new tags will be...

Rated: X starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Giantess, Butt, Crush, Destruction, Fantasy, Feet, Gentle, Instant Size Change, Violent, Vore
Characters: None
One Year Lease by Greenanon [Reviews - 107]

Life is hard for shrinking virus victims, but Evan has managed to not only maintain his independence, he's thriving. The problem is, now he's bored. Eve is an office worker looking for a new place to...

Rated: X starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Giantess, Breasts, Butt, Entrapment, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, Humiliation, Insertion, Instant Size Change, Mouth Play, New World Order, Odor
Characters: None
Most Recent
Join the queue by gts_anna [Reviews - 0]
Summary: You don't know how it happened but you're cursed. In a world where tinies are...
Rated: G
Categories: Legwear, Giantess, Crush, Mouth Play, Violent, Vore, Footwear
An Extracurricular Bewitching by TheNumber2 [Reviews - 17]
Summary: A mystical mishap leaves a group of unwitting university students in an awkward...
Rated: R starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Body Exploration, Butt, Fantasy, Entrapment, Feet, Gentle, Humiliation, Instant Size Change, Mouth Play, Unaware
Comforts of Fantasy by Cupcake [Reviews - 7]
Summary: Unbeknownst to Riley, a girl he barely knows has an intense and obsessive crush...
Rated: X starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Butt, Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Entrapment, Humiliation, Odor, Slave
Downsizing: Capsized by MXP20 [Reviews - 7]
Summary: When three humans wash ashore on an uncharted island with hundreds of downsizers—they...
Rated: X starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Giantess, Adventure, Feet, New World Order
Shrinking Attraction by Ultoriel [Reviews - 11]
Summary: Martin, a man suffering from shrinkism, opens up his home to his childhood friends'...
Rated: R starstarstarstarhalf-star
Categories: Muscle, Gentle
Jacuzzi Brat by DustyNate [Reviews - 0]
Summary: Shrunk in a hot tub and found by his ex, read on to find out in what condition...
Rated: G
Categories: Butt, Scat, Vore
Shrunk Shepard AI by methodman [Reviews - 1]
Summary: I was inspired by Tikiro1316 and their story: Shrinking Commander's Fate. ...
Rated: PG half-star
Categories: Giantess, Butt, Feet, Giant, Humiliation, Muscle, Odor
Quiet on the set! by ColdAtlas [Reviews - 1]
Summary: One seasoned director buys a script for an abandoned film called The Tiny Boyfriend...
Rated: R starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Sci-Fi, Young Adult 20-29, Gentle, Instant Size Change
Derek and the Dating App by Kurogane335 [Reviews - 2]
Summary: Back in 2020 the world was embroiled in a new kind of Pandemic. One that made...
Rated: X starstarstarstarstar
Categories: New World Order, Breasts, Body Exploration, BBW, Butt, Gentle, Insertion
Budding Love and Accidental Growing Magic by slogro [Reviews - 3]
Summary: A curvy mage and her beautiful apprentice are both practicing and getting better...
Rated: X starstarstarstarstar
Categories: Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Destruction, Fantasy, Gentle, Growing/Shrinking Out of Clothes, Growing Woman, Lesbians, Slow Size Change
Story of the Moment
Contractor of Death by Inwiththebooks [Reviews - 1]

A summoner relays a story of when she ended a town ruled by a cult.

Rated: R half-star
Categories: Crush, Fantasy, Feet, Vore
03/21/25 03:44 pm
Posted a new story in my bargain bin series! Go check it out!
03/18/25 02:01 am
Cheers to giant Irish girls!
03/03/25 04:40 pm
Trying to remember story, magical gf can drink bf. One chapter has exgf or sister place tiny on shelf and squish him with her tits. Another chapter has gf shrink bf even smaller and put in cocktail.
03/02/25 10:40 pm
03/01/25 12:46 am
A new story in the Rebalancing the Sexes universe just posted
02/19/25 07:08 pm
If you're reading this, you've scrolled too far down
02/18/25 10:57 pm
help im trapped in a growth factory
02/18/25 05:18 am
02/15/25 06:56 pm
The final chapter of Lover's Lagoon is up. I hope you enjoy it. leave a review and let me know what you think!
02/08/25 08:29 pm
I might try and put something out this summer or maybe earlier.... I've still got a few ideas left in me...
02/08/25 08:29 pm
I might try and put something out this summer or maybe earlier.... I've still got a few ideas left in me...
02/08/25 01:46 pm
Chapter 15 of Lover's Lagoon is up! (There is vore in this one)
02/01/25 08:09 pm
Lover's Lagoon Chapter 14 is finally up! After killing her tiny assailants, Kim figures out a new way to torture Candice and figure out how big she grew overnight at the same time!
02/01/25 01:57 pm
Hey you! yeah you! Like Giantess growth stories? Read my storiess and tell me what you think! thankies ^^
01/29/25 03:52 am
Petal’s Dew, a frolicking fey short story written for ProbablyIX for the Christmas exchange, has been added to my One-Shots! Please give it a read!
01/27/25 10:50 am
Sometimes I cannot believe that this site has been online for close to 20 years. More if you count it's Giantessp planet and shrinktopia years.
01/27/25 10:50 am
Sometimes I cannot believe that this site has been online for close to 20 years. More if you count it's Giantessp planet and shrinktopia years.
01/15/25 08:42 am
The shoutbox is back! back! it's back I tell you!!!
01/13/25 04:19 pm
Starting my bargain bin anthology with a new story!
12/22/24 04:09 am
Nyotaivorgy was just updated with a 30k word, 5 chapter coda. Tailored for gentle lovers, check it out and let me know what you think!
12/12/24 06:42 pm
One more for One-Shot City, a short one. I'm also working on a new chapter for OnlyShrinks.
12/07/24 06:32 pm
It's been a long time since I put up a story on here, and I have a few shorts half-finished that hopefully will come to fruition. Happy holidays! New chapter in One-Shot City.
11/23/24 01:44 pm
Giantess world's contact system does not work including reaching out to the admins, I hope it is fixed soon!
11/11/24 12:18 am
Trying to contact author several times but it keeps giving me an error? Did I do something wrong.
11/01/24 09:51 pm
Nvm found it. Called the party by puppyfluffpasta on deviantart.
11/01/24 09:33 pm
Looking for story. Guy and girlfriend goto a witches party where everyone spins to see what they get transformed into. He becomes witches heels and they hear his thoughts and is embarrassed.
10/30/24 09:38 pm
Starting a new series where I'll put shorter stories. Have fun digging through the PSOMD Bargain Bin!
10/27/24 05:44 pm
Nyotaivorgy is now complete for your reading pleasure! Be sure to read Chapter 7 before the Epilogue!
10/16/24 07:19 pm
Final chapter of Gigantopia's finally written and posted !
10/14/24 02:24 am
Happy Halloween! Go check out my latest story!
10/12/24 08:31 pm
Chapter 9 of Lover's Lagoon is live! It's a spicy one!
10/12/24 05:58 am
I have a brand new story called how to hook up with a pub gal that takes place in the same universe as Antopia
Samuel Orona
10/05/24 04:41 am
I’ve edited Mistress Lia according to the advice of a reviewer, I think it’s a lot better now
09/22/24 10:42 am
Just released my newest story, a tad long but give it a go, Kbella has a BIG surprise for you growth fans ;)
09/21/24 12:22 am
Chapter 6 of Lover's Lagoon is up!
09/20/24 08:43 pm
Chapter 47 of 'GH-X2' is live - feel free to check it out and leave a review :)
09/14/24 02:34 am
The latest chapter of 'GH-X2' has just gone live. Please check it out and review.
09/13/24 11:01 pm
Lover's Lagoon chapter 4 is up!
08/26/24 07:42 pm
Lol at this place deleting negative reviews.
08/24/24 01:25 pm
Chapter 2 of Lover's Lagoon is live! How will Kim's standing in the villa change as she continues to swell larger?
08/18/24 05:45 am
I have a new Harry Potter shrinking Fanfic out. Read and Review :)
08/17/24 11:05 am
My new story lover's lagoon is starting to post every Friday. A reality tv show about hot people dating takes a turn when one contestant starts growing into a giantess
08/16/24 10:07 pm
Everytime I try to submit a review, it says a fatal MySQL error was encountered lol.
08/16/24 10:03 pm
Can't leave a review on anything. Is anyone else encountering the same problem?
08/13/24 02:46 pm
Hey guys. Does anyone know how I can get my account deleted?
08/04/24 09:22 pm
Growing Closer is now complete! Thank you everyone who has read it. If you liked it, consider leaving me a tip at the paypal link in the story notes.
07/27/24 12:33 pm
The second to last chapter of Growing Closer is live! How will the world coexist with the giantess as her size becomes even more extreme?
07/15/24 03:10 am
Beach Treat's Ch. 7, Te Scout. Available to read!
07/06/24 04:38 pm
Nel dubbio sbircia i miei preferiti - a me dei piedi non importa nulla ma a parecchi degli autori che prediligo sì. E btw, Jessajess99 è una lei, cosa mi scrivi mai... :D
07/06/24 04:35 pm
Ciao Massimo, benvenuto! Ricordati di lasciare qualche commento alle storie che ti piacciono, gli autori apprezzano e aiuta con l'inglese che fa sempre comodo.
07/05/24 09:33 pm
Ciao a tutti
07/02/24 11:38 pm
The long awaited sequel to Nerd and Jock, Vivian the Goddess, is now live! Go check it out!
06/22/24 09:13 pm
Chapter 26 of my gentle slow growth story is out. The now over 150 foot tall woman has left the safety of home to help all the little tinies. How will they react?
06/21/24 01:10 am
Chapter 5 of Beach treat, out now!
06/20/24 06:03 am
Chapter 11 of Megan and her shrink ray gun is posted
06/12/24 04:34 am
Chapter 4 of "Beach treat", out now
06/08/24 10:17 pm
Chapter 24 of Growing Closer is out. It's the night after the wedding, and the giantess and her tiny are all alone...
06/02/24 01:13 pm
Chapter 23 of Growing Closer is out! The happy couple is getting married! But now will the ceremony be when the bride is over a hundred feet tall?
06/01/24 01:11 pm
Chapter 8 of Antopia is finally out and it's more than 100,000 words!! Go check it out!
06/01/24 12:38 am
Throne Realm 20 Million A D is posted
05/30/24 09:37 pm
The Vespah Lounge updated and revised.
05/23/24 02:17 am
Just released a new story! Go check out "Stress Testing!"
05/18/24 12:56 pm
Chapter 21 of Growing Close is live! How is Trish's ascension viewed by her antagonists?
05/18/24 12:56 pm
Chapter 21 of Growing Close is live! How is Trish's ascension viewed by her antagonists?
05/18/24 12:08 am
New chapter of Megan and her shrink ray gun is posted
05/18/24 12:07 am
New chapter of Megan and her shrink ray gun is posted
05/18/24 12:07 am
New chapter of Megan and her shrink ray gun is posted
05/09/24 10:43 am
The next chapter of Antopia comes out at the end of May
05/08/24 05:01 am
I edited the Saxons and added some dialogue that I feel improves this story a lot
05/04/24 01:51 pm
Growing Closer Chapter 19 is live. Trish is 60 feet tall and has gotten a taste for power. Where will that lead her?
05/03/24 03:27 am
I posted the first two chapters of my revised version of my story Captain Micro and Vector Girl
04/30/24 09:09 pm
The first chapter of my new story the Saxons is posted
04/30/24 09:09 pm
The first chapter of my new story the Saxons is posted
04/30/24 09:09 pm
The first chapter of my new story the Saxons is posted
04/30/24 09:05 pm
The first chapter of my new story the Saxons is posted
04/29/24 02:46 am
Checkout the World's Biggest Giant and Life in the Aquarium! 37
04/29/24 02:46 am
Checkout the World's Biggest Giant and Life in the Aquarium! 37
04/27/24 10:53 am
Growing Closer Chapter 18 is live! What happens when ten armed men try to take on a sixty foot tall gentle giantess?
04/23/24 06:16 pm
I wrote a new story Junior High School Girls Are Evil
04/22/24 11:09 am
I made a sequel to one of my favorite stories I've ever written, "Exploration Devastation 2!" Go check it out!
04/17/24 04:56 am
I edited Megan and her shrink ray gun and added another chapter, the story is almost finished
04/17/24 04:56 am
I edited Megan and her shrink ray gun and added another chapter, the story is almost finished
04/15/24 10:52 pm
Chapter 12 of the exchange student is live, go check it out
04/12/24 11:03 pm
Growing Closer Chapter 16 is up on my profile! Thank you to everyone who has reviewed it so far.
04/10/24 09:04 pm
@Kurogane335 just logged in on a computer just fine; provide more details or maybe try asking on discord
04/10/24 07:11 pm
Aight, fixed it. For some reason it only happened when I tried to break the whole thing into chapters. Interesting! No more chapters, then.
04/10/24 07:07 pm
Anybody know how to stop Giantess World from inserting breaks (<br>) at the end of every line? It does it to one of my stories, completely fucking up the formatting
04/10/24 05:27 am
Anyone else can't log in on computer? I can't and can't even contact the admin... It's a little problematic to try and update the story I'm working on !
03/30/24 11:10 am
Chapter 14 of Growing Closer is posted, sorry it's late but the site seemed to have DNS issue. I also post that story to deviantart and giantesscity on the same schedule.
03/26/24 03:37 am
My new story the Apprentice is posted, it is short but potent
03/26/24 03:18 am
Well after two years I finally got around to updating my story. Chapter 17 for 'The Train' is out
03/25/24 02:12 am
Too bad we can’t upload stories less than 500 words, I’ve got a really good one!
03/23/24 11:37 pm
Chapter 45 of 'GH-X2' is live! Please feel free to check it out and review x
03/20/24 03:49 pm
Is this website completely abandoned? Are there no admins around anymore?
03/18/24 05:43 pm
So, um, I finally posted Chapter 44 of GH-X2.
03/17/24 03:17 pm
The newest chapter of Growing Closer is up on my profile. New chapters posted every Friday. In this week's episode, Trish and Thomas navigate love making when one of them is over 20 feet tall
03/14/24 12:50 am
Thinking about the eighties......
03/13/24 11:46 pm
chapter 11 of of the exchange student is out now,
03/09/24 07:14 pm
Don't know why my text glitched but for clarity: looking for "Microrgy" by Finli chapters 2-4.
03/08/24 02:44 pm
Would really appreciate some help finding a story. “Microrgy” by Finli. The 1st chapter only is on Wayback but I’d love to get the rest. Also tried contacting Author to no avail.